Neelinea Mone
Therefore, when we examine these variant readings, we shall have to rely on the Samhita itself, if any where else it has the same word and the m3 evidence recorded in the editions should be considered as of more reliable help. Next to it should come the Pp, both edited and in the ms and oral tradition. It can be taken as much more reliable than any other later text, since it is chronologically nearmost to the traditional AVS recensic n. Our next source is the text of AVP, but it is unfortunately so much corrupt and distorted that it very rarely proves helpful. Therefore, we should seek help from the available AVP text when the Pp does not offer any. The two Sutras also can be used only in cases of otherwise insoluble or problematic places, ie where no other source yields any plausible solution.
We will take up, as examples, the cases cf Sayana's (Sa) readings in AVS 111.12 (AVP 3.20). This hymn deals with the construction of a house. AVS recension has rine verses in this hymn, while the position of this hymn in AVP is rather confused! From the tenor of the hymn it appears that the whole of it has been the result of various handling of its Mantras. Sa has reported many variant readings while he commented on this hymn. While examining these readings, we shall have to consider the text, the Pp., the AVP reading where available, the Kau. Su and Vai Su and other sources for any possible help. But mostly we shall fix our attertion on the text itself. Keeping in view the tenor of the hymn, we must think of the correctness or otherwise of the variant readings. These readings are:
(i) in verse 3 (sayam) äsyandamānāḥ in the Place of (sayam) aspandamanah of AVS.1
(ii) in verse 5 (devi devebhir) nirmită (asi) in place of (o) nirmita (asi) of AVS
(iii) in verse 6 marzan in the Place of ma risan of AVS
(iv) in varia 7 kumbhah in the place of kumbhaḥ of AVS and kalasah in the Place of kalasaib
(v) in verse 8 ( imām) patrim in the place of ( imam ) pätyn of AVS (vi) in the same verse Samindhi in the place of Samangdhi
Let us turn to these readings one by one.
3.1 in the first place in verse 3 which runs as
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