Book Title: Bruhat Samayik Pratikraman Path
Author(s): Subhashchand Jain, Mahendrakumar Jain
Publisher: Akhil Bharatvarshiya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad

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Page 20
________________ SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN Eng. State of equanimity (sa:ma:yik) does not require any material seat like rock, grass, ground or wooden- seat. The wise accepts the pure soul as the seat for the state of equanimity that has de stroyed the enemies of senses and passions. न संस्तरो भद्रसमाधिसाधनं, न लोकपूजा न च संघमेलनम्। यतस्ततोऽध्यात्मरतो भवानिशं, विमुच्य सर्वामपि बाह्यवासनाम्॥२३॥ na samstaro bhadrasama:dhisa:dhanam, na lokapu:ja: na cha sanghamelanam. yatastatoAadhya:tmarato bhava:nisham, vimuchya sarva:mapi ba:hyava:sana:m..23.. Eng. O Noble soul! Neither the physical mortifica tion (santha:ra:)nor the worship nor the company of all the four types of devotees is the means of meditation and state of equanimity, hence, be absorbed in the self, giving up all worldly attachments and desires. न सन्ति बाह्या मम केचनार्था, भवामि तेषां न कदाचनाहम्। इत्थं विनिश्चित्य विमुच्य बाह्यं, स्वस्थ: सदा त्वं भव भद्रमुक्त्यै॥२४॥ na santi ba:hya: mama kechana:rtha:, ____bhava:mi tesa:m na kada:chana:ham. ittham vinishchitya vimuchya ba:hyam, svasthah sada: tvam bhava bhadramuktyai..24.. Eng. Nothing in the eternal world except the soul be longs to me nor do I belong to the world, hence, बृहत्सामायिक-प्रतिक्रमण पाठ keeping this in mind every external thing be given up and be absorbed in the self for Liberation. आत्मानमात्मन्यवलोकमानः, त्वं दर्शनज्ञानमयो विशुद्धः । एकाग्रचित्त: खलु यत्र तत्र, स्थितोपि साधुर्लभते समाधिम्॥२५॥ astma:nama:tmanyavalokama:nah, ____tvam darshanajia:namayo vishuddhah. eka:grachittah khalu yatra tatra, sthitopi sa:dhurlabhate sama:dhim..25.. Eng. You are the knower of yourself, you are the em bodiment of perception and knowledge; you are pure. The saint who with full concentration of mind absorbs in himself attains the state of equa nimity. एकः सदा शाश्वतिको ममात्मा, विनिर्मलः साधिगमस्वभावः । बहिर्भवाः सन्त्यपरे समस्ता, न शाश्वताः कर्मभवाः स्वकीयाः॥२६॥ ekah sada: sha:shvatiko mama:tma:, vinirmalah sa:dhigamasvabha:vah. bahirbhava:h santyapare samasta:, na sha:shvata:h karmabhava:h svaki:ya:h..26.. Eng. My soul is eternal, imperishable, pure and em bodiment of clairvoyance. Everything outside the soul is perishable, transient and dependent on karmas. यस्यास्ति नैक्यं वपुषापि सार्द्ध, तस्यास्ति किं पुत्रकलत्रमित्रैः। पृथक्कृते चर्मणि रोमकूपाः, कुतो हि तिष्ठन्ति शरीरमध्ये॥२७।। (22) (21)


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