Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
3597. parang Loc. plu. of the mas. 3607. AT: Inst. plu. of the mas. or neu, form of the pronoun Sarva comp. noun Sahayajña 3. 10. For (See No. 3532 ) 1. 11; 2. 46; 8. 7, the meaning and the occurrence of 20, 27 ; 13. 27; 18. 21, 54.
this word there see the note in the 3598. : Inst. plu. of the mas. preceding entry. form of the pronoun Sarva (See
3608. ATAT Adv. Ind. (All of a No. 3532) 15. 15.
sudden) 1. 13. 3599. 179 Nom. sing. of the neu. form of the comp. adj. Savikära
3609. Haha: Adverbial comp. (Together with the modifications )
odifications Ind. (A thousand times ) 11. 39. 13. 6.
3610. HET Voc. sing. of the 3600.
EL Acc. sing. of the mag. form of the comp. adj. Sahasneu. form of the adj. Savijñāna rabāhu (One who has a thousand, (Together with its realisation ) 7.2. i. e. innumerable, hands ) 11. 46.
3601. Fera Voc. sing. of the 3611. Ertura Nom. sing. of mas. form of the comp. adj. Say. +
- the neu. form of the comp. adj. yasācin used as a form of address
Sahasrayugaparyanta (That whose (One who throws arrows with his
end comes after a thousand Yugas left hand ) 11. 33.
or ages) 8. 17. 3602. TF Acc. sing. of the mas.
3612. EFT: Ady. formed from form of the comp. adj. Sasara (Together with an arrow or arrows )
the numeral Sahasra (By the thou1. 47.
sands ) 11.5. 3603. & Preposition. Ind. (With, 3613. Fry Loc. plu. of the mas. or together with or accompanied by ) form of the numeral Sahasra (A 1. 22; 11. 262; 13. 23.
thousand) 7. 3. 3604. F# Acc. sing. of the neu. 3614. #: Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Sahaja
form of the pronoun Tad (See No.
form (That which has been born with
1385) 1. 13, 19, 27; 2. 15, 21, 70, 71 ; oneself i. e. that which is prompted 3. 6. 7. 12, 16, 21, 42; 4. 2, 9, 182, by one's very nature ) 18. 48.
20; 5. 3, 5, 10, 21, 232, 24, 28; 3605. EET: Nom. sing. of the 6. 1. 23, 30, 31, 32, 44, 47 ; 7. 17, mas, noun Sahadeva (The name of 18
he name of 18, 19, 22; 8. 5, 10, 13, 19, 20, 22; the fourth Pandava, a son of Madri, 9. 302 : 10.3, 7; 11. 14, 55 ; 12. 14, the second wife of Pandu ) 1. 16. 15. 16. 17 : 13. 3. 23, 27, 29; 14. 19 3606. 95 : Nom. plu. of the 2
the 25, 26; 15. 1, 19; 16. 23; 17. mas. form of the comp. adj. Saha- 11 : 18. 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 71. yajña (Together with sacrifices ) 3. 10. Rāmānuja reads Saha yajñaiḥ
3615. Fr Nom. sing. of the fem. which though changing the emphasis
asis form is
of the pronoun Tad (See from Prajāḥ to Yajñaih does not
+ No. 1385 ) 2. 69; 6. 19; 11. 12; make a substantial change in the 17. 2; 18. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. meaning of the statement (App. I. 3616. Frenc Adv. Ind. ( Person11).
ally ) 18. 75.
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