On the variant readings in AVS 3 12 as noțed in Saya na-bhāşyaḥ
घरुण्य ऽसि शाले वृहच्छन्दाः पूतिधान्या । आ त्वा वत्सो गमेदा कुमार आ धेनवः सायमास्पन्दमाना: ।।
Sā reads a syandamānāḥ. Following AVS one can translate the verse as, 'O house, you are sustainer. heaving a big roof, rich in grains. May he calf come to you, the young child and cows streaming in inthe evening." If Sā is followed, the verse means,' 'O house, you are the supporter of all beings, baving an ample roof, rich in grains. To you may come calf sons etc; and milch cows oozing out milk in the evening.'2
Now, the Pp reads a spändamānāḥ and the reciters of the AV also are reported3 to recite aspandamanāḥ. It must not be forgotten that the reciters are very meticulous about their tradition. S.P. Pandit shows that many mss read aspandamānāḥ. Whitney thinks asyandamanāḥ to bo better and more correct reading and aspandamanāḥ to be bad.4 He accepts ds yandao only because sänkbāyana Grhya Sūtra 3.2 has :
'enām, Sifuḥ Brandaty i kumāra a syandantām dhenavo nityavatsaḥ.' The reading in AVP is currupt and therefore we do not have to consider it.
We have already noted that among various ancillary texts on the ancient text of the AV, the mss, the recitation and the mss of the Pp are to be considered as more reliable. We cannot therefore consider the reading of the gļya sūtras of the other Vedas as more authentic than these sources which should determine the readings either of AVS or AVP. Therefore we should not discard the reading aspandamanāḥ. The reading asyandamänäh makes the difference of meaning. (cf. Sā's comment-note 2). According to him, asyandamanāḥ is a description of the cows, that are oozing out, milk. I believe, this is rather an overdoing. Syand to flow is understood in the causative sense ( antarbhävitanyartha ) and requires one to supply the subject, viz. milk. On the other hand, V Spand- 'to stream forth' 'to run' may better indicate the 'hastening' return of the çows towards hame, at the evening. It is not impelling to read much more than that, as Sā does. Perhaps, Sā's reading can be due to the bad scribe of the Ms which he had before him. (cf. Note No.2 ).
Then in verse 5
मानस्य पत्नि शरणा स्योना देवी देवेमिनिमितास्यग्रे । तृणं वसाना सुमना असस्त्वमथास्मभ्यं सहवीर रयिं दाः ॥
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