Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
n. adj.
2582. ERAT Voc. sing. of the 2592. TT&TTT: Nom. sing. of the comp. adj. Mahātman used as a noun mas. form of the comp. adj. Mahā. (See No. 2581 ) 11. 20, 37.
ratha (Lit. one who goes out in a 2583. PERT Nom. sing. of the
big chariot but here used as a noun comp. adj. Mahātmın used as a noun
to designate a military officer of a (See No. 2581 ) 7. 19; 11. 50.
particular grade ) 1. 4, 17. 2584. A AN: Nom. plu, of the
2593. TETTTT: Nom. plu. of the comp. adj. Mahātman used 26 a
mas. form of the comp. adj. Mahānoun ( See No. 2581 ) 8. 15; 9. 13.
ratha used as a noun (See No. 2592 )
1.6; 2. 35. 2585. JITATE Acc. plu. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Mahānu
2504. TM Acc. sing. of the bhäva (One whose prowess is great )
mas. comp. noun Mahāśamkha (A 2.5.
big conch) 1. 15.
2595. TIT: Nom. sing. of the 2586. DET Nom. sing. of the mas.
mas. form of the comp. adj. Mahā. form of the adi Mahat (See No.2571)
sana used as a noun (Avoracious 9. 6; 18. 77.
eater, a moloch ) 3. 37. 2587. TETETT Nom. sing. of the
2596. HIERTAH Acc. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Matā.
neu. noun Mahimāna (Prowess or pāpman used as a noun (One who is a great sinner) 3. 37.
greatness ) 11. 41.
2597. iz The fem. noun Mahi 2588. JAZ: Nom. sing. of the
with the suffix Krte having the sense mas. form of the comp. adj. Mahā
of the dat. case-termination (For the hāhu used as a noun (One who has
sake of the earth) 1. 35. great arms, literally or metaphori
2598. Defeat Gen. plu. of the cally ) 1. 18.
mas. comp. noun Mahīksita (A king 2589. TETET Voc. sing. of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Maha
or a ruling prince ) 1. 25.
2599. Reta Voc. sing. of the mas. bāhu used as a noun (See No. 2588 ) 2. 26. 68; 3. 28, 43; 5. 3, 6; 6.35,
noun Mahipati (The lord of the 38; 7. 5; 19. 1; 11. 23; 14. 5;
earth, i.e. a king) 1. 21. 18. 1, 13.
2600. EL Acc. sing. of the fem.
noun Mahi (The earth ) 2. 37. 2599. STRATET Nom. Du of the neu. comp. noun Mahābhūta (Ordi- 2601. TEAT: Nom. sing. of the narily a great being' but here 'any mas. comp. noun Maheśvara (The of the five gross primary elements'. Great Lord ) 13. 22. In this sense the word is generally 2602. #5 141: Nom. plu. of the used in the plural number ) 13. 5. mas, form of the comp. adj. Mahe
2591. ZETOTT: Nom. sing. of the şvāsa (One who is big amongst mas. comp. noun Mahāyogeśvara those who throw arrows) 1. 4. (The great lord or master of Yoga) 2603. AT A negative ind. particle 11.9.
2.3, 47"; 11. 34, 492; 16. 5; 18. 66. B.G. I. 8
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