Book Title: Descriptive Catalogue Of Manuscripts Vol 17 Part 03
Author(s): Hiralal Rasikdas Kapadia
Publisher: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ COVERNMENT COLLECTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE INSTITUTE POONA FOUNDED 1917 तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु ॥ Published by Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1940 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE GOVERNMENT MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION ON THA MANUSCRIPTS DEPARTMENT OF THK BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, POONA INSTI STITUTE POONA FOUNDED 1917 Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute POONA 1940 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Copies can be bad direct from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona 4 ( India ) Price: Rs, 5 per copy, exclusive of postage. Printed and published by Dr. R. N. Dandekar, M.A., Ph.D.' at the Bhandarkar Institute Press, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona No. 4 (India) Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Collections of Manuscripts deposited at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute COMPILED BY HIRALAL RASIKDAS KAPADIA, M.A. Volume XVII: JAINA LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY Part III: (a) Agamika Literature Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute POONA 1940 Page #5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CỔNTENTS PAGE PREFACE XV-XXVI RULES FOR THE GOVT. MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY XXVII-XXIX LIST OF CATALOGUES AND REPORTS XXX-XXXIII SYSTEM OF TRANSLITERATION XXXIV A. AGAMIKA LITERATURE PART III VI. 4 Mūlasūtras The First Mulasūtra No. PAGE 644-649 Uttarādhyayanasútra I-14 650 Asaṁskstādhyayana ( Uttarão IV ) 14,15 651 Namipravrajyādhyayana ( Urtarão IX) 15,16 652 Mokşamārgagatyadhyayana (Uttară XXVIII) ... 16,17 653-661 Uttarādhyayanasútra with Sukhabodha 17-33 662,663 Sukhabodhā (Uttarādhyayanasūtravịtti ) 34-37 664 Uttarādhyayanasútra with avacúri Do Do vștti 38-40 666 Do Do aksarärha 40,41 667 Do akşarärthalavalesa 42,43 668 Do Do 43,44 669 Do. 45,46 670 Do vstti 46-50 67! Do Do dipikā 50-52 672 Uttaradhyayanasūtradipika 52,53 673 Do 53,54 37,38 665 Do Do Do Do Do I Under this head are given six works and not four. See the Preface (p. xviii) 2 The works having the same title are here separately noted, when the identity of their authorship remains to be settled. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents No. 675 PAGE 54.56 56-58 58-60 60,61 677 62,63 63,64 682 64,65 66,67 68,69 70-77 674 Uttaradhyayana sûtra with bālavabodha Do Do tabba 676 Do Do Do and kathā Do Do akşarärthalavaleśa Do Do bālāvabodha and katha Do ( XVIII-XXI ) with tabba 680 Mahānirgranthīyādhyayana (Uttarão XX) with tabbā 681 Uttarādhyayanasūtraniryukti Do with ţikā 683 Śişyahită (Uttaradhyayanasūtrabṛhadvștti ) 684 Uttaradhyayanasůtrabțhadvșttigatakathā pratisamisksta 685-687 Uttarādhyayanasūtrabțhadvșttiparyāya 688 Uttaradhyayanasūträvacūrņi 689 Uttarādhyayanasūträvacuri 690 Do 691 Do 692 Citra-Sambhūtiyādhayana(Uttalão XIII)vyākhyā 693 Uttarādhyayanasütrakatha Do 695,696 Uttaradhyayanasüirakathāsamkşe pa 697 Uttaradhyayanasūtra (I-IX) with kathas 698 Pratyekabuddhacatustayacaritra 699 Do 700,701 Manuşyabhavadurlabhatāsūcakadaśadrştānta 72-74 74,75 76 77 77,78 78,79 79,80 80,81 81,82 83,84 694 85,86 86,87 87,88 88-90 The Second Mülasutra 91,92 92,93 93-102 702 Daśavaikälikasūtra ( I-IV) P703 Do (I) 704-708. Do with Cülikäyugala ... 709 Do Do Do , niryuķti and ţika ... 710,711 Daśavaikälikasútraniryukti 712 Daśavaikälikasütrādibrhadvfttyavacũri la 103-107 107-111 III, 112 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents viz PAGE 113,114 114-118 118, 119 120, 121 o No. 713-715 Daśavaikälikasūtrabșhadvștti paryaya ... 716,717 Daśavaikālikasútra, Cülikāyugala and ţikā 718,719 Daśavaikālikasūtraţikā . ... 720 Daśavaikālikasútra, Cülikāyugala and avacūri' ... 721 , Culikāyugala and avacūri 2 722 , Culikāyugala and avacúrij ... 723 , Cülikäyugala and avacūri 4 724 Do , Culikāyugala and tabbā 725 Dharmopadeśa (?) with vyākhyā 726 Daśavaikālikasútra-Culikāyugalāvacūrņi s 727 Do 6 728 Daśavaikālikasūtra-Culikāyugalāvacūri 7 729 Do 8 121, 122 122, 123 124, 125 125-127 127, 128 128, 129 129 130 131 Do Do Do The Third Mülasutra 730-733 Şadávaśyakasutra 132-147 734-740 Namaskāramantra (Navakārmantra ) 9 148-164 741 with bālavabodha 164, 165 742 Do Do ... 165, 166 743 Do Do 166 244, 745 Namaskaramantravivarana 166-168 746-748 Prabodhacaityavandana (Jagacintāmaņiceïyavandaņa ) ... 169, 170 749-752 Tirthavandanasūtra (Jam kiñci) ... 171, 172 753-758 Sakrastava ( Namutthu nam ) ... 173-175 759-762 Sarvacaityavandana ( Jävanti ceiyaim ) ... 176, 177 763-766 Sarvasādhuvandana ( Jāvanta ke vi sāhů) ... 178, 179 1-4 The author of the avacūri seems to be different, in each case. 5-6 These avacūrņis do not seem to have been written by one and the same author. 7-8 These two differ so far as the author is is concerned. This and the following works up to 883 are mostly arranged as on p. 134. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ viii Contents No. Do Do Do Do PAGE 767-774 Upasargaharastotra (Uvasággaharathotta ) 180-184 775 with laghuvstti 184,185 776-779 Do Arthakalpalatā 185-188 780 Do Do vștti 188, 189 781 Do Do tikā 189, 190 782 Do vstti 190, 191 783 Do avacūri 191, 192 784, 785 Upasargaharastotravịtti 192, 193 786-789 Prarthanāsútra Jaya viyarāya ) 194-196 790-794 Iryāpathikisútra (Iriyāyahiyasutta ) 197-199 795-799 Uttarikaraṇasútra (Tassa uttari ) 200-202 800-805 Kayotsargasútra (Annattha ) 203-205 806-813 Käyotsargasūtrapratika 206-208 814–818 Nāmastava (Logassasutta ) 209-211 819-825 Caityastava ( Arihantaceïyāņam ) 212-214 826-829 Caityastava pratika 215,216 830-834 Śrutastava (Pukkharavara ) 216-218 835-839 Siddhastava ( Siddhāņam buddhāņam ) 219-221 840 Caityavandanasútra with tabba 222, 223 841-844 Lalitavistarā ( Caityavandanasūtravyākhyā) 224-228 845, 846 Lalitavistarāpañjikā 228-231 847, 848 Caityavandanasútravrtti 232, 233 849-851 Samsäradāvānalastuti 234-236 - 852 Do with vyākhyā 236, 237 853-856 Vandanakasutra (Vandaņayasutta ) 238, 239 857,858 Vandanakasūtravivarana ... 239, 240 859-864 Daivasikālocanāsútra ( Devasiyāloyaņāsutta ) ... 241-243 865, 866 Rātrisaṁstārakagātha ( Räisanthāragagāhā) 244, 245 867-870 Gurukṣāmaņāsútra ( Abbhuthio ) 246, 247 871-874 Sämāyikasútra ( Karemi bhante ) 248, 249 875, 876 Jaya mahāyaśaḥ ( Jaya mahāyasa ) 250 877-879 Ācāryādikṣāmaņaka ( Āyariya uvajjhāye ) 251, 252 880, 881 Śri-Stambhanaka-Pārsvanāthastuti (SiriThambhaņaya-Pāsanāhathui) 253, 254 882, 883 Sāmāyika-pausadhapärañagātha ( Sâmāïyaposahapăranagaha). ... 255, 256 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents va Do Do No. : PAGE 884-887 Praņipātasutra (Khamāsamaņasutta ). ... 257, 258 888 Bharateśvara-Bāhubalisvādhyāya ( Bharahesara-Bahubalisajjhāya ) with kathākośa and ţabba 259-265 889-894 Do with kathakośa 265-272 895,896 Mahāvirasvāmistuti ( Snātasyāstuti ) 273-275 897-900 Namórhat 276, 277 901-905 Śrutasya bhagavataḥ (Suyassa bhagavaö) .... 278, 279 906–910 Vaiyāvstyakarasútra ( Veyāvaccagarasutta) ... 280, 281 911-915 Sarvasyāpisútra (Savvassavisutta ). 282, 283 916 Munivandanasūtra ( Addhaijjesusutta, 284 917-923 Śramaṇopāsakapratikramaņasútra ( Samanovāsagapadikkamaņasutta ) 284-289 924, 925 Do with cûrņi 290-293 926-930 Do Arthadīpikā 294-302 931 Do vivarana 302, 303 932 Śramaṇopāsakapratikramaņasūtravivaraņa ... 303, 304 Sramanopåsakapratikramaņasútrabālāvabodha ... 934 Trividhāhāropavāsapratyākhyāna ( Tiviharau. vavāsa paccakkhåņa ) 305 Granthisahita pratyākhyāna ( Gaņțhisahiya paccakkhăņa) 936 Vikștipratyākhyāna ( Vigaspaccakkhāņa ) ... . 306 937 Ekāšanādipratyåkhyāna ( Egāsaņāipaccakkhāņa ) :: ... 306, 307 938 . Dvivihāhāraikāśanapratyākhyāna ( Duvihära. egāsaņapaccakkhāņa ) ... 39 7, 308 Dvividhāraikasthänapratyākhyāna ( Duvihāra egathāņapaccakkhāņa) : 940. Abhaktārthapratyākhyāna ( Abhattatha. . paccakkhāņa ) . 308, 309 Divasacarima pratyākhyāna (Divasacariyapaccakkhāņa ) ... 309, 310 942 : Caturvidhāhāradivasacarimādipratyakhyana. ( Caüvvihāradivasacariyāīpaccakkhāņa )... 3to 933 935 939 -308 941 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312, 313 Contents No. · PAGE 943. Säkārabhavacarimapratyākhyāna ( Sāgārabha vacariyapaccakkhāņa ) ... 310, 31 944 Sakārapratyākhyāna ( Sāgārapaccakkhāņa ) ... 311 945 Anäkārabhavacarimapratyākhyāna ( Anagarabhavacariyapaccakkhaņa ) 311 946, 947 Namaskārasahita pratyākhyāna ( Namukkāra. sahiyapaccakkhāņa ) Paurusipratyākhyāna ( Porisipaccakkhāņa) ... 313, 314 949 Purimārdhapratyākhyāna ( Purimaddha- . paccakkhāņa ) 314 950 Acīmlapratyākhyāna (Ayambilapaccakķhāņa)... 314, 315 951 Pratyākhyānasūtra with tabbā 315, 316 952 Pratyakhyāna (?) Do Do 316, 317 953-960 Päkşikakşāmaņāsūtra ( Pakkhiyakhāmaņāsutta ) :: 317-320 961 Pākşikakşāmaņāsútrāvacúrņi 320-321 962 Pākşikastuti 321 963 Namo'stu Varddhamānāya (Vardhamānastuti)... 322, 323 964-968 Śramaņasútra ( Samaņasutta ) 323-328 969 Do with bālāvabodha 328, 329 970 Do!. 329 971,972 Yatipratikramaņasůtravyākhyāna 330, 331 973 Yatipratikramaņasūtravștti 331, 332 974 Şadāvaśyakasútra ( Sadavassayasutta ) with laghuvștti 332-334 975 Şadavaśyakasútralaghuvștti 334 976-983 Şaļāva yakasūtra with Anușțhānavidhi .... 335-344 984, 985 Do Do Do and tabba ... 344-347 Anuşthānavidhi ( Vandāruvștti) 347, 348 987 Şadāvaśyakasůtra with Vandāruvstiyavacūrņi ... 348, 349 Șadavaśyakasútra with vștti 349-352 989 Do Do avacūri ... 352-354 990 Şaļāvaśyakasūtrāvacůri ... 354, 355 I Really speaking this ought to have been assigned a place prior to No. 969, and the latter after this. 986 988 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents) No. PAGE 991 . Şadāvaśyakasūtra with avacūriņi ... -356, 357 992 Do Do 'avacūri l ... 358 993 Do D o do.... -359 994.* Do (?) Do do 360 995 Do Do bālāvabodha 361 996 Do D o tabbá ... 362, 393 997 . Do Do bālāvabodha 363, 364 998 DO Do tabbā 365-367 999 . Do (?) Do bālāvabodha ... 367, 368 1000 Şaļāvaśyakasūtravștti (?) . ... 368, 369 100r Şaļāvaśyakasūtrabalāvabodha ... :370 1002-1010 Āvaśyakasūtraniryukti (Avassaganijjutii) ... 371-384 :: 1011 Sthavirāvali ( Therāvali ) ... 384-386 1012, 1013 Pithikā (Pedhiyă) ... 386–388 1014,1015 Pithikabalavabodha ... 388-390 1016 Prathamāvaravarikā ( Padhamăvaravariya ).... 390, 391 1017 Prathamăvaravarikābalavabodha 391 1018, 1019 Dvitiyāvaravarikä ( Bisyāvaravariyā) . 392, 393 1020 Dvitiyāvaravarikādipika ... 394 1021, 1022 Upasarga ( Uvasagga ) 395 1023* Upasargavyākhyā ,396 1024, 1025". Gañadharāvali ( Gaņaharāvali) 396,397 1026 "Gañadharāvalyavacũri 397, 398 T027 Samavasaraṇa ( Samosaraņa ) 1028 Do with avacūri. 399 1029, 1030 Sämācāri ( Sāmāyāri). ... 399,400 1031. Do with Dipikā: 401 1932-1034 Upodghātaniryukti (Uvagghāyanijjutti) ... 402-404 1035. Do with vyakhya ... 404, 405 1036-1038 Namaskāraniryukti ( Namokkāranijjutti) ... 405,406 : 1039 Namaskāraniryuktivyākhyā...... ... 406, 407 1040-1042 Sāmāyikaniryukti ( Sāmālýanijjut : . 407, 408 1043 Sämāyikaniryuktyavącũri. ...... 409 1044-1046 Caturvimśatistavaniryukti (Caüvişatthayanijjutti ) ... 409-411 1047 Caturvīmšatistavaniryuktídipika . .. 411 - 398 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xii No. 1048-1050 Vandananiryukti (Vandananijjutti) 1051 Vandananiryuktidīpikā 1052-1054 Pratikramaṇaniryukti (Padikkamananijjutti) 1055-1057 Dhyanaśataka (Jhāṇasayaga) 1058, 1059 Păriṣṭhāpanikāniryukti (Parițihavaniyānijjutti) 1060, 1061 Pratikramaņasaṁgrahani (Padikkamaṇasamgahaņi) Contents 1075-1077 Sisyahitā (Avaśyakasūtraniryuktivivrti ) 1078 Sisyahitantargata-Kumaranandikathā 1079 Avaśyakasūtrabṛhadvṛttitippanakagataśayyatarasvarupa 1080 Avaśyakasütraniryukti with vivrti Do Do laghuvṛtti 1087 Do Do tikä Do 1088 Do avacuri 1089-1091 Avaśyakasūtraniryukticūrṇi 1092 Avaśyakasūtraniryuktyavacūri 1093 Avaśyakasütraniryuktyavacürṇi Do 1081-1086 1062, 1063 Yogasaṁgraha (Jogasamgaha) 1064, 1065 Āsātanā (Āsāyaṇā). 423,424 1066, 1067 Asvadhyāyaniryukti (Asajjhāyanijjutti) 1068, 1069 Kayotasarganiryukti ( Kāüssagganijjutti) 1070-1072 Pratyakhyānaniryukti (Paccakkhāṇanijjutti)... 424-429 1073, 1074 Avaśyakasūtraniryukti (Avassaganijjutti) with Sisyahita 1094 1095 Avasyakasūtranirýuktibālāvabodha 1096 Avasyakasūtraniryuktidipikā • 1097 Avasyakasūtraniryuktilaghuvṛtti 1098 Avaśyaksütraniryuktyavacürņi 1099, 1100 Avasyakasūtravṛttipradeśavyākhyā- IIOI, 1102 Avasyakasūtravṛttivişamapadaparyaya tippaņaka ... ... ... ... ... ... ... PAGE 412,413 413 ... 414,415 415-417 417,418 418,419 419, 420 421,422 422, 423 429-432 432-435 435,436 436,437 437,438 439-446 446,447 447,448 449-452 452,453 453,454 454,455 455,456 456,457 458 459 460-462 462,463 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents No. PAGE 1103-1105 Višeşāvaśyakabhāşya ( Visesāvassayabhasa ) ... 464-467 1106 . Do Do with vyākhyāna ... 467-469 Do yrtti 1107-1111 Do 470-476 1112 Śișyahita ( Višeşāvaśyakabhāşyabșhadvrtti) ... 476-480 The Fourth Mūlasutra' (I) 1113, 1114 Pindaniryukti 481, 482 IIIS Do with Sisyahitā (vịtti) 483-485 IN16 Do Do vivecană ... 485,486 1117 Pindaniryuktyavacũri 489, 490 T118-1120 Pindaniryuktivişamapadaparyāya 490, 491 1121-1123 Pindaniryuktivişamagathāvivaraņa ... 491, 492 (II) 1124-1128 Oghaniryukti 493-498 1129-1132 Do with ţikā ... 498-503 1133 Oghaniryuktiţikā ... 503,504 1134 Oghaniryukti with avacūrni ...Sos,506 1135-1137 Oghaniryuktyavacūrņi 506-508 1138 Oghaniryuktyavacūri 509 1139 Do 509,510 1140-1142 Oghaniryuktiparyāya ... 510,511 (III) 1143-1149 Paksikasūtra .... 512-518 IISO with vstti ... 518,519 IISI-1156 Paksikasütravrtti 520-527 1157 Pākşikasütrāvacũri ... 527, 528 1158 Päksikasütra with avacũri 528, 529 1159 Pakşikasútrāvacūrņi 529 1160 Pāksikasūtravacūri 530 1 Under this head, three works are given as any one of them is looked upon as the 4th Mūlasūtra. Page #15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFÀCË At the very outset it may be mentioned that since the publication of Part II of Volume XVII of Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Collections of Manuscripts, it has been decided that my work on Jaina Mss. is to be issued in three Volumes XVII, XVIII and XIX instead of two ( XVII and XVIII ) as settled in 1930 by Rao Bahadur Dr. S. K. Belvalkar, M.A., Ph.D., the then Hon. Superintendent of the Manuscript Department and the then Hon. Secretary of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. This is due to the fact that the original idea of publishing in one volume, all the descriptive sheets dealing with the Mss. of both the Agamika Literature and the Dārśanika Literature could no longer be entertained owing to the material pertaining to the Agamika Literature alone, requiring practically an entire Volume to be devoted to it. This means a further change viz. that No. XIX originally assigned to a section 'styled as “ Präkrit and Vernacular" henceforth represents Vol. XIX of “ Jaina Literature and Philosophy", and that Vol. XX will deal with " Prakrit and Vernacular".: It is a matter of great pleasure to mention that the publication of this Part-III enables me to place in the hands of the scholars a further section pertaining to the Āgamika Literature, some of the Mss. of which were described by me as far back as 1930 and of which the press-copy was handed over in 1933. It is thus after about nine years and a half since I commenced the work and seven years after the press-copy of the Agamika Literature (Ritualism, in cluded ) was handed over to the press, that this Part III of Volume XVII comprising 530 pages, gets published. . Now a word about the procedure adopted here. As already stated in the Preface (pp. xiii-xiv ) of Part I of this Volume XVII, the headings of description, the inter-arrangement of descriptive sheets having a bearing on the same text and the matter to be included in this Volume were decided by Dr. Belvalkar in 1933. I may note that the type for bhale () was specially prepared when i Vide“ Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Poona Report of 1935-36.” (p-14). . Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Xvi Preface Part II of Vol. XVII was in press. As I then happened to be in Poona, I could include when required, the corresponding symbol, in my galley-proofs by consulting the necessary Ms. But this has not been throughout possible so far as this part is concerned; for, it has been printed during my stay mostly in Bombay and partly in Surat. Hence the discrepancy pertaining to this bhale may have remained unattended to, as I had no access to the required Mss. I may therefore crave indulgence of the learned reader in this connection. As regards the general outlines it may be mentioned that as in the case of Parts I and II, here, too, all textual matter which appeared to me to be superfluous is enclosed within rectangular brackets [ ], while additions and alterations are enclosed within paranthesis ( ). Furthermore, the system of transliteration followed here is identical with that adopted in Parts I and II as will be seen from page xxxiv. There is, however, one change introduced here, and it is in connection with the method of giving a Serial No. for the Ms. in rectangular bracket in the top-line of a page. As already suggested in the Preface (p. xiii) of Part II, the usual method is followed here. With these remarks about the procedure I may now deal with the contents of this Part III. To begin with, it may be mentioned that as adumbrated in the Preface of Part II (p. xiv), all the Mülasûtras, miscellanea, some of the Svetämbara works on Ritualism and nine Appendices were to be given in this Part III. But, on finding that it was not possible to include this entire material in this very part and waiting any longer till it is completely printed off, meant exhausting the patience of the persons interested in this work, I proposed to Dr. V. S. Sukthankar, M.A., Ph.D., the then Hon. Secretary of the Bhandarker O. R. Institute, to publish as much portion as given here. I am glad to say that he kindly agreed to my proposal, and the result is that this Pt. III gets published. Herein are treated Mss. pertaining to Uttaradhyayanasutra and Dasávaikalikasatra along with those dealing with their exegetical literature in Präkrit, Sanskrit and Gujarati. Then follows the description of the Mss. of Sagavasyakasatra and its component factors along with that of the Mss. elucidating this literature. It may Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Preface xvii be mentioned en passant that the main object of separately treating these component factors of Şadavašyakasülra and their explanatory literature has been to give due importance to these iactors-the sūtras most of which constitute Avasya kasutra as visualized by Haribhadra Suri, who is well-known as Yakini-mahattarādharmasünu. Thi Sadavašyaka literature is followed by Pindaniryukti, Oghaniryuktı and Paksikasatra' which are somehow looked upon as Malasūtras. This completes the treatment of all the Malasutras concerned. But before proceeding further, I may say a few words about the number and order of the Mülasūtras. As is well-known to the student of Jaina literature, the traditional number for the Malasatras is either three or four; but, on his going through this Part III, he will find that six works are dealt with under this heading. This is however due to the option an individual has as to which work out of Pindanijjutti, Ohanijjutli and Pakkhiyasutta should be looked upon as the fourth Mulasülra, the other three works being, of course, Ultarajjhayaņasulta, Dasaveyaliyasutta and Avassayasutta. It may be mentioned in this connection that there seems to be no hard and fast rule laid down regarding the sequence of the Malasūtras. For, different scholars have indicated different sequences. For instance Prof. A. Weber 2 in his Verzeichniss der Sanskrit-und Prakṣit-handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin 3 ( Vol. II, pt. II, p.x) has mentioned Uttarajjhayaņasutta, Avassayasutta and Dasaveyaliya as the first three Malasutras. He appears to believe that these are the only works that deserve to be 1 As implied in the Preface (p. xiv) of Part II, this was not to be included as a Mulasūtra and was to be given in “Miscellanea ". But, on finding that some look upon this as a Mulasūtra, I thought it desirable to modify the original plan. 2 He has exhaustively discussed in Indischen Studien (vol. XVI, p. 211ff, and vol. XVII, p. Iff. ), the scriptures belonging to the capon of the Svetāmbara Jainas. For the English translation of these papers by Dr. H. W. Smyth see "Indian Antiquary” (vols. XVII-XXI). 3 Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Präkrit Mss. in the State Library at Berlin. 4 The list for the arrangement of the canonical scriptures adopted by Prof. Weber was originally drawn up by Dr. Georg Bühler. Vide Prof. Hermann Jacobi's kalpasutra (p. 14, foot-note ). Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xviii Preface styled as Malasatras, and that is probably the reason why he has referred to Ohanijjutti and Pakkhiyasutta under the heading "Anderzum weit Siddhanta gerechnete Texte”. Prof. M. Winternitz, too, has followed the same order for the 3 Malasutras, but he differs from Prof. Weber, when, in his Geschichte der Indischen Litteratur (vol. II, p. 292) he mentions four Malasutras instead of three, Pındanijjuttı being the fourth.! Dr. A. Guérinot agrees with Prof. Winternitz, both regarding the order and the number of the Mulasůtras. This will be evident from La Religion Djaïna (p. 79 ) where he has mentioned four Malasatras as under : L' Outtaraddjhayana (Outtaradhyayana ), L'Avaçyaka-soatra, Le Daça-vaikalika and Pinda-nıryoukti, In Prof. Arthur Berriedale Keith's Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office (vol. II, pt. II, pp. 1262-1272), the Mss. of Ultarajjhayaņasutta are given the first place, those of Sadavassayasutta (Avassayasutta ) the second, and those of Dasaveyalijasutta, the third. This is in accordance with Dr. Georg Bühler's list of canonical treatisies given in this Prof. Keith's Catalogue on pp. 1274-1275 and designated as “ Sarvasūtrādhyayanoddeśanirņaya ”. Prof. Walther Schubring in his Die Lehre der Jainas nach der alter Quellen dargestellt (p. 57) has noted Uttarajjhaya, Avassayanijjutti, Dasaveyaliya, Pindanijjutti and Ohanijjntti as Malasutras. Thus it will be seen that the line of procedure adopted by me differs from that followed by one and allof these occidental scholars, in two respects viz. (i) the number? of works to be included under Malasatra and (ii) their sequence. 3 I may add that it is possible to reduce the traditional number four for the Malasatras to three by bracketing Pindanijjuttı with Dasaveyaliyasutta and Ohanijjutti with Avassayasutta on the ground 1 Jarl Charpentier in his introduction (p. 10) to Uttarādlıyayanasūtrd has done the same. He has there given a list of the scriptures as adopted by Prof. Weber and has looked upon it as the most authoritative of all." 2 My number is six and not three, four or five. .3. I have arranged the six works as under: (i) Uttarajjhåyanasulta, ( 2 ) Dasaveyaliyasutta; (3) Avassayasutta, (4) Pindanijjutti, (5) Obanijiutti and (6) Pakkhiyasutta. *** Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Preface xix that Pindanijjutti is after all a supplement to-an off-shoot of Dasaveyaliyasuttanijjutti, and that similar is the case with Ohanijjutti. On this understanding I had a desire to deal wihh PindanijjuttiMss. just after those for Dasaveyaliyasutta, and to deal with Ohanijjutti-Mss. after those for Avassayasutta; but, as it was considered rather inconvenient to follow this line of arrangement in this Catalogue, I have not acted up to it. The late Muni Caturavijayaji, a disciple of Pravartaka Śrimat Kantivijayaji had outlined this plan to some extent as can be seen from p. 25 of Appendix III of his Catalogue of Mss. of the Jaina jñāna-bhandāra of Limbdi (“sagt जैन ज्ञानभंडारनी हस्तलिखित प्रतिओनुं सूचीपत्र"). Consideration of space does not permit me to discuss why a particular sequence for the Malasatras, is more scientific than the rest. Consequently it thus gets reserved for being dealt with on some other occasion.' So I may now say a few words about the contents of Part IV. These will include ( 1 ) miscellanea, (2) ritualistic works and (3) appendices. Therein “miscellanea ” will consist of works which can be, broadly speaking, divided into two categories as under : (1) Appendages of the Avassayasutta. (ii) Works, though not a part and parcel of any of the six well-known groups ? of the Agamas, are more or less closely . related to them. These works will be followed by "ritualistic works". This title is self-explanatory. Yet it seems necessary to point out that: it will not include each and every work of the Svetambara School, much less any ritualistic work of the Digambara School. The works thus left out here will be separately treated in. Vol. XIX, along with those of hymnology, narrative literature etc. 'Under the third (last ) head “ Appendices " there will be given nine Appendices already referred to in the Preface (p. xv ) of Part - 1 Some discussion in this connection is carried on by me in my work entitled A Comprehensive History of the Canonical Literature of the Jainas (pp. 45-48.). They are: (1) anga, (?) uvanga, ( 3 ) pažnnaga, ( 4 ) cheya, (s) müla and (6) cūliya. Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XX Preface II. In this connection I may mention that Dr. Belvalkar had desire ed that I should give good many Appendices, over and above the three kinds of Appendices given by him in “Vol. I: Vedic Literature. Part I: Samhita and Brahmaņas ". As, in all other matters of detail I have, here, too, acted up to his desire and have been all along preparing during the course of printing of this part of Vol. XVII at least six Appendices, in addition to three pratically prepared in 1933. The complete list is as under : (1) Index of Authors.' ( II ) Index of Works. (III) Classification of Works according to languages. (IV) List of Works according to the date of their composition. (V) Correspondence table of Manuscripts. 2 (VI) Chronological order of dated Mss. (VII) Names of places where Mss. were written and works. composed, (VIII) Names of scribes, presentees and others. (IX) Abbreviations occurring in Mss. Out of these nine Appendices, the first two are features common to almost all catalogues, especially the Descriptive ones, though the method followed here will be found to be differing in details. As for example, Prof. H. D. Velankar, M.A., has treated both these Appendices under one head - Index of Jaina Authors and Works" in his “Descriptive Catalogue of Samsksta and Prāksta Mss. in the Library of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society". Therein he has only mentioned the titles of works without indicating the names of the authors against nominuous works. Furthermore, against the name of an author, he has indicated his works by the Serial Nos. noted in his Cata 1 It will not be too mnch to hope that a similar index of authors when published at the end of each of the Volumes XVIII and XIX, with the necessary information supplemented from other sources will form a pretty “Onomasticon of the Jaina Writers " dealt with, in these Volumes. 2 In Prof. Keith's Catalogue the word “concordance " is used. And I, too would have done the same, had it not been obligatory to maintain uniformity with the other Catalogues published by this Institute. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Preface xxi logue. Thus his method of treatment differs from that of mine and the one employed in Vol. I published in 1916 by the Government of Bombay. For the sake of ready reference, I have followed the very method adopted by the late Prof. Weber in his monumental Catalogue of the State Library at Berlin. I find that Prof. A. B. Keith, too, has done the same. The third Appendix given thereafter will seem to be the special feature of Jaina Mss., if not, of Jaina works, dealing with compositions not only in Sanskrit and Prākrit but in several other languages. It is hoped that this Appendix will enable the reader to have at a glance, an idea of the works composed in different languages. Appendices IV and VI have been then given on account of their historical value. For instance, the fourth Appendix prepares a back-ground for Jaina chronology, and the sixth is helpful in fixing the terminus ad quem for undated works. The fifth Appendix is what one generally meets with, in Descriptive Catalogues of Mss. belonging to big libraries like the State Library of Berlin, the Library of the India Office etc. In this connection I may mention that the letters and the numerical figures given in parenthesis after the old ) Ms. No., when needed, do not belong to the original collections, but have been introduced by me in the case of composite codices. When a composite codex contained not more than 26 works, letters of the Roman alphabet have been used, whereas in the case of a composite codex having more than 26 works, numerical figures have been used instead of the Roman alphabet which could not have been of much help without suffixes or dashes-a process which would have unnecessarily become cumbrous, if followed. It is perhaps needless to add that certain numbers such as 736 (1) of 1875-76 not giren under old Ms. No. are not discrepancies as a layman is likely to think. They will be given in due course as they refer to works to be dealt with, in one of the subsequent volumes. ? 1 I do not remember to have seen any Catalogue where a list of works classified according to languages is separately given. 2 Such a state of affairs is due to the variety of subjects treated in one and the same Ms., and seems to be a special property of at least the Jaina Mss, Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxii Preface The seventh Appendix is given there with the hope that it will serve as a geographical index to some extent, useful for identifying old place-names. I may add that I do not remember to have come across any Catalogue where such an appendix is separately given. • The eighth Appendix is assigned a separate place by the late Prof. Weber, while Prof. Keith has dealt with it, under a general index wherein he has mentioned names of works and authors as well. Under the heading of this Appendix given there, I have mentioned presentees over and above the patrons of scribes with a view to bring into prominence, the speciality of the Jaina code of Ethics. . .. . . . The ninth and the last Appendix is perhaps a unique feature of this Catalogue inasmuch as it appears to be found nowhere else. In this Appendix abbreviations are recorded for the first time they occur, and not for as many times as they do. For, the main object in giving this Appendix is to facilitate the reading of Mss., and that is why the full form is given against the corresponding abbreviation. .. This finishes a rough survey of the contents of Parts III and IV, which when taken into account with the corresponding survey of the contents of Parts I and II, will show that the completion of this Volume XVII will cover up the description of Mss. pertaining to all the six groups under which the Svetam baras classify their 45 canonical treatises known as the Agamas. This fact goes to prove the richness of the Government Manuscripts Library deposited at the Bhandarkar Institute, and it, when taken into account with its collection of Jaina Mss. of non-canonical treatises, can make any one endorse at least the first part of the following statement made in the Preface (p. xxxvii) of Vol. I, Pt. I : "That no library of Oriental Mss. possesses as valuable and numerous a stock of Mss. of Jaina literature as our library has, has been acknowledged by scholars from the very beginning and in fact it could even be said that there is hardly any edition of an The 11 Angas, the 12 Upāugas and the 10 Prakirnakas along with 18 Supernumerary ones have been treated, together with their exegetical literature in Part I. The six Chedasütras and the two Calikasūtras have been similarly dealt with in Part II, and all the Malasutras, in this part. Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Preface xxiii important work brought in any part of the world which had not to use, in some way or other, Mss. of this library.” In this connection I may add that I have already collected by this time data which can give a clue to the nature of the Jaina Mss.! at the Institute, regarding their material etc.; but I think it better to reserve this topic till the completion of the printing of Vol. XVII. In the meanwhile I may however draw the kind attention of the authorities concerned to the fact that it will immensely enhance the value of this magnificient library, if an attempt can be made to procure, if available, a Ms. or a transcription of each of the following works and the like forming the Agamika class : (1) Pañcakappasutta. (2) Mahānisihasuttacunni. (3) Lakşmikallola Gani's commentary on Ayarangasutta. (4) A commentary on Uttarajjhayaņasutta, by Vinayahmsa. (5) Dānasekhara's commentary on Bhagavaisutta. (6) Malayagiri Sūri's commentary on Pindanijjuttı. Now a word about some of the discrepencies that have crept into this work. They are : : (i) On p. 154 Avagahanadvära and Gatidvara are mentioned as separate works but really speaking they form a part and parcel of Sangrahaniratna. (ii) Nos. 954 and 959 deal with the same work, but even then this Ms. is somehow described twice; so, one of the descriptions is to be discarded. (iii) No. 969 ought to have been assigned a place after No. 970 as it fits in with the plan of the inter-arrangement of Mss. dealing with the same work laid down by the Institute. A similar remark holds good in the case of Nos. 1099 and 1100. Vide foot-note I of p. 460. .. (iv) In some cases, the subject-matter deserves to be reconsidered, and I may cite as an example the case of works having Serial Nos. 934 to 952; but this cannot be done now as it means řehandling the corresponding Mss. and carrying on a thorough investigation of the entire problem of the constituents of the 1 A general survey of the Jaina Manuscripts with casual references to these Mss. is made by me in my paper on The Jaina Manuscripts (pp. 98-127) published in Journal of the University of Bombay” (vol. VII, pt. 2, September 1938). Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxiv Preface Āvaśyakasūtra—a problem not finally solved by any scholar up till now, so far as I know. As regards the Reviews of this Jaina Catalogue (Pts. I and II) that I have seen, I find that on the whole my work is appreciated on all hands so much so that the late Prof. Winternitz did not only not find any fault whatsoever but fully approved of the plan followed there.' Prof. H. D. Velankar has however sounded a different note in his review. 2 He seems to suggest that too much attention has been paid to the objective side of the Ms, rather than the subjective one, and thus the question of providing materials “useful for the historical reconstruction of Jaina literature ” is not sufficiently attended to. He holds me responsible for this attitude but I think this is owing to his not having paid due attention to what I have specifically mentioned in my Prefaces. This is again the reason why he finds fault with me so far as the inter-arrangement of Mss. dealing with the same work is concerned. This is neither the place to answer his criticisms nor is it incumbent upon me to do so as, after all, I have tried to carry out the instructions of the Institute. Prof. Walther Schubring has made the following suggestions by way of corrections in his Review published in Orientalalıstische Literaturzeitung 1937 No. 3, pp. 186-187. They are as under Pt. I, p. 373: Kavacadara = Arahanapadaga, dāra 30 from v. 26. 398 : Divasagarapannattisamgahani to be connected with 199 foll., because the D. S. P. forms a part of Jivajtvabhigamasutra. 399 : Pajjantarahaņà printed in Payannāsamgrahm Bh. 1, Ahmedabad, Samvat 1962. 427 : See Peterson I, p. 53 and 91, Weber II, p. 919; a medical treatise appreciated by the Svetāmbars as well as by the Digambaras; for, the latter see Puşpadanta Bhūtabali (as must be read ) and Pujyapāda. 1 Vide his review published in Archiv Orientalni (Prague) VIII, 2, 1936. The pertinent lines are as under : “The Catalogue offers every thing that can be desired by the student of Jaina literature, both as regards details about the Mss. described, extracts from them, and references to editions, or accounts of the works in question ". 2 This has been published in Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society” (vol. XII, 1936, pp. 118-120). Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Preface 428 Yaśobhadra is not the author of Vaggacaliya (this is the correct name), but Jasabhadda, the man who is introduced as the teller of the story. 246 Not a commentary to Jambuddivapannatti, but a treatise dealing with calculations concerning the Jambudvipa continent. The true title is Jambuddviva-karanacunnt (vide the Berlin Ms.) and some scribes have only been misled to write J. D.-pannatli (or pannattikarana) cunni. Cf. Str. 3 of the text. In 587 must not be called Pañcakappasuttacuņņi, since a P. K. sutta never existed nor have cürni and bhāṣya the word satra. other cases, though there was a sutta or sutra, still the authors did not use that word, e. g. they never wrote Ayarangasuttacunņi, Acarangasútrațikā, but only Avaracunņi, Acaratika. Similarly Vuddhakappasutta seems to be a fiction, since the true name is Kappa. I do not intend to make here any comments on these suggestions. I shall therefore simply mention that on p. 58 we meet with Śri-Sthānāṁgasūträrtha. Now a word about the following entries printed in the Jaina Catalogue (pt. II, p. 299): (1) In line 10 we have: composed (?)". This should be replaced by "completed". (2) "Author.-Not mentioned. According to the tradition Jinadasa Gani Mahattara." 99 The words "Not mentioned, According to the tradition should be droped; for, the author has mentioned his name in a queer way in the verse noted on p. 299 and has probably given the clue, too. But before we can see it, the first carapa requires an emendation as under : "C cc "6 'णिरेणणागत्तमहा सदाजिना' These letters when properly re-arranged can be read as जिणदासगाणणा महान्तरेण. Thus this supplies us with the author's ן, XXV 39 name. On p. 449 of this part III, the author is not mentioned, but he is said be Jinadasa Gani Mahattara. Before I conclude this Preface, I may mention that I have tried to make this Part III as up to date as possible by making necessary additions while going through the proof-sheets. This will explain why there is anachronism at times. 1 I use this word as the pertinent verse is incorrect. 4 Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Preface In the end it remains for me to record gladly and respectfully, my indebtedness to Vidvadvallabha Muni Punyavijayaji, a disciple of the late Munirāja Sri Caturavijaya and a grand-disciple of Pravartaka Śrimat Kāntivijaya, who has for the third time quite willingly rendered to me valuable assistance by going through a duplicate copy of the page-proofs of the non-English portions up to 56 pages. I have also to thank Dr. V. S. Sukthankar, for having agreed to insert in this part, a photograph of a fol. of Ms. No. 7123 of 1892-95 (Serial No. 720 ), on my drawing his kind attention to the fact that this Ms. has been written in very small hand-writing, perhaps the smallest I remember to have seen at the Institute, and that this Ms. was selected for exhibit for that very reason and was very highly appreciated by the late His Excellency the Right Hon'ble Lord Brabourne, G.C.I.E. MC., the former Governor of Bengal when His Excellency paid a visit to the Institute as the Governor of Bombay on 22nd June 1935. Equally indebted I am to Dr. R. N. Dandekar, M.A., Ph.D., the Hon. Secretary for his having complied with my request of inserting in this Part III a photograph of the last fol. of the Ms. No. 286 of A. 1883-84 (Serial No. 1139 ) on my drawing his kind attention that this is the oldest dated ( Samvat 1333) paper Ms. in the Institute and perhaps elsewhere, too. 3 Dr. Sukthankar deserves to be once more thanked for having agreed to publish this part and thus given an early opportunity to the public in general and the Jaing community in particular, to know more about the Jaina Mss. dealt with in this part. Sankdi Sheri, Gopipura, SURAT. 30th May, 1940 Hiralal R. Kapadia 1-2 These face pp. 120 and sio respectively. 3 The Ms, No. 57 of 1880-81 (Serial No. 1106) is the oldest dated palm-leaf Ms. I know of. Its date is Sathyat 1138. Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ REGULATIONS OF THE MANUSCRIPTS DEPARTMENT 1. “The Government Manuscripts Library” formed and maintained by the Government of Bombay, and formerly deposited at the Deccan College, Poona, is now, subject to the general control of the Department of Education, Bombay, placed under the direct charge of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. 2. The Department is administered by a Superintendent appointed by the Executive Board of the B. O. R. Institute subject to the approval of Government. 3. The Manuscripts are available at the Institute, during work. ing hours, for purposes of bona fide study. 4. The Manuscripts in the Library, if, in good condition, and subject to the requirements of Department, are lent out to bona fide scholars on their applying for them in writing to the Superintendent of the Department or to the Secretary of the Institute. Such scholars shall, however, execute a bond for the value of the manuscripts required, this value being fixed by the officers in charge of the Library. s. In the case of scholars from outside India, all requisitions for loans of manuscripts shall be made to the Secretary of State for India in Council, through whom also the transactions in manuscripts shall take place. Such scholars shall execute the necessary bond with the Secretary of State for India in Council, at his discretion. 6. In the case of scholars in India, the execution of the bond shall be necessary before the manuscripts are lent out. When the applicant is not sufficiently known to the Superintendent of the Department, this latter officer. shall have the power to call upon the. applicant to produce a certificate as to his interest in the study of Sanskrit Literature, and of his being a fit person to be entrusted with Government manuscripts. Sych a certificate shall have to be signed Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxviii Regulations of the Manuscripts Department by Orientalists of recognised position, or by Government officers of the Provincial or other highest service, not below the rank of a Deputy Collector or Extra Assistant Commissioner. The certificate should contain a reference to works or essays published by the applicant. N. B.- In the case of scholars residing within the jurisdiction of a Native State, the certificate may be signed either by the Chief Sahib or the Divan or the administrator of the State. 7. All applications for manyscripts shall state the reasons for which the manuscripts are required and the period for which the loan is sought. 8. If any manuscripts belonging to this Library have been used in the publication of an edition, or in any other learned disquisition, the authors should present to the Manuscripts Library a copy of the work or works so published. 9. The number of manuscripts to be lent out at a time to a scholar, and the period of loan, is determined by the officer in charge of the Library. Usually, however, in the case of Indian scholars, not more than five manuscripts are allowed to remain with them at a time, and the period of loan shall not normally exceed six months. 10. Immediately on receipt of manuscripts, the scholars are requested to examine them carefully before signing and returning the receipt-form accompanying the manuscripts, as no complaints will bé entertained thereafter. II. When the manuscripts are returned to the Library they are duly examined, and if found in their original condition, the receipt formerly signed for them is returned and the bond cancelled. The liability of the borrowers çeases only after the return of this receipt. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Regulations of the Manuscripts Department xxix 12. If scholars find that, owing to the work on the manuscripts not being completed within the stipulated period, they cannot return the manuscripts when due, they shall, sufficiently in advance, apply in writing to that effect to the Superintendent of the Department, or to the Secretary of State for India in Council, as the case may be. The period of loan will be extended at discretion. In no case, however, shall any manuscripts be allowed to remain with a scholar longer than two years in India, and five years outside India. 13. The Manuscripts Department reserves to itself the right of refusing to lend out any manuscript to any scholar at any time, and in the case of manuscripts lent out, of demanding their return before the expiry of the stipulated period, if the manuscripts be required for library or other purposes, 14. All postal charges shall be borne by the applicant. 15. The Department undertakes to procure on loan, for the members of the Institute, manuscripts from other lending Libraries. Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A LIST OF PRINTED CATALOGUES AND REPORTS ABOUT MANUSCRIPTS The following is the list of works (Catalogues, Reports, etc.) already published embodying the results of the search and preservation of Sanskrit and Präkrit manuscripts in the Bombay Circle from 1868 to 1915. All lists published up to 1884 have been incorporated in our consolidated Catalogue prepared by Mr. S. R. Bhandarkar, M.A., in 1888. The lists for the subsequent years are to be found embodied in the various Reports published thereafter. These Reports are of considerable value, inasmuch as they give in many cases the history of individual manuscripts, personal details of authors, their chronology, and such other items. All these works are therefore here put together in one place for ready reference. Papers relating to the Collection and Preservation of the Reports of ancient Sanskrit Literature, edited by order of Government of India, Calcutta, 1878, by Mr. E. A. Gough. This is a useful work for the general history of the Search during the earlier period upto 1878 and contains, among other things, lists of manuscripts bought for Government during the years 1868-69, 1869-70, 1870-71, 1871-72, 1872-73 and 1874-75. All these lists, originally published at different times, were also included in our consolidated catalogue (to be mentioned below ) published in 1888. Report on the results of the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in Gujarat during 1871-72, by G. Bühler, Surat, 1872, II pages in folio. Report on Sanskrit Manuscripts 1872–73, by G. Bühler, seven and seventeen pages. Bombay, 1874. Report on Sanskrit Manuscripts 1874-75, by G. Bühler, 21 pages. Girgaum, 1875. Detailed Report of a Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts made (in 1875-76), in Kashmir, Rajputana and Central India, by G. Bühler. Extra No. XXXIVA, Vol. XII of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1877, Bombay. Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A List of Printed Catalogues and Reports xxxi Lists of the Sanskrit Manuscripts purchased for Government dur. ing the years 1877-78, and 1869-78, and a list of the Manuscripts purchased from May to November 1881, by F. Kielhorn, Poona, 1881. A Report on 122 Manuscripts, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1880, 37 pages in folio. Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1880-81, by F. Kielhorn, Bombay, 1881. A Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the Deccan College ( being lists of the two Viśramabāg collections ). Part I prepared under the superintendence of F. Kielhorn ; Part II and Index prepared under the superintendence of R. G. Bhandarkar, 1884, 61 pages in folio. A Report on the Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts during 1881-82, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1882. A Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1882–83, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1884. A Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1883-84, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1887. A Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1884-87, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1894. . A Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1887-91, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1897. A Consolidated Catalogue of the Collections of Manuscripts deposited in the Deccan College (from 1868-1884) with an Index, by S. R. Bhandarkar. A Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1891-1895, by A. V. Kathawate, Bombay, 1901. Detailed Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, August 1882 to March 1883, by P. Peterson. Extra No. XLI, Vol. XVI of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1883, Bombay. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A List of Printed Catalogues and Reports A Second Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, April 1883 to March 1884, by P. Peterson. Extra No. XLIV, Vol. XVII of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1884, Bombay. xxxii A Third Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, April 1884 to March 1886, by P. Peterson. Extra No. XLV of Vol. XVII of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1887, Bombay. A Fourth Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, April 1886 to March 1892, by P. PeterExtra No. XLIXA of Vol. XVIII of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1894, Bombay. son. A Fifth Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, April 1892 to March 1895, by P. Peterson, Bombay, 1896. A Sixth Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, April 1895 to March 1898, by P. Peterson. Bombay, 1899. This contains also a list of manuscripts purchased by Professor Peterson from 1898-99. Lists of Manuscripts Collected for the Government Manuscripts Library by the Professors of Sanskrit at the Deccan and Elphinstone Colleges containing the following Collections : (i) 1895-1902, (ii) 1899-1915, (iii) 1902-1907, (iv) 1907-1915, (v) 1916-1918, (vi) 1919-1924 and (vii) 1866-68. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VOLUMES PUBLISHED Vol. 1, Part I-Vedic Literature, Samhitas and Brahmanas pp. xlviii +420; Size: 9 inches x 6 inches. 1916, Compiled by the Professors of Sanskrit, Deccan College, Poona. Price Rs. 4. Vol. XVII. Part 1-Jaina Literature and Philosophy (Agamika Literature) pp. xxiv + 390; Size :- 9 39 91 Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts IN THE Government Manuscripts Library 39 99 in. x 6 in. 1935. Compiled by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, M.A. Price Rs. 4. Part II-(Agamika Literature contd.) pp. xxvi + 36324; Size:- 91 in. x 6 in. 1936. Compiled by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, M.A., Price Rs. 4. Part III-(Agamika Literature contd.) pp. xxxv + 530; Size: 9 in. x 6 in. 1940. Compiled by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, M.A. Price Rs. 5. Vol. XII-Alamkara, Samgita and Natya Mss. pp. xx + 486 Size :- 91 in. x 6 in. 1936. Compiled by P. K. Gode, M.A., Curator, B. O. R. Institute, Poona. Price Rs. 5. Vol XIV-Nataka Mss. pp. (xviii + 302 ); Size:- 9 in. x 6 in. 1937. Compiled by P. K. Gode, M.A., Curator, B. O. R. Institute, Poona. Price Rs. 4. Vol. II, Part 1-Grammar Mss ( Vedic and Paniniya) pp. xvi. + 348; Size.-9 in. x 6 in. 1938. Compiled by S. K. Belvalkar, M.A. Ph.D. Price Rs. 4. Vol. XVI, Part 1- Vaidyaka Mss. pp. xxi + 418. Size.-91 in. x 6 in. 1939. Compiled by H. D. Sharma, M.A., Ph.D. Price Rs. 4. Other volumes in preparation. For copies apply to:- The Secretary, B. O. R. Institute, POONA 4, (INDIA). Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SYSTEM OF TRANSLITERATION अ a ar का आ । इi ई 1 उ u ऊ ॥ ल ! ऐ e ऐ ai ओ ० औ au ii ग् क् ख् kh c ch है लं th t e th Į p ph यू y r g H gh j jh d द dh d y dh b bh लू 1 व् v श्ई ष् स् हh visarga h, anusvara m. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA MANUSCRIPTS Page #37 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY A. ĀGAMIKA LITERATURE V. 4 MŪLASŪTRAS' THE FIRST MŪLASŪTRA उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra (SATHER) (Uttarajjhayaņasutta ) 159. No. 644 1871-72. Size.— 12 in. by 48 in. Extent.-- 73 folios; 11 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional TCHETTS; big, fairly legible, uniform and elegant hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; numbers for foll. written in the right-hand margin; foll. 1a and 736 blank ; fol. 16 decorated with a beautiful illustration of a samavasaraṇa with a Tirthamkara in the centre; unnumbered sides have a square in I For the interpretation of this word mülasūtra and the question of the propriety of the word sütra according to Jarl Charpentier see his introduction (p. 32) to his edition of "The Uttarādhyayanasūtra ". 2 That the meaning of the word uttara occurring in this title cannot mean "best" though so suggested in the commentary on Nandisútra, but it should mean " latter”, is the opinion expressed by Charpentier in his introduction (p. 33) to Uttaradhyayanaşütra Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 644 III IV V yellow colour in the centre; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; all the foll. more or less worm-eaten ; but, fortunately the body is not affected to the same extent; condition tolerably fair ; complete ; the entire work is divided into 36 adhyayanas as under :Adhyayana I Verses 1-48 foll. I to Il prose+, 1-46 I-20 I-13 1-32 VI I-18+ prose, VII 1-30 VIII I-20 IX 1-62 1-37 XI 1-32 XII 1-46 XIII, 1-35 XIV XV 12b 1 1 XVI prose+ XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII 1-17 1-21 1-54 1-98 1-60 1-24 I-51 1-89 I-20 I-44 1-26 1-17 1-36 266 , 30* 30® „ 324 326 „ 335 336 , 356 * » 399 a „, 39 396 , 416 411 , 436 436 , 448 Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 644.] 1. 4 Malasutras ,, 53 Adhyayana XXIX prose+ Verses 1-73 foll. 455 to Sob XXX I-37 , 51 ,, 53 XXXI 1-20 XXXII I-III XXXIII 1-25 , 59 XXXIV I-62 , 60* XXXV I-21 XXXVI 1-267 , 63* Age.- Sarivat I6SI. Author.-- Various authors are suggested by various persons. For instance some ascribe the authorship to Lord Mahāvīra, some to Bhadrabăhu and some to Kapila and other saints. Subject.-- This Jaina canonical treatise mostly in verses in Prakrit is styled as “mūlasútra". On the whole, it depicts the life which a Jaina saint ought to lead. The details can be inferred from the significant titles 3 of the 36 adhyayanas which are as under: (I) विणयसुय (विनयश्रुत), (2) परीसह (परीषह), (3) चाउरंगिज्ज ( चातुरङ्गीय ), (4) असंखय (असंस्कृत) or पमायप्पमाय (प्रमादाप्रमाद), (5) अकाममरणिज्ज (अकाममरणीय) or अकाममरण, (6) खुड्डागणियंठिज्ज ( क्षुल्लकनिम्रन्थीय ) or नियंठिज्ज (निर्ग्रन्थीय), (7) एलय (एलक) or उरम्भ (औरभ्रीय ), (8) काबिलीय ( कापिलीय) or कविलिज्ज (कपिलीय), (9) नमिपन्वज्जा (नमिप्रव्रज्या), (10) दुमपत्तय (द्रुमपत्रक ), (II ) बहुस्सुयपूया ( बहुश्रुतपूजा ), ( 12 ) हरिएसिज्ज ( हरिकेशीय ) or हरिएस (हरिकेश ), ( 13 ) चित्तसंभूइज्ज (चित्तसम्भूतीय) or चित्तसंभूय (चित्तसम्भूत), (14) उसुयारिज्ज ( इषुकारीय ), (IS) सभिक्खु ( सभिक्षु ) or सभिक्खुय ( सभिक्षुक), (16) बंभचेरसमाहिट्ठाण ( ब्रह्मचर्यसमाधिस्थान ) or समाहिट्ठाण (समाधिस्थान), ( 17 ) पावसमाणिज्ज (पापश्रमणीय ), (18) संजइज्ज (सजयीय ), (19) मियापुत्तीय (मृगापुत्रीय) or मियचरिया (मृगचर्या), ( 20.) महा I Verses 79 to 87 are wrongly numbered as 49 to 57. 2 See p.7. 3 For a set of these titles see Nos. 659 and 681. Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [644: नियंठिज्ज ( महानिर्ग्रन्थीय ) or नियंठिज्ज (निग्रन्थीय), ( 21 ) समुद्दपालिज्ज or समुहपालीय ( समुद्रपालीय ), ( 22 ) रहनेमिज्ज ( रथनमीय ), ( 23 ) केसिगोयमिज्ज (केशिगौतमीय ), ( 24 ) समिईअ ( समितीक), (25) जइन्नेन or जन्नइज्ज ( यज्ञीय), (26) सामायारी (सामाचारी), ( 27 ) खलंकिज्ज ( खलङ्कीय ) or खलुक (खलङ्क), ( 28) मोक्खमग्गगइ (मोक्षमार्गगति) or मोक्खगइ (मोक्षगति), ( 29 ) संमत्तपरक्कम ( सामन्तपराक्रम ) or अप्पमाद (अप्रमाद), (30) तवमग्गइज्ज (तपोमार्गीय) or तवमग्ग (तपोमार्ग), (31) चरणविहि ( चरणविधि ), ( 32 ) पमायट्टाण (प्रमादस्थान ) or समाहिट्ठाण ' ( समाधिस्थान ), (33) कम्मप्पयडि or कम्पप्पगडि (कर्मप्रकृति), (34 ) लेसा (लेश्या ), ( 35 ) अणगारमग्ग (अनगारमार्ग) cr अणगार (अनगार) and (36) जीवाजीवविभात्ति (जीवाजीवविभक्ति. The names of the 36 adhyayanas mentioned in Samaväyängasútra ( sútra 36, p. 64 ) and in the niryukti ( v.13172) to Urtarādhyayanasūtra differ at times from these. In this connection it may be added that the names of the adhyayanas 3, 4, 7, 10 and 26 can be mentioned as examples of a naman ( name) by ādānapada (one of the ten types) noted in the 13th sūtra of Anuyogadvärasútra.3 .. The ninth adhyayana of this text can be compared with the Mahābhārata ( XII, 178, 2) and the Buddhistic Jātaka No. 539 g. 125 ( Fausboll's edn). The 12th adhyayana 1 This heading is due to a scribal error So says Charpentier in his introduction (p. 36, 2nd foot-note) to Uttarādhyayanasutra. 2 These along with English translation are given by Charpentier in his introduction (pp 35-36) to Uttarādhyayanasātra, and they are given here, too. 3 Cf. Maladhārin Hemacandra Suri's following observation in this connection: " आवतीत्याचारस्य पञ्चमाध्ययनं......इत्यादानपदेनैतन्नाम, चाउरंगिज्जं ति एतदुत्तराध्ययनेषु तृतीयमध्ययनम्, तत्र चादौ चत्तारि परमंगाणि दुलहाणीह जंतुणो' इत्यादि विद्यते, असंखयं इदमप्युत्तराध्ययनेष्वेव चतुर्थमध्ययनम् , तत्र चादावेव ' असंखयं जीविय मा पमायए' इत्येतत् पदमस्ति, ततस्तेनेदं नाम, एवमन्यान्यपि कानिचिदुत्तराध्ययनान्तर्वीन्यध्ययनानि कानिचित् तु दशवकालिकसूयगडाद्यध्ययनानि स्वधिया भावनीयानि।" - Anuyogadvarasātravrtti, p. 141b Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 644.1 I. 4 Malasutras so has its counterpart in the Mātanga-Jätaka No. 497, and the ... I3th can be compared with the Jataka No. 498. The I4th adhyayana can be compared with the Mahābhārata (XII, 175, repeated XII, 277 ).. Markandeya-Purana (X ff.,) and the Jataka No. 509.' Begins.- fol. 10 ५ ६ ७॥ ॐ नमः ॥ संजोगा विप्पमुक्कस्स अणगारस्स भिक्खुणो विणयं प(पा)उकरिस्सामि आणुयुधि सुणेह मे ॥ १॥ etc. Ends.-- fol. 73 इइ पाउकरे बुद्धे नायए परिनिए । छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झाए भवसिद्धी( य ) सम्मए । त्ति बेमि २६७ छ जीवाजीवविभत्ती ॥ छ ३६ उत्तरज्झयणसुयक्वंधो सम्मत्तो ॥ छ । ___ संवत् १६५१ वर्षे कार्तिकवदि २ रवौ ॥ 'बर्कपल्लीवास्तव्यश्री श्रीमाली'ज्ञातीयसमंगलभार्या मंगयला तत्सुतसुश्रावकधर्मकारणीयकारकसाहगोगाकेन ल(लि )षा(खा)पितं । भट्टारकश्रीसंयमरत्नमरितत्सि(च्छि )व्य - पंडितश्री (7 times ) जयरत्नगाणतशिर च्छि )ध्यमुनिसिंघर्षावमलस्य पुण्यार्थ ज्ञानवृद्धयर्थ दत्तं श्रीरस्तु दीर्घायुः शुभं भवतु[:] ॥ Reference.-- Published along with Laksmivallabha's commentary and a Hindi gloss of Vijaya Sadhu in the Agamasamgraha of Rai Bahadur Dhanapatisimha, Calcutta, in Samvat 1936. The text together with the commentary of Jayakirti is published by Pandit Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar in A. D. 1909; the text with the niryukti and the commentary of Vadivetala Santi Süri, in the D. L. J. P. F. Series in three parts in A. D. 1916-17 ; the text with the commentary of Kamalasamyama is published in the Yaśovijaya Jaina Granthamālā, Bhavnagar in A. D. 1927; the text along with the commentary of Bhāvavijaya Gani, by the Jaina Atmānanda Sabha in Samvat 1974 and .."L..See “ Indian Culture " vol. I, No. 2, pp. 146-147. 2 In the Ms. य is written above मंगलादे. Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy | 644 the text along with Gujarati translation, by Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha, Bhavnagar. The text is edited by Jarl Charpentier (Archives d'etudes orientales vol. 18), Upasala in A. D. 1921-22. Herein the introduction' contains in short a history of the canonical literature of the Jainas. The text is translated into English by Hermann Jacobi and is published in the Sacred Books of the East as vol. XLV, in A. D. 1895. For quotations etc. see Weber II ( Nos. 1901-1906), pp. 719-730, Indian Antiquary vol. XXI, p. 310 ff., Winternitz, Geschichte (vol. II, pp. 292, 300, 312-315, 316, 318, 320322 and 367), La Religion Djaïna ( pp. 27, 49, 79, 80, 86, 91, 92, 96, 211, 218, 238, 249, 263, 269 and 303), A History of Indian Literature (vol. II, pp. 94n., 428n., 429, 431, 442, 446-471, 476n., 534f., 561 and 637) and Die Lehre der Jainas (p. 80 ). For comparison of Uttaradhyayanasūtra with Jivavicăra see A. Guèrinot's "La doctrine des ètres vivants dans la religion jaina " (Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, vol. XLVII, pp. 34-50), Paris, 1903. See A Barth's "Bulletin des Religions de l' Inde-Jainisme" (ibid.), vol. VII, 1902; H. Oldenburg's "Buddha, sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde", p.309, n.2 StuttgartBerlin, 1903; its translation in French by A. Foucher, p. 267, n. 1. Paris, 1903; A. Weber's "Ueber die heiligen schriften der Jaina" (Indische Studien, vol. XVI, Leipzig, 18831885); Indian Antiquary vol. XVII; and H. Jacobi's Ausgewählte Erzählungen in Maharashtri" (pp. 34-55), Leipzig, 1886, and his article "Ueber den çloka in Pali und Prakrit" (Kuhn's Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung (vol. XXIV, pp. 610-614), Berlin, 1879. 66 I Based upon the remark made by Weber (Indische Studien vol. XVI passin) Charpentier mentions on p. 34 that Uttaradhyayanasūtra is identified with Isibhāsiya in many canonical and other passages. But as he further observes it is not so as Isibhasiya contains 50 or 54 chapters. Uttaradhyayanasūtra is also identified with Devendatthaya which was probably obsolete already in the time of Haribhadra Süri (Cf. Weber Ind. Stud XVII, 43). Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 644.) I. 4. Malasatras E. Leumann's “ Die Lejende von Citta und Sambuta" (Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, sf.), Wien and “Weld in Bild und Wort" (Strassburg 1890 ) may be also consulted. In Ardha-Māgadhi Reader' there are given as extracts from Uttarādhyayana, the 5th chapter on pp. 55-57 and the 13th and the 14th on pp. 63-67 and 67-74. The English translation of these chapters is therein reproduced from S. B. E. on pp. 142-146, 154-158 and 158-166 respectively. On p. LI Banarsi Das Jain remarks that this work " was composed by Bhadrabāhu. "......“ Several of the legends” given here “are common to Brahmanic and Buddhist literatures. Many verses are a mere translation of the Mahābhārata slokas and a few others correspond in wording to those of the Dhammapada and Jätakas”. In the collection of 'Manuscripts of Sārābhāi Nawāb there is an illustrated Ms. of Uttarādhyayanasútra. It contains 46 illustrations. Out of them 8 are given in Jaina Citrakalpadruma in plates LXXXIV and LXXXV. Each of these plates contains 4 illustrations. The illustrations of the first plate respectively deal with the topics treated in adhyayana XI, verses 16 to 30; XII, 19-30; XIX; and XIX. The second plate has illustrations connected with XX, 19-31; XXI, 4-10; XXII, 33; and XXIII. All these 8 illustrations are preceded by one given from the collection of the late Muniräja Hassavijayaji. For additional Mss. of the text see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 382, Keith's Catalogue Nos. 7485, 74862 and 74913 and Limbdi Catalogue Nos. 275-278, 279 and 286. For a suvarņakşari Ms. see the Jaina jñāna bhandara of Devaśā pādā, Ahmedabad, I This Reader is published by the University of the Panjab", Lahore, 1923, 2-3 These contain a fragment in chapters XXX and XXXI and one of chapter XXXVI respectively. 4 This Ms. is referred to on p. 75. (foot-note) of Jaina Citrakalpadruma. Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [645. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra No. 645 1880-81. Size.— 145 in. by i} in. Extent. — 175 - 10 = 165 leaves ; 3 to 5 lines to a leaf ; 45 to 55 letters to a line. Description.— Palm-leat; Jaina Devanāgari characters with Arats; quite bold, big, uniform, legible and very beautiful handwriting; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written into two separate columns; but, really it is not so, since iines of the first column extend to the second ; borders of each of the columns ruled in three lines in black ink; numbers for leaves written in different margins but on one and the same side of the leaf; in the right-hand margin, as 3, R etc., as usual in numerical characters, whereas in the left-hand one, in letter numerals such as far ifa etc. ; red chalk used; unnumbered sides decorated with a small disc in red colour in the centre; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too ; leaves 73 to 83 partly worm-eaten; the body of the leaves 174 and 175 partly worn out; edges of almost all leaves worn out to a smaller or greater extent; condition on the whole very fair ; leaves placed between two wooden boards; the Ms. well-preserved in the card-board box lined with oil cloth; extent 2300 ślokas; leaves 127 to 136 missing ; otherwise complete. Age.- Samvat 1332. Begins.-- leaf 1ba011 TOTT FEC etc., as in No. 644. Ends:-- leaf 175 ई(इ)ई(इ) पाउकरे बुद्धे नायए परिनिए । छ(त्ती )सं उत्तरज्झाए भवसिद्धीय संवुडे त्ति बेमि ॥ २६६ Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 4 Mulasatras MEÅ 3TTEHUU AFA1138 gu TTHOUTTTELEET FANT(#11) "g jua: 347...nistana tofagracial(s) पि शतानि ॥ २३०० संवत् १३३२ वर्षे वैशाखबदि ३ शनौ. Reference. - Regarding this Ms. Charpentier says in his introduc tion (p. 63 ) to Uttaradhyayanasütra that this is “ wellwritten but lacks the last ten leaves". F. Kielhorn has described it on pp. 3-4 of his “ Report on Ancient palm-leaf Mss. lately acquired for the Government of Bombay. Bombay, 188r”. See Indian Antiquary vol. X, p. 100..... N. B.- For other particulars see No. 614. : उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra No. 646 - 1880-81. Size.-- 324 in, by 18 in. . ....... .!"Extent.--- 64 leaves ; 4 to 5 lines to a leaf ; 125 to 130 letters to a line. Description.-Palm-leaf durable and brownish; Jaina Devanagari characters with Estats; big, legible, uniform and good handwriting; this Ms, presents an appearance of the work having been written into three separate columns; but, really speaking, it is not so, since the lines of the first column extend to the remaing ones; borders of each of the columns ruled · in three lines in black ink ; leaves numbered in both the margins ; in the right-hand one as S, R, etc., and in the left-hand one as a Fal saft etc., i. e. to say in 'P ' S letter-numerals; complete ; some leaves slightly wormeaten ; condition tolerably good ; leaves placed between two I Letters are gone, 2 (J. L.P.] Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [646. - , wooden boards; the Ms. well-preserved in a card-board box lined with oil cloth ; leaf , blank; so is the leaf 646; red chalk used. Age. Reported as Samvat 1340 (circa), on the ground that this U has been written by the same scribe who wrote: work - No. 663 in Samvat 1342. Begins.- leaf 1 l Q TA' Freire !! ForToT f f etc., as in No. 644. Ends.- leaf 64* इति पाउकरे बुद्ध etc. up to भवसिद्धीय संबुडे ति बेमि as in No. 644. This is followed by the lines as under: छत्तीसं[स]इमं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ ॥२५७ उत्तरायणायक्वंभो सम्मत्तो॥ जोगविहीए विहिताए जो लिहइ सुत्त अत्थं ।। बा भासेई य भवियजणो सो पाषइ णिज्जरा विउला जम्मो दत्ताए एकह वि ॥ समग्घंति विग्घरहियस्स। सो लक्खिज्जइ भन्यो पुत्वरिसी एव भासंति ॥ Reference. This Ms. was utilized by Charpentier for editing the text of Uttaradhyayanasūtra. In his introduction (p. 63) to this work he observes : “I have made use for the text of the Ms. no. 2 of coll. 1880-81, which is from samv. 1340 (= 1284 A. D.), and written apparently by the same hand which wrote no. 5 of the same collection mentioned above. It contains 64 leaves, is quite complete and is very well and clearly written. There are apparently very few mistakes in it, although the orthography is sometimes not quite correct. But this is a fault to be found frequently even in the most excellent manuscripts". N. B.- For other details see No. 644 and F. Kielhorn's Report for 1880-81, p. 3. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I 4 Malasatras STERETETE I U ttarādhyayanasūtra 86. No. 647 1872-78. Size.--- 10] in. by 4s in. Extent.-- 28 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 66 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with quaraTS ; small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders carefully and neatly ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; fol. 12 has marginal notes written on it; those in the right-hand margin have slightly faded; strips of paper are pasted to foll. 2 to 25, and the missing letters written on them ; condition very good; complete ; yellow pigment rarely used. Age. — Fairly old. Subject. The usual text plus the four verses of its niryukti which point out the importance of this text. Begins.- fol. 1 0 TA: f1( Par[:] Il soft II Patient farger etc., as in No. 644.. Ends.- fol. 286 97 ge etc., up to guiat as in No. 644. ... This is followed by the lines as under : 11 Il fagfra TT CAPHIETRIATE 11 8 11 3 11 st II 3 il sont le जे किर भवसिद्धीआ । परित्तसंसारिआ य जे भन)श(रा) ते किर पढंति एए। छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झाए ।१। This goes up to पुवरिसी एव भासंति ॥ ४॥ (the last line of the 4th verse which is the same as in No. 00m) saft. Reference. This Ms. is referred to by Charpentier in his in troduction (p. 63 ) to Uttarādhyayanasūtra. There, while comparing this Ms. with No. 644 he observes: “The first' is dated samv 1651 (= 1595 A. D.), the other2 has no date ; the first has been rather ill used 1-2 By the first he means the Ms. here se rially numbered as 644, and by the other, this very Ms. Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1647. and has numerous worm-holes, the other is well-preserved and clearly written ". N. B.- For other particulars see No. 644. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra No. 648 733. 1899-1915. Size.— 104 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 77 - 1 = 76 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper rough and grey ; Jaina Devanagari .. . characters; sufficiently big, clear and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; most of the foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted :o fol. 776; condition very good; fol. 776 blank; the 1st fol. is missing; otherwise complete; extent 2100 slokas; fol. 1a seems to have been kept blank; for, fol. . 2° starts with a portion of the 12th verse of the Ist adhya yana ; the last two lines seem to be laterly added. Age. - Not later than Samvat 1686. Begins. - fol. 2a H T (T) PES GUT I guott) -!! * TETAPE-a ararni(si) TRAFAT I 3R etc. no: Ends.- fol. 77* TU TIETTE etc., up to #ag as in No. 644. This is followed by the lines as under: ॥ ७० जीवाजीवविभत्ती सम्मत्ता ३६ छत्तीस उत्तरज्झयणाणि ___सम्मत्ताणि ( 1 ) 'तपागणे पंडितश्रीवरसिंगगणिशिष्यगणिशुभविजय-अं० 7200 (1) Then in a later hand we have : Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . Malasatras संवत् १६८६ फागुणसुदि १४ श्री विक्रम'नगरें आ परति समारी मह उरजइ । पंडितश्रीकमल(विजयगणिवाचनार्थ । चुक भूल दुबह So het die HARPUTH fat giyi al t ri ? N. B. - For further particulars see No. 644. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarădhyayanasūtra 4. . . ... No. 649 1880-81. Siže. - 134 in. by 24 in. Extent.- 134 + 1 = 135 leaves; s lines to a leaf; 45 to 56 letters to a line. Description.- Palm-leaf; Jaina Devanāgari characters with quar; small, quite legible and good hand-writing; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written into two separate columns; but, really speaking, it is not so, since the lines of the first column extend to the second ; borders of each of the columns ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; eaf 1* blank; leaves numbered in both the margins; in the .. . right-hand margin as 3, R, etc., and in the left-hand one as Fondi 1,, 3, 5, and etc., i. e. to say in letter-numerals ; leaf 101 repeated ; leaves 47, 63, 75, 79, 83, 120(?) and 121(2) seem to be subsequently added ; some portion of leaves to8 to 118 worn out ; even the numbering and a part of the text gone ; several leaves. more or less worm-eaten ; the last three leaves are awfully damaged ; condition on the whole unsatisfactory; the work is incomplete so far as the 36th adhyayana is concerned; otherwise complete. Age. - Fairly old. Begins,-,-. leaf 1. & II FÀT(A:) peato il HIT pamagat etc. as in No. 644 Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends.- leaf 1346 ur ...... 2. Afort 3 rear grant a..... Reference.— Charpentier remarks in his introduction (p. 63) to Uttarādhyayanasūtra that this Ms.“ has no date and is very incomplete". Kielhorn has described it on p. 4 of his Report for 1880-81. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 644. असंस्कृताध्ययन Asanskrtādhyayana (SVEETEHTUT) (Asarkhayajjhayana ) No. 650 39 (b). 1877-78. Extent.- fol. 28" to fol. 28\ i. e. to say i folio. Description.- Complete so far as it goes. For the title see p. 4. For additional particulars see Mrgāvatīrāsa No. 39 (a). 2 1877-78. Age.-- Samvat 1751; this is the date mentioned for No. ned for No39 (a). "1877-78. : ct. This is a work in Prākrit in 13 gåthas and it forms the 4th adhyayana out of the 36 of the Uttaradhyayanasútra. It advises the aspirants for liberation to shake off carelessness and to see that anger, pride etc., are overcome by them. Begins.- fol. 28 असंखयं जीविय मा पमापए। जरोवणीयस्त हुनस्थि ताणं। एवं वियाणाहि जणे पमत्ते। (-3) faight FT97 Pomia etc. .. 1-2 These are respectively the 203th and 208th verses of the 36th (last) fer of Uttaradhyayapasutra.. Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 658. ] 1. 4 Malasatrast Ends. fol. 286 #serer Tegnarfi ते पिज्जदोसाणुगया परन्मा। एय(ए) अहम्मु त्ति दुगंछमाणो । कंखे गुणे जाव सरीरभेड afH 33 . STEGT (Egnateurera argeti Reference.- For description of an additional Ms. having this adhyayana see Keith's Catalogue No. 7492. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 644. नमिप्रव्रज्याध्ययन Namipravrajyādhyayana (नमिपव्वजज्झयण) (Namipavvajjajshayana ) 579 (c). No. 651 1895-98. Extent.- fol. 12. Description.- Incomplete as it contains 9 verses and a part of the Toth. All of them belong to the ninth adhyayana and are the opening verses of the same. For other details see No. 423 (D. C. J. M. vol. XVII, pt. I, p. 380 ) where this work is styled as Navasloki through oversight. Subject.-The ninth chapter deals with the life of king Nami. Char pentier observes that it belongs to a vast cycle of legends concerning the four pratyekabuddhas, the four kingly saints very famous amongst the Jainas and the Bauddhas, and to some degree known even to the Vaidika Brahmaņas.' He looks upon this chapter as a legendary one. 1 See p. 44 of his introduction. . 2 Chapters XII-XIV, XVIII-XXIII and XXV are placed in the same category by him. Ibid., p. 44 Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 Begins. fol. 12a Ends. A - Jaina Literature and Philosophy चई (इ) ऊण देवलोगा (ओ) उबवन्नो माणुसंमि लोयंभि । वसंतमोहणिज्जो सरई पोराणियं जाई ॥ १ ॥ etc. fol. 12a No. 652 22 'मिहिलाए' चेइए वत्थे (च्छे ) सीयछा (च्छा ) ए मणोरमे पत्तपुष्फफलोवेए बहूणं बहुगुणे सया ॥ ९ ॥ arer etaria च (चे) इयंमि म ॥ thus. SIMA N. B. For other details see No. 644. मोक्षमार्गगत्यध्ययन ( मोक्खमग्गगइ अज्झयण ) ALL Size 98 in. by 4 in. (1) आगमिकवस्तुविचारप्रकरण (2) बन्धशतक ( 3 ) भक्तप्रतिज्ञा (No. 301 ) (4) संस्तारक (,, 314)2 (5) द्वादशभावना (6) प्रत्याख्यानभाष्य छ ॥ This work ends Mokṣamargagatyadhyayana (Mokkhamaggagaiäjjhayana) (y Extent. 29 folios; 12 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; edges of almost every fol. slightly worn out; condition tolerably fair; complete; this Ms. contains the following additional works : fol. 2a to 6a 6a,, 10b در د. "" 193 rob 17b 22a دو 768 (8) 1892-95, [,651. 22 "3 17b 22a 272 27" 29b. 1-2 For description see D. C. J. M. vol. XVII, pt. I, pp. 283 and 289 espectively. Anybull cale, pa 95 Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 653.1 1. 4 Malasatras Age.-- Old. Subject. This forms the 28th chapter of Uttaradhyayanasútra, and it deals with Jaina philosophy. This seems to have served as a basis for Tattvārthādhigamaśāstra. For, it deals with dogmatical questions or matters of doctrines and gives us philosophical information as is mostly the case with chapters XXIV, XXVI, XXIX--XXXI, XXXIII, XXXIV and XXXVI and with introductory portions to chapters II and XVI. Begins.-- fol. 1a 11 मुक्खमग्गगई तच्च सुणेह जिणभासियं । 75#TUTHT AUCHUICHET ( 1 ) 13 ll etc. Ends.-- fol. 2a खवित्ता पुवकम्माई संजमेण तवेण य । सब्वदुक्खप्पहीणत्था पक्कमंति महेसिणो ॥ ३६ ॥ इति मोक्खमग्ग(ग)ई नामज्झयणं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ । N. B. – For other details see No. 644. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasutra सुखबोधासहित with Sukhabodha 1098. No. 653 1887-91. Size.- 101 in. by 43 in. Extent.-- 329 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jaina Deva någari characters with A S ; bold, big, clear, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; numbers for foll. entered in both the margins; some foll. have stuck together probably due to the presence of gum in the ink used; some of them torn though slightly owing to 3 [ J. L. P. ) Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [653. ignorant and careless attempts made by some one to separate them ; condition on the whole very fair; this Ms. contains the text and the commentary ( vịtti ) Sukhabod bā by name; both complete; extent of the commentary 14000 ślokas; Sukhabodhã composed in Saṁvat 1129 on the advice of the fellow-disciple, Municandra Sūri; the text is divided into 36 adhyayanas; the extent of each of them together with the corresponding portion of the commentary is as under:Adhyayana with com. foll. Ib to 149 14a » Sia no VII 898 , 976 976 „ 102a 102a , 109h 1179 1362 VIII IX 147a XI 147* „ 1516 1516 „1626 1816 1906 1936 1936 „ 1976 XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII 2424 2446 „ 2532 253„ 2682 268a „ 2702 XXIV » » Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 653 1. 4 Mulasatras Adhyayana XXV with com. foll. 2702 „ 2726 XXVI 2725 , 2775 XXVII 2796 XXVIII 2796 „ 2835 XXIX 283b „ 2936 XXX 2936 „ 298a XXXI 298a .. 3049 XXXII 304 „ 3116 XXXIII 3116 „ 3138 XXXIV 3132 3166 XXXV 3166 „ 3186 XXXVI 3186 ., 329*. Age. - Samvat 1491 (?). Author of the commentary.- Devendra Gaņi', pupil of Amradeva Upadhyāya, pupil of Uddyotana Sūri of the BỊhad gaccha. It seems that this Devendra Gaội was designated as Nemicandra Süri, on his being raised to the status of 'ācārya'. This is what can be inferred from Mss. Nos. 659-661. Probably this is the reason why he is referred to as “Devendra Gaņi, alias Nemicandra Sûri” in Keith's Catalogue in No. 7489. P. Peterson, too, is of the same opinion as can be seen from p. VII of his Report for 1884-86. But his entry viz. “By Nemichandra afterwards called Devandragaņi” is wrong; for, it should be rather just the reverse. 3 From p. 80% of the Appendix I to this third 1 He belongs to · Tapa' gaccha according to Klatt. See Indian Antiquary vol. IX. 2 In B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 421, the name of the guru of Devendra Gaņi is mentioned as Amradeva. It ought to be Amradeva unless there is a variant like a FET 6T cat in v. to given on p. 21. 3 This mistake is corrected by him in his fourth Report and there on pp. LIX-LX, he has given detailed information about him. " श्रीनेमिचंद्रसूरर्य: कर्जा प्रस्तुतप्रकरणस्य सर्वज्ञागमपरमार्थवेदिनामग्रणीः कृतिनां ॥९ अन्यां च सुखावगमां यः कृतवानुत्तराध्ययनवृर्ति। लघुवीरचरितमरित्नचूडचरितं चतुरमतिः ॥१." Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [653. Report ( 1884-86 ), it follows that Nemicandra Suri, the author of Sukhāvagamā (Uttaradhyayanavṛtti) is the author of Akhyāyanamaṇikośaprakaraṇa, Laguviracarita and Ratnacūdacarita'. Subject. The text along with its explanation in Sanskrit. Thus this Sukhabodha of Devendra Gaņi differs from Sisyahită, the commentary by Vadivetala Santi Sūri, who has explained the niryukti, too; but it agrees with it so far as the narratives are concerned. For, Devendra Gani, too, has given them in Prakrit as was done by Santi Sūri, his predecessor, just on the lines followed by Haribhadra Suri. This points out an instance which somewhat contradicts the remarks made by E. Leumann about the evolution of Jaina com. mentaries in Z. D. M. G. vol. XLVI, p. 581ff. 20 Begins.— ( text ) fol. 1 संयो(जो ) गा विप्यमुक्कस्स etc. as in No. 644. . ( com. ) fol. rb ए६ ॥ नमः प्रवचनाय । प्रणम्य विघ्नसंघात घातिनस्तीर्थनायकान् । "" as For an account of Sukhabodha also known laguvrtti see Charpentier's introduction ( pp. 55-59 ) ta Uttaradhyayanasutra. " सिद्धांश्व सर्वसाधूंश्व स्तुत्वा च श्रुतदेवतां ॥ १ ॥ आत्मस्मृतये वक्ष्ये जडमतिसंक्षेपरुचिहितार्थे च । एकैकार्थनिबद्धां वृत्तिं सूत्रस्थ सुखबोधा ( धां ) ॥ २ ॥ बह्वर्थाद्वृद्धकृतागंभीराद्विवरणात्समुद्धृत्य 1 अध्ययनानामुत्तरपूर्वाणामेकपाटगतं ॥ ३ ॥ अर्थातराणि पाठांतराणि सूत्रे च वृद्धटीकातः । बोद्धव्यानि यतो ( 5 ) यं प्रारंभो गमनिकामात्रं ॥ ४ ॥ etc. Ends. - ( text ) fol. 3284 इइ पाउकरे etc., up to भवसिद्धीय स ( सं ) मए ॥ ७४ ॥ (com.) fol. 328b योग उपधानादिव्यापारा (र) स्तदनतिक्रमेण यथायोगामेत्युत्तराध्ययनटीकायां सुखबोधायां षड् ( टू )त्रिंशमध्ययनं ॥ समाप्तं ॥ छ ॥ I This is the same work as Tilakanrañjari-Ratnacudak.tha noted in Peterson, Reports III, p.66ff. २ ' उत्तराध्ययनानाम् ' इत्यर्थः । Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 653.1 I. 4 Mulasatras इत्युत्तराध्ययनटीकायां षड् ( टू ) त्रिंशमध्ययनं समाप्तं ॥ ३६ ॥ अस्ति विस्तारवामुरुशाखा समन्वितः । आसेव्यो भव्यसार्थानां श्री'कोटिक' गणद्रुमः ॥ १ ॥ तदुत्थ' वैर 'शाखायामभूदायतिशालिनी । विशाला प्रतिशाखेव श्री ' चंद्र 'कुलसंततिः ॥ २ तस्याश्वोत्पद्यमानच्छदनिचयसदृत्का (क्ला ) चकर्णान्वयोत्थ श्री ' थारापद्र' मच्छप्रसवभर ल सद्धर्मकिंजल्कपानात् । श्रीशांत्याचार (र्य भृंगप्रवरमधुसमामुत्तराध्यायवृत्तिं विद्वलोकस्य दत्तप्रमुदमुद[मुद] गिरयां गभीरार्थसारां ॥ ३ ॥ तस्या(:) समुद्धृता वे(चै ) षा सूत्रमात्रस्य वृत्तिका । एक पाठगता मंदबुद्धीनां हितकाम्यया ॥ ४ ॥ आत्मसंस्मरणार्थाय तथा मंदधिया मया ॥ अतो ( s)पराधमेनं मे क्षमंतु श्रुतशालिनः ॥ ५ आसी'चंद्र' कुलोद्भूतो विख्यातो जगतीतले । अक्षमाराजितोऽप्युच्चैर्यः क्षमाराजितः सदा ॥ ६२ धर्मो तु मूर्तिमानेव सौम्यमूर्त्तिः शशांकवत् । वर्जितश्वाशुभैर्भावे ( ) रागद्वेषमदादिभिः ॥ ७ ॥ मुनिनिर्मलगुणैर्नित्यप्रशांतैः श्रुता ( त ) शालिभिः प्रद्युम्नमानदेवादिरिभिः प्रविराजितः । ८ 21 विश्रुतस्य महापीठे 'बृहद् गच्छस्य मंडनं । श्रीमान् बिहारुक' : ] ( प्र ) ष्ट (ट) सूरिस (रुद्र) द्योच (त) नाभिधः ॥ ९ तस्य शिष्योऽदेवो ( 5 ) भूदुपाध्यायः सतां मतः । गुणदोषैर्लेभे पदं न तु ॥ १० ॥ देवेंद्रगणिश्वेदवृत्तवान् वृत्तिकां तद्विनेयः । गुरुसौदर्य श्रीमन्मुनिचंद्राचार्यवचनेन ॥ (११) शोधयतु बृहदनुग्रहबुद्धिं मयि विधाय विज्ञजनः । तत्र च मिथ्यादुः (ष) कृतमस्तु कृतमसंगतं यदिह ॥। ११ (१२ I This and the following one and a half verses are found in Sisyahita. 2 The substance of this and the verses 8-11 are given in English by Charpentier in his introduction ( pp. 56-57) to Uttaradhyayanasutra Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [653. 'अणहिल्लाल पाटक'नगरे दोहट्टिश्रेष्ठिसत्कवसतौ च । संतिष्ठता कृतेयं नवकरहर(११२९ )वत्सरे चे(चै )व ॥ १२ (१३) ॥ पट्टिकामो(तोऽ)लिखञ्चेमा सर्वदेवाभिधो गणिः । आत्मकर्मक्षयायाथ परोपकृतिहेतवे ॥ १३ (१४)॥ दोहार्डष्ठिना चास्या लेखिता प्रथमा प्रतिः । जिनवाक्यानुरक्तेन (भक्तेन) गुणवजने ॥ (१५) अनुष्ट(ष्टुपा( भां) सहस्राणि गणितप्रक्रिया भवेत् । चतुर्दश ग्रंथमानं तु वृत्तेरस्य(स्या) विनिश्चितं ॥ (१६) श्री ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ कल्याणमस्तु ग्रं. १४९१६ (?) शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । छ ॥श्री॥ N. B.- For further particulars see No. 644. Reference.--Sukhabodha is not published so far as I knows. For extracts etc. from Sukhabodhā see No. 5 (pp. 4-5) of F. Kielhorn's “Report on the search for Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1880-81.Bombay, 1881". For a notice of Sukhabodha and extracts from it see pp. 441-442 of R. G. Bhandarkar's “Report on the search for Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1883-84.-Bombay, 1887.” For tales etc. see the appendix to Sthavirāvali--charitra or Parisistaparvan (pp. I-28) by Hemacandra Suri edited by H. Jacobi ( Bibliotheca Indica), Calcutta, 1891. See also his article “ Ausgewählte Erzählungen in Māhārāștri” 4 which contains ten of the longest and most interesting stories. This is translated into English by J. J. Meyer in his “ Hindu Tales”, London, 1909. 2. D. M. G. vol. LXIV, p. 397ff., vol. LXVI, p. 38ff., and vol. LXVII, p. 668ff., as well as “Paccekabuddhageschichten”, Upsala, 1908 may be also referred to as these contributions come from the learned pen of Charpentier. ____ 1-3 These three verses are respectively quoted on pp. 105, 32 and 94 by Muni Punyavijayaji in his article "Bhāratiya Jaina Samskrti ane Lekhanakalā” published in Jaina Citrakalpadruma. There he says on these pages that they belong to laghu vrtti of Nemicandra. Furthermore, in his quotations, there is m.ention of Dohadi and not of Dohațți. 4 See p. 6. Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 654.] 1. 4 Mulasatras 23 R. Fick's “Eine jainistiche Bearbeitung der Sagara-Sage", Kiel, 1888, H. Jacobi's “ Die Jaina Legende von den Untergange Dvarāvati's und von dem Tode Krishna's (Z. D. M. G. vol. XLII, p. 493 ff.), Leipzig, 1888, P. E. Pavolini's La novella di Brahmadatta tradotta ed annotata” (Giornale della società asiatica italiana, vol. VI:), Roma, 1882, his article “Vicende del tipo di Múladeva "(G. S. A. I, vol. IX, ), Firenze, 1896, and H. Jacobi's article “Ueber die Entstehung der Cvetāmbara und Digambara Sekten (Z. D. M. G. vol. XXXVIII ), Leipzig, 1884 may be also consulted. For an additional Ms. see Limbdi Catalogue Nos. 290, and for description of a Ms. having only the ending portion of this Sukhabodhā see Keith's Catalogue No. 7489. N. B.—Though Devendra Gaņi and Nemicandra are not different individuals, yet for the sake of convenience, references where Nemicandra Sūri's name is specifically mentioned as the vșttikāra of Uttarādh yayanasūtra, are given in No. 659. The reader is therefore requested to refer for them to the “ Reference ” of this No. (pp. 30-31). उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र सुखबोधासहित Uttarādhyayanasūtra with Sukhabodhā 3. No. 654 1881-82. Size.— 334 in. by 19 in. Extent.— 425 + 2 + 3 - 20 = 410 leaves; 3 to s lines to a leaf ; IIS to 120 letters to a line. Description.-- Palm-leaf durable and brownish; Jaina Devanagari characters with qualis; sufficiently big ; legible, and good hand-writing; the first two leaves written in slightly Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1654. smaller hand-writing; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written into three separate columns; but, really speaking, it is not so; for, the lines of the first column extend to the remaining ones; borders of each of the columns ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; there are two extra blank leaves ; leaves 79, 407 and 423 repeated; the following sets of leaves are numbered together:93 + 94 +95 + 96 + 97 +98; 342 + 343 + 344 + 345 ; 355 + 356 + 357 + 358; 370 + 371 ; 387 + 388 ; 399 + 400 + 401 + 402 + 403; 409 + 410; and 415-416; both the text and the commentary complete ; some leaves appear to be more modern than the rest ; leaves mostly numbered in both the margins; in the right-hand one as %, 2, 3 etc., and in the left-hand one as y , and then after about 99 as in other cases, in letter-numerals; condition good ; leaves placed between two wooden boards; the Ms. well preserved in a card-board box lined with oil cloth; the last leaf 425th wrongly sttung together; extent 14200 slokas. Age.— Fairly old. Begins.- ( text ) leaf Ib For Peter etc., as in No. 644. , - (com. ) 011 leaf tb FAT foraturare gorie Fauta etc., as in No. 633. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 425* fa 75* etc., up to as in No. 653. „ - (com. ) fol. 425a stor gratar etc., up to the farfarsari as in No. 653 followed by #31 juta N. B.- For further particulars see No. 653. Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 655.1 उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र gedurarka No. 655 Size. 103 in. by 43 in. Extent. 2721 = 271 folios; 15 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. ور - "" Description. Country paper rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with gas; small, quite legible and elegant hand-writing; only in the case of foll. 81 to 85; borders are ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; in the case of the rest of the foll. they are unruled; red chalk and yellow pigment used; this Ms. contains the text as well as the commentary styled as Sukhabodha; foll. are numbered twice as usual; fol. 112 appears to be missing; but really speaking foll. 112 and 113 are numbered together; (see the 54 gatha of the 9th adhyayana); fol. 182 appears to be wrongly numbered as 183; if so, fol. 183 should be looked upon as repeated; practically edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; a small portion of fol. 272 gone; dition on the whole good; complete; lacking in colophon; extent 14000 slokas. con Age. Pretty old. Begins. I. 4 Malasatras — (text) fol. 1b fag ( com. ) fol. 1 ै ए६ वीतरागाय नमः | श्रीसारदाइ ( यै ) नमः ॥ Ends.(text) fol. 2723 4 [J. L. P. 1 25 Uttaradhyayanasūtra with Sukhabodha fa etc. as in No. 653. دو 87. 1872-73. etc. as in No. 644. ॥ ओ ( ) नमः श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ श्री etc., up to af as in No. 644. (com.),, जे किर etc. उ ( प ) धानादिव्यापारस्तदतः (न) तिक्रमेण etc., up to सुखबोधायां षट्त्रिंशमध्ययनं समाप्तं as in No. 653. This is followed by the lines as under : Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र gediarenga No. 656 यदि अक्षरपद (दैः ) तत् सर्व क्षम (म्) तां देवि प्रसादः परमेस्व ( श्व) री छः ॥ श्रीः ग्रंथाग्र १४००० संपूर्णः ॥ शुभं भूयात् ॥ कल्याणं (ण) मस्तु|: ॥ श्रीरस्तु [:] | अक्षर कूट आसातना हूंइ हूइ ते म (मिच्छामि दुक्कड: ( ६ ) ॥ ॥ शुभं भवतु [ : ] ॥ श्रीरस्तु [:] ॥ छ ॥ N. B.- For additional information see No. 653. Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( ) ष्टं स्वरव्यंजनवज्जितं Age.-- Fairly old. Begins. [655 در Uttaradhyayanasūtra with Sukhabodhā Size.-- 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 262 + 2 = 264 folios; 15 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 1a; strips of paper pasted to the edges of fol. 262b; condition on the whole very good; fol. 1a blank; foll. 51 and 78 repeated; this Ms. contains the text as well as the commentary Sukhabodha; both complete except that the latter is lacking in colophon; extent 14000 slokas, 260. 1833-84. (text) fol. 1b fag etc. as in No. 644. — ( com. ) fol. 1 ६० ॥ नमः श्रीप्रवचनाय ॥ fara etc. as in No. 653. Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 657.1 Ends.--- ( text ) fol. 2620 इइ पाउकरे etc., up to भवसिद्धीय समए ॥ ७४ ॥ ( com.) fol. 262b योग उपधानादि etc., up to सुष ( ख ) बोधायां षड् ( टू ) त्रिंशमध्ययनं समाप्तं as in No. 655. N. B. For other details see No. 653. در - उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र gedìaraica No. 657 در İ. 4 Malisatras (com.) fol. rb Size. 11 in. by 43 in. Extent.-256 folios; 15 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with gears; small, quite legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment profusely used; a part of fol. 1b kept blank probably with a view to decorate it with an illustration of a Tirthamkara; fol. 1a blank; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 1a; margins of some of the foll. slightly worn out; condition tolerably good; this Ms. contains the text as well as the commentary; both complete but the latter is lacking in the colophon to be found in No. 653. Age.- Pretty old. Begins. fa Ends.-(text) fol. 256 (text) fol. rb जोगे (गा ) [ संयोगा] विप्पमुक्कस्स etc. as in No. 653. 49011 'नमः सर्वज्ञाय ॥ etc., as in No. 653. Uttaradhyayanasutra with Sukhabodhā 1186. 1886-92. 45 27 etc., up to a as in No. 655. Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (657. Engs.- (com. ) fol. 2566 Ho Gaya etc., up to ferui as in No. 653 followed by देवेंद्रगणिविरचितायां षड्(द )त्रिंशमध्ययनं HATS 117 118 | Then in a different hand we have :'राजलक्ष्मीगा(ग)णि श्री खरतरं गच्छे श्रीजिनचंद्रसूशिवजयराज्यप्र०. राजलक्ष्मीगणिन्या शिष्यण्या प्र पुण्यशोभागाणिन्या श्रीउत्तराध्य यनका पुण्यार्थ प्रदत्ता पूनाईपठनार्थ N. B.- For additional information see No. 653. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र सुखबोधासहित Uttarādhyayanasūtra with Sukhabodhā No. 658 164. 1871-72. Size.-104 in. by 45 in. Extent.-- 285 - 5 = 280 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 55. letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional ATATS; sufficiently big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; red chalk used ; this. Ms. contains the text as well as the commentary ; foll. 265 to 270 missing ; otherwise both complete.; of course, there is no colophon; extent 14452 ślokas; fol. 1a blank; a few foll. slightly worm-eaten ; the last fol. ( 285th ) partly worn out; condition very fair ; in the lefthand margins, the title is written as efter at and Gieo q°. Age. - Old. Begins.- ( text ) fol. 1b FAITE faroqyasta etc. as in No. 644. -( com. ) fol. 1by & 011 975AT : 11 que faziara etc., as in No. 653. Ends.-- (text ) fol. 285" T arg etc., up to alh as in No. 655 followed by $4 1 This name seems to be added even later than the other lines. Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 659.) 1. 4 Malasutras 29 Ends.- (com. ) fol. 2855 OTT gquale etc., up to FEDTETTI E fÁSTÆETTİ FAIR as in No. 653 followed by glgi parat (? RTS ) Jorgo 38848 Il sfruta (:) ll ll så may 11:113 N. B.- For further particulars see No. 653. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र सुखबोधासहित Uttarādhyayanasūtra with Sukhabodhā' 88. No. 659 1872-73. Size.— 13} in. by s} in. Extent.— 214+1+2=217 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 70 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured yellow; numbers for foli. entered only once ; unnumbered sides have so to say a square in the centre only and the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; this Ms. contains the text as well as the commentary; both complete ; names of the 36 adhyayanas along with the Nos. of the foll. where each ends, are given on fol. 214; red chalk used; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 18 ; fol. 1° blank; fol. 82 repeated ; fol 86 repeated twice ; almost all foll. more or less worm eaten ; condition very fair. Age.- Pretty old. Author of the commentary.-Nemicandra Suri alias Devendra Gaņi. Subject.— The text in Prākrit along with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.-- ( text ) fol. 1b Fitr pas etc. as in No. 644 -( com. ) fol. 1 g & OUTH FORT TUFT ETT etc. This is styled as laghuvstti, too, See No. 661, p. 33. Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [659. Ends.--- ( text ) fol. 214 इति पाउकरे बुद्ध etc. , up to भवासद्धीय संखुडे as in No. 645. - ( com. ) fol. 214* योग उपधानादि etc., up to पदं न तु ॥ ६॥ This is, however, No. To according to No. 6533; for, here the fifth verse is numbered as ). This is followed by the lines as under :-- श्रीनेमिचंद्रसूरिरुद्धृतवान् वृत्तिका तद्विनेयः गुरुसो(सौदर्यश्रीमन्मुनिचंद्रा(चार्यवचनेन । ७ शोधयतु वृहदनुग्रहबुद्धिं मयि संविध्या(धा)य विज्ञजनः । तत्र च मिथ्यादुःकृतमस्तु कृतमसंगतं यदिह ॥८॥ श्रीउत्तराध्य त्ति )पुस्तिकं लिखितं । छ। परिपूर्णमिति ॥ छ ।। शुभं भवतु ॥ छ ॥ कल्याणं(ण)मस्तु ।। ॥छ। श्री॥॥ ॥ श्री॥छ। This is followed by the following lines written in a different hand :१ विनयाध्ययनं पत्र ९ । १९ मृगापुत्रं ॥ पत्र १५० २ परीषहाध्ययन (,) २० महानि(प)थं (,) १५३ ३ चतुरिंगिया ४४ २१ समुद्रपा. (,) १५५ ४ असंखयं २२ रहनामि (,) १६० ५ अकाममरणं २३ केशिगोतम (,) १७० ६ क्षुल्लकनिग्रं( थं (,) २४ प्रवचनमाता (,) १७२ ७ उरभी(श्री)याध्य (,) २५ विजयघोषं (,) १७४ ८कपिलीयं. (,) ७३ २६ सामाचारी (,) १७७ ९ नमिराजप्रत्येक ,,) २७ षु(षोल(लोकीयाध्य (,) १७९ १० गौतमचरित्रं (,) ९३ २८ मोक्षमार्ग ( क) ११ बहुश्रुतं(?) (,) ९७ २९ सम्यक्त्वप० १२ हरिकेसियं पत्र १०३ ३० तपोमार्ग। (क) १९२ १३ चित्रसंभूति ३१ चरणविधि (,) १९६ १४ इणु(षु)कार पत्र १२० ३२ अप्रमाद (,) २०२ १५ सि( ? )अध्ययनं (,) १२२ ३३ कर्मप्रकृति (,) २०३ १६ ब्रह्मचर्य पत्र १२४ ३४ लेशा(श्या) (,) २०५ १७ पापश्रमणं । (,) १२६ । ३५ अनगारगुणं (,) २०७ १८ संयतराज। (,) १४६ । ३६ जीवाजीवं . (,) २१४ Reference.-- For description of an additional Ms. having both the text and Sukhabodha see B. B. R. A.S. vols. III-IV, पत्र Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 660. 