गौरवं पौरवन्धत्वात् प्रकृष्टत्वं प्रतिष्ठया । ख्याति जातिगुणात् स्वस्य प्रादुष्कुर्यान निःस्पृहः ॥६॥ ॥१४॥ gauravam pauravandyatvāt
prakrststvam pratisthayā i khyātim jātigunāt svasya
prāduşkuryānna nispphaḥ 11611 119411 Meaning: A monk who is desireless should not make an exhibition of dignity occasioned by the citizen's respectful attitude towards him, of supericrity as he is renowned and of reputation as he is virtuous. (6) (94)
Notes : Dignity, superiority, and renown will no doubt come antomatically to him who has no desires; but he should beware and make it a point not to make an exhibition of it, because that desirelessness will itself become the cause of his fall. sifago does not here mean virtuousness because of his caste or community. It simply means virtuousness which is ingrained in the desireless. (6) [94]
भूशय्या भैक्षमशनं जीर्ण वासो गृहं वनम् । तथाऽपि निःस्पृहस्याहो चक्रिणोऽप्यधिकं सुखम् ॥७॥ ॥९५॥ bhūśayyā bhaikşamaśanań
jīrņamvāso grham vanam || tathā'pi nihsprhasyāho
cakrino’pyadhikaṁ sukham 11711 119511 Meaning : Even though the desireless (monk) sleeps on the ground, has his food by begging, puts on tattered garments and lives in the forest, his happiness, it is a wonder ! , is much more than that of a universal monarch even. (7) [95].
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