stage but western scholars are enchanted to see detailed narration about these areas in Agam literature. The entire credit for it goes to the realistic contemplation of respected gurudev that he thought of presenting Agams in simple hindi, english and properly illustrated. Shri Avashyak Sutra Avashyak sutra occupies a prominent place in Agam literature. In it there are aphorisms for purification of spiritual practices of Jain ascetic and Shravaks.
The life style of Jain Shramans and shravaks is not unprincipled like that of ordinary saints (mendicants) or of common householder. His life is regulated by certain principles and limitations as mentioned in the code. His activities namely standing, sitting, sleeping, getting up, taking meals and the like are all according to the code well defined. He practices the vows of non-violence, truth, non-stealing, celibacy and non-attachment to possessions meticulously. In order to practice these vows properly, he follows many other principles. He remains completely vigilant in practicing such principles and limitations. In case even for a moment slackness occurs in practices of those principles and limitations, his vow gets adversely affected. His principles get damaged and then on the basis of adversely affected limitation he cannot go ahead on the path of salvation.
Jain shramans/shravak is extremely conscious about these limitations. He is always vigilant that the vows and limitations accepted by him should not be distorted. Sometimes due to the prevailing time period or the effect of past karmas, the vow or the limitation may get transgressed. There may be lack of proper carse in standing, sitting, talking, sleeping and the like. In order to remove these effect of fault arising from careless or slackness there is Avashyak sutra. In it there is compilation of all sutras (aphorisms that pertain to purification of all vows, great vows (mahavrat) and limitations. Simultaneously the omniscient has laid down that the practitioner should essentially practice this sutra twice a day, namely before early morning and immediately after sunset till he attains liberation.
The followers of Vedas recite prayer in the evening. The Buddhists do Upasana. The Muslims practice prayer called Namaz. The Christian seek pardon in prayer. The practice of Avashayak has the same place in Sharman tradition. In it the essential do's and do not's for the practitioner of Jain faith have been mentioned. So it is called Avashyak Sutra. One may miss sometimes the practice (or recitation of other sutras but it is compulsory for him to practice Avashyak Sutra.
kikkikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kekuuluukkutuliukululululululuk
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