Book Title: Bruhat Samayik Pratikraman Path
Author(s): Subhashchand Jain, Mahendrakumar Jain
Publisher: Akhil Bharatvarshiya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad

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Page 36
________________ SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN Eng. The Lords are revered on attaining absolute knowl edge when they move gold lotus are spread for them to walk on. The indras with their crowns on their heads bow to their feet. The persons with vicious and aversive feelings of enmity towards one another give up feelings and become friendly and faithful towards each other when they take refuge under those lords. तदनु जयति श्रेयान् धर्म:, प्रवृद्धमहोदयः । कु गतिविपथक्लेशाद्यो सौ, विपाशयति प्रजाः ।। परिणतनयस्यां गीभावाद्विविक्त विकल्पितम् । भवतु भवतस्त्रोतृ त्रेधा, जिनेन्द्रवचोमृतम् ॥3 ॥ tadanu jayati shreya:n dharmah, pravṛddhamahodayah. kugativipathaklesha:dyosau, vipa:shayati praja:h.. pariṇatanayasya:ngi:bha:va: dviviktavikalpitam. bhavatu bhavatastro:tr tredha:, jinendravachomṛtam..3.. Eng. The great emperors by following the supreme religion keep their subjects away from the troubles of their sinful acts. Three types of Lord Jindendra's words - beneficial, sweet and dear exemplified by pure and modified point of view may protect you from doing sinful acts. तदनु जयताज्जैनी वित्तिः, प्रभंगतरंगिणी । प्रभवविगमधौव्यद्रव्य, स्वभावविभाविनी । निरुपमसुखस्येदं द्वारं विघटय निरर्गलम् । विगतरजसं मोक्षं दे यान्त्रिरत्यमव्ययम् ॥14 ॥ (53) बृहत्सामायिक प्रतिक्रमण पाठ tadanu jayata:jjaini: vittih, prabhangatarangini:. prabhavavigamadhrauvyadravya, svabha:vavibha:vini:.. nirupamasukhasyedam dva:ram, vighatya nirargalam. vigatarajasam mokṣam deya:nniratyamavyayam..4.. Eng. According to Jain scriptures the wealth of knowl edge, the nature of matter i.e. productivity, consumption and permanence is (Utpad, Vyaya & Dhrauvya) this wealth of knowledge is the gateway of eternal bliss and salvation. May this wealth of knowledge attain eterniy and bless with eternal bliss and salvation. अर्हत्सिद्धाचार्योपाध्यायेभ्यस्तथा च साधुभ्यः । सर्व जगद्वंद्येभ्यो नमोस्तु सर्वत्र सर्वेभ्यः ।। 1 ।। arhatsiddha:cha:ryo pa:dhya:yebhyastatha: cha sa:dhubhyah. namostu sarvatra sarvebhyah..1... Eng. Five supreme souls - Arihantas, Siddhas, Acharyas, Upadhyayas and the non- attached passionless ascetics of the entire universe are worth worshipping in the world. They ought to be bowed with respect all the time. sarvajagadvandyebhyo, मोहादिसर्वदोषारिघातकेभ्यः, सदा हतरजोभ्यः । विरहितरहस्कृ तेभ्यः, पूजार्हेभ्यो नमोऽर्हद्भ्यः ॥ 2 ॥ moha:disarvadoṣa:righa:takebhyah, sada: hatarajobhyah. (54)


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