III. 4 Mülasutras
Avasyakasütraniryukti लघुवृत्तिसहित
with laghuvrtti No. 1081
1887-91. Size.-- Iog in. by 4g in. Extent.- 210-2 - 15 - 2 - 10 - 34 - 1-4-9- 16 = IIT folios;
17 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and greyish; Devanagari
characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, clear and good hand-wri. ting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; fol. !" blank ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. 4, 5, 9 to 23,61, 66,69 to 78,86 to 119, 126, 130 to 133, 136 to 144, and 165 to 180 lacking; this Ms. contains the
niryukti and its commentary as well ; both complete; ......edges of the first fol. partly worn out%3; condition good.
... fol. 2100 gives a sort of a long list of the contents... -Age.-Old. Author of the text.-Bhadrabahusvāmin.
, ,, ,, com.- Sritilaka Suri. Subject. -- The text along with a commentary in Sanskrit. Begins.- (text) fol. 10
आभिणिबोहियनाणं सुयनाणं चेव उहिनाणं च ।..
तह मणपज्जवनाणं केवलनाणं च पंचमयं । १॥ etc.. ,, - (com.) fol. r" ए ६॥ ॐ नमः श्रीपंचपरमेष्टिभ्यः ॥ ..
देवः श्रीनाभिसूनुर्जनयतु स शिवान्यंशदेशे यदीये:
खेलंती कुंतलाली विलसदालिकुशप्रोज्ज्वला शालते स्म। ... संजाते संयमश्रीपरिणयनविधौ मांगालिक्ये त्रिलोकीलक्ष्म्या दूर्वोकुराणां ततिरिष पतितो दस्तहस्तद्वयाग्रात् । १॥ etc. तथाप्यत्यल्पधीहेतोरल्पधीरप्यहं पुनः। रचयिष्याम्य वृत्तिमुत्तानार्थ लघीयसीं ॥१२॥ etc.