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Jaina Literature and Philosophy [1107. विशेषावश्यकभाष्य
Višeşāvasyakabhāsya वृत्तिसहित
with vrtti No. 1107
1887-91. Size.-- 122 in. by 48 in. Extent.— 407 + 2 - 1 - 2 = 406 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 64
letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and grey ; Devanāgari characters
with qehers; big, bold, beautiful and legible hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; space between the two pairs coloured red; red chalk used; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. 18; same is the case with the 407 ( last ) fol. ; unnumbered sides have a small circular disc in red colour in the centre, whereas the numbered, in the two margins also; small strips of paper pasted to foll. 2,5, 56 and 10o; edges of the foll. 1-7, 19-20, 53, 115-120, 136, 117-150, 179, 203-211 and 391 more or less worn out; foll. 4 and 188 partly torn; fol. 245 badly burnt and foll. 56, 74, 100, 188 and 264 slightly; condition tolerably good; foll. 11s and 268 repeated; fol. 228 is lacking ; fol. 278 etc. up to 399 seem to be mistaken for 378, 379 etc. up to 399; these wrongly numbered foļl. 378,379 etc. and the rightly numbered toll. 300 etc up to 403 also numbered in the same margin as I, 2 etc.; the zooth fol. is rightly numbered; the preceding, of course, wrongly numbered as 399; the fol. 331 also numbered as 332 and 333, the subsequent ones
hence numbered as 334, 335 etc. Age.- Seems to be fairly old. Author of the commentary-Maladhārin Hemacandra Sūri, pupil of
Abhayadeva Súri. For his works etc. see No. 1099. Subject.— The text along with its Sanskrit commentary. Begins.- (text) fol. rb
54974o etc. as in No. 1103.