Book Title: Jinratnakosha Part 1
Author(s): Hari Damodar Velankar
Publisher: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Education interne Government Oriental Series Class C 2o. 4 JINARATNAKOSA AN ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF JAIN WORKS AND AUTHORS VOL. I. WORKS BY HARI DAMODAR VELANKAR, M. A. PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT, WILSON COLLEGE, Bombay POONA BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1944 www.jainelibrary Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ COVERNMENT ORIENTAL" SERIES Class e, No.4 Jain Education Intemational Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Copies can be had direct from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona 4 (India) Price: Rs 12 Annas & per copy, exclusive of postage. Printed and published by Dr. R. N. Dandekar, M.A., Ph.D., at the Bhandarkar Institute Press, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona No. 4 (India) Jain Education Interational Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Governurent Oriental Series Class C No. 4 JINARATNAKOSA AN ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF JAIN WORKS AND AUTHORS VOL. 1. WORKS BY HARI DAMODAR VELANKAR, M. A. PROFESSOR OG SANSKRIT, WILSON COLLEGE, Bombay POONA BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1944 Jain Education Intemational Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GOVERNMENT ORIENTAL SERIES Class . No. 4 PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OR THE BHANDARKAR ORIENTA RESEARCH INSTITUTE POONA INST POON MI FOUNDED 1917 FOUNDED Bhandaikar Oriental Research Institute Jain Education Intemational Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ राजकीया प्राच्यग्रन्थश्रोण:-अनुक्रमाः 'सी ४ जिनरत्नकोशः ( जैनग्रन्थग्रन्यकृत्सूच्यात्मकः) ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः विल्सन कॉलेज-गीर्वाणभापा-प्रधानाध्यापकेन एम्. ए. इत्युपपदधारिणा वेलणकरकुलावतंसेन दामोदरसू नुना हरिणा रचितः पुण्यपत्तनस्थ भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिराधिकृतैः भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यामन्दिरमुदणालय मुद्रयित्वा प्राकाश्यं नीतः १८६६ शकवत्सरा: १९४४ ख्रिस्ताब्दाः मूल्यं सार्धद्वादश रूपकाः Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE WHILE I was preparing the Descriptiva Catalogue of the Mss. of the B.B. R. A. S., Bombay, I found that the then available information about the extent and nature of Jain Literature was rather megre. So, I decided to compile a Catalogue Catalogorum on the lines of Aufrecht's great work. I actually began my work in the month of December, 1923 and succeeded in acquiring reliable lists of Mss. preserved in the various Jain Bhandars throughout India. The lists of the Svetāmbara Bhandars were obtained by me through many of my friends, prominently among whom must be mentioned the late Mr. K. P. Modi, Advocate of Ahmedabad, Shri Indravijaya Suri Maharaj of Shivpuri, Gwalior, Mr. M. D. Desai, Advocate of Bombay, Dr. T. L. Shah, of Baroda, and Mr. K. H. Javeri, Cloth Merchant of Bombay. On the other hand, I got the lists of the Digambara Bhandars from the Ailak Pannalal Digambara Jain Sarasvati Bhuvan at Bhuleshvar, Bombay ; but very often Pandit Nathuram Premi, the Jain Bookseller and Publisher of Hirabag, Bombay, helped me materially in securing lists and also in various other ways. I take this oppertunity of expressing my deep gratitude to all these gentlemen and institutions. I was unable to visit and personally inspect the Jain Bhandars in Gujrat and Central India in spite of the very noble offer of help made to me by the Jain Svetāmbara conference of Bombay, for various reasons which include those of health and circumstances. As regards the Digambara Bhandars, a visit to these by a NonJain is still out of question. It is therefore, not impossible that a number of statements made in this Kośa may be found inaccurate. I do not disown responsibility in all such cases and in all humility apologize to the reader for the inconvenience and mental uneasiness which may be caused to him ; for, I am fully conscious that my own ignorance and negligence might have been as much responsible for this state of affairs as the inaccurate statements existing in the lists themselves. Unlike Aufrecht, I am listing the works and the authors separately. Thus in this First Volume of the Jinaratnakośa, a list of Jain works alone will be found ; while, I propose to give the list of the authors in the Second Volume. I have purposely restricted myself to Jain works written in the Sanskrit and the Prakrit languages including the Apabhramśa, though I have 'occasionally mentioned some old Gujrati commentaries and works. Jain Literature is written in at least three different provincial languages, namely, Gujrati, Hindi, and Kannada. Of these, the works composed by the Jain poets in Gujrati are listed, described, and illustrated admirably by Mr. M. D. Desai, Advocate, Bombay in the two volumes of his .Jaina Gurjara k'avio', 1925, and 1931. A similar attempt is made by R. Narasimhācārya in his Karnatakakavicarite, Vols. I to III, Bangalore, 1924 etc. This latter work is of course conceived on a different plan ; in it greater importance is attached to the poets than to their works, so that the manuscripts of the works are rarely mentioned, if at all. In the case of Jain Jain Education Intemational Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ literature written in Hindi, I am not aware of any such sustained attempt to give a full account of either the authors or their works. It is indeed desirable that lists of the works and authors of Jain literatuie written in the three languages mentioned above should be prepared as early as possible to complete the picture attempted in and started by the Jinaratnakosa; but I find that I am, unable to do his at present at least, because I know nothing at all of the Kannada language. II Lastly, I think, I shally be failing in my duty if I do not mention the chief source of my inspiration in the preparation of this Jinaratnakosa. My Guru, the late Professor H. M. Bhadkamkar of Wilson College, had repeatedly expressed a desire to prepare some work resembling the Vedic Index of Macdonell and Keith (Guru and Sisya), in collaboration with nie, his humble pupil, and this was when I was yet to pass my first degree examination. Owing to my misfortune, however, my Guru passed away only six months after I got my B. A. degree and left une all alone to carry out his desire. Ever since that time (May, 1915), I have tried to be a worthy pupil of his, both in my work at the college and in the field of research, and have steadily kept in view the fulfilment of his desire mentioned above. The present work is the first fruit of my attempts, awkward and imperfect though it is, and I humbly offer it to the Spirit of my Guru! Shastri Hall, Bombay 10th August, 1944 H. D. Velankar Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A. Collections of Manuscripts. (1) AD. The printed Catalague of the Digambara (10) Bhand. I. First Report of a tour in search Bhandar, called "Jainasiddhāntabhavana', of Sanskrit Mss., by Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar. at Arrah; it is edited by Mr. S. D. Gupta, The Mss. were purchasel for the Bombay B. A. and is published in A. D. 1919. The Government and are now deposited at the Bhandara contains Mss. written in two scripts: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, Devanagari and Kanarise. AD. refers to the No. 4. The Collection is known as the Collection former while AK. refers to the latter. The 4 of 1879--1880. Quoted by serial numbers. reference is to the serial numbers. (11) Bhand. IL Second Report as above by Dr. (2) Agra. A list of manuscripts in the Vijaya- Bhandarkar. All Mss. mentioned in all the dharma Lakşmi Jñanamandira at Belan Ganj, six Reports of Dr. Bhandarkar are kept at the Agra. Procured through Mr. K. H. Javeri in Bhandarkar Institute. The collection menti1938. oned in this Second Report is konwn as the (3) AK. See above under AD. Collecton 4 of 1881--82. Quoted by serial (4) AL. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Mss. in numbers. Leipzig, prepared by Aufrecht; quoted by serial ( 12 ) Bhand. III. Third Report as above by Dr. numbers. Bhandarkar, the collection being known as the (5) AM. The Mss. in the Anantanätha Mandira Collection of 1882-83. This Report contains of the Kacchi Osval Dasa, Ancala Gaccha, a brief introduction, discussing some of the Mandvi, Bombay. The list is only of the Mss. mentioned in the Report. Quoted by Magadhi Mss., and was prepared by me perso- serial numbers. nally in 1929. The figures refer to the (13) Bhand. IV. Forth Report as above by Dr. Bundles. (6) AZ. The list of the Nemasagarji Upasraya Bhandarkar, the collection being known as the Bhandar, Amli Pole, Zaveri Vada, Ahmeda Collection of 1883-84. It contains a long and very useful introduction, in which bad; supplied by the late Mr. K. P. Mody of ample Ahmedabad. It is quoted by Dabhadas i. e. material is gathered for the history of Jain Literature. References are often made to the boxes and pothis i. e, manuscripts. The figure outside the bracket refers to the former and pages of this introduction and also to the that within them refers to the latter. appendix given at the end of the Report, (7) Baroda. The list of the Mss. preserved at the containing quotations from important Jain Oriental Institute, Baroda, Prepared by my works. Mss. are quoted by serial numbers as above. self, in 1933. The Mss. are quoted by their Library numbers. (14) Bhand. V. Fifth Report as above by Dr. (8) Bendall. A Catalogue of the Sanskrit Mss. in the Bhandarkar. The collection is known as the British Museum London, 1902. Quoted by Collection of 1884–87. Quoted by serial the serial numbers. numbers. (9) Bengal. A printed List of the Mss. of the Aci- (15) Bhand. VI. Sixth Report as above by Dr. atic Society of Bengal, published in JASB., Bhandarkar. The collection is known as the Vol. IV. 1908. Quoted by serial numbers Collection of 1887-91. Quoted by serial given in the List (on pp. 408-410). numbers. Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JV A List of Abbreviations (16) Bik. A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of his Highness the Maharaja of Bikaner, prepared by R. Mitra and published in 1880. Quoted by serial numbers. (17) BK. An unpublished list of about 3000 Mss, in the private Library of Muni Sri Kanti vijayaji of Baroda, Narsisiahaji Pola, Baroda, supplied by the late Mr. K. P. Mody. Quoted by serial numbers. (18) BO. A mere List of Mss., collected since 1895 for the Govt. Mas. Library, pablised by the Bhandarkar Institute, Poona, 1925. It contains 7 different Collections. The references are to the pages of the List. (19) Bod. A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Mss., in the Bodlean Library, prepared by Prof. M. Winternitz. (20) BSC. A List of Govt. Mss. purchased between 1897 and 1901, deposited in the Sanskrit Callege, Benares, published at Allahabad, 1902. Quoted by serial numbers. (21) Bt. Bhattipanika, an old list of Jain works with their dates and extent, prepared by some unknown Jain monk, and published in the Jain Sahitya Saigodlaka, L. 2, Poons, I. 1925. (22) Bah. L. The first collection made by Dr. Bubler for the Bombay Govt. It is known as the Collection of 1870-71. Both this and the subsequent collections made by Dr. Bühler are deposited at the Bhandarkar Institute, Poona. The list of Mss. in all these collections are published in A Catalogue of the Collections' at Bombay, Govt. Central Press, 1880. All these are quoted by the serial numbers. (23) Bah. II. The second collection of Dr. Bühler, known as the Collection of 18711872. (24) Buh. III. The third collection of Dr. Bühler, known as the Collection of 1872-1873. (25) Bah. IV. The fourth collection of Dr. Bühler, known as the Collection of 1873-1874. (26) Buh. V. The fifth collection of Dr. Bühler, known as the Collection of 1874-1875, (27) Buh. VI. The sixth collection of Dr. Bühler. known as the Collection of 1875-1876. (28) Bah. VII. The seventh collection of Dr. Bühler, known as the Collection of 18771878. (29) Bah. VIII The eightth collection of Dr. Buhler, known as the Collection of 1879 1880. (30) Cal. A Catalogue of Mss. in the Calcutta Sanskrit College, Vol. X, published in 1909. Quoted by serial numbers. (31) CC. I, II, III. A Catalogus Catalogorum by T. Aufrecht, published in three volumes, Leipzig, 1891, 1896, 1903. (32) Chani. A list of Mss in the private Bhandar of Mani Sri Kantivijayaji Maharaj, situated at Chani, near Baroda, supplied by the late Mr. K. P. Mody. Quoted by serial numbers. (33) CMB. A list of the Mss. in the Candraprabha Jain Mandira at Bhalesvara, Bombay. Secured through the Pannalal Digambara Jaina Sarasvati Bhavana, Bombay, No. 3. Quoted by numbers of the Bundles. (34) CP. & CPI. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Mss in CP and Berar, prepared by Rai Bahadur Hiralal and published at Nagpur, 1926. Quoted by pages. CP. refers to the catalogue itself, while CPI. refers to the valuable introduction by the author. (35) DA. A list of Mss., in the Dela Upasraya Bhandar on the ground floor, at Ahmedabad, got through the late Mr. K. P. Mody. Quoted by Dabhdas and Pothis. See No. 6 above. (36) DB. A list of Mas, in the Dela Upaśmaya Bhandar on the first floor, at Ahmedabad, got through the late Mr. K. P. Mody. Quoted by Dabhdas and Pothis as above. (37) DC. & DI. Catalogue of Mss., in Jesalmere Bhandars, published in the Gaek. O. Series, Baroda, 1923. Quoted by pages. DC. refers to the Catalogue itself, while DI. refers to the Sanskrit introduction by Mr. L. B. Gandhi. Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A List of Abbreviations (38) Devasthali. A Descriptive Catalogue of Mss. of the Bombay University, prepared by Prof. G. V. Devasthali M.A., and published by the University, Bombay, 1944. (39) DLB. A list of Mss. in the private Bhandar of Dhannalal of Bombay, obtained through the Pannalal Sarasvati Bhavana mentioned under No. 33 above. Quoted by the numbers of the Bundles. (40) Flo. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Mss. in Florence, Italy, prepared by E. Pavolini and published at Firenzi, 1907. Quoted by serial numbers. (41) Hamsa. A list of about two thousand Mss. in the private library of Shri Hamsavijayaji Maharaj. At present these Mss. are in the charge of the Manager of the Kantivijaya Bhandar, Baroda: see (BK) above. Obtained through the late Mr. K. P. Mody, MA., LL.B. Quoted by serial numbers. (42) Hebra. A list of Mss. in the Bhandar of the Varanga Jain Matha, Hebra, South Kanara. Quoted by the Bundles. (43) Hultz. Report No. III on Sanskrit Mss. in South India, by E Hultasch, published at Madras, 1905. Quoted by the serial numbers. (44) Hum. A list of Mss. in the Jain Bhandar at Humbuccha Katte, District Shivamoga, Mysore. Quoted by the Bundles. Obtained through the Sarasvati Bhavana of Bombay mentioned under No. 33 above. (45) Idar. A list of Mss at the Digambar Bhandar at Idar, Dist. Ahmedabad. This is collection No. I, containing complete Manuscripts. Quoted by the Bundles. (46) Idar A. A second collection at the same Bhandar at Idar, containing incomplete manu scripts. This also is quoted by the Buudles. (47) JA. A list of the famous palm-leaf Mss. in the Shantinath temple of Cambay. Many of these were inspected and noticed by Dr. Peter son in his Ist, IIIrd and the Vth Reports. Quoted by Bundles and Pothis. The list was obtained through the late Mr. K. P. Mody. (48) JB. A list of the Jaanavimalasuri Bhandar at Cambay. It was similarly obtained through Mr. Mody. It is qnoted by the Bandles. It contains 225 Mss. kept in 165 Bundles. (49) Jesal. A list containing 1943 Mss., of the Bada Bhandar of Jesalmir. This and the next two lists were prepared for the Jain Svetämbara Conference of Bombay by Mr. Hiralal Hamsaraj and are at times inaccurate. Obtained through the Conference. Some of these Mss. are noticed even by C. D. Dalal in his Catalogue. See (37) above, quoted by numbers. (50) JG. Jaina Granthavali or, A list of Jain works prepared under the auspicies of the Jaina Svetambara Conference and published by the same Body at Bombay Pydhoni, 1909. (51) JHA. A list of the Mss. in the Inner Bhandar of Sri Harisägaragani of Jaipur. Quoted by Bundles. Obtained through the Svetambara Conference of Bombay. (52) JHB. A list of the Outer Bhandar of Sri Harisgaragani of Jaipur. Obtained through the Conference like the last one, and quoted by the Bundles. Harisigaragani belongs to the Kharatara Gaccha. (53) Kaira A. A list of Mss. in. the Bhandar of Sammmatiratna Suri of Kaira obtained through Mr. M. D. Desai of Bombay. It is quoted by the serial numbers. (54) Kaira B. A list of Mss. in the Bhandar of Bhagyaratna Sari of Kaira, obtained likewise through Mr. Desai. Quoted by the serial numbers. (55) Kap. Prof. H. R. Kapadia's Descriptive Catalogue of the Jain Mss. at the BORI, Poona, Vol. XVII. pts. 1 to 3 quoted by the serial numbers given to the Mss. by the author of the Catalogue. Published 1938 1940. (56) Kath. A list of Mss., contained in the Report of Prof. A. B. Kathavate. The colle ction enlisted in the Report is known as the Collection of 1895-1902, and is kept at the Bhandarkar Institute. It is quoted by the serial numbers. Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A List of Abbreviations (57) KB. A list of the collection of Mss., belong-1 (65) Kundi. A list of Mss. in the Bhandar of the ing to the Bada Upāsraya, Rangadi Chowk, Bhāņthaki Kundi, at Jesalmir, prepared by Bikaner. It is kept in nine different Bhandars. Hiralal Hamsaraj for the Svetāmbara ConThe list was obtained through the Svetāmbara ference of Bombay, and got through it by Conference of Bombay. In the references, me. It is quoted by serial numbers. the figure outside the bracket refers to the ( 66 ) Lal. A list of Mss. in the Lalitakirti Bhandar Bhandar and the figure within the bracket of Ajmer. Obatined through the Sarasvatirefers to the number of the Bundle in that bhavana of Bombay, mentioned above under Bhandar. The Mames of the 9 Bhandars are No. (33) Quoted by serial numbers. in order :- 1 Dānasāgara Bhandar ; 2 Abhaya- ( 67 ) Limdi. A list of about 3500 Mss. in the simba Bhandar ; 3 Mahimabhakti Bhandar; Limdi Bhandar at Limdi, District Ahmedabad, 4 Rāmacandramuni Bhandar ; 5 Vardhamāna obtained through the late Mr. K. P. Mody. Bhandar ; 6 Sahasrakirana Bhandar ; 7 Jina- The list is subsequently printed after being barsasuri Bhandar ; 8 Bhuvanabhakti Bhandar; alphabetically arranged. Quoted by serial 9 Meherchandji Bhandar. numbers. ( 58 ) KO. A list of the Mss. in the Kusalacandra- | ( 68 ) List. This is a list of Digambar works, made gani Bhandar at Bikaner, obatined through by some Pundit of Jaipur, who at times the Svetāmbara Conference, Bombay. It is mentions the places where the Mss. of the quoted by the numbers of the Bundles. particular work may be had. The Ms. of this ( 59 ) Keith. A Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit list is preserved at the Bhandarkar Institute Mss, in the Indian Institute Library of Oxford, (Nos. 953b, c, d, of 1892-95). I have chosen prepared by Prof. Keith and published in from this list only those Mss. which are not 1903. It is quoted by the serial numbers. found anywhere else and have indicated the (60) Kiel. I. A list of Mss. in Kielhorn's plasce of the Ms. in the bracket. S. J. means collection, known as the Collection of 1869 Savai Jaipur. 1870, deposited at the Bhandarkar Institute. ( 69 ) MHB. A list of Mss. in the Mænekchand The list of this and the next two collections Hirachand Bhandar, Chowpaty, Bombay. may be found in A Catalogue of Collections' Obtained through the Bombay Sarasvati etc, mentioned under No. (22) above. Separate Bhavana mentioned under No. (33) above. Reports of these were also published. All the Quoted by the Bundles. three Kielhorn collections are quoted by the (70) Mitra I. This is Vol. I of the Notices of serial numbers. Sanskrit Mss., by R. Mitra. These Notices are ( 61 ) Kiel. II. A list of the second collection of in ten volumes and were published at Calcutta Dr. Kjelhorn, known as the Collection of between 1871 and 1880. I have quoted them 1880-1881. all, by Volumes and pages. ( 62 ) Kiel. III. A list of the third collection of |(71) Mitra II. Vol. II of Mitra's Notices. Quoted Dr. Kielhom known as the Collection of by pages 1881-1882. (72) Mitra III. Vol. III of Mitra's Notices. (63) Kn. A list of Mss. in the Ksamākalyāņa Quoted by pages. Bhandar of Bikaner. It was obtained through (73) Mitra IV. Vol. IV of Mitra's Notices. the Svetāmbera Conference and is quoted by Quoted by pages. the Bundles. (74) Mitra V. Vol. V of Mitra's Notices. Quoted (64) KO. A list of Mss. in the Bhandar of by pages. Laksmisena. Bhattārakaji's Jain Matha, at (75) Mitra VI. Vol. VI of Mitra's Notices. Quoted Kolhapur. Quoted by serial numbers. by pages. Jain Education Interational Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A List of Abbreviations (76) Mitra VII. Vol. VII of Mitra's Notices. Quoted by pages. Wada, Patan. These are all Palm leaf Manuscripts. Quoted by Bundles and Pothis. (77) Mitra VIII. Vol. VIII of Mitra's Notices. (88) PAPR. A List of the Paper Mss. in the Quoted by pages. (78) Mitra IX. Vol. IX of Mitra's Notices. Quoted by pages. (79) Mitra X. Vol. X of Mitra's Notices. Quoted by pages. (80) Mud. A list of Mss. in the Bhandar of Carukirti Bhattaraka of Mudvidri, South Kanara, obtained through the Bombay, A. P. Jain Sarasvati Bhavana mentioned above under No (33). Quoted by the Bundles. (81) Mysore I. A Catalogue of Mss. in the Govt. Oriental Library of Mysore, prepared by Mr. Mahadev Shastri and published at Mysore in 1894. Quoted by pages. (82) Mysore II. Vol. I of the Catalogue of Mss. in the Govt. Ori. Library, Mysore, 1900. Quoted by pages. (83) Mysore III. Vol. II of the same; quoted by pages. Compiler's name is not mentioned in any one of these two volumes. (84) Padma. A list of Mss. in the private Bhandar belonging to Mr. Padmaraj Jain of Mysore, obtained through the Bombay Sarasvati Bhavana mentioned under No. (33). It is quoted by the Bundles. (85) PAP. This and the next eight lists are the lists of the famous Patan Bhandars. They are on the whole, carefully prepared and the information given in them is usually accurate. I got them all through the Jain Svetambara Conference, Bombay. PAP. is the list of the Bhandar called the Sangha Bhandar at Pofalia Wada, Vakhatji Sheri, at Patan. This contains 79 Dabhdas, and is quoted by Dabhdas and Pothis. (86) PAPL. This is the list of the Limdi Pada branch of the above mentioned Singha Bhandar. It has only 9 Dabhdas and is quoted by Dabhdas and Pothis. (87) PAPM. A list of the Mss. in the New Sangha Bhandar in the Vakhatji Sheri, Pofalia vit same New Sangha Bhandar. Quoted by Dabhdas and Pothis similarly. (89) PAPS. A list of the Mss. in the Bhandar at the Agali Sheri, Pofalia Wada, Patan. Quot ed by Dabbdas and Pothis. (90) PAS. A list of the Mss. in the Bhandar of Lodhi Posala Sanghavi Pada, Patan. This is a very valuable collection of Palm-leaf Manuscripts about 500 in number. Most of them are worn out, Quoted serial numbers. The Mss. from this collection are also described at Patan Catalogue (Gaek, O. S. No. 76), pp. 1-258. (91) Patan Cat. A Descriptive Catalogue of Mss. in the Jain Bhandar at Patan, Vol. I (Palm leaf Mss.), published by the Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1937. (92) PAZA. A list of old and valuable Mss. though on paper, in Sha Chunilal Mulji's Bhandar, Zaveri Wada, Patan. Quoted by Dabhdas and Pothis. (93) PAZB. A list of Mss. in the Vadi Parsva natha Pustaka Bhandar, at Zaveri Wada, Patan. Quoted by Bundles and Pothis. (94) Pet. I. and Pet. I. A. These are the Mss. listed and described in the First Report of Dr. Peterson. The collection is preserved at the Bhandarkar Institute and is known as the Collection A of 1882-88. Quoted by serial numbers. Pet. I. A. refers to the Appendix in the Report, which contains quotataons from important Jain works. The allusions are to the pages of this Appendix. (95) Pet. II. A Second Report by Dr. Peterson, containing a list of Mss. acquired for the Bombay Govt. and a long introduction and extracts from important Mss. The collection, like other Government collections is preserved at Bhandarkar Institute, and is known as the Collection A of 1883-84. Quoted by serial numbers. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A List of Abbreviations (96) Pet. III. and Pet. III. A. A Third Report by Dr. Peterson. The collection is known as the Collection of 1884-85. Quoted by serial numbers of the Mss. Pet. III. A. refers to the important Appendix of this Report, containing quotations from Manuscripts in the Sāntinātha Temple at Cambay, in continuation from the Appendix of the First Report. The Appendix also contains quotations from Jain works existing at other Jain Bhandars. The references to it are by pages. ( 97 ) Pet. IV. and Pet. IV. A. A Fourth Report by Dr. Peterson. This collection is known as the Collection of 1886-1892. Quoted by serial numbers. This and the next two Reports contain not only an introduction and extracts from Mss., but also a full and very useful index of the Jain authors. References to the Appendix are by pages. (98) Pet. V. and Pet. V. A. A Fifth Report by Dr. Peterson. The collection is known as the Collection of 1892–1895. Quoted by the serial numbers. Pet. V. A. refers to the three Appendices, containing extracts from Mss. in the Patan Bhandars, and Mss. in the collection itself. The allusion is to the pages. (99) Pet. VI. and Pet. VI. A. A Sixth Report by Dr. Peterson. The collection is known as the Collection of 1895-1898. Quoted by the serial numbers. Pet. VI. A. refers to the Appendix containing extracts from the Mss. in the collection itself. The allusion is to the pages. ( 100 ) PR. A Register of a few Prasastis of the Mss. in the possession of Seth Manekchand of Bombay. Supplied to me by Pandit Nathuram Premi, Jaina author and Book-seller of Hirabag, Bomby. The figures refer to the Serial numbers given in this unpublished Register. ( 101 ) PRA. These are the Prasastis copied and collected from the different Jain Mss. by various Jain scholars, prominent among them being Sri Indravijayasuri of Gwalior, Shivpuri, and Dr. Tribhuvandas Shah of Bombay (now settled at Baroda ). I have prepared my own notes from these and given them consecutive numbers for the sake of easy reference. I give below the numbers and after thein within brackets, the name of the Bhandar, from the Mss. in which the Prasastis were copied. Thus, PRA. 1 refers to my note prepared from the Prasasti copied out from a Ms. in the Kāntivijayaji's Bhandar at Chani and so on. It is intended that it should be possible for the reader to verify my state ment by a reference to the original Ms. from which the Prasasti was copied : 1-27 (Kantivijayji's Bhandar, at Chani); 28-47 (Sangha Bhandar at Patan); 48-78 (Halabhai's Bhandar, Pofalia wada, Patan); 79-99 (Kaira Bhandar); 100-104 ( The Jain Association's Bhandar, Bombay); 105174 (Kantivijayji's Bhandar, at Chani); 175-189 ( Godiji Bhandar, Udaipur ; 190277 ( different Bhandars visited by Sri Indravijayasuri; unfortunately no names are mentioned ); 278-348 ( Kantivijayaji's Bhandar at Baroda); 349-409 (Kantivijayaji's Bhandar at Chani); 410-428 (Limdi Bhandar); 429-436 (Mohanlal Bhandar, Surat ); 437438 (Limdi Bhandar); 439-465 (Chuniji's Bhandar, Naya Ghat, Benares ), 466-495 ( Balacandra Yati's Bhandar Ramghat, Benares ); 496-497 (Dasadano Bhandar); 498502 ( Bhandar at Limba ); 503-547 ( Dosabhai Abhechand's Bhandar at Bhavnagar ) ; 548-574 (Bhaktivijayji Bhandar of the Atmananda Sabha, Bhavnagar); 575-591 ( Sangha Bhandar at Ghogha ); 592-610 Premchand Ratanji's Bhandar, Bhavnagar); 611-620 (Vrddhicandraji's Bhandar at Bhavnagar); 621-628 (Gambhiravijayaji's Bhandar at Bhavnagar ), 629-633 (Kasturasagarji's Bhandar, Bhavnagar ) ; 634 (Gholera Bhandar), 635-639 (Jain Shaha's Bhandar at Cambay), 640-650 ( Bhandar at Patadi); 651-667 (Kesarvijayaji's Bhandar at Camp, Vadhwan); 668-674 ( City Bhandar at Vadhwan); 675-726 (Limdi Bhandar); Jain Education Intemational Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A List of Abbreviations IX 727-730 ( Anandji Kalyanji's Bhandar, Pali 1453 (Halabhai Bhandar, Patan); 1454-1473 tava ); 731-733 (Karpuravijayaji's Bhandar, ( Anantanatha temple Bhandar, Bombay), Palitana); 734-751 (Anandji Kalyanji's 1474 (Kantivijaya Bhandar, Baroda ); Bhandar, Palitana); 752-754 (Virabai 1475-1520 (Bhandarkar 0. R. Institute, Pathasala, Palitana); 755-759 (Moti Toli's Poona ) :- 1475-1478 ( Collection of 1869Bhandar, Palitana); 760 (Dosabhai Abhe. 70 ); 1479-1492 (Collection of 1871-72); chand Bhandar, Bhavnagar); 761 (Maganlal 1493-1506 (Collection of 1872-73), 1507Behechardas Bhandar, Bhavnagar); 762-772 1520 (Sundry Collections); 1521-1524 (Notes (Palm Leaf Mss. at Bhandarkar Institute, from the Prasastisamgraha publised by Poona); 773-1061 (Bhandarkar Institute, the Desavirati-dharma-ārādhaka Samāja, Poona ; they are distributed as follows: Ahmedabad). 773-781 (Kiel I.); 782-810 (Kath. ), 811 (102) Punjab. A Catalogue of Mss. in the Punjab 818 ( Bhand. V.); 819 (Buh. I.); 820-847 | Jaina Bhandars, Part I, Lahore, 1939. Quot(Buh. II.), 848-862 ( Buh. III.), 863-888 ed by serial numbers. (Buh. IV); $89-890 ( Buh. V.); 891-913 (Buh. VI.); 914-926 (Buh. VII.), 927 (103) Rice. A Catalogue of Sanskrit Mss. in 939 ( Buh. VIII. ); 940 ( Bhand. I.); 941 Mysore and Koorg, compited by Rice, and 951 (Kiel. II.); 952-963 (Kiel. III.) ; 964 published at Bangalore, 1884. Quoted by 968 ( Bhand. III.), 969-984 (Pet. I); 985- pages. 987 (Bhand- IV.): 988-990 (Pet. II.): ( 104 ) SA. A list of the Mss, in the Jainānanda 991-992 (Pet.III.); (993-1001 (Pet.IV.); Bhandar at Gopipura, Surat. Obtained through 1002-1016 (Pet. V.), 1017-1028 (Pet. VI.); the late Mr. Mody. Quoted by serial numbers. 1029-1038 (Bhand. V.); 1039–1059 (Bhand. ( 105 ) Samb. A List of 483 Msg, written on paper, VI.); 1060 (Pet. V.); 1061 (Pet. I.); the oldest being dated Saṁvat 1246, preserved 1062-1144 (Kantivijayaji's Bhandar, Baroda); in the temple of Sambhavnatha, which forms 1144a-1146 (Sangha Bhandar, Patan); 1147 part of the great Parshvanatha temple, Jesal. 1199 ( Kamalamuni's private Bhandar, when mir. Prepared by the late Mr. C. D. Dalal. he was in Bombay, Lalbag, about 1920); Obtained through the late Mr. K. P. Mody 1200 ( Shyamlal Khandar, Jaipur); 1201 of Ahmedabad. 1221 (Panchayati Sretambar Jain Bhandar, ( 106 ) SB. A printed list of the Mss. in the Jaipur ) ; 1222–1231 (Pandit Bhagavandas Mohanlal Bhandar at Surat. The Mss. are Jyotisi's library, Jaipur); 1232-1265 (Pan- kept in two cupboards and the reference is to chayati Svetāmbara Jain Bhandar, Jaipur); the Cupboards and the Bundles. 1266–1298 (Nagindas's palm-leaf Bhandar at ( 107 ) SG. and SGR. A list of the Mss, kept at the Shantinatha temple, Cambay); 1299-1336 Pannalal Jain Sarasvati Bhayan, Bhuleshvara, ( Ambalal's Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi Bhandar, Bombay. The figures refer to the general Palitana); 1337-1341 ( Nagarseth's Bhandar numbers which are given to them at the Cambay); 1342-1344 ( Nagindas's palm-leaf library. The authorities of this Bhavan have Bhandar at Shantinatha temple, Cambay); collected lists of Mss. in the various 1345-1381 ( Manekchand Hirachand's Bhan- Digambar Bhandars throughout India. I was dar at his own house at Chowpaty, Bombay), allowed to make use of these and I gratefully 1382-1401 (Sagar Bhandar, Patan) ; 1402- acknowledge their help. So far, five Reports 1408 (Sangha Bhandar, Patap ); 1409- with useful extracts from Mss. are published 1441 (Halabhai Bhandar, Patan); 1412-1424 on behalf of the Bhavan and SGR, refers to (Vadi Parshvanatha Bhandar, Patan); 1425-1 these Reports by pages. Also see No. (33). MACS. Jain Education Intemational Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I A List of Abbreviations (108) SRA. A list of the Mss. in the private Bhandar of Bhattarakaji, at Sravan Belgula. Quoted by the Bundles. (109) SRB. A list of the Mss. in the private Bhandar of Daurbali Jinadas of Sravan Belgula. Quoted by the Bundles. (110) Strass. (a). A list of the Mss. in the library at Strassburg, prepared by E. Leumann and published in the Vienna Oriental Journal, vol. XI. 1897, p. 279 ff. Quoted by pages. The Mss. are of Digambara works. (111) Strass. (b). A similar List of the Svetambara Mss., published in Ubersicht uber die Avasyaka Literatur, Hamburg, 1934, p. III. Quoted by serial numbers given there. (112) Surat. An alphabetical catalogue prepared by Mr. Kesarchand Hirachand Jhaveri, (cloth marchant, Mangaldas Market, Bombay), of all Mss. in the 11 different Bhandars at Surat. Unfortunately the list is rather vague and mentions after the name of the work, only the number of the Bhandar at Surat. The Mss. indeed can be easily traced, and besides, Mr. Jhaveri is an enthusiastic Jain citizen of Bombay, who readily assists scholars interested in Jainism. He has given the following numbers to the different Bhandars, and my references are to these:-1 Sri Jainananda Pustakalaya, Gopipura; 2 Sri Jinadattasüri Jnanabhandara, Gopipura; 3 Sri Mohanlal Jain Jnanabhandara, Gopipura; 4 Seth Nemachand Melapchand Jain Upasraya Library, Gopipura; 5 Hukum Muniji Jain Jnanabhandar, Gopipura; 6 Devchand Lalbhai Pustakoddhar Fund Library; 7 Mandirsvami Temple Library, Bada Chauta, Surat, 8 Jain Upasraya Library, Bada Chauta; 9 Cintamani Parsvanatha Temple Library, Sahapur, Surat; 10 Dharmanatha Temple Library of the Devasura Gaccha, Gopipura; 11 Adinatha Temple Library, Gopipura. (113) Tapa. A List of the Mss. in the Tapa Gaccha Bhandar at Jesalmir, obtained through the Svetambara Conference of Bombay. Quoted by the Bundles, For Private (114) Tera. A List of the Mss. in the Tera Panthi Bada Bhandar at Jaipur, obtained through the Sarasvati Jaina Bhavana of Bombay mentioned under No. (33). Quoted by the Bundles. (115) VA. A List of the Mss. in the Bhandar of the Vimala Gaccha Upasraya, situated at Falusha's Pole, Ahmedabad and containing 18 Dabhadas having about 555 Mss. The references are to the Dabhdas and the Pothis. This and the next three lists were obatined through the late Mr. K. P. Mody. A list of the Mss. in the Bhandar of (116) VB. the Vimala Gaccha Upasraya, situated at Haja Patel's Pole, Ahemedabad. It consists of 42 Dabhdas and contains about 1426 Manuscripts. Quoted by Dabhdas and Pothis. (117) VC. A list of the Mss. in the Bhandar of the Vimala Gaccha Upasraya, situated at Ahemdabad. It is in the possession of Uddyotavimalagani and contains about 360 Mss. kept in 15 Dabhdas. Quoted by Dabhdas and Pothis. (118) VD. A list of the Mss. in the Bhandar of the Vimala Gaccha Upasraya, situated at the Haji Patel's Pole, Ahmedabad. This too is in the possession of Uddyotavimalagani and contains about 347 Manuscripts kept in 15 Dabhdas. Quo;ed by Dabhdas and Pothis. (119) Vel. