BENDER: THE NALARĀYADAVADANTICARITA (TRANS. AMER. PHIL. SOC. (119), uchahi (176). pachai (267) (cf. S pacchai). line; eleven in the first half-lines of the second and Compare Skt. сh which is always a double consonant. third lines and fifteen in the second half-lines; and
The meters are rhymed, the last two syllables of a thirteen in the first half-line and fifteen in the second word ending a half-line or line rhyming with the last half-line of the fourth and fifth. This meter occurs two syllables of a word at the end of a following half- nine times in stanzas 5, 16, 43, 157, 158, 168, 169, 292, line or line. The rhyme schemes are given in the and 293. following discussion of the meters.
6. Vivāhaladhāla. The meters are:
This is a two-lined meter. Each line is of two parts, 1. Caupai.
the first half-line rhyming with the second. The This is employed one-hundred and thirty times. It count seems to be thirteen for the first and fifteen for consists of two lines, each line of two half-lines or the second half-line. See stanzas 91 to 99. fifteen morae, each. The first half-line rhymes with 7. Rāgarājavallabha. the second, and the third with the fourth. The fol- This meter consists of two lines, the first half-line lowing are the caupai-stanzas: 6, 7, 44, 100, 112-123, rhyming with the second. The count per half-line 136-147, 159, 160, 169-186, 211-218, 222-244, 257- seems to be sixteen morae. See stanzas 250 to 256. 277, 279-291, 302–318. Compare Kellogg, Grammar 8. Thavani. of the Hindi Language, $ 982.
This is a four-lined meter, the first and third lines 2. Dūhā or dūhau.
consisting of two parts, each having sixteen (?) morae. In addition to the thirty-seven occurrences, there The second and fourth lines have thirteen morae. are seven in which this meter is doubled-i.e., consists The first half-line rhymes with the second in the first of four, instead of two lines. Each line is divided into and third lines. The second line rhymes with the two half-lines, the first half-line having thirteen morae, fourth. See stanzas 320 and 321. With the excepthe second eleven. The first line rhymes with the tion of stanza 319 of B which has been divided into second. The following are dūhā-stanzas: 21, 25, three stanzas, 319 and 322 consist of two of the above 67-71, 108-111, 124-127, 161, 188-197, 219-221, 233, described meters. 245-249, 278, and 301. Compare Kellogg, op. cit. 9. Ghāta. $ 982; and H. D. Velankar, Chandassekhara of Raja- This consists of two bipartite lines, the first half-line Sekhara Kavi, in the Journal of the Bombay Branch of
auch of of each having eight morae and the second thirteen. the Royal Asiatic Society 22, 1946, dohaka, No. 76
to The first line rhymes with the second. The meter under IV Ardhasamacatuşpadi.
occurs once in stanza thirty. Compare. Kellogg, op.
cit., 8990; and Velankar, op. cit., ghatta, No. 138 3. Drūpada.
under IV Ardhasamacatuspadi. This meter, which occurs thirty-seven times, is not
10. Dhuridūhā. clear to me. In stanzas 8-14, 15, 45-54, 101-107 it is
The general scheme of this seems to be a two-lined similar to the caupai both in mora-count per half-line
meter, each line having twenty-five morae. The first and in the rhyme-schemei.e., it consists of two bi- hai: ne may have thirteen morae, the second twelve, partite lines, each half-line having fifteen morae. The as in stanza 1 and, perhaps, stanza 17; or the line may first two half-lines rhyme, and the second two half- fall into two parts, each of fourteen and eleven morae, lines rhyme. In stanzas 199-210 it seems to follow respectively. See stanzas 2, 3, and 4. The first line the scheme of the dūhā (q.v.).
of each stanza rhymes with the second. Stanzas 4. Amcali.
eighteen to twenty consist of two of these, the first This consists of two lines, each bipartite. The first line rhyming with the second and the third with the line rhymes with the second. Each half-line seems to fourth. contain thirteen morae. The meter occurs in these 11. Jhāmbațādhāla. stanzas: 58-66, and 129-135.
This appears to be a two lined meter, the first half5. Vastu.
line generally having thirteen and the second nine This consists of five lines which, with the exception morae. The first line rhymes with the second. See of the first, are bipartite. The second line rhymes stanzas 148 to 156 and 198. with the third, and the fourth with the fifth. The I have not been able to reach any conclusion on the mora-count appears to be thus: nineteen in the first remaining two meters, the dhāla and the ūlāladhāla.