Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavad gitā Word-Index Pt. I A
2418. * ra: Nom. sing. of the 2429. That Ind. past participle mas. form of the comp. past parti- of the root Bhuj (To enjoy ) 9. 21. cipial adi. Bhitablita (One who is 2430. YE# Pres. 3rd pers. sing. taken aback by fear ) 11. 35.
of the root Bhuj (See No. 2429) 2419, Acc. sing. of the mas. 3. 12; 13. 21. form of the past participial adj. 2431. y Imp. 2nd pers. sing. Bhita (Frightened ) 11. 50.
of the root Bhuj (See No. 2429) 2+20. AT Nom. plu. of the neu. 11. 33. form of the past participial adj. 2432. à Pres. 3rd pers. plu. of Bhita (See No. 2419 ) 11. 36.
the root Bhuj (See No. 2429) 3. 13. 2421. Pri: Nom. plu. of the mas. 2433. H AF Acc. sing. of the form of the past participial adj. mas. form of the pres. participial Bhita ( See No. 2419 ) 11. 21. '
adj. Bhurjāna ( Enjoying ) 15. 10. 2422. #af Nom. sing. of the 2434. Tit Pot. 1st pers. sing. of mas, form of the comp. adj. Bhima- the root Bhuj (See No. 2429 ) 2. 5. karman (One who does mighty 2435. ura Loc. sing. of the fem. deeds) 1. 15.
noun Bhū (The earth ) 18. 69. 2423. T ra Nom. sing. of 2436. 791 TI Acc. plu. of the the neu. form of the comp. past
mas. noun Bhūtagana ( The class of pass. participial adj. Bhïmābhiraksita
spirits or devils) 17. 4. (Protected on all sides by Bhima)
2437. ## Nom. sing. of the 1. 10.
mas. comp. noun Bhūtagrāma (The 2424. virgjaft: Nom. plu. of
multitude of created beings ) 9.8; the mas. form of the comp. adj. (TI
(The group of organs ) 17. 6. Bhimārjunasama (Equal to Bhima
2438. Tam: Nom. sing. of the and Arjuna) 1. 4.
mas. comp. noun Bhūtagrāma (The 2425. Hoy : Comp. adv.
group of the gross elements or the Ind. : In front of Bhişma and Drona)
multitude of created beings ) 8. 19. 1. 25.
2439. ATTITEL Acc. sing. of tlie 2426. 14 Acc. sing. of the
mas. comp. noun Bhūtaprthagbhāva mas. noun Bhişma ( The name of the
(The separate existence of created son of Santanu by Gangā, who first
beings ) 13. 30. led the Kaurava army into the field
2440. Aşa Acc. sing. of of Kurukşeira) 1. 11; 2.4 ; 11. 34.
the mas. comp. noun Bhūtaprakrti2427. 14: Nom. sing. of the mas. moksa (Release from the nature of noun Bhisma (See No. 2426 ) 1.8; created beings ) 13. 34. 11. 26.
2441. YEH Nom. sing. of the mas. 2428. afi
Nom. sing. of comp. noun Bhūtabhart; ( The nourithe neu. form of the comp. past sher of the created beings ) 13. 16. participial adj. Blīşmābhiraksita 2442. HITT Voc. sing. of the (Protected on all sides by Bhişına) mas. comp. noun Bhūtabhāvana (The 1. 10.
source of the created beings) 10. 15. 106
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