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Mss. in the BBRAS., Town Hall, Bombay, prepa red by H. D. Velankar. It is in four volumes, published in 1925, 1928, and 1930. The references are to the serial numbers of the Mss. given to them in this Catalogue. (120) Vis. A list of Mss. in the Visrama Baga Collection, now kept at the Bhandarkar Institute. Quoted by the serial numbers. (121) Weber. A discriptive Catalogue of the Berlin Mss. prepared by A. Weber. It is published in two volumes and the references are to the serial numbers of the Mss. given in the Catalogue. Personal Use Only Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Texts-Publishing Series The following Series which have published many Jain works are referred to generally in the abbreviated form as given within the brackets : (AS) Agamodaya Samiti Series, Surat. (DLP.) Devacand Lalbhai Pustakoddhāra Fund Series, Bombay & Surat. (JAS.) Jain Atmānanda Sabhā Series, Bhavnagar, (JDPS.) Jaina-dharma-prasaraka Sabha Series, Bhavnagar. (MDG.) Manekchand Digambara Jaina Granthamāla, Hirabag, Bombay. (RJS.) Raichand Jaina Sāstramālā, Hirabag, Bombay. (YJG. ) Yasovijayaji Jaina Granthamālā, Benares and Bhavnagar. C. Printed Books and Magazines In addition to magazines and books whose abbreviated forms are well-known, I have alluded to the following ones :( HJL. ) A History of Jain Literature written in Gujrati by Mr. M. D. Desai, BA., LL.B. and published by the Jain Svetambara Con ference, Bombay, 1935. (JH.) Jaina Hitaisi; A Hindi Monthly Magazine, edited by Pandit Nathuram Premi and Pandit J. R. Mukhtyr and published at Bombay (upto 1921). (JK.) Jaina Gurjara Kavio, in two volumes, compiled by Mr. M. D. Desai, B.A., LL.B. and published by the Jaina Svetāmbara Con ference, Bombay, 1926, 1931. (JSS.) Jaina-stotra-samdoha, A collection of Jaina Stotras in two volnmes, published by Sarabhai Navab, with a learned introduction discussing the dates and authors of the Stotras, at Ahmedabad, 1932, 1936. (MJ.) Mediaval Jainism, by Dr. B. A. Suletore, Bombay, 1938. (Patta.) Pattāvalisamuccaya, Part I, published at Viramgam, 1933. This contains several Pattāvalis of the different Gacchas. (Sadhana Sāmagri ) This is a collection of materials for a history of Jain Literature, being a reprint of a speech delivered on 17-7-1933, by Muni Shri Jinavijayaji and published by Govindlal Jani at Ahmedabad, 1933. (SBI.) Sravana Belgula Inscriptions, published by Pandit Nathuram Premi in the Manekchand Digambar Jaina Granthamālā, No. 28, Bombay. ( BUJ.) Bombay University Journal, Bombay. Jain Education Interational Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । kalpa. (1) **** of Bhattāraka Siihanandi. List 3176219 Tr Bik. No. 1624 ; DA. 50(98). ( S. J.). अग्निशीतत्वस्थापनावाद Surat 1; 7. (II) 737 of Bhattāraka l'rabhācandra. List 192 2 The story exists in three recen(S. J. Phaltan ). sions, of which one is in prose. This last (1) 3199 rata of Akalauka, son of Jinadāsa. is translated into German by Dr. Miss Published at Katni, Sam. 1963. Krause in Indische Marchen, Leipzig, (II) 310fata in 16 stanzas. Anon. AK. 1922. Agra. No. 1593; DA. 50(73-74); Nos. 1 to 9; CP. p. 260. DB. 31(88-89); JG. p. 247 ; Pet. V. No. 377 Film of Akalarika Kavi. Published at 606; SA. No. 232. Bengalore, 1873 (W. S.). STRET 7 of Devanandi. Idar. 82 ; 84. see CMB. 5; CP. p. 260; Kath No. 1044; Sadaracakra. Limbdi. No. 1401 ; Pet. IV. No. 1393 ; Tigorary Bub. No. 561 ; Pet. VI. No. 690. VI. p. 143, No. 94 ; Surat. I (No. 620); SG. No. 2200. S1029 Hamsa, No. 1432; the Ms. also contains Vandākalpa, Varuņakalpa and the Hasti3FIrama in Prakrit. JG. p. 364. THI JG. p. 351. 351T is sometimes regarded as a Prakirņaka. (I) praator of Kanakakusala, pupil of It mentions the Vargaculikā and VivāhaSomakusala, of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. prajñapti and deals with rules of discipline No. 1617. of a Yati. According to H. R. Kapadia, (II) s ugatan anon, Bengal. Nos. 6867; Descriptive Catalogue, No. 360, an Ariga7544; DA. 76(97); Limbdi. No. 1409 ; cülikä is mentioned in the Nandisutra and Surat. 1 ; 4; 5; 8 the Sthānārgasūtra. stergaarge of Ksamākalyana, pupil of Agra. 481 ; AM. 237 ; Baroda. No. Amrtadharma of the Kharatara Gaccha 2701 , Bhand. V. No. 1160; BO. p. 28, Published by Hiralal Hansaraj, Jamnagar, DA. 10(38, 39 ); 204(12, 13); JB. 67, 1917. JHA. 29; JHB. 15; Kath. Nos. 1226; Bengal. Nos. 6867; 7544 , Bik. No. 1227 ; KN. 12, Limbdi. No. 318; 1712; 1459; JHA. 56; JHB. 35; Mitra. IX. PAP. 23(8); 76(144); SA. Nos. 347; 553; Strass. p. 377; Surat. 1; 2; 8, ala Pet. IV. No. 1394. VB. 2 (6) Tagiha 1 1 of Kanaka Kavi (perhaps 375gaur This is probably a manual on progno. Kanakakusala of the Tapā Gaccaa ). SA. stication based on the natural movements No. 627. and throbbings of diiferent parts of the STATTETATUT Buh. IV. No. 118 ( foll. 31 ). body. JG. p. 354. 3787Traia11qt of Rāmavijayagaại. VC. 2(2). Age of Subhacandra, pupil, of Vijayakirti of Gramthāgra 600. the Mula Sangha. It contains three p. 9. S Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। chapters having respectively 77, 117, and Agra. No. 1873 ; DA. 59 ( 61, 72, 73, 54 stanzas in Prakrit and giving informa 74, 75); DB. 34 (100, 101, 102, 103), tion about the 12 Angas of the Jaina JHA. 47; KB. 3 ( 58 ); Mitra. VIII. p. Canon. It is published in the M. D. G. 99; PAPS. 74 ( 27 ); SA Nos. 222, Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. 1564. This work is mentioned by the author in (1) Avacūri. DB. 34 (100, 101), his own Pandava Purāņa composed in KB. 3 ( 58 ); SA. No. 222. Sarnvat 1608 ; cf. Peterson, Reports, IV. (2) Tikā Svopajña. PAPS. 74 ( 27 ). p. 159, v. 79. No. Mss. are so for known. que IglaqIC DB. 20 ( 40 ). 317777 Fala CP. p. 260. 318ITHA11 JG. p. 247. 315%uia A manual of the science of inter (I) 375179175 in 561 Slokas. Weber II. Nog. pretation of the different marks on the 1995 ; 1996. body. SA. No. 702. (II) 191192117 of Jinamānikya. JHB. 32. 37faer is a work in 59 chapters (Granthāgra 10000) on astrological deductions from (III) Sigah2117 of Māņikyasundarsūri. Baroda No. 6071. the linear marks and signs on the body It is ascribed (in a note at BK. 9) (1 ) 37719 17 anon. in prose. Pet. V. No. to śāntisūri of the Thārāpadra Gaccha. 607. It is often considered as a Prakirnaka , (V) 371 9 19 anon. DA. 50 (-111 ); DP. cf. Indian Artiquery, vol. 16, p. 163 and 31 (90, 91); Surat. 11 JG. p. 64. At Prabhāvakacaritra (N. S. Falstafaa Bengal. No. 7039. P. ed.), p. 208, vv. 45-49, a Ms. of this (I) s aatyafta of Hemacandra. This is the work is said to have been deposited at the second book of the author's Trisastitemple of Sri Nabheya Jain of the city of salákāpuruşacarita. It contains 6 cantos. Thārāpadra and studied by Virasūri. Limdi. No. 1231 , PAPM. 2 (2); 54 AM. No. 306; BK. No. 9; DA. 27(92); (this is dated Sam. 1436 ); Surat 5. DB. 13(53, 54); DC. p. 15; DL. P. 25; (II ) aaraita anon. Perhaps the same as Jesal. No. 799 ; JG. p. 64; PAP. 79(70); above. KO. 47; SB. 2 (1). PAPL. 4(30) ; PAPR. 99); PAZA. 5 (18); PRA. No. 1141; Pet. III. A. p. son of Kāhnarasinga and pupil of Budha 231 (quo.); VI. No. 541; Samb. No. Rāghava, pupil of Srutakirti. He was a 376 ; Strass. p. 394 ; Surat I (No. 778 ); follower of the Puskara Gana of the 4, 5, 6, 7. Māthura Branch of the Kāsthā Sanghe. (1) Tikā by Haribhadrasuri. Kundi. The Purāņa was composed in Sam. 1716 No. 428. at Jahnabad Pārsva Mandira; cf. Jaina 375 APEETut of Sāgarānandasuri. SA. No. 320 Hitaisi, vol. 12, p. 193-194. ( foll. 88). Bengal. No. 1507; Kath. No. 1135 ; List अस्फु रणविचार A manual of the interpretation of (S. J.); SG. No. 2422. the throbbing of limbs. Bengal. Nos. (II) arugo of Gunabhadra, pupil of Jina6961; 7182; JG. p. 354. sena II. This is a part of the author's 31Ffafaitagar A collection of 70 stanzas by Uttarapuräna. Bhand. V. No. 1099. Municandrasüri, Guru of the famous (1) T a lazgrad in 17 stanzas by Jaya. Vādi Devasūri. sekharasuri. It is in Sanskrit. Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । BO. p. 57; Pet. I. No. 316; PRA. No. 977; SA. No. 132. (II) अजितशान्तिलघुस्तव otherwise called Ullasikkama Stotra (S. V.) in 17 Prakrit verses, composed by Jinavallabhasuri, of the Kharatara Gaccha. ; Bik. No. 1457; Jesal. No. 337 PAZB. 3 (12); Pet. I. No. 232; I. A. p. 102. (1) Tika by Dharmatilakagani, pupil of Jinesvarasuri, of the Kharatara Gaccha. PAZB. 3 (2); Pet. I. No. 232. See also Ullasikk ma Stotra, Tikä No. (1). (I) अजितशान्तिस्तव The well known hymn in praise of Ajita and Santi Jinas. It contains from 37 to 40 stanzas in different artificial and rare metres. It is in Prakrit and is ascribed to Nandisena. It is published by Venichand Surchand, Mhesana, 1915, in his 'Pañcapratikramaṇādi Sūtrani. It is also published with the commentaries of Govindācārya and Jinaprabha in the DLP. Series. Bombay; cf. Winternitz, History, II p. 554; W. Schubring, ZII., 1923, p. 178ff., Vel. No. 1793-94. Agra. Nos. 3207-3215; Baroda. No. 675; Bengal. No. 7698; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1068-69; Bik. No. 1458; Bod. No. 1387 (4); Buh II. Nos. 265-66; Cal. X. No. 25; Chani. No. 631; DA. 41 (115-137); DB. 24 (81-90, 119-120); 35 (98); Flo. No. 666; Jesal. Nos. 247; 292; 336; 509 and 516; JHA. 64; Kaira B Nos. 81; 161; KB. 1 (58); Kiel. II. No. 73; Limdi. Nos. 549; 867; 868; 982; 1160; 1217, 1288; 1361, 1514, 1540, 1603; 1630; 1640; 1653; 1655; 1751; PAP. 40 (15); (II) 76 (18); PAPR. 15 ( 18 ); PAPS. 68 (70); PAZB. 3 (12); Pet. I. No. 232; I. A. pp. 10, 31; 59, 72, 73, 95; Pet. III. A. pp. 8; 28; Pet. IV. No. 1167; Pet. V. Nos. 608; 641; Pet. V. | (III) A. p. 67; 147; Pet. VI. Nos. 626, 640; 3 SA. Nos. 132, 1517; 1729; 1830; Samb. Nos. 221, 223; 228; Strass. p. 307; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11; VA. 1(1; 15); Vel. Nos. 1793-94; 1815; Weber. No. 1965. (1) Tika called Bodhadipika composed in Sam. 1365, by Jinaprabhasari, pupil of Jinasimhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Baroda. No. 675; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1068-69; Chani. No. 631; DA. 41 (115); DB. 24 (81; 119-120); 35 (98); Kath. No. 1228; PAP. 40 (15); PAPR. 15 (18); PAPS. 68 (70), PAZB. 3 (12); Pet. III. A. p. 230; IV. No. 1167; IV. A. p. 67 3 Pet. V. A. p. 147; Pet. VI. No. 626, SA. Nos. 1729; 1830; VA. 1 (1, 15), Vel. No 1794. (2) Tika by Govindacarya (Be :-- Pranipatya jinam Santim). Büh. II. No. 266; DA. 41 (116-120); DB. 24 (81, 84), Flo. No. 666; Weber II. No. 1965. (3) Tika by Harsakirti, pupil of Candrakirti of the Nagapuriya Tapā Gaccha. Kaira B. No. 81; also see Saptastavana-Tikā. (4) Vrtti with Chandolakṣana. (This is perhaps Jinaprabha's Tika.) KB. 1 (58); DB. 24 ( 89, 90); JG. p. 317. (5) Tika by Jayasekhara (This is probably Ajita santistava of Jayasekhara.) BO. p. 57; JHA. 64; SA. No. 132. (6) Vṛtti or Avacuri Anon. Agra. Nos. 3209; 3214; Bengal. No. 6654; DA. 41 (121-129); DB. 24 (83-84); Limdi. No. 645; Kaira B. No. 161; SA. No. 1517; Strass. p. 307. gata in Sanskrit, composed in Sam. 1651 in imitation of Nandişena's hymn by Santicandragani, pupil of Sakalacandra of the Tapa Gaccha. Pet. I. A. p. 72; VB. 2 (7-8). enragmataa (Virahānikita) in 42 stanzas. JA. 106 (6-7). Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्री जिनरत्नकोशः । (IV) en agnífata by Viragani; see Laghu in 303 Ślokas, by PunyasagaraAjitastava. gani, pupil of Jinahamsa of the Kharatara Gaccha. Buh. II. Nos. 329-330; Weber. II. No. 1997. 4 ata in 45 Gathas. This is one of the minor Prakirnakas. DA. 27 (36-37); JG. p. 62; Kap. Nos. 365-368; Limdi. No. 525; PAP. 23 (37); PAZA. 5(17); PAZB. 23 (27); Pet. III. A. p. 217; SA. No. 98; Surat 1 (98). अज्ञातोऽच्छ कुलक See Ajnatoñchagrahanakulaka. ìsuggen in 30 Gathas. It is published with the commentary of Anandavijaya by the JAS. Bhavnagar (Series No. 17), Sam. 1969. DB. 35 (208); JG. p. 148; 195; PAP. 79 (59); Surat 1. (1) Vrtti by Anandavijayagani. DB 35 (208); JG. p. 148; 195; PAP. 79 (57). अञ्चलगच्छीय पट्टावली of Bhāvasāgarasūri of the Añcala Gaccha. DB. 8 (11); Surat 1, 6. (II) N5JGHALSANKT ( Gram. 1000) a refutation (II) of the peculiar religious dectrines of the Añcala Gaccha, composed in Sam. 1480, by Harṣabhusanagani, pupil of Harṣasena of the Tapa Gaccha. Kiel. II. No. 360 (IV) (This ms. seems to have been written by the author himself-Pra. No. 941); PAP. 31 (16); PAPR. 18 (50); 21 (23); PAPS. 80 (80); SA. No. 579. 35agafaun The same as above, by Gunaratnasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. See Vasontikadiprakarana. अञ्चलमतस्थापन JG. p. 158. अञ्जनशलाकास्तवन of Viravijaya. JHA. 72. (I) अञ्जनाचरित्र Rice. 300. caritra. (I) अञ्जनापवनंजयनाटक of Hastimalla. AK. No. 35; KO. No. 137; Mysore II. p. 145; Rice, p. 304; SRA. Nos. 35; 380. (II) अञ्जनापवनंजयनाटक of Arhaddasa. SG. No. 1613. e in Apabhramsa. Patan Catalogue, I. p. 184 (quo. ). gifta in 503 Prakrit Gathas, composed at Jesalmir in Sarir. 1407, by Gunasamṛddhimahattara, pupil of Jinacandra Suri. DC. p. 49 (quo.). अतिचारआलोचना Strass. No. 433. (I) For Private arc (Begins -- Namo Cauvisae titthayarana) of Vangadhika Śramana. It it also called Sraddhavasyakasutra. Mitra. IX. pp. 166, 167. p. (II) by Brahma Jina; See Hanumac- (II) ayaa composed in Sam. 1428(?) by Dharmaghosa, pupil of Salibhadra of the Añcala Gaccha. This also is in Sanskrit. Jesal. No. 4. (1) Tika called Sukhabodhika composed in Sam 1628. Mitra, IX. p. 166. (Be Srimadvirajinin natvā). franga (Gram. 83) of Vijayacandrasuri. PAS 11. (Be:- Naņammi dainsanammiya. Bengal No. 7318; Pet. I. A. p. 58; III. A. p. 14; Vel. Nos. 1829-1830. This is also called Pañcavidhäcara. a Anon. DA. 26 (23); Surat 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11. (1) Vrtti. DA. 26 (23). afara Buh. II. No. 267. अतिचारप्रायश्चित्त CP. p. 260. (1) aiagaita composed in Sam. 1282 at Palanpur by Purnabhadragani, pupil of Jinapati. It is in Sanskrit and is based on Sthananga, Bhagavati and Rṣistava. DC. p. 2 (quo. ), No. 10 (2); Jesal. No. 109. (III) अतिशय पञ्चाशिका by Rsivardhana of the Añcala Gaccha. See Jinatiśa yapañcāśikā. in 13 Gathas. JA. No. 106 (5). agrafa Anon. Bhand. VI. No. 1292; Kundi. No. 347. Personal Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अतीतानागवर्तमानस्तवन Pet. V. No. 925. अद्भुतदण्डकस्तुति of Jineśvara. See Rucitadandaka stuti. Bhand. VI. No. 992 (28). अध्यात्मकमलमार्तण्ड in four chapters containing about 200 Slokas in all, on Jain Philosophy by Rajamalla Kavi. It is published in the MDG. Series, No. 35 (pp. 241362), Bombay, Sain. 1993. Bhand. V. No. 1034; Pet. IV. No 1395 (MS. d. Sarn. 1663) IV. A. p. 131 ( quo); SG. No. 1164. ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । = अध्यात्मकलिका Jesal. No. 1534. अध्यात्मकल्पद्रुम (also called Dharmaśuddhi and Santarasabhavana (S. V.) by Munisundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. It is in 16 chapters. See Vel. No. 1662. It is published in Prakaranaratnākara', Vol. II by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay; Also with extracts from Dhanavijayagani's commentary, at the N. S. Press, Bombay, 1906 and in the JDP'S. Series, Bhavanagar, 1909; as also by Mansukhbhai Bhagubhai, Ahmedabad, 1916. (1) Tika called Adhyatmakalpalata composed in Sam 1674, by Ratnacandragani, pupil of Santicandra Vacaka of the Tapa Gaccha. In the colophon, the author mentions the following as his own works:(1) Pradyumnacaritra; (2) Samyak L 5 tvasaptatițika called Samyaktvaratnaprakāśa; (3) Hitopadeśa; (4) Suatrțikā; (5) Bhaktamaraṭikā; (6) Kalyāṇamandirațikā; (7) Devaḥprabhostotrațikā; (8) Dharmastavaṭikā; (8) Rṣabhavirastavatika; (10) Krparasakosatika; (11) Naiṣadhakavyaṭīkā; (12) Raghuvamsakāvyaṭika--Pra. No. 666. Bhand. IV. Nos. 1072-73; Chani. No. 53; DB. 23 (53-54); Jesal. No. 575; Kiel. II. No. 361 (Ms. d. Sarn. 1683); Kundi No. 35; PAP. 9 (14); PAPR. 18 (22); PAPS. 57 (15); PRA. No. 666 (dated Sam. 1682); Samb. No. 410; VC. 1 (10; 15; 19). (2) Tikā called Adhirohani by Dhanavijayagani, pupil of Kalyanavijayagani, of the Tapa Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1071; BK. Nos. 63; 227; DA. 40 (6;7;); 75 (1); DB. 23 (51-52); JHA. 46; PAPS. 46 (14-15); SA. No. 445; Surat 1 (445), 4; VD. 14 (31). Agra. Nos. 1010-1014; BK. Nos 63; 227; Chani. Nos. 53; 276; DA. 40 (6-8; 10-14); 75 (1); DB. 23 (51-57); Flo. No. 572; Jesal. No. 575; JHA. 46; JHB. 46; Kiel. II. No. 361; Kundi. No. 35; Limdi. Nos. 719; 762; 838; 1015; 1279; Mitra. VIII. p. 150; PAP. 37 ( 61–62);? (14); PAPR. 18(22), PAPS. 46 (14-15); 66 (32); 67 (52); Pet. IV. No. 1168; SA. Nos. 445; 1653; 1762; SB 2 (114); VB. 2 (5); VC. 1(10; 15; 19); Surat 1, (1) rift by Somadeva, a Digambara 3, 4, 5, 6, 11. writer. Bhand. V. No. 1035; Bt. No. 395; PAS. 426; SG. No. 2003. This is published in the MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. 1975. (3) Tika by Vijayasuri. Flo. No. 4 This is possibly the same as above, i. e. of Dhanavijayagani. 572. (4) Tippana Anon. Limdi. No. 762; Agra. No. 1012. (5) Bālāvabodha by Hamsaratna. Pet. IV. No. 1168. far by Devacandra, pupil of Dipacandra. of the Karatara Gaccha. This is in old Gujrati. DA. 67 (26-28); JHA. No. 46; JHB. No. 55; Limdi. Nos. 1820; 1990, 2484, 3317; 3412; Pet. VI. No. 542; Surat 1, 3, 5, 7, 8. (1) Tika composed by Dharmasuri pupil of Svarnanandi, for Soms sena (foll. 117. Be Gurum pranamya lokeśam). Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरस्नकोशः। The com. was composed at Vatapalli in 37EOTFACE SB. 2 ( 29 ) Guirat-(f. Patan Cat. I. p. 171 ( quo.) 3JHfarrgfag of Hemacandra. See YogaBt. No. 395; PAS. No 426. śāstraprakāša. (2) Tippana anon. SG. No. 2003. 915JIRAIT of Yasovijayagani, pupil of Naya(3) Tikā by Subhacandra. JG. p. 87. vijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. It is (II) STEDTATIF by Amrtacandra. See Samaya divided into seven books containing 17 sāraţikā No. 3. chapters in all and a total of 948 Slokas. (I) SET/TATÓT by Yasovijaya, pupil of Naya It is published in Prakaranaratuākara, vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. See also Vol. I, by Bhimsi Manek, Bomixy, and Adhyātmamatapariksă which is probably with Gainbhiravijaya's com, by the JDP'S., the same as this. Bhand. VI. No. 1074; Bhavnagar ( Series No. 25 ) 1915. Ayr. VC. 1 (1); VD. 1 (18); 3 (15). Nos 1025-1026 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1075; (1) Tika Svopajña. Bhand. VI. 1076 (Sam. 1705); BK. No. 109; DB. No. 1074; VC 1 (1); VD. 1 (18); 32 ( 42-44), Hansı No. 54 ; l'AP. 27 3 ( 15 ). (54); SA. Nos. 73; 885 ; 2990 , (II) STETTITATT1997 Anon. DB. 23 ( 45 ). 3055; VB. 1 ( 35 ); VC.1 (11); VD. 3TESTERYETT Agra. No. 1020; DB. 22 (121 ; 122 ); 1(6; 13); Surat 1(73), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, S. SA. No. 538; Surat 1 ( 532). (1) Tikā composed in Sun. 1953 STETICHETTE Agra. No. 1019. by Gambhiravijayagani Agra. No. 1026 ; BK. Nos. 409; Hans No. 54; SB. 2 STEJRH of Harsavardhana Upādhyāya. Agra. ( 26 ); Surat 1, 5. Nos. 1021-1024; Baroda. No. 2172; Bub. IV. No. 119; DB. 23 ( 47 ); Pet. STETICHETTICIT Surat 8. IV. No 1169; = Pet. IV. A. p. 67; 373 g of Vadiraja. CMB. Nos. 150; 157; Surat 1, 5, 6. SG. No. 960. It is published in the MDG. (1) Țikā Svopajña. Agra. No. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. 1975. 1021-1024 : Baroda. No. 2172, Buh. PETITATOga of Yasovijayagani of the Tapā IV. No. 119, DB. 23 ( 47 ); Kath. Nos. Gaccha. It is in four chapters containing 1220-1221; Pet. IV. No. 1169 = IV. 77, 65 44 and 32 Sanskrit stanzas. This A. p. 67. is published in No. 13 of the JDPS. 37ESTAQI TET JB. 130; same as above. Series, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1965. Also in STECHHA iet of Yasovijaya, pupil of Naya the Srutajñāna Amīdhārā, p. 47ff. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha, in 182 Bombay, 1936. DB. 23 (48-49), PAPS. Gāthās. Published in Prakaranaratnā. 64 (20); 67 (27); SA. No. 241 ; kara, Vol. II, by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay Surat 1, 3, 4, and with the Svopajñatikā in the DLP. THITHAT T See Dharmāmrta of Āsādhara, of Series, No. 5, Bombay, 1911. Bik. No. which this is the second part. 1623; SA. Nos. 323 ; 336; Surat 1, 3, 77 Uits of Dinakarasena. Mentioned by Dhavala 6. See also Adhyatmapariksā which is in his Harivamsa Purāna and by Sinhaprobably not different. sena in his Adipurāņa. Cf. Allahabad Uni. (1) Svopajñatikā. Bik. No. 1623; Studies, I. p. 167; and Jaina Hitaisi, Harnsa. Nos. 57; 264; SA. Nos. 323, Vol. 13, p. 107. 336 ; Surat 1, 3, 6. S hare JG. p. 247. Jain Education Intemational Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 37again 300 stanzas. VA. 1 ( 23 ). dtgaaram of Murāri ( Non-Jain). 31a 9 19 Agra. No. 1595; DB. 31 (62); (1) Tippaña by Jinaharsagani of the JG. p. 247. It is in Prakrit. Tapā Gaccha (Gram. 3355 ). PAP. 27 samaadestige Bengal. No. 7155; Pet. VI. (27); Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 52 No. 673. (2) Tippana called Rabasyādarśa 37afazaesfigagar by Brahma Säntidāsa. PR. by Devaprabha (Gram. 7100). Bt. No. 240. See Anantavratodyāpana. 548 (1); Patan Cat. I. p. 301 (quo.). (I) Saraayaita of Hemacandra. This is a (3) Tippaņa by Naracandrasuri of part of the Trişastisalākāpuruşacaritra. the Harsapuriya Gaccha ( Gram. 2450). (II) 37797147ta ( 31 ) in Prakrit, com This commentary is mentioned by Rāja sekhara in his Nyāyakandalitikä; cf. Pet. posed in Sam. 1216, by Nemicandrasuri, III. A. p. 274, v. 15. Bhand. IV. A. p. pupil of Amradeva. Bt. No. 251 (Gathäs 16; Bt. No. 548 (2); DC. p. 25; Jesal. 1200); Patan Cat. I. Intro p. 59, (0. No. -818 ; Kiel. II. Nos. 238, 239; 1800 ). · Kundi. No. 203 ; PAZB. 1 ( 23 ); 5 (2) (III) stasaarguita Anon. Buh. IV. No. 238, SA. No. 2008. JG. p. 241. 312ZTÍTETTU JG. p. 195. 37a7a71crur of Vāsavasena. List (S.J.). अनागततीर्थकरस्तवन Surat. 11. 39-aaral composed in San. 1630, by Guna cm tra, pupil of Yasahkirti, pupil of Statuga Pet. V. No. 610. Ratuakuti of the Sarasvati Gaccha. AD. T arf in Apabhramsa, by Jinaprabha. Patan No. 76 ; List (S.J.); Pet. IV. A. p. 132 Cat. p. 268 ( quo.). = IV. No. 1396 ; V. No. 919, VI. p. Tazar Anon. Limdi. Nos. 1036, 1276; 1.12, No. 85 ; SG. No. 58. 1317. (I) 37977 attaa in lk. by Devabhadrasuri, in 21 (1) Tika (anon.) Limdi. Nos. 1036 ; Stanzas. Patan (at. I. p. 259. 1317. (II) safaa121aa Bengal. No. 6813. (2) Vivarana by Kşamāmāņikya. Pet. varaqast of Srutasägar. Kath. No. 1136. IV. No. 478. Bazaa naura in Ajabhraniša. See Allahabad (3) Vivarana by Harsakirti, comUni. Studies, I. p. 181. posed in San. 1633. JG. p. 306. garagarayan Bhand. VI. No. 992. factati- a ftar of Vijayavimala, pupil of (1) aragatanga of Gunacandra. See Ananta Anandavimala of the Tapa Gaccha. This belongs to the Jainendravyākarana. Chani. nāthapujā. No. 578; PAPS. 68 ( 102-dated Sari. (11) staraal 1977 of Candrakirti. Idar. 74. 1628 ); PRA. No. 192. (III) aragatanga of Dharmacandra. List (1) Avacuri Svopajña. PAPS. 68 (Phaltan). (102-dated Sam. 1628 ); PRA. No. (IV) araadianga of Narayana. Idar. 74 ( 2 copies); 162. | Starga also called Svajivānusāsana kulaka. (V) अनन्तव्रतोद्यापन of Ratnacandra Bhattaraka. It contains 22 Prakrit stanzas (Be :List (S.J.). Nisavirāme). Pet. V. No. 826; V. A. p. (VI) 35aalaga of Santidası. Idar. 74 ( 2 54 ; 137 ; SA. No. 696. copies ); 167; 170 ; 177-78 ; PR. 240. S alta of Padmanandi. Chani. No. 195, 192. Jain Education Intemational Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। Limdi. Nos. 586; 610 ; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442-1443. 31ac H1991 Agra. No. 874. 3477 qs is the ninth Anga. See I. A. Vol. 20 p. 21ff. It is published with Abhayadeva's commentary by Rai Bahadur Dhanapatasimha, Calcutta, 1875 and by the Aganodaya Samiti, Surat, 1920; The text is published also by the JAS. Bhavnagar, 1921. It is translated into English by L. D. Barnett, 1907. It is recently edited with introduction and notes, by P. L. Vaidya, Poona, 1932. Agra. Nos. 125-137 ; AM. Nos. 63; 93; 100; 251; 290 ; 352; Bengal. Nos. 4160; 7612; Bhand. III. No. 411; VI. No. 1077; Bik. No. 1580; BO. p. 57; Buh. IV. No. 121 ; DA. 9 ( 42-52; 6062 ); DB. 3 ( 17-19); Jesal. Nos. 210; 301 , 1094; 1643 ; 1749 ; JB. 83; 122; 130, JHB. 9 ( 4 copies ); KB. 2 (2); 3 (4); Limdi. Nos. 31 ; 81; 152; 157; 169 ; 258 ; 268 ; 316, 317, 356 ; 377; 399-401, 419-420 ; 474 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 227; PAP. 7 (3; 8; 10; 27); PAPS. 13 (6); 15 (1-10); PAZB. 4 (2); Pet. I. A. p. 36; III. A. p. 73; SA. No. 7, Samb. Nos. 60, 317; SB. 1 (21); Strass. p. 397 ; Surat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11; VC. 1 (4); VD. 1 (1; 26 ); Vel. Nos. 1383-87; Weber. II. Nos. 1810-11 ; 1813-14. (1) Tīkā by Abhayadevasuri. Agra. No. 129; Bik. No. 1580; Bod. No. 1338; Buh. I. No. 55; IV. No. 121 ; 164, DA. 9 (42 to 44); DB. 3 (17); JB. 86, 89; JHB. 9; KB. 2 (2); 3 (4); Keil. III. No. 144 ; Kundi. No. 30; 34; Limdi. Nos. 313; 352-53; PAP. 7 (3; 8; 10; 27 ); PAPS. 13 (6); 15 ( 5-10); PAZB. 4 (2); Pet. I. A. . 36 ; III. A. p. 73; 146; IV. No. 1206 , SA. No. 7, Samb. No. 111; SB. 1 ( 21 ); Strass. p. 397; Surat 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11 ; VC. 1 (4); VD. 1 (1 ; 26 ); Weber. II. Nos. 1810-14. (2) Tippaña Lindi. No. 169. BE Haga Star of Bhadragupta. JG. p. 366. 31741759 Pet. V. No. 768. 3974ala Alfafaga Limdi. Nos 864 ; 1988. 39 MEITĘE is one of the five Mülasutras. See for contents etc., I. A. Vol. 21, p. 301ff. It is published with the commentary of Hemacandra by Rai Bahadur Dhanapatisimha, Calcatta, 1880, and by the D. L.P. Fund, Bombay, 1915-16, and also by Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1924. Agra. Nos. 416 ; 418-420; AM. 12; 32; 96; 108; 125 ; 263; Bhand V. No. 1162; VI. No. 1078; Bik. No. 1581; Buh. IV. No 122 ; DA. 27 (32 to 35); DB. 13 (8-9); DC. p. 5; 22; DI. p 22; JA. 103 (1); JB. 11, 200; 241 ; 248 ; 275; Jesal. Nos. 54 ; 184 ; 185 ; 223 ; 544, 545; 938 ; 983; 1025; 1603; 1606; JHA. 20 (50); KB. 3 (8); Linxi. Nos. 331; 457 ; Mitru. VIII, p. 158 ; IX, pp. 99; 100; PAP 69 ( 15-21 ); PAS. Nos. 12; 101 ; 197; PAP’M. 36 ; PAPR. 8 ( 16 ); 11 (8); l'APS. 20 (26); 25 ( 21 ); 37 (15); 76 (3); PAZA. 6 (7); PAZB. 9 (9; 10); Pet. III. A. p. 186 ; SA. Nos. 61; 83; 881; 1706 ; 1720; 1732; 2035; Surat, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, Tapā. 17; VA. 1 (2; 10); VB. 1 ( 6; 8; 11; 13 ); VC. 1 ( 7); 2 (3); Vel. No. 1388; Weber, II. No. 1897-1900. (1) Curņi by Jinaclāsgani Mahattara. Agra. No. 417; DB. 13 (4); DC. 17; DI. p. 22; JA. 95 ( 4 ); 103 (2); Jesal. No. 54; Kundli. No 18; Lindi. No. 28; P'AP. 69 (19); PAPM. 36; PAPR. 8 ( 16 ); 11 (8); PAPS. 37 ( 15 ); 76 (3); L'AS. No. 12; 101, 197; Patan Cat. I. p. 150; PAZA. 6 (7); PAZB. 9 ( 10 ); l'et. III. A. p. Jain Education Intemational Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । 185; V. A. p. 51, VB. 1(11), Surat. 1 (1720). (2) Tiks by Blavaviraba Haribhadra, pupil of Jinabhata. DC. p. 22, DL. p. 22, Jesal. Nos. 184, 223, Kundi. 163, SA. Nos. 1732, 2035, 2734, Surat. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. (3) Tik by Hemacandra, papil of Abhayadeva of the Harsapuriya Gaccha. (Be -- samyaksurendra. Gram. 5700). AM. 32, 263, Bhand. III. No. 412, VL No. 1078, Bik. No. 1581; DA. 27 (27-29), DB. 13 (1-2), DC. p. 4; JA. 57 (2); Jesal. No. 545; 938; JHA. 20 (2c); Kath. No. 1230; Kiel. IIL No. 1, Kundi. No. 128, Limdi. Nos. 252-258, Mitra. VIII. p. 158, PAP. 69 (16, 18, 20, 21), PAPM. 36, PAPS. 20 (6); 25 (21); PAZB. 9(9), Pet. III. A. p. 36 (quo. ); III. No. 572; IV. No. 1170; V. A. p. 52, No. 543; SA. Nos. 61, 881, 1706, Surat. 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, Tapa. 17, VA. 1 (, 10); VB. 1(6,8;13), VC 1(7), 2 (3); Vel. No. 1388; Weber. IL Nos. 1899; 1900. (4) Tika Anon. Agra. No. 418; Bhand. V. No. 1162, DB. 13 (3), DC. p. 13, Jesal Nos. 1025, 1603, 1606; KB. 3 (8), SA. Nos. 83, 1720, Samb. 63, 174. AM. 249, Vel. No. 1831. gafai also called Sravakadharma in Prakrit. (Be-namiņa bhuvana.) DC. p. 35 (dated Sam. 1169). APAIELILEHAH in 25 Gathis by Municandra. JG. p. 205; Patan Cat. I. p. 131. sagrafafy in Prakrit (Grath. 1046, Be -- namiņa tiloyaguru). Flo. No. 573, JA. 41 (21); Pet. L. A. p. 33, III. No. 641; V. A. p. 63. अनेककल्पविचार Suust I ( 1802). अनेकशास्त्र सारसमुच्चय Bhand III. No. 418 (ms. dated Sar. 1461). J....... 2 9 अनेकान्तजयपताका in four chapters by Svetaubhikga Haribhadra. It is published with the Svopajna commentary in YJG. Series, Bhavnagar, (No. 40), Vir Sam. 24362439. Agra. Nos. 2412-2413; Baroda. No. 2708; Bhand. IV. No. 251; Bt. No. 362; DB. 38 (73-74); Hamsa. No. 770 JB. 135, 138, KB. 1 (22), KN. 7, PAP. 24 (32), 27 (47); PAZB. 8(1), 11 (17), 18 (20); 23 (17); Pet. III. A. p. 191; VI. No. 544, SA. Nos. 33, 236, 282, 419; SB. 2(145); VC. 1(19), Surat. 1 (236, 419), 4, 6. 3 (1) Vrtti Svopajña. (Grami 8250Bt. No. 362). Bt. No. 362, DB. 38 (73-74); PAP. 24 (32), 27 (47), PAZB. 8 (1); 11 (17), 18 (20), SA. No. 282. (2) Vrttitippana by Municandra, pupil of Devasuri. (Be:-- seṣamatamatiśayānā Gram. 2000). Baroda. No. 2708; Bt. No. 362, Bah. IV. No. 262, DC. p. 36 (ms. d. Sami. 1171), DI. p. 25, Hamsa. Nos. 1; 364 JA. 110 (22), Kiel. II. No. 362, Kundi. 181; PAZB. 18 (20); Pet. III. A. p. 194, SA. No. 236, VC. 1 (19); Strass. p. 383, Surat. 1 (33, 236, 491) 4, 6. (3) Tika by Yajñadevamuni. KN. 7, Yajñadeva is probably only the scribe. For a scribe called Yakṣadevamuni, see Pet. III. A. p. 192. Very probably KN. 7 was copied from the ms. of our text mentioned by Pet. III. A. p. 191-192. (4) Vrtti. Anon. KB. 1 (22), VL No. 544; SA. No. 282; SB. 2 (145). seragaar in Sanskrit prose by Haribhadra, papil of Jinabhadra. It is published by the Hemacandrasabha, Patan, 1919 (Series, No. 3). Agra. Nos 2414, 2415, Chani. No. 583, DB. 20 (19), Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 श्रीजिनरत्न कोशः । PAP. 79 (72), PAPR. 15 (1), SA No. 344, VB. 1 ( 49 ), Surat. 1; 11. (1) Tippana. Surat. 1 ( 344 ); 11. अनेकान्तव्यवस्थापना by Yaśovijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha. JG. p. 84.--Patta. I. p. 107. t of Hemacandra(?). It is probab ly Anekarthasamgraha. Bhand. V. No. 1337; KB. 1 (33), Limdi. No. 1970, Surat. 1, 11, VD. 1 (17) er composed in Sam. 1702 by Vinayasagarasuri of the Aftcala Gaccha. JG. P. 309; Kath. No. 1576= PRA. 803. अनेकार्थरत्नकोश Sve Anekarthanamamala. sieger (Jainatarka). KB 3 (82). The ms. has only two folios. " Vadász of Hemacandra; it is a supplement to his Abhidhanacintamani (s. v.) It is edited with Mahendra's commentary by Zacharia, Bombay, 1893. Also published in the Abhidhanasaiagraha, Vol. II at the N. S. Press, Bombay, Sake 1818, by the Mahavira Jaina Sabha, Cambay. Agra. Nos. 2767-2769; Bendall. Nos. 405406; Bengal No. 748, Bhand. III No 414; VI. Nos. 1352; 1353, Bik. No. 568; Bod. No. 1111; Buh. IV. No. 263, Chani. No. 82, DA. 64 (43-46; 49, 51, 52, 53); DB. 37 ( 13 to 15); Hamsa. Nos. 4, 183, 1131, 1172, Hultzsch. III. No. 1912, L. O. Nos. 1010-1013, Jesal Nos. 178, 950, Kath. No. 1348, KB. 3 (27, 66), Kiel. I. No. 2, Limdi. No. 634, Mitra. IV. No. 1587; PAP. 42 (12); PAPR. 21 (9), PAPS. 49 (29); Patan. Cat. I. p. 94, 105, 305, 387, 388, PAZB. 1 (22), Pet. I. No. 233, SA. No. 92; SB. 2 (161); Surat. 1, 6, 7, 8, 9; VB. I(28-30), VD. 1 (12, 14, 15, Vel. No. 92. (1) Kairavakarakaumudi composed by Mahendrasiri, pupil of the author, and attributed to his guru, the author. Agra. No. 2767, Bland. VI. Nos. 1352-1354, Bah. VI. No. 702; DA. 64 (44-45), DB. 37 (11-12); DC. p. 9. No. 77, pp. 14, 20, Jesal. Nos. 178, 950, Kundi. Nos. 82; 128; 134; 224; KB. 3 (27); PAP. 42 (12); PAPS. 49 (29); Patan. Cat. I. p. 281, PAZB. 1 (22); Pet. I. No. 234; VD. 1 (15); Surat 1(92, 2308), 6, 8, 9. P (2) Upasargavṛtti by Siddhicandragani of the Tapa Gaocha. (Granit. 