ज्ञानध्यानतपःशीलसम्यक्त्तम हितोऽप्यहो । तं नाप्नोति गुणं साधुर्यमाप्नोति शमान्वितः ॥५॥ ॥४५॥
samyaktvasahito'pyaho 1 tam nāpnoti guņam sādhur
yamāpnoti samānvitah 11511 114511 Meaning: A monk who has got tranquility comes to acquire that merit which even a monk who has achieved knowledge, meditation, penance, character, and right vision has not. (5) 1457
Notes : Penance of which the main characteristic is the cessation of desire is twelvefold. External is sixfold and internal also is sixfold. The revered उमास्वाति says in his प्रशमरति the same thing :
"Aitzizafat fatigagiquats 9TIFA: 1 तं न लभते गुणं यं प्रशमगुणमुपाश्रितो लभते ॥२४३।।" This is also furthermore corroborated by this :“@421H 241941, 84214 zuig, €424 44 Hire cet 2, Cam Guatu Gradu opis, for oral 1297 tot 2" (5) [45] स्वयंभूरमणस्पर्द्धिवाधिष्णुममतारसः । मुनिर्येनोपमीयेत कोऽपि नायौ चराचरे । ६॥ ॥४६॥
vardhisnusamatārasah muniryenopamīyeta
ko'pi nāsau carácare 11611 114611 Meaning: There is, in this universe of sentient and non-sentient beings, none who can be compared with the monk whose prowess vies with that of the Svayambhū ocean and whose sentiment of Tranquility is on an increase. (6) [46]
Notes : Svayambhū is the greatest of all oceans in the universe measuring in extent half a Rajju which is unimaginably long.“grata ” again says the same thing :
"निर्जितमदमदनानां वाक्कायमनोविकाररहितानाम् । fafaqa tiahla Alt: ufaibataih 11 RBC ll" (6) [46
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