Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavad gita Word-Index Pt. 1 A
1946. grigaà Pass. 3rd pers. sing. 1959. yitah Nom. sing. of the of the root Dah with the prefix Pari neu. form of the adj. Paryusita (To burn all over ) 1. 30.
(That which has stayed over-night) 1947. steag Nom. sing. of the 17. 10. fem. noun Paridevanā (Affliction or 1960. TOATH Gen. plu. of the mas. sorrow ) 2. 28.
form of the past participial adj. 1948. g fqar Nom. dual of the Pavat (Purifying or winnowing ) mas. noun Paripanthin (One who 10. 31. causes obstruction and hence an 1961. 979: Nom. sing. of the mas. enemy ) 3. 34.
noun Pavana ( The wind ) 10. 31. 1949. U Inst. sing. of the 1962. 934 Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Pariprasna (Comprehen- neu. form of the adj. Pavitra (Holy ) sive questioning ) 4. 34.
4. 38; 9. 2, 17; 10. 12. 1950. TESZT Nom. sing. of 1963. 438 Imp. 2nd pers. sing. of the pot. participle of the root Mārg the root Dré-pasy (See No. 1545 ) with the prefix Pari (To investigate 1. 3, 25; 9.5; 11. 5, 62, 7, 8. The or inquire about) 15. 4.
perception meant at these places is 1951. gitarcza Pres. 3rd pers. either physical or mental according sing. of the root Sus with the prefix to context. Pari ( To dry up ) 1. 29.
1964. 99a: Gen. sing. of the mas. 1952. T Aga Pass. 3rd pers.
form of the pres. participial adj. sing. of the root Āp with the prefixes Paśyat (Seeing ) 2. 69. The percepSam and Pari (To bring to an end)
tion meant here is that done with
tion meant nere 4. 33.
the eye of wisdom 1953. 9993: Nom. sing. of the
1965. Tea Pres. 3rd pers. sing. mas. noun Parjanya ( Rain ) 3. 14.
of the root Dșs-paśy (See No. 1545)
2. 29; 5. 52; 6. 302, 32; 13. 272, 292; 1954. Gram
att Abl. sing. of the Abl. sing. of the
18. 102. mas. noun Parjanya (See No. 1953)
1966. T95 Nom. sing. of the pres. 3. 14.
participial adj. Paśyat (See No. 1964) 1955. quia Nom. plu. of the neu. 5.8; 6. 20 ; 13. 28. noun Parņa (A leaf) 15. 1.
1967. mara Pres. 3rd pers. plu. 1956. griafaga Pres. 3rd pers. of the root Dré-paśy (See No.1545 ) sing. of the root Sthā-tisth with the 1.38; 13. 24; 15. 10, 112. prefixes Ava and Pari (To become 1968. Ta Pres. 1st pers. sing. steady) 2. 65.
of the root Drs-paśy (See No. 1547 ) 957. quia Nom. sing. of the 1.31 ; 6. 33 ; 11. 15, 16, 17, 19. neu. form of the adj. Paryāpta 1969. 702 Pot. 3rd pers. sing. of Sufficient) 1. 10.
the root Dșs-paśy (See No. 2545 ) 1958: T rà Pres. 3rd pers. plu. 4. 18. of the root Upās with the prefix Pari 1970. 7357FUTE Acc. sing. of the (To worship or adore ) 4.25 ; 9. 22; mas. noun Pāñcajanya ( The name 12. 1, 3, 20.
of the conch of Sri Krsna) 1. 15. 86
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