स्त्रानुकूलां क्रियां काले ज्ञानपूर्णोऽप्यपेक्षते । प्रदीपः स्वप्रकाशोऽपि तैलपूर्त्यादिकं यथा ॥३॥॥६७॥ svānukulām kriyām kāle
jñānapūrņo'pyapeksate i pradīpah svaprakāśo'pi
tailapūrtyādikam yathā 11311 116711 Meaning : Even one who has got total knowledge, expects, at times, (to do) activity, agreeable to himself, just as a lamp, though self-luminous, requires to be reinforced with oil etc. (3) [67]
Notes : So long as one has not scaled the highest heights of perfection, he has to do, on some occasions, activities which are spotless and pure. Here, 347 means agreeable no doubt ut at the same time also means "sanctioned by scriptures.” On the eighth step of the Spiritual Ladder ( ITF2TF) one does
meditation which is notliing but the क्रिया. cf. तत्राष्टमे गुणस्थाने, J4CITATICE 17TİF AYNE Fa:ll (ITF417 FARIE)(3)[67]
वाह्यभावं पुरस्कृत्य ये क्रियां व्यवहारतः । वदने कालक्षेपं विना ते तृप्तिकांक्षिणः ॥४॥ ॥६८॥ bāhyabhāvam puraskrtya
ye kriyāṁ vyavahārataḥ 1 vadane kavalaksepam
vinā te trplikārkṣiṇaḥ 11411 116811 Meaning : Those who ban or reject activity on the ground of pragmatism and advancing the argument that it is a manifestation of non-essential attitude, are as good as those hankering after satiety without putting a morsel in the mouth. (4). [68]
Notes : Usually advanced reason that it is a alaar is no reason at all. It is a pretense. Any rites, rituals and ceremonies, if they are at all purificatory, they have a place in the scheme of the scriptures, (4) [68]
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