Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgita Word-Index Pt. I A
2975. da Pres. 3rd pers. sing. of 2986. qira Abl. sing. of the mas. the Ubhayapadi root Vrt-vart (To noun Vaša ( See No. 2985) used here be) 5. 26°; 6. 31; 16. 23.
in the sense of the instrumental. 9.8. 2976. gara Pres. 3rd pers. plu. of 2987. at Nom. sing. of the mas. the root Vrt-vart ( See No. 2975) 3. noun Vasin ( One who has acquired 28 ; 5.9; 14. 23.
power or control over oneself) 5. 13. 2977. aa: Nom. sing. of the 2988. a Loc. sing. of the mas. mas. form of the pres. participial noun Vaśa ( See No. 2985) 2. 61. adi. Vartamāna ( Existing or living 2989. THAT Inst. sing. of the 6. 31 ; 13. 23.
mas. form of the comp. adj. Vaśyāt2978. Tahta Acc. plu. of the man ( One who has acquired control
over oneself) 6. 30. neu. Iorm of the pres. participial adi. Vartamāna used as a noun (A thing
hino 2990. 19: Nom. plu. of the mas. which exists at present ) 7. 26.
noun Vasu (The name of a group of 2979. a Pres. 1st pers. sing. of
gods of the Vedic pantheon whose the root Vft-vart used here in the
number was 8 ) 11. 22.
2991. TEATÆ Gen. plu. of the sense of Pravarte (Become engaged ) 3. 22.
mas. noun Vasu (See No. 2990 ) 2980. aaa Pot. 3rd pers. sing. of
10. 23.
2992. 79. Acc. plu. of the mas. the root Vrt-vart (See No. 2975) 6.6.
noun Vasu ( See No. 2990 ) 11. 6. 2981. at Pot. Atma. 1st pers. 2993. EA Pres. 1st pers. sing. sing. of the root Vrt-vart (See No.
of the root Vah (To bear the burden 2975). 3. 23 ( App. I. 12). This is
of) 9. 22. an alternative reading adopted by!
2994. afa: Nom. sing. of the mas. Nilakantha in place of the more
noun Vanhi (Fire) 3. 38. common reading Varteyam. See the
2995. a: Acc. or gen. plu. of the next entry. 2982. h Pot. Paras. 1st pers.
pronoun Asmad (See No. 506 ) 3. 10,
11, 12. sing. of the root Vrt-vart (See No.
2996. at An ind. disjunctive 2975 ) 3. 23. Nilakantha alone amongst the commentators reads
particle (Or) 1. 32; 2. 62, 202, 26, 372; Varte ya here ( App. I. 12).
6. 322; 8.6 ; 10. 41 ; 11. 41 ; 15. 102; 2983. C# Acc. sing. of the neu.
17. 19, 21; 18. 152, 24, 402.
2997. ar Nom. sing. of the fem. noun Vartma (A path or route) 3. 23; 4. 11.
noun Vāk (Speech ) 10. 34. 2984. TF Acc. sing. of the mas,
2998. OFTA Nom. or acc. sing. of noun Varşa ( Rain ) 9. 19.
the neu. noun Vākya (Speech or a 2985. 277# Acc. sing. of the mas.
sentence ) 1. 21 ; 2.1 ; 17. 15. noun Vaśa ( Submission to another's 2999. ara Inst. sing. of the neu. power): - ATTEOT ( Should not sub noun Vākya ( See No. 2998 ) 3. 2. mit to) 3. 34 : SEAT- a (Should 3000. qua Nom. sing. of the lead into the power of the self neu. form of the adj. Vāngmaya itself) 6. 26,
(Relating to speech) 17. 15, 130
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