Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgitā Word-Index Pt. I A
3715. tray: Nom. sing. of the 3728. FUTT Imp. 2nd pers. sing. mas. form of the adj. Saumyavapu of the causal form of the root Sthā( One who has a placid bearing) tişth ( To fix or to move to a parti11. 50.
cular position and keep it there 3716. ANITA Acc. sing. of the ner firmly ) 1.21. form of the adj. Saumya (Mild, 3729. great Ind. past pass. gentle or placid ) 11.51.
participle of the causal form of the 3717. Fra: Nom. sing. of the
root Sthā-tişth (See No. 3428) 1. 24. mas. noun Skanda (A name of
3730. FTTH A# Nom. sing. of Kārtikeya, a son of God Sankara and the Commander-in-chief of the army
the neu. form of the comp. adj. of the god's ) 10. 24.
Sthāvarajangama (Immobile and
mobile ) 13. 26. 3718. Fest: Nom. sing. of the past participial adj. Stabdha (Stupified) 3731. Frau Gen. plu. of the 18. 28.
mas. form of the adj. Sthāvara used 3719. FREYT: Nom. plu. of the as a noun (An object which does past participial adj. Stabdha (See not move automatically ) 10.25. No. 3718 ) 16. 17.
3732. FTFOFa Fut. 3rd pers. sing. 3720. Fara: Inst. plu. of the fem. of the root Sthā-tisth ( See No. 3728) noun Stuti (A hymn of praise ) 2.53. 11. 21.
3733. Fevi: Nom. sing. of the 3721. Fuara Pres. 3rd pers. plu.
mas. form of the comp. past pass. of the root Stu ( To praise ) 11. 21.
participial adj. Sthitadhi used as a 3722. Faa: Nom. sing. of the mas.
noun ( One whose intellect has benoun Stena (A thief ) 3. 12.
come steady ) 2. 54, 56. 3723. feg: Nom. plu. of the fem.
3734. feat Gen. sing. of the noun Stri ( A woman ) 9. 32.
mas. form of the comp. past pass. 3724. vg Loc. plu. of the fem.
participial adj. Sthitaprajña used noun Stri í See No. 3723 ) 1. 41.
as a noun ( One whose intellect has 3725. For: Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the adj. Sthānu (Fixed,
become steady) 2. 54. stationery, static or motionless )
3735. 997: Nom. sing. of the 2. 24. For an alternative reading
mas, form of the comp. past pass. of 2. 24/, which Mäddhava Ananda participial adj. Sthitaprajña used as tirtha has adopted and its effect see a noun ( See No. 3734 ) 2. 55. the note in Entry No. 1813.
3736. Ya# Nom. or acc. sing. of 3726. F # Nom. or acc. sirg. the neu. or acc. sing. of the mas. of the neu. noun Sthāna (A place form of the past pass. participial or position ) 5. 5; 8. 28; 9. 18; adj. Sthita (Standing or staying ) 18. 62.
5. 19; 13. 16 ; 15. 10. 3727. Fra Loc. sing. of the neu. 3737. fexta: Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Sthāna ( See No. 3726 ) used form of the past pass. participial adj. as an adverb (Rightly or appropri- Sthita ( See No. 3736 ) 5. 20; 6. 10, ately ) 11. 36.
14, 21, 22 ; 10.42 ; 18. 73. 162
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