1. 4 Malasutras 31 p. 383. Here it is said that the author “may be Nemi. candra". Moreover, there is a query as under: "Is it an Avacũri extracted from śānti Sūri's Śisyahitā ? " For description of a Ms. having the text and laghuvștti by Nemicandra Sūri, see Keith's Catalogue No. 7488. For description of a palm-leaf Ms. at Cambay, which contains the text and Subodha (this commentary ) see Peterson, Reports III, p. 71 On pp. 71-72 extracts are given. For an additional Ms. having the text and laghuvștti corrected by Tejoräja in Samvat isso see Limbdi Catalogue No. 288. N. B.-- For other details see No. 653 ( p. ). उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra सुखबोधासहित with Sukhabodhā 690. No. 660 1899-1915. Size.— 92 in. by 44 in. Extent. - 345 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.--- Country paper rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, clear and good hand-writing: borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; a part of the first fol. torn ; several foll. more or less worm-eaten; condition unsatisfactory; this Ms. contains the text and the commentary, both complete, Age. - Fairly old. Begins.-- ( text ) fol. 1b FFTTT Racquete etc. as in No. 644. „ - ( com. ) fol. 1b starta TA: 11 Other feata etc. as in No. 653. Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [661. Ends. ( text ) fol. 345a ga 9734 etc., up to an as in No. 644. This is followed by ॥२६५॥ The माहात्म्य pointed out in verses by the niryuktikära is also given here. ,, -- (com. ) fol. : 458 IT AT etc., up to vite as in No. 659. The number of the last verse is mentiond as 12. Then we find the following lines :-- _अनुष्टुभ्यां(भां) सहस्राणि गणित(प्र)क्रियाभवन(त्) द्वादश ग्रंथमानं तु । वृत्तेरस्या विनिश्चितं ॥१३॥ grasf3FITTEJTAąnal : ) FATA:(A) 1 sfî i etc. Eura - *HT: .....' APOTAN : FETTETÀ: F..... faceret grafi fr 11 R gfa : 11 N. B.- For other details see No. 659. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra सुखबोधासहित with Sukhabodhā 635. No. 661 1892-95. Size.— 101 in. by 43 in. Extent.- 360-2+1 = 359 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Jaina Devanāgari characters with EAS; small, clear and very fair handwriting ; borders ruled in two to three lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; numbers for foll. entered only once ; fol. 58 repeated ; foll. r* and 3600 blank; foll. iro and III numbered as 1010 and 1011; foll. 136 to 359 also numbered as 1, 2 etc. in the same (right-hand) margin ; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 360b, edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; several foll. more or less worm-eaten; some even very badly : condition very fair ; this Ms. contains the text and the commentary as well ; both almost complete ; for, only foll. 49 and 241 missing ; extent 14427 ślokas. Age.-- Samvat 1479. 1-2 These letters are illegible owing to their being blurred ont Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ *661.] 1.4 Malasntras Begins.- ( text ) fol. Ib संजोगा विप्पमुक्कस्स etc. as in No. 644. ,, - (com. ) fol. 1 ॥ए 0॥उ (3) नमो वीतरागाय नमः॥ प्रणम्य विघ्नसंघात etc., as in No. 653. Ends.- (text) fol. 359" इति पाउकरे up to संवुडे as in No. 644. , - ( com.) fol. 359 योग उपधानादि etc., practically up to यदिह ॥ Cll as in No. 653. This is followed by the lines as under :-- सं(स)माप्ता ॥ संवत् १४७९ वर्षे ज्येष्ठ शुदि षष्ठयां रवौ श्रीश्री उपकेश'गच्छे श्रीसिद्धाचार्यसंताने कः पूज्यो विबुधो बुधैः किमपरं धे(ध्ये यं सभां(भा)संमतं कः सर्वत्र गति[र्यजने वद परं कस्माच्च तत्त्वं भुवि? कस्मिन् शासति जायते गतभया पृथ्वी प्रकामोन्वता विश्वं कस्तिमिरैः करोति रहितं श्रीभूपतेः केन वा? ॥१॥ एतेषां किल शब्दानामाद्यताक्षरलोपनात् संजायते ऽभिधा यस्य सा(सोऽयं मूरिः श्रिये( 5 )स्तु वः ॥ २ ॥ प्रकाश(प्र)भावं प्रचंडप्रतापं _प्रशस्तं प्रणौमि प्रभातप्रवेशे प्रभु तं प्रकृष्टं प्रसिद्ध प्रधान प्ररूढग्रहपुण्यप्ररोह प्रसूरिं ॥ ३॥ एवंविधगुणोपेतभट्टारकश्रीश्रीदेवगुप्तसूरीणामादेशेन शिष्याणुरू(?)पाध्यायश्रीविनयप्रभेण आत्मपठनार्थ श्रीनेमिचंद्रसूरिविरचिता श्रीउत्तराध्ययन लघुवृत्ति(नि)निजसंच(?)पुस्तके निजगुर्वाज्ञया लिपापिता लेषकेन लिखिता श्रीउत्तराध्ययनवृत्ति(:) संपूर्णा ॥ ग्रंथान १४२२७ etc. Reference. This Ms. appears to be the same as numbered 135 of 1892-95 and referred to by Charpentier in his introduction (p. 64 ) to Uttarādhyayanasūtra ; for, in the Government Collections there is no Ms. numbered as 135 of coll. 1892-95 containing Sukhabodha. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 653. 5 J. L.P.] Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 662 सुखबोधा (3FITETTAPET) No. 662 Sukhabodhā ( Uttarādhyayanasūtravrtti ) 1881-82. Size.— 26 in. by ng in. Extent.- 345 - 1 = 344 leaves ; 3 to 5 lines to a leaf ; 115 to 120 letters to a line. Description.-- Palm-leaf durable and brownish ; Jaina Devanāgarí characters with EasTS; sufficiently big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written into three separate columns; but, really it is not so ; for, the lines of the first column are continued to the rest; borders of each of the columns mostly ruled in two lines in black ink ; leaves numbered in both the margins : in the right-hand one as %, etc., and in the left-hand one mostly in letter-numerals e. g. the ist as *}, the 2nd as , the 3rd as , the 4th as of etc., leaves 128 and 129 bracketted ; this Ms. contains gares of the text; complete ; condition good; well-preserved in a cardboard box lined with oil cloth ; leaves placed between two wooden boards ; leaves 218, 269 and 345 have artistic designs; leaves 19 and 3456 blank. Age.- Samvat 1164 i. e. to say 35 years after its composition. Author.- Devendra Gani. Subject.- Uttaradhyayanasūtra explained in Sanskrit. Begins.- leaf 1 Q FA: TTTATI Ture latina etc., as in No. 653. Ends.- leaf 34 TTTT gevratie etc., up to farfarsani as in No. 653 This is followed by the lines as under : Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 663.] I. 4 Malasūtras संवत् १९६४ मार्गशुदि १० बुधदिने अश्विनीनक्षत्रे परिघयोगे 'आमलेश्वर' ग्रामावस्थितेन पंडित माधवेन उत्तराध्ययनवृत्ति पुस्तकं लिखितमिति ॥ छ ॥ छ । मंगलं महाश्री ॥ छ ॥ Reference. अक्षरमात्रपदस्वरहीनं व्यंजन संधिविवर्जितरेकं । साधुभि... म क्षमितव्यं को (S)त्र न मुह्यति शास्त्रसमुद्रे ॥ ? Amongst the 6 Mss. written on palm-leaf and 23 on paper regarding Uttaradhyayanasutra and its commentaries seen by Charpentier, he looks upon this as the best. See his introduction (p. 62) to Uttaradhyayanasutra. See also Z. D. M. G. vol. LXVII, p. 665ft., where it has been described by him. A facsimile is also given there. According to Jacobi, the date given at the end here corresponds to Wednesday, November 27, 1107 A. D. N. B. For other details see Nos. 644 and 653. geatan No. 663 35 Sukhabodhā 5. 1880-81. Size. 323 in. by 24 in. Extent. 393 + 1 + 1-2 = 393 leaves; 3 to 6 lines to a leaf; 125 to 130 letters to a line. Description. Palm leaf durable and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with as; big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written into three separate columns; but, really it is not so, since the lines of the first column extend to the remaining ones; borders of each of the columns mostly ruled in three lines in black ink; leaf ra blank; an extra I Letters are gone. They ought to be Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 Jarna Literature and Philosophy [663. leaf at the end practically blank; leaves numbered in both the margins ; in the right-hand one as १, २, ३ etc., and in the left-hand one as श्री श्री श्री) ,8 , ut, etc.; condition good; well-preserved in a card-board box lined with oil cloth ; leaves placed between two wooden boards ; leaf 109 repeated; leaves I97, 198 and 199 numbered together, that is to say leat 197 also numbered as 198 and 199 ; this Ms. contains gates of the text ; it is lacking in prasasti ; otherwise complete"; bought in Samvat 1401 and presented to a Jaina saint Jinalabdhi by name; extent 1 2000 ślokas, Age.- Samvat I342. Begins.- fol. : ६ ॥नमः सर्वज्ञाय । प्रणम्य विघ्नसंघात etc. , as in No. 653... Ends.- fol. 393 जो(यो )ग उपधानादि etc., up to सुखबोधायां पत्रिंशद ध्ययनं समाप्तं and then from अनुष्टुभां सहस्राणि up to विनिश्चितं ॥ as in No. 653. This is followed by the lines as under : ग्रंथान १२०००॥ छ । सदनति........... उत्तराध्ययनटीकायां सुखबोधायां etc. up to विनिश्चितं as above repeated followed by ग्रंथायं १२००० छ संवत् १३४२ का वर्षे वैशाषवदि ७ मै(?) दिने उत्तराध्ययनपुस्त ............. लिखितं । .........'छ Then we have on an additional leaf the following lines which are on the whole written in a different hand : संवत् १४०१ वर्षे माघमासे शुक्लत्रयोदशीदिने सा० धींधासतसा०मोहणसुश्रावकेण स्वमातुर्धाधलदविसुश्राविकापुण्यार्थ श्रीउत्तराध्ययनसूत्रवृत्तिपुस्तकं मूल्येन गृहीत्वा श्री खरतरगच्छे श्रीजिनपद्मसूरिपट्टालंकारश्रीजिनलब्धिमूरिसुगुरुभ्यः प्रादायि । प्रतिदिनं च वाच्यमानं मुनिभिश्चिरं नंदतात् ॥ गोत्रा(?) 'कांकरिका भिधे भुवि बभूवोदाभिधानः शु(सु)धीः श्राद्धं(द्धः) शुद्धनयस्तदीयतनयो धंधाभिधः श्रीलयः 1-2 Charpentier says the same thing in his introduction (p.63) to Uttaradhyayanasūtra. 3-5 Letters are gone. Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 664.] ___1.4 Malasatras कांता धांधलदेविका(s)स्य तनुजारतत्का जयंति त्रयः पुण्यामोहणकृष्णकांक्षण इति ख्याताः सुता मुक्तिका ॥१॥ मोहणेन निजमातृसुपुण्यश्रीनिमित्तमिदमुत्तमपुस्तं श्र(?शु)च्युत्तराध्ययनसूत्रसुवृत्योः संप्रगृह्य घनमूल्यधणेन ॥ श्रीजिनलब्धियतीश्वरगुरवे प्रादायि वाचना( नां ) विधाय । यावज्जिनमतमेतन्नदत मुनिवाच्यमानमिह ॥३ युग्मं ॥छ॥ N. B.- For other details see No. 662. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādbyayanasūtra अवचूरिसहित with avacūri 633. No. 664 1892-95. Size.— 104 in. by 41 in. Extent.- (text) 50 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. , -(com.), , ; 34' , , , ,; 14 " , "" Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Jaina Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs%3 this is a पश्चपाटी Ms., the text written in a bigger hand as compared with that of avacūri ; small, legible and good hand-writing; ink faded at times : the central portion as well the margins decorated with nice small pictures ; borders ruled ; numbers for foll. entered only once, and that too, in the right-hand margin ; edges of the foll. slightly worn out ; this Ms. contains both the text and the commentary ; fol. rb decorated with mangalas like svastika, nandyāvarta, etc., condition very fair ; com plete. Age.- Samvat I485. Author of the avacūri.- Not mentioned. Subject. — The text along with a small commentary in Sanskrit. Begins.- ( text ) fol. I अहं ॥ संजोगा विप्पमुक्कस्स etc. 1-2 These numbers refer to a column. Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 38 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [664. Begins.- ( com. ) fol. 1 अहे नमः। संयोगान्मात्रादि कषायादि बाह्याभ्यंतरभेदात् विविधिः(? धैः ) प्रकारैः ज्ञानभावनादिभिः अनगारस्येति विशेषणं etc. Ends.- (text ) fol. 50° इइ पाउकरे etc., up to बेमि as in No 644. This is followed by ॥६७॥ जीवाजीवविभत्ती अज्झयणं संमत्तं । छ ॥ नियुक्तिकार एतन्माहात्म्यमाह । जे किर etc., up to पुन्वरिसी एव भासंति ( ४ ) ॥ as in No. 675. Then we have: -- सं० १४८५ वर्ष आसा लिखितं ,, - ( com.) fol. 50° इइ० इत्येतान्... प्रादुःकृत्य कांश्चिदर्थत etc. This portion is not sufficiently legible. Reference. For a Ms. having this text and notes see the “ Cata logue of newly discovered, rare and old Mss. in the Lahore Division", Lahore, I881. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasutra वृसिसहित with vrtti 1187. No. 665 1886-92. Size.— 101 in. by 43 in. Extent.- 284 folios ; I3 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, clear and good hand-writing%3B borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; yellow pigment used; numbers for foll. entered only once; fol. IN blank except that the title of this work is written on it; this Ms. contains the text and the commentary as well, both complete; condition excellent; extent 8260 ślokas; the com mentary composed in Samvat 1525. Age.- Not later than Samvat 1710. Author of the commentary.-Kirtivallabha Gani, pupil of Jaya keśarin Suri. Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 665.] I.4 Malasatras 39 Subject.- The text along with a commentary in Sanskrit. Begins.- (text ) fol. I' नमः श्रीसर्वज्ञाय नमः ॥ संजोगा विप्पमुक्कस्स etc. ,, -(com. ) fol. I' अहं भिक्षोविनयं प्रादुःकरिष्यामि प्रकटीकरिष्यामि आनुपूर्व्या क्रमेण मे मम etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 284" इति पाउकरे etc., up to बेमि as in No 646. ,, - ( com ) ,, ,, समंतान इष्टान् भवसिद्धिकसमतान् ॥ २७२ इति :) समाप्तौ ब्रवीमि सुधर्मस्वामी जंबूस्वामिनं प्रति आह ॥ इति उ पत्रिंशाध्ययनं जीवाजीवविभक्त्याख्यं ॥ ३६ इति श्रीउत्तराध्ययन वृत्तिः संपूर्णा ॥ आसीद श्रीवीरपट्टे प्रवरगणधर( ; ) श्रीसुधर्माभिधान स्तत्पट्टे स्वामिजंबूप्रभवमुखमहामरिराजो बभूवुः । सर्वेषा....स्फुटपटुपदवीभारधर्ती महेंद्रः सूरींद्राणामशेषक्षितितलावदितो मेरुतुंगो मुनींद्रः ॥ १ तत्पडांबुजराजहंससद्र( दृ शो विद्यावतामीश्वरः श्रीमत्श्रीजयकीर्तिमरिप्रभुगुरुस्तत्पदृचूडामणिः । सूरिश्रीजयकेसरिप्रभु (सु)गुरुस्तत्पट्टयने( ? )श्वरः सिद्धांतानुगसागरो विजयते सूरीश्वरः सांप्रतं ॥२ तच्छिष्यो ननु कीर्तिवल्लभगणिर्मुग्धाग्रमी(? णी )ोहतो पृष्टव्याकरणोक्तिवृत्तिमलिख्य( ख )न्मुग्धप्रबोधप्रदां पूर्धनिर्मितदीपिकादिकमहाग्रंथानुसारात्स्वक प्रज्ञावेदनतश्च सौवसुगुरुप्रौढप्रसक्तेः पुनः ॥३ संवत् पंचदशे द्विपंच(१५२५)गणित(ते) वर्षे च हर्षप्रदे सुश्री अह्मदवाद नाम्नि नगरे दीपोत्सवे निर्मिता यावठीजिनशासनं विजयते सर्वोत्सवैः सर्वत स्तावन्नदतु वृत्तिका कविजनैर्वावच्यमाना सना ॥४ कार्योसक्यतया मया पुनरियं संशोधिता नास्ति भो विद्वद्भिस्तु परोपकारनिरतैः शोध्या विस(शुद्धात्मभिः । बुद्धस्तुच्छतया यदव किमपि न्यूनं तथा वा(अधिक तत्सर्व क्षामितव्यमुत्तमताम( तमै )र्बद्ध विरुद्धं च यत् ॥५॥ Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [665. अष्टौ सहस्रा द्विशती च षष्टिः श्लोकास्ततश्वोपरि पंच वर्णाः। प्रत्येकवर्ण परिमाणमेतद् ग्रंथस्य विज्ञेयममेयशोभैः ॥६॥ ग्रंथानं ८२६० ॥ इति श्रीउत्तराध्ययनवृत्तिः संपूर्णा etc. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasutra अक्षरार्थसहित with akşarārtha No. 666 1171. 1884-1887 Size.- 101 in. by 41 in. Extent.- ( text) 111 folios ; 12 to 19 lines to a page; 70 letters to a line. „ - (com.) 111 folios ; 21' lines to a page ; 192 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagari ch aracters with EATETIS ; this is a paret Ms.; the text written in the centre in a sufficiently big hand-writing ; legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines and edges in one, 'in black ink ; red chalk used; white pigment, too; unnumbered sides have in red colour a disc in the centre only; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; this Ms. contains the text and its commentary as well; fol. ra blank; numbers for foll. entered only once in the right-hand margin; corners of some of the last foll. slightly worn out; edges of the fol. IIIth partly gone ; condition on the whole very good ; complete. Age. - Samvat 1701. Author of the aksarārtha.- Not mentioned. Subject. - The text along with a small commentary in Sanskrit containing narratives. 1-2 These numbers refer to a column. Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 666.] I. 4. Malasatras Begins.- ( text ) fol. I" ए संजोगा विप्पमुक्कस्स etc. ,, - (com. ) fol. I ॐ नमो वीतरागाय ॥ अर्हत्सिद्धाचार्योपाध्यायमुनीन् प्रणम्य विवृणोमि स्मृत्यर्थमुत्तराध्ययनानां गाथाक्षरार्थ( 2 ) कथं ॥१॥ संजो संयोगान्मात्रादि बाह्याभ्यंतरभेदात् विविधैः प्रकारानभावनादिभिः । अविद्यमानं द्रव्यभावभेदभिन्नमऽगारमस्येत्यऽनगारस्तस्य । etc. कूलवालकश्रमणवत् दृष्टांतो । यथा ॥ एकस्याचार्यस्य दुर्विनीतः शिष्य: etc. Ends.-( text ) fol. III इअ पाउकरे etc., up to बेमि as in No. 644. This is followed by the lines as under : जीवाजीवविभत्तिनाम अज्झयणं ३६ उत्तरज्झयणसयक्खंधो सम्मत्तो नियुक्तिकारमाहात्म्य जे किर etc., up to पुत्वरिसी एव भासंति ॥ ७१ ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥३६ ॥ इति श्रीउत्तराध्यया(यना)नि लिखापितानि 'डीसावाल ज्ञातीयसंगोइंदभार्यासुतस जोगाकेन भार्याभ्रातृभोगादिकुटुंबयुगेन पंडितप्रकांडपं० मेरुराजगाणिशिष्यविबुधमंडलीस्पृहणीयशीलपं०. ज्ञानशीलगणिवाचनार्थ संवत् १५२७ वर्षे ॥ ॥छ ॥ etc. संवत् १७०१० (?) वर्षे श्री कृष्णगढ'नगरे प्रतिलाभिता प्रतिरियं भ श्रीविजयदेवमूरिशिष्यपं०कपूरविजयगणीनां ॥ मुं० श्रीरायचंदकेन श्रीरूपसिंघजीराज्ये - ( com. ) fol. III गुरुप्रसादाद् गुरुचित्तप्रसन्नतारूपाद्धयेताः । अधीयेत पठेन्न तु प्रमादं कुर्यादिति भावः ॥ गुरुप्रसादादिति अध्ययनार्थिनाऽवश्यं गुरवस्तोष्यास्तदधीनत्वात्तस्येति ॥ ३ । ४ । ५ । शिवमस्तु नः ॥ छ । followed by the following lines in a very big hand:_लिपीतं पं०श्रीपं जयविजयगणिदि(दी)पविजे(ज)यगणीनि(नी) आ परत छ 'देवसु(सारं गच्छे. 6 J. L. P.] Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42 उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र अक्षरार्थलवलेशसहित Jaina Literature and Philosophy " [667. Uttaradhyayanasūtra with akṣararthalavaleśa No. 667 Size.- 1o‡ in. by 4g in. Extent. - 143 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.— Country paper thin, rough and white ; Jaina Deva nāgari characters; small, legible and very fair hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered only once ; fol. ra blank ; a bit of paper pasted to fol. 4; condition very good; this Ms. contains the text as well as its explanation in Sanskrit which is further elucidated in Gujarati; complete; extent 6598 ślokas. Age. — Samvat 1592. Author of the aksarāthalavales' a. - Not mentioned. Begins.— (text) fol. 1 ॐ नमः श्रीवर्द्धमानाय स्वाहा ॥ संजोगा विष्पमुक्कस्स etc. Subject. The text along with a commentary in Sanskrit and its explanation in Gujarāti. 22 261. 1883-84. (com) fol. rb अर्थः । भिक्षोर्विनयं प्रादुः करिष्यामि । आनुपूर्या मे मम कथयत । शृणुत । आनुपूर्वी अनुक्रमदं कहितां सांभाल etc. Ends. — ( text ) fol. 1435 इय ( पाउ ) करे बुद्धे etc., up to बेमि as in No. 666. This is followed by ॥ ८२ ॥ 31 ( com. ) fol. 143° इति एतान् षटूत्रिंशत् उत्तराध्येन येन उत्तराध्ययनानि प्रादुकृत्य कांश्चित् अर्थतः । सूत्रतः प्रकाश्य बुद्धकेवली ज्ञातयो ज्ञातपुत्रः श्रीवर्द्धमानस्वामी परिनिर्वृत (:) निर्वाणं प्राप्तः । किंविशिष्टान् उत्तराध्यायान् भवसिद्धिका भव्यजीवास्तेषां संमतान् इष्टान् ॥ ८२ इति षड् ( टू ) त्रिंशन (तू) श्रीउत्तराध्ययनाक्षरार्थलवलेश (:) समाप्तः॥ संवत् १५९२वर्षे आसौजमासे शुक्लपक्षे द्वादश्यां तिथौ शुक्रवासरे । श्री ' चैत्र' गच्छे गच्छनायक भी हर्षराजसूरीस्व ( श्व) राणां । तत्श (च्छिष्यश ( शिष्यान्श ( शि ) ष्य Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 668.] I. 4 Malasatras 43 मुनिमुनिरत्नेन लिलिलिषितं ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ राणाश्रीविक्रमादित्यराज्ये 'कठाडग्राममध्ये लिषिता etc. कला यस्यैकैव त्रिभुवनगुरोमडनमभूत् सुधा सर्वे यस्य त्रिदशवरवृन्दान्यतिथयः । कृतो(s)सौ येनेदुः सकलजनवस्त्रांचलदशा [सो यं] प्रतिग्राही कालः सकलनहि किं किं न कुरुते ॥१ ग्रंथानं ६५९८ उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र अक्षरार्थलवलेशसहित Uttarādhyayanasūtra with akşarārthalavalesa No. 668 1320. 1891-95. Size.-- 104 in. by 4} in. Extent.— 138 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and greyish ; Jaina Devanāgarī characters with occasional PAES; small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; the space between these pairs coloured red ; foll. num. bered in the right-hand margin only; small discs in red colour to be found in the centre and the margins as well, both in the case of the numbered and unnumbered sides; this Ms. contains the text as well as the commentary ; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to foll. ja and 138b; each of them decorated with designs in red colour ; this Ms. seems to be exposed to rain ; perhaps that is why a few foll. in the beginning are not quite legible; red chalk and yellow pigment used; some of the foll. somewhat torn ; strips of paper pasted to fol. 138b; condition very fair ; both the text and the commentaries complete except that the Gujarati commentary does not seem to go up to the end. Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [668. 1668. Age.- Samvat 1621. Author of the aksararthalavalesa.- Not mentioned. Subject.— A Jaina agama with its explanation in Sanskrit and Gujarāti as well. Begins.- ( text ) fol. & नमः सर्वज्ञाय ॥ संजोगा विप्पमुक्कस्स etc. , -- ( com. ) fol. I' भिक्षोः विनयं प्रादुःकरिष्यामि । आनुपूर्व्या मे मम कथयतः शृणुत। ,, -- (Guj. com.) fol. I भिक्षु महात्म्यनई विनयमार्ग प्रकट करिसु आनु पूर्त्या अनुक्रमिई मुजनइ कहतां etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 137° इति पाउकरे etc., up to बेमि ॥ as in No. 646. " -- (com.) ,, ,, इति एतान् षट्त्रिंशतं उत्तराध्यायान् etc. संमतान् इष्टान् । २७० । इति जीवाजीवविभाक्तिनामा पत्रिंशत् उत्तराध्ययनाक्षरार्थलवलेशः। जे किर भवसिद्धिया etc., up to गुरुप्पसाया अहिजिजा । २ । Then we have as under : संवत् १६२१ वर्षे वैशाषशुदि १५ रवी श्री अंचलं गच्छे श्रीश्रीमेरुतुंगमूरिशा( ? )त्येय( ? )शिष्यउपाध्यायश्री३धर्मानंदनतत्स(च्छि)ष्यपं० श्रीधर्मावर्धनगाणितत्स( च्छि व्यपं श्रीविनयशीलगणितत्स( च्छि )ष्यि( ष्य )पं श्रीविद्याशीलगणिश( शि )ष्यमुनिविवेकमेरुश(शि )व्यसहिजा स्वयमेव वाच्यमानार्थ लिषापितं । यादृशं etc. , - ( Guj. com. ) fol. 84 केशकुमार गौतम प्रतिइ बोलिउं पाश केहा कह्या etc. Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 669.1 1. 4 Malasätras 45 उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra अक्षरार्थलवलेशसहित with aksarārthalavalesa 847. No. 669 1895-1902. Size.- Ingin. by 4 in. Extent.— 132 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 54 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jaina Deva nāgari characters with HATTIS; small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only ; unnumbered sides have a small disc in red colour, in the centre only; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; fol. 1a blank; each of the foll. rb and 22 has an illustration of a Jina in various colours ; edges of of the first two foll. slightly damaged ; several foll. more or less worm-eaten; some very badly; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 1325; condition on the whole fair ; both the text and the commentaries complete. Age.- Pretty old. Author of the akşarārthalavaleśa.— Not mentioned. Subject.-- The text in Präkrit together with its elucidation in Sanskrit and Gujarāti as well. Begins.- ( text ) fol. 1b FA: HTTT 11 FTTT lagaF etc., as in No. 644. „ - ( com. ) fol. 1b PaT: lãad urg: Gurih etc. „ – (Guj. com. ) fol. 15 pares her arag etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 1325 grat qr3* etc. , up to at as in No. 668. ,, -- (com.), „ gra gara gerasta up to para ser !! etc., practically as in No. 667 followed by the lines as under: Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 "" Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1669. इति षट्त्रिंशतउत्तराध्ययनाक्षरार्थलवलेशः ॥ छ ॥ जे किर भवसिद्धि (द्धी) या etc., गुरुप्पसाया अहिज्जिज्जा ॥ २ ॥ as in No. 668, Then we have : इति शुभं भवतु लेषकवाचकश्च । कल्याणमस्तु श्रीश्रमणसंघाय भद्रं ॥ ॥ Then some letters are not legible owing to the paper being pasted over them. देवगणित ( letters scratched ) ष्यपं वाचक (?)मंदिर मुनि लेषयिता ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ -- ( Guj. com.) fol. chapter. उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र वृत्तिसहित No. 670 1134 सविहुं कर्म तणुं प्रदेशाग्र प ( पु )गुल परमाणु etc. This is just about the end of the 33rd Uttaradhyayanasūtra with vṛtti 1097. 1887-91. Size. 10 in. by 42 in. Extent. 346 1 + 1 - 14 = 332 folios; 17 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description. Country paper tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; ; the 1st fol. lacking; foll. 2 to 20 more modern than the rest; fol. 297 repeated; red chalk and yellow pigment used; numbers for only foll. I to 20 entered twice as usual; these foll. are followed by older foll. 'starting with the 15th number; so that foll. I to 14 missing; condition very good; the text and the commentary almost complete; the latter composed in Samvat 1689; extent of the text 2000 ślokas, that of the vṛtti 14255 and that of both 16255. Age. Not modern. Author of the commentary. Upadhyaya Bhavavijaya Gaņi, pupil of Mahopadhyaya Munivimala Gani of the Tapa gaccha. Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 670.] 1.4 Malasutras Subject.- The text in Prākrit together with its elucidation in Sanskrit. Begins.--- (text) fol. 23 आणाणी(नि)दे( )सयरे गुरूणमुववायकारए इंगिआगारसंपन्ने से विणीए त्ति वुच्चइ' ,, -- (com.) fol. 2* सकाशात् शृणुत श्रवणं प्रति सावधाना भवंतु अनेन वाक्येन धर्ममभिधातुकामेन धीधनेन पूर्व श्रोताऽभिमुखः कर्तव्य इति सूचित etc. --- (com.) fol. 154° श्रीविमलहर्षगणिमहोपाध्यायश्रीमुनिविमल[हर्ष] गणिशिष्योपाध्यायश्रीभावविजयगणि etc. ,, -- ( text ) fol. 345 इइ पाउकरे बुद्धे etc., up to बेमि as in ___No. 644. ,, -( com.) fol. 345 उत्तराः प्रधाना अध्याया अध्ययनानि उत्तराध्याया स्तान भवसिद्धिकानां भव्यानां संमतानभिप्रेतान् इतिः परिसमाप्तौ ब्रवीमीति प्राग्वदिति सूत्रार्थः ॥२६६॥ इति श्री तपा 'गच्छीयमहोपाध्यायश्रीविमलहर्षगणिमहोपाध्यायश्रीमुनिविमलगणिशिष्याश्रवो( ? )पाध्यायश्रीभावविजयगणिसमार्थतायां श्रीउत्तराध्ययनसूत्रवृत्तौ षट्त्रिंशमध्ययनं संपूर्णम् ॥ ३६ ॥ धर्मकल्पद्रुमस्कंधस्यास्य श्रतस्कंधस्य नियुक्तिकारो()प्येवं माहात्म्यमाह जे किर भवसिद्धीआ etc. इति संपूर्णा श्रीउत्तराध्ययनसूत्रवृत्तिः ॥ छ । अहे ॥ अनंतकल्याणनिकेतनं तं नमामि शंखेश्वरपार्श्वनाथं । यस्य प्रभावाहरसिद्धिसौध मध्यास्त निर्विघ्नमसौ प्रयत्नः॥१॥ श्रिया जयति द्युतमैंदवीं द्राग् मुदा()ोभिवंदे श्रुतदेवतां तां। प्रसादमासाद्य यदयिमेषा त्तिर्मया मंदधिया(s)पितेने ॥२॥ सत्कीर्तिलक्ष्मीपरिवर्द्धमानं श्रीवर्द्धमानं जिनराजमीडे। I This is the second verse. Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [670. पुनाति लोकं सुरसार्थशाली यदागमो 'गांग' इव प्रवाहः ॥३॥ ताछ(च्छि)ष्यमुख्यः सकलर्द्धिपात्रं श्रीगौतमो मे शिवतातिरस्तु । गणी सुधर्मा च सतां सुधर्मा वहो(s)स्तु वीरप्रभुदत्तपट्टः॥४॥ 'जंबूद्वीपे 'सुरगिरि'रिव 'चंद्र'कुलं विभाति तद्वंशे। 'मेरौं' 'नंदनवनमिव तस्मिन्नंदति 'तपा'गच्छः॥ ५॥ सत्र मनोरमसुमनोराजिविराजी रराज मुनिराजः ॥ श्रीआणदविमलगुरुरमरतरुनंदन' इवोः ॥६॥ शुद्धां क्रियां दधौ यः सुधाव्रतव्रततिमिव मरुवृक्षः। कल्पतरोः सौरभामिव यस्य यशो व्यानशे विश्वं ॥७॥ तत्पदृगगनदिनमणिरजानष्ट जनेष्टदानदेवमाणः । श्रीविजयदानमनिमणिरनणुगुणाधरितरजानमाणः ॥८॥ श्रीमान् जगद्गुरुरिति प्रथितस्तदीय. पट्टे स हीरविजयाह्वयमूरिरासीत् । योऽष्टग(टा)पि सिद्धिललनाः सममालिलिंग तस्य(? स्प) येव दिगिभांश्च यदीयकीर्तिः॥९।। श्रमिान(s)कब्बरनृपांबुधरो(S)धिगम्य श्रीसूरिनिर्जरपतेरिह यस्य वाचं । जंतुव्रजानभयदानजलैरनल्प रप्रीणयत् पटहवादनगार्ज पूर्व ॥१०॥ तत्पदृसूषणमणिर्गणिलक्ष्मिकांतः मारिर्बभौ विजयसेन इति प्रतीतः योऽकब्बराधिपसभेछिजपैर्यदीय गोभिर्जितैर्गुरुरपि युतिमानमानि ॥११॥ विजयतिलक सूरिः पट्टं तदीयमदींदिपन् दिनकर इव व्योमस्तोमहरंस्तमसा क्षणात । प्रसृमरमहाः पद्मोल्लासावहो जडतापहो विदालतमहादोष कप्तोदयः सुदिनश्रियां ॥१२॥ धिषणाधिषणादेश्याप्रेक्षा गिरः श्रवसो(6) सुधा अधरितधरं धैर्य यस्य क्षमा(अनुकृतक्षमा ।। Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 670.] 1, 4 Malasatras जगति महिमा हेमक्षोणीधरवयसो यशः शशिजयकरं नाभूत्कस्याद्भ(द्भुताय मुनिप्रभोः॥१३॥..... तीये पट्टे सद्गुणगणमणिश्रोणिनिधयः क्षमापीयूषांभोधी निधय उचिताचारविधयः। स्वभक्तेच्छापूर्तित्रिदशतरवो बुद्धिगुरवो जयंति श्रीमंतो विजयिविजयाणंदगुरवः ॥ १४॥ तेषां 'तपा'गणपयोनिधिशीतभासां विश्वत्रयीजनमनोरमकीर्तिमासा वाग्वैभवाधरितसाधुसुधासवानां राज्ये चिरं विजयिनि व्रतिवासवानां ॥१५॥ इतव। शिष्याः श्रीविजयादिदानसुगुरोः सिद्धांतबारानिधेः श्रीकांताः परतीर्थिकव्रजरजापुंजेकपाथोधराः। पूर्व श्रीविमलादिहर्षगुरवः श्रीवाचका जज्ञिरे यैवैराग्यरतिं वितीर्य विरतिं चक्रे ममोपक्रिया ॥१६॥ विनेयास्तेषां च प्रमृमरयशःपूरितादशः श्रुतं दत्त्वा मादृग्जडजनमहानुग्रहकृतः। महोपाध्यायश्रीमुनिविमलपादाः समभवन भवोदन्वन्मज्जज्जननिवहबोहित्थसदृशः ॥ १७॥ वैरंगिकाणामुपकारकाणां वचास्वनां कीर्तिमतां कवीनां। अध्यापकानां साधयां च मध्ये दधुः सदा ये प्रथमत्वमेव ॥१८॥ तेषां शिष्याणुरिमां भावविजयवाचको()लिखद वृत्ति स्वपरावबोधविधये स्वल्पधियामपि सुखावगमां ॥१९॥ निधिवसुरसवसुधा १६८९ मितेत वर्षे श्री रोहिणी'महापुर्या। सोऽस्याः प्रथमादर्श स्वयमेव प्रापयसिद्धिं ॥२०॥ गुणगणसुरतरुसुरगिरिकल्पैस्तस्याग्रजैः सतीयश्च । श्रीविजयहर्षकृतिविदधे साहाय्यमिह सम्यक् ॥२१॥ अनुसृत्य पूर्ववृत्ति(त्ती)लिखितायामपि यदत्र दुष्टं स्यात् । तच्छोध्यं माय कृत्वा कृपां कृतींद्रेः प्रकृतिसरलैः ॥ २२ ॥ श्रीशंखेश्वरपार्श्वप्रभुप्रभावात्प्रभूतशुभभावात् । आचंद्राके(के) नंदत वृत्तिरसौ मोदयंती ज्ञान् ॥ २३ ॥ 7 A.S. N I... Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [.670. शांतिं तुष्टिं पुष्टिं श्रेयःसंतानसाख्यकमलाश्च । व्याख्यातृश्रोतृणां वृत्तिरसौ दिशतु मंगलैकग्रहं ॥२४॥ प्रशस्तिः ॥ ससूत्रायामिह श्लोकसंख्या संख्याय निर्मिता पंचपंचाशे शते द्वे सहस्राणि च षोडश ॥२५॥ श्रीसूत्रग्रंथानं २०००॥वृत्तिग्रंथायं १४२५५॥ उभयं १६२५५ ॥ श्रीरस्तु etc. पंडिनश्रीश्रीश्रीभाक्तिचंद्रगणी तशि(च्छि )ज्यपंडितश्रीमयाचंदगणी तताश( च्छि व्यपंरंगचंदगणिलि. आत्मार्थ स्थवाचन ॥ Reference.-- Charpentier makes the following remark regarding this Ms. in his introduction to Uttarādhyayanasútra (p. 64):-- “one of the best written Mss. I ever saw.” For description of additional Mss. having both the text and this commentary see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 383 (Nos. 1414-1415). From the first four introductary verses given here we learn that this commentary is styled as vyākhyā by Bhāvavijaya, and there were several commentaries composed prior to this. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra दीपिकासहित with dipikā No. 671 ____1095. 1887-91. Size.- IoT in. by 5 in. Extent. – 389 +2+101 +I-I=492 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 44 ___letters to a line. Description.-Country paper rough, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, quite legible and very good handwriting ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink ; numbers for foll. I to 247 entered twice as usual; the rest numbered only once ; foll. 228 and 282 repeated : Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 671.] I. 4 Malasutras ST separate foliation for adhyayanas 30 to 363; fol. 38th repeated; fol. 72 missing; fol. 46th wrongly numbered as 45; red chalk used; this Ms. contains the text as well as its commentary; practically complete ; condition excellent; a portion not required blurred out with black ink ( vide fol. 584); yellow pigment used at times (see fol. 2514); foll. 368 to 389 also numbered as I, 2 etc.; foll. 11 and 389 blank. Age.- Samvat 1907. Author of the coinmentary. - Laksmivallabha Gani, pupil of Upa dhyāya Lakşmikirti Gaņi. Subject. - The text along with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.- ( text) fol. Ib __ संयो( जो )गा विप्पमुक्कस्स etc. , -(com.) fol. I श्रीगुरुभ्यो( भ्यो) नमः ॥ अर्हतो ज्ञानभाजः सुरवरमहिता सिद्धिसौधस्थसिद्धाः पंचाचारप्रवीणाः प्रगुणगणधराः पाठकाश्चागमानां लोके लोकेशवंद्याः सकलयतिवराः साधुधर्माभिलीनाः पंचाप्येते सदा(5)ताः विदधतु कुशलं विघ्ननाशं विधाय १ श्रीवीरं क्षीरसिंधूदकविमलगुणं मन्मथारिप्रघातं श्रीपार्श्व विघ्नवल्लीवनदलनविधौ विस्फुरत्कांतिधारं सानंद चंद्रभूत्यादृतवचनरसं दत्तदृक्कर्णबोधं । वंदे(5)हं भूरिभक्त्या त्रिभुवनमहितं वाङ्मनःकाययोगैः २ उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रवृत्तयः संति यद्यपि जगत्यनेकशः मुग्धहृत्सदनबोधदीपिका _दीपिकामिव तनोम्यहं पुनः३ प्राप्तचारुविभवो गिरां गिरः श्रीगुरोश्व विशदप्रभावतः वाक्ति लक्ष्म्युपपदस्तु वल्लभः सजना मयि भवंतु सादराः ४ . युग्मं etc. भीसुधर्मा( म )स्वामी जंबूस्वामिनं वक्ति etc. Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [671. Ends.-- ( text ) fol. 1000 g 175* etc., up to afh as in No. 644. , -(com.), „H aa: grpha(a) faffet gat AETTTT: Águrf भवंति यतः "श्रेयांसि बहुविघ्नानि भवंति महतामपि" इत्युक्तेः ४ ___ इति श्रीमदुत्तराध्ययनसूत्रार्थदीपिकायां उपाध्यायश्रीलक्ष्मीकीर्तिगणिशिष्यलक्ष्मीवल्लभगाणविगचितायां जीवाजीवविभक्तिनाम षदत्रिंशमध्ययनं संपूर्ण ॥ सं. १९०७ वर्षे ॥ Reference.- Charpentier says on p. 64 of his introduction to Utta rādhyayanasútra that "this is very recent Ms. dated samv. 1907 ( = 1851 A. D.), but very well written ". For a notice of the Ms. having the text and this dipikā see No. 1534 of Rajendralala Mitra's “A Catalogue of Sanskrit Mss. in the library of His Highness the Maharāja of Bikaner", Calcutta, 1880. P. E. Pavolini's Appunti di novellistica indiana (G. S. A. I. vol. XII), Firenze, may be also consulted. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रदीपिका Uttarādhyayanasūtradīpikā 89. No. 672 1872-73 Size.-- 109 in. by 3 in. Extent.- 190 folios ; 14 lines to a page : 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Devanāgari characters with ES; small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; numbers for foll. written twice, but in one and the same margin ; unnumbered sides have a disc in red colour, in the centre; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; strips of paper pasted to the corners of foll. 126 to 174 ; some of the last foll. seem to be new ; some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition good; complete ; this Ms. contains only the states of the Uttaradhyayanasůtra. Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 673.! 1.4 Malasatras Age.-- Fairly old. Author.-Not mentioned. Subject. - A commentary to Uttarādhyayanasútra, containing kathas. Begins.- fol. I अर्ह ॥ श्रीउत्तराध्ययनस्य किंचिदर्थः कथाश्च लिख्यन्ते । इह 'उत्तराध्ययनशब्दार्थः । उत्तराणि प्रधानानि पूर्व श्रीशय्यंभवं यावच्चतुर्दशपूवि(वि)कालो(ले) आचारांगादनु पठ्यमानत्वेन ततो दशकालिको पठ्यमानत्वेन श्रेष्ठानि अध्ययनानि उत्तराध्ययनानि । etc. Ends..- fol. 190" श्रुतजिनादिभिः प्रज्ञप्तान् प्ररूपितान् अनंतैग(ग )मैरर्थभेदैः पर्यवैः शब्दार्थपर्याय(यै): संयुक्तान् अध्यायान् यथायोग(गं उपधानायुचितक्रिया तदनतिक्रमेण उत्तराध्यायान् गुरूणां प्रसादा(त् ध्यायेत उत्तराध्ययनयोग्यतायां पाठदः(१) प्रमत्तः । एतदध्ययनार्थिनाऽवश्यं गुरवः प्रसाचा इत्यर्थः॥ उ ॥ इति समाप्ता श्रीउत्तराध्ययनदीपिका समाप्तमितिः etc. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रदीपिका Uttarādhyayanasūtradīpikā No. 673 634. 1892-95. Size.— 104 in. by 4} in. Extent.— 266 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs%3; big, quite legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; foll. I to 152 numbered only once; most of the rest twice as usual; fol. 104 to 114 also numbered as 1, 2 etc. ; fol. 1* blank; edges of the first and the last foll. slightly worn out; yellow pigment used ; complete; extent 8600 Slokas ; condition good. Age.- Samvat 1683. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- A commentary to Uttaradhyayanasatra. Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [673. Begins.- fol. I. ॐ अहन(अहम्) ___ श्रीउत्तराध्ययनस्य किंचिदर्थ(:) कथाश्च लिख्यते ।।) इह 'उत्तराध्य। यन' शब्दार्थः उत्तराणि प्रधानानि पूर्व श्रीशय्यंभवं यावच्चतुर्दशपूर्विकाले आचारांगादनु पठ्यमानत्वेन ततो दशकालिकोर्व पठयमानत्वेन श्रेष्ठानि अध्ययनानि उत्तराध्ययना(नि) निर्वाणकाले etc. Ends.- fol. 266 यथायोगं योग उपधानाधुचितक्रिया तदनतिक्रमेण उत्तराध्ययान् गुरूणां प्रसादादधीयत्(त) उत्तराध्ययनयोग्यतायां पठेदप्रमत्तो येनार्थिना(s)वश्यं गुरव(:) प्रसाद्या इत्यर्थः । इति समाप्ता श्रीउत्तराध्ययनदीपिका ॥छ । जोगविहीए etc. and जस्सा दढता etc., up to एवं भासंति.. This is followed by the lines as under : २ श्रीरस्तु । संज्ञयांधतमसो(5)पहारिणी सत्प्रकाशपरमोपकारिणी उ(त्त )राध्ययनदीपिका चिरं प्रध्यतां मुनिजनैनि(? श्चि )रं ॥१। गच्छाधिपश्रीजयकीतिसूरी श्वरोपदेशश्रवणेन दू(ह)ष्टाः सद्भावसाराः परमार्थहेतु मलीलिखत् पुस्तकरत्नमेतत् २ षडशपिति शतान्या(न्य )त्रानुष्टुप सप्ततिस्तथा प्रत्यक्षरं निरीक्ष्यैवं ग्रंथमानं विनिश्चितं ॥ ३ ग्रंथायं ८६७० ॥ श्री संवत् १६८३ वर्षे भाद्रपदवदि ४ दिने बधे ॥ श्रीरस्तु etc. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र बालावबोधसहित Uttarādhyayanasūtra with bālāvabodha No. 674 259. 1883-84. Size.-- Iolin. by.4t in. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 674.1 I.4Malasatras 55 Extent.- 233 - 3 = 230 folios ; I lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and grey ; Jaina Devanāgari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; quite bold, big, clear, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; foll. I, II and 212 missing; edges of the first and the last few foll. slightly damaged; dandas or vertical lines in red ink ; numbers for the adhyayanas marked in the left-hand margin, whereas those for foll. as usual in the right-hand margin ; red chalk used; foll. 215 to 225 more or less worm-eaten ; condition on the woole good; this Ms contains the text and its bālāvabodha as well; the text practically from the second hemistich of the fourth verse of the first chapter and the bālāvabodha from the 4th. Age.- Samvat I575. Begins.- ( text ) fol. 2* व्वसो। एवं दुस्सीलपडि( ड )णीए मुहरी निक्कासज्जई । ४ कणकुंडगं चइत्ताणं विटुं भुंजइ सूयरे । एवं सीलं चइत्ताणं दुस्सीले रमई मिए । ५ etc. „ - ( bālā - ) fol 2a जिम......जिहां जाइ तिहां थकी काढीइ । एण दृष्टांति इम दुसील अनाचारी ॥ etc. Ends.- ( text) fol. 233b इति(य) पाउकरे बुद्धे णायए पशिनब्बुए । छत्तीस उत्तरज्झाए भवसिद्धीय संमए त्ति बेमि । ७३ (२७३)। , - ( bālā0 ) fol. 233° ए छत्रीस श्रीउत्तराध्ययन विमल निर्मल गुणि करी जयवंता । जे माहंत सकलशासन माहि आचार्य उपाध्याय कृत बालाविबोध । तेहनइ अनसारिंइ ए बालाविबोध साधु साध्वी ए वाच्यमान हुं. तु सुष श्रेय कल्याण हेति हुइ । छः ॥ ग्रंथानं ६२५० ॥ छः ॥ ॥ संवत(त) १५७५ वर्षे पौषवदि ९ रवौ लिखितं श्रीगंधासांदिरेसादसिंघ २।(?रा)जसतपंचायणपठनार्थ[ : ] ॥ ॥ Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 674. Reference. For Mss. having the text and anonymous bālāvabodhas see Limbdi Catalogue Nos. 276, 280 and 281. No. 280 records only one Ms., and that is dated as Samvat 1792, where as No. 281, three, out of which two are dated as 1594 and 1764 respectively. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र टब्बासहित Uttarādhyayanasūtra with tabbá 160. 1871-72. No. 675 Size.-- 10 in. by 4 in. Extent.-( text ) 263 folios ; 4 to 17 lines to a page ; 30 letters to a line. , - ( tabbā ) 263 folios ; 6 lines to a page ; 59 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper sufficiently thick and white; Jaina Devanagarī characters with occasional HATETS; bold, clear, and elegant hand-writing ; this Ms. contains both the text and its explanation in Gujarāti; four lines of the text written on each side in big hand; over each line, there is the corresponding explanation written comparatively in much smaller hand-writing: there is only text on foll. 6 to 65; the space left blank for the corresponding explanation; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; foll. 1 and 263 blank; from the 66th fol. onwards the hand-writing for the text is still bigger than before and the paper grey ; numbers for foll. entered in two different margins on one and the same side; over and the above the text, this Ms. contains 4 verses of the rafft wherein the importance of this work is pointed out; condition very good ; both the text and the explanation complete, Age.- Samvat 1695. Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 575. I. 4 Malasatras Author.- A pupil of Pārśvacandra and a devotee of Ajitacandra. Subject.- The text along with its explanation in Gujarati.. Begins.- ( tex1 ) fol. I ऐं नमः संजोगा विप्पमुक्कस्स etc., as in No. 644. , - (com. ) fol. 10 वर्द्धमानं जिनं नत्वा पार्श्वचंद्रं च मद्गुरुं अजितचंद्रमुनींदं च टबार्थो लिख्यते मया १ ___ पूर्व संयोग मातादिकनो पश्चात् संयोग स्व(श्वसुरादिकनो अथवा बाह्य संयोग द्रव्यादिकनो अभ्यंतर संयोग विषयादिकनो etc. Ends..- ( text ) fol. 2622 इइ पाउकरे बुद्ध नायए परिनिव्वुए छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झाए भवसिद्धीय स(सं)मए - त्ति बेमि २७० ३६ इति जीवाजीवविभत्तिअज्झयणं ३६ अथ नियुकिकार एतद्वंथमाहात्म्यमाह जे किर भवसिद्धीया परित्तसंसारिया य जे भवा ति(ते) किर पढंति एए छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झाए १ तम्हा जिणपण्णते अणंतगमपज्जवेहिं संज(जुत्ते अज्झाए जह(हा)जोगं गुरुष्पसाया अहिज्जिज्जा २ जोगविहीइ व(वि)हित्ताए एहिं जो लहइ सुत्तं(त्त) अत्धं वा .. भासेइ भवियजणो सो पावइ निज्जरं विउलं ३ जस्साढत्ता एए कहा वि समप्पंति विधे(ग्घ)रहियस्स सो लक्खिजइ भन्यो पुवारसी एव भासंति ४' चूलिया सम्मत्ता इति श्रीउत्तराध्ययन ३६ समाप्त विणयपरीसहचउरंगिज्झं संखअकामखुड्डनिग्गंथं उरब्भी कावलियं नमिपवज्जा दुमपत्तं १ बहुस्सुयहरिएसिज्जं चित्तसंभूइझ(ज्झ)यण उसुयारं सभिक्खू बंभगुत्ती पावसमणिज्ज संज्जइजं २ मियापुत्तं नियंठं समुद्दपालीयं नाम रहनेमी केसीगोयमपवणसायर जनइज्जा समायारी ३ ISee pp. 10 and IL. . U.L.P.I Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [615. SP खलुकियं सिवमंग्गंगइसम्मतपरक्कम सुगमं तं(त)वमग्गं चरणविही पमायठाणं च क्रमयपट्टी ४ लेसाणगारमग्गं जीवाजविाविभत्ति छत्तीसं। जिणगहहरमुणिबुन्ने उत्तरायणे पणिवयामि ५॥ छ ॥ संवत् १६९५ वर्षे माग्रसेरमासे कृष्णपक्षे ११ दिने लषितं. Ends.- (com.) fol. 2624 छत्रीस उत्तर प्रधान विनयश्रुतादिक अध्ययन भव्य जीव जेह छइ तेहनइ एह ३६ उत्तराध्ययन समत वाल्हा हुइ एह वचन सत्य जाणिछउ एहवउ सुधर्मस्वामी जंबू प्रतिइ कहइ २७० जीवाजीवविभती अध्ययन अथ काउ छइ मिइ लेशमात्र थकी etc., up to एह उत्तराध्ययमनी चूलिकानउ अर्थ कह्यउं मिइं इति श्रीउत्तराध्ययन सूत्रटबार्थ ३६ समाप्तः । छ । ग्रंथा० सर्वतो(5)पि १००० मुभं भवतु. Reference.-- For Mss. having the text and an anonymous tabba see Limbdi Catalogue No. 291. Its Nos. 292, 293 and 283 refer to Mss. having the text and the tabbās by Megharāja Vacaka, Ajicandra Sūri and Dharmamandira Upadhyāya respectively. The tabba in the last case is styled as Makaranda. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra टब्बा तथा कथा सहित with tabbā and kathās 161. No. 676 1871-72. Size.- 94 in. by 4 in. Extent.— 316 + 1 = 317 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. ,, - (tabba ) 317 folios; 17 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanāgari characters with occasional T ES; the text written in a bigger. hand as:compared with the tabba ; legible and good Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 676.] Age. — Samvat 1761. 1. 4. Malasutras hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink ; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual ; fol. 6th repeated; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 316b; yellow pigment used; condition very good; both the text and the tabba complete ; extent of the text 2000 slokas, that of the tabba 7000, that of the kathās sooo and total extent 14000 slokas. Author of the tabba. Pasacanda ( Sk. Parśvacandra ). kathās. Padmasagara. Subject. The text together with its explanation in Gujarati and stories in Sanskrit. " ލ "" 29 Begins.- ( text ) fol. rb - "" ور संजोगा विप्पक्कस्स etc. ( tabba ) fol. rb नम्वा श्री अर्ह नमः ॥ प्रथम श्रीउत्तराध्ययन ग्रंथनुं शब्दार्थः कहीइ छि || श्रीमहावीरसिं ठा ( ? ) प्रथम श्रीआचारांग भणीनिं पछि । उत्तराध्ययन भणता etc. संजोगनु विप्रमुक्त जे साधु ते संयोग बिहुं प्रकारे एक धन धान्यांदिक बीज रागादिक कषायादिक etc. ( kathās ) fol. 24 श्रीसद्गुरुभ्यो नमः ।। प्रणम्य श्रीमहावीरं नम्राखंडलमंडलं । आरभ्यते कथाः कर्तुमुत्तराध्ययनस्थिता ( : ) ॥ १ ॥ उत्तराध्ययनर (बृह ( द्रट ) त्तिगताः कथा ( : ) संस्कृताः कर्तुमारभ्यते ॥ etc. Ends. --- ( text ) fol. 315b इइ पाउकरे etc., up to बेमि as in No. 644. This is followed by जीवाजीवविभत्ति अज्झयणं सम्मत्तं ॥ ३६ ॥ छ इति श्रीउत्तराध्ययनश्रुतस्कंध संपूर्ण ॥ छ ॥ यादृशं etc. संवत् १७६१ वर्षे कार्तिक वदि १४ भोमे लषितं ॥ लेखकपाठकयोः शुभं भवतु ॥ ग्रंथाग्र सूत्र २००० ॥ छ ॥ etc. - · ( kathās ) fol. 224 पंचविंशाध्ययने विजयघोषचरितं लेशतो लिख्यते । ‘बाणारस्यां’ नगर्यो द्वौ बिभौ भ्रातरौ जयघोषविजयघोषों Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy 676. अभूतां etc. पंचविंशाध्ययने कथा ९८ समाप्ताः ॥ एतावता उत्तराध्ययनबृहद्वृत्तिगताः प्राकृतकथाः सर्वा (अ)पि संस्कृता(:) कृताः पंडितश्रीपद्मसागरगणिना कृताः ॥ -(tabba ) fol. 316* एतली जीवाजीवविभात्त नामा अध्ययन छत्रीसमार्नु टबु इति श्रीअर्थविवरण संपूर्ण हवइ ३६ ॥ इति श्रीउत्तराध्ययनश्रुतस्कंधः समाप्त ॥ सूत्रसंख्यागाथासंष्या श्लोक २००० पासचंदसूरिकृत टबु तेनानी) श्लोकसंख्या ७००० कथा पद्मसागरी श्लोक ५००० एवं मिलिने(ते) सर्वश्लोकसंष्या १४००० जेहवु पुस्तक etc. , संवत १७६१ वर्षे शाके १६२६ प्रवर्त्तमाने मार्गशिष मासे शुरूपक्षे चतुर्थी ४ रविवासरे लिपीकृतं । लषनारानि भणनारानि सांभलनारानि श्रेय कल्याण हयो । ज्ञानसागरजीनी परति छ सही ३ उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र अक्षरार्थलवलेशसहित Uttarādhyayanasūtra with aksarārthalavalesa No. 677 1096. 1877-91. Size.-94 in. by 44 in. Extent.— 192 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, smooth and white ; Jaina Deva nagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; bold, big, clear, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. I. and 192b blank; every fol. numbered twice, on one and the same side but in different margins; this Ms. contains both the text and its explanation mostly in Gujarati ; complete ; a small strip of paper pasted to the first fol.; condition very good. Age.- Not very old. Author of the balavabodha.-Not mentioned. Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 61 677: 1 Subject. The text along with its explanation styled here as bālāvabodha, too. Begins. — ( text ) fol. rb "" संजोगा विप्पमुक्कस्स etc., as in No. 644. — ( bālāvabodha ) fol. 1 भिक्षोरंहं विनयं प्रादुः करिष्यामि । आनुपूर्व्यामेव मे म(म) कथयतः शृणुत भिक्षु महात्मानइ विनयमा मार्ग प्रगट करिसुः आनुपूर्वी अनुक्रम मझनइ कहितां हूंतां सांभलु etc. Ends. — ( text ) fol. 1924 i. 4 Malasatras इति (इ) (पा) उकरे बुधे (द्धे ) णायए परिनिव्बुडे (ए) छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झाए। भवसिद्धि (द्धी )य संबु ( बु ) डे ति ८२ (२८२ ) बेमि ॥ - ( balao ) fol. 1922 इति एतान् पद्वत्रिंशत् उत्तराध्यायान् । उत्तराध्याप्रादु ( )त्य कांश्वित् अर्थतः कांश्वित् सूत्रतः प्रकाश्य बुधः केवली ज्ञातजो ज्ञातपुत्रः श्रीवर्द्धमानस्वामी परिनिवृतः निव्र्वाणं प्राप्तः ॥ किंविशिष्टान् उत्तराध्यायान् भविसिद्धिका भव्यजीवास्तेषां संमतान इष्टान् ॥ ८२ ॥ इति षट्त्रिंशत । श्रीउत्तराध्ययनाक्षरार्थ (र्थ) लवलेशः " छ ॥ इति श्रीउत्तराध्ययनबालाविबोध संपूर्णः ॥ छ ॥ यादृशं पुस्तके etc. This is followed by two verses, one in Gujarati and one in Sanskrit as under : रे प्रांणी सुणि बप्पडा । जिम नारीनूं ध्यांन । तिम करि परमेश्वर तं । जिम लाभइ स्वर्गविमान ॥ १ ॥ कल्याणमस्तुः ॥ गीतशास्त्रविनोदेन । कालो गछ (च्छ ) ति धीमता ( म् ) । विसन्नेनेह मूर्षाणां । नी( नि )द्वाया कुलहेनि च ॥ २ ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः ॥ श्रु ॥ छ ॥ Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र बालावबोध तथा कथा सहित Description. Jaina Literature and Philosophy No. 678 Size. 1og in. by 41 in. Extent.- 254-3=251 folios; 15 lines to a page; 31 to 50 letters to a line. Bak Age. Not quite modern. Subject. - دو Uttaradhyayanasūtra with balavabodha and kathās 8, 1869-70. Country paper rough, white and not very thin Jaina Devanagari characters; bold, big, uniform, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in red ink, and edges, in two; this Ms. contains the text, its explanation in Gujarati and narrations in Sanskrit illustrating the prescribed rules; this Ms. seems to be incomplete; for, the text contains only 22 adhyayanas and the illustrations up to the 23rd; the 24th adhyayana requires no illustrations and the 25th has only one small illustration needed; later on, no stories are to be found so far as the remaining adhyayanas are concerned; that may be the reason why this work ends here; numbers for foll. written in two different margins on one and the same side; foll. 113 to 115 missing; fol. 127b kept blank; fol. 6 slightly torn; fol. 245 torn; condition fair. [ 678. Begins. (text) fol. 2a fene #2 | संजोगा विपक्षस् as in No. 644. Stories illustrating the gathas of Uttaradhyayanasūtra along with a Gujarati explanation of these gathās. - - ( balavabodha ) fol. 1 श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ gra etc., as in No. 684. This first verse is followed by the lines as under : उत्तराध्ययन कहतां स्यो अर्थ श्रीमहावीरनई बारह ॥ आचारंग भपनि पछइ उत्तराध्ययन भणता etc. Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 679.] 1. 4 Malasutras Begins- ( kathas) fol. 2' बीजी गाथायां कूलवालककथा ॥ १ ॥ यथा __ एकस्य आचार्यस्य क्षुल्लकोऽविनीतः । तस्य आचार्य शिक्षार्थे ताडयति etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 2490 एवं करंति संबुद्धा । पंडिया पविपक्खगा ॥ विणि(य)दृति भोगेसु ॥ जहा से( सो) पुरिसोत्तमो ति(ति) बेमि ॥५१॥ __ रहनेमिज्झं समत्तं ॥ ,,- (balāvabodha) fol. 249" इति श्रीरहनेमिनामाध्ययन बावीसमानो अर्थ टबा मात्र ग्रंथप्रकार इहां लिख्यो संपूर्ण २२ .. -- fol. 250 ( kathas ) शक्रादिभिस्तत्रैव हित इति । एवं प्रसंगतः। श्रीपार्श्वचरित्रव(म)भिधायतत्प्रशिष्यश्रीकेसिचरित्रसंबद्धमिदमध्ययनमिति । त्रयोविंशतितमध्ययनकथा समान श्री श्री ॥श्री। उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtra (अध्ययन १८-२१) ( Adhyayanas XVIII-XXI) टब्बासहित with tabbā 463. No. 679 1882-83. Size. — 101 in. by 41 in. Extent.- (text) is folios ; 6 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. , -(rabbā),, , , I3 to 16 lines to a page ; 65 to 70 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; the text written in a bigger hand as compared with the tabbā which is written in a very small hand; legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; this Ms. contains the text of chapters 18 to 21 and the corresponding tabba ; foll. numbered in the Left-hand margin only ; red chalk used ; both the text and Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 Age.— Old. Author of the tabba.-- Not mentioned. Subject. Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 679. the tabbá complete so far as 18 to 21 adhyayanas are con cerned ; condition very good. " Begins.-- ( text ) fol. r ऐं The text along with its explanation in Gujarāti. The former deals with the life of Samjaya, that of Mrgaputra, characteristics of a true saint and the life of Samudrapāla. Each of these topics occupies one adhyayana. در 'कंपिल्ले' नयरे राया उदिन्नबलवाहणे नामेण संजय नाम मिगवं उबनिग्गए १ etc. - ( tabbā ) fol. r' 'कंपिल्य' नामा नगरनइ विषह राजा देसाधिपति उदय आव्यउ बल चतुरंग सैन्य अथवा शरीरनउ बल वाहन etc. Ends. — ( text ) fol. 15 * दुविह ( हं) खवेऊण य पुन्नपावं निरंगणे सव्वओ विप्पमुक्के । तरिता समुहं च महाभवोहं समुद्दपाले अपुणागमं गइ ( ? ए ) ॥ त्ति बेमि २४ इति श्रीसमुद्दपालियज्झयणं समत्तं २१ —( tabbā ) fol. 15 एहबुं हुं कहुं सुधर्मस्वामि जंबू प्रतई इम कहइ २४ ॥ इति श्रीसमुद्रपालीय अध्ययननड़ अर्थ लेशमात्र थकी जाणिव उ संपूर्ण काउं २१ ॥ Reference.-- See No. 644. महानिर्यन्थीयाध्ययन ( महानियंठिज्जज्झयण ) टब्बासहित No. 680 Size, 19‡ in. by 4g in Mahanirgranthiyadhyayana (Mahaniyanthijjajjhayana ) with tabbā 676. 1899-1915. Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 680.1 Extent. - 9 folios; 5 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters ; bold, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged; condition tolerably good ; yellow pigment used ; fol. 9b blank ; this Ms. contains the text and its .explanation in Gujarātī known as tabbā; both complete. Age.— Samvat 1761. — 1. 4 Malasatras Author of the tabbā. — Not mentioned. Subject. This twentieth chapter of Uttaradhyayanasutra along with its explanation in Gujarati deals with the life of Anathi muni, with whom Śreņika discussed why he had renounced the world. This chapter throws much light on the rules and regulations meant for a Jaina saint. So it is named as Mahāniyaṇṭhijja (Mahānirgranthiya). Begins.-- ( text ) fol. 1b Ends. — ( text ) fol. 9a सिद्धाणं नमो किच्चा संजयाणं च भावओ । अत्थधम्मगइ(ई) तञ्चं अणुसट्टि (ट्टि) सुणेह मे । १ ॥ etc. 65 ( tabba ) fol. rb सिय अरिहंत । सिद्धनई न० नमस्कार कि० करीनहं सं० संयती आचार्य उपाध्याय सर्व साधुनई भावथी etc. इयरो विगुणसमिद्धो तिगुत्तिगुत्तो तिदंडविरओ य । विहग इव विमुको विहरइ वसुहं विगयमोहो । त्ति बेमि ॥ ६० ॥ इति श्री अनाथि । सं० १७६१ पोष शु० ५ बुध पं० श्रीज्ञानविजयतच्छिष्य पं० श्रीवृद्धिविजयशि : महिमा विजय भ्राता देवेंद्राविजय लिपीकृता । Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 681. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रनियुक्ति (उत्तरज्झयणसुत्तनिज्जुत्ति) Uttarādhyayanasūtrariryukti ( Uttarajjhayaņasuttanijjutti) No. 681 1094, 1887-91. Size.- 104 in. by 41 in. Extent.— 13 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 52 letters to a line, Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jaina Deva nāgari characters; small, legible and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines; yellow pigment and red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered only once, and that, too, in the right-hand margin ; some of the foll, slightly worm eaten; condition good; complete ; 600+4=604 verses in all, Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Bhadrabāhusvåmin according to the vștti on Dharma ghoşa's Rşimandalastotra etc. Jarl Charpentier does not endorse this opinion especially because he says that in v. IIO Sthūlabhadra, the successor of Bhadrabāhusvāmin is styled as bhagavam-Thūlabhaddo ? and such a thing cannot have been said by his far older predecessor Bhadrabāhusvāmin. For other objections raised by him see pp. 48 and 49 of the introduction to Uttaradhyayanasūtra. Subject.- A commentary in verses in Prākrit, elucidating Uttarā. dhyayanasūtra. From the two verses 3 of Avaśyakasūtraniryukti we learn that this is the 3rd niryukti out of ten. 1 For the meaning of the word nijjutti' see my article “The Jaina Commentaries ” (pp. 295-296 ) published in the “ Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute " ( vol XVI, pts. III-IV). 2 See p. 67. 3 They are as under : " आवस्सयस्म दसकालियस्स तह उत्तरज्झमायारे । Erotè agli alaggirê JET CHIT 116 11 कप्पस्स य निज्जुत्तिं ववहारस्सेव परमनिउणस्स । सूरियपण्णत्तीए वोच्छं इसिभासियाणं च ॥८३॥" Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 681.1 1. 4 Malasutras Begins.- fol. Iॐ नमः कयपवणप्पणामो बो( वो )च्छं धम्मााओगसंगहि । उत्तरज्झयणणुओगं गुरूवएसाणुसारेणं ॥ १ etc. विणयसुअं च परीसह । चउरंगिज्ज असंखयं चेव । अकाममरणं णिअंठिज्जं । उरभं काविलिज्जं च । १५ । णमिपन्वज्जा दुमपत्तयं च । बहुसुअबु(पु)ज्जं तहेव हरिएसं । चित्तसंभूह उसुआरिज्जं सभिक्खु समाहिठाणं च । १६ । पावसमणिज्ज तह संजइज्ज । मिअचारिआ निअंठिज्जं। समुद्दपालिअज्जं रहनेमियं । केसिगोअमिज्जं च । १७ । समिईओ जन्मइज्जं सामायारी तहा खलुंकिज्जं। मोक्खगइ(ई) अप्पमाओ तव चरण पमायठाणं च । १८ । कम्मप्पगडी लेसा बोध(द्ध)वे खलु अणगारमग्गे अ। जीवाजीवविहत्ती। छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झयणा । १९ । - fol. I' भगवं पिथूलभद्दो तिक्खं च कम्मिऊण पुण छिन्नो अग्गिासहाए वुत्थो चाउम्मासे न पुण दट्टो(द्धो)। १२ etc.. . Ends. - fol. 136 भावंमि विभत्ती खलु णायव्वा छविहमि भावमि । अहिगारो एत्थं पुण दव्वविभत्तीए अज्झयणे । १(६०१)। जीवाजीवविभत्तीनिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता ॥३६॥ etc. तम्हा जिणपन्नत्ते अणंतगमपज्जवहिं संजुत्ते । अज्झाय जहाजोगं गुरुप्पसाया अहिन्जिज्जा ॥४॥ इति श्रीउत्तराध्ययननियुक्ति: संपूर्णा ॥ Reference.- For a survey of the niryukti see Jarl Charpentier's introduction to the Uttarādhyanasūtra (p. 48 ) and the following. ___ In connection with this Ms. there it is said on p. 63 by him that “the hand-writing reminds me slightly of that in the Berlin Ms. No. 1341. 1 See p. 57 Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1 682. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādnyayanasūtra(अध्ययन ३). (Adhyayana III). नियुक्ति niryukti टीकासहित with tīkā 1337. No. 682 1891-95. Size.— 104 in. by 43 in. Extent.-29 - I = 28 folios ; II lines to a page ; 34 to 40 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Deva nāgari characters with occasional Centers; sufficiently big, clear and good hand-witing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; fol. 296 blank; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 29°; condition on the whole good ; fol. I9th missing; otherwise complete. Age.- Old. Subject.-- Ten typical narratives in verses in Sanskrit pointing out the difficulty of attaining birth as a human being. These are based upon the 16th gāthā or the 19th of the 3rd adhyayana 'of Uttarādhyayanasutra. Begins.- (text) fol. I'ए चुल्लग १ पासग २ धन्ने ३ जुए ४ रयणे य ५ सुमिण ६ चक्के य ७ चम्म ८ जुगे ९ परिमाण १० दस गुयलंभे ॥१॥ . तत्र चुल्लगशब्देन देशभाषया भोजनमुच्यते ॥ तत्र दृष्टांते श्रीब्रह्मदत्तचक्रिकथा ॥ तथाहि । साकेतस्वामिचंद्रावतंसस्य तनयो व्रतं ।। पुरा' 5)दान्मुनिचंद्राख्यो मुनेः सागरचंद्रतः ॥ १ etc. ,, - com.) fol. 140 अपि नाम से जीयेत कदाचिदपरैर्नरैः । मनुष्यकात्परिभ्रष्टो मानुष्यं लभते ननु ॥ ८६ । see D. C. J. M.; vol. XVII, pt. I, p. 102 I For this verse with variants (No. 108). Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 682.1 1. 4 Malasutras इति पाशकदृष्टांतः ॥ छ । अधुना धान्यदृष्टांतः ॥ etc. Begins --fol. ISराज्यं लभेत मानुष्यं न मानुषभवच्युतः ॥ इति तदृष्टांतः॥ छ । अथ रत्नदृष्टांतः ॥ etc. रत्नानि न पुनः प्रापुः । प्राप्नुवंत्यपि तानितो देवतादिप्रसादेन मानुष्यं तु सुद(दुर्लभं ॥७॥ अथ स्वप्नदृष्टांतः ॥ etc. ,, - fol. 25 कदापि प्रेक्षते स्वप्नं सोऽपि देवनियोगतः ।। न तु जंतुर्मनुष्यत्वभ्रष्टो मानुष्यकं पुनः ॥ ५० इति स्वप्नदृष्टांतः ॥ छ ॥ ॥ अथ चक्रदृष्टांतः ॥ etc. , - fol. 28b यथा सुदुर्विधं चक्राष्टकंठव()स्नु दुर्लभं । नृजन्मनि व्य(?)तेप्यायमपरं तु न लभ्यते ॥ १८० इति चक्रदृष्टांत ॥छ ।। , - fol. 29 प्रचंडवातीचिभिः प्रेरिता सा कथं पुनः युगेन लभते योगं जंतुन तु जनु नृणां ॥ ३ ॥ अथ परि(र)माण(ण)दृष्टोतः ।। etc. Ends.—(com.) fol. 298 दुष्कर्मवशतो भ्रष्टस्तथा मामुषजन्मनः । निस्तुषं मानुषं जन्म जन्मी न लभते पुनः ॥ ५ इति मनुष्यभवस्य दुरापता बहुनिदर्शनदर्शनतः कृताः। समधिगम्य च सम्यगिदं बुधाः सफलताकलितं कलयंतु तं ॥६. इति मनुष्यभवस्य दस(श)दृष्टांतकथानकं संपूर्ण समाप्तः ॥छ॥ Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 70 faina Literature and Philosophy 1 683. शिष्यहिता Sisyahitā (उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र (UttarādhyayanasūtraTECER) brbadvrtti ) 258. No. 683 1883-84. Size.— 114 in. by 43 in. Extent.— 392 + 3 -- 3 = 392 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 53 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jaina Deva nāgari characters with AES; sufficiently big, quite legible and elegant hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; 'red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered only once, and that, too in the right-hand margin ; foll. I to 8 numbered twice in the right-hand margin ; foll. 18, 26 and 29 repeated; foll. 53 to 56 bracketed together ; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. rå; fol. 1a blank; fol. 392 equally so, except that the title GFTIETT(a) Tia: and its extent written on it; edges of the first and the last foll. slightly worn out; condition on the whole very good ; almost half the portion of fol. 1b blank; it appears that the scribe wanted to decorate it with an illustration propably of a Tirthamkara ; complete ; extent 18000 ślokas; the entire work is divided into 36 sections. Age.-- Samvat 1667. Author.-- Śānti Süti, pupil of Sarvadeva of the Thārapadra gaccha. For his life see Prabhāvakacaritra (pp. 216-224 )' As stated therein (pp. 236-237 )2 he revised Tilakamañjari. He attained svarga in Samvat 1096. See C. M. Duff's " The Chronology of India” (p. 120), Westminster, 1899. Subject.- A very big commentary explaining Uttarādhyayanasutra and its niryukti. The nihnava-vāda is very beautifully treated here. Its treatment seems to surpass even the ex position given in the Višeşāvaşyaka-bhāşya. Prior to the I See the introduction (pp. 79-81 ) of the Gujarāti translation of Prabhāvakacaritra. 2 See Prabhāvakacaritra (p. v. 201-202. Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 683.] 1. 4 Malasatras 71 composition of this Šişahitā also known as Pāiya ţikā? there was already exegetical literature consisting of cūrņi and several vșttis. The colophon given at the end of Sisyahită is summarized by Charpentier in his introduction (pp. 53-54) to Uttarādhyayanasūtra.. Begins.-- fol. Ib नमोऽहते ॥ शिवदाः संतु तीर्थशा विघ्नसंघातघातिनः। भवकूपोद्धृतौ येषां वाक् वरत्रायते नृणां ॥१ etc. अध्ययनानामेषां यदपि कृताश्चूर्णिवृत्तयः कृतिमिः । तदपि प्रवचनभक्तिस्त्वरयति मात्र वृत्तिविधौ ॥५॥ इह खल सकलकल्याणनिबंधनं जिनागममवाप्य विवेकिनवं विवेचनीयं etc. Ends.-fol. 391 गुरुप्रसादादिति चाभिधानमध्ययनार्थिनाऽवश्यं गुरवः प्रसादनी यास्तदधीनत्वात्तस्येति ख्यापनार्थमिति गाथार्थः ॥छ॥ इति (6) परिसमाप्ती ब्रवीमीति पूर्ववत् । उक्तो(5)नुगमः संप्रति नयास्ते(5)पि प्राग्वदेव ॥छ । इत्यु. तराध्ययनटीकायां शिष्यहितायां जीवाजीवविभक्तिनामक पत्रिंशमध्ययन समाप्तमिति ॥ छ ॥ etc. आस्ति विस्तारवाना गुरुशाखासमन्वितः ॥ आसेव्या(ब्यो) भन्यसार्थानां श्री कौटिक'गणद्रुमः ॥१ तदुत्थ वैर 'शाखायामभूदायातिशालिनी । विशाला प्रतिशाखेव श्री चंद्र'कुलसंततिः ॥२॥ तस्याश्वोत्पद्यमानच्छदनिव(च)यसदृक्कवा(? का )यकर्णा(र्णान्वयोत्थ- श्री थारापद्र'गच्छप्रसवत(?भोरलसद्धमकिंजल्कपानात् । श्रीशांत्याचार्यभृगो यदिदमुदगिरन्सन्मधु श्रोत्रपेयं तद्भो भव्यास्त्रिदोषप्रशमकरमतो गृह्यतां लिह्यतां च ॥३॥. .. श्री भिल्लमाल'कुलशेखरशांत्यमात्य__ निर्मापिता (5)णहिलपाटक'चैत्यगेहे। भ्रातृव्यभूपकमहत्तमकारितारु सौवर्मे(? मोरम्यकलशान्धयमूर्तकी? ॥ ५॥ श्रीशांतिसूरिरकरोद् गुणसेनरि. वाचोत्तराध्ययनशासनात्तमेनां प्रख्यापिता तदनु तद्गुणसर्वदेव __....गुणगणकसुशिष्यवर्गः॥६ I See Peterson III, p. 63. 2 See this very page v. 5 and p.72 (v.7). Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [683 सिद्धांतस्वाध्यायव्यसनतया(5)न्यास वृत्तिषु सतीषु । पद्विरचितेयमपरा तत्सद्भिर्मर्षणीयं मे ॥७ पस्याभूद् गुरुरागमे गुणनिधिः श्रीसर्वदेवाह्वया __ सूरीशो(5)भयदेवमूरिरचितख्यातप्रमाणो(s)पि च तस्येयं सुगुरुद्वयादधिगत(? ता)दल्पात्माविद्यागुण प्रत्याख्याय चिरं भुवि प्रचु(च)रतु श्रीशांतिसूरेः कृतिः ॥ ८॥ श्री ।। etc. संवत १६६७ वर्षे महापदि १४ दिने 'तपागच्छालंकारभट्टारकपुरंदर'सवाईजमगुरु'बिरुदधारकश्रीविजयसेनसूरि( री )श्वरतात्स(च्छि )ध्यमहोपाध्यायश्रीनयविजयगणितत्सि(च्छि)व्यपंडितश्रीकीतिविजयगणिभिः श्री Reference.- Published. See No. 644. For description of addi tional Mss. see Weber II, pp. 126-157, 311-466 ( Nos. 1907-1910). On p. 440 of R. G. Bhandarkar's “Report on the search for Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1883-84, Bombay, 1887," an extract of the prasasti is given, whereas on p. 129 its substance is given. See also his Report for 1884-85, p. 277. Consult E. Leumann's “Die alten Berichte von den Schismen der Jaina " (Indische Studien vol. XVII, pp. 44 and 97, Leipzig, 1885. J. Kirste's Haṁsākhyāyikā (W. Z.K. M. vol. XVIII, pp. 130-131), Wien, 1904 may be consulted for ascertaining its bearing on this commentary. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtraबृहद्वृत्तिगतकथा brhadvrttigatakathāप्रतिसंस्कृत pratisarskrta No. 684 245. A.1882-83. Size.-98 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 73 folios ; 18 lines to a page ; 57 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thin and greyish; Jaina Devanāgari characters with qatats; hand-writing neither too big nor too small, clear, uniform and good; ink faded at times; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 684] 1. 4 Malasutras 73 red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered twice on one and the same side but in different margins; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to the first fol.; same is :he case with the last fol.; small bits of paper pasted to fol. I54; the original I9th fol. missing; another in different hand and on a white paper is substituted in its place; condition good; complete; composed in Samvat 1657. Age.-- Samvat 1799. Author.- Padmasagara Gani, pupil of Vimalasagara Gani. Subject.- Sanskrit rendering of the narratives given in Prākrit in Sisyahitā, the brhadvịtti on Uttaradhyayanasútra. Thus this work simply deals with stories required to illustrate some of the gathās of the different adhyayanas. After the 25th adhyayana, there is nothing which requires illu strations by way of narratives. Begins.- fol. 1 श्रीजिनाय नमः ॥ प्रणम्य श्रीमहावीरं नम्राखंडलमंडलं भारभ्यते त(क)था(क) कर्त्तमुत्तराध्ययनस्थिताः १ उत्तराध्ययनबृहद्वृत्तिगता कथाः संस्कृता() कर्तुमारभ्यंते आणाऽनिदेसकरे३ गाथायां कूलवालककथा १ यथा एकस्य आचार्यस्य क्षुल्लकोऽविनीतः etc. Ends.- fol. 73° इति चिंतयन्नेब प्रतिबुद्धः 'गंगा'मुत्तीर्य साधुसमीपे प्रवजितः अग्रगः संबंध मूत्र एक प्रोक्तो 5)स्तीति पंचविंशाध्ययने कथा समाप्ता ॥ एतावता उत्तराध्ययनबृहद्वृत्तिगताः प्राकृतकथा(:) सर्वा (मोपि संस्कृता(:) कृता'स्तपागच्छे भट्टारकचक्रवर्ती(ति)श्रीविजयसेनसूारिराज्ये संवत् १६५७ बर्षे 'पीपाडपुरे' पंडितप्रकांडश्रीविमलसागरगणिशिष्यपण्डितपासागरगणिना प्रबरप्रेमसागरवाक्येन कथा (:) कृताः पण्डितपद्मसागरैः ____स्वशिष्यवाक्यप्रणयेन संस्कृतार 'पीपार्डि'पुर्या जिनपार्श्वनायक प्रसादतः सत्कुस(श)लाय संत्विमाः १ शोधयंतु सज्जना स्वरूपस्तु सज्जनेभ्यो येषां हृदयानि दर्पणानिभानि दुर्वचनभस्मसंगाद धिकतरं निर्मलानि स्युः ॥२॥ ० [J.LP.] Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [684. ग्रंथाग्रंथ ४५००लिखितं श्री मेहता'नगरे ॥ संवत् १७९९ वर्षे चैत्रवदि प्रयोदश्यां तिथौ । शुभं भूयात् । श्रीरस्तु. This is followed by a line as under in a different hand : गुमानाबाई वेलसकरमेदीनी छे परत उत्तराधेनही. Reference. See pp. 240-241 of Rājendralala Mitra's “ Notices of Sanskrit Mss. published under orders of the Government of Bengal" vol. VIII, Calcutta, 1885. Here 25 legends are given. For an additional Ms. see Limbdi Catalogue No. 285. For a narrative of Harikesi-bala in Gujarati and some verses connected with the life of Jayaghosa and Vijayaghosa see "Prasthāna" Vol. XV, No. 2, pp. I2I-123. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtraबृहृवृत्तिपर्याय brhadvrttiparyāya 736 (23). No. 685 1875-76. Extent.- fol. 28a to fol. 304. Description.- Complete. For other details see Pancavastukaparyaya No. 1875-76. 736 (1).. Author.--- Not mentioned. Subject. -- Explanation in Sanskrit regarding some difficult words. etc. occurring in the bịhadvịtti of Uttarādhyayanasūtra. Begins.- fol. 28 नमोऽहते __ ऊर्ध्वरथिका इति द्रमकानेनमिति जिनागमनिधिं तदवाप्ताविति । etc. Ends.- fol. 30 अव्यवहारिका नित्यं नित्यं निगोदा एव । उदाहरणमिति बद्रिया दीनां । उत्तराध्ययनबृहद्वृत्तिपर्यायाः समाप्ताः । Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 687.] I.4Malasatras 75 उत्तराध्ययनसुत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtraबृहद्वृत्तिपर्याय běhadvịttiparyāya 789 (23). No. 686 1895-1902 Exrent.- fol. 45b to fol. 49*. Description.- Complete. For other details see Paicavastuka 789 (1)... paryaya No. 1895-1902. Begins.- fol. 45 नमो(s)हते ॥ ऊर्ध्वरथिका इति etc., as in No. 685. Ends.- fol. 49* अव्यवहारिका etc., as in No. 685. N. B.-- For other details see No. 685. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र Uttarādhyayanasūtraहवृत्तिपर्याय brhadvrttiparyāya 332(6). No. 687 A. 1882-83. Extent.-- fol. 29* to fol. 34. Description.--Complete. For other details see Nandisutravisama pada paryāya No. 623. Begins.- fol. 29 यावत्यैलोक्यशालः कमठपतिवपुलजालप्रतिष्ठा नागेंद्रखंधबंधस्त्रिदशपतिनदीपल्लव'श्चंद्र'गच्छः। आशाखाप्रशाखाशिवसदनशिलासत्फलोधिल्पपुष्पौ भातामेषो(s)पि तावहालितकालमल पुस्तक(:) पठ्यमानः ॥छ। नमो अर्हते। उद्ध्वरघेका इति etc., as in No. 685. Ends.- fol. 33° अव्यवहारिका नित्यं etc. ___N. B.--- For other details see No. 685. Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [688. उसराध्ययनसूत्रावचूर्णि Uttarādhyayanasūtrāvacūrni 284. No. 688 A. 1883-84. Size.- 104 in. by 43 in. Extent.--- 45 folios ; 23 lines to a page ; 8 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; very small, quite legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; diagrams about युग्मप्रदेशप्रतरवृत्त etc. given on fol. 20; condition very good; complete ; extent 5250 ślokas; composed in Samvat 1441. Age.-- Fairly old. Author.- Jõānasāgara, pupil of Devasundara of the Tapā gaccha. Subject.— A small commentary in Sanskrit elucidating Uttarā dhyayanasútra and its niryukti as well. This is based. upon the bịhadvrtti of Santi Süri. Begins.- fol. I नमः श्रीप्रवचनाय॥ कय० ॥ एषा पूर्वाचार्यगाथा ॥ प्रकृतो( 5 )यमुत्तराध्ययनानुयोगोऽस्य च नामनिक्षेपे उत्तराध्ययनश्रुतस्कंध इति नाम etc. Ends.- fol. 45° अनंताश्च ते गमाश्चाऽर्थपरिच्छित्तिप्रकाराः पर्यवाश्च शब्दपर्यवा अर्थपर्यवरूपास्तैः संयुक्तान अध्यायान् प्रक्रमादुत्तराध्यायान् योग उपधानादि. रु(र)चितव्यापारस्तदनतिक्रमेणे(ण) यथायोगं ॥१२ जीवाजीवावभाक्तः।। छ। इति श्रीउत्तराध्ययन अवचरिः समाप्ता: ॥छ।शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । श्रीमत्'तपांगणनभोंगणभास्करात् श्री. (? मद् )देवसुंदरयुगोत्तमपादुकानां । शिष्यैर्जिनागमसुधांबुधिलीनचित्तैः श्रीज्ञानसागरगुरूत्तमनामधेयैः ॥१ भूवार्धिमनु १४४१ मितेऽब्दे कृतोत्तराध्ययनगा(s)वचूर्णिरियं । श्रीशांत्याचार्यभुवस्तद्विवृतेः स्वपरहितकृताय ॥२॥ ग्रंथाग्रं ५२५० अनुमिताः ॥ छ । etc. 1 It is probably on this basis that Charpentier styled this commentary as avec euri in his introduction (p. 64) to Uttarădhyayanasūtra. Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 690. ] उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रावचूरि I. 4 Mulasutras 7.7 Uttaradhyayanasūtrāvacuri 165. 1871-72. No. 689 Size.-- 1o‡ in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 21 - 1 = 20 folios; 19 lines to a page; 78 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with gas, very small, legible, uniform and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; this Ms. contains the rates of the text ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; the 20th fol. missing ; otherwise complete; condition very good. Age.-- Pretty old. Author.-- Not mentioned. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रावचूरि Subject. A small commentary in Sanskrit explaining Uttaradhyayanasutra. This is based upon the bṛhadvṛtti. Begins.— fol. r* श्रीजिनागमाय नमः ॥ श्रीवर्द्धमानमानम्य बृहद्वत्स्यनुसारतः । श्रीउत्तराध्ययनानामवचूरिं लिखाम्यहं ॥ १ ॥ संजोगा ० ॥ संयोगान्मात्रादिविषयाद् बाह्यात् कषायादिविषयादभ्यंतराच्च etc. Ends. fol. 2rb अध्यायान प्रक्रमादुत्तराध्यायान । योग उपधानादिरु (रि) चितव्यापारस्तदनतिक्रमेण यथायोगं गुरु ० ॥ तश्चित्तप्रसन्नतारूपाद्धेतोरधीयेत न तु प्रमादं कुर्यादिति भावः ॥ ३ ॥ छ etc. Uttaradhyayanasūtrāvacuri 579. 1884-86. No. 690 Size.— 10‡ in. by 42 in. Extent. - 36 folios; 11 lines to a page 8o letters to a line. Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [690. Description.-- Country paper thin and greyish ; Jaina Devanāgari characters with THAT ITS; exceedingly small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; this Ms. contains only the gates of the text; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; a few foll. slightly worm-eaten ; condition tolerably good; complete. Age.- Samvat I SI02 (? ISI2). Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject.--- A small Sanskrit commentary on Uttarādhyayanasútra. Begins.- fol. ( श्रीपंचज्ञानेभ्यो नमः ॥ ___ संयोगान्मात्रादि कषायादि बाह्याभ्यंतरभेदात् विविधैः प्रकारैज्ञानभावना दिभिर्विनयमूलत्वाद्धर्मस्यादावध्ययनं etc. Ends.- fol. 36° अध्यायान् प्रक्रमादुत्तराध्यायान योग उपधानादिरचितव्यापार तदनतिक्रमेण यथायोगं ॥ छ । षट्त्रिंशदप्युत्तराध्ययनानि किंचिद् विवृतानि ॥ छ । etc. संपूर्णानि ॥ छ । etc. संवत् १५१०२(?) वर्षे ज्येष्टवदि १२ भौमे लिखितं ।। छ । श्रीसर्वज्ञाय नमः ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः ॥ etc. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रावचूरि Uttarādhyayanasūtrāvacūri 1158. No. 691 1887-91. Size.- 104 in. by 48 in. Extent.--- 23 folios; 23 lines to a page ; 96 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; very small, quite legible and fair handwriting; borders ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered in the right-hand margin only ; this Ms. contains the gatras of the text ; complete; edges of some of the foll. slightly worn out; condition on the whole very good. Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 692..] I.4Malasutras 79 Age.-- Fairly old. Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject.- A small commentary in Sanskrit to Uttaràdhyavanasútra. Begins.- fol. I श्रीजिनागमाय नमः॥ संजोगा० संयोगान्मात्रादि कषायादि बाह्याभ्यंतरभेदात् विविधैः etc. Ends.- fol. 23° इइ० इत्येतान् सूत्रत्वात्प्रादुःकृत्य कांश्चिदर्थतः कांश्चित्सूत्रतो (5)पि । बद्धः केवली ज्ञातकः श्रीवीरः । उत्तराः प्रधाना अध्याया अध्ययनानि भवसिद्धिकानां संमता अभिप्रेतास्तान् ॥ २६७ जीवाजीवावभक्तिः॥ ३६॥ छ॥ चित्रसम्भूतीयाध्ययन Citrasambūtīyādhyayana (चित्तसंभइज्जज्झयण) (Cittasambuijjajjhayana)व्याख्या vyakhyā No. 692 1620 1871-72 Size.- Iog in. by 4 in. Extent.-- 16 folios; 12 lines to a page ; 43 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and white; Jaina Devanāgari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, legible and good hand-writing%3B borders ruled in three lines in black ink; yellow pigment used; numbers for foll. entered only once, and that, too, in the right-hand margin as usual; some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition good; complete so far as it goes%3B the entire work is mostly in Prākrit. Age.-- Pretty old. Author.-Not mentioned. He does not seem to be Santi Sari; for, the opening lines etc. do not tally with Sisyahita. Subject.- A narrative of Citra and Sambhuta. For a reference see p. 7. Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [692. Begins.-- fol. I* ॐ नमः । व्याख्यातं द्वादशमध्ययन अधुना त्रयोदशमारभ्यते । तेऽस्य चापमभिसंभंध इहानंतराध्ययने तपसि यत्नो विधेय इन्युव्या(च्यते तच्च कुर्वता निदानं परिहर्तव्यं ॥ इति दर्शयितुं यथा तन्महापापहेतुस्तथा चित्रसंभूतो. दाहरणेन निर्दिश्यते etc. चित्रसंभूतवक्तव्यता तावदुच्यते । सा चेय 'सागेए' मगरे चंडवहिंस. स्स रण्णो पुत्तो मुणिवं(च)दा नाम आसि सो य निविणकामभोगो सागर चंदस्स अंतिए पत्वतिउ etc. Ends.- fol. 160 एयस्स सिलोगस्स पच्छिमद्धं पूरेइ तस्स राया निययरज्ज सअद्धं देअत्ति । एवं च पतिदिणं पयत्तमा घोसणं लंबिउ बहुसु पएसेसु पाउ । अत्राधसरे पूर्वभविकश्चित्राभिधानस्तत्सहोदरजीवः 'पुरिमताल'न । समाप्तः श्रीरस्त ॥ लक्षितं ठकर बलराजसुतसषीदासः॥शुभं भवतु ॥ Reference.- This Ms. is referred to by Jarl Charpentier in his in troduction (p. 64) to Uttaradhyayanasutra. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रकथा Uttarādhyayanasūtrakatha No. 693 1295. 1887-91. Size.- sofin. by 44 in. Extent.-- 20 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper rough and greyish ; Jaina Deva nāgari characters with very rare AES; small, legible and very fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered only once ; edges of some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten ; condition good ; complete so far as it goes. Age.- Sarivat Is20. Author.- A Jaina sådhu, a devotee of Munisundara Sari. Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 694.j 1.4 Malasatras 81 Subject.-Narratives in Sanskrit perraining to laghuvrttir of Uttara dhyayanasātra. Begins.- fol. I' अ ॥ अर्ह है)तः सर्वसिद्धावा(चार्योपाध्यायसाधवः । भवंतु वरदा मह्यं सुश्र(श्रु )तारंभसिद्धये ॥ श्रीउत्तराध्ययनानां लघुवृत्तिगया?ताः) स्वयं प्रायः कैश्विन बुध्यते याः काश्चित्प्राकृताः कथाः ॥२॥ मुनिसुंदरसूरींद्रान् सर्वागमविदो गुरुन् । पृष्ट्वा पृष्ट्वा स्वबोधाय लिख्यते संस्कृतेन ताः ॥३॥ प्रथमं विनयाध्ययने । आणानिदेसकरे० अब कूलवालकथा ॥ तदाह etc. Ends-- fol. 20° विविक्तचर्या धृतिमताः कर्तुं शक्याऽत उत्पन्नविश्रोतकेनापि रचा (?)नमिव च्चरणे धृतिः कार्या ॥२२॥ शुभं भवतु लेखकपाठकयो॥ छ ॥ संवत् १५२० वर्षे भाद्रपदसुदि १२ दिने गुरुवारे श्री मंडपदुगें श्री'तपागच्छे पं०ज्ञानहर्षगणिना लिखापितं ॥ छ । श्री। This is follow. ed by the following lines in a bigger hand-writing : __ संवत् १५२० श्रावण शुदि ३ दिने 'तपागच्छनायकश्रीलक्ष्मीसागरसूरिशिष्यपं ज्ञानहर्षगणीनां सा सा० सोनामा सूडीप्रमुखकुटुंबयुतेन श्रीसिद्धांताराधनाय निजन्यायोपार्जितवित्तव्ययेन श्रीउत्तराध्ययनकथा लिखापिता ॥छ॥श्रीः॥ उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रकथा Uttarādhyayanasūtrakatba 1319. No. 694 1891-95. Size. — 104 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 37 - 2 = 35 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. I Perhaps this is Nemicandra Suri's composition. 2 This word "अहम्" forms the very first sutra of Siddhahaima. It is defined as under:___“ 'अहम्' इति सानुनासिकं मान्तं वाऽव्ययं सकलागमरहस्यभूतं योगजनाङ्गीकृतं महाप्रभावक मन्त्राक्षरामति।" HIJ. L. P.] Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [694. Description. Country paper thin and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters ; big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. r± ; same is the case with fol. 370; foll. ra and 37b blank ; corners of some of the foll. torn; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 154; condition on the whole very fair ; foll. 29 and 34 missing ; otherwise complete. Age.— Samvat 1552. Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject.- Narratives in Sanskrit pertaining to the laghuvṛtti of Uttaradhyayanasutra. Begins. fol. 1 ॐ नमो वीतरागाय नमः ॥ 82 श्रीउत्तराध्ययनलघुवृत्ति etc., up to सिद्धये as in No. 695. This is followed by प्रथमे विनयाध्ययने आणानिद्देसाऽकारगुरूणमSuणुव॰ ऽत्र कूलवालककथा यथा एकस्य सूरे: etc. Ends. fol. 374 श्रीधर्मप्रति प्रतिक्रमेण सुखं ख ( रा ? )ज्यं च प्राप्तं । पुण्याकरस्य सर्वत्राज्ञा जाता बहुनि पुण्यकर्त्तव्यानि कृतानि ॥ छ ॥ श्रीउत्तराध्ययनाक्षरश्रवणमहिमाकथने पुण्याकरकथानकं श्रीउत्तराध्ययनप्रारंभन कसमर्थनं ॥ || देवाधिदेवश्री I छ ॥ छ ॥ etc. औत्सुक्याद्विपरीतार्थकथन्या ( ? )स्पद विस्मृतेः यत्पापं मे(s) स्तु तन्मिथ्या श्रुतोक्तो संघसाक्षिकं । ४ (१) । बह्वर्थमतिग (? गं) भीरं समीरं पापपादपे । जिनोक्तं सूक्ष्मधीगम्यमुत्तराध्ययनश्रुतं ॥ वाचितं पुण्यलाभाय दुष्टकर्मक्षयाय च । बोधाय बुधये दुःखप्रणाशाय जयाय च ॥ २ श्रीमद्गुरो ( : ) प्रसादात् श्रीसंघसांनिध्यतस्तथा । बालो(s) पि विज्ञमान्यः स्थानया ( ? )त्र वाचयति श्रुतं ॥ संवत् १५५२ वर्षे महोपाध्याय 'श्रीलबधि (ब्धि) समुद्रगणिशिक्षपूज्यप० संव (वे ) गे (गि) हेमगणिना लषार्पिता । लेषक etc. Letters are illegible; for, yellow pigment is applied here. Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 695.1 उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रकथासङ्क्षेप No. 695 1. 4 Mūlasutras 83 Uttaradhyayanasutrakathāsarkṣepa Size.-— rog in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 29 folios; 14 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagari characters ; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; for ra blank ; almost all the foll. slightly worm-eaten ; condition very fair; complete; composed not earlier than the date of Hemacandra Suri; for his work त्रिषष्टिशलाकापुरुषचरित्र is quoted on fol. 29a. Begins. – fol, 1° श्रीउत्तराध्ययनलघुवृत्तिकथा लिख्यते । अर्हतः सर्वसिद्धाश्र्वाचार्या (यों )पाध्यायसाधवः भवंतु वरदा मह्यं सुश्रुतारंभसिद्धये । अगप्पभवा जिणभासिया य पत्तेयबुद्धसंवाया । बंधे मुक्खे य कया छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झयणा ॥ २ ॥ अंगप्रभवं यथा । परीषहाध्ययनं वक्ष्यति हि C 163. 1871-72. Age.— Not modern. Author.— Not mentioned. Subject. Narratives illustrating some of the gathās of Uttaradhyayanasutra, the 1st story being that of Külavälaka. कम्मपवायव्वे सत्तरसे पाहुडंमिजं सुतं तं इह सोदाहरणं बद्धं तु परीसहज्झयणे ॥ ३ ॥ etc. - fol. 292 सिंधुसौवीर' देशेशश्री उदायनराजर्षिकथा त्रिषष्टीयश्रीचीरचरिता (तू) ज्ञेया etc. Ends.— fol. 29° जयघोषविजयघोषौ यमलभ्रातरौ । जयघोषः स्नातुं 'गंगा' गतः । पेच्छइ सप्पेण मंडुको गसिज्जइ स्स ( स ) प्पो वि मज्ञा ( ज्जा ) रेणऽकंतो । तहावि म ( स ) प्पो मंडुक्कं चिंचियंतं खाइ । मज्जारो वि सव्यं तडफडतं खाइ तं अण्णमण्णघायं पासित्ता अहो संसारस्त असारया जो जस्स पभवड सो तमिन्थ Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [695. गसइ ! कयंतो पुण सम्बस्स पभवइ त्ति सव्वं गसइ । तो धम्मो चेवेत्थ ताणं विचिंतिय 'गंग' मुत्तरिय मा(सा)हुपासे पव्वइउ ति ॥ शेष सूत्रे ॥ xfât saists ATTETUE R IT: FATATAP [:] etc. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र कथासक्षेप Uttarādhyayanasūtra kathāsarksepa No. 656 1321. 1891-95. Size.- 104 in. by 4g in. Extent.— 54 folios ; 11 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Jaina Devanāgari characters with occasional TSHTEITS; big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; unnumbered sides have a small disc in red colour, in the centre; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too ; fol. ra blank; fol. 545 is practically so; for, the title viz. 37TTETTHET etc. written on it; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; complete ; condition very good. Age.- Pretty old. Begins. fol. 10 STITIETOT Ê etc., as in No. 695. Ends.- fol. 536 FTTETTE FTO STG Thurait etc., practically up to the end as in No. 695. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 695. Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 673.] I.4 Malasatras 85 उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र (अध्ययन १-९) कथासहित Uttarādhyayanasutra ( Adhyayanas I-IX) with kathās No. 697 1324. 1887-91. Size.- 101 in. by 48 in. Extent.-77 - I = 76 folios ; 16 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and white; Jaina Devanāgari characters; small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; the Ist fol. lacking; this Ms. contains some portion of the text ( chapters I-IX ) as well as its commentary most ly in Sanskrit ; condition very good. Age.- Old. Author of the kathas etc.-Not mentioned. Subject.- This Ms. starts with the kathā of Kūlavālaka and ends with those of the 4 Pratyekabuddhas (kingly saints). At times there is given a portion in Gujarati. Begins.- ( text ) fol. 20 जहा सुणी पइकण्णी निमसिज्जइ सब्बसो एवं दुस्सीलपडिणीए मुहरी निक्कसिज्जइ॥४॥ ,, - ( com. ) fol. 2* शापोऽस्मै क्षुलकाय दत्तः हे दुरात्मन् त्वं स्त्रीतो विनि (नक्ष्यसि अथ स क्षुलको आचार्यो(5)यं मिथ्यावादी भवतु इति विचित्य पृथक्त तापसाश्रमे गत्वा तिष्ठति । etc. - fol. 24 समणे जह कूलवालए मागहि गणिअं रामस्सए। रायाय असोगचंदए 'वेवे)सालिं' नगरिं गाहस्सए ॥१॥ etc. ,, -(com.) fol. 77° एवं चत्वारोऽपि परस्परं संबद्धाः सत्यवादिनः सर्वथा संयम माराधकाः केवलज्ञानमासाद्य शिवं जग्मुः । इति प्रत्येकबुद्धचतुष्टयकथाः समाप्ताः । नवमाध्ययनकथा समाप्ता । अथ नवमाध्ययनसूत्र प्रारंमः ।. Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 86 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [697 Ends.- (text ) fol. 770 चइऊण देवलोगाओ उववणो माणुसंमी लोय?गोमि । उवसंतमोहणिजो सरति य पोराणियं जातिं । १॥ ,, -(com.) fol. 77° नमिराजा देवलोकात् च्युत्वा मनुष्यलोके उत्पन्नः पौरा णिकीयां जाति(तिं ) स्मरति नमि राजा देवलोकथी चवी मनुष्यलोकि उत्पन्न भणीयै जानो पौराणिकीयां जाति भणइ गत जन्मांतर जाति स्मरै किंविशिष्टो नमिराजा उपशांतमोहनीयः प्रत्येकबुद्धचतुष्टय Pratyekabuddbacatustaya" चरित्र caritra 293. No. 698 A. 1883-84. by 44 in. Extent.-- 18 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 33 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanāgari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; big, legible but poor hand-writing; borders ruled in red ink; foll. numbered as usual; foll. I and I8b blank ; every side is decorated with three small discs in red colour, one in the centre and two in the margins ; complete ; yellow pigment used ; con dition good. Age.- Fairly old. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject. - Narratives about 4 Pratyekabuddhas. For comparison etc. see Charpentier's introduction (p. 44) to Uttaradhyayana sutra. Begins.- fol.rb उक्तमष्टममध्ययनं सांप्रतिं नामिवक्तव्यताबद्धं नमिप्रव्रज्याख्यं नवममारभ्य वा(चा)यमभिसंबांधानंतराध्ययने नित्वे(?)भित्वमुक्तामह तु तदनुष्ठित इहैव देवेंद्रादि प्रजायत इति दयते etc. 1 This is the first verse of the ninth chapter known as amipavvajja (Namipravrajya). etc. Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 699. 1. 4. Matasatras Ends.---fol. 18° इमामनुशास्ति करकंडकृतां प्रतिपन्नाः कालेन च चत्वारोंऽपि मोक्षं गता इति । संप्रति सूत्रमनुश्रियते । ,, -- ( text ) fol. 18 चइऊण देवलोगा उववणो माणुसंमि लोगंमि । उवसंतमोहणिज्जो सरइ पोराणेयं जायइं च्युत्वो(?)दे इति प्रत्येकबुद्धचतुष्टयं ॥ समाप्तं ॥ छ ॥ etc. Reference.- See "Sulla leggenda die quattro Pratyekabuddha" by P. E. Pavolini published in “ Actes du XIIe congre's international des Orientalistes”, vol. I, pp. 129-137, Firenze, 190I. प्रत्येकबुद्धचतुष्टय चरित्र Pratyekabuddhacatustaya caritra No. 699 296. A.1882-83. Size.- 94 in. by 41 in. Extent.-- 23 - I = 22 folios; 11 lines to a page; 31 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; bold, big, legible and fair hand-writing; borders ruled indifferently ; yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; the Ist fol. lacking; practically incomplete; fol. 5 blank; but the matter is continuous%3B condition good. Age.- Not modern. Author.-Not mentioned. Subject.- This Ms. starts with Karakandakatha which ends on fol. 4. Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Begins.- ( abruptly ) fol. 24 या दृढं । राज्ञा गृहीता दक्षेण तस्थौ राज्ञी तथैव हि ।। ७ । किंकर्तव्यतया मूढः सशोकोऽगा गृहं नृपः । निर्मामु (नुषां (षा) व नीता तेनेभेन नृपप्रिया ॥ ८ ॥ etc. 'पंचाल 'देसअहिवो पुयमयुपं च इंदं केउस्स । द विरत्तकामो पवइओ दोमुहनरिंदो ॥ ६६ ॥ Ends. — (text) fol. 23b पुष्प (प्फ) त्तराउ चवणं पव्वज्जा तहय तेसि समकालं । पत्तेयबुद्धकेवलि सिद्धिगया एगसमय ( ये ) णं । ६५ । (com.) -- fol. 4b एतयोर्गाथयोरक्षरार्थ उक्त (:) कथानकांशादेवावसेयः नवर अकरिमिति अकार्षुः । तथा प्रव्रज्या तेषां समकालं युगपदेव प्रत्येकबुद्धत्वं च गताः प्राप्ता एकेन समयेन परमनिकृष्टकालेनेति गाथार्थः । इति श्रीनिगत्तित्यं ( ? ) चतुःप्रत्येकबुद्धचरित्रं । यादृशं etc. पंडित श्री संजमविशालपठ ( नार्थे ) ॥ [ 700. Reference. — See No. 698. मनुष्य भवदुर्लभता - सूचकदशदृष्टान्त No. 700 Size— 1o in. by 4g in. Extent. - 13 folios; 19 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional gears; small, clear and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numberd in the right-hand margin; a corner of almost each of the foll. slightly worn out; this seems to be a part of some other Ms. as its first fol. is numbered as 13; complete; condition tolerably good. Manusyabhavadurlabhatăsūcakadaśadṛṣṭānta 794. 1895-1902. Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 701.j 1.4Malasatras 89 Age.-- Samvat 1501. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject. Ten typical illustrations narrated in Sanskrit pointing out the difficulty of attaining birth as a human being. Begins.- fol. 14 ॥ ५ ॥ ॥ श्रीसर्वज्ञाय नमः । संसारे चतसृषु गतिषु मानवगतिरेव श्लाघ्या । यतः। सुरनारयाण दुन्न वि तिरियाण गई य हुंति चत्तारि । मणुयाणं पंच तथा तेणं चिय उत्तमा मणुया ॥१॥etc. Ends.- fol. 25 अथ परि( र )माणदृष्टांतो यथा । तथाहि कश्चित्रिदश आराशन दृषण्मयं स्तंभमुत्पाट्य पूर्य(?)दृष्टिनिक्षेपनिभं चूर्ण कृतवान् । तच्चूर्ण समादाय 'मेरु पर्वतं गत्वा etc. पुनः परि(र)माणुमेलनात् स्तंभपुनर्नवीकरणाय चिंतितं । मेलयति परमातान् यावत्तावन्न मिलति ते । वाताहतास्ते परमाणवो गिरिनदीसमुद्रेषु निपातिताः । स देवोऽपि न पुन स्तंभं चकार तथा मानवं जन्म निरर्थकं गतं पुनः प्राप्तुं न शक्यते जीवेन । इति परमाणुदृष्टांतो दशमः । १०॥ छ ॥ etc. ___ संवनु(त् ) १५०१ शाक्ये १३६६ समय प्रवर्तमाने वैशापशुदि १५ तिथौ स(श )निवासरे लिषिता दश दिष्टांत श्री योगिनीपुरे 'ढिलिकायां । श्रीमहंमदसाहिराज्ये । लि° मेघचंद काइस्थ कौलसीसुतः ॥ शुभं etc. मनुष्यभवदुर्लभता Manusyabhavadurlabhatāसूचकदशदृष्टान्त sūcakadaśadrstānta No. 701 1307. 1887-91. Size.— 104 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 19 folios; 15 lines to a page; 53 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin and white; Jaina Deva nāgari characters; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; the space i For a brief exposition of these narratives see my explanatory notes (pp. 12-15 ) on Vairāgyarasamañjari. 12 [I.L.P.] Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ faina Literature and Philosophy ( 701. between these pairs coloured red; red chalk and yellow pigment used; unnumbered sides decorated with a small disc in red colour in the centre only, whereas the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; the 19th fol. partly torn; edges of several foll. partially worn out; condition very fair ; complete. Age.— Samvat 1558. Begins.- fol. 19 ÁFIT TTTT stâng etc., as in No. 700. Ends.-- fol. 199 379 (Argreutat ger etc., practically as in No. 700 up to sfat TATUENTI TETA: 201. This is followed by the lines as under : wa 244c star(fa) falaleia CHHIA goh TOana I TH yra I etc. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 700. Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 702. ] दशवैकालिकसूत्र ( दसवेयालियसुत्त ) ( अध्ययन १-४ ) No. 702 II. 4 Malasutras THE SECOND MULASŪTRA Begins. fol. 14 श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ Ends. fol. 7a Daśavaikālikasutra (Dasaveyāliyasutta) (Adhyayanas I-IV) Size. 97 in. by 4 in. Extent. 7 folios; II lines to a page; 28 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough and whitish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent ; big, quite clear, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; the space between these pairs coloured yellowish; black ink and red ink as well used for writing the text; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; fol. 7 blank; yellow pigment rarely used; complete so far as the first four adhyayanas are concerned; condition very good. Age.- Old. Author.-- Sejjambhava (Śayyambhava) Suri. For details No. 704. 91 Subject. This forms a part of the second můlasūtra which contains 10 adhyayanas. For detailed information see No. 704. etc. as in No. 704. 723. 1899-1915. इच्चेयं छज्जीवणियं । सम्मद्दिट्ठी सया जए । दुलहं लहिउ सामन्नं । कम्मणा न विराहिज्जासि see ति बेमि ॥ २९ छज्जीवणिया नाम चउत्थमज्झयणं समत्तं लिखित्त (तं) हर्षचंद्रे(ण) श्राविकाजइतूपठनार्थ Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 92 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [703. Reference.-- Published. See No. 704. For additional Mss. having only four adhyayanas of this text see Limbdi Catalogue Nos. IISI and II52. The latter contains tabbā, too. Gujarāti anuvadana is published by Mahāvirasāhityaprakāsanamandira, Sabarmati, Gujarat in A. D. 1935. दशवकालिकसूत्र (अध्ययन १) Daśavaikālikasūtra ( Adhyayana I) No. 703 1372(b). 1891-95. Extent.-- fol. 7* to fol. 7". Description.- Only the five gathas of the first chapter of Dasavaikālikasútra are given here. For other details see Tirtha ____1372 (a). mala No. . 1891-95. Age.-Samvat I717. Begins.- fol. 7* धम्मो मंगलमुक्टुं etc. Ends.--- fol. 7b वी(वि)यं च वित्तं लभा( ब्भा )मो । न य कोइ स(?उ)वहम(म्म)ई अहागडेसु रीयंते पुष्क( प्फे )से भमरा जहा ॥४॥ महुकारसमा बुद्धा जे भवंति अणुसया ॥ नाणापंडरया दंता तेण वुच्चंति साहूणो त्ति बेमि ॥५॥ इति श्रीपुष्की(पी)याअध्ययन संपूर्णः ॥ संवत् १७१७ वर्षे कातीमासे शुक्लपक्षे दशमीदिने शुक्ल(क)वारे लिखितं मुश्रीवैराग्यसागरेण ॥ श्री 'अकबरावाद'वास्तव्य ॥ साहपन्नजीभार्याश्राविकाजेठूपउनार्थ ॥ Reference.- For Mss. having only one adhyayana see Limbdi Cata logue No. 1156. No. 1155 of this Catalogue refers to a Ms. having the first 17 gāthās. For additional particulars see No. 704. Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 704. II. 4 Malasatras 93 The fagot is mentioned in the svopajña laghuvștti (p. 25 ) of Siddhahaima (V-2-25 ) as under : धारयन् आचाराङ्गम्, अधीयन् द्रुमपुष्पीयम् ।" N. B.-- For author' and subject' see Nos. 702 and 704. दशवैकालिकसूत्र Dasavaikālikasutra तथा and चूलिकायुगल Culikyāugala (greerige) (Cūliyājuyala ) 36. No. 704 1869-70. Size.— 101 in. by 4ą in. Extent. — 19 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.--Country paper thick, durable and greyish; Jaina Deva nāgari characters; clear, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink, whereas edges, in two; fol. 1a blank; numbers for găthās etc., written in red ink; yellow pigment used; numbers for foll. circumscribed by different figures; complete ; ink faded; condition very good. Age. Saṁvat 1785, Śáka 1650. Author of the text (Daśvaikālikasūtra ).-Sayyambhava Súri, father of Managa (Manaka) for whom he composed this work. He is praised by Muniratna Sūri in his Amamasvāmicaritra as under: “शय्यम्भवोऽस्तु वो भूत्यै चक्रे सर्वाङ्गमूत्तिभृत् । येनादुःप्रसभाचार्यकालिकं दशकालिकम् ॥ १४ ॥" For other details see Indian Antiquary vol. XI, p. 246 and Peterson Reports IV, p. CXVIII, and V, pp. 4, 121 andji 30. Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 704. Author or the two Culikās.- Simandharasvāmin according to the Jaina tradition. See p. 96 as well as Haribhadra Sūri's com mentary (p. 279 ) on Dasavaikālikasütra. Subject. The text which is styled as Dasakäliya and Dasaveya liya' as well, has ten chapters. Their significant titles are as under: ( 1 ) stagr@q7T, ( 2 ) Threes, ( 3 ) aru, (4) Testteamet, (5) fue qurt, ( 6 ) AETEKET, ( 7 ) argie, (8) Terefore, ( 9 TOFATH and ( 10 ) A . Eulogy of dharma, firm faith in it, the code of discipline, ahiṁsā, rules and regulations pertaining to bhikṣā, rules of conduct in details, purity of speech, advertedness, discipline and the qualities of a good saint respectively form the main topics of these.chapters. For a summary of the contents of these ten chapters in Sanskrit see Keith's Catalogue No. 7503 which deals with a Ms. styled as“ pranoko faqat: ". In a Gujaräti article published in “ Jaina prakāśa" (vol. XXII, No. 14, dated 17-2-35), we find the following information : In the first chapter there is a detailed exposition of the twelve upamās given to a Jaina ascetic in Anuyogadvāra. The second chapter resembles the 22nd chapter of Uttarādhyayanasútra, and that some of the gāthās are also common to both. The third chapter seems to be based upon Niśitha etc. The fourth agrees with the 24th chapter of Ācārānga. The fifth appears to be a paraphrase of Piņdaişaņā, the ist chapter of the 2nd part of Acārānga. The sixth deals with the 18 śikṣās referred to in Samavāya (XVIII). The seventh is an exposition of bhāsă dealt with in the 13th chapter of the 2nd part of Acārānga. The eighth has several topics in common with the eighth chapter of Sthānănga. The ninth can be compared with the 1 Some interpret this as “ten chapters preached at the time of evening ". Compare “The Daśavaikälikasútra, a study" (p. 9) Patwardhan, 1933. Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 704.] 11. 4. Malasatras 95 first chapter of Uttarādhyayanasútra. The tenth resembles the Isth chapter of Uttaradhyayanasútra and has some gāthās in common with it. The ist Cülikă deals with the problem of the stability of a Jaina saint shaken in faith while the second, with the question of secluded residence. Thus on the whole the entire work deals with the life a Jaina saint is expected to lead. Begins.- (text) fol. I' श्रीवीतरागाय नमः॥ धम्मो मंगलमुक्क(क्कि), ॥ अहिंसा संजमो तवो ॥ देवा वि तं नमसंति ॥ जस्स धम्मे सया मणो ॥ १॥ etc. ., -- ( Ist Calika) fol. 18' इह खलु भो पव्वइएणं ॥ उप्पन्नदुक्खणं ॥ संजमे अरइसमावन्नचित्तेणं etc. ,,-( 2nd Culikā ) fol. 19 चलियं तु पवक्खामि । सुयं केवलिभासियं । जं सुपोनु स(स)पुन्नापां धम्मे उप्पजई मई ॥१॥ Ends.- ( text ) fol. 186 तं देहवास असई असासयं सया चए । निश्चहियट्टियप्पा ॥ छिदित्तु जाई मरणस्स बंध(णं)॥ उबेइ मिक्खू अपुणागमं गए() त्ति बेमि ॥२१॥ समिक्खुअज्झयणं दसमं समत्तं ॥१०॥ ,,-( Ist Calika) fol. 19 इच्चेव संपस्सिअ बुद्धिमं नरो॥ । आयं उवायं विविहं वियाणिया ।। कारण वाय(या) अदुमाणसेणं ॥ तित्तियुत्तो जिणवयणमहिद्विज्जासि ते(त्ति) बेमि॥छ। रहवका संमत्ता ॥ Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina: Literature and Philosophy [ 704. Ends.-- ( 2nd Cūlika ) fol. rgb अप्पा [हु] खलु समयं रक्खियव्वो । सव्विदिएहिं सुसमाहिहिं ॥ अरक्खिउज्जा ( ओ जा ) इपहं उवेइ ॥ सुरक्खिउ ( ओ ) सव्वदुहाण मुच्चइत्ति बेमि । दसवेयालियसुयक्खंधो सम्मत्तो ॥ 96 मणगं पहुच्च सेज्जंभवेण निज्जूहिया दसज्झयणा || वेयालियाइ ठविया तम्हा वेयालियं नाम ॥ १ ॥ सिज्जंभवं गणहरं ॥ जिणपडिमादंसणेण पडिबुद्धं [ ] पियरं दसकालियस्स || निज्जूहगं वंदे ॥ २ ॥ एयाओ दो चलाउ || आणीय जक्खिणाइ अज्जाए ॥ सीमंधरपासाए ॥ भवियाणं बोहणत्थाए ॥ ३ ॥ इति श्रीदशवैकालिकसूत्रं समाप्तं ॥ संवत् १७८५ वर्षे शाके १६५० प्रवर्त्तमाने ॥ कार्तित्रदि २ दिने बुधवारे श्री. The subsequent letters are illegible as ink is applied here. Then we have:लिषितं... पठनार्थ ॥ Reference.-- Edited with Bhadrabāhusvamin's niryukti in Z. D. M. G. (vol. 46, pp. 581-663) by E. Leumann, with introduction dealing with the different strata of Jaina commentaryliterature in general and the stories connected with the text, in special. The text along with two Cülikäs, this niryukti and Haribhadra Suri's commentary is published in the D. L. J. P. F. Series in A. D. 1918 and that with Samayasundara Gani's commentary by Hirālāl Hamsaraj, Jamanagar, in A. D. 1915. Daśavaikālikasūtra along with two Culikas, their sabdaratha and bhāvārtha, too, is published in Samvat 1987, by Jaina-mahila-mandala, Sāntinātha Upāśraya, Bombay. Banarasi Dās Jaina has given in his Ardha-MagadhiReader the 8th chapter of the text on pp. 74-78, along with its English translation on pp. 167 172. The text together with the Culikās has been edited and translated into English by K. V. Abhyankar. He has made 1-2 These are respectively the 15th and the 14th gathas of Daśavaikāliksutraniryukti. 3 With the help of this edition Jivraj Gheläbhāi Dosī has published an edition in Devanagari characters. Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 704.) 11. 4 Malasatras 97 certain allegations against the Jainas and Jainism.” W. Schubring, too, has edited the text with the two Culikās and has given the English translation of the same. This edition of his is published by Sheth Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi. In this edition he has referred to the question of flesh-eating For description of a Ms. having the bare text see Keith's Catalogue No. 7498 and for other Mss. see Limbdi Catalogue Nos. 1150-5152, 1154-1157 and 1160–1168. For description of additional Mss. see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 382 and G. O. Series vol. XXI, p. 25. For contents etc. see Weber II, pp. 807-813, Indische Studiep vol. XVII, pp. 77-80, Indian Antiguary vol. XXI, pp. 339ff., Winternitz, Geschichte (vol. II, p. 315), La Religion Djaïna (pp. 43, 79 & 81). A History of Indian Literature (vol. II, pp. 429, 433n., 470 f., 474, 476n., 481, 484 and 509 ) and Die Lehre der Jainas ( p. 80 ). See also G. Bühler's “Two lists of Sanskrit Mss. together with some remarks on my connexion with the search for Sanskrit Mss. ” (Z. D. M. G. vol. XLII, p. 553). See also Mitra, Notices vol. VIII, pp. 119-120. 1 See p. 249 of my article “ xr E lega" published in " Citramayajagat " ( vol. 18, December 1932 ) and also another article of mine " resta TFS À the feat” published in the issue of " Jain ”, a weckly dated 25th December 1932. For other articles of mine having the same title see the issues of this “Jain ” dated 21-5-33, 28-5-33, 4-6-33 and 23-7-33 respectively. 2 In this connection he informs me in his letter dated the 7th September 1936 as under: "Through the kindness of Mr. Gode I received your article concerning fleshcating in Jainism, partly based upon Professor Jacobi's brilliant suggestions. I appreciate it very ry.uch and it is now on the part of the managers of Sheth Anandji Kalyanji, Ahinedabad, to make use of what I wrote then after having reconsidered certain places in my translation of the Dašavaikalikasütia on the ground of those investigations." 13 [J. L P. Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [705. दशवैकालिकसूत्र Daśa vaikālikasutra चूलिकायुगलसहित with Cúlikāyugala 613 (b). No. 705 1884-86. Extent.- fol. 5* to fol. 216. Description. Both the text and the two Cülikās complete. For .. other details see Paksikasutra No. - 613 (a). Kasutra NO. 1884-86. . Begins.