Book Title: Bruhat Samayik Pratikraman Path
Author(s): Subhashchand Jain, Mahendrakumar Jain
Publisher: Akhil Bharatvarshiya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad

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Page 27
________________ SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN यावत्त्वच्चरणद्वयस्य भगवन्न स्यात्प्रसादोदयस्तावज्जीव-निकाय एष वहति प्रायेण पापं महत्।।17।। बृहत्सामायिक-प्रतिक्रमण पाठ Eng. O Lord Shanti Jinendra! Numerous beings on this earth desiring for peace have attained it by devoting themselves to your lotus-feet. Hence, O Lord! I devote myself whole heartedly to your feet and eulogize you with this hymn. Be kind enough towards me. (8) नमः श्रीवर्द्धमानाय निर्द्धत-कलिलात्मने । सालोकानां त्रिलोकानां यद्विद्या दर्पणायते॥1 ।। ya:vannodayate prabha:parikarah shri:bha:skaro bha:sayam, sta:vaddha:rayati:ha pankajavanam nidra:tibha:rashramam. ya vattvachcharanadvayasya bhagavan na sya:tprasa:dodayasta:vajji:va-nika:ya esa vahati pra:yena pa:par mahat..7.. Eng. O Lord! The lotus flowers cannot blossom in the absence of sunlight, similarly the beings suffer great sin in the absence of the eulogy of your feet and the blessings of yours.(7) grifá griffons RiC- H E-COCYTG-UCT-BTC, संप्राप्ताः पृथिवीतलेषु बहवः शान्त्यर्थितः प्राणिनः । कारुण्यान्मम भक्तिकस्य च विभोदृष्टिं प्रसन्नां कुरु, CariG&U-date a: gricue wena: 118 11 sha:ntim sha:ntijinendra sha:nta-manasas tvatpa:dapadma:shraya:t, sampra:pta:h prthivi:taleşu bahavah sha:ntyarthitah pra:ninah. ka:runya:nmama bhaktikasya cha vibho drstim prasanna:m kuru, tvatpa:dadvaya-daivatasya gadatah sha:ntyastakam bhaktitah..8.. namah shri:varddhama:na:ya nirddhu:takalila:tmane. sa:loka:na:m trilokarna:m yadvidya: darpana:yate..1.. Eng.I bow to Lord Vardhman who is free from all worldly attachments and whose omniscience knows all the three worlds and the entire cosmos as clearly as the image of the object reflected in the mirror. (1) जिनेन्द्रमुन्मूलित-कर्मबन्धं, प्रणम्य सन्मार्ग-कृत-स्वरूपम्। अनन्तबोधादि-भवंगुणौघं, क्रिया-कलापं प्रकटं प्रवक्ष्ये।।2।। jinendramunmu:lita-karmabandham, pranamya sanma:rga-krta-svaru:pam. anantabodha:di-bhavangunaugham, kriya:-kala:pam prakatam pravaksye..2.. Eng. Having bowed to Lord Jinendra who is capable to root out all the karmic bondages and having all the attributes of attaining salvation, I state apparently ( 35 ) (36)


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