Compare: शोः स्मरविषं शुष्येत्, क्रोध-तापः क्षयं ब्रजेत् । औषस्यमलनाशः स्यात् समतामृतमन्जनात् ॥ and also आश्रित्य समतामेकां निर्वृता भरतादयः । न हि कष्टमनुष्ठानमभूत्तेषां तु किंचन ॥ (अध्यात्मसार) (5) [109)
आत्मबोधो नवः पाशो देहगेहधनादिषु ।। यः क्षिप्तोऽप्यात्मना तेषु स्वस्य बन्धाय जायते ॥६॥ ॥११०॥
ātmabodho navah pāśo
dehagehadhanādişu yah ksipto'pyātmanā teşu
svasya bandhāya jāyate 11611 1111011
Meaning : One's own identification with one's own body, house, wealth etc. brings about a bondage which, though thrown by one's own self, becomes the cause of the bondage of one's own self. (6) [ 110 ].
Notes : One who throws the snare, is himself never ensnared. But here the soul, which throws the snare round body, house and wealth is, on the contrary, himself ensnared. This type of snare, therefore, is extraordinary. By identifying the soul with the nonsoul, the soul itself is involved in a new snare. (6) [110]
मिथोयुक्तपदार्थानामसङ्ग्रेमचमक्रिया । चिन्मात्रपरिणामेन विदुषैवानुभूयते ॥७॥ ॥१११॥
asankramacamatkriyā i cinmatrapariņāmena
vidusaivānubhūyate 117111111111 Meaning : The wonderful and subtle distinction existing between two dissimilar substances ( जड and चेतन)
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