- fol. 5*धम्मो मंगलमुक्कटुं etc., as in No. 703. fol. 5 सामनपुग्वियं नामज्झयणं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ । fol. 8 छज्जीवणिया सम्मत्ता ॥ छ । fol. II पिंडेसणाए पढमो उद्देसो सम्मत्तो ॥ छ । fol. 12* पिंडेसणा(ए) बीओ उद्देसओ सम्मत्तो ॥ छ । fol. I3' धम्मत्थकामज्झयण्णं(ण) छद्रं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ । fol. IS" वक्कसु(द्धि)अज्झयणं सत्तमं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ । fol. 16° विणयसमाहीए पढमउ उद्देसउ ॥छ॥ fol. I7* आयारपणि(हि) अट्टमं अज्झयणं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ । fol. 17 विणयसमाहीए पढमउ उद्देसउ ॥ छ । fol. 18 विणयसमाहीए बीउ उहेसउ ॥छ॥ fol. 18° विणयसमाहीए तईउ उद्देसउ ॥ छ । fol. 19* विणयसमाहीए नवमझयणं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ । fol. 19 सभिक्खुअज्झयणं समं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ । fol. 20° रइवक्का सम्मत्ता ॥ छ । Ends.- fol. 214 मणगं पडुच्च सिज्जभवेण निज्जूहिया दसज्झयणा ।' वेयालियायदृषिया तम्हा दसकालियं नाम ॥१२॥ चूलिया सम्मत्ता दसवेयालियसुयक्खंधो सम्मतो ॥ छ । N. B.-For other details see No. 704. Just as this work is composed by sayyambhava Sūri for his son so it is said Dharmadāsa Gani has composed Upadeśamālāprakaraņa for his son Ranasimha, Sce Rāmavijaya's vivarana on this prakaraņa. 2 According to the printed edition this is the 13th gåtha of the Daśavaikalikasūtraniryukti. Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (99 706.] · II. 4 Mülasatras दशवैकालिकसूत्र Daśavaikālikasūtra चूलिकायुगलसाहित with Cúlikāyugala No. 706 434 ( a ). 1882-83. Size.--Iljin. by 43 in. Extent. 14 folios; Is lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and grey; Jaina Devanāgari charac ters with occasional Thris; bold, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; unnumbered sides have one small disc in red ink in the centre; the numbered have two more such discs, one in each of the two margins; a piece of paper of almost the same size as the fol. pasted to the first fol.; edges of some of the foll. worn out: condition very fair; red chalk used; at times letters have been made illegible by applying red and black ink, instead of applying the yellow pigment; this Ms. contains the Daśavaikālikasútra and the two Cūlikās as well; all complete ; extent 700 ślokas ; this Ms. has an additional work viz. Pakşikasūtra beginning and ending on fol. 146 thus having 7 complete verses plus a part of the 8th. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.—( Daśavaikälika ) fol. 16 JFAT g etc., as in No. 704. „ - ( Ist Cülikā ) fol. 135 e ag ut etc., as in No. 704. „ –(2nd , ) fol. 14° reci =( )Fallà etc., as in No. 704 Ends.- ( Daśavaikālika ) fol. 13b zag har SgOTTÄ TEIT OP सभिक्खुअज्झयणं दसमं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ । , - ( ist Cúlikā ) fol. 14 FUTETUTAIETEHTIT PT WH 1186 TECEDET TEATROT AFT I J ! » – (2nd „ ) fol. 14 plenit HEETT ETT FII A II १६ बीआ चला सम्मत्ता॥ छ । Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 706. Jaina Literature and Philosophy सिज्जभवं गणहरं जिणपाडमादंसणेण पडिब (बु) द्धं । मग पियरं दसकालियस्य निज्जूहगं वंदे ॥ १ ( This is the 14th gatha of दशवैकालिकनियुक्ति ) मणगं पडुच सिज्जंभवेण निज्जूहिय (या) दसज्झयणा । वेयालियाय ठविया तम्हा दसकालियं नाम ॥ २ ( This is the 15th gāthā of दश • निर्युक्ति ) छम्मा सेण अहि (ही) यं अज्झयणमिणं तु अज्जमणगेण ( 1 ) छम्मासा परियाओ अह कालगओ समाहीए ॥ ३ (This is the 37oth gatha of दश नियुक्ति ) आणंदयं सुपायं काही सेज्जंभवा तहि थेरा । जसभद्दस्स य पुच्छा कहणा य वियालणा संघे ॥ ४ ( This is the 371th gātha of दश निर्युक्ति) त (तु) म्हासि ( स ) रिसा वि मुणिवर मोहपिसाएण जइ छलिज्जति । ता साहु तुमं चिय धीरमाकं समाल्लीयओ ॥ ५ दस अज्झयणसमय सिज्जंभव सूरिविरइथं एयं । लहुयाओयं वनाउं अहाए मणगसीसस्स || ६ या उदो चूला आणीया जक्खिणीइ अज्जाए । सीमंधरपासाओ भवियणजणविबोहणट्टाए ॥ ७ खुल्ला सणदीम्मी अहियं काराविओ य अज्जा । रयणीए कालगओ अज्जा संवेगमावन्ना ॥ ८ कहमेयं संजायं शिसिंहच्चा पाविया मए पावे । तो देवयाविनीया सीमंधरसामिणो पासे ॥ ९ सीमंधरेण भणिया अज्जे खुल्लो गओ महाकप्पो । मा ज्झरसु अप्पाणं धम्मंमि य निच्चला होसु ॥ १० इति दशवैकालिकं समाप्तमिति ॥ छ ॥ ग्रंथाग्रं ७०० शुभं भवतु श्रीसंघस्य ॥ १ N. B. For additional particulars see No. 704. 100 Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 708. दशवैकालिकसूत्र चूलिकायुगलसहित No. 707 Extent. fol. 12a to fol. 24a. Description. Both the text and other details see No. " II. 4 Malasatras 122 अहे नमः ॥ Begins.--- ( Daśavaikalika ) fol. धम्मो मंगलमुक्कटुं etc. as in No. 704. - ( 1st Culikā ) fol. 23 इह खलु etc. as in No. 704. -(2nd ),, 23" चूलियं तु etc., as in No. 704 . Ends.— ( Daśavaikalika ) fol. 224 उवेइ etc. as in No. 704 . 33 - दशवेकालिकसूत्र ( अध्ययन २ - १० ) चूलिकायुगलसहित IoI Daśavaikalikasutra with Culikayugala 1269 (e). 1887-91. ( Ist Cülika) fol. 23b जिणवयणम हिट्टिज्जास (सि) त्ति बेमि १८ ॥ रइवक्काचूला सम्मत्ता ॥ - ( 2nd 5 ॥ ) fol. 230 सव्वदुहाण मुच्चई त्ति बेमि । १६ चूलिया अज्झयणं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः This is followed by ro verses beginning with सिजंभवं गणहरं and ending with the line धम्मंमि य निञ्चला होसु ॥ १० as in No. 706. Then we have:इति श्रीदृशवैकालिकं परमागमं समाप्तमिति ॥ छ ॥ N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 704 . the two Culikās complete. For 1269 (a ). 1889-91. Daśavaikālikasūtra ( Adhyayanas II-X ) with Culikayugala 1171 (a). 1887-91. No. 708 Size.5 in. by 31 in. Extent.— 46–1 = 45 folios; to lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ To2 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [708. Description.- Country paper thick, smooth and grey ; Devanāgari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs: quite bold, legible, uniform and very beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; unnumbered sides have one circular diss in the centre ; the numbered have two more, one in each of the two margins ; red chalk used ; numbers for foll. twice entered on one and the same side in one and the same left-hand margin and also once in the right-hand margin as स्ति, श्री, र्क, t etc.; the 46th numbered as त ; condition very good; the Ist fol. missing so this Ms. commences with the last word of the 6th gātha of the 2nd adhyayana ( see pp. 95-96 D. L. J. P. F. Series, No. 47 ); otherwise complete. This Ms. contains two additional works as under : (i) पाक्षिकसूत्र foll. 30 to 42b (ii) श्रमणसूत्र ,, 42b ,, 46". Age.-- Old. Begins.- (Daśavaikālika ) fol. 2a गंधणे ॥६ धिरत्थु ते जसोकामी जो तं जीवियकारणा। बंतं इच्छसि आवेळ सेयं ते मरणं भवे ॥७etc. ,, -( Ist Culika) fol. 27" इह खलु भो etc., as in No. 704. , - ( 2nd ,, ,, 29* चूलियं तु पच(ब)क्खामि etc., as in No.703 Ends.- ( Dasavaikalika) fol. 27 अपुणागमं गइ ति बेमि ॥२१ ॥छ ॥ सभिक्खुअज्झयणं दसमं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ । ,, - (Ist Culika) fol. 29 जिणवयणमहिट्रिज्जासि त्ति बेमि ॥ १८ रय(इ)वक्का नाम पढमा चूला सम्मत्ता ॥ छ । ,, - (2nd ,, ) fol. 30 सव्वदुहाण मुच्चइ त्ति बेमि । १६) ॥ छ । दसवेयालियसुयक्खंधो सम्मत्तो । छ॥ This is followed by only one verse commencing with Horoga and going up to ठविया तम्हा वेयालियं नाम ॥छ॥ N. B.- For further particulars see No. 704. Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 709.] दशवैकालिकसूत्र, चूलिकायुगल, fagfm (fasgia) तथा टीका No. 709 ii. 4 Malasatras 103 Daśavaikālikasutra, Culikayugala, niryukti (nijjutti) and tikā 721. 1875-76. Size.-9 in. by 44 in. Extent. 160 + 1 = 161 folios; 15 lines to a page; 49 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanagarî characters with gears; bold, legible, uniform and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; this Ms. contains Daśavaikälikasutra, the Cülikäs, the niryukti and the commentary; edges of the first fol. somewhat worn out; all the same condition on the whole very good; fol. 36th repeated; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Author of the niryukti.-Bhadrabahusvämin, twin pupil with Sambhūtivijaya of Yasobhadra Süri. He is looked upon as the author of ten niryuktis. The texts corresponding to these ten niryuktis are as under : (1) Avaśyakasutra, (2) Daśavaikālikasutra, (3) Uttaradhyayanasūtra', (4) Acarangasūtra2, (5) Sūtrakṛtāngasutra, (6) Daśäśrutaskandhasutra, (7) Kalpasūtra, (8) Vyavaharasutra, (9) Suryaprajñapti and (10) Ṛṣibhāṣita.s Muniratna Süri in his Amamasvamicaritra (v. 15) compares these niryuktis with the ten mandalas of the RgVeda. 6 1-4 For a niryukti for each of these works see Nos. 681-682, 6-8, 48-50 and 485-487. 5 See Peterson I, App. p. 15. 6 Vide Peterson III, App. p. 90. Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 709. Devacandra mentions Bhadrabāhusvamin as the author of Vasudevacariya, in 125,000 ślokas. Bhadrabāhu is referred to as one of the five śrutapāragas ? and is looked upon as yugapradhāna, too. Peterson in his Report IV, p. LXXXIV mentions Satrūnjayakalpa as one of his works with a cross-reference to 3, App. p. 306. Malayagiri refers to him as the author of Piņqaniryukti. Ksemakirti praises him as the uddhāraka of Brhatkalpasútra. Oghaniryukti has been composed by this Bhadrabahusvāmin to whom the authorship of Upasargaharastotra is ascribed. For other details about Bhadrabāhusvāmin see Klatt, Indian Antiquary vol. XI, p. 246, Weber II, p. 999 and my Sanskrit introduction to Priyamkaranfpakathā. Author of the commentary.- Haribhadra Suri. He has named about 63 gāthās as bhāșyakrd-găthās which are usually included in the niryukti of Daśavaikālika. As regards this Haribhadra Súri A. M, Ghatage in his article “ Daśavaikālika Niryukti ” observes : “The commentator is clearly far-fetched and twisting in interpreting udāharaṇas as the drșțāntas of the logical syllogisms. (p. 637) ......... Haribhadra's opinion that a văuliya is a reference to the school of the Năstikas is not very accurate ( p. 638).” This Haribhadra Sūri has composed a number of works, out of which the following are noted by Peterson in his Report IV, pp. CXXXVII-CXXXIX : 1 See leterson V, App. p. 73. 2-5 Vide Peterson III, App. p. 266 and 308 and V, p. 31 und V. p. 102 respectively, 6 This is published in The Indian İlistorical Quarterly" vol. I, No. 4, fp. 627-639. Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 709.] II. 4 Malasutras (1) Anekāntajayapatākā (III, App. p. 191), (2) Avaṣyakatika called Sisyahita ( III, App. p. 202), (3) Upadeśapada (I, App. p. 34; III, App. p. 46), (4) Caityavandanavṛtti called Lalitavistara (III, App. p. 148), (5) Jambudvipasangrahani (I, App. p. 49; III, App. pp. 213, 253 and 276), (6) Jñānapañcakavivarana (III, App. p. 285), (7) Darśanasaptatikā ( III, App. p. 13), (8) Daśavaikālikaniryuktițikā, (9) Dharmabindu (I, App. p. 44; III, App. p. 53), (10) Nānācitrika (I, App. p. 48), (11) Pañcāśaka (I, App. p. 11), (12) Munipaticaritra, (13) Lagnakuṇḍalika (I, App. p. 88), (14) Vedabahyatānirākaraṇa, (15) Śravakadharmavidhiprakarana (I, App. p. 16), (16) Samaradityacaritra (III, App. p. 118), (17) Yogabinduprakaraṇavṛtti (III, App. p. 327 ) and ( 18 ) Pañcasūtravṛtti ( IV, 104 ). τος In his Report V, p. LXXXIV, he mentions the following additional works:(1) Lokatattvanirṇaya, (2) Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya and its commentary. For a detailed discussion about Haribhadra Suri's life, date, works etc., see my introduction to Anekantajayapatākā, which is being edited with its svopajña commentary and Municandra Suri's vivarana and which will be hereafter published in Gaekwad's Oriental Series. Subject. The text as usual. It is accompanied by a Prakrit commentary known as niryukti several gathas of which are found in Mulacăra, a Digambara work. This niryukti is explained in the Sanskrit commentary which follows it. As stated in Gaṇadharasardhasataka (Weber II, p. 987) Haribhadra composed a bṛhadvṛtti and a laghuvṛtti to Daśavaikālikasūtra. The commentary given here is a laghuvṛtti, it being an epitome of the bṛhadvṛtti. The niryukti above referred to is a metrical composition in Prakrit, and it consists of 447 verses (gāthās) or so2. Out of them 62 gathās are styled by Haribhadra as Dikşavidhipaficasaka is here excluded by me; for, it forms only a part of Pañcasaka. 2 See p. 108. 14 []. L. P.] Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 "" "" Begins.— ( Daśavaikālika ) fol. 20 धम्मो etc., as in No. 704 -- ( niryukti ) fol. 1 सिद्धिगइमुवगयाणं etc., as in No. 710. ( com. ) fol. rb नमः श्रुतदेवतायै - [ 709. Jaina Literature and Philosophy bhāṣyakṛt-gāthās. They mostly occur in the niryukti of the fourth adhyayana and seem to supplement the original niyurkti-gāthās. Haribhadra has noted one gāthā as भिन्नकर्तृकी. See the printed edition ( p. 842 ). " The niryukti explains the titles of the adhyayanas and some words from the body of the text. It deals with the subject-matter from various view-points wherein ( 1 ) niksepa, ( 2 ) nirukta, ( 3 ) ekārtha, ( 4 ) linga and ( 5 ) pañcavayava hold a promiment place. Out of them nikṣepa is given full scope in verses 8, 9 and 1781. Some of the words of which niksepa is given are दुम, धम्म, समण, काम, पय, आयार, जीव, काय, सयार, भिक्खु वक्क, सुद्धि, and पणिहि. " Nirukta is noticed in connection with ajjhayaṇa, ajjhīna, āya, kāma, jhavanā etc., and ekārtha for vakka in v. 270.2 Ends. — ( Daśavaikalika ) fol. 159 अप्पा खलु etc. जयति विर्जि ( जि ) तान्य etc, up to practically महार्थगोचरस्य व्याख्या प्रस्तूयते ( see No. 716 ). This is followed by तत्र प्रस्तुतार्थप्रचिकटयिषयेष्टदेवतानमस्कारद्वारेण शेषविघ्नविनायकापोहसमर्था परममंगलालयामिमां गाथामाह नियुक्तिकारः etc. व्याख्या सिद्धिगतिमुपगतेभ्यो etc. — ( niryukti) fol. 1600 सव्वेसिं पि नयाणं etc., up to साहू ॥ ( com. ) fol. 160° शास्त्रमुपस (सं) हर (न्) उपदेश सर्वस्वमाह अप्प त्ति सूत्रं व्या । आत्मा खल्विति खलुशब्दो विशेषणार्थ (:) शक्तो (क्तौ) सत्यां परोपि etc. निशम्य श्रुत्वा सर्वनयविशुद्धं सर्वनयसंमतं वचनं यच्चरण ( गुण ) स्थितः साधु ( : ) यस्मात्सर्वनया एव भावनिक्षेप मिच्छतीति गाथार्थः followed by the following lines written perhaps by some one else : I These numbers refer to D. L. J. P. F. Series No. 47. 2 For details see Ghatage's article (above referred to) p. 635 and ff. Here he has remarked that in many cases the interpretation "is clearly wrong and much of it is based upon the mere similarity of sound or the possibility of a secondary sense". Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 710. ] II. 4 Malasūtras 107 नमो वर्द्धमानभगवते व्याख्यातं चूडाध्ययनं तद्व्याख्यानाच्च समाप्ता दशवैकालिकटीका याकिनीधर्मसूनुश्रीहरिभद्राचार्यकृता दशवेकालिकtai विधाय यत् पुण्यमर्जितं तेन । मात्सर्यदुक्ख ( दुःख ) विरहाद गुणानुरागी भवतु लोकः ॥ Reference. For a fragment of the ending portion of Haribhadra's țikä see Keith's Catalogue No. 7499. For a Ms. having the text and an anonymous commentary in Sanskrit see the same Catalogue No. 7501. No. 7502 of this Catalogue records a Ms. having an extract of the text with a Sanskrit commentary, on truth and falsity in the use of a language taken from Haribhadra's țikā. In "A History of Indian Literature vol. II, p. 479 n., Daśavaikälika-niryukti-tika is mentioned. N. B. For other details see No. 704. दशवैका लिकसूत्र नियुक्ति ( दसवेयालियसुत्तनिज्जुत्ति ) No. 710 21 Daśavaikālikasūtraniryukti (Dasaveyāliyasuttanijjutti) 1261. 1886-92. Size. 103 in. by 4 in. Extent. 10 folios; 17 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, durable and greyish; Devanagari characters with gears; quite bold, perfectly legible, singularly uniform and very beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; unnumbered sides have one circular disc in red ink, in the centre; the numbered have, over and above this, two more such discs, one in each of the two margins; red chalk used; foll. doubly numbered as 1 to 10 and also as 29 to 38; most probably this is done with a view to mark out a different work and at the same time not to disturb the continuity of the fol ation of the Ms. ; at least the few foll. prior to the 29th must be dealing with off as can be seen from the last Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [710. lines written on this fol.: complete; this Ms. does not contain Daśavaikālikasūtra ; condition very good. Age. - Samvat I492. Begins.- ( Oghanirukti) fol. I (or 294) घणियमाउत्तो। मरणाराहणजुत्तो चंदगविज्झं समाणेइ ॥ ६० This is continued up to GHT OVEzt which goes up to संगहिया ॥११६४. Then we have :श्रीओधनियुक्तिसूत्रं नवमपूर्वे तृतीयसामाचारीविंशतितमप्राभूतानि(नि) श्रीभद्रबाहुस्वामिना ॥ छ । Begins.-fol. I ॐ नमो वीतरागाय ॥ सिद्धिगइमुवगयाणं कम्मविसुद्धाण सव्वसिद्धाणं । नमिऊणं दसकालियनिज्जुत्तिं कित्तइस्सामि ॥१॥ etc. Ends.-- fol. 106 दवे सरीरभविओ भावेण य संजओ इहं तस्स । उग्गहिया पग्गहिया विहारचरिया मुणेयत्वा ।। ४३ (४४३) अणिएयं पइरिक्कं अन्नायं सामुदाणियं उछ। अप्पोवही अकलहो विहारचरिआ इसिपसत्था ॥४४ (४४४) छहिं मासेहिं अहि(ही)यं अज्झयणमिणं etc. as in No. 71I. आणंदअंसुपायं कासी सिज्जंभवा etc. as in No. 711. नायमि गिहियब्वे अगिहियव्वमि चेव अत्थंमि । जइयब्वमेव इह जो उवएसो सो नओ नामं ॥४७ (४४७ ) ( See 285th page of D. L. J. P. F. Series, No. 47 ). सव्वेसि पि नयाणं बहुविहवत्तव्वयं निसामित्ता। तं सव्वनयविसुद्धं जं चरणगुणद्धि(ट्री)ओ साहू ॥ ४८ (४४८) दशवकालिकनिज्जुत्ती मम्मत्ता ॥ (See ibid., p. 286). .॥छ ॥॥छ॥॥ छ । एवं ग्रन्थाग्रं गाथा ४४८ श्लोक ५५८ छ । संवत् १४९२ वर्षे अ(आ) श्व( श्चि )नमासे कृष्णपक्षे एकादश्यायां तिथौ पं०देवरत्नगणिभिः दशवकालिकनियुक्ति. Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 711.) 11. 4 Malasatras 109 Reference.- Published. See No. 704. In Peterson's Report for 1882-83 (p. 97 ), this niryukti is mentioned. As regards the question of the date of this niryukti see Vidyābhusana's “History of Indian Logic” II and A. M. Ghatage's article The Daśavaikālika-Niryukti" (p. 631). Both of them agree in assigning to it a date nearer the 4th century A. D. दशवैकालिकसूत्रनियुक्ति Daśavaikālikasūtraniryukti 76 (1). 1880-81. No. 711 Size. — 144 in. by 2 in. Extent.-- 190 + a few leaves; 3 to 6 lines to a leaf; 40 to 45 letters to a line. Description.- Palm-leaf thin, durable and greyish; Devanagari characters with AETS ; this Ms. presents an appearance as if the work is divided into two separate columns; but, really it is not so ; for, the lines of first column extend to the second ; borders of each of the columns ruled in four lines in black ink ; leaves numbered in both the margins ; in the left-hand one as far, saft, use etc.; several leaves worm eaten ; some very badly ; leat 153 and the following have a part worn out and leaves 191 etc., are in fragments; condition on the whole pretty fair; the ist leaf missing; otherwise complete; extent sso ślokas ; this work ends on leaf 426; two extra blank leaves at the end ; ink spread out on leaves 49a and 915; red chalk used; there is one small leaf on which the table of contents is written. This Ms. contains the following additional works : Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [7rt. (1) नवतत्त्वविचासारोद्धार (2) वृत्तिसहित leaves 42 to 556 (2) परिग्रहप्र( ? परि )माण , 56,, 58b (3) महावीरकलश , 58° ,, 61 (4) परिग्रहप्रमाण (श्रीसिद्धार्थ०) ,, 61*,, 660 (5) जन्माभिषेक ,, 66° ,, 68 (6) गुरुस्तुति ,, 68 ,, 700 (7) यतिस्तुति ,, 70° ,, 7I (8) पौषधविधि ,, 710,, 730 (9) मन्ह जिणाणं सज्झाय (स्वाध्याय), (10) प्रश्नोत्तररत्नमालिका , 74°,, 760 (1) धर्मलक्षण , 77* ,, 78 (12) चतु-शरण (13) अष्टादशपापस्थान (14) साकारप्रत्याख्यान , 80° ,, 8" (15) जिनभवनादि (16) राजप्रश्नीयसूत्रावतरण (17) योगशास्त्र ,, 83°,, 122 (18) वीतरागस्तोत्र ,, 122° ,, 139 (19) भक्तामरस्तोत्र (4+ verses) ,, 139 ,, 1450 (20) प्रशमरसंपद्य leaf. 1456 ( 21 ) भयहर(नमिऊण स्तोत्र (23 verses) leaves I45,, I481 (22) वर्धमानस्तव 148* ,, ISO(23) त्रिषष्टिध्यानकथानककुलक ,, I50° ,, IS4 (24) भयहरस्तोत्र ( 14 verses) ,, I540 ( 25 ) चतुर्विंशबुद्धातिशयस्तोत्र ,, I56° ,, 158 (26) अजितशान्तिस्तव (40 verses) , 158,, 164 (27) क्षेत्रसमास ___ , 164° ,, I74 (28) एकविंशतिस्थानक (चषणविमाणा) , 174, 18-* " 81*,, 82,, 82 1560 Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 712. J Begins.-leaf 2a ( 29 ) गौतमपृच्छा ( 30 ) अरिहंतविनति ( 31 ) केवलनाणसहाणं ( 32 ) मिच्छत्तकुलय Ends. leaf 424 II. 4 Malasatras No. 712 leaves___1814(?),, छ ॥ दशवैका लिकसूत्रादिवृहद्वृत्त्यवचूरि "" १७ leaf ( काल )ओ य णिसो । दसकालिय सुयसंधं अज्झयणुद्देस णिक्खिविरं ॥ ७ ॥ णामं ठवणा दविए माउगपयसंगहेक्कए चेव । पज्जवभावे अतः (? हा) सच्चे (ते) ए एक्कगा होंति ॥ ८ ॥ N. B. For other details see No. 710. छहिं मासेहिं अहीयं अज्झयणमिणं तु अज्जमणएणं । छम्मासा परियाओ अह कालगओ समाहीए ॥ 186b 189b 189b,, 191(?) 191(?) " आणंद सुपायं कासी सेज्जभवा तहिं थेरा । जसभहस्स य पुत्था (च्छा) कहणा य वियालणा संघे ॥ छ । वि (बि)ति (ती) यचूलाणिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता || दसवेयालियणेज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता ॥ छ ॥ श्लोकानां शतानि पंचपंचाशत्यधिकानि ॥ अंको ( ? कतः ) श्लोक ५५० ॥ छ ॥ मंगलमस्तु ॥ छ ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः ७४ ॥ -I-II 186b Dasa vaikālikasūtrādī brhadvṛttyavacuri 1169. 1887-91. Size.-- rog in. by 42 in. Extent. --- 17 - 3 = 14 folios; 21 lines to a page; 76 letters to a line. Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ II2 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [712. Description.-Country paper very thin, smooth and grey; Deva nagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; clear though somewhat small, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk used ; yellow pigment also used, but very rarely; fol. 13 to 15 missing; otherwise the work is complete ; some foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition tolerably good. Age.- Samvat ISIO. Author.-Not mentioned. Subject..- Explanatory notes to Haribhadra Suri's commentary on Daśavaikālikasūtra and two Culikās. Begins.- fol. I* सर्वज्ञाय नमः। इहार्थतः श्रीवीरकृतस्य सूत्रतो गणधरकृतस्य दशवकालिकस्य व्याख्या ॥ शास्त्राण्यादिमध्यांतमंगलभांजि भवंति । इह चादिमंगलं द्रुमपुष्पिकाध्ययनादि धर्मप्रशंसाप्रतिपादकत्वात् । तत्स्वरूपादित्यर्थः । मध्यमंगलं तु धर्मार्थकामाध्ययनादि प्रपंचाचारकथाभिधायिकत्वात् । चरममंगलं तु सभिश्वध्ययनादि भिक्षुगुणाद्यालंबनत्वात् । इत्येवमध्ययनविभागतो मंगल त्रयविभाग उक्तः । अधुना मूत्रविभागतो दयते etc. Ends. --fol. 17° कथितं नात्र भवतां दोषः गुरुपरिस्थापनं वा विचारणा संघ इति । शय्यंभवेन अल्पायुषमेनमवेत्य मयेदं शास्त्रं निर्युदं । किं(किमत्र युक्तमिति निवेदितो विचारणा संधे कालहासदोषात् । प्रभूतसत्त्वानामिदमेवोपकारकमतस्तिष्ठत्वेतादत्येवंभूता स्थापना चेति गाथार्थः ॥२० ॥ श्रीहरिभद्रसूरिकृतबृहद्वत्तेरवचूरिरियं कृतेति । छ । ॥१॥ संवत् १५१० वर्षे 'पत्तन'नगरे लिखितं त्रि विनायकेन भट्टारकप्रभुश्रीमुनिसुंदरसूरिवचनात् ।। Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 714.] II. 4 Malasatras II3 दशवकालिकसूत्रबृहद्वृत्तिपर्याय No. 713 Daša vaikālikasūtrabrhadvrttiparyāya 736 (19). 1875-76. Extent.- fol. 24* to 254. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Pancavastuka paryāya No. 736 (1). - 1875-76. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.-Difficult words etc., occurring in the brhadvrtti of Dasa vaikälikasūtra explained in Sanskrit. Begins.- fol. 24° दशवैकालिकबहवृत्तेः पर्यायाः । बोंदीति तनुः गुणसत्त्वांतर ज्ञानादिति गुणाः सत्त्वरजस्तमाख्याः । etc. Ends.-fol. 25° अनुल्वणयुक्तति अबहुद्रव्यं । अरिष्टमिति तक्रं । परिसंस्थापनेति साधुनामसंतोषनिवारणं । स्थापना । दशवैकालिकपर्यायाः समाप्ताः । दशवैकालिकसूत्र Daśavaikā likasūtraबृहद्वृत्तिपर्याय brhadvrttiparyāya 789 (19). No. 714 1895-1902. Extent.- fol. 38a to fol. 40'. Description.- Complete. For other details see Pancavastuka_paryaya No. 1895-1902. in N 789 (I). Begins.--- fol. 38° दशवैकालिकबृहवृत्तेः पर्यायाः ।। etc. as in No. 713. Ends.- fol. 40 अनुल्बणयुक्तेति etc. as in No. 713. ___N. B..- For additional particulars see No. 713. 15 J. L. P.] Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1725. दशवैकालिकसूत्र Dasavaikālikasūtra बृहवृत्तिपर्याय brhadvrttiparyāya 332 (2). No. 715 A. 1882–83. Extent.-- fol. (?) to fol. 226. Description.-- Since the folios have stuck together, it is not possible to mention where it begins. This work appears to be the same as Nos. 713 and 714. For other details see Nandisutra vişama pada paryāya No. 623. Ends.- 3 autofa etc. as in No. 713. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 713. दशवैकालिकसूत्र, Dasavaikālikasutra, चूलिकायुगल Cūlikāyugala तथा टीका and tīkā 104. No. 716 1872-73. Size.- 9; in. by 43 in. Extent.-( text) 62 folios ; 6 lines to a page ; 53 letters to a line. »-( com.), „ ; 9 » »» » ; 69 » » » » Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanāgarī cha racters with occasional TEATS ; this is a grei Ms. ; so the text containing Daśavaikālikasūtra and Culikäyugala is written as usual in the centre and the commentary above and below it; legible, bold, uniform and beautiful handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; fol, 1 blank; this Ms. contains Daśavaikalikasútra, the two Culikās and their small commentary; all complete; red chalk and yellow pigment used; condition very good. Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 716.] 11. 4 Målasatrds ins Age.-Samvat 1745. Author of the commentary. - Sumati Suri, pupil of Bodhaka. Subject. The text along with the two Cūlikās and their explana tion in Sanskrit. Begins.- (text) fol. 10 ॐ श्रीवीतरागाय नमः। धम्मो मंगलमुक्तिटुं etc. as in No. 704. ,, - Ist Culika ) fol. 55° इह खलु भो etc. ,, ,, , , , - ( 2nd ,, ) fol. 59* चूलियं तु पच( व )क्वामि etc. as in No. 704. ,, - ( com.) fol. 1. नमो जिनपतिभ्यः जयति विजितान्यतेजाः सुरासुराधीशसेवितः श्रीमान् । विमलस्त्रासविरहितस्त्रिलोकचिन्तामणिर्वीरः१ । (See p. 106. Cf. the 28th verse of Sakalārhat ) इहार्थतस्तत्प्रणीतस्य सूत्रतो गणधरोपनिबद्धपूर्वगतोदधृतस्य शारीरमानसातिकदुकदुःखसंतापविनाशहेतोदेशवैकालिकाभिधानस्य शास्त्रस्यातिसूक्ष्म महार्थगोचरस्य व्याख्या प्रसू( स्तू यते । तत्र etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 55 उवेइ भिक्खू अपुणागमं गइ ति बेमि २१ सभिक्खूनामज्झयणं सम्मत्तं १० -( Ist Calika) fol. 59* जिणवयणमहिट्रिज्जासि त्ति बेमि १८ रइवक्का पढमा चूला सम्मत्ता , -( 2nd Culika) fol. 62° सम्बदुहाण मु[पुव्व(च्च)इ ति बेमि १६ विवक्कचरिया बीया चूला सम्मत्ता दसवेयालिय मुं अकेंधी (?) समत्तो. This is followed by the 4 verses which begin with सिज्जंभव and which are found in No. 706. Then we have एया उ दो चूला etc. as the sth verse and thereafter the lines as under : इति निर्युक्तौ गाथापंचकमौनेन समग्रश्रीदशवकालिकगुणनं । संवत् १७४५ वर्षे शाके १६१० प्रवर्त्तमाने भाद्रपदशुदि ५ भौमवासरे श्री पत्तन'नगरे मि(इदं पुस्तकं लिखितं इति मंगलं. Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1716. Ends.- (com.) fol. 62° विविधमनेकैः प्रकारैरपुनर्ग्रहणपरमस्वास्व्या(स्थ्या)प(पा) दा(दोनलक्षणविमुच्यते इति ब्रवीमीति पूर्ववत् समाप्ता दशवैकालिकटीका इति छ महत्तराया जा(या)किन्या धर्मपुत्रेण चिंतिता आचार्यहरिभद्रेण टीकेयं शिष्यबोधिनी १ दशवैकालिक(क)टीकां विधाय यत्पुण्यमार्जितं तेन मात्सर्यदु(:)खविरहाद् गुणानुरागी भवतु लोकः २ दशवैकालिकानुयोगात्सूत्रव्याख्यां पृथक् कृता हरिभद्राचार्यकृतान्मोहाद्भक्त्या(5)थवा मया ३ श्रीमद्बोधकशिष्येण श्रीमत्सुमतिसूरिणा विद्वद्भिस्तत्र नो द्वेषो मयि कार्यो मनागपि ४ यस्मायाख्यो क्रमः प्रोक्तः सूरिणा भद्रबाहुना आवश्यकस्य निर्युक्तौ व्याख्याक्रमविपश्चिता ५ सूत्रार्थः प्रथमो ज्ञेयो निर्युक्त्या मिश्रितस्ततः सर्वैर्व्याख्याक्रमयुक्तो भाणितव्यस्तृतीयकः ६ प्रमोदकार्यविक्षेप(?)चेतसां तदायं मया क्रियाया अवबोधार्थ साधूनां तु पृथंकृतः ७ लब्ध्वा मानुष्य जन्म ज्ञात्वा सर्वावदां मतं प्रमोदमोहसंमूढा वैफल्यं येन यांति हि ८ जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधिरोगशोकायुपद्भुते संसारसागरे रौद्रे ते भ्रमंति विडंबिताः ९ येन पुनर्ज्ञानसम्यक्त्वचारित्रविहितादराः भवांबुधिं समुल्लंघ्य ते यांति पदमव्ययं १० इति प्रशस्तिः ग्रंथानं २६५० श्रीरस्तु संवत् १७४५ वर्षे भाद्रपदशुदि ५ भौमदिने मि(इदं पुस्तकं लिखितं शुभं. Reference.- For another Ms. see G. 0. Series vol. XXI, p. 18. For information as regards Sumati Suri's commentary see ibid., p. 22. Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 717.1 दशवैकालिकासूत्र, चूलिकायुगल तथा टीका No. 717 99 Size. 10 in. by 41 in. Extent. 71 1= 70 folios; 14 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. 23 Description. Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with TS; this is a fret Ms. ; but there is very little difference so far as the sizes of hand-writing for the text and the commentary are concerned; bold, less legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; there is some space between these pairs; this Ms. contains Daśavaikālikasūtra, the two Cūlikās and their commentary which is the same as in No. 716; fol. 1a blank; red chalk used; fol. 12th missing hence the corresponding matter missing; fol. 11th ends where the 3rd sutra of the 4th adhyayana terminates, and fol. 13th commences practically with the beginning of the 8th sutra of the same adhyayana; condition very good. Age.- Petty old. Begins. II. 4 Malasatras 35 (Daśavaikālika) fol. r धम्मो मंगलमुक्ति अहिंसा संजमो "" Daśavaikālikasutra, Culikāyugala and tikā 33 (1st Cülikā) fol. 64a (2nd ) 68° चूलियं तु पक्खामि (com.) fol. r जयति विजितान्य० etc. as in No. 716. etc. as in No. 704. 198. 1871-72. "" "" ور وو "" رو در در 12 "" Ends.-- ( Daśavaikalika ) fol. 644 उबेइ भिकखू अपुणागममं गइ ति बेमि २१ भिक्खू नामज्झणं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ ॥ ( 1st Culikā ) fol.684 जिण ( वयण ) महिट्टिज्जासि ति बेमि १८ रहवक्का नलियं ॥ छ ॥ Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 77. Ends.-- ( 2nd Culika ) fol. 71 सम्वदुहाण मुचइ न(त्ति) बेमि १६. This is followed by सिज्जभवं गणहण(रे) जिण etc. up to वियालणा संघi.e. to say the first four verses as in No. 706, which are here numbered as 17 to 20. Then we have the following lines: इति श्रीदसवेयालिसुयक्खंध सम्मत्ते नो (1) छ ॥ ग्रंथानं २००० मानं शुभं भवतु ॥ छ ॥छ ॥छ । -- ( com.) fol. 71 विविधमनेकैः etc., up to यांति पदमव्ययं, the last (the Ioth) verse as in No. 716. This is followed by an additional portion as under : ये भव्या प्रतिच्छाधा जनवचने स्याद्वादसत्नपि न ने वाणीश्रित वतसो विदधि २ सत्तवमार्गयोग्या न स्नद साधना विधिभानावसूरिपदवामारापयवन्निर श्रा(श्री)मजि(जि)नद(दे)वसारिचरणा रक्षतु संघं सदा ॥११॥ समाप्ता । छ दशवकालिकटीकामिति छ ग्रंथानसाधना । ३००० व? च) उद्दश(स?)॥छ॥ N. B.- For further particulars see No. 716. वशवकालिकसूत्रटीका Daśavaikālikasūtratikā 1373. No. 718 1891-95. Size.-- 114 in. by 4 in. Extent.--5o folios ; 16 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description. -Country paper rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional A TS; small, clear and very fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; this Ms. contains the states of the text; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; yellow pigment used; a margin of fol. 6th partly gone; condition tolerably good; the last two foll. seem to have been added to this Ms. by way of replacing the old ones. Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 719.] II. 4 Malasutras 119 Age.- Fairly old. Author.- Sumati Suri. Subject.-A commentary in Sanskrit, explaining Dasavaikalikasutra. Begins.- fol. I ॐ अर्ह जयति विजित्यान्यतेजाः etc., as in No. 716. Ends.- fol. 49° विविधमनेकैः etc. up to पदमव्ययं १० as in No. 716. This is followed by शुभं भवतु ॥ Reference.- See No. 716. Dasavaikālikasūtratikā दशवैकालिकसूत्रटीका No. 719 710. 1892-95. Size.— 104 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 65 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line Description.- Country paper rough and greyish ; Devanāgari cha racters; small, legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; fol. I blank ; numbers for foll. entered in the right-hand margin only; yellow pigment used ; red chalk, too; complete ; extent 2800 ślokas ; condition very good. Age.- Samvat 1663. Begins.- fol. 1 जै नमः जयति etc. as in No. 716. Ends.- fol. 65* विविधमनेकैः etc. up to पदमव्ययं ॥१०॥ as in No. 716. This is followed by ग्रंथानं २८०० ॥ छ ॥ इति श्रीदशवैकालिकटीका समाप्ता ॥ संवति १६६३ वैशाख वदि ७ दिने श्रीबृहत्खरतरगच्छे श्री. सागरचंद्रसूरिशाखायां श्रीवाचनाचार्यराजचंद्रगणिवराणां शिष्यवा जयानधानगणिभिरलेखि ॥ 'सादीषान'ग्रामांतः । शमस्त ॥ N. B.-- For others details see No. 718. Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 Jaina Literature and Philosophy : 720. दशवैकालकस्त्र, Daśavaikālikasutra, चूलिकायुगल Cālikāyugala तथा अवचूरि and avacuri 713. No. 720 1892-95. Size.— 104 in. by 45 in. Extent. 4 text ) 16 folios ; 8 lines to a page ; 58 letters to a line. „ -(com.) „ 16 , , ; 92' » » » » Description.- Country paper thin and white ; Jaina Devanāgari characters; this is a 29 Ms. ; it contains the text, two Cúlikās and avacūri as well, the last in an extremely small hand; uniform, legible and elegant hand-writing ; borders ruled in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; mostly, unnumbered sides have a small disc in the centre and the numbered, in the margins, too; the text, the two Culikās and the commentary complete ; condition very good ; red chalk and yellow pigment used. Age.- Samvat 1515. Author of the avacūri.-- Not mentioned. Subject.— A Jaina āgama with a small commentary in Sanskrit. Begins. — (text) fol. 14 #A: Stąuffarital TATT etc. , - (1st Cúlikā ) fol. 156 EE EE n etc. „ – (2nd » ) » 166 pret a etc. » -- ( com.) fol. 1° gerata: sherati gustatu az tutuitala - (a trånaeneu urteHTARIA**Tag: HarrêarsTTAT: etc. Ends. - (text) fol. 15b jagare etc. up to para as in No. 704. This is followed by समाप्तं ॥ - (ist Cúlikā) fol. 16a gazta etc. up to taer as in No. 704. This is followed by reset CGHT II ETArthat afvision of at l J 1 This refers to a horizontal line. Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72101 11. 4 Malasätras 121 Ends.- ( 2nd Culikā ) fol. 16• अप्पा हु खलु etc. up to संघे ॥४॥ as in No. 706. This is followed by गाथाचतुष्कं नियुक्तिगता ॥ इति श्री. दशवैकालिकश्रुतस्कंधसूत्रं समाप्तं ॥ गाथासंख्या ॥ ७००॥ श्लोकसंख्या ॥ छ । - (com. ) fol. 16 तत्र तस्मिन्काले स्थविराः यशोभद्रस्य च पृच्छा कथना च विचारणा संघे ॥४॥ इति नियुक्तिगतगाथावचूरिः ॥छ ॥ इति श्रीदशवकालिकश्रुतस्कंधावचूरिः॥ छ । ग्रंथानं २१४३ ।। शुभं भवतु । संवतु १५१५ शके १३८ (१) 'बहुधान्य 'संवत्सरे श्रावणशुद्ध ७ सोमदिने लिखितं ॥ छ। दशवैकालिकसूत्र, Dasavaikālikasūtra, चूलिकायुगल Cālikāyugala तथा अवचूरि and avacūri No. 721 435. 1882-83. Size.- 101 in. by 41 in. Extent.- ( text ) 24 folios; 6 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. , - (com.) ,, , ; 14 , , , , , 70 , , , Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; this is a त्रिपाटी Ms. containing the text, the two Cūlikās and a commentary ; hand-writing on the whole small, legible and good; borders ruled thickly in red ink ; foll. numbered in both the margins; unnumbered sides have a small square in the centre, only; the numbered, in the margins, too; each of the foll. ra and 246 decorated with the same design in red and blue colours ; both complete ; condition very good. Age.- Pretty old. Subject.— A Jaina āgama along with a small commentary in Sanskrit. 16 [J. L. P.] Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy - Begins. ( text ) fol. 1 अर्ह । श्रीगौतमस्वामिने नमः ॥ धम्मो मंगल etc. -- ( 1st Culikā ) fol. 21° इह खलु भो etc. · ( 2nd ) fol. 234 चूलियं नु etc. "" ( com. ) fol. ra धर्मो मंगलसुत्कृष्टमित्यनेम (न) मंगलमुक्तं etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 21° तं देहवासं etc. up to अज्झयणं as in No. 704. ( 1st Cūlika ) fol. 232 इच्चेव etc. up to बेमि ॥ १८ ॥ as in No. -- 122 22 " 22 " 704. ( 2nd ) fol. 230 अप्पा खलु etc. up to संघे ॥ ४ ॥ as in No. 706. This is followed by इति श्रीदशवैकालिकं संपूर्ण लिखितं C [ 721. رو बिडु' महानगरे | छ ॥ ( com.) fol. 24° एतावतैव एति तेन श्रुतेन भा (?) युगप्रधानधरो 'भविष्यति ततो(s) स्मादेव कारणायुष्माद्वचनाच्च शिष्यप्रशिष्यैः पष (ठ्य) मानमिदं सुमंगलाय भूयान् (त् ) श्रीसंघाय ॥ ४ ॥ इति श्रीदशवैकालिकाचचूरिः ॥ ॥ छ ॥ दशवैकालिकसूत्र, चूलिकायुगल तथा अवचूरि No. 722 Reference. For a Ms. having the text and an anonymous avacuri see Keith's Catalogue No. 7500. Daśavaikālikasutra, Culikayugala and avacuri 1170. 1887-91. Size.— ro‡ in. by 44 in. Extent.- ( text ) 37 folios; 12 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description.— Country paper thick, smooth and grey ; Jaina Devanagari characters with gerars; bold, clear, uniform and elegant hand-writing; borders of the text and those of the two Culikās ruled in four lines in black ink, whereas those of the commentary, in two lines; this is at Ms; so the text is in the middle and Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 722.] 11.4Malasutras ... 123 the commentary on all its four sides, and that the commentary is written in a smaller hand than the text; complete; foll. I. and 37b blank; corners of some of the foll. worn out; condition very fair ; the text, the two Cūlikās and the commentary complete. Age.- Samvat 1653. Author of the avacuri.- Not mentioned. . Subject.—The text along with two Cůlikās and a small commentary in Sanskrit. Begins.- (text ) fol. I' धम्मो मंगलमुक्क(क्कि )etc. as in No. 704. -(com.),, ,, जयति विजितान्य etc. as in No. 716. This is followed by धम्मो मंगलमित्यादि । अहिंसासंयमतपोरूपो धर्म उत्कृष्टं मंगलं ॥ etc. ,, - ( Ist Culikā ) fol. 34* इह खलु मो etc. as in No. 704. , - ( 2nd , ) , 34 लियं तु etc. as in No. 704. Ends-- (text ) fol. 34* तं देहवासं etc. up to सभिक्खू अज्झयणं as in No. 704. ,, - (Ist Culika) fol. 35" इच्चेव संपस्सिअ etc. त्ति बेमि as in No. 704. This is followed by १८ रइवक्का नामं पढमं चूलज्झयणं १९... - ( 2nd Culika) fol. 36° अष्पा खलु etc., up to सुयक्खंधो सम्मत्तो as in No. 704. Then follows the couple of verses सिज्जभवं etc. and मणगं पडुच्च etc. as in No. 706. This is followed by the lines as under: इमे नियुक्तिगाथे प्रथमाध्ययनगते. Then we have: छहि मासेहिं etc. and आणंदयंसु etc., the two verses as in No. 706. Then run the lines as under: हमे निर्यक्तिगाथे अत्रत्ये ४ संवत् १६५३ वर्षे अश्वयुजमासे प्रथमपक्षे(5)ष्टम्यां तिथौ मार्तडवासरे श्री वीरमपुर मध्ये ‘पल्लीवालं गच्छे उपाध्यायश्रीकनकशेखराणां शिष्यलेशेन सुमतिशेखोरेणालेखि प्रतिरिय सावरिः स्वशिष्यावलिभिर्वाच्यमाना चिरं नंद्यात् ।। . ,, -- (com.) fol. 37° विचारणा चिरकालविजयभावि ॥२०॥ इति वितिक्त चर्यानामद्वितीयचूडा(ला)ऽवरिः ॥ छ ॥ इति श्रीदशकालिकावचूरिः समाप्ता[:] ॥छ । श्री Reference.-- See No. 704. Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I 24 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (723. पशवकालिकसूत्र, Daśavaikālikasūtra, चूलिकायुगल Cūlikāyugala तथा अवचूरि and avacūri 274. No. 723 A. 1882–83, Size.- 118 in. by 44 in. Extent.— 18 folios ; 21 lines to a page ; 74 letters to a line, Description.- Country paper very thin, brittle and grey ; Jaina Devanāgari characters with TerraS; small but clear, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; edges of some of the foll. worn out; condition very fair ; this Ms. contains the text along with the two Culikās and the commentary ; but on that account, it is neither a fret nor T rei Ms.; red chalk and yellow pigment as well, used ; the peculiarity of this Ms, is that it does not give the complete verse all at once but it takes it up part by part and explains it. Age.- Pretty old. Author of the avacūri- Not mentioned. Subject.-- The text, two Cúlikās and a small commentary explain ing them in Sanskrit. Begins.— ( text ) fol. r* ASE( felg etc. as in No. 704. , -- ( Ist Cülikā ) fol. 166 TE HE etc., as in No. 704. „ -- (2nd Cülikā ) fol. 18a ei a etc. as in No. 704. „ -- „ (com.) stop grese for ....... HT Hahat: 193 after staat etc. Ends,- (text) fol. 165 jaard etc., as in No. 704. . -- (1st Cúlikā ) fol. 17 Fota #91" etc., up to 17 día as in No, 704. ( 2nd Calika ) fol. 186 370gt og etc., up to for ata as in No. 704. Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 724.] II. 4 Malasatras 125 Ends.-- ( com.) fol. 18b istage sura hafa ga Farat atat 113 11 इति द्वितीया चूला समाप्ता ॥ इति श्रीदशवकालिकावचूरिं ॥ छं ॥छ । Ti ad II JEST TOE etc. Reference. - See No. 704. दशवैकालिकसूत्र, Daśavaikālikasūtra, चूलिकायुगल Cūlikāyugala तथा टब्बा and tabbā 197. No. 724 1871-72. Size.— 9} in. by 44 in. Extent.— (text) 44 folios ; 6 to 7 lines to a page ; 41 letters to a line. » --(com.) „ „ ;12 ,,13 » » » » ; 57 » » » » Description. Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanāgari characters with res; this is a fret Ms.; bold, legible and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 44•; some of the foll. have their edges worn out; condition very fair ; this Ms. contains Daśavaikālikasūtra, the two Cālikās and their explanation in Gujarāti; all complete. Age.-- Samvat 1666. Author of the tabbā- Upadhyāya Kanakasundara Gaņi, pupil of Vidyaratna Gani. Subject.-- The text and the Cülikās as before. The explanation is almost throught in Gujarāti; only at times it is in Sanskrit; for such cases, see“ begins” and “ends". Begins.- ( Daśavaikālikasūtra) fol. 1 FAIT FA:1: TFA ÁTrg etc., as in No. 704. » -( ist Cúlikā ) m * etc., as in No. 704. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 724. Jaina Literature and Philosophy Begins.-- ( 2nd Culika) चूलियं तु पच ( ब ) क्खामि etc., as in No. 704. -- ( tabba ) fol. rb 126 " 33 - ( tabba ) fol. 42b अनंतराध्ययने उत्प्रव्रजितस्य स्थिरीकरणमुक्तं । अधुना विश्वि (वि)त्त (क्त)चर्योच्यते । etc. Ends. fol. 404 उबेइ भिक्खू अपुणागमं गइ त्ति बेमि ॥ छ ॥ सु (स) भिक्खू अध्ययनं " " प्रणम्य श्रीमहावीरं । सुरासुरनमस्कृतं । दशैवैकालिकस्यायं । करोमि स्तबुकोपमं ॥ १ प्रथम मंगलाचरणगाथा धर्मो मंगलमुत्कृष्टं ॥ धर्म ते उत्कृष्ट मंगल जाणिवं । ते धर्मना त्रिणि भेद छइ । ते किम जीवदया संयम ते इंद्रीनुं गोपfag सप्तदशधा etc. -- ( tabba ) fol. 404 चूलाद्वयमारभ्यते । भिक्षुः कदाचित् कर्म्मवशात् सीदेत् । (अ) तस्तस्थिरीकरणं कर्तव्यं इत्याह । etc. -- — ( 1st Cülika ) fol. 424 जिणवयण महिट्टिज्जासि त्ति बेति (मि) (१८ ) इति वाक्या नाम प्रथमचूलिका । ( 2nd Cülikā) fol. 442 सव्वदुहाण मुञ्च त्ति बेमि ॥ १६ ॥ विव (वि) - क्तचर्या नाम द्वितीया चूला सम्मत्ता ।। - ( tabba ) fol. 444 विशेषई व्यक्त प्रकट यतीनी चर्या चालवारूप द्वितीया बीजी चूला समाप्ता संपूर्णा जाता ग्रं. ८२ अ. १२ सर्व ग्रंथाग्र टब्बानं १५०० श्लोक अ. १२ एवं सूत्र टब्बु मीलने ग्रं. २२०० अ. १२. श्रीवीरजिनस्य पट्टाभरणश्रीगोतमगणपति तत्सहतीर्थी श्री सुधर्म्मस्वामिन् तदंतेवासी श्रीजंबूपट्टे प्रभवस्वामी तदनुक्रमेण वज्रस्वामी तदंतेवासी श्रीचंद्रसूरि । तदनुक्रमेण 'चैत्र'गच्छागच्छे श्रीधनेश्वरसूरि येन श्रीशि(श) व (बुं) जयम (मा)हात्म (म्यं) कृतं । तत्पट्टे भुवनेंदुमरिरभवत् । तत्पट्टे श्रीदेवभद्रसूरि सुगुरु ( : ) येन 'तपा' बिरुदं कृतं । तथाहि । जिणदत्ता ' खरयर' | 'पुण्णिम' मुणिचंद्रसूरिणो जाया । 'पल्लवीया' खाढायरिए । 'तवो' मयं देवभद्दाउ ॥ १ ॥ इति वचनात् । तत्पट्टांबरभास्कर' वृध ( द्ध ) तपे 'तिख्यातः श्रीविजयचंद्रसूरि (री) स्व(श्वरोऽभूत् । तत्पट्टे श्रीक्षेमकीर्तिगणः । येन कृता श्री. वृ (बृहत्कल्पवृर्ति (तिः) अष्टचत्वारिंशत्सहस्रमिता श्लोकसंख्या । यः श्री Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ II. 4 Mulasutras क्षेमकीर्तिसूरिणा जावज्जीव षट् विगयस्य त्याग ( : ) कृतः । तदनुक्रमेण श्रीरत्न सिंहसूरिः येना (S) ह्मपातस्याह प्रतिबोधितः ॥ तस्यान्वये सांप्रतवतमाने श्रीदेवरत्नसूरीस्व ( श्व) रपट्टे श्रीजयरत्न सूरिविजयराज्ये महोपाध्यायस्यान्वये उपाध्यायश्री विद्यारत्नगणिविनयैः उपाध्यायश्रीकनकसुंदरगणिभिः कृतो ( s)यं स्तबुकः संवत् विक्रमार्कात् रसरसर सेंदु ( १६६६ ) वामगतिगणनात् ज्ञेयः तत्संवत्सरे पोषमाससिते पक्षे अष्टमी रविवारे अस्व (श्वि) नीनक्षत्रे संपूर्णेष स्तबुकः श्रीदशवैकालिक लघुवृर्त्ति (त्ति ) विलोकनात । किंचित् गुरुपरंपरा तो (s) यं स्तबुकः । यदशुद्धकट अक्षरार्थ स्यात् । तद्विबुधैः शोधनीयो ! शं (संशोध्य शुद्धो क्रियतां ॥ सूत्रग्रंथ ७०० ॥ शुभं भवतुः ॥ : ॥ Reference. — See No. 704 . 725.1 धर्मोपदेश (दशवेकालिकसूत्र ? ) व्याख्यासहित No. 725 127 Age.—- Not quite modern. Author of the vyakhyā. -- Not mentioned. Subject. Dharmopadeśa (Daśavaikalikasūtra ? ) with vyākhyā 1269. 1886-92. Size.-- 8 in. by 47 in. Extent. - 25 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description.- Foreign paper with water marks Vigo etc.; thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, clear and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too, but rarely; fol. 25b blank; complete; condition very good. This Ms. starts with the first verse of Daśavaikālika and goes on elaborately explaining it. Several types of pūjā too, are described. The various types of dāna are discussed. Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 128 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [725. Some stories are also narrated herein. But it is difficult to say exactly what this work is. Begins.- fol. 1a (text) ॥प्रथम काव्यमंत्र॥ ॐ ह्रीं ह्री हूँ श्री श्री क्ली ब्लू श्री श्री नमः। अथ द्वितीयकाव्यमंत्रः ॐ ह्रीं क्लीं नमः कुमतिनिवारण २ धम्मो मंगलमुक्ति, अहिंसा संजमो तवो। देवा वि तं नमसंति जस्स धम्मे सया मणो ॥१॥ ,, - (com.) fol. I धम्मो मंगलामित्याद्यपद्यं व्याख्यायते । इह जगति सर्व कार्यप्रसाधकं महामंगलं श्रीजिनधर्मो भवति etc. fol. 24* सदनुष्ठाने विशिष्टतरक्रियाकलापे यो(5) नुरागः परमा प्रीतिः स धर्मरागः इति गाथार्थः भावार्थस्त्वारोग्यद्विजमिदर्शनादषसेयः तच्चेदं etc. Ends.- fol. 25 निआमिकणं चरियं इमम्स आउगाविप्पस्स दढव्वयस्स ठिहवं धश्रु इमायरेह जहा धुवं सिद्धसिरिं वरेह ३६ इति धम्मोपदेश ॥ मनसुषेन स्ववाचनार्थ ॥ 711. दशवकालिकसूत्र Daśavaikālikasūtraचूलिकायुगलावचूर्णि Cūlikāyugalāvacūrņi No. 726 1892-95. Size.— 104 in. by 48 in. Extent.-- 12 folios ; 26 lines to a page ; 80 letters to a line. Description.--Country paper very thin and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters; very small; legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; only the states of the text and those of the two Calikas are given ; complete : condition very good. Age.- Samvat I492. Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject. - A small commentary explaining Daśavaikälikasūtra, the two Cūlikās and a few găthās of the corresponding niryukti. Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 726.] II. 4Malasatras 129 Begins.- fol. IG नमः श्रीप्रवचनाय । इहार्थतः श्रीवीरकृतस्य सूत्रतो गणधरकृतस्य दशवैकालिका व्याख्या। तत्र शास्त्राण्यादिमध्यांतममंगलभांजि भवंति । etc. Ends.-fol. 12 किमत्र युक्तमिति निवेदिते विचारणा संघे कालन्हासदोषाप्रभूत सत्स्वानामिदमेवोपकारकं । अतस्तिष्ठत्वेवं स्थापना ।२०॥ इति दशवैकालिकावचूर्णिः । सं. १४९२. Then in a different hand we have : १७००० . दशवकालिकसूत्र Dasavaikālikasūtraचूलिकायुगलावचूर्णि Culikāyugalāva cūrņi No. 727 1262. 1885-92. Size.— 104 in. by 41 in. Extent. — 21 folios ; 19 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, smooth and grey; Jaina Deva nagari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा; bold, clear and good hand. writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; every side at least in the begining decorated with three small discs, one in the centre and one in each of the two margins; complete : condition very good except that the edges of the first and the last foll. are slightly damaged. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.— A small commentary in Sanskrit explaining the original text and the two Cūlikās. Begins.- fol. I धम्मो धर्म उत्कृष्टं मंगलं भवति । स च अहं(हिं)सासंयमतपो रूपः । तत्र अहिंसा जीवदया etc. Ends.- fol. 21 विचारणा चिरकालविजयभावि । इदमऽध्ययनमिति ॥४॥ अत्र श्रीशय्यंभवमूरिकथानकं ज्ञेयं ॥ छ ॥ इति श्रीदशवैकालिकाऽवर्णिरक्षरार्थगमनिका॥ छ । शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । 1 The second Cūlikā consists of 16 gāthās. The gāthās of the niryukti herein explained are numbered in continuation, hence we find this number here, 17 IJ.L.P.] Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [728. दशवैकालिकसूत्र Dasavaikalikasutraचूलिकायुगलावचूरि Cūlikāyugalāvacūri No. 728 1182 (3). 1884-87. : Size.- Iod in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 22 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 65 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper very thin and greyish; Jaina Deva nāgari characters; very small, clear, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in black ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. at times numbered in the right-hand margin; this Ms. contains the tales of the text and those of Cūlikāyugala ; complete ; condition on the whole tolerably good; for, only the right-hand corners and the edges of several foll. are worn out; this Ms. contains additional works as under : (1) पाक्षिकसूत्रावचूर्णि foll. 14 (2) to 220 (2) क्षामणकावचूर्णि , 22 , 22b. Author.- Yasobhadra Süri, pupil of Sricandra seems to be the author. For, he has composed the last work mentioned here. Subject. - A small commentary in Sanskrit on Daśavaikālikasútra and its two Cālikās. Begins- fol. Iॐ नमः सर्वविदे॥ जयति विजितान्यतेजाः etc. up to चूडामणिवीरः॥१॥ Then we have : संहितादिषड्विधा व्याख्या । दुर्गतौ प्रपतंतमात्मानं धारयतीति धर्म: etc. Ends.- fol. 14° इति शय्यंभवेनाल्यायुमेनमवेत्य मयेदं शास्त्रं निर्मूढं किमत्र युक्त मिति निवेदिते विचारणा संघो दुःख(प)माक( का )ल(द) हासो(दो)षा(त्) प्रभूतसत्त्वानां(ना)मिदमेवोपकारकमतस्तिष्ठत्वेतदिति ॥१३॥ इति श्रीदशवैकालिकावचूरिः समाप्ता । Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ II. 4Malasatras 131 729.1 दशवकालिकसूत्रचूलिकायुगलावचूरि No. 729 DaśavaikālikasūtraCūlikāyugalāvacūri 712. 1892-95. Size.- IIT in. by 4g in. Extent.— 31 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and whitish; Jaina Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; unnumbered sides have a small disc in red colour, in the centre; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; red chalk used; this Ms. gives the status of the text and those of the two Culikās; the com mentary complete; condition very good; for, only the last fol. is slightly worm-eaten. Age. - Pretty old. Subject.- Daśavaikālika sürta, the two Cūlikās and the 4 gāthas of the niryukti commented upon, in Sanskrit. Begins - fol. I' धम्मो मंगलमुक्क, धर्म उत्कृष्टं मंगलं । अहिंसा संजमो तवो अहिंसा संयमस्तपः ॥ तत्र अहिंसा जीवदया etc. Ends.- fol. 31 किमत्र युक्तमित्युक्ते विचारणा संघे दुष्यगो(?)मायां प्रभूतसत्त्वाना मिदमेवोपकारकं । अति(त)स्तिष्ठत्वेवंभूता स्थापना ॥२०॥ इति श्रीदशवैकालिकावरि ॥ छ ॥ etc. Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 षडावश्यक सूत्र' ( सडावस्सयसुत्त) No. 730 Jaina Literature and Philosophy — I THE THIRD MULASUTRA Size. 9 in by 4 in. Extent. 8 folios; 14 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines mostly in red ink; edges, in one; fol. 1 blank except that a table of measurements etc. is written on it in Gujarati; red chalk used; complete so far as it goes; condition good. (1) दीक्षाकुलक (2) जयतिहुयणस्तोत्र (3) राइसंथारगाथा (4) ज्ञानपञ्चमी स्तुति (5) अष्टमीतपस्तुति ( 6 ) चतुर्विंशति जिनस्तुति (incomplete) This Ms. contains the following additional works : foll. 4b to 5b 5b 7b 8a (7) पाक्षिकक्षामणक دو "" fol. در "" 13 Age. - Old. Author. A Gaṇadhara according to some. Saḍāvasyakasūtra (Saḍávassayasutta) "" 8a This is a title as recorded in some Mss. and works. 95 8b 1730. 1174 (a). 1887-91. 13 7b 8a 8b Sukhlal does not hold this view. He has explained his view in Hindi introduction to his edition of "Pañcapratikramaņa" and its Hindi translation published by Atmananda Jaina Pustaka-Pracaraka Mandala, Agra in A. D. 1921. This view is challenged by Ramavijaya (now styled as Ramacandra Suri) in his Gujarati work". सनातन सत्यनो साक्षात्कार " ( pp. 1-67). Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 730.) III. 4 Malasatras 133 The view that Gañadhara is the author of the Avaśyakasutra is expressed in Gujarati in the introduction to “sfira R$ 19TEAT” pt. I. This view is refuted by Sukhlal in a book-let " नवकारमंत्र या पंचपरमेष्ठी अने आवश्यक # afHTË TEFT (Tigraf HE TUA f)” published by Sri Jaina yuvaka sevāsamāja, Ahmedabad, in Samvat 1983. Anandasāgara Súri, in his introduction to his edition of Avaśyakasūtraniryukti and. Malayagiri Sūri's commentary says that Gañadhara is the author of the Āvašykasútra. Subject.- This is a mulasútra as stated in Keith's Catalogue. It deals with several sútras which are associated with six āvaśyakas! So Şaļāvaśyakasūtra may be roughly defined as a collection of the sūtras to be daily uttered twice, once in the morning and once in the evening, while performing the six essential duties (āvaśyakas) viz. (1 ) sämāyika, (2) caturvimsatistava, (3) (guru )vandana, (4) pratikramana, (s) kâyotsarga and ( 6 ) pratyakhyāna. The propriety of this order is discussed in Siddhacakra (vol. IV, No. 9, pp. 201-202.) In this issue, it is explained why pratikramaņa is used as a synonym for a collection of the six āvaśyakas. Şađāvaśyakasūtra given in this Ms. consists of a number of sūtras. They are as under : 1 As regards the synomyms of Avaśyaka, its importance, its six divisions, and their explanation etc. in Gujarāti see my “ Arhatadarśanadipika " pp. 822-829. 2 H. D. Velankar strikes a different note in his work “A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrta and Praksta Mss. in the library of B. B.R. A. S." (vols. III-IV). For, there (p. 397), he mentions as one of the six avaśyakas, caityavandana instead of caturvimšatistava. Moreover he mentions the six ävasyakas in the following order: Caityavandana, Kayotsarga, Guruvandana, Sāmāyika, Pratikramana and Pratyakhyāna. He supports this statament on p. 397 by saying: “This is the order in which they are given in the Mss.” Furthermore, on p. 399 he identifies Vandittu sutra with Pratikranianasutra. Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 faina Literature and Philosophy 1730. (I) नवकारमंत्र (नमस्कारमन्त्रx or नमस्कारसूत्र*). (2) जगचिंतामणि (प्रबोधचैत्यवन्दन*) (3) जंकिंचि (तीर्थवन्दनमूत्र*) (4) नमुत्थुणं (शक्रस्तव or प्रणिपातदण्डक'). (5) जावंति चेइयाइं (सर्वचैत्यवन्दन* ). — (6) जावंत के वि साहू (सर्वसाधुवन्दन* ). (7) उवसग्गहरथोत्त (उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र x or पार्श्वनाथस्तव'). (8) जय वीयराय (प्रणिधानमूत्र* ). (9) इरियाव हिय (ई-पथिकीसूत्रx or ऐर्यापथिकीसूत्र'). (10) तस्स उत्तरी (उत्तरीकरणसूत्र* ). (II) अन्नत्थ (कायोत्सर्गसूत्र*). (12) लोगस्स (नामस्तव or चतुर्विशतिस्तव). (13) सबलाएं अरिहंतचेइयाणं (चैत्यस्तव). (14) पुकखरवर (श्रुतस्तव). (15) सिद्धाणं बुद्धाणं (सिद्धस्तव ). (16) संसारदावानलस्तुति ( वीरस्तुतिसूत्र ). (17) सुगुरुवंदनसूत्र (द्वादशावतर्वन्दनकसूत्र* or वन्दनकसूत्र). (18) देवसिअ आलोउं (देवसिकालोचनासूत्र). (19) संथारा ओद्रिणकी if same as रात्रिकातिचार*. (20) अब्भुट्रिओ (गुरुक्षामणासूत्र* or क्षामणासूत्र ). (21) करोमि भते (सामायिकसूत्र). (22) जय महायस. (23) आयरिय उवज्झाए (आचार्यादिकक्षामणक* ). (24) श्रुतदेवतास्तुति. (25) क्षेत्रदेवतास्तुति. . (26) सिरिथंभणयपासनाहथुइ. (27) सामायिकपोषधपारणगाथा'. * This cross indicates a Sanskrit name ( equivalent) for the corresponding Prakrit one. * This name as well as all other names marked with an asterisk, have been given from the edition of “साधुसाध्वीदेविसकरात्रिकपाक्षिकचातुर्मासिकमांवत्सरिक प्रतिक्रमणानि प्रकीर्णकविधिसंयुतानि षडावश्यकसूत्राणि". These names have been used by the editor whose name though not mentioned, is Ānandasagara Suri as can be surmised. This edition has been published by Sreșthi Rşabhadevaji kesarimalaji Jaina Svetāmbara Samsthä, in Samvat 1992. 1 This name is taken from Lalitavistară. It is mentioned by Hemacandra Suri, too, in his commentary (p. 2164) on Yogasastra ( III, v. 124). 2 This name is given in the svopajna vrtti (p. 2134) of Yogasastra ( III, v. 124). ___ In the anukranmanikā of this work we have this very name (कायोत्सर्गसूत्र). 3 Each of these 27 sutras except the 19th is separately treated, while describing certain Mss. Sce infra. Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 730.] III. 4 Malasatras 135 All these 27 sūtras' are not be found in the Avasyakasútra ( Avassayasutta ). Furthermore, some of the sutras occurring in the Avaśyakasůtra are not given here. In order that this remark may be properly grasped, I give below a list of the sutras which appear to constitute the Avaśyakasútra-the sütras as noted by Haribhadra Suri in his Sisyahitā, a commentary on Avasyakasütra and its niryukti : (I) करोमिमंते p. 454. (2) लोगस्स pp. 494, 501', 507b and 510. (3) बन्दनकसूत्र p. 546 and 5466. (4) चत्तारि मंगलं मूत्र p. 569. (5) चत्तारिलोगुत्तमासूत्र p. 570*. (6) चत्तारिसरणंसूत्र p. 571". (7) इच्छामि पडिक्कमिउं जो मे देवसिओ० (प्रातक्रमणमूत्र) p. 571". (8) इरियाबहियसूत्र (गमनातिचारप्रतिक्रमण) p. 573°. (9) इच्छामि पडिक्कमिउं पगाम (श्रमणसूत्र) pp. 574, 575', 576°, 5773, 579, 611', 6159, 644', 655, 725*, 7289, 731, 760, 761, 761, 7629, 762° and 763". (10) इच्छामि ठाइउं काउस्सग्गं जो मे देवसिओ अइआरो कओ० ___p. 778. (II) तस्स उत्तरी p. 7794. (12) अन्नत्थ p. 7794. सव्वलोए अरिहंतचेइआणं p. 786". (14) पुखरवर p. 7881. (15) सिद्धाणं बुद्धाणं p. 789". (16) इच्छामि खमासमणो ! उवट्टिओमि अभितर पकिखअं खामेडं पनरस दिवसाणं. p. 7920. (17) पाक्षिकक्षामणासूत्र' p. 793" and 793". (18) सम्यक्त्वालापक सातिचार p. 811. (13) 1 These sūtras constitute what are known as “ Pratikramaņasūtras." For their name, style, source etc. see my article "प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रोनुं पर्यालोचन" published in an issue of the “ Jain" dated 23rd February 1936. 2 This sūtra is counted as four sūtras which are respectively referred to as वितियखामणासुत्त, तिइयखामणासुत्त, च उत्थखामणासुत्त and पंचमखामणासुन as the previous sātra here numbered as 16 is there looked upon as पढ़मखामणासुत्त, Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1730. " P. 822.. (19) प्रथम व्रत (स्थूलप्राणातिपातविरमण) सातिचार p. 818 and 8186. (20) द्वितीय, (स्थूलमृषावादविरमण) , p. 820b. (21) तृतीय, (स्थूलादत्तादानविरमण) ( 22 ) चतुर्थ ,, (स्थूलाब्रह्मविरमण) ,, p. 823° and 8230. (23) पञ्चम , (स्थूलपरिग्रहपरिमाण) , p. 8250. (24) षष्ठ , (दिकपरिमाण) , p. 827 (25) सप्तम ,, (भोगोपभोगपरिमाण) p. 8284. (a) उपभोगादिपरिमाण सातिचार p. 829. (b) कर्मादान p. 829 ( 26 ) अष्टम व्रत (अनर्थदण्डविरमण) सातिचार p. 830. (27) नवम , (सामायिकव्रत) , p. 831. (28) दशम ,, (देशावकाशिक) , p. 834. (29) एकादश,, (पौषधोपवास) , p. 835. (30) द्वादश, (आतिथिसंविभाग) , p. 837. (31) संलेखनाविचार pp. 838° and 8394. (32) नमस्कारसहित प्रत्याख्यान p. 849". (33) पौरुषीप्रत्याख्यान p. 852'. (34) एकाशनप्रत्याख्यान p. 8534. (35) निर्विकृतिकप्रत्याख्यान p. 854br. Out of these Nos. 2, 14 and 15 are metrical compositions containing 7, 4 and 5 verses respectively. Nos. 9 and 27 have 2 and 3 verses respectively ; the remaining portion is in prose. It may be mentioned en passant that the 35 sūtras noted above do not belong to one and the same adhyayana I Anandasāgara Suri in his edition of “नन्द्यादिगाथाद्यकारी इयुतो विषयानुकमः" ( Agan.odaya Samiti Series, No. 55) has mentioned the sutras noted by Haribhadra Suri. There he has given the serial number for these stitras from I to 54. My number (2) is not counted by him. No. 2 is counted in sutragāthā. He has numbered Sramanasūtra as Nos. 8 to 25. Nos. 11 and 12 of mine are considered as one by him. No. 17 is counted as four numbers ( 32 to 35). This will explain why my number comes to 35 and his as 54. It may added that it appears that really speaking he ought not to have given separate sutrāńkas for the paras of Sramanasutra. Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 730.] III. 4 Malasatras 137 atigabāhyae (6) Pratyakh (4) Pratiky of Avaśyakasūtra'. That is to say ( 1 ) belongs to Sāmāyikādhyayana, (2) to Caturvimśatistavādhyayana, (3) to Vandanadhyayana, (4) to (9) to Pratikramanadhyayana, ( 10 ) to ( 18 ) to Kāyotsargādhyayana and ( 19 ) to ( 35 ) to Pratyākhyānādhyayana. Vacaka Umasvati in his bhāsya (p.90).on Tattvārthadhigamasātra (I. 20) has noted (I) Samayika, (2) Caturvimsatistava, (3) Vandana, (4) Pratikramana, (5) Kayavyutsarga and (6) Pratyākhyāna as some of the varieties of angabāhyaśrutajñāna. Begins. - fol. I' नमो अरिहंताणं etc. up to हवइ मंगलं. Then we have: ८सं. ८५९ गुरु ७ लघु ६१ एवं ६८ जयउ सामी रिसह 'सेत्तजि' etc. Ends.- fol. 4b यासां क्षेत्रगताः संत साधवः श्रावकादय जिनाज्ञां साधयंतस्ता रक्षतु क्षेत्रदेवताः सिरि थंभ ससामिणो सेसतित्थसामीण तित्थसु(स )म(मुन्नय(इ)कारणं सुरासुराणं च सवसिं १ Then we have the 2nd verse. Then again we have five verses, the last ( 5th ) being as under : सामाइयपोसहसंठियस्स जीवस्स जाइ जउ(जो) कालो। सो सफलो बोधवो सेसो संसारफलहेऊ ५३ Reference.-- आवश्यक is mentioned in Hemacandra Suri's laghuvrtti (p. SI) on his own work Siddhabaima (II. I. 33) as under : “ उद्दिष्टमेतदध्ययनमथो एनदनुजानीत, एतकं साधुमावश्यकमध्यापय , अथो एनमेव सूत्राणि ।" It is also mentioned in this laghuvrtti (p. 73 ) on Siddhahaima (II. 2. 43 ) in the following line : “मासेन मासाभ्यां मासैर्वा आवश्यकमीतम् ।" I This work consists of six adhyayanas; so it is called Adhyayanaşațka and Adhyayanasatkavarga as well. . . .. 2 For this see p. 147. . 3. This occurs on p. 8 of the Appendix to Sukhlal's edition of Pansapratīkraa mapa referred to on p. 132. 18 U.L.P. Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 730. I do not know if there is any printed work which contains nothing else but the sutras given in this Ms. No. 730. Almost all the sutras given here are printed with some more along with their explanation in Gujarati in the edition of Śrī-Pratikarmaṇasutra published by Śrävaka Bhimasimha Māṇaka in A. D. 1888. This edition contains additional matter such as नवस्मरणs and देवबन्दनादिभाष्यत्रय. Practically all the sutras given in this Ms. are also printed in the edition named as पञ्चप्रतिक्रमणादिसूत्राणि and published by Śri Jaina Śreyaskara Mandala, Mhesana, in Samvat 1971. This edition contains chāyā, sabdartha, Gujarati translation etc. Sukhlal's edition noted on p. 132 may be also con sulted. The 27 sutras noted on p. 134 are mostly to be found in several other editions containing only two Pratikramaṇasūtras. They occur in Şaḍāvaśyakasūtrāņi noted on P. 134. Some of the sutras occur in Hemacandra Suri's commentary on his own work Yogaśastra, in Vardhamana Suri's Acăradinakara, in Mänavijaya's svopajña commentary on Dharmasamgraha, in the edition containing Lalitavistara and in the edition containing Vandāruvṛtti. Out of these, the sutras commented upon in Lalitavistară and Vandāruvṛtti are noted in the description of these very works which are included in this Part III. So, here I shall first of all mention the 23 sûtras commented upon in Yogaśăstra and 29 in Dharmasaṁgraha, the two works included in Vol. XVIII under "Dārśanika literature", and then 31 noted and explained in Acaradinakara. The commentary on Yogaśăstra (Prakasa III) contains the following works :Page-No'. with vyakhyā 2132 to 214 ( 1 ) ऐर्यापथिकीसूत्र * 214b (2) तस्स उत्तरी (3) अन्नत्थ * 214a 214b 215b ور در 33 در "" "" I The page--number given here belongs to the edition of Yogaśästra and its *stopajña commentary, published by Sri Jaina dharma prasāraka Sabhā, Bahvnagar. This sign is here used to point out that the sutra under question is split up into parts, while being commented upon. Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130. ul. 4 Malasetras 139 2280 230 233 234 240 245 2460 245 3526 354. Page-No. (4) नमोत्थु णं* with vyakhya 216 to 223° (थयपाढ) (5) अरिहंतचेइयाण* 223* , 224 (6) चतुर्विंशतिस्तव 224 , 228 (7) श्रुतस्तव' (8) सिद्धस्तव 230* (9) जय वीयराय 233* (10) सुगुरुवन्दनसूत्र 237 (1) देवसिकालोचनासूत्र 244* _245 (12) सव्वस्स वि 245 (13) गुरुक्षामणासूत्र* (14) नमस्कारसहितप्रत्याख्यान, (15) पौरुषीप्रत्याख्यान 252 , 253 (16) पूर्वार्धप्रत्याख्यान 253 , 2530 (17) एकाशनप्रत्याख्यान " 253* , 254 (18) एकस्थानपत्याख्यानप्रतीक, (19) आचामाम्लप्रत्याख्यान " 254° (20) अभक्तार्थप्रत्याख्यान (21) पानकाकारसूत्र 255. (22) दिवसचरमभवचरमप्रत्याख्यान " " 255° (23) विकृतिप्रत्याख्यान , " 256* ___ In Upadhyaya Manavijaya's commentary (pt. I.) on his own work Dharmasaṁgraha, we have the following sútras' with their explanation in Sanskrit : Page-No. . (1) ईर्यापथिकीसूत्र 142* to 143" (2) तस्स उत्तरी 144° , 144 (3) अन्नत्य 144b , 145 * See the corresponding foot-note on p. 138. 1 These are mostly given in parts, while being commented upon. 2 This page-number refers to the edition published in D. L.]. P. Fund Series as No. 26, in A. D. 1915. 3 This is the name given by the author himself. 4. Some portion of this sūtra is not mentioned. 355 Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 I 2 ( 4 ) (5) ( 6 ) (7) ( 8 ) Jaina Literature and Philosophy नत्थु णं अरिहंतचेइयाणं चतुर्विंशतिस्तव श्रुतस्तव सिद्धस्तव वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र (9) ( 10 ) जय वीयराय ( 11 ) (12) सव्बस्स वि सुगुरुवन्दनसूत्र (13) गुरुक्षामणासूत्र ( 14 ) नमस्कारसहित प्रत्याख्यान ( नवकारसी ) ( 15 ) पौरुषी प्रत्याख्यान ( 16 ) ( 17 ) (18) ( 19 ) पूर्वार्द्धप्रत्याख्यान एकाशनप्रत्याख्यान आचामाम्लप्रत्याख्यान अभक्तार्थप्रत्याख्यान पानकाकारसूत्र' (20) ( 21 ) दिवसचरमभवचरमप्रत्याख्यान (22) बिकृतिप्रत्याख्यान (23) वंदित्तसूत्र ( 24 ) (25) श्रुतदेवतास्तुति ' (26) क्षेत्रदेवतास्तुति' आयरिय उवज्झाए It runs as under : • Page-No. 1466 to 153b 153b 154b 155a 158a 158b 160a ५ 3 This is as follows: 184b 186a " " 223a 234b 235a 235a " "" 163a 163a 164a 174b rob 181a 181a 22 22 "" 187a 187b 1876 188a 188b 189a 189a 189b "" "2 " " 32 160 1632 'सुयदेवया भगवई, नाणावरणीय कम्मसंघायं तेसिं खवेउ सययं, जेसिं सुअसायरे भत्ती ॥ १ ॥ "" 182a " जीसे खित्ते साहू, दंसणनाणेहिं चरणसहिएहिं । साहंति मुक्खमग्गं, सा देवी हरउ दुरिआई ॥ १ ॥” This is as under: " पाणस्स लेवाडेण वा अलेवाडेण वा अच्छेण वा बहुलेण वा ससित्थेण वा असित्थेण व! बोंसिरइ. 77 188b 189b 234b 235a 17.30. Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 730.| III. 4 Malasatras 141 Page-No. (27) वर्धमानस्तुति' 255 to 2350 (28) विशाललोचन 2350 (29) वरकनक 235 , 236 In the 38th udaya ( chapter ) of Acāradinakara we have Avaśyakavidhi. This chapter begins with the enumeration of the six types of avaśyaka and the explanation of sämāyika. The following 31 sütras along with their Sanskrit explanation are given in this work : Page-No.. (I) सर्वविरतिसामायिकसूत्र' 2610 (2) देशविरतिसामायिकसूत्र (3) नवकारमंत्र 264 (4) शक्रस्तव with com. 265 , 267* (5) चतुर्विशतिस्तव 268 (6) अर्हच्चैत्यस्तव (7) श्रुतस्तव 2686 ,, 2690 (8) सिद्धस्तव* 2690 , 271 (9) वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र (10) जावंति चेहयाई (10) जावंति के वि साहू (12) जय वीयराय: " , 2710 (13) सुगुरुवन्दनसूत्र 2750 , 277* (14) ऐर्यापथिकीसूत्र* 2774 , 278 2680 2710 1 This is the name given by the author. It is otherwise known as "नमोऽस्तु वर्धमानाय", the words with which it begins. 2 This page-number is given from the printed edition published by Pandit K. O. Khamgamwala, Bombay, in A. D. 1923. 3 This sutra is styled here as Dandaka and is explained on pp. 262b-2634. 4 This is explained on p. 2634. It is styled as श्राद्धसामायिकदण्डक on p. 305b. 5 This sutra is explained on pp. 264 and 265a. This very sātra is again given on p. 3750. ___* See the corresponding toot-note on p. 138. 6:9 These are respectively styled as Caityasmarana, Sadhusnmarana, Bhagavatprarthana and Vandanasūtra. Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1730. 98 280 , .. 2801 " 2810 2816 2822820 294. 3050 " 317 319 Page-No. (15) तस्स उत्तरी with com. 278 (16) अतीचारालोचन' to 279 (17) यतिरात्रिकातिचार (18) सयणासयण्ण' (19) अतिचाराष्टक* (20) गुरुक्षामणा' (21) आयरिय उवज्झाये' (22) पाक्षिकादिक्षामण 282 (23) श्रमणसूत्र * 2830 (24) पाक्षिकसूत्र* 294 , (25) वंदित्तुसूत्र 305° , 311 (26) अन्नत्थ 3II , 31 (27)दशविधाद्धाप्रत्याख्यान (28) भयवं दसण्णभहो (77 verses+a line in prose),, (29) बरकनक (30) अतीचारगाथाष्टक , 325 , 326. (31) दशविधप्रत्याख्यान , 331* , 331b The three sútras viz. Logassa, Suguruvandanasútra and Karemi bhante are printed in Roman characters along with the German translation in “ Übersicht über die AvaśyakaLiteratur”, published by Walther Schubring in A. D. 1934. For Mss. styled as Şadāvaśyaka see Limbdi Catalogue Nos. 2660-2663 and 2666-2671. Out of them, Nos. 26671 This slightly differs from देवसिकालोचनसूत्र. 2 This is only one gatha as under : "सयणासयण्णपाणे बे(चे )इय जे(जइ) सि(से )ज काय उच्चारे । समिईभावणगुत्ती वितहारकरणे अ अइआरा ॥" This is almost the same as 1498th gatha of Avasyakasutraniryukti. 3-4 These are styled as क्षामण and सयादिक्षामण respectively.. 5-6 These are respectively styled as यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र and श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र. 7 Out of these, the first four verses are practically the same as those given on pp. 7-8 of the appendix to Pancapratikramana (Sukhlal's edition ). 8 This is No. 4 of the series known as “Alt und Neu-Indische Studien ". 324 Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 730. ] III. 4 Malasatras 143 2663 contain anonymous bālāvabodha, too. Nos. 26662671 contain tabbā. Therein No. 2667 has a tabba by Samaracandra and No. 2669, a țabbà by Jinavijaya. For description of Mss. styled as Şadāvasyakasutra see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, pp. 397-399'. In this Catalogue Nos. 1535 and 1536 given on p. 400 contain over and above Şadāvasyakasútra, Merusundara's bālāvabodha and an earlier but anonymous bālāvabodha respectively. In Keith's Catalogue, No. 7495 gives the description of a Ms. styled as Şaļāvaśyakasůtra and a bālāvabodha in bhāṣā (Gujarati ). For other details see Weber II, p. 739fn., Indische Studien vol. XVII, pp. 50-76, Indian Antiquary vol. XXI, p. 329ff, Leumann's “Ueber die Ava Cyaka-Literature” (Actes du X• Congress international des Orientalistes II°c, parte section I, p. 125, Leide, 1895, E. Leumann's “Die Avaśyaka-Erzählungen", Leipzig, 1897, "Essai de Bibliographie Jaina " Nos. 58 and 374, G. O. Series vol. XXI, p. 24, Winternitz, Geschichte Vol. II (p. 315), A History of Indian Literature vol. II, pp. 429, 470, 476n., 481, 485, 489n., 536, 575 and 589, Z. D. M. G. vol. XXXIV (Jacobi's article on Kālakācārya-kathā) and vol. XXXVII (Leumann's article on Kālikācārya-katha ) and Die Lehre der Jainas ( p. 81 ). On pp. 397-399 we have in Devanagari characters the following sutras: - (1) Navakāramantra, (2) Praņipātasūtra, (3) Iriyāvahi (this is not separated from the former ; that is a slip ), (4) Tassa uttari, (5) Anpattha (this, too is not, separated from the former ), (6) Sakrastava, (7) Arihantacaiyāņam styled as Caityastavadandaka, (8) Caturvimśatistava, (9) Srutastva also styled as Siddhāntastava, ( 10 ) Siddhastava, ( 11 ) Jaya viyarāya, (12) Suguruvandanasútra styled as Guruvandana, ( 13 ) Daivasikālocanāsūtra without any specific name, (14) Savvassa vi, ( 15 ) Abbhuthio (this is not separated from the foriner; once more a slip), (16) Sāmāyikasútra styled as Sāmāyika, (17) Vandittusūtra also styled as Pratikramanasútra, and (18-28 ) eleven Pratyakhyānasútras. Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 षडावश्यक सूत्र No. 731 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Size. 7 in. by 6 in. Extent. 17 folios; 13 lines to a page; 17 letters to a line. Description. Age. Samvat 1946. Author. Foreign paper with an elephant-brand as the watermark; Jaina Devanagari characters; quite bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink, whereas edges singly; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; foll. 1a and 17 blank; complete; the ending portion includes Snätasyastuti, too, which is also treated as a separate work in some Mss.; condition very good. Sa dāvaśyakasutra 1131. 1891-95. [ 731. More than one Jaina saint. For instance, it is said that Snātasyastuti is a composition of Balacandra, a pupil of Kalikālasarvajña Hemacandra Sūri. Begins.— fol. rb ॐ नमः | श्रीगोडिपार्श्वजिनाय नमः । Subject. This work mostly in Prakrit consists of sutras some of which are not to be found in the previous work', and thus it differs from it. Ends. fol. 16a नमो अरिहंताणं । नमो सिद्धाणं । नमो आयरियाणं । नमो उवज्झायाणं । नमो लोए सव्व साहूणं । एसो पंचनमुक्कारों (रो) सव्वपावप्पणासण ( णो ) । मंगलाणं च सव्वेसं (सिं) पढमं हवई (इ) मंगलं ॥ ई (इ)छा (च्छा) मिखमासमणो' etc. इच्चाय (? इ) महासईओ जयंतु अकलंकसीलकलिआओ । अज्ज विवज्जर (इ) जासिं जस पढ (ड) ओ (हो) तिऊ (हु) अणे सयले । इति श्रीस्वाध्याय (ः) । I For instance, the last sutras viz. Bharahesarasajjhaya ( styled as Silavadādiguḥasmaraṇasutra in Saḍāvasyakasūtrāņi) and Snätasyästuti are not there.... 2 This sutra is usually known as Praṇipātasūtra. In the contents of "Sadavasyakasútraņi ", it is styled as "Sthobhavandanasutra" and "Khamasamaņa" as well. -: Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 732.1 III. 4 Malasutras स्नातस्याप्रतिमस्य 'मेरु' शिखरे शच्या (च्या) विभो (:) शैशवे । रूपालोकनविस्मयाहृतरसभ्रांत्या भ्रमच्चक्षुषा । उन्मृष्टं नयनप्रभाधवलितं क्षीरोदकाशंकया । वक्त्रं यस्य पुनः पुनः स जयति श्रीवर्द्धमानो जिनः ॥ १ ॥ हंसांशा (सा) हतपद्मरेणुकपिशक्षीरार्णवांभोभृतैः । कुंभैरप्सरसां पयोधरभरप्रस्पर्द्धिभिः कांचनैः । येषां 'मंदर' रत्नशैलशिखरे जन्माभिषेकः कृतः । सर्वैः सर्वमुरासुरेश्वरगणैस्तेषां त (न)तोऽहं क्रमान् ॥ २ ॥ अर्हकप्रसूतं गणधररचितं द्वादशांगं विशालं । चित्रं बह्वर्थयुक्तं मुनिगणवृषभैर्द्धारितं बुद्धिमद्भिः । मोक्षाग्रद्वार भूतं व्रतचरणफलं ज्ञेयभावप्रदीपं । भक्त्या नित्यं प्रपद्ये श्रुतमहमखिलं सर्वलोकैकसारं ॥ ३ ॥ निष्पंकव्योमनि (नील (युति) मलसदृशं बालचंद्रा भदंष्ट्रं । मत्तं घंटारवेण प्रसृतमदजलं पूरयंतं समंतात् । आरूढो दिव्यनागं विचरति गगने कामदः कामरूपी । यक्ष (क्षः) सर्वानुभूतिं (ति) दि(र्दि ) शतु मम सदा सर्वकार्येषु सिद्धिं ॥ ४ ॥ इति श्रीषडावश्यकं संपूर्ण । संवत् १९४६ सुंदरलालका । Reference. 145 All the sutras given here seem to be published in one or the other editions of Pañcapratikramaņasūtras mentioned in No. 730. षडावश्यकसूत्र A Sa dāvaśyakasūtra 871. 1892-95. No. 732 Size.– 8 in. by 42 in. Extent.- 27 folios; 7 lines to a page ; 20 letters to a line. Description.— Country paper somewhat thick, rough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters; quite bold, very big, perfectly 19 [J. L.P.] Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 732. legible and elegant hand-writing: borders ruled in two lines in crimson ink, whereas edges, in one line; fol. 1 marked with diagrams; white paste used instead of the yellow pigment; complete so far as it goes; condition very good. Age.— Samrat 183 ( 1835?). Begins.-- fol. 1 An: li snifeyrar FA! TAN BROEMOT etc. as in No. 731. Ends.- 26* Tag AEHS etc., up to Fof ll as in No. 731. This is followed by a line as under : 867(?) ao 341eft accia perontaa N. B.-- For further particulars see Nos. 730 and 731. Tetamu Şadāvasyakasūtra 242. No. 733 1871-72. Size.--- 93 in. by 44 in. Extent.– 6 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 31 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanāgari characters with quarat ; bold, big, quite clear and good hand-writing; foll. 19 and 60 blank ; borders as well as the edges ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used; edges of the last two foll. slightly damaged ; condition good; complete so far as it goes. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Not mentioned. Subiect. - A collection of sútras connected with the six avaśyakas. Begins.- fol. 1 OTÀNC FEATUD etc. as in No. 731. Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 733.] III. 4 Malasatras "147 Ends.- fol. 6. सिरि थंभण'ट्रियपाससामिणो । सेसतित्थसामीणं । तित्थसमुन्नइकारणं सुरासुराणं च सव्वेसि ॥१॥ एसमहं सरणत्थं काउसग्गं करेमि सत्तीए । भत्तीए गुणस(सु)हिय(स्स) संघस्य समुन्नानिमित्तं ॥२॥ करोमि काउसग्गं इति श्रीषडावश्यकसूत्रं । Reference.- See No. 730-732. I These two verses are given on p. II (Appendix ) of the edition of “ Pancapratikramana" published with Hindi translation from Agra, in A. D. 1991. Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 नमस्कारमन्त्र ( नवकार मंत्र ) No. 734 Jaina Literature and Philosophy नमुत्थु णं ( शक्रस्तव ) Size. 9 in. by 38 in. Extent.-43-2-1-1-1-2-36 folios; 9 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. ( 8 ) उवसग्गहरथोत्त ( 9 ) जय वीयराय ( 10 ) प्रणिपातसूत्र (11) ईर्यापथिकीसूत्र ( 12 ) तस्स उत्तरी (13) अन्नत्थ Description. Country paper somewhat thick, rough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, fairly legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin just in a corner; each and every fol. worm-eaten in several places; so, in a few cases, the numbering is gone; condition fair; red chalk used; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; yellew pigment used while making corrections; fol. 1 blank; complete; this work ends on fol. 1; this Ms. contains in addition the following works:(1) जयउ सामिउ ' fol. 1b जं किंचि ( 2 ) (3) वरकनक ( 4 ) (5) जावंति चेइयाई (6) जावंत के वि साहू ( 7 ) नमोऽर्हत् ( परमेष्ठिनमस्कार ) 19 39 .. 29 23 Namaskaramantra (Navakaramantra) 39 23 29 2a 222 22 2a 26 2b 1270 (1). 1887-91. foll. 2b to 3a fol. 3a 3b 3a 3b 3b to [ 734. 223 2b to 3b 1 This is practically same as without the first gathā. 2. This is the name given by Sukhlal in his edition of Pañcapratikramaņa referred to on p. 132. Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 734.] III.4Malasatras foll. 3b to fol. 43 foll. fol. 53 to 5 __, 50 to 6a . foll. 50 fol. 6 , 6 foll. 66 fol. 7a (14) लोगस्स (नामस्तव) (15) चैत्यस्तव (16) अन्नत्थ (17) पुक्खरवर (श्रुतस्तव) (18) सुयस्स भगवओ (19) चैत्यस्तव (20) सिद्धाणं बुद्धाणं (सिद्धस्तव) (21) वेयावच्चगराणं (वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र ) (22) अन्नत्थ (23) पार्श्वस्तुति (24) पञ्चदेवस्तुति (कल्लाणकंदस्तुति ) (25) आदिनाथस्तुति (26) नेमिनाथस्तुति (27) संसारदावानलस्तुति (28) सुगुरुवन्दनसूत्र ( 29 ) देवसिय आलोउं (आलोचनसूत्र) (30) सव्वस्स वि (सर्वस्यापि ) ( 31 ) अब्भुट्टिओ (गुरुक्षामणासूत्र ) (32) अड्राइज्जेसु (33) वंदिनुसूत्र ( 34) लूणपाणीविधि (35) आरात्रिक ( 36 ) मङ्गलप्रदीप (37) कुसुमाञ्जलि (38) महावरिकलश (39) आभिषेक (40) महावीरवृद्धकलश (41) धूमावली (42) देवकाब (43) गुरुछप्पा (44) नमिऊण (भयहरस्तोत्र) (45) तिजयपहुत्त (सप्ततिशतस्तोत्र) (46) बृहच्छान्तिस्तोत्र ,, ? , 103 10 10b foll. 11- (2),, 12 fol. 12 ., 12 foll 12b . 13a , 143 , 13 fol. 140 foll. 14b 160 १. ७ ,263 28a Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 47 ) लघुरावांवली ( 48 ) योगशास्त्र ( 49 ) भक्तामर स्तोत्र ( 50 ) अजितशान्तिस्तव ( 51 ) भावनाकुलक ( 52 ) नमस्कारफल ( 53 ) श्रावकावधि fol. 28 to 28b foll. 28b 31b fol. 31b; foll. 34 to 35b foll. 35 to 39a 40b 42a 42a 43b "1 Age.- Old. Aurhor. Not mentioned. دو 99 39a 41a 99 99 د. [ 734. "" Out of these sutras, 1-33 may be said to be constituting what is, roughly speaking, known as Şaḍāvaśyakasutra. Foll. 8, 9, 11, 24, 25, 32 and 33 are missing; so the corresponding works are incomplete. Subject. This entire work in Prakrit deals with obeisance to the five Parameşthins and its fruit. It is styled as Mahāśrutaskandha. Each of its first five padas such as नमो अरिहंताणं etc. is looked upon as an adhyayana. The portion following these five adhyayanas' is called culika, and it shows the importance of the five adhyayanas. Some look upon this culikā as redundant. This view is refuted in "Siddhacakra" (vol. IV, No. 3, p. 67). There it is remarked that in that case, the first and the last verses of Logassa, and the verse beginning with ar which forms a part and parcel of Pukkharavaradivadḍhe should be discarded. It is further observed that the last pada of this Mahāśrutaskandha occurs in Mahāniśīthasutra. So those who substitute for are not justified in doing so. An additional criticism is made as under : 1 Just as there is in Avaśyakasütraniryukti nikṣepa and sutrasparšikaniryukti respectively in the beginning and end of every adhyayana, so we have beginning and end for these five pādas (adhyayanas). That is why this entire work (Pañcamangala) is designated as Mahāśrutaskandha Vide "Siddhacakra" vol. IV, No 3, p. 67. Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 735. MI). 4. Malasairas. 151 It is true that there are five padas in the beginning of Bhagavatīsūtra; but, on that account, the rest cannot be said to be interpolated. For those who look upon only the first five padas as genuine ought not to have discarded AAT Satg fair as it is tantamount to a khandana of a sutra. Begins.- fol. IT & HAT H TTTT: 11 नमो अरहंताणं। नमो सिद्धाणं। नमो आयरियाणं। नमो उवज्झायाणं। नम्मे लोए । सवसाहुणं। Ends. - fol. 1b TA T T I Fra(a)199 (COOTHUTI मंगलाणं च । सम्वेसिं पढमो(म) हवइ मंगलं ॥१॥ Reference.- Published. It is also edited by me with Sanskrit rendering and Gujarāti translation. See “The third Kiraņāvali” ( Arhatajivanajyoti ) pp. 49-50. Namaskāramantra is given by way of quotation in the svopajña commentary (p. 371 ) on Yogaśāstra (VIII, 34). For other details see No. 730. नमस्कारमन्त्र Namaskāramantra No. 735 1269 (1). 1887-91. Size.- 12 in. by 49 in. Extent. — 76 folios ; 14 to 15 lines to a page ; 52 to 58 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, durable and grey ; Jaina Deva Dāgari characters with frequent BATETS; bold, legible, uniform, neither too big nor too small and elegant handwriting ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink ; the interlinear space coloured red; foll. numbered in the right Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 735. hand margin ; fol. ra blank ; unnumbered sides are decorated with a small disc in red colour in the centre, whereas the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; red chalk used; strips of white paper pasted to the edges of the first fol. ; condition on the whole good; complete ; this work ends on fol. 1b; this Ms. contains in addition the following 67 works : (1) ईर्यापथिकीमूत्र ( 2 ) तस्स उत्तरी (3) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) अन्नत्थ लोगस्स (नामस्तव ) नमत्थु णं ( शक्रस्तव ) चैत्यस्तव (7) अन्नत्थ ( 8 ) चैत्यस्तव (9) श्रुतस्तव (10) सुयस्स भगवओ ( 11 ) चैत्यस्तव fol. 1b 99 99 22 22 foll. fol. 2a "" 27 39 23 29 22 22 19 29 22 "" ( 12 ) सिद्धस्तव (13) वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र ( 14 ) अन्नत्थ ( 15 ) जावति चेइयाई ' ( 16 ) जावंत के वि साहू ( 17 ) चिरसंचिय ( 18 ) नमोऽर्हत् (19) उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र ( 20 ) जय वीयराय ( प्रार्थनासूत्र ) ( 21 ) सुगुरुवन्दनसूत्र ( 22 ) आलोचनासूत्र ( 23 ) सव्वस्स वि (24) गुरुक्षामणासूत्र ( 25 ) सामायिकसूत्र (26) आलोचनासूत्र ( 27 ) श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र 1-3 These three may be looked upon as only a portion of Vandittusūtra. " 93 93 72 99 21 "" 29 "" 99 "" 99 "" 21 99 22 99 " b 99 30 22 99 99 foll. to 3 4a 99 to 2b 3a to 2b 97 Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 735.] III. 4 Malasatras 153 fol. 4 foll.,, , 50 5b.. fol. 110 foll. 12a (28) आयरिय उवज्झाए (29) जो को विहु पाणिगणो (30) उपवासप्रत्याख्यान (31) , (32) , (33) ग्रन्थिसहितप्रत्याख्यान (34) विकृतिप्रत्याख्यान (35) एकाशनप्रत्याख्यान (36) एकस्थानप्रत्याख्यान (37) अभक्तार्थप्रत्याख्यान (38) दिवसचरिमप्रत्याख्यान (39) साधु( यति )प्रतिक्रमणसूत्र (40) पाक्षिकसूत्र (41) पाक्षिकक्षामणक (42) दशवैकालिकसूत्र चूलिकाद्वयसहित (43) उपदेशमाला . (44) पिण्डविशुद्धि (45) शीलोपदेशमाला (46) स्नातस्यास्तुति (47) जीवविचार (48) विवेकमारी (49) गुरुवन्दनकभाष्य (50) प्रत्याख्यान (51) भावनासन्धि (52) चैत्यवन्दनभाष्य (53) चउपइ (Guj.) (54) योगीवा० (Guj.) ( 55 ) स्नात्रधूपक्षेपलवणोत्तारणलूणविधि आरतीमङ्गलप्रदीपोत्तारणविधि (56) आदिजिनेश्वरजन्माभिषेक . "354 fol.40a foll. 41b.. fol. 50 foll: 50b , 512 fol.51 , 516 I 2 This work is here described on p. 101. See No. 707. This work is described in Pt. I on p. 369. See No. 412. 20 U. L. P.1 Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 154 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [735 , 556 (57) महावीरकलश foll. 51 to 520 (58) बृहच्छान्तिस्तोत्र , 52b , 530 (59) लघुशान्तिस्तोत्र fol. 530 (60) पश्चपरमेष्ठिस्तवन ___, 54* (61) गौतमपृच्छा (62) योगशास्त्र (I-IV) (63) वीतरागस्तोत्र ., 65 , 69 (64) अवगाहनाद्वार , 69 , 71. (65) गतिद्वार fol. 71 (66) सङ्ग्रहणीरत्न foll. , , 756 (67) भक्तामरस्तोत्र ,, 750 , 760 Out of these sutras, I to 28 may be said to be com ponent factors of Şadāvaśyakasūtra. Age.- Old. Begins.- fol. I ॥६॥ अर्ह ॥ नमो अरिहंताणं Ends. - fol. I' एसो पंचनमुक्कारो etc. up to हवइ मंगलं ॥१॥ as in No. 734. N, B.- For other details see No. 734. . नमस्कारमन्त्र Namaskāramantra No. 736 1106 (1). 1891-95. Size.-- 10 in. by 48 in. Extent.- 58 - I = 57 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 35 to 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Deva nāgari characters; big, clear, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges mostly in two, in red ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 736.] I III. 4 Mulasūtras ISS numbered in both the margins; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 14; condition on the whole good : foll. 1© and 58b blank ; this work ends on fol. 1b; conplete; fol. 9th missing; this Ms. contains the following additional works : (1) जयउ साभि ( जगचिन्तामणि ) (2) जं किंचि (3) शक्रस्तव ( 4 ) जावंति चेइआई (5) जावंत के वि साहू नमोऽर्हत् उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र जय वीयराय (6) ( 17 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) प्रणिपातसूत्र (10) ईर्यापथिकी मूत्र ( 11 ) तस्स उत्तरी (12) अन्नत्थ (13) नामस्तव ( 14 ) चैत्यस्तव ( 15 ) श्रुतस्तव ( 16 ) सुअस्स भगवओ ( 17 ) चैत्यस्तव (18) सिद्धस्तव (19) वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र ( 20 ) अन्नत्थ ( 21 ) संसारदावानलस्तुति ( 22 ) सुगुरुवन्दन सूत्र ( 23 ) देवसिकालोचनासूत्र (24) ( 25 ) - गुरुक्षामणासूत्र ( 26 ) सामायिक सूत्र (27) ( 28 ) पौषधसूत्र See p. 148, ft. note 1. 39 "9 fol. 1b foll. 99 fol. 2a 29 99 99 19 39 99 29 99 99 39 99 99 39 99 39 39 93 39 foll. fol. 34 foll. 99 99 99 : 2b 39 " 39 19 94 39 "" 99 ვს 19 "" fol. 4a 39 93 " 91 4b to 2a 99 " " 20 3a ვნ Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 156 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 29 ) आयरिय उवज्झाए (30) जय महायस (31) श्रुतदेवीस्तुति (32) भवनवासिनीदेवीस्तुति ( 33 ) क्षेत्रदेवतास्तुति (34) श्रुतदेवता स्तुति ( 35 ) पाक्षिकस्तुति (36) वर्धमानस्तुति ( 37 ) नमोऽस्तु वर्धमानाय ( 38 ) सामायिक पौषधपारणगाथा ( 39 ) अज्ञातनामधेय ( 40 ) साध्वति चारगाथा ( 41 ) गोचरचर्यागाथा ( 42 ) आकार सङ्ख्यागाथा ( 43 ) दशविधप्रत्याख्यान ( 44 ) चउक्कसाय ( 45 ) साधु ( यति ) प्रतिक्रमणसूत्र (46) पाक्षिकक्षामणा ( 47 ) आलोचना (48) उपदेशमाला (49) वंदित्तसूत्र ( 50 ) राई संथारगाथा ( 51 ) जय तिहुयणस्तोत्र ( 52 ) अजितशान्तिस्तव ( 53 ) नमिऊणस्तोत्र (54) तं जयउ ( 55 ) गुरुपारतन्त्र्यस्मरण ( 56 ) सिग्धमवहर ( 57 ) उवसग्गहरथोत्त (58) लघुशान्तिस्तोत्र (59) भक्तामर स्तोत्र ( 60 ) कल्याणमन्दिरस्तोत्र (61) भावारिवारणस्तोत्र fol. 5a 99 99 39 27 79 39 99 39 foll. 39 ور 99 29 fol. 6a 22 33 59 99 25 99 "" 22 43 29 33 99 foll. 64 fol. b foll. " " 11b fol. 12 foll. 12b 14a "" " 93 5b ", 15b 16b 18b 22 " 224 to 5b 23a : 99 " 99 31 18b 22a 23a 24a 37 fol. 24 2 24b foll. 24b,, 254 fol. 25* foll. 254 26a 28a 3ob " 79 22 " 33 "" 6a " 8b 11b 12a 12b 142 15b 16b 26a 28a 30b ,324 [736. Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ " 40b " 420 foll. 42° ,, 43* 736.] Ill. 4 Malasutras 157 (62) दुरियरयस्तोत्र 32 to 34 (63) जीवविचार 34* ,, 36 (64) नवतत्त्व 363, 38 (65) लघुसङ्ग्रहणी ,, 38,, 390 (66) तिजयपहुत्तस्तोत्र " 39°,, 40% (67) नवग्रहगर्भितपार्श्वनाथस्तोत्र ___fol. 40* ,, 40° (68) अष्टमीस्तुति (69) पञ्चमीस्तुति foll. 10 ,41 (70) नवपदस्तुति fol. 41*,, 410 (71) अजितजिनस्तुति ,, 41 (72) शीतलजिनस्तुति foll. 41° ,, 42 (73) पाचजिनस्तुति fol. 42* ,, 42 (74) नेमिजिनस्तुति (75) जिनकुशलसूरिकृतस्तुति (76) चतुर्विशतिजिनस्तुति fol. 43 (77) जिनस्तुति , 43* ,, 43 (78) सीमन्धरस्वामिस्तुति ,, 43° (79) पार्श्वजिनस्तुति foll. 43° ,, 44* (80) विंशतिविहरमाणजिनस्तुति fol. 444. (81) नेमिनाथस्तुति ,, 44* ,, 44 (82) बीरस्तुति ,, 44 (83) पार्श्वजिनस्तुति foll. 44' ,, 45 (84) शत्रअयस्तुति fol. 45 (85) दीपावलीस्तुति , 45* (86) महावीरस्तुति (87) मौनैकादशीस्तुति , 450 (88) पर्युषणास्तुति foll. 45° ,, 46 (89) अष्टमीस्तुति fol. 46 (90) सरस्वतीस्तोत्र ,, 46, 460 (91) सङ्ग्रहणीसूत्र foll. 46 ,, 58 Out of these sutras, I to 38 seem to constitute Sada vasyakasutra. Age.- Samvat 1840. , 45*,, 450 Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Begins. fol. 1 aftari etc. Ends. fol. 1 एसो पंचनमुक्कारो etc. up to हवै ( वइ) मंगलं N. B.- For additional information see No. 734. - नमस्कारमन्त्र (1) जीरिकापल्लिस्वामिश्रीपार्श्वजिनस्तुति ( 2 ) भयहर ( नमिऊण स्तोत्र No. 737 Size. 10 in. by 5 in. Extent. 39 folios; 16 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Description. Country paper sufficiently thick, tough and greyish in colour; Devanagari characters; bold, legible and fairly good hand-writing; borders ruled regularly in two lines in red ink and margins singly in the same ink; red chalk used for marking the numbers and the titles of different works; white pigment used in place of the yellow pigment; the first fol. is little bit torn; the last three are damaged, perhaps corroded by white ants; condition tolerably good; the last fol. written in a different and bigger hand by some one else; fol. 1 blank; complete; this Ms. contains the following works in addition : (3) उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र (4) जं किंचि (5) शक्रस्तव (6) चिन्तामणिपार्श्वस्तुति (7) पार्श्वजिनस्तोत्र ( 8 ) शङ्खेश्वरपार्श्वजिनछन्द (9) गौडी पार्श्वनाथछन्द मोतीदामस्तुति Namaskaramantra 575 (1). 1895-98. 1736. fol. 1b foll. 1b to 2b fol. 2b "" 35 foll. 2b 3a fol. 3a,, 3b 36 foll. 3b,, 5b 5°,, 7a در "" ور Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 737.) III. 4 Malasatras (10) पद्मावतीपूजनविधि (II) पद्मावतीकवच ( 12 ) पद्मावतीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र (13) पद्मावतीस्तोत्र ( ? कल्प ) (14) पद्मावतीछन्द (15) पद्मावतीविधि ( 16 ) पद्मावतीपूजामन्त्रविधि ( 17 ) पद्मावती पूजाऽऽहूति सर्वविधि ( 18 ) (19) ( 20 ) ( 21 ) ( 22 ) चक्रेश्वरीस्तोत्र क्षेत्रपालछन्द (स्तुति) अन्नपूर्णास्तुति अन्नपूर्णास्तोत्र सारदास्तोत्र ( 23 ) ज्वालामुखीस्तोत्र (24) सरस्वतीस्तोत्र ( अनुभूतिसिद्धि ) (25) सरस्वतीद्वादशमासछन्द (26) अडयलनाम सरस्वतीछन्द ( 27 ) सरस्वतीछन्द (28) सरस्वत्यष्टक ( 29 ) सरस्वतीस्तोत्र ( 30 ) पठितसिद्धसारस्वतस्तोत्र ( 31 ) भारतीस्तोत्र (32) लक्ष्मीदेवीस्तोत्र (33) सरस्वत्यष्टक (34) सरस्वती देवीस्तोत्र (35) बालत्रिपुराछन्द ( 36 ) अम्बिकाछन्द (37) पञ्चाङ्गुलीछन्द (38) गणपतिपाहाडगतिछन्द (39) गणेशछन्द ( 40 ) गौरक्षेत्रपालनीमाणी ( ? ) ( 41 ) लघुस्तवस्तोत्रन्यास ( 42 ) त्रिपुरास्तोत्र fol. 72.,, 7b foll. 7b ga 22 ga "" "" fol. 14b ,, 12a 13b 13b 146 " , I2" 22 "2 fol. 243,, 24b foll. 24b,, 254 26a fol. 25*,, 25b foll. 25b :, fol. 26 26b foll. 26b 27a 272,, 27b fol. foll. 27b 28b 91 28b 29b "" " 159 -15b -23b "" " 29b fol. 30b foll. "" » 31a fol. 314,, 31b foll. 31b " 32a fol. 32 " " "2 30b "" 326 foll. 32b, 33b 33b 34a fol. 342, 34b foll. 34b,, 35* fol. 35±,, 35b foll. 35b,, 37* fol. 37b foll. "" "" 38b Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 737. " 39 (43) बालात्रिपुरास्तोत्र foll. 38 to 39 (44) बालत्रिपुरापद्धत्यादि (?) fol. 39* ,, 39 (45) जिनस्तुति (?) Age.-Not older than the nineteenth century, see the 23rd folio. On fol. 26b there is the date viz. Samvat 1889. See Saradastotra. Begins.-fol. Ib श्रीपाश्वजिनाय नमः ॥ नमो अरिहताणं । etc. Ends.- fol. 10 मंगलाणं च सम्वेसिं पढम होइ मंगलं ॥१॥ N. B.- For other detals see No. 734. नमस्कारमन्त्र Namaskāramantra No. 738 640 (8). 1895-98. Size.-II in. by 6, in. Extent.- II folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thick, tough and white; Devanagari characters; bold, legible, uniform and elegant handwriting ; borders carefully ruled in three lines in red ink, and the margins singly in the same ink; condition very good; complete ; this Ms. contains in addition the following works:(1) उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र fol. 1b (2) भयहरस्तोत्र foll. 1b to za (3) जय तिहुयणस्तोत्र 2,, 4 (4) अजितशान्तिस्तव (5) चिन्तामणिपार्श्वस्तोत्र (6) भक्तामरस्तोत्र 4°,, Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 739.] .: I11. 4 Malasatras 161 (7) Trilareala folla : 8a to gb (8) CHAFFIT » 90,; 106 (9) J AMIE .. . 106, 11b Age.- Samvat 1940. Begins.-- fol. 16 THT SIPEATUi etc., as in No. 737. Ends. — fol. 16 Ararui T etc., as in No. 737. Reference.-- This sútra is given as an avatarana in the syopajña commentary of Yogaśāstra (VIII, 34). For further particulars see No. 734. नमस्कारमन्त्र Namaskāramantra No. 739 350 ( a ). A. 1882–83. Size.- 104 in. by 4; in. Extent.– 11-1=10 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper sufficiently thick, tough and greyish; Devanagari characters with centrs; bold, legible, uniform, neither very big nor very small and elegant handwriting ; borders ruled carefully in two pairs of lines in black ink; there is some space left between these pairs; red chalk used; complete; condition good ; this Ms, contains in addition the following works :(1) Therma fol. 1b (2) fãruga (Falastafarm ) foll. Ib to 2a (3) TATE fol. 2o ,, 25 (4) HUFATE foll. 26, 3a (5) FTATEATS (Incomplete). , 39 (6) Sferatifeafta fol. 66 (7) JUFTIAFT foll. 66, ya (8) sifat » 78, 82 21 ( J. L. P.) Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 739. (9) Pertama foll. 82 to 10 (10) AT fagurala „ 109 ,, ITD The fifth folio is missing, so the corresponding works are affected. Age.- Old. Begins.— fol. 1 TH A Il displate )a9.stefania AGTO FRA: HT Shigatur I etc. Ends.- fol. 1° ANTION THAT GÅ ETT ÁTTI 3131 N. B.- For additional information see No. 734. नमस्कारमन्त्र Namaskāramantra 885 (a). No. 740 1892-95. Size.— 104 in. by 4; in. Extent.-- (text) 13 folios ; 1 to 2 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. » (com.) , o ; II „ „„, ; 55 „ to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanāgari characters with occasional TeaTETS; this is a frgret Ms.; the text written in big, quite legible, · uniform and very good hand-writing; practically same is the case with the commentary except that it is written in a slightly smaller hand-writing; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin: fol. 1a originally blank has been later on utilised by some one for writing some items connected with the Dikpālas ; condition very good; both the text ja and the commentary complete; the latter ends on fol. 28; this Ms. contains in addition the following works: Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140.] :: LIB. 4. Malasutras ! 163 (1) उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र टीकासहित foll. 2 to 3b.. (2) सप्ततिशतस्तोत्र , , 3 , 7 (3) भयहस्तोत्र , 7 , 13 Age.- Samvat I792. Author of the commentary.-- Vacaka Siddhicandra, pupil of Bhānucandra. For his life and works see my Sanskrit bhumikā (pp. 72-84) of Stuticaturvimsatikā published in A. D. 1930, and for information in Gujarati see "शासनप्रभावक गुरु-शिष्य भानुचंद्र अने सिद्धिचंद्र" published in “ Jainacharya Shri Atmanand Centenary Commemoration Volume" (“जैनाचार्य श्री आत्मानंद जन्म शताब्दि स्मारक ग्रंथ"), pp. 225-245. Subject. — The text together with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.- ( text ) tol. I" ए६०॥ श्रीसर्वज्ञाय नमः॥ नमो अरिहंताणं etc. as in No. 734. , -(com.) fol. 1b . :॥श्रीगणेशाय नमः। श्रीनाभयः श्रियं दद्यात्मरामरनमस्कृतः । विघ्नानेकपपंचास्यो दधद्विश्वजनीनतां ।१। अकब्बरसरत्राणहृदयांबुजषट्पदः।। भानुचंद्रश्चिरं जीयाद् गुरुमें वाचकापणीः।२। । अष्टोत्तरशतानां योऽवधानानां विधायक। दधानः 'पुस्फहमें ति बिरुदं शाहिना()र्पितं ।३. नवाबोकचंद्रेण सिद्धिचंद्रेण सर्वदा। बुद्धिबै वि(वि)तंद्रेण बालानामल्पमेधसां ।४। शश्वत्सप्तस्मरणानां रत्तिरेषा विधीयते। तत्र तावन्नमस्कार एव व्याख्यायते मया ।५। त्रिभिर्विशेषकं । । नमो अरिहंताणमिति । नमो नमस्कार केभ्यः । etc. Ends.- (text) fol. 2* सव्वपावप्पणासणो etc. up to मंगलं । १। as in No. 734. Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2164 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 740. Ends. (com. ) fol. 22 FF TTETTHET I Ta gertat i set as det विश्रामस्थानानि तत्र सप्त एकैकपदा । अंत्या तु द्विपदेति नमस्कारार्थः । Reference.-- Both the text and the commentary are included in Anekārtharatnamañjūsă ( pp. 1-6 ) edited by me and published in Sheth D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 81 in A. D. 1933. For other details see No. 734. नमस्कारमन्त्र Namaskāramantra बालावबोधसहित with bālāvabodha 742. No. 741 1892-95. Size.—91 in. by 41 in. Extent.— 4 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and grey ; Devanāgari chara cters; big, clear and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; edges of all the foll. are slightly damaged; condition on the whole good; both the text and its explanation complete so far as they go, that is to say the cúlikā and its explanation are not to be found here. Age.- Old. Author of the bālāvabodha.— Not mentioned. Subject.-- Obeisance to the five Parameșthins in Präkrit and its explanation in detail in Gujarāti, with quotations in Prākrit. Begins.— (text ) fol. 14 afediu - (com.) fol. 14 HTETT TAFETT Benia Hiaat ganti fosfor à stata etc.. Ends.- (text ) fol. 36 FAI JIS HET HIEU I Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 742.] III.4 Malasutras 165 Ends.- (com.) fol. 4 अढाई द्वीप माहि ज के छह साधु सवि हुं साधु तेह प्रतइ माहरउ नमस्कार पंचांग प्रणाम त्रिकालवंदना सदा सर्वदा हवउ ॥ इति श्रीपंचपरमेष्टि(ष्ठि)नमस्कार समाप्त ॥ Reference. - See No. 734. नमस्कारमन्त्र Namaskāramantra बालावबोधसहित with bālāvabodba 1365. No. 742 1891-95. Size.- Iof in. by 4g in. Extent.-5 folios ; II lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva nāgari characters with frequent TEHETS; big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; the space between these pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. sb blank; both the text and the commentary complete so far as the first five padas are concerned; condition tolerably good. Age.- Old. Author of the balavabodha.-Not mentioned. Subject. The text in Prākrit together with its explanation in Gujarāti. Begins.- ( text) fol. I' नमो अरिहंताणं ॥ etc. ,, - (com. ) fol. I' अरिहतनइ माहरउ नमस्कार हु किस्या छइ ते अरिहंत । रागद्वेषरुपिआ अरि वयरी हण्या छइ जेणे ते अरिहंत वली किस्या छह ॥ etc. Ends.- (text ) fol. 5. नमो लोए सम्बसाहूणं Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 742: Ends. — ( com. ) fol. 52 निरहंकारी । निप ( ( प )रिग्रही निरारंभी । शांत दांत रतनत्रयसाधक अढाई द्वीप माहि जिके छई साधु ते सवि हुं साधु प्रतिइं माहरु नमस्कार पंचांगप्रणाम त्रिकालवंदना सदा सर्वदा हु ॥ ५ ॥ इति श्री चैत्यवंदन पंचपदनमस्कारसार्थ संपूर्ण ॥ छ ॥ शुभं भवतु कल्याणमस्तु ॥ श्री ॥ N. B. — For other details see No. 734. 166 नमस्कारमन्त्र बालावबोधसहित No. 743 Extent.— fol. 424 to fol. 43b. Description. The text up to five padas; the commentary ends abruptly. For other details see No. " Author of the balavabodha. -- Not mentioned.. Subject. The text and its explanation in Gujarati. Begins. — ( text ) fol. 422 णमो अरहंताणं । etc. " Namaskaramantra with balavabodha - Ends. ( text ) fol. 43° णमो लोए सव्व साहूणं 571. 1875-76. (com) fol. 424 श्री अरिहंतनिं माहारु सदा काल नमो ( ( ) स्तु । ते श्रीअरहंत केहवा छि । श्रीसमोसरण विराजमान । etc. 593 (c). 1875-76. नमस्कार मन्त्रव्याख्या No. 744 - (com) fol. 43° श्री साधुनिं महारु सदा काल ममो ( s) स्तु । ते श्रीसाध केहवा छि || पंचमहाव्रत धारे ।। पंच. Namaskaramantravyākhyā 1241 (a). 