Jñānasāra It can be understood that chief's advice was a big joke and nothing else. So also with regard to begging alms ignoring the scriptural injunction. It is not at all beneficial to beg for alms at the cost of regard for the scriptural instruction. (6) [190]
अज्ञानाहिमहामन्त्रं स्वाच्छन्द्यज्वरलङ्घनम् । धर्मारामसुधाकुल्यां शास्त्रमाहुमहर्षयः ॥७॥ ॥१९१॥ ajñānā’himahāmantrar
svācchandyajyaralanghanam dharmārāmsudbākulyām
śāstramāhurmaharşayaḥ 117111119111
Meaning : The great sages have described scriptures as the infallible incantation removing the serpentbite in the form of wrong or perverted knowledge, as a fast for fever in the form of acting at will and as a basin of nectar for the garden in the form of religion. (7) [191]
Notes : To describe, in brief, the scriptures fulfil the purpose of removing the 379 and Falafel-irreligion and unrestrained behaviour. They generate worshipful attitude in the votaries and devotees. (7) [191 )
FTİRAFeruf = TEIS: Fa: 1 शास्त्रैकर महायोगी प्राप्नोति परमं पदम् ॥८॥ ॥१९२।।
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