Jaina Literature and Philosophy
Ends.-- fol. 21 इति श्रीतिलकाचार्यविरचिता श्लोकशतवयप्रमाणा श्रावक
प्रतिक्रमणसूत्रवृत्तिः ॥ २०० ग्रंथाग्रं ॥छ । मंगलं महाश्रीः ॥ शुभं भवतु
लेखकपाठकयोः ॥ कल्याणं भवतु कृतीनां ॥ N. B.-- For reference see No. 931.
bālāvabodha No. 933
1892-95. Size.- Ion in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 18 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper rough, tough and white; Devanāgari
characters; big, clear and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only; the numbered sides have a small design in red colour at least in the centre; condition excellent; this Ms. contains the
प्रतीकs of the text; complete. Age.-- Old. Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject.-- An explanation in Gujarāti of the Vandittusūtra, based
upon the commentary composed on it by Śricandra Sūri. Begins.-- fol. I" ५ ६०॥ वंदित्तु सब्बसिद्धे । इत्यादि । बंदित्त वांदी करी | etc. Ends.- fol. 18° इति श्रीचंद्रसरिकृतमहार्थश्राद्धप्रतिक्रमणवृत्त्यनुसारेण वंदित्त
बालावबोधः समाप्तः । श्रेयसे(5)स्तु लेखकवाचकयोः । Reference.-- For an anonymous bālāvabodha see Limbļi Catalogue
___No. 2618.