2225). Chani. No. 82, PAPR. 21 (9), VD. 1 (14). (3) Paryaya. KB. 3 (66). (4) Avacāri or Tika. Anon. DB. 37 (13-14); Bengal. No. 7999; Bhand. VI. No. 1354. segato This is another name of Aturapratyakhyāna. age is the Sth Angs of the Jaina Agama. For contents, see I. A. Vol. 20, p. 19. It is published with Abhayadeva's commentary by Ray Bahadur Dhanapatisiniha, at Calcutta, 1875 and at Surat, by the Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1920, (Series No. 23). It is translated into English by Barnett, 1907. The text is also recentley dited with introduction and notes, by Dr. P. L. Vaidya, Poona, 1932. Agra. Nos. 112-116, 118-124; AM. 23; 98; 106; 119; 151; 225'; 285 290 391; Bengal. Nos. 2540; 7582; Bhand. VI. No. 1079; Bik. Nos. 1628; 1630; BO. p. 57; BSC. No. 463; Cal. X. p. 3; DA. 9 (30 to 41; 59 to 60; 69); DB. 3 (13-16); DC. p. 42; Flo. No. 505; JB. Nos. 81; 88; 110-116; Jesal. Nos. 208; 211; 415; 571 855; 907; JHA. 6 (4c.); 11 (3c); 29; JHB. 9 ( 2c.); KB. 2 (2); 3(4); Limdi. Nos. 31; 76; 80; 148; 171; 198; 269; 354; 355; 486; 453; Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mitra. VIII, p. 227; PAP. 49 (1-3; 6-13); PAPS. 14 (1-17); PAZB. 4 (2); Peter. III. A. p. 73; 146; SA. Nos. 2511; 2550; 2717; Samb. Nos. 37, 60, 170, 362, 366, 406; SB 1 (21) Strass. p. 397; VA. 1(7), VB. 1 (3-5); VD. 1 (2; 11; 19); Vel. Nos. 1389-93; Weber. II, Nos. 1806-08; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11. अन्थविभागः प्रथमः | (1) Tika by Abhayadevasūri. Agra. Nos. 116, 117, AM. 106, Bik. No. 1629; Bod. No. 1338; Büh. I. No. 55; IV. Nos. 121, 164; DA. 9 (27) 28 3 29, 57, 58); DB. 3 (13-14); Flo. No. 505, Hamsa. No. 1159, JB. 85, 86; Jesal Nos. 208; 415, JHB. 9, KB. 2(2), 3 (4); Kiel III No. 144, Kundi. No. 38, Limdi. Nos. 198, 313, Mitra. VIII. p. 227, PAP. 49 (1): PAPS. 13 (6), 14(17), PAZB. 4 (2), Pet. III. A. p. 73; IV. No. 1206; SA. Nos. 7; 1507; SB. 1 (21), Surat. 1, 2, 11, Strass. p. 397, VA. 1 (7) VB. 13-5), VD. 1(2, 11, 19); Weber. II. Nos. 1806-08. (I) (II) Face of Dharmaghosasūri. bhavagata. raccogitafa by Merutungasuri. JHB 47. in Prakrit. JG. p. 168. a in Apabhrramsa by Jinaprabha. Patan Cat. I. p. 270. seafarer in Apabhraisa by Jinaprabha. Patan Cat. I. p. 273. (1) staafu in Prakrit, of Dharmaprabhasuri. See Next. PAPS. Palm ms. 16 (dated Sam. 1311). (II) 11 fifter of Vanararşi (Vimalavijaya) of the Tapa Gaccha. DB. 36 (36). अन्धकारभाववाद See Maha of Bhuvanasundara vidyaviḍambana. Pet. VI. No. 575. Mga Pet. V. No. 925. SEATGYÁNG is a collection of 81 moral stories in See Ajastoñcchagrahanakulaka. PAP. 79 (57). prose. It is also called Vinodakathasigraha. It was composed by Raja in Sk. by Nemicandra-SG. No. 2759 (foll. 56). (1) Tīkā Svopajňa. PAP. 79 (57). seklara, pupil of Sritikaka of the Harsa-gear by Munivijaya, pupil of अन्निकाचार्यपुष्पचूलकथा pariya Gacela. Its Gujrati translation is Amaravijaya. Agra. No. 1594; Pet. III. published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. A. p. 213. 1978. The text is published at Bombay, 1918 (W. S.). Baroda. Nos. 2706; 2974, Bhand. V. No. 1320, Bah IV. No. 21; DA. 51 (6; 9); Hamsa. No. 1273; Kaira. A. 66 (ms. d. Sam. 1540); Keith. No. 62, Limdi. No. 58 (1-8), SA. No. 113, Tapa. No. 322; Weber. II. No. 1998. Also cf. Kathasaigrala and Kathasara of Rajasekhara. in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 58. See Sama act in 9 chapters, of Ratnaprabha, pupil of Dharmaprabha. It is in Apabhramsa verse (Gram. 206). Baroda. No. 6118; Pet. V. A. p. 127 (dated Sam. 1362). Also, see Patan Cat. I. p. 402. Perhaps the two Antaratigasandhis are identical. अन्तरास्तवन Bengal. No. 7196. safari Agra. No. 3217 Limdi. No. 1521. saggi of Hemachadra. This is the second part of a hymn in praise of Jina. The first part is called Ayogavyavaochedadvätrimsikä and contains an easy exposition of the doctrines of Jainism. The second part i. e. the present one, contains a refutation of the doctrins of the Non-Jain systems. The work with its commentary, the Syädvädamañ jari, is edited in B. S. Series by Prof अन्ययोगव्यवच्छेदद्वात्रिंशिका Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 si 1979: 1 100. A. B. Dhruva, Bombay, 1933. Both are 206 ; IV. A. p. 125 = No. 1382; V. No. also published by Motilal Ladbaji, Poona, 911 , VI. No. 655 ; SB. 2 ( 149 ); Surat. Vir Sam. 2452 and by Bhairavdas Jeth 1, 2, 4, 5; YA 17 ( 39-40 ); VB. 34 mal, Bikaner, Vir Sam. 2453 and in the (9); Vel. No. 1699; Weber. II. Nos. Chowkbamba SK. Series, A. D. 1900. 1970-71. The Syādvādamañjari is even published (2) Tikā called Syādvādamañjusā with Hindi Translation in RJS., Series, by Yaśāvijaya. This is on Mallişena's Bombay, 1910 A. D. (2nd ed. 1935 A.D.) com. -JG. p. 108. and with Gujrati Translation by Hiralal (3) Tikā by Vānararsi (VijayaHamsaraja, Jamnagar 1930 A. D. Each vimala) of the Tapā Gaccha. SA. No. 186. part of the hymn contains 32 stanzas as 3731agpalais Composed in Sam. 1736, by the name shows. Harnsavijayagani, pupil of VijayānandaAK. Nos. 926–27 ; Buh. IV. No. 286; suri. It contains 640 SK. Slokas. BK. Chani. Nos. 425; 556; DA. 39 (10); 41 No. 1795 ; DB. 23. ( 81 ); JG. p. 340; ( 265 ); 66 (64-69); DB. 39 (11-12); Pet. IV. No 1171; Samb. No. 468. Hultz. III. No. 1771 ; JHA. 70; Kath. SEFOTT of Darsana vijayagani. Published by No. 1375 ; KB. 1 ( 56 ); 3 ( 86 ); 7 (9); Mitra. IV. No. 1502; PAP. 21 ( 20 ); Harilal Hainsaraja, Jamnagar, 1913 24 ( 3 ) 27 ( 37 ), 78 ( 8 ), PAPR. 15 (W. S.). (2); PAPS. 34 (1); 54 (19); 3779119 KO. PAS. No. 149 (dated Sam. 1357 ); STITIGT Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 16 ). PAZB. 6 ( 19 ); 10 ( 13 ), 11(4): (I) qatalhair by Jinabhadra, pupil of JinaPet. I. No. 363; III. A. p. 206; IV. A. priya, Jinadatta and Jinavallabha Sūris p. 125 ( = No. 1382 ) V. Nos. 612; of the Kharatara Gaccha. DC. p. 45; 726; 911; VI. No. 655; SA. No. 186; PRA. No. 458; JG. p. 309; SB. 2 ( 149 ); VA. 17 ( 39-40). VB. (II ra by Jinacandrasuri. Chani. No. 34 (9 ); Vel. No. 1699; Weber. II. Nos. 396. Perhaps the same as above. 1970-71. 31957€ąc 37 by Kirticandra (Gram. 100). JG. (1) Tikā called Syādvādamañjari p. 84. composed in Saka 1214, by Mallisena, pupil of Udayaprabhasūri of the Nāgendra 1991€TI TU Surat. 1 (913); JG. p. 84., JHA. Gaccha. 60. Agra. Nos. 2556-2558, AK. Nos. 37919TqEheq See Dipalikakalpa. 926-27; Baroda. No. 11900; Bengal. s015quèaratiatur by Yasodeva (Gram. 511). Nos. 589; 7995; CP. p. 713; Chani. Nos. JG. p. 84. 425 ; 556 ; DA. 66 ( 64-69 ); DB. 39 gag=ugulásiat of Paramananda. Mitra. X. p. (11-12); Hultz. III. No. 1771 ; JA. 104. 110 ( 18 ), KB. 1 ( 56 ), 3 ( 86 ); 7 77&ggris JG. p. 148. (9); Kiel. II. No. 413; Mitra. IV. No. 1502 ; Limdi. Nos. 684; 914; 1183; 97427faragraíztail of Siddhasenasuri. DA. 60 PAP. 21 ( 20 ); 24 ( 3 ); 27 ( 37 ); (219). 78 (8); PAPR. 15 (2), PAPS. 34 972 JG. p. 195. (1), 54 ( 19 ); PAS. No. 149 (dated (I) 374FATTI composed in Sarn. 1312_(acc. Sam. 1357 ) ; PAZB. 6 ( 19 ); 10 (13); to BK. Note ) by Candratilaka, pupil of 11 (4); Pet. I. No 363; III. A. p. Jineśvarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha, Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। He was taught the Vidyānanda Vyakarana by Suraprabba, who lived in Sarin. 1285. It contains 9 cantos and is written in Sanskrit. It is published in two parts by the JAS., Bhavnagar, 1917. BK, No. 1925; DC. p. 4, No. 14; DI. p. 49, f. N.; Hamsa. Nos. 222; 1479; Jesal. Nos. 1310 (palm); 1350 ( palm ); 1353 (palm); PAPR. 19 (5). (II) 371h afta of Sakalakirti. MHB. 8. (III) STTATTafta (Sanskrit ; metrical ) Anon. Agra. No. 1413 ; Jesal. Nos. 1691 ; 1717 ; Surat. 1, 5. 37Hayaru ( foll. 4 only ) JG. p. 213. 31Heges in 57 Slokas. JA. 106 (14). 3TH in 123 Gāthäs. SA. No. 227. 37H23 en 207 Gathās. Patan Cat. I. p. 378. rafm91 (Gram. 138 ) JG. p. 247. Hamsa No. 1550. In Sanskrit. STUTTU 5 in 9 Gāthās ; published in Prakarana māla, Ahmedabad, 1909. DB. 35 (189); SA, No. 603 ; Surat. 8. अभिधानचिन्तामणिनाममाला is the famous Lexicon of Hemacandra. It consists of six Kändas. Anekārthasamgraha (s. v.) and Nighantusesa are supplements of this. It is critically edited by Vijayadharmasuri in YJG. Series, No. 41, Bhavnagar, Vir Sam. 2446. It is also published in Abhidhanasamgraha,' Vol. II, at N. S. Press Bombay, Saka 1818, by the Mahavīra Jain Sabhā, Cambay. Agra. Nos. 2770-2795; AL. Nos. 798802 ; Bendall. Nos. 39 9-404; Bengal. Nos. 1733 ; 6614; 7224; 7458; Bhand. I. No. 87 ; IV. Nos. 252-254; V. No. 1335; VI. Nos. 1355-1357 ; Bik. Nos. 566-67; 1663; BK. No. 1821 ; BO. pp. 23; 28; 53 ; Bod. Nos. 1107-1109; Buh. II. No. 395 ; III. No. 180; IV. No. 264 ; VIII. No. 1 ; BSC. Nos. 475-76; CC. I. p. 24; II. p. 5; III. p. 6; Chani. No. 75; CP. p.641; DA. 63 (87-90) ; 64 (1-37; 39-41 ); 76 (91-92); DB. 37 (9-10); Hamsa. Nos. 738, 907, 930, 978, 1085, 1179, 1311; I. O. Nos. 1004-1009; JA. 14 (1); 94 (1); Jesal. Nos. 1539 ; 1549; 1882; JHA. 59 ( 2c.); 67; JHB. 44 ( 4c.); Kaira A. 95 ; 148; Kath. No. 1349 ; KB. 1 (33 ; 41 ) ;3 (27; 29; 72); 5 ( 36 ); Kiel. II, No. 272 ; III. No. 139 ; Limdi. Nos. 788; 874 ; 1323; 1325; 1327-29; 1378; 1393 ; 157273; 1581 ; 1597; Mitra. VII. p. 262; IX. p. 148 ; X. p. 151; PAP. 15 (15); 18 ( 26 ); 23 ( 20 ); 40 (51); PAPR. 6 (4), PAZA. 7 (8); Pet. II. No. 283; III. A. p. 53 ; 109 ; SA. Nos. 28 ; 261 ; 1528; Samb. Nos. 123 ; 408 ; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11; Tera. Nos. 19-20; VA. 1 (3); 9 (55); 18 (20; 33 ); VB. 1 (15; 17; 45); 41 (20; 25-26 ; 40) ; VC. 8 (13); 15 ( 20 ); VD. 7 (18); 8 (8); 9 (8); 15 ( 20 ); Vel. No. 94 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1699-1702. (1) Tīkā Svopajña. Bendall. No. 404; Bengal. Nos. 6614 ; 7224 ; 7458 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1356; Buh. II, No. 369; DA, 63 ( 88-89); DB. 37 (1-2); JA. 14 (1); 94 (1); JHA. 59 (2c.); JHB. 44 ; KB. 1 ( 41 ); 5 (36); Limdi. Nos. 788; 1378 ; 1581 ; Mitra VIII. p. 263 ; PAP. 15 (15); 18 (26); PAZA. 7 (8); Pet. III. A. p. 109; 154 ; SA. No. 28; VA. 1(3); 9 ( 55 ); 18 (20; 23 ; VB. 41 (20; 25; 26; 40); VC. 8 (13); 15 ( 20 ); VD. 7 ( 18 ). (2) Tīkā by Kusalasāgara. CP. p. 641. (3) Tikā called Vyutpattiratnākara composed in Sam. 1686, by Devasägaragaņi, pupil of Ravicandra of the Añcala Gaccha, during the Spiritual reign of Kalyāṇasāgarasuri. Bhand. V. No. 1336 ; VI. No. 1357 ; BK, No. 1820; BO. Pp. 28; 53 ; Buh. IV. Jain Education Intemational Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। No. 264: DC. p. 61 ; Hamsa. No. 1333; (I) H art of Asādhara. See Brhacchāntikā. KB. 1 (33); 3 (27; 72); PRA. No. bhiseka. 1120 ; Pet. I. No. 338; Weber. II, No. (II) Thorare Anon. SG. No. 80. 1700. STAAFATIHfc composed in Sam. 1252 by Muni(4) Tīkā by Bhānucandragaņi of the ratnasuri, pupil of Samudraghosasuri, Tapā Gaccha who lived in the time of pupil of Dharmaghosasūri, who founded Akabar. Mitra. X. p. 151. a Gaccha in his own name. In the intro(5) Tikā called Sároddbāra composed duction, the author mentions the following in Sam. 1667, by Srivallabhagani, pupil books and authors :-- Jinabhadragani of Jñānavimala, pupil of Bhānumeru etc., Ksamāśramaņa; Umāsvāti Vācaka; Siddhaof the Kharatara Gaccha, during the sena Divākara ; Haribhadra (MahattarāSpiritual reign of Jinasimhasuri. AF. No. putra); Bhadrakirti ; Siddharsi, the 194 ; Bendall. No. 403 ; Bhand. IV. No. author of Upamitibhavaprapaīcā ; Pali252 ; pp. 126 and 438-39 ; Chani. No. ttasüri, author of Tarangavati; Mana75 ; DA. 63 (87-88); DB. 37 (3-5); tungasuri and Devabbadrasuri who lived Kiel. II, No. 272 ; III. No. 139 ; PAP. at the Courts of Kings Satavahana and 23 ( 20 ); 40 ( 51 ).; PAPR. 6 (4); SA. Bhoja respectively; Hemacandra, author No. 1528 ; VD. 15 ( 20 ). of Trişastisalākā ; Candraprabha, author (6) Avacuri by Sadhuratna. VD. 8 of Darsanasuddhi; and Dhanapala, (8);9 (8). author of Tilakamañjari. (7) Tikā called Durgapadaprabodha JA. 91 ( 2 )= Pet. III. A. p. 90 ff. (possibly same as Saroddhāra of Sri- STATTETZ1T called Kriyakalapa by Asādhara. CPI. vallabhagani ). KB. 3 (29) p. 36. (8) Tikā Anon. Agra. Nos. 2785; STATATE composed in San. 1697 by Kalyäņa. PRA. 2790; 2792 ; DB. 37 (6-7); DC. p. No. 494. 28 ; CP. p. 641; Mitra. IX. p. 148 ; SATA ita in Sanskrit verse. JG. 1. 220. Surat. 1, 2, 4, 9. अमरतेजाधर्मबुद्धिमन्त्रिकथा See Papabuddhidharma(I) अभिधानचिन्तामणिनाममालाबीजक composed in Sam. 1661, by Subhavijayagani, pupil of buddhikathā. DA. 50 ( 72 ). Hiravijayasuri, of the Tapā Gaccha. PRA. DRY| अमरदत्तमित्रानन्दचरित्र by Bhavacandra. It is publish THE No. 268. ed by Hiralal Harisaraj, Jamnagar, 1924 (W. S.). (II) अभिधानचिन्तामणिनाममालाबीजक by Devavimalagani. PRA. No. 1221 (No. 10). SATA alagra Idar. 98. (III) अभिधानचिन्तामणिनाममालाबीजक Anon. Pet... अमरसुन्दरीचरित्र Surat. 9. I. No. 238. 37ATE ata kath. No. 1350 ; KN. 28. अभिधानचिन्तामणिनाममालाप्रतीकावली Bhand. V. No. अमरसेनमित्रानन्दकथा Samb. No.460. 1352. (I) BATÀ 1 2 Kath. No. 1351 (dated Sam. 1658); PAP. 12 ( 46 ). अभिधानरत्नमाला in Sanskrit by Nagavarman. Agra. | No. 2797 ; AK. No. 23. (II) waaga219 Agra. Nos. 1596-1597'; Limdi. No. 814 ; Surat. 11. Sarigamaa Bengal. Nos. 6671; 7165. STATÈTh ais composed by Matinandanagani, (I) FATADÍTET in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 229. pupil of Dharmacandragani of the Khara(II) FUAT in Prakrit. Bt. No. 230. tara Gaccha. PAP. 12 ( 20 ). Jain Education Intemational Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HTT: 797: अमरसेनवज्रसेनादिकथादशक DA. 50 (75-76); अयोगव्यवच्छेदद्वात्रिंशिका of Hemacandra. This is Limdi. No. 814. the first part of the author's hymn called Saatiot of Yasovijaya. See Nayopadeśatika. Dvätrimsaddvätrimsikā, the second part (1) arsifat of Amrtanandi. See Alarkārasam being called Anyayogavyavacchedadvätrimgraha. sika. It is published in Kāvyamāla VII. (II) qarzitia of Yogindra. This is often quoted p. 104, and also in the RJS. (2nd) edition of the Syadyadamañjari, Bombay, by Padmaprabha Maladharideva in his com. on Niyamasāra ; JH. Vol. 14, p. 19. 1935. DB. 22 (85); Jesal. No. 421; AK, No. 34; Mud. 163; 251. It is in SA. No. 782. Sanskrit and is published in the MDG. SITETIT Tatrala composed by Srivallabha Pathaka, Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. pupil of Jñänavimala Upādhyāya of the STHIET KO. 165. See Sabdanusasana of Sakata Kharatara Gaccha. It was composed together with its Vrtti during the Spiritual yana. reign of Jinacandrasuri, successor of JinaSprach (Gram. 1260) of Muniratnasuri. māņikyasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Published at Ahmedabad, 1923 (W. S.). Buh. IV. No. 226 = PRA. No. 879. Baroda. No. 2713; Bik. No. 1461; (1) Vrtti Svopajña. Buh. IV. No. Chani. No. 431 ; CP. p. 621; DA. 49 226. (53-54); DB. 31 (22); Hamsa. No. 534 ; JHA. 52; JHB. 32; Kaira. B. (1) syaraft in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 262. 18; KB. 3 (55); Mitra. IX. p. 135; (II) 31 arvata in Prakrit. Bt. No. 261. PAP. 50 (17-18); 72 (88); PAPR. 3TAG Haaqat of Asadhara. Idar. 178. 21 (10); PAPS. 60 ( 57 ); 77 (6); (I) sifteainaria in 13 chapters, composed in Pet. III. No. 573 ; V. No. 616; SA. Sarn. 1668, by Srivijayagani of the Tapā Nos. 40; 368 ; VD. 1(5). Gaccha. Bod. No. 1401. ST7E917 by Sundarakasuri (probably Amara- | (II) sirgarhafta (Gram. 1300) composed in sundara ; see Ambadacaritra) Bengal. Sarin. 1233 by Ratnaprabhasuri. See No. 3044. Nemināthacaritra. PAS. No. 452. (I) अम्बडचरित्र in Sanskrit Prose by Amarasundara | अरिष्टनेमिपुराणसंग्रह See Harivainsa Purana of JinaPandita. It is published by Hiralal Ham sena. Strass. p. 298. saraj, Jamnagar, 1910 ; translated into faisa Bhand. VI. No. 1080. English by Dr. Crause in 'Indische B ertatoft with Țikā. Bengal. No. 7129. Novellen', Leipzig, 1922. Baroda. No. Status A Part of Trailokyadipikā, (s. v.) by 2141 ; Bengal, No. 3044; Bhand. V. No. 1256; DB. 31 ( 21 ); PAP. 27 (19); Hemacandrasuri. Bhand. VI. No. 1358 PRA. No. 1173 ; SA. No. 135; Surat. = PRA. No. 1047 ; Surat. 1, 3. 1, 5, 6, 11. aggia Anon. SA. No. 1997. (II) agafa composed in Sam. 1599 by Harsa- ragarkia intarsiaiatu Pet. IV. Pet. IV. No. 1173. samudra Vácaka. PAP. 62 (16). 217qsai by Jinaprabhasuri. VB. 1 ( 36). (III) gratuits by Jayameru. PAPS. 62 ( 27- 21TU3 A work on Astrology by Durgadeva dated Sam. 1571 ). (Gram. 600 ). Pet. III. A. p. 241 ; (IV) FETT, Anon. Kaira. A. 115; KB. 2 Surat. 1, 3. (11); SA. No. 1853. sparagaur by Hemācārya (Gram. 1900). VB. italia DB. 24 (148). 1 (32). Dam Jain Education Interational Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। stjątraal of Ratnasekhara. This is the author's (II) ACHTA Annon. Buh. II. No. 286 (comcommentary on Srāddhapratikramaņa posed in Sam. 1977: Be :-- yan mürsutra. dhni); Kaira B. 78; Limdi. No. 930. peliai SB. 2 ( 96 ); Surat. 5. Bertaa of Siddhasena. Pet. III. A. p. 328. Spiraalat also called Astalaksi, in Sanskrit, com- Terrara of Padmanandi. Limdi. No. 610. posed in Sam. 1646, (1649?) by (I) terats of Asadhara. AK. No. 36. Samayasundara Upadhyāya of the Khara (1) Tikā Svopajña. AK. No. 36. tara Gaccha and pupil of Sakalacandra (II) Terrata Anon. AK. Nos. 37-44; Bengal. Upadhyāya. It is published in the D. L. No. 7311. P. Series, No. 81, Surat. 1933. The work sarular in Sanskrit. JG. P. 153. consists of an eightfold interpretation gigaa Pet. IV. Nos. 1442–1443. of a single line i. e. Rajano dadate saukhyam. अर्हद्गीता See Tatvagita. Bhand. IV. No. 255 ; BK. No. 1120 : STECHET e Pet. V. No. 925. Kath. No. 1353; PAPR. 15 (6); Pet. 3. Frana of Asadhara. Idar. 192 ; SG. No. IV. No. 1174; IV. A. p. 68; SA. No. 1369. 501. Surat. 1 ( 501 and one more copy ). Teigma is another name of Vicãrasattrix.sikā of litigar1 VA. 1 (14). Gajasāra. AM. 244. Bruicrcauia by Narendraprabha. JG. p. 314. S H ITECTE composed in Sam. 1731, by See Alankāramahodadhi. Vinayavijaya, pupil of Kirtivijaya of the STRAT by Värāṇasidasa. Bengal. No. 7176. Tapa Gaccha. PRA, No. 272. Sciagr of Appayyarya. See Jinendrakalyāņa- (1) 318 rva. See Jinendrakalvānā. (1) SERTAERAxray in 118 Sanskrit stanzas by bhyudaya. Hemacandra. It is published by Sarabhai secalagtart in Sanskrit, of Kaumārasena. Mud. Navab, in his Jainastotrasandoha, I. P. 139. 1-13, Ahmedabad, 1932. Agra. Nos. अर्हत्प्रतिष्ठासारसंग्रह also called Nemicandrasamhita or 3218-3221. Pratisthātilaka of Nemicandra, who is ) STERIAATETANET composed in Sam. 1658 different from the author of the Gomatta by Devavijayagani, pupil of Munivijayasāra. Our Nemicandra was a layman, and gani and of Kalyāņavijayagani of the probably lived in the 16th century of the Tapā Gaccha. Chani. No. 183 ; DA. 41 Vikrama era; JH, 12. pp. 195–198. It is (195-199); DB. 24 (115); Limdi. published with a Marathi gloss, at Nos. 651; 930; PRA. Nos. 408; Sholapur. It is in Sanskrit and cont 1144 ; VA. 1 (13). Also see Jinasahasraains 12 chapters. CMB. 202 ; Hum. 17 ; nāmastotra IV. 206 ; KO. Nos. 185; 200; Mud. 710 ; (1) Tikā Svopajía composed in Sam. Mysore II. p. 282 ; III. p. 179 ; Padma. 1698 i. e. forty years after the composi70; Strass. pp. 298; 307 (under the tion of the text. This Vrtti was examined last name ). by Vinayavijaya, pupil of Kirtivijaya of au in five chapters containg 84 Sanskrit the Tapā Gaccha, in Sam. 1699. Chani. Sūtras in all. It is published in the MDG. No. 183 = PRA. Nos. 408 ; 1144. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. Staifa of Hemacandra (Gram. 1408 ). It is HTT12 Pet. I. A. p. 103. published with a Gujrati translation at (I) STREETH of Devavijaya. See Arhannāma Ahmedabad, 1906; see Winternitz, sahasrasamuccaya. Geschichte, III. p. 530. BO. p. 61 ; Chani. s Jain Education Intemational Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 536; Hamsa. No. 340; PAPR. 18 (27); SA. No. 489; Surat. 2. by Lesabhatilaka(?) Bub. II. No. 397. This is nothing but Hemacandra's Dvyasrayakavya, with the com. of Abhayatilaka gani. ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । अलङ्कारचन्द्रिका Surat. 1 ( 2380). अलङ्कारचिन्तामणि of Ajitasena. KO. 125; 128 ; 133; Mysore. I. p. 42; II. p. 156; Rice. p. 304; SRA. 147; 196; 325. (1) Tikā. Mysore II. p. 156. अलङ्कारचूडामणि of Hemacandra. sasana of Hemacandra. Surat. I (1789), 5. अलङ्कारतिलक of Vagbhata. See Kavyānuśāsana of Vägbhata. (Gram. 134; Be -- sundarapaavinnasan.) in Prakria. See Kavyanu DC. p. 24; DI. p. 62 (dated Sam. 1161); Jesal. No. 824. अलङ्कारमण्डन by Mandana Kavi on Poetics. Published by the Hemacandra Sabha, Patan, Series, No. 11. Chani. No. 231, Limbdi. No. 1322; PAZB. 23 (4; ms. dated Samagri 1504); SA. No. 790. अलङ्कारमहोदधि composed by Narendraprabhasūri of the Maladhari Gaccha; cf Pet. III. A. p. 275, v. 16. PAPS. 72 (20). Both text and commentary are being edited by Pandit L. B. Gandhi for the Gak. O. Series, Baroda. (1) Svopajña Vṛtti. Composed in Sam. 1280 by Narendraprabha. Bt. No. 494. agrant of Māṇikyadeva. Bhu. VI. Nos. 234; 235. This is really the work of Kesava Miśra who composed it at the request of Manikyacandra. It is non-Jain. J.......3 For Private Я of Amṛtanandin. It contains 6 chapters which resp. treat of Varnaganavicara, Sabdarthanirnaya, Rasavarnana, Netre bhedanirnaya, Alankaranirnaya and Gun anirnaya.--PR. 4. AD. 20; Hebru. 18, 71, Hum. 19; Idar. 98; MHB. 18; Mud. 3, 101; 176; 399; 509; Padma. 95. 99. of Bhavadevasuri, a descendant of. Kalikācārya. It is in 8 chapters; cf Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 48. BK. Nos. 48, 1149; PRA. Nos. 1077; 1139. fangiaiceaan by Samayasundaragani of the Kharatara Gaccha. shed in the JAS. 19, Sam. 1970. अत्पत्वबहुत्वद्वार of Somasūri. Both pub (1) Avacuri Svopajňa. Series, Bhavnagar, No. 17 This is perhaps the same as Aradhana. Bengal. No. 6958; 7531, VB. 2 (13). PAPS. 56 (4); 65 (30), Surat. 1, 4, 5, 6, 11. अल्पत्वबहुत्व महादण्डक DA 59 (85-86 ). अल्पत्वबहुत्व विचारगर्भितमहावीरस्तवन Bengal. (1) Avacurņi (Gram. 165). PAPL. 3 (11). 6720. अशोक चन्द्रनृपतिकथानक Flo. No. 741. Bengal. No. 6992. Surat. 1, 4. (1) Tika. Surat. 1, 4. अल्पातिशयप्रतिपादन श्लोकव्याख्या ( Kalikācāryakatha. JA. 106 (16-foll. 27; Gram. 370). अल्लूकृतभावना AM. 243. faggin 119 Gathas.--Patan Cat. I. p. 405. aftaggalsafa JG. p. 247. by Jinadattasuri. Jesal. No. 409. (a portion of Siddhasabdarṇava of Sahajakirti). Bhand. V. No. 1359. Limdi. No. 1706. अव्याप्तिवाद JG. p. 87. Personal Use Only No. of Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayavijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha. Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 श्री जिनरत्नकोशः । DB. 23 (36-40); Hamsa. Nos. 524; 1251, see Jñanasära. (1) Vrtti by Devacandra. DB. 23 (36), Hamsa. No. 1251. (I) अष्टकप्रकरण the same as above, of Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijayagani. This is published with Haribhadra's Astaka by the Agamodaya Samiti, Surat, 1918. Kaira B. 191; SB. 2 (72). (1) Tika by Jinesvarasuri composed in Sam. 1080. The Tika was corrected by Abhayadevasuri according to a note in PAZB. List. Hence in many lists, it is ascribed to Abhayadeva himself. Agra. Nos. 1973-1974, Braoda. No. 2715; BK. No. 39; Buh. VIII. No. 16 (ms. dated Sam. 1494); DB. 23 (34-35); Hamsa. Nos. 375, 510, 622; JHB. 52 (ms. d. 1272); Limdi. No. 1228; PAS. No. 386; PAZB. 15 (1); Pet. III. A. p. 309, VI. No. 545; SA. Nos. 495; 1670; SB. 2 (86; 93); Surat. 1, 5; VB. 1 (4); VD. 1 (21). अष्टक मंचूर्णिपूजा of Jnanabhusana. CP. p. 260. अष्टकर्मप्रकृतिविचार DA 54 (58–61 ). (Kathayukta) of Śubhaśīlagaņi. (1) Tika Svopajña. SB. 2 (72). (2) Tika composed in Sam. 1958 by Gambhiravijayagani. BK. No. 415. (II) of Haribhadra. This contains 32 Astakas in all. They are published with a Gujarati commentary by Bhimsi Manek Bombay, 1900; and with Jineśvara's Sk. commentary by Manasukha Bhagubhai, Ahmedabad, Sam. 1968. The text alone. 60 (186-187). is published in the JDPS. Series, No. 15, Bhavnagar, Sam 1968. It is also published together with Yasovijaya's Astakas by the Agmodaya Samiti, Surat, 1918. Agra. Nos. 1973-1974; Baroda. No. (1) 2715; Bengal. No. 7081; BK. No. 39; Buh. II. No. 151; DA. 40 (4-5); DB. 23 (34-35), Jesal. No. 403; JHB. 52; Limdi. No. 1228; FAZB. 15 (1); PAS. (II) No. 396; Pet. III A. p. 309; VI. No. 545; SA. Nos. 346; 495; 768; 1603; 1670; Samb. 32; SB. 2 (86, 93); VB. (III) 1 (4); VC. 1(14); VD. 1 (21); Surat. 1, 5. DB. 32 (31). अष्टकवर्गरेखा JG. P. 351. अष्टष्टिस्वाध्याय of Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. DA. 76 (104); VB. (38). a of Somaprabhācārya. Chani. No. 332, PAP. 9 (32); PAPR. 21 (5). (1) Tika by Somatila kasuri. Chani. No. 332; PAP. 9 (32); PAPR. 21 (5). अष्टपद Bengal. No. 6778 of Carukirti. This is another Gitavitaraga (s. v.). name of (I) Vyakhyāna by Panditācārya. Rice. p. 318. Anon. Bengal. Nos. 6960, 7017, 7019, 7680; 7701; 7724; VA. 1 (28); VB. 1 (18), 2(1; 15). Also see Pūjāṣṭaka. from Vijayacandrakevali caritra of Candrarsimahattara. Limdi. Nos. 1234; 1536; 1755. (Gram. 1000) in Prakrta. PAP. 61 (48). Also see Pūjāṣṭaka. अष्टप्रकार पूजागर्भितस्तव Limdi. No. 1550. Limdi. No. 820. 1 JG. p. 265 (Gram. 800). DA. 60 (222 in 28 Gathās. ms. dated Sarn. 1600). a of Kunda kundacārya. The 8 Prabhṛtas areDarsana (36 Gathas), Sutra (27G.), Caritra (44 G.), Bodha (62 G. ), Bhāva (163 G.), Mokṣa (106 G.), Linga (22 G.), and Sila (40 G.). published by Jaycand Chavda, They are Bombay, Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थावभागः प्रथमः। 19 Vir. Sam. 2450. The first six, with the 3191 T of Sakalakirti. Idar. 95 (dated Sam. com. of Srutasagara are published in the 1522). MDG. series, No. 17, Bombay, Sam. अष्टादशदोषपारणा Bengal. No. 7100. 1917. Buh. VI. No. 562 ; DLB. 9; Kath. 3191UTTI of Subhacandra. Idar. 76. No. 1045; Strass. p. 298; Tera. 6; 18; Bygiagiqadiunga of Somadatta. Idar. 162. 22; 23. See also Satprabhrta. sararaat of Somasundara, pupil of Devasundara(I) Tikā. Kath. No. 1045. sūri of the Tapā Gaccha. This stotra is 37999#Tratara KB. 1 ( 30 ). also called Yuşmadasmadastadasastavi, 319991 in 250 Slokas by Siddhasena kavi. VC. since in it, all forms of these pronouns i.e. 12 (10). yuşmat and asmat are used. The date 399Eagraig Bengal. No. 7291. of the composition of this Stotra is Sam. BAI by Padmasāgara ( Gram. 1200 ). VB. 1497; cf. Vel. No. 1795. 2 (9; 16). Baroda. No. 3045 ; BO. p. 61, Chani. grigia i Limdi. No. 1904. No. 609; Hamsa. No. 397; JG. p. 288; STEHTff is another name of Artharatnāvali. PAP. 40 ( 26 ); Pet. V. No. 608 ; PRA. 33 See Artharatnāvali of Samayasundara. No. 1248 (No. 65); Surat. 11; Vel. No. 1795. staraua See Aştaprakārapuja and Pūjāstaka. Pet. V. No. 925. (1) Avacūri by Somadeva, pupil of Somasundara, the author. fayadagiarga by Amrtavijayagani. Bengal. 6722. Baroda. No. 3045; PAP. 40 (26); 3123raft of Akalankadeva. This is a commentary on Surat. 11 ; Vel. No. 1795. Devägamastotra. See under it. (2) Avacuri. Anon. Chani. No. 609; (1) saga of Vidyānanda This is also a com probably the same as above. mentary of the Devägamastotra. See 101 TTTFUTE See Kāśikāvivarana-Panjikā. under it. I. O. No. 603. (II) 31 of Yasovijayagani. SA. No. 908, STETEJTOTFiTEterfatur iT See KäsikāvivaranaSurat. 1 ( 317, 908). Pañjikā. 1. O. No. 603. 3graflauiadaten of Amrtavijayagani. Bengal. No. 318TEateaga DA. 60 (186-187). 6862. (1) Avacuri. DA. 60 ( 186 ). STRERTUTETET of Jinadatta suri. Chani. No. 278. Sera TKUT SA. No. 1757. This is possibly a (1) Țikā by Merumuni. Chani. No. non-Jain work. 278. STETTAIT DA. 66 (87). 319598216 by Jinapala. JG. p. 354. अष्टाविंशतिमहोत्सव Bengal. No. 7288. SWIFE? of Vägbhata, a non-Jain author. graziaciarna Bengal. No. 7534. (1) Tikā called Dyotini by Asadhara. STEUETETT of Anantaharnsagani. Bhand. V. This is mentioned in the author's Prasasti Nos. 1257-58. to his Jinayajñakalpa ; compare SGR. II. (I) 319716 TSJIET composed in Sam. 1860, by p. 68 ; CPI. p. 36; Pet. II. Intro. p. 86, Ksamākalyāna, pupil of Amrtadharma of foot-note. No Ms. of this is so far avai the Kharatara Gaccha. Bik. No. 1503 ; lable. Cal. X. p. 71 ; JHB. 35; Mitra. IX. p. STIFICET in Sanskrit by Pandit Medbävin. List 8; Pet. V. No. 617; SA. No. 1791 ; (S. J.). Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7; Vel. No. 1832. Jain Education Intemational Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 (II) Anon. Agra. Nos. 1684 to 1690; DA. 60 (314-315); Flo. No. 574; KN. 39; SA. Nos. 44; 1620; 1741. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (I) (II) ftantiâà DB. 39 ( 47 ). Bagi Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306. a part of the Avasyakaniryukti. अष्टकउद्यापन of Devendrakirti. List. (1) of Harisena. Kath. No. 1137; (Nidhānādiparijñāna) DB. 24 (240). अहिंसावर्णन DA 60 (225). Pet. III. No. 469. (II) of Surendrakirti. Pet. VI. p. g of Haribhadrasuri. This is one of his 142, No. 86. 32 Astakas. See Astaprakarana No. II DA. 59 (166-168); DB. 35 (157-159); SA. No. 351. of Kanakakirti. List. (S. J.) of Sumatisagara. SG. No. 48. (II) अष्टाह्निकव्याख्यान of Vijayalaksmisūri. No. 44; Surat. 1, 2, 7. (I) अष्टाह्निकव्रतोद्यापनपूजाविधि of अष्टाह्निकपूजाजयमाला Anon. Strass. p. 299. (1) Avacuri. Anon. DB. 35 (157). आकाशपञ्चमीकथा Bengal. No. 7155. (I) अष्टाह्निकव्याख्यान of Bhāvaprabhasūri. BK. आकाशवाणीहेतुमत्सूत्र ( Grain. 136 ). VA. 2 ( 5 ). No. 844; DA. 73 (14-15). fer (Uttarardha only). JB. 547. आख्यातवाद VA. 3 ( 6 ) SA. Subhacandra. Idar. 78 (4 copies); 124 (dated Sam. 1582); Kath. No. 1138. (II) अष्टाह्निकव्रतोद्यापन पूजाविधि of Ratnanandin. Idar. 124; 162. (III) अष्टाह्निकव्रतोद्यापनपूजाविधि ( Anon.) CP. P. 623. अष्टोत्तरीतीर्थमाला Limdi. No. 2992. अष्टोत्तरीदशा Limdi. No. 1440. e of Mahendrasimhasūri. SA. No. 436; see below. अष्टोत्तरीस्तव of Mahendrasuri of the Añcala Gaccha It is in Prakṛta. Buh. IV. No. 225 = PRA. No. 878. (1) Avacuri by Jayakesarisuri of the same Gaccha. Buh. IV. No. 225-PRA. No. 878. (1) Bhāṣya by Buh. IV. No. 123. (1) agaianaf Bengal. No. 6668; Limdi. No. 628; SA. No. 886. (II) अष्टोत्तरीस्नाप्रविधि (also called Vrddhasnātravidhi). DA. 38 (75-80); DB. 22 (39 -40); SA. No. 436. (1) Vṛtti. SA. No. 436. अष्टौ प्रत्याख्यानानि Buh. IV. No. 123. Kulamandanasūri. This is (1) Tika by Siddhicandragani (Gram. 1200). VA. 3 (6). (Katantriya) by Merutungasūri of the Añcala Gaccha. See Katantravyakaraṇa. Bhand. VI. No. 1360; PAP. 41 (21); 79 (8); PAPL. 6 (6-7); PAPR. 18 (39). (1) Tippana Svopajña. PAPL. 6 (6-7); PAPR. 18 ( 39 ). आख्यानमणिकोश of Nemicandrasūri ( known as Devendragani before his Dikṣā), pupil of Amradevasüri, pupil of Uddyotanasuri of the Brhad Gaccha. See Vel. No. 1639. It consists of 41 chapters. JA. 65 (1); Pet. III. A. p. 78, VA. 15 (12). (1) Tika (Gram. 14000) composed in Sam. 1190 by Amradevasuri, pupil of of Nemicandra, the author of the text. JA. 65 (1); Pet. III. A. p. 78, VA. 15 (12). आगम अष्टोत्तरी of Abhayadevasūri. It is published by Balabhai Khushalbhai, Ahmedabad. Bhand. VI. No. 1082; PAPS. 45 (21); 66 (127); 81 (15); SA. Nos. 734; 1999; VA. 3 (9). (1) Tika. Anon. No. 734. Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । STITUUTETTa by Uttamavijaya. Surat. 1 (3082). SITTATAUIT of Vidyānandin. KO. 143. Tanagaratut in Sanskrit (Gram. 1243 ); PAPR. 2 (1); Surat. 1 (295), 5. आगमप्रतिपक्षनिराकरण चर्चा perhaps the same as above. DA. 20 (38; 86); PAP. 23 (19); SA. No. 296. आगमप्रमाण Surat. 5. 3TTHETOFOTETT of Manavijayagami (foll. 30). VB. 3 (16). आगमयोगविधि JHA. 44. TATT Rice. p. 508. (I) STAFIT of Viracandra. Mud. 386 ; 409. (II) STAFIT called Arādhanāsamuccaya, by Ravi candra. It is in 246 Sanskrit Aryās. Strass. p. 298. (III) TARIT Anon. Bengal. No. 6959; KB. 1 ( 53-foll. 69 ; 62); 2 (15); 5 (32); Surat. 1, 2, 3. STT THEITIGIT composed in Sam. 1894 by Deva candra. It is published by Premachand Dalsukhbhai, Padra, Sam. 1967, and also in the Prakaranaratnākara Pt. I, by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. Agra. Nos. 783-787 ; Bengal. Nos. 6617 ; 7543 ; Buh. III. No. 82; DA. 67 ( 20-25 ); JHA. 46 ( 4c.); JHB. 25 ( 3c.); KB. 3 ( 57 ); KN. 10; PRA. No. 849, VB. 3 ( 45 ). STTAFTA of Jinaprabha. Bk. No. 485; PAPS. 66 (154). (1) Avacūri. BK, No. 485. STAFETAT SA. No. 1761. T akara Tartqicut in 86 Gathās, hence often called Sa dasīti (Be :- nicchinnamohapăsam. ), composed by Jinavallabhagani of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is published with the commentary of Malayagiri in the JAS. Series, No. 52, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1972. Bengal. Nos. 7446 ; 7611 ; Bod. No. 1358 (4); Buh. VI. No. 775; Chani. No. 124; DC. p. 34; Hamsa. No. 1117; JA. 105 (6); 106 (1); Jesal. Nos. 101; 169, 764; 1215 ; 1284; KB. 3 (20); Kiel. II. No. 55, 77 ; III. No. 148, Kundi. No. 59; 105; 128 ; Limdi. No. 1288; PAP. 11 ( 29); PAPM. 63 (6), PAPR. 5 (14); PAPS. 69 (92); PAS. 255; PAZB. 12 (13); Pet. I. A. p. 28 ; 66 ; 99 ; I. No. 346 ; V. No. 768 ; V. A. p. 70; 105; 106, VI. No. 652; SA. Nos. 1217; 2031 ; VB. 37 (35; 37). (1) Tikā by Jinavallabhagaņi. Kiel. IL No. 55 ; PAPS. 69 (92) (2) Vrtti in Prākrta (Be :-- siripāsajiņam namium ) composed by the author's pupil Rāmadevagani in Sam. 1173 (Gram. 805). Cf. Bhand. IV. p. 152. Bt. No. 102, DC. p. 45, No. 5 (dated Sam. 1246. This is the oldest paper ms.); Jesal. No. 764 ; Kundi. Nos. 59 ; 105; Samb. No. 42; cf.Patan Cat. I. p. 388. (3) Vrtti (Be :- natvá jinam vidhāsye: Graṁ. 850) composed in Sarn. 1172 at Ahnilvad, by Haribhadra, pupil of Jinadeva of the Brhad Gaccha. Bt. No. 112 ; Buh. VI. No. 775; DC. p. 26, No. 224; p 35, No. 276 (3); JA. 96 (12); Jesal. Nos. 101; 169; Kundi. No. 128; Patan Cat. J. p. 21 (quo.); Pet. I. A. p. 199; PAZB. 12 (13). (4) Tikā by Malayagiri (Gram. 2410 Be :-- praṇamya siddhi ). Bod No. 1358, Bt. No. 103; Kiel. III, No. 148; PAP. 11 (29); PAPR. 5 (14); PAS. No. 255; (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 22; 43); SA. 2031 ; VB. 37 (35; 37). (5) Vrtti by Yaśobhadrasuri (Gram. 1672), pupil of Dharmasuri, pupil of Dhanesvara, pupil of Sílabhadra of the Candrakula-Patan Cat. I. p. 395. Bt. No. 109 ; PAPM. 63 (6); Patan Cat. I. Jain Education Intemational Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HIFTARFTET: 1 162. p. 395 (quo. ). III. No. 575; VI. No. 548 ; VI. A. p. (6) Vivarana by Meruvācaka. JG. p. 39 (quotation); PRA, No. 1219 ( No. 117 ( foll. 32). 10); SA. No. 496; Surat. 