Bhaddilapura Capital of Malaya(1), an Ariya country. To its northeast lay the Sirivana(1) park. King Jiyasattu(10) reigned there. It was the birth-place of Titthayara Siyala.3 Titthayara Aritthanemi had paid a visit to it. Apiyajasa, son of merchant Ņäga(5) belonged to this place. It is indentified with Bhadia about six miles from Hunterganj in the Hazaribag district. 1. Praj. 37, SutSi. p. 123.
4. Ant. 4, 6, AvaCu. I. p. 357. 2. Ant. 4.
5. LAI. p. 272. 3. AvaN. 383, SthA. p. 308, Tir. 498.
Bhaddila Mother of Suhamma(1), the fifth principal disciple of Mahåvira, and wife of Dhammila(1), a Brāhmana of Kollaga(2) settlement.
1. AvaN. 644, 648-9, Vis. 2510, KalpV. p. 249, KalpDh. p. 162. Bhadduttaravadirsaga (Bhadrottarāvataṁsaka ) A celestial abode in Mahāsukka(2), similar to Bhadda(2),1
1. Sam, 16. Bhamara (Bhramara) An Apāriya country and its people. The Bhramaras are mentioned in the Purānas also.? 1. SutSi. p. 123.
2. See SGAMI. p. 62.
Bhayamtamitta (Bhadantamitra) A Buddhist monk who, along with Kupāla(2), was defeated by preceptor Jinadeva(4) in the discussion held at Bharuyaccha.!
1. AvaCu. II. p. 201, Avan, 1299.
1. Bhayali Previous birth of the nineteenth would-be Titthamkara Samvara(2) in the Bharaha(2) region.
1. Sam. 159. 2. Bhayāli A non-jaina sage in the tirtha of Aritthaņemi, recognised as a Patteyabuddha.
1. Risi. 13, Risi (Sangrahani). Bharari One of the twenty-eight Nakkhattas(1). Its presiding god is Jama(3). Its family-name is Bhaggavesa. 3 1. Jam .155-156, 162, 165, Sur. 36, 93, 12. Jam. 157. Dev. 97, Sam. 3.
| 3. Sur. 50, Jam. 159. Bharadha (Bharata ) Same as Bharaha(2),1
1. SutCu. p. 19. 1. Bharaha ( Bharata) First Cakkavatti (Supreme King) of the Bharaha(2) region. He had his capital at Vinīyā. He was the first son of Titthayara 1. Sam. 158, Sth. 718, Tir. 294, 559. AvaN. 374, Ava. p. 27, AvaCu. I. p. 180, DasH.
p. 48. 2. Jam, 42, SthA. p. 479.
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