1884-87. Size.-9 in. by 49 in. Extent.~ 26 + 1 = 27 folios; 19 lines to a page ; 60 letters to 1 line. Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 744.] ... III.4Malasatrae 167 a Description.--Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva nāgari characters ; small, fairly legible and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders not ruled ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. 19th repeated ; red chalk used ; fol. 260 blank; condition very good ; complete ; this Ms. contains the status of the text ; this Ms. contains in addition the following works:(1) उपसर्गहरस्तोत्रवृत्ति foll. a to (2) शान्तिकरस्तवार्थाणु (3) भयहरस्तोत्रविवृति (4) लघुशान्तिस्तवव्याख्या (5) सप्ततिशतस्तोत्रव्याख्या (6) अजितशान्तिस्तवविवरण (7) भक्तामरस्तोत्रटीका (8) बृहच्छान्तिस्तवविवरण " 23* ,,26. Age.-Samvat 1873. Author.- Harsakirti Suri. Subject.-- Commentary on Namaskāramantra which is looked upon as the first smaraña out of seven. Begins.-- fol. 1 ॥ अहे। प्रणिपत्य जिनं वक्ष्ये सप्तस्मरणेषु विवरणं किंचित् यस्मान्मंदमतीनामाप भवति सुखेन तद्वोधः १ यतः पर्वदिनेषु सकलश्रेयो(s)र्थ क्षुद्रोपद्रवादिदोषनिवारणार्थ च कारणादौ सुखं शांत्यर्थ च सप्त मिलिता(नि) एव स्मयते गुण्यंते इति सप्त स्मरणानि उच्यते तथादौ चतुर्दशपूर्वाणामादिभूतं अनाद्यनंतं च पंचपरमेष्ठिनमस्कारं(र) रूपं प्रथमस्मरणं आदी व्याख्यायते नमो अरिहंताणं इत्यादि etc. Ends.- fol. 1. इदं च स्मरणमनादिभूतं यतो जिनाः चतुर्विंश(त)योऽनंता: संजाताः अनंताश्च भविष्यति तदा सदैवाऽयमेवातोऽनाधनंतमित्यर्थः अत्र पदानि नव संपदोऽष्टौ अक्षराणि अष्टषष्टिः लध्वक्षराणि एकषष्टिः गुर्वक्षराणि सप्त ज्ञेयानि इति प्रथमस्मरणस्य टीका १ । Reference.-- Edited by me and published in Anekārtharatnamañjūsă (pp. 2-6) which forms No. 81 of Sheth D. L. J. P. F. Series, published in A. D. 1933. Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 Jaina Literature and Philosophy नमस्कार मन्त्रव्याख्या No. 745 Namaskaramantravyākhyā foll. Ia 3a 6a Size.-- 10 in. by 43 in. Extent.--27 folios; 17 lines to a page; 54 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, fairly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; lines here and there written in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. 27b blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre, in the case of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; in a few cases, this central place is decorated with a small disc in red colour; in the left-hand margin, the title is written as auto; condition very good; the extent of the commentary to each of the seven smaraņas is as under :-- (I) उपसर्गहरस्तोत्रवृत्ति (2) नमिऊण ( भयहर) स्तोत्रवृत्ति (3) लघुशान्तिस्तववृत्ति "3 (4) तिजयपदुत्तवृत्ति ( सप्ततिशतस्तोत्रवृत्ति ) (5) अजितशान्तिस्तववृत्ति ( 6 ) भक्तामर स्तोत्रवृत्ति (7) बृहच्छान्तिस्तोत्र Begins. – fol. r ॥ ६० ॥ श्रीजिनाय नमः ॥ در در دو ,, دو etc. as in No. 744. 42 (a). 1874-75. प्रथमस्मरणे व्याख्यां संक्षेपाद्विहितवान् सम्यक् ॥ १ इति प्रथमस्मरणव्याख्या ॥ 11 N. B. For additional information see No. 744. to 3a 6a "" در [745 8b Iob Iob 16a 16a 23b 23b 27a در در در دو 8b Ends. fol. 1 इदं च स्मरणमनादिभूतं etc. up to ज्ञेयानि as is No. 744. This is followed by the lines as under :'नागपुरीयतपों' गणराजः । श्रीहर्षकीर्त्तिसूरिवरः Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7461 111.4 Malasatras 169 प्रबोधचैत्यवन्दन * Prabodhacaityavandang [जगचिंतामणि [ Jagacintamani. घेश्यवंदण]'. ceiyavandaņa ) No. 746 1220 (13). 1884-87. Extent.-- fol. 1894 to fol. 189". Description.-- This work may seem to begin abruptly as it does not contain some of the gāthas occurring in Jagacintāmaņiceiyavandana. But it may noted that this sūtra begins in this very way so far as Vidhipaksa is concernted. See p.7 of "Vidhipaksagacchiyapratikramanasutra" published by Bhimasi Manaka in A. D. 1934. For other details see No. 1220(1). NO. 1884-87.. Author.- Gautama Indrabhāti Ganadhara (according to the Jaina ____tradition). Subject.- Salutation to the Jinavaras and the caityas. Begins.- fol. 189* कम्मभूमिहिं ( कम्मभूमिहिं ) पढमसंघयाणि । उकोसउ सत्तरसउ । जिणवराण विहरंतु(त) लब्भइ । नव कोडिहिं केबलिहि etc. Ends.- fol. 189 सत्ताणवह सहस्सा । लक्खा छप्पन्न अट्टकोडीओ। चउसइ बासिया तेणे(ल)के चेइए वंदे ॥२॥ वंदे नव कोडिसए पणवीस कोडिलक्ख तेवना अट्ठावीस सहस्सा चउसइ अट्टासिया पडिमा ॥३॥ Reference.-- Published in some of the printed editions of the Prati kramaņasutras. It is edited by me, along with Sanskrit rendering and Gujaräti translation, and is published by Babu Bhagvanlal Panalal and Babu Mohanlal Panalal in " The Fifth Kiranavali" (Arhatajivanajyoti) on pp. 81-84 in A. D. 1937. Of course, this partly differs from what we have here in the Ms. * See p. 134. 1 This sort of brackets indicates that instead of the Präkrit rendering, an independent Prakrit title is given. 22 [J.L.P.] Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 प्रबोध चैत्यवन्दन 0.20 No 747 Extent. fol. r. Description. rai Jaina Literature and Philosophy Complete so far as it goes. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. 28 Subject. This caityavandana begins according to the Kharatara gaccha. See Sukhlal's edition (App. 15) noted on p. 132. Begins. – fol. rb जयउ सामिहि २ रिसह 'सेज' etc. प्रबोधचैत्यवन्दन No :- 748 Prabodhacaityavandana 1106 (2). 1891-95. Ends. fol. rb कम्मभूमिहिं etc. up to चेइए पड़िमा practically as in No. 746. N. B. — For additional information see No. 746. समा [747 ....... जय बीस (?) मोहेरमंडणू । जयउ सामिड रिसहु 'सेत्तु(तु) जि' 'उज्जित हुनेमिजिए । 95 Extent. fol. Ib. Description. Complete so far as it goes. For other details see No. 734. Begins.—fol. r* म Prabodhacaityavandana 1270 (2). 1887-91. 'भरवट्टि मुणिसुध्वर्ड महरपालु दुहदंडपंडणु ear' विदेह' व तिथ व सुवहु दिसि विदिसि जि के वि ति (ती )अणागयसंपयइ । बंदिंउ जिण सब्वे वि १ Ends.fol. 1b कम्मभूमिहि etc. up to बेइए वंदे ॥ ३ ॥ as in No. 746. NB. -- For further particulars see Nos. 746 and 747. 9 Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 750.] 1:11. 4 Mhlasutras 171 तीर्थवन्दमसूत्र Tirthavandanášutra [जं किंचि) [ Jam kifici] No. 749 575 (5). 1895-98. Extent.— fol. 26. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 737. Age.- Samvat 1889 (vide fol. 26 ). Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject.- This sūtra composed in a verse in Prākrit deals with salutation to the tirthas in svarga, pātāla and manuşyaloka. Begins and Ends.- fol. 20 जं किंच(चि) नाम तित्थं । सगो(ग्गे) पायाले तिरियलोगंमि॥ - जाइं जिणबिंबाई ॥ ताई सवाई बंदामि ॥१॥ As it consists of one verse, there is no separate end. Reference.- Published with some difference in any of the editions of Pratikramanasātra noted on p. 138 and in "The Fifth Kiranavali" (Arhatajivanajyoti) on p.85 edited by me, along with Sanskrit rendering and Gujarāti translation. तीर्थवन्धनसूत्र Tirthavandanasutra 1220 (16). No 750 1884-87. Extent.-- fol. 1896. 122011). Description.- Complete. For other details sce No. 1884-824Author.-A Jaina Saint. Begins and Ends.-fol. 1890 ज किंचि नाम तित्थं । सग्गे पायाल(लि) माणुसे लोए ... जाइंजिणबिंबाइं ताई सवा(धा)ई वंदामि । छ । N. B.- For other details see No. 749. Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 172 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1751. तीर्थवन्दमसूत्र Tirthavandanasutra No. 751 1106 ( 3 ). 1891-95. Extent.--- fol. 16. Description.--- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends.-fol. 16 जं किंचि नाम तित्यं etc. up to सव्वाइं बंदामि ३ as in No. 750. N. B.- For additional information see No. 749. तीर्थवन्दनसूत्र Tirthavandanasūtra 1270 (3). No. 752 1887-91, Extent.- fol. rb to fol. 2". Description. Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins and Ends.-fol. 1 to fol, 2a (f) FTA etc. up to fais TETIA 11 8 11 as in No. 750. N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 749. Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 753. ) III. 4 Malasatras 173 शक्रस्तव Sakrastava [ atgry of ] [ Namutthu ņam] 1220 (17). No. 753 1884-87. Extent.-- fol. 1896. 1220 ( 1 ). Description.- Complete. For other details see No. – 1884-87. : Author.- Śakra according to the Jaina tradition. Subject.-- Eulogy of the Tīrthaṁkaras. Begins.- fol. 1896 AHTU O STEAIO etc. as in No. 758. Ends.— fol. 1895 Fragu etc. up to footro as in No. 758. This is followed by the lines as under :जियभयाणं ज' अइया सिद्धा जे भविस्संतिअणागए काले संपई । बट्टमाणा सव्वे तिविहेण बंदामि ॥ Reference.-- Published. See any of the printed editions of the Pratikramaņasútras noted on p. 138. This work is edited by me with Sanskrit rendering and Gujarati translation and is published in “The Fifth Kiraņávali ( Arhatajīvanajyoti) on pp. 86-88 where the due posture is also shown by way of an illustration. Kalpasútra (sútra 16 ), Haribhadra Sūri's commentary (p. 494ff.) to Araśyakasútra and Vandāruvștti ( pp. 29-36 ) may be consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV. p. 398. For Sanskrit rendering and English translation see Trişastišalakapuruşacaritra vol. I, pp. 127-128 (Gaekwad's Oriental Series, No. LI). For a parallel work in Sanskrit see my edition of #TATUTUTATETAPHORETe (pp. 242–245). For other details see my article “Trgua it" published in “Sri Jaina Satya Prakasa” vol. II, No. 12, pp. 599-602. Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (.754 शकस्तव Sakrastava No. 754 1106 ( 4 ). 1891-95. Extent. fol. to fol. 2a. Description.— Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins.-fol. r FANOG U SREATUD etc. as in No. 753. Ends.—fol. 2* Hotelui etc. up to falargur SETÀ as in No. 753. This is followed by 8. N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 75 शकस्तव Sakrastava 1270 (5). No. 755 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 2a to fol. 26. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins.- fol. 2* FATT(EN) OP I SPEATO I etc. as in No. 753. Ends.- fol. 2* सव्वलणं । etc. up to सब्वे तिविहेण बंदामि ।। ७ ।' as in No. 753. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 753. 97075fTa i . Sakrastava 1269 (6). No 756 1887-91. Extent.- fol. to fol. 2". Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramautra No. 735. Begins.- fol. Are o garot etc. as in No. 753. . Ends.-- fol. 2* सम्वन्नणं etc. up to तिबिहेण वंदामि ॥१। छ ॥ as in No. 73. S N. B.- For additional information see No. 753. Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 788... . . Int. Malashtrati sis शकस्तव..... Sakrastava No. 757 1880-81. Exent.-leaf 1200 to leaf 121b. Description.- Complete. For other details see 5.77 (..).. No. 7 1880-81. Begins.- leaf 120 नमोत्थु णं अरिहंताणं ॥ भयवंताणं आइगराणं etc. Ends.--- leaf 121 संपइय बद्रमाणा । सव्वे तिविहेण बंदामि । . N. B.-- For additional information see No. 753.... : . . शक्रस्तव Sakrastava No. 758 5 75 (6). .. 1895-98. Rainb Extent. fol. 26 to fol. 3*. la Description.- Almost complete in case the following lines may be said to be lacking : "जिअभयाणं। . . जेअ अइआ सिद्धा जे अ भविस्संतिणागएकाले संपइ वट्टमाणा सव्वे तिविहेण वंदामि" ___For other details see No. 737. Begins.- fol: 2' नमोन्यु णं ॥ अरिहंताणं ॥ भगवंताणं ॥ आयमि( गरे । तित्थयराणं etc. Ends.- fol. 3* सव्वक्षणं सव्वदंसीणं ॥ सिवमयलमरुयमणंतमक्खयमव्वाबाह मपुणरावत्ति ॥सिद्धिगइनामधेयं ॥ ठाणं संपत्ताणं ॥ नमो बिणाणं॥१॥ । इति श्रीशकस्तवः ॥ १ .. N. B.- For other details see No. 753. Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (759. सर्वचैत्यवन्दन Sarvacaityavandana (Fraia wei) (Jāvanti ceiyāim ] No. 759 1220 ( 26 ). 1884-87. Extent.-- fol. 1904. I 220 (1). Description. Complete. For other details see No. – 1884-87. Author.- A Jaina saint. Subject.- Salutation to the caityas of all the three lokas, in one verse in Präkrit. Begins and Ends.- fol. 190° Hreifat orang ( O) ( O) to fafcerto al सव्वाई ताई वंदे [इह संतो तत्थ संताई ॥५ Reference.- Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikra mapasūtras. This work has been recently edited by me, along with the Sanskrit rendering and Gujarati translation, and it is published in “The Fifth Kiraņāvali " ( Arhatajivanajyoti ) on p. 89. This sütra occurs in Śrăddhapratikramaņasútra as verse No. 44. So this and Vandāruvștti (p. 157) may be consulted. सर्वचैत्यवन्दन Sarvacaityavandana No. 760 1269 (16). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 24. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins and Ends.-fol. 2* जाति चेहयाई etc. up to तत्थ संताई ॥१ as in No. 759. N. B.- For additional information see No. 759. Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 762.): 111. 4 Malasutras 177 सर्वचैत्यवन्दन Sarvaceityavandana No. 761 . 1106 (5). 1891-35. Extent.- fol. 2. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends.-fol. 2* Frife TESTE etc. up to yg fat are #arg as in No. 759. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 759. सर्वचैत्यवन्दन Sarvacaityavandana No. 762 1270 (6). 1887-91. Extent.— fol. 26. Description. -- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins and Ends.--fol. 2a Arafat agurs etc., up to se sa faca per fare it as in No. 759. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 759. 23 (J.L.P.) Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (763. सर्वसाधुवन्दन Sarvasādhuvandana (strata $ @ Elg ] [Javanta kè vị sāhu ] 1220 (27) No. 763 1884-87. Extent.— fol. 1906. 1220 (1). Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 1884-87 Author.- A Jaina saint. Subject.— Salutation to all the saints, in one verse in Präkrit, Begins and Ends. - fol. 1908 जावंति(त) केह (? वि) साहू । भरहेरवए महाविदेहे य । सव्वेमु तेसु पणओ तिविहेण तिदंडविरयाणं॥२ Reference. - Published. See any printed edition of the Prati kramaņasútras. This work is recently edited by me, along with the Sanskrit rendering and Gujarati translation, and is published in “The Fifth Kiranävali” (Arhatajivanajyoti) on p. 90. This work occurs in Srāddhapratikramaņasutra as verse No. 45. Vandāruvstti (p. 157) may be consulted. सर्वसाधुवन्दन Sarvasādhuvandana No. 764 1269 (17). 1887-91. Extent. - fol. 2". Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins and Ends.- fol. 2 Arifat a Pot ha etc. up to fac erui etc., as in No. 763. N. B.- For additional information see No. 763: Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 966. ] 111. 4 Malasatras 119 Sarvasādhu'vandana No. 765 1270 (7). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 26. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins and Ends.-fol. 2b raifa(a) # Pêr wie etc., up to fama ferrari . as in No. 7630 N. B.- For additional information see No. 763... सर्वसाधुवन्दन . . Sarvasādhuvandana 1106.(6). 1891-95. No, 766 Extent. fol. 2. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends. -- fol. 2* HITT Hraratia) e HT etc. up to farmor faastatuoi ? as in No. 763. N. B.- For additional information see No. 763. Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1767 उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargaharastotra (39FMETTET) (Uvasaggabarathotta ) 350 (b). No. 767 A. 1882-83 Extent. fol. 1b. Description. Complete. For other details see No. 739. Author.-- Bhadraba husvāmin according to the Jaina' tradition. Subject. This work consisting of five gathās in Prākrit as usual deals with a hymn in honour of Lord Pārsvanātha, the 23rd Tirthamkara of the Jainas. This work is variously designated by scribes such as 34 Figurata, staro s para and startarea. Begins.- fol. 1 gangi etc. as in No. 777. Ends.- fol. 1b 737 #yət etc. up to the end as in No. 777. Reference.- Published along with Pārśvacandra's commentary in the D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 8o on pp. 97-112, where Priyankaranfpakatha is also included.' Also published with the commentary of Jinaprabha Sûri and that of Siddhicandra Gaņi as well, in the D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 81. This work is recently edited by me, along with the Sanskrit rendering and Gujarāti translation, and is published in “The Fifth Kiraņāvali" (Arhatajivanajyoti) on pp. 92-93. 1 Herein on pp. 41-44 (App. ) is given the text containing 20 verses, and on pp. 45-48 we have pădapūrti of all the carapas of the first five usual verses. Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 770.1 III. 4 Malas atras 181 उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargabarastotra No. 768 640 (b). 1895-98. Extent.- fol. 1b. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 738. Begins.- fol. 10 GU HITET etc. as in No. 767. Ends.- fol. 1 537 #graat etc. as in No. 767. N. B.- For other details see No. 767. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargaharastotra No. 769 1220 ( 29 ). 1884-87. Extent.-- fol. 190*. Description.— Complete. For other details see No. 1220 (0.). Begins.-- fol. 1909 Jahime etc. as in No. 767. Ends.—fol. 1909 gu tigait etc. up to wà ne grafi 4 11 30 as in No. 767. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 767. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upacargabarastotra No. 770 1269 ( 20 ). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 2to fol. 26. Description.- Complete ; s verses in all. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 735. Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 182 Begins. fol. 24 उवसग्गहरंपासं etc. as in No. 767. Ends. fol. 2b इय संधुओ etc. up to पासजिणचंद ॥ ५ ॥ छ as in No. 767. N. B. For additional information see No. 767. उपसर्ग हर स्तोत्र Jaina Literature and Philosophy No. 771 [770. C Upasargaharastotra 672 (g). 1899-1915. Extent. fol. 8b. Description. Complete; five verses in all. For other details see Ajitaśāntistava No. 672 (a ). 1899-1915. Begins. fol. 8b उवसग्गहरंपासं etc. Ends. fol. 8 इय संधुओ etc. up to ता देव दिसह बोहिं भवे भवे पासजिण चंद ॥ ५ as in No. 767. This is followed by the lines as under : इति श्रीउपसर्गहरणस्तोत्रं ॥ सप्तमं स्मरणं ॥ ७ ॥ इति सप्तमस्मरण (णं) समाप्तं (त) म ॥ च्छ ॥ लि° जीवनवीजय ॥ रणाश' ॥ 6 रामघाट ' मध्ये ॥ कुसल्लाजीम्हाराज्यकी पोशाल || मिति वैखाख दि १० दशमी शुक्र (क्र) बासरे ॥ संवत् १९३२ का शाके १७९७ ॥ पंनिंवीवीवाचनार्थे ॥ च्छ Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 774. ) 111. 4 Malasutras 183 34TETETTE Upasargąharastotaa No. 772 1270 ( 9 ). 1987-91. Extent.— fol. 2b to fol. 34. Description.- Complete ; five verses in all. For other details see No. 734. Begins.—fol. 20 za H ET etc. as in No. 767. Ends -fol. 3a TE ÁGaît etc. up to qrafrazia "E(?) 11 as in No. 767. This is followed by afturatetecta a N. B.- For additional information see No. 767. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargaharastotra No. 773 575 (4). 1895-98. Extent.- fol. 2b. Description - Complete. For o. her details see Namaskaramantra No. 737. Begins.- fol. 2b gapirgi etc. as in No. 767. Ends.--fol. 2b gt ya etc. up to frie i 8 1 practically as in No. 767. This is followed by sa m ĦJIETII. N. B.- For additional information see No. 767. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र No. 774 Upəsargaharastotra 1106 (8). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 2a. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1775. Begins.- fol. 2* FAT(s)pateralitatearen t : 34 H INTEN TE OCITÀ EFATOS etc. Ends. --fol. 2* fet figrait etc. up to set the grefforzią ll as in 767. This is followed by the line as under : ___ इति श्रीपार्श्वजिनलघुस्तवनं ॥ N. B.- For additional details see No. 767. No. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargaharastotra लघुवृत्तिसहित with laghuvrtti No. 775 272 (a). 1871-72. Size.- 104 in. by 45 in. Extent.- s folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 39 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tolerably thick and whitish in colour; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional TEATS; legible, bold, big, uniform and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; the lower edges of the numbered sides slightly eaten away by white ants ; condition very fair ; this Ms. contains both(?) the text and the commentary; both complete ; the latter ends on fol. 56; this Ms. contains an additional work viz. afssorata along with its commentary which commences on fol. sb and ends on the same fol. Author of the commentary.- Pürņacandra Súri. Subject.- A hymn in honour of Lord Parśvanátha, consisting of five gåthås. The commentary deals with the yantras and tantras pertaining to them. It is styled as ggare. Begins.- (text ) fol. 1* 347VIER » - ( com. ) fol. 1 नमस्कृत्य परं पार्च सर्वयोगिनमस्कृतं । उपसर्गहरस्तोत्रं विवृणोमि समासतः ॥१॥ 1 This line may be looked upon as a separate work by itself. Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 776.] III. 4. Malasutras _185 उपसर्गहरं पार्श्व पार्श्व यक्षं पार्श्वनाथं च भगवंतं किंविशिष्टं कर्मघनमुक्तं मंगलकल्याणआवासं विषधरविषनिर्नाशनं चेत्यक्षरार्थः वंदामीति क्रियापदं । etc. Ends.- (text) fol. 4° इय संथुओ( ? ) etc. ,, - ( com.) fol. 5. इदानीं स्तुतेरुपसंहारमाह । इति संस्तुतो महायश भक्ति भरनिर्भरेण etc. up to तथा ॐ नमो भगवते पार्श्वनाथाय क्षेमंकराय ही नमः क्षेमंकरो मंत्रः। उपसर्गहरस्तोत्रं विवृतं मंक्षेपतो गुरुमुखेन। विज्ञाय किमपि तत्त्वं विद्यावादाभिधग्रंथात् ॥१॥ इत्युपसर्गहरस्तोत्रलघुवृत्तिः पूर्णचंद्राचार्यकृतिरियं समाप्ता । Reference.— Published in Śaradāvijaya Jaina Granthamālā, Bhav nagar. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargabarastotra अर्थकल्पलतासहित with Arthakalpalatā 232(g). No. 776 A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 18 to fol. 19". Description.- Both the text and the commentary practically com' 232(a). plete. For other details see No. A A. 1882-83.. Author of the commentary.-- Jinaprabha Súri, pupil of Jinasimha Suri of the Kharatara gaccha. Subject. The text in Prakrit together with the explanation in Sanskrit ; the latter is styled as Arthakalpalatā and is com posed in Samvat 1365 (see No. 777 ). Begins.- ( text ) fol. 18* उवसग्गहरंपासं पासं वदामि कम्मघणमुकं । विसहरविसनिन्नास मंगलकल्लाणआवासं ॥१॥ ,, - (com.) fol. 18 प्रतिबोध विधानो etc, 24 J.L.P.] Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [776. Ends.- (text) fol. 19° ई(इ)य संथुओ महायस । भत्तिकभरनिन्भरेण हिअयेण । ता देव दिज बोहिं भवे भवे पासजिणचंद ॥ ५॥ ,, - (com.) fol. 19 संवन्द्विक्रमभूपते(:) शरक्रतूदर्चिमृगांकैर्मु(मि ते। पौषस्यासितपक्षभाजि शनिना युक्ते नवम्यां तिथौ। श्रीजिन ॥ Reference.- Both the text and the commentary published. See _No. 767. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargaharastotra अर्थकल्पलतासहित with Arthakalpalatā No. 777 1241 (g). 1891-95. Extent.-- fol. 535 to fol. 616. Description.-- Both the text and the commentary complete; the latter composed in Samvat 1365. For other details see No. 1241 (a). 1891-95. Age.-- Samvat 1868. Begins.- (text) fol. 53° उवसग्गहरंपासं (?) etc. Begins.- ( com.) fol. 53° प्रतिबोधं विदध्यातो(?) स च वराहमिह(हि)र स्तथाविधज्ञानावरणीयकर्मक्षयोपशमाभावास्किंचिदेव चंद्रप्रज्ञप्तिसूर्य प्रज्ञप्त्यादिकं शास्त्रमधीतवान् । etc. Ends.- (text) fol. 61 इय संथुओ etc. - (com.) fol. 61° प्राकृते पासजिणाय etc. up to इति सिद्धं । practically as in No. 784. This is followed by the lines as under :संवद्विक्रमपते(:) शरऋतूदर्चिसृगांकैर्मिते । पौषस्यासितपक्षभाजि शनिना युके नवम्यां तिथौ । शिष्य(:) श्रीजिनसिंहमूरिसुगुरोर्वृत्तिं व्यदीदिमां। श्री साकेतपुरे' जिनप्रभ इति ख्यातो मुनीनां प्रभुः । ३॥ Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 779.1 रूपां लीषित्वा 'सुभटपुर मध्ये | N. B.-- For other details see No. 776. 187 111. 4 Malasatras ग्रं. २७१ । सं. १८६८ मार्ग० कृष्ण १३. वासरे । श्री वृद्धआचार्य गच्छे। श्रीजिनचंद्र सूरजीशिष्यपाठकवाचनार्थे । श्रीरत्नलक्ष्मीजी तत्शिष्यमी उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र अर्थकल्पलतासहित " No. 778 Extent. fol. 28b to fol. 338. Description. Both the text and the commentary complete; the verses. For other details see former contains five No. Begins.- ( text ) fol. 30 - ( com. ) fol. 28b Ends.- ( text ) fol. 320 "" 85 1 ( a ). 1895-1902. Upasargaharastotra with Arthakalpalatā उपसर्ग हर स्तोत्र अर्थकल्पलतासहित इह संधुओ etc. up to भवे भवे पासजिणचंद ॥ ५ as in No. 767. - ( com. ) fol. 332 प्राकृते पासजिणा । पद्मावती तां चंदयति आइलादयते etc. up to मुनीनां प्रभुः ॥ ३ as in No. 777. This is followed by the lines as under : इति श्रीसप्त (मं) स्मरणं समाप्तं ॥ प्रत्यक्षरं निरूप्यास्य ग्रंथमानं विनिश्वित्तं । अनुष्टुभां च द्विशत्येकसप्ततिसमन्विता ॥ १ शुभं भवतु[ : ] ॥ श्रीरस्तु [ : ] ॥ ॥ ग्रंथाग्रं २७१ ॥ N. B. For additional information see No. 777. No. 779 Extent. - fol. 34b to 851 (g). 1895-1902. उवसग्गहरंपासं etc. as in No. 767. प्रतिबोधं विदधानो etc. as in No. 776. fol. 41b. Upasargaharastotra with Arthakalpalată 1229 (g). 1891-95. Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 779. Description. In the centre of the 35th folio there is a square with vertical diagonals. Both the text and the commentary complete. For other details see No.-229 a): 1891-95. Begins.- (text ) fol. 346 (?) JaFITEITIE etc. „ - (com. ) fol. 340 gratate lacurat etc. as in No. 776. Ends.-- (text ) fol. 400 ga yrat etc. up to retaię „ -- (com. ) fol. 418 Trend Trefot etc. up 10 sat' fraagh' saga fa entai gatai sy: 11 ll as in No. 777. This is followed by FATHT di ghiacara: N. B.- For further particulars see No. 777. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र वृत्तिसहित No. 780 Upasargaharastotra with vrtti 1205. 1886-92. Size.- 104 in. by 4} in. Extent.— 6 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very brittle, not very thin and quite grey in colour ; Jaina Devanagari characters; bold, legible, big, uniform and elegant hand-writing: borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; all the four edges of almost every fol. more or less worn out; condition not satisfactory; this Ms. contains both the text and the commentary ; both complete; fol. ra blank. Age.- Samvat 1697. Author of the commentary.- Dvija Parsvadeva Gani. Subject The text consists of s gāthas only. The Sanskrit com mentary throws light on the yantras and mantras pertaining to them. Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 781.] III. 4 Malasatras 189 Begins-- ( text ) fol. 1" उवसग्गहरं etc. as in No. 767. ___,, -- ( com. ) fol. 1b धरणेंद्रं नमस्कृत्य । श्रीपार्श्व मुनिपुंगवं । उपसर्गहरस्तोत्रत्तिं वक्ष्ये समासतः ॥१॥ प्रणतसुरासुरललाटविन्यस्तमुकुटश्रेणिसमाश्रितमेव च । etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 6° इय संथुओ etc. up to पासजिणचंद as in No. 767. , -( com.) fol. 6' सर्वकल्याणं संपइकरी यंत्रं भवति ॥ छ ॥ द्विजपार्श्वदेव गणिविरचिते यत्किमपि धरणेद्रपार्श्वयक्षः पद्मावतीप्रमुखानि स्वदेवताभिर्मम क्षमितव्यमिति ॥ यच्च किंचिद्विरु(द्ध)यंत्रं मंसित(?) सर्वस्य मिथ्या दुष्कृतमिति ॥ छ । इति श्रीउवसग्गहरस्तोत्रस्य वृत्ति समाप्तं ॥ संवत्सरे श्रीविक्रमवृपतौ सप्तनंदकायभू (१६९३)युते । वर्षे आश्विनमासे शुक्लपक्षे दुग्र्गा(!)ष्टम्यां तिथौ ॥ लिषितं जगजीवनर्षिणा स्वात्महेतवे ॥ कल्याणमस्तु । भाव्यं भवतु । अक्खरमत्ताहीणं । मय या) लिहियं अयाणमाणणं । तं ष(ख)मह मुज्ज सामी । जिणंदमुहनिग्गया वाणी ॥ 'शालदुर्गे' स्थिते सति । लेषकपाठकयोर्जयः ॥छ । Reference. - Edited by me and published in the D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 80, along with Priyankaranrpakatha etc. This Ms. is there designated as kha. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargabarastotra टीकासहित with tikā 885 (b). No. 781 1892-95. Extent.- fol. 24 to fol. 3'... Description.- Both the text and the commentary complete; the former contains five verses. For other details see Namas kāramantra with vrtti No. 740. Author of the commentary.- Siddhicandra Gaņi, pupil of Bhānu candra. For details see p. 163. Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 laina Literature and Philosophy [781. Subject.- The text and its explanation in Sanskrit.. Begins.- (text) fol. 2* उधसग्गहरपासं etc. as in No. 779. ,, -(com.) fol. 2 अथ पंचाशीत्यधिकशताक्षरमानस्य । उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र स्ययमाद्यां गाथामाह । उवसग्गेति । अहं श्रीपाश्व पार्श्वनाथं वदामि अभि टौमि बदुङ अभिवादनस्तुत्योरिति धातो रूप etc. Ends.-- (text) fol. 3° इय संथुओ etc. up to पासजिणचंद । ५ । as in No. 780. This is followed by इत्युपस[गहरस्तोत्र । ,, -(com. ) fol. 3° सामान्यकेवलिनस्तेषु चंद्र इव चंद्रस्तस्य संबोधनं हे जिनचंद्र तत्पुरुषः । त्वं अर्थान्मा बोधि रत्नत्रयप्राप्तिं प्रेत्य जिनधर्मावाप्ति वा देहि प्रवितरेत्यर्थः । कास्मन् भवे भवे जन्मनि जन्मनि । यावन्मोक्षं न प्राप्नोमीति भावः । इदं स्तोत्रं धरणेद्रपद्मावतीपार्श्वयौराधिष्ठितमिति पक्षे तेषां व्याख्यानं तु वृहद्वृत्तितो द्रष्टव्यं । ५। इति पादशाहश्रीअकबरजल्लालदीनश्रीसूर्यसहस्रनामाध्यायकश्री शत्रंजय तीर्थकरमोचनसर्वत्रगोवधनिवर्त्तनाद्यनेकसुकृतविनिर्मापकमहोपाध्यायश्री भानुचंद्रगीिशष्ययुगपदष्टोत्तरशतावधानचमत्कृतपादशाहश्रीअकबरजल्लालदीनपादशाहीनूरद्दीनजिहांगीरप्रदत्तषुश्फहम नादिरज्जमां द्वितीयाभिधानमहोपाध्यायश्रीसिद्धिचंद्रगणिविरचितायां सप्तस्मरणटीकायां उपसर्गहर स्तोत्रटीका समाप्ता ॥ छ । Reference.- Published see No. 767. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargaharastotra 'वृत्तिसहित with vrtti No. 782 384 (a). 1871-72. Size.- Iod in. by 4g in. Extent.- fol. 63* to fol. 65+. Description.- Complete. For other particulars see सदयवत्ससावलिङ्गी - कथा No. 384 (a). ____1871-72.. Author of the commentary.— Not mentioned. Subject.-The text is here looked upon as the 2nd smarana. Iti explained in Sanskrit. Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 191 783.] III. 4 Malasutrar Begins.- (text ) fol. 63* उबसरगहरंपासं etc. as is No. 767. - ( com. ) fol. 63* अथेति स्मरणं पदार्थों ली(लि खितानी(नि) अहं पार्श्व पार्श्वनाथं वंदे नमस्कारोमि(मी)ति etc. Ends.- ( text ) 65 इय संथुओ etc. up to भवे भवे पासजिणचंद as in No. 767. , - ( com. ) fol. 65° चतुर्दश:धरप्रणीतत्वात् सूत्रवत् ज्ञेयमिति द्वितीयस्मरणम् ५ इति श्रीउपसर्गहरस्तोत्रवृत्ति समाप्तम् ग्रंथाग्रंथ समस्त १२७५ छे यादृशं पुस्तकं दृष्ट्वा तादृशं लिखितं मया यदि सु(शुद्धमसु(शुद्ध वा मम दोषो न दीयते १ सं. १९११ ना वर्षे श्रावणसूद १ वार बुद्धे लिखितं पं.राजविजय गणी पं.उत्तमसत्कतत्शीपमुंनीनीतविजयपं.राजसत्कपठनार्थ परोपगाराय श्रीधर्मनाथजीप्रशादात् श्रेयं उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र Upasargaharastotra अवचूरिसहित with avacūri 643. No. 783 1892-95. Size.- Io in. by 43 in. Extent- (text) 3 folios ; 7 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. ,, -( com.),, ,, , I0 ,, ,, ,, ,, ; 50 , , , , Description.- Country paper thick, rough and grey; Jaina Deva nāgari characters with TeaTS; borders ruled in two lines in red ink, whereas edges at a distance of one inch from them in three lines in the same ink; the text occupies the central place, and the commentary, the space all around; this is a पश्चपाटी Ms.; red chalk used ; edges of the foll. very slightly damaged; both the text and the commentary com plete ; condition very good. Age.-Old. Author of the commentary.- Not mentioned. Subject.- The text as before. The Sanskrit commentary though small is lucid and throws light on the mantras and yantras connected with the five gathās forming the text. Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [783. Begins.- (text ) fol. I' उबसग्गहरं etc. as in No. 767. ,, -(com.) fol. 11 स्तोत्रस्याष्टातिरिक्तं शतं यः कुर्याजापं पंचगाथात्मकस्य । तस्यावश्यं मंक्षु नश्यति विघ्ना स्तं निःशेषा वृण्वते सिद्धयश्च ॥' s(अत्र हि प्रथमगाथायां जगद्वाल्भ्य कर etc. Ends.- (text ) fol. 3° इय संथुओ etc. as in No. 767. ,, - ( com. ) fol. 3° प्राकृते पासजिणाय पद्मावती तां चंदत्यालादयतीति तस्यामंत्रण दीर्घहस्वौ मिथो वृत(त्तौ) इति हस्वत्रे पासजिणचंदेति सिद्धं ॥ इति उपसर्ग(हर)स्तवावचूरिः । उपसर्गहरस्तोत्रवृत्ति Upasargaharastotravrtti No. 784 1241 (b). 1884-87. Extent. - fol. 1a to fol. 2b. Description.- Complete; only the states of the text are given. For other details see Namaskāramantravyākhyā No. 744. Author.- Harsakirti Suri. Subject.- Sanskrit commentary on Upasargaharastotra, the 2nd smarana. Begins.- fol. 1 अथ द्वितीयस्मरणं व्याख्यायते उपसर्गहरमिति इदं च स्मरणं वराहमिह( हि )रकृतश्रीसंघोपद्वनिवारणार्थ श्रीभद्रबाहुभिः कृतं य. श्रीमद्रबाहुस्वामिनो भ्राता वराहमिह(हि)रः स च दीक्षां गृहीत्वा चंद्रप्रज्ञप्तिसूर्यप्रज्ञप्तिप्रमुखादिकं शास्त्रमधीतवान् etc. Ends.- fol. 2' इहान्येऽप्यर्थाः संति तथा पार्श्वयक्षपक्षेऽप्यन्योऽर्थोऽस्ति परं विस्तरभिया नोक्ताः किंतु मूलार्थ एव व्याख्यातोऽस्ति 1 This verse occurs by way of a quotation in Harsakirti Sūri's Upasargabarastotravrtti on p. 14. Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 785.0 111. 4. Malasutras 193 उपसर्गह(र)स्तोत्रे वृत्तिं श्रीहर्षकीतिसूरिरिमां कृतवान् सुखावबोध(धां) मंदमतीनां हितार्थाय इति श्रीद्वितीयस्मरणं समाप्तं २ Reference.- This work is edited with this commentary by me, and it is published in Anekārtharatnamanjusa (pp. 13-24) which is published in Sheth D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 81 in A. D. 1933. उपसर्गहरस्तोत्रवृत्ति Upasargaharastotravrtti No. 785 ___42 (b). 1874-75. Extent.- fol. 12 to fol. 3a. Description.- Complete. For other details sec Namaskāramantra vyākhyā No. 745. Begins.-fol. 1 अथ द्वितीयं स्मरणं व्याख्यायते । उवसग्गहरमिति इदं च etc., as in No. 784. Ends.- fol. 3. इहान्येऽप्यर्थाः etc. up to हितार्थाय practically as in No. 784. This is followed by इति द्वितीयस्मरणबत्तिः ॥२॥ ॥ N. B.- For other details see No. 784. " [J.L. P.] Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 786. gejategi e Prārthanāsūtra [ 577 aitia) [ Jaya viyarāya ) 1220 (30) No. 786 1884-87. Extent.- fol. 1902 Description.- Complete though it may appear to end abruptly. For other details see No. 1220 ( 1 ). 1884-87.. Author.- A Jaina saint. Subject.-- This small work in Prākrit is a prayer to one who is free from attachment and aversion. It contains only two verses. Begins.- fol. 1902 ___ . जय वीयराय जगगुरु होऊ(उ) मम: । तुहप्पभावओ भयवं भवनिवेओ मग्गाणुसार( रि )या इटफलसिद्धी। Ends. fol. 190a लोगविरुद्धचा(चा)ओ । गुरुजणपूया परत्थकरणं च । मुहगुर(रु)जोगो तब्बयणसेवणा आभवमखंडा । grat stezzata il II Reference.- Published. See any printed edition of Pratikramana sūtras where an additional portion containing two gāthās and a Sanskrit verse is generally given. For an extract containing these two gātbás and the interpolated matter see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, pp. 398-399. This work is recently edited by me along with the Sanskrit rendering and Gujarāti translation, and is published together with an illustration indicating the posture to be taken up while reciting it, in “The Fifth Kiraņāvali" (Arhatajivanajyoti) on p. 94. 1 See pp. 134 and 152. Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 787.] I11. 4 Malasutras 195 There are only two gāthas (just given here in Pañcasaka (IV, v. 33-34) in Caityavandanasutra (p. 1142) commented upon by Haribhadra Sūri, in Yogašāstra (III, p. 233a ), and in Acaradinakara (p. 271b). In the edition of Sråvakānuşthanavidhi (p. 31 ) containing Vandaruvstti, we have these two gāthās plus two other gāthās and one verse in Sanskrit.' In Santi Suri's Ceryavandanamahabhasa (v. 846-849 ) we have, however, 4 găthās, the first commencing with great and the last with aws and the middle ones being those which are given here (i. e. in No. 786 ). For vivarana see Lalitavistară (pp. 114-1159), the svopajna vrtti (p. 233b) of Yogašastra, Abhayadeva Suri's vrtti (pp. 81" and 822 ) on Pañcāšaka, Ācāradinakara (p. 2716), Vandaruurtti (p. 32 ) and the svopajña vịtti (p. 164a ) on Dharmasaṁgraha. “ Übersicht über die Avašyaka-Literatur” (p. 2) may be consulted. प्रार्थनासूत्र Prārthanāsūtra No. 787 1270 (10) 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 3a. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins and Ends.fol. 3a FT aus() etc, up to 37THAOST LIE Il as in No. 786 This is followed by gfa JEFFE N. B. - For additonal information see No. 786. It is rather a strange thing that in the l'undārulli we have explanation of the first two gathas only. 2 This is a wrong nomenclature for this sutra. Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1 788. प्रार्थनासूत्र Prarthanāsūtra No. 788 1106 (9). 1891-95. Extent. fol. 2a to fol. 2b. Description.-- Complete ; 2 verses in all. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends. - fol. 2o f a ty etc., up to 311HTAUET as in No. 786. This is followed by a line as below: २ इति प्रणिधानदंडकं. N. B. - For additional information see No. 786. प्रार्थनासूत्र Prarthanāsūtra 1269 ( 21 ). No. 789 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 2b. Description.- Complete. Herein we have one additional verse. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins and Ends. - fol. 26 Fry atatry etc. up to 37/HTAGET IR Il as in No. 786, This is followed by the verse as under :-- वारिजह जइ वि नियमेण बंधणं । वीयराय तुह समए । तह वि मम हुज्ज सेवा भवे २ त(तु )म्ह चलणाणं ॥३॥ N. B. - For additional information see No. 786. 1 Scc p. 134 where it is styled as Pranidhanasütra. Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 790.) III. 4 Malasairas 197 ईर्यापथिकीसूत्र Iryāpathikīsutra (EiTUTTICHET) (Iriyāvahiyasutta ) No. 790 1220 ( 8 ). 1884-87 Extent.-- fol. 1892. Description. 1220 ( 1 ). Complete, For other details see No. 1884-87. Author.- A Jaina saint. Subject.— A Prākrit composition dealing with alocană. Begins.-- fol. 1894 ETIAITU FICHE H791 ENTITET TEATA इच्छं । इच्छामि पडिक्कमिउं । इरियावहियाए । विराहणाए : गमणागमणे । TEHT ATEHU I ENTUEHU I etc. Ends.-fol. 189* अभिया up to तस्स मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं ॥ छ ॥ etc. as in No. 794. Reference.- Published. See any printed edition of Pratikramaņa sütras. This work is edited by me, along with the Sanskrit rendering and Gujarāti translation, and is published by Jivanalal Panalal in “The Fourth Kiranävali (Arhataji. vanajyoti ) on pp. 71-72. Haribhadra Süri's commentary (p. 573a ) on Avaśyakasútra, Yogaśāstra (III) and its svopajña commentary (pp. 2139-214a ), Acāradinakara (pp. 277-278a) and Vandāruvịtti (p. 24 ) may be consuted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 398. For the gates of this work and its explanation etc. in verses in Prakrit see Ceïyavandanamahābhāsa ( v. 366-381 ). The svopajña commentary on Dharamasamgraha (pp. 1429-143a ) may be also consulted. See also“ Übersicht über die Avašyaka-Literatur” (p. 2). Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 Jaina Literature and Philosophy | 791. ईर्यापाथकीसूत्र Tryāpathikisutra No. 791 1106 (11). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 2b. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins.--fol. 20 #31FTGT Fetag etc. as in No.790. Ends.--fol. 2b 3pfwar etc. up to a practically as in No. 794. This is followed by N. B.- For additional information see No. 790. ईर्यापथिकीसूत्र Iryāpathikisutra 1269 (2). No. 792 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 16. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins.-fol. 1 extA VÍCæfas etc. as in No. 790. Ends.--fol. 10 fagur aftur etc. up to am PHTEGIA ES 11Cllgil practically as in No. 790. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 790. ईयापथिकीसूत्र Iryāpathikisiitra 1270 (12) No. 793 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 3a to fol. 36. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins.--fol. 3a parete etc. asjin:No. 790. Ends.- fol. 3a SIA( ? )ar etc. up to aff (HTIA Colly Il as in No. 794, N. B.-- For additional information sec No. 790. Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 794. 111. 4 Malasatras 199 ईर्यापथिकीसूत्र Tryāpathikisātra No. 794 77 ( ). 1880-81. Extent.- leaf 124* to leaf 124°. Description.- Complete. For additional particulars see Agamikavastuvicărasära No 77 (1). 1880-81.. Begins. -leat 124* इच्छामि पडिक्कमिउ इरियावहियाए । विराहणाए । गमणा गमणे । पाणक्कमणे । बीयक्कमणे । etc. __Ends.- laet I24° भठिब(भि)हया वत्तिया ( लेसिया) संघाइया संघट्टिया ठाणाओ ठाणं संकामिया जीवियाओ ववरोविया तस्स मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (796. 77 (1). उत्तरीकरणसुत्र Uttarikaranasutra [ GFA 39 ] [ Tassa uttari ] No. 795 77 í ). 1880-81. Extent.- leaf 1242 Description.- Complete. For other details see 1880-81. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.-A formula in Präkrit for further preparation to purify the defiled soul. This is styled as “Ummaggakaranasutta” (Unmárgakaraṇasūtra ) in Ceżyavandanamahabhasa (v. 382'). Begins and Ends.--leaf 124* तस्मुत्तरीकरणेणं । पायछि(च्छि )त्तीकरणेणं । विसोहीकरणेणं । विसल्ली Tutoi i qaroi ITHIOPIETOUTEIT ET IT A FISI Reference.- Published in any of the editions of Pratikramaņasūtras noted on p. 138. This work is edited by me, along with the Sanskrit rendering and Gujarati translation, and is published in “The Fourth Kiraņāvali ( Ārhatajivanajyoti ) on p. 73. For an extract see B. B. R. A. vols. III-IV, p. 398. Haribhadra Sūri's commentary (p. 779') on Avaśyaka sútra, Yogaśāstra and its svopajña vịtti (p. 2149-2146), Acāradinakara (p. 278a ) and Devendra Süri's Vandāruvrtti (p. 27) are worth consulting. For vivaraṇa in verses in Prākrit see Ceiyavandaņamahābhāsa (v. 383–387). The svopajña commentary (p. 144-144) on Dharmasaṁgraha may be also consulted. 1 This runs as under : "इरियावहियासत्तं एत्तियमेत्तं अओ पर सेसं । उम्मग्गकरणमुत्तं तस्स य एयारिसो अत्यो ॥ ३८२ ॥ Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 798.) 111. 4 Malasairas 201 उत्तरीकरणसूत्र Uttarikaraņasūtra 1220 ( 9 ) No. 796 1884-87. Extent.- fol. 1894 Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 1730-37. Begins and Ends. — fol. 1892 Trigant etc. up to fit #13tho I practically as in No. 795. N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 795. उत्तरीकरणसूत्र Uttarikaraņasūtra No. 797 1106 (12). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 26. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends.- fol. 2 त(त)स्मुत्तरीकरणेणं etc. up to ठामि #76#( F# )soj as in No. 795. This is followed by g: N. B.-- For additional information see No. 795. उत्तरीकरणसूत्र Uttarikaraņasutra No. 798 1269 (3). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 1. Description. - Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins.—fol. 1 tahun tautui etc. up to da 13 vjI as in No. 795. N. B.- For additional information see No. 795. 26 (J.L.P.) Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 उत्तरकरणसूत्र No. 799 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [799. N. B. For other details see No. 795. Uttarikaraṇasutra 1270 (13). 1887-91. Extent. fol. 3b. Description. Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins and Ends. fol. 3 तस्सुत्तरीकरणेणं etc. up to टामि काउस ( स ) गं । as in No. 795. Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 800.1 III. 4 Malasatras 208: कायोत्सर्गसूत्र Kāyotsargasūtra [ act] [ Annattha ] No. 800 1220 ( 10 ). 1884-87. : Extent.— fol. 1892. Description. Complete. For other details see No. N 1220 ( 1 ). 1884-87. Author. – A Jaina saint. Subject.- This small work composed in Präkrit explains how one is going to act—what allowances he will make-during the kāyotsarga posture. Begins.-fol. 1892 PATHÀVOT I SALÊNCUT I FTATUT I Bigo ÁHTEGO I gygoi i arafatavoto I Hateg forargeetgi etc. Ends.- fol. 1892 THT À FIGH(TF) GTI FIT STEATOT HETTO FATTOO acq(TV)RTÀ ata FT I STOTO II AT(AT)OTU I STIUTOT I STOTTON STATH Reference.- Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikra maņasútras. For the text, its chāyā, Gujarāti translation and the posture see my fourth Kiraņāvali (pp. 74-75 ). Haribhadra Süri's commentary (p. 779 ) to .vaśyakasútra, Yogaśāstra (III) and its svopajña commentary ( pp. 2146-2155), Acāradinakara (p. 3118-3115 )and Vandāruvstti (pp. 156 to 166 ) may be consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 398, and for explanation in verses in Prakrit see Ceiyavandaṇamahābhāsa ( v. 427-497). The svopajña commentary (pp. 1446-1459 ) on Dharmasaṁgraha may be also consulted. I See p. 134. Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (801. कायोत्सर्गसूत्र Kāyotsargasūtra No. 801 1106 (13). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 2b. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins.—fol. 2b tema safigui etc. as in No. 800. Ends.-fol. 26 H À 75##nooit etc. up to stealu TATIA U: practically as in No. 800. N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 800. - कायोत्सर्गसूत्र Kāyotsargasūtra No. 802 1270 (14). 1887-91. Extent.— fol. 36. Description. Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins.—fol. 36 stargalau etc. as in No. 800. Ends. --fol. 35 À 4T5H( FR )pf I etc. up to 34COTUT alterata II T II as in No. 800. N. B.-- For additional particulars see No. 800. कायोत्सर्गसूत्र Kāyotsargasūtra 1269 ( 4 ). 1887-91. No. 803 Extent.-- fol. 1b. Description. Complete. No. 735. For other details see Namaskāramantra Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8os.] III. 4 Malasatras 205 Begins.-- fol. rb fry (55) Truj etc. as in No. 801. d . Ends.-fol. I' होज मे काउस(स्स )ग्गो etc. up to अप्पाणं बोसिरामि ॥७॥ practically as in No. 801 N. B.- For additional information see No. 800. :. कायोत्सर्गसूत्र Kāyotsargasutra No. 804 1269 (8). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 2'. Description. - Complete but mostly abbreviations are given. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins and Ends.-fol. 2* अन्नत्थूससिएणं नी० खा छी जं. उ० वा. भ. पित्तमुच्छाए ४ मु० सु० सु० एव ५ काउस्सग्गो ६ जाव न पारोमि । ७ ताव वोसिरामि ।। छ । N. B.- For additional information see No. 800. कायोत्सर्गसूत्र Kāyotsargasūtra 77 ( ). 1880-81. No. 805 Extent.- leaf I2rb to leaf 1221. Description.- Complete. For other details see Āgamikavastuvicăra. 77 (1). sāra No. 1880-81.. Begins.- fol. I21 अन्नत्थुससिएणं etc. Ends.-fol. 122* अभग्गो अविराहिओ होज मे काउस( स्स )ग्गो । जाव अरहंताणं । भगवंताणं । नमोक्कारेणं न पारेमि ताव कायं छा(ठा )जेणं । मोणेणं । झाणेणं अप्पाणं बोसिरामि ॥ छ । N. B.- For further particulars see No. 800. Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 806. Parcerias Kāyotsargasūtrapratika No 806 1270 ( 17). 1887-91. Extent. — fol. 4* to fol. 46. Description.- Only a taste of wrathofaa is given. For other details see No. 734. Subject.— The Kāyotsargasūtra is referred to by its opening words. Begins and Ends.-fol. 4* to fol. 46 N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 800. . कायोत्सर्गसूत्रप्रतीक No. 807 Kāyotsargasūtrapratīka 1220 ( 24). 1884-87. Extent.— fol. 1904. Description.-- Only a state is given. For other details see O No. 1220 ( 1 ). 1886-87. : Begins and Ends.-- fol. 1908 targafavorheric 11 3 11 N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 806. 1 This and the following numbers up to 813 do not deserve to be counted as separate works; but, even then, a separate serial number is given to them to point out the nature and continuity of works treated in the corresponding Mss. Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 810.) 11). 4 Malasatras 207 कायोत्सर्गसूत्रप्रतीक Kāyotsargasūtrapratika No. 808 1270 ( 23 ) 1887-91. Extent.- fol. sa. Description.- Only gates are given. For other details - see No. 734. Begins and Ends.- fol. sä STTTATOT I AFECUTUL ! N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 806. कायोत्सर्गसूत्रप्रतीक Kāyotsargasūtrapratīka No. 809 77 (3) 1880–81. Extent.-- leaf 124. Description.— Only a steftes is given. For other details see No 77 ( 1 ). 1880-81.' . Begins and Ends.- 37h si gule Il Clig 11 N. B.- For further details see No. 806. कायोत्सर्गसूत्रप्रतीक No. 810 Kāyotsargasūtrapratike 1269 (15). . 1 1887-91. Extent. fol. 2a Description.- Only a gaitas is given. For other details see Namas kāramantra No. 735. Begins and Ends.-fol. 2 STERIT gratie lig II N. B.- For additional information see No. 806. Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [811. कायोत्सर्गसूत्रप्रतीक Kāyotsargasūtrapratika No. 811 - 1106 ( 16 ) 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 3o. Description.- Only a grafica is given. For other details see No. 736. Begins and Ends.- tol. 3° 3 2 55 fergu geur N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 806. कायोत्सर्गसूत्रप्रतीक Kāyotsargasūtrapratīka No. 812 Extent.-- fol. 36. Description.- Only gates are given. For other details see Namas kāramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 36 wala 5° anlato N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 806. कायोत्सर्गसूत्रप्रतीक Kāyotsargasūtrapratīka No. 813 1220 (19). 1884-87. Extent. — fol. 1896. Description.— Only a settes is given. For other details see - No._1220 ( 1 ). NO. 1880-87. Begins and Ends.--fol. 1896 arthrGUTHRIE 11 Il N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 806. Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 814. ] नामस्तव [ लोगस्ससुत्त ] No. 814 Extent. fol. 189a. III. 4 Malasatras Complete. For other details see No. Begins. fol. 189a लोगस्सुजो (ज्जो) गरे । धम्मतित्थयरे जिणे । अरहंते कित्तइस्सं । चउवीसं पि केवली ॥ १ Nāmastava [Logassasutta] 1220 (11). 1884-87. Description. Author. A Jaina saint. - Subject. This sutra composed in 7 verses in Prakrit eulogizes the 24 Tirthankaras of this avasarpini cycle of time. It is hence styled as Caüvvisattho (Sk. Caturviṁśatistava). This sutra forms a part of the Avaśyakasūtra. 209 1220 ( 1 ). 1884-87. चंदे निम्मलयरा | आइच्चेसु अहियं पयास ( य ) रा । सागरवरगंभीरा । सिद्धा सिद्धिं मम दिसंतु ॥ ७ 27 [J. L. P.] उसभमजयं च वंदे । संभवमभिनंदणं च सुमई च पउमप्पु ( प ) हं सुप्पा (पा) सं जिणं चव (चं) दुप्पहं वंदे ॥ २ ॥ etc] Ends. fol. 189a Reference. Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikramaņasūtras and my third Kiraṇāvali (pp. 54-56). For a learned discussion in German see " Übersicht über die Avasyaka-Literatur" (pp. 6-7). Herein the text is given in Roman characters. An edition containing Haribhadra Suri's commentary (p. 7863) to Avaśyakasutra, an edition having Malayagiri Suri's commentary (pp. 591-599) to the same, Yogaśāstrā (pp. 224-228a), Acaradinakara PP. 267-268) and Vandāruvṛtti (pp. 40-43) may be consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vol. III-IV, p. 398. For explanation Ceïyavandanamahābhāsa (v. 515-638) may be referred to. See also Mūlācāra v. 539 and No. 818. Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 faina Literature and Philosophy [815. नामस्तव Nāmastava 1270 ( 15 ). - No. 815 1887-91. Extent. fol. 3 to fol. 4*. Description.- Complete ; 7 verses in all. For other details see No. 734. Begins.—fol. 36 Duratatout etc. as in No. 814. Ends.-fol. 4* ja(g) fatagoreT I etc. up to AA H ol1 as in No. 814. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 814. नामस्तव Nāmastava No. 816 1269 (5). 1°87-91. Extent.- fol. 1b. Description.- Complete ; 7 verses in all. For other details see Nainaskāramantra No. 73;. "Begins.--tol. 16 FITTEFATTI etc. as in No. 814. Ends. -fol. 1b fFASTTT etc. up to fafc #A TII as in No. 814. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 814. नामस्तव Nāmastava No. 817 1106 (14). 1891-95. Extent.— fol. 26 to fol. 3o. Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 818. ] III. 4 Malasatras Description. Complete; 7 verses in all. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins. fol. 2b Ends. fol. 3a Sergeanten etc. as in No. 814. नामस्तव No. 818 चंदे निम्मलयरा etc. up to सिद्धिं मम दिसंतु ७ N. B. For additional particulars see No. 814. săra No. Begins.-leaf 122a Extent. leaf 122a to leaf 123a. Description. Complete. For other details see Agamikavastuvicara 77 (I). 1880-81. S etc. as in No. 814. as in No. 814. Ends.-leaf. 123a 211 Namastava 77 ( ). 1880-81. चंदेसु निम्मलयरा etc. up to सिद्धिं मम दिसंतु ॥ ७ ॥ as in No. 814. N. B. For further particulars see No. 814 and an edition containing Caityavandanasutra and Lalitavistara (pp. 89b-96b) and Dharmasamgraha (pp. 1552-158a). Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 212 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1819. चैत्यस्तव Crityastava [ BATEZ ETTİ] [ Arihantaceiyāņam ] No. 819 77( ). 1880-81. Extent.- leaf 1216 to leaf 122a. Description.- Complete. For further particulars see Agamnikavastuvicărasāra No. 77 (1). 1880-81. Author.- A Jaina saint. Subject.-- This work is included in the Avaśyakasūtra. It is one of the Pratikramaņasūtras in Prakrit and constitutes the Caityastavadandaka. It is connected with the ārādhanā of Sthāpanājina. This work mentions the reasons of doing so. Begins.-- leaf 1216 SRETETTU I TA #13FAST I equaturg Jal?g sauraitrurg i FærTaITTIT I FIAT Talaturg i etc. Fnds.-- leaf 122a fh( ETT HETT I fag I ATTUTIÇ I càgig 1 बडमाणीए । हामि काउसग्गं Reference.- Published. See any printed edition of the Prati kramaņasútras. For chāyā and Gujarāti translation along with the text see my fourth Kiraṇāvali (p. 76). Haribhadra Suri's commentary (p. 786) to Avaśyakasutra, Vandāruvstti (pp. 36-37), Yogaśāstra and its commentary (pp. 223-224), Ceyïavandanamahābhāsa (v. 642-652) and an edition having Lalitavistarā (pp. 766-846) may be consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 398. Übersicht über die Avasyaka-Literatur" (p. 2) may be also referred to. चैत्यस्तव Caityastava 1270 (16). No. 820 1887-91. Extent. -- fol. 4*. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins.-fol. 4* eart SATÉNÈTESTO I etc. as in No. 819. Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 823. ] III. 4 Malasutras 213 Ends. --fol. 4* FETT ÀErg etc. up to Jô #13#(*)si as in No. 819. N. B.- For additional information see No. 819. चैत्यस्तव Caityastava No. 821 1220 (18). 1884-87. Extent. -- fol. 1896. 1220 (1). Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 1? 1884-87. Begins.-- fol. 18yBATETETTO etc. as in No. 819. Ends.--fol. 1896 HEIC ETC I (ET UITOTIC I haq(cà ETC I IGHIUSI STÀ F13F(FA)HOT I N. B.- For other details see No. 819. चैत्यस्तव Caityastava No. 822 1106 ( 15 ). 1891-35. Extent. fol. 3a. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins.- fol. 3a ang HTET TESTOj etc. as in No. 819. Ends.- fol. 3a FEIT ÀEIT etc. up to JuĀ FI5H(F)si as in No. 819. N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 819. चैत्यस्तव Caityastava 1269 (7) 1887-91. No. 823 Extent.-- fol. 2a. Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 823 Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins.- fol. 2* 31TEC ETIO etc. as in No. 819. Ends.-- fol. 2* FEIT ÀEIT etc. up to FISFIT as in No. 819. This is followed by 3. N. B.- For additional information see No. 819. चैत्यस्तव Caityastava 1269 (9). No. 824 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 2a. Description.- Only the opening line is given. For other de:ails see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins and Ends. - fol. 24 सव्वलोए अरिहंतचेइयाणं करेमि काउस्सग्गं वंदणवत्तियाए इत्यादि छ N. B.- . For additional information see No. 819. चैत्यस्तव Caityastava 1270 ( 20 ). No. 825 1887-91. Estent.- fol. 46. Description.-- Only a portion is actually mentioned. For other details see No. 734. Begins and Ends.- aqoralatig i gauraieng i France 113 11 N. B.- For additional information see No. 819. Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 829.) 111. 4 Malasätras 215 चैत्यस्तवप्रतीक Caityastavapratika No. 826 1220 ( 12 ). 1884-87. Extent.- fol. 189". Description.- Only the tales of this sūtra are given. For details see Pratyākhyānaniryukti No. 1220 (1). 1884-87.. Begins and Ends. fol. 1894 575 SATÉNÈTETIT !! It ends thus. चैत्यस्तवप्रतीक Caityastavapratīka 77 ( ). No. 827 1880-81. Extent.-- leaf 1236 Description.- Only a states is given. Begins and Ends.- leaf 1236 auraietats 11 g 1 N. B.- For additional information see No. 819. चैत्यस्तवप्रतीक Caityastavapratīka No, 828 1269 (12) 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 24. Description.- Only a garx is given. For other details see Namas kāramantra No. 735. Begins and Ends.- fol. 2* aga prate I II N. B.- For additional information see No. 819. चैत्यस्तवप्रतीक Caityastavapratika 1:05 (19). No. 829 1891-95. Extent.— fol. 36. Description.-- Only a gata is given. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. I The remark made (on p. 203) in connection with Kayotsargasūtrapratīka holds good in the case of this and the willgnoof works 827 829. Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 Begins and Ends. fol. वंदणवत्तिए इत्यादि. N. B. For additional information see No. 819. श्रुतस्तव [ पुक्खरवर ] No. 830 Begins. fol. 123a 1 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Extent. leaf 123a to leaf 123b. Description. Complete. For further particulars see No. Subject. One of the Pratikramaṇasutras in Prakrit. Sukhlal does not consider this sūtra as a part and parcel of Avaśyakasūtra. For his remark see his prastāvanā (p. 45) to his edition of Pañcapratikramaņa. This sūtra consists of 4 verses in Prakrit. The first deals with salutation to the Tirthamkaras and the next three with the eulogy of śrutadharma. Ends. fol. 123b 。 Reference. पुक्खरवरदीवडे धायइसंडे य जंउ ( ब ) दीवे य भरहेरवयविदेहे । धम्माइगरे नम॑सामि । १ etc. [829. Śrutastava [Pukkharavara ] 77 ( ). 1880-81. सिद्धे भो पयओ णमो जिणमए नंदी सया संजमे देवनागसुवन्नकिन्नरगणस्सब्भूअभावच्चिए । लोगो जत्थ पट्टिओ जगमिणं तेलकम चासुरं 77 (1). '1880-81.' age en faveù umììai age || 8 This work also known as Siddhantastava is published. See any printed edition of the Pratikramaņasūtras. Haribhadra Suri's commentary (p. 788a) on Avaśyakasutra, the edition containing Caityavandanasūtra and Lalitavistară (pp. 97-106b) and Vandāruvṛtti (pp. 45-18) may be consulted. Also see Ceïyavandaṇamahābhāsa (v. 653-699). For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 398. The portion of the 2nd line of the last verse viz. देवनागgaur is quoted by Jinaprabha Suri in his com - mentary (p. 1o) to Upasargaharastotra. Vide D. L. J. P. F. Series, No. 81. "Übersicht über die Avasyaka-Literatur" (p. 2) may be consulted. Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 885) 111. 4 Malasutras 287 Srutatava No. 831 1270 (18). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 46. Description.- Complete ; 4 verses in all. For other details see No. 734. Begins.-fol. 4" framaraiag etc. as in No. 830. Ends.- fol. 4" TFA agt(3) etc. up to syrgai agait, as in No. 830. This is followed by 8 11 N. B. - For additional information see No. 830. i श्रुतस्तव Sranastava No. 832 1269 (10). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 2". Description.- Complete ; 4 verses in all. For other details sec Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins.--fol. 2* gertateras etc. as in No. 830. Ends.-fol. 24 JFAT TEət etc. up to TFATTE agat i as in No. 830 This is followed by 8. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 830. श्रुतस्तव Srutastava No. 833 1220 ( 20 ). 1884-87. Extent.-- fol. 1876 to fol. 190°. 12201). Description. - Complete. For other details see No. 7 • 1884-87. Begins.-. fol. 1890 gramating etc. as in No. 830. Ends.-- fol. 1909 TFT 753 FIFTIMATE 78 gaat as in No. 830. N. B.-- For other particulars see No. 830. 28 ( J. L. P. 1 Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 श्रुतस्तव No. 834 Jaina Literature and Philosophy | 834. - Srutastava 1106 (17). 1891-95. Extent. fol. 3a. Description. Complete; 4 verses in all. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins. fol. 3 gara etc. as in No. 830. Ends. fol. 34 धम्मो बहुओ etc. up to धम्मोत्तरं बढओ as in No. 830. This is followed by 8. N. B. For additional information see No. 830. Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 836. 1 III. 4. Malasatra's واذ . सिद्धस्तव Siddhastava : [ragioi giui) [ Siddhāṇam buddhāņam ] No. 8351 1220 (22). 1884-87. Extent. -- fol. 1902. Description.- Complete; 5 verses in all. For other details - see 1220 ( 1 ). No. 1884-87. Author.-- A Jaina saint. Subject.-- This small metrical composition in Prakrit is a hymn which praises the liberated. Begins.-fol. 1902 सिद्धाण बुद्धाणं । पारगयाणं परंपरगयाणं । harga( ? st Jerui I F J (Dat waaiergratoi etc. Ends. fol. 1902 चत्तारि अट्ट दस दो य बंदिया। जिणवरा चउबीसं । सिद्धा सिद्धिं मम दिसंतु ॥४ (? ५) Reference. - Published. See any printed edition of the Prati kramanasútras. Haribhadra Sūri's commentary' (p. 789) to Avaśyakasūtra where the first 3 verses are explained, the edition of Caityavandanasútra with Lalitavistarà a (pp. 1066-118*) and Vandāruvịtti (pp. 49-51) may be : consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 398. For different interpretations of the last verse given here, see my edition containing Bhävaprabha Sari's Jaina: dharmavarastotra etc., published as No. 84 in the Sheth D. L. J. P. F. Series, in A. D. 1933 Sukhlal does not consider this sútra as a part of the Ävaśyakasútra. For his remark see his prastāvanä (p. 45 ) to his edition of Pañca pratikramaņa. Ceïyavandaṇamahābhåsa ( v. 711-771 ) and übersicht über die Avašyaka-Literatur (p. 2) may be consulted. On p. 789a, there is a remark as under : "एतास्तिस्रः स्तुतयो नियमेनोच्यन्ते, केचिदन्या अपि पठन्ति, न च तत्र नियमः।" 2 On p. 112b, it is stated that "Cartet: tatt faza1979, Arta 3110 पठन्ति, न च तत्र नियम इति म तळ्याख्यानक्रिया" Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [836. सिखस्तव Siddhastava No. 836 1269 (18). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 2a. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 735. Begins.-- fol. 2* feroi terui etc. as in No. 835. Ends.- fol. 2 *ift og etc. up to fa fa il as in No. 835. This is followed by %. N. B.- For additional information see No. 835. सिद्धस्तव Siddhastáva No. 837 1270 ( 21 ) 1887-91. Extent.-- fot. qs to fol. 5* Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins.--fol. 40 fraro TT etc. as in No. 835. Ends--- fol sa aft sang etc. up to a fornire il y as in No. 845. N. B.- For additional information see No. 835. Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 839. ] सिद्धस्तव No. 888 No. 736. Begins. fol. 3b Ends. fol. 3b fageda Extent. fol. 3b. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra iii. rror roi etc. as in No. 835. 4 Malasatras Begins. leaf 123b - चत्तारि अट्ट etc. up to मम दिसंतु ॥ as in No. 835. This is followed by ". N. B. For further particulars see No. 835. Ends. leaf 124a faro gero etc. as in No. 835. 241 Siddhastava No. 839 Extent. leaf. 123b to leaf 124. Description. Complete. For additional details see Agamika vastuvicārasara No. 77 (1).. 1880-81. 1106 (20). 1891-95. N. B. For additional information see No. 835. Siddha stava 77 ( ). 1880-81. चत्तारि अट्ट etc. up to मम दिसंतु etc. as in No. 835i Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 चैत्यवन्दनसूत्र ( चेइयवंदणसुत्त) व्बासहित Jaina Literature and Philosophy 7 22 1840. No. 840 Size.— ro in by 4 in Extent.— 7 folios; II lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional gears; big, clear, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; white pigment used; foll. numbered in both the margins; complete so far as it goes; condition very good. Age.- Pretty old. Author of the text. - Not mentioned. tabbä.— Caityavandanasutra ( Ceiyavandanasutta ) with tabba 99 999 Subject. This Ms. starts with the enumeration of 4 mangalas and 4 saranas. Then follows the exposition of the charac teristics of a Tirthamkara in verses in Prakrit. Namutthunam along with its explanation in Gujarati forms the succeeding topic. The distinguishing features of the liberated, the Acaryas, Upadhyayas and Sadhus make up the concluding portion of this Ms. Begins. - ( text ) fol. 14 श्रीवीतरागाय ॥ " 690. 1892-95. चारि मंगलं । अरिहंता मंगलं ॥ सिद्धा मंगलं ॥ साहू मंगलं ॥ hee (fort धम्मो मंगलं ॥ चत्तारि लोगुत्त ( मा ) ॥ अरिहंता लोगुत्तमा ॥ सिद्धा लोगुत्तमा । साहू लोगुत्तमा । केवलिपत्तो धम्मो लोगु तमा ॥ चत्तारि सरणं पव्वज्जामि ॥ अरिहंता सरणं पव्वज्जामि ॥ सिद्धा सरणं पव्वज्जामि ॥ साहू सरणं पव्वज्जामि ॥ केव ( लि) पत्तो धम्मो सरणं पव्वज्जामि | गाथा ॥ चउरंगो जिणधम्मो । म कयो चउरंगसरणि जिण में कयो । चउरंगो भवछोहो । न कयो तिणि हारिउ अम्मो । दुल्लभो माणुसो जम्मो । धम्मो सन्वन्नमासिओ । साह साहमीमाणं च । सामग्गी पुण दुलहा ॥ २ । etc. Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 840.1 III. 4 Malasatras 223 (text) fol. 1b जगमत्थ इत्थयाणं । वयसीलवरनाणदसणधराणं ॥ नाणं जोयगिराणं ॥ लोगंमि नमो श्री(सिरि )जिणवराणं ॥१८॥ इच्छं इच्छामि खमासमणो बंदिउं ॥ जावणिज्जाए ॥ निसीहियाए । मथ(त्थ)एण वंदामि॥ Begins.- (tabba ) fol. I इच्छाकारेण संदिसह । भगवन चैत्यवंदन करूं । निस्सीहं ॥ नमोत्थु णं । नमस्कार हउ ॥ अरिहंताण । अरिहंतनइ । पणि किस्या छइ ते श्रीअरिहंत । जातिवंत । कुलवंत । बलवंत ॥ रूपवंत । ज्ञानवंत । श्रुतवंत । सौभाग्यवंत । etc. (rabba ) fol. 4 नमो आयरियाणं । माहरउ नमस्कार श्रीआचार्य प्रतिइं हउ ॥ पणि किस्या छई ते श्रीआचार्य । जे श्रीआचार्य पंच विद्धि आचारू प्रतिपालइ etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. sa पडिरूवाई चउदस ॥ पं(ख)तीपमुहाई दसविहो धम्मो । बारस्स बंभोवणाए । सूरियणा हुँति छत्तीसा ॥ ५॥ पंचिंदियसंवरणो । नवविहबंभचेरगुत्तिधरो। चउविहकसायमुक्को ए अट्टारसगुणेहिं संजुत्तो ॥ ६॥ पंचमहव्वयजुत्तो । पंचविहायारपालणसमत्थो ॥ पंचसमई(? ओ) तिगुत्तो । छत्तीसगुणे(णो) गुरु(रू) मज्झ ॥७retc. ,, --- (tabba) fol. 7° कुम्मो वइ गुत्तिदिए। पुढवी जिम सव्वसहे । समुद्र जिम गंभीरे । पुक्खरिणीपत्र जिम निलेपइ ॥ इस्या छइंजे साधु॥ भगवती दया तणा प्रतिपालक । भगवती अहिंसा सर्वभूतनई षेमकारी । सा(?)पुरुष सपुरुषिइं सेवी । कायर कातर जनिइं परिहरी । तेहना प्रतिपालक ॥ अनाथ जीवना नाथ । अपीहर जीवनां पीहर । अशरण जीवनां शरण । सर्वज्ञपुत्र साधु । नीराग । निकंचण । निरहंकारी । नि()परिग्रही । निरारंभी। शांत दांत । रत्नत्रयसाधक । अढाई द्वीप माहिइंजे केई छई साधु ॥ ते सवि हुं साधु प्रति माहरु नमस्कार । पंचांग.प्रणाम त्रिकाल वंदन सदा सर्वदा हउ ॥ इति श्रीचैत्यवंदनपांचपदनवकार समाप्तः ॥ श्रीः ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः॥ Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [841 ललितविस्तरा Lalita vistară (चैत्यवन्दनसूत्रव्याख्या) (Caityavandanasutravyakhya 1241. No. 841 1886-92. Size.- Io in. by 4g in. Extent.-38 folios ; I3 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink, and edges singly ; fol. 1 blank; so is the fol. 38b; this Ms. contains the gates of the text; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; condition very good ; extent 1270 ślokas. Age.-- Samvat 1825. Author.- Haribhadra Suri (Yakinimahattarāsúnu ). See pp. __104-I0S and Weber II, p. 924, fn. 4. Subject.- A very beautiful, important, interesting and instructive commentary (vyakhya) on Caityavandanasutra. This vyākhyā also styled as vịtti is at times mistaken for Lalita vistāra, a Buddhist work. Begins.-fol. 1 9 नमः श्रीवीरस्वामिने । प्रणम्य भुवनालोकं महावीरं जिनोत्तमं । चैत्यवंदनसूत्रस्य व्याख्येयमभिधीयते ॥१॥ अनंतगमपर्यायं सर्वमेतज्जिनागमे।। मूत्रं यतोऽस्य कात्स्न्येन व्याख्यां कः कर्तुमीश्वरः ? ॥२॥ etc. इत्यत्राह चिंत्यमत्र साफल्यं चैत्यवंदनस्यैव निःफलत्वात् इत्यत्रोच्यते etc. Ends.-fol. 384 प्रकृतिसंदरं चिंतामणिरत्नकल्पं संवेगकार्य वैतरि(दि)ति महाकल्याण विरोधेन चिंतामणिरत्ने(5)पि सम्यगज्ञानगुण एव श्रद्धाद्यतिशयभावतोऽविधिविरहेण महाकल्याणसिद्धि इत्यलं प्रसंगेन आचार्यहरिभद्रेण दृब्धा सन्न्यायसंगता चैत्यवंदनसूत्रस्य वृत्तिललितविस्तरा ॥१॥ य एनां भावयत्युच्चैर्मध्यस्थेनांतरात्मना। सवंदनां सबीजं वा नियमादधिगच्छति ॥२॥ . Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 841.] III. 4 Malasatras 225 पराभिप्रायसं(म)ज्ञात्वा तत्कृतस्य च वस्तुनः । गुणदोषौ सत्तो(ता) वाच्यौ प्रश्न एव तु युज्यते ॥३॥ प्रष्टव्योऽन्यः परीक्षार्थमात्मनो वा परस्य च । ज्ञानस्य वा(चा)भिवृद्ध्यर्थ त्यागार्थ संशयस्य च ॥४॥ अ(कोत्वा यदजितं पुण्यं मयैनां शुभभावतः । तेनास्तु सर्वलोकानां मात्सर्यविरहः परः ॥५॥ ललितविस्तरा नाम चैत्यवंदनवृत्तिः समाप्तः (ता) ॥छ ॥ कृतिरियं याकिनीधर्ममूनोराचार्यहरिभद्रस्येति ग्रंथाग्रमनुष्टुपछंदसा श्लोकशतानि द्वादश सप्तत्या समन्वितानि अंकि(क)तो(s)पि । ग्रंथायश्लोक १२७० प्रमाणमत् (?) ॥ संवत् १८२५ मार्गशिर सुदि ७ सातिम वार शुक्रे । पं० भु(भूपतिविजय ल(लि )पीकृतं.॥ श्री स्थंभतीर्थे ' । छ etc. Reference.- Published in D. L. J. P. Fund Series as No. 29 in A. D. 1915. This edition contains Municandra Suri's panjikā which explains some portions of Lalitavistară. Over and above this, the following sútras are given in this edition: (a) Namutthu nam pp. 70-84. (b) Caityastava p. 760. (c) Kāyotsargasútra p. 846. (d) Caturvimsatistava pp. 896, 92, 93* and 96°. . (e) Srutastava pp. 97", 100', 101, Ior' and 1024. (f) Siddhastava' pp. 1066 and 109a. (g) Prārthanāsūtra p. 114. These sutras along with Lalita vistarā have been published by Rşabhadevaji Keśarīmalaji Saṁsthā, Rutlam, in A. D. 1934, since the above-mentioned edition has been long since unavailable. For an additional Ms. see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV ( pp. 423-424), and for a Ms. of this Lalitavistara along with a supercommentary by Municandra see Keith's Catalogue No. 7496. ____Kielhorn's Report for i880-81 (p. 14) may be also consulted. . * Only i verses are given 19 10.L.P.1 Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 842. ललितविस्तरा Lalitavistara 151. No 842 1872-73 Size.— 104 in. by 4. in. Extent.— 24 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and whitish ; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with GEHETS; small, legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; foll, numbered in the right-hand margin just at its foot ; iol. 1a blank : this Ms. seems to be exposed to fire ; several foll. less legible, on account of ink having spread out or perhaps due to the portion being sooty ; bits of paper pasted to the last few foll; condition on the whole unsatisfactory ; this Ms. contains only the gates of the text complete; marginal notes given in the 1st 3 foll, Age.- Samvat 1473. Begins.- fol. ab A: THEIT II qurtu ya * etc. as in No. 841. Ends. fol. 24" Toraggi etc. up to Fafara as in No. 841. This is followed by संवत १४७३ वर्षे अश्वन वदि ७ शनौ श्री पत्तने लिखितं ॥ ni wa Ilg 11 N. B.- For additional information see No. 841. compic ललितविस्तर। Lalitavistară No. 843 1151. 1887-91. Size.– 14 in. by 49 in: Extent.-- 20 folios; 17 linės to a page ; 62 letters toʻ& line. Description: Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jai'na Deva. nagari characters with THTTS small, legible and good Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 844.1 111. 4 Malasatras 227. hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only ; edges of a few foll. slightly worn out; condition on the whole good; complete ; extent 1270 ślokas. Age.- Samvat 1489. Begins.-fol. 1° ARi Harry II TOTFC yaarsia etc. as in No. 841. Ends.- fol. 20 tafariqi etc. up to ar para: FATAT:( AT ) as in No. 841. This is followed by SEFÁN JARTA TIETETचार्यहरिभद्रस्येति । छ । ग्रंथाग्रमनुष्टुपछंदसां श्लोकशतानि द्वादश सप्तत्या समन्धितानि ग्रंथानं १०७० ॥ सं० १४८९ भाद्रपद शुदि १० भौमे लेखिता N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 841. लालितविस्तरा Lalitavistara 20. No. 844 1880-81. Size.— 129 in. by 18 in. Extent.- 60 to 143 plus some fragmentary leaves preceding the 6oth ; 2 to 4 lines to a leaf ; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Palm-leaf durable and greyish ; Jaina Devanāgari cha racters with TEHETS; sufficiently big, legible and good hand-writing; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been divided into two columns, but it is not so; for, the lines of the first column extent to the second ; borders of each of the columns ruled in black ink ; red chalk used; leaves numbered in both the margins; in the right-hand one in numbers and in the left-hand one in letter-numerals e. g. 4 represented as a symbol given in Appendix IV (p.17) to part II of Vol. XVII ( D. C. J. M.); leaves preceding the both in fragments; condition unsatistactory; fragmentary leaves are kept separate. Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy 228 Age. -- Old. Begins.—leaf 604 तद्भक्त इत्युच्यते । न च दुष्टेतरावगमे विचारमंतरेण विचारश्व युक्तिगर्भ इत्यालोचनीयामतत्क्तपपतितोदाहरणमप्युदाहरणमात्रं ॥ न्यायाऽनुपपत्तेः तदुद्भूतादेरपि तथा दर्शनाभावात् etc. Ends.- leaf 1434 महाकल्याणविरोधि न चिन्तनीयं । चिंतामणिरत्ने ( ( ) पि सम्यग - ज्ञातगुण एव श्रद्धातिशयभावतो (S) विधिविरहेण महाकल्याणसिद्धेरित्यलं प्रसंगेन ॥ छ ॥ [$44. आचार्यहरिभद्रेण वा संन्यायसंगता । चैत्थवंदनसूत्रस्य वृत्तिर्ललितविस्तरा ॥ छ ॥ य एनां भावयत्युच्चैर्धर्मस्थेनांतरात्मना । सद (?) तां (सु) बीजं वा नियमादधिगच्छति ॥ पराभिप्रायमज्ञात्वा तत्कृतस्य न वस्तुनः । गुणदोषौ सदा वाच्यौ । प्रश्न एष तु युज्यते ॥ टो ( S)न्यः परीक्षार्थमात्मनो वा परस्य च । ज्ञानस्य चाभिवृद्ध्यर्थे त्यागार्थ संशयस्य वा ॥ कृत्वा यदर्जितं पुण्यं मयैनां शुभभावतः तेनास्व (स्तु) सर्वसत्त्वानां मात्सर्यविरहः परः ॥ छ ॥ ललितविस्तरा नाम चैत्यवंदन वृत्तिः समाप्ताः ॥ छ ॥ कृतिर्धर्मतो जाकिनीमहत्तराखूनोराचार्य हरिभद्रस्येति ॥ छ ॥ ग्रंथाग्रमनुष्टुपछंदसा श्लोकशतानि द्वादश सप्तत्या समन्वितानि ॥ मंगलं महाश्रीः ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ छ ॥ छ ॥ छ ॥ N. B. — For further particulars see No. 841. ललितविस्तरापञ्जिका Lalitavistarapanjikā 1241. 1887-91. No. 845 Size.— rok in. by 4g in. Extent. - 37 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin and grey; Jaina Devanagari cha racters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible and good hand-writ Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 845.] 111. 4 Malasatras 229 ing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; white pigment used ; fol. 35b blank ; complete; the प्रणिपातदण्डक ends on fol. 27°; extent 2050 Slokas%3; condi tion very good. Age.- Seems to be pretty old. Author.- Municandra Sûri, pupil of Vinayacandra Sûri and guru of the celebrated Vādi Deva Sūri. See Peterson, Reports III, p. 244, v. 3. In Keith's Catalogue, in No. 7496 where both Lalitavistara and the Pañjikā are noted, Municandra is said to be the author of the former as such an erroneous statement is made by the scribe who wrote it. Of course, Gaikawar who has described (?) this Ms. has noted this mistake and has referred to Kielhorn's Report for 1880-81 (p. 14) where the correct entry is made. Subject. This is an elucidation of difficult phrases etc., occurring in Haribhadra Sūri's Lalitavistară, a commentary explaining the Caityavandanasūtra, up to Siddha-Mahavirädi-stava. Begins.-fol. 11 नत्वा(s)नुयोगद्धेभ्यश्चैत्यवंदनगोचरां। व्याख्याम्यहं क्वचित्किंचिवृत्तिं ललितविस्तरां ॥१॥ आ(यां) बुद्ध्वा किल सिद्धसाधुरखिलव्याख्यातृचूडामणि ___ संबुद्धः सुगतः(त)प्रणीतसमयाभ्यासाच्चलच्चेतनः । यत्कर्तुः स्वकृतौ पुनरुतया चक्रे नमस्यामसौ को ह्येनां विवृणोतु नाम वि[]वृत्तिं स्मृत्यै तथा(s)प्यात्मनः ॥२ शास्त्रांतरदर्शनतः स्वयमप्यहाद् गुरूपदेशात तु। क्रियते मयैष दुर्गमकतिपयपदपंजिकारंभः ॥३॥ तत्राचार्यः शिष्टाचारतया विघ्नोपशमकतया च मंगलं प्रेक्षावत्प्रवृत्त्यर्थमभिधेयं सप्रसंगं प्रयोजनं सामर्थ्य गम्यं संबंधं च वक्तुकाम आह ॥ प्रणम्ये त्यादि । तत्र प्रणम्य प्रकर्षण नत्वा ॥ etc. Ends.-fol. 37 अपुनबंधकस्यैव लक्षणमाह भो(नोड)पि पुनबंधकोचितसमाचारा कथंचु(चि)कच्युतो(ड)पि । एतद्यन्नलिंगः पुनश्चो(: स्वो)चिताचारप्रयत्नावसेयोऽपुनबंधकः। आदिधार्मिक इति एतदिति । इदमेव प्रकृतं चैत्यवंदनव्याख्यानमिति । महेत्यादि महतः सच्चैत्यवंदनादेः कल्याणस्य कुशलस्य Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [845. विरोधि बाधकमवज्ञाविप्लावनादि न नैव चिंतनीयमध्यवसेयं कुत इत्याह चिंतामणीत्यादि सुमंगलं॥ इति श्रीमुनिचंद्रसूरिविरचितायां ललितविस्तरापंजिकायां सिद्ध महावीरादिस्तवः समाप्तः ॥ तत्समाप्तौ च समाप्तेयं ललितविस्तरापंजिका। कष्टो ग्रंथो मतिरनिपुणा संप्रदायो न तादृक् । शास्त्रं तंत्रातरमतगतं संनिधौ नो तथापि । स्वस्य स्मृत्यै परहितकृते चात्मबोधानुरूपं । नागामागः पदमहामह व्यावृतश्चित्त शुद्ध्या ॥ प्रत्यक्षर निरूप्यास्य ग्रंथमानं विनिश्वितं । अनुष्टभं(भां) सहस्र द्वे पंचास(शदधिके तथा । २०५० ॥ This is followed in a different hand by the lines as under :संविग्नेनांतिपदा तपगणपतिविजयसेनसरीणां। श्रीरामविजयकृतिना चिकोशे प्रतिरियं मुक्ता ॥१॥ Reference.- Published along with Lalitavistara in the D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 29. See Guerinot Bibliographie, p. 55. For additional works of this author and the Ms. see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, pp. 423-424. ललितविस्तरापञ्जिका Lalitavistarāpañjikā 21. No. 846 1880-81. Size.- 12 in. by it in. Extent.- 249 + I + I = 25I leaves ; 2 to 4 lines to a leaf; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Palm-leaf durable and greyish; Jaina Devanāgari cha racters with पृष्ठमात्रा ; sufficiently big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing : this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been divided into two columns, but really it is not so; each of the columns ruled in three lines in black Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 846.) III. 4 Malasatras 231 ink ; leaves numbered in both the margins; in the righthand one as 144, 145 etc., and in the left-hand one as 5) ) etc.; for some of the letter-numerals e. g. for 4, 6 घ घ c ), a and 9 see Appendix IV (pp. 17, 18 and 19 ) to Part II of Vol. XVII ; leaves in this Ms. start with 144 and they go up to 392 ; complete ; condition very good ; there is one extra leaf both in the beginning and in the end. Age.- Fairly old. Begins.- leaf 144.AAT STATIOTTI ar(s)auttaat: etc. Ends. -- leaf 3916 gaasutt etc. up 10 trupa Teer practically as in No. 846. Then we have: यादृश पुस्तकं दृष्टा तादृशं लिखितं मया यदि शुद्धमशुद्ध वा मम दोषो न विद्यते ।। N. B. - For additional particulars see No. 846. Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 847. चैत्यवन्दनभूत्रवृत्ति Caityavandanasūtravrtti No. 847 1293 (a). 1886-92. Size. – 111 in. by 41 in. Extent.-- 20 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description. -- Country paper rough and white; Jaina Devanāgari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible and very fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; complete; some of the foll. slightly wormeaten; condition good; this Ms. contains the following additional works : (1) बन्दनकविवरण foll. 6° to Iob ( No. 857). (2) प्रत्याख्यानवृत्ति , Io° ,, I4 (3) कायोत्सर्गदोष fol. 14b (4) श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र लघुवृत्तिसहित foll. I4 to 20°. Age.- Not modern. Author.- Sritilaka Suri. Subject.— a commentary in Sanskrit to Caityavandanasūtra. Begins.- fol. I. श्रीवीरजिनवरेंद्र बंदित्वा चैत्यवंदनादीनि । अल्परुचिकत्वहेतोविवरिष्ये गमनिकामात्रं ॥१ इह चैत्यवंदनादीनां । वृत्तिरारब्धपर इरियावहियाए । अप्पडिक्वंताए न कप्पइ । किंचि चेइयवंदण सज्झाया इत्यागमात् प्रथममैर्यापथिकी etc. Ends.-- fol. 6° शुभगुरुयोगः । तद्वचनसेवना । आभवं आसंसारं । अखंडा संपूर्णा इदं च । प्रणिधानां न निदानरूपं । प्रायेण निसंगादिभिलाषरूपत्वात् ॥ छ । इति श्रीश्रीतिलकाचार्याविरचिता चैत्यवंदनावृत्ति समाप्ताः ॥छ।। श्री॥॥ Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 848. ] चैत्यवन्दनसूत्रवृत्ति No. 848 III. 4. Malasatras Extent. fol. 10a to fol. 13 Description. Complete. For other details see No. Begins. fol. 10a 30 J. L. P.] Caityavan danasūtravṛtti 200 (b). 1873-74. fr etc. as in No. 847. Ends. fol. 13 : etc. N. B. For further particulars see No. 847. 233 200 (a). 1873-74. Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 'संसारदावानलस्तुति No. 849 Samsaradāvānalastuti 1220 (25). 1884-87. Extent. fol. 1902. Description. Complete; 4 verses in all in what is known as Sama-Samskṛta i. e. in Sanskrit and Prakrit as well. For other details see No. 1220 ( 1 ). 1884-87. Ends. fol. 190a Author. Haribhadra Sūri, the Yakinimahattarāsūnu. For details about him see pp. 104, 105 and 224. Subject. The 1st verse deals with eulogy of Lord Mahavira; the 2nd, with a panegyric of all the Tirthamkaras; the 3rd, with salutation to the holy scriptures; and the 4th, with a stuti of Śrutadevi. Begins. fol. 190a [849. संसारदावानलदाहनीरं स (सं) मोहलीहरण (णे) समीरं । मायारसादारणसारसीरं । नमामि वीरं गिरिसारधीरं ॥ १ ॥ भावावि (व) नामसुरदानवमानवेन चूलाविलोलकमलावलिमालितानि । संपूरिताभिनतलो कसमीहितानि । कामं नमामि जिनराजपदानि तानि ॥ २ ॥ बोधागाधं पदपदवीनीरपूराभिरामं । जीवाहिंसाविरललहरीसंग मागाहदेहं । चूलावेलं गुरुगममणीसंकुलं दूरपारं । सारं वीरागमजलनिधिं सादरं साधु सेवे ॥ आमूलालोलधूलीबहुल परिमलाली ढलोलालिमाला - झंकाराराबसा रामलदलकमलागार भूमीनेवासे ! | Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 851.) III. 4 Malasatras छायासंभार सारे ! वरकमलकरे ! तारता (हा ) रामरामे ! "" Reference. Published. See any printed edition of the Pratitkramaņasūtras noted on p. 138. See Prathamajinastava and Pārśvajinastava, each of which is a Pādapūrti-kāvya of every carana of this Samsaradāvānalastuti, and each of which is published in Jainastotrasaṁgraha (pt. I, pp. 65-69) in Yasovijaya Jaina granthamālā, in Vira Samvat 2439 (2nd. edn.). For another kavya of this type see pp. 64-69 of मांडवगढका मन्त्री अथवा पेथढकुमारका परिचय” published as श्रीहंसविजयजी जैन फ्री लायब्ररी ग्रंथमाला पुष्प ११ in Samvat 1979. संसारदावानलस्तुति No. 850 वाणीसंदोहदेहे ! भवविरहवरं देहि मे देवि ! सारं ॥ ४ श्रीमहावीरस्तुतिः ॥ छ ॥ Ends. fol. 3b I Extent.- fol. 3b. Description. Complete; 4 verses in all. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins. fol. 3b संसारदावानलस्तुति 235 Samsaradāvānalastuti 1106 (23). 1891-95. #angranasqızâr etc. as in No. 849. बोधागाधं etc. up to देव (हि) मे देव ( वि ! ) सारं ४ as in No. 849. This is followed by इति श्रीवर्द्धमानस्तुतिः N. B. For additional information see No. 849. Samsaradāvānalastuti 1270 (28). 1887-91. No. 851 Extent. fol. 6a to fol. 6. Description. Complete; 4 verses in all. For other details see No. 734. In No. 850, this work is styled as Sri-Varddhamanastuti. Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 851. Begins.- fol. 62 1160 #Tea ter I etc. as in No. $49. Ends.— fol. 66 wuri etc. up to eit À fa! Fii 118 01 as in No. 849. This is followed by thigiteaia: 11 g II N. B.- For further particulars see No. 849. संसारदावानलस्तुति Samsāradāvānalastuti व्याख्यासहित with vyākhyā No. 852 327. 1871-72. Size.-- 95 in. by 41 in. Extent.— I folio; 16 lines to a page; 43 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanāgari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink ; yellow pigment used while making corrections; there is only one fol., and it is numbered in the right-hand margin ; condition very good ; both the text and its Gujarāti commentary complete. Age.- Not modern. Author of the commentary.- Not mentioned. Subject.— The text together with its explanation in Gujarāti. Begins.— (text) fol. ray troll #arararagargari etc. as in No. 849. Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 851.1 III. 4 Malasutras 237 Begins.~~ ( com. ) fol. 14 एहनउ अर्थ ए हवउ जे श्रीवीर वर्द्धमानस्वामि तेह नइ नमुं नमस्कार करूं केहवउ छइ श्रीवीर संसाररूपीयओ जे दावानल दावाग्नि तेहना दाह बझाइवीनइ । निमित्ति नीर कहता पाणी तीयइ समान सरिषओ etc. Ends. — ( text ) fol.rb बोधागाधं etc. up to देव ( वि ! ) सारं ४ as in No. 849. ,,—( com. ) fol. rh वली तार कहतां निर्मल मो (मौ) क्तिक तेहनउ जे हार मौक्तिकलता तिणइ करी अभिराम मनोज्ञ छइ वली वाणी कहतां भगवंतनी भाषा तेहनउ जे संदोह समूह तेहिज देह शरीर छइ जेहनओ एतलइ विरहा (हां ) कित श्रीहरिभद्रसूरिकृत स्तुतिनी व्याख्या पूर्ण थई ॥ ४ ॥ श्री Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [853. वन्दनकसूत्र Vandanakasutra (áquture ) ( Vandaņayasutta ) 1220 ( 31 ). No. 853 1884-87. Extent.- fol. 1906. 1220 (1). Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 1884-87. Author.- A Jaina saint. Subject.- Vandana to a holy preceptor. It is hence called Vandanakasutra. See Vandāruvstui (p. 63). This sutra is recited while performing द्वादशावर्तवन्दन. Begins.-fol. 1906 og 11 CATHHUCOTT) sites frarong etc.. Ends.- fol. 1900 FT FARHAUNT (T) CEATA.FATA THETH Sportor STARIÀ 11 3 11 Reference.- Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikra maņasútras. For one printed in Roman characters along with its translation in German see Übersicht über die Āvasyaka-Literatur (pp. 7-8). Haribhadra Súri's commentary (p. 546-546b) to Avaśyakasūtra, Yogaśāstra (pp. 237-240 ), Acăradinakara (pp. 275-2774), Vandāruvștti (pp. 63-66 ) and Dharmasamgraha ( pp. 174–1806) may be consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 399. वन्दनकसूत्र Vandana kasutra 1270 ( 29 ). No. 854 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 66 to fol. 7*. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins.--fol. 66 pagifH (@AIFAUT etc. as No. 853. Ends.- fol. 7* AF WATATOTT etc. up to aferit ll ll as in No. 853. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 853. Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 857. ] : III. 4 Malasatras 239 बन्दनकसूत्र Vandapakasutra No. 855 1269 ( 22 ). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 26. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735 Begins.- fol. 26 GIÀ FATRAUTT etc. as in No. 853. Ends.- fol. 26 TRO (FA) FATFAUT etc. up to youtui alt TIPA II E II as in No. 853. N. B.- For additional information see No. 853. वन्दनकसूत्र Vandanakasutra No. 856 1106 (24). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 36 to fol. 4". Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins. — fol. 36 WTÀ HATHAUT etc. as in No. 853. Ends. fol. 4* T WATFAUT etc. up to 37cm STRANTIA as in No. 853 N. B.- For additional information see No. 853. वन्दनकसूत्रविवरण Vandanakasūtravivaraņa 1293 (b). 1886-92. No. 857 Extent.- fol. 66 to rob Description.-- Complete. For vịtti No. 847. details see Caityavandanasūtra Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 Jaina Literature and Philosophy वन्दनक सूत्रविवरण No. 858 Author.— Śrītilaka Suri. Subject.— Explanation of Vandanakasutra. Begins.—fol. 68 अथ वंदनकविवरणं ।। इह शिष्यो विधिवत्प्रतिलेखित मुख वस्त्रिकात्मदेहोऽधिज्य च पावनतकायः ॥ करद्वयगृहीतरजोहरणादिरवग्रहाद्वहि स्थितो वंदनायोद्यत एवमाह || इच्छामीत्यादि ॥ इच्छामि अभिलषामि etc. Ends.—fol. rob प्राचूर्णक (:) अतिथिः तस्यापि बंदनकं दीयते इत्यर्थः । अष्टानवतिमेवं यो ध्यायन् स्थानशतं सदा दत्ते वंदनकं साधुः श्राद्धो वा स्यात्समिद्धिभाकः ॥ छ ॥ श्रीतिलकाचार्यविरचिता वंदनकवृत्तिः ॥ छ ॥ भद्रमस्तु ॥ छ ॥ (857. 1 Vandanakasūtravivaraṇa 200 (c ). 1873-74. Extent. fol. 13b to fol. 164. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. Begins. fol. 13b अथ वंदनकविवरणं etc. Ends. fol. 162 प्राघूर्णक: अतिथि: etc. up to वंदनकवृत्तिः as in No. 857. 200 (a) 1873-74. Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 860.1 दैवसिकालोचनासूत्र [ देवसिय आलोयणा ] No. 859 III. 4 Malasatras Extent. fol. 190b. Description. Complete. For other details see No. Author. A Jaina saint. Subject. 24t Daivasikalocanāsūtra [Devasiya aloyaṇā] 1220 (32). 1884-87. दैवसिकालोचनासूत्र No. 860 1220 ( I ). 1884-87. Alocană in Prakrit. Hence this is named as Alocanasutra. See Vandaruvṛtti (p. 2). Begins. - fol. 1905 इच्छाकारेण संदिसह भगवनु देवसियं आलोएमि । इच्छं जो मे देवसिओ । अह (आ) रो कओ । etc. Ends. fol. 190 बारस्स ( स ) विहस्स सावगधम्मस्स जं खंडियं जं विराहियः तस्स मिच्छामि दुक्कडं ॥ छ ॥ Reference. Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikramaņasūtras. Haribhadra Suri's commentary' (p. 778") to Avaśyakasutra, Yogaśastra (pp. 2442-2452) and Vandāruvṛtti (p. 67) may be consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 399. Daivasikālocanāsūtra 1106 (25). 1891-95. Extent. fol. 4a. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins. fol. 4 fq etc. as in No. 859. Ends.fol. 44 (बारसविहस्स सावगधम्मस्स) जं खंडियं etc. up to तस्स मिच्छामि दुक्कडं as in No. 859. N. B. For additional information see No. 859. I For comparison see pp. 571a and 571b where a sutra pertaining to Daiva. sika aticăra is given. Acaradinakara (pp. 278a-279b), too, may be consulted. 31 [J. L. P.] Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1861. देवसिकालोचनासूत्र Daivasikālocanásutra No. 861 1:06 ( 26 ) 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 4a to fol. 46. Description.- Complete ; owing to a dittographical error, it seems, this sūtra is repeated. For other details see No. 736. Begins.-fol. 4* TotERUT HİÇTE etc. as in No. 859. Ends.—fol. 4a CRTATEA etc. up to FA ETÀ #as in No. 859. N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 859. दैवसिकालोचनासूत्र Daivasikālocanāsūtra 1269 ( 23 ). No. 862 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 26. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins.-fol. 25 791#rfor etc. as in No. 859. Ends.-fol. 26 TTHEFA etc. up to for f gas as in No. 859. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 859. देवसिकालोचनासूत्र Daivasikālocanāsūtra No. 863 1270 ( 30 ). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 7a to fol. 76. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins.--fol. 7' gateriur etc. as in No. 859. Ends.-fol.7° बारसविहस्स etc. up to मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं ॥ छ । as in No. 859. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 859. Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 864. 1 वैवसिकालोचनासूत्र No. 864 Extent. fol. 2b to fol. 32. Description. Only the opening portion is given. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 735. III. 4 Malasatras 243 Daivasikālocanāsutra 1269 (27) 1887-91. Begins and Ends. fol. 25 to 34 इच्छामि पडिकमिउं । जो मे देवसिओ अइयारो कओ काइओ इत्यादि प्राग्वत् ॥ छ ॥ N. B. For additional information see No. 859. Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1865. रात्रिसंस्तारकगाथा Rátrisarostārakagāthā (राइसंथारगगाहा) ( Rāisanthāragagāhā ) 1174 (d). No.865 1887-91. Extent.-fol. 7b to fol. 84. Description.- Complete: a little bit of prose plus 20 verses in Prakrit. For other details see Sadavasyaksātra No. 730. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.— Holy reflections to be entertained before going to sleep at night. Begins.- fol. 7 श्री निसीहि निसीहि नमो खमासमणाणं । गोयमाईणं । महामुणीणं नवकार ३ करोमि भंते ३ कहीयह अणुजाणह परमगुरू (गुरुगुण)रयणेहिं भूसियसरीरा बहुपडिपुन्ना पोरिस राईसंथारए ठामि १ etc. Ends.- fol. 8. साडू मंगलं मज्जु साहूय मज्जु देवया । साहूए कित्तएत्ताणं । वोसरामि त्ति यावगं ॥१८॥ खामेमि सत्वजीवे । सब्बे जीवा खमंतु मे मिती मे सबभूएसु । वेर मजे न केणई ॥१९॥ एवमहं आलोई निदिअ गरहिअ दुगंछिअं सम्म तिविहिण पडिक्कतो। वंदामि जिणे चउवीसं ॥२०॥ इति राईसंथारागाथा॥ Reference.- Cf. Santhāraporisi published in several editions of Pancapratikramanasātras and the Mss. Nos. 033 (a and २. 1895-98 246 (b) 1871-72" which are not available at present for description and which will be hence described later on. Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 866.] रात्रिसंस्तारकगांथा No. 866 III. 4 Malasatras 245 Rātrisamstārakagāthā 1106 (52). 1891-95. Extent. fol. 15 to fol. 166. Description. Complete. For other details see No. 736. Begins. fol. 15 fîf 2 am̃ garzamnói manigó for etc. as in No. 865. Ends. fol. 16b एवमहं etc. up to इति राईसंथारगाथा as in No. 865. This is the followed by समाप्ता. N. B. For further particulars see No. 865. Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 246 गुरुक्षामणासूत्र' [eryfeen] No. 867 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Extent. fol. 190. Description.-Complete. For other details see No. Author. A Jaina saint. Subject. Gurukṣmaṇāsūtra [Abbhutthio] 1867. 1220 (34). 1884-87. 1220 (1). 1884-87. गुरुक्षामणासूत्र No. 868 This small work in Prakrit furnishes us with an exemplary illustration of vinaya on the part of a śisya. Begins.fol. 190° इच्छाकारेण संदिसह भगवनु अब्भुट्टिओ अहं अभितरदेवसियं खामेमि etc. Ends. fol. 190° जं किंचि मज्झ विणयपरिहीणं । सुहुमं वा बायरं वा । तुम्मे जाणह अहं न जाणामि तस्स मिच्छा मि दुकडं ॥ छ ॥ वंदनकसूत्रं समाप्तं । छ । Reference. Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikramaņasūtras. For the text, its chāya, Gujarati translation and the posture see my third Kiraṇāvali (pp. 52-53). Haribhadra Sūri's commentary (p. 792a) to Avaśyakasutra, Yogaśastra (pp. 245-246b), Acaradinakara (p. 286b), Vandāruvṛtti (pp. 68-69 ) and Dharmasaṁgraha (pp. 1812-1822) may be consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 399. This work is included in Śramaṇasūtra, too. Gurukṣāmaṇāsutra 1270 (32). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 7b. Description. Complete. For other details see No. 734. 1 The seribe has styled this as Vandanakasutra. Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 870. ] I11. 4 Malasatras Begins.-fol. 76 56 (Frèu etc. as in No. 867. Ends.—fol. 7° file hey etc. up to TH ATT BÀ THITI as in No. 867. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 867. गुरुक्षामणासूत्र Guruksāmaņāsūtra No. 869 1269 ( 25 ). 1887-91. Extent.— fol. 26. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735, Begins.--fol. 26 gegranto High as in No. 867. Ends.—fol. 26 APR AE etc. up to fir PATETIJI as in No. 867. N. B.- For additional information see No. 867. गुरुक्षामणासूत्र Guruksāmaņāsūtra No. 870 1106 (27). 1891-95. Extent.— fol. 46. Description. - Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins.- fol. 46 59891917 sfahr etc. as in No. 867. Ends.- fol. 4°ज किंचि मज्झ etc. up to तस्स मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं १ as in No. 867. N. B.--For further particulars see No. 867. Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 सामायिक सूत्र [ करोम भंते ] No. 871 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 871. Sāmāyikasūtra [ Karemi bhante ] 1220 (39). 1884-87. Extent. fol. 191b to fol. 191b. Description. Complete. For other details see No. 1220 ( I ). 1884-87. Author. A Jaina saint. Subject. A Prakrit formula meant for a śravaka undertaking sāmāyikavrata. Begins. fol. 1914 करेमि भंते सामाइयं । सावज्जं जोगं पच्चक्खामि जाव नियमं पज्ज (ज्जु) वासामि दुविहं तिविहेणं । मणेणं वायाए कारणं न करेमि । न कारवेम । Ends. fol. 191 तस्स भंते पडिक्कमामि । निंदामि गरहामि अप्पाणं बोसि रामि ॥ १ Reference. Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikramaņasūtras or my fourth Kiraṇāvali (p. 77) where its Sanskrit rendering and Gujarati translation are given. For the text in Roman characters and its German translation see übersicht über die Avasyka-Literatur (p. 6). The edition containing Haribhadra Suri's commentary (p. 778b) to Avaśyakasūtra, Malayagiri Suri's commentary to the same (p. 556) and Vandāruvṛtti (p. 85) may be consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 399. The edition styled as साधुप्रातिक्रमणादिसूत्राणि and publish - ed by the Secretary of Sri Atmananda Jaina Sabha in A. D. 1921 contains practically this Sāmāyikasútra. See its page 12. Sāmāyikasūtra 1106 (28). 1891-95. सामायिक सूत्र No. 872 Extent. fol. 4. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 874) 111. 4 Makomanas Begins... foli 4 A HA FTAIFT HET HIER HIT You ett. as in No. 876 Ends. - fol. 4 h na etc. up to staarui alferrira as in No. 873. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 871. सामायिकसूत्र Sāmāyikasūtra No. 873 139 ( 20 ) 1887-91. Extent.— fol. 26. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramotatet No. 871. Begins.— fol. 26 for i etc. as in No. 876 Ends.- fol. 2 etc. tp to fit to #28 ix No. 87: N. B.- For additional information see No. 876. सामायिकसूत्र Sāmāyikasūtra No. 874 1106 ( 29 ). 1891-95. Exent. fol. 46. Description.- Complete ; here, too, it appears that there is a ditto graphical error as in the case of the Daivasikālocánāsútra No. 861. For other details see No. 736. Begins.- fol. 4 etc. as in No. 871. Ends.-- fol. 4 At sit etc. up to sta as in No. 875. This is followed by R. N. B.- For additional informat 32 [ J.L.P.1 Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [875." जय महायशः. (जय महायस) _No. 875 Jaya mahāyasah " (Jaya mahāyasa) 1220 (41). 1884-87. No.875 Extent.-fol. 1916. Description.-- Complete so far as it goes. 1220 (I). For other details see .....No. 1884-87. . Author.-- A Jaina saint. Subject. - A verse in Prākrit eulogyzing the idol of Pārsvanātha installed at Stambhanakapura. Begins and Ends:- fol. 191b जय महायस (जय महायस) जय महाभाग । जय चिंतिउसहु फलइ जय समत्थ परमत्थ जाणइ । जय जय गुरुगरिम गुरु । जय दुहत्थसत्तारण) ताणइ । 'थंभणयट्ठिय पासजिण भवी(वि)य भीमभवत्थु भयअव ताणंतगुणं तुज्झ त्ति(ति)सं(झ) नमः (मो) त्थु ॥१ Reference. Published with Hindi translation in the Appendix (p. 8) to Paica pratikramana, a work published by Sri " : Atmānanda-Jaina-pustaka-pracāraka-mandala, Agra, in .... A. D. 1923. जय महायशः Jaya mahāyasaḥ ................. ... .. 1106 (32) *No.876 No. 876 ... . . . 1891-95. Extent.-- fol. 5a. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra : No. 736. Begins and Ends.-- fol............. ... जय महायस etc. up to तुज्झ त्ति संझ नमत्थु as in No. 875. This is followed by २. . N. B.-- For additional information see No. 875. Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 877.] III.4. Malasatras 251 आचादिक्षामणक [आयरिय उवज्झार] No. 877 Acāryādikṣāmaņaka [ Ayariya uvajjbāë.] 1220 (43) ..1884-87.1 Extent.- fol. 1920.. Description.- Complete ; 3 verses in all. For other details see Author.- A Jaina saint. Subject.- A metrical composition in Präkrit whereby an acārya, an upadhyaya, a pupil, a co-religionist and the entire śramanasangha are requested to forgive the individual who has unnecessarily offended any one of them. Begins.- fol. 192 आयरिय उवज्झाए सीसे साह( ह )म्मिए कुलगणे य।...! जे मे किया कसाया सव्वे तिविहेण खामेमि ॥१ सव्वस्स समणसंघस्स । भगवओ अंजाज]लिं करिय सीसे। सव्वं खमावइत्ता खमामि सम्ब(स्स) अहि(ह)यं पि ॥२.etc. I.: Ends:- fol. 192 सम्बस(स्स) जीवरास(सिस्स । भाषओ धम्मनिहियनियचिचो। सव्वं खमावइत्ता खमामि सव्वस्स अहिरह)यं पि ॥३ ..... Reference.- Published. See any printed edition of the Prati kramaņasūtras. This work is quoted by Haribhadra Sūri, in his commentary (p. 786° and 786°) on Avasyākasātra. In connection with this Āyariya uvajjhāë, Sukhlal has made the following remark in his Hindi introduction (p. 45) to his edition of Panca pratikramana published by Sri Atmānanda-Jaina-pustaka-pracāraka-mandala, Agra: “यद्यपि आयरिय उवज्झाए, पुक्खरवरदीबड़े, सिद्धाणं बुद्धाणं ये मौलिक नहीं है तथापि वे प्राचीन हैं; क्योकि उन का उल्लेख करके श्रीहरिभद्र सूरि ने स्वयं उन की व्याख्या की है।" Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 252 No. 878 Begins. fol. 4a Extent.--fol. 4o. Description.-- Complete; 3 verses in all. For other details see Namaskaramantra No, 735, Ends.-- fol. 4a Jaina Literature and Philosophy en etc. as in No. 877. सव्वस्त etc. up to अहि() यं पि ॥ ३ as in No. 877. N. B. For additional information see No. 877. आचार्यादिक्षामनक No. 879 Acaryadikṣamanaka 1269 (29). 1887-91. Begins.-- fol. 5 Ends. fol. 5. [878. Extent. fol. 5. Description. Complete; 3 verses in all. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Acaryadikṣāmaṇaka 1106 (31). 1891-95. eufta ng etc. as in No. 877. wower ofteerer(for)e etc. up to off as in No. 877 N. B. For further particulars see No. 877. Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 881.1 SriStambhanaka-Parsvanathastuti श्रीस्तम्भनकपार्श्वनाथस्तुति (सिरिथंमणथवा समाहथुइ ) (Siri Thambhanaya - Pāsanāhathui ) 1280 (44). No. 880 1884-87. No. - Extent. fol. 193*. Description. Complete 'so far as it goes. For other details see 1220 (1). 1884-87. I11. 4 Malasalras Author - A Jaina saint. — Subject. A metrical composition in Prakrit in two verses praising the idol of Lord Parsvanatha installed at Stambhanakapura. Begins.- fol. 6a Ends. fol. 6a सिरि'थं भणय 'ट्टिय[स्त ] । पाससामिणो सेसतित्थसामीण (नं) । तित्थसमुन्नय (इ) कारण (णं) सुरासुराणं च सव्वेसिं ॥ १ Reference. 253 एसमहं सरणत्थ ू काउसग्गं करेमि ( सत्तीए ) भत्ती गुणमुट्ठियस्स संघस्स समुन्नय (इ) निमित्तं ॥ २ करेमि काउस्सग्गं छ । प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रं ॥ 1923. Published with Hindi translation in the Appendix ( p. 11 ) to Pañca pratikramana, a publication of Sri Atmananda-Jaina-pustaka-pracăraka-mandala, Agra in A. D. श्री स्तम्भनक पार्श्वनाथस्तुति No. 881 SriStambhanaka-Parsvanathastuti 1106 (41). 1891-95. Extent. fol. 64. Description.— For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. I See p. 137. Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 254 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [881. Begins.- fol. 62 faffsjaur legt HTAUTT etc. as in No. 880. Ends.--- fol. 62 GHAE etc. up to with #Ishim as in No. 880. This is followed by fa sftgeHOTELEI HATE IN N. B.-- For additional information see No. 880. Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 883.] III. 4 Malasatras." 255 सामायिकपौषधपारणगाथा' Sāmīyikapausadhapărañagāthā (सामाइयपोसहपारणगाहा) . (Sāmaiyaposabaparanagāha ) 1106 (40). No. 882 ___1891-95. Extent.- fol. so to 6+: Description.- Complete ; 5 verses in all. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Author.- A Jaina saint. Subject. A small metrical composition in Prākrit eulogyzing the saints and dealing with repentance. Begins.-- fol. sb ___ भयवं दसनभद्दो etc. Ends.- fol. 6. सामाईपोसहसंट्रिअस्स जीवस्स जाइ जो कालो सो सफलो बोधयो सो सो संसारफलहेऊ ५५ इति सामाइकपोसहपारणगाथा Reference.- Published with Hindi translation on pp. 6 to 8 of the Appendix to Sukhlal's edition of Pañca pratikramaņa. सामायिकपौषधपारणगाथा No. 883 Sāmāyikapausadbapāraṇagāthâ 1220 (40) 1884-87. Extent.- fol. 1916. Description.-Complete so far as the Ist 4 verses are concerned. For other details see No. 1. 1220 (I). 1884-87. I This is the 27th work noted on p. 134-the last work which constitutes Sadavasyakasātra No. 730. Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [889. Begins. -- fol. 1916 मपक्ससमको सुसणो थूलि(ल)भव वाय • सफलीकयगिहचाया साहू एवंविहा हुंति ॥१ साडूण बंदणेणं नासह पावं असंकिया भाषा फायदाणे निजर उबग्गहो नाणमाईणं ॥३(१२) (छोउमत्थो सहमणो कित्तियमित पि संभरइ जीवो। जं च न ममरामि अहं । मिच्छा मि दुवंडं तस्स (॥३॥) जंज मणेण चिंतियमसुहं वायाइ भासियं किंचि।। असू(सु)ह कारण कियं मिच्छा मि[ह] दुक्कडं तस्स ।। ३ (१४) . N.B. - For additional information see No. 882. Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 885.1 प्रणिपातसूत्र [ खमासमणसुत ] No. 884 III. 4 Malasaras Extent. fol. 189*. Description. Complete. For other details see No. Author. A Jaina saint. Subject. Begins and Ends.- fol. 189a Pranipatasūtra [Khamāsamaṇasutta] 37 This work styled also as Thobhavandanasutta and composed in Prakrit is included in the Caityavandanavidhi. It is a salutation to a guru: It does not occur in any of the Avaśyakasūtras. It is styled as laghuvandana by Anandasagara Süri (See Siddhacakra vol. III, Nos. 19 and 20, last page). प्रणिपातसूत्र No. 885 Extent. fol. 3a. Description. Complete. Begins and Ends. fol. 3 1220 (7). 1884-87, 1220 (1). 1884-87. 33 [J. L. P.] ॥ ५० ॥ ॐ नमो वीतरागायः । इच्छामि खमासमणो बंदिउं जावणिज्जाए। निस्सीहियाए मत्थे (त्थए ) ण वंदामि Reference. Published in any printed edition of the Pratikramāṇa sūtras. For the text together with its chaya, Gujarati translation and the posture see my third Kiraṇāvali (p. 51). For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 398. Pranipatasūtra 1270 (11). 1887-91. For other details see No. 734. इच्छामि खमासमणे ( णो ) etc. up to मत्थव ( ( ) nas in No. 884. N. B. For additional particulars see No. 884. Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 258 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 886 No. 886 .... . 1202 (b.) 1887-91.. प्रणिपातसूत्र Praņipātusūtra Extent.-- fol. 8. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Paksikasutra . NO.1202 (a)..... . ..... 1887-91. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 8 इच्छामि खमासमणो बंदिउं जावण(णि)जाए निसी - हियाए मत्थएण वंदामि। N. B.- For further particulars see No. 884. 13 प्रणिपातसूत्र Pranipātasūtra. 1106 (10). . No. 887 1891-95. Extent.-- fol. 2b. Description. - Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra ___No. 736. Begins and Ends-fol. 2 इच्छामि खमासमणो etc. up to बंदामि। . . as in No 884. "N. B.- For additional information see No. 884. Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 888.) III. 4 Malasutras 259 i tabbā F urcargafestaTESTET . Bharateśvara-Bahubalisvādhyāya TECHN feS ("Bharabesara Bāhuhalisajihāva ) GUTTET TOT w ith Katbākosa and टब्बा सहित No. 888 to 1307. ( 1886-92. Size.- 107 in. by s in. Extent.-- (text ) 816 folios ; 6 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. » -(tabbā), „„ » » » ; 43» » » » Description.- Country paper tough and white ; Jaina Devanāgari characters; this Ms. contains the text, its Sanskrit commentary and the interlinear tabbā; big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; foll, numbered in both the margins; fol. 1 and 816 practically blank; for, only the title etc. written on them; red chalk used; the first fol. slightly torn; condition on the whole good; the text, the commentary and the tabbă complete ; very incorrect; the commentary composed in Samvat 1539 ; extent 25625 ślokas. Age.- Samvat 1905. Author of the text.— A Jaina saint. „ „, com.- Subhasila, pupil of Munisundara Súri of the Tapă gaccha. He seems to be an author of several works such as Vikramacaritra (1490'), Punyadhananfpakatha ( 1496.), Prabhāvakakathā (1504), Šatruñjayakalpa and its commentary ( 1518'), Šalivāhananrpacarita (1540) etc. . .. onts i täbba: - Not mentioned. 268 This and the other years mentioned in this para belong to the Vikrama era, Por other works see No. 896 , Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2,60 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1.888. Subject. Eulogy of the male and female saints in 13 verses in Prakrit together with their explanations in Sanskrit' and Gujarati. The male saints here mentioned are as under : I (1) Bharateśvara alias Bharata, (2) Bahubalin, (3) Abhayakumāra, (4) Dhandhanakumāra, (5) Śrīyaka, (6) Arņikaputra, (7) Atimukta, (8) Nagadatta, (9) Metarya, (10) Sthulabhadra, ( 11 ) Vajraṛṣi, (12) Nandişeņa, (13) Simhagiri, (14) Krtapunyaka, (15) Sukośala, (16) Pundarika, (17) Keśin, (18) Karakaṇḍu, (19) Halla, (20) Vihalla, (21) Sudarsana śreṣthin, (22) Śala, (23) Mahaśāla, (24) Šalibhadra, (25) Bhadrabahusvāmin, (26) Daśārṇabhadra, (27) Prasannacandra, (28) Yaśobhadra Sūri, (29) Jambūsvāmin, (30) Vaņkacula, (31) Gajasukumala, (32) Avantisukumāla, (33) Dhanyakumāra, (34) Iläciputra, (35) Cilätiputra, (36) Yugabahu muni, (37) Aryamahagiri, (38) Aryarakṣita, (39) Aryasuhastin, (40) Udayana, (41) Manaka, (42) Kālika Süri, (43) Šamba, (44) Pradyumna, (45) Múladeva, (46) Prabhavasvāmin, (47) Vişņukumāra, (48) Ardrakumara, (49) Drdhapraharin, (50) Śreyamsa, (51) Küragadu, (52) Sayyam. bhava and (53) Meghakumāra. Out of these 53 male saints, those numbered as I, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 26, 27, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 49 and 50 are alluded to in the following gathas of Avasyakaniryukti : (a) 436, (b) 349, (c) 1248(?), (d) 1183, (e) 869-870, (f) 1284, (g) 736-739, (h) 846, (i) 846, (j) 1150, (k) 872-875, (1) 1283, (m) 775, (n) 1283, (o) 1185, (p) 952 and (q) 327. Saints numbered as 2 and 18 are referred to in Avasyakabhasya in gathas 32-35 (p. 153) and 205 (p. 716b) respectively. Saints numbered as 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 32 and 34 are referred to on the following pages of the edition containing Avaśyakasutra, its niryukti and Haribhadra's Suri's commentary:: T ; I See No. 889 (description. '), p. 265.0 Wow Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 888. ] III. 4 Mäläsätras 261 (a) 6936-6955, (b ) 6882-6892, (c) 6952-6982, (d) 293", (e ) 3536, (f-g): 679, (h-i) 2865, (j) 3599, (k) 6704-6700 and (1) 3596. Saints numbered as 7, 31, 43 and 44 are mentioned in · Antakrddaśānga in the followiug places : (a) VI, 15, (b) III, 9 and (c-d) IV, 6-7. Saints numbered as 16 and 35 are referred to in Jñātādharmakathānga in chapters 19 and 18 respectively. Saints numbered as 17 and 18 are alluded to in Uttarādhyayanasūtra in chapters 25 and 9 respectively. Saints numbered as 41 and 52 are mentioned in Daśavaikālikaniryukti in gāthā 14, and the saint numbered as 48, in Sūtrakstānga (II, 6). The names of the female saints referred to in the text are as under : (1) Sulasă, (2) Candanabāla, (3) Manoramă, (4) Madanarekhā, (5) Damayanti, (6) Narmadāsundari, (7) Sită, (8) Nandā, (9) Bhadrā, (10) Subhadră, (11) Rajimati, ( 12 ) Rșidattă. (13) Padmavati, (14) Añjanasundari, (15) Sridevi, (16) Jyeșthā, (17) Sujyesthā, ( 18 ) Mrgāvati, (19) Prabhāvati, ( 20 ) Cellaņā, ( 21 ) Brāhmi, (22) Sundari, (23) Rukmini, ( 24 ) Revati, (25) Kunti, ( 26 ) Sivă, (27) Jayanti, ( 28 ) Devaki, ( 29 ) Draupadi, ( 30 ) Dhāriņi, (31) Kalăvati, (32) Puspacälä, ( 33 ) Padmavati, ( 34 ) Gauri, (35) Gāndhāri, ( 36 ) Lakşmaņā, ( 37 ) Susimā, ( 38 ) Jāmbūvati, (39) Satyabhāma, ( 40 ) Rukmini, ( 41 ) Yakņā, ( 42 ) Yakşadattā, ( 43 ) Bhūtā, (44) Bhútadatta, (45) Seņā, (46) Venä and ( 47 ) Renā. Out of these 47 female saints, those numbered as 2, 18 and 22 are mentioned in Āvaśyakaniryukti in the following găthās : (a-b) 520-521, and (c) 348 (p. 152a). Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [888. Female saints numbered as 1, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 26, 30, 32 and 41-47 are mentioned on the following pages of the edition of Avaśyakasátra above referred to : (a) 6764-676°, (b)7160-7173, (c) 676°, (d) 6760-678', (e) 676', (1) 95° and 6763-6785, (g) 153', (h) 676', (i) 223°, (5) 6886-689° and (k-१) 693". For female saints numbered as 10, 11, 18, 24, 25, 27, 29 and 33-40, the following works respectively may be consulted : (a) Daśavaikālikaniryukti v. 73-74, (b) Daśavaikālikavrtti by Haribhadra p.964-960, (c) Dasavaikalikaniryukti v. 76, (d) Bhagavati XV, (e) Jñātādharmakathānga XVI, ( ) Bhagavati XII, 2, (g) Jñātão XVI, and ( h-o ) Antakrd. dasa V. Begins.- (text) fol. 21 भरहेसर बाहुबली अभयकुमारो ढंढणकुमारो सिरीयो अनिआवुत्तौ(त्तो) अई(इ)मत्तो नागदत्तो अ १ ,,- (com.) fol. I ॐ श्री अह(ह)ते नमः श्रीसंषेश्वरजी सत्य छे युगादौ व्यवहाराध्वा सों येन प्रकासि(शितः स श्रीवृषभयोगा(गी दौ(द्रो) दद्याद्वोय(? ऽव्य)यसंपदं १ त्यक्त्वा चक्रिश्रियं सयो ललो(लौ) यः संयमंश्रियं स श्रीशांतिजिनो भूयाज(ज)नानां शिवशम्प(म)णे २ जे(ये)नासौ चावतारेण यदू(दु)वंस(शः) पवित्रितः स श्रीनेमीजिनाधीसो(शो) भूयादऽव्ययसंपदे ३ यस्य नामश्रुतेर्विघ्ने श्रेणिर्याति क्षयं क्षणात् स श्रीपार्श्वप्रभू(भु)र्दद्यात्कल्याणं कमलासतां ४ सेवते अंकमिषात्सिंहो यं बलेन पराजितः स श्रीवीरविभू(भुर्वर्यश्रिये भूयाच्छरीरिणं(णां) ५ महात्मान्यां(?नां) मुमुक्षूणां सतीनां च सुयोगे(गि)नां नमोन्कीर्तनमात्रेण शिवश्रीर्जायते नृण(ण)६ 'तपागच्छाद्वि(?धि)पा श्रीमन्मुनिसुंदरसंरयः तच्छिष्य शुभशीलाबो भरतादिकथा व्यधात् . तथाहि etc. Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 888.1 III. 4 Malasalras 263 Begins—(taboā) fol. 1 श्री अरिहंतने नमस्कार थाउ श्रीशंषेश्वरजीनें नमस्कार करूं युगर्ने आदि व्यवहारमारग सघलो जेणें प्रगट कीधो ते श्रीऋषभदेव योगेंद्र यो तुमनें अक्षय संप्रदा प्रते १ चक्रवर्त्तिनी लक्ष्मी छांडीनें सीघ्र लेतो हवो जे संयमश्री प्रत ते श्रीशांतिनाथ थाउ लोकनें मोक्षनां सुख भणी etc. Ends. - ( text ) fol. इच्चाइ महासइओ जयंति अकलंकसीलकलिलाओ । अविवज्जइ जासं जसपडहो तिहुयणे सयले ॥ १३ ॥ ( com.) fol. 8144 ततश्च्युत्वा भवं ( वां) तरे मुक्तिमपि गमिष्यति ततस्तस्या श्रीमत्या सर्वे श्रुत्वा (जा) तिस्मृतिरभूत पश्वाद्भवं दृष्ट्वा विशेषतस्तया तपश्चक्रे उद्यापनमपि कृतं इती (ति) तपः कृत्वा श्रीमति देवलोके गताः ततश्च्युत्वा राजपुत्री बभूव तत (तो) वैराग्यात्संयमं प्राप्य पुण्यपापफलं भुक्त्वा कर्मक्षयान्मुक्तिं गताः इति तपविषये श्रीमतीकथा समाप्तः काव्य : श्री 'चंद्र' गच्छांबरभु (भू/पको ( ऽभू) त् 'तपा' गणो भानुरिवेव (द्ध) दि (दी) ती । प्रबोधयन् भव्यजनांबुजानां स्वग्रेते (गो) बिलाशै (सै) रिव साधुवर्गे : १ तत्राभुवञ्च गुणगणमणी रोहणमहा ( ही ) धरः प्रतिमा परमगुरु सोमसुंदर गु(र) व [र]: संयमरमापतयः २ तच्छिष्या मुनी सुंदर गुरवो जयचंद्रस (सू) रयो (S) भु (भू) वन् पावं (र) गतागमजलनिधापारंगता रुचिरगुणनी (नि) च (ल) याः ३ (त) च्छिष्या विजयंत (ते) दधतः श्री 'सरी' मंत्र महिमभरत (म्) श्रीयुक्तरत्ने (त्न)सेषरगुरव उदयंनंदिखरीवराः ४ लक्ष्मीसागरसुरीशा सोमदेवाह्वसूरय (:) विजयंत (ते) लसडिया वाद्धिमंथन मंदि (द) रो (रः) ५ श्रीमन्स (नीशमुनी सुंदररीराजः शिष्यो मनीषिशुभशील इति प्रमुख्य (:) एता (:) कथा वितनुते स्म नवांबरेषु चंद्र (१५०९) प्रमाणसमये किल विक्रमार्काव ६ I This verse is here reproduced from the printed edition as it has not been possible to trace it in the Ms. It must be however occurring just in the beginning of Silvatikatha. - Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [888. भरहेसरबाहूबलिवृत्तीः सुभसीलविबुद्धचित्तेयं । शोध्या सुद्धिमद्भिः विबुधैः कृतदापसरीण(? कुटापसारणतः) ७ अनाभौ (भो)गादिना किंचिद्यदेवोत्सुत्ररोपणं चक्रे तदस्ति मे मीथ्या तमो(5)हंदादिसाक्षीकं ८ इति श्रीमत् तपागच्छाधिराजश्रीमुनिसुंदरसुरीशीष्यपंडितशुभशीलगणीविरचिते भरहेसरबाहूबलिविवृत्ती नानी कथाकोसें द्वितीयो महासत्यधिकारो समाप्तः ॥ यादृशं पुस्तकं etc. भनपृष्टी etc. जला रक्षे etc. This is followed by anet as under:ज्यहां लगे 'मेरू' अडग हे ज्यहां लगे शशी हरसूर त्यहां लगे आ पोथि सदा सदा रहे जो गुणभरपूर १ अतित भेख जणमें बसे वचे दिजे जीजीकार हुम तुम जेसी प्रीतडी सो जानत हे किरतार २ इति श्री संपूर्ण श्लोकसंख्या २५२६५ ते टबार्थ मली सुधां संवत् १९०५ ना वर्षे मागसीरमासे शुक्लपक्षे तीथौ १३ भृगुवासरे लषीतंग भट्टारकश्रीश्री१००८ विजयसुरेन्द्रसुरीश्वरजी तत्पट्टे भट्टारकश्रीश्रीविजयधनेश्वर. सूरीश्वरजी चेला गुलाबचंदवाचनार्थे शुभं भूयात् श्री श्री etc. Ends.- (tabba) fol. 815 सुरीप्रधान लक्ष्मीसागरसूरीना इस सोमदेव नामें सूरी विजयवंता हवा विद्याइं सावधान श्रीमत श्रीमूनीना ईस श्रीमुनीसुंदरसूरीराजना सिष्य पंडीत सुभसील इति नाममुष्य ताइए कथा प्रतें विस्तारता हवा संवत् १५०८ ना वरचे ग्रंथनी रचना थई राज थकि ६ भरेसरबाहूबलीनी टीका सुभसील पंहितें ए रची भली बुद्धिइं ए टीका करी जाणतां थकां इहां कांई ऽधीकुं उछू काने मात्रै लषाणु होई ते मिच्छा मी दूकडं भरहे. सरबाहूबलीनी वृत्ती टबार्थ संपूर्ण ए केणे भरेंसरवृति करी श्रीमुनीसुंदरसूरीना सीष्य पंडीत शुभसील पंडीते रचि छे श्री श्री श्री संवत् १९०५ ना वर मागसीरमासें शुक्लपक्षे एकादसी सौम्यवासरे 'मुंबाईनगरें ए ग्रंथ लख्यो छे. Reference. The text is published in several editions of Prati kamanasātras. In Sukhlal's edition of Pancapratikramana, he has given in short, paricaya of all the saints (53+47) and in several places, he has mentioned the sources, too. Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8891 III. 4 Malasatras The text together with its Sanskrit commentary styled as Kathakośa is published in two parts as Nos. 77 and 87 respectively, in the Sheth D. L. J. P. F. Series, in A. D. 1932 and 1937 respectively. No. 889 भरतेश्वर बाहुबलिस्वाध्याय कथाकोशसहित The second edition of a Gujarati translation of the Kathakośa is published by Maganlal Hathising, Ahmedabad, in A. D. 1902. For quotations see Peterson, Report IV, p. 110, and Mitra, Notices VIII, p. 163. For additional Mss. see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, P. 444. Age. 265 Bharatesvara-Bahubalisvādhyāya with Kathakośa 333. 1871-72. Size. 10 in. by 41 in. Extent. 249 folios; 13 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description. Country paper tough and white; Jaina. Devanagari characters with occasional TS; small, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; white paste, too; fol. 1a blank; foll. 54-249 also numbered as 1, 2, etc. in the interlinear space; this Ms. contains the text as well as the commentary; both complete; in the latter we have kathas of Śilavati, Nandayanti, Rohiņi, Ratisundari and Śrīmati, though these female saints are not mentioned in the text; these kathas commence after the completion of those of the crowned queens of Kṛṣṇa; edges of the first and last foll. slightly worn out; condition on the whole good. Fairly old. 34 [J. L. P.] Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 266 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ___(889. Begins- (text) fol. to भरएसर बाहुबली etc. as No. 888. , - (com.) fol. 1 ६० ॥ नमः) सर्वज्ञाय ॥ श्रीशारदायै नमः ॥ युगादी व्यवहारा( ध्वा ) सवों येन प्रकाशितः । स श्रीवृषभयोमींद्रो दद्याद्वो(5)टययसंपदं । १। त्वक्त्वा चक्रिश्रियं सद्यो ललो यः संयमाश्रयं । स श्रीशांतिजिनो भूयाज्जनानां शिवशर्मणे ॥२॥ Ends.- (text) fol. इन्चाइ etc. '., - (com.) fol. 249- 'अदुःखदर्शिनीया ख्यं तपो यः कुरुते तस्य दुःखं नायाति तपास्वरूपं प्रोक्तव्यमत्र उद्यापने पालकं रूप्यमयं कंचनपुत्रिकापुरः स्थले शर्कराध्यस्थूलमोदकराशिभत् तत एतच्छ्रुत्वा तया तपः कृतं उद्यापनमपि कृतं तया द्विजपन्या तस्य तपसा(सः) प्रभावान्मृत्वा(s)सो श्रीमती जाता क्रमान्मुक्तिमपि भवांतरे गमिष्यति ततस्तस्याः श्रीमत्या एतत्कृत्वा जातिस्म(स्मृोतिरभूत्पश्चादकं दृष्टा विशेषतस्तका तपश्चक्रे उद्यापनमपि कृतं । इति तपः तस्मिन्नेव मचे संयम प्राण्य कर्मक्षयान्मुक्तिं गता इति अदुःखदर्शिनीत्यपराख्याश्रीमतीकथा तपसि समाप्ता ॥ छ । . . श्री'चंद्रगच्छांबरभूषको(5)भूत ___'तपागणो भानुरिवेदीप्ति) . प्रबोधयन् भव्यजनांब(बु)जी(? जा)ली स्वगोविलासैरिव साधुवगैः१ तत्राभू भ)त्वा(ब)न्वरयणगणमणिरोहणमहीधरप्रतिमा परमगुरुसोमसुंदरणरु(र)वः संयमरमापतयः ॥२॥ तच्छिष्या मुनिसुंदरगुरवो जयचंद्रसूरयोऽ) भूवन । पार(३)गतागमजलनिधिपारंगता रुचिरगुणनिलया:३। तच्छिष्या विजयंते दधतः श्री मूरि मंत्रमहिमभरं श्रीयुक्तरत्नशेखरा(र)गुरव उदयनंदिसरिवसः ४। ___ लक्ष्मीसागरसूरीशाः सोमदेवाह्वसूरयः विजयंते लसद्विद्यावार्धिमंथन मंदरा' ५। श्रीमम्मुनीशमुनिसुंदरसूरिराज- . शिष्यो मनीषिशुभशील इति प्रमुख्यः . Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 890.] III. 4 Malasutras . 26 एनां कथा वितनुते स्म नवांबरेषु____ चंद्र(१५०९)प्रमाणसमये किल विक्रमार्कात् ॥६॥ भरहेसरबाहुबलीवृत्तिः शुभशीलविबुधरचितेयं । शोध्या सुखाद्धिमद्भिर्विबुधैः कूटापसरणतः ॥७॥ अनाभोगादिना किंचिद्यद्यत्रोत्सूत्ररोपणं । चक्रे तदस्तु मे मिथ्या तमो(5)हंदादिसाक्षिकं ॥८॥ इति श्रीमत् तपागच्छाधिराजश्रीमुनिसुंदरमरिशिष्यपडितशुभशीलगणिविरचिते भरहेसरबाहुबलीवृत्तिनानि कथाकोशे द्वितीयो महासत्यधिकारः ॥ समाप्त ॥ छ ॥ संपूर्ण ॥ छ. N. B.- For additional information see No. 888. भरतेश्वरबाहुबलिस्वाध्याय Bharatesvara-Bahubalisvadhyaya कथाकोशसहित with Kathākosa 620. No. 890 1884-86. Size.- 9 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 253 +2-1 =254 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough, brittle and grey; Jaina Deva någari characters with occasional TATTIS; small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. 1* blank ; foll. 44 and 164 repeated ; fol. 101 appears to be missing but most probably foll. 102 etc. ought to have been numbered as 101, 102 etc. ; fol. 206th wrongly numbered as 205, since the following foll. are numbered as 207 etc., and there is continuity of matter this Ms. contains only the ist gāthā of the text ; rest referred to by इत्यादि १३; Kathakosa complete; a strip of paper pas ted to fol. 1*; condition very good Age.- Samvat 1661. Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [f89d. Begins.-- (text) fol. rb TREET algasi etc. » - (com. ) fol. 16 F: IsofETIT AA: 11 yitrai unertear etc. as in No. 888. 5 Ends.-- ( com. ) fol. 253 3: Bitui'ej etc. up to AETHET: FATA: as in No. 889. This is followed by a line as under : Ho ? AMTEULE 1 fil The II N. B.- For additional information see No. 888. 413. Hiasatangas Faretta Bharateśvara-Bāhubalisvādhyāya: कथाकोशसहित with Kathākoša No. 891 1879-80. Size.— 104 in. by 43 in. Extent.-- 266 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 41 letters to a line. ' Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanāgari * characters with occasional Centers; bold, big, legible and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used ; ist fol. slightly torn ; its edges worn out; a corner of fol. 13th damaged; edges of fol. 2666 slightly torn out; condition on the whole tolerably good; fol. ra blank; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual ; this Ms. contains only the first gāthă of the text; the rest indicated by an 33 77:; marginal notes, added at times; Kathākośa complete. Begins. -- ( text ) fol. zb HEER algert etc. as in No. 888. » -(com. ) fol. 10 TA: staigme I ll SAINETTA II श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः॥ this Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 891.1 III. 4 Malasutras gital व्यवहाराद्ध सर्वो येन प्रकाशितः । श्रीवृषभयोगींद्रो दयाहो ( S) व्ययसंपदम् ॥ १ ॥ etc. C. Ends.— ( com. ') fol. 2662 इति तपः कृत्वा तस्मिन्नेव भावसंयमं प्राप्य कर्ममुक्तिं गता । इति अदुःखदर्शिनीपराख्याश्रीमतीकथा तपसि समाप्ता ॥ ॥ ६० ॥ श्री 'चंद्र' गच्छांबरभूषको ( 5 ) भूत् 'तपा'गणी भानुविद्धदीप्तिः । 269 प्रबोधयन्भव्यजनांबुजालीं स्वगोविलासैरिव साधुवर्गेः । १ तन्त्राभूवम्वरगुणगणमणिरोहण महीधरप्रतिमाः परमगुरु सोमसुंदरगुरवः संयमरमापतयः । १ तच्छिष्या मुनिसुंदरगुरवो जयचंद्रसूरयो (S) भूवन् । पारगतागमगतागम ] जलनिधिपार (रं) गता रुचिरगुणानिलयाः ३ तच्छिष्या विजयंते दधतः श्री सूरि' मंत्रमहिमभरं । श्रीयुक्तरत्न शेखर गुरव उदयमंदिसूरिवराः । ४ लक्ष्मीसागरसूरीशाः सोमदेवाह्नसूरयः विजयंते लसद्वियावार्द्धिमंथन' मंदराः । ५ श्रीमन्मुनीशमुनिसुंदर सूरिराज शिष्यो मनीषिशुभशील इति प्रमुख (ख्यः) एतां कथां वितनुते स्म नवांबरेषु चंद्र(१५०९)प्र (मा)णसमये किल विक्रमां (मार्कात् । ६ । भरहिसरबाहुबलीवृत्तिः शुभशीलविबुधरचितेयं । शोध्या सुबुद्धिमद्भिर्विबुधैः क्र (क ) टापसारणतः ७ अनाभोगादिना किंचिद्यदत्रोत्सूत्ररोपणं । त(च) क्रे तदस्तु मे मिथ्या तमो (S) ईदादिसाक्षिकं ॥ ८ ॥ इति श्रीमत 'तपा' गच्छाधिराजश्रीमुनि सुंदरसूरिशिष्यपंडितशुभशीलगणिविरचिते भरहसरबाहुबलीवृत्तिनाम्नि कथाकोशे द्वितीयो महासत्यधिकारः समाप्तः ॥ संपूर्णः ॥ ॥ तत्समाप्तौ समाप्तश्वायं भरहेसरबाहुबलीवृत्तिनामा ग्रंथः लेखकवाचकशोधयितृवाचयितृश्रोतॄणां चिरं वं ( नं) दतादेतद् ग्रंथपुस्तकं वाच्यमानं ॥ ग्रंथाग्रं १०००० ॥ छ ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ इदं पुस्तकं परिपूर्ण ॥ छ ॥ N. B. — For additional information see No. 888... Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 770 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1892. भरतेश्वरबाहुबलिस्वाध्याय Bharateśvara-Bāhubalisvādbyāya । कथाकोशसहित with Kathākosa 308. No. 892 A. 1882–83. Size.- 9 in. by 44 in. Extent.— 347+5=352 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough, tough and white , Jaina Deva nāgari characters; sufficiently big, legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used ; yellow pigment also ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only ; six foll. numbered as 172 the sixth 172a practically blank; only half a line is written on it ; fol. 1 blank ; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged; a careless attempt to separate the 68th and 69th foll. which must have stuck together owing to the presence of gum, has led to their tearing and thus damaging the Ms. ; similar is the case with foll. 121 and 122; condition on the whole good; the text complete so far as the ist verse is concerned ; fagetyr is complete; the narrative that follows viz. that of Srimati not complete; so Kathākośa thus ends abruptly, and that there is no colophon. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- (text) fol. 1b PEET NIE&st etc. up to attento lle!!! , - (com.) fol. 1b Qall sfintiquat TH: 11 garat atret etc. as in No. 888. Ends. (com. ). fol. 347 ततस्तस्या श्रीमत्या एतस्कृप्या आतिस्मृतिरसूत्पश्राद्भवं दृष्ट्रवा विशेषतस्तया तपश्चक्रे । उद्यापनमपि कृतं । इति तपः कत्या तस्मिन्नेव भवे HUÀ gic * (This Ms. ends thus abruptly ). N. B.- For further particulars see No. 888. Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 994.1 भरतेश्वर बाहुबाले स्वाध्याय कथाकाशसात No. 893 Size. III. 4 Malasafras - رو Bharatesvara-Bahubalisvädhyāya with Kathakośa 94 in. by 4 in. Extent-288-3=285 folios; 15 lines to a page; 39 letters to a line. 271 Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional TTS; big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used and yellow pigment, too; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 1 blank; edges of the 1st and last foll. slightly damaged; this Ms. contains only the Ist gatha of the text, out of 13; foll. 179 to 181 lacking; fol. 100 numbered as 1001; foll. 162 to 193 worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably good; Kathakośa complete. Age. Not modern. Begins. (text) fol. rb È algae etc. as in No. 888. भरतेश्वर बाहुबलिस्वाध्याय कथाकोशसहित 753. 1875-76. (com.) fol. 11 gar etc. as in No. 888. Ends.— ( com. ) fol. 287 b इति तपः कृत्वा etc., up to मह( हास किंकार gur: as in No. 891. Then follows: शुभं भवतु ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ N. B. For further particulars see No. 888. Bharatesvara-Bahubalisvadhyāya with Kathakośá 1306. 1886-92. No. 894 Size.-99 in. by 4 in. Exrent. 341 + + = 343 folios; 13 lines to a page; 32 letters to a line. Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 894, Description. Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with occasional gars; big, legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. mostly numbered in the right-hand margin only; fol. 203 repeated; so is the fol. 211; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to foll. ja and 341b; this Ms. does not seem to contain the complete text; only the Ist verse can be easily noticed; Kathakośa complete; some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition good. Age.- Old. 272 Commentator. Subhaśila, pupil of Munisundara Suri of the Tapa gaccha. He is an author of the works noted on p. 259. Furthermore, according to Jaina Granthavali etc, he has composed Pañcāstiprabodhasambandha, Dānädikathā (1150 ślokas in extent), Puṇyasarakatha (1311 verses), Silavatikatha (988 verses), Snātrapañcāśikākathā, Bhaktamaramāhātmya, Uņādināmamālā and Pañcavargasaṁgraha. For other details see No. 888. Kathakośa. Explanation in Sanskrit of Bharateśvara-Bahubalisvädhyaya along with about 100 narratives. These narratives depict lives of the male and female personages referred to in Bharateśvara-Bahubali-svädhāya and also those of 5 more. See p. 257. Begins. (text) fol. 1b ور भरसर बाहुबली etc. ( in the margin ) — ( com. ) fol. rh नमः सर्वज्ञाय । gar etc. as in No. 888. Ends.— (com. ) fol. 340b 'अदुःखदर्शिनी' त्याख्यं etc. up to द्वितीयो महासत्यधिकार संपूर्णः as in No. 889. N. B. For other details see No. 888. Others are probably not given. They seem to be alluded to, by the word 0 1 इत्यादि. 2 See" upakrama (p. 6a) of the 2nd part of Sri Bharatesvara-Bahubalivṛtti (D. L. J. P. F. Series, No. 87). a cand Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 895.] III. 4 Malasatras 293 महावीरस्वामिस्तुति Mahāvirasvāmistuti [स्नातस्यास्तुति ] [ Snātasyāstuti ) No. 895 1250 (29). 1884-87. Extent.- fol. ga to fol. 76. Description.- Complete. For other details see Adinathamaha. prabhāvakastavana No.- 1250 (1). 1884-87.. Author.- Bālacandra Sūri, a pupil of Hemacandra Sûri, the well known polygrapher. Subject. -- This metrical composition in Sanskrit is mostly recited on the 14th day of each fort-night by several Śvetāmbara Jainas. The first verse deals with eulogy of Lord Mahāvira, the 2nd with a panegyric of the Tirthamkaras, the 3rd with a stuti of holy scriptures and the 4th, with that of Sarvānubhūti yakşa. Begins.- fol. 7 स्नातस्याप्रथ(ति)मस्य 'मेरुसि(शि)खरे स(श)च्या विभोः शैशवे रूपालोकनविस्मयाहृतह(र)सभ्रांत्या भ्रमच(चक्षुषा । उन्सृष्टं नयनप्रभाधवलितं क्षीरोदकाशंकया। वक्त्रं यस्य पुनः पुनः स जयति श्रीवर्द्धमानो जिनः ॥१ हंसासाहतपद्मरेणुकपिशुशिक्षीरार्णवांभोभृतैः ___ कुंभैरप्सरसां पयोधरभरप्रस्पद्धिभिः कांचनैः । येषां ‘मंदर रत्नशैलशिखरे जन्माभिषेकः कृतः ___ सर्वैः सर्वसुरासुरेस्व(श्व)रयु(ग)णैस्तेषां नतो(s)ह क्रमातन) ॥२ Ends.— fol. 72 अईद्वक्त्रप्रसूतं गणधररचितं । द्वादशांगं विशालं चित्रं बह्वर्थयुक्तं । मुनिगणवृषभैर्धारितं बुद्धिमद्भिः मोक्षानद्वारभूतं व्रतचरणफलं । ज्ञेयभावप्रदीपं । __भक्त्या नित्यं प्रपद्ये श्रुतमहमखिलं सर्वलोकैकसारं । ३ निःप्प(पोकव्योमनीलद्युतिमलसदृशं बालचंद्राभदंष्ट्र -- महमोत्तं घंटारवेणु(ण)। प्रसृतमदजलं पूरयंतं समंतात 1 This is the last work forming a part of Saļāvaśyakasūtra described as No. 731. 35 [J.LP.] Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy आरूढो दिव्यनागं विचरति गगने कामदः कामरूपी । यक्षः सर्व्वानुभूतिर्दिशतु मम सदा सर्वकार्येषु सिद्धिं ॥ ४ ॥ अष्टमीचतुर्दशीस्तुति ' ॥ छ ॥ Reference. - Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikramaņasūtras noted on p. 132 etc. See also p. 145 where all these four verses are given. 274 In Jaina-stotra-samgraha (pt. II, pp. 19-20 ), we have Śri-Vira-jinastuti which is a pădapurti of the first carana of each of the four verses of this Mahavirasvamistuti. In the Limbdi Catalogue, a Sanskrit work in four verses by Balacandra is noted as No. 1550 and is styled as Pakṣikastuti. So one may naturally like to know if these two works are the same as the one described here; but no definite answer can be given at this stage. महावीरस्वामिस्तुति No. 896 Extent. - fol. 404. Description. - Complete 4 verses in all. No. 735. Begins. - fol. 402 Mahavirasvamistuti 1269 (47). 1887-91. For other details see स्नातस्याप्रतिमस्य 'मेरु 'स(शि) खरे क्षीरोदकाशंकया [895. ( शच्या विभोः शैशवे ) रूपालोकनविस्मयाहृतरसभ्रांत्या भ्रमच्चक्षुषा । उन्सृष्टं नयनप्रभाधवलितं क्षीरोदकाशंकया । वक्त्रं यस्य पुनः पुनः स जयति श्रीवर्द्धमानो जिनः । ९ ॥ etc. 1 It is styled in the subsequent Ms. ( No. 896 ), as Mahāvīrastuti, Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 896. ] Ends.- fol. 40" III. 4 Malasatras 275 निष्पंकव्योमनीलद्युतिमलसदृशं बालचंद्राभिदंष्ट्रं । मत्तं घंटारवेण प्रसृतमदजलं पूरयंतं समंतात् । आरूढो दिव्यनागं व्य (वि) चरति गगने कामदः कामरूपी । यक्षः सर्वानुभूतिर्द (र्दि) शतु मम सदा सर्वकार्येषु सिद्धिं ॥ ४ ॥ इति महावीरस्तुतिः । N. B. — For additional information see No. 895. Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy (897. 296 नमोऽहंत' No. 897 Namo'rhat 1220 ( 28 ). 1884-87. Extent. — fol. 1904. 1220 ( 1). Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 1884-87. Author.- Siddhasena Divākara (according to the Jaina tradition), author of Sammaspayaraṇa etc. Subject.-- Salutation to the five parameşthins. Begins and Ends. - fol. 190FAT(S)Emeralafateuruhafargst: 1 Reference.— Published. See any printed edition of the Prati kramaņasūtras. नमोऽर्हत Namo'rbata No. 898 1270 (8). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 26. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 734 Begins and Ends. — fol. 26 FAT(s) arariteetAT9*(:) 1 N. B.— For further particulars see No. 897. नमोऽर्हत Namo’rhat 1269 (19) No. 899 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 22. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. 1 This is same as the 8th work of Saçāvaśyakasūtra described as No. 734. Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 900. ] 111. 4. Malasatras, 277 Begins and Ends. fol. 22 TAT SEAT gratugrul Hafngra: 1 N. B.- For additional information see No. 897. नमोऽर्हत Namo’rhat 1106 (7). No. 900 1891-95. Extent.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends.- fol. 22 HAT(S)areaRİTETITH AATExt: N. B.-- For additional particulars see No. 897. Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 278 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 901. श्रुतस्य भगवतः। Srutasya bhagavataḥ (ETFE Haert ) ( Suyassa bhagavao ) No. 901 1269 ( 11 ). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 22. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Subject.-- A formula to be uttered when one is about to perform kāyotsarga in connection with śruta. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 24 Wat TA TSFIT. Reference.- Published in any of the printed editions of Pañcaprati kramaņasútra. Also published in the edition (p. 788a ) of Avaśyakasutra containing Haribhadra Suri's commentary. श्रुतस्य भगवतः Srutasya bhagavataḥ No. 902 1270 (19). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 46. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 734. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 46 UTFF Hai FRIA #17 #(F)SITI N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 901. श्रुतस्य भगवतः Srutasya bhagavataḥ No. 903 77( ). 1880-81. Extent.- leaf 1236. Description.-- Complete. For other details gee No. 77 (+).. 1880-81. Begins and Ends.-- leaf 1236 g (TDA TAHT ATA #ISFATT N. B.— For additional information see No. 901. This is same as the 19th work of Saļāvasyakasūtra described as No. 734. Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ gos. 111. 4 Malasairas 279 श्रुतस्य भगवतः Srutasya Bhagavataḥ No. 904 1106 (18). 1891-95. Extent.-- fol. 3a to fol. 36. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends.— fol. 38 to 3b Grka prasit *SITÀ #157* . N. B.- For additional information see No. 901. श्रुतस्य भगवतः Śrutasya bhagavataḥ 1220 ( 21). 1884-87. No. 905 Extent.-- fol. 1902. Description. - Complete so far as it goes. For other details ser 1220 (1) No. 1884-87. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 1902 TFT Hotah #TÀ #137FROI N. B.-- For additional information see No. 901. Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र (वेयावञ्चगरसुत्त) Jaina Literature and Philosophy No. 906 Extent. fol. 190a. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. Author.- Not mentioned. [906 Vaiyavṛttyakarasutra (Veyavaccagarasutta) 1220 (23). 1884-87. I 220 (1) 1884-87. Subject. Propitiation of a certain class of celestials whose activities are beneficial to the Jaina church. वैयावृत्त्यक रसूत्र No. 907 Begins and Ends.-- fol. 1904 वेयावच्चगराणं संतिगरागं सम्मदिट्टिसमाहिगराणं करोमि काउस ( स ) ग्गं ।। Reference. Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikramaṇasūtras. Acãradinakara (p. 271) and Dharamasamgraha (p. 163) may be also consulted. Vandāruvṛtti (p. 53) may be also referred to. In the introduction (p. 3*) to the edition containing Caityavandanasūtra and Lalitavistara published in D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 29, there is a remark as under- “ये वैयावृत्त्यकराणामित्यादिसूत्रं देवताकायोत्सर्गस्तत्स्तुतिश्व नव्या इत्याख्याय ता अपलपन्ति तेषां परमाभिनिवेशितैव केवला 31 Vaiyavṛtyakarasutra 77 ( ). 1880-81. Extent. leaf 124. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Agamikavastuvi cărasăra No. 77 (1). 1880-81. Begins and Ends.-- leaf 124 4 बेयावञ्चगराणं संतिगराणं सम्मदिट्टिसमाहिगराणं करोमि काउस्सग्गं । N. B.--For further particulars see No. 906. Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 910.) 111. 4 Malasatras 281 वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र Vaiyāvrttyakarasūtra No. 908 1269 ( 14 ). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 2a. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735. Begins and Ends.--fol. 20 वेयावञ्चगराणं etc. up to करोमि काउस्सग्गं as in No. 906. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 906. वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र Vaiyāvștyakarasūtra No. 909 1106 (21). 1891--95. Extent.-- fol. 36. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 3° वेआवञ्चगराणं etc. up to करोम काउस(स्सोग्गं as in No. 906. · N. B.-- For additional information see No. 906. वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र Vaiyāvrtyakarasūtra 1270 ( 22 ). No. 910 1887-91. Extent.- fol. s". Description.-- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 734. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 5 वेयावञ्चगराणं etc. up to करोमि काउस्सग्गं " as in No. 906. N. B.- For additional information see No. 906. 36 ( J. L. P.] Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 282 सर्वस्यापिसूत्र ( सव्वस्स वि सुत्त ) Jaina Literature and Philosophy सर्वस्यापिसूत्र No. 912 No. 911 Extent. fol. 190b. Description.--Complete. For other details see No. Author. A Jaina Saint. Subject. This small sutra in Prakrit deals with repentance concerning undesirable activities resorted to, during the day time. 1 [911. Sarvasyāpisūtra (Savvassa vi sutta) Begins and Ends. fol. 19ob सव्वस्स वि देवसियं दुञ्चितिय दुब्भासिय दुच्चि - यि इच्छाकारेण संदिसह । इच्छं तस्स मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं ॥ Reference. Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikramaņasūtras. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, P. 399. The svopajña commentary on Yogaśāstra (pp. 245*245), Vandāruvṛtti (p. 68) and Dharmasaṁgraha (p. 181a) may be consulted. No. 734. Begins and Ends. 1220 (33). 1884-87. दुक्कडं ॥ छ ॥ 1220 ( I ). 1884-87. Extent.- fol. 7b. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra -N. B.- For further particulars see No. 911. Sarvasyāpisūtra 1270 (31). 1887-91. fol. 7 सव्वस (स्स) वि etc. up to तस्स मिच्छा मि as in No. 911. 1 This is the 31st work which forms a part of Saḍāvaśyakasutra described in No. 734. Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 915. ] सर्वस्यापिसूत्र No. 913 सर्वस्यापिसूत्र No. 914 III. 4 Malasairas Extent. fol. 5a. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends. - fol. 5 सव्वस्स वि देवसिअ etc. up to तस्स मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं as in No. 911. N. B. For additional information see No. 911. No. 735. Begins and Ends.- fol. 2b सर्वस्यापिसूत्र No. 915 283 Sarvasyāpisūtra 1106 (37). 1891-95. Extent. fol. 2b. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra Sarvasyāpisūtra 1269 (24). 1887-91. N. B. For additional information see No. 911. सव्वस्स वि etc. up to मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं ॥ छ ॥ as in No. 911, 1 The word राज्ञ्य is here substituted for देवासिय, Sarvasyāpisūtra 1106 (38). 1891-95. Extent. fol. 5a. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins and Ends. fol. 5 सव्वस्स वि 'राईय दुचिंतिय दुब्भासिय द (दु) - ट्रिअ इच्छाकारेण संदिसह इच्छं तस्स मिच्छामि दुक्कडं N. B. For additional information see No. 911. Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284 Jaina Lilerature and hilosophy [916. मुनिवन्दनसूत्र Munivandanasutra [अड्डाइजेसुसुत्त] [ Addhāijjesusutta ) No. 916 1270 (33). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 76. Description.— Incomplete. For other details see No. 734. Author.-. A Jaina Saint. Subject.-Salutation to the Jaina saints, no matter where they are found. The sütra given here occurs as a part of Sramanasātra. Begins and Ends.- fol. 7 अड्राइजे(जे)स । दीवसमुद्देस । पनर(स) । कम्मभूमीस | जावंति के वि साहू । रयहरणगुच्छपडिग्गहधारा पंचमहन्वयधारा । (स)हस(स्स)सीलंगधारा अखोखो )वया(या)रच. This ends here thus. Reference.- Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikra maņasútras and that of Śramaņasutra ( p. 25b). श्रमणोपासकप्रति क्रमणसूत्र (समणोवासगपडि कमणसुत्त') Sramaṇopāsa kaprati kramaņasūtra ( Samaạovāsagapa dikkamanasutta) 1220(42). 1884-87. No.917 Extent.- fol. 19rb to fol. 1920. Description.- Complete; so verses in all For other details see No. 1220 (1). 0.1884-87. Author.- A srutastharvira according to Ratnasekhara Sūri. See his Arthadipikā. I This is styled as Gțhipratikramaņasūtra by Ratnasekhara Sūri in his Arthadipikā. 2 This is the name given in its Curni. Sec No. 924. Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 917. ] 111. 4. Malasatras 285 Anandasagara Sūri believes that this Vandittusūtra is composed by one who has composed älāpakas pertaining to the vows of a śrāvaka which are given in the Avaśyaka sútra. See his prastāvanā (p. 1* ) of Arthadipika. Subject. This is a metrical composition in Prākrit in so verses. It is usually known as Vandittusűtra. It mainly deals with partial transgressions on the part of a śrăvaka and his repentances for the same. It also refers to 15 karmadānas in verses 22-23, which are treated in Avaśyakasūtra on p. 829a. The partial trangressions pertaining to the vratas here referred to in verses 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24-26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 33 respectively are mentioned in Āvaśyakasūtra on pp. 811', 8182 and 8185, 8205, 8229, 823a and 8235, 8256, 827°, 8289, 8302, 8316, 834, 8356, 837o and 839a. Upāsakadaśāngasútra, too, treats these topics (see the portion pertaining to the life of Ananda śrāvaka ). They are also treated in Tattvārthadhigamasútra in chapter VII in sütras 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 27, 28, 26, 29, 31 and 32. Pancāśaka I. v. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32 may be also consulted. The 48th gāthā of Vandittusūtra occurs as the 1271st gåthā of Avaśyakasūtraniryukti, and its 49th and soth gāthās are found in Śramaņasútra. Begins.- fol. 1915 वंदितु सव्वासिद्धे । धम्मायगरे य सव्वसाहू या इच्छामि पडिकमिऊं(उ)सावयधम्माइयारस्स [सावगधम्माइयारम्स ॥१ जो मे वयाइरस्स(१) नाणे तह दंसणे चरित्ते य । UERTT ATT(TT) ar ä fe TTEITA 112 etc. Ends.-- fol. 1926 खाममि सब्वे जीवे(वे) सव्वे जीवा खमंत मे। मित्ती मे सव्वभूएस घेरं मज्झ न केणइ॥ ४९ This very verse with a variant it for an and the next with some variants occur in Āvaśyakasūtra on p. 763a. The first verse may be compared with the following verse of Brhatpratikramaņa (a Digambara work) : "खामेमि सव्वजीवे सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे। मत्ती मे सवभूएसु वेरं मज्झं न केणइ॥" Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 Jaina Literature and Philosophy gaardiga fifty arika güfsa (a+i) तिविहे पडिक्कतो वंदामि जिणे चउवीसं ॥ ५० I Reference. Published. See any printed edition of the Pratikramaṇasūtra. Haribhadra Suri's commentary (p. 778b) to Avaśyakasūtra, Śrāddhapratikramaṇasūtra (D. L. J. P. F. Series, No. 48) and Vandāruvṛtti (pp. 86-159) may be consulted. See also B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, pp. 397 and 399. My article in Gujarati which is entitled as " समणोवासगपडिक्कमणसुत्त याने वंदित्तसूत्र " and which is published in Jaina satya prakāśa (vol. III, No. 7, pp. 256-258) may be consulted. श्रमणोपासकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र No. 918 917. aaa etc. as in No. 917. Ends.- fol. 4a Sramaṇopāsakapratikramaṇasūtra Extent. fol. 3a to fol. 4a. Description.-- Complete; 50 verses in all. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 735. Begins.-- fo. 3a 1269 (28). 1887-91. एवमहं आलोय etc. up to जिणे चउव्वीसं ॥ ५० ॥ No. 917. This is followed by the line as under : इति श्रावकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रं समाप्तं ॥ छ ॥ N. B.- For additional information see No. 917. as in I In Arthadipika (pp. 202b-203a), its author Ratnasekhara Suri refers to the opinion of some who do not losk upon this work as genuine and old, since there is no niryukti on it. Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 920.] 11.4Malasatras 237 श्रमणोपासक Sramaṇopāsakaप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र pratikramaņasutra 74 (i). No. 919 1880-81. Extent.— leaf 1934 to leaf 1976. Description.- Complete ; the last verse numbered as 53. For further particulars see Upadesamala No. 74.28. Begins.— leaf 1939 वंदित्तु सत्वसिद्ध etc. Ends.- leaf 1970 ___ सव्वस्स जीवरासिस्स etc. up to सव्वस्स अहियं पि' ॥ ५३॥ as in No. 877. N. B.- For additional information see No. 917. श्रमणोपासक Sramaṇopāsakaप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र pratikramaņasūtra 771 ). . No. 920 1880-81. . Extent.- leaf 91a to leaf 966. Description.- Complete ; the last verse numbered as 53. For further details see Agamikavastuvicărasāra No. 1880-81..! Begins.- leaf 918 ___वंदित्तु सम्वसिद्ध etc. Ends.- leaf 96 सबस्स जीवरासिस्स भावं उवं मे निहीय निश्चितो। सव्वं खमावइत्ता खमामि सबस्स तिविहेणं ॥ ५३॥ ॥छ॥ N. B.- For additional information see No. 917. 1 This is the 3rd and the last verse of Acāryādiksamanaka. So it appears that the two preceding verses also must be belonging to the same work, and that through oversight, the scribe may have combined Vandittusūtra ( verses 50 ) with this work. As the Ms. is not with me any more, I cannot say anything definitely. The same remark holds goods for No. 920. Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 288 श्रमणोपासकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र No. 921 Jaina Literature and Philosophy वंदे सत्वसिद्धे etc. श्रमणोपासकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र No. 922 Extent. fol. 14a to fol. 15b. Description.- Complete ; 50 verses in all. For other details see No. 736. Begins. fol. 14 2 Sramanopāsakapratikramaņasūtra Ends.— fol. 15b एवमहं आलोइय etc. up to श्रावकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रं समाप्तं ॥ N. B.-- For additional information see No. 917. [921. 1106 (55). 1891-95. Sramanopāsakapratikramaṇasūtra इंगाली वणसाडी भाडी फोडी सुवि ( ?व)ज्जए कम (म्मं ) । वाणिजं (ज्जं ) चेव दंतल (क) खरसकेसविसविसयं । २२ ॥ 1270 (34). 1887-91. Extent. fol. 1o to fol. Tob. Description. The work begins abruptly with a concluding portion of the 2oth verse, and it ends also abruptly with a por tion of the 38th verse. For other details see No. 734. Begins.— fol. ro (a) in गुणore निंदे | २० ॥ सञ्चित्ते पडिबु(ब)द्धे । अप्पड (पो) लदुप्पउ (प्पो ) ल (लि) यं च आहारे तुच्छोसहिभक्खणया । पडिक्कमे देखियं सव्वं । २१ । etc. Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 923.] Ends- fol. 1ob सम्माहट्टी जीवो जइ वि हु पावं समायरे किंचि । अप्पो सि होइ बंधो। जेण न निद्धंधसं कुणइ ॥ ३६ ॥ तं पि हु सपडिकमणं । सप्परियावं सउत्तरगु[रु]णं च ॥ विप्पं उवसामेह | वाहि व्व सुसिक्खिओ विज्जो ॥। ३८ ।। जहा बिसं कु(ट्टगयं). It ends thus. III. 4 Malasutras N. B. — For additional information see No. 917. श्रमणोपासक प्रतिक्रमणसूत्र No. 923 37 [J. L. P. Sramaṇopāsakapratikramaṇasutra 1269 (18). 1887-91. 289 Extent. - fol. 24. Description.- जावंति चेइयाइं and जावंति (त) के वि साहू are looked upon by the scribe as the 1st two verses. So it appears that these two verses along with the two following ones given here form a fragment of Vandittusutra. Out of these, the first two are already here assigned Nos. 760 and 764. respectively. So nothing can be done now at this stage. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 735: Begins and Ends.- fol. 2a चिरसंचियपावपणासणिय भवसय सहस्समहणीए । चडवीस जण विणग्गयकहाउ बोलंतु मे दीहा ॥ ३ ॥ मम मंगलमरिहंता । स (सि) द्धा साहू सुहं च धम्मो य । सम्माहट्टी देवा दिंतु समाहिं च बोहिं च ॥ ४. N. B. - For additional information see No. 917. Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 290 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [924. श्रमणोपासक Sramaņopāsaka. प्रतिक्रमणसूत्र pratikramanasūtra चूर्णिसहित with cūrņi 1212. No. 924 1887-91. Size.-- II in. by 4g in. Extent.— 83 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper very thin and white; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; fol. I blank ; edges of the first and last foll. slightly worn out; condition on the whole good ; the text and the commentary as well, complete ; extent 4590 ślokas; the commentary composed in Samvat 1183, Age.- Samvat 1525. Author of the curni-Vijayasimha Suri, pupil of Santi muni. Subject. - The Vandittusūtra along with a commentary mostly in Prākrit. The latter elucidates the former here styled as Samanovăsaga padikkamaņasutta (Sk. Sramanopāsaka prati kramaņasútra ). Begins.- (text) fol. 20 वंदित्तु सव्वसिद्ध धम्मायरिए य सव्वसाहू य । इच्छामि पडिक्कामउं सावगधम्माइयारस्स ।। ___ Then runs the com. as under :-- बंदित्वेत्ति यदि अभिवादनस्तुत्योः वंदणं पूयणं नमसणं(ति)त्ति । पज्जाया तं चं दध्वओ करचरणाईहि मुद्दासन्नासो (1) भावओ य मणसो एगत्तीकरणं (1) क्रियायाश्च साध्यं काह | सव्वसिद्धे इत्यादि गाथापूर्वार्द्ध यावत् अत्र सर्वशब्दो निःशेषार्थः ॥ etc. --(com.) fol. I ॐ नमो जिनाय ॥ सिद्धं सिद्धत्थसुयं सुयधम्मपयासयं सयालोयं । लोयणतुल्लं लोयाण नमह सिरिमं महावीरं ॥ १ Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 924. 1 III. 4 Malasutra's समणोवासगपडि (क्क) मणसुत्तचुनिं भणामि लेसेण । मंदमईण विबोहण हेडं सुत्ताणुसारेणं ॥ २ म विव ( ? ) मओ इत्थं अवरज्झइ नो न यावि सुयदप्पो । कोउगधम्मज्झाणं मुत्तुं नन्नो इहं हेऊ ॥ ३ " ता उत्तमावि निसुणंतु कोउगा मज्झिमा वि बोहाय । अवसद्दच्छिदविदवणभइया हुतु नीया वि ॥ ४ Ends. — ( text ) fol. 83 (जा?) इजम्मजरामरणनीरपरिपूरियंमि भीसणविवागमणो वायुवेगुच्छलंत - कोहावइकसायवलयामुहाइपायाल कलस संक्खुब्भमाणमज्झमि वी परंपरासंघडणविहडणपडिमसंजोगविओगपउरंमि रागद्दोसविकखोभियंमि बहुजंतुमगरमच्छ कच्छवाइंमि अइदुल्लंघणीय मोहमहावत्तरुद्दाम संसारमहासमुमि । इओ तओ उच्छुदुण निब्बुदुणप्पायं भवज्झमणं उच्चनीया जाईसु कुणतेहिं भिन्नपोएहिं व पाणीहिं कहवि संपुन्नपुन्नवसा पाविज्जए भवनीरनाहतारणरकसं धम्मजाणवत्तं ति । तं पि सलिलपवेसघाएहिं अइयारेहिं विणासभावज्जमाणं आबल्लाइउस्सिवणसमेण आवस्सएण दढीभवइ । अओ पइदियहं साहुणा सावएणय सम्मत्त महन्वयाणुव्वयाइयारविसो हिकरणनिमित्तं अवस्सकरणिज्वंति आवस्सयं । etc. एवमालोइए निंदिय गरहिय दुछिय (सम्मं ) । तिविहिणे पडिक्कतो वंदामि जिणे चउव्वीसं ॥ ५० ॥ 291 - ( com. ) fol. 834 कया सव्वजीवरासिकखामणा संपइ पडिक्क्रमणं निम ( ? ) मिले अवसाणमंगलमाह || This is followed by the Joth verse noted above. Then we have : ( com. ) fol. 834 एवमिति प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रभणितप्रकारेण आलोच्य निंदित्वा गर्हित्वा कु ( ज ) गुप्सित्वा त्रिविधेन मनोवाक्कायलक्षणेन प्रतिक्रांती निवृत्तः । प्रतिक्रांतव्यातिश्चारगोश्वरादिति ॥ जत्थ ॥ 'जो मे देवसिउं अइयारो कओ काइतो' इच्चाइणा दंडगेण आलोकऊण मिच्छादुक्कडकरणेण आलोयणारिहं पच्छित्तं भणियं । दुश्चितिय दुब्भासिय । दुचिट्टियमेवमाइयं बहुसो उवउत्तो वि न याणइ जं देवसियाइ अइराई । सव्वेस वि बीयपए दंसणनाणश्चरणावराहेसु । उवउत्तस्स विसोहीजइणो आलोयणा भणिया ॥ निंदा पच्छायावरुवा । गरिहा गुरुसमक्खं सदुव्वरियाए । आलोयणा । ततश्व । ' तं निंदे तं च गरिहामि' । इति वचनोच्चारणेन निंदित्वा गर्हित्वा च किं बहुना प्रतिक्रमणसर्वस्वमाह । तिविहेण पडिक्कतो । जं किंचि कयमत्तं सहसा पमायमाईहिं ॥ मणषायाकाहिं । तस्मा (? म्मा) हं नणु पडिक्कतो ॥ Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 292 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [924 . उत्तरोत्तरधर्मवृद्ध्यर्थे मंगलमाह ।। बंदामि जिणे चउव्वीसं॥ सिरिरिसहनाहपढमं नमामि सिरिवद्धमाणपज्जते । चउवीसं तित्थयरे दिंतु सिवं मंगलं अंते । एवं सम्मत्ता पडिक्कमणसुत्तवुत्ती(?चुन्नी)। छ ।। -: नमो सुयदेवयाए भगवईए ॥ जयइ जिणसासणमिणं । जमि निलीणो सुहेणे(ण) भवियजणा । लंघति भवं भीमं ॥ जाणेण व जत्तिया जलही । जयइ इह 'चंद'गच्छो चंदो इव भत्रियकुमुयबोहयरो ।। उवसमजुण्डपुत्रो समणजणार्णदणो सयलो ॥ ओसियसीलपडागो तवनियमरहंगसंगयसुघोसो।। गुणगरुओ गच्छरहो धवलहिव जेहिं उज्जू(?)ढो । सिरिसव्वएव सिरिनेमिचंदनामधेया मुणीसरा गुणिणो । हुत्था तत्थं पसत्था तेसिं सीसा महामइणो॥ जे पसमस्स निदसणमुदही दाम्वन्नवारिवारस्स ।। कन्वरयणाणरोहणी खाणी खमिणो अमियवाणी । सिरिमं संतिमुणिंदे तेसिं सीसेण मंदमइणा वि ।। आयरियविजयसीहेण विरइया एस चुन्नि त्ति ।। जकिपि मए उस्मुत्तमिच्छरयं मईए दोच्चला ॥ तं मे खमंतु सोहंतु सुयहरा गुग्गहं कालं ॥ एगारसहिं सएहिं तेसीइअहिएहिं (१९८३) विक्कमनिवाओ ।। समइच्छिएहि चित्ते मासंमि समत्थिया एसा || छ । सावगपडिक्कमणसुत्तचुन्नी [ससमत्ता ॥ छ ॥ ग्रंथान। श्लोकसंख्या ॥ ४५९०॥ ॥ छ ॥ सं० १५२५ वर्षे फाल्गुणसदि १३ शुक्रे लषितं पदमाकेन । छ। शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । ence.-This cārni is referred to, on p. 203* of the edition containing Srāddhapratik ramaņasútra and Arthadipika published in D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 46. The pertinent line is as under:___ "श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रस्य च विक्रम १९८३ वर्षे श्रीविजयसिंहसूरि-श्रीजिनदेवमूरिकृते चूर्णिभाष्ये अपि स्तः ." It seems that this very cúrņi is referred to, in the line " श्रावकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रचूर्णावप्युक्तम्" occurring on p. 163° of this edition. Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 925.] 111. 4 Malasatras 293 with curņi 199. श्रमणोपासक Sramaṇopāsa kaप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र pratikramaņasūtra चूर्णिसहित No. 925 1873-74. Size.- 134 in. by sfin. Extent.— 44 folios ; 22 lines to a page ; 84 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough, brittle and greyish; Devanagari characters with TAISTS; very small, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; fol. 1a blank; edges of some of the foll. slightly worn out ; condition tolerably good ; both the text and the commentary complete ; extent 4590 ślokas. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- ( text ) fol. 2a sorang wartet etc. as in No. 924. » (com.) „ 10 11 gol F frar II ra fagrous etc. as in No. 924. Ends. (text) fol. 446 एधमालोईय etc. up to चउव्वीसं as in No. 924. .- (com.) fol. 446 watte etc. up to juti sqlser 8490 as in No. 924. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 924. Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 श्रमणोपासकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र अर्थदीपिकासहित Jaina Literatürite and Philosophy [ 926. Sramaṇopāsakapratikramanasūtra with Arathadipikā No. 926 1213 1887-91. Size.— 104 in. by 48 in. Extent.-- 244 folios ; II lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.--- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva någari characters with FRETS ; big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk rarely used; yellow pigment rather profusely ; foll. numbered in both the margins ; foll. ra and 244" practically blank, except that the title etc., written thereon ; edges of the first fol. and those of the last slightly worn out; condition on the whole good; both the text and the commentary complete ; the latter composed in Samvat 1496; its extent 6644 ślokas. Age.-- Pretty old. Author of the commentary.- Ratnasekhara Súri, pupil of Bhuvana sundara Sūri, pupil of Somasundara Süri. He should not be confounded with the author of Sirisirivālakahā. Our Ratnasekhara Sūri is an author of Sraddhavidhiprakaraṇavștti, Arthakaumudi and Vidhikaumudi referred to, on pp. 5o, 1885 and 2039 of the edition containing Arthadipika. Subject.— A religious sůtra pertaining to the pratikramaņakriya of śravakas along with its explanation (vștti)' in Sanskrit. This explanation is called Arathadipikā. Therein the text is styled as Gțhipratikramaņasútra, in the beginning and as Pratikramaņasútra, Śrāvakapratikramaņasūtra and Sraddhapratikramaņasútra in the end. 1 This is styled as tikā, too. Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 926.] ...III. 4 Malasalras... 395 Begins. — (text) fol. 36 ___वंदित्तु सब्बसिद्धे etc. as in No..917... "- (com.) ,, Ib जयति सततोदयश्रीः etc. as in No. 928. Ends.- (text) fol. 2426 एवमहं आलोईए etc. as in No. 918. , - (com.) ,, ,, एवमालोच्य निंदित्वा गर्हित्वा जुगुप्सितं दुश्चिकित्सितं वा अविनारजातं सम्यक त्रिविधेन मनोवाक्कायलक्षणेन प्रतिक्रांतः कृतप्रतिक्रमणश्वतुर्विंशतिं जिनी( ना )न् वंदे इति प्रांतगाथार्थः ५० । ___ अत्राह परः इदं प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रं केन कृतं उच्यते यथाऽपरप्रतिक्रमण सूत्राणि श्रुतस्थविरकृतानि तथैतदपि यदुक्तमावश्यकबृहद्वृत्ती 'अक्खरसन्नी 'ति गाथा( व्याख्याने अंगप्रविष्टं गणधरकृतमाचारांगांदि अनंत(ग)प्रविष्टं तु स्थविरकृतमावश्यकादीनि अथ श्रावकपतिक्रमणसूत्रस्य यद्यापत्वं तदा किं न तस्य नियु(यु)क्तिभाष्यादीति चेत् तर्हि आवश्यक-दशवैकालिकादिदशशास्त्रीव्यतिरो(रे )केण शेषाणां नियुक्तयभावादीपपातिकाय( ग्रुपां)गानां च चूर्णेरप्यभावादनापत्वप्रसंगस्तस्मान्न किंचिदेतत । श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रस्य च विक्रम ११८३ वार्षः(र्षे) श्रीविजयसिंहसूरिश्रीजिनदेवसूरिकृते चूर्णि-भाष्ये अपि स्तो वृत्तयश्च बहव्यः अतः श्रुतस्थविरकृतत्वेन सर्वातीचाराविशोधकत्वेन च श्रावकैरेतदुपादेयमेव साधुभिः स्वप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रामिष एवं सति ये स्वकदाग्रहमात्राभिनिविष्टदृष्टयः पाश्चात्येन केनचिस्कृतं सर्वथाऽनुपादेयमिदमिति ढवते न विद्मस्तेषां का गतिः सर्वजप्रणीतप्राचीनस्थविराचरितसम्यगमार्गस्योपमर्दनात् तद्भ( दू)बो(चे) रन्नो आणाभंगे इक्क(क्कुचिअ मि(नि)ग्गहो हवइ लोर सम्बना(मा)णाभां(भ)गे अणंतसो निग्गहं लहर। ननु श्रावकस्य प्रतिक्रमणकर(ण )मेवाऽसंगत दूरे(S)स्तु प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रविचारः तदपि प्रलापमानं सिद्धांते श्राद्धानामनेका तस्योक्तवाद्यदनुयोगद्वारसूत्रं “ से किं तं लोउत्तरिडं भावावस्सयं जन समणो वा समणी गा सावओ वा साधिआ था तश्चित्ते । जाव उभओ कालं आवस्मयं करेइ ति" तथा तत्रैव " 'समणेण सावएण य अवस्सवा(? का )यव्वं हवइ जम्हा अंतो अहोनिसस्सा तम्हा आवस्सयं नाम । १ । 1 See p. 30a of Aņuogaddāra ( Samiti edn.)." 2 Jbid., p. 3ra.. Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 296 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [926. मवांगवृत्तिकदभयदेवसूरि - कलिकाल सर्वज्ञ श्रीहे मसूरिप्रमुख पूर्वाचार्यरचितेषु पंचाशकवृत्ति योगशास्त्रप्रवृत्तिग्रंथेषु न श्राद्धानां प्रतिक्रमणं साक्षाद्भुक्तं सर्वप्रसिद्धमेव तच्च पंचभेदं देवसिकं १ रात्रिकं २ पाक्षिकं ३ चातुर्मासिकं ४ सांवत्सरिकं ५ चेति एषां कालावध्यादि मन्कृतविधि - कौमुद्या अवधा विख्यात 'तपे त्याख्या जगति जगच्चंद्रसूरयोऽभूवन् ॥ श्रीदेवसुंदरगुरूत्तमाश्च तदनु क्रमाद्विदिताः ॥ १ ॥ पंच च तेषां शिष्यास्तेष्वाया ज्ञानसागरा गुरवः विविधावचूर्णिलहरिप्रकटनतः सान्वयाह्वानाः ॥ २ ॥ श्रुतगतविविधालापकसमुद्धृतः समभवंश्व सूरींद्राः ॥ कुलमंडना द्वितीया श्रीगुणरत्नाः तृतीया ॥ ३ ॥ षट् (इ) दर्शनवृत्तिक्रियारत्नसमुच्चयविचारनिचयसृजः ॥ श्रीभुवनसुंदरादिषु भेजे विद्यागुरुत्वं ये ॥ ४ ॥ श्री सोमसुंदरगुरुप्रवरास्तुर्या अहार्यमहिमानः ॥ येभ्यः संततिरुच्चैर्भवति द्वेधा सुधर्म्मभ्यः ॥ ५ ॥ तिजीतकल्प (वि) ( त )श्व पंचमाः साधुरत्नसूरिवराः ॥ यैर्मादृशोऽप्यष्यत करप्रयोगेण भवकूपात् ॥ ६ ॥ श्रीदेवसुंदरगुरोः पट्टे श्री सोमसुंदरगणेंद्राः । युगवरवद्विजयंते तेषां शिष्याश्च पंचैते ॥ ७ ॥ मात्यवमनिरी ( रा ) कृति सहस्रनामस्मृतिप्रवृत्तिकृत्यैः ॥ श्री मुनिसुंदरगुरवश्चिरंतनाचार्यमाहिम (भू )तः ॥ ८ ॥ श्रीजयचंद्रमुनींद्र (द्रा ) निस्तंद्राः संघगच्छकार्येषु ॥ श्री भुवनसुंदर विज ( वरा ) दूरविहारैर्गणोपकृतः ॥ ९ ॥ एकांगो (गा) अप्येकादशांगिनश्व जिनसुंदराचार्याः ॥ निर्ग्रथा ग्रंथकृतः श्रीमजिनकीर्त्तिगुरवश्व ॥ १० ॥ एषां श्रीगुरूणां प्रसादतोऽब्दे षडंकविश्व १४ ( ९ ) ६ मिते ॥ श्रीरत्नशेष (ख) रगणिवृत्तिमिमामकृत कृतितुष्टयै ॥ ११ ॥ चतुर्विद्योदधिभिर्दधिशुद्धपरमपरभागं ।। सा ( S) शोध्यत प्रयत्ना (ल् ) लक्ष्मीभद्राह्वविबुधेंद्रः ॥ १२ ॥ षि( बि ) ज्ञावतंसविहितप्रशंसगणि सत्यहं सविबुधायैः ॥ सु(B) रुभक्त्याऽस्याः प्रथमादर्श सान्निध्यमाधायि ॥ १३ ॥ एतस्यां टीकायामनुष्टुभामर्थदीपिकानाम्यां ॥ षट्षष्टिशतीचत्वारिंशच्चतु (रु) सराऽनुमिता ॥ १४ ॥ वरचूर्णिविविधट्टस्याद्यमुसृत्य कृतेयमल्पमतिना (s ) पि ॥ उत्सूत्रमन्त्र विबुधैः शोध्यं जीयादियं च चिरं ॥ १५ ॥ Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 927.) III. 4 Malasutras 297 इति श्री तपा'श्री(श्रा)द्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रवृत्तौ शेषाधिकारः पंचमः छ ग्रं० ४११ समाप्त(ता) चेयमर्थदीपिकानाम्नी श्रावकप्रतिक्रमण सूत्रटीका छ सर्वाग्रं० ६६४४ ॥ ॥ Reference. - Both the text and Arthadipika are published in A. D. 1919 in D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 48. In this edition we have Sanskrit introduction, a table of contents, an alphabetical index of quotations, and that of proper names, maxims etc., and laukika nyayas. For Mss. containing the text and Arthadipikā see Limbdi Catalogue No. 2612. श्रमणोपासक Sramaṇopāsakaप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र pratikramaņasūtra अर्थदीपिकासहित with Arthadipikā 817. No. 927 1895-1902. Size.- 10 in. by 4g in. Extent.- 174 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough, thin and white; Devanāgari characters, big, clear and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink ; yellow pigment profusely used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only ; fol. 1* blank; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 1a; edges of the first and last foll. slightly worn out; condition on the whole good; both the text and the commentary complete ; the extent of the latter 6644 ślokas Age.- Not modern. Begins –(text) fol. 3a slegt Fare TIC OAS etc., as in No. 91%. „ -(com.) fol. Ib sty Fat AA: 11 Fyfa Fatayat: etc., as in No. 930. 38 (J. L. P.) Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 298 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 927. Ends -(text) fol. 1736 STAF SIMIT etc., as in No. 917. , -com.) fol. 173. Taarisy partrar fram etc., up to starred Trai as in No. 926. This is followed by the lines as under :इति श्री'तपागच्छश्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रत्तौ शेषाधिकारः पंचमः समाप्ता चेयमर्थदीपिका नाम्नीः॥ श्रावकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रटीका समाप्ताः ग्रंथाय 6988 Il fill 11 N. B.- For further particulars see No. 926. श्रमणोपासक Sramanopāsakaप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र pratikramaņasutra अर्थदीपिकासहित with Arthadipikā 767. No. 928 1899-1915. Size.- 99 in. by 4} in. Extent.— 217-8=209 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper rough and white; Devanagari characters with gears; small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; unnumbered sides have a small disc in red colour, in the centre only; the numbered, in the margins, too; fol. ra decorated with a design in various colours ; foll. 40 to 47 missing; otherwise both the text and the commentary complete ; foll. 123 to 136, 147 to 179. etc. slightly wormeaten ; condition tolerably good ; extent of the commen tary 6644 ślokas. Age.-- Samvat 1697. Begins.- (text) fol. 36 afat FENTE Artfog etc., as in No. 917. Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 929.1 .4Malasatras (299 299 Begins.-- (com.) fol. !' जयति सततोदयश्रीः etc., as in No. 930. .. Ends.- (text) fol. 2176 __ एवमहं आलोइअ etc., as in No. 927. ,, -- (com.) fol. 217° एवमालोच्य निंदित्वा गर्हित्वा etc., up to समाप्ता । चेयमर्थदीपिकानाम्नी श्रावकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रटीका॥ छ । गंथानं ६६४४ as in No. 926. This is followed by the lines as under :-- यावद् व्योमसरःक्रोडराजहंस विराजते । विबुधैर्वाच्यमानापि तावन्नंदतु पुस्तिका ॥ १॥ छ । संवत् १६९७ वर्षे चैत्रमासे शुक्लपक्षे त्रितीया रविवारे श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रवृत्ति(:) समाप्ता ॥ यादृशं पुस्तकं etc. N. B.- For additional information see.No. 926. श्रमणोपासकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र अर्थदीपिकासहित Sramaạopāsakapratikramaņasūtra with Arthadipikā 679. No. 929 1892-95. Size.-- 102 in. by 43 in. Extent.-- 194–1 = 193 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description.--Country paper rough, thin and white; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, clear and tolerably good handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; this Ms. contains the text as well as its commentary; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; a portion of the second fol. gone%3; fol. 159 to 168 have only the left-hand corner worn out, whereas fol. 169 to 194, the right-hand one as well; condition unsatisfactory; fol. 166th missing; both the text and the Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 300 Jaina. Literature.and Philosophy [929. commentary incomplete; this Ms. contains 49 complete găthās of the text and soth partly and the commentary pratically up to that of 49th gatha; red chalk used; fol. I' blank. Age.-- Old. Begins.-- (text) fol. 3* वंदित्तु सव्वसिद्ध etc. as in No. 924. ,, - (com.) ,, जयति सततोदयश्रीः etc. as in No. 930. Ends.-- (text) fol. 194 खाममि सव्वजीवे हं सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे। मित्ती मे सव्वभूएसु बेर मज्झ न केणइ ॥ ४९ ।। (एवमहं) आलोइअ नंदिअगरहिअ. This Ms. ends thus abruptly. ,-(com.) fol. 194° उक्तं हि ज्ञानांकुशे मनिंदया यदि जनः परितोपमेति नन्वप्रयासतितो(? सुलभोड)यमनुग्रहो मे। श्रेयोर्थिना(नो) हि पुरुषाः परतुष्टिहेतो-- दुःख (खा)जितान्यपि धनानि परित्यजति ॥१॥ etc. एवमनेन प्रकारेणाऽहं सम्यगालोच्य ' This ends thus abruptly. N. B.-- For Mss. of the text see Limbdi Catalogue Nos 2617 2620. For additional information see No. 926. श्रमणोपासकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र अर्थदीपिकासहित Sramaṇopăsakapratikramaņasūtra with Arthadipika No.930 1307. 1891-95. Size.— 102 in. by 48 in. ! See p. 2020 of the printed edition. Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 930. ] III. 4 Malasutras Extent.-- 92 folios; rs lines to a page; 58 letters to a line.. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and grey, Devanāgari characters with garars; neither too big nor too small, bold, clear and good hand - writing ; borders rather carelessly ruled in two pairs of lines; the space between these pairs coloured red; preceding the first fol. there is a blank fol. ; therein only the title of the Ms. is written ; so is the case with fol. 92b ; fol. ra blank ; unnumbered sides decorated with a small circular disc in red colour in the centre ; the numbered, with two more, one in each of the two margins ; red chalk used; incomplete ; for, it contains 27 gāthās of the text and a commentatry of 26 gāthās completely and that of a part of the 27th; condition very good. Age.-- Pretty old. Begins.-- ( text) fol. 2b वंदित्त सव्वासद्धे धम्मायरिए अ सव्वसाहू अ । इच्छामि पडिकमिउं सावगधम्माइआरस्स || १ | etc. ,,, --( com. ) fol. r ॥ ६० ॥ 33 जयति सततोदयश्रीः श्रीवीरजिनेश्वरोऽभिनव भानुः । कुवलयबोधं विदधति गवा (वां) विलासा विभोर्यस्य ॥ १ ॥ etc. श्री सोमसुंदर गुरुप्रवराः प्रथिता' स्तपा' गणप्रभवः । प्रतिगौतमतः संप्रति जयंति निष्प्रतिममहिमभृतः ॥ ३ ॥ तेषां विनेयवृषभा भाग्यभुवो भुवनसुंदराचार्याः । व्याख्यानदीपिकाद्यैर्ग्रथैयें निजयशोऽग्रथ्नन ॥ ४ ॥ तेषामेषांऽतिपदंतिमः किमप्यादधाति सुखबोधां । वृत्तिं स्वपरहितार्थे गृहिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रस्य ॥ ५ ॥ etc. 301 "" fol. 90° इति श्री तपा° श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रवृत्तौ गुणव्रताधिकारस्तृतीयः । Ends.- ( text) fol. gob तिविहे दुप्पणिहाणे अणवट्टाणे तहा सइबिहूणे । सामाइअ वितह कए पढमे सिक्खावए निंदे । २७ । Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 302 [.990. Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends. :-( dom. ). fol. 92a बल्लीओ वेलाए फलंलि सयलाओ चोरिआ उलया। तकालमेव जायइ जीह महि दरिहो वि ॥३०॥ ..... ता किं करिस्स मिन्हिं अहवा जं होइ होउ तं सव्वं । . . चोरिं मंचामि कह जाए विलसामि (सच्छंदं? ४१) .... . It ends thus. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 926. - - श्रमणोपासक Sramaạopāsakaप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र ..... . pratikramanasutra विवरणसहित with vivarana No.931 - 1293 (.).... 1886-92.. , Extent.-- fol. 14 to fol. 20'. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Caityavandanavrtti No. 847. Author of the commentary.- Sritilaka Suri, pupil of Sivaprabha Sari, sucessor of Cakra Suri. Subject.- The text along with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.-(text) fol. 14 बंदित्त सव्वासिद्ध धम्माइयरे सव्यसाहू अ। इच्छामि पडिक्कमिडे सावगधम्माइयारस्य ॥१ ,-(com.) fol. 14 प्रा(प्र)णिधाये श्रीवीरं । स्वल्परुचीनां कृते समासेन विवरणमिदं करिष्ये गृहिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रस्य । । तत्रावो मंगलाभिधेयप्रतिपादिकेयं ॥ etc. Ends.--(text) fol. 206 एव(मह)मालोइय निंदिय गरािहय दुगंछिय(यं सम्म) . तिविहेण पडिक्कतो वंदामि जिणे चउवीसं ॥५०॥ _I See p. 152a of the printed edition. Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9221 tot 4 Malasätras 3p Ends.- (com.) fol. 200. . ........" " एवं प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रणितप्रा(प्र)कारणालोच्य निंदित्वा गर्हित्वा जुगु" प्सित्वा विविधेन प्रशंति (?संप्रति ) जिनान(न्) वंदे नमस्का(क)रोमीत्यर्थः। प्रतिक्रमणविवरणं ॥ ........... ........... श्रीचक्रमरिगुरुपट्टमहोदयाद्रि प्रद्योतनोपमं(म) शिवप्रभसूरिशिष्यः । श्रीप्राक्पदस्तिलक'मारिरधीधनोड)पि । श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रमिदं विवd ॥ १ इति श्रीतिलकाचार्यविरचिता श्लोकशतव्यप्रमाणा प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रलघु वृत्ति) समर्थयांचवे ॥छ । Then in a different hand we have : कर्ता तिलकसूरिः Reference.-- See Jaina granthavali (pp. 30-31 ). श्रमणोपासक प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रः - विवरण Sramanepasakapratikramanasūtra vivaraņa ..... _200 (f). No.932... ... .... ... 1873-74 Extent.-- fol. 18s to fol. 21b. Description.-- Complete ; extent 200 ślokas. For other details see % 200 (a).. No. 1873-74 Author.-- Śrītilaka Sūri. For particulars see p. 302. Subject.— A small commentary in Sanskrit explaining the Van dittusūtra. Begins.- fol. 186 ॥६ ॥ प्रणिधाय श्रीवीरं स्वल्परुचीनां कृते समासेन। . ........... विवरणमिदं करिष्ये गृहिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रस्य ॥१॥ etc. 1 This means Sritilaka. 2 This ought to be Srītilaka and not Tilaka. Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 304 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [932. Ends.-- fol. 21 इति श्रीतिलकाचार्यविरचिता श्लोकशतवयप्रमाणा श्रावक प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रवृत्तिः ॥ २०० ग्रंथाग्रं ॥छ । मंगलं महाश्रीः ॥ शुभं भवतु लेखकपाठकयोः ॥ कल्याणं भवतु कृतीनां ॥ N. B.-- For reference see No. 931. श्रमणोपासक Sramaṇopāsakaप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र pratikramaņasūtraबालावबोध bālāvabodha No. 933 821. 1892-95. Size.- Ion in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 18 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper rough, tough and white; Devanāgari characters; big, clear and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; the numbered sides have a small design in red colour at least in the centre; condition excellent; this Ms. contains the प्रतीकs of the text; complete. Age.-- Old. Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject.-- An explanation in Gujarāti of the Vandittusūtra, based upon the commentary composed on it by Śricandra Sūri. Begins.-- fol. I" ५ ६०॥ वंदित्तु सब्बसिद्धे । इत्यादि । बंदित्त वांदी करी | etc. Ends.- fol. 18° इति श्रीचंद्रसरिकृतमहार्थश्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणवृत्त्यनुसारेण वंदित्त बालावबोधः समाप्तः । श्रेयसे(5)स्तु लेखकवाचकयोः । Reference.-- For an anonymous bālāvabodha see Limbļi Catalogue ___No. 2618. Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 934.] 111. 4. Malasatras 305 त्रिविधाहारोपवास Trividhābāropavāsaप्रत्याख्यान pratyākhyāna (तिविहार-उववास (Tivihāra-uvavāsaपच्चक्खाण) paccakkhana) 1220 (37). No. 934 1884-87. Extent.-- fol. 1914. _1220 (1).. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 1884-87. Author.-- A Jaina saint. Subject.--A Prākrit formula representing a vow undertaken by one who wants to observe abhatha, a Jaina fast, but does not want to refrain from drinking water during the day time. Begins.-- fol. 1912 मूरे उग्गए अन्भत्तटुं पञ्चक्खाइ तिविहं पि वा(?आ)हारं । .. असणं पाणं खाइम साइम | etc. Ends.- fol. I9I सहसागारेणं महत्तरागारेणं । सम्म(?त्व )समाहिवत्तियागारेणं वोसिरामि ।। उपवासपच्चक्खाणं ॥ छ ।। Reference.-- Published. For a parallel extract see B. B. R. A. S. Vols. III-IV, p. 399. See Vandaruvrtti (p. 75). In the edition containing Pratyākhyāna, Sārasavata vibhrama, Danasattrimsika, Visesanavati and Vimsatika, and published by Śri Rşabhadevji Kesarimalji Samsthā, Rutlam in A. D. 1927, we have pratyākhyāna-sútras. ग्रन्थिसहित प्रत्याख्यान (गंठिसहिय पच्चक्खाण) Granthisa hita pratyākhyāna (Ganthisahiya paccakkhana) 1269 (34). 1887-91. No. 935 Extent.- fol. 4. Description.- Complete. 39 J.LP.] For other details see No. 735. Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [935 Subject. - This is a pratyākhyāna whereby every time one wants to take any kind of food, one has to untie a knot and after taking food one has to tie a knot again. Thus this is a sāňketika pratyakhyāna, one of the varieties of pratyākhyāna noted on p. 312. Begins and Ends.-tol. 4 गंठिसहियं पञ्चक्खामि चउन्विहं पि आहारं __ असणं ४ अन्नत्थ । सहसा ! महत्तरा । सव्वसमाहि । वोसिरामि ॥ ४ Reference.- Published practically in any edition of Pañcaprati kramanasūtras. विकृतिप्रत्याख्यान Vikstipratyākhyāna (विगइपच्चक्खाण) (Vigaipaccakkhana) No. 936 1269 (35). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 4. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 735. Subject.- This is a vow undertaken by one who wants to refrain from taking any of the vikstis. Begins and Ends.- fol. 4 विगइओ पञ्चक्खामि अन्नत्थ । सहसा । लेवालेवेणं गिहत्थसंसिट्रेणं । उक्खित्तविवेगेणं । पडुच्च मक्खिएणं । पारिट्रावणियगारेणं महत्तरा । सत्वसमाहि । बोसिरामि ॥ छ । ५ Reference.— Published. This very pratyākhyāna occurs in the svopajña commentary (p. 189b) on Dharmasamgraha, with this difference that instead of पच्चक्वामि and वोसिरामि we have पच्चक्खs and वोसिरइ respectively. एकाशनादिप्रत्याख्यान | (एगासणादिपञ्चक्खाण) Ekāšanādipratyākhyāna ( Egāsaņādipaccakkhāņa ) 1220(35). 1884-87. No. 937 Extent.- fol. 190° to fol. I910 Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 938. III. 4 Malasatras 307 Description.- Complete. For other details see No. Author. A Jaina saint. - Subject. A formala for taking a vow of abstaining from several articles of food etc. Perhaps this work is same as No. 935. द्विविधिहारैकाशन प्रत्याख्यान (दुविहार-एगासणपच्चक्खाण ) 1220 (1). 1884-87. Begins and Ends. fol. 190b गंठिसहियं पञ्चवक्खामि । चउव्विहं पि आहारं । असणं पाणं खाइमं साइमं । अन्नत्थणाभोगेणं । सहसागारेणं । महत्तरागारेणं सव्वसमाहिबत्तियागारेणं वोसिरामि || || छ | एकासणाविनिय (?)पच्चखाणं ॥ छ ॥ Reference.— Published. An edition (p. 8534 ) containing Haribhadra Suri's commentary to Avaśyakasūtra mentions this as a sutra of Avaśyakasūtra. — Vandāruvrtti ( pp. 72-73 ) may by consulted. For an extract see B. B. R. A. S, Vols. III-IV, p. 399. Dvividhāhāraikāśanapratyākhyāna ( Duvihāra-egāsana (paccakkhāna ) 1269 (36). 1887-91. .No. 938 Extent. fol. 4a. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 735. Subject. This is a pratyakhyāna whereby meals can be taken only once, but water and svadima (relishes), a number of times. It also includes Deśavakāśika vrata with all sorts of limitations except those pertaining to dravya and sacitta. Begins and Ends. - fol. 42 एगासणं पच्चक्खामि दुविहं पि आहारं असणं खाइमं । अन्नत्थ सहसा | सागारियागारेणं आउंच (टेट)णपसारणेणं गुरुअन्भुट्ठाणेणं । पारिट्टा । मह सव्वस द्रव्यसाचित्तदेसावगासियं अवभोयपरिभोगं पच्चक्खामि । अन्न सह । महन्त सव्वंस । वोसिरामि ॥ छ ॥ ६ Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (938. Reference.-- Published practically in most of the editions of Panca, pratikramaņasútras. For comparison see p. 853a of the the edition of Avasyakasūtra containing Haribhadra Sūri's commentary. fragtitra Dvividhāhāraikasthānaप्रत्याख्यान pratyākhyāna (दुविहार-एगहाण ( Duvibāra-egatthāņaपश्चक्खाण) paccakkhāņa No. 939 1269 (37). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 4a to fol. 46. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 735. Subject. - This is a pratyākhyāna whereby meals can be taken only once and that, too, by keeping all other limbs except mouth and hand steady. It is permissible to drink water and to take svādima as many times as one pleases. Begins and Ends — fol. 4" gurgrui fate gras sigri SHU ETEÅ 37 #El amoti 1637 I FEI FETE I DETTA II E IL Reference.-- Published mostly in any of the editions of Pañca pratikramaņasúrtas. अभक्तार्थप्रत्याख्यान ( 3744184&halut) Abhaktārthapratyākhyāna ( Abljattatthapaccakkhāņa ) 1269 ( 38 ). No. 940 • 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 46. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 735. Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 941.] III. 4 Malasatras 309 Subject.-- This is a pratyākhyāna whereby one undertakes to observe a fast, and there too, to drink water after a specified interval. Herein is included Deśāvakāsika vrata which ordinarily sets a limit in 14 ways, but here two of them are excluded. Cf. Nos. 934 and 938. Begins and Ends. - fol. b सूरे उग्गए अभत्तटुं पञ्चक्खामि तिविहं पि आहारं असणं खाइम अन्न । सहसा । पारि । मह । सव्व । पाणहार गठिसहियं पञ्चम्खामि । अन्न । सह । द्रव्य । सचित्तनियमुदेसावगासिय भोगपरिभोग । अन्नत्थ । सह | सव्व । बोसिरामि ॥८ Reference.-- Published. For comparison see the pratyakhyāna given in the commentary (p. 188b) on Dharmasamgraha. दिवसचरिमप्रत्याख्यान Divasacarimapratyākhyāna (दिवसचरियपञ्चक्खाण) (Divasacariyapaccakkhana) 1220 (38). No.941 1884-87. Extent.-- fol. 1914. Description -- Complete. For other details see No. : 1220 (1). Author.-A Jaina saint. Subject.-- A Prākrit formula representing a vow undertaken by one at about sunset (that is why it is called दिवसचारियं पञ्चक्वाण) with a view to abstain from at least food and khādima. This means that there are three varities of this pratyākhyāna viz. (I) चतुर्विधाहारदिवसचारम, (2) त्रिविधाहारदिवसचारम and (3) द्विविधाहारचारम. In the Ist variety all the four types of food are given up; in the 2nd all except drink, and in the third, all except drink and relishes. Begins.--fol. 1912 दिवसचरिमं पञ्चक्खामि । दुविहं तिविहं चउब्विहं पि आहारं etc. Ends.-- fol. 19r* अनत्थणाभोगेणं सहस्सागारेणं महत्तरागारेणं सव्वसमाहि वत्तियागारेणं वोसिरामि ॥ छ । रात्रिप्रत्याख्यानं ॥ छ॥ Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 310 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 941. Reference. Published. For an extract see B. B. R. A. s. Vols. III-IV, p. 399. Cf. Vandāruvṛti (p. 76). चतुर्विधाहारदिवसचरिमादिप्रत्याख्यान ( चउव्विहारदिवसafkengyszczelo) Caturvidhāhāradivasacarimadipratyākhyāna (Caüvvihāradivasacariyaipaccakkhāṇa) 1269 (39). 1887-91. No. 942 Extent.- fol. 4. Description.--Complete. For other datails see No. 735. Subject. This is a formala meant for one who wants to observe Caturvidhāhārapratyakhyāna and Deśāvakāśika as well. Begins and Ends. fol. 45 दिवसच [ २ ]रिमं पञ्चक्खामि चउव्विहं पि आहारं असणं । ४ अन्न । स म । सव्व । देसावगासियं भोगपरिभोगं पच्चकखामि । अन । सह । मह । सव्व समा । वोसिरामि ॥ छ ॥ ९ ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः Reference. Mostly published in some of the editions of Pañcapratikramaņasūtras. साकारभवचरिम प्रत्याख्यान (सागारभवचरिमपच्चक्खाण ) Sākārabhavacarimapratyākhyāna (Sagarabhavacarimapaccakkhāṇa) 75 (b). 1898-99. No. 943 Extent.-- fol. 3. Description. Complete. For other datails see No. 407. Subject. This is a pratyakhyāna whereby fasts are undertaken till death, and that only water is allowed to be drunk. But under certain abnormal circumstances, one may not carry out this vow. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 30 सागारपच्चखाण गाथा || Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 945.] III. 4 Malasatrar 31 जइ मे हुज्ज पमाओ। ॥ भवचारमं पञ्चक्खाई। तिविहं पि आहारं । असणं खाइमं साइमं अन्नत्थणाभोगेणं । सहसागारेणं । ०। अरिहंत सक्खियं । सिद्धस देवस० अप्पस वोसिरह । Reference.-- Published. साकारप्रत्याख्यान Sākārapratyākhyāna (सागारपच्चक्खाण) ( Sagarapaccakkhaņa ) 76 (15). No.944 1880-81. Extent.-- leaf 80° to leaf 814. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Daśavaikālikasūtra niryukti No. 711. Begins.- leaf 80b स करेमि पणामं जिणवरवसहस्स वद्धमाणस्स सेसाणं च जेणाणं सगणहराणां च सव्वेसिं । १ etc. Ends.- leaf 81 इति सागारप्रत्याख्यानं समाप्त छ । छ । N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 943. अनाकारभवचरिम Anākārabhavacarimaप्रत्याख्यान pratyākhyāna (अणागारभवचरिय ( Aņāgārabhavacariyaपच्चक्खाण) paccakkhāņa ) No. 945 75 (0). 1898-99. Extent.-- fol. 36. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 407. Subject.-- This is a pratyākhyāna whereby one undertakes to re frain from all the varieties of food except drinks, and that too, even under adverse circumstances. तिविहारअनशनगाथा। भवचारमं निरागारं पञ्चक्खाइ। चउविहं पि आहारं । सव्वं असणं सव्वं पाणं । सव्वं खाइमं । सत्वं साइमं । अन्नत्थणाभोगेणं । सहसागारेणं महत्तरागारेणं । सव्वसमाहिवत्तीयागारेणं वोसिरइ छ। ॥श्री॥श्री॥ Reference.-Published. Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [946. नमस्कारसहित Namaskārasahita प्रत्याख्यान pratyākhyāna (नमुक्कारसहिय (Namukkārasahiya पच्चक्खाण) paccakkhana) No. 946 1106 (49). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 6. - Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra No. 736. Subject.- This pratyākhyāna is one of the ro varieties of Addhā pratyākhyāna. It means denial of taking any type of food, drink, etc. for 48 minutes. For details see the following table : 6 प्रत्याख्यान उत्तरगुण सर्वमूलगुण (पश्च महाव्रत) देशमूलगुण (पश्च अणुव्रत) सर्व उत्तरगुण देश उत्तरगुण (३ गुणव्रत + ४ शिक्षाव्रत) अनाजालान काटाहत पावन साकार करणारा अनागत अतिक्रान्त कोटिसहित नियन्त्रित साकार अनाकार परिमाणकृत निरवशेष साङ्केतिक अद्धा । ।.. . नमस्कारसहित पौरुषी पुरिमा एकाशन एकस्थान आचाम्ल अभक्तार्थ चरिम अभिग्रह विकृति Beging and Ends.- fol. 6. अथ दशपच्चक्खाण लिख्यते उग्गेए सूरे नमु . कारसहियं पञ्चक्खाइ चउब्धिहं पि आहारं असणं पाणं खाइमं साइम अन्नत्थणाभोगणं सहस्सागारेणं वोसिरइ १ 1 See Avasyakasutraniryukti v. 1563-1565 and 1597. Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 948.] III. 4 Malashtras 32 Reference. - This very pratyākhyāna is published in the syopajña commentary (p. 184") on Dharmasamgraha. Cf. Avaśyakasātra (p. 849). नमस्कारसहित Namaskārasahita प्रत्याख्यान pratyākhyāna No.947 1269 (31). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 4'. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 735. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 4 ॥६॥ उग्गए सूरे नमोकारसहियं पञ्चक्खामि । चउन्विहं पि आहारं असणं पाणं खाइमं साइमं । अन्नत्थणाभोगेणं सहसागारेणं वोसिरमि ॥ छ । १ Reference.-- In the svopajña commentary (p. 1846 ) on Dharma samgraha, this pratyākhyana is given, but instead of वोसिरामि, there is वोसिरइ. N. B.- For subject see No. 946. पौरुषीप्रत्याख्यान Pauruşīpratyākhyāna (पोरिसीपच्चक्खाण) (Porisipaccakkhana) 1269 (32). No.948 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 4 Description.-- Complete. Through oversight this work is styled as Upavāsapratyākhyāņa on p. 153. For other details see No. 735. Subject.-- This is a pratyākhyāna whereby one binds oneself for refraining for one eighth of a day, from taking any kind of food whatsoever. 40 [J.L. P.] Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [948. Begins and Ends.-- fol. 4 पोरसिं पञ्चक्खामि उग्गए सूरे चउविहं । पि [आपि आहारं असणं॥४ अन्नत्थणा (०) सहसा (०) पच्छन्नकालेणं दिसा मोहेणं साहवयणणं सव्यसमाहिवत्तियागारेणं बोसिरामि ।। २ छ Reference.- Published in several editions of Pratikramaņasūtras. See also p. 8520 of the printed edition of Avasyakasútra containing Haribhadra Sūri's commentary. Herein it is given as one of the sūtras of Avaśyakasūtra. पुरिमार्धप्रत्याख्यान Purimārdhapratyākhyāna (पुरिमडपच्चक्खाण) (Purimaddhapaccakkhana) 1269 (33). No.949 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 4*. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 735. Subject.-- This is a pratyäkhyāna whereby one binds oneself to refrain from taking any article of food, drink etc., for the first half of the day. Begins and Ends.--fol. 4* सूरे उग्गए पुरिमडूं पञ्चक्खामि चउविहं पि आहारं असणं । ४ अन्नत्थणा । सहसा । पच्छन्न । दिसा । साहु । महत्तरागारेणं सबसमाहिवत्तियागारेणं बोसिरामि॥३ Reference.-- Published in several editions of Pañcapratikramaņa sūtras. आचाम्लप्रत्याख्यान Acīmlapratyākhyāna (आयंबिलपच्चक्खाण) (Ayambilapaccakkhāņa ) 1220 (36). No. 950 1884-87. Extent.- fol. 1918. Description. Complete. For other details see No. 728_42. 1884-87. Author.- A Jaina Saint. Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 951. ] [1]. 4 Malasatras 315 Subject.- A Präkrit formula pertaining to a vow to be undertaken by a person who wishes to observe a penance known as Acāmla along with Deśāvakäsika vrata. This Acamla resembles ekāśana but there are limitations regarding the varieties of food etc. to be taken. Begins.- fol. 1914 JOIT ET ATT gitag ar ya FATA I goreng for आहारं । etc. Ends.- fol. 1918 Here I HOTEÍTHÌST I SHTETRTOTTHIATO I FERNTRU सबसमाहिवत्तियागारेणं बोसिरामि ॥ आंबिलं पच्चक्खाणं । Reference.-- Published. Cf. B. B. R. A. S. Vols. III-IV, p. 399 and Vandāruvștti (pp. 74-75.). प्रत्याख्यानसूत्र Pratyākhyānasūtra (982elga) (Paccakkhāṇasutta ) टब्बासहित with tabbā No. 951 1273. 1891-95. Size.- 9 in. by 48 in. Extent.- 2 folios ; 6 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Devanāgari characters with occasional quale ; this Ms. contains the text and its interlinear tabbā; the latter written in a very small hand; clear and good hand-writing; borders and edges ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between the pairs coloured red; yellow pigment used ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin, only; bits of paper pasted to fol. 2b; edges of both the foll. slightly worn out ; condition tolerably good ; complete ; various āgāras etc. presented in a tabular form on tol. 2a, Age.- Old. Author of the text.-- Not mentioned. » » » ţabbā » Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [981 Subject.-- Sūtras for the pratyākhyānas pertaining to upavāsa, ācāmla, etc. in Präkrit along with their explanation in Gujarati: Begins.-- (text) fol.I. ६।। उग्गए सूरे नमुक्कारसहि। etc. .. , -(tabba ) fol. I' ऊगीया सरिज । एक प्रमाण मुहूर्त । etc. Ends. - (text) fol. 20 सबसमाहिवित्तियागारेण वोसिरइ ।छ । इय . पच्चखाणसुत्तं संपुन्न। , - ( tabba ) fol. 2' आहारादि कछो। छ । संपूर्ण वषाण्यउ पचषाण । इति । श्रीसितपत्रे लिखितं वा ज्ञानमंदि( ? )गाण लिखितं । । प्रत्याख्यान (?) · Pratyākhyāna (?) टब्बासहित with tabbā No. 952 743 (f). 1875-76. Extent.- fol. 122 to fol. 126. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 7 746 (a). 1875-76. Author of the text.- Not mentioned. " " , tabba.-, Subject.- Denials to temptations in Prakrit along with their ex planation in Gujarāti. Begins.- (text) fol. 12*. चत्तारि दो दुवालस | वासं चालीस होति उज्जोया। देसअ राइय पक्खिय | चाउमासे अ वरिसे अ॥ १॥ etc. ,, - (com. ) च्यारि लोगनो काउसग विजो० १२ लोगस्स वीसं चोमास. ....चालीस लोगस ४० लोगस उजोइगरे मातला Ends --( text ) fol. 12b देवसिअ चाऊमासिअ । संबच्छरिअ एसु पडिकमणमझे। मुणिणो खामिज्जं त्तिा तिम्नि तहा पंच सत्त कमा ॥४॥ इति पच्चक्खाणं ति ॥ . . . .. Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 952.] . III. 4.Malasutras:: :...', ju Ends- (com. ) fol. 12b ... देवसि पडीकमणइ चउमासी प्रतिक्रमणइ संवच्छरी पडीकमणा मांहि मुनीवर साधु षामिजई तिन निम पांच सात अनुक्रमे जोडवा ४ इति पचष्यामि ४ पचषांण कहै. पाक्षिकक्षामणासूत्र Pākṣikakşāmaņāsūtra (पक्खियखामणासुत्त) ( Pakkhiyakhamanāsutta ) No. 953 750 (b). . 1892-95. Extent.-- fol. 11b. Description.-- Hand-writing somewhat small; complete. For other details see No. 750 (a).. - 1892-95. Subject.- One of the sūtras recited at the time of the fortnightly pratikramana. This work consists of four parts. Out them the first part deals with an inquiry on the part of a sisya, regarding his guru's passing a fortnight in the way desired. The second part deals with salutation to the caityas and saints. The third part refers to the mithyādusksta on the part of the śişya in connection with outfit and study. The fourth part refers to the obligations of the guru. Begins.-- fol. II° इच्छामि खमासमणो पियं च मे जंभे हटाणं तुद्राणं अप्पाणं काणं अभग्गजोगाणं सुसीलाणं etc. Ends.- fol. II साहट्ट नित्थरिस्सामि त्तिकट्ट सिरसा मगसा मत्थएण वंदामि नित्थारग पारग होह इति गुरुवचनं ततः शिष्यवचनं इच्छामो अणुसिटिं ४ इति पाक्षिकक्षामणासूत्रं । Reference.-- Published in some of the printed editions of Panca pratikramaņasūtras. It is also published on p. 14* of the edition of साधुप्रतिक्रमणादिसूत्राणि published by the Secretary of Sri Atmānanda Jaina Sabhā in A. D. 1921. Furthermore, this sūtra is published in the edition (p. 7938 and 7936) of Avašyakasūtra containing Haribhadra Sūri's com mentary.' For a Ms, see Limbdi Catalogue No. 1545. 1 See p. 1356 Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 318 पाक्षिकक्षामणासूत्र No. 954 Extent. fol. 8b. Jaina Literature and Philosophy पाक्षिकक्षामणासूत्र [954. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 1174 (a ) 1887-91. Begins. fol. 8॰ इच्छामि खमासमणो पिअं च मे जं मे हट्टाणं तुट्टाणं अप्पा etc. Ends.-- fol. 86 नित्थरिस्सामि त्ति कट्टु सिरसा मणसा मत्थएण वंदामि । नित्थारगे पारग होहा गुरुगुणेहिं घड्ढाहिं ॥ इति पाक्षिकक्षामणकं ॥ N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 953. Pākṣikakṣāmaṇāsūtra 1174 ( h ). 1887-91. पाक्षिकक्षामणा सूत्र No. 956 Pāksikakṣāmaṇāsūtra 1269 (d). 1887-91. No. 955 Extent. -- fol. rrb Description.-- Complete. For other details see Namaskarmantra No. 735. Begins fol. Irb इच्छामि खमासमणो पियं etc. Ends.--fol. 11* साहड(ड) दित्थरिस्सामि etc. up to नित्थारग पारगा (ग्ग) होह as in No. 954. This is followed by the lines as under:-- गुरुणो वयणाई etc. पखियं पकखियखामणया सम्मत्ता ॥ पखियसुत्तं संमत्तं ॥ N. B. For additional information see No. 953. Pākṣikakṣāmaṇāsūtra 751 (b). 1892-95. Extent.- fol. 4. Description. – Complete. For other details see No. 75 1 ( a ) 1892-95. Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 958. 1 III. 4 Malasatras Begins. fol. 4° इच्छामि खमासमणो etc. as in No. 953. Ends. fol. 4° साहट्टु नित्थ etc. up to वंदामि as in No. 953. This is followed by the lines as under इति पाक्षिकक्षामणकानि समाप्तानि लिखितानि हंसलावण्यपठनार्थं सलवरे (?) संवत् १५४० (?) N. B.— For further particulars see No. 953. पाक्षिकक्षामणासूत्र No. 958 Extent.--- fol. 45. पाक्षिकक्षामणासूत्र No. 957 Extent. fol. rrb to fol. 122. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Begins.-- fol. rr इच्छामि खमासमणो पिअं च मे etc. as in No. 953. Ends.-- fol. 124 इमाओ चाउरंतसंसारकंताराओ साहद्दु नित्थर (रि) स्सामि etc. up to इच्छामोऽणुसिद्धिं ४ as in No. 953. This is followed by the line as under : इति पाक्ष (क्षि) कक्षामणा समाप्तं ॥ N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 953. Pākṣikakṣāmaṇāsūtra 1106 (52). 1891-95. 'पा० क्षामणा ॥ छ ॥ छ ॥ 319 Pākṣikakṣāmaṇāsūtra 1282 (b). 1891-95. Description.--- Complete. For other details see No.Begins. --- fol. 45 इच्छामि खमासमणो पियं च मे etc. Ends. fol. 4° इमाओ चाउरं (त) संसारकं (कं) ताराओ रिस्सा[ते] मि किट्टु सिरसा मणसा मत्थऐण as 1282 (a). 1891-95. in No. 953. N. B. For additional information see No. 953. पाक्षिक. साहद्धु (ड) निस्स (रथ) - वंदामि ॥ ४ इति Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13020 पाक्षिकक्षामणसूत्र No. 959 Extent. fol. 8b, Jaina Literature and. Philosophy पाक्षिकक्षामणासृत्र No. 960. Extent. -- fol. 8a to fol. 8b. Description.-- Complete. _1202 ( a ). No.1887-91. 1174 (a ) 1887-91. Description.— Complete. For other details see No. - Begins.-- fol. 86 इच्छामि खमासमणो पिअं च मे etc. - as in No. 953. Ends. fol. 8b इमाओ चाउरंत etc. up to नित्थारण पारगा होह | गुरुगुणेहि बाहिं ॥ इति पाक्षिकक्षामणकं ॥ श्रीः ॥ N. B.-- For additional information see No. 953. 1.959. पाक्षिक क्षामणा सूत्राव चूर्णि Paksikaksamanasutra 1174 (h). 1887-91. No. 961 Extent. -- fol. 224 to fol. 22b.. Pākṣikakṣāmaṇāsūtra 1202 (c). 1887-91. For other details see Pākṣikasūtra Begins. fol. 8 इच्छाकारेण संदेसह भगवन् पक्खिअ खामणा खाएं इच्छं इच्छामि खमासमणो पिअं च मे जं मे etc. Ends. fol. 8b साहट्ट नित्थरिस्सामि etc. up to नित्थार (ग) पारगा as in No. 934. This is followed by the line as under :-- होहति इति पाक्षिकप्रतिक्र मणक्षामणकानि सूत्राणि लिखितानि छ । N. B.- For additional information see No. 953, Pākṣikakṣāmaṇāsutrāva curni 1182 (c) 1884-87. Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9621 Hi. 4 Malasatras ३ . Description.-- Complete; condition tolerably good; 3700 slokas in extent; composed in Vikrama Samvat 1180. For other details see No. 728. Author.--Yasodeva Süri. Subject.— A small commentary in Sanskrit on Päkşikakṣāmaņāsútra. Begins.--- fol .22* श्री०भ० पूज्या ननु कथं श्रुताधिष्ठातृदेव्या व्यंतरादिप्रकारायाः परकर्मक्षपणे सामर्थ्य ? । उच्यते तद्वोचरशुभप्रणिधानस्यापि स्मर्तुः। कर्मक्षयहेतुत्वे नाभिहितत्वात् ॥ छ । यहा राजानं पुष्पमाण २ का अतिक्रांते मांगल्यकायें बहु मन्यते। यद्धत अखंडितबलस्य ते काले गते । अन्यो(s)प्येवमेवोपस्थितः। एवं पाक्षिकं विनयोपचारं द्वितीयक्षामणकसूत्रेण तथास्थिता एव साधवः । आचार्यस्य नु(कुति । तच्चेदं इच्छा. इ. अभिलपामि etc. Ends.-- fol. 22 संसारसमुद्रतीरगामिनो भवत यूयमित्याशीर्वचनामिति ॥ छ ।। इति क्षामणाकावचूर्णिणः॥ श्रीचंद्रसूरेः पादपंकजसेवनात् । दृल्धेयं प्रस्तुता वृत्तिः ॥श्रीयशोभद्रसूरिणा ॥१ एकादशशतैरधिकरशीत्या विक्रमो ज(गोतः॥ हे सहस्रे शतैरधिकैः सप्तमैग्रंथमानतः ॥२॥ पाक्षिकस्तुति Pāksikastuti No.962 1106 (37). 1891-95. Extent. - fol. 5. Description.- Three verses in all. Fo. other details see Nama skārainantra No. 736.. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- Hymns comprising 3 verses recited at the time of the fortnightly pratikramaņa. The first verse is a panegyric of Srutadevatā, the second, that of Bhavanadevi, and the third, that of Ksetradevata. 11 [J. L. P.] Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 322 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1962. Begins.-- fol. 5. ........कमलदलविपुलनयना कमलमपी(खी) कमलग समगौरी . कमले स्थिता भगवती ददातु श्रुतदेवता सौख्यं १ ज्ञानादिगुणयुतानां स्वाध्यायसंज(य)मरतानां .............. विदधातु भवनदेवी शिवं सदा सर्वसाधूनां २ Ends.---fol. यस्या(:) क्षेत्रं समाश्रित्य साधुभिः साध्यते क्रिया सा क्षेत्रदेवता नित्यं भूयान्मे मुखदायिनी ३ इति पाक्षिकस्तुतिः - Reference.- Published in several editions of the Pañcapratikra.. manasutras. In the Limbdi Catalague, Paksikastuti by ....... Balacandra in four verses in Sanskrit is noted as No. 1550. But it is difficult to say for certain as to what this work is. . .... . Narina नमोऽस्तु वर्धमानाय Namo'stu Vardhamānāya [वर्धमानस्तुति'] [Vardhamānastuti] . ........... .. .... 1106641). No.963 - 1891-95. Extent.- fol. sb. Description.- Complete ; 4 verses in all. For other details see ............. - Namaskāramantra No. 736. Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject.-- A small work in Sanskrit in four verses. The first of them is a hymn praising Lord Mahāvira alias Vardhamanasvamin; the second praises all the Tirthamkaras; the third, the speech of the Ganadharas i. e, scriptures and the fourth, Srutadevi. Begios.-- fol. sb नमो(s)स्तु वर्द्धमानाय स्पर्द्धमानाय कर्मणा तज्ज(ज)यावाप्तमोक्षाय परोक्षाय कुतीर्थ(र्थि)नां १ etc. 1 This is the name mentioned,by:the scribe. Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 964. ] til. 4 Malasatras Ends.-- fol. 5b कषायतापादित etc. up to विस्तरो गिरा ३ as the 3rd verse. श्वसिति सुरभिगंधालुन्धभंगी कुरंगं मुखशशिनमजलं बिभ्रती या बिभर्ति विकचकमलमुच्चैः सा(s)स्त्वचिंत्यप्रभावा सकलसुष(ख)विधात्री प्राणिभाजां श्रुतांगी इति श्रीवर्धमानस्तुतिः १ . Reference.-- The portion containing the ist 3 verses is published in various editions of Panca pratikramanasūtras. The succeeding verse does not seem to be a part and parcel of this work. There is a reference about this Namo'stu Vardhamānāya in Senapraśna where it is said that all recite the rest of this work after two verses are recited singly. . . ol. श्रमणसूत्र Sramaņasūtra (FHUET) ( Samaņasutta ) 251. No. 964 1871-72. Size = 10 in. by 4.5 in. . Extent.-- 6 folios : 6 lines to a page ; 26 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper rough and white; Devanägari cha racters; this contains the text and the tabba to a certain extent; the former written in a bigger hand ; clear and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; the last fol. written in somewhat smaller hand-writing ; condition very good; the text complete. Age.-- Not quite modern. ...... . Author.--- Not mentioned.. Subject:-- This work seems to be varionsly named e. g. Sāhupadi. .. kkamaņasutta and Yatipratikramaņasútra. The ending portion contains Addhāijjesu,' and the last two gāthas occurring in Vandittusūtra. I Sec p. 284. Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 524 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [964. Śramaņasūtra deals with the following topics :-- (1) त्वग्वर्तनस्थानातिचार, (2) गोचरातिचारप्रतिक्रमण, (3) स्वाध्याय. प्रतिचारप्रतिक्रमण, (4) एकविधादिप्रतिक्रमण, (5) तीर्थङ्करनमस्कार, (6) प्रवचनवर्णन, (7) अद्धानादिस्वरूप, (8) असंयमादित्याग, (१) मुनिवन्दन and (10) सर्वजीवक्षामण. Out of these the 4th topic refers to the following sub-topics: (1)३ दण्ड, ३ एप्ति, ३ शल्य, ३ गौरव and ३ विराधना; (2) ४ कषाय, ४ संज्ञा, ४ विकथा and ४ ध्यान ; (3) ५ क्रिया, ५ कामगुण, ५महाव्रत and ५समिति ; (4) ६ जीवनिकाय and ६ लेश्या; (5) ७ भयस्थान; (6) ८ मदस्थान; (7) ९ ब्रह्मचर्यगुप्तिः (8)१. श्रमणधर्म; (9) ११ उपासकप्रतिमा; (10) १२ भिक्षुप्रतिमा; (II) १३ क्रियास्थान; (72) १४ भूतग्राम ; (13) १५ परमाधार्मिक ; (14) १६ गाथाषोडश-समयादि अध्ययन : (15) १७ असंयम; (16) १८ अब्रह्म (17) १९ ज्ञाताध्ययन; (18) २० असमाधिस्थान; (19)२१ शबल; (20) २२ परीबह (21) २३ सूत्रकृताध्ययन; (:22) २४ देव ; ( 23 ) २५ भावना; (24) (24) २६ दशकल्पव्यवहारोद्देशकाल; (25) २७ अनगारगुण; (26) २८ आचारप्रकल्प ; (27) २९ पापश्रुत्र ; ( 28)३० मोहनीयस्थाम; (29) ३१ सिद्धगुण ; (30) ३२ योगसंग्रह and (31) ३३ आशातना. Begins.-- (text) fol. 1. श्रीगुरुभो(भ्यो) नमः इच्छामि पडिक्वमिङ पगामसिज्जाए निगामासज्जाए संथारा उवट(दृ). गाए परियट्टणाए पसारणाए आउंट्ट(ट)णाए छप्पिया संघटणाए कुईएक्कक्कराईए छीए ज(ज)माइए आमोसे ससरपा(क्सामोसे आउलमाउलाए स(सोयणवित्तियार etc. , -(com.) fol. " इच्छामि पडिक इच्छामि कहतां वाछउ पडिक्कमिया भणि च्यारि पुहर सुवइंकरि नइं अतिचार लागा हुइं घणि घेला शुवई करी जे अतीचार लागा हुई संथारा उतारणा टालि आधिक उपगरण घालिबई पुज्या पापई पासानेह फेरि तिणे करी डीलने अतिचार लागी हुइ etc. irds:-( text) fol. 6 आइ)ढाइ(जो दीवसहदेव पन्नरस कमामा (ध मीस जाति(त) केषि साहुरहू) रयहरणगुच्छपडिगा(ग)हधारा पंचमहब(ब्बोयधारा अट्टारस(स)ह(स्स)सीलंगधारा अक्खयायाराच(चरिता)ते सबै(ब्बे) सिरसा ममता मत्ये(त्यो एण बंदा(मि) छ Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Malasairas क्खामि सव (वे) जीवे सब्वे जीवा खमंतु मे मित्ती मे सव (स्व) भूएस वेरं मझं (ज्झं) न केणइ १ एवमहं आलोइय निंदिय गरीहिअ दुक्खं (गं) च्छिअ (पं) समं तिविण पडिकंतो वंदामि जिणे चउविश (सं) २ इति श्रीयतिप्र (ति) क्र (मण ) समापतं श्री ' सुरतबंदर ' मधे ल (षितं ) Ends.— ( com. ) fol. 3 लोभ कषायें करिने पडिक छु चिह्न संज्ञायहं करी जे अतिचार लागु आहारसंज्ञा करीनहं भयसंज्ञा करी मेथुनसंज्ञाये करी अतिचार ला परिग्रहसंज्ञाये करीने अतिचार. It ends thus abruptly. Reference.-- This is an old sütra to be found in the edition of Avasyakasutra containing Haribhadra Suri's commentary to it. See Agamodaya Samiti edition p. 573 ff. This work together with the balavabodha of Nayavimala Gani alias Jñanavimala Sūri has been published in Dayavimala Jaina Granthamālā as No. 6, in. A. D. 1917. The text is also published on pp. 24 to 42 of the edition of साधुप्रतिक्रमणादिसूत्राणि published by the Secretary of Sri ātmānanda Jaina Sabha, in A, D. 1921. 965.1 · श्रमणसूत्र No. 965 4 325 For a Sanskrit commentary of Śramaņasūtra see " श्रीभ्रमणप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रवृत्तिः " published in D. LJ. P. F. Series as No. 2 in A. D. 1911. Herein we have the vyakhyā ot करोमि भंते (Samayikasūtra ) on pra. This is followed by the vyākhyā of चत्तारि मंगल, चत्तारि लोगुत्तमा, चत्तारि सरण, ईर्यापथिकीसूत्र styled as गमनागमनातिचारप्रतिक्रमण etc. Śrmaṇasutra 1106 (51). 