1, 6, 8; VA. (7) Tīkā. Anon. Bengal. No. 6806 ; 2 (18). Jesal. No. 1215, 1284 ; JG. p. 117; (II) STEITEN by Hiravijayasuri (?). This is KB. 3 ( 20 ) ; Pet. V. A. p. 105; (Be:-- probably the same as above. VC. 1. (12), āgamika vastu ); Samb. No. 34. (III) antiq Anon. KB. 3 ( 81 ). MAGITTIT also called Agamoddhārasaptati, in CANTOT by Saitánka ( Silanka ). This is 71 Gathās. JG. p. 143 ; Limdi. No. 1288. probably Silārka's com. on AcārārgaSTITITETUTTTT2 Bengal. Nos. 7164 ; 7560. sutra. BO. p. 57. SIETTET ( Satapadipürvapaksarūpa ) Bt. No.(I) S tara in Sanskrit. (Be :--sa srivirajino jiyāt. foll. 172). Pet. I. A. 90 (dated 3112 TUTTIA Pet. V. No. 619 (foll. 9; ms. Sam. 1352). dated Sam. 1711). (II) Saar in Prākrta containing 21 chapters Snotia (Gram. 12500 ) composed in Sam. (Be :-- āyāramayam viram vandiya ). 1463 (according to DB. List ), by Var DA. 38 (43); JG. p. 148, Weber. IL dhamānasūri, pupil of Jayānandasuri of No. 1929. the Candra Gaccha. It is published in (III) 3711 Anon. DA. 38 ( 44-56 ). two parts in the Kharatara Gaccha Gran- (IV) 3112 by Munisundarasuri. DB. 22 thamālā (No.2), Lalbag, Bombay 1922. (30). Baroda. No. 2719; Bhand. V. No. (V) ITFT by Abhayadevastri. DB. 22 1164; Bik. No. 1579; Buh. IV. No. (31-32). 126 ; Chani. No. 322 ; DB. 17 (6 ; 26); (VI) I Anon. DB. 22 ( 34 ); see also 22 (45); JHA. 40 ( 2c.); 73 ; KB. 1 Sāmācāri ( 14 ). ( 15 ); Kiel. II. No. 363 ; Mitra. VIII. STORA Tal of Ratnasekharasüri. VD. 1(3). p. 69 ; PAP. 56 (9); PAPR. 7 (12); PAPS. 52 (3); Surat. 1, 4, 5; SB. 2 STITEO of Brahinasuri. See Jinasamhitäsārod(30-32); Tapa. 35; VC. 1 (21). dhāra. ita in Sanskrit (Gram. 4065 ), com 37 (1) Cart of Viranandin, pupil of Meghacandra of the Pustaka Gaccha of the Mūlasangha. posed in Sam. 1516 by Ratnasekhara, It contains 12 chapters having a total of pupil of Munisundarasuri of the Tapa 1250 Sanskrit Slokas. It is published in Gaccha. It contains 5 chapters. It is the MDG. Series, No. 11, Bombay, published by Ramacandra Dinanath, Sam. 1974. AD. No. 101, AK. Nos. Bomhay, Sam. 1958 and also by Somchand Panachand 50-51; 59-62; Bhand. VI. No. 89; for the Jainodaya Sabha, Kheda. It is again published in CMB. 106 ; CP. p. 623; Hebru. 63; Kath. Nos. 1046-47; MHB. 24; Mud. the DLP. Series, No. 71, Bombay, 1927. 67; 77 ; 111; 189 ; PR. 93 ; 135 ; Tera. BK. No. 25; BO. p. 57; Bub. IV. No. 33-35. 127 ; Chani. No. 733 ; DA. 32 (14-17); 74 ( 33 ) ; DB. 16 ( 26-28); JHA 37; (1) Tippana. Anon. MHB. 24. Kaira A, 20 ; PAP. 18 (16); 45 (21 ; (2) Svopajña Tikā in Kanarese in 26 ); 64 (3); PAPS. 34 ( 12 ); 45 Saka 1076. Cf. Anekānta, I. p. 461. (12); 46 ( 33); 71 (6; 7); Pet. Terrate SG. No. 1328. Jain Education Intemational Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 31ETTIG EF is the first Anga of the Jain canon. It consists of two parts ( Śrutaskandhas), the first of which is decidedly earlier than the second and treats of the proper conduct' (ācāra ) of a Jain monk. The four chapters of the second part are called cülas, i. e., appendices. The first Srutaskandha is edited by W. Schubring, at Leipzig, 1910, and also for the Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka Samiti, at Poona, 1924. The whole text along with the commentaries of Silanka, Jinahamsa and Pārsvacandra and Bhadrababu's Niryukti, is published by Ray Dhanpatsinha Bahadur, Calcutta, Sam. 1936. The Agamodaya Samiti, Surat, has also recently ( Nos. 5 and 6 of the Series ), published it with the Niryukti and Silarika's commentary in Sam. 197273. It is translated into English by H. Jacobi, in the S. B. E. Series, Vol. 22. The first Srutaskandha is translated into German by W. Schubring in Worte Mahaviras', Leipzig. 1926. Agra. Nos. 1-6; 12-21; AM. 59; 75; 88; 117; 161 ; 168; 171; 181; 218 ; 260; 265; 268; 283; 332; 339; 348; 376, 378, 406, AZ. 2 (8); Baroda. Nos. 1217; 2721 ; 6082; Bengal. Nos. 6767; 6891 ; 7665; Bhand. IV. No. 1084; V. No. 1163 ; VI. Nos. 1083; 1084; Bik No. 1620; BO. p. 57; Buh. II. Nos. 152–153; III. Nos. 78-81 ; Chani. No. 165 ; DA. 1 (18 to 30 ), 2 (1-4); DB. 1(1, 11); DC. p. 42; Flo. Nos. 491-492 ; JA. 30 ( 1 ); 99 (1); 110 (16); JB. 1, 2, 3 (2 copies ); Jesal. Nos. 190 ; 231 ; 418 ; 552 ; 902 904 ;1179; 1321; 1373, 1376; JHA. 1; 7 (8c.), JHB. 1 (3c.); Kaira A. 21; KB. 3 (74); Kiel. II No. 2; Kundi. Nos. 123 ; 309; 421 ; Limdi. Nos. 32;53; 106; 112; 216 ; 307 ; 308 ; 337; 415; 416 ; 430; 434 ; 465 ; 482 ; Mitra. IX. pp. 90, 92; 94; 95 ; PAP. 3(1-3; 7; 12; 14; 16; 18-20); 20 (12, 15); 68 ( 14 ); 72 (5); 79 (16); PAPL. 4 (9); PAPR. 1( 16 ); 21 ( 6); PAPS. 1 (1-15); 2 (1-7); 3 (1-15 ); 9 (8); 63 (35); 70 ( 5 ); 84 ( 4 ); PAS. Nos. 67 ; 110; 291, 470; PAZA. 1 (1-4); 6 ( 19 ); PAZB. 4 (9); 14 (1); 7 ( 5 ); 9 (7); Pet, I. A. p. 39; III. A. p. 89 ; 131; SA. Nos. 391 ; 515; 1519 ; 1683; 1781; 2030 ; 2040 ; 2655 ; 2707 ; VA. 2 (117); 3 (1-10); Samb. No. 38; VB. 2 (1-27); 3 (1-5,); VC. 1 ( 20 ); 2 ( 9 ); Vel. Nos. 1394-97 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1773-76 ; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11. (1) Niryukti by Bhadrabāhu in about 367 Gathās. AM. 274; 367; Bub. III. No. 80; (palm ms. d. 1348); DA. 1 ( 20 ) ; DB. 1(7); DC. p. 42, JA. 30 (1); 99 (1); JB. 3 (2 copies ); Jesal. Nos. 903 ; 1321, JHA. 7, JHB. 1; KB. 3 ( 74 ); Kiel. II. Nos. 11; 364 ; Kundi. No. 87; Limdi. Nos. 50; 417; PAP. 3 (16; 18, 20); 20 (15); 68 (14); 72 (5); 79 (16); PAPR. 21 (6); PAPS. 1 (4), 3 (12-14); PAS. Nos. 67 ; 110; PAZA. 1 (4); 6 (19); PAZB. 14 (1); Pet. III. A. p. 8, SA. No. 391 ; 1781, Surat. 1, 5, 6; VA. 3 (10), VB. 3 ( 22 ); VC. 2 (9). (2) Cūrņi by Jinadāsamahattara (Gram. 8300 ). [Be :--- mangalādini satthānio ].DB. 1 (6), Jesal. No. 552; Kundi. No. 83; PAPR. 1 (16); VA. 3.(1). (3) Cūrņi. Anon. (probably the same as above). Agra. No. 7, Buh. VIII. No. 372 ; Flo. No. 492; JA. No. 26 (1; dated Sam. 1303 ); JB. 1-3; Kiel. III. No. 2; [ Gram. 8740); Limdi. Nos. 1; 1765 ; PAP. 20 (12), PAPR. 1 (16 ; Gram. 5416); PAPS. 1 (5); 9 (8), PAZA. 1 (3-Gram. 8300), PAZB. 7 Jain Education Intemational Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (5-dated Sam. 1486); Pet. IILA. p. 131; VA. 2 ( 17); 3 (2); VB. 2 (24; 27), SA. No. 1674; Samb. No. 180. 3 (1); VC 1 ( 20 ). (4) Tikā by Gandhahastin (Siddhasena, (9) Tikă called Tatvāvagamā, compupil of Bhāsvāmin ). Not available but posed in Sam. 1596, by Lakşmikallolamentioned by Silāñka ; cf. Anekānta I, gaņi, pupil of Harsakallola of the Tapā p 219, f. n. Gaccha. Vel. No. 1397. (5) Tikā composed in Saka 784 by (10) Tıkā called Dipika composed by Silanka (Gram. 12000 ) [Be : Māņikyasekhara, pupil of Merutungasūri ja yati samasta vastuparyāya ). AM. 265; of the Ancala Gaccha. This work of Baroda. No. 2721; Bengal. No. Mäņikyasekhara is mentioned by him in 2519; Bhand. VI. No. 1085; BO. bis Prasasti to Āvasyakaniryukti-Dipikā. p. 88; Bod. No. 1334; Buh. III. No. PRA. No. 927. But so far no mss. of 79 (palm ms. d. 1348); Chani. No. it are available. 165; DA. 1 (1-4); DB. 1 (1-3); (11) Avacūri or Tikā anon:--Agra. DC. p. 42; Hamsa. Nos. 197, 1376; Nos. 8-11; Bhand. VI. No. 1083-1084; JA. 30 (2); 99 (1); Jesal. Nos. IV. No. 1084 ; DC. p. 13; Samb. No. 49. 190; 231 ; 902; 1376; JHA. 1; JHB. 1; Kap. No. 13; Keith. No. 29; Kundi. (12) Bālāvabodha by Pārsvacandra, Nos. 123 ; 309, 412; Mitra. IX. p. 92; pupil of Sadhuratnasūri. AM. 117; 260; 93; PAP. 3 ( 2 ; 3 ; 14; 19 ); PAPL. 4 283 ; 339 ; AZ. 2 (8); DA. 1 (8-16); (9); PAPS 1 (1; 2; 8; 10; 11; 15); DB. 1 (8-9); Kaira A. 21; Kap. No. 2 (1-7); 3 (8); 70 (5); PAS. Nos. 291; 4; 5; Limdi. Nos. 112; 337; PAP. 3 470; PAZA. 1 (2), Pet. I. A. p. 39; (7); PAPS. 1 (13-14); 63 ( 35). III. A. p. 89 ( quotation ); V. No. 621 ; (13) Paryāya or a brief explanation SA. Nos. 916; 2030; 2040, VA. 2 in other words. Kap. Nos. 23–27. (10; 15-16 ); VB. 2 (22; 26 ) ; 3 (II) STITIFFE also called Mūlācāra, of Vattera(5), VD. 1 (4); Weber. II. No. 1776. kācārya, usually known as Kundakunda. (6) Tikā called Dipikā by Ajitadeva It is in 12 Adhyâyas. The text is pub sūri. Borada. No. 1217, PAPS. 84 (4). lished by Manoharlal Shastri, Bombay, (7) Vrtti by Abhayadevasuri (Ajita AD. 1919 and also in the MDG. Series, deva ?) VC. 2 ( 4). Nos. 19, 23 with the Sarvārthasiddhi of (8) Vrtti called Dipikā (Gram. 9225) Vasunandin, in Bombay, Sam. 1977composed in Sam. 1582, by Jinaharnsa, 1980. AD. Nos. 135 ; 143 ; Buh. VI. pupil and successor of Jinasamudrasuri Nos. 656-57; CP. p. 681 ; Idar. 31 (2 of the Kharatara Gaccha. Baroda. copies ); JB. 76 ; Mud. 201 ; Pet. II No. No. 6082; BO. p. 57; Bub. II. 264 ; 273 =II. A. p. 134 ( quotation), No. 154 ; BSC. No. 449; DA. 1 (5-6); IV. No. 1397 ; SG. Nos. 7; 2278 ; Tera. DB I (4-5); Hamsa, No. 1576; JA. Nos. 1-5. 110 ( 10 ); Jesal. No. 1179, JHA. 1; (1) Tikā called Sarvārthasiddhi Mitra. IX. p. 95; PAP. 3 (1;12); (Gram. 12500) by Vasunandin. CP. p. PAPS. I (9); 3 ( 7; 10); PAZB. 4 681 ; Hebru. 4; Kath. No. 1120; Pet. (9); Pet. I. No. 2Z7 (dated Sam. 1612); II. Nos. 264; 273 = II. A. p. 134 IV. No. 1175=IV. A. p. 73 ( quotation); ( quotation ); IV. No. 1397 ; Rice. p. V. No. 620 ; SA. Nos. 1683; 2650 ; 312 ; SRA. 43 ; Tera. 1-5. Jain Education Intemational Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 25 (2) Tikā by Meghacandra. Mud. (II) STTTTTTT in Prākrta. AK. Nos. 47; 48; 201. 52-58. (3) Pradipa by Sakalakirti. This maraiara VD. 2 ( 2 ). seems to be an independent work conta- 35afcha u in Prākrta. Limdi. No. 1135. ining 12 chapters ; cf. SGR. V. p. 52ff. 311571 Haga DB. 20 ( 55). AD. Nos. 133; 143 ; Bengal. No. 1470 ; 3715716 Hajar DB. 20 (54). CP. p. 681 ; Idar. 31 ( 2 copies ); Idar 3715T r agia in Prākrta. Limdi. No. 1520. A. 3 (2 copies ); Kath. No. 1119; Lal. 125 ; l'et. III. No. 546 ; SG. No. 37157 HITAM JG. p. 155 ( foll. 55). 730 ; SRA. 283 ; 374. आतुरप्रख्याख्यानप्रकीर्णक also called Antakalaprakir(4) Tikā by Medhāvin. Bengal. No. naka. It consists of 84 Gathās. Pub. 1521; this is probably a ms. of Vasu lished by Balabhai Kakalbhai, Alunedanandin's commentary. Medhāvin or Miha, bad, Sam. 1962. It is also published pupil of Jinacandra had composed a along with 3 other Prakirnakas by JDPS. Prasasti in Sari. 1516 for a ms. of Bhavanagar, Sam. 1966, and with 9 Vasunandin's com., which was caused to be others, by the Agamodaya Samiti, written by Padmasimha and presented to Bombay, Sam. 1983. Narasirinha in that year. Cf. Pet. II. A. Agra. Nos. 442-445 ; AM, 126 ; 223 ; pp 136-141. The Bengal ms. is obvi. Bengal. No. 6911, Bhand. VI. No. ously very closely related to this Ms. 1168; Bik. No. 1583; BK. No.528; BO. This Prasasti is also published along with p. 57; Buh. III, No. 76; IV. Nos. 124the Sarvärthasiddhi of Vasunaudin in the 125, DA. 27 (36-40 ; 42-46 ; 70-73 ); MDG. edition (Nos. 19 and 23 ) as it DB. 13 ( 22-26 ; 48); Flo. No. 524 ; was found in both the mss.used for it. Hamsa. Nos. 19, 158, 842, 929; 984 ; Sartrest by Cáritrasundaragani, pupil of Ratna JA. 96 (6); 105 (1); 106 (4); 107 simha. It is in six chapters (9); Limdi. No. 930; 954; 1093; containing 264 Slokas It is published in his 1140; 1220; 1288; 1707 ; Mitra. X. p. 12; PAZB. 4 (11); Pet. I. A. p. Laghu-Prakaranasangraha by Bhimsi 53; 71, 102; III. A. p. 13; No. 645 ; Manek, Bombay, 1903, and also by JAS. V. A. p. 106 ; VI. No. 579; PRA. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1982, and by T. P. Nos. 205 ; 299 ; SA. Nos. 157 ; 1526 ; Doshi, Ahmedabad, A. D. 1895. Agra. 1914 ; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, VC. 2 Nos. 875-876; BK. Nos. 531 ; 1334 ; (8); Vel. No. 1398 ; Weber. II. No. Bengal. No. 7167 ; Bhand V. No. 1165; 1865; 1870 (2); 1871. DA. 32 (18-21), Kaira B. 60; KB. 2 (9); PAPS. 48 ( 108 ); 65 ( 61 ); 69 (90); (1) Vivarana by Gunaratnasuri of the Surat. 1 ( 2539 ), 2, 5, 8; VA. 3 ( 8 ); Tapā Gaccha. PAZB. 4 (11); Pet. I. VB. 3 (17); VD. 2 (3). No. 261 ; SA. No. 1914. StarTiaaTIST3T TC19* in Prākrta. Limdi. No. (2) Avacūri by Dharmaghosasuri. 1450. DB. 13 (22) Hamsa. No. 476. This is very probably the Avacuri by Bhuyur Bengal. No. 7353. vanatunga. See next. 3719gagliare in Prākrta. Patan Cat. I. p. 5 (3) Avacūri by Bhuvanatunga, pupil (foll. 7). of Mahendra, pupil of Dharmaghosasuri (I) 321H (Anon.) Bhand. VI. No. 992. of the Añcala Gaccha (Gram. 420). J.....4 S Jain Education Intemational Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरलकोशः। BK. No. 528 ; Bt. No. 43 ; Buh. IV. No. Gaccha. Published by JAS. Bhavnagar, 124 = (PRA. No. 866); Flo. No. 524 ; Sam. 1966, and also ly Hiralal Hamsaraj, Pet. III. No. 645 ; V. No. 622: PRA. Jamnagar, 1914. Agra. Nos. 877-883; No. 299. Bengal. No. 3045; Buh. IV. No. 128 ; (4) Avacuri by Mahendra, pupil of JHA. 46; Kaira A.6; KB. 3 (14 ; 55 ); Dharmaghosa, Very probably the same 5 (12); 7 (8); KN, 16; Limdi. No. as above. SA. No. 157. 562; Mitra. IX. p. 6 ; Pet. III. A. p. (5) Tīka by Somasundarasuri ( of the 314 (quotation ); VI. Nos. 549-550; Tapa Giaccha?). This is bused on Bha SA. No. 310 ; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5. vantuga's Avacuri. DB. 13 (23); (1) Vrtti. Agra. No. 878. PRA. No. 205. STICHIQET SB. 2 ( 29 ). (6) Tika by Hemacandrayani (?Gran. (I) scala of Jayasekhara. JHA. 33; 700). VC. 2(8). JHB. 27 (3c.). (7) Avacuri. Anon. Agra. No. 444; Pet. V. No. 803 ; VA. 2 (11). Limili. No. 1418. Pet. I, No. 261. (II) TEHTY (Gāthās 43) Anon. DB. 35 BIFRES of Jayasekharasuri. VA. 2 ( 11 ). (168). (I ) Henia is the name of Amrtacandra's com- (III) Cu ( Be:- sansārammi asāre). mentary on Samayasāra of Kundakunda See Ekonatrimsatibhāvanā. cārya. 317AaT99TU (foll. 256 ) Bik. No. 1582. (II) 31/Aena in Sanskrit by Yasovijaya of the SICHOTE in Sanskrit. CMB. 162; SG. No. 1769. Tapa Gaccha. Patta. I. p. 107. SICHTETET97 Bhand. VI. No. 1086. STARFI DB. 21 ( 26-27). आत्मचिन्तामणि Surnt. 1, 8. STEAISTETTU in 162 Gathas composed by Saka315Hra (Foll. 49). JG. p. 109. lacandragaņi, pupil of Vijayadānasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is otherwise 3FAgraarimalTa by lansarāja. BO. p. 57. called Srutāsvāda. Agra. No. 879; DB. TAFA 18197131 Ratnasinhasüri. Limdi. 35 (207); PRA. No. 655; SA. No. 690; No. 955. Surat. 1, 9. Stradaraat ( 24 stanzas ) by Ratnasimbasuri. SHIRTST7 % DA. 60 ( 33 ); Kath. No. 1178; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 7, 9. SB. 2 (91). 3TAGAPOFTITISA. No. 1242. SIT Alatan Published by JDPS., Bhavangar. STAJICE JG. p. 196. (1) S targh Published in Kavyamala, Guccha (I) STIcheaTua by Jñānabhūsaņa. It is in Sanskrit. SG. No. 1988. 7, Bombay, N. S. Press. (II) SHEET9 Bengal. No. 6747 ; DA. 37(43); (II) Asia Wa in Prākrta. SG. No. 2720. Sarat. 1, 7. (I) Stratiqua in 21 Gathās (Be :--uvasa311# (See Aptapariksa ) by Vidyānanda. ggo kahāhuhta). Pet. V. A. p. 137. Chani. No. 137. (II) aFalak in Apabhrarnsa ( Be :--nok3FAgaia by Kumārakavi. PR. 141; SA. No. khamukkhe) by Jinaprabha.--Patan Cat. 586. Published in the Chunilal Jain I. p. 263. Granthamāla, No. 7, 1917. (III) STITAT in 43 Gathās by Bhuvana311 Tara composed in Sais. 1833 by Jinalabha, tunga.--Patan Cat. I. p. 403. pupil of Jinabhaktisuri of the Kharatara STICHEAT DB. 20 ( 35 ). Jain Education Intemational Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । BTT FLET of Akalankadeva. See Svarūpasambo Kiel. II. No. 365 ; Limdi. Nos. 545 ; dhanapañcavimšati. Lal. 136. 1288; 1701 ; PAPS. 65 (21); PAS. STIHITA ( in 30 Gāthās ) by Ratnasimhasüri. No. 393, Pet. III. No. 648; III. A. P. Limdi. No. 955. 9. (quotation); PRA. No. 1265 (No. SITATEARETHIT Surat. 8, 10. 67); Samb. No. 13. STIHENTET in 32 Karikās by Ratnasuri, (III) STIERTERTIA Anon. Agra. No. 885 ; Bengal. pupil of Dharmasuri. Pet. V. No. 803 No. 1170 ; PAS. No. 29 ; Pet. III. A. =PRA. No. 1008. p. 49 ( foll. 4 only). STAfgargasara in 56 Gāthās, composed in Sam. (1) Tika in Sanskrit. PAS. No. 29. 1249 by Ratnasirühasuri. Lindi. No. TAIJTIH composed in Swi. 1249 at 955. Ahnilvad, in 56 Prakrta verses by RatnaSITHIETTatrategy Bengal. Nos. 6920 ; 7217. simhasuri. DB. 35 (172); JG. p. 206 ; (I) THIETT of Gunabhadra, pupil of Jinasena. JSS. I. Intro. p. 29. It contains 270 Sanskrit Slokas. It is TALSTIETIES Anon. DB. 35 ( 172 ). published in the Sanatana Jaina Grantha STICHITETTI Fa Stazzi by Ratnashibastui. It contains mālā, No. 1, Bombay, 1905. Also in 25 Senskrit verses. Lindi. Nos. 955 ; MDG. Series, No. 1, p. 55ff. and also by Pet. V. No, 803. Chaganlal Bakalivala, Bombay, Hirabag. Trang: S a y by Devaprabhasuri of the Malachāri It is also edited with the commentary and English Gaccha. Bt. No. 614. translation etc., by J. L. Jaini, in the Sacred Books of the Jainas, 3115Taust by Jayasekharasuri. PAPS. 81(1). No. 7, Arrah, 1928. STATE ani by Cidānauda. Surat. 2. AD. Nos. 105; 145; AK, Nos. 63-65 ; HOE at in 12 Gathas. JA. 105 (1). Bhand. V. No. 1036; VI. No. 990; STICHTTEITAIET JG. p. 169. BO. p. 29; Bod. No. 1375 ; CP. p. 623; DLB. 12; Hebru. 7 ; 10; Hum. 36 ; 41; fina TIGI DB. 35 (48; 19; $0); SA. No. 1905. Idar. 37 ( 6 copies); KO. 4; 160 ; Mud. 16; 71; 87 ; 102 ; Padma. 21 ; Tier T AT also called Rabbucles ma, in five Pet. I. A. p. 63; IV. No. 1398 ; V. No. Ullasas, by Somamaındana, pupil of 921 ; PR. 89 ; 90 ; Rice. p. 308 ; Tera. Munisundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. 10-19 ; 36-43 ; Vel. No. 1560. Baroda. No. 3001 ; DB. 35 ( 46-47 ); (1) Tikā by Prabhācandra. Bhand. Surat. 1; VC. 3 (18); Also see RsaV. No. 1036: Kath. No. 1180; Rice. bhadesanā. p. 308; Tera. 36. (I) Sustafaqa by Rājasekharasuri of the Mala Sam. 1042 by (II) 311HITETTAT composed in (hari Gaccha (Be r patinabbi. ). Pārsvanāga. It contains 77 Kärikäs and Mitra. IX. p. 196. is in Sanskrit. It is published with a (II) SITIESafaga by Lavanyasamaya. Jesal. Hindi translation by Setabcand Nahar, No. 440. Calcutta, Sam. 1931. It is also published (III) i aedaa by Yasovijayagani of the Tapā at Ahmedabad, 1928 (W. S.) Chani. Gaccha. Patta. I. p. 107. No. 342; DA. 31 (35); 39 (6); DB. 22 (125-26); 35 (173); JA. 79(1); (IV) feistaraan Anon. Bengal. No. 7740; 105 (1); 106 (4); Jesal. Nos. 362; 600; Limdi. No. 3324. JHA. 65; JHB. 47; Kath. No. 1179 ; sięí starara in 51 Gathās. JG. p. 273. Jain Education Intemational Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 श्री जिनरत्नकोशः । snfefer by Hargacandrasiri. JG. p. 273; KC. 12. (I) आदित्यव्रतकथा composed by Srutasāgara, pupil of Vidyanandin of the Sarasvati Gaocha. PRA. No. 1240 (No. 36). (II) आदित्यव्रतकथा Agra. No. 1589. (1) smearing of Kelavasena. Idar. 73. (II) आदित्यव्रतोद्यापन of Jayasagara Idar 73 162. (III) enfe by Devendrakirti. Idar. (II) (2 copies). (IV) suferarenga by Yasaḥkirti Idar. 73. sme containing 25 Sanskrit stanzas. Pet. I. No. 238. This is the Yugadideva-se In the last stanza, Munisundara, (I) Laksmistigars and Subhasundara of the Tapa Goocha are mentioned. PRA. No. 969. (II) आदिनाथचरित्र in Prakrta, composed in Smi 1160 by Vardhamana, pupil of Abhayadevasuri (Grati. 11000). It is divide into five cantos and describes the life of the 1st Tirthankara. Chani. No. 32; DC. p. 42 (cf. DI. p. 45); Jesal No. 152; Kuli. No. 363; PAP. 14 (3); PAPM. 41 (ms. dated Sami. 1289); Patan Cat. I. p. 350 (quo. ). (1) Avacuri. Pet. I. No. 238. This is really a Tabs in Gujarati by Candra (II) dharmagani in Sa 1633. (I) आदिनाथचरित्र in Sanskrit by Amaracandrasūri. Jesal. No. 1597, JG. p. 238. (III) few composed in Sai 1474 by Vinayacandra. DB. 25 (5; 6), SA. No. 50; Surat. 1, 9. (V) आदिनाथ जगन्नाथस्तुति JG. p. 273. आदिनाथजयमाला Bhand. VI. No. 992 ( 20 ). (1) ser by Munisundara. VA. 2 (6). Anon. Agra. Nos. 886-888; Bhand. V. No. 1259; JG. p. 169; Surat. 1, 4, 11, VA. 2 (7). 62 (4), 63 (1; 12); PAPL. 1 (6); SA. No. 456, VA. 3 (5), VC. 3 (17, 18). See also Bgabhadevacaritra of Hemacandra. (1) Vrtti. JG. p. 169. शतक JG. p. 208. serie in 88 Gathas (Besa săre natthi). Bah. II. No. 202; Limid. Nos. 674; 930, 1153, VB. 3 (44), Vel. No. 1563a. ( IV ) आदिनाथचरित्र the first book of the Trisasti | (II) salaka of Hemacandra. It is translated into English by Dr. Miss H. Johnson, and published in the Gaek. O. Series, No. 51, Baroda, 1931. BK. No. 173, JA. 60 (12); 110 (21); KB. 1 (56); PAP. 14(5); 20 (4); 60 (2; 13; 14); few Anon. Agra. No. 1418; DA. 50 (102). snfrage Anon. Probably the same as above. AM. 204, DA. 60 (90-95); DB. 35 (48, 49), Flo No. 661; Jesul. No. 868; VB. 3 (46) आदिनाथदेशनी द्वारशतक See Adinatharlesaoddhara (I). (I) anfanager in 20 cantos by Sakalakirti, a Digambar writer. AI No. 69, Bhand VL No. 1042 (P. p. 624; Hum. 156; Idar. 1 (2 copies); 88 (4 copies); 89 (2 copies); 95; Idar. A. 21 (3 copies); 53; 54 (2 copies); 58; 64; 65; Lal. 200; 223; 394; 405; Pet. II. No. 265; SRA. 374; Tera. 26-27. For further references also see alludenicaritra and Vrsabhanathacaritra, which are but other names of this work. आदिनाथपुराण (see Vrsabhanāthapurāna) by Candrakirti. CP p 623. sufragerer by Santidasa. Kath. No. 1048. also called Pañcakalyāṇaka (s. v.) in Sanskrit, by Jñanabhuṣaṇa. CP. p. 624 Idar. 117 118; List (S. J.), SG. No. 2559. (III) (1) Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। ( II ) 31191219514 in Apabhramsa, by Puspadanta. This is a com. on the Mangalasloka. CP. List (S. J.). p. 624. (III) sulfater17 in Prākrta, by Sridatta. List (3) Tikä by Bhattāraka Lalitakirti, (S. J.). pupil of Jațākirti of the Kāsthāsangha, 31farele in Sanskrit prose, composed by composed in AD. 1827; cf. Strass. p. 299. Harşanandanagaņi, pupil of Samayasun List (Dehli Panch. Mandir ; S. J.); Mud. dara of the Kharatara Gaccha Bhand. 728 ; Strass. p. 299. V. No. 1260 - PRA. No. 1037. The (4) Tippani by Anantabramhacärin. ms. is dated Sarn. 1683. Hebru. 10. Ticaruta SG. No. 1500. (5) Tikā Anon. CP. p. 680; SG. SurfEateraga Anon. Bengal. No. 7050; JHA. 65. No. 1303. (1) Avacuri hy Vijayatilaka. JHA.65. (6) Tippana by Harisena. SG. No. (1) tifarurata of Mānatunga. This is another 2343. name of Bhaktāmara, according to S. G. (II) S OTTO of Dharmakirti. Idar. 95. ( II ) faraia Anon. DA. 40 ( 71 ); Jesal. (III) sagtru of Puspadanta in Apabhramsa. No. 1912 ; VC. 1 (6). This is the first part of his Mahāpurāna (III) Starzata in 13 Sanskrit Kārikās by Now published in the MDG. Series, Dharmasuri. Limdi. No. 1730. Bombay, 1937 and edited by Dr. P. L. Vaidya. Kath. Nos. 1139-1140 ; Lal. (I) lagio of Jinasena I, papil of Virasena of 10; 48 ; SG. No. 993 ; Tera. 4; 7; 8. the Sena Sangha. This is the first part Also see Mahāpurāna and Uttarapurāna. of the author's Mahāpuräna. It con 10 con- (IV) negro of Painpakavi. It is in Kanarese. sists of chapters I to 42. To this a Hebru. 60 ; 88 ; Hum. 9; 30; 95 ; 194; Chlikā consisting of chapters 43-47 was 256 ; SG. No. 1231. addeil loy the author's pupil Gunabhadra. The second part called Uttarapurāna was (V) stiegru of Mallisena. List. (Sravan Belalso composed by Gunabhadra ; cf. gula ). Bland. IV. p. 118 it. The whole of the (VI) mięgator of Lalitakirti. Mud. 728. AccordMalaparāna is published in the Syādvada ing to List, this is but a commentary on Granthemala, Llore, Sai. 1973-75; Jinasena's Adipurāņa. for an analysis by Classenapp, see fest- (VII) STATIur of Sakalakirti. See Adināthgabe for Jacobi Bonn, 1926, p. 33118. puräna. AD. Nos. 5 ; 14; 138; Bengal. No. 1498; (VIIITENTUT of Simbasena, alias Raichu. The Bland. IV No. 288; VI. No. 1043; work in Apabhrama is otherwise called Bod. No. 1389 ; V. p. 624 ; Hebru. 10; Megheśvaracaritra and was composed for Hum. 6; 63; 158 ; 159; 200; 209; one Kbemaraj. Svayambhū, Caturmukha Ilar. 1 ; Kath. No. 1147 ; KO. 51; List and Puşpadanta are mentioned in it ; see (S. J.); MHB. 55; Mud. 728 ; 754 Allahabad Uni. Studies, I. p. 174-175 756 ; Padma. 8; Rice. P 312, 314; and J. H. Vol. 13, p. 103-106. Strass. - 298; Tera 1-3; 5. (IX) Slegrior Anon. CMB. 61; 85; 89; SG. (1) Tippana by Prabhācandra. Bengal. No. 1252 ; Tera. 9-13. No. 1491; Buh. VI. No. 563 ; List (S. J.); (1) Tippana. SG. No. 1303. Rice. p. 314; SRA. 256; Tera. 5. (I) átar after of Hemacandra. See Adinātha(2) Mangalatika by Manikyavarņin. caritra, Jain Education Intemational Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरलकोशः । (II) setarafts of Vinayacandra. See Adinātha- 3917 erlaxafta This is not the same as above. caritra. This is in Māgadhi. Pet. IV. No. 1176. teftat fan by Jinasamudra, pupil of Jinacandra segala KTU JG. p. 132. of the Kharatara Gaccha. Jesal. No. 487. 3119 ter of Vidyānanda. It consists of 124 31/saraan Bengal. No. 7096. Tetaforata Limdi. Nos. 765; 860; 1615; 1744. Sanskrit stanzas generally based on the Aptamimāmsā. Both text and com37TETTA Haiza is a defence of the Kevali mentary are published in the Sanatana mukti, by Yasovijayagaņi, pupil of Naya Jaina Granthamālā, Benares, A. D. 1913 vijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. This is and also in the Digamber J. Grantha published in No. 13 of the JDPS. Series, Bhandara Series, Benares, Sam. 1982. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1965. PAPR. 1 (12). CP. p. 625; Strass. p. 299. (1) Svopajñavrtti. PAPR. 1 ( 12). (1) Alarkrti of Vidyānanda. CP. 371EUTTAA by Yasovijaya, pupil of Naya p. 625; Strass. p. 299; Weber II. No. vijaya of the Tapă Gaccha. Chani. No. 1952. 200. (1) Svopajñavrtti. Chani. No. 200. आप्तमीमांसा See Devāgamastotra. आनन्दधनचतुर्विशतिका of Anandaghana. 371AF6 in 64 Sanskrit Slokas. Published in the BK, No. 1131 ; KB. 1 ( 37; 41); MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sar. 1979. Pet. V. No. 623. 3177FUTA FATS containining 47 stanzas by Sirnha- STUTT of Dhanavijayagani, pupil of Kalyāņarāja. CP. p. 625. vijayagan. Published by the Āgamodaya 311777c e of Vinayavijaya. BK. No. 1102. Samiti Series, No. 49, Bombay, 1927. Hrana para of Hemakirti. VB. 3 ( 29). Agra. No. 1816; DB. 22 (77); JG. Stream F Bengal. Nos. 7093 ; 7294. p. 108. 3rFaery of Vinavacandra, pupil of Ratnasimha-BITATIFU caused to be composed by Bappasuri. PAP. 37 (51). bhatti. Bhand. V. No. 1261. 3719=EUEST is a big work of Jain philosopy. Togaraon in 750 Gāthās according to Bt. No. Bt. Nos. 611-612; JG. p. 110. 557, composed by Vosaribhatta, pupil of 3717-PIETIE BO. p. 57. Is this Avandasandhi ? Dāmanandin, at Ahni vad. It is an astroआनन्दसुन्दरकान्य containing the lives of the tem logical work divided into 25 chapters ; Srāvakas composed during the spiritual cf. JH. Vol. 14, p. 162. Bhand. V. No. reign of Sumatisādhu, successor of 1137 (dated Sam. 1441 ); 1138; Bt. Laksmīsāgarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha, by No. 557 ; Pet. III. No. 470. Sarvavijayagani of the same Gaccha at (1) Svopajña Țikā. (Grain. 1200). the request of Jāvada, an officer at the Bhand. V. No. 1138 ; Pet. III. No. 470. Court of Giasuddin Khilji of Malwa. sprafatihah of Rājavallabha. Idar. 82. The work is also called Daśasrāvakacarita, 3777922 JG. p. 346. and is in Sanskrit. Baroda. Nos. 2225; 2726 ; BK. No. 260; BO. p. 29; DB. 3TTE ETC (Gram. 195). Bt. No. 558. 19 (8-9); Kaira A. 84 ; PAP. 61 (1) Vrtti (Gram. 1600 ). Bt. No. (20); Pet. V. No. 625 = V. A. p. 199 558. (quotation ) ; PRA. No. 329; 574 (dated ongiant in 34 stanzas, by Somadevasūri. Surat. Sam. 1551 ); SA. No. 361, 1 (1856), 7. SUL Jain Education Intemational Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 3 Heter of Susena. OC. I. p. 52, II. p. 10. Madhavasena, pupil of Nemişeņa. CMB. But is he a Jain author ? cf. JG. p. 359. 143 ; SG. No. 1000 ( ms. d. 1568). Teafare also called Panicavimarga, composed (IV) SITTET composed by Nayanandin in the during the ministership of Vastupāla, by language. This is mentioned Udayaprabha, pupil of Vijayasena of the in the Bhavisyadattakathā of Dhanapāla ; Nagendra Gaccha. It contains 5 chapters see Allahabad University Studies, I. p. and is published with Hemahamsa's 173. Borada. No. 6122. commentary by the 'Jain Säsana' Press, | (V) var also called Bhagavati Aradhanā or Bhavnagar. Agra. Nos. 2997-2999; Mulārādhanā is a work in 8 chapters Bendall. No. 485; Bengal. Nos. 7026 ; containing 2150 Gathās in all and deal7606 ; Bhand. V. No. 1338 ; BO. p. 29; ing with the four Arādbanās namely Buh. II. No. 399; 410; Chani. No. Darsana, Jñāna, Carana and Tapa, com990; DA. 67 (30-32; 76); DB. 24 posed by Sivācārya, also called Sivakoti, (155-159 ); JHA. 59 (2c.); Kath. who mentions Jinanandin, Sarvagupta No. 1354; KB. 3 (69); PAP. 73 (17); and Mitranandin as his preceptors. This 79 (46); PAPR. 3 (6); PAPS. 49 work is mentioned by Jinasena in his (22); PR. 32 ; PRA No. 1229; SA. Nos. Adipurāņa ; cf. CPI. pp. 19-20. This 108 ; 210 ; SB. 2 (165); Surat. 1, 6, Sivakoti is different from his namesake, 11; VB. 3 (7; 15; 42; 43 ); VC. 1 the author of Ratnamālā (s. v.). Arā(17); Weber II. No. 1741. dhanā, with the commentary of Sadā(1) Tikā called Sudhīśrngāra compos sukha is published at Kolhapur, Sake ed at Āsāpalli in Sam. 1514, by Hema 1831. hamsa, pupil of Ratnasekharasūri of the Agra. No. 1121; Bhand. VI. No. 1024; Tapā Gaccha. Bendall. No. 485; BO. CMB. 46; DC. p. 32; Lal. 127 ; Kath. p. 29; Buh. II. No. 399; Chani. No. Nos. 1112, 1114; 1115; Pet. VI. No. 990; DA. 67 ( 30; 31; 32; 76); DB. 679 (dated Sam. 1416 ); VI. A. p. 54 24 (155-156); Hamsa. Nos. 623, (quotation ); SG. Nos. 1163; 1266 ; 1667, 1724; JHA. 59; PAP. 73 ( 17 ); Strass. p. 298; Tera. 1-4. PAPR. 3 (6); PAPS. 49 (22); PRA, (i) Tikā called Srivijayodayā, by ApaNo. 1229, SA. No. 210; Surat. 1, 6, 11; VC. 1 (17); Weber. II. No. 1741. rā jita, pupil of Baladeva, pupil of Candra nandin. Bhand. VI. No. 1024; Kath. Nos. (2) Tikā. Anon. probably the same 1114; 1115; SG. No. 1163; Strass. p.298. as above. Bhand. V. No. 1338; KB. 3 ( 69 ); SB. 2 ( 165 ). (2) Tīkā called Darpana by Āsādhara. CP. p. 682; (CPI. p. 36); SG. Nos. आराधकविराधकचतुर्भङ्गीप्रकरण of Yasovijaya. 1266 ; 2419; 2718. (1) Tıkā Svopajña. Published by the (3) Tikā called Pañjikā. Anon. Pet. JAS. Bhavnagar, ( Series No. 55), Sam. V. No. 679. ( ms. d. Sam. 1416); = VI. 1973 (W. S.). A. p. 54 ( quotation). (I) STITTAT by Abhayasuri. See Arādhanākulaka. (4) Tīkā by Sivaji Dāruņa, pupil of (II) SITTITAT by Ajitadevasuri, pupil of Mahesvara Dilasukha. Kath. No. 1113. suri of the Candra Gaccha. PAPS. (5) Tīkā by Nandi Gani (?)--VB. 84 (7). 26 (1). (III) STITIWAT in Sanskrit by Amitagati, pupil of (6) Țikā called Maraṇakarandikā by Jain Education Intemational Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। Amitagati. SG. No. 2640 ; SGR. V. . (dated Sam. 1609), Kath. Nos. 1141; p. 69. 1142; Lal. 2; 120 ; MHB. 47; Pet. III. (VI) SITIET (see Srāvakärädhanā) composed in Nog. 471; 472; IV. Nos. 1405; 1406 Sam. 1667 by Samayasundara, pupil of = IV. A. p. 139 ( quotation ; ms. dated Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. Sam. 1614); SG. No. 32; Strass. JHB. 60. p. 298. (VII) AT (Prakīrņaka) usually known as SIT1 1137 (Gram. 2049 ) of PrabhāParyantārādhanā, by Somasuri. It con candra. This is possibly the original tains 70 Gāthās and is published along of Bramhanemidatta's work. CP. P. with other Prakirņakas by Balabhai Ka 625; PR. 122 (ms. dated Sarn. 1638). kalbhai, Ahmedabad, Sam. 1962. Agra. ( III ) SIATKIST in Sanskrit, by SimhaNos. 469-477 ; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1199 nandin. List (S. J.) 1200; Buh. II. No. 155 ; Cal. X. No. (IV) T2/T3T in Präkrta by Chatrasena. 75; DA. 60 (105-121 ; 124; 126; List (S.J.) 127 ; 130); DB. 35 ( 53-54 ; 57-61 ); (V) STITIVITaat by Bramhadeva BramhaFlo. No. 576; JA. 105 (1); JHA. 44 ; carin. In Sanskrit. List (S. J. and Limdi. Nos. 70; 973; 1141; 1249; Sravan Belgula ). 1391; 1415 ; 1455 ; 1568 ; Pet. III. A. (VI) SITIAT a of Ratnakirti. List (Delhi p. 214 ; V. A. p. 68; 106; SA. Nos Panchayati Mandir). 127 ; 1937; Samb. Nos. 216, 217 ; 333; Strass. p. 433c; Surat. 11; VC. 13 (VII) STATT Anon. Tera. 28–32. (27); Vel. Nos. 1834-35. STITYT1997 in 70 Gathäs. JA. 107 (9). (1) Tikā by Vinayavijayagani. SA. (I) SIIT in 85 Gathäs by AbhayadevaNo. 127. suri, pupil of Jineávarasüri. (Be --alo(2) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1649, by yaņovayārām). DB. 43 (30); JA. 107 Vinayasundaragani. DB. 35 ( 53-54). (9); Pet. I. A. pp. 17; 84 (quotations ). (VIII) IITTUAT( Gram. 551 ) composed in Sam. priyal (Be:-- däņāicauvviha ). Pet. 1592. Anon. Limdi. No. 2182. I. A. p. 84. This is also called Samārādha nakulaka. (IX ) S WAT ( Be :-- paņamiya narindadevindavandiyam ). Mitra 8. p. 22. (UI) S179171 Pet. III. A. p. 24. This con tains 69 Gātbās. (I) SIITT composed by Bramba Nemi 1) SITI (Be :-- savvann bhante pāņāi). datta, pupil of Mallibhūsaņa, Śrutasāgara and Simhanandin. in 17 Gāthās. Pet. V. A. p. 156. Also The work consists of see Paryantāradhanākulaka. four chapters and is a metrical adaptation of a similar work in prose by Prabhā- STITI atafa is mentioned in Vatteraka's Mūlacandra, a spiritual descendant of Kunda cāra, V. 279. kundācārya. It contains over a hundred IITTY797 containing 339 Gāthās ( Be :--manistories to illustrate the efficacy of the rahakumārasāhu). Patan Cat. I. p. 303 various religious acts. It is published in (quo.) and p. 391-92; Pet. I. A. p. 65. three parts with Hindi translation at the (I) 311Teatar containing 990 Gāthās was Jainamitra Karyalaya, Hirabag, Bombay, composed in Sam. 1078 by Virabhadra ; Vir Sam. 2440. AD. No. 155; Bhand. cf. Bt. No. 49. It is regarded as a PraVI. No. 1044; CP. p. 626; Idar. 92 kirņaka. It contains many Gathäs from Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ the Bhaktapurija, Pindaniryukti and other works; cf. JH. 14, pp. 76-77. Agra. Nos. 458-459; AM. 216; Hamsa. Nos. 224; 1043; Jesal. No. 1829; JB. 64; PAP. 79 (40); Pet. IV. No. 1178 = IV. A. p. 74 (quotation); VI. No. 579; SA. No. 578, Surat. 4, 9; VB. 2 (21); 3 (22; 23; 25-28; 31). ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः | ( II ) आराधनापताका Anon. Perhaps the same as above. JH. 14, p. 77-78 mentions one anonymous Aradhanapataka contain ing 930 Gathas and beginning panamiranamiranarinda'. In the 1st Gathā it is called 'paryantaradhana'. Perhaps it is the same as Aradhana IX above. Bhand. V. No. 1039; DA. 27 (83-89); DB. 13 (49-50); Flo. No. 577; JB. 124; Kath. No. 1231. o see Ārädbana (VII). It is given as one of the Prakirņakas. Pet. VI. No. 579. आराधनारत्न by Devabhadra. See Samvegaranga śalā No. II. af Bhand. VI. No. 1087. Lariamfafuge JG. p. 196. आराधनासप्ततिका p. 12. (II) refer Anon. JA. 106 (4); pro bably the same as above. (1) far by Kulaprabha. Pet. III. A. (I) आराधनासार by Jayaśekharasūri. Flo. No. 575; Limdi. No. 761. आराधनास्वरूप (1) Vetti (Grais. 121). JG. p. 196. rer Pet. V. No. 924. Kiel. II. No. 71; VB. 31 (16). (II) आराधनासार by Devasena, pupil of Vimalasena, and who composed his Darśanasara in Sam. 990. This work consists of 115 Gathis; cf. Pet. III. Intro. p. 22. Both text and commentary are pablished in MDG. series, No. 6, Bombay, Sam. 1973. AD. No. 159; AK. Nos. 74; 75; Bhand. VI. No. 992 (31); CMB. 83; CP. p. 626; DA. 60 (123); Idar. 41 (3 copies); 170; 207; Idar. A. 17; Mud. 189; 719; 780; Pet. V. No. 923; VI. No. 690. (1) Tiks (Grah. 2200) by Ratna kirti, pupil of Kṣemakirti of the Mathura Sangha. The commentary quotes Jhanarnava of Subhacandra (Gathas 55, 77), Paramatmaprakasa and Samayaṣāra ; 33 PR. 21. (2) Tik. Probably the same. Pet. V. No. 923. (III) (IV) (V) by Nagasena. Rice. p. 320. by Ravicandra. Mud. 719. art by Lokacārya. CP. p. 626. (V1) sare (Be--annimohadalani) PR. 198. in Sanskrit, also called Paramasukhadvá trimsikä, as it contains 32 (stanzas. Bab. I. No. 45; Limdi No. 729; PAS. No. 37; Pet. VI. p. 141, No. 75. (1) Tikk. PAS. No. 37. Anon. Bengal. No. 6926. (II) (III) आराधनासमुच्चय See Aradhanäsära No. IV by Ravi (1) sterger (metrical; Grams. 500) comcandra. Strass. p. 298. posed in Sam. 1537, by Jinaharṣasuri, pupil and successor of Jinasundara, successor of Jinasagara of the Kharatara Gaocha. It is in Sanskrit. JG. p. 221; Kaira B. 134 (dated Sam. 1652); Limdi. No. 701; PRA. No. 1172. 2 (Gram. 420) by Malaya" harisagani. JG. p. 248, PAP. 30 (6, 9). Anon. Agra. No. 1601; Bhand. VI. No. 1293; DA. 50 (134); DB. 31 (100); Limdi. No 681; Pet. I (1) Tika. Pet. V. No. 924. Agra. A in 605 stanzas in Sanskrit. No. 1600; DB. 31 (98-99); KB. 2 (9); Limdi. No. 701; Vel. No. 1701; Weber. II. No. 1996 (b). Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 'श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । No. 239; V. Nos. 626; 852; VA. 15 (1) en in 33 Sanskrit Karikas by Padma(5). nandin. Limdi. No. 586. e of Jinaharsa. See Ārāmasobha (II) (Gram. 175) Anon. Limdi. Nos. kathā. 807; 1312; It is in Präkṛta. (1) Tikā. Limdi. No. 807. (III) artar also called Daivasika Pratikramana, by Gautama. Pet. III. No. 576; IV. No. 1179; V. Nos. 627; 628; 986; Tera. 24, Vel. No. 1836. (I) आरोग्यश्चिन्तामणि on Medicine, AD. No. 54. Damodara. by Pandit (II) refer by Visalakirti. Hebru. 69. Anon. Agra. No. 1598; DB. 31 (57); Patan Cat. I. p. 153 (vv. 159 in PK.) p. 405 (vv. 170 in PK). आर्द्रकुमारसूत्र of Pārśvacandrasuri. VB. 3 ( 37 ). आर्यागाथा Bhand V. No. 1339. आलोचनाकुलक JG. p. 196. आलोचनातपोदानटिप्पन DB. 22 ( 12 ). आर्याषाढाकथानक DB. 31 ( 44 ). (I) आलापक of Kulamandana. See Vicārasari- आलोचनादानाटिप्पन by Bhuvanaratna. Chani. No. graha of Kulamandana. 62. dhǎntālāpaka. (1) Curni. VA. 2 (13). (II) Anon. VA. 2 (13). Also see Side See Alocanavidhana. आलोचनापदसंग्रह Bt. No. 641. आलोचनाप्रायश्चित्तविधि by Ksamākalyāna, of the Kharatara Gaccha. KB. 1 (53). आलोचनारत्नाकर' of Vijayagani. JG. p. 118. anar in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 583. (1) antenaar by Prthvicandrasuri, pupil of Yasobhadra. DB. 22 ( 11 ). (II)enara Anon. Bengal. Nos. 6866; 7091; Bhand. V. No. 1166; Bt. No. 641; JG. p. 148; Pet. V. A. p. 105. आलोचनाविधि by Ksamakalyana. JHA. 51 (2 c.). See Alocanaprayaścittavidhi. DA. 39 (57; 74-97); DB. 22 (9-10). आलापकस्वरूप See Jambūcarita. (I) आलापपद्धति of Devasena, pupil of Vimalasena• It is in Sanskrit Prose and is published in the Sanatana Jaina Granthamālā, No. 1, Bombay, 1920 and also in the MDG. Series, No. 16, Bombay, 1920. It is sometimes called Nayacakra; cf. JH. Vol. 14, p. 306. For information, cf. Pet. III. Intro. p. 22; Vel. No. 1561. (1) Tika by Prabhācandra Pandita. Tera. 24; Vel. No. 1836. AD. No. 62; Agra. No. 790, Bengal. No. 1762; Bhand. V. Nos. 1040; 1041; BO. p. 72; Buh. VI. No. 694; CMB. 20; 52; 116, 120, CP. p. 626; DA. 67 (2-6); 75 (30); DLB. 25; Idar. 136 (5 copies); Kath. No 1173; PAP. 24 (5), PAPR. 7(7); PAPS. 45 (38); 66 (99); SA. Nos. 417; 753; 1998; SB. 2 (27-28); Surat. 11, Tera. 14-25; 49; 50; VB. 19 (14); VD. 14 (7); Vel. No. 1561. (II) by Kṣamakalyāṇa, pupil of Amr tadharma. Surat. 1, 2. enciaranayam by Vijayagani. Buh. II. No. Chani. No. 816; DA. 24 (10-12); DB. 11 (8); JB. 86; Kath. No. 1232, 156, (I) (II) (Be-greyaḥ śriyamangalakeli) by Ratnakarasuri. Bengal. No. 6962, Mitra. VIII. p. 177. (1) Vṛtti Anon. Mitra. VIII. p. 177. SA. No. 668. (1) Avacuri. SA. No. 668. A DA. 23 (12); DB. 30 ( 37 ); PAP. 63 (3). आवश्यक नियुक्तिकथा Weber. II. No. 2010. 1 Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Trufaart: **: 1 Limdi. Nos. 425; 2566 ; PAP. 75 (60); | PRA. No. 407. (1) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. 1514, by Samvegadevagaņi, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Chani. No. 816; DA. 24 ( 10, 11, 12); DB. 11 (8); JB. 86; Kath. No. 1232 ; Limdi. No. 2566 ; PAP. 75 (60); PRA. No. 407. (2) Vivarana. Limdi, No. 425. staf u Kiel. II. No. 77. wapyalara Bod. No. 1351; Kath. No. 1233; KB. 4 (1) strap iantur in 40 Gäthä.. DB. 35 ( 209 ). straponyai An extract from some commentary on the Avasyakasūtra. SA. No. 2037. sirasantiagoft JG. p. 32. आवश्यकसप्तति See Paksikasaptati. spare usually known as Sadavasyakasutra, is a collection of texts required to be repeated at the daily performance of the six Avaśyakas, namely compulsory duties i.e. Caturvimsatistava, Kāyotsarga, Guruvandana, Sámayika, Pratikramana and Pratyākhyāna. See Vel. Nos. 1529-31. For a different order, see Kapadia, Descriptive Catalogue, vol. XVII. pt. III. p. 133ff. Text with Gujarati translation published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay 1906. The text with Niryukti and Malayagiri's commentary on it, is published by the Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1928; 1932 and with the Niryukti and Haribhadra's commentaay on it by the same Samiti, in Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of their Series, Bombay, 1916–17; Hemacandra's Pradeśavyākhyā on Haribhadra's commentary along with Candrasuri's Tippana on it is published in the DLP. Series, No. 53, Bombay, 1920. See also śrāddhapratikramaņasūtra. The Viseşāvasyakabhāsya with Hemacandra's commentary on it is published in the YJG. Series, Benares, Vir. Sam. 2427-2441. Agra. Nos. 211-216 ; 228, 233, 234; AM. 145; 242; 264; 364, Baroda. Nos. 1762 ; 2114 ; 2170 , 2442, 2730; 2916 ; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1090 ; 1091; Bengal. No. 6624; Bik. No. 1584; BK. Nos. 1 ; 143; 174 ; 184; Buh. II. Nos. 157; 242; III. Nos. 83-85; IV. Nos. 132, 133; Cal. X. No. 19; Chani. Nog. 145; 420 ; DA. 14 ( 41 ); 23 (1-11 ; 13– 14 ); 24 (1-8; 13-20); 25 ( 9-17); 26 (1-50; 86-88); 74 (6-8); DB. 10 (1-14); 11 (1-10); 12 ( 4-16 ); DC. p. 24; Flo. Nos. 544; 545; Hamsa. Nos. 1050, 1119; 1663, 1755; JB. 75; 77-80 ; 84-88; Jesal. No. 9; 87; 126; 159; 191; 235, 236; 416; 452-454 ; 546; 806; 822 ; 898 ; 905; 921 ; 947; 963 ; 974; 978 ; 995 ; 1030, 1031, 1586; 1720 ; 1727; JHB. 16 (10c.); Kaira A. 81; 138; 153; Kath. No. 1131; KB. 1 (5); 2 ( 6); 3 ( 7-9; 45), KN. 6, Kundi. Nos.41; 140; 235, 312, 324, Limdi. Nos. 77; 95; 101 ; 121 ; 159, 180; 231 ; 281 ; 286, 303, 348, 349; 359 ; 391; 425; 451, 497, 508; 509; 512; 804; 1065; 1632, 2011; Mitra. IX. p. 106, 107, X. p. 15; PAP. 3 ( 21 ), 5 (1-25); 16 (126 ); 22 (1-2); 52 (1-13); 56 (19), 61 (1-27 ); 65 (1-2); PAPL. 1 (14-18); PAPM. 4; 22; 39; PAPR. 16 (8); 20 (9), 42, PAPS. 28 (1), 33 ( 11 ); 38 ( 4 ); 40 ( 10 ); 44 (5), 47 ( 1-4); 51 ( 10 ); 54 ( 21 ); 56 ( 17 ); 60 ( 6 ); 65 ( 8-10), 70 (1-4), 76 ( 15 ); 77 ( 4 ); PAS. Nos. 321, 439, PAZA. 5 ( 20-22 ); 13; PAZB. 3 (16); 4 (13), 6 (27), 9 (1); 15; 22 (5); 23 (14); 24 (6); Pet. I A. pp. 3; 6; V. No. 631 ; 871; PRA. Nos. 195; 511 ; 551, 651, 691, 756; 927 ; 1086 , 1158; 1210, 1338; SA. Nos. 245; 424, 432; 460; 787; 874, 1521, 1595 ; Jain Education Intemational Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 1625, 1629; 1662 ; 1691; 1694; 1784 ; 1: 2535, 2682-2770, 2865; Samb. Nos. 5, 178, SB. 1 ( 40-42 ); Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 ; VA. 2 (1-14); 3 (1-7); 18 (1-14); VB. 2 (1-38); 3 (1-36 ); 27 (1-2); VC. 1 (1-18); 2 (1-6); VD. 1 (1-28 ); 2 (1-8); Vel. Nos. 1488 ; 1529–1537 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1912-14. (1) Niryukti of Bhadrabāhu in 2550 Gāthās; for the division of these, see Kap. No. 1002. These Gathās include many supplementary Gāthās described by the commentators as the Malabbāsya Gāthās, to distinguish them from the Višesāvasyakabhāsya; for the threefold nature of the Niryuktis, cf. A. M. Ghatage, I. H. Q. XII, 270. AM. 10; 200; Baroda. Nos. 1762; 2730; Bhand. IV. No. 256 ; VI. Nos. 1091-92; Bengal. No. 6624; BK. Nos, 1; 174 ; BO. p.29; Bod. No. 1350 ; Buh. IV. No. 129, 131; 134; VIII. No. 373 ; DA. 14 (41); 23 (1-10); 24 (4, 5; 13-30); 74 (6); DB. 10 (9-10); 11 (4-5; 9-10); 12 ( 47 ); DC. p. 33; JA. 12 (2); 35 (1); 60 (2); 105 (1); 110 (15); JB. 75; 77-80; 85, 86 ; Jesal. Nos. 126 ; 191 ; 235; 236 ; 416; 453 ; 546 ; 898 ; 904 ; 947 ; 978 ; 995; 1030; 1586; 1727 ; 1790; JHB. 16 ( 2c.); Kaira A. 81; 138; Kap. Nos. 1002-1074; 1080–1087 ; KB. 1 (5); 2 (6); 3 (8 ; 9; 45 ); Keith. No. 50; Kiel. II. Nos. 366 ; 367 ; KN. 6; Kundi. Nos. 2; 69 ; 144 ; 172 ; 192 ; 235 ; 290. 309; 310 ; 324 ; 331 ; 552 ; Limdi. Nos. 142; 262 ; 294 ; 450; 476; 519; Mitra. IX. p. 107; X. p. 15; PAP. 16 (1-26); 22 (2); 52 (4; 5; 13); 56 (19); 61 (5; 27); PAPL. 1 (14); PAPM. 4; 22; 39; PAPS. 28 (1); 33 (11); 40 (10); 47 (1-4); 51 (10); 70 (3); 76 (5); PAS. No. 321 ; PAZA. 5 (20); PAZB. 3 ( 16 ); 9 (1); 15 (24) ; 22 (5); 24 (6); Pet. I No. 240; III. A. p. 24; 25; 31; 32; 127 ; 142; 154; 183; 202; 217; IV. Nos. 1180-1181; V. A. p. 68; No. 629 ; PRA. Nos. 551; 651 ; 756 ; 927; 1158; 1210; 1338; SA. Nos. 245; 1629; 1662; 1691 ; 1694 ; 1784; 2653, 2654, 2739 ; SB. 1 (40-42); Strass. p. 162 ; 203 ; Surat. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11; Tapa. 2; 3; 4; 45; 135; VA.2 (12); 3 ( 4; 7)); VB. 2 ( 23; 25; 28; 29; 31; 34-35; 37-38); 3 (10; 12; 13; 20); VC. 1 ( 18 ); 2 (6); VD. 1 (27; 28); 2 ( 7; 8); Vel. Nos. 1488; 1537 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1912-14. (2) Niryukti-Tikā called Sisyahitā or Brhadvrtti (Gram. 12000; Be :- praņipatya Jinavarendram ), by Haribhadra, son of Mahattarā Yākipi and pupil of Jinadatta and Jinabhata. In this commentary the author speaks of a bigger Vrtti of his own, on the Sutra ; but this is not available. Even to Hemacandra this was not available. AM. 328; Bengal. No. 6624; Bhand. VI. No. 1091 , Buh. IV. Nos. 131 ; 134; DA. 23 (1-9); DB. 10 (9-10); 12 ( 47 ); DC. p. 9, No. 42; p. 20, No. 173 ; Hamsa. No. 32; JA. 15 (1 ; 2); 28 (1 dated Sarn. 1294); 38 (1); JB. 79; Jesal. Nos. 191 ; 236 ; 453; 898 ; 905; 947; 978; 995; 1030 ; 1586 ; JHA. 26 ; 28 ; JHB. 16 (2c); Kap. Nos. 10701078; KB. 1 (5); 2(6); 3 (9); Kiel. II. No. 366; Kundi. Nos. 2; 144; 172; 192 ; 310, 331 ; 552 ; Limdi. Nos. 77 ; 359, Mitra. IX. p. 107; X. p. 15, PAP. 52 (1;2; 10; 12); PAPM. 22; 39 ; PAPS. 28 (1); 40 (10); 70 (3); 76 (15); PAZA. 5 ( 20 ); Pet. III. A. p. 118; 154; 202 ( quotation); IV. No. 1181 ; SA. Nos. 424; 432; 874 , Samb. Nos. 50, 398, 446, SB. 1 ( 40-41); Strass. pp. 163; 317, 378, 398 ; Surat. 1, 2; Tapa. 2; 3; VB. 2 ( 23; 28; 31); 3 (10; 20); VD. 1 ( 28 ); 2 ( 7 ); Weber. II. No. 1914. Jain Education Interational Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । (3) Niryukti-Tika-Sisya-hita-Vṛtti composed in Sam. 1122 by Namisādhu, pupil of Salibhadrasuri. It is based on No. 2 and is only on the Pratikramaņasutra. This com. is now published in the Vijayadānasuriśvara Granthamala No 9, Surat, 1939. BK. No. 143; DC. p. 18, No. 162 (1); p. 24, No. 217 (quotation); DI. pp. 20; 34; Jesal. No. 822; PAZB. 6 (27); Pet. III. Intro. p. 13; PRA. No. 1086; SA. No. 816. (4) Niryukti-Tikā by Malayagiri (Gram. 18000, Be :- pātu naḥ pārsvanathasya). AM. 10; 354; BK. No. 1; Bhand. V. No. 1168, Buh. IV. No. 131; DA. 23 (10); DC. pp. 9; 10; 18; 40; 43; DI. p. 20; Hamsa. Nos. 500, 501; JB 80; Jesal. Nos. 235; 921; JHA. 28; Kap. No. 1080 (quo.); Kundi. Nos. 235; 309; 324; PAP. 3 (21); PAPM. 4 (dated Sam. 1226; extremely worn out); PRA. No. 651 (dated Sam. 1489); SA. Nos. 106, 1625; 1765; 2659; 2688; VB. 2(25); VC. 1 (18); VD. 1 (27); 2 (8). (5) Niryukti-Avacurni composed in Sam. 1440 by Jñanasagara, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. This Avacuri is based on Haribhadra's commentary and its Granthagra according to JG. p. 18, is 7885. Bhand. VI. No. 1092; Bod. No. 1350; DA. 24 (1-8); DB. 11 (4-5); Hamsa. No. 895; JHA. 27 (3c.); 28 (2c.); Kap. Nos. 1092; 1093; Kiel. II. No. 367; Limdi. No. 231; PAP. 16 (1; 10; 11; 15; 17; 18; 26); PAPL. 1 (14); PAPS. 33 (11); 51(10); PAZB. 3 (16); Pet. III. No. 577; IV. No. 1183; PRA. No. 1210 (No. 40 dated Sam. 1530); SA. Nos. 245; 1629; VB. 2 (35; 37 ); VC. 2 (6). (6) Niryukti-Avacurni by Somasundara. Pet. III. No. 640. 37 (7) Niryuktidipika (Gram. 11750) composed (in sam 1471-Hamsa) by Manikyasekhara, pupil of Merutungasūri of the Añcala Gaccha. In this commentary the author mentions his commentaries, all called Dipikas, on Acaranga, Uttaradhyayana, Oghaniryukti, Daśavaikalika, Navatatva and Pindaniryukti. Buh. VIII. No. 373; Hamsa. Nos. 55, 766, 787; PRA. No. 927; VA. 3 (4). (8) Niryukti-Avacuri composed in Sam. 1540 by Subhavardhanagani (foll. 126). DA. 74 (6). (9) Niryukticūrṇi or Vṛtti Anon. Agra. Nos. 219, 222, 223; 224; Bhand. IV. No. 256; V. No. 1167; Buh. IV. No. 129; Hamsa. No. 339 (au. Jinaprabha); JA. 12 (2, Gram. 10000); Jesal. No. 416; JHA. 27 (ms. d. 1605); Kap. Nos. 1087-1091; 1094; 1095; 1097; 1098; PAP. 22 (2); PAPR. 20 (9); 42 (Gram, 18000); PAS. No. 321; PAZA. 5 (21, Gram. 20482); PAZB. 15 (17, Gram. 18000); Pet. III. A. pp. 142; 183; SA. No. 1629; Strass. p. 399; Tapa. 4; 135. (10) Niryukti-Avacārņi composed in Sam. 1500 by Dhirasundara, pupil of Amarasundaragani, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. The Vrtti is based on those of Haribhadra, Hemacandra and Jñanasagara. PRA. No. 756. (11) Niryukti-(?) Curni (Gram. 13600) composed by Jinadasaganimahattara. Bt. No. 30; DB. 11 (1, 2); JA. 3 (1); JB. 84; Jesal. No. 126, JG. p.18, VA. 2 (1; 14); VB. 3 (36); SA.No. 3418. (12) Curni composed in Sam. 1183, by Vijayasimha, pupil of Santisüri, pupil of Nemicandra. (This seems to be on Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीविनरस्नकोशः। Srāddha") See Srāddhapratikramaņasūtra. DA. 25 ( 17 ). (13) Niryukti-( ? )Curni or Prākrtavrtti by Yasodeva. Chani. No. 145 (Gram. 2100 ); PAPR. 16 (8). (14) Višesāvasyakabhāsya of Jinabhadragani. See Sāmayikasütra. (15) Laghuvrtti (Gram. 12325) composed in Sam. 1296 by Tilakācārya, pupil of Sivaprabhasuri, pupil of Cakreśvara of the Candra Gaccha. This seems to be in two versions ; the smaller called Gamanikā ( Be :--- śrīvīrajinavarendram ) consists of only 200 Gramthas ; cf. Kap. No. 974. The bigger one (Be :- devah srinābhisūnuh ) extends over 12355 Gramthas ; see Kap. No. 1031. AM. 342; Baroda. No. 2442; Bhand. V No. 1169 ; VI. No. 1089; BO. p. 72 ; Buh. III. No. 136; Chani. No. 420; DA. 26 (1-3; 19; 86-88); DB. 10 (13-14); DC. p. 9, 40, Hamsa. Nos. 70, 1202; JA. 81 (1); Jesal. Nos. 87; 454; 963; 974; 1031, JHA. 26, 27, Kap. Nos. 974; 975; 1081-1086; Kaira. A. 153; KB. 3 (7); Kundi. Nos. 140; 310; Mitra. X. p. 16; PAP. 22 (1); 52 (3); PAPS. 65 (8); 70 ( 4 ); 77 ( 4); PAS. No. 439; PAZB. 4 (13); 23 (14); Pet. I. No. 231, I. A. p. 6; IV. A. p. 74 ( quotation ) = No. 1182 ; V. No. 630; VI. No. 597; SA. Nos. 460 ; 1595; Samb. No. 397; VA. 2(8); VB. 2 (30; 33); 3 (2; 5; 9; 30). ( 16 ) Pradeśavyākhyā or Tippana by Hemacandra, pupil of Abhayadeva of the Maladhāri Gaccha. This is a commentary on Hāribhadri, see No. 2 (Be :- jagttritayamākramya ). AM. 13; Buh. IV. No. 130; DB. 10 (11; 12), Hamsa. Nos. 9; 45; JA. 95 (2); Jesal. Nos. 159, 806 (both palm ); 9; 452, Kiel. ILI. No. 140; Kundi. Nos. 41; 312 ; Limdi. No. 6; PAP. 52 (7); PAPS. 38 (4); 44 (5), PAZA. 5 (22); PAZB. 9 (2), 15 (5); 24 (5); Pet. L. A. p. 3 (dated Sam. 1297 ); IIL. A. p. 19; SA. No. 787 ; Samb. No. 399, VA. 18 ( 14 ). (17) Pradeśavyākhyātippana composed in Sam. 1122, by Candrasūri, pupil of Hemacandra of the Maladhāri Gaccha. Jesal. Nos. 9 ; 452; PAZA. 5 (22);. PAZB. 9 (2); 15 (5); 24 ( 5 ); Pet. I A. p. 4 (dated Sam. 1297); III. Intro. p. 14; VA. 18 (14). (18) Tikā called Srāvakānusthānavidhi or Vandāruvrtti from its initial words, composed by Devendra, pupil of Jagaccandra of the Tapā Gaccha. The author quotes several Gathās from Caityavandana and Guruvandana Bhäsyas and gives the various Kathās in illustration of the performance of the six duties, in a metrical form. Agra. Nos. 231, 232; 235; AM. 74; 97 ; 264; Baroda. Nos. 2114; 2170; 2916; Bhand. IV. No. 196; V. No. 1235; Bik. No. 1523 ; Buh. VI. Nos. 676 ; 769 ; Chani. Nos. 487; 721 ; DA. 25 (9-16); 26 (17); 74 (7; 8); JA. 111 (15); KN. 9; Kaira. A. 95; Kaira. B. 6; Kap. Nos. 975-987 ; Kiel. IL No. 405; Limdi. Nos. 66 ; 208; 284 ; 285; Mitra. VIII. A. p. 194 ; PAP. 2 (19); 3 (22); 5 (6;8; 9); 6 (25); 23 (56; 76); 25( 7; 32); 55 (5); 59 (25); 72 (32); PAPL. 1 ( 22 ); PAPS. 26 (3); 33 (17); 48 ( 54; 55); 53 ( 32); 56 (12); 61 (17); 71 (8); PAZB. 24 (12); Pet. I. A. p. 58; IV. No. 1347 ; PRA. No. 552 (dated Sarn. 1508 ); SA. No. 1543, Surat. 1, 2, 5; VB. 32. (6); VD. 12 (18); Vel. Nos. 1532; 1533. (19) Laghuvętti by Kulaprabha. JA. 84 (2); Pet. III. A. pp. 31; 32. (20) Vrtti by Rajavallabha, pupil of Jain Education Intemational Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 39 Mahitilaka. Mitra. X. p. 50 ( quotation); ( 28 ) Bālāvabodhasanksepārtha (GujaPAP. 5, ( 25 dated Sam. 1626 ). rati ) composed by Mahisāgara, pupil of ( 21 ) Vyākhyā composed in Sam. Jayakesarisuri (Sam. 1498) of the Ancala 1697 by Hitaruci, pupil of Udayaruci, Gaccha. AM. 413. See Şadāvasyakavidbi. pupil of Vijayasimbasuri of the Tapā Alsb see Caityavandanasūtra, SrāddhaGaccha. PRA. No. 195. pratikramaņa, Sadhupratikrāmaņa, and Pratyākhyānasutra. (22) Vrtti called Dipikā (Gram. (29) Visama padaparyāya. Kap. Nos. 12795). PAP. 65 (1). 1101; 1102 ( 23 ) Vrtti Anon. Agra. Nos. 225; I nterracial DA. 24 (9). 228-230; Bik. No. 1748 ; Bengal. No. 2555 ; DB. 11 (3); DC. p. 13; Flo. spratu as in 317 Gāthās by an unknown author. Nos. 544; 545 ; Kap. Nos. 989-993; Patan Cat. I p. 101. Kiel. II, No. 405; PAP. 65 (2 Gram. Sta tCT Buh. II, No. 158. 2454); Pet. II. No. 300 ; III. No. 473 ; TriaaT Pet. I Nos. 273 ; 306 ; Surat. 1;11. Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8; VB. 27 ( 2); swallgag of Brahmaguri in Sanskrit. SRA. 248. Vel. No. 1534. SHUTTII of Gunākara. See Yogaratna( 24 ) Țikā (Gujrati ) composed in mālāvrtti. Sam. 1411 by Tarunaprabhasuri, pupil of Jinacandrasuri of the Kharatara आश्रमलक्षण MHB. 36. Gaccha. Extracts from this are publish ST01T9177 DB. 31 ( 44). ed by Jinavijaya in his Prācīna Gujarāti- sanchillacare DA. 37 ( 40 ). Gadyasandarbha, Ahmedabad. Bhand. V. STACIE DB. 46 ( 20 ); JG. p. 364; Surat. 7. No. 1234; Kap. No. 988; BK. No. 184 ; KB. 3 ( 45 ); Limdi. No. 104 = T(I) ST aut in Sanskrit ( foll. 193 ). SG. No PRA. No. 691. 1993. ( 25 ) Bālāvabodha (Gujrati) compos (II) sulfaisait of Srutamuni in 63 Gathäs. It ed in Sam. 1521 (acc. to PAPS) by is published in MDG. Series, No. 20, Hemahamsagaņi, papil of Jayacandra, Bombay, Sarn. 1978. See TribhangiMunisundara etc., of the Tapā Gaccha. săra. CP. p. 626; Kath. No. 1234 ; JHB. 16 ; PAP.5 (13 dated Sam. 1608); Tera. 11. PAPS. 54 (21); 56 (17); 60 (6), (III) Serafuot in 203 Gathās. Anon. Strass. Pet. V. No. 872 ; PRA. Nos 511 ; 101 4. ( 26 ) Bālāvabodha (Gujrati) com (1) Tīkā. Anon. Strass. p. 299. posed in Sarn. 1525, by Merusundara, aqua AK. Nos. 77, 79. pupil of Ratnamūrtigaņi at the command Sahrala in Prākrta by Prabhăcandra. Hum. of Jinacandrasuri of the Kharatara 47; 109, Mud. 674. Gaccha. This is based on Taruņaprabha's Tikā. Vel. No. 1535. SITEITSIE DA. 60 (233-234 ); SA. Nos. 1812, 1953. (27) Bālāvabodha (Gujarati). Anon. Composed before Sam. 1455. Vel. No. Trateaga JG. p. 213. 1536 ( dated Sam. 1455). Also cf. Kap. Fo r by Ratnasekhara sūri of the MalaNos. 995; 996; 998 ; 999; 1001. dbāri Gaccha. DB. 31 ( 40 ). p. 299. Jain Education Intemational Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 en by Viśvabhuṣaṇabhattaraka. AD. No. 145; Bengal. No. 1467; CP. p. 626; Pet. III. No. 474; SG. No. 1755. इन्द्रध्वजविधान by Subhacandra. PR. (foll. 151). (II) asia Anon. AD. No. 44. of Siddhasena; See Sakrastava. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । इन्द्रियशतक perhaps the same as above. 116 इन्द्रियपराजयशतक It is published in his Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. IV, by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. Agra. Nos. 1818-1825; Bhand. VI. No. 1093; BK. No. 231; BO. p. 57; Buh. I. No. 46; II. No. 269; DA. 60 (80-89; 91-92; 94); DB. 35 (48; 50; 75-80); Hamsa. Nos. 7, 1548; Kath. No. 1235; Limdi. Nos. 674; 766, 930, 1014, 1153; Pet. V. No. 632; PRA. Nos. 223; 279; SA. Nos. 1606, 1931; 2914, Surat. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11; VB. 2 (40); Vel. Nos. (1) Liquzffâ composed by Dharma (1) Vrtti by Vinayacandra. JHA. 41. 1562-64. sagaragani, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 49, Bombay, 1927. Agra. Nos. 1 28-1929, Buh. IV. No. 135; DA. 60 (135); DB. 35 (114, 115); JG. p. 139; Kiel. II. No. 368; SA. No. 488; VA. 18 (8). (1) Svopajña Vṛtti. BO. p. 61; DA. 60 (135), Kiel. II. No. 368, SA. No. 488; VA. 18 (8); VC. 14 (43). (2) Vrtti by Bhanucandra(?). VC. 14 (43). (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1664 by Gunavinaya, pupil of Jayasoma Upādhyaya of the Kharatara Gaccha. BK. No. 231; DA. 60 (80); DB. 35 (7677); Hamsa. No. 7; PRA. Nos. 223; 279. Bhand. V. No. 1170; Limdi. No. 579; SA. No. 1648. gar in Prakṛta. JG. p. 248 (a Patan manuscript). (I) of Pujyapada. It is published with the commentary of Asadhara in MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. 1975 and also in the Digambar Jain Grantha Bhandar Series, No. I, Benares, Sam. 1982. Agra. Nos. 889-890; Bhand. V. No. 1042; Hum. 149; Idar. 84; Kath. No. 1050; Mud. 31; 119, 198. (1) Svopajňa Tikā. This is a brief commentary explaining mainly the (II) (III) For Private Sangati of each stanza, probably composed by Pujyapada himself. It is incorporated and explained in Asadhara's commentary: cf. Upadhye, ABORI. XIII. p. 86. (2) Tika by Asadhara. This is mentioned in his Prasasti to Jinayajñakalpa by Asadhara; cf. SGR. IL. P. 68. Idar. 84. इलादुर्गऋषभजिनस्तोत्र by Somasundarasūri. Chani. ( II ) ईर्यापथिकाषट्रात्रंशिका composed in Sami. 1640 No. 95. (1644-JG.) by Jayasoma, pupil of Jinacandrasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. This was probably a reply to Dhamasagara's work. BK. No. 791; DB. 35 (113); JG. p. 139; Hamsa. No. 586; PAP. 21 (16); PRA. No. 345. (1) Svopajña Vrtti. BK. No. 791; DB. 35 (113); JG. p. 139; PAP. 21 (16); PRA. No. 345; SA. No. 488. Personal Use Only (3) Tika by Meghacandra. Mud. 31; 198. of Kesava(?) Mud. 652. Anon. AK. Nos. 81; 82; Pet. IV. No. 1177; V. No. 925. (1) Tikā Anon. Pet. V. No. 925. ERI JHA. 41. in 8 Gāthās. DB. 35 (170); SA. No. 1058. Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ईर्यापथिका चर्चा DB. 20 ( 49-50 ). ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । Bt. No. 24; JA. 31 (9); SA. No. 576. (1) Curni composed in Sam. 1174 by Yaśodeva (Gram. 150). Bt. No. 24; JA. 31 (9 dated Sam. 1244); SA. No. 576. fafqat Agra. No. 325; Bt. No. 24 (6); JG. p. 28; 149. (1) Curni (Gram. 150) composed in Sam. 1174 by Yaśodeva. Bt. No. 24 (6). ईशानुग्रहविचारद्वात्रिंशिका of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 140. SG. No. 1506. ईश्वर कर्तृत्वप्रकरण by चन्द्रप्रभ. Patan Cat. I. p. 4. In Sanakrit. a JG. p. 84; SA. No. 913. ईश्वरप्रत्यभिज्ञाहृदय by Ksemaraja. Bengal. No. 30mfara by Vasunandin. SG. No. 1363. (1) Svopajña Tika. SG. No. 1363. J.......6 उणादिसूत्र of Hemacandra. 2532. ईश्वरवाद SA No. 1009. ईश्वरवादनिराकरण SA. No. 913. 3 of Bana. VA. 3 (17). See Auktika. उक्तिप्रत्यय by Dhirasundara. JG. p. 306. 3 of Sadhusundaragani, pupil of Sadhukirti of the Kharatara Gaccha. It was composed during the spiritual reign of Jinasimhasuri, i. e. between Sam. 1670 and 1674. KB. 1 (60), 3 ( 42 ); Pet. III. No. 578; IV. p. 14 (quotation); No. 481; Surat. 2; Vel. No. 103. 3 Surat. 5. See Auktika. comporter of Hemacandra. Weber. II. No. 1695. उणादिगणसूत्र विवरणोद्धार of Hemacandra. Weber. II. | (III) उत्तमकुमारचरित्र composed by SomamandanaNo. 1695. gani, pupil of Ratnasekharasuri and Munisundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. DA. 50 (41). उणादिनाममाला by Subhasila. anafa by Subhasilagani. BK. No. For Private Bendall. No. 409; Chani. Nos. 33; 566; PAPR. 16 (17); ZDMG. Vol. (IV) 33, p. 696. (II) 41 Bhand. VI. No. 1361, JA. 46 (2); JHA. 61; KB. 3 (65); Limdi. No. 733; PAP. 17 (44); 26 (5); 42 (1); 79 (35); PAPM. 59 (2); PAZB. 1 (21); Pet. III. A. p. 110; IV. No. 483; VI. No. 229; SA. Nos. 491; 2021; 2222; VD. 13 (23); Weber. II. 1695. (1) by Manikyadeva. Buh. VI. Nos. 274-276; CC. I. p. 63. (II) coff by Durgasimha. Mud. 748; also see CC. II. p. 12; III. p. 14. उत्तमकुमार कथा See Uttamakumāracaritra. (I) उत्तमकुमारचरित्र containing 686 (1) Svopajña Vivarana. Bhand. VI, No. 1361; BO. p. 29; DC. p. 22; JA. 46 (2); JHA. 61; KB. 3 (65); Limdi. No. 557; PAP. 17 (44); 26 (5), 42 (1), 79 (35), PAPM. 59 (2), PAZB. 1 (21); Pet. III. A. pp. 32; 110; IV. No. 483; VI. No. 229, SA. Nos. 481, 2021; 2022; VD. 13 (23); Weber. II. No. 1695. Sanskrit stanzas was composed by Carucandra, pupil of Bhaktilabha. It is published by Hiralal Hamsraj, Jamnagar, 1908, 1922. Bhand. VI. No. 1294; DA. 50 (4251); DB. 31 (9-10), Hamsa. No. 381; Pet. I. No. 243; SA. No. 519; Surat. 1 (319), 2, 3, 5, 8, 11; VB. 6 (15); Vel. No. 1702; Weber. II. No. 2000. उत्तमकुमारचरित्र composed by Jinakīrti, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. Pet. L. No. 244 (dated Sam. 1533). 1172. (V) sangaraf (Anon.) in Sanskrit prose. Flo. No. 742; JHA. 52; JHB. 32 Personal Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ stil themania: 1 Limdi. No. 851; Weber. II. No. 1999. This last is edited and translated into German by Weber, 1884. (VI) JTHATafa Anon. Perhaps the same. Agra. Nos. 1415-1417; 1419, 1605– 1607; Bengal. Nos. 6644, 7555; DB. 31 (8); Kath. No. 1318 ; Limdi. No. 1659. Hafta See Uttamakumāracaritra. JTAT5450F in 14 Prākrta Gathās by Hema tilakasuri. Limdi. No. 930. (I) Torrot of Guņabhadra. This is the second part of the (Trişastilaksana ) Mahāpurāņa, the first part being Adipurāņa. See Trisastilaksanamahāpurāṇasangraba. AD. No. 6; AK. Nos. 99-100, CMB. 140; Hebru. 26; Hum. 6; 54 ; 62 ; 70 ; 94, Idar. 2 (3 copies ); 3 (3 c.); 4; 5; Idar. A. 2 (3 copies ); 9; 10; Lal. 75; MHB. 56; Mud. 501 ; 516; 522 ; 527 ; 529; Padma. 12; PR. 124, 202 ; SG. Nos. 1304-05; SRA. 118; 163; 246 ; Strass. p. 300. ( II ) TRTIOT of Puspadanta. This is the second part of the author's Mahāpurāna, the first part being Adipurāņa. Uttarapurāņa contains 64 sandhis or chapters. The whole poem is written in the Apabhramsa language. CP. p. 627 ; Lal. 35 ; 67 ; SG. No. 1262. See also Adipurāņa and Maha purāņa of Puspadanta. (III ) UTRECUT of Sakalakirti. Lal. 347. S TEJTE The first of the Mülasutras, consists of 36 chapters. It is a sort of religious poem, wherein we find many sayings which excel in aptitude of comparison, or pithiness of language'; cf. Winternitz, History, II. p. 467. It is edited with a critical introduction and notes by Jarl Charpentier, Uppsala, 1922 and translated into English by H. Jacobi, in SBE. Series Vol. 45. It is also published with the com. of Laksmivallabha, in the Agamasamgraha, Calcutta, Sam. 1936 , with I. that of Jayakīrti (in Gujarati), by Hiralal Hamsaraja, Jamnagar, 1909; with the Niryukti and the commentary of śāntisuri in the DLP. Series, Nos. 33 ; 36; 41 ; Bombay, 1919-17; with that of Bhāvavijaya, by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1974 ; and with that of Kamalasamyama in the YJG. Series, No. 46, Bhavnagar, 1927. Also recently published with Nemicandra's Sukbabodha in the Ātmavallabha Granthāvali, at Valad, Ahmedabad, 1937. Agra. Nos. 363-370, 372-383; 385; 387-391 ; 395-400, AM. 55 ; 56; 85; 99, 108, 135, 175; 198; 202; 209 ; 236 ; 240; 257, 312; 326; 347, 358; 410 , Baroda. Nos. 2731 ; 2733; 2735; 11803; Bengal. Nos. 2608; 4318; 6641; 7197; 7636 Bhand. IV. Nos. 259, 261, V. No. 1171 ; VI. Nos. 1094-1098; Bik. Nos. 1534; 1593; BK. Nos. 85; 209; 388, Buh. II. Nos. 159, 160, 162; III. Nos. 86; 89, Cal. X. No. 12; Chani. Nos. 756, 925; DA. 21 (34-38), 22 ( 12 to 21 ); 74 (1-2), DB. 9. (16-18); Flo. Nos. 541-542; Hamsa. Nos. 969 (pictures ); 1280; JA. 7(2), 110 (8); JB. 92-99, Jesal. Nos. 893; 900; 940; 1591; 1592 , 1600; 1621, 1694; 1721 ; JHA. 22 (8 c.); 23 (7 c.), 24 (2 c.); JHB. 17 (5), 18 (2 c.), 19 ( 4 c.), Kaira. A. 29, Kaira. B. 122; Kap. Nos. 646-649; 653-661; 664-671; 674-679; 679; Kath. No. 1320; KB. 1 (4), 3 (7; 78; 79); Keith. No. 48, Kiel. II. Nos. 2; 3; 4, III. No. 3, KN. 2; Kundi. Nos. 208, 294, 323, 395; Limdi. Nos. 5; 17; 104; 111; 120, 135, 136, 137, 163, 178, 179; 184, 185, 186, 211, 212, 213; 214; 223, 224, 225, 226 ; 239; 251; 271 ; 291, 292, 293 ; 304 ; 306, 336; 343; 344 ; 362; 374 ; 375, 387; 393; 396; 409 ; 421 ; 433, 439; 452 ; 453 ; 458 ; 459 ; 460; 480 ; 481; 491 ; 496; 25; DA. 9; 12; Jain Education Intemational Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Taart: 497: 1 1101; Mitra. VIII. p. 154 ; PAP. 20 (1-9); 29 (1-13); 55 (1-19); 56 ( 21 ); 58 (1-26); PAPL. 7 (52); PAPM. 11, 13, PAPR. 23 (1); PAPS. 23 (13); 26 (2); 27 (11); 28 (2); 29 (1; 2); 30 (2); 35 (4); 37 (11; 24); 40 (5); 42 (4-7); 76 (12); 84 (3); PAS. Nos. 189; 200, 281; 454; PAZA. 3 (18-22), PAZB. 7 (4); 9 (5); 15 (15), Pet. I. A. pp. 41; 83; III. A. pp. 27; 71; 77; 176; V. Nos. 633; 635; V. A. p. 50; PRA. Nos. 416 ; 431; 438; 621; 668, 696, 1183; 1246 (No. 39); 1272 (No. 9=Pet. III. A.p.87); 1273 (No. 9 with pictures. ); SA. Nos. 4;5; 6; 66 ; 180 ; 521 ; 550 ; 876 ; 1510, 1524; 1559 ; 1571; 1574; 1594; 1626; 1632; 1703; 1795; 1977; 2023'; Samb. Nos. 105; 150; 166; 319; 441. ; Strass. p. 302.; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VA. 3; 4; VB. 4; 5; 6, VC. 3 (1-13); Vel. Nos. 1399– 1416 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1901-1910. (1) Niryukti by Bhadrabāhu in 607 Prākrta Gāthās. Baroda. No. 2731 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1094 ; DB. 8 (7-8 ); Kap. Nos. 681, 682.; Kundi. No. 7; PAP. 20 (9); 55 (16; 18), PAPS. 37 (11); 76 (12); PAZA. 3 (20); PAZB. 15 (15); Pet. V. A. p. 50; SA. Nos. 550; 1632; 2075; Strass. p. 373 ; Surat. 1, 2. ; VB. 4 (37; 48); 5 (4); VC. 3 (13). (2) Cūrņi by Govāliyāmahattarāśisya (Gram. 5850). DC. p. 34, No. 270; DI. p. 23; Jesal. No. 893 ; JG. p. 36; Kundi. No. 50, PAP. 58 (21); PAPR. 23 (1); PAPS. 37 (24); PAZA. 3 (19); PAZB. 7 (4); 9(5), 391; PRA. No. 438; Samb. No. 391; Surat. 1(5); VB. 4 (19) (3) Tīkā called Sisyahitā composed by Sāntyācārya Vādivetāla of the Thārāpadra Gaccba (Grarthāgra 16000). AM. 358, Baroda. No. 2735; Bhand. IV. No. 258; (cf. IV. pp. 129; 440 for information); BK. No. 209; DA. 20 (1); DB. 9 (1); DC. p. 9; 38 ; Hamsa. Nos. 6; 1142; 1203 ; JA. 27 (1); Jesal. No. 900 ; Kundi. Nos. 208 ; 294 ; PAP. 20 (7); 55 ( 2 ; 8); 58 (2); PAPS. 26 (2); 28 (2); 29 (1); 37 (4); PAS. Nos. 189; 200 ; 454 ; Pet. III. A. p. 63; V. A. p. 50 (dated Sarn. 1343); SA. Nos. 6; 521; 876; 1574; 1626 ; 1703; Strass. p. 202 ; Surat. 5; VB. 4 (8); 6 (12); Weber. II. Nos. 1907-1910 (dated Sam. 1307). (4) Sukhabodhā (Gram. 14000) composed in Sam. 1129 by Nemicandrasuri, called Devendragani before Dikṣā, pupil of Amradeva, pupil of Uddyotanasuri of the Brhad Gaccha. This is based on Sāntyacārya's commentary; cf. Bhand. IV. p. 129, 441 ff. AM. 135; 257; Baroda. Nos. 2733 ; 11803; Bengal. Nos. 2542; 2566 ; 6634; Bhand. IV. No. 260; VI. No. 1098 ; Bod. No. 1347 ; Buh. II. No. 164; III. Nos. 87 ; 88 ; DA. 22 (1 ; 2); DB. 9 (4); DC. p. 12; 22; 43; DI. p. 23; Hamsa. Nos. 772; 960; 1268; Flo. No. 541; JA. 9 (1 with pictures ); 10 (1 with pictures ); 16 (1); 85 (1); JB. 92; 95; 96; 97; Jesal. No. 1592; Kap. Nos. 653-663; Kiel. IL No. 5; III. Nos. 3 ; 4 ; Kundi. No. 395 ; Limdi. Nos. 5; 239 ; 251 ; 291 ; 387; Mitra. VIII. p. 154 ; PAP. 29 ( 6 ); 55; (5; 9; 13); PAPM. 11 ; PAPS; 29 (2); 40 (5); 42 (4-6); Patan Cat. I. p. 217-18 ; PAZA, 3 ( 18 ) ; Pet. I. A. p. 41; III. A. pp. 71; 77 ; 86; IV. No. 1186 ; V. No. 635; PRA. Nos. 1272 (6)=JA. 9 (1); 1273 (9)=JA. 9 (2)--this is dated Sam. 1352; with pictures ; SA. Nos. 4; 1510; Strass. p; 315; Surat. 