स्वभावमुखमग्नस्य जगत्तत्वावलोकिनः । कतत्वं नान्यभावानां साक्षित्वमवशिष्यते ॥३॥ ॥११॥
jagattatvāvalokinah ! kartrtvam nănyabhāvānām
sakṣitvamavaśisyate 11311111111
Meaning : He who is immersed in happiness generating from his own nature and who is observing (dispassionately) at things of the world is not the doer of other things but he is merely the witness. (3) [11].
Notes : One who is immersed in himself and looks at the world as a separate entity is not a doer but only a witness. (3) [11].
परब्रह्मणि मग्नस्य श्लथा पौद्गलिकी कथा । क्यामो चामोकोन्मादाः स्फारा दारादराः क्व च ॥४॥ ॥१२॥
parabrahmani magnasya
ślathā paudgaliki kathā 1 kvāmī cāmīkaronmādāh
sphārā dārādarāḥ kva ca 11411 111211 Meaning : The talks about material objects become less and less in the case of one who has focussed his attention on the Supreme. The lust for gold as also for the embraces of the ladies has no place for such a man. (4) [12].
Notes : 441 means ‘uninteresting' and 911 means *lusty'. (4) [12].
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