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III. 4 Malasairas आवश्यकसूत्रनियुक्ति ... ... Avasyakasatrantryukti No. 1007
1871-72. Size:- 101 in. by 4g in. Extent.—63 folios; 15 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanāgari
characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red . ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; the last fol. wrongly numbered as 64; it is really 63rd; notes occasionally written in the margins; complete ; extent 3100 ślokas;
condition very good ; yellow pigment used; fol. 63° blank. Age.-- Old. Begins. - fol. !" ५ ६० ॥ २
जयइ जगजीवजोणीवियो(?या)णउ जगगुरु जगाणंदो।'
जगनाहो जगबंधु । जयइ जगापयामहो भयवं । २ Ends.- fol 63...
सव्वेसि पि नयाणं वहुविहवत्तव्वयं निसामित्ता।
तं सव्वनयविसुद्धं जं चरणगुणट्रिओ साहू ॥ ७१॥...........! इति पञ्चक्खाणनिज्जुत्ती सम्मत्ता ॥ ६॥ समाप्ता॥षविधावश्यकनियुक्ति
॥छ ।। इति ग्रंथाग्रं श्लोक ३१००॥ छ ॥ - यादृशं etc. up to दोषो न दीयते १ N. B.- For other details see No. 1002.
आवश्यकसूत्र नियुक्ति ... .....Avasyakasutraniryukti No. 1008.
... 1895-1902.! Size.— 111 in. by 44 in? Extent.-44-2 = 42 folios ; 17 lines to a page; 75 letters to a
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