1891-95. Fxtent. -- fol. 8h to fol. rrb. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra No. 736. Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 326 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [965. Begins.--fol. 8' अर्हतो भगवंत इन्द्रमहिता सिद्धाश्च सिद्धिस्थिताः आचार्या जिनशासनोन्नतिकराः पूज्या उपाध्यायकाः। श्रीसिद्धान्तसुपाठका मुनिवरा रत्नत्रयाराधकाः ... पंचैते परेमेष्ठिनः प्रतिदिनं कुर्वन्तु नो मंगलम् ॥१॥' चत्तारि मंगलं अरिहंता मंगलं सिद्धामंगलं साडू मंगलं केवलिपन्नत्तो धम्मो मंगलं चत्तारि लोगूत्तमा अरिहंता लोगुत्तमा सिद्धा लोगुत्तमा साहू लोगुत्तमा - केवलिपन्नतो धम्मो लोगुत्तमो चत्तारि सरणं पवज्जामि अरिहंते सरणं पवज्जामि etc. Ends.-fol. IT' एवमहं आलोइअ निंदिअ गरिहिअ दुगंछिअ सम्म । तिबिहेण पडिक्कतो बंदामि जिणे चउध्वीसं ॥२.. ..... इति साधुप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रं समाप्तं ।। N. B.--For further particulars see No. 964. श्रमणसूत्र. .... .... Sramaņasūtra No. 966 1269 (40). ......... ..... ......... .. .... 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 4 to fol. 5.. Description.- Complete. For other details see Namaskāramantra - No.735. .. ........ .... . ... . Begins.-- fol. 4° इच्छामि पडिमियं पगामसिज्जाए etc. as is No. 964. Ends.- fol. sb अदा(डा)इ(ज्ज) etc. up to चउवीसं ।। as in No. 964. This is followed by 40 इति साहुपडिक्कमणसुत्तं ॥ छ etc. .. N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 964. 1 This verse is composed by Jinapadma Süri whose Nandimahotsava took place in Samvat 1389. This is what we learn from Kșamäkalyāņaka's Pattāvali (p. 121) referred to by Muni Himathsuvijaya in his article on this verse published in "Jain" (28th March 1937). Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 967.] III. 4. Malasatras ....... 327 178.. श्रमणसूत्र Sramaņasūtra No. 967 1875-76. Size.-- 104 in by 4; in. Extent.-16 folios ; 10 lines to a page; 28 letters to a line. Description.--Country paper rough and white; Devanagari char racters; big, clear and good hand-writing ; borders not ruled; toll. numbered in the right-hand margin only, fol. I blank; red chalk and yellow pigment used ; complete; condition very good. Age.- Samvat 1863. Begins.- fol. I' नमो अरिहंताणं etc. Ends.- fol. 166 एवमहं आलोइय निंदिय गरहिय दुग्गंछियं सव्वं । तिविहेण पडिकतो बंदामि जिणे चउव्वीसं ।। इति श्रीसाघुपतिक्रमणसूत्रं ' समाप्तं ।। संवत् १८६३ का मीति श्रावणवदि १४ मंगलवारे लिषतं वक्तराम लषणेओ मध्ये कल्याणमस्तु ।। N. B.-- For additional information see No. 964. I In the edition of Sadhupratikramapadisātrapi referred to in No. 954 on p. __we have the following works:-- (1) नवकारमन्त्र (p. 14),(2) करेमि भंते (p.1),(3) इच्छामि ठामि काउस्सग्गं जो मे देवसिओ (p.1b), (4) देवतिक अतिचार (ठाणे कमणे चंकमणे) (pp. 16-24), (5) रात्रिक अतिचार (संथारा उबट्टणकी) (p. 23), (6) श्रमणसूत्र (pp. 20-40), (7) पाक्षिक अतिचार (pp.40-6%), (8) पाक्षिकसूत्र (pp. 60-130), (9) पाक्षिकक्षामणा (p. 140), (10) अतिचारनी गाथा (सयणासणन्नपाण, one verse, p. 14° ), (11) गोचरीना ४७ दोष in 7 verses in Prakrit along with an explanation in Gujarats (pp. 14b-160), (12) गोचरी आलोववानो विधि in Gujarati (pp. 166-174), (13) स्थंडिलशुद्धिनो विधि (p. 174), (14) संथारापोरिसीनो विधि (p. 170), (15) पाक्षिक, चातुर्मासिक अथवा सांवत्सरिक प्रतिक्रमणमां कोइने छींक आवे तो तेनी शुद्धि करवानो विधि (pp 17b-189), (16) वार्षिक काउस्सग्ग करवानो विधि (p. 189) (17) सवारनी पडिलेहणा (p. 18-180), (18) सांजनी पडिलेहणा (pp. 186-194), 19) परिसीविधि (p. 199) and (20) प्रत्याख्यान पारवानो विधि (pp: 194-201..... Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 328 श्रमण सूत्र Jaina Literature and Philosophy No. 968 Extent. fol. 426 to fol. 46b. Description. Complete. For other details see No. 708. Begins fol. 42b Ends.- fol. 46b इच्छाकारेण संदिसह भगवम् उवट्टिओमि। अमितरपक्स्वियं खामेमि । पनरसन्हं दिवसापां पनरसन्हं राईणं etc. श्रमणसूत्र बालावबोधसहित No. 969 Srmanasūtra 1171 (c). 1887-91. 968. qaga etc. up to as in No. 967. This is followed by the line :- श्रीविधिसंघभट्टारकस्य चिरं नंदताद । N. B.- For further particulars see No. 964. Age.-- Pretty old. Author of the balavabodha.-- Not mentioned. Sramanasutra with balavabodha 1292. 1886-92. Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 7 folios; 13 lines to a page; 32 to 42 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with quars; this is a ferret Ms.; the text written in a bigger hand; the commentary in a smaller one; legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; fol. ra blank; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin, only; condition very good; both the text and its Gujarati explanation complete. Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 970.] Iti. 4 Malasatras 329 Şubject.--The text. in Prākrit together with its explanation in Gujarati, styled in the Ms. as laghuvrtti. In the text, we have in the beginning the indication of the sūtras to be recited before the recitation of the Gramaņasútra. Thus it tallies with the Sramaņasūtra published in the edition of साधुप्रतिक्रमणादिसूत्राणि noted on p. 325. Begins.--( text ) fol. I' नमो अरिहंताणं करोमि भंते चत्तारि मंगलं इच्छामि पडिकमि इरियावहियाए । इच्छामि (पडि)कमिङ पगामसिज्जाए निगाम सिज्जाए संथारा उबत्तणाए etc. - , -- (balao) fol. I' पहिल नवकार पछइ करेमि भंते पछइ चत्तारि मंगलं पूरु पछइ इच्छामि पडिकमाउं पछइ इरियावहीया कहाई etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 7 अड्राइजेसु दीवसमुद्देसउ । etc. up to चउव्वीसं ५० as ..... in No. 966. Then we have : इति प्रतिक्रमणासूत्र संपूर्ण ॥ ,, - (bālai) fol. 7 सर्व जीव हुँ खामउं अनइ सर्व जीव माहरइं किहसिउं नही इसी परिइंह(१) पाप आलोउं नंदउं आत्मा साषि गरहउं गुरु साषि वली वली निंदउं साथ । इम मानि वचनि काय करी पाप थिकु निवर्तउं तेह भणी चउव्वीसं जिनं वांदउं मांगलीक भणी ५० इति श्रीसाधूप्रतिक्रमणासूत्रलघू(घु)वृत्ति समाप्तः ॥ छ । ॥ छ । मझनई खमुं सर्व जीवसं मझनइ मैत्री हुवया श्रमणसूत्र Sramaņasūtra 613 (0). - No. 970 1884-86. Extent.---- fol. 21a to fol. 226. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Paksikasutra 613 (a). .. . No.1884-86..... -Begins.-fol. 21 ६० ए इच्छामि पडिक्कमिडं । पगामसिज्जाए । निमामसिज्जाए - उअत्तणाए। परिअत्तणाए। etc... Ends.- fol. 220 ........ . एवमालोईअ निंदिअ गरिहिअ दुगंच्छिअ (सम्म) तिविहेण पडिक्कंतो वंदामि जिणे चउव्वीसं । इति साधुप्रतिक्रमण समाप्तं N. B.-For further details see No. 964. 42 [J.L. P.] Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [97.. यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र Yatipratikramaņasūtraव्याख्यान vyākhyāna 217. No. 971 1873-74. Size.- 10 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 8 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper rough and whire%3 Devanagari cha racters; small, clear, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; fol. I blank; the first fol. partly worn out; otherwise the condition is good; complete. Age.-- Samvat 1851. Author.-- Śrītilaka Sari. Subject.--A commentary in Sanskrit on Yatipratikramanasutra. Begins.- fol. I श्रीवीरजिनवरेंद्रं नत्वा स्तुत्वा च स्वस्य बोधकते। वक्ष्यामि व्याख्यानं यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रस्य ॥१॥ इह सर्व पंचपरमेष्ठिनमस्कारपूर्वकं कर्म कर्तव्यमित्यादौ संप्रपद्यते समभावस्थेन प्रतिक्रमितव्यमित्यतः सामायिकसूत्रं करेमि भंते इत्यादि उच्चर्यते etc. Ends.-- fol. 8' इत्थेगईया दुच्चेणं भवग्गहणेणं सत्त भवग्गहणाइं नाइकमंति तस्मात् पालेमि पालिंतो इत्यपि पठतां श्रेय एव मन्यते ॥ इति श्रीतिलकाचार्यविरचिता साधुप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रवृत्तिः समाता ॥ संवत् १८५१ वर्षे श्री बेनातट'ग्रामे लिखितं कमनंदनमुनिना श्रीरस्तुः ॥ Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 331 973.] III. 4 Malasatras यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र Yatipratikramaņasūtraव्याख्यान vyākhyāna 802. No.972 1892-95. Size:-- 103 in. by 4g in. Extent.-- II folios; 13 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Devanagari characters; big, legible but poor hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too, but rarely; the last line on the last fol. written in red ink; condition very good; complete. Age.- Does not appear to be old. Subject.- A small commentary on Yatipratikramaņasūtra based upon the preceding work, if not identical with it, Begins.-- fol. I' पंडि( त )श्रीशुभविजयगणिगुरुभ्यो नमः ।। श्रीवीरजिनवरेन्द्रं नमासत्वा स्वल्पबुद्धिबोधकृते । वक्ष्यामि व्याख्यानं यतिप्रतिक्रमणस्य सूत्रस्य ॥१॥ etc. Ends.-- fol. II मुच्चंति । परिनिव्वंति सव्वदुक्खाणमंतं करंति । अच्छेगइया दुच्चण भवग्गहणणं । सत्तह भवग्गहणाई नाइक्कमति तस्मात् पालेमि । इत्यपि पठतां । श्रेय एवेति गम्यते । इति यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रावचूर्णिः॥ पंडितश्री५ शुभविजयगणिशिष्याणुना लालविजयेन लिपीलता । शुभ भवतु etc. Reference.-- See B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 397. यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र Yatipratikramaņasūtram वृत्ति vrtti No. 973 646. 1884-86. Size. — 101 in. by 4.3 in. Extent,-6 folios ; 19 lines to a page ; 82 letters to a line. Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [973 Description.- Country paper very thin, rough and white; Deva nagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; very small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; the space between the pairs coloured red ; red chalk used ; foll. numbered twice in the right-hand margin, once as८७६,८७७ etc. and once as १,२ etc.; this Ms. contains the sales of the text; complete; condition very good. Age. - Samvat I497. Begins.-fol. 1 || ६0 ॥ अहे ।। नत्वा श्रीवीरजिनं संक्षिप्तरुचीननुग्रहीतुमनाः। . . सुगमीकरोमि किंचिद् यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रमहं ॥ १ etc. Ends.- fol. 6° समाप्ता चेयं यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रवृत्तिः ॥ छ । ... इति साधुप्रतिक्रमणवृत्तिः संपूर्णा ॥ छ ॥ श्री संवत् १४९७ वर्षे मार्गशीर्षवदि ११ शुक्रे श्री खरतरं गच्छे उपाध्यायश्रीजयसागराणामुपदेशेन साधुप्रतिक्रमणवृत्तिलिखिता ॥ सा चिरं नंदतु ॥ छ । . . . शिवमस्तु सर्वजगतः परहितनिरता भवंतु भूतगणाः । दोषाः प्रयांतु नाशं सर्वत्र सुखीभवतु लोकः ।। छ । श्रीरस्तु षडावश्यकसूत्र Şa dāvasyakasūtra लघुवृत्तिसहित with laghuvịtti No. 974 597. 1895-98.. Size.— 10 in. "by 41 in. Extent.- (text) 16 folios ; 7(8) lines to a page ; 44 letters to a -,-(com.) , , Io(?) lines to a page ; 6o-letters to a. line. line. Description.-Country paper rough, thin and grey; Devanagari ... characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; this is a त्रिपाटी Ms.; the hand-writing of the text is slightly bigger than that of the commentary ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 974.] Age.-— Old. Author of the commentary. - Śritilaka Šūri, pupil of Śivaprabha Suri, successor of Cakra Sūri. See No. 975. III. 4 Malasatras 333& margin only; edges of a few foll. slightly worn out; a part of the last fol. torn; condition tolerably good; the text and the commentary complete; extent of the commentary 200 ślokas. Subject. The pratikramaņasūtras commencing with Navakāra and ending with Vandittusūtra together with their explanation in Sanskrit. To mention in details, the sutras are as under: " - ( 1 ) नवकार, ( 2 ) इरियावहिय, ( 3 ) तस्स उत्तरी, (4) अनत्थ, ( 5 ) नमुत्थु णं up to जियभयाणं, ( 6 ) लोगस्स, ( 7 ) सुगुरुवन्दनसूत्र, ( 8 ) इच्छाकारेण etc. जो मे देवासओ अइयारो कओ etc., ( 9 ) अब्भुओ, ( 10 ) प्रत्याख्यानs such as उग्गए सूरे चउविहं उपवास, पोरिसी, पुरिम, विगई, आयंबिल, एकासण etc., and ( 11 ) वंदित्सूत्र. Begins.--( text) fol. 1b णमो अरिहंताणं णमो सिद्धाणं णमो आयरियाणं णमो उवज्झायाणं णमो लोए सव्व साहूणं १ इच्छाकारेण संदिस्सह भगवन इरियावहियं पंडिकमामि etc. -0 (com) fol. rb अहे ॥ श्रीवीरजिनवरेंद्र वंदित्वा चैत्यवंदनादीनि अल्परुचिसत्त्वहेतोर्विवरिष्ये गमनिकामात्रं १ ' "इह चैत्यवंदनादीनां वृत्तिरारब्धा ॥ एवं इरिया वहीयाए || अपाडेकंताए । कप्पइ किंचि । चेईवंदणसज्झाया ईत्यागमात् ॥ प्रथमैयापथिकीसूत्रमेव व्याख्यायते । तच्चेदं इच्छामीत्यादि । इच्छामि अभिल खा ( प ) | प्रतिक्रमितुं निवर्त्तितुं । ईरणं ईर्ष्या गमनं । तयुक्तः पंथा ईर्यापथः । सूत्रभवा । ऐर्यापथिकी विराधना etc. - न Ends. (text) fol. 16b एवमहं आलोईय: निंदिय गहिय दुर्गाच्छियं सम्मं । तिविहेण पडिक्कतो वंदामि जिणे चउव्वीसं ५० इति श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रं ॥ 11 1 This very verse occurs in Nos. 847 and 848. Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [974 Ends.- (com.) fol. 16° संप्रति प्रतिक्रमणं निगमयन् पर्वतमंगलमाह । एवमि त्यादि । एवं प्रतिकमणसूत्रमाणितप्रकारेणालोच्य निंदित्वा गर्हित्वा जुगु. प्सित्वा त्रिविधेन क्रांतः चतुर्विंशतिजिनान वंदे नमस्करोमीत्यर्थः ॥ ५० ॥ इति प्रतिक्रमणविवरणं ॥ इति श्रीश्रीतिलकाचार्यविरचिता ॥ श्लोकशतद्वयप्रमाणा श्रावकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रलघुवृत्तिः समर्थिता ॥ पड़ावश्यकसत्र Şa dāvasyakasūtra.लप्रवृत्ति laguvrtti No. 975 __136. 1872-73. Size.- In in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 18 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.--Country paper very thin, rough and white; Deva någari characters; small, clear and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in red ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; fol. I blank ; edges:of several foll. slightly damaged; condition tolerably good; complete ; this Ms. contains the gates of the text. Age.-Pretty old. Author.-Śrītilaka Sūri. Subject.-A small commentary in Sanskrit, explaining some of the ___satras. For comparison see Nos. 847 and 848. Begins.- fol. 1 श्रीजिनाय नमः ॥ श्रीवीरजिनवरेंद्र etc. as in No. 974. Ends.-- fol. 18 संप्रति प्रतिक्रमणं etc., up to प्रतिक्रमणविवरणं as n No. 974. This is followed by the lines as under : समाप्तं ॥ श्रीचक्रमरि रुपट्टमहोदयाद्रि प्रद्योतनोपमशिवप्रमसरिशिष्यः। । श्रीमापदस्तिलकसूरिरधीधनो(७)पि श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रमिदं वववे ॥१ इति श्रीतिलकाचार्य etc., practically as in No. 974, Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 996.) 111. 4. Malasatras षडावश्यकसूत्र Şa dāvasyakasūtra अनुष्ठानविधि with Anusthāna vidhi (वन्दारुवृत्ति)सहित ( Vandāruvștti ) No. 976 1235. 1884-87. Şize.- II} in. by 4 in. Extent. - So folios; 16 lines to a page ; 58 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Devanagari characters with TASTIS; small, legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; unnumbered sides have a small disc in red colour in the centre; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; red chalk used; fol. 1a blank ; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged ; condition tolerably good; both the text and the vịtti complete. Age. - Samvat 1616. Author of the text.-- More than one saint. » » » commentary.- Devendra Súri, pupil of Jagaccandra Sūri, originator of the Tapā gaccha. Over and above this Vandāruvștti, Devendra Sūri has composed the following works :( 1 ) Śrāddhadinakstyavstti. (2)3 Karmavipāka and its svopajña 4 commentary, (3) Karmastava (4) Bandhasvämitva (5) Şadaśīti (6) Šataka (7) Siddhapancaśikäsútravștti. 1 The scribe has noted this work as Srăvakānuşthănavidhi. It can be also styled as Upāsakānuşthānavidhi ( vide v. I, p. 336). 2. This work is quoted on p. 2 in the svopajña commentary on Karmavipäka. There it is named as Dinakstyațīkā. Here the page-number refers to the edition mentioned on p. 336. 3 Works 2-6 (text) are collectively known as 5 Navya Karmagranthas. They are mentioned in Gurvivali (v. 117 ) and in Gurugunaratnākarakävya (v. 40). 4. Svopajña-Karmavipāka is alluded to on p. 67 in the gvopajña commentary on Karmastava, and svopajña Karmavipākatīkā on p. 79 of the syapajña commentary on Karmastava as well as on pp. 164 and 183 of the svopejsa commentary on Sadasīti. Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7336 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (8) Dharmaratnaprakaraṇabṛhadvṛtti. (9) Sudarśanacaritra. (10) Caityavandanãdibhāṣyatraya. (11) Siri-Usabha-Vaddhamanäitthava. (12) Siddhadaṇḍikā. (13) Cattari-aṭṭha-dasagāthāvivarana. 23 According to Gurvavali (v. 147) Devendra Suri died in Samvat 1327. He must have been made a Suri in a year not earlier than Samvat 1285. Vijayacandra Sūri seems to have been made a Suri after his sūripada. See Gurvāvali (v. 107). Subject. A number of sutras meant to be recited by a Jaina while performing the religious duties. They are explained in Sanskrit along with narratives. In this explanation 1 are quoted several gathās from the Caityavandanabhāṣya and Guruvandana bhāṣya. f Begins. (text) fol. 1 at gard etc. - For his life in Gujarāti see "Prastāvanā" (pp. 16-20) to four Karmagranthas and their commentaries published by Jaina Atmananda Sabha, in A. D. 1934. [:976. ( com. ) fol. rb ॥ ६० ॥ ॐ नमः सर्वज्ञाय ॥ बंदारुवृंदारकर्तृदबंर्थ प्रणम्य वीरं जितमारवीरं । उपासकानामुपकारहेतो- - वक्ष्याम्यनुष्ठानविधि सुबोधं ॥ १ इह तावच्छ्रावकेणापि प्रत्यहं त्रीन पंच सप्त वा वारान् दर्शनविशुद्धयर्थ चैत्यवंदनाभिधेया | etc. Ends. (text) fol. 5ob a etc., up to fato as in No. 984. (com..) fol. 5ob is mixgag¶dga etc., up to Ta nachgentiâ as in No. 983. This is followed by the lines as under : This is based upon Brhadvṛtti and Curņi. See p. 342. Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 977.] III.4 Malasatras 337 ग्रं० २७२८ ॥ सं० १६१६ वर्षे कार्तिक शु.१ भौमवासरे श्री अहि. मदनगर' वास्तव्यमहं श्रीलटकणभार्यापूतलि श्रुतमहंनाथाभानायकहे ज्ञाताधर्मकथांगपुस्तिका उद्धरिता ॥ Reeference. The text along with Vändaruvștti is published in A. D. 1912 in the D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 8. It' is again published with this very commentary in A. D. 1928 by Rşabhadevaji Kesarimalaji Samsthā, Rutlam. The sūtras given in the text of this Ms. occur in one or the other printed edition of Pañcapratikramaņasútras noted in No. 730. For description of Mss. having the text and Vandāruvrtti, see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, pp. 399-400. षडावश्यकसूत्र Şa dāvasyakasutra अनुष्ठानविधिसहित with Anusthānavidhi No. 977 1347. 1886-92. Size.- 101 in. by 43 in Extent.- 58 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 54 letters to a line. 1 Herein we find the followirg 27 sūtras :-- (1) नवकारमंत्र (p.2), (2) ईपिथिकी (p.24), (3) तस्स उत्तरी (p. 27), (4) अन्नत्य (p. 27), (5) प्रणिपातदण्डक (शकस्तव ) (p. 29ff.),(6) चैत्यस्तवदण्डक (अरिहंत चेइयाणं) (p. 36), (7) चतुर्विंशतिस्तव (p. 40), (8) पुक्खरवर (p. 45), (9) सिद्धाणं बुद्धाणं (p. 49), (10) वेयावच्चगराणं (p. 53), (11) जय वीयराय (p. 54). (12) वन्दनकसूत्र (सुगुरुवन्दन) (p. 63), (13) देवसिकाले चना (p:67), (14) सव्वस्स वि (p. 68), (15) अन्नहिओ (p. 68), (16) उग्गए सूरे पच्चक्खाण (p. 71), (17) पोरिसीपच्चक्खाण (p. 72 ), ( 18 ) पुरिमट्टपच्चक्वाण ( p. 73 ), (19) एगासणपच्चक्खाण (p. 73 ), (20) एगट्टाणपच्चक्खाण (p. 74), (21) आयंबिलपच्चक्वाण (p. 74 f), ( 22 ) अब्भट्रपच्चक्खाण (p. 75), (23) दिवसचरियंपच्चक्वाण (p. 76), (24) अंगुसहियपच्चक्वाण (p.76), (25) विगइपच्चक्खाण (p.76), (26) करोमि भंते (p.85) and (27) वंदित्तु (p. 86ff). 43 [J.LP.] Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 338 Description. Ì 977. Jaina Literature and Philosophy Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with occasional S; very small, legible, good and uniform hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; fol. ra blank; both the text and the commentary complete; condition very good; fol. 58b practically blank; for, only fafa etc. written on it; extent 2720 slokas. Age. Pretty old. Begins. 39 -- "" (text) fol. 1bar afgaroi etc. (com.) नमो वीतरागाय ॥ बंदारुवृंदारकवृंदवंद्यं etc. as in No. 976. "" Ends.--(text) fol. 58a gang etc., up to practically as in No. 976. - - (com.),, कंठ्याः नवरं etc., up to वरचूर्णिणतश्व as in No. 982. This is followed by षड़विध आवश्यकविधिः छ एवं ग्रंथाग्रं २७२० छ etc. N. B. For further particulars see No. 976. دو as in No. 976. ور Sa dāvaśyakasutra with Anusthāna vidhi षडावश्यक सूत्र अनुष्ठानविधिसहित No. 978 Size. 10 in. by 44 in. Extent. 63 folios; 15 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin, rough and greyish; Devanagari characters with occasional ; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. nunbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 63; edges of the first and last foll. slightly damaged ; strips of paper pasted to fol. 63b; condition on the whole good; both the text and its commentary complete; extent 2778 (?) slokas. 196. 1873-74. Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 979.] Age. Pretty old. Begins. دو Ends. (text) fol. 63a "9 III: 4 Malasatras (text) fol. 1 gari etc. ~( com. ) fol. rb ॐ नमो भगवते श्रीपंचपरमेष्टि ॥ rar etc. as in No. 976.. -- e etc; as in No. 976. ( com. ) fol 634 'मल्परुचिसव etc., up to चूर्णितश्र्व ॥ १ ॥ as in No. 977. This is tollowed by the line as under :-- इति श्रावकानुष्ठानविधिः ॥ ग्रंथाग्रं २७२७८ ( ? ) ॥ छ ।! etc. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 976. as in No. 976. 339 Sa dāvasyakasutra with Anusthānavidhi 405. 1880-81. षडावश्यकसूत्र अनुष्ठानविधिसहित No. 979 Size.-11 in. by 4 in. Extent. 50+ 1-8 + 1 = 44 folios, 15 lines to a page; 67 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin and grey; Devanagari characters with gears; small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered twice in one and the same margin, once as 1, 2, etc. and once as 703, 704 etc.; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. 1a; edges of the first few foll. more or less worn out; unnumbered sides decorated with a small circular disc in red ink in the centre; the numbered, with two more, one in each of the two margins; the 3rd fol. repeated; foll. 5 to 12 lacking; fol. 735 repeated; the last fol. numbered as 751 and 50 as well; a piece of paper of the size I Letters are gone owing to the corresponding portion of the paper worn out. Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 340 Age. Seems to be old. Begins. در Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 979. of a fol. affixed to the last fol. extent 2720 slokas; condition fair. در (text) fol. 1 -- ( com. ) fol. rh roi etc. ६० ॥ श्रीसर्वज्ञाय ॥ r etc. as in No. 976. Ends. (text) fol. 55b एवमहं आलोइय निंदिय गरहिय दुगंछियं सम्मं । तिविहेण पडिक्कतो वंदामि जिणे चउव्वीसं ॥ ५० ॥ -- (com) fol. 51 इत्येवमल्परुचि सत्त्वाविबोधनाय वरचूर्णितश्व as in No. 977. श्रीषडावश्यक वृत्तिः संपूर्णा । ग्रंथाग्रं २७२० ॥ N. B. For further particulars see No. 976. षडावश्यक सूत्र अनुष्ठानविधिसहित No. 980 etc., up to This is followed by इति Şaḍāvasyakasūtra with Anusthāna vidhi 300. A. 1883-84, Size.-- 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 61 folios; 15 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters with Is; bold, small, legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; the oth fol. slightly torn; on fol. 28a there is a tabular representation of the lengths of shadows in different months; foll. 41 to 43 and 50 and 51 damaged in three places; a bit of paper pasted to fol. 5oa; condition tolerably good; both the text and the commentary complete, Age. Appears to be old. Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 981.] III. 4 Malasatras 341 Begins.- (text) fol. b नमो अरहंताणं etc., as in No. 979. , -- (com. ) fol. ' वृंदारुवृंदारक etc., as in No. 976. Ends.--( text ) fol. 65 एवमहं आलोइय etc., as in No. 976. , -- ( com. ) fol. 61 इत्येवमल्परुचि etc., up to वर्णितश्च as in No. 977. This is followed by the line as under :-- षड्विध आवश्यकविधेः ॥ एवं ग्रंथं ७२५ ॥ N. B.- For further particulars see No. 976. षडावश्यकसूत्र Şadāvasyakasūtra अनुष्ठानाविधिसहित with Anusthānavidhi 347 No. 981 A. 1882-83. Size.--94 in. by 43 in. Extent.-- 78 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, brittle and grey ; Devanāgari characters ; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink and edges singly; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual ; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. 1° and one similarly affixed to fol. 786 : red chalk and yellow pigment used; both the text and the commentary incomplete as the Ms. ends abruptly; the text goes up to the 47th verse of Vandittusūtra. Age.-- Saṁvat 1737 Begins.-- ( text ) fol 1 नमो अरिहंताणं etc., as in No. 976. ,, - ( com. ) fol. I सकलपंडितपुरंदरपं०श्रीपश्रीलक्ष्मीविजयगणिचरणे. भ्यो नमः। प्रणौमि महिमांमेयं वामयं तं जगद्गुरुं। ईप्सितार्थप्रदातारं श्रीमज्जीरपुरी'प्र ॥१॥ वृंदारुवृंदारक etc., as in No. 980. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 79* मम मंगलमरिहंता ॥ ४७ ॥ ,, -- ( com.) fol. 79" इहापि जीवयोग्यतायां सत्यामपि तथा तथा प्रत्यूह व्यूहनिराकरणेन देवा अपि यक्षांबाप्रभूतयः समाधिबोधिदानेन समर्था भवति मेतार्यादिरिवत्यंतो न निरर्थका तत्प्रार्थने. This Ms. ends thus. N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 976. Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 342 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [982. षडावश्यकसुत्रः Sadāvaśyakasūtra अनुष्ठानाविधिसहित with Anusthānavidhi No. 982 1233 1891-95. Size.-- 104 in. by 41 in. Extent.--47- 12 - I = 34 folios ; 17 lines to a page; 54 letters to a line. . Description.--Country paper very thin, rough and greyish; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible, and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll: numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. ra blank; this Ms. contains the text as well as the commentary; foll. I7 to 28 and 36 missing ; otherwise complete; a bit of paper pasted to fol. 47°; edges of the first and last foll. slightly worn out ; condition tolerably good ; extent 2720 ślokas. Age.-- Samvat 1469. Begins.- (text) fol. b नमो अरिहंताणं १ नमो सिद्धाणं etc. as in No. 981. , - ( com.) fol. 1 ॥ ६ ॥ ॐ नमः श्रीसर्वज्ञाय बंदारुबंदारकवृंदवंयं etc. as in No. 976. Ends.-- ( text ) fol. 47 एवमहं आलोइय । निंदि० ॥ ५० ॥ , -- (com.) fol. 47b. इत्येवमल्परुचिसत्त्वविबोधनाय श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रविवृत्तिरेषा । किंचिन्मया प्रकटिता(ड)त्र तु विस्तरार्थों ज्ञेयो वृहद्विवृतितो वरचूर्णितश्च षट्रि ४॥ आवश्यकविधि ॥ ग्रंथानं ॥ २७२० संवत् १४६९ वर्षे आषाढसुदि २ गुरौ लिषितं N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 976.. Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .983. j Age. — Samvat 1524. Begins.-- ( com. ) fol. 3 षडावश्यक सूत्र अनुष्ठानविधिसहित No. 983 Size.-- 11‡ in. by 44 in. Extent. - 31 - 2 = 29 folios ; 21 lines to a page; 70 letters to a line. " ril. 4 Description.— Country paper thin and white; Devanagari chara cters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; small, clear and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; black ink used instead of yellow pigment; numbers for some of the foll. entered twice in the righthand margin ; foll. I and 2 lacking ; otherwise both the text and the commentary complete; condition very good. Ends~~ ( text ) fol. 31b I Malasatras मस्तिष्टा च साधकं । अनेनापकृतं किं ते कथय श्लथय क्रुधं ॥ ७२ ॥ बभाषे राक्षसोऽप्येष चिकीर्षुर्मा वशे ( s) य तत् । सप्तरात्रक्षुधार्त्तेन महामांसं मया ( S)र्यते ॥ ७३ ॥ etc. Şaḍavasyakasūtra with Anusthānavidhi 676 1875-76. • ( com. ) fol. 6b अधुना चैत्यवंदना सा त्रिधा ॥ नवकारेण जहन्ना दंडगथुइजुयलमज्झिमा नेया । संना उक्कोसा विहिणा खल बंदणा विविहा ॥ एवमहं आलोइय निंदिय मरहिय दुगंछियं सम्मं । तिविहेण पडिक्कंतो वंदामि जिणे चउवीसं ॥ I 343 ( com. ) fol. 31° सांप्रतं प्रतिक्रमणाध्ययनमुपसंहरन्नवसाने मंगलप्रदर्शनार्थमाह । This is followed by the verse noted above. Then we have : कंठ्या । नबरं दुगंछियं सम्मं ति । जुगुप्सितत्वात्सम्यगिति ॥ इत्येवमल्परुचिसत्त्वविबोधनाय । 'श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र विवृत्तिरेषा || This is same as Vandittusütra. Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [983. किंचिन्मया प्रकटिता(s)त्र तु विस्तरार्थों ज्ञेयो बृहद्विवृतितो वरचूर्णितश्च ॥१॥ इति श्रीश्रावकानुष्ठानविधिः समाप्तः। ग्रं० २७२० ॥ अक्षरमात्र etc. श्रीश्रमणादिचतुर्विधसंघश्रेयोऽस्तु । सं० १५२४ वर्षे आश्विनवदि २ मंगले। N. B.- For other details see No. 976. षडावश्यकसूत्र अनुष्ठानविधि तथा टब्बा सहित Sa dāvasyakasūtra with Anusthānavidhi · and tabbā 403 1880-81. No. 984 Size.- 9 in. by 4g in. Extent.--/ text ) 228 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. ,-(tabba) , , , , , ,; 44 " "" " Description.- Country paper thick and white; Devanagari chara cters; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in red ink and edges singly; red chalk used ; yellow pigment rarely; fol. I. blank ; this Ms. contains the text, its commentary in Sanskrit and its explanation in Gujarāti; a piece of paper almost of the same size as the fol. pasted to an edge of fol. 228°; on this is written the table of contents of some of the narratives like सृगावतीकथा, नरवर्मकथा etc.; the commentary furnishes us with many stories illustrating the different vows; all complete, condition very good.... Age.- Samvat I781. Author of the tabba- Devakusala. Subject. -The pratikramaņasútras fora Jaina layman together with their elucidation in Sanskrit and their explanation in Gujarati. Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98.] III. 4 Malasatras Begins.-- ( text ) fol. 2' नमो अरिहंताणं । नमो सिद्धाणं etc. . ,, - (com.) fol. 5 श्रीशारदाय नमो नमः ॥ - वृंदारद्वंदारकवृंदवंयं । प्रणम्य वीरं जितमारवीरं ॥ उपासकानामुपकारहेतो वक्ष्याम्यनुष्ठानाविधि(धि) सुबोधं ॥ १॥ etc. » --( țabbā ) fol. sa बालानां सुहितार्थाय देवादिकुशलो बुधः । वृंदारुवृत्तिसूत्रस्य टबाथै लिष्यते मया ॥ वांदवानो शील छई जेहनूं एहवे देवताइं समूहहं वांद्या छई etc. Ends. - (text ) fol. 228a एवमहं आलोईय निंदीय गरहीअ दुगंच्छिय सम्म । तिवेहण पडिक्क्रतो बंदामी जिणे चोवीसं ॥५०॥ , -- ( com.) fol. 228a . इत्येवमल्परुचिसत्त्वविबोधनाय श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रविवृत्तिरेषा किंचिन्मया प्रकाटताऽत्र विस्तरार्थो ज्ञेयो बृहद्विवृतितो बरचूर्णितश्च षविध आवस्यक वित्ति ईवं संघ २७००२० जिनसासनाय सर्वामित्मुमतिज्ञानेंदुकांतिविराजमानसर्वागावयवयसुंदरभट्टारकश्रीसोमतिलकपाद. शिष्यलवेन लषितमस्ति इति श्रीवृंदारकवृत्यसूत्र संपूर्ण समाप्तः संवत् १७८१ना वर्षे जेष्ट मुदि १३ रवौ वारे सकलपंडितश्री१०८प्रधरकवि. कुलालंकारमुगटामाणपंडितश्रीसंघचंद्रगणिशिष्यपंडितश्रीलालचंद्रगाणतवशिष्यपं मंगलदगणिचेलामाणकचंदपठनार्थे चीरंजीवी ॥ श्रीगोडीजी प्रसादात् श्री पत्तन्न'नगरे । - (tabba ) fol. 228°ए छ प्रकार आवश्यकनो विधि कहिओ ग्रंथान २७००२० । टबार्थेन कृता बुद्धे देवकुसलेन लिषिता पं.देवकुसलेन 'जीर्णदुर्ग'मध्ये सूत्रटबाथै कृत्यते संवत्संजमसररस( १७५६ )मिते हि वर्षे सुमाघसिते पक्षे दशमीशुं रवौ पूरणौ लिषितं 'जीर्णदुरगे'(७)स्मिन् 'वेलाउल बंदरे ग्रंथाग्रंथ सर्व मलीने ३२५० , जी । जेहबुं दीढं तेह लष्यु छे । ____ इति श्रीवृंदारुवृत्तसूत्रटबो संपूर्ण समाप्तः पं०मंगलचंद्रेण लषितं गणिमाणकचंदपठनार्थ ॥ N. B.-- For additional information see No. 976. 44 [J.L.P.1 Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 346 Jaina Literature and Philosophy षडावश्यक सूत्र eggrafafa तथा टब्बा सहित No. 985 Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. (text) 181 folios; 7 lines to a page; 34 letters to a line. -(tabbā),, در 39 در ; "2 "2 "" Description. Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters; this Ms. contains the text as well as the tabbă; the former written in a very big hand whereas the latter in a very small one; legible and tolerably good hand-writing borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; foll. numbered in both the margins as usual; foll. ra and 181b blank; fol. 126th wrongly numbered as 125 in the right-hand margin; similar is the case with fol. 179th; the text, the tīkā and the tabba complete; extent 2700 slokas. در Şaḍāvasyakasūtra with Anusthānavidhi and ṭabbā उपाशकानामुपकारतो Ends. (text) fol. 179b دو رو ز در [985. در Age. Samvat 1801(?). Author of the tabba-Pandita Devakuśala. See No. 984. Subject. The text and a Sanskrit commentary to Saḍāvasyakasutra together with an interlinear explanation in Gujarāti. Begins (text) fol. 1 a garoj etc. 22 Y -- ( com. ) fol. r ॥ ६० ॥ श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः Zanzarazza प्रणम्य वीरं जितमारवीरं fagraggianâfa gari etc. - ( tabba ) fol. 1 ॥ ६० ॥ श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ anoni sitariu Jaritgadì gu: वृंदारुवृत्तिसूत्रस्य बार्थ लषीते मया १ etc. 769 1875-76. एवमहं आलोइय नदिय गरीहीय दुर्गच्छीय सवं तिवीण पडीकंतो | वंदामि जणे चोउवीश ५० Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 986.1 iii. 4 Malasatras Ends-- ( com. ) fol. 1798 नवर दुगंधिय शम्मं ति जुगुप्सित्वा सम्यगतिं इत्येवमल्परुचिसत्त्वविबोधनाय श्रीश्राद्धप्रतीक्रमणसूत्रवृर्तिरेषा कंचिन्मया प्रगटिता अत्र वीस्तरतारथे ज्ञेयो वृहद्विवृतितो वरचूर्णितव || "" 347 — ( tabba ) fol. 179° षद्व आवश्यकवृत्ति इदं संबंधं पं० देवकुशलेण बार्थतं परोपकारायः ॥ ग्रंथाग्रंथ श्लोक सख्या सतावीसे २७०० विश २० ॥ श्लोकसंख्या कृतं ॥ इति श्रीवृंदारवृतग्रंथ समाप्तं सपूर्ण भवति ॥ संवत १८०१ मूना वर्षे वेसाषवद १३ दिने वारबुधे नक्षत्र अश्वनि योग सोभाग्य पंचमो ५ दृष्टिकरणे कृष्णपक्षे उष्णमासे || श्रीशेजयकर मोक्ष्यनाद्य अनेक शुक्रतकारक महोउपाध्याय श्री श्री १९ श्री भानुचंद्रगणी ततः सीध्यपंडितश्रीश्री श्री भाव चंद्रगणी तत्शीष्यपंडितश्री श्रीकनकचंद्रगणी ततः सीष्यitsar कपूरचंद्रगणी तत्शिष्य पंडित श्री ५ श्री मया चंद्रगणी तत्शीष्यपंडितश्रीभक्तिचंद्रगणी तत्शिष्य पं. श्रीउदयचंद्रगणी तत्शीषगणी उत्तमचंदलपीकृत आतमै पठनार्थं । श्रीमहावीरप्रसादात् श्री' डीसा 'नगरे श्रीरस्तु कल्याणमस्तु ॥ याद्रीसं पुस्तकं..... जत्नेन परीपालयेत् ३ fol. 180° ए छए प्रकारे आवशकनो विध कहीउ छिं || ए शंबंध वृंदारवृतनो पं. देवकुशले टबाऽर्थनी रचना करी छि || पारका उपगारनि हेते करी छिं ग्रंथाग्रंथश्लोकसंख्या २७०० विश २० श्लोकनी ए शंष्या कृतां इति श्रीवृंदारसपूर्ण समाप्ता संपूर्ण भवति संवत् १८१२ ना वरषे जेष्ठ शुद २ दने वार चामे लषु पुरु भयो छि सही ॥ वृत अनुष्ठान विधि (वन्दारुवृत्ति) No. 986 Size. 101 in. by 48 in. Extent.— 48 folios; 17 lines to a page; So letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough and white, Devanagari characters ; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; this Ms. contains mostly the safes of the text; complete; edges of the first and last few foll. slightly worn out; condition tolerably fair ; extent 2720 (?) slokas. Anusthānavidhi (Vandāruvrtti) 641 1884-86. Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 388 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [987 Age.- Pretty old. Author.-Devendra Suri. For details see No. 976. Subject.-An explanation of Sadavasvakasutra. Begins.-- fol. 10 ॥ ज० ॥ ॐ नमः श्रीसर्वज्ञाय दारुवदारकवंदयं प्रणम्य वीरं जितमारवीरं ।।। उपासकानामुपकारहेतो वक्ष्याम्यनुष्ठानविधिं सुबोधं ॥१॥ etc. Ends.-- fol. 486 इत्येवमल्परुचिसत्त्वविबोधनाय श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रविवृत्तिरेषा किंचिन्मया प्रकटिता । अ(s)व तु विस्तरार्थो बृहट्टत्तितो वरचूर्णितश्च ज्ञेयः ॥ छ । इति षड्विधावश्यकविधिः समाप्ता ॥ छ । ग्रंथागं ७२० (2)॥छ । शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । Reference.- Published. See No. 976. षडावश्यकसूत्र Şa dāvasyakasūtra वन्दारुवृत्त्यवचूर्णि with Vandaruvrttyसहित avacūrņi 1346 No. 987 1886-92. Size.- IoT in. by 41 in. Extent.- (text) 22 folios; s lines to a page ; 28 letters to a line. ___ , -(com.) , , ; 16 ,, ,, ,, ; 44 , ,,, Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanāgari cha racters%3 bold, clear, big and good hand-writing%3; borders ruled in four lines in black ink and edges in two in red ink; this is a पश्चपाटी Ms. ; red chalk used ; yellow pigment, too%3; ___fol. I blank; a small strip of paper pasted to fol. 103; edges of the first and the last foll. worn out; condition fair; the text and its commentary complete so far as they go. - It appears that this line should be as under: "शेयो बृहद्वितितो परचूर्णितश्च" Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 988. 1 Age.— Pretty old. Author of the avacūrni. -- Not mentioned. ill. 4 Malasatras Subject. The text along with a small commentary on Devendra Suri's Anusthānavidhi alias Vandāruvṛtti. -- Begins.— ( text ) fol. 1 नमो अरिहंताणं etc., as in No. 981. در - - ( com. ) fol. 1b इह तावदास्तिकेनापि नित्यं त्रीन् वारान् सप्त पंच वा वारा (न) दर्शनशुदध्यै चैत्यवंदना विधेया । यदाह साहूण सत्त बारा इत्यादि । etc. Ends.~~ ( text ) fol. 22b एवमालोइय etc., up to इति श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रं. This is followed by the lines as under :-- अड्ढाइज्जेसु दीवस मुद्दे पंनरस कम्मभूमीस etc. अक्खयायारचरिता ते सव्वे सिरसा मणसा मत्थएण वंदामि ॥ छ ॥ ( com. ) fol. 22b इत्येवमल्परुचिसत्त्वाविबोधनाय । $49 श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रविवृत्तिरेषा । किंचिन्मया प्रकटिताऽत्र तु विस्तरार्थो । ज्ञेयो बृहद्विवृतितो वरचूर्णितव । the इति श्रीदेवेंद्रसूरिष्कृतवृत्तेरवचूर्णिः समाप्ता । This is followed by comments on the concluding verse which arun as under : षडावश्यक सूत्र वृत्तिसहित No. 988 मनसा अंत:करणेन मस्तकेन बंदे बाचा वंदे इति क्रियापदमावृत्त्या योज्यं । इत्यवचूर्णि ( : ) प्रतिक्रमणसूत्राणां । N. B. For further particulars see No. 976. Şaḍāvasyakasūtra with vṛtti 1234. 1884-87. Size - 11 in. by 4g in. Extent. -- 133 folios; 14 lines to a page ; 62 letters to a line. Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 350 faina Literature and Philosophy 1988. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Devanāgari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; a piece of yellowish paper pasted to foll. 1* and 1335; edges of some of the foll. slightly worn out; condition tolerably fair ; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the left--hand margin in a big hand and in the right-hand one in a small hand just at the foot of the fol. ; so, in some cases the numbering is worn out; this Ms. contains the text as well as its explanation with the colophon ending abruptly. Age.- Pretty old. Author of the commentary.- Taruņaprabha (c. Samvat 1411). Subject.- Şaļāvaśyakasūtra together with its explanation in Gujarāti. Several quotations in Prākrit enhance the importance of this explanation. At times narratives are given with a view to elucidate some of the topics. The text starts with Navakāra and ends with Vandittusūtra. Begins.--(rext) fol. 6. नमो अरहंताणं नमो सिद्धाणं etc., as in No. 979. । ,, --(com.) fol. I' अर्ह ॥ श्रीगौतमस्वामिने नमः ॥ मुरासुराधीशमहीशनम्यं प्रणम्य सम्यग्जिनराजवीरं। सुबोधमर्थ दिनकृत्यसत्कं लिखाम्यबुद्धिप्रतिबोधनाय ॥ १ पढमं नाणं तओ दया एवं चिइ सव्वसंजुए। अन्नाणी किं काही किंवा नाही छेय पावयं ॥ २ पहिलउ ज्ञानुतनु पाछइ दया जीवं विषइ कृपा एवं इणि क्रमि चिट्टइ । किसउ अर्घ रहइ । कउण रहइ गुणश्रेणि इसउ आ पहे जाणिवउ । कउण माहिं सबसंजए ।। संजओ दुविहो सबसंजओ साह देससंजओ साव ओ। सव्वसंजतही माहि देससंजतही माहि। अन्नाणी किं काही किंवा नाही छेय पावयं वि । अज्ञानु किं करिष्यति । किं सउ करिसिहि । किंवा ज्ञास्यति । अथवा किसउ जाणिसिइ । छेउ पुण्यु । पावयं पापु । इति । सुपुणि ज्ञानु योग्य रहई दीजइ । अयोग्य रहन दीजइ । जोग्य शुश्रावक • अह माहि एकवीस गुण हुयई॥ Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 988.1 111. 4 Malasairas धम्मरयणस्स जुग्गो अक्खुदो १ रूवयं २ पगइसोमो ३ लोगपिओ ४ अकूरो ५ भीरू ६ असढो ७ सदक्खिन्नू ८ लज्जालुओ ९ दयालू १० मज्झत्यो १९ सोमदिट्टि १२ गुणरागी १३ सक्कह सपक्खजुत्तो १४ सुदीहदसी १५ विसेसन्नू १६ बुट्टाणुओ १७ विणीओ १८ कयन्तुओ १९ परहित्थकारी २० य । तहचेव लद्धलक्खो २१ इगवी सगुणो हवइ सड्ढो || धरन्नु समस्त समीहित दान तर चिंतामणि । धर्म्मरन्तु तेह रहइं योग्य अधिकारी व सड्डो । इसउ छेहिलउ पदुईहा जोडियइ | सहदु श्रावकु हुयई etc. Ends. (text) fol. 133a " एवमालोइय निंदिअ etc., as in No. 976. — (com) fol. 133 ° इसी परि आलोईय सकलातिचार गुरु आगइ प्रकाशी करी निंदी करी गरही करी दुग्गंछी करी भावसुद्धिपूर्व । तिविहेण पडिक्कतो इति । त्रिविध मनि वचनि कायि करी पाप हूंतउ प्रतिक्रांतु निवर्त्तिङ हूंतउ बंदामि जिणे चउव्वीसं ॥ चडवीस जिण ॥ ऋषभादिक वर्द्धमानावसानवर्त्तमानचवीस संस्थान वादउं नमस्करउं ।। ५० इति श्रीश्रावकप्रति क्रमणसूत्र विवरणं समाप्तं ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः ॥ छ ॥ ५० ॥ जयति 'चंद्र'कुलं सुभसंकुलं कुवलयोज्वलन्नैक कलाकुलं । गुरुचकोरवरव्रजमंजुलं । विमलको मलगोकमलाकुलं ॥ १ यः स्तंभनाधीश्वरपार्श्वनाथ प्रसादमासाय नवांगवृत्तिं । लब्धा बबंधे किमत्र चित्रं । सोऽत्राजनिष्टाऽभयदेवसूरिः ॥ २ तदीयपादयपद्मसेवा मधुव्रतः श्रीजिनवल्लभोऽभूत् । यदंगरंगे व्रत नर्त्तनेन किं नृत्यताकीर्त्तिधनं न लेभे ॥ ३ तत्पट्टशैले(s) जनि योगराजः सुनतः श्रीजिनदत्तसूरिः । ततिषच्चैक उदैत्कलावान् विना कलंकं जिनचंद्रसूरिः ॥ ४ शिष्योऽस्य जज्ञे जिनपत्याभिख्यः 35% प्रवादिनागेंद्रजये मृगेंद्रः । जिनेश्वराख्यो (S) स्य बभूव शिष्यः - प्रभावनोद्भावनसिद्धिरामः ॥ ५ See Viyāralava (pp. 86-87) of Pradyumna Suri. Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 Jaina Literatøre and Philosophy [988 जिनप्रबोधाभिधसूरिरासी() तत्पद्रपूर्वाचलचंडभानुः। पदे तदीये जिनचंद्रसार___रसून्मनोभूजयकारमूर्तिः ॥ ६ येषां युगप्रधानानां प्रसद्य पददैवतं । दक्षिाचिंतामणी मह्यं ज्ञानतेजस्विनी ददौ ॥७ पितृभ्यो(s)व्यतिवात्सल्यं येनाध्यायितरां मयि । यश-कीर्तिगणिर्मा स पूर्व विद्यामभाणयत् ॥ ८ राजेंद्रचंद्रसूरींद्रर्विद्या काचन काचन । जिनादिकुशलाख्यैश्च दाप्याचार्यपदं च मे ॥ ९ अंभोकूण्य( ? )करंदबिंदुनिकराल्लात्वा यथा षट्पदः । __स्वां वृत्तिं तनुते तथा श्रुतकणानादाय रुच्चैः पदैः॥ सूरिः श्रीतरुणप्रभःप्रमितये मुग्धातिमुग्धात्मनां । पोढा(55)वश्यकसूत्रवृत्ति व्यालिष............पदं ॥१० यन्मिथ्या()भिदधे मया मतिमहामाद्यादसम्यक्पदे । व्याख्ये पादथवा तदत्र सुधिया संशोध्य निर्मत्सराः । व्यातत्वं तथेतिकां गतधियो निःसंशयाना......। ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ॥११ ....... शेधनदीधिते...कृते विवृतेर्यदुपाजयं । उपचितं सुकृतं सुकृतेप्सितं ...... भवी ... Reference.-Extracts from Tarunaprabha Suri's Sadavasyaka. bālāvabodhavrtti composed in Saṁvat 1411 are given by Kalyanavijaya in his article "पंदरमी सदीमा बोलाती गुजराती भाषा". These extracts are published on pp. 54-55 of “छट्टी गुजराती साहित्य परिषदके अहेवाल अने निबंधसंग्रह" in A. D. I923. For a Ms. having the vștti given here see Limbdi Catalogue No. 2664. This Ms. is written in Samvat 1419 and as such it is very important. षडावश्यकसूत्र Şa dāvasyakasūtra अवचूर्णिसहित with avacūrņi 853 No. 989 1892-95. Size.-- Iot in. by 4t in. Fxtent.-(text) 8 folios; II lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. , -(com.), , , 31 " ," , 56 , ,, , Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 989.] III. 4 Malasatras 393 Description.-Country paper very thin and white; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; this is a पञ्चपाटी Ms., containing the text as well as a small commentary; the latter written in a very small hand ; legible, uniform and good handwriting ; borders pertaining to the text as well as those regarding the commentary ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used : foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; edges of some of the foll. slightly damaged; condition tolerably good; both the text and the commentary complete. Age.-- Old. Author of the commentary- Not mentioned. Subject.- This Ms. contains a number of sūtras in Prākrit together with their explanation in Sanskrit. Some of the sūtras are as under : (1) नवकारमन्त्र, (2) प्रणिपातसूत्र, (3) इरियावाहिय, (4) तस्स उत्तरी, (5) अन्नत्थ, (6) नमुत्थु ण (styled as the last sutra of the second adhikāra), (i) अरिहंतचेइआणं, (8) लोगस्स ( styled as the Ist sutra of the 4th adhikāra), (१) पुक्स रवर, ( styled as the Ist sutra of the 6th adhikāra), (10) सिद्धाणं बुद्धाणं ( styled as the Ist sātra of the 9th adhikāra), (II) वेयावच्चगराणं, (12) जावंत के वि साहु, (13) उवसग्गहरं, ( 14 ) जय वीयराय, (15) इच्छामि etc. अणुजाणह (सुगुरुवन्दनमूत्र), (16) देवसिकालोचनासूत्र, (17) अन्भुट्रिओ and (18) वित्तपत्र. Begins.- (text) fol. I* नमो अरिहंताणं etc. - (com.) , 1 इह चैत्यवंदनादर्शनशुद्धयर्थ तथा वंदनकं गुरुणां गुणवत्प्रतिपन्नेयं आवश्यकं सर्वातिचारविशुद्धयर्थे हिरवश्यमनुष्ठीयते । etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 80 .. एवमहं आलोइय etc. up to चउव्वीसं ॥५०॥ This is followed by the line as under : इति श्रावकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रं संपूर्ण ॥ छ metc. --(com.) fol. 8 45 [J.L.P.1 Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 354 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [9882 इत्येवमल्पचिसत्त्वविबोधनाय : ....... श्राद्धप्रतिकमणसूत्रविवृत्तिरेषा किंचिन्मया प्रकाटता( 5 ) नु(तु ) विस्तरार्थों ...' ज्ञेयो बृहद्वृतितोरव (बर)चूर्णितश्च ॥ छ॥ इति श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रावचूर्णिः समाप्तः ॥ छ । पदान ... .... .... षडावश्यक ...... ....... ' Sadavasyakaसूत्रावचूरि sutrāvacūri 765. No. 990 .. ......... ...... 1892-95.1 Size,-9. in. by 41 in. Extent.- 32 folios ; 18 lines to a page ; 52 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin, rough and white: Devanagari characters with occasional ASIS ; small, legible and good hand-writing: borders ruled in four lines in black ink; - red chalk used : foll. numbered in both the margins%3; fol. ta blank so is the fol. 32b; 'this Ms. contains the gates (.. . of the sātras; the last fol. slightly worn out; condition ...... good; complete; extent 2001 slokas. ... Age.- Samvat I622. Author:- Not mentioned. .. Subject.- A small commentary in Sanskrit explaining the prati ir kramaņasūtras beginning with Navakāra and ending with ...... Vandittusutra. . Begins.- fol. !" अहे ॥ इ तावत् श्रावकेणापि प्रत्यहं त्रीन पंच सप्त वारान् दर्शनविशुद्धयर्थ चैत्य: वंदना विधेया यदाहुः ॥ साहूण सत्त वारा । होह अहोरचमज्झयारंमि । गिहिण्णा पुण चेइवंदण । तिय पंच सत्त वा वारा ॥१॥ तथा वंदनकं चाष्ट कारणान्याश्रित्य गुणवत्प्रतिपत्तये ग(गुरूणां दातव्यं । तथा सर्वातिचारविशुद्धयर्थ प्रतिक्रमणं चोभयकालं अवश्यमनुष्ठेयमिति । तत्र चैतत्सर्वमपि । अनुष्ठानं साक्षादेव गुर्वभावो। स्थापनाचार्य । स्थापनापूर्व Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 990 111. 4 Malasatras .. -.. "कमेव विधेयं । यदाहुः दुःखमांधकार संसारनिमग्नजिनभद्रगणिक्षमाशभणपादादाः)॥ गुरुधिरहमि य ठवणा । गुरुवएसोवदंसणत्थं च । जिणविरहमि वि जिणबिंबं सेवणामंतणं सहलं ॥१ रन्नो पि परुक्खस्स वि । जह सेवामंतदेवयाए वा। __ तहचेव रुक्खस्स वि । गुरुणो सेवा विणयहेऊ ॥२ सा च नमस्कारपूर्विकैवेत्यतः स एवादौ व्याख्यायते । इति तत्सूत्र चेदं नमो अरिहंताणमित्यादि । नमो नमस्कारो अर्हद्भयः शक्रादिकृतां पूजा सिद्धिंगति ....."वा अहंतीति अर्हतः तेभ्यः यथा । etc. . Ends.- fol. 324 संप्रति प्रतिक्रमणाध्ययनमुपसंहरन(न)नुत्तरोत्तरधर्मवृद्धयर्थमंत्य मंगलमाह ॥ एवमहं आलोईय इत्यादि व्याख्या ॥ एव(ब) प्रकारेणाई सम्यगालोच्य गुरोनिर्वेव्य(?) निंदित्वा दुष्टकृतमिति स्वमक्षं गार्हत्वा तदेव गुरुसमक्षं जुप्सित्वा धिग्गां(ग्मा) पापकरिणं इत्यादिना सम्यगिति सर्व योज्यं । दुगंछियं इति पाटे तु एबमालोच्य ता (?) निंदित्वा गर्हित्वा जुगुप्सितं दुश्चिकित्सितं वाचिचारजातं । सम्यग् त्रिविधन मनोबाकायलक्षणेन प्रतिक्रांतः सकतात्) इति प्रतिक्रमणश्चतुर्विंशतिजिनान् वंदे इति गाथार्थः॥५०॥ इति प्रतिक्रमणवंदनकसूत्रावचूरि समाप्तः ॥ छ । तैलाद्रक्षेज्जलाद्रक्षे । रक्षेत शिथिलबंधनात् । परहस्तगता रक्षेत् । एवं वदति पुस्तिकाः ॥१. अदृश्यदोषान् मतिविम्रमाच्च। प्रमोदितो वा गलितं यदि स्यात् । .. यावर्यः परिशोधनीयं । प्रायेण मुह्यति हि लेषतारः ॥ २॥ यादृशं पुस्तके दृष्टं etc. ३ ग्रंथस्येव प्रमाणस्तु । श्लोकसहस्रद्वयं पि च। प्रायः ग्रंथस्य वाचोग्मि । कर्ता पुरुषेण वेदिता ॥ ४ ॥ ग्रंथान २००१॥ शुभं भवतुः ॥ श्रीरस्तुः ॥ कल्याणमस्तुः ॥ संवत् १६२२ वर्षे कार्तिक शुदि ८ गुरौ 'झलुतराग्रामे । मुनिचेलारत्नसंयममुनिलिषितं । स्वहितार्थाय वाचा(च)नार्थे प्रमादं विहाय सम्पग्भावेन इत्यादरभिलखितास्तिः॥ छ । कल्याणमस्तुः॥ .. प्रायेण मुहात Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 356 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [991 पडावश्यकसूत्र Şadāvasyakasūtra अवचूर्णिसहित with avacūrņi No. 991 1306 1891-95. Size.— 104 in. by 41 in. Extent.-- (text) 23 folios ; 7 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. --(com.), , ; 10 , ,, ,, ; 45 , ,, , Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanāgari cha racters with पृष्ठमात्राs; bold, big, clear and good hand-writ_ing; borders ruled in four lines in red ink ; this is a त्रिपाटी Ms.; it contains both the text and the commentary; the text written in the middle and in a bigger hand; fol. 19 blank; fol. 23° is also blank except that the title is written on it; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; the text and the commentary complete so far as they go ; extent 1000 ślokas; condition tolerably good. Age.-- Pretty old. Author of the text-More than one saint. , ,, com.- Not mentioned. It may be Devendra Suri,in case this commentary is really the same as Vandāruvstti. Subject. This work deals with the following sütras which are to be recited at the time of performing a religious function viz. pratikramana. (1) नवकारमंत्र, (2) इरियाबहिय, (3) तस्म उत्तरी, (4) अन्नत्थ, G) नमुत्थु णं, (6) अरिहंत चेइयाणं, (7) लोगस्स, (8) पुक्खरवर, (७) सिद्धाणं बुद्धाणं, (10) जावंति चेइयाई, (II) नमोऽहंत , (12) (13) उवसग्गहरं, (14) जय वीयराय, (15) संसारदावानल, (16) जगाचिंतामाण, (17) सुगुरुवंदन, ( 18 ) देवसिअ आलोउ, (19) सव्वस्स वि (?), (20) अन्भुट्रिओ, (21-30) दस पच्चक्खाण, (31) अतीचारगाथा, (32) करेमि भंते, (33) वंदित्तु (श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणमत्र ), (34) आयरिय उवज्झाए, (35) श्रुतदेवतास्तुति, (36) नमोऽस्तु बर्द्धमानाय, (37) बरकनक and (38) विशाललोचन.' These sūtras are briefly explained in the avacürņi. 1 Thus the text contains some more sūtras than what we find in the printed edition containing the Vandāruvstti and its text. Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .... .. 99r: ..111. 4 Mulasatras . . 37 Begins.r- (text) fol. 1 ॥ ६ ॥ नमो अरिहंताणं । नमो सिद्धाणं नमो आयारयाणं। नमो उबझा. याणं । नमो लोए सव्वसाहूणं । एसो पंच नमुक्कारो सव्वपावप्पणासणो । मंगलाणं च सव्वेसिं पढमं हवह मंगलं ।। । 3 Il etc. - (com.) fol. I" ६० ॥ नमोऽहंदभ्यः। वंदारुबंदारकवृंदवंद्यं । प्रणम्य वीरं जितमारवीरं । ... उपासकानामुपकारहेतो. वक्ष्याम्यनुष्ठानविधि सबोघं ॥ १ ॥ etc. Ends.-- ( text ) fol. 22* एवमहं आलोइय निदिअ गी(ग )रि( र )हिय (उ)दुग्गांछिय( यं) स(सं)मं। तिविहेण पडिक्कतो वंदामि जिणे चउसिं ।। ५० ॥ इति श्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र। , -(com.) fol. 220 निवेदं गत्वा सम्यग् शुद्ध्या त्रिविधेन मनोवाकायादिना प्रति ०॥ प्रमा दादिकृतानिवृत्त सन् वंदे अंत्यमंगलमिति ॥ ५० ॥ ........ . इति श्रावकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्रावचूर्णिः समाप्ता। ,, - ( text ) fol. 230 कलंकनिर्मुक्तनमुक्तपूर्णतं कुतर्कराहुयसनं सदोदयं । को अपूर्वचंद्र जिनचंद्रभाषितं ___ दिनागमे नौमि बुधैनमस्कृतं ॥३॥ , -( com.) fol. 23 कुतर्कराहु ग्रसतीति कुतर्कराहुग्रसनः॥ ३॥ छ । श्री। etc. म००१०००। Reference.- The text is published. See No. 976. For description of a Ms. having Şaļāvaśyakasūtra and avacūri. see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 400. Here it is said that this avacũri “begins like the Vandāruvștti and is probably based on it. It does not contain the kathās". सणसत्रावचूणि समाता' . .. Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 358 षडावश्यक सूत्र अवचूरिसहित No. 992 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Size. 10 in. by 48 in. Extent. (text) 10 folios; 8 to 10 lines to a page; 35 to a line. ,, - {com.),, to a line. Description. "" در ; 14' Begins. ( text) fol. 1 ॥ ५० ॥ अहे ॥ 39 "" 33 33 1997 Şaḍāvasyakasutra with avacuri 195. 1873-74. नमो अरिहंताणं १ नमो सिद्धाणं २ etc. Ends.--(text) fol. 1ob Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with occasional TS; this is a q Ms.; very small, clear and good hand-writing; borders of one! side ruled in four lines and those of the other side in two in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only, and that, too, just in a lower corner; both the text and its commentary complete; condition good, though some of the foll. have their edges slightly damaged. 5 to 40 letters Age.- Samvat 1491. Author of the avacuri.- Not mentioned. Subject. The text together with its explanation based upon Vandāruvṛtti. 2 48 ; در ( com. ) fol. rr * ॥ ६० ॥ इह तावकेनापि नित्यं त्रीन् सप्त पंच वारान् दर्शनशुद्धयै चैत्यवंदना विधेया etc. ** एवमहं आलोइअ निंदिय गरिहिय दुर्गाछिउ समं तिविहेण पडिक्कतो वंदामि जिणे चउवीसं ॥ ५० ॥ ४० इति सूत्रं ( com. ) fol. rob इति श्री देवेंद्र सूरिकृतवृत्तेरवचूरिः । सं० १४९१ वर्षे 'तपा श्री सोमसुंदर सूरिशिष्यमुनिकीर्तिनाऽलेखि || शुभं ॥ LONG A I-2 There are 25 lines with 20 letters in each line so far as the marginal por. tions at econcerned. Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 993:] ill. 4 Malasutras 359 बडोवश्यकसूत्र Şadāvasyakasūtrá अवचूरिसहित... with avaçūri No. 993. 132. 1873-74. Size.— 108 in. by 45 in. Extent.- (text ) 12 folios ; 23 lines to a page ; 28 letters to a line. , - ( com.),, , , , , , , , . , ,,,,, Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Devanagari characters; this is a पश्चपाटी Ms.; it contains the text as well as the commentary; the former written in a slightly -- 'bigger hand ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand matgin; edges of some of the foll: worn out; condition 8 tolerably good; complete up to Sakrastava. Age.- Samvat 1684. Author of the avacuri-Not mentioned. Subject.-The Ms. starts with Navakārasutra and ends with Sakra .. stava which is preceded by pratyākhyānasātra. .. . , Begins.-- ( text ) fol. I ६0 ॥ नमः श्रीप्रवचनाय । __ नमो अरिहंताणं etc. , - (com.) fol. I" ॥ ६॥ .. आदौ सूत्रलक्षणं निरूप्यते । etc. Ends.- (texty fol. 12" इति शकस्तवः संपूर्णः ॥२॥ कल्याणं भवतु ॥ श्री॥श्री .. -( com.) fol. 12. ततो(s)नंतरं त्रिकालवर्तिद्रव्याहवंदनार्थमिमां गाथा पूर्वाचार्याः पठति । जे अइ सादि सुगमा द्वितीयो(s)धिकार | प्रथमो दंडकः ॥छ । संवत् १६८४ वर्षे पासमासे शुक्लपक्षे चतुर्दश्यां तिथौ वृहशपति । 'सीता'नयरमध्ये लिषितेयं षडावश्यकस्य वृत्तिः कल्याणं भवतु लेषक- पाठयोः श्री ॥श्री ।। 1-2 These numbers refer to a column. Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 360 षडावश्यक सूत्र (?) अवचूरिसहित "3 No. 994 Size.- 10‡ in. by 4g in. Extent. — ( text ) 3 folios; 14 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. - ( com.),, ; 13 ;80(?) Description.-- Country paper very thin, rough and white; Deva nāgarī characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; this is a पञ्चपाठी Ms.; the text and the commentary both written in a smaller hand ; the latter in a very very small hand; quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the righthand margin; edges of each of the foll. slightly damaged ; condition tolerably good; both the text and the commentary complete so far as they go. "" Jaina Literature and Philosophy " Age.— Old. Author of the avacūri - Kulamandana. Ends. -- ( text ) fol. 3 "" " छ ॥ छ ॥ [994. Sadāvaśyakasutra ( ? ) with avacuri 1 See p. 353. "" Subject. The text together with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins (text) fol. 1 || ६ || नमो अरिहंताणं etc. 123. 1873-74. "" com. ) fol. r ॥ ६० ॥ नमो जिनागमायें ॥ इह चैत्यवंदनादर्शनाशुद्ध्यर्थ तथा वंदनकं गुरूणां गुणवत्प्रतिपत्तये तथा आवश्यकं सर्वातिचारविशुद्धयर्थ द्विरवश्य मनुष्ठीयते । ' etc. अणिमूहिअबलविरिओ परपकड़ जो जहुत्तमाउत्तो कुइ अ जहाथामं । नायव्वो वीरिआयारो ॥ ८ इत्यतीचारगाथाः ॥ छ ॥ "" ور - ( com. ) fol. 3 इति श्रीगुरुवंदनकाऽचूरि श्रीकुलमंडनसूरिकृता Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 995.] III.4 Malasutras 361 षडावश्यकसूत्र - Şaļāvasyakasūtra बालावबोधसहित with bālāvabodha No. 995 254. 1871-72. Size.-10 in. by 4 in. Extent.-54 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and white; Devanagari cha racters; big, legible and good hand-writing, borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only ; fol. 1 blank; this Ms. contains the text as well as its explanation in Gujarāti; the text almost complete so far as it goes ; condi tion very good ; the text at times written in a bigger hand. Age.- Not quite modern. Author of the balavabodha.- Not mentioned. Subject.- This Ms. contains various sūtras beginning with Nava kāra and ending with Saṁsāradāvānalastuti and Jāvanti ceiyāim. These sūtras are explained in Gujarāti. Begins.- (text ) fol. 1° ५ ६0 ॥ श्रीपार्श्वनाथो विजयते ।। __ नमो अरिहंताणं etc. ,, - ( balan ) fol. ॥ ६॥ ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ etc. Ends.- (text) fol. 540 जावंति चेइआई उड्डे अ अहे अतिरिअलोए अ सव्वाइं ताई वंदे इअ संतो तत्थ संताई१ , -( balan ) fol. 54° ऊर्ध्व लोकने विषे अधो लोकने विषे तिरिअ लोकनें विर्षे पुन अर्थे ते सर्व जिनबिंब प्रतई भावसहित वादउं हुई इहां रह्यो थको तिहां जे स्थानक आगलि कहीस्य तिहां रह्या जे चैत्य शास्वतां अशाश्वतां तेह प्रतें वांदर Reference.-- For a Ms. having the text containing some of the sütras above noted and a bālāvabodha in bhäsă see Keith's Catalogue No. 7495. 46 [J.L. P.] Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 362 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [996. षडावश्यकसूत्र Şadāvasyakasūtra टब्बासहित with tabbā No. 996 1289 1886-92. Size.--98 in. by 4g in. Extent.-- (text) 18 folios ; 6 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. ..., -- (tabba) , , , , , , , , , 64 , ,,, Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Deyanāgari characters; the text written in a bigger hand and the interlinear tabbà in a smaller hand; legible and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 186; condition very good; complete. Age.-Samvat 1824. Author of the tabba.-- Not mentioned. Subject.--Some of the sūtras in Prākrit along with their explanation _in Gujarati.. Begins.- (text) fol. 1 ॥६॥ पंडित ॥ चक्रिचूडामणीश्रीश्री१०८श्रीतिलक विजयजीप्रशादात् ॥ श्री॥ नमो अरिहंताण १ नमो सिद्धाणं । २ etc. ,, - (tabba ) fol. 1 पंडित्तश्री१०८श्रीजीवविजयजी तशिक्षश्री १०५. श्रीप्रेमविजयजी तशिक्षश्रीपतिलकविजयजीप्रशादात् ॥ ६॥ ॥ नमस्कार माहरो श्रीअरिहंत विहरमाणनई हउ नमस्कार सिद्धि रहि हुउ माहरउ नमस्कार श्रीआचार्यगुरुनइ हुउ etc. Ends.- (text) fol. 18 जइवि पडिलेहणाए हेऊ जीयरक्खणाणाय . तइवि इमं मणमकड निजंतणछसुणीछित्ति ५.. . .... इति मुहपतीपडिलेहणमाथा संपत्त १८२४ मिति पोस सुद ६ नीशे शनीवारेण लिषतं पुश्री१०८श्रीतिलकविजयजी तशिक्षकपूरविजयलपीकृतं 'पीपाड'मध्ये ॥ श्रीश्री१०८श्रीविजयशेनावत्तितत्रेण श्रीमस्तु लेषपाद्वचनम् Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 997.] III. 4 Malasutras 363 – ( tabbā ) fol. 184 विश्री १०८ श्रीश्रीश्रीश्रीविजयशेनरिके इति मुहपतिपडिलेहणगाथा जांणवी जतर्फे ॥ लिंषतु श्री १०८ श्रीबिज सेनसरेण तत्श्री१०५ श्री विजय तत्श्री१०३ श्रीअम विजय तत्श्री सं. १८२४ मिति माघवदे १४१०१ श्री अमृतविजय तत्भी १०१ लक्ष्मीवीजय तत्श्री३७श्रीजिवविजयजी तत्श्री ३५ श्रीप्रेमविजयजी तत्श्री ३५श्रीतिलकावजयजी तशिष्य लिषतां पं० कपूर विजयेन 'पीपाड मध्ये शुभवेलायं कलंणमस्तु श्री ॥ माहाराज श्री १०८ विजयिधजीराजेणं लपीकृत श्रीम " षडावश्यकसूत्र बालावबोधसहित Şadāvaśyakasutra with bālāva bodha No. 997 Size.-- 9‡ in. by 42 in. Extent.— 71 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters ; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; white pigment too; foll. ra and 7rb blank ; edges of the first and last foll. slightly worn out; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 1"; condition on the whole good; the text as well as its balāvabodha complete; the latter seems to be composed in Samvat 1501. 872 1892-95. Age. — Samvat 1766. Author of the balavabodha- Mahopadhyaya Hemahamsa Gani, A devotee of Jayacandra Suri, pupil of Munisundra Suri, pupil of Somasundra Suri of the Tapā gaccha.. Begins.~~~ ( text ) fol. 1 नमो अरिहंताणं etc. Subject.— Sūtras pertainting to the six avasyakas along with the corresponding explanation in Gujarāti. "" — ( balao ) fol. rb ॐ नमः सिद्धं ॥ श्रीजिनाय नमः ॥ पार्श्वनाथाय नमः । नमः श्री Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [997. श्री(श्रे)यांसि श्रीमहावीरः सिश्रीसंघस्य यच्छतात् यस्याज्ञा कल्पवल्लीव मनोवांछितदायिनी १ श्रीवर्द्धमानजिनशासनराज्यनेत् (?) विश्वत्रयाद्भुते चरित्रयुगप्रधानः श्रीसोमसुंदरगुरुर्मुरु च वत्ती(?) ___भूयादमेयमहिमा मम सुप्रसन्नः २ तत्पट्टनायका श्रीमुनिसुंदरयो जयत्यधुना । जयचंद्रसूरि-जिनकीर्तिसूरिपरिकरिताः ॥३॥ स्वान्ययोरुपकाराय लिख्यते मया । षडावश्यकसूत्राणां व्याख्या बाला( व )बोधिनी ॥४॥ पहिलं सकल्य मांगलिकनु मूल श्रीजिनशासननु सार इग्यार इंग चऊद पूर्वनु उद्धार सदेव शाश्वतु श्रीपंचपरमेष्टि महामंत्र etc. Ends.- (text ) fol. 70 देसावगासियं उवभोगपरिभोग पञ्चक्खामि । अन्नत्थणा. भोगेणं सहसागारेणं महत्तरागारेणं सव्वसमाहिवत्तिआगारेणं वोसिरामि ,, -( balan ) fol. 71 जेह भणी सूधा धर्मनु उद्यम जीव हुइ मोक्षफल दाईउ कइ ॥ इति प्रत्याख्यानबालावि(व)बोधः चउथउ अधिकार संपूर्ण हूउ ॥ श्रीषडावश्यकबालावि(व)बोध संपूर्ण हूउ । एह माहि च्यारि अधिकार पहिलइ अधिकारि देववंदनी १ बीजइ गुरुवंदनी २ बीजइ पडिकमणुं ३ चउथइ पञ्चक्खाण ४ इति श्री तपागच्छनायकसकलसुविहितपुरंदरश्रीसोमसुंदरसूरिश्रीमुनिसुंदरसूरिश्रीजयचंद्रसरिपदकमलसेविना शिष्यमहोपाध्याय श्रीहेमहंसगणिना श्राद्धवराभ्यर्थनया कृतो(s)यं षडावश्यकबालावि(व)बोध आचंद्राक्र्क नंद्यात् सं० १५०१ व ॥ ॥ संवत १७६६ ना धर्षे मासोत्तममाघमासे शुक्लपक्षे तृतीयातिथौ रविवासरे । लिखितं 'मोढ'ज्ञातीय ॥ Reference.-- For description of a Ms. having Şadāvaśyakasútra and Merusundara's balavabodha see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 400. Herein we find a description of another Ms. having Şadávaśyakasūtra and an anonynous bālāvabodha composed earlier than that of Merusundara. 1 See No. 942 Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 998.] 111. 4. Malasotras 365 षडावश्यकसूत्र Şadāvasyakasutra टब्बासहित with tabbā No. 998 158 1871-72. Size.- 104 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 23 folios ; s lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters; this Ms. contains the text and its interlinear tabbā; the former written in a very big hand whereas the latter in a very small one ; legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink ; foll. numbered in both the margins%3; fol. I blank ; red chalk used; both the text and the commentary complete; condition very good. Age.- Sarivat 1873. Author of the tabba-Not mentioned. Subject.-- This work starts with Navakāra and ends with Sāmāyiya. vasjutto followed by Samstāraka pauruşīsutra and several pratyākhyānas beginning with caüvihāra uvavāsa. All these sūtras are explained in Gujarāti. Begins.- (text) fol. I श्रीआदिनाथजी नमः ।। णमो अरिहंताणं णमो सिद्धाणं ॥ etc. , - (tabba) fol. I श्रीअरिहंतने मारो नमस्कार हो। सर्व सिद्धने मारो नमस्कार हो । आचार्यने माहरो नमस्कार हो । etc. - (text ) fol. 19* सामाइअंमि उ कए समणो इव सावओ हवइ जम्हा एएण कारणेण बहुसो सामाइअंकुज्जा २ सामाइअपोसहसंठिअस्स जीवस्स जाइ जो कालो सो सफलो बोधव्वो सेसो संसारफलहेऊ३।। छउमत्यो मूढमणो कित्तिअमित्तं पि संभरे जीवो जं किंचिन संभरामि मिच्छामि दुक्कडं तस्स ४ See p. 255. Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 366 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [998. सामायक विधि ली, विधि पार्यु जि कांई अविधि हुउ हुई ते सवि हुं मनें वचने कायाइं करी तस्स मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं छ करोमि भंते पोसहं आहारपोसहं देसओ सव्वओ सरीरसक्कारपोसहं सव्वओ बंभचेरपोसहं सव्वओ अन्वावारपोसहं सवओ चडाविहे पोसहे ठामि etc. - (text) fol. 20% जइ मे हुज्ज पमाओ इमस्स देहस्स इमाइ रयणीए आहारसुवहिदेहं सव्वं तिविहेण वोसिरिअं४ चत्तारि मंगलं अरिहंता मंगलं सिद्धा मंगलं साहू मंगलं केवलिपण्णत्तो धम्मो मंगलं ५ चत्तारि लोगुत्तमा अरिहंता लोगुत्तमा सिद्धा लोगुत्तमा साहू लोगुत्तमा केवलिपण्णत्तो धम्मो लोगुत्तमो ६ चत्तारि सरणं पवजामि आरिहंते सरणं पवजामि सिद्धे सरणं पवज्जामि साइसर केवलिपणत्तं धम्म सरणं पषज्जामि ७ पाणाइवाय १ मलिअं२ चोरिक्कं ३ मेहुणं ४ दविणमुच्छं ५ कोहं६माणं ७माया ८लोभं ९ etc. - (text) fol. 21 ___ अरिहंतो मह देवो जावजीवं सुसाहुणो गुरुणो जिणपण्णत्तं तत्तं इअ सम्मत्तं मए गहिअं १४ इति श्रीसंथारापोरिसीसूत्रं Ends.- fol. 23* सव्वसमाहिवत्तिआगारेणं ८ पाणस्स लेवेण वा १ अलेवेण वा २ अच्छेण वा ३ बहुलेण वा ४ ससित्थेण वा ५ असित्थेण वा ६ वोसिरामि इति आंवि(बि)लपञ्चक्खाण संपूर्ण संपूर्ण षडावश्यकं संवत् १८७३ वर्षे 'कृष्णगढग्नगरेन लिपि Sthandilapratilekhanasātral known as 24 मांडला are given as under in two columns on the last foll. which is not numbered :-- 1 This sutra is printed in " षडावश्यकसूत्राणि" (p. 5). It is pratically printed in 'पञ्चप्रतिक्रमणादिस्त्राणि" (p. 538) published by Sri Jaina Sreyskara Mandala Mhesana in Samvat 1917. It is also printed in " श्रीप्रतिकमाणसत्र" (pp. 383-384) published by Srivaka Bhimasimha Manaka in A. D. 1888. Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 367 999.] III.4Malasatras । वडी निति संथारनइ समीपई ॥ ॥ आगाढे मज्झे पासवण(णे) अण अहि लघु नीत्य संथारनइ समापइं आसे २ etc. ॥ आगाढे(? डे) आसन्ने उच्चारे ॥ उपाश्रयद्वारविहिर पासवणे(0) अणअहिआसे १ अणागाहे आसने उच्चारे आगाढे आसन्ने पासवण(?णे ) अण अणागाढे मज्झे पासवणे अहियासे २ पासवण(?ण.) अणअहि यासे १ etc. अहियासे १ ।। अणागाढे मज्झे उच्चारे पासवणे ।। आगाढे मज्झे उच्चारे पासवणे अहियासे ३ अणअणअहियासे २ etc. अणागाहे दूरे पासवणे अहियासे ३ These are the the mandalas made for attending natural calls. These calls may be attended to ( 1 ) near the bed, (2) inside the upasraya near its entrance (3) outside the upāśrya but near its entrance and (4) at a distance of about 100 hastas from the upăśraya. षडावश्यकसूत्र (1) Șa dāvaśyakasūtra बालावबोधसहित with bālāvabodha No. 999 246(a). 1871-73 Extent. - (text) 39- 2 = 37 folios; 3 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. , -- ( bala° ) 37 folios ; 7 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and whitish ; Devanagan characters; this Ms. contains the text as well as its balavabodha; the former written in a very big hand ; legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; white paste used ; edges of the last fol. slightly, worn out; condition on the whole good, both the text and the bālāvabodha incomplete since the first two foll. are missing ; this Ms. contains an additional work viz., संथारापोरिसीसुत्त which begins on fol. 36° and ends on fol. 396; it is explained in Gujarāti; the pertinent lines on fol. 36° and 39 are as under : Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [999 ( balan ) fol. 360 श्रीगौतमादि महामोटा रुषस्विरनइं नमस्कार हउ एहवा गुरुसापई पछई त्रिणि नोमुकार कहई (text ) fol. 39 अरिहंतो महदेवो । जावजीवं सुसाहुणो गुरुणो। जिणपन्नत्तं तत्तं । इअ सम्मत्तं मए महिअं॥ १४ ॥ इति श्रीसंथारापोरिसिसूत्र संपूर्णः ॥ छ । शुभं भवतु ॥ कल्याणमस्तः ॥छ श्री Then follow some three verses. ( balan ) fol. 39 इति श्रीसंथाराविधि संपूर्णः Age.- Not modern. Author of the bālāvabodha.- Not mentioned. Subject.— This work consists of a number of sūtras together with their explanation in Gujarāti. Begins.-- ( text ) fol. 3° बीयक्कमणे । हरियक्कमणे । etc. , -- ( balan ) fol. 3° बीयका गोर्यु प्रमुष बीजनइं चांपवई करीनई etc. Ends.- ( balan ) fol. 36° पोसहविधि लीधो । विधि पार्यो विधि करतां अविधि आशातना हुई । ते सवि हुँ । मन वचन कायाइं करी मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं ॥छ।। ' इति श्रीखडावश्यकसूत्रं संपूर्ण ॥ छ । षडावश्यकसूत्रवृत्ति (?) Sadavasyakasutra vrtti (?) 43. No. 1000 1880-81. Size.- 12 in. by 21 in. Extent.-32 leaves ; 4 to 7 lines to a page; 55 to 6o letters to a line. Description.-Palm leaf thin, durable and greyish ; Devanāgari cha racters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible and good hand-writing; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1000.] 111. 4 Malasatras 365 been divided into two separate columns but really speaking lines of the first column are continued to the second ; borders of each of the columns ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used at times%3 the left-hand margins have been worn out in good many cases; this Ms. starts with the first leaf numbered as 146; leaves numbered in both the margins; in the right-hand margin as 146, 147 etc.; in the left-hand one by letters; e.g. 174th is numbered as मु pos several leaves more or less worm-eaten ; condition unsatisfactory; there is a hole in every leaf in the space between the two columns; there are two fragmentary blank leaves at the end ; they are extra ; leaf 146a blank; complete so far as it goes; this Ms. contains the states of the text ; for instance करोमि भंते इत्यादि on leaf 148. According to Bühler's Report for 1880-81, p. 25, this Ms. is a continuation of the preceding one i.e. that of 42 of 1880-81 dated Samvat 1179. Age.- Old. Author.- Not mentioned; that is what appears. Subject.- A Sanskrit commentary explaining certain sutras pro bably pertaining to the six āvaśyakas. Begins.-- leaf 1466 सर्वज्ञाय ॥ . देवेंद्रवंद्यचरणान् प्रणम्य भक्त्या जैनेंद्रनाम... ... किंचिन्मात्रं वक्ष्ये प्रतिचरणाया गृहस्थानां ॥ गुरुभक्त्या यदवाप्तं तावन्मात्रमपि भवति पुष्टिकरं । मत्तोऽपि जडंवि ॥ यो(s)न्यो ये तेषां सद्पकारित्वात् etc. Ends.-- leaf 1770 जयति जगति क्लेशावेशप्रपंचहिमांशुमाम् । ......तिहतविषमैकांतध्वांतप्रमाणनयांशुमान् . यतिपतिरजो यस्या द्वष्यान्मतांवनिविर्नयान धमतमतयस्तीर्थ्यानानापरे समुपास ।। . ...नांथकपतेः शतानि भाष्णगतगतानि विंशत्याविकान्ये. 47 [J.L. P.] Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 370 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1001. षडावश्यकसूत्र Sadavasyakasutraबालावबोध bālāvabodba 1309. No. 1001 1891-95, Size.- Iog in. by 43 in. Extent.- 60 - 6 = 54 folios; 14 lines to a page ; 62 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper rough, thin and white; Devanagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्रा; big, clear and good hand-writing ; borders mostly ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; this Ms. contains the gates of the text ; fol. 60° blank ; strips of paper pasted to fol. 60b3; corners of the first few foll. slightly worn out; condition tolerably good; foll. I-6 missing ; otherwise conmplete. Age.- Samvat 1611. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- Explanation of Sadavasyakasutra in Gujarati. Begins -- fol 7° मोक्ष लहसि ॥ ६ कथा ॥ श्रीनुकारबालावबोधः ॥ etc. Ends.-- fol. 60° एव्हा परवाणनि विषइ ववेकीरयत्नघष करवा । जेह भणी सूधा धर्मनु उद्यम जीव हुई मोक्षफलदाईउ थाइ । प्रत्याख्यानबालाविबोधः। चउशु अधिकार संपूर्ण दुउ । श्रीषडावशकबालाविबोध संपूर्ण हुउ ।। एह माहि च्यारि अधिकार । पिहलि अधिकारि देववंदन । १ बीजइ गुरुवंदन ३ । त्रीजइ पडिकमणो ४ चुथइ पचपांण । एतलइ च्यारि अधिकार समाप्तः ॥ ॥ संवत् १६११ वर्षे भाद्रपदादि ९नुमि गुरुदिने ॥ 'उनंत'दुर्गेः ‘भाट ज्ञाती। ठाकुरश्रीश्रीश्रीश्रीबलराज । सुतसस्वीदास लिपिति ।। शुभं भवतु | छ । यादृशं......दोषो न दीयते ॥१॥ छ । श्रीश्री आचार्यधर्मरत्नमारगुरुभ्पो नमः ॥ छ । श्रीरस्तु ॥ छ । Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ to02.1 आवश्यक सूत्र नियुक्ति (आवस्सयसुत्तनिज्जुत्ति ) III. 4 Malasatras Avasyakasutraniryukti (Avassayasuttanijjutti) 371 629. 1892-95. No. 1002 Size. 103 in. by 48 in. Extent. 35 folios; 24 lines to a page; 60 letters to a line. Description. Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with as; very small, clear and fair handwriting; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black nk; the space between these pairs coloured red; numbers for some of the foll. entered twice in one and the same margin; bits of paper pasted to fol. 1a; edges of the first two and those of the last two slightly worn out; unnumbered sides decorated with a small disc in the centre; the numbered, with two more, one in each of the two margins; complete ; red chalk used; condition fair. Age.-Samvat 1483 (?) Author. "C Bhadrabahusvämin. For his other works etc. see No.709. For a discussion in German see Übersicht über die Avaśyaka-Literatur" (pp. 23-27). Subject.-- About 50 verses which occur in the begining of this Ms. and form the Sthaviravali are also found in the beginning of Nandisutra. But they are not found in the edition containing Avaśyakasūtra, its niryukti and Haribhadra Suri's commentary (D. L. J. P. F. Series). They do not occur even in the edition containing niryukti and Malayagiri Suri's tīkā (Agamodaya Samiti Series). Furthermore, they are not commented upon by Jinabhadra Kṣamāśramaņa, Haribhadra Suri, Malayagiri Sūri or any other commentator of the Avaśyakasūtraniryukti; but they occur in various Mss. This may due be to the fact that some scribe wrote them perhaps as mangalācaraṇa and others followed in his foot-steps. So if we were to neglect them for a moment, the Avaśyakasūtraniryukti, which is a metrical composi Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 322 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 100%. tion in Prākrit can be said to be explaining the six adhyayanas of the Avaśyakasútra. The niryukti of the ist ( Sāmāyika) adhyayana can be divided into two groups: (1) Uvagghāyanijjutti ( Upod . ghātaniryukti ) and ( 2 ) Namokkāranijjutti ( Namaskāraniryukti). Out of them Upodghäta-niryukti is sub-divided into several sections known as under : (1) Pedhiyā (Pițhikā), (2) Padhamāvaravariyā (Prathamăvaravarikā ), ( 3 ) Bisyāvaravariyā ( Dvītiyāvaravarikā), (4) Uvasagga (Upasarga ), (s.) Samosaraṇa ( Samavasaraņa ), (6) Ganaharavāya' (Gañadharavāda ), (7) Sāmāyāri ( Sāmācāri)?, (8) Nihộavavattavva (Nihnavavaktavya ) and (9) Sesauvagghāyanijjutti (Śeşopodghātariryukti). The niryukti of the second (Caturvimśatistava) adhyayana has no such sub-divisions. The same is the case with the niryukti of the third ( Vandana ) aydhyayana. Under the niryukti of the fourth (pratikramana). adhyayana, we find ( 1 )+ Jhāṇasaya ( Dhyānaśataka ), (2), Pariţthāvaņiyānijjutti (Pārişthāpanikāniryukti), ( 3 ) Padikkamāsamgahaņi (Pratikramaņāsamgrahaņi)”; (4) Jogasamgahanijjutti (Yogasamgrahaniryukti ) and ( 5 ) Asajjhāyanijjutti (Asvādhyāyaniryukti). Neither the niryukti of the fitth ( Kāyotsarga ) adhyayana nor that of the sixth ( Pratyākhyāna ) adhyayana, has any subdivisions as we find in the case of the piryukti of the first adhyayana. In the the case of a few Ms. containing Avaśyakasůtra This is also styled as Ganahara. 2 This is of ten types. This division is at times neglected. 4 This is not the composition of Bhadrabähusvämin, though found here; but it is rather the work of Jinabhadra Gaņi Ksamśäramana. s This is also known as Sangrahaņi. Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1602.) III. 4 Malasatras 393 niryukti, its component parts have been treated by me separately as desired, and they have been accordingly given separate serial numbers. Ernst Leumann believes that there have been four redactions of the Avaśyakasūtraniryukti : (1) Bhadrabāhu's redaction, (2) Siddhasena's redaction, (3) Jinbhata's reaction and ( 4 ) the Vulgata-redaction.' After entering into a learned discussion pertaining to these redactions he has recapitulated the results in a tabular form which I may here represent as under: -- Avaśyaka Avasyaka-niryukti Ist Redac. 3rd 4th 2nd Redac. Redac. Redac. IX х XII II-VIII ( Uvagghā- I (Pedhiyā) Therävali yanijjutti ) Pañcanamaskāra I (Sāmāyika ) II ( Caturvimśati stava) | XI III (Vandana ) IV (Pratikramana ) XIII XIV XV (Pariţthāvan- XVI ( Sam- Jhāniya-nijjutti) gahani) asaya XVII (JogasamXVIII ( Asajjhāya nijjutti ) V (Kāyotsarga) XIX VI | Pratyākhyāna) XX gaha) In this connection I may add that the seventh section of Mūlāyāra 3 ( Mulācāra ) of Vattakerasvămin is known by the name of Avăssayanijjutti. This Digambara work resembles Avaśyakasútraniryukti in several respects such as six divisions etc. See “ Übersicht über die Āvaśyaka-Literatur ” (p. 2.). lbid., p. 31. For a pertinent portion of this see the above-mentioned work pp. 16-19. 2 3 Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 374 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1002 For a detailed information about “subject ” in Sanskrit see pp. 135-139 of “नन्यादिगाथाद्यकारादियुतो विषयानुक्रमः" (Agamodaya Samiti Series No. 55). In the printed edition in verses 450, 457 and 458, there is a reference to garbhāpaharaña pertaining to Lord Mahāvira. This is in agreement with the passage occurring in Bhāvanadhyayana of Acārängasūtra and the passage in Kalpasutra. Moreover, it is supported by a Jaina antiquity found at Mathura. Begins.-- fol. I0 जयइ जगजीवजोणी । विआणओ जगगुरू जगाणंदो। जगनाहो जगबंधो जयइ जगपिओ महाभयवं ।। १ ॥ -fol. 11 आभिणिबोहियनाणं । मुयनाणं चेव ओहिनाणं च । तह मणपज्जवनाणं । केवलनाणं च पंचमयं ॥१॥ Ends.-- fol. 350 सन्वेसि पि नयाणं बहुविहवत्तवयं निसामित्ता । तं सवनयविसुद्धा(द्धं) जं चरणगुणट्रिओ साहू ॥ ९४ ॥ पच्चक्खाणनिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता ॥ छ ॥ समाप्तं श्रीमदावश्यकं ॥ छ । सं० १४८३[८] वर्षे फा० ५० ५। सो० Reference.- Published along with Avaśyakasūtra and Haribhadra Sūri's commentary Sișyahită in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, Nos. 1-4, and also in the same Series as Nos. 56 and 60 and in D. L. J. P. F. series as No. 85 where Malaya giri Süri's commentary is given in 3 parts so far as available. See Weber II, p. 379fn. and 742ff., as well as Indian Antiquary vol. XXI, p. 329 ff. For additional Mss. see B. B. R. A. S. vols. IIJ-IV. p. 400% and G.O. Series vol. XXI, pp. 13 and 23. ___ I This passage is quoted by Darsanavijaya in his article “मथुरानो कंकाली टीलो अने भगवान महावीरना जीवनना चे विशिष्ट प्रसंगो" published in Sri Jaina Satya Prakasa (vol. II, Nos. 4-5, p. 180.) 2 Here the work is styled as launagi of Bhadrabāhu. Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1002.] III. 4 Malasatras 375 For the origin of the Botikas according to this Nit. yukti and Haribhadra's commentary see Z. D. M. G. vol. X L. p. 92ff, and for Avaśyakasatraniryukti ( IX ) see W. Z. K. M. vol. V (PVI). For a learned discussion in German see “ Übersicht über die Avaśyaka-Literatur” (pp. 22-31). In Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka (vol. II, No. 1, pp. 81-91), July 1923 we have an article in Gujarāti entitled as प्रो. ल्युमन अने आवश्यकसूत्र. Herein it is said that Prof. Leumann had commenced publishing in Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, his work Die Avashyaka Erzahlungen ; but he let it go after about 50 pages were printed as he could not get the necessary Mss. of bhāsya, cürņi, tikā, etc. In 1894 he prepared a paper on Āvaśyaka and its literature to be read at the International Oriental Congress. This paper he has published in so pages. Herein he has first of all pointed out the place assigned to Avaśyaka by the:Svetām baras and the Digambaras. This is followed by the summary of the nijjutti, some of the special features of the cürņi and those of Haribhadra Süri's ţikā on Āvassayasutta, an exposition of Visesāvassayabhāsa, etc. In the end he has given photo-prints of some of the worn-out leaves of Silānka Súri's commentary on it. Some of the proofs of this publication seem to have been sent by the late Prof. Leumann to the late Dr. Bhandarkar. They are to be found in his collection at B. O. R. I. After these remarks, Jinavijaya and K. P. Modi, the writers of this article have given from the above-mentioned publication the names of the 11 Gañadharas and mentioned their doubts and have reproduced quotations from the non-Jaina sources like the Upanişad etc. with their original sources where possible'.-a very praiseworthy attempt on the part of the late Prof. Leumann. For certain important statements in Gujarāti see Siddhacakra( vol. IV, No. 12, pp. 284-288 ). For this see Übersicht über die Avaśyaka Literatur ( pp. 37-38). Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 376 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 1002. They are as under :.. (1) Out of the 10 niryuktis, Avaśyakasūtraniryukti is composed first. (2) It is more exhaustive than the rest, and that its Upodghătaniryukti is recommended not only for the study of the remaining five adhyayanas of Āvaśyakasūtra but even while studying the nityukti of other works. (3) Some of its gāthas occur in some of the agamas. For instance 112 gāthās are in Anuyogadvārasütra, and some gäthäs in Sthānănga and Nandisutra, too. (4) The discussion about avad hijñāna given in the Nandisútra reminds one of a corresponding topic dealt with in the Avaśyakasůtraniryukti. (5) It is the Avaśyakasūtraniryukti on which we have a number of commentaries, such as mülabhäşya, the Višeşā vasyakabhăşya, cũrņi and various other com mentaries.' (6) Avaśyakasūtra and its Upodghātaniryukti are unique in the sense that a separate treatise viz. Anuyoga dvāra is composed for explaining them. (7) There is a discussion as to why there are two mangalas in the Āvaśyakasūtraniryukti, one by way of the gāthā beginning with rufaaligatoi and one by way of the gatha commencing with तित्थयरे भगवंते ( Upodghătaniryukti). . A.M. Ghatage has made certain observations regarding the Niryuktis. He places the Avaśyakasūtraniryukti along with the Daśavaikälikaniryukti in the second group out of the three 2 in which he divides the collection of Niryukti I Cf. what is given on p. 15 of “Ubersicht über die Avaśyaka-Literatur.” % The first and the third groups are as under : The niryuktis on the first two angas come under the first group which contains "Niryuktis the text of which is preserved 10 us in a form which we can reasonably take to represent their original one free from later additions" (p. 270). "In the third group come the Niryuktis which are now called by the names of the Bhāşyas and Bphad-Bhāşyas like those on Niśītha and others where it is not now possible to separate the original Niryukti and the latter commentary ou it." (pp. 270-71). Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1003.1 1: 111. 4 Malasatras works. He defines the second group as under :--- "The second group consists of those Niryuktis where verses of the so-called Mula-Bhāṣya are added to the original Niryukti either to explain it or to supplement it." Vide his article "The Sutrakṛtānga-niryukti" (p. 270) published in "The Indian Historical Quarterly" vol. XII, No. 2 (June 1936). 377 1 In the end, I may mention that it is rather difficult to say for certain as to which sutras constitute the original Avasyakasūtra. This Avaśyakasútraniryukti can throw at least some light in this connection. For, herein we have sutrasparśikaniryukti which explains every word of the sutra or good many words of it. As such sutras, mention may be made of the following sutras : (1) Navakara, (2) Karemi bhante, (3) Logassa, (4) Suguruvandanasūtra, (5) Tassa uttari, (6) Annattha and (7) the various Pratyakhyānasūtras. The meaning of some of the gathas of the Avasyakasūtraniryukti seems to tally with the meaning of some of the sutras. These sutras may be a part and parcel of the Avasyakasūtra. As a specimen mention may be made of Cattarimangalam. For further discussion, the reader may refer to pp. 135-137. _आवश्यकसूत्रनिर्युक्ति No. 1003 Size.-- 10 in. by 4 in... [Extent. 44 folios; 15 lines to a page; 68 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, tough and whitish; Devanagari characters with us; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used especially to mark the numbers for verses; 48 [J. L. P. J Avasyakasūtraniryukti 83. 1872-73. Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 378 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1003. yellow pigment rarely used; edges of the first two foll. slightly damaged; condition on the whole very good; complete ; extent 2572 Ślokas ; the contents may be roughly indicated as under: थेरावलिया + पेढिया पढमावर बरिया fasuraraftar उवसग्ग समोसरण गण्. हर सामायारी नमोक्कारनिज्जुत्ति Age.- Not modern. Begins. fol. r* foll. Ends.— fol. 44b "" 14 - 32 34 - - 62 64 - 120 "" ,, 12b-142 99 23 144 - 150 15 - 166 9, 160 170 17-266 در जय जगजीवl etc. चउवीसत्थयनिज्जुत्ति fol. 26-27b वंदणनिज्जुत्ति 27b-31a "" | पडिक्कमणनिज्जुत्ति " 31"-32" झाणसय " 32-342 पारिट्टावणिय निज्जुत्ति (?),, 344 - 360 36b-38b 38b-41b 42-445 असज्झायनिज्जत्ति काउस्सग्गनिज्जुत्ति | चक्खाणनिज्जुत्ति " " " सव्वेसि पि etc., up to संमत्ता as in No. 1002, This is followed by the line as under :-- छ ॥ इति भी आवश्यकश्रुतस्कंधः समाप्तः ॥ छ ॥ ग्रंथाग्रं २५७२ ॥ छ ॥ N. B. For additional information see No. 1002. आवश्यक सूत्रनिर्युक्ति No. 1004 Size.—- 123 in. by 4g in. Extent.— 43 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.— Country paper thin, brittle and greyish ; Devanagari characters with occasional gears; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; white and yellow pigment, too; foll. more or less worm-eaten; strips of paper pasted to some of the foll. in the beginning ; some foll. torn almost in the middle ; Avasyakasūtraniryukti 1180. 1886-92. Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 985.1 rit. 4 Malasatras condition fair; marginal notes written at times; complete, extent 3550 slokas. Age.—- Old. Begins. fol. r* Ends.- fol. 43b 'जयइ जंगजीव etc. 379 सम्बेसि पि etc., up to पच्चक्खाण निज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता ॥ छ | This is followed by the lines as under :― एत्थं पुण चउमंगो अमुद्ध उ ॥ १ सो गुण गहणिजो सीसपसिस्साण होउ जरणिज्जो साहूण ... रे भोज्जो निच्चं च आचार हरजिज्जा ॥ २ अक्खरमत्ता ० लिहिऊण पगरणमिणं जं पत्तं पुन्न साहण धम्म । तेण धम्मेण पुणो सब्बो वि जणो लहउ मोक्खं ॥ ४ । इति आवस्यं सम्मत्तं । छ । छ | ग्रंथाग्रं ३५५० सर्वसंख्या । शुभं etc. N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 1002. आवश्यक सूत्रनिर्युक्ति No. 1005 Size—- 1o in. by 44 in. Extent. -- 173 folios; 9 lines to a page 25 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, bold, legible and elegant handwriting; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between the pairs coloured yellow; numbers for foll. entered only once ; a square-like design in the centre on unnumbered sides and two more in the margins in the case of the numbered ones; fol. 1 decorated with a design; otherwise blank; edges of the first fol. badly worn out; edges of the 2nd fol. slightly damaged; some of the foll. worm-eaten ; condition tolerably good; this Ms. contains थेरावली, पेढिया etc. ; yellow pigment used; complete. Avasyakasutraniryukti 257. 1883-84. Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ $80 Age. Samvat 1553. Begins.-- fol. 1b Ends.- fol. 173a Jaina Literature and Philosophy जयइ जगजीव etc. आवश्यक सूत्रनिर्युक्ति No. 1006 सव्वेसि पि etc. up to पश्चक्खाणनिज्जुती as in No. 1002. This is followed by the lines as under:-- Begins.- fol. r Ends. fol 34 manoo समाप्ता इति श्री आवश्यकश्रुतस्कंधः समाप्तः ॥ छ ॥ संवत् १५५३ वर्षे वैशापशुदि ९ सोमे 'पत्तने' लिखापितं ॥ छ ॥ श्री' उरुवंश' ज्ञातीयभणसाली ॥ छ ॥ देवचंद्रमार्ग ठकूप्रत्रभणसा प ( 2 ) मंडलिकभार्या - मनाईता || छ || बकाईपठनार्थ ॥ छ ॥ शुभं etc. N. B. For other details see No. 1002. Age. Seems to be old. 3 329 40 boo32 Size,-10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 34 folios; 20 lines to a page; 73 letters to a line. Description.--Country paper very thin, smooth and greyish ; Devanagari characters with ears; small, quite clear and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines; out of them two are in blank ink and one in red ink; a corner of the first fol. slightly worn, out; condition very good; red chalk used; fol. 34b blank; complete. N. B.-- For other details see No. 1002. Avasyakasūtraniryukti 240. A. 1882-83. GE Gufactuft etc. as in No. 1002. सव्वेसि पि etc. up to संमत्ता as in No. 1002. This is followed by छ || शुभं भवतु ॥ मिति भद्रं Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ N..1007 . . . ... ... .. . .. . . 1008.1 III. 4 Malasairas आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति ... ... Avasyakasatrantryukti No. 1007 208. 1871-72. Size:- 101 in. by 4g in. Extent.—63 folios; 15 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanāgari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red . ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; the last fol. wrongly numbered as 64; it is really 63rd; notes occasionally written in the margins; complete ; extent 3100 ślokas; condition very good ; yellow pigment used; fol. 63° blank. Age.-- Old. Begins. - fol. !" ५ ६० ॥ २ जयइ जगजीवजोणीवियो(?या)णउ जगगुरु जगाणंदो।' जगनाहो जगबंधु । जयइ जगापयामहो भयवं । २ Ends.- fol 63... सव्वेसि पि नयाणं वहुविहवत्तव्वयं निसामित्ता। तं सव्वनयविसुद्धं जं चरणगुणट्रिओ साहू ॥ ७१॥...........! इति पञ्चक्खाणनिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता ॥ ६॥ समाप्ता॥षविधावश्यकनियुक्ति ॥छ ।। इति ग्रंथाग्रं श्लोक ३१००॥ छ ॥ - यादृशं etc. up to दोषो न दीयते १ N. B.- For other details see No. 1002. 771. आवश्यकसूत्र नियुक्ति ... .....Avasyakasutraniryukti No. 1008. ... 1895-1902.! Size.— 111 in. by 44 in? Extent.-44-2 = 42 folios ; 17 lines to a page; 75 letters to a line. . . . . . . . . . . ........... Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [roo8. Description.--Country paper thin and white; Devanagari chara. _cters with पृष्ठमात्राs; sufficiently big, bold, clear and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; several foll. more or less worm-eaten ; foll. I and 2 lacking; otherwise complete; edges of the foll. 3 to 6 slightly worn out'; condition on the whole good : 2700 gāthās; extent 3375 ślokas. Age:- Sarmvat I488. : Begins -- fol 3 वा वासुदेवा य ।। ७१ । . सोलस रायसहस्सा । सबबलेणं तु संकलणिबद्धं । अंच्छंति वासुदेवं । अगडतडंमी ठियं संतं ॥७२॥ etc. Ends -- fol 44 सव्वेसि पि etc ; up to साहू as in No 1007. This is followed by the lines as under — ॥ ७१ एवं १५८ ॥ छ इति पञ्चक्खाणं नाम छद्रं अज्झय सम्मत्तं ॥ इति पञ्चक्खाणनिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता ॥ आवस्सगनिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता | गाथा २७०० श्लोकसंख्या ३३७५ ॥ छ ॥ ॥संवत् १४८८ वर्षे मार्गशीर्ष वदि ११ एकादश्यां गुरौ || श्री पीसल - नगरे पं० गुणसमुद्रगणिना लिखापितं श्रीआवश्यक संपूर्ण ॥ छ । शुभ भवतु etc. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 1002. आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति Avasyakasūtraniryukti No. 1009 157. 1871-72. Size.- Ing in. by 4g in. Extent.-46 - 1 -9 = 36 folios ; I7 lines to a page ; 6o letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Deva. nāgari characters with TASTIS; small, legible and very fair hand-writing ; borders indifferently ruled in red ink: red 1 This portion occurs as a part of the 70th verse on p. 78a in the edition containing Malayagiri Sūri's commentary on Avaśyakasutra. Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ roro.] III. 4 Malasutras 383 chalk and yellow pigment used; numbers for foll, entered once only; unnumbered sides have a small disc in red colour in the centre, whereas the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; marginal notes seem to be added at times; the first fol. as well foll. 37 to 45 lacking; otherwise pratically complete ; edges of several foll, slightly worn out; foll. 36 and 46 damaged probably on account of their having been exposed to fire ; condition fair; this Ms. commences practically with the 29th gatha of स्थविरावली. Age. -- Samvat 1532. Begins -- fol za गुणाणं। वंदामि अजमंगुं सू( स )यसागरपारगं धीरं ॥ २९ वंदामि अज्जधम्मं वंदे तत्तो य सद्दगुत्तं च । तत्तो य अज्जवइरं तवनियमगुणेहिं वइरसमं ॥ ३० ॥ etc. Ends. -- fol 46. सन्वेसि पि etc., up to संमत्ता as in No. 1002. This is followed by the lines as under : __ छ ॥ श्रीआवश्यकसूत्रं समाप्तं ।। ग्रंथानं २५५० अनुप ग्रंथानुमानं ३१५० । शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । संवत् १५३२ वर्षे ज्येष्ठमासे चतुर्दशीदिने गुरुवासरे श्राविकारूपाई श्राविका वा श्राविका पूरी श्रीआवश्यकसूत्र लिषापिता । प्रवर्तिनीराजलक्ष्मीउपदेशेन ॥ N. B.-- For additional information see No. 1002. Avasyakasūtraniryukti आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति No. 1010 Size.- 104 in. by 4g in. Extent.--71 - 1 = 70 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a ... line. Description.-Country paper thin and white; Devanagari charact ers with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 384 Jaina Literature and Philosophy { 1010. between the pairs coloured red; unnumbered sides hvae a square-like desgin in the the centre whereas the numbered, in each of the two margins, too, in yellow colour; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 2; foll. 6 and 65 to 71 slightly torn; condition on the whole good; white pigment used; red chalk at times only; the 1st fol. lacking; this Ms. contains] पढिया etc. up to जोगसंगह and आसायणा complete plus some portion; thus it begins and ends abruptly. Age. Pretty old. Begins fol 2a Ends 11 ( परतित्थिय ) गहपहनासगस्स तवतेयदित्तलेसस्स । नाज्जायस जए भहं दमसंघसूरस्स ॥ १० ॥ This is the roth gatha of for which is followed by aftur. -fol 71b स्थविरावली (थेरावली ) आवासयं तु काउं जिणोवइटुं गुरुवएसेणं । तिनि थुई पडिलेहा कालस्स विही इमा तत्थ ॥ ५६ ॥ दुविst य होइ कालो वाघायम एयरो य नायव्वा । वाघाइ घंघसालाइ घट्टणं सतकहणं वा ॥ The Ms. ends thus abruptly. N. B. For further particulars see No. 1002. Stha viravali (TheravaliЛ) 273(a). A. 1882-83. No. 1011 Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 46 folios; 17 lines to a page; 58 letters to a line. Description. Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanagari characters; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders thickly ruled singly in red ink; red chalk used; unnumbered sides have a small disc in red colour in the 1 This is 1369th gatha of the Avaśyakasûtraniryukti according to the edition containing Haribhadra Suri's commentary. Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1011.] Ill. 4 Malasutras 385 centre; the numbered have two more, one in each of the two margins ; complete; some of the foll. somewhat wormeaten; condition unsatisfactory; this work is followed by the following constituents which practically make up Avaśyakasūtraniryukti. (1) पीठिका (पेढिया ) foll. rb to 34. ( 2 ) प्रथमावरवरिका ( पढमावरवरिया ) foll. 34 to 64. (3) द्वितीयावरवरिका ( बिइयावरवरिया ) foll. 64 to 124. (4) ' उपसर्ग ( उवसग्ग ) foll. 12 to 134. (5) गणधर ( गणहर) foll. 13 to 16. ( 6 ) सामाचारी ( सामायारी ) foll. 164 to 17. (7) उपोद्घातनिर्युक्ति ( उवग्घायनिज्जुत्ति ) foll. 17 to 21. ( 8 ) नमस्कारनिर्युक्ति ( नमुक्कारनिज्जुत्ति ) foll. 21b to 244. ( 9 ) सामायिकनिर्युक्ति (सामाइयनिज्जुत्ति) foll. 244 to 264. ( 10 ) चतुर्विंशतिस्तवनिर्युक्ति ( चउवीसत्थयानेज्जुत्ति ) foll. 26 to 274 ( 11 ) वन्दननिर्युक्ति ( बंदणनिज्जुत्ति ) foll. 27 to 300. (12) प्रतिक्रमणनियुक्ति (पढिक्रमणनिज्जुत्ति ) foll 30b to 31. (13) ध्यानशत ( झाणसय ) foll 3rb to 33. (14) पारिष्ठापनिकानिर्युक्ति ( पारिट्टावणियानिज्जत्ति ) foll. 33b to 36′′ (15) प्रतिक्रमणसङ्ग्रहणी ( पडिक्कमणासंगहणी ) foll. 36 to 37b. ( 16 ) योगसंग्रह ( जोगसंगह ) foll. 37 to 38. ( 17 ) आशातना (आसायणा ) foll. 38b to 394. ( 18 ) अस्वाध्याय नियुक्ति (असज्झायनिज्जुत्ति ) foll. 392 to 41. (19) कायोत्सर्गनियुक्ति ( काउस्सग्गनिज्जुति ) foll. 414 to 44. foll. 44* to 448. foll. 44b to 45* . ( ) प्रत्याख्यान नियुक्ति (पचक्खाणानिज्जुत्ति ) foll. 45 to 46b. Age.- Pretty old. Author.→ Perhaps Devavācaka. Subject. Some of the verses in Prakrit mentioning the names of several Sthaviras. 1 In the printed Catalogue we have Samavasrarana between Upasarga and Gapadhara. 49 [J. L. P.] Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 386 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [iori. Begins.- fol. " ॐ नमो श्रीजिनागमाय । नयह जगजीवजोणीवियाणओ जगगुरू जमाणंदो। जगनाहो जगबंध जयइ जगप्पियामहो भयवं ॥ १ ॥ etc. - fol. rb वंदामि अज्जरक्खियखमणे रक्खियचरित्तसवस्से । रयणकरंडगभूओ अणुओगो रक्खिओ जेहिं ॥ ३२ ॥ नाणंमि दंसणंमि य तब विणए निच्चकालमुज्जुत्तं । अज्जारज्ज)नंदिलखमणं सिरसा वंदे पसन्नमणं' ॥ ३३ ॥ वडर वायग'सो etc. This verse is not numbered as 34 but it is numbered as Io and the succeeding ones are accordingly numbered as 11, 12 etc. Ends.- fol. 10 जे अंने भगवंते etc. up to बुच्छे आभिणिबोहियनाणं सुयनाणं चेव ओहिनाणं च । तह मणपज्जवनाणं केवलनाणं च पंचम।। २७ ॥ थेरावलिया समत्ता Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. पीठिका Pithikā (पेढिया) ( Pedhiya) No. 1012 273 (b). A.1882-83. Extent.- fol. 1b to fol. 3o. Description.- Complete. For other details see Sthaviravali No.101. Subject.-- 81 verses in Prākrit. 1 This is the 29th verse of Sthavirāvali given in the beginning of Nandīsūtra, 2 This forms the very ist verse of the Avaśyakasūtraniryukti commented upon by Malayagiri Sūri, Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ _387 Form.] Ill. 4 Malasatras Begins.- fol. 1b. - ओग्गह ईहावाओ अ धारणा एष हुंति चत्तारि । आभिणिबोहियनाणस्स भेयवत्यू समासेणं ॥ १॥ ' etc. Ends.- fol. 3 इत्थं पुण इहगारो सुयनाणेणं जओ सुएणं तु । सेसाणमप्पणा वि य अणुओग पईवदि,तो ॥८१॥ पढिया संमत्ता ।। Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. पीठिका Píthika No. 1013 1207. 1887-91. Size.-- Iol in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 3 folios; 14 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.--Country paper thin, brittle and greyish; Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; the space between the pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in both the margins; unnumbered sides have a small disc in red colour, in the centre only whereas the numbered in ihe margins, too; complete ; edges of all the foll. slightly worn out ; condi, tion tolerably good ; this Ms. contains 79 verses in all. Age.-- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 14 ॐ नमो वीतरागाय ॥ आभिणिबोहियनाणं सुयनाणं चेव ओहिनाणं च । तह मणपज्जयनाणं केवलनाणं च पंचमयं ॥ उग्गहो ईह अवाओ etc. as in No. 1012. 1-2 These two verses form 2nd and 79th verses of the Avasyakasātraniryukti above referred to ( see p. 386). Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 388 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [013. Ends.- fol. 30 एत्थं पुण अहिगारो etc. up to दिदंतो as in No. 1012. This is followed by || ७९ पीढिया संम्मत्ता N. B.- For other details see No. 1012. पीठिकाबालावबोध Pitbikābālāvabodha 1347 (b). No. 1014 1895-98. Extent.-- fol. 4* to fol. 13. Description.--Complete%3 composed in Samvat I564. For other details see Sthavirāvalivrtti with balavabodha No. 631, where this work is styled as आवश्यकपीठिकाविवरण.. - (बालावबोध). Author.-- Samvegadeva Gaņi, pupil of Somasundara Suri of Tapā gaccha. Subject.-- Sanskrit and Gujarāti explanations of the Pithikā of : Avaśyakasūtraniryukti. Begins.- fol. 4* श्रीवर्द्धमानजिननायक एष सत्यं । प्राभातिकः किल सहश्र(स)करो विभाति ॥ यहेशितीर्थकिरणप्रसरैः प्रकाशः। संजायते सकलकवस्तुविकाशदक्षः ॥ १॥ . . श्रीसोमसुंदरयरून भक्त्या । श्रीरत्नशेखरएसंश्च ॥ श्रीमत् 'तपागणेंद्रान् । नत्वा श्रुतदेवतांश्चैव ॥२॥ श्रीमत्तदावश्यकस्यादौ । पीठिका विवृणोम्यहं ॥ बालावबोधरूपेण । बह्वार्थमल्पसूत्रिकां ॥३॥ श्रीभद्रबाहुस्वामि । आवश्यकनइ धुरि मंगलीक भणी । पंच ज्ञान विखाणा आभाणिबोहियनाणं । सुयनाणं चेव ओहिनाणं च । तह मणपज्जवनाणं केवलनाणं च पंचमयं ॥ १ ॥ आ०॥ प्रथम मातज्ञान । श्रुतज्ञान २ etc. Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ron.] III. 4 Malasalras 389 Ends.— fol. 134 हवइ ईहां सिद्धांतनइ अवसरि । श्रुतज्ञाननु अधिकार जाणिषु । जेह भणी श्रुतज्ञानइ करी । अनेरा सवि हुं ज्ञानना अनुयोग अर्थ जणाइ । जेह भणी श्रुतज्ञान आपणुई स्वरूप प्रकाशइ । अनइ अनेरा ज्ञाननुं स्वरूप प्रकाशइ । जिम दीवउ आपणं ( ? ) प्रकाशइ | अनइ अनेराइ पदार्थ प्रकाश करइ । इह प्रदीपनु दृष्टांत जाणिवं । जेह भणी श्रुतज्ञान आपशुंड स्वरूप प्रकाशइ | अमइ अनेरा ज्ञाननुं स्वरूप प्रकाशइ । जिम दीवउ आपप्रकाशइ । अनइ अनेराइ पदार्थ प्रकाश करइ । इह प्रदीपनु दृष्टांत जाणिवु । तिम श्रुतज्ञान जाणिवं । छ । 1 श्रीसोमसुंदर युगोत्तमसूरिशिष्यः । आवश्यकस्य धुरि संस्थितपीठिकाया । संवेगदेव गणिरिंद्र तिथि : ] १५१ (६) ४ प्रमे ( S)ब्दे ॥ भवतु ॥ श्री आवश्यकस्य प्रथमपीठिका बालावबोधः समर्थितः । शुभं पीठिका बालावबोध No. 1015 बालबोधमतनोन (त्) स्वपदार्थसिद्धये । १ । Pithikābālāvabodha 1232. 1891-95. Size. rogin. by sin Extent.