Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
3420. AT Nom. sing. of the mas. 3432. AFTIATIEFcht Nom. sing. form of the pres. participial adj. of the mas. form of the comp. Sat (See No. 3396 ) 4. 62.
adj. Sannyāsayogayuktātman (One 3421. 7Acc. sing. of the whose mind has become composed neu. form of the adj. Sanātana by means of Sannyāsayoga ) 9. 28. (Eternal or perpetual) 4. 31; 7. 10. 3433. TAFT Gen. sing. of the
3422. ana: Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Sannyasa (Abandonment mas. form of the adj. Sanātana (See or renunciation ) 18. 1. For its No. 3421 ) 2. 24: 8. 20; 11. 18; special definition see No. 3434 15. 7.
infra. 3423. rar: Nom. plu. of the 3434. 972199# Acc. sing. of the mas. form of the adj. Sanātana (See mas. noun Sannyāsa ( See No. 3433 ) No. 3421 ) 1. 40.
5.1 ; 6.2; 18. 2. The last stanza 3424. affufa Fut. 2nd pers.
contains a special definition of this sing. of the root Tr with the prefix
word. Sam ( To cross over or transcend ) 3435. RE: Nom. sing. of the 4. 36.
mas. noun Sannyasa ( See No. 3433 ) 3425. : Nom. ply, of the mas. 5. 2, 6; 18. 7. form of the adj. Sat used as a noun 3436. Fruttarr Gen. plu. of the (A pious or holy man) 3. 13.
mas. noun Sannyāsin (Ordinarily 'a 3426. #ge: Nom. sing. of the mas.
person who has renounced the world' form of the past pass. participial but here only one who has given adj. Santusta (Satisfied completely j up the performance of Kāmya Karma 3. 17; 12. 14, 19.
as per 18. 2') 18. 12. 3427.
3437. For Nom. sing. of the serà Pass. 3rd pers. plu. of the root Drs-paśy with the prefix
mas. noun Sannyāsin ( See No. 3436 )
6. 1. This contains a special deSam ( To see all round ) 11. 27.
finition of this term which is in 3428. Pagi Ind. past participle
accord with that of 'Sannyasa' menof the root Yam with the prefixes
tioned in No. 3434. Ni and Sam (To control from all
3438. a Inst. sing. of the sides ) 12. 4.
mas. noun Sannyāsa ( See No. 3433 ) 3429. afarag: Nom. sing. of the 18. 49. mas. form of the past participial 3439. art Acc. plu. of the mas. adj. Sannivista ( Located ) 15. 15. noun Sapatna ( An enemy ) 11. 34.
3430. 97T Abl. sing. of the 3440. Ind. numeral adj. Sapta neu. noun Sannyasana (Abandon- (Seven) 10. 6. ment or renunciation ) 3. 4.
3441. FTATE Nom, or acc. sing. of 3431. HURT Ind. past participle the neu. form of the adj. Samagra of the root Nyâs with the pre. (The whole ) 4. 23; 7.1; 11. 30. fix Sam (To abandon or renounce 3442. HATT Acc. plu. of the mas. completely ) 3. 30; 5. 13; 12. 6; form of the adj. Samagra (See 18. 57.
No. 3441 ) 11. 30. 149
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