The physical body is cleaned with water. Similarly the soul is cleaned with meticulous practice of Avashyak sutra. In fact infinite knowledge, infinite vision, unlimited ecstatic happiness are the natural characteristics of soul. Heat is always there in the fire. Coolness is the very nature of water. Similarly knowledge, vision and ecstatic happiness form the fundamental nature of soul. Knowledge and soul are not two separate entities. Where there is soul; there is always knowledge vision and ecstatic happiness in its complete form because vision and soul, ecstatic pleasure and soul are also not separate entities. But the dust of Karmic matter has covered the knowledge, vision and ecstatic happiness which are the very nature of the soul. Just as a person cannot properly see his reflection in the mirror when great dust is attached to it, similarly since time immemorial, innumerable layers of dust of karmic molecules is attached to the soul. Due to the presence of that karma dust, the soul is ignorant about its real nature namely right knowledge, right vision and ecstatic happiness.
Avashyak Sutra (Aphorism) is the spiritual practice for removing that karmic dust. With the regular practice of Avashyak, the soul becomes spotless, pure and good. The pure form of soul is the godly nature, the sublime form. Six Step of Avashyak There are six steps of Avashyak. The journey of self-purification is completed by gradually moving ahead on this ladder of six rungs. The nature of six steps is as under::
1. Samayik: It is essential for the candidate who has presented himself for the practice of self-purification that first of all, he should practice the state of equanimity. He should detach himself from all sorts of enmity, hatred, anger, greed and the like even in his thoughts. Stabilizing himself in state of equanimity, he should look into his short-coming and virtues properly in an impartial manner. A person with perverse contemplation only looks at the faults of others and virtues of his own self. Keeping this fact in view, the first step of Samayik has been defined as Samayik- the state of equanimity.
The interpretation of Samayik is to remain in a state of equanimity at the time of gain, loss, comfort, discomfort, life, death and all suchlike states. One should remain calm both in the state of pleasure and that of pain. He should simply look at every event as knower and perceiver. He should not get affected or attached to any event. He should always remain studded in his very intrinsic nature.
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