Uvavaiya Suttam Su: 14
'अस्थिर पदार्थों को वस्त्र पर लगी हुई रज के सदश झाड़ कर, हिरण्य-रूपा, "सुवर्ण-सोने के गढ़े हुए आभूषण, धन-गायें आदि, धान्य, बल-चतुरंगिणी सेना, वाहन, कोश-खजाना, धान्य भण्डार, राज्य, राष्ट्र, नगर, अन्तःपुर, प्रचुर सम्पत्ति का परित्याग कर, सोना, रत्न, मणि, मुक्ता, शंख, शिलाप्रवाल, विद्रुम, मुंगें, लाल रत्न, आदि वितरण द्वारा सुप्रकाशित कर-दान योग्य व्यक्तियों को प्रदान कर, मुण्डित होकर अगार-गृहस्थ जीवन से अनगार-श्रमण जीवन में दीक्षित हुए, कइयों को दीक्षित हुए. अर्धमास, कइयों को एक मास, दो मास, तीन मास, चार मास, पाँच मांस, छ: मास, सात मास, आठ मास, नौ मास, दश मास और ग्यारह मास हुए, कइयों को दीक्षित हुए एक वर्ष, कइयों को प्रवजित हुए दो वर्ष, कइयों को तीन वर्ष तथा कइयों को दीक्षित हुए अनेक वर्ष हुए थे ॥१४॥
In that period, at that time, śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra had many disciples who practised restraint and penance. They belonged to diverse Ksatriya lines like the Ugras, Bhojas, Rajanyas, Jhatrs, Kurus, and many others. Besides, there were many others, bards, army commanders, teachers of religion, business men and men of wealth who came of high maternal and paternal lines, who had a beautiful frame, humility, knowledge, wholesome tinge, grace, valour, good
luck and lustre, who had affluence in wealth and grains, in " growing families, who had an excess of .comfort for their
sense-organs bestowed by the monarch, who could enjoy pleasures at their discretion, and who were actually enjoying life. Many such persons, having realised that material pleasures were like the poisonous kimpáka fruit,' having understood that the span ot life was no bigger than that of a bubble on the surface of water or a dew-drop on the kusa tip, threw out their transcient afi uence like dust deposited on cloth dis• carded their treasures of silver, gold, animals, grains, army, -vehicles, cash, granneries, state, kingdom, districts, harems,
fourfold wealth like ganima, etc., bullion, gems, jewels, pearls, • conches, corals, etc., and joined the holy order as monks. Some