Book Title: Bruhat Samayik Pratikraman Path
Author(s): Subhashchand Jain, Mahendrakumar Jain
Publisher: Akhil Bharatvarshiya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad

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Page 63
________________ SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN Eng. Had I hurt any of the living being because of sub stance, space, time and feelings, I sincerely confess, repent apologize and pledge to renounce such activity with the purity of mind, words and body. एइंदिया, बेइंदिया, तेइंदिया, चउरिंदिया, पंचेंदिया, पुढविकाइया, आउकाइया, तेउकाइया, वाउकाइया, वणप्फदिकाइया, तसकाइया, एदेसिं उद्दावणं परिदावणं विराहणं उवघादो कदो वा, कारिदो वा, कीरंतो वा समणुमण्णिदो, तस्स मिच्छा मे दुक्कडं। eindiya:, beimdiya:, teimdiya:, chaurimdiya:, parcherdiya:, pudhavika:iya:, a:uka:iya:, teuka:iya:, va:uka:iya:, vanapphadika:iya:, tasaka:iya:, edesim udda:vanam parida:vana vira:hanam uvagha:do kado va:, ka:rido var, ki:ramto va: samaņumannido, tassa michchha: me dukkadam. बृहत्सामायिक-प्रतिक्रमण पाठ दंसण-वय-सामाइय-पोसह-सचित्त-राइभत्ते य। बंभारंभ-परिग्गह-अणुमणुमुद्दिट्ठ-देसविरदे य॥ एयासु जहाकहिद-पडिमासु पमादाइकयाइचारसोहणटुं छेदोवट्ठावणं, होउ मज्झं। damsana-vaya-sa:ma:iya posaha-sachitta-ra:ibhatte y. bambha:ârambha-pariggaha anumanumuddittha-desavirade y.. eya:su jaha:kahida-padima:su pama:da:ikaya:icha:rasohanattham chhedovatthavanam, hou majjham. Eng. There are eleven stages of a religious householder observing Vows partially, perfectly or in the form of practice. They are:1. "Darshan Pratima':- Stage of observing the vow of affirming right faith in the principles of Jainism and act accordingly. "Vrat Pratima:- Stage of observing twelve vows(5 partial vows, 3 vows enhancing virtues and 4 vows enhancing restraint) 'Sa:ma:yik Pratima' :-Stage of observing ritual of equanimity renouncing the causes of affection and aversion. "Prosodhva:s Pratima':- Stage of observing fast on 8th and 14th of every fortnight and such other days of religious festivals. Eng. Had I killed one sensed, two sensed, three sensed, four sensed, five sensed, earth bodied, water bodied, fire bodied, air bodied, vegetables and mobile beings or got them killed or approved the act of killing or had I hurt/ troubled the said beings or got them hurt or approved them being hurt or had made them handicapped or got them handicapped or approved getting them handicapped and like sinful activities caused pain to the beings, I renounce all such sinful activities. May the effect of such sinful activities done or got done or approved to be done by mind words and body is pacified. (107) (108)


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