5; VA. 3 ( 18-19 ); 4. (7); VB. 4 (10; 11 ; 20; 38 ); VC. 3 (6; 10 ); Vel. No. 1413. - Jain Education Intemational Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (5) Avacuri composed in Samvat 1441 by Jñanasagarasuri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapa gaccha. Chani. No. 925; DA. 21 (20; 22); Flo. No. 542; PAPL. 7 (52); Pet. II. No. 284 (dated Sam. 1414! obviously 1441 and this too is the date of composition and not of the ms. See Kap. No. 688 for quotations etc.). (6) Vrtti composed by Vinayahamsa, pupil of Mahimaratna, during the spiritual reign of Bhavasagarasuri of the Añcala Gaccha (Sam. 1567-1581 ). DA. 74 (2); JHA. 23; PRA. No. 1183; Vel. No. 1416. (7) Tika composed in Sam. 1552, by Kirtivallabhagani, pupil of Siddhantasagarasuri, when the latter was at the head of the Añcala Gaccha. DA. 20 (8-10); Kap. No. 665 (quo.); Pet. IV. No. 1187 IV. A. p. 76 (quotation). (8) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1554 at Jesalmer, by Kamalasamyama Upadhyaya, pupil of Jinabhadrasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. BK. No. 85; Chani. No. 756; Hamsa. No. 710; JHA. 22; 24; JHB. 17; KB. 3 (7); PAPS. 23 (13); PRA. Nos. 668; 1246 (No. 39); SA. No. 1571; VB, 6( 22 ). (9) Laghu Vṛtti composed in Sam 1550 by Taporatna Vacaka during the reign of Jinasamudrasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. It was corrected by Tejoraja. Limdi. No. 5; PRA. Nos. 416; 696; Surat. 1, 8, 9. (10) Tikā called Dipika composed by Manikyasekharasuri, pupil of Merutungasuri of the Añcala Gaccha. No ms. of the Vrtti is so far available. But the Vṛtti is mentioned by the author himself in his Prasasti to Avasyaka-NiryuktiDipikā. See the same.--PRA. No. 927. (11) Tika by Ajitadevasuri, pupil of Maheśvarasuri of the Candra Gaccha. A PAPS. 84 (3; dated Sam. 1629). (12) Curni by Gunasekhara, pupil of Vimalacandra, pupil of Sricandra, pupil of Prabhananda, pupil of Devabhadra, pupil of Abhayadeva (Navangavṛttikara). SA. No. 1524. (13) Dipika by Laksmivallabha, pupil of Laksmikirti of the Kharatara Gaccha (Kṣemaśākhā). AM. 236; Bengal. No. 2591; Bhand. VI. No. 1095; Bik. No. 1534; DB. 9 (3); Hamsa. No. 76; Jesal. No. 940; JG. p. 38; JHB. 17; Kap. No. 671 (quo.); KB. 1 (4); KN. 2; Kundi. No. 323; PRA. No. 431; SA. Nos. 1559; 2526; 2558: Surat. 1, 9. (14) Vrtti (Gram. 16255) composed in Sam. 1689 (1679 of JG. p. 36 is a mistake) by Bhāvavijayagani, pupil of Munivimalasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. AM. 56; 310; BK. No. 388; Bhand. VI. No. 1097; DA. 20 (2-5); 21 (1-2); DB. 9 (2); Hamsa. No. 1308; Kaira. A. 29; Kap. No. 670; PAP. 29 (11); PAPS. 30 (2); 35 (4); 42 (7); PRA. No. 621 (dated Sam. 1697); SA. Nos. 180;.1594; Stass. p. 416; Surat. 1, 3, 5, 7; VC. 3 (2; 4; 7); Vel. Nos. 1414; 1415 (quotations). (15) Tika by Harsanandanagani, pupil of Samayasundaragani of the Kharatara Gaccha. DB. 21 (1); KB. 3 (79). (16) Tikā called Makaranda composed in Sam. 1750 by Dharmamandira Upadhyaya. Limdi. No. 375. (17) Tika (Gram. 8500) by Udayasagara of the Añcalika Gaccha in Sam. 1546. JG. 38. p. (18) Tikā called Dipika composed in Sam. 1637 (Gram. 10707). JG. p. 38; SA. No. 358. (19) Dipika by Harṣakula. JG. p. 38. (20) Tika by Amradevesuri, pupil of Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Art: 999: 1 45 Uddyotanasūri of the Candra Gaccha. - 1643 ); SA, Nos. 1632 ; 1795, Samb. This is probably Nemicandra's Sukhabo No. 392 ; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9; VA. 4 dhā (No. 4). DA. 20 (6-8). (4 ; 13 ); VB. 5 (10-12 ); Weber. II. (21) Vrtti ( Gram. 18295) by śānti Nos. 1902-1904. bhadrācārya. This is probably the same (31) Gitāni composed in Sarn. 1675. as Sāntyācārya's Vrtti (No. 3 ). PAZA. by Mahimasimha, Cal. X. No. 13. 3 ( 22). (32) Svădbyāya composed in Sami (22) Vrtti called Dipikā (Gram. 1599 by Brahmarşi ( in Gujrati ). Limd; 11000 ). PAP. 55 (19); 58 ( 3, 20, 23). Nog. 2143; 2608 (dated Sam. 1599). (23) Vrtti ( Graṁ. 8670 ). PAPS. 27 2716; 3105. (11). (33) Stabaka by Megharājā Vācaka. (24) Vrtti called Dipika (Be :- sriutta Limdi. Nos. 163; 178 ; 185; 393. rādhyayanasya kiñcidarthaḥ kathāśca. ). 480. Buh. III. No. 89; Kap. No. 672 (quo.); - (34) Staba ka by Ajitacandrasūri. Limdi. 673 ; Weber. II. No. 1905 (dated Sam. No. 1101. 1643 ). (35) Svādhyāya by Rajasīla. Limdi. (25) Tikā by Municandrasuri (Gram. No. 2245; PAP. 56 (21). 14000). PAPS. 42 (6); VB. 5 (7). (36) Svādhyāya by Udayavijaya. VA; (26) Avacuri by Jñānaśīlagani ( Gram. 4 (3). 3600). VB. 5 ( 20 ). (37) Stabaka by Nagarsigani. PAP. (27) Brhadvrtti. Anon. PAPM. 13. 29 (2 dated Sam. 1655 ). (28) Aksarārthalavalesa. AM. 347 ; (I) TREATEEK composed in Sarn. 1657 by Bhand. IV. No. 261 ; Kath. No. 1320 Padmasāgaragani, pupil of Vimalasāgara(dated Sam. 1621 ). gani of the 'apā Gaccha (Be :- prana(29) Avacuri composed in Sam. 1-488. mya srimahaviram). Chani. No. 818; JHA. 23 ( ms. dated Sam. 1491 ). DA. 21 (5-9); Hamsa. No. 1690 ; JHA. 23; Kaira. A. 75 ; Kap. No. 684 ; Kiel. (30) Avacūri or Tikā. Anon. Agra. I. No. 8, Limdi. No 422 ; Mitra. VIII. Nos. 372 ; 376 ; 383 ; 386 ; 387 ; Bik. p. 240; IX. p. 81; PAPS. 30 (7); 62 Nos. 1593; 1777 ; BO. p. 57 ; Bod. Nos. ( 37 ); Pet. I. No. 245 ; Vel. No. 1703. 1348-49; DA. 21 (10-19; 21; 23– |(II) 3 TIETO T by Vijayasena. Probably 26 ) ; 74 (1-2); DB. 9 (5; 6; 9-12); DC. No. 1; Hamsa. Nos. 1049; 1189; the same as above. Bengal. Nos. 2563 ; 2581 ; 4159. 1281 ; JA. 111 (8); JB. 93; 94; 9699; Jesal. Nos. 1591 ; 1592 ; 1600; (III ) उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रकथा by Punyanandanagani of 1694 ; 1721 ; Kaira. B. 122 ; Kap. Nos. the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 38. 666-669; 674; 677; 685-687 ; (IV) उत्तराध्ययनसूत्रकथा Anon. 689-691 ; KB. 3 (8); Keith. No. 49; Agra. Nos. 393 ; 1602-1604 ; Bhand. Limdi. Nos. 94; 186 (dated Sam. VI. No. 1295 (dated Sarn. 1520); Bod. 1622); 212 ( dated Sarn. 1590); 224 No. 1346 , Buh. II. No. 161; Kap. Nos. (dated Sam. 1503-Gram. 2000); 271 693-697; Kath. No. 1319 (dated Sam. (Gram. 11267 ); 362; PAP. 29 (1; 1552); PAP. 58 (6; 7; 9; 10); 5; 13 ); 58 (1; 14; 15; 17; 26 ) ; Pet. PAPS. 30 (-12 dated Sam. 1584); VB. V. No. 634; PRA. No. 622 (dated Sam. 4 (13). Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 श्री जिनरत्नकोशः । उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र कथासंक्षेप Anon. Buh. II. No. 163, Kath. No. 1321; VA. 3 (16). उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रकथासंग्रह by Munisundaraśisya (Su bhasila?). DA. 21 (7-9; one of these dated Sam. 1560). उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रदृष्टान्त Vel No. 1417. उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रलघुवृत्तिगतकथा PAP. 29 (9 ; dated Sam. 1541). उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रवृत्तिप्राकृतकथा in Sari. 1641. KB. 3 (7). उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रवृत्ति संस्कृतकथा KB 5 ( 29 ). उत्तर/ध्ययनसूत्रार्थकथा See Uttarādhyanasutrakatha. 3 on Jain Philosophy, composed in Sam. 1207, by Candrasena, pupil of the famous Hemacandra, author of the Siddhahema etc., and of Pradyumnasuri. Agra. No. 1122; JA. 111 (2); Pet. III. A. p. 209 (quotation). (1) Svopajña Tikā. Agra. No. 1122. JA. 111 (2); Pet. III. A. p. 209 (quotation). उत्सर्गापवादवचनैकान्तोपनिषत् DB 17 ( 16 ; 28 ); Hamsa. No. 514. उत्सवप्रणालिका Buh. VIII. No. 423. उत्साद्दकुलक JG. p. 197. उत्सूत्रकन्दकुद्दाल Otherwise called Gurutatvapradipa or Gurutattvasiddhi. See under Gurutatvapradipa, and Gurutattvasiddhi for additional mss. Buh. VIII. No. 378, Chani. No. 133; CP. p. 637; DA. 32 (23); DB. 16 (38; 39); Kiel. III. No. 141; PAPR. 15 (33); PAZB. 3 (9); PRA. No. 555; SA. No. 335; SG. No. 1642. (1) Tikā. Chani. No. 153. उत्सूत्रखण्डन An attack against some religious practices and doctrines of the followers of the Kharatara Gaccha composed in Sam. 1617, by Dharmasagaragani, pupil of Vijayadanasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. The work is known otherwise as Austrikama is Gunavinaya's work and not of Dharm a sagara-PRA. No. 868); Chani, Nos. 182; 714; DA. 36 (49); DB. 20 (36-37); PAPR. 3 (5); PAPS. 80 (72); PRA. No. 366; SA. No. 680, SB. 2 (93). (I) Dipika Svopajñā. Bhand. VI. No. 1117; Chani. Nos. 182; 714; DA. 36 (49); DB. 20 (36-37); PAPR. 3 (5); PAPS. 80 (72); PRA. No 366; SB. 2 (93). उत्सूत्रपदोद्घाटनकुलक by Jinapati. Hamsa. No. 135, Surat. 1 (52, 679). A reply to Dharmasagara's attack by Gunavinaya, pupil of Jayasoma Upādhyaya of the Kharatara Gaccha. It was composed in Sam. 1665 at Navanagar, at the advice of Jinasimhasuri. BK. No. 1794; Buh. IV. No. 136 (PRA. No. 868); DC. p. 58 (DI. p. 29); Hamsa. No. 863. उदयत्रिभङ्गी of Nemicandra. See Tribhangisara. Mud. 112; Tera. 14. if on answering astrological questions, by Meghavijayagani, pupil of Krpavijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha. Agra. No. 3002; Bhand. V. No. 1340; Surat. 1 (1225). a DB. 31 (41-42). AK. Nos. 101-105. Limdi. No. 1280. Agra. No. 1608; JG. p. 248. उदायन राजचरित्र in Sanskrit verse. JG. p. 221. उद्गारजलवर्णन also called Kupajalajñāna by Ca mundaraya. AK. No. 106. Bhand. V. No. 1172. (1) Tika by Kanakakusala. Bhand. No. 1172. KB. 3 ( 62 ). JB. 131 (foll. 155). totsūtrodghatana. Bhand. VI. No. 1117,qt by Asada, son of Katukaraja of the Bik. No. 1730; Buh. IV. No. 136 (This Bhillamala family. It contains 125 Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। Gāthäs and was composed at the advice (I) 3975 in 33 Gathäs by Municandrasuri. of Abbayadevasuri, successor of Bhadre Limdi. No. 955 ( 2 copies ); Pet. V. śvara, successor of Devendrasuri of the No. 803. Candra Gaccha ; cf. Pet. V. A. p. 47. (II) Jauh in 22 Gathäs by Devendra Sadhu. Agra. No. 920; BK. No. 244 ; Chani. Pet. III. A. p. 10. No. 98; JB. 137, Jesal. No. 685; (III) 305 in Apabhramsa, by Devasuri. Kundi. Nos. 205; 288; Limdi. No. Limdi. No. 955. 704 : PAP. 57 (27); PAPL. 7 (6); (IV) qa *(See Atmahitopadeśatattva ) of PAPM. 6; 15; PAPR. 8 (15); PAPS. Ratnasimhasuri in 26 Gāthās. Limdi. 66 ( 58 ); 74 (11); PAS. Nos. 25; No. 955. 318; 382; Patan Cat. I. pp. 102, 191; (v) Syah DC. p. 35, No. 280 (3). See 406, 409 ; Pet. V. A. p. 42 ( quotation); Jivopadeśakulaka. SB. 2 (38); Surat. 1; 5. (VI) 3913 by Nemikumāra. See Jivopāla(1) Tikā (Gram. 7600) composed mbba. by Balacandrasuri, pupil and successor of (VII) 19% in Prākrta. Patan Cat. I. pp. 24, Haribhadrasuri, successor of Abhayadevasuri, who was the Guru of Asada. It was 99, 130, 133, 307, 409. composed at the remast of Zelda's en I segist in Prākrta. SA. No. 1645. Jaitrasimha. Pradyumna, pupil of Kana- | 3q a raga Limdi. No. 2928. kaprabba of the Devānanda Gacha, and 3q1979 (Gram. 1666 ) by Somadharmagani, Padmacandra, successor and pupil of pupil of Caritraratnagani of the Tapä Dhanesvarasuri of the Brhad Gaccha Gaccha. PAP. 77 (14). assisted in the composition. Agra. No. zaaieraTATO composed in Sam. 1436 by Jaya920; BK. No. 244; Chani. No. 98; sekharasuri, pupil of Mahendraprabhasūri Jesal. No. 685 ; Kiel. II. No. 6; Kundi. of the Añcala Gaccha. It consists of 540 Nos. 205; 288; PAP. 50 (27); PAPM. Gäthäs, and is published with the com. 6; 15 (dated Sam. 1296 ); PAPR. 8 by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1919. (15); PAS. Nos. 215; 318; 382; Agra. No. 891 ; Bhand. IV. No. 262; Patan Cat. I. pp. 159; 215; 314, 329 p. 442 ( quotation ); VI. No. 1099; DA. (quo.); Pet. V. A. p. 42ff (dated Sam. 60 (96-97); DB. 35 (51-52); JB. 1296 = PAPM. 15); SB. 2 ( 38). 105; JG. p. 170; Limdi. No. 56; (I) 3991förant by Udayaprabhadeva. Buh. III. PAP. 41 (35); 65 (7); PAPL. 2 (2); No. 90 (dated Sam. 1691 ). This is PAPS. 34 (8-10); PAZB. 13 (10); probably Udayaprabhadeva's commentary Pet. V. No. 645 = V. A. p. 201 (quotaon Upadeśamālā of Dharmadāsagani. tion); SA. Nos. 416; 1541 ; SB. 2 See Upadesamālā. (35; 37); Surat. 1, 2, 5, 8; VB. 6 (II) 39Thirt Anon. SB. 2 (33). Perhaps i (6); VC. 2 (12); Vel. No. 1565. the same as above. (1) Svopajia Țikā. (Gram. 12064), 39T H in Sanskrit, also called Vyākhyāna composed in Sam. 1436. Bhand. IV. paddhati, in four chapters. Pet. III. A. No. 262; p. 442 ( quotation); DA. 60 p. 228, Surat. 7. (96-97); DB. 35 ( 51; 52); Hamsa. garraneant by Indrahamsagani. Published by No. 51, JB. 105; Kath. No. 1236 ; Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1918, and Limdi. No. 56 ; PAP. 41 (35); 65 (7); also by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam.1978 PAPL. 2 (2); PAPS. 34 (8); PAZB. Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 13 (10); Pet. II. No. 285; SA. Nos. IV. No. 1188; SA. Nos. 104 ; 299; 416; 1541; SB. 2 (35; 37); VB. 6 1702 ; SB. 2 ( 34; 96 ); Surat. 1, 4, 5, (6); VC. 2 ( 12 ); Vel. No. 1565. 7, 8; VC. 2 (16 ; 18). (2) Avacūri Svopajña, composed in (I) Tīkā ( Be: --vande devanarendra ) the same year (Gram. 4305). JG. p. composed in Sam. 1055 by Vardhamāna170. suri. The Prasasti of this Tīkā was (3) Vrtti by Merutunga. JG. p. 170 composed by Pārsvilagani and its first ( foll. 260 ). copy written by Amradeva (Gram. 6413). (4) Avacūri. Limdi. No. 600 DC. p. 6; 7 ( quotation ; dated Sam. (Gram. 1164). 1212 & 1193 ); Hamsa. No. 17 ; Jesal. Jagrata cu in Pra" rta, composed in Sam. Nos. 942 ( dated Sam. 1193 ) = DC. p. 1277 (Gram. 450 ; foll. 12; a worn out 7; 945 (dated Sam. 1212 )=DC. p. 6; copy). PAP. 65 ( 16 ). Kundi. Nos. 192; 299. SA. No. 299. qaratfot (Gram. 3300) composed by Ratna (2) Vyākhyā (Be :-yasyopadesapada ) mandira, pupil of Nandiratna Gaņi, pupil composed in Sam. 1174 by Municandra, of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. with the assistance of Rāmacandragani It is also called Dharmopadesatarangiņi (--DB. PAP. ). (Gram. 14000.) AM. and is published in the YJG. Series, No. 30; Baroda. No. 2736 ; DB. 17 (1 ; 2); 26, Benares, Vir Sam. 2437. AM. 64; Hamsa. No. 1461 ; Kiel. III. No. 142; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1100 (dated Saṁ. PAP. 9 (15); 45 (16); PAPR. 19 (3); 1519 ) 1101; BK. Nos. 780; 1937; PAZB. 12 (2); 22 (3); SA. Nos. 104; BO. p. 57 ; DA. 38 ( 21 ; 22); DB. 21 1702; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8. VC. 2 (16); (51; 52); Flo. No. 743; Hamsa. No. (3) Tika Anon. DC. p. 36 (No. 283); 56; JB. 138; JG. p. 170; PAP. 57 Jesal. No. 1598 ; Pet. IV. No. 1188; (25); 68 (7); PAZB. 24 (1); PRA. SB. 2 (34 ; 96). No. 1321 ; SA. Nos. 328; 1566 ; SB. 2 sestafTet of Municandra. JG. p. 205. (51; 76 ); Surat. 1, 5, 7, 11; Tapa. 3èaghu Bhand. V. No. 1173. 111; VD. 3 (1). gegee in 1040 Prākıta Gāthās composed by SYETITET by Laksmivijayasuri (Sam. 1797-1859), Haribhadra, son of Mahattarā Yākini. The successor of Vijayasaubhāgya of the Anandasurišākhā of the Tapā Gaccha. text with Municandra's commentary is The work is in Sanskrit and consists of published by Jainadharmavidyāprasārakavarga, Palitana, 24 chapters called pillars. It was com1909, and by Lalchand Nandlal, Kothipol, Baroda, in posed in Sam. 1843. Published in 4 parts the Muktikamal Jina Mohanamālā (No. (series Nos. 33-36), by JDPS, Bhav19), Vir Sam. 2449. Agra. No. 902. nagar, 1914–1923. Baroda. No. 4741; AM. 30, Baroda. No. 2736; Buh. VI. BK. Nos. 14 ; 325; Buh. II. Nos. 166No. 786 ; DB. 17 (1-3); DC. pp. 20; 168 ; Kaira. A. 51; 105; Kaira. B. 3; 34; 36; JA. 79 (I); Jesal. Nos. 942; 188; Kiel. II. No. 71, Pet. IV. Nos. 945; 1598 ; Kiel. III. No. 142; Kundi. 1189-1199; V. No. 636 ; SA. No. 527; Nos. 192; 299 ; PAP. 9 (3; 7; 15); Surat. 1 (527), 3, 5, 7. 45 (16); PAPR. 19 (3); Patan Cat. I. (1) Svopajña Vrtti. Bhand. V. No. pp. 52; 118 ; PAZB. 12 (2); 22 (3); Pet. 1262 (only on chs. IV and V); BK. I. A. p. 17; III. A. P. 46 (quotation); No. 14 ; Buh. II. No. 167. Jain Education Intemational Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ padar: :1 saham Pet. VI. No. 552 ( dated Sam. 1617). | (I) 34THUTHIET in Sanskrit. JG. p. 172 ; PAS. No. 18. (II) SIISTAIWATOT In Prākrta. It contains 25, Gāthās. Patan Cat. I. p. 144. ETHIOTATISh of Jinesvara. Pet. V. No. 826. उपदेशमन्दिर Surat. 1. (I) JET in 542 Gāthās by Dharmadāsagani (Be :--namiūņa jiņavarinde. ). Text published by JDPS., Bhavnagar, A. D. 1915 and also by Ranchodlal Gangarm, Ahmedabad, Sam. 1934. Also by Hiralal Hansaraj, Jamnagar, with Rāmavijaya's commentary ; Siddharsi's commentary is also published by Hiralal Hansraj. Compare Winternitz, History, II. pp. 560561. Agra. Nos. 892-900; 903-919; AM. 178 ; 235 ; 276 ; 346 ; 363 ; 337 ; 389; 408 ; Baroda. Nos. 2051 ; 2108 ; 2737 ; Bengal. Nos. 6644; 7179 ; Bhand. III. No. 415; IV. No. 263 ; VI. Nos. 1102-1105; Bik. No. 1616; BK. Nos. 213; 719; BO. p. 29; 57 ; Buh. II. Nos. 169-170 ; Cal. X. Nos. 84; 91 ; 92 ; Chani. No. 898; DA. 33 (1,8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23-32, 36-37); 74 (28-29); DB. 18 ( 33-34); Hamsa. Nos. 548; 861 ; 1746 ; Flo. Nos. 744 ; 745 ; JA. 13 (1); 31 (6); 60 ( 11 ); 96 (6); 105 ( 1, 4, 6); 106 (1, 2, 7,); Jesal. Nos. 16 (palm); 1456 ; 1593 ; JHA. 36; Kaira. A. 3; Kaira. B. 96 ; Kath. No. 1237; KB. 3 ( 40); Kiel. II. Nos. 73; 74; III. No. 5; Kundi. Nos. 193; 230; 298; 318; 322 ; 331 ; Limdi. Nos. 635 ; 648; 649, 656 ; 748 ; 797 ; 825; 947; 968, 1102; 1128 ; 1129; 1130; 1204; 1283; 1303 ; 1368 ; 1420; 1423 ; 1424; 1538 ; 1587 ; 1607; 1702; 1717 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 142; IX. p. 155 ; X. pp. 33; 34; 46 ; PAP. 11; 43 ; 57 (1-32); PAPL. 2 (11; 13); PAPM. 11; 17; 40; PAPS. 57 (9); PAS. Nos. 51; 151 ; 354 , PAZA. 8( 7; 10); PAZB. 13 (1-9), PRA. Nos. 178 ; 260; 415; 716; Pet. I. A. pp. 9; 13; 45; 55 ; 61, 64; 71; 90; 95, 103 ; III. A. pp. 24; 27; 165; 172; 184; V. Nos. 369; 637 ; 639; 640 ; V. A. pp. 54; 80; 93 ; 95 ; 106 ; PRA. Nos. 178; 250 ; 415 ; 716 ; 1274 ; SA. Nos. 391; 762 ; 1520 ; 1558 ; 1589; 1701 ; 1935; Samb. Nos. 113; 162; 321 ; 335 ; 336; 417; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ; VB. 4 (9; 16); 6 (1-21); VC. 2 ( 17 ); VD. 3 (7); Vel. Nos. 1566-1571 ; Weber. II. Nos. 2003; 2004. (1) Vrtti (Heyopādeyā) by Siddharsi, pupil of Durgasvānnin (Gram. 9500 ). See also No. (21 ) below. AM. 180; Baroda. No. 2108 ; Bengal. No. 2602; Bhand. IV. No. 263; VI. No. 1105; Bod. No. 1407; DA. 33 (3, 4; 9); DB. 18 (23; 24); DC. pp. 1 ; 13; 31; 34; 36; 51; JA. 58 (1); 68 (1); 84 (1); Jesal. No. 1593; Kath. No. 1238; Kundi. Nos. 298; 322 ; 331; Limdi. No. 1283 ; Mitra. X. p. 34; PAP. 11 ( 33 ); 43 ( 23 ); 57 ( 26 ); PAPL. 2 (11; 13); PAPM. 17 ( ms. dated Sam. 1298); 40 (ms. dated Sam. 1331 ); PAS. No. 51; Patan Cat. I. pp. 209 ; 283; 349 ; 391; PAZA. 8 (7; 10); Pet. III. A. pp. 25; 130, 172; 184 ; V. No. 639, V. A. pp. 56; 57 ; SA. No. 319 ; Samb. No. 428; Strass. p. 306; Surat. 1, 3, 6, 7, 9; VB. 4 (16); 6 (1; 21). (2) Prākrta Vrtti composed in Sam. 913 by Jayasimha, pupil of Krsņarşi. Bt. No. 170. (3) Vrtti called Doghatti (cf. DC. p. 15; Bt. No. 174 ; so called probably owing to the words in the first verse) composed in Sam. 1238 by Ratnaprabhasūri, pupil of Devasūri of the Brhad Jain Education Intemational Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Gaccha (Grari. 11550 ). Bt. No. 174 ; 1 DC. p. 15; Hamsa. No. 1388 ; JA. 13 (1); Jesal. No. 16 (palm); KB. 3 ( 40); Kiel. III. No. 5 ; Kundi. No. 318 ; PAPM. 11 (dated Sam. 1394 ; a paper manuscript. This is possibly the earliest paper nis.); PAS. No. 151 (dated Sam. 1293 ); Patan Cat. I. p. 20611; 323 ; PAZB. 13 (1;9); Pet. III. A. p. 165 (quotation ); V. A. p. 123 ; (dated Sari. 1394 ; quotation); PRA, No. 1274 (2); SA. No. 178 ; Vel. No. 1571. (4) Kathänakas added to Siddharşi's commentary by Vardhamanasuri. Bt. No. 172; Pet. III. A. p. 172 (dated Sam. 1291 ); V. A. p. 57 (dated Sani. 1294). (5) Tikā called Karnikā (Be :-- arhaxis tanotu ; Gram. 12274 ) composed in Sarn. 1299 by Udayaprabha, pupil of Vijayasena of the Nāgendra Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2051; Bhand. VI. No. 1103; BK. No. 213; Bt. No. 173; Buh. III. No. 90; DB. 18 ( 21 ); Flo. No. 744 ; Jesal. No. 1456 ; Kiel. II. No. 369; Kundi, No. 230; PAS. No. 354 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 235 ( quo. ), Surat. 5 ; VB. 4 ( 9 ). (6) Tikā by Paramānanda. Kundi. No. 193. (7) Tīkā by Gunakīrti. BO. p. 29 ( ms. dated Sam. 1663 ; foll. 62). (8) Vrtti by Somadharmagaņi, pupil of Caritraratnagani of the Tapā Gaccha. JHB. 26 ; PAP. 57 ( 24 ). (9) Avacūri by Amaraprabhasuri of the Brhadgaccha. BK. No. 719; DA. 33 ( 5 ); PAP. 57 ( 23 ). (10) Avacūri by Dharmanandanagaại. Buh. IV. No. 137 (dated Sam. 1599 ); DA. 33 (6; 7); Flo. No. 745, PAP. 11 (5; dated Sam. 1537). (11) Avacūri by Jayasekhara. It is also called Paryāya (Granii. 1500-PAP.) Kaira. B. 96; PAP. 57 (19; 32); Weber. II, No. 2003. (12) Avacuri composed at Srilāsa in Sam. 1529; Anon. SA. No. 1520. ( 13 ) Bālāvabodha composed in San. 1485, by Somasundarasuri. pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. DA. 33 (19-21), Hamsa. Nos. 1517, 1518; JHA. 36, JHB. 26; Limdi. Nos. 825; 1420 ; PRA, No. 178; Mitra. X. p. 155. (14) Tikā composed in Sam. 1781 by Rämavijayagani, pupil of Sumativijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. (Grani. 7600). Baroda. No. 2737 ; BO. p. 29; DA. 74 ( 28-29 ); Hamsa. Nos. 249, 383, 614; Kaira. A. 3 ; Limidi. Nos. 797 ; 1423 ; PRA. Nos. 260; 415, SA. No. 1588; Surat. 1, 6, 9. (15) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. 1713 by Viddhivijaya, pupil of Satyavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Chani. No. 898 ; Limdi. No. 635; PRA. No. 716 ; PAPS. 57 ( 9 ). ( 16 ) Tikā Anon ( Be :- śreyaskaralis kāmita. ). Mitra. X. p. 33. (17) Avacuri or Țikā Anon. Bengal. No. 6644 ; DB. 18 (25-28); JA. 60 (1); Limdi. Nos. 69; 591 ; 748 ; 968 ; Pet. I. No. 246; IV. No. 1200; V. A. p. 164; V. No. 638 ; SA. No. 1558; VB. 6 (8); VC. 2 (17) ; VD. 3 (7). (18 ) Balāvabodha composed in Sam. 1546. PAP. 57 (11). (19) Vārtārupāntara composed by Merusundara, pupil of Ratnamürti of the Kharatara Gaccha. Vel. No. 1570. ( 20 ) Vivarana by Sarvānanda. JG. p. 171 ( foll. 124 ); cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 392. ( 21 ) Laghuvrtti by Siddharși. (Gram. 4170 ). JG. p. 171. Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ F : 989: 1 51 (22) Avacūri composed in Sarn. 1518 120 (dated Sam. 1515 ), SA. No. 1936, by Amaracandragani. JG. p 172. This Samb. No. 106, Surat. 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11. is a mistake. See Pet. V. Index, p. v. (1) Tikā by Devabhadra. Pet. I. A. and V. A. p. 164. Amaracandra was p. 71. only a scribe. (I) उपदेशरत्नमाला in Prakrta by Jinesvarasuri. (II) TAIAT by Hemacandra ( Be :-siddhama PAPR 8 (1). kamma). See Puspamālā. (II) SIT IOT (Be:-uvaesarayanakose). Mitra. (III) 399THICT In 542 Gathās by Jinadāsagani. X. p. 34. Chani. No. 180 ; Limdi. No. 1587; (III) q a tar in Prākrta by Thakkara Kavi. PAPS. 68 ( 149 ). SG. No. 2083. (IV ) gehiar in 542 Gathās (Be :-- suya- (IV) TITAATST of Dharmabhūşana. SRA. 88. devayam ca vande). Is this Jinadasa's (V) TTATGT by Raidhu Kavi. SG. No. work? Pet. I. A. p. 25. 1759. It is in the Apabhramsa language. 39TITATSaraqf This is a commentary on one (VI) TAHITI in 18 chapters composed in of the Gāthās of Dharmadāsa's Upadesa Sam. 1627, by Sakalabhūsana, papil of mālā (Be :- dāsassa mūlajalam), inter Subhacandra, pupil of Vijayakīrti of the preting it in one hundred ways, composed Sarasvati Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit and in Sam. 1605 by Udayadharma, pupil of its Granthāgram is 3100. It contains Lāvaṇyadharma. DA. 74 (45) ; SA. No. moral advice for laymen and hence is 826. See JG. p. 172. also called Satkarmopadeśaratnamäla. (I) aya THTTFT (Be:-pranamya gurupädabjam.) AD. Nos. 68; 129; Bhand. V. No. 1043, Bik. No. 1532. Buh. VI. No. 568 ;CMB. 68; 87 ; CP. p. ( II ) TATOTT by Kuñjaravimala, pupil of 628, Hum. 252 ; Idar. 13 ( 6 copies; Kesaravimalagani. SA. No. 1897. one dated Sam. 1627 ); Kath. No. 1240; (III) 34 TATT TEATA in Prakrta, composed Pet. I. A. pp. 57 ; 63; 83 ; 92 ; III No. in Sam. 1204 by Jinabhadramuni, pupil 475; IV.No. 1400=IV. A. p. 133 (quotaof Sāhibhadra. JG. p. 172 ; Patan Cat. I. tion); PR. 1; Rice, p. 312; SG. No. 629; Tera. 147-150 ; Strass. p. 300; p. 90 ( quo. ); Pet. I. A. p. 83. (IV) STATS41 Anon. JHB. 26 ; SA. No. Weber. II. No. 2008. 973. (VII) JOHATI Anon. JHB. 46 ; Kath. No. 1239; Surat. 1 ( 2247 ); VA. 3 (24). F99FTATCIT DA. 33 (68). 37TTAICI. in 25 Gāthās. Limdi. No. STÈTAIST78 Araat JG. p. 354. 1663. (139H in 26 Gathās by Padmajine- ( T T TT in three chapters, called Tatas, svarasūri. CP. p. 627 ; Hamsa. No. 1264; which are further divided into Arsas and JG. p. 172, JHB. 46, PAP. 37 (109; Tarangas, composed by Munisundarasuri, dated Sam. 1588 ) pupil of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā (1) Țikä by Devabhadra. JG. p. 172. Gaccha. In this Prākrta work, Adhyāt(II ) उपदेशरत्नकोश very probably the same as makalpadruma, Saivamukhavajrasuci and above. Agra. Nos. 922-925; DA. 60(190 Sandehasamuccaya are quoted. It is 198); DB. 35 ( 62-69 ); Flo. No. published by the Jaina Dharmavidya580; KB. 1 (8); Limdi. Nos. 930; prasāraka Varga, Palitana, Sam. 1964 . 1246 ; 1434 ; Pet. I. A. p. 71 ; V. A. p. ! also in the Lalan Niketan Jain Grantha Jain Education Intemational Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरलकोशः। mālā, Bhatade, Sihore, Kathiavad and prabandha etc. See Vel. No. 1573. also in the DLP. Series, Bombay, 1922. BO. p. 58 ; Buh. VI. No. 704; KB. ( Series No. 21.). . 3 (62); 8 (4); Kiel. III, No. 143; Agra. No. 921; Baroda. Nos. 2738 ; Pet. III, No. 580; IV. No. 1203; Surat. 2739; Bhand. V. No. 1263 ; VI No. 1, 8; Vel. No. 1573. 1106; Buh. II. No. 172; Chani. No. 310 ; (I) 399TTEET of Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya DA. 32 (1-7); 74 (30); DB. 15 (12); of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published with Hamsa. No. 372; JG. p. 172; JHA. . the commentary by Mansukhabhai Bhagu41 ; Kaira. A. 28; KB. 1 (63); PAP. 9 bhai, Ahmedabad, 1911. Hamsa. No. 518; (1); 45 (15); 64 ( 16; 21 ); PAPS. 38 JG. pp. 103; 173; Kundi. No. 155 ; (6); 50 (1); 79 (1); SA. No. 208 ; SB. 2 Pet. VI. p. 141, No. 67; SA. No. 330; (33; 38 ); Strass. p. 438; Surat. 1, 2, SB. 2 ( 38 ); VC. 3 (1). 5; VB. 4 ( 41 ); 6 (24); VC. 2 (13; (1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 3700 ). 17); Vel. No. 1572. Hansa. No. 518 ; JG. pp. 103; 173, (1) Svopajña Vrtti in Sanskrit Kundi. No. 155; Pet. VI. p. 141, No. (Gram. 7675). Baroda. No. 2738; 2739; 67; SA. No. 1707 , SB. 2 (38), VC. Bhand. V. No. 1263; VI. Nos. 1106; 3 (1). Buh. II No. 172 ; Chani. No. 310; DA. DA (II) EFJ (Gram. 500 ). JG. pp. 173 ; 265 32 (1-7); 74 (30); DB. 15 (2); (this is in Sanskirt ). Kaira. A. 28 ; KB. 1 (63); PAP. 9 (1); (1) Jograla composed in Sam. 1793 by Vibu45 (15); 64 (16 ; 21 ); PAPS. 38 (6); dhavimala 50 (1); 79 (1) ; SB. 2 ( 33; 38), VB. 4 (Vijayavimala ), pupil of Vimalakirti of the Tapā Gaccba. It is ( 41 ); 6 ( 24 ); VC. 2 (13; 17 ); Vel. published in the DLP. Series, No. 28, No. 1572. Bombay, 1915. Chani. No. 284 ; JG. pp. ( II ) 30 ettar*T also called Srāvakācāra in 4375 173; 209 ; PAPR. 16 (6); PRA. No. Slokas, composed by Vidyābhūsaņa, pupil 658 ; SA. No. 392. of Visvasenabhattāraka of the Kästha (1) Vrtti. JG. pp. 173 ; 208. Sangha. It is in Sanskrit. CMB. 5; 36; 86; CP. p. 628 ; SG. Nos. 1704; 698. SG Nos 1704 ( (II) T Taa by Darsanasāgaragani. Pet. VI. 2466. No. 553.. (1) SETTETJA in 25 Prākrta stanzas. Patan Cat. ) 30177 of Merutunga. See DharmopadeI. p. 131. sasataka. Buh. II. No. 271; Surat. 1, 2, 6. (II) OHTET in 80 stanzas by Jinadattasüri. It is also called Dharmarasāyana. It is publi (IV) STÈTTA# Anon. Agra. No. 1826 ; DA. 39 shed with com. in the Apabhramsa kävya (6). trayi, No. 37, Gaek. 0. Series, Baroda, sest rate (Gram. 100) VA. 4 (2). 1927. Baroda. Nos. 716; 717; Patan Cat. (1) Vrtti. Agra. No. 1826. I.p. 193; PAZB. 12 (14); PRA. No. 1203 OSTETUT by Jayasundarasüri. Agra. No. 926; (1) Tikā by .Jinapāla Upādhyāya. Chani. No. 365; JG. p. 174., JHB. 46; Baroda. Nos. 716; 717; PAZB. 12 (14); Surat. 8. PRA. No. 1203. (I) s teaaeht (Gram. 3000 ) is a work in ETTET in Sanskrit, containing 52 chapters, is five chapters, containing 75 stories based on Upadeśatarangini, Caturvimsati- illustrative of moral precepts. It was J Jain Education Intemational Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। composed in Sari. 1503 (J. G.'s 1603 3 E TEATRAIET of Bhāņdāgārika Nemicanis a mistake ) by Somadharmagani, pupil dra. It consists of 161 Prākrta Gathās of Caritraratnagani, pupil of Somasunda and is published with Marathi and Hindi rasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Another narne explanations by Jaychand Shravane, of the work is Grhasthadharmopadeśa. See . Nagpur, 1898. CP. p. 628 ; Tera. 11. Bik. No.1471. It is published by the JAS. gonfae Anon. JHA. 41. Bhavnagar, (series No. 33 ), Sam 1971. s 3 in 25 Gathäs by Municandra. Agra. No. 1874, Bik. No. 1478, BK. Limdi. No. 955. Published in No. 245, Buh. IV. No. 138; Chani. No. Pra karanasamuccaya, Indore, 1923. Patan 509 ; DA. 38 (20) ; DB. 21 ( 49; 50); Cat. I pp. 130; 131 ; 132. Hamsa. No. 1493; JG. p. 173 ; KB. 3 3991fati FUTERY JG. p. 158. (16); KN. 25; PAPR. 20 (10); PAZB. 8 (6) ; Pet. IV. No. 1204 - IV. (1) 39919928157* is one of the 19 Pañcasaka's of A. p. 77 (quotation); PRA. No. 869;SA. Haribhadrasuri ; see Pancāsakasutra. KN. No. 426 ; VA. 4 (6) ; Surat. 1, 5. 15 ; cf. Pet. I. A. p. 16. .. (1) Vrtti Svopajña. DA. 38 ( 20 ). (II) 199X197 by Abbayadevasuri. This is (II) उपदेशसप्ततिका by Ksemaraja of the Kharatara probably the commentary of Abhayadeva Gaccha. It is published with the Syopa on Upadbänapañcāsaka of Haribhadra. Pet. III. A. p. 45. jña Tīkā by JDPS., (series No. 37), Bhavnagar, 1917 ; Gujrathi Translation 3991ag a scara by Cakreśvarasüri. JG. p. published by the same body, Sam. 1976. 153. BK. No. 245 ; DB. 21 ( 49; 50 ) ; SA. TY T O by Mānadevasuri. Chani. No. 96 ; No. 426. . SA. No. 591. (1) Tikā ( Grań. 7975 ) composed in 59917faET by Devasūri. Bt. No. 169. Sam. 1547 by Ksemaraja of the Khara- warar Anon. tara Gaccha himself. BK. No. 245; JG. DA. 39 (27; 47 ; 48 ; 49; 51, 52); p. 173 ; SA. No. 426. DB. 22 ( 19; 20; 21 ; 25 ); Hamsa. (2) Tīkā Anon. DB. 21 (49; 50). Nos. 418, 1082 ; 1099 ; 1146 ; 1276 ; (1) S TEIT in Prākrta by Devabhadra. Patan 1289; JG. p. 153; Kaira. B. 110; Pet. Cat. I. p. 119 ( quotation ). V. No. 632, SA. Nos. 221; 636 ; (II) STIETEIT Anon. Agra. No. 927; Bhand. 1988; Strass. p. 433b; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 7, V. No. 1264 ; BK, No. 323; DA. 74 9; VB. 4 (13); 6 (10); VC. 2 (20). ( 31 ) ; Hamsa. No. 512; JG. p. 174 39919 taga by Samayasundara. Hamsa. No. 417; ( foll. 306 ); KB. 1 ( 41 ), SA. No. 18; SA. No. 715. SB. 2 ( 35 ) ; Surat. 1, 2, 5. yhracata of Vinyavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. (1) Tikā Anon. BK. No. 323 ; Hamsa. Bengal. No. 7625; DB. 45 (50; 51 ); No. 512 ; SA. No. 512. SA. No. 745 ; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 7. (III) J ETENT Anon. JG. p. 174 ( foll. 33 fawa9927 composed in Sam. 962 by only); perhaps the same as above. Siddharsi, pupil of Durgasvāmin. Edited (IV) 3ÈTEIT in Prakrta, also called Dharmavidbi by Peterson and Jacobi in the Bibliotheca (Be : dhammamabā ). - Indica Series, 1899-1914. It is also (1.) Vrtti by Jayasimha sūri ; compare published in the DLP. Series, No. 46, Patan Cat. I. p. 249. it ...Bombay, 1918, 1920. German Transla Jain Education Intemational Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ wiki tion by W. Kirfel (Bks, I-III) is published, Leipzig, 1924 (Indische Erzähler, X). Bengal. Nos. 2552; 2556; 2562; Bhand. VI. No. 1107; DA. 30 ( 5-7); Jesal. Nos. 1609; 1723; JHA. 55 ; KB. 1 ( 35 ), 3 (78), Kiel. II. No. 7 ; Mitra. IX. p. 82; PAPS. 38 (11); 47 (20); 59 (2); PAPS. 14 (palm ms. dated Sam. 1261 ); PAS. No. 461, Pet. III. A. p. 147; V. No. 644; VI. p. 141, No. 68; SA. No. 890 ; SB. 2 ( 36 ; 83 ); Strass. p. 395 ; Surat. 1, 7; VA, 3 (14); VB. 6 (14); VC. 2 (14); Vel. No. 1704. GrAfana9427174TFITTEIT composed in Sam. 1298 by Devendra, pupil of Candrasuri of the Candra Gaccha. It contains 8 Prastāvas (Gram. 5730 ) Bt. No. 319, Chani. No. 22; Hamsa. Nos. 515, 776 ; PAPR. 23 ( 3 ); PAS. Nos. 2; 89; (See Patan Cat. I. p. 50) ; PAZB.12 (3); Pet, VI. No. 554 = VI. A. p. 40ff (quo tation); SA. No. 515 ; Surat. 1, 5. Sqfh9992TETT by Hamsaratna (foll. 82). DA. 30 (8). fafaHa7 R RUTTI (Gram. 1460), com posed by Vardhamāna, the famous Guru of Jinesvara and Buddhisā gara Suris, and who officiated at the dedicatian of a temple on Mount Abu in Sam. 1088; cf. Pet. III. Intro. p. 30. Bt. No. 318; Pet. III. A. p. I = JA 95 (9). Sihtawa g te ( 10 ) by Devasuri at the requ est of Vimalacandragani (Gram. 2328 ). Bt. No. 317; JG. p. 174; Patan Cat. I. p. 186 quotation ). 39THUIFTET DA. 54 ( 56 ). Jqgfagit in Prākrta. Patan Cat. I. p. 81. 394fa7 Bengal. No 6952. 399f Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306. 3 Hoga composed in Sam. 1492 by Mandana Kavi. It is on the prepositions ; see Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 50. PAZB. 23 (6, dated Saṁ. 1504 ; 24); SA. No. 906. उपसमहरप्रभावकथा of Jinasuri. See Upasargahara stavana-Tikā No. 4. Terferhaal of Bhadrabāhu in 5 Prākrta stanzas It is published with the com, of Dvija Pārsvadevagami in the DLP. Series, No. 80, Bombay, 1932 and also in the same Series, No. 81, with the commentaries of Jinaprabha, Siddhicandra and Harsakirti. It is also published with the com. of Pūrņacandra, in the Sāradāvijayagranthamālā, Bhavnagar, 1921 and at pp. 67-76 of Jainstotrasamdoha, part I, Ahmedabad, 1932, where however, the commentator is said to be Candrācārya and not Purņacandra. Agra. Nos. 3222-3223 ; Bengal Nos. 7417; 7707; Bhahd. VI. Nos. 1108– 1109; Bik. No. 1535; Bod. No. 1387 (1); Bub. II. No. 272; DA. 41 (99 108; 113); 75 (13); DB. 24 ( 70. 75); 35 ( 98 ); Hamsa. Nos. 108; 181; 875; 1426; JB. 88; Kath. Nos. 1229; 1241 ; KN. 12; Limdi. Nos. 1028; 1374; 1616; 1630 ; PAPS. 60 (14); 64 ( 37 ); PAZB. 3 (12); Pet. I. Nos. 232, 247 ; IV. No. 1205 ; V. No. 643 ; VI. Nos. 575; 640 ; PRA. No. 263; SA. No. 726; Strass. p. 300 ; Surat. 