of Juhitthilla, Ajjuna (2) etc.1 He renounced the world and practised asceticism under preceptor Sutthiya2(4). He obtained knowledge of fourteen Puvvas and attained liberation on mount Sattumja.'
1. Jna. 117, NisCu. I. pp. 43, 105, Visk. p. 677.
2. Mar. 458.
2. Bhimasena Sixth of the ten Kulayaras of the past Osappiņi1 or past Ussappiņi. See also Kulagara.
1. Sam. 157.
2. Sth. 767.
Bhima A palli (settlement of thieves) situated on the border of Vasamta. pura(3). Its inhabitants were Bhillas who used to create trouble in the territory of Vasamtapura.1
1. PinNM. p. 48,
Bhimãsurukka or Bhimãsurutta (Bhimãsurokta) A heretical and laukika work (by Bhīmāsura).1
1. Nan. 42, Anu. 41, VyaBh. III. p. 132, SutCu. p. 208.
Bhuavara (Bhujavara) A concentric island.1
1. SthA. p. 167
3. Jna. 130. According to Mar. 459, he had knowledge of eleven Angas (3). 4. Jna. 130, Mar. 461.
Bhuyanga (Bhujanga) A merchant belonging to Nagapura. His wife was Bhuyamgasiri and their daughter Bhuyaṁgā.
1. Jna. 153.
1. Bha. 406, Sth. 273. 2. Jna. 153.
Bhuyamgavai or Bhuyamgavati (Bhujangavati). One of the four principal wives of Aikaya, a lord of the Mahoraga gods. In her previous birth she was a merchant's daughter. The same is the name of a queen of Mahākāya.3 3. Bha. 406, Sth. 273.
Bhuyamgasiri (Bhujangaśrī) Bhuyamga was their daughter.1
1. Jna. 153.
Bhuyaga (Bhujaga.)
1. Jna. 153.
Jain Education International
Wife of merchant Bhuyamga of Nagapura.
Bhuyaṁga (Bhujanga) One of the four principal wives of the lord of Mahoraga gods.1 In her previous birth she was a daughter of merchant Bhuyamga and Bhuyamgasiri of Nagapura. She renounced the world, took initiation from Titthayara Păsa(1) and became a disciple of Pupphacula(1).2 1. Bha. 406, Sth. 273.
1 2. Jna. 153.
See Bhuyamga.1
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