Usabha(1) and his queen Sumamgala(1) Bharaha and Bambhi(1) wore born as twins.5 Sumdari(1) was his other sister who was born of Sugamda(2) together with Bahubali. Bharaha had ninety-eight other brothers born of his own mother.? His height was five hundred dhanusas. After having completed seventy-seven lakh pūrva years he became the king of Viniyā.10 He is called a self-consecrated king.' When Usaha attained omniscience, 12 Bharaha was hailed as the master of the divine disc (cakkarayana).13 He duly brought Māgahatittha, Varadāmatittha, Pabhäsatittha, all the territories over the Veyaddha(1) mountain and all the northern parts of the Bharaha region under his subjugation14 He inscribed on a slab of Usabhakada(2): “I am the first supreme king, Bharaha."'15 He got Subhadda(9) his chief wife as a present from Ņami(3) and Viņami.18 He became the master of nine treasures (nidhis), fourteen jewels and many other things.17 He had sixty-four thousand wives, the chief being Subhaddā.18 Bāhubali did not accept Bharaha's suzerainty, hence, the latter attacked the former. Bharaha was defeated in all the five duels. Bāhubali, then, voluntarily transferred his territory to Bharaha.19 Thus, Bharaha became the declared paramount king of the Bharaha region20 and stopped his war-campaign which lasted for sixty thousand years.21 His five hundread sons Usabhasena(1) etc. and seven hundred grandsons renounced the world and practised asceticism under Titthayara Usaha.22 Bharaha ruled for a period of six lakh pūrya years. He and some others composed Ariya-Vedas.24 He renounced the world as soon as he attained omniscience in his dressing-room.25 He attained salvation on mount Atthāvaya after one lakh pūrva years.26 His total age was 84 lakh pūrva years.27 He constructed a shrine on this mountain where Usaha had attained emancipation. In his previous birth he was Kanaganābha.99 3. AvaN. 196, 399, KalpV. p. 236, 17. Jam. 61, 66, 68, 69, Tir. 301, BrhBh. Sam. 158.
4218. 4. Sam. 158, AvaBh. 4, KalpV. p. 231 18. Jam. 67, Jams. p. 268, Sam. 158
Tir. 283, Vis. 1612, AvaN. 398, 399. 19. Vis. 1731, AvaN. 349, AvaBh. 32-33. 5. AvaN. 196, AvaBh. 4, KalpV. p. 231. 20. Vis 1735, AvaBh. 36. 6. AvaN. 196, AvaBh. 4, Tir. 283, 1613. 21. AvaCu. p. 44. 7. AvaN. 197, Tir. 284, Vis. 1614. 22. Vis. 1725, AvaCu. I. p. 182, KalpV. p. 8. Sam. 108, Sth. 435, AvaN. 392.
241, Avan. 345. 9. Sam. 77, Jam. 70.
23. Sth. 519, Sam. 129, Sam. 83, Vis. 1753, 10. AvaCu. I. p. 160, KalpV. p. 235.
PinN. 479, Jam. 70. 11. VyaBh. 5.105, BrhBh. 6382, NisBh.
24. AvaCu. 1. p. 215. 2498.
25. Jam. 70, AvaN. 437, AvaCu. I. p. 227, 12. Vis 1722
26. Jam. 70, Sam. 84, BraBh. 682, BrhKs. 13. Jam. 43, AvaCu. I. p. 181.
p. 204, BhaA. p. 586. 14. Jam. 45, 49, 50-62, AvaCu. I. pp.
27. Sam. 84, AvaN. 395. 186 ff., AvaH. p. 348.
28. AvaCu. I. p. 223. 15. Jam, 63.
29. Ibid. p. 180. 16. Jam, 64, Sam. 158.
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