1. 4 Malasätras
Uttarādhyayanasūtra अक्षरार्थलवलेशसहित
with aksarārthalavalesa
847. No. 669
1895-1902. Size.- Ingin. by 4 in. Extent.— 132 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 54 letters to a line.
Description.-Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jaina Deva
nāgari characters with HATTIS; small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin only ; unnumbered sides have a small disc in red colour, in the centre only; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; fol. 1a blank; each of the foll. rb and 22 has an illustration of a Jina in various colours ; edges of of the first two foll. slightly damaged ; several foll. more or less worm-eaten; some very badly; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 1325; condition on the whole fair ; both the text and the commentaries complete.
Age.- Pretty old. Author of the akşarārthalavaleśa.— Not mentioned. Subject.-- The text in Präkrit together with its elucidation in
Sanskrit and Gujarāti as well. Begins.- ( text ) fol. 1b FA: HTTT 11
FTTT lagaF etc., as in No. 644. „ - ( com. ) fol. 1b PaT: lãad urg: Gurih etc.
„ – (Guj. com. ) fol. 15 pares her arag etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 1325 grat qr3* etc. , up to at as in No. 668. ,, -- (com.), „ gra gara gerasta up to para ser !!
etc., practically as in No. 667 followed by the lines as under: