Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
2443. Tha: Nom. sing. of the 2453. Cara Nom. or acc. plu. of mas. comp. noun Bhūtabhāvana (See the neu. noun Bhūta ( See No. 2450) No. 2442 ) 9.5.
2. 28, 30, 34, 69; 3. 14, 33; 4. 35; 2444. Hrar 77: Nom. sing. of 7.6, 26; 8. 22; 9.5, 6, 25; 15. 13, 16 the mas. comp. noun Bhūtabhāvo- 2454. ufa: Nom. sing. of the fem. dbhavakara (One who is the cause
noun Bhūti ( Happiness ) 18. 78. of the production of the created
2455. art: Nom. plu. of the beings ) 8. 3. 2445. 71T Nom. sing. of the
mas. comp. noun Bhūtejya (One mas. comp. noun Bhūtabhrt (One who worships spirits or goblins)
9. 25. who supports the created beings ) 9.5.
2456. za Voc. sing. of the mas. 2446. TAHETT# Acc. sing. of the comp. noun Bhūtesa (The lord of mas. comp. noun Bhūtamaheśvara created beings ) 10. 15. ( The Highest Lord of the created 2457. aag Loc. plu. of the neu. beings ) 9. 11.
noun Bhūta (See No. 2450) 7. 11; 2447. HaraTAEFT Acc. plu. of
8. 20; 13. 16, 27; 16. 2; 18. 21, 54. the mas. comp. noun Bhūtaviseşa
2458. Heat Ind. past participle of samgha (A group of specific kinds
of the root Bhū (See No. 2275) 2. 20, of created beings ) 11. 15.
35, 48; 3. 30; 8. 192; 11. 50; 2448. Yani Nom. dual of the
15. 13, 14. mas. comp. noun Bhūtasarga (A set or class of created beings ) 16.6.
2459. A: Nom. sing. of the fem. 2449. : Nom. sing. of the noun Bhūmi ( The earth ) 7. 4. mas. form of the comp. adj. Bhūtastha 2460. TA Loc. sing. of the fem. ( One who resides in the created noun Bhūmi ( See No. 2459) 2. 8. beings ) 9.5.
2461. 9: Nom. sing. of the neu. 2450. 49 Nom. sing. of the neu. form of the adj. Bhūyas (“Much or noun Bhūta (A created being or a great', also .again or further') 2. 20; spirit, a primary element, or a human 6. 43 ; 7. 2; 10. 1, 18; 11. 35, 39, organ according to context; here 50; 13. 23 ; 14. 1 ; 15. 4; 18. 64. 'a created being ') 10. 39.
2462. 47: Imp. 2nd pers. sing. of 2451. Ta Acc. sing. of the the
ne the root Bhū (See No. 2275 ) 2. 47. mas. comp. noun Bhūtadi ( The first
2463. I: Nom. sing. of the mas. of the created beings ) or acc. sing. of the neu. form of the comp. adj.
noun Bhrgu ( The name of the pre
Vedic sage, who was the eponymous Bhūtādi (That which is the primary
ancestor of the Bhargavas ) 10. 25. cause of the created beings, namely, the Ayyaya, the Indestructible One 2 464. HET Acc. sing. of the mas. 9. 13.
noun Bheda (Difference) 17. 7; 2452. TAATH Gen. plu. of the 18 mas. noun Bhūta (See No. 2450 ) 2465. #: Nom. sing. of the fem. 4.6; 10. 5, 20, 22; 11. 2; 13. 15; noun Bheri (A musical instrument) 18. 46.
1. 13. 107
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