After gaining knowledgel, the muni should shake to its root his karma-body (to cast off his karma).
६०. पंतं लहं सेवंति, वीरा समत्तदसिगो। 60. Pamtam lūham sevařti, viră sa mattada ňs ino. 60. The courageous one practising equanimity should take
tasteless and coarse food.
६१. एस ओहंतरे मुणी, तिणे मुत्ते विरए वियाहिए।
-foafeti 61. Esa ohartare mimi, tinne mutte virae viyāhie.
Tti bemi Such a muni who has crossed the ocean of life and death is called successful, liberated, and devoid of passions.
-- I say so.
1. See, 2/103.
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