Book Title: Bruhat Samayik Pratikraman Path
Author(s): Subhashchand Jain, Mahendrakumar Jain
Publisher: Akhil Bharatvarshiya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad

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Page 17
________________ SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN "vyatikram", tendency towards sensual pleasures is "atichar"-violation of religious rules and conduct and to indulge beyond limit in sensual pleasures is misconduct- "anachar". यदर्थमात्रापदवाक्यहीनं, मया प्रमादाद्यदि किञ्चनोक्तम् । तन्मे क्षमित्वा विदधातु देवी, सरस्वती केवलबोधलब्धिम्॥१०॥ yadarthama:tra:padava:kyahi:nam, maya: prama:da:dyadi kinchanoktam. tanme ksamitva: vidadha:tu devi:, sarasvati: kevalabodhalabdhim..10.. Eng. Had I explained, stated wrongly any word may the goddess of knowledge-"Jinvani" pardon me for my sinful deeds and bless me with supreme knowledge-omniscience-"keval gyan". बोधिः समाधिः परिणामशुद्धिः, स्वात्मोपलब्धि: शिवसौख्यसिद्धिः । चिन्तामणिं चिन्तितवस्तुदाने, त्वां वंद्यमानस्य ममास्तु देवि॥११॥ bodhih sama:dhih parina:mashuddhih, svartmopalabdhih shivasaukhyasiddhih. chinta:manim chintitavastuda:ne, tva:m vandyama:nasya mama:stu devi.. 11.. Eng. O Goddess! You are like wish yielding gem to fulfill the desired wish. I bow to you. May I be blessed with wisdom-perfect knowledge of three jewels-right faith, right knowledge and right conduct, complete concentration upon the soul, बृहत्सामायिक-प्रतिक्रमण पाठ purity of soul and the benefit of realizing the nature of the soul leading to liberation. a: fa hayt-so-de, q: qud HRIARI यो गीयते वेदपुराणशास्त्रैः, स देवदेवो हृदये ममास्ताम्॥१२॥ yah smaryate sarvamuni:ndravrndaih, yah stu:yate sarvanara:marendraih. yo giyate vedapura:nasha:straih, sa devadevo hrdaye mama:sta:m..12.. Eng. May the omniscient Lord be enshrined in my heart. He is revered and worshipped by all the ascetics, emperors and Indras. He is glorified in scriptures, Vedas and Puranas. यो दर्शनज्ञानसुखस्वभावः, समस्तसंसार-विकारबाह्यः । समाधिगम्यः परमात्मसंज्ञः, स देवदेवो हृदये ममास्ताम्॥१३॥ yo darshanajña:nasukhasvabha:vah, samastasamsa:ra-vika:raba:hyah. sama:dhigamyah parama:tmasañjnah, sa devadevo hrdaye mama:sta:m.. 13.. Eng. The omniscient Lord is possessed with infinite perception, infinite knowledge and infinite bliss of conduct. He is free from conduct against nature. He can be experienced by complete concentration through three jewels. May such supreme soul be enshrined in my heart. ( 15 ) ( 16 )


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