Book Title: Bruhat Samayik Pratikraman Path
Author(s): Subhashchand Jain, Mahendrakumar Jain
Publisher: Akhil Bharatvarshiya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad

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Page 42
________________ SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN and possessed of unfathomable depth of nature and feelings. May all the vices be washed off by taking bath in it. The idea is that the places of pilgrimage free us from vices and lead us to salvation. अताम्रनयनोत्पलं सकलको पवह्नेर्जयात्, कटाक्ष- शरमोक्ष हीनम विकारतोद्रेकतः । विषादमदहानित: प्रहसितायमानं सदा, मुखंकथयतीव ते हृदयशुद्धिमात्यन्तिकीम् ॥1॥ ata:mranayanotpalam sakalakopavahnerjaya:t, kata:ksa- sharamoksa hi nama- vikaratodrekatah. visayadamadaha:nitah prahasita yama:nam sada:, mukhankathayati:va te hṛdayashuddhima:tyantiki:m..1.. Eng. O Lord! Your lotus like eyes that have got victory over all types of anger are devoid of any fraudulent looks. Your smiling face free from any sorrow and pride reveals the utmost purity of heart. निराभरण भासुरं विगत राग वेगोदयात्, निरंबर - मनोहरं प्रकृति - रूप निर्दोषतः । निरायुध - सुनिर्भयं विगत-हिंस्य-हिंसाक्रमात्, निरामिषसुतृप्तिमद्विविधवेदनानां क्षयात् ॥ 2 ॥ nira:bharana - bha:suram vigata raga- vegodaya:t, nirambara - manoharam prakrti rupa - nirdosatah. nira:yudha - sunirbhayam vigata himsya-himsa:krama:t, nira:misasutrptimadvividhavedana:nam ksaya:t..2.. Eng. O Lord! Your form though without ornaments yet (65) बृहत्सामायिक प्रतिक्रमण पाठ it is resplendent as it has destroyed the strong desires of attachments. It being uncovered (digambar) naturally flawless is fascinating. It is undaunted in spite of having no weapons - the cause of violence. It is self-contented in spite of having no worldly pleasures because of the annihilation of various types of sorrows. मितस्थित नखांगजं गतरजोमल स्पर्शनम्, नवांबुरुह - चंदनप्रतिम - दिव्यगंधोदयम् । रवीन्दुकुलिशादि - दिव्य-बहुलक्षणालंकृतम्, दिवाकरसहस्रभासुरमपीक्षणानां प्रियम् ॥3॥ mitasthita nakha:ngajam gatarajomala - sparshanam, nava:mburuha - chandanapratima - divyagandhodayam. ravi:ndukulisha: di divya bahulaksana:lankrtam, diva:karasahasrabha:suramapi:kṣaṇa:na:m priyam..3.. Eng. O Lord! Your form is such that has nails and hair in symmetrical proportion and untouched from obstructive Karmas, giving out the divine fragrance of new lotus and sandal. It is decorated with the sacred symptoms like that of the sun, the moon, the thunder bolt. It is shining like that of thousands of suns. It looks very soothing to the eyes. हितार्थ परिपंथिभिः प्रबल राग- मोहादिभिः, कलंकितमना जनो यदभिवीक्ष्यशोशुद्ध्यते । सदाभिमुखमेव यज्जगति पश्यतां सर्वतः, शरद्विमलचंद्रमंडलमिवोत्थितं दृश्यते ॥ 4 ॥ (66)


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