1, 5, 11; Vel. No. 1812. (1) Tīkā by Dvija Pārsvadevagaņi. DA. 41 (104-108); Pet. IV. No. 1205 =IV. A. p. 78 (quotation from the ms. dated Sam. 1597. Be :-- dharaṇendram namaskrtya ) (2) Tikā composed in Sam. 1365 by Jinaprabhasūri, pupil of Jinasirnhasüri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. VI. Nos. 1108-1109; DA. 75 (13); DB. 94 (73); 35 ( 98 ); Kath. Nos. 1229, 1241 ; KN. 12, PAZB. 3 (12); PRA. No, 263, Jain Education Intemational Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ waaraan: 984: 1 (3) Tikā by Jayasāgaragani. JG. p. 274 ; Pet. I. No. 232. (4) Tīkā containing Kathas composed by Jinasura, pupil of Sudhābhūşaņa of the Tāpā Gaccha. DA. 41 (99; 100; 101-dated Sam. 1546 ; 102-dated Sari). 1539 ; 103); PAPS. 60 (14); 64 ( 37). (5) Tikā by Purņacandrācārya. Buh. II. No. 272; DB. 24 ( 74 ); SA. No. 726. It was composed with the help of Candrasenakşamāsramaņa, and also with that of the work called Vidyānuvāda. (6) Tīkā by Siddhicandra. Published in DLP. Series, No. 81. (7) Laghuvrtti (Gram. 850). JG. p. 274. (8) Tikā Anon. Bengal. No. 7440 ; DA. 41 (113); JB. 88 ; Surat. 1, 8. (9) Laghuvrtti by Candrācārya ( Be :namaskrtya parami brahma). Published in JSS. I. A. p. 67. gerig i Fara by Sadyara (?) Kiel. I. No. 9. This is really a ms. of com. No. 4 of Upa sargaharastotra. gqurafafu by Sivanidhanagani. JHB. 51. 3grato Bengal. No. 7353. उपाध्यायपदोपस्थान Bengal. No. 7447. 391fqavia JG. p. 343. उपासकदशाभूत्र is the seventh Anga of the Jain Canon. It is in 10 chapters as the name signifies and contains the lives of ten Jain laymen. It is edited and translated into English in the Bibliotheca Indica Series by Hoernle, Calcutta, 1885-88; It is also edited with Abhayadeva's commentary for Ray Bahadur Dhanapatisimha, Calcutta, 1876 and in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 28, Bombay, 1920. For a metrical version of this Sūtra, see Vardhamanadeśanā (III). The text of the Sūtra with introduction etc., is recently edited by Dr. P. L. Vaidya, Poona, 1930. Its Gujrati Translation by D. B. Kalelkar with an introduction is published in the Punjabhai Jain Granthamālā, No. 4, Ahmedabad, 1931. Agra. Nos. 95 to 100; 102 ; 103 ; 106 to 111; AM. 34; 68; 278 ; 370 ; Bengal. Nos. 7142 ; 7169 ; Bhand. III. No. 416; VI. No. 1110; Bik. Nos. 1533 ; BSC. Nos. 478; 479 ; Buh. II. Nos. 173 ; 174; Chani. Nos. 71 ; 534 ; 535; 893 ; DA. 9 (7, 8, 11-26, 53-56 ); DB. 3 (9-12); JA. 105 (I); 110 (12-14); JB. 30 (2 copies ); JHA. 6; 11 (3 c.); JHB. 9; Kaira. A. 64; KB. 1 (4); 3 (4); Kundi. Nos. 28; 84; 95; 284 ; 375; Limdi. Nos. 31; 139 ; 188 ; 259 ; 266 ; 311 ; 312; 314; 315; 376 ; 504; Mitra. VIII. p. 222 ; PAP. 59 (1-4; 6-7 ; 10; 13; 15-20; 22-24); PAPS. 13 (1-15); PAZB. 4( 2 ; 16 ; 19); Pet. I. A. p. 36; III. A: pp. 73 ; 146 ; Samb. Nos. 60; 75 ; SB. 1 (21); Strass. p. 397 ; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 ; VB. 4 ( 43 ; 44); 5 (26-29); 6 (17) ; VC. 2 ( 19 ); VD: 3 (9;11); Vel. No. 1418-1421; Weber. II. Nos. 1798-1804. (1) Vivarana composed in Sam, 1117 by Abhayadevasuri. AM. 34 ; 68; Bengal. No. 7142, Bik. No. 1533 ; Bod. No. 1338 , BSC. Nos. 478; 714; Buh. I. No. 55 ; II. No. 174; IV. No. 164 ; Chani. No. 71, DA. 9 (9-13; 53; 55); DB. 3 (9; 10); DC. pp. 1; 13; 42; JA. 110 ( 14 ); JB. 30 (2 copies ); Kaira. A. 64 ; KB. 1 (4); 3 (4); Keith. No. 33; Kiel. III. No. 144 ; Kundi. Nos. 28, 84; 95; 284 ; 375; Lindi. Nos. 51; 313; 352; 353; Mitra. VIII. p. 222 ; PAP. 59 (1; 3; 6; 17; 22), PAPS. 13 (1-6), PAZB. 4 (2); Pet. I A. p. 36 ; III. A. p. 73, IV. No. 1206 ; Samb. No. 192 ; SB. 1 (21), Strass. p. 397, Surat. 1, 5, 7, 11 ; VB. 4 ( 43, 44), 5 Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशेः । (26-29); 6 (17); VC. 2(19); VD. (IV) 3 (9; 11), Weber. II. Nos. 1802-1804. (2) Carni. DC. p. 42 (No. 333 (V) ms. dated Sam. 1186), Kundi. No. 385 Surat. 1 (1213). (1) (II) (3) Carni (Be-jassa payanahapahabhara.) composed in Sami. 1975 by (1) Purṇabhadra, pupil of Jinapati of the Kharatara Gaccha. This however, seems to be an independent work based on the Upasukadasisutra. DC. p. 3, DL. p. 17, perhaps this is the same as Anandadi dasasravakacaritra. Also see below. (4) Vrtti. Anon. Agra. Nos. 99-105; Bengal. No. 7142; Bik. No. 1776. (5) Stabaka composed in sam. 1693 by Harşavallabha Upadhyaya. PAPS. 13(7). (6) Stabaka by Vivekahansa Upadhyāya. Chani. No. 193 (dated Sam. 1610). IMAGEM in Prakrta (Bet- jassa payanaha) composed in Saris 1275 by Pürṇabhadragani, pupil of Jinapati. DC. p. 3; DL. p. 17. 31 Bub. II. No. 173. This is Upasakadaśāsutra. उपासकाचारदोह कसूत्र by Laksmicandra Bhand. VI. No. 992 (dated Sam. 1599), Idar. 33. by Sakalakirti. See Dharmaprasnottarn. Bengal. Nos. 6619; 6646. Anon. PR. 41; SA. No. 40. (Be-nāpākṛtāni). उपासक प्रतिमाविवरण JG. p. 153. JAAKEEGI in 62 Sanskrit stanzas by Padma nandin. AK. Nos 107; 108;CP. p. 628 Limdi. Nos. 586; 610; Mud. 147, 175; 416; 430; 686; 708, 725. by Amitagati. See Sravakācāra. Mud. 95; 193; 345, 645. rate of Pujyapada in about 103 stanzas. Published by Kallapa Nitve, (1) Kolhapur, 1940; cf. also, JH. Vol. 15, p. 362ff. CP. p. 628; Hum. 116; Idar. 39 (3 copies); 170; Idar. A. 22; Mud. 220; 345; 416; PR. 192. (III) in 33 stanzas by Prabhācandra Bhattaraka. CP. p. 629; Idar. 39, PR. 997. aga (Srävakácia) by Vasunandin, pupil of Nemicandra. It is published at Moradabad, Sam. 1966. Bhand. V. No. 1044; VI. No. 993; CMB. 42; Idar. 39; Lal. 31, 36; Pet. IV. No. 1401IV. A. p. 136 (quotation). (II) उपासकाध्ययन of Samantabhadra, also known as the Ratnakarandaka Sravakācāra (Benamaḥ rivardhamānāya). See Ratnakarandaka Śravakacara, for editions etc. Bengal. No. 1474; Bhand. VL No. 994; Buh. VI. No. 569; Idar. 39; Kath. Nos. 1051, 1052; Pet. III. No 476, IV. No. 1402 IV. A. p. 137 (quotation); VI. p. 142, No. 87; SG. No. 1641. (1) Tika by Prabhacandra. Bengal. No. 1533, Bhand. VI. No 994; Buh. VI. No. 569, CP. p. 629, ldar. 39; Kath. No. 1052; Pet. IV. A. p. 137 (quotation); SG. No. 1641. (III) Anon. Lal. 49; 54; PR. 45; (Benamadamaramaulimandala). It is in Sanskrit. (1) Tiki Anon. Lal. 54. gfe of Bhadrabahu. DB. 13 (63), Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306. schermer in Sanskrit by Siromani. SG. No. 2108. eq In Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 1568. This ms. contains only 41 stanzas. (II) the of Govinda. JG. p. 364. उल्लासिकस्तोत्र is a hymn in Prākrta in praise of Ajita and Santi Jinas in 17 stanzas and hence also called Ajitasäntistava (Laghu); composed by Jinavallabhasüri of the Kha Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । ratara Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1069; Jesal. No. 337; JG. p. 288; Kath. Nos. (1) 1229, 1241; PAZB. 3 (12); Pet. I. No. 232; I. A. p. 102 (quotation); PRA. Nos. 263; 350; Surat. 1 (57); (II) Weber. II. No. 1965. (III) (1) Tika composed in Sam. 1322 by Dharmatilaka, pupil of Jinesvarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Lakṣmitilaka helped in the composition. Bhand. VI. No. 1069; JG. p. 288; Kath. Nos. 1229; 1241; PAZB. 3 (12); Pet. I. No. 232; PRA. Nos. 263; 350; Surat. 1 (57); Weber. II. No. 1965 (quotation). (2) Tika by Gunavinaya, pupil of Jayasoma. JG. p. 288. लुण्ठवादिमुखकीलक is a work on Astrology in 123 Gathas composed by Abhayacandra Upa-(V) dhyaya, pupil of Anandaraja of the Kharatara Gaccha. Vel. No. 299 (dated Sam. 1557). (Işukarikam) Prakaranam. This seems to be a chapter from some Agama (Uttaradhyana?). It contains 53 stanzas or sections and Legins: 'deva bhavittano pure. Pet. III. A. p. 218. (IV) aufte of Vagbhata, son of Nemikumara. This is mentioned in the author's Kavyanuśāsana. in Sanskrit, in 20 cantos by Sakalakirti, pupil of Padmanandin (Gram. 4628). Buh. VI. No. 570; Pet. IV. No. 1404-IV. A. p. 138 (quotation). Also see Adinathacaritra and Vrsbhanathacaritra. ta in Prakṛta, by Bhuvanatunga. It contains 323 Gathas and is also called Dharmopadeśaśataka. Patan Cat. I. p. 62 (quotation). aq Pet. V. A. p. 52. ऋकरणप्रक्रिया of Sahajakirti. See Siddha- ( VII ) ऋषभदेवचरित्र Anon. PAZB. 3 (1 Gram. 11000); SG. No. 2464; Surat. 1, 5. by Hemanandanagani. This is probably the Rjuprājñavyākaranaprakriya of Sahajakirti, pupil of Hemanandanagani of the Kharatara Gacche. See Siddhaśabdārṇava. KN. 48. ऋतुसंहार of Kalidasa. sabdarṇava. in 34 Sanskrit stanzas by Laksmanotsava. #qjqníñaîdzia Limdi. No. 1496. 1 (2926), 5. (1) Vrtti by Amarakirti. Bhand. VI. No. 372, Bik. No. 1542. ऋद्धिप्रभावस्तोत्र CP. p.629. (I)ga in Apabhramsa. Patan Cat. I. pp. 44, 45, 267, 269, 412. (II) ऋषभजिनस्तुति See Rsabhadevastavana. J....8 (VI) by Jinasena. Pet. IV. No. 1403. of Hemacandra. See Adinathacaritra of Hemacandra. Limdi. No. 841; PAPL. 1 (6); VC. 3 (17-18). by Vinayacandra. See Adinathacaritra (III). (1) (II) (III) 57 in Prakrta composed in Sam. 1160 by Vardhamanasuri, pupil of Abhayadevasuri. See Adinathacaritra (II). Chani. No. 32; Jesal. No. 152; PAP. 14 (3); PAPM. 41 (dated Sam. 1289); PAS. No. 462; (cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 169; 350 (quo.); 364 ); Pet. V. A. p. 81(PAPM. 41 ) quotation. ऋषभदेवधवलप्रबन्ध Surat. 8. Limdi, No. 1733; Surat. fato in Sanskrit by Kesavasena. SG. No. 2477. sataan (Vicaragarbhita) Flo. No. 668. quèataa in 13 Sanskrit Kārikās. Limdi. No. 1166. Anon. Bengal. Nos. 6705; 6725, 7265; 7117; Limdi. No. 1737; PAPR. 21 ( 29 ). (1) Tika by Candradharmagani. PAPR. 21 (29). Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ stiferasmatte: 1 Euardia by Vijayatilaka Upadhyāya of the 35 (95); PAP. 45 (7), PAS. No. 418 Kharatara Gaccha. JHB. 47; Mitra. III. cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 159 ( quo.); SA. No. p. 101, PAPR. 16 (5). 539; Surat. 1, 5, 7. (1) # sta! composed by Somamandanagaņi, (2) Vivarana by Nemicandragani. BK. pupil of Munisundarasuri of the Tapā No. 363; DA. 60 (17; 18); DB. 35 Gaccha ( see Yugādidevadesanã and Adi (97); JG. p. 281 ; PAP. 19 ( 44 ); 37 jinadharmadeśanā). Baroda. No. 3001 ; (12); PAS. (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 385; Surat. 1. quotation). (II) #Theta by Munisundarasüri; probably the (3) Tikā Anon ( Be :--natvā jinensame as above. VC. 3 (18). draviram ). Mitra. IX. p. 171. (III) #THETAT Anon. SA. No. 904. (4) Avacuri by Mahimerugani. DB. 35 (96). ऋषभनाथचरित्र See Rsabhadevacaritra. (5) Avacūri by Dharmasekhara. Buh. 5 5722119TET also called Dhanapālapañcāsikā, com III. No. 148 ; DB. 35 (99); JG. p. 281; posed by Dhanapala Kavi, brother of Sobha PAPS. 43 (8) ; 45 (19). namuni. It is in Prākrta and is published (6) Avacuri. Anon. Agra. Nos. 1910; in Kavyamālí, VIL p. 124. It is edited 1911 ; DA. 60 (19); DB. 35 (98); Flo. and translated into German by Klatt, in No. 667; JG. p. 281 ; Weber. II. No. ZDMG., Vol. 33. p.445. ff. It is also publish 1966. ed by the JDPS; Bhavnagar, with a commentary and Gujrati explanation. It is (7) Tabă composed in Sam. 1744 by again recently edited by Prof. H.R. Kapadia Jitavimala. PAPS. 45 ( 41). in the DLP. Series, No. 83, Bombay. #THAIETAT FATET in Sanskrit, modelled after the Agra. Nos. 1902 to 1907; 1909 to 1915; Sivamahimnastotra of the Hindus. It was Baroda. No. 2828 ; Bhand. IV. No. 1111; composed by Ratnasekharasūri of the BK. Nos. 342; 363; Bod. No. 1381 Tapa Gaccha. Published in Prakarana(2); Bt. No. 129; Buh. III. No. 148 ; ratnākara, Vol. II, by Bhimsi Manek, Chani. No. 539 ; DA. 60 (17-22); DB. Bombay. SA. No. 1768. 35 (95-101 ); Flo. No. 667; Hamsa. #haitraa in 39 Sanskrit stanzas praising Rsabha No. 574; JG. p. 281; JA. 107 (6); and Vira Jinas, jointly. Composed by Kiel. II. No. 73 ; Limdi. Nos. 1218; Santicandra Vācaka, pupil of Sakalacandra 1344 ; Mitra. IX. p. 171 ; PAP. 19 of the Tapā Gaccha, in imitation of (44); 37 (12); 45 (7); PAPS. 43 Nandişeņa's Ajitaśāntistava. The various (8); 45 (19; 41); PAS. No. 418; metres are faithfully copied by our (cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 30, 129, 159, 177, author from the original. It is published 300, 302, 305, 440); Pet. I. A. pp. 85; in Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. III, by 92; III. A. p. 28; V. No. 646 ; VI. No. Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. Also see W. 626; SA. Nos. 539; 880; 1649; Samb. Schubring, ZII. 1923, p. 178ff., where it Nos. 29; 231 ; Surat. 1, 5, 7, 8, 11; is edited by the side of Nandisena's hymn. VD. 11 ( 23 ); Weber. II, No. 1966. Hamsa. No. 893 ; SA. No. 883. (1) Tikā by Prabhānanda, papil of a composed in Sam. 1656 by Hemavijaya, Devabhadra (JG. p. 281 ). Baroda. No.! pupil of Kamalavijayagani of the Tapā 8828 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1111, BK. No. Gaccha. It was corrected by Läbhavijaya 342; Bt. No. 129 ; Chani. No. 539 , DB.' Pandita. Agra. No. 1827; AZ. 3 (1); metres from the orla ars, Vol. dee W. Jain Education Intemational Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। Kath. No. 1242 (dated Sam. 1656); #lapagtru Bik. No. 1511. PRA. No. 783; SA. No. 1507. #19TTERTIEJTA BO. p. 58. #T FC* BO. p. 58. #theagatult It is in 45 chapters (Gram. 815), *94FT JG. p. 274. written in Prakrta. It is published at (1) Avacūri (Gram. 194) by Vijaya Indore, 1927. Agra. No. 482 ; Chani. tilaka of the Kharatara Gaccha. JG. p. No. 49; DB. 13 (42); Hamsa. No. 535; 274. PAP. 39 (26); PAPS. 46 (20); PAZA. (I) #weara in 34 Sanskrit stanzas by Jinapati. 2 (20); PAZB. 9 (30) ; 22 (7); 23 It is published in the DLP. Series, No. (12); SA. No. 544 ; Surat. 1, 5, 11. 79, (p. 257), Bombay, 1932. (Be :-- (1) Niryukti, now not available; cf. W. prīnantu jantujātam ). Schubring, Lehre der Jains, p. 83. This is (II) fara by Jinasena. JG. p. 274. also mentioned as Bhadrabahu's work in (1) #TETS in 60 Gāthās by Padmanandin. Rajasekhara's Prabandhakosa. Limdi. No. 610 ; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442-43. | (I) HZ TT by Gunanandin. CMB. 179; CP. p. 629; Idar. 76 ( 11 copies, one (II) Theats by Pramodasāgara. Baroda. No. dated Sam. 1627); 83 (2 copies) ; 4702. 162; 169 (2 copies ); Idar. A. 43 (III) #CHTE (Bhaktāmarapādapūrtirūpa) Limdi. (5 copies ); SG. Nos. 72; 2157 ; 2161. No. 930. 1.(ILY FIT by Vidyabhūsaņa. SG. No. 71. (IV) Cheats by Laksmīsāgara (Be :-- deulalankārabara ). DB. 24 ( 117; 118 ). (IU) #HEZCht by Gautama. Pet. V. No. 925. See Rsimandalastotra. (V) #THQS by Jinavallabha. JG. p. 274. (IV) FIGHEZyh1 Anon. KN. 41. (VI) #THATS Anon. PAPR. 21 (29). (1) Tikā by Candradharmagani FIFAUCET TETTE Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 32 ). (Gram. 300). PAPR. 21 (29). ऋषिमण्डलप्रकरण See Rsimandalastotra. ऋषभादिपञ्चतीर्थालघुचीरत्र by Merutunga. DB. 27 | ऋषिमण्डलसूत्र See Rsimandalastotra. (14). (I) H ora (Be :-- rsimandala) in Prakrta THE AK. No. 110. containing 271 Gathās. Bt. No. 212. # FATE JG. p. 329. (1) Vrtti (Gram. 4614 ) Bt. No. 213. RITETIT Anon. Agra. No. 1609; DA. 50 (127); DB. 31 ( 141 ; 142; 144 ); JG.(II) Hasta by Meruturgasuri. It consists p. 248 (Gram 2827); JHB. 33; Limdi. of 70 Kārikās in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 211. No. 772 (Grañ. 442; Sanskrit); KN. 11; n. 442; Sanskrit); KN. 11; (III) #Chucstaa by Rsipāli (?) Kath. No. 1243. Patan Cat. I. p. 168 (in 451 Sanskrit (1) Tīkā. Anon. Kath. No. 1243. verses), (I) #anakala also called Maharsikula or Maha(1) F ETITE in 1194 Sanskrit Slokas divided rsigunasarstava is a Stotra of 208 Präkrta into four ( 258, 278, 540 and 118 Slo. ) Gātbäs composed by Dharmaghosasüri, in chapters (Be:-śrīmannamranaresa. ). AM. honour of the older Rsis of Jainism ; for 76. Anonymous details of contents based on PadmamanE at by Guņapāla. It is in Prakrta (Gram. dira's commentary, compare Bhand. IV. . 1550 ). Bhand. VI. No. 1296 ; Kiel. II. pp. 130-138 (Be :-bhattibhara ). Stanzas • No. 8 (dated Sam. 1264 ? 1288 ?); cf. 155-208 of this Stotra are published in the Bt. No. 343, Appendix to Jacobi's edition of the Pari Jain Education Intemational Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 60 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। sistaparvan. The whole with Avacuri is No. 1208 ; V. No. 651; VI. No. 556; also published in Jainastotrasandoha, I. p. SA. No. 880 ; Weber. II. No. 1974. 273, by S. Navab, Ahmadabad, 1932. (4) Tikā composed in Sam. 1553, by Agra. Nos. 3225-3231 ; Baroda. Nos. Padmamandiragaņi, pupil of Gunaratna 2087 ; 3004; Bengal. Nos. 4324; 7084 ; Acārya, during the reign of Jinasamudra7532; 7630 ; Bhand. IV. No. 264 ; VI. sūri of the Kharatara Gaccha (Gram. No. 1112; Buh. II. No. 176 ; III. Nos. 7590 ). Baroda. Nos. 2087; 3004; 92; 93 ; IV. No. 139 ; VI. No. 571 ; Cal. Bengal. No. 7469; Bhand. IV. No. 264 X, No. 27 ; Chani. No. 428 ; DA. 57 =IV. pp. 443-446 ( quotation ); VI. (1-27); DB. 24 (140-142); 33 (52-60); No. 1112 ; Buh. IV. No. 140; Chani. JA. 60 (11); 106 ( 2, 3, 5,); JB. 106; No. 428; DA. 57 (1); Hamsa. No. JHA. 38 (2c.); JHB. 31 (2c.); KB. 2 (9); 615; JHA 38 ( 2c.); JHB. 31; Pet. Kiel. III. No. 145 ; Limdi. Nos. 523 ; IV. No. 1210 ; VB. 29 (22; 23; 24). 567; 632; 930 ; 958 ; 1131; 1132; (5) Vrtti by Bhuvanatunga, pupil of 1202 ; 1205 ; 1414 ; 1453 ; 1509 ; 1510; Mahendrasuri of the Ancala Gaccha PAP. 5 ( 31); PAPL. 3 (33) ; PAPS. (Gram. 4000 ). DC. p. 14 ; DI. p. 54 ; 57 (2); PAS. No. 131 ; Pet. I. A. pp. JG. p. 175. 93; 94 ; 96; III. A. pp. 28; 31; IV. No. 1211; V. Nos. 648 ; 649 ; VI. No. 555; (6) Vrtti by Jinasāgarasuri of the KhaPRA. No. 497 ; SA. Nos. 534 ; 659; ratara Gaccha. JG. p. 175 (foll. 361). 764; 771 ; 880; Samb. Nos. 298; 328 ; (7) Vrtti by Kirtiratna. JG. p. 175 Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, VA. 4 (foll. 135). (16-18); VB. 29 (22-24); 30 (1, 2, (8) Vrtti by Silaratna. VB. 29 (23); 12, 25 ); Vel. Nos. 1796 ; 1797. 30 (1) (1) Brhadvrtti in Prākrta; for the (9) Cūrņi by Lakşmisuri. VB. 30 ( 12; only incomplete palm ms., cf. Patan Cat. 25 ) I p. 118 ( folios 293 ) (10) Tikā Anon. Agra. Nos. 929; (2) Vrtti composed by Subhavardha 3231 , DB. 33 ( 55 ; 56 ); JB. 106; JG. nagani, pupil of Sadhuvijayagani, during p. 175; KB. 2 (9); Limdi. No. 1202; the reign of Hemavimalasuri, successor of PAP. 5 ( 31 Gram. 7590 ); PAS. No. Sumatisādhusūri of the Tapā Gaccha 131 ; Pet. IV. No. 1211 ; SA. Nos. 659, (Gram. 18000). AM. 329 ; Bengal. No. 764, Surat. 1, 9. 2593 ; Bhand. V. No. 1265 ; DB. 33 (52; (11) Bālāvabodha composed in sarn. 53); Hamsa. No. 947; Kiel. III. No. 146; 1670 by Srutasāgaragaņi, pupil of DharPAPS. 57 (2); Pet. IV. No. 1209=IV. masāgara Upadhyāya of the Tapā Gaccha. A. p. 78 ( quotation ); V. No. 650 ; SA. PRA. No. 497. Nos. 534; 1201 ; Surat 1, 5; VA. 4 (18); (II) FITAS Faia in Sankrit by Prabhācandra. VB. 30 (2); Vel. No. 1797. Mud. 456. (3) Tikā called Prabbātavyākhyā (III) #TA ESERIT of Mallisena. Mud. 595. In paddhati, composed in Sam. 1704, by Sanskrit. Harşanandana, pupil of Samayasundara Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha (IV) #f estata of Gautama. Buh. II. No. ( Gram. 42000 ). DA. 57 ( 4; 5); DB. 273 ; Pet. V. No. 925; PR. 240. 33 (54) Hamsa. No. 1246 ; Pet. IV. (V) #TheGraia Anon. in 76 Sanskrit stanzas. Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। Limdi. No. 1510. This is perhaps Meru- T u ina EIENT by Ekasandhi Bhattāraka. See turgu's Rsimandalastava. Jinasambitā by Ekasandhi. CP. p. 630 ; (VI) #1Q4CGraia in 98 Sanskrit stanzas. Limdi. Rice. p. 314. No. 1509. एकसन्धिसंहिता the same as above. (VII) CAT s of Simhatilaka. JHA. 73. H alaalaalę JG. p. 84. (VIII) thg ata Anon. in Sanskrit. Limdi. (I) C#TATATAFIOT explaining the different meanNos. 567 , 632. ings of the single letters of the Sanskrit #ÍTA'zafarsta 4 DB. 31 ( 121 ) alphabet, by Amaracandra, pupil of aflaraga Bengal. No. 7668. Jinadattasuri of the Vāyada Gaccha. T aaraat of Padmanandin, in Sanskrit. Bhand. V. No. 1337 ; SA. No. 698. Limdi. No. 610 ; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442 : (II) C a tala by Visvasambhu, in 115 1443. Sanskrit stanzas. DB. 37 (32); DC. p. Cara fala of Padmanandin also called Ekatvāsīti, in 57; VD. 3 (14). Sanskrit. AK. No. 111; DB. 22 (146); ( III) TTEITAT Aror in 50 Sanskrit stanzas, by Limdi. Nos. 586; 610 ; Mud. (many Sudhākalasa, pupil of Rajasekharasuri of copies); Pet. IV. Nos. 1442 ; 1443. the Harsapuriya Gaccha. It is published geral tita of Padmanandin. See Ekatvasaptati. in No. 87 of D. L. P. Series, Surat, 1933. It explains the different senses ascribed to एकरूपस्तुतिचतुष्टय is a hymn consisting of a single single letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. stanza capable of four interpretations, Bhand. V. No. 1341; VI. No. 1351; composed by Somatilakasuri, pupil of Chani. Nos. 804 ; 826; DB. 37 ( 33 ); Somaprabhasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Hamsa. Nos. 1454 ; 1455; I. O. No. Pet. III. A. p. 310. 1045; Kath. No. 1348; PAPS. 73 (1) Svopajña Tikā. Pet. III. A. (29; 30), SA. No. 681; VD. 1 (8); p. 310. Weber. II. No. 1702. C#fatalogaFTET DA. 41 (182). (IV) ETIHATGT Anon. Bik. No. 1625; JG. Cantáziagusitant See Dvātrimsdvātrimsikā (I). p. 310; Kath. No. 1349; SA. No. fåetlafur79 TOT of Siddhasenasuri. It is also 1967; Strass. p. 300; Surat. 9 ; VD. called Catuhsasti from the number of 3 (13). Gātbās it usually contains, i. e. 64. Agra. एकाक्षरनिघण्टु by Hemacandrasuri of the Maladhari No. 1125; Buh. II. Nos. 177 ; 178 ; Gaccha. CP. p. 330; Surat. 1 ( 981 ). Cal. X. No. 23; DA. 59 (151-165 ); DB. 35 (33-36); Hamsa. Nos. 1194 ; 41951 TOHTEIT (Gram. 6500.) by Devamati 1738; JA. 79 (1); 105 (1); 106 Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bt. (1); Jesal. Nos. 483; 1125; 1191 ; No. 298. 1460; Kath. No. 1244 ; Limdi. Nos. Tittaa Te Bhand. VI. No. 1113. 605; 631; 930; 1003 ; 1288 ; 1546 ; esitacolaru Bengal. No. 7683. · Mitra. VIII. p. 176 ; PAP. 76 (152); PAPS. 48 ( 42; 43); Pet. I. A. pp. 31; Tahalifauraraq isanga by Jinasamudrasuri, successor of Jinacandrasuri of the Khara45; 61 ; 67 ; III. A. p. 48; SA. Nos. 601 ; 720; 2904 ; Samb. No. 251 ; tara Gaccha. Jesal. No. 1143. Strass. p. 300 ; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 11 ; Carazitaraan Bengal. No. 6836. VB. 6 ( 46 ); Vel. No. 1574. Cilena 217* It contains 137 Gathās in Pră(1) Avacūri. BO. p. 58 ; JG. p. 138. krta. Vel. No. 1837. Pet IT Jain Education Intemational Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । एकादशीप्रतोद्यापन in Sanskrit by Yasahkirti Idar. 75 (2 copies). एकादशीस्तुति BK. No. 1471. (1) Tika by Kamakalyana. BK. No. 1471. एकान्तखण्डन by Lakamidhara, pupil of Samanta bhadra; of. ABORI. XI. p. 152; XV. p 86. In this work, Siddhasena, Pujyapada, Samantabhadra and Bhattacārya are quoted. See below Ekantamatakhandana, which is the same as this. Contana oge by Lakṣmara (Laksmidbara). KO. 149; Strass. p. 300. It is a commentary on a single stanza beginning with nitya. dyekäntabetor, showing how the Hetu. proving the existence of a creator is shown to be fallacious by the different Jain writers; for the stanza, cf. ABORI. XV. p. 84. The same as above. एकार्थनामार्थरत्नमाला DA 64 (61). एकीभावस्तोत्र s of Vadirajasiri. It consists of 26 Sanskrit Slokas. The text only is published in Kavyamala, VII. p. 17, Bombay, 1926 (4th edition). AD. No. 138; Agra. No. 3224; AK. Nos. 112-118, Bhand. VI. No. 992; Buh. VI. No. 572, CP. p. 630; Flo. No. 670; Idar. 85 (4) copies); Kath. Nos. 1053, 1054, Pet. IV. No. 1440, VI. No. 690; p. 143, No. 94: SG. Nos. 103; 104, 577, 2204. (1) Svopajña Tiks. Flo. No 670; Idar. 85 (4 copies); Pet. III. No. 477. (2) Tiks by Srutasigara. Buh. VI. No. 572. (3) Tiks Anon. Kath. No. 1053; SG, No. 2204. एकीभावव्रतोद्यापन of Jagatkirti. List. एकेन्द्रियादिपदकायगाथा Bengal. No. 7501. एकोनत्रिंशतीभावना otherwise called Atmabodhakulaka is a collection of 29 Prakrta Gāthās. See Atmabodhakulaka. DA. 57 (64, 65); Limdi. No. 930; Pet. L A. p. 91; V. A. p. 111; Vel. No. 1564. एकोनविंशतिकायोत्सर्गदोष in Prakrta Limdi. No. 2837. (1) Anon. SA. No. 542. (IT) ऐन्द्रस्तुति by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha; these are the Catur vimisati Jinastutis (beginning with aindravratanata). They are published in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 51, (Appendix), Surat, 1930. Pattavali. L P. 107. suffer in 1164 Gathas by Bhadrabahusvämin. It treats of discipline and is sometimes. classed as a Malasätra. It is published with the commentary of Dropicārya and the Bhasya of an unknown author in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 17, Bombay, 1919. Agra. Nos. 404-409, AZ. 3 (12); Bhand. III. No. 417; BK. No. 1926; Bod. No. 1356; Buh. III. Nos. 94; 95; VII. No. 17; Chani. No. 716; DA. 14 (44); 22 (22-38); DB. 10 (1-6); DC. pp. 15; 16; JA. 90 (1), 96 (2); Jesal. Nos. 805; 807; 908; JHA. 20; JHB. 15 (2c.); Kaira. B. 15; 38; Kiel. II. No. 9; III. No. 147; Kundi. Nos. 101; 137; 233; 274; Limdi. Nos. 46; 117, 140; 177; Mitra. X. pp. 13; 14; PAP. 20 (13); 60 (15; 16); 61 (1; 2; 4-8; 10; 22-26; 29; 30; 32; 33; 35-37; 39; 42); PAPM. 8; 61 (6) this is a good palm ms. dated Sam. 1154; 62 (6) also a good palm ms. dated Sh. 1181; PAPS. 47 (5-11); 53(5); 71 (13); 76 (4; 5); 77 (17); PAZA. 6 (3; 4); 9 (34), PAZB. 7 (1), 10(12); 15 (11); 21 (22); 23 (15; 16); Pet. I. A. p. 97; I. Nos. 273; 306; III. A. p. 52; IV. Nos. 1212, 1213; IV. A. p. 79; V. A. pp. 29; 32; 109; V. No. 652; SA. Nos. 423, 479 498; 1572; Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 1723; 2565 ; 2703 ; SB. 1 (47); Samb. 47 (9; dated Sam. 1506 ; Gram. Nos. 2, 266, 400 ; Surat. 1, 2, 6, 11 ; 5700 ). Tapa. 18 ; VB. 6 ( 28-35 ; 38-45); VC. (6) Uddhāra by Gunaratnasūri. It con3 (16); Vel. No. 1422 ; Weber. II. Nos. sists of 140 Gathās extracted from the 1871 ; 1922 ; 1923 ; 1924; 1925. text itself. Vel. No. 1422. (1) Bhāsya Anon. (Grari 2570 ). (7) Uddhāra (Anon.) in 177 Gāthās. DC. p.17 (dated Sam. 1490); DI. p.22; PAP. 61 ( 28 ). Kundi. Nos. 101 ; 137 ; PAPS. 45 ( 5); (8) Avacūri by Prajñāsāgāra. Buh. PAZB. 7 (1; dated Sam. 1490); Samb. VII. No. 18. This is a mistake. The author is Jnānasāgara. PRA. No. 915. No. 401. (9) Avacūri. Anon. Limdi. No. 141 ; (2) Vrtti by Malayagiri (Gram. PAPS. 47 (10); Pet. II. No. 286 (dated 8850). Bt. No. 25 ( 4 ); Hamsa. No. Sam. 1313 ); IV. No. 1214 ; Samb. No. 360 ; JG. p. 40; PAPM. 8 (a good 25; Strass. p. 309. palm ms.). (10) Tikā. Anon. Very probably all (3) Avacuri (Gram. 6825) composed the following are mss. of (3). PAP. 61 in Sam. 1149 by Droņasuri or Droņā (1;2; 10 Gram. 8285 ); PAPS. 47 cārya. Bhand. V. No. 1175; Bod. No. (11) Gram. 7570 ; 71 (13) Gram. 6500; 1356 ; Chani. No. 716; PA. 22 ( 22 ; PAZB. 23 (16) Gram. 8285; Samb. 34); DB. 10 (1;2); DC. pp. 17; 18; No. 402. 41 ; Jesal. Nos. 805 ; 807 ; Kundi. Nos. (11) Tikā. Anon. Agra. Nos. 405; 233; 274 ; Limdi. Nos. 46; 117; Mitra. 407; Bhand. III. No. 417; VI. No. X. p. 14; PAPS. 53 (5); 76 (4;5); 1114 ; DA. 22 ( 25; 26; 28 ; 29; 31PAZA, 6 ( 4); Pet. IV. No. 1212 ( ms. 36 ); DC. p. 15 (dated Sam. 1487 ); dated Sam. 1436 )= IV. A. p. 79 ( quc Kaira. B. 15; 38 ; PAP. 60 (16); 61 tation ); V. A. p. 32; SA. No. 423; ( 22 ); SA. Nos. 498; 1572 ; SB. 1 VC. 3 (16); Surat. 1, 2, 11 ; Weber. ( 47 ) ; Tapa. 18. II. Nos. 1924 ; 1925. BITATATER (Gram. 1500 ) JG. p. 155. (4) Avacūri composed in Sam. 1439 (1) silfri (Grammar; Gram. 415 ) by Somapraby Jñānasāgara, pupil of Devasundara bhasuri. PAPR. 21 (16). The Auktikas sūri of the Tapā Gaccha. AZ. 3 (12); are a sort of Prākrta into Sanskrit DictioBhand. VI. No. 1115 (dated Sam. naries. 1439 ); 1116, BK. No. 1926 ; Bod. ) Sitesi (Grammar. Gram. 550 ) by KulamaNo. 1356 ; Buh. VII. No. 18 ; DA. 22 ndana, composed in Sam. 1450. JG. p. ( 23; 24; 27; 30; 37 ); DB. 10 (3; 306. See Mugdhāvabodha. 4); Hamsa. Nos. 83 ; 873; JHB. 15; Kiel. III. No. 147 ; PAP. 61(6:24? (III) Siffri by Jinacandra. JG. p. 306. 25; 33 ); PAPS. 77 (17); VB. 6 ( 28 ; |(IV) sitfi Anon. Bt. No. 454 ; Surat. 5; VA. 29; 31); Weber. II. No. 1925. 3 ( 17 ). (5) Dipikā of Manikyasekharasüri, pupil greiteira SA. No. 2627. of Merutungasuri of the Arcala Gaccha. Sigui arathor is the name of a commentary by This Dipikā is mentioned by the author Srutasāgara on bis own Prākrta Vyākain his Prasasti to his Āvasyakaniryukti raņa. According to some, it is the name Dipika ( s. v.). PRA. No. 927 ; PAPS. of the Vyakarana itself. Srutasāgara Jain Education Interational Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । was the pupil of Vidyanandin, pupil of Devendrakirti. Cf. J. H. Vol. 15, pp. 154, 155. The work consists of six chapters, out of which the first three are printed at Vizagapattam. Compare Upadhye, ABORI. XIII. pp. 52-43. CP. p. 680, SG. Nos. 1770; 2420; SRB. 202. qqa is the first Upanga. It is edited with Introduction and Glossary by E. Leumann, Leipzig, 1883. It is also published with Abhayadeva's commentary in the Agamasangraha, Calcutta, 1880 and by the Agamodaya Samiti, (Series No. 7), Bombay, 1916. It is in two parts and deals with the retribution of good and evil deeds. Agra. Nos. 156; 157; 159; 160; 161; AM. 87; 116, 123; 139; 140; 252; 277; 320; 401; Bengal. Nos. 4168; 6749; 7628; Bik. No. 1536 Buh II. No. 175; Chani. No. 338; DA. 11 (12 to 29); 73 (4); DB. 4 (14-20); Flo. No. 513; JA. 19 (1), GAAT JG. p. 310. JHA. 12 (4c.); JHB. 11 (6c.); KB. 2SA. No. 1873. (1); Kiel. II. No. 72; Kundi. Nos. 31; 67; 171; Limdi. Nos. 144; 227; 228; 244; 325 326; 378; 404; 3414; PAP. 7 (6;7; 18-21, 35); PAPL. 4 (13); PAPS. 18 (1-12), PAZA. 3 (2); PAZB. 4(8, 12); Pet. III. A. p. 59; PRA. No. 1160; SA. Nos. 528 899 ; 1714 ; 1819 2548 2721 2958 Samb. Nos. 57, 326; SB. 1 (25); Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11; VA. 3 (20); 4(1), VB. 4(18; 21, 23; 31); 5 (3;14); VC. 2 (21); 3(8; 11, 12); Vel. Nos- 1423-1425; Weber. IL Nos SA. No. 666. 1824-1828. p. 43, Flo. No. 513, Hamsa. Nos 14; 59; 386; 1171; 1181; JA. 19 (2); JHA. 12 JHB 11 ( 2c.); KB. 2(1); Keith. No. 40; Kiel. II. No. 72; Kundi. Nos 81, 67; 171; Limdi. Nos. 229; 379; 513; PAP. 7 (6; 7-dated Sam. 1204; 18-21, 35); PAPL 4 (13); PAPS. 18 (5; 6; 10; 11; 12); PAZA. 3(2); PAZB. 4 (8; 12); Pet. III. A. p. 59; III. No. 581; PRA. No. 1160; SA. Nos. 528; 899; 914; 1714; 2548; Samb Nos. 58, 283; SB. 1 (25); VB 4 (18; 21, 23; 31); 5(3; 14); VC 2 (21); 3(8; 11; 12); Weber, IL Nos. 1824-1828. (2) Stabaka by Parśvacandra. JHA. 11 (2c.); Limdi. Nos. 244; 404. (3) Stabaka by Rajacandra. DA. 11 (10). of Dharmasagara. Hamsa. No. 24; JG. p. 158. See below. zaigung औष्ट्रिकनतोत्सूत्रोद्घाटनकुलक by Dharmasāgara Upā dhyaya. See Utsutrakhandana. JG. p. 158. (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1115 by Abhayadevasuri (Gram. 3135). Agra. No. 158, AM. 320; Bengal. Nos. 2594, 6749; 7628; Bik. No. 1536 (dated Sari. 1115 ?); 1738; BO. p. 72; Buh. II. No. 175, III. No. 91; IV. No. 141; Chani. No. 338; DA. 11 (II) (1-9), 73 (4); DB. 4 (14-16); DC. See Rasadhyaya. कञ्चनपुचादिकथा JG. p. 248. JG. p. 81. affare SA. No. 303. fat by Ramacandra Upadhyaya. BK. No. 1840. fat by Somasundara. DA. 37 (13; 52). (1) (II) कथा कल्लोलिनी (1) Anon. Limdi. Nos. 858; 1180. JHB 33. of Jinesvara containing 30 Gathās only. Limdi. No. 1288. This is perhaps a part of Kathakosa (III). of Jinarāja (=Jinesvara ?), papil of Vardhamanasüri, possibly the same as Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । gudran Lakuiner. OP above. Jesal. Nos. 408 (Gram. 75); / DA. 51 ( 33 ); JG. p. 267 ; PAP, 75 733. ( 54). (III) TRIST also known as the Kathānakakośa (XIV) FOTH of Srutasāgara. CP. p. 630. See consisting of 239 Prākrta Gáthās of an Vratakatbākośa of Srutasāgara. unknown author. Bt No. 216 ; Jesal. (XV) Tawat composed in the Apabhrarosa Nos. 408; 733 ; Limdi. No. 1288 ; PAP. language, in 53 Sandhis, during the reign 40 (9) ; PAS. No. 412, SA. Nos. 396 ; of King Mūlarāja of Ahnilvad (9412042; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 10, 11. 996 A. D. ), by Sricandra, pupil of Vira(1) Vrtti composed by Jinesvarasuri, candra, pupil of Gunākarakirti in the line pupil of Vardhamānasuri in Sarn. 1108 of Kundakundācārya. CP. p. 630; SG. (Gram. 6000). Bt. No. 216; Jesal. Nos No. 2465; cf. CPI. p. 50 and Allahabad 408 ; 733 ; PAP. 40 (9); PAS. No. 512 University Studies, I. p. 171. (ms. dated Sam 1166 ) ; SA. Nos. 396; (XVI) IT Anonymous. Agra. No. 1648 ; 937; 2042; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 10, 11. Bengal. Nos. 1456; 6620, 6623 ; (IV) F rat by Vardhamāna ; see Sakunaratna Bhand. V. Nos. 1266 ; 1267 ; 1268 vali. (Prākrrta ); 1269; VI. No. 1297 ; (V) FTIT A collection of 27 tales, the first of Bik. No. 1490 (Be :-- yāni dustaduriwhich is Dhanadakathā. Ir. Sanskrit. Cal. tāni. foll. 88); BSC. No. 718 ( Gadya ); X. No. 56. The aulhor of the collection 719 (Padya); DB. 30 ( 38-40); Idar. is unknown. This Kathākosa is translated A. 29; JB. 117 ; Kath. Nos. 1322 ; into English by C. H. Tawney, and publi 1323; 1324 ; KB. 1 (35); Limdi. No. shed in the Oriental Translation Fund, 1795; Pet. III. No. 478 (dated Sam. New Series, London, 1895. 1591 ); SB. 2 ( 40 ). (VI) 2018131 by Candrakirti. CP.p. 631. (XVII) I T of Sakalakirti. SG. No. 2424 ; . (VII) 1961 (Gram. 12500 ) in Sanskrit com also see SGR. IV. p. 81. posed in Saka 853 or Sur. 989 during VIII) ist of Padmanandin in Sanskrit. SG. the reign of King Vijayapāla, by Hari No. 2566. şeņa, pupil of Bharatasena, pupil of Sri- FT971 JG. p. 266. The ms. is a palm ms. of dharaseña, pupil of Mauni Bhattāraka. It Patan and is said to be very important. contains about 157 stories. See Brhat rrugata (Gadya ) KB. 3 (15). kathākosa. Compare JH. Vol. 14, p. 216; Fl iter of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 140. Bland. VI. No. 1049; Kath. No. 1159 ; SG. No. 2395 (fol. 267 ). (1) 17hst Jinesvarasuri. See Kathākosa (III). SA. No. 396 (foll. 87); 2042 (VIII) FU1T of Simbasūri. AK. No. 539. (foll. 28). (IX) *27*157 of Harişena, pupil of Vajrasena (II) sula131 in 140 Prākrta Gathās with a See Karpūraprakara. Sanskrit commentary by Vinayacandra. (X) 21 TT of Devabhadra. See Kathāratnakosa. Patan Cat. I. p. 42 (dated Sam. 1166 ). (XI) Urhet of Brahma Nemidatta. See Arādha- FHIOT JG. p. 265 ; 266 ; PAS. No. 412 nākathākosa. (palm ms. dated Sam. 1166 ). (XII) T of Subhasila. See Bharateśvaravrtti. 