मिथ्यात्वशैलपक्षच्छिद् ज्ञानदम्भोलिशोभितः । निर्भयः शक्रवद् योगी नन्दत्यानन्दनन्दने ॥७॥ ॥३९॥
jñānadambholiśobhitah | nirbhayal sakravad yogi
nandatyānandanandane 11711 113911 Meaning : A yogi ( contemplative monk ) who is able to break the wings of the mountain in the form of perverse knowledge and who appears beautiful due to wielding the thunderbolt in the form of knowledge rejoices, being devoid of fear, in the garden in the form of joy like the Lord of gods: (7) [39]
Notes : In Hindu mythology, Indra is described as one who has torn asunder the wings of the mountain, with his thunderbolt, which, it is believed in it, has the capacity to fly. (7) (39)
Instead of splitting the first half into two phrases, it can also be taken as a whole firs: half. In that case पक्षच्छिद् will be the adjectival phrase qualifying ज्ञानदग्भोलि.
पीयूषमसमुद्रोत्यं रसायनमनौषधम् । अनन्यापेक्षमैश्वर्यं ज्ञानमाहुर्मनीषिणः ॥८॥ ॥४०॥
rasāyanamanausadham 1 ananyāpeksamaiśvaryam
jñānamāhurmanīşinaḥ 11811 114011 Meaning : The wise say that knowledge is that which is nectar though not produced from the ocean; it is elixir but not a medicine; and it is prosperity, not accruing from others. (8) (40).
Notes : 3119 (knowledge) is nectar, elix'r, and prosperity - all three rolled in one and also quite independent of anything external. It is self-sufficient. (8) [40]
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