35 presumably older than Haribhadra. We are Charpentier's note (367): "This story is basis of the animals found in the chains, we not told by Charpentier whether the story shortly told in the Niry. 511-514, but with the are justified in thinking that Kamalasamyama occurs in the commentary Sisyahita by deviation that the serpent is there devoured borrowed directly from Devendra; the parallel Santisuri, who died in 1040 A.D., and not by an osprey (kulala) instead of a mungoose presentation of the two texts in appendix B copy of this work is available. Devendra's (so far "cat").
shows that the borrowing is very literal. Sukhabodha, composed in Prakrit in 1073
Laksmivallabha's version "is so shortened
Similarly, it seems very probable that A.D., contains it. So also do Laksmivallabha's that without the other versions it would be Laksmivallabha went back for his chain,not to Sanskrit dipika and Kamalasamyama unintelligible. It is as follows: vårahasyam
Devendra, but to the earlier Niryukti . It is a Upadhyâya's Sanskrit Sarvărthasiddhi, both dvijau yamalau bhratarau jayaghosavijay
fair inference, then, that Devendra-Kamalaof uncertain date but later than Devendra. aghosau abhutam tayor eko jayaghośanama
samyama's cat (majjaro-marjāra) is secongangayam The Haribhadra story is summarized by
dary to Niryukti-Laksmivallabha's osprey
snatum gatah kurarasarpamanJacobi in his edition (Xlvi). I give a summary dukagrasam drstvá pravrajitah. 'At Benares
(kulala-kurara). It is not inferior also, thus
almost forcing Charpentier to translate here and print the Prakrit text and a
there were twin brothers, the brahmans translation in appendix A to this article. King Jayaghosa and Vijayaghoša. Of them the one
'mongoose' instead of 'cat'? Haribhadra's Simha, as he was marching against a rebel, called Jayaghosa went to the Ganges to bathe.
version with its osprey (kurara) is presumably came to the bank of the [5] Indus. There he Heving seen the swallowing of an osprey, a
chronologically later than the Niryukti, and observed a frog being swallwed by an osprey,
also presumably based it is on useful, then in serpent, and a frog, he became a monk.
further analysis to take frog--serpentwhich was being swallowed by a python. This Kamalasamyama Upadhyaya's version is occurrence became for him the cause of a in translation as follows the Sanskrit text in
osprey as the original Jain chain. disregard of wordly objects, and during the appendix B): 'In Benares town there were born
(6) Finally, there is a Kota version in 10.5following night he awoke and reflecting on twin brahmans,loving brothers, named 10. Two brothers-named Matn and Umatn the sight he determined to become an ascetic.
and apparently culture-saw the swollen Jayaghosa and Vijayaghosa. One day Jayag
corpse of a man and then a chain of creatures hosa went to the river of the gods (ie the
devouring one another. The chain is wormDevendra's story is given in text and Ganges) to bathe. There he saw a frog seized
myna bird-karl bird (possibly an owl)-kite. translation by Charpentier. I give his transla- suddenly by a snake; and the snake also was
During the following night, the two, in tion with a few changes: 'In the town of violently attacked by a cat. But even so, that
indentical dreams, heard a voice teaching Brahman twins called Jayaghosa and Vijay- snake ate the croaking frog. And the cat also
that all men must die and become like the aghosa. Jayaghosa once went to the Ganges clung to the wriggling snake. When he had
corpse, and that each' creature kills another to bathe. There he saw a frog being seen them thus devouring one another, he
and is killed by still another, as they had seen. swallowed by a serpent; this later, again, was thought about living beings: "Alas for the
In consequence they abandoned the world assaulted by a cat. Then the serpent swallows worthlessness and intransience of the rounds
and dwelt in the jungle, making ascetic effort the croaking frog, while the cat chews the of mundane existence! One who has power to
to 'arrive at god's feet'. wriggling serpent. When he saw this series of prevail over another, he the more greedily murders he thought; 'Fie upon the emptiness devours that wretched one. But death is
All these stories are analyzable into two of life, for whosoever is the foremost (prevails, overwhelmingly potent to devour all without
motifs each. That common to all, in one form is the stronger] he shall swallow the other exception. Hence the law is the protector from or another, is a chain of animals. Three one; but death is the foremost of [prevails danger". Having thought this, that best of airerent chain-types are found: over, is stronger than) all, and consequently it brahmans, Jayaghosa, was enlightened. (1) those of the Mahabharata, the Hitowill devour everything. That is why the true Having crossed the Ganges in agitation, he padesa, the two sculptured panels, and law is here the escape from all emergencies.' took the vows from (literally, beside) a holy Rudrabhatta, viz. - And so he was enlightened He crossed the man.'
(a)in Mahabharata: dog, leopard, tiger, Ganges and took the vows in the presence of The versions in the Uttaradhyayana com
elephant, lion, sarabha; a holy man.'
mentaries are, like most stories in these texts, (b) in Hitopades'a: mouse, cat, dog, I know the Niryukti version only from borrowed directly from one another. On the
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