[15] विवेकः
VIVEKAH कर्म जीवं च संश्लिष्टं सर्वदा क्षीरनीरवत् । विभिन्नीकुरुते योऽसौ मुनिहंसो विवेकवान् ॥१॥ ॥११३॥
Karma jivam ca saṁśliştham
sarvadā kşīranīravati vibhinnīkurute yo’s au
munihamso vivekvān 11111 1111311
Meaning : The Karmic particles and the soul are intermixed with each other like milk and water. One who can separate them is the discriminating monk in the form of a royal swan. (1) [113]
Notes : Karmas are very fine particles of Matter. They are eightfold. They get intertwined with every Pradeśa of the soul just as fire pervades the ball of iron. Unless they are disjoined with effort, the soul does not regain its natural, normal state. Compare :
अट्ठविहं पि य कम्मं सव्वं पुद्गलमयं जिणा विति ॥ (समयसार-४५) (1) [113] देहात्माद्यविवेकोऽयं सर्वदा सुलभो भवे ।। भवकोटयाऽपि तद्भेदविवेकस्त्वतिदुर्लभः ॥२॥ ॥११४॥
sarvadā sulabho bhaver bhavakotya'pi tadbheda
vivekastvatidurlabhaḥ 11211 1111411
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