अस्थिरे हृदये चित्रा वानेत्राकार गोपना । पुंश्चल्या व कल्याणकारिणी न प्रकीर्तिता ॥ ३ ॥ ॥ १९ ॥
asthire hrdaye citrā
vārnetrākāragopanā |
pumścalya iva kalyana
kāriņī na prakīrtitā |13|| ||19||
Meaning Just as concealment of various types such as that of (real) speech, movements of eyes and form or figure in the case of an unchaste woman does not do any good, the concealment of (real) thoughts etc. in an unstable heart also does not do any good. (3) [19]. Notes: ar ultimatety meins "hypocrisy". There is one type of thoughts and sentiments and they are expressed through different type of words, movements of eyes and figure. This is hypocrisy and it does not help. गोग्न means concealment and पुंश्चली means a characterless woman. [3] (19).
Jain Education International
अन्तर्गत महाशल्यमस्थैर्यं यदि नोद्धृतम् ।
क्रियौषधस्य को दोषग्तदा गुणमयच्छतः | ४|| ||२०||
antargatam mahāśalyam
asthairyam yadi noddhṛtam |
kriyauṣadhasya ko doṣas
tada gunamayacchataḥ 114 ||20|||
Meaning If instability in the form of a great thorn which has gone deep down inside is not taken out, what blame it is of the medicine in the form of religious activity, if it does not do any good? (4) [20]. Notes: here does not mean mere activity. It here means religious activity. д stands for benefit and : not giving. (4) [20].
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