— 13 folios ; 11 to 24 lines to page; 30 to 58 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thick, rough and white; Devanagari characters; bold, small, clear and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll 6© and 124 written in a very big hand ; fol. 64 numbered as I also; a yellow piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. 13b; similar is the case with fol. 1"; corners of the first two foll. slightly worn out; condition good; fol. ro± contains tabulated results; complete, Age.— Samvat1872. Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ HOI Begins.-- fol. 1 श्रीशांतिनाथाय नमः ॥ श्रीवर्द्धमाना(?न)जिननायक एष सत्यं । प्र(प्रा)भातिकः किल सहस्रकरो ति(? विभाति यहेवीता(?)किरणः प्रसारैः प्रकाशः स जायतें सकलवस्तुवी(वि)काशदक्षः १ श्रीसोमसुंदरगुरून भक्त्या श्रीरत्नसे(शे)ष(ख)रगुरूंश्च श्रीमत् तपा'गणेंद्रान् नत्वा श्रुतदेवतां चैव २ श्रीमदावश्यकस्यादा(दौ) पीठि(ठि)का(कां) विवृणोम्यहा( हं) बालावबोधरूपेण बह्वार्थामल्पसूत्रिका ३ etc. श्रीभद्रबाहुस्वामी श्रीआवश्यकने धुरे पहेलं मंगलीक भणी पांच ज्ञांन वषाणे छे. आभिणी(णि )बोही(हि)यनाणं आभिनीबोधीक ज्ञान कहीइं etc. -fol. 6° श्रीशांतिनाथाय नमः भव्यानामुपदेसा(शा)य मार्गे वचनका कथ्यते तत्र प्रथम जीव अनादि कालनो मिथ्यात्वी हतो ते हवे काललब्धि पामीने त्रण्य कर्ण करें में etc. Ends.- fol. 13* तीम श्रुतज्ञांन आपणुं ए अर्थ प्रकासे अने अनेरा ए ज्ञाननोऽर्थ ... . प्रकासें ईस्यूं जाणवू ८० __ इति श्रीसोमसुंदरक (यु)गोत्तमसूरीष्पीय संवेगदेवगणीना ग्रथीता ग्रंथ चेयं श्रीआवश्यकपीठीकाबालावबोध संपूर्ण संवत् १८७२ ना धर्षे श्रावण शुद ७ गरौ दिने लीषीतं पं (०)न्यायसागरगणीना स्वात्मार्थे 'महीज'. ग्रामे श्रीसांतिनाथप्रसादात् भद्रं भवतु श्रेणं स्वात्मार्थे(s)लेखि. N. B.- For other details see No. 1014. प्रथमावरवरिका (पढमावरवरिया) Prathmávaravarikā (Padhamāvaravariya) 273 (0). A. 1882-83 No. 1016 Extent.- fol. 3°to fol. 6. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 1011. 1 This is also styled as Laghuvaravarika See. p. 391. Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1017.1 III. 4 Malasatras 391 Subject.- 178 verses in Prakrit forming a part of the Avasyata: sútraniryukti. Begins.— fol. za तित्थयरे भगवंते अणुत्तरपरक्कमे अमिअनाणी । तिन्नेसु गइगइगए सिद्धिपहपएसए वंदे ॥ १ ॥ etc.' Ends:- fol. 6 तिन्नेव य कोहिसया अट्टासीयं च हुंति कोडीओ। असियं च सयसहस्सा एवं संवच्छरे दिनं ।। १७८॥ पढमावरवारया संम्मत्ता। Reference.- Published. See No. I002. प्रथमावरवरिका Prathamăvaravariko बालावबोध bālāvabodha 1347 (0). No. 1017 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 13° to fol. 224. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 631. Subject.- Prathamăvaravariká here styled as Laghuvaravarika is explained in Sanskrit and at times in Gujarāti. Begins.- fol. 13 तित्थयरे० । अहं तीर्थकरान् सदा वंदे। किंविशिष्टान् तीर्थ करान् । भगवतः पूज्यान् । पुनः किं तीर्थ । अनुत्तरपराक्रमाम् । पुनः किं. ती। अमितज्ञानिनः । पुनः किं ती। तीर्णान् । पुनः किं. तीथे। सुगतिगतिगतान् । पुनः किं तीर्थ । सिद्धिप्रदेशकान् । १ etc. Ends.- fol. 22 तिन्नेव य० । त्रीणि कोटिशतानि । अष्टाशीतिशतसहस्राः लक्षाः । एतत्संवत्सरे दत्तं । त्रिणिसई कोडि । अठियासी कोडि । अहीसी लक्ष । एतलडं सुवर्णदान । परमेश्वरिई घरसदिवसिई दीधडं ॥ ८२॥ इति लघुवरवरिका संपूर्णा ॥ श्रीब्रह्मवाडिश्रीमहावीराय नमः । श्रीरस्तु र(ओस्माकं ॥ I Malayagiri Sūri before commenting upon this verse says : "तत्रोपोद्धातस्यादिमगलमाह।" 2 This is 242th verse in the edition containing Malayagiri Suri's commentary. Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 392 'द्वितीयावरवरिका (fageneraffen ) Begins. fol. 6a No. 1018 Extent. fol. 6a to fol. 12a. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 1011. Subject. This work also known as Vṛddhavaravarikă consists of 348 verses in Prakrit and forms a part of the Avasyakasūtraniryukti. Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends. fol. 12a [ 1018. Dvitiyāvaravarikā (Biiyāvaravariya) 273 (d). A. 1882-83. वीरं आरे पास मल्लिं च वासुपुज्जं च । एए मुत्तूण जिणे अ' सेसा आसि रायाणो ॥ १ ॥ etc. बहियायनायसंडे आपुच्छित्ताण नायए सव्वो । दिवसे मुहुत्त सेसे कुमारग्गा मे समणुपत्तो ॥ ३४८ ॥ वरवरिया बिइया संमत्ता । Reference. Published. See No. 1002. facturarcaften No. 1019 Dviti yāvaravarikā 306 (a). A. 1882-83. Size.--10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 48-6=42 folios; 17 lines to a page; 60 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Devanagari characters with gears; small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders indifferently ruled in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; 1 This is also styled as Vrddhavaravarikā. See p. 394. 2 The letter is gone as the corresponding portion is worn out. Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 393 , 14-16. , 17-18 210 139 , 284-310 , 31-320 51 " . . tor9.] :: III. 4 Malasatras this Ms. starts with the 7th fol.; fol. 486 blank ; Dvitīyāvaravarikā ends on fol. 136; condition good; this Ms. contains the following 19 works in addition.-- (1) उपसर्ग 70 verses foll. 136-145 (2) समवसरण 69 , (3) गणधरावली 80(?), ,, 16-173 (4) सामाचारी 64 , 5) उपोद्घातानयुक्ति 186-22 (6) नमस्कारनियुक्ति 220-25* (7) सामायिकनियुक्ति .100 25-26° (8) चतुर्विशतिस्तवनियुक्ति 26b-28 (१) वन्दननियुक्ति (10) प्रतिक्रमणनियुक्ति (II) आर्तध्यान 18 fol. 320 (12) ध्यानशतक 106 , foll. 32b-34 (13) पारिष्ठापनिकानियुक्ति , 34-370 (14) प्रतिक्रमणनियुक्ति , 37-39 (15) योगसङ्ग्रह ,, 39-40 ' (16) आशातना fol. 40 (17) अस्वाध्यायनियुक्ति III , foll. 40-420 (18) कायोत्सर्गानक्ति ,, 424-456 (19) प्रत्याख्याननियुक्ति 21 verses plus a prose passage plus 90 verses , 45-48. Age.- Old Begins.- fol. I - वीरं अरिदनमि पासं etc....... Ends.-- fol. 13a बहिया य नायसंडे etc., up to समापत्तो as in No. 1018. This is followed by ॥ ४८ बिया वरवरिया संमत्ता ॥ छ । N. B.-- For additional information see No. 1018, I53 50 [J.L.P.] Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1999 दिबीयावरवारिकाः . Dvitiylvarevarikaहीपिका dipikā 1347(d). No. 1020 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 22° to fol. 324. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 631. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject. - A Sanskrit explanation of Dyitiyāvaravarikā. Begins.-- fol. 22 वीं अपिटनेमिः ॥ वीर भीवईमानं १ अरिष्टनेमि २ पाचे ३ मालिं ४ चान्यद्वासुपूज्यं ५। पता जिनान् । मुक्त्वा । अविशेषा जिनाः राजानः आसम् ॥ १ । रायकुले मुविजाया० एते पंचापि जिनवराः । राजकुलेष्वपि जाताः । परं कुमारवासे( 5)मि प्रब्रमिताः । किंविशिष्टेषु राज कुलेषु । विशुद्धवंशेषु । etc. , - fol 3r" इति भगवतोक्ते । त्वया सारणांतिकोपसर्गो रक्षणीयः । इत्युक्तिपूर्व सिद्धार्थ व्यंतरं । भगवत्पाचे मुक्त्वा । शको जगाम प्रातः कोल्लागसंनि धेशे । षष्ठपारणके । बहुलविप्रेण । पायसं क्षीरानं दतं । तत्र देवैर्वसधारा कृता सुवर्णधारा | पंच दिव्यानि जातानि । ६० । इति श्रीबृहतरवरिकायाः दीपिका संपूर्णः । श्रीरस्तु । अस्या वरवरिकायां क्षेपकगाथा १४ वृत्त्यादिष्वपि न व्याख्याता | सा च । आउह बरसा । व्याख्या | मरावक्री प्राच्या मामधं १ etc. Ends.- fol. 32* त्रिशलाकुक्षिः २५ शेषा अस्पष्टतयोक्ता भवाः अंतर्गण्या न । संसारशब्देन एकेंद्रियः विकलेंद्रियत्वाप्तिरेव ज्ञेयाः । न च वाच्यं । देवानंदा. वक्षिस्थितिः कथं भवन्वेन गण्यते । समवायांगे उक्तत्वात् । ७४ । इति वृद्धवरवरिकायाः सारोद्धारो लिखितोऽस्ति । छ । Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1844.] उपसर्ग ( उवसग्ग ) Ends.-- fol. r3b No. 1021 Extent.— fol. 12s to fol. 13b. Description.— Complete. For other details see No. IoII. Subject.— 7o verses in Prakrit forming a part of the Avaśyakasutraniryakti throw light on terrible hardships undergone by Lord Mahavira. Begins. fol. 122 उपसर्ग No : 1022 गोवनिमित्तं सक्क्स्स आमेनी वागरेह देविंदो कुलमबहुल छुट्टस्त पारणे पयसबहा' ॥ १ ॥ etc. Extent. 111: 4 Mess Reference.— Published. See No. 1002. जंभिय बहि उज्जवालियतीरवियाथ (? वत्त सामसाल अहे । छट्टेणुक्कडुयस्त ओडप्पनं केवलं नाणं ॥ ७० ॥ ३ Begins. fol. 13b उपसर्गा संमत्ता ॥ छ ॥ Bads. fol. 14 395 Upasarga (Uvasagga) गोवनिमितं समस्त etc. 273 (e). A. 1882-83. fol. 13b to fol. 144. Description.— Complete. For other details see No. io19. N. B. For further particulars see No. 1021. Upasarga 306 (b). A. 1882-83. जंमिय बहि etc. up केले नाणं ॥ ७० as in No: to21. This is followed by उपसर्गाः समाप्ताः ॥ 1 One letter is gone, as the corresponding portion is worm-eaten. 2 This verse occurs as 525th on p. 298b in the edition containing Malayagiri Suri's commentary on āvaśyakasūtra. Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 396 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ron. उपसर्गव्याख्या Upasargävyākhyā No. 1023 _1347 (७). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 324 to fol. 360. Description.--- Complete. For other details see No. 631. Subject.- Explanation in Sanskrit of Upasarga. Begins.-fol. 32* श्रीवीरेण दीक्षा गृहीता । यैरुपसर्गः सोहेः। केवलज्ञानमुत्पन्न । स विचारो लिख्यते । बहिया य० । १ । स भगवान् 'क्षत्रियकुंड'ग्रामाद् बहिः ज्ञातखंडवने | सर्वान ज्ञातकान आपृच्छ्य मुक्तलाप्य । मुहूर्तशेषे । दिवसे सति 'कुमारग्राम'मनुप्राप्तः ।। etc. Ends.-tol. 36° 'जूंभिका ग्रामात् बहिः 'कजुवालिका नदीतीरे । वेयावच्चं । चैत्यत्वाद व्यावृत्तं पतितचैत्यमित्यर्थः। तस्यासन्ने श्यामाकगृहपतिक्षेत्रे । सालतरोरघः षष्ठतपसोत्कटिकास्थस्यः केवलमुत्पेदे । ६९ इति श्रीआवश्यकदीपिकानुसारेण । श्रीवीरोपसर्गविचारोऽलेखि । छ । . गणधरावली Gañadbarávali गणहरावली) (Ganaharāvali) 273(f). No. 1024 A.1882-83. Extent.- fol. 13 to fol. 164.. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. IOLI. Subject.-These 158 verses in Prakrit form a part of Avasyaka-. sutraniryukti and deal with episodes pertaining to the Gañadharas of Lord Mahavira." Begins.- fol. 13° जो य तवो अणुचिनो वीरवरेणं महाणुभावेणं । छउमत्थकालियाए अहक्कम कित्तइस्सामि ॥१॥' etc. 1 Ibid., P. 298b, v. 529. Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 39 . 1025. ] . . .III. 4. Malasatras . - fol. I0 छिनमि संसयंमी जिणेण जरमरणावप्पमुक्केण । सो समणो पव्वइओ सह खंडियसएहिं ।। १३३॥1 गणधरा संमत्ता। Ends.- fol. 16 अरिहंते वंदित्ता चउदसपुव्वी तहेव दसपुटवी । इक्कारसंगसुत्तत्थधारए सव्वसाडू य । १५८ इत्थ पए ओ(घ)निज्जुत्ती वत्तव्वा ॥ गणधरवक्तव्यता समाप्ता। Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. गणधरावली Gañadharāvali No. 1025 306 (d). A.1882-83. Extent.- fol. 169 to fol. 17'. Description.-Complete. For other details see No. 1019. .. Begins.- fol. 16 तं दिव्वदेवघोसं etc. Ends.— fol. 17a अरहते वंदित्ता चउदसपुव्वी तहेव दसपुब्धी । इक्कारसंगसुत्तत्थधारए सव्वसाढू य ॥७९॥ ___ इत्थंतरे ओघनिज्जुत्ती भणियव्वा ।। छ ॥ ५॥ N. B.-For further Details see No. 1024. गणधरावल्यवचूरि No. 1026 . ... Extent.- fol. 40% to fol. 420. 1 Ibid., P. 337b, v. 641. Gañadharāvalyavacūri ... .. 1347 (8) : 1891-95. Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jasht Literature and Philosophy (10763 Description. This Ms. contains mostly the gates of Gañadhara vali. For other details see No.631. Subject.--Ganadhara explained in Sanskrit in short. Begins- fol. 40 तं दिव्वदेवघोस । सोउणं माहणा तहिं तट्टा । अहो सिरण जहूँ। देवा किर आगया इहय । १।। तत्र मध्यमापापायां । मानुषा दिव्यं प्रधानं । तं देवानां व्रजतामागच्छतां च छोपं शब्दं श्रुस्वा । तुष्टा हृष्टा । एकमवोचत् । अहो इति आश्वयें। याज्ञिकेन जुष्टं यागः प्रारब्धः etc. Ends.- fol. 42° दशधा सामाचारी इच्छामिच्छेत्यादि कथयिष्यते । पदविभाग सामाचारी नवमपूर्वे ॥ २४ । गणहरा समत्ता ॥ अरिहंते वंदिता । एषा ओघनियुक्तिरादिमा । अत्रौघनियुक्तिर्वक्तव्या । इति मणधाव ..... ल्याऽवचूरिः छः॥ समवसरण .. . Samavasaraņa (समोसरण) (Samosarana) 30616). No. 1027 A.1882-83. Extent.- fol. 14 to fol. 164. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 1019. Begins.— fol. 146 जो उ तवो अणुचिनी etc. Ends.-- fol. 162 संखाईए वि भवे साहइज वा पुरो य पुच्छिज्जा । ....... म उणं अणाइससी बियाणई एस छउमत्थो । ६९ ॥ समवसरणं संमत्तं ॥ छ । Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. ...... समवसरण - Poid:, p. 3rb; v. 592. 2 Ibid., P. 31ma, V.590. Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1929+ ] समवसरण अवचूरिसहित No. 1028 Extent. fol. 36b to fol. 402, Description. Both the text and the commentary complete. For other details see No. 631. Subject. Begins. — ( text ) fol. 36b " III. 4 Malasatras "" जो अ तवो अणुचिनो । वरिवरेणं महाणुभावेणं । छउमत्थकालियाए । अहक्कमं कित्तइस्सामि । १ । Ends.— ( text ) fol. 404 Samavasarana together with its explanation in Sanskrit, Samavasarama with avacuri 1347 (f). 1891-95, 399 (com) fol. 36b वीरवरेण ब्रह्मस्थलकाले । यत्तपोऽनुचीर्ण आसेवितं । किंलक्षणेन वीरवरेण । महानुभावेन । महाप्रभावठ (? युक्तेन । तत्तपो यथाक्रमं कीर्त्तयिष्यामि । १ । etc. संखाईए वि भवे साहइ जं वा परो उ पुरिछज्जा । न यणं अणाइसेसी बियाणइ एस छउमत्थो । ( ६९ ) ॥ -- ( com. ) fol. 40° का अथवा परोऽन्यो पद पृच्छति । तत्सर्वे कथयति । अनतिशयी अवध्याद्यतिशयरहितः साधुः एनं गणधारिणं एक छमस्थ इति विजानाति । ६९ । इति समवसरणस्यावचूरिः ॥ सामाचारी ( सामायारी ) No. 1029 Extent. fol. 16 to fol. 17. Description.-Complete. For other details see No. 1011. See p. 396. Sāmācāri (Sāmāyārī ) 273 (g). A. 1882-83. Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 400 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1030. Subject.- These 64 verses in Prakrit form a part of Avasyakasātra niryukti. Begins.- fol. 16- इच्छा मिच्छात हक्कारो आवस्सिया य निसीहिया । __आपुच्छणा य पडिपुच्छा छंदणा य निमंतणा ॥ १॥ Ends.- fol. 17 एवं सामायारिं जुजंता चरणकरणमाउत्ता। साहू खवंति कम्मं अणेगभवसंचियमणतं ॥ ६४॥ सामायारी समत्ता। Reference: - Published. See No. 1002. सामाचारी Sāmācări .. 306 (e). No. 1030 A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 17* to fol. 18. Description. Complete. For other details see No. 1019. Begins.- fol. 17. .... इच्छा मिच्छा तहक्कारो etc. Ends.-fol. 18 एवं सामायाkि etc. up to सांचियमणतं ॥ ६४॥ सामायारी संमत्ता ॥ छ । N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 1029. Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IOJI.] 111. 4 Malasatras : 401 दीपिकासहित : with Dipika No. 1031 1347 (h). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 42s to fol. 450. Description.- Both the text and the commentary complete. For . . other details sée No. 631. . Subject. -- Sāmācārī along with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.- (text ) fol. 420 इन्छा १ मिच्छा २ तहक्कारो ३ आवास्सआ य ४ निसीहिया ५। आपुच्छणा य पडिपुच्छा ७ । छंदणा य ८। निमंत्र(त)णा णे ।१।' उवसंपदा १० य काले १० सामायारी भवे दसबिहा उ । etc. , -(com.) fol. 42° अथ दशधा सामाचारीमाह। ... ( com.) fol. 42° इच्छाकार(:) १ मिथ्याकारः २ तथाकारः etc. साधुषु एवं सामाचारी । दशविधेष स्यात् । एतेषां पदानां प्रत्येकं प्ररूपणां वक्ष्ये । २ etc. Ends.- (text) fol. 450 एवं सामायारिं । जुजुता चरणकरणमाउत्ता। साहू खवंति कम्मं । अणेगभवसांचअमणतं । " ,, - (com.) fol. 45° साधवः एनां सामाचारी जुजुतानां समाचरंतो अनेक भवसंचितं कर्म क्षिपयंति । किंवि० कर्म । अनंतं अनंतभवोपार्जितं । किवि० साधवः। चरणकरणोयुक्ताः । चरणसप्तन्यां । करणसप्तत्यां उद्युक्ता उद्यमवंतः । ६४ । इति सामाचारीदीपिका समाप्ताः॥ . . 1 This is 667th găthă of the niryukti according to the edition containing Malayagiri Suri's commentary. 2 Ibid., gatha;723. u U.L.P..] Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 400 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1032. उपोदयातनियुक्ति Upodghkhairyukti (उवग्यायनिज्जुत्ति) ( Uvagghaythijjutti) 273 (h). No. 1032 A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 17° to fol. 21. Description.-Complete; the verses 78 and 79 rumbered on fol. 192 as 48 and 89 through oversight. For other details see No. 101H. Subject.-- These 216 verses in Prakrit form a part of Avaśyakasütra niryukti. Begins. — fol. 176 अज्झवसाण निमित्ते आहारे बेयणा पराघाए । फासे आणापाणु सत्तविहं झिज्झए आउं ॥१॥' Ends.- fol. 210 पञ्चक्खे (इव) दट्टणं जीवाजीधे य पुनपावं च । पञ्चक्खाया जोमा सावज्जा तेअलिसएणं ॥ १६ (२१६) । उपोद्घातनियुक्तिः समाप्ता । . Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. उपोद्घातनियुक्ति Upodghātaniryukti 306 (f). No. 1033 A.1882-83. Extent.- fol. 18 to fol. 22'. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 1019. Begins. -- fol. 18b अज्झवसाण निमित्त etc. 1 This is 724th gathā of the niryukti according to the edition containing Malayagiri Sūri's commentary. 2 Ibid., gāthā 873. Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ to34. 1 Ends. fol. 22b III. 4 Malasatras पखक्खे (इव) दट्टणं etc. up to साबज्जा तेयलिरूपणं ॥ as in No. 1032. This is followed by the line as under२१० उपोद्घातनिर्युक्तिः ॥ छ ॥ N. B. For further particulars see No. 1032. उपोद्घातनिर्युक्ति No. 1034 Size. 10 in. by 32 in. Extent. 20 folios; 14 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with gears; small, uniform, quite legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll 1 to 25 missing; foll. numbered twice in the right-hand margin only once as 26, 27 etc., and once as 74, 75 etc.; fol. 29th torn; edges of some of the foll. slightly worn out; condition tolerably good; arafag ends on fol. 29b; then we have the following works in addition: : (1) aṁenavy No. 1038 foll. 29 to 33b (2) सामाइयनिज्जत्ति 33b 37a (3) चब्बीसत्थयनिज्जुत्ति,, 1046 37b (4) बंदणनिज्जत्ति 4021 (5) पडिक्क्रमणनिज्जत्ति (6) झाणसयग This last work ends abruptly. در 1042 رو Upodghataniryukti 615 (a). 1884-86. 33 دو Age.- Pretty old. 1 Foll. 386 and 39 do not seem to be interconnected. "" ,, 1050,, 40a 44b ,, IOS4 ", 44b 456 ,, 1057 ", 45b. 403 "" دو Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 404 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [io3s. Begins. -( abruptly) fol. 26° लकप्पा नयरी मित्तसिरी करपिउडाई ॥२९॥ . चोहा(बस) दो वाससया तइयां सिद्धिं गयस्स वीरस्स । .. . अय(व्व)त्तग वेयाए समुप्पन्ना ॥३०॥ etc. Ends.-- fol. 290 पञ्चक्खे दणं etc. up to तेयलिएणं as in No. 1032. This is followed by ७७ ॥ छ ॥ २७७ उपोद्घातनियुक्तिः समाप्ता ।। छ। N. B.- For additional information see No. 1032. उपोद्घातनियुक्ति Upodgbātaniryukti व्याख्यासहित with vyākhyā No. 1035 __1347(i). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 4gb to fol. 61. Description.- Both the text and the commentary complete. For other details see No. 6;1. Author of the vyakhyā.- Ksamāratna Suri. Subject.-- Upodghātaniryukti with vyākhyā in Sanskrit. Begins.- (text ) fol. 45b अज्झवसाण १ निमित्त २ आहारे वेयणा पराघाए । फासे आणापाणु(ए) सत्तविहं झिज्झए आउं ॥ १॥ etc. , -(com.) fol. 45° गणधरावल्यां । दवे अद्ध अहाऊय । अस्यां गाथायां द्रव्यकाल १ | अद्धाकाल २। यथायुष्ककाल ३। एतत् द्वारत्रयं व्याख्यातं । तथोपक्रमकालद्वारे । दुविहोवक्कमकालो। अस्यां गाथायां । चतुर्थोपक्रम कालद्वारे । सामाचार्युपक्रमकालत्रिविधो(s)पि व्याख्यातः । etc. Ends.-- (text) fol. 606 पञ्चक्खे इव दटुं जीवाजीवे य पुण्णपावे य । पच्चक्खाया जोगा सावजा तेतलिसएणं ॥ (२१३?) 1 See page 406a of the edition referred to on p. 401. Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1037.5 111. 4 Malasatras 405 Ends. - ( com.) fol. 61 इति तेतलिपुत्रकथा समाप्ताः ॥ अथ गाथार्थः । तेतलिसतेन मंत्रिणा जीवानजीवान् । पुण्यं पापं चे प्रमुखानि नव तस्वानि । पूर्वभवश्रुतज्ञानेन एतान् पदार्थान प्रत्यक्षान दृष्ट्वा सावया योगाः सावद्यव्यापारा प्रत्याख्याताः स्यक्ताः॥२१४। उद्देसे निदेसे० गाथावयद्वाराणि व्याख्यातानि । उपोदातनियुक्तिः समूत्रा व्याख्यानसहिता लिखिता ।। श्रीरस्तु । श्रीक्षमारत्नसारभिः कृता ॥ नमस्कारनियुक्ति Namaskāraniryukti (नमोक्कारनिज्जुत्ति) (Namokkāranijjutti) 273(i). No. 1036 A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 210 to fol. 24. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 1011. Subject.-- These 144 verses in: Prākrit form a part of Avaśyaka sútraniryukti. Begins.-- fol. 210 उप्पत्ती निक्लेवो पयं पयत्थो परूवणा वत्थू । अक्खेव पसिद्धि कमो पओयण फलं नमुक्कारो ॥१॥ Ends.- fol. 242 इहलोगंमि तिदंडी सादिव्वं माउलिंगवणमेव । परलोइचंडपिंगल हुंडी जक्खो य दिटुंता ॥ १४४ ॥ Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. नमस्कारनियुक्ति Namaskāraniryukti No. 1037 306 (8). A. 1882-83. Extent.-- fol. 22b to fol. 25+. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 1019. I This is 887th gathā according to the edition containing Malayagiri Suri's commentary. 2 Ibid.; gåthā 1025. Page #443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 406 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1037. Begins.- fol. 220 उप्पत्ती निक्लेघो etc. Ends. - fol. 258 ESITA Pardesi etc. up to pagar as in No. 1036. This is followed by ॥३९ (१३९.) नमस्कारनियुक्तिः ॥ छ ।। N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 1036. नमस्कारनियुक्ति Namaskāraniryukti 615 (b). No. 1038 1884-86. Extent.— fol. 29b to fol. 336. Description.— Complete. For other details see No. 1034. Begins.- fol. 290 उप्पत्ती निक्खेवो etc. Ends.— fol. 336 TESTIA etc. up to iegar II as in No. 1036. This is followed by ४५॥ छ ।। नमोकारनिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता ॥ छ । N. B.- For other details see No. 1036. नमस्कारनियुक्तिव्याख्या Namaskāraniryuktivyākhyā No. 1039 ___1347 (j). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 6r' to fol. 70. Description.- This Ms. contains the tales of Namaskāraniryukti. Complete. For other details see No. 631. Subject.- Namaskaraniryukti explained in Sanskrit. Begins.- fol. 61 उप्पत्ती। नमस्कारस्योत्पत्तिर्वाच्या १। निक्षेपो नामादि विचारः २ पदं पदार्थः ४ प्ररूपणा ५ वस्तु ६ भाक्षेपः शिष्यमशः ७ प्रशि Page #444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1040.] III. 4. Malasatras 407 (सिद्धिरुत्तरं ८ क्रमः ९ प्रयोजनं १० फलं ११ । एतैरेकादशभिरैनमस्कारो व्याख्येयः॥१॥ etc. Ends.- fol. 70 चौरो मृतः। नमस्कारप्रभावात् यक्षो देवविशेषोऽजनि । आ रक्षकैस्त्वं चौर्यकारक इति चौरिकाय । शूलिकाया उक्षिप्य । जिनदासे क्षिप्यमाणे । देवीभूतहुंडकेन । पुरोपरि शिलां विकुळ । राजानं भापयित्वा । जिनदासो मोचितः । गजमारोप्य राज्ञा पुरे । प्रावेशितो महेन । नमस्कार प्रभावोपरि । एते पंच दृष्टांताः ५॥ इति दृष्टांतः ॥ श्रीरस्तु || सामायिकनियुक्ति Sāmāyikaniryukti (सामाइयनिज्जुत्ति) ( Sāmāiya nijjutti) No. 1040 273 (5). A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 24* to fol. 26°. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 1011. Subject. These III verses in Prākrit form a part of Avaśyakasútra niryukti. Begins.- fol. 24 नंदिअ(?म)णुओगदारं विहिवदुवग्याइयं च नाऊणं । काऊण पंचमंगलमारंभो होइ सुत्तस्स ॥१॥ Ends.- fol. 260 सव्वेसि पि नयाणं बहुविहवत्तव्वयं निसामित्ता। तं सम्वनयविसुद्ध चरणगुणट्रिओ साहू ॥ ११(१११) ॥ सामाइयनिज्जुत्ती समाप्ता । Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. I This is 1026 gathā according to the edition referred to on p. 405. 2. Ibid., gāthā 1067. Page #445 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 408 सामायिक नियुक्ति No. 1041 Extent.— fol. 25* to fol. 260. Description. Complete. For further details see No. 1019. Begins. - fol. 250 नंदिमणुओगदारं etc. Ends.-fol. 26b Jaina Literature and Philosophy सवेसि पि नयाणं etc. up to साहू || as in No. 1040. This is followed by १०० सामाइयनिजुत्ती ॥ छ ॥ N. B. For other particulars see No. 1040. सामायिकनियुक्ति No. 1042 Extent. - fol. 33b to fol. 372. Description.- Complete. 146+3= 149 verses. see No. 1034. Begins. fol. 33b [ 104 10 Samayikaniryukti 306 (h).. A. 1882-83. नंदिमणुओगदारं etc. Ends. -- fol. 37 * छ । Sāmāyikaniryukti 615 (c). 1884-86. For further details विज्जान्चरणनएस सेससमोयारणं तु कायव्वं । सामाइयनिज्जुत्ती सुभासियत्था परिसमत्ता ॥ १४६ ॥ छ ॥ नायंमि गिहिअवे अगिहियव्वंमि चेव अत्यंमि । जइयमेव इइ जो उबएसो सो नओ नाम ॥ १ ॥ सव्वेसि पि नयाणं etc. up to साहू ॥ २ ॥ Then we have : एसा चत्तालसएण समत्ता सुत्तप्फासियनिज्जुत्ती । गाहाण परिसमत्तं तव सामाइयज्झयणं । N. B. — For additional information see No. 1040. Page #446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1044.] सामायिकनिर्युक्त्यवचूरि Subject. Begins. Ill. 4 Malasatras No. 1043 Extent. fol. 70a to fol. 75b. com - Description. This Ms. contains afs of Samayikaniryukti ; plete. For other details see No. 631. Sāmāyikaniryukti explained in Sanskrit. fol. 70* नंदिमणुओगदारं० । नंदि अनुयोगद्वारं । विधिवदुपोदघातिकं च ज्ञात्वा | पंचमंगलं च कृत्वा । सूत्रस्य आरंभो भवति ॥ १ ॥ अथवा कयपंच० । कृतपंचनमस्कारः सामायिकं करोति । etc. चतुर्विंशतिस्तवनिर्युक्ति (चउवीसत्थयनिज्जुत्ति ) 409 Sāmāyikaniryuktyavacuri 1347 (k). 1891-95. Ends. fol. 75 नायंमि० । गृहीतव्ये अर्थे ज्ञाते एव । अगृहीतव्ये अर्थे ज्ञाते एवं । यतितव्यं भवति । इति यः उपदेशः । नाम इति कोमलामंत्रणे । सज्ञाननयो भवति । गृहीतव्ये अर्थे ज्ञाते सति । अगृहीतव्ये अर्थ ज्ञाते सति । यतितव्यमेव । इति यः उपदेशः नाम इति कोमलामंत्रणे । स चारित्रनयो भवति । १०० सव्वेसिं० । सर्वेषामपि नयानां । बहुविधवक्तव्यतां निशम्य । तत्सर्व्वनयविशुद्धं भवति । तत्किं । यच्चरणयणस्थितः साधुः । तत्सर्वे नयबि - शुद्धं ॥ १०१ । इति सामायिकनिर्युक्तेरवचूरिः ॥ Caturvirśatistavaniryukti (Cauvisatthayanijjutti ) 273 (k). A.1882-83. No. 1044 Extent. fol. 264 to fol. 272. Description. - Complete. For other details see No. Torr Subject.— These 61 verses in Prakrit form a part of the Avaśyakasūtraniryukti. Begins. fol. 262 चमत्थयस्स उ निक्खेवो होई नामनिप्फंनो । चउबसिगस्स छक्को थयस्स ( उ ) चउक्कओ होइ ॥ १ ॥ etc. 1 This is 1068th gātha according to the edition containing Malayagiri Sūri's comm.entary. 52 [J. L. P.} Page #447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 410 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1044 Ends.- fol. 27 चंदाइञ्चगहाणं पभा पयासेइ परिमियं खिल्लं । केवलिय(नाण)लंभो लोगालोगं पयासेइ ॥६१।। . चउवीसत्थयनिज्जुत्ती। ; Reference.-Published. See No. 1002. चतुर्विंशतिस्तवनियुक्ति Caturvirnsatistavaniryukti No. 1045 306 (i). A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 26° to fol. 284. Description.— Complete. For other details see No. 1019. Begins.-- fol. 266 चउषीसगत्ययस्स etc. as in No. 1044. Ends.-- fol. 28 चंदाइञ्चगहाणं etc., up to पयासेइ |as in No. 1041. This is followed by the line as under : ६२ चउवीसत्थयनिज्जुत्ती ॥ छ । N. B.- For further particulars see No. 1044. चशितिस्तवनियुक्ति Caturvimsatista vaniryukti No. 1046 615 (d). 1884-86. Extent.- fol. 37° to fol. 404. Description.- Complete. For further details see No. 1034. . Begins.-- fol. 376 चउधीसगत्थयस्त etc. as in No. 1044. 1 This is youth gāthă according to the edition of Avaśyakasútra containing Haribhadra Suri's commentary. Page #448 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1047.] Ends.- fol. 40a चंदाइच्चगहाणं etc., up to पयासेइ ॥ as in No. 1044. This is followed by 8 and the lines as under :चवीसत्थगयस्स उ वि ( बि ) तियज्झयस्स एस निज्जत्ती । गाहग्गेण समत्ता पुंन्नाए पंचसीए ॥ ७० चवी सत्थयज्झयणं सम्मत्तं ॥ छ ॥ lIl. 4 Malasutras N. B. For additional details see No. 1044. चतुर्विंशतिस्तवनिर्युक्तिदीपिका No. 1047 411 Caturvimśatistavaniryukti dipikā 1347 (1). 1891-95. Extent.— fol. 75b to fol. 78b. Description. This Ms. contains as of Caturviṁśatistavaniryukti. Complete. For other details see No. 631. Subject. Caturviṁśatistavaniryukti explained in Sanskrit. Begins.— fol. 75b चउवीसगत्थय० । चतुर्विंशतेः च अन्यत् । स्तवस्य द्वयोः पदयोः नामनिष्पन्नो निक्षेपो भवति । द्वाभ्या (भ्यां ) पदाभ्यांश्चतुर्विंशतिस्तव इति नामनिष्पन्नं स्यादित्यर्थः । चतुर्विंशतेः षट्को षदप्रकारो निक्षेपो भवति । स्तवस्य चतुष्कश्वतुःप्रकारो निक्षेपः स्यात् । १ । etc. Ends.-- fol. 78b अस्मिन्ननानुपूर्वीपाठे चतुर्विंशतिस्तवेन । सम्यकृत्यशुद्धिराभिहिता । सा च सम्यक्त्वशुद्धिर्गुणवतां साधूनां प्रतिपत्त्या लभ्यते । ततो गुणवत्साधुप्रतिपत्त्यर्थ वंदनकं क्रियते । अनेन संबंधेनायातं वंदनकं तृतीयाध्ययनं । तस्य निर्युक्तिः क्रियते । इति चतुर्विंशतिस्तवस्य दीपिकाः । समाप्ताः ॥ छः ॥ श्रीः Page #449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 412 वन्दननियुक्ति (वंदणनिज्जुत्ति ) Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends. fol. 30b No. 1048 Extent. fol. 27a to fol. 30b. Description. Complete though this work seems to start with the latter portion of the second verse. For other details see No. 1011. Subject. These verses in Prakrit form a part of Avaśyakasūtraniryukti. Cf. the last verse of Sa māyāri. Begins. fol. 37a दणचिह्निकंमं पूआकंमंच विजय कंमं च ॥ २etc. एयं कि कंमविहिं जंजंता चरणकरणमाउत्ता । साहू खवंति कंमं अगभव संचियमणतं ॥ १९० ॥ ± वंदनानिज्जुन्ती । गा. १६५९ ३ Reference. Published. See No. 1002. [1048. Vandananiryukti (Vandananijjutti) 273 (1). A.1882-83. वंदणचिकिइकम्मं etc. Ends.-- fol. 31b arqalagif No. 1049 Extent. fol. 28a to fol. 31. Description. Complete. For further details see No. 1019. Begins. fol. 28a Vandananiryukti 306 (j). A. 1882-83. एयं किकम्मविहिं etc., up to संचियमणंतं ॥ as in No. 1048. This is followed by the line as under : ८९ (१८९) वंदनिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता ॥ छ ॥ N. B. For additional information see No. 1048. 1 Ibid., gatha 1103. 2 Ibid., gāthā 1230. 3 This seems to be the extent up to this work and not that of this work only. Page #450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1051.) 111. 4 Malasairas 413 वन्दननियुक्ति Vandananiryukti No. 1050 ____615 (e). - 1884-86. Extent.- fol. 40 to fol. 44. Description.- Complete. For further details see No. 1034. . . Begins.-- fol. 40a _वंदणचिइकिइकम्मं etc. Ends.-- fol. 44 . एवं कइकम्मबिहिं etc., up to संचियमणंतं । ९६ । .. वंदणीनज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता ॥ छ । N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 1048. - 1891-95. वन्दननियुक्तिदीपिका Vandananiryuktidipikā 1347 (in). No. 1051 Extent.- fol. 78° to fol. 850. Description.- Herein we find प्रतीकs of Vandananiryukti. Com plete. For other details see No. 631. Subject.- Vandananiryukti explained in Sanskrit. Begins.- fol. 78° अथ वंदनाध्ययनस्य दीपिका लिख्यते । बंदणगाथा । १ । कइगाथा ।२। वंदनकर्म १ चितिकर्म २ कृतिकर्म ३ पूजाकर्म ४ विनय कर्म ५। एतानि पंच नामानि वंदनकस्य भवंति | etc. Ends.-- fol. 85° गुरुराह । जह । हे शिष्य यथा दूतो । राजानं नत्वा । कार्य निवेद्य | पश्चाद्विसर्जितो(3)पि वंदते । साधुरपि एवमेव । प्रथमवंदनके। क्षामणं निवेद्य । पश्चाक्षामननिवेदनरूपं । निगमनवचनं भाणित्वा गच्छति ७४ । एयं गाथा | साधवः एनं कृतिकर्मविधि(धिं) युंजानाः कुर्वतः चरणकरणयोगयुक्ताः सावधानाः । अनेकभवसंचितमनंतं कर्म क्षिपयंति । ७५ । इति वंदनकनियुक्तिीपिका समाप्ताः ॥ छः ॥ श्रीः ॥ Then we have a part of Pratikramaṇaniryuktivyākhyā but as the yellow pigment is applied, it cannot be properly deciphered. Page #451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1052. प्रतिक्रमणनियुक्ति Pratikramaņaniryukti (पडिक्कमणनिज्जुत्ति) (Padikkamananijjutti) 273 (m). No.1052 A.1882-83 Extent.- fol. 30° to fol. 31'. Description. Complete (?). For other details see No. 1011. Subject.- These verses in Prakrit form a part of Avasyaka sútraniryukti. Begins.- fol. 30° पडिकमणं पडिकमओ । पडिक्कमियन्वं च आणुपुत्रीए । . तीए पश्चुप्पो अणागए चेव कालंमि ॥१' etc. Ends.- fol. 31 गओ नामनिक्खेवो अत्रांतरे सूत्रं वाच्यं । , पडिसिद्धाणं करणे किच्चाणमकरणे य० ॥५२॥ पडिक्कमणनिज्जुत्ती॥ Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. प्रतिक्रमणनियुक्ति Pratikramañaniryukti No. 1053 306 (k). A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 31° to fol. 320. Description.-- Complete. For further details see No. 1019. Begins.- fol. 310 पडिक्कमणं पडिक्कमओ etc. Ends- fol. 320 सह पाणाइवायं पञ्चकखाप त्ति अलियवयणं च । राधमदिनादाणं अब्बंभ परिग्गह स्वाहा ।। ५१॥ पडिक्कमणनिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता ।। छ। N. B.- For additional information see No. tos2. 1 This is gāthā 1231 according to the edition of Avaśyakasūtra, containing its niryukti and Haribhadra Suri's commentary. २ Ibid., gāthā 1270. Page #452 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10851 111. 4. Malasatras 415 प्रतिक्रमणनियुक्ति Pratikramaṇaniryukti No. 1054 _615 (f). 1884-86. Extent.- fol. 44s to fol. 450. Description.- Complete. For further details see No. 1034. Begins.-- fol. 440 पडिक्कमणं पडिक्कमओ etc. Ends.- fol. 450 सव्वं पाणारंभ पच्चक्खाइ अलियबयणं च । सव्वं च अदत्तादाणं अबंभ परिग्गहं स्वाहा ॥ ५३ पडिक्कमणनिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता ॥ छ । छ । N. B.— For other particulars see No. 1052. ध्यानशतक . Dhyānasataka (झाणसयग) (Jhanasayaga) 273 (n). No. 1055 A.1882-83 Extent.- fol. 31b to fol. 330.. Description.— Artadhyāna goes up to the 18th verse ; thereafter the numbering of verses is continuous; complete; in all 106 verses. For other details see No. 1011. Subject.-- These verses in Prakrit are looked upon as forming a part of Avasyakasūtraniryukti though its author is Jinabhadra Gaņi Kşamāśramaņa. Begins.- fol. 316. वीरं सकज्झाणग्गिदट्टकमिंधणं पणमिऊणं । जोगीसरं सरलं ज्झाणज्झयणं पवक्खामि ॥ १ ' etc. I Ibid., p. 5824. Page #453 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 476 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 1055 ... - fol. 310 तदविरयदेसविरया पमायपरसंजयाणुगं झाणं । सम्वपमायमूलं बजे(?)यव्वं जइजण ॥ १८॥। - fol. 310 .: सत्तबह [चेव] बंधणडहणकण बरे(?मार)णाइपणिहाणं ।।। अइकोहग्गहघत्थं निग्घिणमणसोऽहमविवागं ॥ १९ ॥ Ends.- fol. 330 पंचुत्तरेण गाहासरण झाणस्स ये समक्खायं । जिणभदखमासमणेहिं कमविसोहीकरं जइणो ॥ १०६ ॥ ३ झाणसयं संमत्तं । Reference.— Published. See No: 1002. ध्यानशतक Dhyānasataka 306 (1). No. 1056 A.1882-83. Extent.- fol. 320 to fol. 34'. Description.— Complete. For further details see No. 1019. Here, through oversight Artadhyāna is separately counted. Begins.- fol. 320 __ वीरं वज्झाणस etc. . fol. 326. .::.:..तविरयदेस etc. up to जइजणेण ॥ १८ as in No. 1055. This is followed by अझं झाणं संमत्तं ॥ छ । . . . - fol. 32b . . . . सत्तवहवेहबंधण etc.. . Ends.- fol. 340 पंचुत्तरेण गाहा etc. up to जयणो ॥ १०६ झाणसयं संमत्तं ॥ छ । N. B.-- For additional information see No. IOSS. . 1-2 Ibid., P.5884. 3. This gāthā is not given in the edition referred to on p. 410. Page #454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1057.] ध्यानशतक No. 1057 III. 4 Malasatras Extent. fol. 45b. Description.— Incomplete. For other details see No. 1034. Begins. fol. 45b वीरं वज्झाणग्गि etc. Ends.- fol. 45b पारिष्ठापनिकानिर्युक्ति ( पारिट्ठावणियामिज्जुन्ति ) Dhyanasataka 615 (g). 1884-86. अमनाणं सहाइबिसयवत्थूण दोसमइलस्स । धणियं विओगचिंतणमसंपओगाणुसरणं च ॥ ६ ॥ तह सूलसीसरोगादिवेयणाए विउमपविहाणं । तयसंपचितण तप्प. This ends thus . N. B. — For further particulars see No. 1055. 417 Paristhapanikaniryukti ( Pāritthāvaniyānijjutti) 273 (0) A. 1882-83. No. 1058 Extent. - fol. 33b to fol. 364. Description.— Complete. For other details see No. rori. Subject. It is doubtful how far these verses in Prakrit form a part of Pratikramaṇaniryukti, a section of Avasyakasútraniryukti, though so suggested on p. 372. Begins--. fol. 33 पारिहाणियविहिं बु(बु)च्छामी धीरपुरिसपनन्तं । जं नाऊण बिहिया प्रववणसारं उपलति ॥ १४ etc. 1 In the edition noted on p. 410, we have 83 verses and they are commented upon by Haribhadra Suri. The editor of this edition has not included them as a part of Avasyakasūtraniryukti but has numbered them separately. 2 This is the 1st gatha according to the edition of Avasyakasūtra containing Haribhadra Suri's commentary. It occurs on p. 61ga. $3 [J. L. P. J Page #455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 418 [ 1058. Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends.- fol. 360 ___ गुरुमूले वि वसंता अणुकूला जे न हुंति हु गुरूणं। . एएसिं तु पयाणं दूरंदूरण ते हुंति ॥ ५३ (१५३)॥ पारिज्ज(?)वणियनिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता । Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. पारितापनिकानियुक्ति Pāristhāpanikāniryukti No. 1059 306 (m). A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 34 to fol. 370. .. . Description.- Complete. For further details see Nos. 1019 ____and ro56. Begins.- fol. 34 पारिट्ठावणियविहिं etc. Ends.-- fol. 376 . Topè etc. up to a giat ll as in No. 1058. This is followed by १५३ पारिद्वावणीयानिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता ॥ छ । N. B.- For additional information see No. I058. प्रतिक्रमणसग्रहणी Pratikramanasamgrabaņi (पडिक्कमणसंगहणी) ( Padikkamanasarmgahani) 273 (p). No. 1060 A. 1882-83. Extent.-- fol. 36to fol. 376. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. TOIL. Subject.-- These 80 verses in Prakrit appear to form a part of Pratikramaņaniryukti, a section of Avaśyakasútraniryukti, but it is not so according to the edition noted on p. 410. 1 Ibid., gāthā 83. Vide p. 6446. Page #456 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 419 1062.] III. 4 Malasatras Begins.- fol. 360 जहं जंबुपायवेगो सुपक्कफलभारनमियसाहग्गो। दिट्टो छहिं पुरेसेहिं ते बिंती जंबुभक्खेमो ॥ १ ' etc. Ends.-- fol. अह मे नव दरिसणंमि चत्तारि आउए पंच । आइमे अंते सेसे दो दो भेया खीणभिलावेण इगतीसं ।। ८० ॥ पडिक्कमणासंगहणी Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. प्रतिक्रमणसङ्ग्रहणी Pratikramanasarngrahaņi No. 1061 306 (2). A. 1882-83. Extent.-- fol. 37 to fol. 39. Description.-- Complete. For further details see Nos. 1019 and 1056. In No. 1019, through oversight, the title of this __work is wrongly stated as प्रतिक्रमणनियुक्ति. Begins.-- fol. 370 जह जंबुपायवेगो etc. Ends -- fol. 396 अह(वा) कंमे नव दरिसणंमि etc. up to इगतीसं ॥ ८॥ as in No. 106o. This is followed by पडिकमणसंघयणी संमत्ता ॥ N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 1060. . योगसग्रह Yogasargraha (जोगसंगह) (Jogasamgaha) - 273 (q). No. 1062 A. 1882-83. Extent. --fol. 37 to fol. 38. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 1011. I 2 3 Cf. gathā 1. Vide p.6454. Letters वा and h are gone, since the corresponding portion is worm-eaten. This verse is numbered as 1 on p. 6630. Page #457 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 420 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1062. Subject.-- These 60 verses in Prakrit form a part of Pratikramana niryukti, a section of Avaśyakasūtraniryukti. See p. 372. Begins.- fol. 370 आलोयण निरवला आवईस दढधम्मया। अणिस्सिओबहाणे य सिक्खा न(णि)प(प्प)डिकंमया ॥१॥ etc. ' Ends.-- fol. 38° पायच्छित्तपरूवण आहरणं तस्थ हुंति धणगुत्ता। आराहणाइ मरुदेवा ओसप्पिणिए पढम सिद्धो ॥ ६०॥ संमत्ता जोगसंगहा। Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. योगसङ्ग्रह Yogasarngraha 306(0). No. 1063 A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 39* to fol. 40'. Description.- Complete. For further details see Nos. 1019 and 1056. Begins.-- fol. 392 आलोयण etc. Fnds.- fol. 40" पायच्छित्तपरूवण etc. up to पढम सिद्धो ॥ ६० as in No. 1062. This is followed by जोगसंगहा ॥ N. B.- For additional information see No. 1062. 1 2 This is 1374th gatha (p.6630)according to the edition noted on p. 410. bid., 132othigatha (p.724° ). Page #458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1065.] III.4Malasatras . 421 आशातना Āśātanā (आसायणा) ( Asāyaņā ) 273 (1). No. 1064 A. 1882-83. Extent.-- fol. 38° to fol. 394. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 1011. Subject.-- These verses in Prakrit do not form a part of Prati- - kramananiryukti, a section of Avaśyakasutraniryukti according to the edition noted on p. 410-the edition-wherein they are attributed to a samgrahaņikāra by Haribhadra Sûri. Begins.-- fol. 386 परओ पक्खासने गंता चिट्टण[ण निसिअणायमणा । आलोयण पडिसुणणे पुबालवणे अ आलोए ॥१' etc. Ends.-- fol. 39* अहवा अरिहंताणं आसायणाइ सज्झाय किंचि नाहीयं । "कंठसमुद्दिदा तित्तीतासायणा ए(या)॥५॥ आसायणा सम्मत्ता। Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. आशातना Asātana 306 (p). No. 1065 A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 40. Description.-Verses 6r to 64. For further details see Nos. 1019 and 1056. 1 Ibid., 1st gathā (p. 725a ). 2 There is a lacuna viz. जा in the Ms. itself. 3 In the edition noted on p. 410, this is the 1st gatha (p. 727b). this verse we have in the printed edition: "प्रतिक्रमणसंग्रहणी समाप्ता". After Page #459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 422 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1065. Begins.-- fol. 402 'पुरओ पक्खासने etc. Ends.-- fol. 40% अहवा अरिहंताणं etc. up to तित्तीसासायणा as in No. 1064. This is followed by ए उ ६४ आसायणा संमत्ता N. B.- For additional information see No. 1064. अस्वाध्यायनियुक्ति Asvādhyāyaniryukti (असज्झायनिज्जुत्ति) (Asajjhayanijjutti) 273 (s) No. 1066 A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 390 to 41. Description.- Complete. For other deteils see No. 1011. Subject.- These III verses in Prakrit form a part of Pratikramana ___niryukti, a section of Avasyakasātraniryukti. See p. 372. Begins.- fol. 394 असज्झाइयनिज्जुत्तिं बुखु)च्छामी धीरपुरिसपंन । जं नाऊण मुविहिया पवयणसारं उवलहंति ॥ १॥' Ends.- fol. 418 असज्झाइयनिज्जुत्ति जुजंता चरणकरणमाउत्ता । साडू खवंति कम अणेगभवसंचियमणतं ॥ १११ ।। 3 सज्झाइयनिज्जुत्ती। Reference.— Published. See No. 1002. In the Ms. this is not numbered as I but is given in continuation with योगसंग्रह and hence numbered as 61. 2 This is gāthă 1321 according to the edition (p. 7316 ) containing Avaśyaka sūtra, its niryukti and Haribhadra Sūri's commentary. It may be compared with the 1st verse of No. 1058. 3 Ibid., gāthā 1417 (p. 7596 ). Cf. the last verses of Nos, 1029 and 1048. Page #460 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1068.] III. 4. Malasatras 423 अस्वाध्यायनियुक्ति Asvādbyāyaniryukti No. 1067 306 (q). A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 40° to fol. 42. Description.- Complete. For further details see Nos. 1019 ___and I056. Begins.- fol. 40* __ असज्झाइयानज्जुत्तिं etc. Ends.- fol. 420 असज्झाइयनिज्जुत्ति etc. up to संचियमणतं as in No. 1066. This is followed by ११ असज्झाइयनिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता छ ।। N. B.- For additional information see No. 1066. कायोत्सर्गनियुक्ति Kāyotsarganiryukti (काउस्लग्गनिज्जुत्ति) ( Kāüssagganijjutti ) No. 1068 273 (t). A. 1882-83. Extent.-fol. 41 to fol. 444 Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 1011.. Subject.- These 172 verses in Prakrit form a part of Avasyaka sutraniryukti. See p. 372. Begins.- fol. 418 आलोयण पडिक्कमणे मीस विवेगे तहा विउस्सग्गे। तवच्छेय मूल अणवट्टया य पारंचिए चेव ।। १॥ etc. Ends.- fol. 44a तम्हा उ निममेणं मुणिमा उवलद्धस(सु)त्तसारेणं । काउस्सग्गो उग्गो कंमक्खयट्राय कायव्यो ।। १७२॥' काउस्सग्गनिज्जुत्ती गा० २३९८ ॥ छ । Reference.- Published. See No. 1002. | Ibid., gatha 1418 (p. 764a). 2 Ibid., gatha 15546p.8orb). . Page #461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306(r). 424 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1069. कायोत्सर्गनियुक्ति Kāyotsarganiryukti No. 1069 A. 1882-83. Extent.— fol. 42° to fol. 456. Description. - Complete. For further details see Nos. 1019 and 1056. Begins.— fol. 42" restaurant etc. Ends.- fol. 456 तम्हा उ निम्ममेणं etc: up to कायन्बो ॥ १७२ as in No. 1068. This is followed by T3 Fratray at dan II g 11 N. B.- For additional information see No. 1068. प्रत्याख्याननियुक्ति Pratyākhyānaniryukti ( 497 Sena) ( Paccakkhāṇanijjutti ) No. 1070 273 (u). A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 44* to fol. 466. Description. - Complete. For other details see No. 1on'. Subject. The first few verses are followed by a passage mostly in prose. This passage is a part of Avaśyakasútra. Then the verses commence with 24th and go up to 94. They form a part of Āvaśyakasūtraniryukti. Begins.-- fol. 44 ए(प)ञ्चक्खाणं पञ्चक्खाओ पच्चक्खेअंच आणुपुब्बीए । gitar gurat T F T IT TEHOT 112 etc. 1 Herein there is a misprint. Fiemaal begins from fol. 44a and goes up to fol. 466. The entries viz. foll. 44a to 446 and foll. 446 to 45a should face YFIEITHAI. Furthermore, there should be a number 20 inside the brackets facing this work. 2 This is gathā 155s (p. 803") of the edition referred to on p. 410. Page #462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1070.1 HII. 4 Malasairas 425 - fol. 44° तत्थ समणोवासओ पुवामेव मिच्छत्ताओ पडिक्कमह । सम्मत्तं उवसंपज्जइ नो से कप्पइ अज्जप्पमिइं । ' अंनउत्थिए वा अन्नउत्थअदेवयाणि वा । अंनउत्थियपरिग्गहियाणि वा । अरिहंतचइयाणि वंदित्तए वा | etc. पसमसंवेगाइलिंगे सुभे आयपरिणामे पनत्ते । सम्मत्तस्स समा(?मणोषासएणं इमे पंचइयारा जाणियव्वा etc. - fol.45 सामाइयंमि उ कए समणो [इ कए समणो] इव सावओ हवइ जम्हा। एएण कारणेणं बहुसो सामायियं कुज्जा ॥१२॥ सव्वं ति भाणिऊणं विरई खलु जस्स सब्विया नात्थि । सो स(ब)विरइवाई। चुक्का देसं च सव्वं च ॥ १३॥" सामाइयस्स समणोवाम(स)एणं इमे पंच. ॥ मणदुप्पणिहाणे । वयदुप्पणिहाणे कायदुप्पणिहाणे । सामायियस्स सइअकरणया । ' etc. - fol. 450 जं(?) त(ज?)हा इहलोआसंसपओगे | जीविआसंसप्प ओगे | मरणासंसप्पओगे । कामभोगासंसप्पओगे॥ छ ॥7 (Pratyā ) पच्चक्खाणं उत्तरगुणेसु । खमणाइयं । अणेगविहं तेण य इहयं । पगयं । तं पि य इणमो दसविहं तु ॥ २४ ॥ Ends.- fol. 46. सम्वेसि पि नयाणं बहुविहवत्तव्वयं निसामित्ता। तं सव्वनयविसद्धं जं चरणगुणट्रिओ साहू ॥ ९४॥ पच्चक्खाणनिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता। Reference. Published. See No. 1002. See Bühler's Report for 1872-73 where there is given a photo-print of a page of the Avasyakasútra. A facsimile of the last page of a Ms. of the Avaśyakasūtra dated Samvat 1189 is given in Rajendralal Mitra's “Notices of Sanskrit Mss. vol. III, facing p.67.10 - 1-2 Ibid., p. 811a. 3 Ibid., p. 811. There this portion along with those marked as I and 2 form a part of Avaśyakasūtra. 4-6 Ibid., p. 831b. There these portions form a part of Avasyakasutra. 7 See p. 839a where this passage occurs as a part of Avaśyakasūtra. 8 Gatha 1563 (p. 8400 ). 9 Gatha 1623 (p. 8640). 10 Similarly a facsimile of the last page of a Ms. of Kalpasūtra supposed to be about 350 years old is given in the same volume on a page facing 66. 54 [J.LP.] Page #463 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 426 Jaina Literature and Philosophy प्रत्याख्याननियुक्ति No. 1071 Extent. fol. 45b to fol. 48a. Description. Complete. For further details see Nos, 1019 and 1056. Begins. fol. 45b qeezeni qarate etc. as in No. 1070. have: [1071: Ends.- fol. 48" fa etc. up to as in No. 1070. Then we ९० पञ्चकखाणनिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता ॥ छ ॥ श्रीमदावश्यकसूत्रं ॥ छ ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ छ ॥ etc. Pratyakhyānaniryukti 306 (s). A. 1882-83. N. B. For additional information see No. 1070. प्रत्याख्याननियुक्ति No. 1072 Size.-9 in. by 37 in.. - Extent. 38 14 + 64 15 = 73 folios; 14 lines to a page; 46 to 54 letters to a line. Description. Pratyakhyananiryukti 1220 (1). 1884-87. Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with occasional qurars; small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right hand margin; condition very good; this Ms. seems to be a combination of two different Mss.; the 1st of them goes from fol. 105 to 142b and has both the beginning and the end abrupt; the second runs from fol. 189a to fol. 252; the latter is written in a slightly thinner, smaller and better hand-writing; af incomplete as this Ms. begins abruptly; foll. 122 to 135, 143 to 188 and foll. 205 to 219 missing; this Ms. contains the following additional works: Page #464 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ » 790 796 ,, 800 814 " 746. ,,753 1072.] III.4 Malasatras 427 (1) लघुक्षेत्रसमास . foll. Ios to 108'. (2) पिण्डविशुद्धि No. 413 , 1080 ,, IIT. (3) श्रावकवक्तव्यता , III , II4. (4) पञ्चलिङ्गीप्रकरण ,, II , II7. (5) शीलोपदेशमाला ,, 17 ,, 138. (6) वीतरागस्तोत्र ,, 138° ,, 1420. (7) प्रणिपातसूत्र ,884 fol. 189. (8) ईर्यापथिकीसूत्र (9) उत्तरीकरणसूत्र (10) कायोत्सर्गसूत्र (II) नामस्तव (12) चैत्यस्तवप्रतीक ,, 826 (13) प्रबोधचैत्यवन्दन 5, 189] (14) 'दर्शनं देवादि'स्तव (15) वरकनकसूत्र " " (16) तीर्थवन्दनसूत्र ,,749 (17) शक्रस्तव (18) चैत्यस्तव ,, 821 (19) कायोत्सर्गसूत्रप्रतीक (20) श्रुतस्तव ,,833 foll. 189,, I90 (21) श्रुतस्य भगवतः ,, 905 fol. 190*.. (22) सिद्धस्तव ,,835 (23) वैयावृत्त्यकरसूत्र (24) कायोत्सर्गसूत्रप्रतीक ,, 807 25) संसारदावानलस्तुति ,, 849 (26) जावंति चेइयाई (27) जावंत के वि साहू ,, 763 (28) नमोऽहत् ,, 897 (29) उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र (30) प्रार्थनासूत्र 786 (31) वन्दनकसूत्र ,853. (32) देवसिकालोचनासूत्र ,859 (33) सम्बस्स वि.. "9II . (34) गुरुक्षामणासूत्र ,,867 (35)एकाशनादिप्रत्याख्यान ,937 ___foll. 190° ,, I9. (36) आचाम्लप्रत्याख्यान ,,950 _fol. I9I. (37) त्रिविधाहारोपवासप्रत्याख्यान, 934 " " . ,, 813 " 906 ,, 759 169 Page #465 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 428 " , Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1072. (38) दिवसचरिमपत्याख्यान No. 941 fol. 191 (39) सामायिकसूत्र , 871 , ". (40) सामायिकपौषधचारणगाथा ,,883,, 1912 (41) जय महायस , 875 , , (42) श्रमणोपासकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र ., 917 foll.,, to 192 (43) आयारीय उवज्झाए ,877 fol. 1920 (44) सिरिथंभणयपासनाहथुइ , 880 , 193" (45) अतिचार ___" " (46) श्रुतदेवतास्तुति (47) भुवनवासिनीदेवीस्तुति (48) क्षेत्रदेवतास्तुति (49) जय तिहुयणस्तोत्र foll. , , 1949. (50) अजितशान्तिस्तव ,, 194° ,, 196. (51) उल्लासिकस्तोत्र (अजितशान्तिस्तोत्र)fol.1962 ,, 196°. (52) नमिऊण foll. 196° ,, 197 (53) तं जयउ ,, 1974 ,, 1981 (54) मयरहियं (स्मरण) fol. 198a ,, 178. (55) सिग्घमवहरउ foll. 198b ,, 199*. (56) श्रावकविधि fol. 1999 ,, 199". (57) दानविधि foll. 199° ,, 2009. (58) नमस्कारफल ,, 200* ,, 2014 (59) चतुःशरण fol. 2016 ,, 201'. (60) संयममनरी foll. 2010 ,, 2020 (61) अज्ञातनामधेय ,, 204. (incomplete ) (62) चतुःशरण ,, 220* ,, 221. (incomplete) (63) सूक्ष्मार्थविचार ,, 221,, 2250. (64) कर्मविपाक ,, 2290. (65) आगमिकवस्तुविचार , 232. (66) कर्मस्तव ,, 233. (67) कर्मस्तवभाष्य 2330 ,, 234. (68) शतक 234* ,, 236. (69) सप्ततिका , 236° ,, 239*. (70) बन्धस्वामित्व , 239* ,, 240 (71) सग्रहणी ,, 240* ,,252. " 2024 Page #466 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1073.] III. 4 Malasatras 429 On fol. 252b, a list of works mentioned here is given. Age.- Samvat I492. Begins.--abruptly fol. 1054 .......त्तेयं पिंडए नवए ॥ ४६ दो चेव नमुक्कारो आगारा छञ्च पोरिसीए उ । सत्तेव य पुरिमड़े । एगासणगंमि अट्रेव ।। ४७ सत्तेगदाणस्स उ। अटेवायंबिलीम आगारा । पंचेव अभत्तटे । छप्पाणे चरिमि चत्तारि ॥ ४८ etc. Ends.-fol. Iosb नायंमि गिन्हियव्वे । अगिण्डियन्वमिचेव अत्यमि । जइयत्वमेव इय जो । उवएसो सो नओ नाम ॥ ७० सव्वेसि पि नयाणं । बहुविहवत्तवयं निसामित्ता। तं सन्वनयविसुद्धं । जं चरणगुणट्टिओ साहु ।। ७१ पञ्चक्खाणनिज्जुत्ती समत्ता ।। यादृशं पुस्तके दृष्टं तादृशं लिखितं मया। यदि शुद्धमशुद्धं वा । मम दोषो न दीयते ॥ छ ॥ २ ॥ छ । श्री N. B.- For other particulars see No. 1070. आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति Avasyakasūtraniryukti शिष्यहितासहित with Sisyabitā 1091. No. 1073 1885-91. Size- 10g in by 41 in. Extent.- 351- I = 35o.folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanāgari cha racters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible and elegant handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in red ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; numbers for foll. entered only once in a corner of the right-hand margin; nos Page #467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 430 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1073. - "1, 2, etc. also written at times between the lines perhaps indicatirg the nos. of foll. copied out in a single day; fol. 35° practically blank; fol. 168 lacking; several foll. slightly worm-eaten; edges of the last fol. slightly damaged3; fol. 250 somewhat smutty; condition on the whole satisfactory. Age.- Fairly old. Author of the commentary.- Haribhadra Suri. For his works see ___pt. II, p. 300 and this pt. III, pp. 105, 224 and 234. Subject. The text together with its explanation in Sanskrit. The latter is styled as Sisyahitā. Begins.-- (text) fol. 2b . आभिनिबोहियनाणं etc. as in No. 1081. ,, -(com.) tol. • नमः सर्वज्ञाय । प्रणिपत्य जिनवरेंद्रं etc. as in No. 1076. Ends.- (text) fol. 3514 ___ सम्बेसि पि नयाणं etc. ,,' - (com.) ,, ,, स्थितिपक्षमुपदर्शयन्नाह etc. up to गाथार्थः practically as in No. 1076. This is followed by the lines as under : शिष्यहितायां प्रत्याख्यानविवरणं समाप्तं । छ। व्याख्येयोऽध्ययनमिदं यदवाप्तमिह शुभं मया पुण्यं । शुद्धं प्रत्याख्यानं लभतां भज्यो (व्यो?) जनम्तेन । समाप्ता चेयं शिष्यहिता नाम आवश्यकटीका कृतिः सितांबराचार्य जिनभद्रनिगदाणुसारिणा । 'विद्याधर कुलतिलकाचार्यजिनदत्तशिष्यस्य धर्म्यते( तो) जोइणीमहत्तरासूनोरल्पमातराचार्यहरिभद्रस्य ॥ छ । यदिहोत्सूत्रमज्ञानाद्वयाख्यातं तद् बहुश्रुतैः।। , क्षांतव्यं कस्य संमोहाच्छद्मस्थस्य न जायते यदा(द)र्वि(र्जि)तं विरचयता सुबोध्यां पुण्यं मयाऽऽवश्यकशास्त्रटीकाम् । भधे भवे तेन ममैव मेवं भूयाज्जिनोक्तौ नु मते प्रयासः ॥ अन्यच्च संत्यज्य समस्तसत्त्वा - मात्सर्यदुःखं भवबीजभूतं Page #468 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1074.] 11. 4 Malasätras 43t सुखात्मकं मुक्तिपदावहं च सर्वत्र माध्यस्थमवाप्नुवंतु ॥ छ । समाप्ता चेयमावश्यकटीका ।। छ द्वाविंशतिसहस्राणि प्रत्येकाक्षरगणनया अनुष्टुप्छंदसा मानमस्या उद्देशतः कृतं ।। अंकतो()पि २२००० शुभं भवतु श्री'तपागच्छस्य । This is followed by the following line in a different hand:--- पंडितश्रीविजयचंद्रगणिशिष्यपं.विवेकचंद्रग कल्याणचंद्रेण प्रति भ(भां)डागारे मुक्ता ॥..... Reference.- Published. See No. 1002.. . आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति Avasyakasūtraniryukti शिष्यहितासहित with Sisyahitā No. 1074 1181. 1886-92. Size. - 10 in. by 41 in. Extent.- (text) 380 - I - I = 378 folios; I to I lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. »-( com.) 378 folios ; 13 to 17 lines to a page ; 55 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; this Ms...contains the ... niryukti (text) and the commentary as well; it is a त्रिपाटी Ms; space for the text is reserved'; the text written in a bigger hand ; legible and good hand writing; borders . ... - ruled in four lines in black ink ; nos. for foll. entered twice · as usual ; fol. 12 blank ; fol. 222 also numbered as 223 ; the subsequent ones as 224 etc; similarly fol. 287 also numbered as 288 ; life-perods and heights of the 24 Tirthamkaras tabulated on foll. 72° and 73%3 explanation by means of a digaram on fol. 323b; - tabulated results Page #469 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 432 Begins. (text)fol. 3b Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1074. on fol. 330; yellow pigment used; red chalk, too, at times; margins of some of the foll. worm-eaten; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; the last fol. some-what damaged; foll. 118 to 121 slightly damaged in the body; condition on the whole good; both the text and the commentary complete; extent 22500 slokas. در دو fa etc. as in No. 1073. - (com) fol. 1 ॐ नमो वीतरागाय नमः नमः सर्वज्ञाय प्रणिपत्य जिनवरेंद्र वीरं etc. as in No. 1073. Ends.(text) fol. 380b aft etc. - ( com. ) fol. 3800 स्थितपक्ष etc. up to उद्देशतः कृतं as in No. 1073. This is followed by) 400. N. B. For other details see No. 1073. Sisyahita [ Avaśyakasutra niryuktivivṛti] fayfear [ आवश्यक सूत्रAgiamagia] No. 1075 Size.-- 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 545 folios; 15 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 1; same is the case with fol. 545b; foll. 1 and 545 blank; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 343b condition very good; complete. 131. 1873-74. Age.- Pretty old. Author. Haribhadra Suri. For his works see No. 1073.. Page #470 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1076.] 111. 4 Malasatras 433 Subject. This work named as Šisyahită elucidates the Avasyaka sūtraniryukti. There was a bigger commentary than this composed by Haribhadra Suri as suggested by himself (see p. 434; "Begins " v. 2). Begins. fol. rb नमः सर्वज्ञाय । fati ai etc. as in No. 1076. स्थितिपक्ष etc. practically up to उद्देशतः कृतं as in This is followed by the line as below:ग्रंथाग्रं २२००० ॥ छ ॥ etc. See No. 1002. Ends. – fol. 5462 No. 1073. Reference. Published. शिष्यहिता No. 1076 Size. 12 in. by 4 in. Extent. 213 folios; 15 lines to a page; 72 letters to a line. Description. Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with gens; small, legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; the intermediate portion coloured red ; all the foll. have at least one disc in the centre; and each verso has two additional ones in the margins; only a few foll. are numbered twice; foll. 1 and 213b blank; red chalk and yellow pigment used; marginal notes added at times; a piece of paper of the same size as a fol. is pasted to fol. 1a and to fol. 213b as well; strips of paper are pasted to some foll. ; condition unsatisfactory; complete so far as IWTA is concerned; extent 12383 slokas. Age.- Old. Begins. fol. rb नमः श्रीसर्वज्ञाय | प्रणिपत्य जिनवरेंद्रं वीरं श्रुतदेवतां गुरून् साधून् । आवश्यकस्य विवृतिं गुरूपदेशादहं वक्ष्ये ॥ १ ॥ 55 [J. L. P.] Sisyahita 366. 1880-81. ..... Page #471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 434 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1076. यद्यपि मया तथा(ड)न्यैः कृता(s)स्य विवृतिस्तथापि संक्षेपात् । . . तत्रुचिसत्त्वानुग्रहहेतोः क्रियते प्रयासोऽयं ॥२॥ Ends.- fol. 213 स्थितपक्षमुपदर्शयन्नाह सम्वेसि पि गाहा || व्या० सर्वेषा etc. उभयमेव वाऽनपेक्ष्यमित्यादिरूपां अथवा नामादीनां नयानां कः कं साधुमिच्छतीत्यादिरूपं निशम्य श्रुत्वा तत्सर्वनयविशुद्धं सर्वनयसंमतं वचनं यचरणयणस्थितः साधुर्यस्मात्सर्वनया एव भावनिक्षेपमिच्छंतीति गाथार्थः ॥ छ || आचार्यहरिभद्रकृतौ शिष्यहितायामावश्यकटीकायां सामायिकाध्ययनं समाप्तं ॥ छ । सामायिकस्य विवृतिं कृत्वा यदवाप्तमिह मया कुशलं । तेन खलु सर्वलोको लभतां सामायिकं परमं । यस्माजगाद भगवान् सामायिकमेव निरुपमोपायं . शारीरमानसानेकदुःखनाशस्य मोक्षस्य ॥२॥ ग्रंथायं १२३८३ ॥ छ॥ etc. N. B.-For other particulars see No. 1075. शिष्यहिता Sisyahitā No. 1077 134. 1873-74, Size.-- 101 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 248 - 13 - 11 = 224 folios; IS lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari cha racters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible and. good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; nos. for foll. entered in a small hand between or near the lines in the right-hand margin: edges of the first and the last few foll. worn out; corners of several foll. damaged; foll. 139th and the following are more or less worm-eaten; condition fair ; marginal notes written here and there ; foll. so to 62 and 194 to 214 lacking; extent 12383 ślokas. Age.- Samvat ISII. Begins.- fol. I' अ॥ सांप्रत सामायिकाध्ययनानंतरं चतुर्षिशतिसूत्राध्ययन मारभ्यते । इह चाध्ययनोदेशे सत्रारंभेषु etc. Page #472 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1078.] (निर्युक्ति) fol. 14 III. 4 Malasatras चडवीसगच्छस्स उ निक्खेवो होइ नामनिप्पन्नो । चवीसगस्स छक्का थयस्स उक्कओ होइ ॥ शिष्यहिताऽन्तर्गत कुमारनन्दिकथा 435 Ends. — स्थितपक्ष etc. up to मोक्षस्य ॥ २ ॥ practically as in No. 1076. This is followed by the lines as under:-- ग्रंथाग्रं १२३८३ ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः ॥ मंपवाछालिखितं ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः ॥ संवत् १५११ वर्षे माघमासे शुक्लपक्षे १३ दिने श्री' खरतरगच्छे श्रीसागरचन्द्रमूरिवाचनाचार्यश्री महिमराजगणिभिः स्वशिष्यपं दया सागरगणिवाचनार्थमलेखि 'श्रीपत्तन 'पुरे । ' श्रीमाल 'ज्ञातीयसं 'चांदाभार्यया सं०गुणराजपुत्री सं० डालीसुश्राविकया श्री मंडप गढ' स्थितया लेखिता वा०दयासागरगणिवराणां ॥ N. B. — For further details see No. 1075. Sisyahitāntargata-Kumāranandikathā 1130. 1884-87. No. 1078 Size.— rog in. by 44 in. Extent. - 3 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and yellowish ; Devanagari characters with occasional gears; small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; some portions of each of the foll. worn-out; otherwise condition good ; lacunas on fol. 3±; complete so far as it goes ; fol. 3b blank. Age.— Old. Subject. This is a portion of Sisyahita where the life of Kumaranandi, a goldsmith is narrated with a view to explain the orgin of the city of Daśapura. It is also found almost ad verbatim in Avaśyakavṛtti by Malayagiri Süri. Cf. the Cunni (pt. I, pp. 397-398 ) . Page #473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 436 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1078. Begins.-fol. I तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं 'चंपा'ए नयरीए कुमारनंदी मुवण्णकारो इथिलोलो परिषसइ सो जत्थ सुरूवं दारियं पासइ सुणेइ वा । तच्छ(त्य) पंच सुवण्णसयाणि दाऊण तं परिणेइ । एवं तेणं पंच सया पिंडिया । ताहे सो ईसालुओ एगक्खंभपसायं करिता ताहिं समं ललइ । तस्स य मित्तो नाइलो नाम समणोवास । अणया 'पंचसेलग'दीववत्थाउ वाणमंतरीउ सुरवइनिउएण 'गंदीस्सर'दीवं जत्ताए पत्थियाउ । ताणं च विज्जुमाली नाम 'पंचसेला'धिवई सो चओ ताओ चिंतितं । किंचि बुग्गीहेमोजो अम्हं भत्ता भविजइ । नवरं वच्चंतीहिं 'चंपा'ए कुमारनंदी पंचमहिलासयपरिवारो उवललयंतो दिट्टो ताहे चिीतयं एस इथिलोलो एतं बुग्गाहेमो ताहे ताहिं उजाणगयस्स अप्पा दंसिउ ताहे सोभइ ।। etc. Ends-fol 3*जं च राय जिमेइ । तं च पज्जोअस्स वि दिजइ । नवरं पज्जोसवणाए सुरण पुच्छिओ। किं अज्ज जिमेसि सो चिंतेइ । अजु मरिजामि ताहे पुच्छामि सो भणइ अज्ज पज्जोसवणा रा उबवासिउ सो भणइ । अहं यि उववासिउ । मम विं मायापियाणि सावयाणि । ण याणियं । मया जहा। अज्ज पज्जोसवण त्ति रन्नो कहियं । राया भणइ । जाणमि जहा सा धुता किं पुण मम एयंमि बद्धिल्लए पज्जोसर्वेणो येव न सज्झइ ताहे मुक्को मिक्खामिउ य । पट्टो य सोवणो | ताणक्खराणत्थायणनिमित्तं बद्धो । सो वि सुदिन्नो । तप्पमिई पडबद्धरायाणो जाया। पुत्वं मउडबद्धा आसि वन्ने वासारल्लगत्तो राया। तत्थ जो वणियवग्गो आगउ सो तहि --विउ | ताहे 'दसपुरं' जायं छ Reference.- Published in Sisyahita (pp. 2966-300% ) and also in Malayagiri Suri's com. ( pp. 391 --394 ). . आवश्यकसूत्र Avasyakasūtraबृहद्वात्तिटिप्पणकगत brhadvrttitippaņakagataशय्यातरस्वरूप sayyātarasvarūpa No. 1079 302 (b). A. 1882-83. Extent.-- fol. g* to fol. 96. Description.- Complete so far as it goes. For other details see Pindavifuddhi No. 119. 1 Lacunas in the Ms. Page #474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1080.] 171. 4 Malasatras 437 Begins.-fol.9 श्रीआवश्यकसहवृत्तिटिप्पनकगतं शय्यातरस्वरूपं लिख्यते। शव्ययाः साधुसमप्रितगृहलक्षणया भवार्णवं तरतीति शय्यातरस्तस्य पिंडः शय्यातरपिंडः । अथ को(3)यं शय्यातरः १ कदाच शय्यातरो भवति २ कतिविधस्तपिंडः ३ कदा चाऽशय्यातरः स्यात् ४ केषां च संबंध्यसौ वर्जनीय: ५ के च तत्पिडग्रहणे दोषाः ६ कदा च तत्पिडो गृह्यते ७ व शय्यातरो भवती ८ त्यष्टौ द्वाराणि ॥ Ends.-fol. 9 अष्टमद्वारे ॥ स्वस्थाने वसनशय्यातरो भवति देशांतरे तु गतो न भव त्यपि केवलं भद्रकांतदोषात् तत्पिडस्तत्रापि वर्जनीयः । भद्रको हिमम तावत स्वगृहावस्थितस्यामी न किंचिद् गृहंति । यदि तावदिह गृह्णति तथापि शोमनमिति विचिंत्यऽनेषणीयमऽपि कृत्वा दद्यात् प्रांतस्तु मम स्वगृहस्थितस्यामी न किंचिद् गृहृत्यऽत्र तु गृह्णति तत्किमिदानीमन्यः संजातो(5)हं तस्मान्मायाबिन एघेति विचिंत्य वसत्कच्छो(?) कुर्यात् एवं शय्यातरसंबंधिना भ्रातृमातुलकादीनां सर्वे पाश्र(२)यस्या प्रभूणामपि संबंधी पिंडो वर्जनीयो भद्रकांतादिदोषात् । इत्यलं विस्तरेण तदर्थिना तु प्रकल्पतृतीयोद्देशकोऽन्वेष्यः॥शय्यातरपिंडस्वरूपं ॥छ॥श्री॥ आवश्यकसूत्र नियुक्ति Avasyakąsūtraniryukti विवृतिसहित with vivsti 1168. No. 1080 1884-87. Size.— 104 in. by 4 in. Extent.- 270 + 368 = 638 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and greyish; Devanagari ____ characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; sufficiently big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; nos. for foll. entered only once ; fol. I blank ; white paste used; this Ms goes up to the end of the 2nd khanda ; the first khanda gets completed on fol. 2705 and the commercement of the second is not numbered in succession but it is marked afresh ; fol. 2719 i. e. to say the new folio r. is blank; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 1"; edges of the first two foll, and the last as well slightly damaged ; condition on the whole good. Page #475 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 438. Jaina Literature and Philosophy [108: Age:- Prety old. Author of the commentary, Malayagiri Sûri. For his other works _see Nos. I94, 201, 220, 235, 254 and 619. Subject.— Avaśyakasutraniryukti together with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.- (नियुक्ति) fol. 14 . आभिाणबोहियनाणं etc. , - (com.) fol. Ib पांतु नः पार्श्वनाथस्य पादपद्मनखांशवः अशेषविघ्नसंघाततमोभेदकहेतवः १ जयति जगदेकदीपः प्रकटितनिःशेषभावसद्भावः । कुमतपतंगविनाशी श्रीवीरजिनेश्वरो भगवान् (२) नत्वा गुरुपदकमलं प्रभावतस्तस्य मंदशक्तिरपि आवश्यकनियुक्तिं विवृणोमि यथागमं स्पष्टं (३) यद्यपि च वित्तयोऽस्याः संति विचित्रास्तथापि विषमास्ता संप्रति च जनो जडधीयानिति विवृतिसंरंभः (४) etc. (com. ) fol. 2706 of the first part ___ कानि पुनर्विशतिकारणानि यैस्तीर्थकरनामगोत्रं कर्म तेनोपबद्धमित्यत आह अरहंता गाहा सणगाह अपुवगाहा नियमागाहा एता ऋषभ. देवाधिकारव्याख्यातत्वान्न विनियंते माहणगाहा अस्या व्याख्या पुष्पोत्तरा चच्युतो 'ब्राह्मणकुंडग्रामे नगरे कोडालसगोत्रब्राह्मण सोमिलाभिधानोऽस्ति तस्य गृहे उत्पन्नः देवानंदायाः कुक्षाविति गाथार्थ छ etc. - (com.) fol. 368b of the 2nd part graft syifat: TTİFA rata - शांतिः तत्र सर्व एव तीर्थकृत एवंरूपा अतो विशेषमाह छ जातो असिवो. बसमो गभगते तेणं संतिजिणो पूर्व महदसिवमासीत् भगवति तु गर्भगते ... जातो असिवोपशमस्तेन कारणेन शांतिजिनः संप्रति कुंथुः कुः पृथिवी तस्यां स्थितवान् कुंथुः पृषोदरादित्वादिष्टरूपनिष्पत्तिः तत्र सर्वे(5)पि भगवंत एवंविधास्ततो विशेषमाह छ शूभं रयणविचित्तं कुंथु सुमिणमि तेण कुंथुजननीस्वप्ने कुं स्थं मनोहरे अत्युनते जिणो महाप्रदेशे स्तूपं रत्नविचित्रं दृष्ट्वा प्रतिबुद्धवती तेन कारणेन भगवान् नामतः कुंथुजिनः सांप्रतमरः छ । इति श्रीमलयगिरिसरिविरचितायामावश्यकटीकायां द्वितीयखंडं .. समाप्तमिति छ etc. Reference.-- Published. See No. I002, p. 374.. . Page #476 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1081.] III. 4 Mülasutras आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति Avasyakasütraniryukti लघुवृत्तिसहित with laghuvrtti No. 1081 1089. 1887-91. Size.-- Iog in. by 4g in. Extent.- 210-2 - 15 - 2 - 10 - 34 - 1-4-9- 16 = IIT folios; 17 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and greyish; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, clear and good hand-wri. ting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; fol. !" blank ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. 4, 5, 9 to 23,61, 66,69 to 78,86 to 119, 126, 130 to 133, 136 to 144, and 165 to 180 lacking; this Ms. contains the niryukti and its commentary as well ; both complete; ......edges of the first fol. partly worn out%3; condition good. ... fol. 2100 gives a sort of a long list of the contents... -Age.-Old. Author of the text.-Bhadrabahusvāmin. , ,, ,, com.- Sritilaka Suri. Subject. -- The text along with a commentary in Sanskrit. Begins.- (text) fol. 10 आभिणिबोहियनाणं सुयनाणं चेव उहिनाणं च ।.. तह मणपज्जवनाणं केवलनाणं च पंचमयं । १॥ etc.. ,, - (com.) fol. r" ए ६॥ ॐ नमः श्रीपंचपरमेष्टिभ्यः ॥ .. देवः श्रीनाभिसूनुर्जनयतु स शिवान्यंशदेशे यदीये: खेलंती कुंतलाली विलसदालिकुशप्रोज्ज्वला शालते स्म। ... संजाते संयमश्रीपरिणयनविधौ मांगालिक्ये त्रिलोकीलक्ष्म्या दूर्वोकुराणां ततिरिष पतितो दस्तहस्तद्वयाग्रात् । १॥ etc. तथाप्यत्यल्पधीहेतोरल्पधीरप्यहं पुनः। रचयिष्याम्य वृत्तिमुत्तानार्थ लघीयसीं ॥१२॥ etc. Page #477 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 440 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Lio8i. Ends.- (text) fol. 210* सव्वेसि पि नयाणं बहुविहवत्तव्वयं निसामित्ता। तं सन्वनयविसुद्धं जं चरणगुणढिओ साहू ॥ ७४॥ ,, -(com.) fol. 210° पूर्वाद्ध स्पष्टं ॥ तत्सर्वनयविशुद्धं यच्चरणगुणस्थितः साधुः यतो यथाख्यातचारित्रिण एव महोदयपदावाप्तिरिति ।। ७४ ॥ इति श्रीश्रीतिलकाचार्यविरचितायामावश्यकलघुवृत्तौ प्रत्याख्यानाध्ययनं समाप्तं ।। छ । अत्र ग्रं. ६९८॥ तत्समाप्ती समाप्ता(ते)यमावश्यक लघुवृत्तिः ॥ ग्रं. १२३५५ ॥ यादृशं पुस्तकं etc. ॥ श्रीरस्तु । Reference.- For additional Mss. etc. see G. O. Series vol. XXI pp. 20, 9 and 40. See also Peterson's Report for 1882-83, p. 58 (2) आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति Avasyakasūtraniryukti लघुवृत्तिसहित . . .. with laghuvrtti No. 10822 - 1169.. 1884-87. Size.-10g in. by 48 in. Extent - 297 - I - I - 78 = 217 folios ; 13 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanāgari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; bold, big, beautiful and legible hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used ; foll. 2, 97 and 181 to 258 lacking; edges of the 3rd fol. slightly gone; the first fol. very badly damaged ; about a quarter of it worn out; condition tolerably good. Age.- Samvat 1535. Begins.- (com.) fol. 1° ५६०॥ नमः श्रीपंचपरमेष्टिभ्यः ।। देवः श्रीनाभिानुः etc. as in No. 1081. Ends.- (text) fol. 2960 सम्वेसि पि नयाणं etc. as in No. 1081. Page #478 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1082.] ...III. 4 Malasatras. .... 44t: Ends.-(com.) fol. 297- पूर्वाद्धं स्पष्टं | etc. up to I. as in No. 1081. Then we have : १२३२५. This is followed by the verses as under : तीथे वीरविभोः सुधर्मगणभृत्संतानलब्धोन्नति श्चारित्रोज्ज्वल'चंद्र'गच्छजलधिप्रोल्लाससीतयुतिः। . साहित्यागमतर्कलक्षणमहाविद्यापगासागरः । श्रीचंद्रप्रभसूरिरद्भुतमतिर्वादीभसिंहो(s)भवत् ॥ १. तत्पट्टलक्ष्मीश्रवणावतंसाः ___ श्रीधर्मघोषप्रभवो बभूवुः।। यत्पादपद्म कलहंसलीला दधौ नृपः श्रीजयसिंहदेवः ॥२॥ तत्पट्टोदयशैलशृंगमभजत्तेजश्वि(स्त्रि)चूडामणिः। श्रीचक्रेश्वरसूरिरित्यभिधया को(s)प्यत्र भानुर्नवः संप्राप्ताभ्युदयः सदैव तमसा नो जातु बिच्छायितः। नैवोच्चंडरुचिः कदाचिदपि न प्राप्ना(प्ता)परागस्ततः । विललाम स्वरं तत्पट्टप्रासादचंद्रशालायां । श्रीमान् शिवप्र(म)गुरुः संयमकमलाकृतासक्तिः। ४॥ . श्रीश(शिवप्रभसूरीणां तेषां शिष्यो(s)स्मि मंदधीः। -- नाना श्रीतिलकाचार्यः श्रुताराधनगृद्धिभाक् ॥ ५॥ एतां वृत्तिं लघुमविषमां सो(5)हमावश्यकीयां। ___तत्पादाब्जस्मरणमहसा मुग्धधीरप्यका। . तद्यत्किंचिद्रभसवशतो दृष्टमस्यामशुद्धं । .. . तत्संशोध्यं मयि कृतरूपैः सूरिभिस्तत्त्वविद्भिः ॥ ६ ॥ वृत्तिं रचयता चैतां सुकृतं यन्मया()र्जितं । भवे भवे(5)हं तेन स्यां श्रुताराधनतत्परः ॥७॥. !! शव?त)द्वादशके(s)ब्दानां गति(ते!) विक्रमभूभुजः ।। संवत्सरे षण्णवते वृत्तिरेषा विनिर्ममे ।। ८ ॥ शिष्या नः शस्यचारित्राः सर्वशास्त्राब्धिपारगाः।::. अस्यां साहायकं चक्रुः श्रीपद्मप्रभसूरयः ॥ ९॥ ... ) शिष्यो(s)स्माकमिमां वृत्तिमहिवन्नः शास्त्रतत्त्ववित् । । अखि(लि)ल(ख)प्रथमादर्श यशस्तिलकपंडितः ।। १०॥ ससपादत्रिशत्यस्यां श्लोकद्विषट्सहस्रिका। प्रत्यक्षरेण संख्यानादिति निश्चितवानह ॥११॥ .... 56 []. L. P.) Page #479 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Lilerajure and Philosophy [1082. यावहिजयते तीर्थः श्रीमद्वीरजिनेशितुः । नामदेषा मराढीव खेलतात्कृतिमानसे ॥ १२ ॥ ___ सं. १५३५ वर्षे चैत्रशुदि १५ भौमे । अयेह श्री पत्तन'मध्ये । श्री'परतरं गच्छे गच्छाधिपे पट्टे श्रीजिनहर्षसरिराज्ये । पुवतणीसपुण्यलक्ष्मीश्री। तस्य शिष्यआणंटश्रीगजि स्वयं पठनार्थ श्रीआवश्यकलघटीका लिखापितं । श्री पत्तन'वास्तव्ये 'उदीच्य ज्ञातीयपतिश्रीशंघासतबडूआकेन लिषितं शुभं etc N. B.- For further particulars see No. 1081. आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति Avasyakasūtraniryukti लघुवृत्तिसहित with laghuvrtti No. 1083 1182. 1886-92. Size.--101 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 297 - 1 - 15 = 281 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 40 ___letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and greyish, Devanāgari cha racters with occasional rats; legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; space between the pairs coloured red; three discs : two in the margins and one in the centre ; nos. for foll. entered twice as usual ; yellow pigment and red chalk used ; marginal notes written at times%3; fol. I and foll. 56 to70 lacking; corners of foll. I to Is and 273 to 282 slightly worn out : foll. 72 10 77 more or less smutty; but, all the same they are readable ; edges of foll. 177 to 200 somewhat gone; condition tolerably good ; fol. 297° practically blank. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- (text) fol. 2* आभिणिबोहियनाणं मुयनाणं चेव ओहिनाणं च etc. as in No. 1081, Page #480 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1084.) Ifj. 4 Malasatras 443 Begins.- ( com. ) fol. 24 प्प-प(त्यल्पपीहेतोरल्पधीरप्यहं पुनः । रचयिष्याम्य वृत्तिमुत्तानार्थी लघीयसीं ॥ १२ ॥ Ends.--( text ) fol. 297* Haari for ferui etc. as in No. 1081. » –(com. ) fol. 2978 gale fog etc. up to hear Sarah as in No. 1082. This is followed by iTTAT : Il 8: 4 etc. N. B. -For other details see No. 1081. आवश्यकसूत्र नियुक्ति Avasyakasūtraniryukti लघुवृत्तिसहित with laghuvịtti No. 1084 630. 1892-95. Size.-- 144 in. by 11 in. Extent.— 189 folios ; 28 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, tough and white ; Devanāgari characters; big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders unruled ; foll. cloth-bound; red chalk and yellow pigment used; nos. for foll. i to 126 and those for 169 to 189 entered twice as usual ; but foll. 127 to 168 not numbered even once ; a very thick and black paper preceding fol. 1'; two such papers following fol. 189; fol. 1894 half blank and fol. 1896 completely blank; this Ms. contains the text and the commentary as well; both complete; extent 12325 ślokas; condition excellent. Age.- Modern. Begins.-(text) fol. 1 paraligatoi etc. as in No. 1081. » – (com.) fol. 1 : GTA : 1 da: sfruttare etc. as in No. 1081. Ends.- (text ) fol. 1892 Fafe fa ao etc. up to nie as in No. 1081. Page #481 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 444 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1084. Ends. (com.) fol. 189 gaf etc. up to af: as in No. 1081. This is followed by ग्रंथाग्रं १२३२५ । करकृतमपराधं क्षंतुमर्हन्ति सन्तः । ft: etc. N. B. For further particnlars see No. 1081. res आवश्यक सूत्रनिर्युक्ति sygfaaiba No. 1085 Engin Size 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 352 + 3 = 355 folios; 13 lines to a page; 47 letters to a line. 29 Description. Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters with as; bold, big, legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; numbers for foll. entered patit twice as usual; out of the 81 foll., the unnumbered sides vely decorated in the centre with a circular disc whereas the numbered, in the margins, too; fol. 1a blank; foll. 83, 110 and III repeated; the 295th fol. wrongly numbered as 296 gribee in the right-hand margin; condition very good except that Had fe31 the last fol. slightly damaged; extent 14000 slokas; complete. enian T Age Appears to be somewhat old. Begins. (text) fol. 2a. enfria Avasyakasūtraniryukti with laghuvṛtti Ends. (text) fol. 351b fer fra 99 219. 1902-1907. -- etc. as in No. 1081. (com) fol.1b ६० ॥ ॐ नमः श्रीपरमेष्टिभ्यः । | देवः श्रीनाभिसूनुर्जनयतु etc as in No. 1081. etc. as in No. 1081. (com.) fol. 351bgar etc. up to समाप्तेयमावश्यकलघुवृती ( त्तिः) । as in .18 No. 1081. This is followed by the lines as under: --- Page #482 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1686. ] *11). 4 Malasatros 445 (ती)र्थे वीरविभोः सुधर्मगणभृत्संतानलब्धोन्नति ॥ sp || 5.38000 Freteet)! For further particulars see No. 1081. N. B. आवश्यकसूत्र नियुक्ति Avasyakasūtraniryukti लघुवृत्तिसहित with laghüvrtti No. 1086 241. A.1882-83. Extent.—282 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and greyish ; Devanāgari cha racters with TAFS; small, clear and tolerably good handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; nos, for foll. entered once in a corner of the right-hand margin; remarks illustrated at times with figures (vide fol. 103b); foll. 281 and 282 repeat what is already written on the preceding foll; they seem to be added later on, though they bear an earlier date'; the work becomes complete on fol. 2800; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged; some of the foll. slightly wormeaten; condition good; fol. ra blank except that a few lines about the contents are written on it. Age.- Samvat 1488 (?). Begins.- (text ) fol. 2a Thoratiguaro etc. as in No. 1081. » - (com.) fol. 10 A# sfaTTART: 1 ca: sarhagua etc. as in No. 1081. Ends.-( text ) fol. 280* Far fa feto etc. as in No. 1081. „ -- (com.) fol. 280* gaise pare etc. up to F arah 118211 as in No. 1082. This is followed by the lines as under: Page #483 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 446 आशापल्ली etc. up to the end seem to be written in a different hand. Begins.— ( com. ) fol. 281 4 तुर्जग्या प्रथमो भंगः ॥ शुद्धः । द्वयोरप्यजानतो त्योऽशुद्धः । मध्यमयोर्विभाषा etc. Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1087. छ etc. 'आशापल्ली 'वास्तव्य 'प्राग्वाट' ज्ञातीय गी. आकाभार्यामाणिकदेपुत्र्या 'पत्तन' वास्तव्यचांपा भार्या चमकूपुत्र शिवराजपत्न्या श्री० धारू नाम्म्या श्री सोमसुंदरसूरीणामुपदेशेन संवत् १४८८ वर्षे श्री आवश्यकलघुवृत्तिर्लेखिता ॥ छ etc. ― - (निर्युक्ति ) fol. 2822 މ सव्वेसि पि नयाणं etc. ( com.) fol. 282 ° as in No. 1082. पूर्वार्ध स्पष्टं etc. up to खेलतात् कृतिमान से This is followed by the lines as under:etc. संवत् १४५८ वर्षे फा (ल) गुण शुदि ६ बुधे 'स्तंभतीर्थे' लिखितं । छः ।। N. B. -- For further details see No. 081. आवश्यक सूत्रनिर्युक्ति टीका सहित Avasyakasūtraniryukti with tikā No. 1087 Size— ro‡ in by 44 in. Extent.- (text) 124 folios; 7 to 15 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line 133. 1873-74. ; 27,, 29 " ~~ (com.),, " """; 56 Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs : this is a पञ्चपाटी Ms.; the hand - writing for the text bigger than that for the commentary ; both legible and good; each of the columns has its borders ruled in tour lines in black ink, with the intermediate portion coloured red; unnumbered sides have a disc in the centre in red colour whereas the numbered ones, in the margins, too; a blank fol. is affixed to fol. 1; same is the case with fol. 1246; fol. ra blank ; red chalk used; some of the foll. present a very nice appearance. e. g. foll. 196, 248 etc.; illustrative tables pertaining to the Jinas and در " " " Page #484 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1087.] III. 4 Malasairas 447 Cakravations given on fol. 43b; corners of some of the foll. slightly damaged; condition good; this Ms. contains niryukti as well as its commentary ; both complete. Āge.- Old. Author of the commentary.-- Not mentioned. Subject-- The niryukti along with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.- fol. 1 ए नमः श्रीवीतरागाय नमः ॥ ॐ नमः श्रीसरस्वत्यै नमः | etc. ॐ नमः श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ छ etc. - fol. 20 श्रीवीतरागाय नमः। नमो अरिहंताणं etc. -- (text) fol. 2' जयइ जगजीवजोणी etc. ,, --(com.) fol. Ib एॐ नमः वीतरागाय । __प्रेक्षावतां प्रवृत्त्यर्थमादौ प्रयोजनादिकमुपन्यस्यनीयं etc. . Ends.-- (text) fol. 1240 सव्वेसि पि नयाणं etc. up to साहू ९० ॥ इति पञ्चक्खाणनिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता | समाप्तेदं श्रीआवश्यकं। ,, - ( com.) fol. 124° सर्वविरतिसामायिकद्वयमेवेच्छति ननु किमत्र तमू (१) उच्यते ॥७४|| सवे तत् सर्वनयवि..सर्वनयसंमतं वचनं यच्चरणगुणस्थितः साधुः । यस्मात् सर्वनया भावनोक्ता प...च्छति ७५ (?) 631. आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति Avaøyakasūtraniryukti अवचूरिसहित with avacūri No. 1088 1892-95. Size.- Iot in. by 41 in. Extent.- (text) 96-1+1=96 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. , - (com.) 96 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 66 letters to a line, Page #485 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 448 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1088. Description.- Country paper rough and white; Devanagari cha racters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; it is a त्रिपाटी Ms.; the text written in the middle in a bigger hand ; legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used ; the first fol. lacking; the second repeated; fol. 24 commencing with the 4th gatha of स्थविरावली ; about a half of the second fol. worn out; strips of paper pasted to several foll. ; some of the foll. more or less worm-eaten ; condition very fair; heights and life-periods of the 24 Tirthamkaras and 12 Cakravartins tabulated on fol. 58b; diagrams on fol. 826; both the text and the commentary ending abruptly; complete up to the नमुक्कारनिज्जुत्ति and its commentary. Age.- Pretty old. Author of the avacúri.-Not known. Subject.--.The Niryukti along with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.-- (text ) fol. 2a गुणभवणगहण सुअरयणभरिय दंसणविसुद्धरत्थागा । संघनगर भई ते अक्वंटचरित्तपागारा ॥ ४ ॥ etc. ,, -- ( com. ) fol. 2a पडिभा अभिग्गहा वि अ उत्तरगुणा मे विआणाहे(हि)॥१॥ गुणा एव भावना......दर्शनं सम्यकत्वं तदेवासारि मिथ्यात्वादिकचवरहिता विशुद्धाटव्या मार्गाय....नुसारेण दीर्घत्वसूचना दीर्ध निर्देशो यथा गोयमा । हे संघनगर भद्रं ते etc. Ends.--fol. 966 ( text) जं वत्तणाइरूवो कालो दव्याण चेव पज्जाओ। तेण तस्स तमि निविरुद्धं सव्वहा करणं ॥ ३२ ॥ अहचेह कालकरणं बचाइ जोइसिअकालकरणेणं । सत्तविहं तत्थ चिर चओ वि. This ends thus abruptly.... ,, - (com.) fol. 96° बहु० उक्तं कालकरणं । भावकरणमुच्यते etc. उच्यते इह भावाधिकारात् पर्यायप्राधान्यं श्रुतस्य जीवभावात् । श्रुतभावकरणं नोश्रुतकरणं. This ends thus abruptly. Page #486 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 111. 4 Malasatras 1089.] आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्तिचूर्णि No. 1089 449 Avasyakasūtraniryukticūrņi 1167. 1884-87. Size.- 104 in. by 41 in. Extent.- SII + I = 512 folios; I lines to a page; 46 letters ___to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari cha racters with occasional KATETTS; sufficiently big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders neatly ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1* blank; edges of the first and the last foll. slightly worn out ; foll. 100 to 178, 247 to 261 and 389 to 395 have their margins more or less worm-eaten';, a small hole on the last fol.; so two letters are gone; condition tolerably good ; lacunae on fol. 166; red chalk used ; information about the 24 Tirthamkaras tabulated on foll. 1196 and 120* ; fol. 353 repeated; white paste used; of course, rarely ; complete. Age.- Samvat 1620. Subject. A commentary in mixed languages viz., Sanskrit and Prakrit elucidating the niryukii on Avaśyakasutra. Begins.- fol. r'नमो अरिहंताणं etc. up to सव्वसाहूणं as in No. 731. This is followed by the lines as under : काऊण णमोकारं तित्थकराणं तिलोकमहिताणं। आयरियउषज्झापाणं गमिऊण य सम्बसाहूणं ॥१॥ . कोति सीसो आयरियकुव(लोला(वा.)सी । जातिकुलस्वर(सु)यायारसत्त विणयसंपण्णा(?ण्णो) म दुऐडओ etc. Ends.- fol. Sub एवमादि परलोप । अणुगमो संमत्तो। इयाणि नया ते य जहापुर्व। तत्थ दुवे नया। ते य जहापुव्वं । तत्थ “तया । अज्झयणणतो य (करणणतोय)। अज्झयणणतो। णायम्मि गिहियव्वे गाथा। करणणतोय । सम्बेसि पि i [...] Page #487 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 450 faina Literature and Philosophy [rogo. णयाणं । गाहा । आवस्सगनिज्जुत्तिचुण्णी संमत्ता । छ । संवत् १६२०वर्षे आसो वदि ८ बुधे 'श्रीमाली'ज्ञाते साहाशंघदत्ततत्सतसाहाकाहाना Personligai II sptar (5)TECTIFTETTYSaraf etc. Reference. This work is published in two parts by Rşabhdevaji Kesarimalji Svetāmbara samstha, Rutlam, in A. D. 1928 . and 1929 respectively. आवश्यकसूत्र Avasyakasūtraनियुक्तिचूार्ण niryukticūrņi No. 1090 129. 1873-74. Size.— 104 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 351 - 1 = 350 folios ;, 15 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanāgari cha racters with occasional IT ETS ; sufficiently big, legible and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; nos. of most of the foll. written twice as usual; red chalk used; foll. j. and 3510 blank; the heights and the life-periods of the 24 Tirthamkaras tabulated on foll. 81 and 828 ; fol. 197 wrongly numbered as 198; for, there is a continuity of matter so far as foll. 1966 and 198* are concerned ; fol. 279 wrongly numbered in both the margins as 179; some lacunae on foll. 2375 and 2826; foll. 341 etc. numbered only once and that too, as it seems in a different hand; complete; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. 1 ; same is the case with fol. 3515; condition excellent. Age.- Not later than Samvat 1774. Begins.-- fol. B FAT aftaritet: 1 HA: 11 FAT Steatoi etc. up to FTFIEu as in No.1089. This is followed by $15501 FÀIST fate rastut etc. as in No. 1089. Page #488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1091, ] 111. 4. Malasairas 457 Ends.--fol. 351' GEHT autc etc, practically up to TT as in No. 1089. This is followed by the line as under : Il Tu Had etc. j. 33(?) : (?) 11 etc. Then in a different hand we have :-- ___संवत १७७४ व. पं.दीपविजयगणिना आपकचउण पत्र ३५१ पं. stratJETITTATŪat gant etc. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 1089. आवश्यकसूत्र Avasyakasūtraनियुक्तिचूर्णि niryukticūrņi No. 1091 367. . 1880-81. Size.-- 118 in. by Extent.- 372 - 6-7-1-3-6 + 1 = 350 folios; 17 lines to . a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper rough and white; Devanāgari cha racters with east ; sufficiently big, legible and very good hand-writing ; borders tuled in four lines in black ink; nos. for foll. entered twice as usual ; foll. I and 3726 blank ; edges and corners of the first few foll, slightly worn out; some of the foll, more or less damaged owing to their being worm-eaten ; fol. 112 partly torn, several foll. have their upper portion somewhat gone ; condition fair ; names of the Tirthařkaras and the Cakravartins along with their heights etc. tabulated on fol. 870; fol. 258 repeated ; foll. 5, 6, 25, 51, 97, 118, 144-150, 168, 205-207 and 341-346 lacking ; hence incomplete. Age.-- Samvat 1661. Begins.—fol. 1b. FA: FEITT ! FATISTETTUI ETC. as in No. 1089. Page #489 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 452 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [109. Ends.--fol. 372* एवमादि परलोए etc. up to संमत्ता as in No. 1090. This is followed by the lines as under :-- छ । शुभं भवतु । संघत् १६६१ फाल्गुणशुदि ५ बुधवासरे ओझारुद्रलिखितं ॥ ग्रंथानं १८००० प्रमाणा वाच्यमाना चिरं न(न)यादाचंद्रार्क । श्रेयोऽस्तु श्रीचातुर्वर्णभमणसंघस्य ॥ छ । N. B.-- For other details see No. 1089. आवश्यकसूत्र Avasyakasutraनियुक्तरवचूरि niryuktyavacūri No. 1092 1092. 1887-91. Size.-- Io in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 116 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 54 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari cha racters with occasional FASTS ; small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; the space between the pairs coloured red; nos. for foll. entered only once; unnumbered sides have mostly a small disc in red colour in the centre whereas the numbered, in the margins, too; red chalk and yellow pigment used; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out ; condition very good; complete ; composed in Samvat 1440. Age.-- Not modern. Author.--- Jñanasāgara, pupil of Devasundara of the Tapā gaccha. Subject.-A small commentary to the niryukti having for its basis ____ a bigger commentary (No. 1075) by Haribhadra Suri. Begins.- fol. I' जयति इंद्रियविषयकषायघातिकर्मपरीषहोपसर्गादिशत्रुगण पराजयात् स वनिप्यतिशेते यश्च सर्वातिशायी स चावश्यं प्रणामाह(?) इति तं प्रति प्रणतो(s)स्मीति गम्यते । etc. Page #490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ To93.] 111. 4 Malasatras 453 Ends.-fol. 116 सवे०॥ तत्सर्व etc. up to निक्षेपमिच्छति practically as in No. 1093. This is followed by the lines at ander :-- ॥ ७१ आचार्यश्रीहरिमद्रकृतवृत्त्यनुसारेण श्रीआवश्यकावचूार: समाप्ता ।। छ । कूटलिखने दुःकृतं मिथ्याऽस्तु ॥ छ । श्रीमत् तपा गणनोंगणभास्वराभ श्रीदेवसुंदरयुगोत्तमपादुकानां । शिष्यैजि(जि)नागमसुधांबुधिलीनचित्तैः श्रीज्ञानसागरगुरु(रू)त्तमनामधेयः ॥१॥ खाऽब्धियुगेदुमिते()ब्दे १४४०ऽवचूरिरावश्यकस्य जयनीयं । विदधे बृहाद्विवरणात् श्रुतभक्तया स्वपराहतहेतो(:)॥२॥ छ | etc. ग्रंथानं ९००५. Then we have in a different hand : श्रीजीवराजशिवराजकोविदाभ्यासमसौ प्रतिर्सर्सचे चित्कोशे पुण्यार्थ पंडितनीकार्षशिष्याभ्यां - आवश्यकसूत्र Avaśyakasūtra: नियुक्तत्यवचूर्णि niryuktyavacūrņi 577. No. 1093 1884-86. Size.— 104 in. by Extent.- 83 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and grey; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा; small, clear and good hand-writing; borders mostly ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; edges of the first fol. and those of the last too, slightly worn out; the first three foll. worm-eaten ; condition on the whole very good ; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 1 नमः सर्वज्ञाय। ..... Page #491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 454 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1093 प्राणपत्य जिनवरेंद्र वीरं श्रुतदेवतां गुरून साधून् । आवश्यकस्य वृत्तिं गुरूपदेशादहं वक्ष्ये ॥ १ यद्यपि मया तथा(s)न्यैः कृता(s)स्य (अस्ति) विवृतिस्तथापि संक्षेपात तद्रुचिसत्त्वानुग्रहहेतोः क्रियते प्रयासो(s)यं ॥२ इहावश्यकप्रारंभप्रयासोऽयुक्तः प्रयोजनादिरहितत्वात् कंटकशाखामईन बदित्येवमाद्याशंकापनोदाय प्रयोजनादिपूर्व प्रदर्शित इत्युक्तं च etc. Ends.- fol. 83° सव्वे० । तत् सर्वनयाविशुद्ध सर्वनयसंमतं वचनं यच्चरणगुण स्थितः साधुः । यस्मात्सर्वनया भावनिक्षेपमिच्छति ।। ७६ ॥ ॥ .. इति प्रत्याख्याननियुक्तयऽवर्णिः॥ ॥ श्रीआवश्यकनियुक्तयवचूर्णि: आचार्यश्रीहरिभद्रमरिकतवृत्त्यनुसारेण । भट्टारकप्रभुश्रीज्ञानसागर सूरिविरचिता समाप्ता ॥ छ ॥ ॥ छ । भद्रं ॥ N. B.--For other details see No. 1092. आवश्यकसूत्र Avaśyakasūtraनिर्युक्तत्यवचूर्णि niryuktyavacūrņi 1183. No. 1094 1886-92. Size.- Iog in: by 4t in. Extent.- 118-1 + 4 = 121 folios; 18 lines to a page ; 66 ___ letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin and grey; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small but clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in red ink; edges of the first and the last foll. slightly worn out; foll. 5, 15, 64 and 116 repeated; the 64th fol. has an illustrative diagram ; lacunae on fol. 108b; the fol. following the repeated fol. 116 is numbered as 118; complete ; condition very good. Age.- Samvat IS16. Author.--- Anonymous. Subject:-A small commentary to Avasyakasutraniryukti. .... Page #492 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1095.] ...III. 4 Malasutras 455 Begins.- fol. I* ॐ नमः श्रीप्रवचनाय || प्रेक्षावतां प्रवृत्त्यर्थ ॥ आदौ प्रयोजनादिकमुपन्यसनीयमन्यथा न युक्तोऽयमावश्यकप्रारंभप्रयासो निःप्रयोजनत्वात् etc. Ends.- fol. II7सम्वे०॥ तत् सर्वनयविशुद्धं सर्वनयसंमतं वचनं ॥ यच्चरण गुणस्थितः साधुः । यस्मात्सर्वनया भावनिक्षेपमिच्छति ।। ७५॥ इति प्रत्याख्याननि(नियुक्तयवाणः सा(स)माप्ता चेयं श्रीआव.श्यकश्रुतस्कन्धनिर्युक्तयवचूर्णिः ॥छ ॥ ॥ छ॥ सं० १५१६वर्षे चैत्रसदि ७॥ ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । मंगलमस्तु ।। छ ॥१॥१॥ आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति Avasyakasūtraniryuktiबालावबोध bālāvabodha 1090. No. 1095 1887-91. Size.—114 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 311 + 1 = 312 folios ; Ir lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari cha racters; big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; the portions between the pairs of lines coloured red; nos. for foll. entered twice as usual; complete ; there is at least a disc in the centre of each fol. in red colour ; red chalk and yellow pigment; used ; fol. 19 blank ; fol. I02 repeated; the gathās of the niryukti are written in the margins; edges and corners of the first and last few foll. worn out; condition fair. Age.- Samvat I6100 (1610?). Subject. - A commentary on Avaśyakasūtraniryukti partly in Sanskrit and partly in Gujarātī, the latter being practically the translation of the former. ............ Begins.- fol. 1 ॐ नमो श्रीगणेशाय । जयइ जग० । भ(ग)वान् जपति । भगवंत परमेश्वर जयवंत वर्तइ। किंविशिष्टो भगवान् जगज्जीवयोनिविज्ञायकः । जग विश्व तणा जीव तेहनी योनि उत्पत्तिस्थानकाः [वि] विशेषिह का जाणइं छह etc. Page #493 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1095. यत् चरणगुणस्थितसाधुर्भवतीति कथ्यते । यत् जे बचन चरण चारित्र तणा गुणनहं विषइ स्थितः भणीइ रहिउ सावधान साधुभवति महात्मा हुइ । इति रसिउं कथ्यते कहीइ । एतलई गुरे इम कहितं । सघलाइ न्याय जूजूडं बोलइ । ज्ञानवादी ज्ञान थापइ । क्रियावादी क्रिया थापइ । पणि सघलां न्याय तणु तत्त्व ए । जं शुद्धचरित्रवंत महात्मा वखाणीइ । जेह कारण सूधउं चारित्र तेहह जिनहं हुइ । जे ज्ञानवंत हुइ । एह कारण ज्ञानवंत शुद्धचारित्री सर्वोत्कृष्ट जाणिवु । ए सर्व न्याय तणुं तत्त्व जाणिवं । इति श्रीआवश्यक सूत्रस्य बालावि (व) बोध समाप्तं । श्रीरस्तु etc. संवत् १६१०[०] वर्षे वैशापवदि ३ शुक्रे म० गोवाल लिखितं श्री' साधुपूर्णिमा' पक्षे सुक्ष (ख्य ) भट्टारक श्री उदय चंद्रसूरि तत्पट्टे पु (पू) ज्याराज्य(ध्य ) श्रीमुनिचंद्रसूरि तत्पट्टे गच्छाधिराजगच्छ भारधुरिंधर श्रीश्रीश्रीविद्याचंद्र (?) रिंद्रे एषा पुस्तिका लिखापिता ॥ सर्वेषां शश्यानां वाच etc. 456 Ends. fol. 311 * आवश्यक सूत्र नियुक्तिदीपिका No. 1096 Avasyakasūtraniryuktidipikā 373. 1879-80. Size.—ro in. by 4g in. Extent.— 423 folios; 11 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; nos. for foll. entered only once ; foll. r and 423b blank ; diagrams. on fol. 13b; foll. 65 and 66 damaged in the margin; condition very good; complete. Age. Sarvat 1633. Author.- Manikyasekhara Sūri, pupil of Merutunga Suri of the Vidhipaksa. For his other works see " Ends " ( p. 457 ). Subject. Avasyakasütraniryukti explained in Sanskrit. Page #494 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1096.] Begins. Ill. 4 Malasutras 457 fol. rb नमः श्रीवर्धमानाय । श्रीमद्गच्छेश मेरुतुंग सूरिगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ श्री आवश्यक सूत्रनिर्युक्तिविषयः प्रायो दुर्गपदार्थः । कथामात्रं निर्युक्तयुदाहृतं च लिख्यते । इह श्रीदेववाचकेत्यपरनामा देवर्द्धिगणिर्ज्ञानपंचक्ररूपं निं(नं)दिग्रंथं वक्तुकामो मंगलार्थ पूर्वमावलिका अभिधित्सुः सामान्यतोऽस्तुतिमाह । जयइ । स्तुतिर्द्विधा etc. स्यात Ends. fol. 4222 अथ प्रमाणमाह । सब्बे सर्वेषामपि नयानां नैगमसंग्रहादीनां ज्ञानद्वय संगृहीतानां बहुविधां वक्तव्यतां निशम्य तत्सर्वनयविशुद्धं सर्वनय संमतं ज्ञेयं । यत्साधुश्व रणगुणव्यवस्थितश्वारित्रक्रियाज्ञानस्थितः यत्पूर्व ज्ञाते गृहीतव्ये चार्थे यतितव्यमेव । पश्वात्क्रियायत्नः कार्य एव ततश्वारित्रं यतः सर्वनया भावनिक्षेपमिच्छति । भावश्व रत्नत्रयाराधनपरः साधुः । ७० । इति प्रत्याख्याननिर्युक्तिः समाप्तः ॥ छ ते श्री 'अंचल' गच्छमंडनमणिश्रीमन्महद्रप्रभ श्रीमूरीश्वरपट्टपंकज समुल्लासोल्लसद्भानवः । तर्कव्याकरणादिशास्त्रघटनाब्रह्मायमाणाश्वि (श्वि) रं श्रीपूज्यप्रभुमेरुतुंगगुरवो जीयासुरानंददाः ॥ १ ॥ तत्शिष्य एष खलु सूरिरचीकरत श्री माणिक्यशेखर इति प्रथिताभिधानः । चंचद्विचारचय चेतनचारुमेनां सद्दीपिका सुविहितव्रतिनां हिताय ॥ २ एष श्री आवश्यक निर्युक्तेदी (दीं) पिका चिरं जयतात् । मुनिनिचयवाच्यमाना तमोहरा दीपिका पिंडनिर्युक्तेरोधनिर्युक्तिदीपिका । दशवैकालिकस्याप्युत्तराध्ययनदापिके ॥ ३ ॥ आचारदीपिका नवतत्त्वविचारणं तथा [य] एककर्तृकतया ग्रंथा अमी अस्याः सहोदराः ॥ ४ ॥ इति 'विधिपक्ष्य’मुख्याभिधानं श्रीम 'दंचल' गच्छाधिराजलुगुरुस्रुविहित चक्रवर्तिश्रीमन्मेरुतुंगमूरीं द्रक्रम कमल मरालशिष्यश्री माणिक्यशेखरसूरिविर चिता श्री आवश्यक निर्युक्तिदीपिका समाप्ता[:] ॥ शुभं भवतु etc. संवत् १६३३ वर्षे माद्रवा यदि १३ दिने लषितं ॥ यादृशं पुस्तकं etc. 58 [J. L. P.] Page #495 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 458 Jaina Literature and Philosophy . [1097: आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति Avasyakasūtraniryuktiलघुवृत्ति laghuvịtti No. 1097 167. 1866-68. Size.— 104 in. by 4} in. Extent.-- 152 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 54 letters to a line. Description. -Country paper tough and grey; Devanagari cha racters with occasional gears; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; nos. for foll. entered only once, and that, too, just in the right-hand corner, at the end of the fol. ; almost all foll. more or less worm-eaten ; condition poor ; cloth-bound; two foll. preceding the Ist and two following the last blank ; they bear the stamp of the Elphinstone College Library ; fol. 1526 blank ; com plete'; extent 13000 ślokas. Age.-- Fairly old. Author.-- Not known. Subject.-- A commentary in Sanskrit to the niryukti on Avaśyaka sütra. Begins.'- fol. I' प्रेक्षावतां प्रवृत्त्यर्थ आदौ प्रयोजनादिकमपन्यसनीयमन्यथा न युक्तोऽमावश्यकभारंभप्रयासो निःप्रयोजनत्वात कंटकशाखामईनवत् निरभिधेयत्वात् काकदंतपरीक्षावत् असंबद्धत्वात् वश दाडिमानि इत्यादि वाक्यवत् etc. Ends.-fol. 152* सव्वे ० । तत्सर्वनयविशुद्ध सर्वनयसंमतं वचनं यच्चरणगुणस्थितः साधुः यस्मात् सर्वनया भावनिक्षेपमिच्छति ॥ ७५ __इति श्रीआवश्यके ना लघुव्रत्तैः । छः । etc. ग्रंथानं १३००० छ etc. __ 1 The opening lines may be compared with those of No. 1094. Page #496 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 459 1098. ] 111. 4 Malasatras आवश्यकसूत्रनिर्युक्तयवचूर्णि Avasyakasutraniryuktyavacurni 256. No. 1098 1883-84. Size.- Io in. by 4g in. Extent.— 83-2=81 folios ; 21 lines to a page ; 70 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and greyish ; Devanāgari cha racters; small, legible and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered only once; foll. I and 2 lacking; this Ms. ends abruptly; it is however complete up to the commentary of the 65th gatha of प्रत्याख्याननियुक्ति; foll. 25 to 34 and 38 to 82 more or less worm-eaten; edges of the 2nd and 83rd foll. worn out; condition fair. Age.- Old. Author.-- Not known. Subject.— A small commentary in Sanskrit elucidating the niryukti of Avaśyakasūtra. Begins.-fol. 3° तान् । ओघश्नुतं तव समाचरंतीति श्रुतसमाचारकान् ॥ ४०॥ गोविं० तत्तो० एतद्वाथायं वृत्तौ नास्ति । ततो गोविंदाचार्येभ्यो नमोऽस्तु । अनुयोगेऽर्थकथने etc. देववाचको वक्ष्ये ॥ ५० ॥ इति स्थविरावल्यव चूर्णिः Ends.- fol. 83° तृष्णा विषयच्छा ॥६४ ॥...वच्छेदेन अतुलोपशमो मध्यस्थभावः । मनुष्याणां ... ॥ ६५॥ ततो ततः प्रत्याख्यानात शुद्ध ... स्फुरिते । ततः कर्मविवेकः कर्मनिर्जरा । ततः क्रमेण पूर्वकरणमपूर्वश्रुताध्यवसाय | ततः This ends thus abruptly. Reference.- See R. G. Bhandarkar's Report for 1883-84. Page #497 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 460 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 1099. stapahtumia Avasyakasūtravrttiप्रदेशव्याख्याटिप्पनक pradeśavyākhyātippanaka No. 10991 130. 1873–74, Size.-- in. by 41 in. Extent. — 62 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 75 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and brittle ; Devanāgari cha racters with TAE ; small, legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; yellow pigment and red chalk, too, used; nos. for foll. entered twice as usual; edges of several foll. worn out; small bits of paper pasted to fol. 286; last few foll. much damaged ; strips of paper pasted to foll. 59 and 60; condition on the whole poor ; complete ; extent 4600(?) ślokas. Age.-- Not later than the 17th century. Author.-- Hemacandra Sūri, disciple of Abhayadeva Súri. For his life and works see Anandasāgara Sūri's introduction (pp. 9-10 ) of Jivasamāsa. There this Sūri has quoted a few lines from the Višeşāvasyakavftti. From this we can see that this Hemacandra has composed the following works : (1) trazuarêtqlar, (2) napravapur, ( 3 ) aguileraia, (8) SICITAIS, (5) 34RTATGIETE, (6) FIATAfaacut, (7) HTAT, ( 8 ) waaranufaarur, ( 9 ) aparatas • and ( 10 ) fastarauaacut ( Samvat 1175 ). 1 Really speaking, this and the following work No. 11oo ought to have been assigned a place after No. 1078. 2 This is the same work as described here. 3 See Nos. 635-641. 4 This work seems to be lost. It is alluded to in Anuyogadvdravyttt (p. 2b). The pertinent line is as under: "Tang farturang " Page #498 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1099.1 III. 4 Malasatras 461 Subject.- A gloss on the commentary to Avaśykasūtravștti com posed by Haribhadra Suri. Begins.- fol. I'ॐ नमो वीतरागाय ॥ जगत्त्रयमतिक्रम्य स्थिता यस्य पदत्रयी। विष्णोरिव तमानम्य श्रीमदाद्यजिनेश्वरं ॥१॥ शेषानाप नमस्कृत्य जिनानजितपूर्वकान् । श्रीमतो वर्धमानांतान मुक्तिशर्मविधायिनः ॥२॥ सम्पासितगुरुजनतः समधिगतं किंचिदात्मसंस्मृतये । संक्षेपादावश्यकविषयं टिप्पनमहं वच्मि ॥ ३॥ etc. Ends.- fol. 62° सांप्रतं कुल्माषानाभित्याचाम्लं प्रायोग्यं च दिदर्शयिषुराह ।। कुम्मासा पुण पुत्वमित्यादि । सक्तूनाश्रित्याह । सत्तुगा जवाणमित्यादि सुबोधं नवरं गोधूमयवभा(१५)जिका धाणिकाः शेषं प्रायः सुगमं । यावत्प्रत्याख्याननियुक्तिः समाप्तेति ॥ छ । तत्समाप्तौ च श्रीमदभयदेवमरिचरणांबुजचंचरीकधीहेमचंद्रसूरिविरचित आवश्यकवृत्तिप्रदेशव्याख्याटिप्पनक समाप्तमिति ॥ छ । इति गुरुजनमूलादर्थजातं स्वबुद्ध्या यदवगतमिहात्मस्मृत्युपादानहेतोः । तदुपचरितमेतद्यत्र किंचित्सदोषं मयि कृतगुरुतोषैस्तत्तु शोध्यं मुनींद्रेः॥ छनास्थस्य हि मोहः कस्य न भवतीहि मोहवशगस्य । सद्बुद्धिविरहितानां विशेषतो मद्विधासमतां । इति । छ । ग्रं. ४६...? This is followed by the lines in a different hand as under: संविग्नेनालिपदा 'तगणपतिविजयसेनसूरीणां । श्रीरामविजयकृतिना चित्कोशे प्रतिरियं मुक्ता ॥१॥ Reference.- Published in D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 53 in A. D. 1920. Page #499 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 462 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1001. rasah Ta ! Avasyakasūtravrttio."; प्रवेशव्याख्याटिप्पनक pradesawyākhyātippanaka No. 1100 140. 1881-82. Size.- 101 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 97+1 =98 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 52 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and white; Devanāgari chara. cters with occasional Tea ; small, legible and very good hand-writing ; borders neatly ruled in three lines in red ink; nos, for foll. entered twice as usual ; foll. 14 and 975 blank; fol. 73 repeated ; edges of the first and the last foll. slightly worn out ; condition very good; com plete; extent 564 ślokas. Age.- Not modern. Begins.-- fol. xb TAT easie ATEAUAlaska etc. as in No. 1099. Ends.— fol. 97o ANTA BATOT etc. up to ghai gfa as in No. 1099. This is followed by jur 468 1 Tå Hard etc. N. B.-For further particulars see No. 1099. आवश्यकसूत्रवृत्ति Avasyakasūtra vrttiविषमपदपर्याय vişamapadaparyāya No. 1101 736 (18). 1875–76. Extent.- fol. 178 to fol. 236. Description.- Complete. For other details see Pañcavastuka paryāya No. 736 (1). vara d. 1875-76. Author. - Anonymous. Subject. - Difficult words etc. occurring in Avašyakasů travrtti explained in Sanskrit. Page #500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ itor:] M. 4 Malasatras 463 Begins.- fol. 17° , जिनेत्यादि जिनाः क्षीणोपशांतमोहनीयकर्माणश्नस्थ वीतरागाः । केवलिनः अष्टमहापातिहार्यादींद्र तत्कारणत्वात् श्रवणकारण त्वात् तदवाप्लेः ज्ञानक्रियाव्याप्तेः । etc. Ends.- fol. 23b इति हडफउ देशमूलगुण इति श्रावकव्रतानि । वौधगोविंद इति एकविंशतिवारान् । प्रव्रजित इत्याम्नायो द्रष्टव्यः । इत्यावश्यकवृत्तिविषमपदपर्यायाः समाप्ताः॥ आवश्यकसूत्रवृत्ति Avasyakasūtravrttiविषमपदपर्याय vişamapadaparyāya 789 (18). No. 1102 1895-1902. Extent.- fol. 26° to fol. 384. Description.- Complete. For other details see Pancavastuka paryaya No. 89827 Begins.- fol. 26° 3 जिनेत्यादि जिनाः । क्षीणोपशांत etc. as in No: IION: - fol. 34* कथं मासेत्यादि । विहाणातीति भेदा । आण ति आज्ञा कायविवया इति कर्तव्या ।। पूर्व द्रष्टव्यमिति भावः ।। छ ।। आवश्यकत्तेर्विषमपदपर्यायाः समार्थताः ॥ छ । -- fol. 34* मंग्यते अनेनेति मंगं धर्म । संशयत इति संदेहो द्विधा अर्थसंदेहोऽनर्थसंदेहश्च । सूत्रोपदिष्टमिति सूत्रं । नंदी । etc. - fol. 35* आत्रिवेति पूर्वविधः पूर्व । एवमिति वक्खाणविही । दारविही । विरुभइ इति लग्गइ विधान इति भेदतः । लेहवणमिति आवश्यकटिप्पणकं Ends.- fol. 38* इति हडफउ । देशमूलगुण etc.. N. B.--For other details see No. IIOI. Page #501 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 464 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (1103. विशेषावश्यकभाष्य Višeşāvasyakabhāsya ( FÊTETEFETHIE ) ( Visesāvassayabhāsa ) No. 1103 1256. 1887-91. Size.- 9 in. by 43 in. Extent.- 122 + 2 = 124 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanāgari cha racters with SETS; small, bold, clear and good handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too, though very rarely ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1 blank; marginal notes on fol. 19; fol. 30 repeated; the last but one line of the last fol. thrice scratched with black ink; edges of the last three foll. and those of the first fol. partly worn out; condition very fair ; complete. Age. - Samvat 1458. Author.- Jinabhadra Gaņi Kşamāśramaņa. He is said to have died in Vira Samvat 1115. He is the author of the following works: - (i) Sanskrit commentary of Višeşāvaśyakabhāşya, (ii) Bphatsangrahaņi, (iii) Kșetrasamāsa, (iv) Višeşaņavati, (v) Dhyānaśataka, (vi) Jitakalpa and (vii) Niśithabhāşya. The authorship of the last work is somewhat doubtful. See p. 468. Subject. - This important work is a metrical commentry in Prakrit elucidating Bhadrabāhusvāmin's niryuktion Samāyikadhyayana, a part of Avaśyakasútra. Väsavadattā and Tarangavati are alluded to in this work. That is what strikes me at present. Begins. fol. 15 Fa: gadgart 11 कयपवयणप्पणामो वोच्छं चरणोगुणसंगहं सपढ़। strehrangati gougatgandai I etc. Page #502 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 465 1104.] III. 4 Malasatras Ends.- fol. 122 इय परिसमापितमिदं सामाइयमि(मत्थओ समासेणं ।। वित्थरओ केवलिणो पुव्वविहू(? ओ) वा पभासंति ॥ सव्वाणुओगमूलं भासं सामाइय(स्स) सोऊण । होइ परिकम्मियमई जोग्गो सेसाणुओगस्स ॥ ४३१४ इति विशेषावश्यकसूत्रं समाप्तं ॥ छ ॥ संवत् १४५८ वर्षे मार्गशरशुदि ७ शनौ अयह श्रीमद(द)णहलपुरे नगरे वाचनाचार्यजयकीर्तिमिश्रावाचनार्थ 'प्राग्वाट'ज्ञातीयमहरामाकन पुस्तिका लिखिता। लेखक पाठकयोः ॥ शिवमस्तु ॥ छ । छ । छ । ग्रंथाग्रं ५००० माजनइ ॥ . Reference.- Published in the Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala. Publi shed along with Maladhārin Hemacandra Sûri's commentary in the same series in.7 parts in Vira-Samvats 2437, 2438, 2438, 2438, 2439, 2439 and 2440 (?) respectively. Also published with Koțyācārya's commentary by Rşabhdevji Kesarimalji Svetāmbara-Samstha, Rutlam, in two parts in A. D. 1936 and 1937 respectively. Its Gujarati translation based upon Hemacandra's commentary has been published in two parts by the Agamodaya Samiti in A. D. 1924 and 1927 respectively. This Samiti has also published an alphabetical index of the gathās of this bhāsya in A. D. 1923. For additional Mss. see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 396 and G. O. Series vol. XXI, pp. 9 and 13. विशेषावश्यकभाष्य Viseşāvasyakabhāsya 1936. No. 1104 1886-92. Size.- 10 in. by 4t in. Extent.— 84 folios ; 15 lines to a page : 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and grey ; Devanāgari charac ters with TEHETS ; neither too big nor too small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; fol. 1* blank; yellow pigment used; numbers 9 J.L.P.] Page #503 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 466 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [FITOS: for foll. entered twice as usual ; the 84th (last) fol. slightly torn ; its edges worn out; condition on the whole good; complete. Age.-- Seems to be old. Begins.- fol. ' मै नमः श्रीजिनभद्रगणिक्षमाश्रमणेभ्यः ।। कयपवयणप्पणामो etc. as in No. 1103. Ends.-- fol. 84°३६०० ॥ इय परिसमापियमियं etc. up to सेसाणुओगस्स as in No. 1103. This is followed by the lines as under :इति समाप्तं श्रीविशेषावश्यकसूत्रं । ग्रंथानं गाहा ३६७२ श्रुतसलिलपाथोधये कुत्राप्यप्रतिहतबुद्धये जगज्जंतुसंततिर्विहिते(?) कांतिकात्यंतिक(?) समाधाय । भाष्यरत्नरोहणाय लसद्गुणाय भगवते श्रीजिनभद्रगणिक्षमाश्रमणाय नमः ॥ छ । ॥ श्रीः॥ शुभं भवतुः ॥ कल्याणमस्तुः ॥छ।।। श्रीः॥ लेषकपाठकयोः ॥ छ।। N. B.— For other details see No. 1103. विशेषावश्यकभाष्य Višesīvasyakabhāsya No. 1105 . . 56. - 1880-81. Size.-25 in. by 2 in. Extent.--131 (?) leaves ; 4 to 6 lines to a leaf; 124 letters to a line. Description.- Palm-leaf thin and greyish ; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs3; small, legible and very good hand-writing; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written in three separate columns; but really it is not so since the lines are continuous; borders not ruled; there are two holes in each leaf in the interspaces between the columns; red chalk used ; leaves numbered in both the margins as usual ; the first leaf seems to be missing or misplaced; since the leaves are in a poor condition, with edges worn out in several places, it is not advisable Page #504 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1106.1 III. 4 Malasatras 467 to make a search for it; otherwise the work complete'3B two wooden boards encompass the Ms.; 4336 verses. Age.- Fairly old. Begins.- leaf 23 (नत्थि) विससत्थंतरभावाओ सो खपुप्फ व ॥' जंगमववहारा लोयव्ववहारतप्परा सो य । पारण विसेसमउ(ओ) तो ते तग्गाहिणो दो वि ॥ Ends.- leaf 1316(?) होइ परिकम्मियमती जोगो(ग्गो) सेसाणुयोगस्स ॥ ४३३६ विशेषावश्यकभाष्यं समाप्तं ... ... मंगलं महा ... ... N. B.— For further particulars see No. 1103. विशेषावश्यकभाष्य Višeşāvaśyakabhāsya व्याख्यानसहित with vyākhyāna 57. No. 1106 1880-81. Size.— 25} in. by 2 in. Extent.-332 leaves; 5 to 7 lines to a leaf; 120 to 140 letters to - a line. Description.- Palm-leaf brittle and greyish ; Devanāgarī chara cters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, legible and good hand-writing; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written into three separate columns; but really it is not so ; borders not ruled; this Ms. contains probably both the text and the commentary; some of the leaves broken ; some damaged ; condition on the whole poor ; leaves numbered in both the margins : in the right-hand one as 1, 2 etc. and in the left-hand one as for 4 etc.; red chalk used; complete; extent 13700 ślokas. 1 This is the latter half of the 36th verse of the printed edition. Page #505 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 468 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (1106. Age. - Samvat 1138. Author of the commentary.- Koțyācārya. Some identify him with Silanka Sūri, the commentator of the ist two angas probably because it is so suggested in Prabhāvakacaritra. But Anandasāgara Sûri refutes this in his Sanskrit introduction (p. 3) to Viseşāvaśyakabhāşya edited by him along with Koțyācārya's commentary on it. Subject.- Viseşāvaśyakabhāşya explained in Sanskrit. In this Kotyä. cārya's commentary on the 234th gātha' of Višeşāvaśyakabhāşya we come across the words“ fararta TIA: ". Since neither any tradition nor any other evidence seems to suggest that Kotyācārya had composed a bhāşya on Niśithasútra, it may be that this ullekha belongs to the svopajña commentary of Višeşāvaśyakabhāşya. If so, Jinabhadra Gani may be looked upon as the author of the bhäşya on Nisithasútra. Kotyācārya's remark “Alora Tatfo TATTHI STUA:; एवमनेनैव वृद्धिक्रमेणेत्यादेवाकन चेदं भूयसीषु प्रति हश्यते" made by him while commenting upon the 637th gātha of Viseśā. vaśyakabhăşya on p. 224 leads us to believe that Koțyācārya cannot be a direct pupil of Jinabhadra, and thus it goes against what is suggested in the pattāvalis of the Kharatara gaccha noted in Indian Antiquary (vol. XI, pp. 243-249). For some of quotations which directly or indirectly mention Jinabhața and Jinabhadra see Jinavijaya's intro duction (p. 15 ) to his edition of Jitakalpasūtra. Begins. — (com.) fol. 16 ... ... ... ... stagraù Aerofafritasafaret ar ... Suite agraentâ väfat ... ... griauna: 1 920COUPIT Rate I etc. --(com.) fol. 3255 receta suretta Ela Teater Treat galera पुराह । किं पुणरुक्कमिऊणं जोग्गं तिविहं त्ति । तृतीयस्थाने करणस्य व्याख्यानं 1 This gāthă begins with “TOTEATTE" and it is 235th according to the printed edition ( Āgamodaya Samiti Series ). ? See the Gujarati introduction (p. 9) to Jinavijaya's edition of Jitakalpasūtra. Page #506 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106.] III. 4 Malasatras 469 कृतं न तु यथोद्देशं निर्देश इति । न्यायाहे(दे)बमस्तु तिविहेणं न करेमि न कारवमि करेंत etc. कर्मण इति भावार्थः। तथाहि देदे)शि(सि)तमित्यादि। एवं व्यत्यासं कुर्वता सूत्रकारेण दर्शितं यदुत स योगः। करणवशानियतमप्रधान इति । किं कारणमित्याह । तदभावे करण(भा)वे भावाद्योगस्य तदभावे चाप्यभावात्करणं कर्तुरनर्थान्तरमिति । कृत्वा तथा तस्सेत्यादि । तस्य योगस्य तदाधारत्वात् करणाधारत्वादसौ प्रधान इति तानि कारणमस्येति । तत्कारणस्तस्मान्च करणपरिणतेश्च योगस्य प्राधान्यं तथा परिणंतुरनर्थान्तरभावाकरणानां करणमेवासौ योगः आह ययेवमुद्देशो(s)प्येवं कस्मान्न कृत उच्यते । योगस्य प्रत्याख्ययत्वेन प्राधान्यख्यापनार्थ यत एव च एवं तस्य तदाधारता(s)तो सर्वा गाथां पठित्वा एतो च्चिय इत्यादि । अत एतस्यापि तन्मयता करणात्मकता गम्यते । कुत इत्याह । करणयोगपरिणतिरूपत्वात्सा(5)वगम्यते । ह(न)ता(यां)तरात्कदाचित्कथंचित्समये यतो(5)भिहितं । आया इत्यादि। इहात्मैव परमार्थतो()हिंसा न बाह्या शुभमनोयोगपरिणामादनन्यत्वाद्विपर्यये विपर्ययतस्तथा च जो इत्यादि एवं कर्ता कर्म करणमिति को(s)यममीषां विभाग उच्यते । भणितमसकृदेतत्तथाहि ॥ तस्यैव पर्याया' ... ... Ends.- ( com.) fol. 332° भाष्यं सामायिकस्य श्रुत्वा सामायिकस्यमा वृत्तिं श्रुत्वा किंविशिष्टामिमामित्याह सर्वानुयोगमूलं सर्वानुयोगस्य कारणं किमत आह भवति संपद्यते कः योग्यो भव्यः कुत इत्याह परकम्मितमतीति एतत्परिकमितमतित्वादेतत्प्रबोधितबुद्धित्वात् । कस्य योग्यो भवतीत्यत आह । शेषानुयोगस्य दशवकालिकाचाराद्यनुयोगस्यति। समाप्तमिदं विशेषावश्यकम् ॥ छ ।। कृतिजिनभद्रगणिक्षमाश्रमणपूज्यपादानां ॥ छ । भाष्यं सामायिकस्य स्फुटविकटपदार्थोपगूढं यदेत__ च्छ्रीमत्पूज्यैरकारि क्षतकलुषधियां भूरिसंस्कारकारि । तस्य व्याख्यानमात्रं किमपि विदधता यन्मया पुण्यमाप्त प्रेत्याहं वाग्लमेयं परमपरिमितां प्रीतिमत्रैव तेन ।। ।। लिखितं पुस्तकं चेदं नेमिकुमारसंज्ञिना । 'प्राग्वाट'कुलजातेन शुद्धाक्षरविलेखिना ॥ वि. सं. ११३८ पौष वदि ७ ॥ कोट्याचार्यकृता टीका समातेति ।। ग्रंथाग्रमस्यां त्रयोदश सहस्राणि सप्तशताधिकानि ॥ १३७०० । पुस्तकं चेदं विस्र(श्रु)तश्रीजिनेश्वरसूरिशिष्यस्य जिनवल्लभगणेरिति । Reference.--Both the text and the commentary published. See p. 465. 1. See pp. 964 and 965 of the printed edition. Page #507 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 470 . Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1107. विशेषावश्यकभाष्य Višeşāvasyakabhāsya वृत्तिसहित with vrtti No. 1107 1255. 1887-91. Size.-- 122 in. by 48 in. Extent.— 407 + 2 - 1 - 2 = 406 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and grey ; Devanāgari characters with qehers; big, bold, beautiful and legible hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; space between the two pairs coloured red; red chalk used; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. 18; same is the case with the 407 ( last ) fol. ; unnumbered sides have a small circular disc in red colour in the centre, whereas the numbered, in the two margins also; small strips of paper pasted to foll. 2,5, 56 and 10o; edges of the foll. 1-7, 19-20, 53, 115-120, 136, 117-150, 179, 203-211 and 391 more or less worn out; foll. 4 and 188 partly torn; fol. 245 badly burnt and foll. 56, 74, 100, 188 and 264 slightly; condition tolerably good; foll. 11s and 268 repeated; fol. 228 is lacking ; fol. 278 etc. up to 399 seem to be mistaken for 378, 379 etc. up to 399; these wrongly numbered foļl. 378,379 etc. and the rightly numbered toll. 300 etc up to 403 also numbered in the same margin as I, 2 etc.; the zooth fol. is rightly numbered; the preceding, of course, wrongly numbered as 399; the fol. 331 also numbered as 332 and 333, the subsequent ones hence numbered as 334, 335 etc. Age.- Seems to be fairly old. Author of the commentary-Maladhārin Hemacandra Sūri, pupil of Abhayadeva Súri. For his works etc. see No. 1099. Subject.— The text along with its Sanskrit commentary. Begins.- (text) fol. rb 54974o etc. as in No. 1103. Page #508 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ rtog.] Begins.—(com.) fol. rb नमो भगवते श्रीमहावीराय । iii. 4 Malasatras श्री सिद्धार्थनरेंद्र विश्रुतकुलव्योमप्रवृत्तोदयः । सद्बोधांशुनिरस्तदुस्तर महामोहांधकारस्थितिः दृप्ताशेष कुवादिकौशिक कुलप्रीतिप्रणोदक्षमो जीयादस्खलित प्रतापतरणिः श्रीवर्द्धमानो जिनः etc. Ends.-(text) fol. 405b इय परिसमापियमिदं etc. up to सेसाणुओगस्स as in No. 1103. - ( com. ) fol. 4064 क्षमो भवतीति चत्वारिंशद्गाथार्थः ७९९ पूर्वे चाध्यवसानेह गणितानीत्येषा शिष्यहिता[न] पर्यंतव्याख्यातगाथानां २८८ (१०) ३ उभयं व्याख्यातभाष्यगाथानां ३६८२ शेषाणि तु चतुर्दशाधिकसप्तशतानि अतिदेशेनैव गतानि न तु व्याख्यातानि अतो नेह गणितानीत्येषा शिष्यहिता नाम विशेषावश्यकवृत्तिः समाप्ताः ॥ छ ॥ etc. - ( com. ) fol. 407 क श्रीजिन भद्रगणेः पूज्याः सैतानि भाष्यवचनानि । तर्कव्यतिकरदुर्गाण्यतिगंभीराणि ललितानि ॥ १ विवृतानि स्वयमेव हि का ग्राह्या (SS)चार्यैश्व बुधजनप्रवरैः संगच्छते व पुनरपि ममापि वृत्तेः प्रयासो ( ( ) ॥ २ ऋजुभणितिमिच्छतामिह तथापि मत्तो ( ( )पि मंदबुद्धीनां उपकार (:) केषांचित्समीक्ष्यते शिष्टलोकानां ॥ ३ ॥ तेनात्मपरोपकृर्ति संभाव्य मया (S) पि भाष्यवृत्तिरियं विहिता श्रुतेति भक्तिं च (शु) मविनोदं च चिंतयता ॥ ४ यचेह किमपि वितथं लिखितमनाभोगतः कुबोधाद्वा । तत्सर्वे मध्यस्थैर्मग्यनुकंपाप्ररैः शोध्यं ॥ ५ कृत्वा च विवरणमिदं यत् पुण्यमुपार्जितं किंचित् ॥ तेनाभवक्षयादस्तु जनमते प्रीत्यविच्छेदः ॥ ६ ॥ 471 ग्रंथाग्रं प्रत्यक्षरगणनया सहस्र २८००० ॥ छ । This is followed by the lines in a different hand as under: . श्रीमत् 'तप' गणगगनांगण गगनसणिप्रभैः स्वपुण्यार्थे । विजयाणंदमुनींद्वैश्वित्कोशे (S) सौ प्रतिर्मुमुचे ॥ १ ॥ Reference.-Published. See No. 1103.1 Page #509 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 472 विशेषावश्यकभाष्य greenda No. 1108 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Age.- Pretty old. Begins. (text) fol. 1b [ 1108. Viseṣāvasykabhāṣya with vṛtti Size. 11 in. by 4 in. Extent. 440 folios; 18 lines to a page; 59 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, brittle and grey; Devanagari characters with ; bold, big, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between the pairs coloured red; unnumbered sides have a small circular disc in red colour in the centre, whereas the numbered, in the two margins, also; several foll. horribly damaged; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. 1; the second fol. badly torn in three pieces; the third half torn; fol. 4, 122, 439 and 440 torn in two pieces; foll. 5-110, 333 and 357-359 very badly damaged; so they should be handled very carefully; strips of paper pasted to foll. 40, 42, 46, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 56, 59, 61a, 64, 65, 76, 80, 81, 82*, 93, 97, 1orb, and several other foll.; fol. 174 partly torn; at times nos. for foll. worn out e. g. those of 201, 202 etc.; condition poor; foll. 365-367 also numbered as 1, 2 and 3 in the same margin. در "" 1228. 1884-87. qar etc. as in No. 1103. —(com.) fol. rb ँ नमो भगवते श्रीमहावीराय ॥ affefat etc. as in No. 1107. Ends.— (text) tol. 4392 इय परिसमापियमिदं etc. up to जोग्गो as in No. 1107. Then the portion is worn out. - ( com. ) fol. 440 क्व भीजिनभद्र etc. up to प्रीत्र्यविच्छेदः ॥ ६ as in No. 1107. This is followed by the line as under Page #510 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ t109.] İll. 4 Malasatrás ग्रंथानं प्रत्यक्षरगणनया सहस्र २८००० छ । छ । N. B. For further particulars see No. 1107. विशेषावश्यक भाष्य वृत्तिसहित No. 1109 Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. Age. Samvat 1673. Begins.--(text) fol. 99a رو 37 Description. Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with occasional ITS; neither too big nor too small, clear and fair hand-writing; red chalk used; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; foll. I to 98, 161 to 254, 429 and 624 lacking; so incomplete; edges of foll. 99 to 101 slightly worn out; condition fair; the last two foll. stained with blue ink to a certain extent; extent 28976 ślokas. 6739894 2 479 folios; 15 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. 473 Viseṣāvasyakabhāṣya with vṛtti इह सज्झमोग्गहाईण संसयाइत्तणं तह वि नाम | अम्भुवगं तु भण्णइ नाणं विय संसथाई य ॥ - ( com.) fol. 994 abruptly स्सियमित्यत्र यदनिसृतं मुक्तं तदपि गवादिक्र(क) मश्वादिरूपेण etc. Ends. (text) fol. 671b 625. 1895-98. —(.com. ) fol. 673° as in No. 1108. 60 [J. L. P.] इय परिसमापियमिदं etc. up to सेसाणुओगस्स as in No. 1103. क्व श्री जिन (भद्र ) etc. up to प्रयासोऽन २ Then we have: Page #511 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 474 faina Literature and Philosophy 110. इति श्रीविशेषावश्यकवृत्तिः ।। २८९७६ ॥ सं० १६७३ माह सु. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 1108. विशेषावश्यकभाष्य Viseşāvasyakabhāsya वृत्तिसाहत with vrtti No. 1110 1254 1887-91. Size.-- 10f in. by 45 in. Extent.— 355 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 43 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, smooth and greyish ; Deva nāgari characters with occasional AETS ; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four red lines; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; foll. 273 to 291 also numbered in Gujarati as 1, 2 etc.; fol. 297 wrongly numbered as 197 ; soll. 14 and 355 blank ; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; some of the foll. seem to be exposed to rain'; condition tolerably good ; red chalk used ; white paste used as a pigment; incomplete, though the last fol, is blank. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- (text) fol. 16 #UTTUOTTUTTAT etc., as in No. 1103. „" - (com.) fol. ab A: staralgte 1 wtfagreinta etc. as in No. 1107. »-( text ) fol. 354 agar AAP UTUT etc. Ends.-- (text) fol. 355 नहि पच्चक्खधम्मतरेण तद्धम्ममेत्तगहणाओ। कयगतउवसिद्धी कुंभाणिच्चमेत्तस्स ॥ Page #512 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IIII.] Ill. 4 Malasatras Ends. — (com) fol. 355 2 सर्वत्रैतन्न लक्ष्यत इति १७००० अथवा अप्रत्यक्षमिंद्रयजं ज्ञानं पूर्वे प्रतिपादितव्युत्पत्त्याऽक्षस्य जीवस्य सू ( ? स्व ) व्यतिरिक्तनिमित्तविशेषाज्जायमानाद् धूमादग्निज्ञानवच्च व्यतिरिक्तानि च निमित्तान्यक्षस्य जीवस्य करणानींद्रियाणि मंतव्यानि यच्च प्रत्यक्षं न तज्जीवस्थ निमित्तांतरात् ज्ञायते किंतु जीवस्तत्र साक्षादेव ज्ञेयं पश्यति यथाऽवधिमनः पर्यायf. This Ms. ends here abruptly. N. B. For further particulars see No. 1107. विशेषावश्यकभाष्य वृत्तिसहित No. 1111 475 Viseṣāvasyakabhāṣya with vrtti 768. 1875-76. Size.-10 in. by 48 in. Extent. 94+38 +1+110+32 +470+7-5+29+77+226 - 3 +4+201+2=1252 folios, 9 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thick, rough and white; Devanagari characters; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing; borders unruled; the right and the left edges coloured red; the other two, green; red chalk and yellow pigment used; this Ms. contains both the text and the commentary; fol. 1a blank; numbers for foll. I to 94 entered twice as usual; then the following foll. 1 to 38 not marked in continuation but only as 1, 2 etc. in the corner; in the second set the fol. 24 blank; in this set foll. 31 to 38 also numberd as 4, 5 etc.; the 39th is not at all numbered; the fol. 39b blank; then again the subseqnent foll. I to 110 numberd in the left-hand corner; in this third set the foll. 63, 83 and 97 repeated; foll. 108 and 109 lacking; in the 4th set the foll. 1 to 470 numberd as in the 3rd set; the foll. 3, 9, 18, 114, 291, 311, and 432 repeated; foll. 50, 53, 91, 157 and 309 lacking; the fol. 470 numbered as 39, too; the follow Page #513 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 476 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1 . ing foll. up to 68 only numbered as 40, 41 etc. in the right-hand corner; then commences the fifth set; herein foll. numbered as 1, 2 etc. up to 77 ; then we have the 6th set wherein the foll, are again numbered as 1, 2 etc, up to 226; in this 6th set foll. 33, 87 and 143 missing ; foll. 92, 120, 216 and 226 repeated; then follows the seventh set ; herein foll. numbered as 1, 2 etc. up to 201; the foll. 26 and 143 repeated ; condition very good ; complete, Age.- Appears to be modern. Begins. — (text) fol. 2b 54Tuu etc, as in No. 1103. , --com.) fol. rb aftaTORTTU AA: 1 FH Hrad Aeratori wifhane etc. as in No. 1107. Ends.- (text) fol. 1962 · 39 G HTATOTTA etc. up to figs(NU) as in No. 1103, » - (com.) fol. 2006 क्क श्रीजिनभद्र etc. up to प्रीत्यविच्छेदः ६ as in No. II07. This is followed by the line as under : इति श्रीविशेषावश्यक समाप्तं ॥ N. B.- For further particulars see No. 1107. शिष्यहिता (rastalapur a] Śisyahita [ Višeşāvasyakabhāşyavrtti ] No. 1112 58. 1880-81. Size.-— 279 in. by 2 in. Extent.- 345 - I = 344 leaves; 5 to 7 lines' to a leaf; tio to 120 letters to a line. Page #514 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1112.j III. 4 Mülasutras 477 Description.- Palm-leaf thin and greyish; Devaragari characters with TATEITS; sufficiently big, legible and very good hand-writing; leaves 22 to IIM are mostly written in a smaller hand ; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written in three separate columns, but really it is not so, since the lines are continuous ; borders of each of the columns neatly ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk used; there are two holes in each leaf in the interspaces bet, ween the columns ; leaves numbered in both the margins : in the right-hand margin as usual ; in the left-hand one as श्री, ३, एक etc ; the Ist leaf missing; almost every leaf has its edges slightly worn out; leaves I to 21 are in a frag. mentary condition ; the following few leaves worm-eaten ; condition poor; the Ms. placed between two wooden boards; one extra blank leaf in the beginning; colophon composed by Āśāditya. Age.- Fairly old. Author.-- Maladhärin Hemacandra Sūri. For details see p. 460. Subject.- A Sanskrit commentary elucidating Viseşāvasyaka ____bhāsya. It is styled as Sisyahita and Brhadvrtti as well. Begins.- leaf 2. टादिवस्तुवदिति । एवं प्रस्तुतनामस्थापनाद्रव्यायुद्देशानामपि' त्यादि भेदानेदो यो etc. अथ समासोद्देशं विवक्षुराह । संखेवा इत्यादि etc. Fnds.-leaf 345 भवतीति चत्वारिंशदाथार्थः ॥ छ ॥ ७९९ पूर्व चाद्यवसानपर्यंत व्याख्यातानां गाथानां २८२३ उभयं भाष्यगाथानां ३६२२ शेषाणि चतुर्दशाधिकसप्तशतानि अतिदेशेनैव गतानि न तु व्याख्यातानि अतो नेह गणितानि ॥ छ ॥ इत्येषा शिष्यहिता नाम विशेषावश्यकवृत्तिः परिसमाप्ता ॥ छ । यस्याग पूगक्षघ(१)मेत्य शेषा व्यानादपीहान्यभवेऽपि जातः । रवरिवच्छंतभरः प्रतापात् भवः प्रदेयादृषभो जिनः शं ॥१॥ 1 One letter is gone. Page #515 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 478 Jaina Literature and Philosophy | III2. अस्तीह सद्रत्ननिवासाधिष्ण्य मुक्तप्रपंचावृतभूमिपीठः । श्रीमाननेकांगिगणाश्रयश्च सन्मोढवंशः सरिदीशतुल्यः ॥२ तस्मिन्वंशे प्रसृतसुयश पूरिताशाचतुष्को दक्षत्वाद्यैर्वरगुणगणैरन्वितः श्रावकोऽभूत् । सम्यक्त्वाख्यो वरगुरुगिरा(5)पास्तमिथ्यात्वमोहः शांत्याह्वानो जिनपतिपदांभोजयुग्मद्विरेफः ॥३॥ शीलालंकृतकाया दानदयोयुक्तमानसा सततं । जिनपूजारतचित्ता यशोमतिस्तस्य वरपत्नी ॥ ४॥ ताभ्यामादिजिनेंद्रपूजनविधाबासक्तचित्तोऽनिशं सूनुः सर्वजनोपकारकरणप्रहः कृपामंदिरं । नित्यं सव्रतिवर्गदाननिरतो मानादिदोषोज्झितो गांभीर्यादिगुणौघलब्धमहिमा प्रद्युम्नसंज्ञोऽजनि ॥ ५॥ इतश्च ॥ इहैववंशे जिनपादभक्तः सुश्रावको वोसकसंज्ञकोऽभूत् । सुधर्मकर्मोद्यतमानसा च तस्याग्रयभार्याऽजनि सेसिकाख्या ॥ ६॥ तस्याः साहडसंज्ञकः सुचरितः सूनुर्महात्मा(s) भव च्छ्रेष्ठा चारुचरित्रलक्षणवती पुत्री च लक्ष्मींगिता । या लक्ष्मीरिव केशवस्य दयिता प्रद्यम्ननाम्नो गृहे विख्यातात्मगुणोत्करेण जनताचेतश्चमत्कारिणा ॥ ७ ॥ अपत्यसप्तकं तस्या बभूव गुणमंदिरम् । सुतास्त्रयो महात्मानश्चतस्रः पुत्रिकास्तथा ॥ ८॥ ज्येष्ठः सूनुरुदारतादिभिरिह प्राप्तप्रसिद्धिर्गुणे राग्रयैराम्रयशो(5)भिधो जिनमहव्यासंगतन्निध्व(?)धीः । स्वच्छंदं विचरन वरेण्यकरिवद्यः कीर्तिग(गा?)हतैः सहानासवलिप्सयार्थिमधुपव्रातैः सदा सेव्यते ॥ ९ ॥ Page #516 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i112.] 111. 4. Malasatras वोढुं नियुक्तोऽखिलकार्यभारधूरं धौरेय इव स्वपित्रा । दस्योऽपि यस्तां वहति स्म धीमान् विश्रब्धचेताः परकार्यहेतोः ॥ १० ॥ जिनमानरतो नित्यं द्वितीयो धवलाभिधः सद्गुणाकरचक्षुष्यस्तृतीयो जेसलाह्वयः ॥ ११ ॥ यशोमतिर्ज्येष्ठता वरेण्या तथा पराश्रीरिति चारुपुत्री । सुशीलयुक्ताऽथ च रुक्मिणीति ततश्व || यतः ॥ तद्यथा । राजीमती तुर्यसुता बभूव ।। १२ ।। श्री ' वर्द्धमाना' ख्यपुरे वरिष्ठे संतिष्ठमानामदधाऽन्यदा ( 1 ) थ | श्रीदेवभद्राख्यमुनींद्रमूले शुभाव लक्ष्मीर्वरदानधर्मे ॥ १३ विज्ञाय प्रबलप्रभंजनचलद्दीपांकुरालीसमं लोके जीवितयौवनार्थविषया. मायशेषं सदा । धीमद्भिर्भुवपुण्यसंग्रहकृते कर्मक्षयैकार्थभिः कर्तव्यः सुनयाजितात्मविभवैः सङ्घानधर्मोद्यमः ॥ ज्ञानोपष्टंभाभयविभेदतस्त्रिविधमुक्तमिह दानं । जिनमतजलधावाद्यं गृहिणां तत्रापि बहुफलदं ॥ १ ॥ मोहांधकाशवृतचित्तदृष्टे ज्ञानप्रदीपो वृषवर्त्मदर्शी । भवार्णवाज्ज्ञानजले निमज्जन् नृणां भवेज्ज्ञानमिहायपोतः ॥ १६ ॥ ज्ञानं मुक्तिपुरीप्रतोली परिघप्रध्वंसनानेकपो ज्ञानं नाकारींवरस्यशिखरप्रारोहसोपानकं । ज्ञानं दुर्गतिदुर्गकूपपततामालंबनं देहिनां ज्ञानं संशयपादप रुविपिनोच्छेदे कुठारः पटुः ॥ १७ ॥ 479 Page #517 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 480. Jaina Literature and Philosophy (1110. तस्यैवमाधैर्यतिपुंगवेदो चंचवचश्चारुमरीचिभिः सा। संबोधिता कैरविणीव पश्चाद दुज्जूभमाणा(ऽऽस्यसरोरुहेह ॥ १८॥ लेखयित्वा(55) त्मसारेण विशेषावश्यकस्य हि । वृत्तरियं द्वितीयाधै तस्मै सद्गुरवे ददौ ॥ १९ ॥ अपनयति तमिश्र(लं) यावदबिंबं । दिनरजनिनिलीनं तीव्रशीतांशुसंधैः । इह जगति बरिष्यं पुस्तकं तावदेतद्विदुधमुनिजनौधैः पठयमानं प्रनंगत् ॥ २० ॥ श्रीविक्रमा.........वग्रहचंद्रसंख्य. तस्यां समर्पितं प्रवरगुरुदिवसे । २१ तद्गतात्मा विलिख्येदमाशादित्याभिधो द्विजः। निजप्रज्ञानुसारेण प्रशस्तिमकरोदिमां ॥ २२ ॥ References:--Published. See No. 1103. For a Ms. see Limbdi Catalogue No. 2355. Page #518 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ tuti.] IV. 4 Malasatrás 48 388. THE FOURTH MŪLASŪTRA पिण्डनियुक्ति Piņdaniryukti (पिंडनिज्जुत्ति) (Piņdanijjutti) No. 1113 1879-80. Size.-- 103 in. by 4 in. Extent.- 19 folios ; Is lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and white; Devanāgari charac ters with पृष्ठमात्राs; sufficiently big, legible, uniform and elegant hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the righthand margin only; fol. I blank; complete; condition very good. Age.- Samvat 1560. Author.-- Bhadrabāhusvāmin. For details see Nos. 709 and 1002. Subject.- A Jaina agama dealing with rules and regulations pertaining to food etc. to be accepted by saints. The entire work is composed in 697 verses in Prakrit. Its main topics are as under : (1) पिण्डनिरूपण, (2) उद्गमदोष, (3) उत्पादनादोष, (4) एषणादोष and (5) ग्रासैषणादोष. For detailed information the reader is referred to pp. 164-167 of “श्रीनन्दी-अनुयोगद्वार-आवश्यक-ओधनियुक्ति-दशबैकालिक-पिण्डनियुक्ति-उत्तराध्ययनानां सूत्रसूत्रगाथानियुक्तिमूलभाष्यभाष्याणामकारादिक्रमः अंकशुद्धिः लघुईहंश्च विषयानुक्रमः (नन्यादिगाथायका. रादिक्रमः अंकशुद्धिः लघु हंश्च विषयानुक्रमः)" published by the Agamodaya Samiti in A. D. 1928. Begins.- fol. t" नमो वीतरागाय ॥ पिंडे उग्गमउप्पायणेसणासंजोयणापमाणे य । इंगाल धम कारण अट्टविहा पिंडनिज्जुत्ती ॥१॥ 61 J.L.P.] Page #519 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy . [rini. पिंड निकाय समूहे संपिंडण पिंडणा य समवाए । समोसरण निचय उवचय चए य ज्जुम्मे य रासी य ॥२॥ पिंडस्स उ निक्खेवो चउक्तओ च्छक्कओ य कायवो। काऊण य निक्खेवं परूवणा तस्स कायव्वा ॥३॥ etc. Ends. - fol. 190 एसो आहारविही जह भणिओ सव्वभावदंसीहिं । धम्मो(?म्मा)वस(स्स)य(ग)जोगा जेण न हायति तं कुज्जा ॥९६।। जा जयमाणस्स भवे विराहणा सुत्तविहिसमग्गस्स । सा होइ निज्जरफला अज्झत्थविसोहिजुत्तस्स ।। ९७ ॥ महल्लिया' पिंडनिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता । छ । संवत् १५६० वर्षे भाद्रपदमासे शुक्लपक्षे अष्टम्यां तिथौ भौमवारे श्री पत्तन नगरे । शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । Reference. The text along with the Prākrit bhāşya and Malaya giri's Sanskrit commentary is published in Sheth D. L. J. P. Fund Series as No. 44 in A. D. 1918. For relation of this text with Daśavaikälikasútra see Preface. पिण्डनियुक्ति Piņdaniryukti No. 1114 10. 1880-81. Size.- 123 in. by 2 in. Extent.- 228-167+1=62 leaves ; 3 to s lines to a leaf; so letters ... to a line. Description.- Palm-leaf durable and greyish; Devanagari charac ters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written into two separate columns; but, really speaking it is not so; for, the lines of the first column extend to the second ; red chalk used ; leaves 1 This word seems to have been used with a view to distinguish this Piņdaniryukti from the smaller Pindaişaņāniryukti of the fifth adhyayana of Daśavaikalikasūtra. See p. 488. Page #520 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IIS.) IV. 4 Malasätras 483 numbered in both the margins; in the right-hand one as 89, 8C etc., and in the left-hand one as q etc.; thus थु घु ग्रोहा this Ms. starts with the 167th leaf; leaves 1678 and 228b blank; an extra blank leaf preceding the 167a leaf; complete ; condition on the whole good ; there is a hole in the space between the columns of each leaf and a string passes through it; the Ms. is placed between two durable wooden boards; this Ms is well-preserved as it is placed in a card-board box lined with oil-cloth, Age.- Old. Begins.-- leaf 1676 6011 FA: Hà(s) cal(?)or II पिंडे उग्गमउप्पायणेसण Ends.- leaf 228a एसो आहारविही etc. up to अज्झन्थविसेहजुत्तस्स || as in No. II13. This is followed by the line as under : __ छ । पिंडनिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता || गा ९९ N. B.- For other details see No. 1113. पिण्डनियुक्ति Pindaniryukti igoulear with Sisyahitā (वृत्ति)सहित (vrtti ) 46. No. 1115 1880–81. Size.—291 in. by 2 in. Extent.—226 leaves ; 4 lines to a leaf ; 135 to 140 letters to a line. Description.- Palm-leaf thin, durable and greyish; Jaina Deva nāgari characters with garaS; small, quite legible and very good hand-writing ; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work haying been written in three different columns; but it is not really so ; for, the lines of the first Page #521 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ius. column extend to the remaining ones; borders of each of the columns ruled in three lines in black ink ; leaves numbered in both the margins; in the right-hand one as 3,2,3 etc., and in the left-hand one as 3, 2, 3, , etc.; leaves 1490 and 150* not quite legible, ink having faded ; the first leaf broken into two parts; several leaves somewhat worm-eaten; some have their edges worn out; condition on the whole tolerably fair ; both the text and the commentary complete; extent 7671 ślokas ; one extra blank leaf preceding the first leaf as well as one following the last one; this Ms. is placed between two wooden boards; there is a hole between every two columns and a string passes through it; the commentary styled as “işyahità is composed in Samvat 1160 in Dadhipada (? Dadhipadra i. e. Dahod ) with the help of Mahendra Súri, Pārsvadeva Gani and Devacandra Gaņi, the disciples of Vira Gani's guru İśvara Gaội; this was revised by Nemi candra Süri, Jinadatta Sūri and others in Anahillapäțaka, Age.— Fairly old. Author of the commentary.- Vira Gani alias Samudraghosa Suri, pupil of Isvara Gaņi of the Saravāla gaccha. This author was named as Vasanta before he took dikṣā. His father's name was Vardhamāna and that of his mother Sramiti(?). They belonged to the families Bhillavāla and Dharkata respectively. Subject. The text with a Sanskrit commentary. From the latter (p. 485 ) we learn that Haribhadra Sūri had commenced to compose a commentary on this text. Begins.- (text) fol. 2a fõÈ SITASOITU ete: as in No. 1113. , - (com. ) fol. 16 AR: STTATTI नम्रामरेश्वरकिरीटनिविष्टशोण रत्नप्रभापटलपाटलितांहिपीठाः । atomaati: fəragris(a)#1(Fi)&arer F:STTTTTTArazi asia 118 W Page #522 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15.] IV.4 Malasatras 485 लोकाग्रभागभवना भवती(भी)तिमुक्ता ज्ञानावलोकितसमस्तपदार्थसार्थाः । श्वा(स्वाभाविकस्थिरविशिष्टसुखैः समृद्धाः सिद्धा विलीनघनकस्ममला जयंते ॥२॥ आचारपंचकसमाचरणप्रवीणां(णाः) सर्वज्ञशासनभरे(रै)कधुरंधरा ये। ते स्त्व)रयो दमितदुर्दमवादिवंदा विश्वोपकारकरणप्रवणा जयंति ॥ ३॥ सूत्रयतं नतिपदुस्फुटयुक्तियुक्तं युक्तिप्रमाणनयभंगगमैर्गभीरं । ये पाठयंति वरसूरिपदस्य .योग्या स्ते वाचकाश्चतुरचारुगिरो जयंति ॥ ४ ॥ सिद्धयंगनासमसमागमपट्टवांच्छाः संसारसागरसमुत्तरणैकचित्ताः। शानादिभूषणविभूषितदेहभागा रागादिघातरतयो यतयो जयंति ॥ ५॥ इति विहितपंचपरमेष्टिसंस्तवो गुरु(रू)पदेशेन । वक्ष्ये शिष्यहिताख्यां वृत्तिमिमां पिंडनियुक्तेः॥ ६॥ पंचाशकादिशास्त्रव्यूहप्रविधायका विवृत्तिमस्याः । आरेभिरे विधातुं पूर्व हरिभद्रसूरिवराः ॥ etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 2250 एसो आहारविहि etc. , - (com.) fol. 226. इति वीरगणिविरचितायां शिष्यहितायां पिंड नियुक्तिवृत्तौ कारणाख्यमष्टमं द्वारं समाप्तमिति ॥ छ । छ । तत्समाप्तौ च समाप्ता पिंडनियुक्तिवृत्तिरिति ॥ छ । छ । भो भव्या इह हि जन्मजरामरणनीरनिकरपूरिते बहुप्रकारपरिभवपातालोल्बणे मोहमहावर्त्तसंवर्त्तनदुरुत्तरे कषायवडवानलज्वालाकरालो(ले) रागशोकदारिद्र्यप्रभृति etc. कथमपि महापुण्यप्राग्भारेण दृष्ट्रा मा विलंबध्वं किं तर्हि यथोक्तप्रव्रज्यापालनारोहणेन रिगिततमारुह्य निवृत्तिपुरं गच्छत येन तत्रानंतज्ञानदर्शनसुखवीर्यसंयुक्ता निराकुलाः सदैव तिष्टथेति ॥छ । छ । Page #523 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ THIS. 486 Jaina Literature and Philosophy श्री लाट'देशतिलकश्री वटपद्रक'विशालपुरगतयोः । श्री भिल्लवाल'-'धर्कट'यातिव्योमेंदुनिर्मलयोः ॥१ श्रेष्टिवरवर्द्धमान-श्रमित्योस्तीर्थनाथमुनिनमने । रतयोर्वसंतनाना जन्मोत्पत्तिं समाश्रुत्य ॥२ प्रव्रज्याग्रहणं पुनराश्रृत्य विशुद्धसाधुगुणवान्मां । वसतिविहारिश्री चंद्र गच्छगगनेंदुकल्पानां ॥३ सत्यापि तन्नाम्ना श्रीसमुद्रघोषाभिधानसूरीणां । वीर इति प्राप्तापरनाम्ना(5)त्यंत विमुग्धधिया ॥ ४ दीक्षायाः परिपालनशाश्वत्यतुसकलवसतितिलकानां । श्री सरवालक'गच्छस्थवाचनाचार्यवर्याणां ॥ ५ अधिश्वरगणिनाम्नां सृतेन संप्राप्तवीरगाणनाम्ना । एकादशशतोपरि षष्टिकसंवत्सरोदधि(के) ।। ६ 'पदृ'ग्रामे 'कर्कशोणके पार्श्ववर्तिनि प्रवरे । वोकाउसारतो(s)कारि पिंडनियुक्तिवृत्तिरियं ।। ७ तेषामेवां चेश्वरगणिनां श्रीमन्महेंद्रसूरिवराः । सकलागमपारगता धर्मकथाकथननिरताश्च ॥ ८ अपरे(s)पि पाश्व(श्च)देवाभिधानगणिनः प्रधानमंत्रज्ञाः। उचितत्या अभ्यर्थितसूराः संग्रहपराश्च दृढं ।। ९ अन्ये()पि देवचंद्राभिधाख्या गणिनः क्रियापराः सरलाः । क्षांत्यादिधर्मनिचयाः परहितरता या विनीताश्च ॥ १० एते त्रयो()पि शिष्याः सकलजनानंददायिनोऽत्यर्थे । देवानामपि बंज्जानं हंतु चिरंतना वलये ॥ ११ येषां भक्तप्रदानमुख्योपष्टंभप्रसादेन । नितरां निराकुलेनाकारि मयैषा स्फुटा वृत्तिः ॥ १२ श्रीनेमिचंद्रमूरि-श्रीजिनदत्ताभिधानसूर्यायैः । श्रीमत्यणहिल्लपाटक'पुरे व्यशोधीयमुपयुक्तैः ॥ १३ पश्यति तथापि यदि को(७)पि दूषणं किंचिदल्पमितरद्वा । तन्मयि कृतानुकंप स शुद्धधी(:) शोधयेद्विबुधः ॥ १४ कस्य न छमस स्यानाभोग स्यादतीव विदुषो(ड)पि । नितरां विमुग्धबुद्धः किं पुनरस्मादशजनस्य ॥ १५ Page #524 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1116.] पिण्डनिर्युक्ति विवेचन सहित छ || ग्रंथाग्रं श्लोकसंख्यायां ॥ ७६७१ ॥ छ ॥ छ ॥ समाप्तेति ॥ छ ॥ छ || शिवमस्तु सर्व्वजगतः ॥ छ ॥ मंगलं महाश्रीः ॥ छ ॥ 15 IV. 4 Malasatras यावश्चंद्रो पावच्च भास्करो यावदमरगिरिमुख्याः । तिष्ठति जगति तावन्नंदतु सुतरामियं वृत्तिः ॥ १६ इति व्यस्तिमितां कृत्वा यत्किंचिदुपार्जितं मया पुण्यं । तेने तस्था (:) पाठे समुद्यतो भवतु साधुजनः ॥ १७ एवं सप्त सहस्रा शतषङ्का (टूर) चैकसप्ततिश्वास्याः ॥ द्वात्रिंशदक्षरमितैः श्लोकैः सर्व प्रमाणमिति ॥ No, 1116 Size - 10‡ in. by 44 in. — Description. इति वीरगणिविरचितायां शिष्यहिता नाम पिंडनिर्युक्तिवृत्तिः Extent.— ( text ) 1o2 folios ; 5 lines to a page ; 27 letters to a line. (com.) ; 10 92 ;35 33 Country paper rough and grey; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; this is a पञ्चपाटी Ms., containing the text and its commentary; the former written in a slightly bigger hand ; clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; fol. ra blank ; yellow pigment used; both the text and the commentary complete; condition very good. " " "" 487 " " Pindaniryukti with vivecana 389. 1879-80. 99 99 22 Age.— Pretty old. Author of the commentary.- Manikyaśekhara Sûri, pupil of Meru tunga Suri of the Añcala gaccha. For a list of his works see p. 457. Subject. The text in Prakrit together with its explanation in Sanskrit, based upon a commentary by Malayagiri Sūri, Page #525 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 488 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1116, Begins.- text ( fol. I') पिंडे उग्गम उपायणेसणा etc. as in No. III3. - com. (fol. I') श्रीआचारांगे द्वितीयश्रुतस्कंधे आयं दशवैकालिके पंचमं पिंडैषणाध्ययनं । अस्य नियुक्तिर्महार्थत्वात् श्रीभद्रबाहुणा पृथक्कता' सा पिंडनियुक्तिरिति प्रसिद्धाऽस्या अर्थमात्रं कथामात्रं [ कथामात्रं ] च लिख्यते । या पिंडैषणानियुक्तिर्दशवैकालिकपंचमाध्ययनस्यास्ति सा स्तोकार्था एषा तु विस्तृतार्था । पिंडैषणाया नियुक्तिः पिंडनियुक्तिरिति मध्यपदलोपिसमासः । मंगलं तु “वंदितु सम्वसिद्धे” इत्यादिना आचारनियुक्तौ शस्त्रास्त्रपरिज्ञाध्ययने एव श्रीभद्रबाहुणोक्तं विघ्नशांत्यै । अथात्राधिकार संग्रहगाथामाह ॥ पिंहे उ • पिंडसंघाते । पिंडनं पिंडः etc. Ends.-- (text) fol. 102a एसो आहारविही etc. up to जुत्तस्स ॥३६॥ as in No. III3. -(com.) fol. 102 एसो आ० एष आहारविधिः पिंडविधि(ः) यथा ए(ते)न प्रकारेण भणितस्तीर्ष(र्थ)करादिभिस्तथा कालानुरूपस्वमतिविभवेन मया व्याख्याता। एषा पिंडनियुक्तियुक्तिरस्या विनिर्मिता। द्वादशांगविदे तस्मै नमः श्रीभद्रबाहवे ॥१॥ विषमा पिंडनियुक्तिर्विवृता येन सूरिणा। तस्मै श्रीमलयगिरिगुरवे प्रणमाम्यहं ॥२॥ शिक्षया तस्य संक्षिप्य विषमार्थविवेचनं चक्रे श्रीपिंडनियुक्तो(क्तेः) सूरिर्माणिक्यशेषरः ॥ ३ ॥ श्री अंचल गच्छनाथाः । श्रीमेरुतुंगसूरयः । शिष्यस्तेषामिमां तेने संशयध्वांतदीपिकां ॥ ४ ॥ इति श्रीपिंडनियुक्तिदीपिका ॥ छ । संपूर्ण ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । छ ।। 1 Cl. "आह-निर्युक्यो न स्वतन्त्रशास्त्ररूपाः किन्तु तत्तत्सत्रपरतन्त्राः, तथा नव्युत्पन्याश्रयणात् , नथाहि--सूत्रोपात्ता अर्थाः स्वरूपण सम्बद्धा अपि शिष्यान् प्रति नियुज्यन्ते-निश्चित सम्बद्धा उपदिश्य व्याख्यायन्ते यकाभिस्ता नियुक्तयः भवताऽपि च प्रत्यज्ञायि, 'पिण्डनियुक्तिमहं विवृणोमि', तदेषा पिण्डनियुक्तिः कस्य सूत्रस्य प्रतिबद्धति ? उच्यते--इह दशाध्ययनपरिमाणअलिकायुगलभूषितो दशवैकालिको नाम श्रुतस्कन्धः, तत्र च पञ्चममध्ययनं पिण्डैषणानामकं, दशवकालिकस्य च नियुक्तिश्चतुर्दशपूर्वविदा भद्रबाहुत्वामिना कृता, तत्र पिण्डैषणाभिधपश्चमाध्ययननियुक्तिरतिप्रभूतग्रन्थत्वात्पृथक्शास्त्रान्तमिव व्यवस्थापिता तस्याश्च पिण्डनियुक्तिरिति नाम कृतं" -Malayagiri Suri's commentary (p. 1) on Pindaniryukti. Page #526 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1117.1 IV. 4 Malasairas 489 पिण्डनियुक्तयवचूरि Piņdaniryuktyavacūri - 169. No. 1117 1873-74. Size.— 114 in. by 5g in. Extent.-- 85 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper tough and white: Devanagari charac ters; big, clear and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; yellow pigment profusely used ; foll. mostly numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 11 blank ; condition very good ; complete ; this Ms. contains the garages of the text. Age.- Sarivat 1931. Author.- Ksamāratna, pupil of Jayakirti Suri. Subject.— A small commentary in Sanskrit based upon the bịhad. vịtti to Piņdaniryukti. Begins.-fol. b श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।। __ श्रीपिंडनियुक्तिरवचूरिलिख्यते पूर्वमधिकारसूत्रं गाथा पिंडे गाहापिंडे आहारविषये उद्गम १ उत्पादना २ एषणा ३ संयोजना ४ प्रमाण ५ इंगाल६ धूम ७ कारण ८ भेदादष्टविधा पिंडनियुक्तिभ(भ)वति etc. Ends.-fol. 85* जा जगाहा यतमानस्य सूत्रोक्तविधिपरिपालनपूर्णस्य अध्यात्म विशोधियुक्तस्य रागद्वेषाभ्यां रहितत्वात् या भवेद्विराधना अपवादप्रत्यया सा - भवति निर्जराफला ७०॥ ___ श्रीबृहद्वत्तिमालोक्य गंभीरार्था(ों ) विनिश्चितं मया श्रीपिंडनियुक्तिः प्रकटा विनिर्ममे १ इति श्रीपिंडनियुक्तिरवचूरिता ? इति श्री विधिपक्ष गच्छगगनरविमंडलश्रीगच्छेश्वरश्रीजयकीर्तिमरिशिष्यक्षमारत्नेन स्वपरावबोधाय श्रीपिंडनियुक्तेरवि(ब)चरिरलेखि ॥ १॥ यत्किंचिन्मया दौर्बल्यादसंगतमिहागतं तच्छोधने विधातव्या रुपा सद्भिः सुबुद्विभिः ॥ छ । यावदिंदुरवी विश्वे प्रमोदं कुरुतो भृशं । तावन्नंदतु साधूनां हितैषा(s)व्यर्थसंततिः ॥२॥ 1 In a different hand we have: प्र.३००१. 6. J.L.P.] Page #527 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 49.0 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (1117. श्रीरस्तु etc. संवत् १९३१ वर्षे मासोत्तममासे प्रथम आवाहनासे कृष्णपक्षे अष्टम्यां रविवारे लिखितमिदं व्यास गोपीदासात्मजेन मलाख्येन नाम्ना ॥ श्री ॥ etc. पिण्डनिर्युक्तिविषमपदपर्याय No. 1118 Pindaniryuktivisamapadaparyaya 736 (21). 1875-76. Extent. fol. 25b to fol. 264. Description. Complete. For other details see Pañcavastukaparyāya No. 736 (1). 1875-76. Author.— Not known. Subject.-- Difficult words etc. occurring in Pindaniryukti explained in Sanskrit. पिण्डनिर्युक्तिविषमपर्याय etc. Begins. fol. 250 परिसंठियमिति स्वच्छं । पाईण इति प्राचीनः । सरहु फल. इति अबद्धास्थि । अमिला इति गडरिका । Ends. fol. 264 अथ बुल्लीति अवल्हकः । अइच्छा चि (त्थावि ) उ इति नास्ति भेदिच्छाः । पिंडनिर्युक्तिविषमपदपर्यायाः । Pindaniryuktivisamapada paryaya 789 (21). 1895-1902. No. 1.1.19 Extent.— fol. 4rs to fol. 41. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Pañcavastukapar yaya No. 789 (1). 1895-1902. Begins. fol. 414 परिसंठियमिति etc. as in No. 1118. Ends.— fol. 41b अथ वुल्हीति अवल्हकः etc. N, B. For further particulars see No. 1118. Page #528 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 491 in21.] IV. 4. Malasatràs . पिण्डनियुक्तिविषम Piņdaniryuktivişama पदपर्याय padaparyāya 332(4). No. 1120 A.1882-83. Extent.- fol. 23° to fol. 23°. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Nandisútravisama padaparyaya No. 623. Begins.- fol. 23 परिसंठियमिति etc. as in No. III8. Ends.- fol. 23° अवभुल्लीति अवकः etc. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 1118. पिण्डनियुक्तिविषमगाथा Piņdaniryuktivigamagāthī. विवरण vivaraņa 736 (22). No. 1121 . 1875-76. Extent.-- fol. 26 to fol. 28. Description.- Complete. For other details see Pancavastukapar __yaya No. -736 (1). 1875-76.. Author.- Not known. Subject.— Explanation in Sanskrit of difficult gåthås pertaining to Pindaniryukti. Begins.- fol. 26° दसससिहागा गाहा । इह साधर्मिकार्चि(चिं)तायां प्रवचनलिंग___ दर्शनज्ञानचारित्रामिग्रहभावनाक्षणेषु सप्तपदेष्वेकर्षिशतिईिकसंयोगा भवंति etc. Ends.-- fol. 284 यानुग्रहत्रयमध्ये सा चिरस्थापिता केवलमसौ न परिहार्या(:) चरितत्वाजघन्यव्याहृतवदित्यर्थः। पिंडनियुक्तिविषमगाथाविवरणं समाप्तम् । This is followed by the verse as under : Page #529 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 jaina Literature and Philosophy [1122. यावत्यैलोक्यशालः कमलपतिवपुलजालप्रतिष्ठा - नागेंद्रस्कंधबंधस्त्रिदशपतिनदीपल्लववंद्रगुच्छ:। आशाशाखापशाखः शिवसदनशिलासफलो धिष्ण्यपुष्पो तात्यामेवय(?)तावहालितकले(लि)मल पुस्तकः पठयमानः ।। पिण्डनियुक्तिविषमगाथा Piņdaniryuktivişamagātbā विवरण vivaraña 789 (22). Mo. 1122 1895-1902. Extent. - fol. 41 to fol. 456. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Pañcavastukapar 789(1). ___ yaya No. 1885-1902.. Begins.-- fol. 41° दसससिहागा गाहा | etc. as in No. 1121. Ends.-- fol. 45' यातुगृहत्रयमध्ये etc. up to पुस्तकः पठ्यमानः as in ___ No. 1121. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 1121. पिण्डनियुक्तिविषमगाथा Piņdaniryuktivişamagāthāविवरण vivarana No. 1123 ___332(5). A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 230 to fol. 29". Description.-- Complete. For other details see Nandisútravişama . . padaparyaya No. 623. Begins.-- fol. 23° दसससिहागा गाहा ॥ etc. as in No. 1121. Ends.-- fol. 29- यानुगृहत्रयमध्ये etc. N. B.- For additional information see No. 1121..... Page #530 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IV. 4 Malasatras 498 1124.1 ओधनियुक्ति (ओहनिज्जुत्ति) Oghaniryukti (Ohanijjutti ) - 94. No. 1124 1872-73. Size-101 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 20 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 70 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and grey ; Devanagari charac ters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; bold, clear, small and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in black ink3B red chalk and yellow pigment used ; complete ; most of the foll. more or less worm-eaten ; condition rather unsatisfactory. Age,- Fairly old. Author.- Bhadrabāhusvāmin. For details see Nos. 709, 1002 and 1113. Subject. This agama deals with rules and regulations prescribed for a Jaina saint and is an extract taken out of the 20th prabhrta of Samacari, the 3rd vastu of the ninth purva. This work mainly deals with the following topics :(1) प्रतिलेखनद्वार, (2) पिण्डद्वार, (3) उपधिनिरूपण, (4) अनायतनवर्जन, (5) प्रतिषेषणाद्वार, (6) आलोचनाद्वार and (7) विशुद्धिधार. ___For additional particulars see “नन्यादिगाथापकारादियुतो विषयानुक्रमः" (pp. 149-155) published in the Agamodaya Samiti Series as No.55 in A. D. 1928. Begins.-fol. ! ॐ नमः श्रीसर्वज्ञाय अरिहंते वंदित्ता चउदसपुन्बी तहेव दसपुब्बी। इक्कारसंगमुत्तत्यधारए सवसाहू ऐ(य)॥ १ etc. Ends.-- fol. 20° एसा अणुग्गहट्टा फुडविअडविसुद्धवंजणाइन्ना इक्कारसहिं सएहिं सट्टीअहिएहि संगहिया ॥ ११६४ Page #531 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ jaina Literature and Philosophy (1134. - श्रीओधनियुक्तिसूत्रं ॥ नवमप्रत्याख्यानपूर्वात(व तिहत्तीयसामाचारीवस्तुगतविंशतितमप्राभृतान्निर्मूलं श्रीभद्रबाहुस्वामिनीत FAIR ll getc. ___ मंगलमस्तु लिखितं लींबाकेन ॥ Reference.- Published along with the commentary of Dronācārya in the Agamodaya Samiti Series in A. D. 1919. For quotations etc. see Weber II, p. 622 and p. 816. For additional Mss. see G. O. Series vol. XXI, p. Is and Limbdi Caralogue Nos. 402 and 404. For a portion of this wrok (gāthās 1160 to 1164, 1160 beginning abruptly ) see p. 1o8, 9. ओघनियुक्ति Oghaniryukti : No. 1125 1880-81. Size.-12 in. by if in. Extent.-- 110 leaves ; 4 to s lines to a leaf ; so letters to a line. Description.-- Palm-leaf thick, durable and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent EHETS; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written into two separate columns; but really it is not so; for, the lines of the first column are continued to the second ; borders of each of the columns ruled in three lines in black ink ; red chalk used; the central portion of the unnumbered sides and this portion as well as the middle portion of each of the margins of the numbered sides decorated with a red spot; there is a hole between the two columns in each leaf; leaves numbered in both the margins : in the righthand margin with ordinary numerical figures beginning with s7 and the left-hand margin with letter-numerals such as } } } } } 3,2), 8), 6), o), $), mi), rf}, } } } Page #532 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1125.] IV. 4 Malasatras for 61 to 99 etc., leaf ra blank; so is the leaf 1666; a string passes through the holes ; leaves are placed between two wooden boards ; left-hand corners of several leaves gone; on leaf 59 even some letters are gone; cendi tion on the whole good; the Ms is well-preserved as it is placed in a card-board box lined with oil cloth; complete3B 1162 gāthās in all. Age.- Fairly old. Begins.--leaf 57 '६॥ ॐ नमः सर्वत्रिदे ॥ दुविहोवक्कमकालो सामायारी अहाउगं चेव । सामायारी तिविहा मोह(हे) दसहा पयविभागो ॥११ णवमयपश्चक्खाणाभिहाणं पुव्वस्स तइयवत्थूओ। वीसइमपाहुडाओ ततो इहानीणिया जइया ॥२ सो उ ओक्कमकालो तयत्थणिविग्यसिश्क(:कखणं स्थं च । आयकयं चिय पुणो मंगलमारंभये तं च ।। ३ अरहते वंदित्ता etc. as in No. II24. Ends. --leaf 166* एसा म(?ओणुग्गहत्था etc. up to संगहिया ॥ as in No. 1124. This is followed by the lines as under: छ ॥ ॥ छ । गाथा ११६२ ॥ छ । छ । ६.. ॥छ॥* ॥ छ ॥ || ... .. N. B.--For additional information see No. 1124. Reference, This Ms. having some special symbols for decoration given on the last leaf has been described by F. Kielhorn in his Report for 1880-81 on p. 9. But the title is given there as “Ohasāmāyāri (METAI )" 1 This is not the symbol in the Ms. It differs from this to some extent. : 2 This verse is quoted by Droņa sūri in his commentary (p. 10 ) on Oghapiryukti. Page #533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 496 traff Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends. fol. 26b No. 1126 Size. 123 in. by 4 in. Extent. 26 folios; 16 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description. Country paper somewhat thick, rough and grey; Devanagari characters with Is; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines; the space between these pairs coloured red; fol. 1a blank; unnumbered sides decorated with a disc in the centre; the numbered, with two more, one in each of the two margins; red chalk used; complete; condition very good; the last gatha numbered as 1154. Age.-- Pretty old. Begins.--fol. ¶ etc. as in No. 1124. [1126. Oghaniryukti 17. 1877-78. N. B. For further particulars see No. 1124. एसा अणुग्गहत्था etc. up to संगहिया ॥ ११५४ as in No. 1124. This is followed by the line as under :-- छ || ओहनिज्जुतीस (म्म) त्ता ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः etc. Oghaniryukti 1212. 1886-92. ओघनियुक्ति No. 1127 Size.-9 in. by 4 in. Extent.-- 47 folios; 13 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thick and whitish; Devanagari characters with gas; bold, big, uniform, legible and good" hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black Page #534 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1128. ] IV. 4 Malasúti as 497 ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; numbered sides decorated with three small discs, one in the centre and one, one in each of the two margins; complete ; yellow pigment used; condition very good; the last gathā numbered as 1164. Age.--Samvat 1720. Begins.- fol. 1b aftin điện etc. as in No. II24. Ends. - fol. 47 TAI UTEPUT etc. up to tight 1 33984 as in No. 1124. This is followed by the following lines :इति श्रीउ(ओ)नियुक्तिः ॥ समाप्त संपूर्णमिदंः ।। gai gon etc. Then run the lines as under:-- संवत् १७२० वर्षे ज्येष्ट(ट)मासे शुक्लपक्षे पूर्णिमातिथौ रविवासरे mit Faja'atto (fosfrea: il v HTT" FUTUTATT 1 soft II #T! TeamTË TTTTTTTT[:]" N. B.- For other details see No. 1124. ओघनियुक्ति Oghaniryukti 652. 1892-95. No. 1128 Size.-- 11 in. by 48 in. Extent.-- 32 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 78 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and greyish in colour ; Deranāgari characters; bold, clear and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; the edges of the first fol. ruled in two lines ; foll. 14 and 32b blank; yellow pigment used; complete ; condition very good ; the last gātbā numbered as 64 i. e. 1164. 63 [J. L. P.] Page #535 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 498 Jaina Literature and Philosophy in28. Age.-- Samvat 1671. Begins.--fol. I ॐ ही(ही) नमः ॥ श्रीजिनाय नमः ॥ अरिहंते वंदित्ता etc. as in No. 1124. Ends.-fol. 32a एसा अणुग्गहत्था etc. up to संगहिया ॥ ६४ ६४) as in No. 1124. This is followed by the lines as under: इति श्रीओहानिज्जुत्ती संमत्ता। शुभं भवतु छ संवत् १६७१वरखें (१) कार्तिकमदि उजवाली ५ तिथौ श्रीवीर)वारे श्री'मलचर्कमहानगरे श्री वृहत्खरतरगच्छे श्रीयुगप्रधानश्रीजिनचंद्रसूरि तत्पट्टे श्रीयुगप्रधानश्रीश्रीश्रीजिनसिंहसूरिविजइ(यि )राज्ये "रीहड 'वंशशिरोमाणश्रीयुगप्रधानश्रीजिनचंद्रमरिशाखायां तत्सि(च्छि)ध्यप्रशस्तगुणविशिष्टश्रेष्टष्टि)प(पं)डितात्मतिलककमलमुनीनां तत्सि(च्छि)ख्य(ष्य)मुक्ष(ख्य)प्रवरवाचनाचार्यश्रीपद्महेमगणिगुणगरिष्टा(टा)नाम् - तसि(च्छि)क्ष्य(प्य)पं. नेमसुंदरगणिना लिलेख्य(खि) स्ववाचनार्थे ॥ १ कल्याणं भवतु. N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 1124. ___. 95. ओधनियुक्ति Oghaniryukti टीकासहित with tīkā No. 1129 1872-73. Size.—124 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 155 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and grey; Devanagari charac ters with पृष्ठमात्रा; big, clear, uniform and good handwriting ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; the space between these pairs coloured red rather inut differently ; unnumbered sides decorated with a small disc in the centre; the numbered with two more, one in each of two margins%3; red chalk used; the yellow pigment, too, in some cases; the numbering of the foll. originally wrong, but corrected later on, e. g. in the case of foll. 112, 113 Page #536 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1129.] IV. 4 Malasatras 499 etc.; small strips of paper pasted to fol. 1*; the edges of the 1s5th (last ) fol. worn out; a piece of paper pasted to the fol. 15503; condition on the whole very fair; this Ms. contains the text and the commentary as well; both com plete; extent 7385:Slokas. Age.- Pretty old. Author of the commentary.-- Drona Suri of Nivrtti kula. He had assisted Abhayadeva Sūri, the navāngiyrttikära. He had a pupil Sūrācārya whose life is narrated in Prabhāvaka caritra ( pp. 245-261 ). Subject. -- The Prākrit text along with the commentary in Sanskrit. Begins.- (text) fol. 20 अरहंते वंदित्ता etc. as in No. 1124. (com. ) fol. 1 नमः सर्वज्ञाय ॥ नमो अरहताणं । नमो सिद्धाणं । णमो आयरियाणं । णमो उवज्झायाणं। णमो लोए सव्वसाहूणं । एसो पंचनमुक्कारो सव्वपावप्पणासणो मंगलाणं च सम्वेसिं पढमं हवह मंगलं ॥१ etc. अहं(ह)द्भयस्त्रिभुवनराजपूजितेभ्यः सिद्धेभ्यः । मुम)तघनकर्मबंधनेभ्यः । आचार्यश्रुतधरसर्वसंयतेभ्यः सिद्धयर्थ सततमहं नमस्करोमि ॥ १ etc. Ends.--(text) fol. 1558 एसा अणुग्गहत्था etc. इक्कारसहि सरहिं एगुणवन्नेहि सम्मत्ता ॥छ॥ ,, -- (com.) fol. IS5* सुगमा ओघनिर्यक्तिटीका समाप्ताः । कृतिरियं द्रोणा चायंस्यति ॥ छ । शुभ भवतु: कल्याणमस्तु: ॥छ । ग्रंथा ७३८५॥ छ । . श्री श्री श्री ॥ छ । छ । छ । छ । 'नंदुरबार'निवासी भीमः संघाधिपो(s)भवद् भविकः । श्रीजिनधर्मधारस्तत्तनयो डुंगरस्कृती॥१ सवंशकविलासी 'प्राग्वाटः' प्रकटजिनमताभ्यासी श्रीगुणराजो गुणवान पद (?)दि(? ति)वादिकारयिता ॥ २ Page #537 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 500 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1129. श्री शत्रुजय'-'रैवत'-'जीरापल्ल्य'-(s) बुंदादियात्रायु(?सु ) . वित्तव्ययसफलीकृतजन्मा तइंचपलषमाइ (?) ॥३ तनयस्तयो(:) सुविनयः कालूनामा कृतानुकृतसुकृती । तजाया जसमाई ललनादेवी च वीराई ॥ ४ श्रीजिनभवनजिनार्चायु(?)स्रकसंघादिके सदा क्षेत्रे । वित्तव्ययस्य कर्ता दानार्थिजनानसमुद्धर्ता ॥ ५ युग्म(म) श्रीमत्कालूनाम्ना निजकरकमलार्जितेन वित्तेन । चिकोशे सिद्धांताः ससूत्रका वृत्तिसंयुक्ताः॥६ श्रीमद्वाचकनायकमहीसमुद्राभिधानमुखकमलात् । लब्धा(ब्ध्वा) वरोपदेशं नंदतु च लेखितास वि(?) महोपाध्यायश्री महीसमुद्रगाणिशिष्यपंकनकजयगाणलिखापिताः॥ Reference.-- Both the text and the commentary are published. See No. 1124. For additional Mss. see Limbdi Catalogue No. 404 and G. O. Series vol. XXI (pp. 15 and 16). There is a palm-leaf Ms. of the commentary written in Samvat 1289. See G. O. Series vol. XXI, p. 41. ओघनियुक्ति Oghaniryukti टीकासहित with tīkā 1175. No. 1130 1884-87. Size.- 11 in. by 41 in. Extent.— 121 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 68 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Devanāgari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, quite legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only ; foll. ja and 121° blank ; yellow pigment used ; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; some of the foll. worm-eaten ; condition on the whole very fair; this Ms. contains the text and the commentary as well ; both complete. Age.- Pretty old. Begins-- (text) fol. r" अरिहंते बंदित्ता etc. as in No. 1124. Page #538 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1131.] IV. 4. Mulasatras SOI Begins ( com.) fol. 16 FAÐ ÍHATTAIT ! FAT STğa tuj etc. up to TTA TTC ATE II 11 11 NEFTiayaatin etc. Ends.-- (text) fol. 121* एसा अणुग्गहत्था etc. up to सम्मत्ता as in No. 1124. , --( com.) fol. 121° UTAI[:] Stafafell FATA:(F1) 117|| starta rotatiofâ ll 3 112 11 N. B. - For further particulars see No. 1124. For an addi tional Ms. see Limbdi Catalogue No. 404. ओघनियुक्ति टीकासहित Oghaniryukti with tīkā 1213. No. 1131 1886-92. Size.— 104 in. by 48 in. Extent.— 162 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 52 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanagari cha racters with qaras; bold, big, clear and good handwriting; borders ruled in two lines in black ink ; the first two and the last few foll. slightly worn out at the corner; condition very fair ; foll. numbered twice : once as 833, 838 etc. and once as %, P etc.; so this Ms. seems to be a part of some other Ms. ; the first fol. is numbered as 433 only ; yellow pigment used; red chalk, too; both the text and the commentary complete ; extent 8385 ślokas. Age.-- Samvat 1436. Begins.— ( text ) fol. 2a BATEN Jigar etc. as in No. 1124. » -- (com.) fol. 1b नमो सर्वज्ञाणां FAT s ari etc. as in No. 1130. HEFURETAT etc Page #539 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 502 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [13. Ends.-- (text ) fol. 162b. __एसा अणुग्गहत्था etc. as in No. 1124. ,, - (com.) fol. 162' सुगमा । ओघनियुक्तिटीका समाप्ता ॥ छ ।। कृतिरिय द्रोणाचार्यस्येति ॥ छ । श्रेष्टी(टी) प्राग्वाट'वंशे(s)स्ति सोमः सोम इव प्रियः । दृढसम्यकत्वसद्ब्रह्मगुणग्रहणसाग्रहः ॥१॥ निजन्यायार्जितं वित्तं मत्वा सारतरं हृदि । सफलीकर्तमुदयुक्तः सप्तक्षेत्रीनिवेशनात ॥२ तथा च श्राविकाचारप्रषणा विदुराशया ॥ करमीति नाम्ना धर्मकर्मठा()सीद् विवेकिनी ॥३॥ गुरूणां श्रीजयानंदसरीणां गुणशालिनां धर्मोपदेशमाकर्ण्य सादरौ तौ जिनागमौ ॥ ४॥ उभाभ्यां लेखितं श्रीमदोघनियुक्ति पुस्तकं । चतुर्दशशते पत्रिंशद्वर्षे शुभं भुवि ॥ ५॥ छ ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ श्रीसंघस्य ॥ छ etc. ग्रंथानं ८३८५॥छ । ससूत्र ॥ छ ॥छ॥छ । Then in a different hand we have : 3 ... . N. B.-- For additional particulars see No. 1129. ओघनियक्ति . . Oghaniryukti टीकासहित with tīkā 417. No.1132 1882-83. Size.- in. by 4} in. Extent. - 134 - 18 = 116 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा; clear, big and good hand-writing%3B ink faded at times ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; most of the foll. have their edges more or less worn out; so even the written portion gone Page #540 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ -1133.] IV. 4 Matasatras - 503 in some cases e. g. the beginning of the 19th fol. ; numbers of some of the foll. worn out ; so it is difficult to ascertain whether the matter is continuous or not; condition poor; fol. I to 18 seem to be missing%3 otherwise both the text and the commentary appear to be complete ; total extent 8635 ślokas. Age.-- Fairly old. Begins.- (text) (abruptly) tol. 19° तत्थ पाहाणजलं अञ्च(क)तमणक्यांते चन etc. , - (abruptly) (com.) fol. 19• व्बवनुजलपोषणगाहा । 'पाषाणजलं मधुासक्थत्थु)जलवालुकाकु(ज)लं कर्दमजलं चेति ते तत्र पाषाणजलं यत्पाषाणानामुपरि वहति etc. __ अथ संघट्टादिजलाल)क्षणप्रणिनीषया भाज्यदाह । छ । जंघे(घ)ट्टा (द्धा)गाहा जंघार्धमात्रप्रमाण(ण) जलं etc. Ends.-- ( text ) fol. 1346 एसा अगुग्गह etc. up to संगहिया || as in No. 1124. This verse is cumbered as 1148. , - (com.) fol. 134° सुगमा । ओधनियुक्तिटीका सूत्रसहिता समाप्ता । टीकायां अक्षरगणनया ग्रंथानं ६०२५ तदा स्त्रगाथाप्रमाणेन ग्रंथायं १४६० उभयग्रंथानं ८३८५॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 1129. ओघनियुक्तिटीका Oghaniryuktitīka No. 1133 . . . .. .. ...._ll14. 1887-91. Size.-- 104 in. by 4s in. Extent.— 144 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and grey; Devanāgari chara ___cters with पृष्ठमात्रा; bold, clear, big, uniform and good I This occurs on page 324 of the printed edition ( Agamodaya Samiti Series) Page #541 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 504 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1133. hand-writing; borders neatly ruled in three lines in red ink; numbers for foll. entered twice on one and the same side but in different margins; foll 1 and 144b blank ; this Ms. contains the ares of the text; yellow pigment used; complete ; condition very good. Age. — Samvat 1662. Author.— Dronācārya. For details see p. 499. Subject. - A Sanskrit commentary to Oghaniryukti. श्रीसर्व्वज्ञाय नमः Begins. fol. rb नमो अरिहंताणं etc. as in No. 1129. Ends. fol. 1344 सुगमा ॥ एवं गाहा ॥ छ || इति ओघनिर्युक्तिका समाप्ता ग्रंथाग्रं संख्या ६५४५ वृत्तिसंख्या rei पुस्तकं दृष्टं etc. १ तैलाद्रक्षेत् etc. २ अद्र (ह) ष्टिदोषान्म)मतिविभ्रमेण । यदार्थहीनं लिखितं मयेभ्यः । ते (तन्मार्जनयित्वा परशोधनीयं । कोपं न कुर्यात् खलु लेषकस्य ॥ १ ॥ भग्नपृष्टि (ष्ठि) कटिग्रीवा । बद्धमुष्टिरधोमुखं । - कष्टेन लिखितं शास्त्रं । यत्नेन परिपालयेत् ॥ २ ॥ संवत् १६६२ वर्षे द्वितीयचैत्र वदि १४ शुक्रे 'ईदल 'पुरवास्तव्य पं० शवसी लिखितं ॥ छ ॥ छ ॥ Reference. — Published. See No. 1124. In "A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Jaina Bhandars at Pattan" ( vol. I, pp. 215 and 323 ) published in the Gaekwad's Oriental Series as vol. LXXVI, two palm-leaf Mss. of the commentary are noted. Out of them, at least one noted on p. 215 is certainly composed by Drona Suri. 1 This will be hereafter referred to as "The Pattan Catalogue vol. I". Page #542 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1134. ] eitaagi अवचूर्णिसहित No. 1134 در - (com.) a line. IV. 4 Malasatras Size. 10 in. by 48 in. Extent. (text) 43 folios; 12 to 15 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. رد ; 28 "" 33 33 Ends. (text) fal, 43b "" Oghaniryukti with avacurņi ---( com. ) fol. ra नम ( : ) श्री प्रवचनाय ॥ 147. .1881-82. 505 ; 49 Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा ; this is a qaret Ms.; the text written in a much bigger hand than that for the commentary; quite legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; edges of the first and last few foll. slightly worn out; condition on the whole good; both the text and the commentary complete; this Ms. is lacking in the two verses of the colophon to be found in No. 1135. رو Age. Samvat 1527. Author of the commentary- Jñanasagara. For his another work see No. 688. Subject. The text along with a small commentary in Sanskrit. Begins. (text) fol. ra ए नमो (मः ) सर्वज्ञाय ॥ a afar etc. as in No. 1124. प्रांतो(s) यमाव कानुयोग etc. as in No. 1135. 99 एसा अणुग्गहत्था up to संगहिया ६४ (१९६४) as in No. 1124. This is followed by the lines as under: इति श्री ओघतियुक्तिमहा सिद्धांतमूत्रं ॥ इति श्री ओघनियुक्तिमहा सिद्धांतसूत्र समाप्तः ।। संवत् १५२७ वर्षे फायजबिदि ७ हुये हितं । 54 [J. L. P.) Page #543 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy 506 (1134. Ends. com.) fol. 436 Arro Il grey etc. practically up to FATHT as in No. 1135. Reference. For a Ms. containing the text and an anonymous ava. curi see Limbdi Catalogue, No. 403. For palm-leaf Mss, of the text see the Pattan Catalogue Vol. I (pp. 40, 95, 98, 107, 112, 119, 161, 175, 177, 309, 378, 385, 390, 406 and 409). ओघनियुक्तयवचूर्णि Oghaniryuktyavacūrņi No. 1135 1116. 1887-91. Size.-- 104 in. by 43 in. Extent.--- 35 folios ; 24 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper very thin and greyish ; Devanāgari characters with ES ; very small, quite legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; the first 15 foll. more or less worm-eaten ; condition on the whole good; complete; composed in Samvat 1439; fol. 356 practically blank; for, the title is written on it; tales of the text given, Age.-- Samvat 1534. Author.- Jñănasăgara Súri, pupil of Devasundara Súri. Subject.-A small commentary in Sanskrit to Oghaniryukti. Begins.-fol. rå Af: Lauiry: प्रकांतो(s)यमावश्यकानुयोगस्तत्र सामायिकाध्ययनमनुवर्त्तते । तस्य चत्वार्यनु(योग)द्वाराणि उपक्रमौ निक्षेपोऽनुगमो नेयः ॥ etc. तदनेन संबंधेन पूर्व नमस्कारमाह ॥ अरिहंतेत्यादि । व्याख्या सा चं, संहिताभेदेन पडिया wefat etc. Page #544 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136.] IV. 4 Malasatras 507 Ends.-fol. 35b आरा० ॥ उत्कृष्टशब्दोऽत्रातिशयार्थे द्रष्टव्योः न तु भावानंगी कृत्य ॥ ११६२ एसोह० ॥ स्पष्टा० ॥ ६३ ए अंसा० ॥ स्पष्टा० ॥ ६४ एसा अ०॥ स्पष्टा० ॥११६५ ॥ इति श्रीद्रोणाचार्यनिर्मितवृत्त्यनुसारेण एदंयुगीनसुविहितशिरोऽलंकरणकोटीरकरणिभट्टारकप्रभुश्रीज्ञानसुंदरसीरपादविरचिता श्रीओघनिर्युक्त्यवचूार्ण समाप्ता ॥ छ ॥ श्री ॥ श्रीमत्तपा गणनभोंगणभास्कराभाः श्रीदेवसुंदरयुगोत्तमपादुकानां । शिष्यैर्जिनागमसुधांबुधिला(ली)नचित्तैः श्रीज्ञानसागरगुरूत्तमनामधेयैः ॥ १ निधिवमिनु१४३९मिति(डते)ब्देऽवचूर्णिरेखा(षा) कृतौधनियुक्त स्वपरोपकृतिकृते तद्विवृतेरुपरि स्फुटा जयतात् ॥ २ ॥ प्रशस्ति ॥ छ । छ । सं० १५३४वर्षे श्रावणसुदि १२ भौमे ॥ श्री'राणपुर नगरे देवाकेन लिखितमस्ति छ ।। शुभं भवतु ॥ This is followed in a very big hand by the lines as under: ओघनिर्युक्त्यवचूरिः कर्ता ज्ञानसागरमूरिः । Reference-See No. 1134. ओघनिर्युक्तत्यवचूर्णि Oghaniryuktyavacūrņi No. 1136 1115. 1887-91. Size.— 104 in. by 4} in. Extent.--37 folios ; 21 lines to a page; 68 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and white; Devanagari char racters with occasional HATETS; very small, quite legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; a wet presented as SS SS SS SS S etc., on the 4th fol. perhaps referring to the पाषाण; another भङ्गी on fol. 18°; complete; edges of some of the foll. slightly damaged ; condition on the whole very good ; complete. Age.-- Fairly old. Page #545 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 508 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1136. Begins.-fol. I नमः श्रीसर्वज्ञाय प्रकांतो(s)यमावश्यकानुयोगस्तत्र etc. Ends.-fol. 37 आरा० ॥ उत्कृष्ट etc. practicaily up to जयतात् ।। २॥ as in No. 1135. This is followed by the line as under: इत्योपनियुक्तयवचूर्णिप्रशस्तिरियं ॥ छ ।। श्रीः ॥ etc. N. B. - For further particulars see No 1135. 18. ओघनियुक्तरवार्ण Oghaniryuktyavacūrņi No. 1137 1877-78. Size.- 104 in. by 45 in. Extent.-43 folios; 19 lines to a page; 68 letters to a line.' Description.-Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters with as; small, quite legible and elegant hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; this Ms. contains the gates of the original text; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only ; fol. 43b blank; complete ; extent 3400 ślokas; almost every fol. awfully worm-eaten ; condition poor. Age.--Fairly old. Begins.-fol. !' नमः श्रुतधरेभ्यः॥ प्रकांतोऽयमावश्यकाना(नु)योगस्तत्र etc. Ends.- tol. 43* आरा०॥ उत्कृष्टशब्दो(s)जातिशयाथें etc. up to प्रभुश्री ज्ञानसागरसारिपादविरचिता श्रीओघनियुक्त्यवचूर्णिः समाप्ता (ता) as in No. 1135. This is followed by jo 3800. N. B.--For additional information see No 1135. Page #546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1139. ] ओघनिर्युक्तवचूरि No. 1138 IV. 4 Malasutras Oghaniryuktyavacur 1214. 1886-92. Size.- 1o in. by 4g in. • Extent.— 39 + 1 = 40 folios; 19 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. ود؟ Description. Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with ears; very small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only ; fol. 28 repeated; fol. 39b blank ; some of the last foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition good; complete; this Ms. contains the gates of the text. Age.— Pretty old. Author.— Not mentioned. Subject. A small commentary in Sanskrit to Oghaniryukti. - ओघनिर्युक्तवचूरि No. 1139 Begins. -- fol. 14 प्रक्रांतो ( s)यमावश्यकानुयोगस्तत्र सामायिकाध्ययनमनुवर्तते । तस्य चत्वार्यनुयोगद्वाराणि । etc. Ends.--fol. 398 आरा || उत्कृष्ठतोऽतिशयने सम्यगाराधानं कृत्वा त्रीन् भावान् गत्वा निर्वाणमवश्यं प्राप्नोति । उत्कृष्टशब्दोऽत्रातिशयार्थे द्रष्टव्यो न तु भवमंगीकृत्य ॥ २९ ॥ एसा ।। ११३० एअं ॥ ३१ एसा ॥। १९३२ श्री ओघनिर्युक्तवचरिः समाप्ता ॥ छ ॥ श्रीः ॥ etc. Oghaniryuktyavacūri 286. A. 1883-84. Size.- ro‡ in. by 4g in. Extent.— 24 folios ; 23 lines to a page ; 62 letters to a line. Page #547 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ $10 Jaina Literature and|Philosophy (1139. Description.-- Country paper tough and white ; Devanagari cha racters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used ; a right-hand corner of almost every fol. partly worn out; condition very fair; this Ms. contains only the states of Oghaniryukti ; complete ; foll. must have been numbered, but the portions containing numbers have perished, that is way we do not find them now; this is the only paper Ms. dated so early as Samvat 1333 that I have handled up till now.' Age.--- Sainvat 1333. Author.- Not known. Subject.- A small commentary in Sanskrit elucidating Ogha niryukti. Begins.- fol. 1 अहे प्रक्रांतोऽयमावश्यकानुयोगः ॥ तत्र सामायिकाध्ययने चत्वार्यनुयोगद्वाराणि | etc. . आचार्यो मंगलाद्यर्थ गाथाद्वयमाह । अरिहंते अशोकाद्यष्टमहापातिहार्यादि. रूपां पूजामहेतीत्यर्हतः etc. Ends.-fol. 24° आद्यसंहननमाश्रित्य त्रयस्तु छेवाटिकासंहनने ॥ ६१ ॥ ए०ए० एसा ॥ ११६४ श्रीओघनियुक्तयवचूरि समाप्ता ॥ छ । संवत् १३३३ मार्गशिर शुद्ध १० गुरुदिने । पुस्तकं लिखितं पद्म.This Ms. ends thus. ओधनियुक्तिपर्याय Oghaniryuktiparyāya 736 (20). No. 1140 1875-76. Extent.-fol. 25* to fol. 250. Description.--Complete. For other details see Paificavastukapar yaya No. 736(1). 1875-76. 1 For a discussion in this connection see my paper “ The Jaina Manuscripts" (p. 106 ) published in “ Journal of the University of Bombay " ( vol. VII, pt. 2, September 1938 ). Page #548 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1142.] IV. 4 Malasatras SII Author.- Not known. Subject.-- Difficult words etc. occurring in Oghaniryukti explained in Sanskrit. Begins.--fol. 25* प्रयोजनमिति नगरद्वारादिवत् । अनुयोगानां तत्क्रमे प्रयोजनम् । etc. Ends.-- fol. 250 मूलकति गादानार्थ (शाटनार्थ) वा यदानं । बहुदेशकाल इति प्रस्तावः । सिंहेति बेहः । ओघनियुक्तिपर्यायाः। ओघनियुक्तिपर्याय Oghaniryuktiparyāya No. 1141 789 (20). 1895-1902. - Extent.--fol. 40" to fol. 41'. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Pañcavastukapar _789 (1). yaya No. 1895-1902. Begins.--fol. 40 प्रयोजनमिति etc. as in No. IH40. Ends.-- fol. 411 मूलकम्मति etc. N.B.-- For additional information see No. 1140. ओघनियुक्तिपर्याय Oghaniryuktiparyāya 332 (3). No. 1142 A.1882-83. Extent.- fol. 220 to fol. 230. Description.-- Complete. For other details see Nandisutravisamar ___padaparyaya No. 623. Begins.-fol. 220 प्रयोजनमिति etc. as in No. 1140. Ends.-fol. 24° भूलकमीत etc. N. B.--For further particulars see No. 1140, Page #549 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 512 jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1143 पाक्षिकसूत्र Pākşikasūtra (haagaa) ( Pakkhiyasutta ) No. 1143 750 (a). 1892-95. Size.-10 in. by 48 in. Extent.— 11 folios ; 13 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, rough and whitish ; Deva nāgari characters; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; edges singly ; fol. ja blank ; red chalk used ; numbers for foll. entered twice: once as usual and once as q. 3,TR, etc.; edges and corners of the first fol. slightly damaged ; condition tolerably good; complete ; this Ms. contains are A EE. See No. 953. Age.- Samvat 1842. Author.-Not mentioned. Subject.- One of the sútras to be recited by Sadhus at the time of the fortnightly pratikramaņa. It deals with mahāvratas and śrutakirtana thus giving us a list of canonical treatises. Prof. Winternitz says on p. 471 of pt. II of A History of Indian Literature'as under : “The Pakkhi or the Pākşika-Sutra is a liturgy in verse for the Pakkhi-Padikamanam ( Pakşi-Pratikramaņa), i. e. the fourteen days' confession. The confession of the “ five great vows” ( mahāvrata ), with which the work begins, also includes the worship of the “patient ascetics" (khamāsamaņa ), who are accounted the authors of the “sacred scriptures which stand outside the Angas" (angabāhiram) and of the the twelve Angas, which gives rise to a solemn enumeration of the sacred writings (suttakittanam ).” The following observation made by him in this very work (pt. II, pp. 429-430 ) may be here noted : “The third and fourth Mula-Suttas are also sometimes given as Ohanjjutti (Ogha-Niryukti ) and Pakkhi ( Pākșika Page #550 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1143.]. 11. 4 Malasätras Sūtra) and sometimes the Pimdanijjutti and Ohanijjutti appear in the list of the Cheya-Suttas." See Weber, Jnd. Stud. XVII, 85. Begins.-fol. 1 श्रीजिनकुशलमूरिजी सदा सहाय छै । तित्थंकरे अ तित्थे अतित्थसिद्ध य तित्थसिद्ध य । सिद्धेय जिणे रिसी महरिसी य नाणं च वंदामि ॥१॥ etc.' -fol. I0A ॥ नमो तेसिं खमासमणागं जेहिं इमं वाइयं अंगबाहिरयं कालियं भगवंतं तं जहा उत्तरज्झयणाई दसाओ कप्पो ववहारो इसिभासियाई निस्सीहं महानिसीहं जंबूदीवपन्नती सूरपन्नती चंदपन्नती दीवसागरपन्नती खुडियाविमाणपविभत्ती महलयाविमाणपविभत्ती अंगचूलिया वंगचूलिया विवाहचूलिया अरुणोववाए वरुणोववाए गरुणोववाए वेसमणोववाए वेलंधरोववार देविंदोववाए उहाणसुए समुहाणसुए नागपरियावलियाओ निरयावलियाओ कप्पियाओ कप्पवडंसियाओ पुफियाओ पुप्फचूलियाओ वण्हीदसाओ आसीविसभावणाओ दिडीविसभावणाओ चारणसमणभावणाओ महासुविणभावणाओ तेअग्गिनिसग्गाणं सव्वेहिं पि एयंमि अंगबाहिरिए कालिए भगवंते समुत्ते सअत्थे सगंस्थे सनिजत्तीए ससंगहिणीए etc. Ends.-fol. II मुयदेवयाइ भगवई नाणावरणीयकम्मसंघायं । तेसिं खवेओ सययं जेसिं सयसायरे मत्ती १॥.. .... . इति श्रीपाक्षिकसूत्रं । सं०१८४२ रा श्रावणसुदि ९ दिने । पाली मध्ये । पं० विवेककल्याणेन लिखितं । Reference.- Published along with Yaśodeva Sūri's commentary in the D. L. J. P. F. Series, as No. 4 in A. D. 1911. See Weber II, p. 819. For additional Mss. see B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 394, G. O. Series vol. XXI (p. 25 ) and Līmbdi Catalogue Nos. 1544-1547. Nos. 1545, 1546 and 1547 recorded in this Catalogue contain Ksamanaka, Yasobhadra Súri's vịtti and ţábbā respectively, over and above the text. For description of a Ms. having the bare text see Keith's Catalogue No. 7504. For palm-leaf Mss. of the text see the Pattan Catalogue vol. I (pp. 24, 33, 58, 64, 107, 143, 150, 158, 300, 406, 409 and 411). 6 [J.LP.] Page #551 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 514 पाक्षिकसूत्र No. 1144 Jaina Literature and Philosophy No. 735. Begins.-- fol. 5b Ends. fol. IIb Extent.--fol. 5b to fol. 11. Description. Complete. For other details see Namaskaramantra fifa etc. as in No. 1143. सुदेवया भगवई etc. up to भक्ती | १ ॥ N. B. For further particulars see No. 1143. (1) (No. 886) (2) पाक्षिकक्षामणसूत्र (No. 960) (3) गुरुस्थापनासूत्र (पंचिदिय) ( 4 ) चरण सप्ततिकरणसप्ततिगाथा पाक्षिकसूत्र No. 1145 Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 8-17 folios ; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thick, tough and white; Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, broad, legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin. only; the 6th fol. lacking; otherwise complete; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged; condition on the whole very good; this Ms. contains in addition the following four works: Age.-- Samvat 1864. See No. as in No. 1143. 1202 (e). 1887-91. · [1144. Pākṣikasutra 1269 (41) 1887-91. در fol. 8a دو در Pākṣikasūtra 1202 (a). 1887-91. 8a to fol. 8a 8b 8b Page #552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 145.1 1V. 4 Malasatras 515 Begins.-fol. . farajes a fazer etc. as in No. 1143. Ends.--fol. 8a मुयदेवया भगवई etc. up to भत्ती १ as in No. 1143. This is followed by the line as under : इति श्रीपाक्षिकसूत्रं सम्मत्तं छ. पाक्षिकसूत्र Pākşikasūtra No 1146 613 (a). 1884-86. Size.- 11 in. by 4in. Extent.-53 folios; 15 to 16 lines to a page; so letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick and tough ; Devanāgarī cha racters with पृष्ठमात्राs; bold, big, legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; corners of some of the foll, worn out; condition tolerably.good; this work ends on fol. S.; this Ms. contairs over and above this, the following 12 works :(1) दशलिंकसूत्र ( No. 705) foll. 5 to 21' (2) यति सावितिक्रमणब , 21, 220 (3) उपदेशमाला ,, 22 , 360 (4) शीलोपदेशमाला , 36, 39 (5) पिण्डविशुद्धि ( No. 410) , 399, 420 (6) प्रश्नोत्तररत्नमालिका (7) जीवविचार " 43*, 44° (8) नवतत्त्व , 44° ,, 45. (9) चतुःशरण ( No. 274) . , 45, 474 (10) गौतमपृच्छा , 47* ,, 480 (1) विवेकमञ्जरी ,, 48', (12) पर्यन्ताराधना ( No. 403) , 52, ,, 43* २6n , Page #553 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ $16 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (1146. Age.-- Old. Begins.--fol. . .. Fazejant or farzet 3 etc. as in No. 1143. . Ends.--fol. so. geant Hilari etc. up to wat as in No. 1143. This is followed by grà qrretto FATH:. N. B. - For additional information see No. 1143. पाक्षिकसूत्र Pāksikasūtra No. 1147 . :::: : .... 1892-95. Size.--104 in. by! Extent:-4 folioș ; 15. lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Descríption:- Country paper tolerably thick and greyish ; Deva nāgāri characters ; bold, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; yellow pigment used ;. unnumbered sides decorated with a small circular disc in the centre whereas the numbered, with two more, one in each of the two margins; edges of the first fol. slightly tors; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 1b; condition tolerably good ; complete so far as it goes; this Ms. contains on fola 4 an additional work viz. Pākṣikakşāmaņāsutra which is already described as No. 956 (vide this very pt., pp. 318-319 ). Age. - Samvat 1.540(?) See No.956. ? Begins.-—-fol. s fritt fåret etc, as įn No, 1143, Page #554 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1149.] IV. 4 Malasatras 517 Ends.- fol. 4. दुवालसंगं गणिपिडगं भगवंतं संमं कायेण । फासंति पालंति पूरति तीरंति किट्ठति संमं आणाए आराहति । अहं च नाराहमि । तस्स मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं। इति श्रीपाक्षिकसूत्रं समाप्त । __N. B.-For further particulars see No. 1143. ... ... ........... पाक्षिकसूत्र Pākşikasūtra 1171 (b).. No. 1148 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 30° to fol. 42b. Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. 708. . Begins.--fol. 300 .... तित्थंकरे आतित्थे etc. as in No. 1143. Ends.-- fol. 42 संमं कारण etc. up to दुक्कडं as in No. 1147.. This is ___ followed by सयदेवयाइ etc. up to भत्ती ॥ १॥ as in No. 1143. ........Then we have:-- . ...... . .. ............. पक्खियपडिकमणसुत्तं सम्मत्तं ॥ N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 1143 : पाक्षिकसूत्र Pākşikasūtra No. 1149 ... 434 (b). ..1882-83. Extent.- fol. 14. Description.-- Incomplete as it ends abruptly. For further details ..... .. SPN o106. -. . ...... . Page #555 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 318 Begins. fol. 145 T पाक्षिकसूत्र वृत्तिसहित Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends.-- fol. 14 तत्थ खल (ल) पढमे भंते महत्रए पाणाइवायाओ वेरमणं । सव्वं भंते पाणाइवायं पश्ञ्चक्खामि । स (से) सुहमं वा बायरं वा । तसं वा । थावरं । वानेव सणं (पं) पाणे अइ. It ends thus abruptly. N. B.--For further particulars see No. 1143. No. 1150 तित्थंकरे य तित्थे । अतित्थसिद्धे य तित्थासिद्धे य सिद्धे जेणे रिसी महरिसी नाणं च वंदामि ॥ १ ॥ Size.-137 in. by 2 [1149 in. Pākṣikasūtra with vṛtti 45. 1880-81. Extent. 189 12 177 leaves; 5 to 6 lines to a leaf; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Palm-leaf durable and greyish; Devanagari characters with gears; sufficiently big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been divided into two columns, but really it is not so; for, every line of the first column extends to the second; borders of each of the columns ruled in three lines in black ink; leaves numbered in both the margins: in the right-hand one in numbers as 1, 2, etc and in the left-hand one as t, 2, 3, u, etc.; leaves 22b १ and 23 illegible, since the ink has faded; leaf 1896 blank; red chalk used; last few leaves stuck together; leaves I to 157 are followed by leaves 170 to 189; both the text Page #556 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ use] ... 17. Melasarar: . and the commentary incomplete ; the 18th leaf ends abruptly ; condition unsatisfactory; for, edges of almost every leaf partly worn out. Age.-- Old. Author of the commentary.- Yasodeva Suri, pupil of Sricandra Sūri, pupil of Vira Gaņi. Subject. The text together with its explanation in Sanskrit. The latter is composed in Vikrama Samvat 1180. See No. 1155. Begins.-( text ) leaf 6* तित्थंकरे य तित्थे etc. as in No. 1147. -, (com.) ,, b नमो वीतरागाय ॥ शिवशम्मकानिमित्तं etc. as in No. INSI. Ends.-( text ) leaf (?) This cannot be written, since this cores ponding leaf has stuck together with another. ,, -(com.) leaf 188b एवं पडिक्कमणकालं etc. up to मानत: as in No. 1155. This is followed by the line as under :- . छ ॥ ११ ॥ मंगलं महाश्रीः ॥ छ । छ | शुभं भवत लेखकपाठकयोः ॥ छ। Then on leaf 1896 we have: योगनिवृत्ताः विभागशो अष्टादशपापस्थानविवर्जकानपि तथापि केचिदनाभोगात्सहसा... करणात मूलोत्तरगुणातिचारसूक्ष्मतरविशुद्धयर्थ उमयसं. प्राकाले गुप्तसन्निकै राजर्षिशुद्धभावप्रयुक्तालोचना उपर्युपरि विशुद्धशुद्धतरचारित्रस्थानरोहिणः संवेगतः आत्मनिंदा गर्दा प्रयुक्ताः । एवं प्रत्यहं प्रतिक्रमणेन विशुद्धा अपि प्राप्ते पक्षांते विशेषप्रतिक्रमणेन प्रतिक्रमितुमिच्छंतः ॥ इमाणत्तिमपरिसाण वंदणं करेंति नाणाइसत्थभावभावणं च ॥ छ । तित्थंकरे य गाहा ॥ चोयग आह ॥ चिट्टर ताव गाहत्थो । इमं त.वनाउमिच्छामि पइदिणमालोइय पंडिक्कत्त() कपपच्छित्तविसचिस्स । किं पक्ख चउम्मा. It ends thus. Reference.- Both the text and the commentary are published. See No. 1143. For an additional Ms. see No. 1546 of the Limbdi Catalogue..... . ....... Page #557 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ sto Jaina Literature and Philosophy faina Lerature in [ni. . . पाक्षिकसूत्रवृत्ति .. .... .. Paksikasutravrtti . ... .. . Faksikasutravrtti ..... .. -1284 No. 1151 ___1886-92. Size:-ing in. by 4 in.. ... .. .... Extent.- 63 folios ; 14 lines to a page; so letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin and rough; Devanagari cha racters with पृष्ठमात्रा; bold, big, legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; fol. ra blank; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged; condition on the whole good; foll. doubly numbered: once as '1, 2 etc. and once as 766, 767 etc; over and above this, fol. 3 and the following are also numbered as 79, 80 etc.; this work seems to be incomplete so far as the colophon is con... ... cerned............. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Yasodeva Sari, pupil of Sricandra Suri, pupil of Vira ____Gani. Subject.--A Sanskrit commenrary to Paksikasutra. . Begins.- fol. rb है नमः॥ - शिवशमैकनिमित्तं विघ्नौघविघातिनं जिनं नत्वा।। . .. वक्ष्यामि मुखविबोधां पाक्षिकसूत्रस्य वृत्तिमहं ॥१etc. Ends.- fol. 630 ... एवं च पडिळमणकालं तुलिरलं)ति जहा पडिक्कमंताणं । शुइअवसाणे चेव पडिलेहणवेला भवइ ति॥ समाप्ता चेयं शास्त्रानुसारिणी पक्षप्रतिक्रमणवृत्तिरिति ॥ छ । 'चंद्रकुलांबरशशिनो भन्यांबुजबोधनकदिनपतयः । गुणगणरत्नसमुद्रा आसन श्रीवीरगणिमिश्राः ॥१॥ Page #558 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1152.] ये च १ 2 IV. 4 Mūlasutras शुद्धध्यानजलापनीतकलिलाः सज्ज्ञानदीपालया निःसंगव्रतभारधारणरतास्तीत्रे तपस्युद्यताः ग्रीष्मे वातपवेदनं गुरुतरं जेतुं सदोपस्थिता । हेमंतेषु च शार्वरं हिमभवं (रं) सोढुं सदा निश्वलाः ॥ २ ॥ श्रीचंद्रसूरिनामा तेषां शिष्यो बभूव गुणराशिः । आनंदित भव्यजनः शंसितसंशुद्ध सिद्धांतः ॥ 'कलि' कालदुर्लभानां गुणरत्नानां निधाम (टेन ) मनवयं । समयावदातबुद्धिस्तथा परो देवचंद्रगणिः । 'श्री[:] २ चंद्रनामसूरेः पादपंकज सेविना हृब्धेयं प्रस्तुता वृत्तिः श्रीयशोदेवसूरिणा ॥ ५ " गंभीत ( र?) मेतदाकर्षे निवोहशक्तिरस्ति मम दक्षा || नापीह संप्रदायः सम्यग्बहवश्व पाठगमाः ॥ ६ शास्त्रानुसारात्सुखबोधपाठे (ठै) रात्मीयशक्त्या विवृतं तथापि । यच्चेह किंचि. It ends thus abruptly. Reference. — Published. See No. 1143. पाक्षिकसूत्रवृत्ति No. 1152 For additional Mss. see G. O. Series vol. XXI (pp. 8, 18 and 35) and Limbdi Catalogue No. 1546. For a palm-leaf Ms. of the commentary styled as " पक्षप्रतिक्रमणवृत्तिः” see the Pattana Catalogue (vol. I, p. 310): 66 [J. L. P.] Size— rr in. by 44 in. Extent. - 78 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin, grey and brittle; Devanagarī characters with qua; bold, big, legible and very good ' श्री श्रीचंद्र' इति । In the printed edition we have: 46 521 गम्भीरमेतदा न चोहने शक्तिरस्ति मम दक्षा " Pākṣikasutravṛtti 168. 1873-74. Page #559 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy 522 [us. hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. 26-35,48,49,54-66 and 70-75 very grey; edges of some of the foll. somewhat damaged; corners of one and all the foll. badly worn out; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. 1a; condi tion fair; complete. Age.-Samvat ISI9. Begins.-fol. b जै नमः सरस्वत्यै ॥ शिवशमैकनिमित्तं etc. as in No. IISI. Ends.- fol. 770 एवं च पडिक्कमणकालं तु etc. up to j० ३१०० as in No. IISS. This is followed by the lines as under :संवत् १५१९ वर्षे श्रावण शुदि ८ शनिवारे लिषितं । इति श्रीपाक्षी(क्षि)कसूत्रवृत्तिः समाप्ता ॥ मंत्रिकेलालिखावितं । आंबालिखितं । This is followed by the following lines written in a different hand: 'प्राग्वाट मंत्रिठाकुरसिंहसुतः पुण्यकृज्जयति मंत्री । झबकूदरखनिरत्नं कर्मादेवल्लभः केल्हः॥१॥ यो 'गिरिनारे' यहरदुर्गोत्तुंगत्रिदेवकुलिकानां । कारयिता चा('s)हमदनगरोत्तमधर्मशालायाः।२॥ पंडितपदप्रतिष्ठादेवालयपंचकादिकारयिता । सकलविबुधवेषार्पणसाधर्मिकसमहभक्तिकरः । ३॥ . श्री..' सूरीश्वरोपदेशेन तेन सिद्धांतं । लेखयताऽलेखि प्रतिरेषा रसशशितिथिमिते(s)ब्दे । ४॥ This is followed in a still different hand by the verse as under: श्रीमद् बृहत्तप'नाथश्रीसूरसुंदरगुरूणां । शिष्यो(s)वाचयदेतां प्रतिमसमा समयमाणिक्यः। ५॥ N. B.- For further particulars see No, ILSI. - 1 Letters are gone since the folio is worn out. 1519. Page #560 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ It33.] IV. 4 Malasatras 523 पाक्षिकसूत्रवृत्ति Pākşikasūtravrtti No. 11.53 764. 1899-1915. Size.- 12] in. by 4t in. Extent. — 49 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper rough and greyish; Devanagari cha. racters%3 bold, big, clear and good hand-writing: borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used ; yellow pigment, too ; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged; on fol. I we have पत्र ३८ अंतोर्मध्यविचार ॥१, पत्र४पाक्षीविचार २ written ; otherwise it is blank ; condition tolerably good; complete ; composed in Samvat 1180; extent 2700 ślokas. Age.- Fairly old. 3egins.- fol. 10 अहे नमः शिवशमैकनिमित्ता(तं) etc. as in No. IISI. Ends.-fol. 496 एवं पडिकमण etc. up to ग्रंथमानतः॥ ११॥ as in No. IISS. This is followed by the lines as under: ग्रंथानं २७०० । आगमिकश्रीअमरसिंहसूरिभिरलिख्यते । पज्जूजसणे चउमासे पंक्खि य पवमीस नायव्वा । ताउ तिहिउ जासिं उडयउ सुरो न अनाओ॥१॥ दशाश्रुतस्कंध भाष्यते । इति पाक्षिकसूत्रटाकिा संपूर्णा. Then in a different band we have :इत्याद्या ससूत्रा वृत्तिल) ३१०० । श्रीयशोदेवमूरिभिः कृता । संबत् ११८०० वर्षे 'अणहल्लपाटके नगरे वृत्ति कृता N. B.- For further particulars see No. IISI. Page #561 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 227. see Jaina Literature and Philosophy पाक्षिकसूत्रवृत्ति Pākşikasūtravrtti No. 1154 1902-1907. Size.—101 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 63 folios; Is lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper whitish and cough ; Devanāgari cha • racters with पृष्ठमात्राs; bold, big, legible and good hand writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; toll. numbered twice as usual; fol. IN blank; foll. 55 to 60 slightly worm-eaten ; condition tolerably good ; complete; extent 2700 ślokas. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.-fol. rb ॐ नमः सरस्वत्यै । शिवशमैकनिमित्तं etc. as in No. IISI. Ends.-fd एवं च पडिक्कमण etc. up to विक्रमाद्गतः as in No. IISS.. This is followed by the lines as under वे सहस्रे शतैरधिकैः सप्तभिग्रंथमानतः ॥ याव लवण समुद्रो यावच्चनक्षत्रमंष्टितो 'मेस(रुः)। यावच्चंद्रादित्यौ तावविदं पुस्तकं जयतु ॥ श्री ॥ ग्रंथा २७०० छ ॥ etc. - N. B.--For further particulars see No. IISI. पाक्षिकसूत्रवृत्ति Pākşikasūtravrtti ___1203. No. 1155 1887-91. Size.— 134 in. by 54 in. Extent.- 57 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Page #562 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ jess. 1 N. 4 Malasatras 525 Description.-- Country paper thin and tough; Devanagari characters with occasional TS; bold, big, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in two thick red lines; the interlinear space coloured yellow; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; the first fol. slightly torn; foll. 6 to 17 somewhat worm-eaten ; so are the foll. 31 to 42; condition tolerably fair; complete; unnumbered sides decorated with a small pattern in the centre, whereas the numbered, in the margins, too ; extent : 310o slokas ; composed in Samvat 1180. Age.-- Pretty old. Begins. fol. 1 ॐ नमः सरस्वत्यै ॥ शिवम्कनिमित्तं etc. as in No. 11gt. Ends- fol. 572 एवं च पडिकमण etc. up to विवृतं तथापि as in No. 111. This is followed by the lines as under : use किंचितिथं निबद्धं तत्रास्तु मिथ्या मम दुःकृतं हि ॥ ७ ॥ 'अणहिलपाटक 'नगरे सौषणिकनोमचंद्रसत्कायां । वरषौषधशालालां(यां) राज्ये जयसिंहभूपस्य । ८| विशारदैः सूरिवरैर्बिहारिभि विशोधिता यत्नपरायणैरियं तथापि यनाधिकं पदं तच्छोधिनीयं कुशलैः कृपापदैः ॥ ९ ॥ शुभाशयवशाच्चेह यन्मया सुकृतं कृतं तेन भूयान्ममाभ्यासः सर्वदैव जिनागमे ॥ १० ॥ एकादशशतै (तै) रचिकैरशीत्या विक्रमागतैः । त्रीणि श्लोकसहस्राणि शतैकं ग्रंथमानतः ॥ ११ ॥ ग्रंथाग्रं ३१०० शुभं भवतु ॥ छ ॥ छ ॥ N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 1151. Page #563 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 526 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (1156. पाक्षिकसूत्रवृत्ति Pākşikasūtravrtti No. 1156 1283 1891-95. Size.—144 in. by rg in. Extent. 259-2=257 leaves ; 3 to 4 lines to a leaf ; 44 letters to a line. Description.-- Palm-leaf durable and greyish; Jaina Devanāgari characters with SAETTS; big, legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; this Ms. presents an appearance of the work having been written in two separate columns; but, really speaking, it is not so; for, the lines of the first column extend to the second ; borders of each of the columns ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; leaves numbered in both the margins; in the right-hand one as 8,4, etc. and in the left-hand one as e etc.; the first two leaves missing; the leaf placed before the fourth is taken here to be the third ; but since the marginal portions etc. are worn out, it is difficult to ascertain its real number; almost half the part of several leaves worn out; condition unsatisfactory; leat 2596 blank ; leaves 1276 and 128* illegible, ink having faded ; an extra blank leaf at the end; a hole almost in the centre of each leaf through which a red string passes ; leaves are placed between two wooden boards. Age.-- Samvat 1275. Begins.--leaf 3b (?) tarta TOTENT FIHURTA Per I 349 ATAT Tat: ay halat sorat a gli AT.......good etfa şi abia for etc. Ends.-leaf 258 एवं च पडिक्कमण etc. up to विवृतं तथापि as in No. 1151. This is followed by the lines as under : पञ्चेहं किंचिदितथं निबद्ध तत्रास्तु मिथ्या मम हुम्लतं हि ॥ ७॥ 'अणहिलपाटक नगरे सौवर्णिणकनोमिचंद्रसत्कायं( यां) परपौषधशालायां राज्ये जयसिंहभूपस्य ॥८॥ Page #564 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ -157.] IV. 4. Malasatras 527 विशारदैः सूरिवरै[:]वि(वि)हारिभि विशोधिता यत्र परायणैरियं ... ... शीलकृपापरैः ॥ ९ ॥ शुभाशयवशाह यन्मया सुकृतं कृतं तेन भूयान्ममाभ्यासः सर्वदेव जिना... एकादशशतैरधिकरशीत्या विक्रमादतः । हे सहस्र शतरधिके सप्तभिधमानतः॥ छ । संवत १२७५ वर्षे कार्तिकशदि ५ युरो अोह श्रीम('दणहिलपाटके' पूज्यश्रीकुलप्रभसूरियोग्या ठक्कर आशापाल ठ० सूहदेव्याः सुतया सूमलभाविकया पाक्षिकसूत्रवृत्तिपुस्तिका लेखिता' ॥ छ । शिवाय भवतु ॥ छ । etc. N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 1151. पाक्षिकसूत्रावचूरि Pāksikasūtrāvacuri No. 1157 214. 1871-72. Size.— 104 in. by 4; in. Extent.— 6 folios ; 23.lines to a page ; 70 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; very small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; edges of the 6th fol. slightly damaged ; con dition on the whole good; red chalk used; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- A small commentary on the Päkşikasūtra based upon the bigger commentary by Yaśobhadrasüri. Begins.- fol. I' तित्थं चशब्दादतीतानागतादीन् । तीर्थ विभक्तिव्यत्ययात् । पाठांतरतो वा तित्थं ति। etc. __1 If this is to be taken as लिखिता meaning ' written', then this is a Ms. written by a female. For a Ms. of Malayagiri Suri's com. on Avassaya written by a bravika named Rupade, see Jainacitrakalpadruma (Punyavijayaji's article, p, 53 foot-note 70). Page #565 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 528 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 1157. Ends. fol. rh इह भगवंतमिति शेषः । गुरव नित्थार० निस्तारकाः संसारसमुद्राबिजप्रतिज्ञाया वा पारगाः संसारसमुद्रतीरगामिनो भवत यूयमित्याशीर्वचनं ॥ छ ॥ इति श्रीपाक्षिकसूत्रावचूरिः ॥ श्रीचंद्र सूरिशिष्य श्री यशोभद्रसूरिकृतवृत्तितो लिखिता ॥ छ ॥ ग्रंथाग्र ६२९ Reference. In the Limbdi Catalogue there are two Mss. of ferसूत्रावचूरि one of which is anonymous and the other by Balacandra. Their Nos. are 1548 and 1549 respectively. पाक्षिकसूत्र अवचूरिसहित No. 1158 Age. Fairly old. Author of the avacuri.- Not mentioned. Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 4 folios; 13 to 14 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description. Country paper very thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent gas; small, legible, uniform and good hand-writing; this is a q Ms., the commentary written in a very very small handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; condition very good; the text complete; but the avacuri ends abuptly, on fol 3b; this Ms. contains an additional work viz. qfar which commences on fol. 4b and ends on the same fol. 4b; it is described as No. 958. - رو Pākṣikasūtra with avacuri Subject. The text with a small commentary in Sanskrit. Begins. (text) fol. ra - 1282 (a). 1891-95. तिथंकरे य तिथे etc. - - (com) fol. 14 अर्हत्प्रवचनानुसारिसाधवः सावययोगनिवृत्ता अध्यनाभोगादिनोत्पन्नस्य मूलो...... स्यातिचारजातस्य विशोधनार्थ etc. Page #566 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I159.] ..IV. 4 Malasatras 529 Ends.- ( text ) fol. 4 इमं वाइ दुवालसंगं गणिपिडगं भगवंतं संमं कापण फासंति पालंति पूरंति तीरंति किटृति संमं आणाए आराहति अहं व नाराहामि तस्स मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं ॥ छ । इति पाक्षिकं ।। -,, -(com.) fol. 30 एवं नवणेण भवियव ति ।।.८॥ पृथिव्यप्तेजोवायुवन......निचतु पंचेंद्रियभेदात् ॥ . . नवबं नवब्रह. This ends thus abruptly. Reference.- For description of a Ms. having the. text and an anonymous avacūri see Keith's Catalogue No. 7505. See also G.O. Series, vol.XXI, p. 35, No. 275:(4). पाक्षिकसूत्रावचूर्णि Pākṣikasūtrāvacūrņi No. 1159 ___1182(b). 1884-87. Extent.- fol. 14s to fol. 22°. Description.- Complete. For other details see No. 728. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- A small commentary in Sanskrit on Paksikashtra. Begins.- fol. 14° 3 नत्वोमः श्रीसुधर्मस्वामिने। - तित्थंक० चशब्दो(s)तीतानागतादितीर्थभेदसंग्रहार्थ etc. Ends.-fol. 22* श्रुतदेवतास्तुतिमाह । सुअ० श्रुताधिष्ठात्री देवता श्रुतदेवता भवति च श्रुताधिष्ठात्री ।। यदुक्तं कल्पभाष्ये सल्लं च लकखणोवेयं समहिटुंति देवया । सुत्तं तु लकखणोवेयं तेणं सवन्नभासि ॥१॥ पाक्षिकसूत्रावचूर्णि(:) समाप्ता । Reference.- See Nos. II57-1158. Page #567 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1160. 530 : पाक्षिकसूत्रावचूरि Pāksikasūtrāvacūri No. 1160 1285. 1886-92. Size.-- 10.1 in. by 44 in. Extent.- Io folios ; 19 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanāgari cha racters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; bold, small, clear and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; edges of foll. 9 and 10 partly torn; condition tolerably good; complete; extent 1000 Slokas. Age.- Pretty old. Author:- Not mentioned. Subject.- A small commentary on the Paksikasutra. Begins.-fol. !" तित्थंकरे तीर्थकरांश्चशब्दादतीतानागतादितीर्थान् । तीर्थ जिन प्रवचनं तदाधारत्वाञ्चतुर्वर्णसंधश्च । etc. Ends.- fol. 10° इहाचार्यवचनं नित्थारगपारगा होह । निस्तारकाः संसारसमुद्रात प्राणानां पारगाः संसारसमुद्रतीरगामिनो भवंतु यूयमित्याशीर्वचनमिति ॥ ४॥ इति पाक्षिकसूत्रस्यावचूरिः समाप्तः । छ । etc. श्रेयोऽत्र श्रीश्रमणसंघस्य । यादृशं etc. लेषकडाहालिषितं । 'सेनापूर'वास्तव्यः । लेषक etc. Then in a different hand we have : ग्रंथांक १०००॥ Reference.- See No. IIS7-1158. Page #568 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _