SURIJI (1870-1954)
He was a great reformer, fully conscious of the needs of the present day, and far beyond the confused atmosphere of dull convention. In fact, in the name of Jain religion he was propagating Indian Culture. He tried his best to help preserve the ideals of Indian culture for all time. The educational institutions that he founded are eloquent witnesses of this. The famous Atmanand Jain College of Haryana, (Ambala City). Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya of Bombay, and schools and college for boys and girls as well as hostels for them in different parts of the country are educating about 50 thousand children. He actively encouraged non-violence and the wearing of home-spun Khadi that were
formulated by Mahatma Gandhi, not merely in A famous religious teacher of the 20th words but actually in his own life; he thus century, Acharya Sri Vijaya Vallabh Surish
supported the great national leader. He warji was born in Baroda (Gujarat). He was as
pleaded with the people, especially Jains, to the son of Dipchand Bhai and Iccha Bai, very
give up wearing garments that were prepared devout Jaina householders. He renounced lay
by unrighteous methods, and his lectures life and became a monk under the guidance of
were very effective. He served the nation the celebrated Acharya Sri Vijayanada Suriji
admirably well. In the history of Indian freedom Maharaj (also known popularly as Sri Atma
struggle, his name will be immortal. He was ramji), who was a contemporary of Maharishi
always wearing pure Khadi. Dayanand Saraswati (founder of Arya Samaj) and Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Sri
Social Reformer Atmaramji was well known in the country as
He was witness to the birth of Indian National well as outside for his great scholarship, and
Congress, to the Bengal partition, to the he had been invited to participate in the Champaran Satyagraha and to the JallianChicago Conference of World Religions in
walla massacre. He was not outside the 1893, and he had been honoured by the Royal stream of national revolution; he was filled Asiatic Society
with patriotism and he persuaded, with
success, people to give up the use of foreign Reared up under the care of his great Master,
gods, and devote themselves through body, Vijay Vallabh Suri (whose child name was
mind and money, to the service of nation. Chhaganlal) took the vow of life long celibacy. and dedicated his life for selfless work. He
vork He He rebelled against meaningless customs and mastered all the scriptures and became a
unhealthy practices. It was his desire to see forceful exponent of Jaina religion and
the country become a model to the whole philosophy. He had an engaging and persua
world, and he wanted it to be progressive. sive style, and his preachings came to be Here and there he started schools and greatly appreciated by the people. He brought colleges, and he passionately preached to brava
brary.com about an awakening in the country.
make the future generations national-minded.
aton International