Jaina Literature and Philosophy . [1097: आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति
laghuvịtti No. 1097
Size.— 104 in. by 4} in. Extent.-- 152 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 54 letters to a line. Description. -Country paper tough and grey; Devanagari cha
racters with occasional gears; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; nos. for foll. entered only once, and that, too, just in the right-hand corner, at the end of the fol. ; almost all foll. more or less worm-eaten ; condition poor ; cloth-bound; two foll. preceding the Ist and two following the last blank ; they bear the stamp of the Elphinstone College Library ; fol. 1526 blank ; com
plete'; extent 13000 ślokas. Age.-- Fairly old. Author.-- Not known. Subject.-- A commentary in Sanskrit to the niryukti on Avaśyaka
Begins.'- fol. I' प्रेक्षावतां प्रवृत्त्यर्थ आदौ प्रयोजनादिकमपन्यसनीयमन्यथा न
युक्तोऽमावश्यकभारंभप्रयासो निःप्रयोजनत्वात कंटकशाखामईनवत् निरभिधेयत्वात् काकदंतपरीक्षावत् असंबद्धत्वात् वश दाडिमानि इत्यादि
वाक्यवत् etc. Ends.-fol. 152* सव्वे ० । तत्सर्वनयविशुद्ध सर्वनयसंमतं वचनं यच्चरणगुणस्थितः
साधुः यस्मात् सर्वनया भावनिक्षेपमिच्छति ॥ ७५ __इति श्रीआवश्यके ना लघुव्रत्तैः । छः । etc. ग्रंथानं १३००० छ etc.
__ 1 The opening lines may be compared with those of No. 1094.