Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
Sankara, Madhusūdana and Dhana- 3846. Everaer Acc. sing. of the pati Suri read Evam hi traidharm- neu. comp. noun Hrdayadaurbalya yam which involves an additional (The weakness of the heart ) 2.3. Hi. (See App. I. 27 and Entry No. 3847. Rua Acc. plu. of the neu. 1499). For the alternative reading
noun HỊdaya ( The heart ) 1. 19. adopted by Rāmānuja in 10. 19 see the note in Entry No. 1571.
3848. El Loc. sing. of the neu. 3836. f6a71737* Inst. sing. of the
noun Hrt (The heart ) 8. 12; 13. 17;
ho fem. comp. noun Hitakāmyā (A de- 10.13. sire to do good or cause welfare ) 3849. A Loc. sing. of the mas. 10.1.
comp. noun Hrddeśa ( The region of 3837. fear Acc. sing. of the neu. the heart ) 18. 61. noun Hita ( welfare ) 18. 64.
3850. gal: Nom. plu. of the mas. 3838. fecal Ind. past participle of form of the pot. participial adj. the root Hā ( To abandon) 2. 33. HỊdya ( Pleasing) 17. 8.
3839. fgaffa Pres. 3rd pers. sing. 3851. fora: Nom. sing. of the mas. of the root Han (See No. 1208 ) form of the past pass. participial 13. 28.
adj. HỊşita (Delighted or thrilled) 3840. FEATGT: Nom. sing. of the 11. 45. mas. noun Himälaya (The mountain 3852. atasat Voc. sing. of the mas. Himālaya ) 10. 25.
noun Hrşikeśa (Lit. 'the Lord of the 3841. ff *: Nom. sing. of the sense-organs' and hence the self'. mas. form of the comp. adj. Him. It is used here however as a synonym sātmaka (One who is by his very of Visnu with whom Sri Krsna is nature apt to cause injury to others ) identified in this work and with 18. 27.
whom the self of man is identical 3842. iš TIF Acc. sing. of the fem. in essence according to it) 11. 36; noun Hirisä (Injury or slauter) 18. 1. 18.25.
3853. 113274 Acc. sing. of the 3843. & Acc. sing. of the neu. mas. noun Hrşikeśa (See No. 3852) form of the past pass participial 1. 21; 2. 9. adj. Huta ( That which is offered as 3854. tasar: Nom. sing. of the an oblation in fire) 4. 24; 9. 16; mas. noun Hrşikeśa ( See No. 3852) 17. 28.
1. 15, 24 ; 2. 10. 3844. Carat: Nom. plu. of the 3855. # Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. past pass. mas. form of the comp. past pass. participial adj. Hştajñāna ( One who participial adj. Hrstaroman (One the is deprived of knowledge ) 7. 20. hair on whose body is bristling with
3845. Fi Acc. sing. of the neu. joy ) 11. 14. form of the comp. past pass. parti- 3856. cura Pres. 3rd pers. sing. cipial adj. Hrtstha ( Residing in the of the root Hrs (To become deheart) 4.42.
lighted ) 12. 17. 167
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