Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
2118. fera: Nom. sing. of the appropriateness see the critical note mas, form of the past pass. parti- in the previous entry. cipial adj. Prathita (Become famous 2129. 777 Acc, sing. of the mas. or celebrated ) 15. 18.
form of the past participial adj. 2119. TEHT: Perf. 3rd pers. plu. Prapanna ( Approached ) 2. 7. of the root Dhmā with the prefix 2130. 7954 Imp. 2nd pers. sing. of Pra (To blow forcibly ) 1. 11.
the root Drs-paśy with the prefix 2120. feg# Nom. sing. of the Pra ( To see minutely or visualise ) neu. form of the caus. of the past 11. 49. pass. participial adj. Pradişța (Shown 2131. TERR: Inst. plu. of the or laid down ) 8. 28.
pres. participial adj. Prapaśyat 2121. TEA Acc. sing. of the neu. (Seeing ) 1. 39. form of the past pass. participial 2132. TT Pres. 1st pers. sing. adj. Pradipta (Fully ignited ) 11. 29. of the root Drs-paśy with the prefix
2122. taea Pres. 3rd pers. plu. Pra ( See No. 2130) 2.8. of the root Dus with the prefix Pra 2133. Tigar 5: Nom. sing. of the (To become spoiled ) 1 41.
mas. noun Prapitāmaha (Great2123. afara: Nom. plu. of the grandfather, the source of the pres. participial adj. Pradvişat
Hiranyagarbha i. e. the Avyakta ) (Hating intensely ) 16. 18.
11. 39.
2134. Tara Pres. 3rd pers. sing. 2124. 970: Nom. sing. of the mas.
of the root Bhū with the prefix Pra form of the past pass. participial
(To become evolved, to come into adj. Pranaşta ( Destroyed ) 18. 72.
being, to become manifest or to 2125. Tea Pres. 3rd pers. sing. make one's appearance ) 8. 19. of the root Pad with the prefix Pra 2 135. Tara Pres. 3rd pers. plu.
cn or approach) 7. 19. of the root Bhū with the prefix Pra 2126. 791 Pres. 3rd pers. plu. (See No. 2134 ) 8. 18; 16. 9. of the root Pad:with the prefix Pra. 2136. Ta Acc. sing. of the mas. (See No. 2125 ) 4. 11; 7. 14, 15, 20. noun Prabhava (Birth or source )
2127. The Pres. 1st pers. sing. of 10. 2. the root Pad with the prefix Pra 2137. 977: Nom. sing. of the mas. (See No. 2125 ) 15. 4. Rāmānuja, noun Prabhava (See No. 2136 ) 7. 6; Vedāntadesikai. and Venkatanātha 9. 18; 10. 8. have adopted the alternative reading 2138. THECU Nom. sing. of the Prapad yet which serves to avoid neu. form of the adj. Prabhavişnu the inconvenience felt in constru'ng (One who is capable of evolving at the verse with the verb Prapad ye will) 13. 16. (See App. I. 35).
2139.7371 Nom. sing. of the fem. 2128. TET Pot. 3rd pers. sing. of noun Prabha (Lustre) 7. 8. the root Pad with the prefix Pra 2140. T oa Pot. 3rd pers. sing. of (See No. 2125) 15. 4. For the occur- the root Bhäs with the prefix Pra rence of this word there and its (To speak ) 2. 54.
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