219TFT KB. 5 ( 31), JG. p. 266. (XIII) at called Kalpamañjari by Jayatilaka- THIET of Nemicandra. See Akhyānamanisūri of the Agama Gaccha (Graṁ. 290 ). kośa of Nemicandra. Bt. No. 217. J.......9 Jain Education Interational Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्री जिनरत्न कोशः । is a collection of 157 stories (a list will be found at Pet. III. A. p. 316ff.) based on the Karpuraprakara of Harisena. It was composed in Sath. 1504, by Soma candragani, pupil of Ratnasekharasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published, along with the Karparaprakara, by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1916. Baroda. No. 3002; BO. p. 29; DA. 40 (19; 20); DB. 23 (62-67); 30 (42); JHB. 33 (2.); Kaira. B. 114, PAPS. 48 (36); (III) Pet. III. A. p. 316; SA. No. 1466; Vel. No. 1705; Weber. II. No. 2015. rer in 50 chapters (Grani. 12300) composed in Sam. 1158 by Devabhadrasiri, pupil of Sumativicals and Prasannacandrasuri, at Baroch. Bt. No. 219; JA. 93 (1, dated Sam. 1286)=Pet. III. A. (II) p. 134 (full quotations). In this work the author refers to his other works i. e. Parsvanathacaritra and Samvegarangaśālā Aradhana. (I) (III) कथारत्नको सूचि DB. 30 ( 44 ). (1) Te containing 15 Tarangas, com posed at the request of Vastapala, by of Dharmanandasüri. Bhand. V. No. 1571. Naracandrasuri, pupil of Devaprabhasūri of the Maladhari Gaccha. Bt. No. 348; DA. 51 (8; 26); (DI. p. 32); JG. p. 266; PAS. No. 381 (A palm ms. dated Sam. 1319; on pp. 163-164, there are pictures); cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 14 (quota tion). 66 (II) कथारत्नसागर probably the same as above. JB. 128; JG. p. 266 (Gram. 2091). (1) tenes of Uttamargi in two chapters. It is (III) also called Dharmakathäratnākaroddhāra, or Katharatnakaroddhara (Grah. 5500). Pet. IV. No. 1216-IV. A. p. 80 (quotation); V. No. 633. (II) eat in 10 Tarangas containing 258 (I) (II) (IV) It is translated into German by J. Hertel, Munchen, 1920. The text is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1911. It is written in an elaborate Sanskrit prose. CE. Winternitz History, II. p. 544. Baroda. Nos. 2747, 2748, Bland. V. No. 1270 BK. No. 1966; BO. p. 29; DC. p. 57, JG. p. 266; Hamsa. No. 1034; PAP. 45 (37); SA. No. 1034; Weber. II. No. 2016. raise Anon. KB. 1 (58; 59); 3 (56); PAPM. 20; VD. 4 (8). of Bhadresvara (Gram. 23800). It is in Prakrta prose. Baroda. No. 13148 Bt. No. 285; PAS. No. 361; (also 72?); cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 244 (quotation). probably the same as above (Gram. 12600). PAS. No. 72 (a good copy dated Sam. 1497) of Śrutasigara. See Vratakathakosa of Śrutasigara. AD. No. 166; CP. p. 630. BK. No. 913. ¶¶ (1) Tika by Sarvanandäcārya (foll 235). Bhand. V. No. 1271 (dated Sam. 1562). of Hemācārya. VA. 4 (22). of Rajasekhara (Grath. 2400). Possibly the same as Antarakathasamgraha. Bhand. VI. No. 1298 (dated Sam. 1539); PAP. 62 (5). of Anandasundara (Is it Anandasundara of Sarvavijaya ?). JG. p. 267 (Grath 3500); PAP. 40 (3; dated Sam. 1652). containing Stambhanaparśva, Ghada, Bharatacakrin, Akhu, Padalipta and other Kaths, Limdi. No. 530. stories (Grah. 6435), composed in Samh. 1657 by Hemavijayagani, pupil of (V) wardag of Sarvasundara, see HamsarajaKamalavijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha. vatsarajacaritra. Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 67 (I) TEKO 1398); Pators palm) 20 (VI) कथासंग्रह Anon. (1) tracca (Nyāya? Upadesa ?) Kiel. Agra. Nos. 1610-1616; Bhand, V. II. No. 12. No. 1272 ( dated Sam. 1524), Buh. II. (II) Refacca by Naracandrasūri. JG. p. 95. No. 335 ; III. No. 170; DB. 30 ( 38); See Nyāyakandali-Țikā (2). Hamsa. Nos. 671, 1669; JB. 115 ; FAPATTI (Jinastotra ) of Harsayasagani. 122; JG. p. 267 ( 3 copies; Gram. 1255, Chani. No. 791. 1400 and 1653 ); JHB. 33, Kath. Nos. igraiaita Kundi. No. 4 ; Surat. 11. 1325; 1326 ; Limdi. Nos. 1429 ; 1561 (dated Sam. 1648 ); PAPS. (palm) 20 (I) * gorta in Sanskrit composed by Jinedra(dated Sam. 1398 ); Patan Cat. I. pp. bhüsaņa Bhattāraka, son of Brahma 378 ; 405 ; SA. Nos. 671 ; 1668. Harsasāgara, successor of Visvabhūsana FeaT JG. p. 267. Bhattäraka. It contains 4 chapters and about 900 stanzas ) and is a part of FUTET by Rājasekharasüri (Antara kathasar Jinendra Purāņa by the author. List graba?). Bhand. V. No. 1273 (dated ( Mathura, with Mr. Camparama) ; Pet. Sam. 1497 ). IV. No. 1407 =IV. A.p. 142 (quotation) Flere is a love-story of a Vidyadhara prince (II) Fauzata in Apabhramsa, containing 10 in 16 chapters, containing 4000 Präkrta chapters, composed by Kanakāmara, who Gáthás ; it was composed in Sam. 1095, mentions Svayambhū and Puspadanta ; by Dhanesvaramuni, pupil of Buddhi cf. Allahabad University Studies, I. p. 174. sāgarasuri and Jineśvarasuri, pupils of It is edited with translation, introduction, Vardhamānasūri. It is edited with notes notes etc. in English, by H. L. Jain in by Muni Shri Raj Vijayaji, Benares, the Karanja Jain Series, No. 4, Karanja 1916. It is also published in the Abha (Berar ), 1934. CP. p. 631 ; Idar. 119; yadevasuri Granthamālā, Bikaner. Its SG. No. 31. Gujrati translation is published by the (III) Ugaita in Sanskrit by Brahma NemiJDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1915. Bt. No. datta, pupil of Mallibhüşana. List (Dehli 331 ; Chani. Nos. 27; 518; DB. 31 (133; Panchayati Mandir. 134); PAPR. 23 (6); see Surasundari |(IV) FT Tita in Apabhramsa by Raidhū caritra. Kavi. List. (Jaipore). F art of Dharmasekhara. Bhand. No. 1299. ragtru of Chandrasāgara. (V) Cugara of Sridatta Pandita. List. This is perhaps in Kaparese. SRB. 245. (VI) F ogafta of Prabhācandradeva. Idar, 119. #7777 ( Bhaktadānopari) in Sanskrit. Hamsa. (VII) gaita of Subhacandra, composed No. 1603 ; JG. p. 248 ; Lindi. Nos. 541 with the help of Sakalabhūşana. CP. p. (dlated Sain. 1489); 852 ; 930; SA. 631, Idar. 119 (2 copies) ; List (S.J.), No. 1603. Tera. 24; 25. 75yaita JG. p. 221 (foll. 67). F a ce of Bhaskarācārya (non-Jain ) composen Bengal. No. 7588. ed in A. D. 1184. (1) raatarts by Jinasuri. See Rüpasena (1) Tikā called Gaņakakumudakaucaritra. Buh. II. No. 336 = PRA. No. mudi composed in Sarn. 1678, by Suma838 ; JG. p. 221. tiharsagani, pupil of Harsaratna of the (II) araaraita composed in Sam. 1604. Ancala Gaccha. Bendall. No. 451; BO. PAPS. 48 (140). p. 19; CC. I. p. 81 ; II p. 15; Hamsa. Jain Education Intemational Jain Education Intermational Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 68 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। . No. 526; SA. No. 526; Samb. No. No. 479 ; V. No. 926 ; SG. No. 30. 212. (II) Fortgag tror of Prabhācandra. List (Phaltan). Total VB. 9 ( 35 Gram. 800). F ATAE composed in Sam. 1504, by YasasFurra JG. p. 143. soma (Somacandra ). DB. 23 ( 62-67). (1) Vrtti. JG. p. 143. See Kathāmahodadhi of Somacandragaņi. TOTEUTT is the name of Madhavacandra's com- * (?) Bhand. VI. No. 1118. mentary on Triloka sāra ( s. y.). . Agarta in Sanskrit by Vatsarāja. JG. p. 336. FCI Limdi. No. 1698. ģ997 also called Subhāşitakośa or Sūktāvali, is Teater in 59 Gathās ( Be :-vandittă arihante) a collection of 172 stanzas in Sanskrit on Cal. X. No. 93. moral conduct composed by Hari or *Trang composed in Sarn. 1572 by Lāvanyasa Harişena, pupil of Vajrasena In the maya, pupil of Samayaratna of the Tapā last stanza, the author refers to his Guru Gaccha. It contains 69 Gāthās. BK. Vajrasena as the author of a Trisastisāra No. 895; KB. 1 ( 67 ); Limdi. No. 930. and to himself as the author of a NemiTTF1 in Sanskrit prose, composed in Saro. caritra. Karpuraprakara is published with 1489. Limdi. Nos. 541 ; 852 ; 930. Jinasāgara's commentary and a Gujrathi antguara by Balacandra, pupil of Hari translation by Harisankara Kalidas, bhadra ; its Gujarathi translation was Ahmedabad, 1901 ; with the same compublished at Ahmedabad, A. D. 1886. mentary and Somacandra's KathämahoThe text is published by JAS. Bhava dadhi by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, nagar Series No. 56), A. D. 1916. 1916; and with the same commentary, The drama treats of the story of a king by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1975. Vajräyudha, who like Sibi of the Hindu Agra. Nos. 1126-1131 ; Bhand. VI. mythology, saves a dove from the falcon, No. 1362, BK. No. 842, Bod. No. by offering his own flesh. Agra. No. 1414 ; Buh. II. No. 274 ; IV. Nos. 266; 2977; Hamsa. No. 238 ; JG. p. 336 ; ! 267 ; Chani. No. 525 ; DA. 40 (15-18; SA, No. 238. 21-29); 75 ( 5; 6 ) ; DB. 23 ( 58-61 ); GU10 in Sanskrit by Padmanandin. Limdi. Hamsa. Nos. 539 ; 915 , Idar. 92 ; JHA. No. 610 ; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442; 1443. 48; JHB. 48 ( 2c. ); Kath. No. 1355 ; Fiznes JG. p. 353. Limdi. Nos. 671; 930 ; 1207; 1696 ; FUE Afragor of Nāgārjuna. KO. 180. PAPS. 37 (121); 39 ( 39 ), 72 ( 36 ); Pet. I. No. 250; IV. No. 1217; SA. fehet Tur of Nāgavarman. AK. No. 122. No. 430 ; SB. 2 (95; three copies ); कर्णाटकशब्दानुशासन in Sanskrit by Akalankadeva, SG. No. 2395; Strass. p. 439; Surat. 1, composed in Sake 1526. The grammar 11; VB. 8 (1); 10 ( 4; 16); VC. 4 has four Padas and 592 Sutras; compare ( 22 ); Vel. No. 1798 ; Weber. II. No. Anekānta ; I. p. 335. 2014. (1) Bhāṣāmañjari in Sanskrit (s. v.); (1) Tikā composed (in San. 1551cf. Anekānta I. p. 335. · JG.) by Jinasāgara, pupil of Jinavardha(2) Mañjarimakaranda in Sanskrit ; nasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha, probably cf. Anekānta L p. 335. of the Pippalašākhā of it. See Vel. (1) Fiyag tror of Keśavasena (Kroņajisnu-- No. 1798 (Gram. 1260). Bengal. No. Bengal). Bengal. No. 1513 ; Pet. III. 6621 ; Bhand, VI. No. 1362; Buh. IV. Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 69 No. 267; Chani. No. 525; DA. 75 ( 5; No. 1772 ; Strass. p. 300; Surat. 1, 4; 6); DB. 23 (59-60); Hamsa. No. 497; Vel. No. 1575. JG. p. 176 ; PAP. 39 ( 39 ); SA. No. (1) Tikă composed in Sam. 1620 by 430 ; VB. 8 (1); 10 (4); VC. 4 (22); Sumatikīrti, pupil of Jñānabhūsana and Vel. No. 1798. a spiritual brother of Subhacandra. CP. (2) Vrtti by Caraņapramoda, pupil of p. 631 ; Pet. VI. No. 657 ; Tera. 1; Vel. Jayarāja, pupil of Lakşmisāgarasuri of No. 1575 (fragment). the Tapā Gaccha DB. 23 (61). (1) *#7370197 in Sanskrit, by Subhacandra. (3) Tikā by Harşakula. BK. No. 842. List (Phaltan). (4) Vrtti. Anon. JG. p. 176 (Gram. (II) FAT3919a by Laksmisena. List (Delhi 1768 ); SB. 2 ( 95 three copies ); SG. Panchayati Mandir). No. 2395; VB. 10 ( 16 ). (I) FA9F2 (Prācīna ; Catustaya ). These four (5) Bālāvabodha by Merusundara, Karmagrunthas are called 'old' in contrast pupil of Ratnamurti of the Kharatara with the others of same names composed Gaccha. PAP. 37 (121; dated Sari. by Devendrasūri. Sometimes even the 1531 ); 72 ( 36). older Sataka by Sivašarman is added on (8) Stabaka by Dhanavijayagani. to these four. See under Karmavipäka, Limdi No. 1207. Karmastava, Bandhasvämitva and Sad(7) Kathāmahodadhi of Somacandra. asiti. They are published by the JAS., See Kathāmahodadhi. DB. 23 ( 62-67); Bhavanagar (No. 52 of the Series ), Hamsa. No. 1466. with a Sanskrit commentary, Sam. 1972. (8) Țikā by Yasovijayagaņi. DA. JB. 151; SA. No. 2053. 103 ( 5, 6); DB. 23 ( 58 ). (1) Vrtti. JB. 151. caftaran of Rājasekhara ( Non-Jain.). (2) Tippana by Udayaprabha, pupil (1) Tīkā by Dharmacandra, pupil of of Yasobhadra. SA. No. 1604. Jinasāgarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha ; ( 2 ) Bhāsya. Anon. SA. No. 2053. cf. Vel. No. 1798 for the author's date. (4) Tikā by Malayagiri. VB. 8 (20); Bhand. III. Nos. 418; 419; Vel. No. 10 (1); VC. 4 ( 2; 7; 16 ); VD. 3 (20). 1281. (II) 972 of Srimalli Kavi. KB. 1 (58). TASHTITIE in old Gujrati, composed in Sam. (1) Svopajña Vrtti. KB. 1 (58; 1663 by Kanakasundara Upadhyāya. foll. 224). PAP. 63 (22). | (III) Hgry in Sanskrit, of Jayatilakasuri of the nguo in Sanskrit prose. Limdi. No. 930. Agama Gaccha. It consists of four parts: #ng is the second part of the Gommatasära or (1) Prakrti viccheda ; (2) Sükşmārthasang rāhaka ; (3) Prakrtisvarūpa and ( 4 ) Pancasangraha of Nemicandra Saiddhautika. The first part of the work is called Bandhasvāmitva. Baroda. No. 2075 ; DB. Jivakāņda. Karmakāņda contains 972 32 ( 30 ); SA. No. 38. Gātbās. See Gommata sārā. In this (IV) 9 in Prakrta, of Devendrasuri, pupil of work, the author mentions Abhayanandin, Jagaccandrasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It Viranandin, Indranandin and Kanaka consists of five parts :--(1) Karmavinandin as his Gurus. DB. 32 ( 23 ); päka in 60 Gāthas; (2) Karmastava in Pet. III. No. 480 ;. VI. No. 657; SG. 34 Gathās ; (3) Bandhasvāmitva in 24 Jain Education Intemational Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Gāthās ; (4) Sadasīti in 86 Gathās; and (5) Sataka in 100 Gāthās. To these is often added a sixth Karmagrantha of Candrarsi Mahattara who is an old writer. This last is called Saptatikā and contains 79 Gāthās. See under Saptatikā, and under each of the five names given above. Of these, 1-4 are published with Svopajña Tikā, by JDPS., Bhavanagar, Sam. 19661968 and also in the Muktikamal Jain Mohanamālā, Baroda, Vir. Saro. 2447. Agra. Nos. 1073 to 1116 different parts); AM. 196; 288; Bengal. No. 7450; Bhand. IV. No. 265 ; Vl. Nos. 1119 ; 1120 ; 1121 ; 1125; Bik. No. 1677, BK. No. 699; Buh. II. Nos. 179; VIII. No. 374 ; Cal. X. No. 94 ; Chani. No. 547 ; DA. 52 (15,16); 53 (175 ); 54 (1-55); 76 ( 22 ); DB. 32 (9-17; 24-29), JA. 83(1), JHA. 35; JHB. 30 ( 6c.); Kath. Nos. 1245 ; 1246; KB. 3 (52); 5 (9); Kiel. III. No. 148; Limdi. Nos. 518; 578 (Sataka only); 592; 675 (Sataka only); 711 ; 712, 752 ; 782, 783; 826; 827; 828 ; 996; 1088; 1208 ; 1236; 1350 ; 1503 ; 1611; 1613; 1694; Mitra. VIII. p. 53 ; PAP. 11 ( 10 ), PAPL. 7 ( 20 ); PAPR. 7 (3); 8 (2); PAPS. 54 (1; 3-6; 14 ); 56 ( 3; 5; 13); 59 ( 1; 5; 6-8); 70 (1); Pet. I. No. 282 ; 1. A.p. 29; III. A. p. 70; IV. A. p. 80 = IV. Nos. 1218; 1219; 1220; PRA. No. 1198 ; SA. Nos. 10; 1669 ; 1817; Samb. No. 246 ; SB. 2 (141 ; 142); VB. 8 ( 31 ); 9 (9; 11); VC. 4 (10 ; 12); VD. 4 (2;15 ); Vel. Nos. 1576-1586. (1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 10137). Bhand. V. No. 1238; VI. Nos. 1120 ; 1121; Bod. No. 1357 ; Buh. II. No. 181 ; VIII. No. 374; Chani. No. 547; DA. 52 (15-16); 53 (1); 76 ( 22 ); DB. 32 ( 9-12); JA. 83 (1); JG. p. 118; Kath. Nos. 1245 ; 1246 ; KB. 3 (52); 5 (9); Kiel. III. No. 148 ; Limdi. No. 518 ; PAP. 11 (10) ; PAPS. 54 (1); 56 (13); 59 (1); 70 (1); Pet. I. No. 282 ; I A. p. 29; III. No. 584 ; III. A. pp. 70; 176; IV. No. 1220 ; SA. No. 10 ; SB. 2 ( 141 ; 142); VB. 8 ( 31 ); 9 ( 9; 11); VC. 4 (10; 12); VD. 4 ( 15 ); Vel. No. 1584. (2) Avacūri composed in Sam. 1459 by Gunaratnasuri, pupil of Devasundarasūri of the Tapā Gaccha (Gram. 5407). DA. 53 ( 10 ); JG. p. 119; PAPR. 8 (2). (3) Avacūri by Jūānasāgara. BK. No. 699. (4) Avacūri by Munisekhara (Gram. 2958). JG. p. 119. ( 5 ) Bālāvabodha by Jayasoma. VD. 4 (2). ( 6 ) Avacūri. Anon, DB. 32 (14-17); Kiel. III. No. 149; Limdi. Nos. 713; 1136 ; PAPL. 7 ( 20 ); PAPS. 54 (3; 4; 14); Pet. V. Nos. 656; 657 ; Weber, II, No. 1930. (7) Stabaka composed in Sam. 1700 by Sriharsa Vācaka, pupil of Jñānapadya, during the spiritual reign of Jñānaratnasūri. PRA. No. 1198. (8) Stabaka by Jivavijaya. AM. 196. (9) Bālavabodha by Yasassoma. DA. 54 ( 5, 6); Limdi. No. 1089. (10) Bālāvabodha by Kalyāņa of the Katuka Gaccha. Limdi. No. 996. (11 ) Stabaka. Anon. Limdi. Nos. 592; 826 ; 1208 ; 1236 ; 1351 ; 1537; 1613; 2272. (12) Vivare na composed in Sam. 1459 by Kamalasamyama. JG. p. 119. It is only on the Karmastava and its Gram. is 150. It is again doubtful whether it is on this or on the older Karmastava. ( 13 ) Bālāvabodha ( on Sataka only ) by Maticandra. See Sataka No. II. Jain Education Intemational Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । (I) composed in Sam. 1650, by Jayasoma Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaccha. Perpaps the same as the next. Baroda. No. 3055 (note). (II) (Gram. 475) in Sanskrit, composed in Samh. 1655 by Gupavinaya, pupil of Jayasoma of the Kharatara Gaccha. PAPR. 21 (27). (III) Anon. KB. 3 (55); KN. 14. Pet. VI. p. 142, No. 88. कर्मदहनपूजा of Vidyabhisana. CP. p. 631. (I) कर्मदहन पूजाविधि of Ratnanandin. Idar. 75 (3 copies). (II) कर्मदहन पूजाविधि of Candrakirti. Idar. 75. (III) कर्मवहनपूजाविधि of Subhacandra. AD. No. 37. (IV) gagana Anon. AD. Nos. 72; 74; 167 Pet. IV. No. 1408. (I) कर्मप्रकृति of Sivaśarman कर्मदहन व्रतोद्यापन of Somadatta Idar. 162. effent of Tejasimha. BK. No. 1620. KB. 3 (38, foll. 30). It contains 415 Gathas. It is published with the commentary of Malayagiri and also of Yasovijayagani by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, (Series Nos. 26, 27) and with Malayagiri's commentary alone in the DLP. Series, No. 17, Bombey, 1912. It is again recently published by Khubchand Panacand at Dabhoi, 1937, with the Curni, and the commentaries of Malayagiri and Yasovijaya. Agra. Nos. 1065-1070; Baroda. Nos. 2753; 13167; Bnand. VI. No. 1123; Chani. No. 529; DA. 52 (6-13); DB. 32 (4-8); JA. 45 (1); JB. 129; Jesal. Nos. 105; 1529; 1607; 1693, 1703, 1729, JHA. 34 (2c.); (II) KB. 1(44), 3 (16); Kundi. Nos. 122; 306, Limdi. Nos. 524; 1355; Mitra. VIII. pp. 161; 162, PAP. 10 (8); PAPS. 55 (5); 58 (3); PAPS. (III) (palm) 1; Pet. I. No. 248; I. A. p. 93, IIL A. p. 49; V. A. p. 70; VI. No. 71 652; SA. Nos. 165; 203; 462; 1575; 1660, Surat. 1, 5, 6, 7, 9; VA. 4 (23), 5 (4) VB. 7(3); VC. 4 (8, 9); VD. 4 (10); Vel. No. 1587. (1) Carpi. Anon. (Grari. 7000). DB. 32 (67); JB. 129; JG. p. 115, SA. No. 1660, Surat. 1 (1852); 9. Visegavrtti (2) Curni-Tippana or composed by Municandra (Grain. 1920 Bekarmaprakṛtir anekaih). Baroda. No. 13167, DC. p. 20, No. 178; DL. p. 33; JG. p. 115. (3) Tiks by Malayagiri (Gram. 8000. Be pranamya karmadruma). AM. 58, Chani. No. 529; DA. 52 (7, 8); DB. 32 (4; 5), JA. 45 (1); JHA. 34 (2c.); KB. 1 (44) Kiel. II. No. 397: Limdi. No. 524, Mitra. VIII. p. 162; PAP. 10 (8); PAPS. 55 (5); PAPS (palm) 1; Pet. I. No. 249; III. A. p. 49; SA. Nos. 203, 1344, Surat. 1, 5, 6; VA. 4 (23); VB 7 (3); VC. 4 (8, 9); Vel. No. 1587. (4) Tiks by Nyäyäcärya Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha (Gram 13000). Baroda. No. 2753; Bhand. VI. No. 1123; Chani. No. 74; DA. 52 (6), PAPS. 58 (3), SA. Nos. 165, 462; 1575; VA. 5 (4); VD. 4 (10). (5) Tiki Anon. (Bet--jayati jagahitadama DC. p. 35, No. 277 (dated Sam. 1292). See Karmaprakṛtisangrahani. (6) Tiks. Anon. Agra. Nos. 1066; 1068; DB. 32 (6), Jesal. Nos. 105, 1529; 1607; 1693; 1703; 1729; KB. 3 (16); Kundi. Nos. 122; 306. in 475 Sanskrit Slokas composed by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. AM. 59. (1) Svopaja Tikā. AM. 59. of Nemicandra Saiddhantika. AD. No. 109; Bhand. V. No. 1045; CMB. 54, CP. p. 632, DA. 52 (14); Hamsa. Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरलकोशः। No. 1596 , Idar. 32 ( 7 copies ); Kath. No. 1055; KB. 3 (46); KO. 69; PAP. 76 (1); Pet. VI. No. 558; PR. 43, SA. No. 1586, SG. Nos. 4; 1333; 1343 ; 1997; 2024 ; 2562; Tera. I to 15. (1) Tikā by Sumatikīrti. Tera. 1. This must be the same as Karmaprakrti No. (5). (2) Tīkā. Anon. SG. No. 1333. (IV) kia of Rsabbanandin. AK. Nos. 130; 131; 132. (V) grant of Sumatikirti. SG. No. 1376; Tera. 1. (VI) #9 of Kanakanandin. It is in Prakrta. Mud. 24. (VII) ha of Abhayacandra Saiddhāntika. Mud. 102; 147; 226; SG. No. 1409. (VIII) Bra vc. 9 (9). raraan in Sanskrit. PR. 161. Hakagu Patan Cat. I. p. 293 ; Pet. V. A. p. 150. (1) Tikā. Anon. Bhand. VI. No. 1122 (dated Sam. 1560); DC. p. 35 (No. 277 ; ms. dated Saṁ. 1222). (I) graza of Puspadanta and Bhūtabali. See Mahākarmaprakrti Prābhrta. (II) fogya of Kumāragenadeva. SG. No. 1334. F# Bengal. No. 7437. कविचारगर्भितपार्श्वनाथस्तोत्र of Jinacandra, pupil of Jinasimhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Jesal. No. 261 ; Samb. No. 999. (1) fara in 168 Gāthās by Gargarsi (Be:-|| vavagayakammakalankam ). This is the first of the four or five old Karmagranthas and is also called Brhat or Prācīna Karmavipāka ; cf. Bt. Nos. 97-98. It is published in the JAS. Series, No. 52, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1972. Baroda. No. 2140 ; Bod. No. 1358; DA. 53 (13); DB. 32 (32 to 34 ); DC. p. 34; JA. 79 ( 1 ); 96 (14); 105 ( 1; 6); 106 (1; 2); Jesal. No. 63 (palm); JHA. 34 ; Kiel. III. No. 148; Limdi. Nos. 784; 1288; PAP. 75 ( 81 ); PAPL. 5 ( 11 ); PAS. Nos. 268; 347; PAZA. 8 (8); Pet. I. A. pp. 27; 34; III. A. pp. 6; 47; V. A. p.70; VI. No. 690; SA. Nos. 1604; 1994; 2050; Samb. No. 79 ; SG. No. 2688. (1) Tīkā by Paramānanda, pupil of Abhayadeva, pupil of Säntisūri, pupil of Bhadreśvara (Be:-- nisseşakarmodayamegha; Gram. 960). Baroda. No. 2140, Bod. No. 1358 ; Bt. No. 97 ; DA. 53 (13) ; JA. 96 (11); JHA. 34; Kiel. III. No. 148 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 20 (quotation); PAZA. 8 (8); Pet III. A. p. 6 ( quo. ); SA. Nos. 1994 ; 2050. (2) Țikā by Malayagiri. PAS. No. 268. (3) Tikā by Haribbadra, pupil of Jinadeva. PAS. No. 347 (dated Sam. 1288). ( 4 ) Țikā Anon. (Be :-rāgādivargahantāram). DC. p. 26 (ms. dated Sam. 1295 ); p. 34, Nos. 268 (2) ; 276(1); Patan Cat. I. p. 22 (ms. dated Sam. 1275). (5) Tkā. Anon. Bengal. No. 7638; DB. 32 ( 32, 33, 34); Jesal. No. 63 (palm); SA. Nos. 1994; 2050. (6) Tippanaka (Gram. 420) by Udayaprabhasūri. Bt. No. 98 ; JG. p. 116; SA. No. 1604. (7) Prācinabhāsya. SA. No. 2053 (incomplete ). ) कर्मविपाक The first of the five books which form the Karmagranthas of Devendrasuri. It is also called Navya Karmavipāka, in contrast with the old one. See Karmagranthasatka. Bengal. No. 7611 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1124; BO. p. 58 ; Buh. IL No. 256 ; DA. 53 (35-43); Kath. No. 1247 ; Limdi. Nos. 566 ; 950; 975; 1011; 1089; 2542; Mitra. VIII pp. 52 ; 80; Pet. V. No. 655; VI. Nos. 559; 652; Strass. p. 440a. (1) Svopajña sīkā. Strass. p. 440a. Jain Education Intemational Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Balavabodha by Maticandra, papil of Gunacandra (Gramh. 1465). DA. 53 (37); Mitra. VIII. p. 80. (III)ff (IV) of Mallidasa, pupil of Devaraja, pupil of Padmasagara, successor of Ka mäsägara of the Vijaya Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2754; PRA. No 471. कर्मविपाककुलक JG. p. 197. of Subhasilagani. See Astakarmavipaka. DB. 32 (31). अन्याविभागः प्रथमः | (I) (11) GÅENT कर्मसप्ततिका See Saptatika. (1) Tippana of Ramadevagari. Jesal No. 137 (palm ms. dated Sath. 1211). कर्मसंम्बधभङ्गप्रकरण of Devacandra, pupil of Rajahansa. DB. 32 (42); JG. p. 132 (Grath. 1450). JG. 249. (foll. 13). JG. p. 249. p. in 57 Gathās by Jinavallabha (Be :-- namiua jinavarinde). This is also called Brhatkarmastava or Präcinakarmastava. It is published with Govinda's Bhasya by the JAS., Bhavanagar, (Series, No. 52), Sa. 1972. Baroda. No 2140 (b); BK. No. 447, Bod. No. 1358, Bt. No. 99, DA. 53 ( 13 ); JA. 79 (1); 96 (14); Jesal. Nos. 100; 1671; Kiel. III. No. 148; Lindi. No. (II) 1288, PAPM. 59 (4); 65 (6;7); PAS. No. 347; (also cf. Patan Cat I pp. 45, 53, 58); Pet. I. A. pp. 26, 55 (quotation); III. A. p. 47, SA. No. 1624; Samb. No. 30; Tapa. 331; VA. 4 (19). (1) Tika (Gram. 1090) composed by Govindagani, papil of Devanaga. Baroda. No. 2140 (b); BK. No. 447; Bod. No. 1358; Bt. No. 99; DA. 53 (13); DC. pp. 21; 26; 35; JA. 96 (11); Jesal. No. 100; Kiel. II. No. 42 (dated Sarh. 1179); III No. 148, Limdi. No. 11 (the ms. was corrected by Tejoraja in Sari. 1533); PAPM. 59 (4, dated Sam. 1226); 65 (6 dated J.......10 Jain Education Intemational Sam. 1218 ), PAS. (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 19 quo. and 377); Pet. III. A. p. 5; V. A. p. 53 (PAPM. 65 (6)]; Tape. 331. 73 = (2) Bhasya in Prakṛta (Bet-ahina vagababam bandho) in 25 Gāthās; (Is it of this Karmastava ?) JG. p. 116; Pet. V. A. p. 70; PAS. (cf. Patan Cat. pp. 93; 298; 375; 394); Samb.No. 480, (3) Bhagya. Anon. JG. p. 116, Kiel. III. No. 148; Limdi. Nos. 809; 1288; PAPM. 65 (7; Gram. 245); Patan Cat. I. p. 176. (4) Bhasya in 70 Gathas by Mahendra. Patan Cat. I. p. 169. (5) Tippana by Udayaprabhasūri (Grai. 292). B. No. 100, SA. No. 1604. (6) Curni. Anon. Samb. No. 350; VA. 4 (19). (7) Tiki of Haribhadra, pupil of Jinadeva. JG. p. 116; PAS. No. 347. (8) Vivarana by Kamalasamyama Upadhyaya, composed in Sam. 1459. Jesal. No. 1671 (dated Samh. 1534); JG. p. 119. also known as Navya Karmastava, is the second Karmagrantha of Devendra. See Karmagrantha-Satka of Devendra. Bengal. No. 7611; Cal. X. No. 28; DA. 53 (11; 44 to 50); Limdi. Nos. 809; 1288, 1852; 1648; Pet. V. No. 658; VI No. 652; Strass p. 440b; Vel. No. 1580. (1) Svopaja Tiks. Strass. p. 440b. (2) Vivarana by Kamalasamyama. JG. p. 119. Is it on this or the older Karmastava ? (3) Bhagya. Anon. Limdi. Nos. 809; 1288, Pet. VI. No. 652. (4) Balvabodha by Yasahsomagani. DA. 53 (44). Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। fara altert in 152 Gāthas (Be :- sayalanta (1) Bhāsya. AM. 327 ; Kiel. III. rāyavirar ). DC. p. 34; Kiel. II. No. No. 151. 77; Pet. I. A. p. 100. (2) Cūrņi. Kiel. III, No. 151. Triqah DB. 22 ( 25 ); Pet. F. No. 927. Faqat ( Dig. ) in Sanskrit. SG. No. 2308 (foll. igitgit in Sanskrit. PR. No. 31 (foll. 19). 88 ). FUITETU See Kätantravyäkaranasūtra. Cea Pet. II. No. 289. oluliner or Kalavaticaritra. Anon. DA. 50 FETETT Bengal. No. 5234. ( 125 ); DB. 31 (137; 138 ), JG. p: FETE rt Agra. Nos. 529, 538; 539; 568. 222 (this last is in Sanskrit Slokas ). (1) Vrtti. Agra. Nos. 538 ; 539. laaieftain Prākrta. Anon. Manikyacandra is egteretaraf KB. 3 ( 21-foll. 45 ). not its author as JG. says. He is merely Tas also called Paryuşaņākalpa, ascribed to the owner of the ms. ; cf. Patan Cat. I Bhadrabāhu. It consists of three books p. 195. JG. p. 222 ; PAS. No. 380 called Jinacaritra, Sthavirāvali and Sämä. (dated Sam. 1291 ; foll. 84); Patan Cat. cari, and itself forms the VIIIth section I. p. 195 (quo.); Surat. 6. of the Daśāśrutaskandhasutra. It is lesqråvarufaaa Pet. V. No. 925. edited with a learned introduction by (I) Feue THT by Padmanandin. SG. No. 2177. H. Jacobi, Leipzig, 1879, and is also (II) izgar by Ratnakirti. PR. No. 149. translated into English by him in the S. B. E. Series, Vol. 22. (III) RECHT Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (8); It is also SG. No. 67. published with the commentaries of Dharmasagara (in Sam. 1978) and skaga by Ratnakirti. PR. No. 149. Vinayavijaya and Lakşmivallabha (in egoig of Harsakirti. Pet. VI. No. 560. Sam. 1975) by the JAS., Bhavnagar, and 52977 JG. p. 52. with Vinayavijaya's commentary in the €975*14 by Kesava. Bengal. Nos. 1252 ; 6626. DLP. Fund Series, Bombay, 1911, 1923. TETYT Kundi. No. 95 ; SA. No. 2590. The text with beautiful picture-illustrageta of Jinaprabha. See Tirthakalpa. tions is again published by the DLP. Fund (Series No. 82), Bombay, 1933. tiea composed in Sam. 1560. DA. 18 ( 18 ). The text with Jinaprabha's Sandeha(I) 99177# ( Graṁ. 50 ) by Vijayasenasūri. vişauşadhi ( com. No. 8) is published by VA. 4 ( 27 ). Hiralal Harnsaraj, Jamnagar, 1913. The (II) CHITTH Anon. Limdi. No. 2407 ; SA. No. text with Kalpadruma kalikā (com. No. 1915. 26 ) is published by Velji Shivji, Mandvi, the F 1 1T of Jayatilaka. See Kathäkosa Bombay, 1918. (XIII. Agra. Nos. 484-497 ; 499; 501-528; the target JG. p. 364. 532-536 ; 540-547 ; 552-558 ; 564; (1) Vrtti. JG. p. 364. 565 ; 569 ; 570; AM. 101 ; 128 ; 192; 226 ; 239; 254 ; 270 ; 299, 338 ; 356; fastazi Chani. No. 507. See Visesakalpa 377 ; 407 ; Baroda. Nos. 1773 ; 1793; cūrņi. 2097, 2181; 2199 ; 2755; 2756, EVETETT See Vyavahārasütra and Brhatkalpa 2759 ; Bengal. Nos. 2549; 2712, 7627, sutra. Also compare Winternitz, History, Bhand. III. Nos. 420 ; 421; IV. No. Vol. II. pp. 462-464. Kiel. III. No. 151. | 266 ; V. Nos. 1177 to 1180; VI. Nos. Jain Education Interational Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । 1126 to 1129; Bik. Nos. 1663; 1757; BK. Nos. 705; 810; 951; BO. p. 60; Bt. No. 37; Buh. II. No. 182-184;194; 255; III. Nos. 96; 100; VI. Nos. 776; 833; VIII. No. 375; Cal. X. Nos 6-8; 11; Chani. Nos. 458; 459; 494; 731; 900; DA. 15 (1-20); 16; 17; 18 (1-18, 37-48); 73 (11-13; 17-18); DB. 7(16-19); 8 (1-6); DC. pp. 28; 34; Flo. No. 531; Hamsa. No. 480; JA. 25 (3-4); 80 (1); 89 (7-8); 95 (3-6); 106 (11); 108 ( 6 ); JB. 57; 58; 59, 63, 65, 69; 71; 75; Jesal. Nos. 15; 183; 829; 853; 948; JHA. 30 (4 c.), JHB 22 (7 e); 23 (8e); 52; Kaira. A. 13; 113;145, 157; Kaira. B. 182, Kap. No. 500 (pictures); Kath. Nos. 1248; 1249; KB. 1 (10; 11), 2 (7-18); 3 (25; 62); 5 (7); 6(2; 14); 8 (2); 9 (1); Kiel. II. Nos. 370; 372; KN. 26; 28; Kundi. Nos. 201; 229, 234, 389, Limdi. Nos 89 (with pictures; dated Sam 1588), 93 (with pictures dated Sam. 1500), 95; 96; 97 (with pictures dated Sam. 1844); 98, 119; 122, 123, 124, 130; 131; 153 154 155 156, 174; 175; 215; (with pictures, not dated ); 233; 238; 255, 256; 263, 272; 275, 290; 305; 332, 345 346; 372, 373; 411, 412; 426 427 428; 440, 441; 443, 444, 463, 472, 483; 484; 487; 488; 489, 495,514, 515; 1100; 1641; 1764; 3411 (with pictures dated Sam. 1514); Mitra. I. No. 1106; VII. p. 97; VIII. Pp. 51; 53; 111, 180; IX. p. 1; 149; X. Pp. 229; 244; 263; PAP. 8 (6; 7; 11; 17; 19, 23, 24); 9 (6); 25 (16); 31, (6; 10; 15); 64 (18); PAPL. 3 (42; 43); PAPM. 63 (5); 65 (3); PAPR. 3 (3); PAPS. 27 (5; 8; 10); 31 (1; 2; 4-7 ); 32 (4); 35 (12); 39 ( 3; 7; 8 ); 40 (4); 42 (2; 3); 46 (10); 71 (9; 19); PAS. Nos. 221; 226; 414; PAZA. 5 (12); 6 (17, 18); 7 (1); 8 (4); 73 PAZB. 9 (27); 15 (4); 20 (1; 2; 3), Pet. I. Nos. 251; 252; 277; 290; 353; I. A. Pp. 19; 29; 42; 68; 69; 86; Pet. II. Nos. 287 288; Pet. III. No. 585, III. A. pp. 20,51; Pet. IV. Nos. 1222, 1223; IV. A. p. 80; V. Nos. 659-661; V. A. Pp. 53, 109; Pet. VI. No. 561; PRA. Nos. 396, 397; 401; 547; 560; 561; 562; 690; 819; 821; 912; 916; 944, 945, 989; 1156, SA. Nos. 23, 153, 176; 204; 207 (pictures), 398, 888, 1592, 1598; 1667, 1685;1686; 1747; 1799, 2544; 2767, 2768; 2807; 2955;SB.1(50, 63; 64; 65; 66; 67);2(82); Samb. No. 173; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, Tapa. 44, VA. 1 (48); 4 (20, 21; 25, 26), 5 (6; 7; 9; 22); VB. 7 (1, 2, 5; 7); 8 (17; 18, 19), 9 (4); 34 (5, 13), VC. 1 (16), 4(1, 17, 20; 26), VD. 4 (9), 13(12), Vel. Nos. 1426-1451 (Nos. 1429, 1437, 1438 contain pictures and are dated Sam. 1472, 1883, 1685 respectively) Weber. II. Nos. 1882-1890. (1) Niryukti by Bhadrabahu. It contains 68 Gathas. Bab. VII. No. 19; DB. 7 (29; 32; 33); JA. 25 (3); 106 (11), JG. p. 48; Limdi. No. 598, PAPM. 65 (3), PAPR. 3 (3); PAZA. 5 (12); Pet. L. No. 353; VC. 4 (20), Weber. II. No. 1887. (2) Carni (Grath. 700). Anon. Agra. No. 498; Bt. No. 37 (2), Kundi. No. 389. (3) Carni by Nannasäri. Kundi. No. 234. Is it on the Bṛhatkalpa ? (4) Niryukti-Vṛtti composed in San. 1164. PAPS. 35 (12); (5) Pithiks by Malayagiri. Jesal. No. 183 (dated Sam. 1378); Surat. 1 (2590); 5. (6) Tippanaka by Pṛthvicandra, pupil of Devasena, papil of Yasobbadra. (Grain. 640). Bt. No. 37 (4), DB. 7 Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (29); DC. p. 15; DI. p. 25, JA. 95 (3; 6); 108 (5; 7); Jesal. No. 15; JG. p. 48 ; Kiel. III. No. 163; PAPM. 63 ( 5; dated Sam. 1307 ); PAS. Nos. 226 ( dated Sarn. 1292 ; cf also Patan Cat. I. p. 37), 414 ; Pet. I. A. p. 69 ; III. A. pp. 15; 307 ; SA. Nos. 279; 408 ; 903 ; 1797 ; 2764. (7) Durgapadanirukta composed in Sam. 1325, by Vinayacandra, pupil of Ratnasirnha, pupil of Municandra (Gram. 418). Agra. No. 503; Bod. No. 1339; JA. 106 (11); Kiel. II, No. 371 (ms. dated Sam. 1590); PAPL. 3 ( 43 ); Patan Cat. I. p. 66; PRA. No. 945; Pet. III. A. p. 303 ( quotation); SA. Nos. 176 ; 903 ; 1592; 1697 ; Surat. 6. (8) Sandehavisausadhi composed in Sari. 1364 by Jinaprabha, pupil of Jinasimha of the Kharatara Gaccha (Gram. 2268 ; Be :--dhyātvā śrisruta devim ). Of the following mss., Büh. VI. No. 776; II. No. 213; and Pet. I. No. 353 contain also the Sandehavişausadhi on the Niryukti of the Sūtra. Probably most of the other mss. also contain it, as the commentary seems to have been intended both on the Sūtra and the Niryukti. Agra. No. 501 ; Baroda. Nos. 2181 ; 2759; Bod. No. 1340; Buh. II. No. 213; VI. No. 776; VIII. No. 375; DA. 15 (11); DB. 7 (25; 26); DC. p. 24; JB. 71; 75; Jesal. Nos. 829; 853 ; Kaira. A. 113; KN. 26 ; Limdi. No. 64 (dated Sam. 1586); PAP. 9 (6); 25 ( 16 ); 64 (18); PAPL. 3 (42); PAZA. 6 (17; 18); 8 (4); PAZB. 9 (27); 15 (4); Pet. I. No. 353; SA. No. 153 ; SB. 2 (82); Surat. 6; VB. 7(1); Weber. II. No. 1887. (9) Pañjikā by Jinasiṁhasüri (Grar. 3500); probably same as No. (8). SA. No. 153 ; VA. 4 ( 25 ); 5 (9). ( 10 ) Avacūri by Jnānasāgarasūri, composed in Sarn. 1443. No ms. is known to me so far. It is mentioned in Jain' of 9-1-1948, p. 45. (11) Sukhāvabodhavivarana in Sanskrit. Composed by Jayasāgarasuri of the Ancala Gaccha. Mentioned in Jain' of 9-1-1938, on p. 43. ( 12 ) Kiraṇāvali composed in Sari. 1628 by Dharmasāgaragani, pupil of Vijayadānasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Gram. 4814 (Be :-- pranamya pranatäsesam). Agra. No. 505 ; AM. 377; Bengal. No. 2549 ; Bhand. III. No. 420; V. No. 1177 ; Buh. IJ. No. 182 ; Chani. No. 731 ; DA. 15 ( 1-10); DB. 7.(16); Flo. No. 531; JB. 58 ; 59 ; 65; Jesal. No 948; JG. p. 50; JHA. 32; Kaira. A. 145 ; Kundi. Nos. 201 ; 229 ; Limdi. Nos. 238; 373, 427 (dated Sam. 1668); 483 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 53; X. p. 244, PAP. 31 (15); PAPS. 31 (1); 40 (4); 43 ( 2 ; 3); PAZA. 7(1); PAZB. 20 (1); Pet. IV. No. 1222; V. No. 661 ; SA. Nos. 23; 1685; Samb. No. 445 ; SB. 1 (64); Surat. 1, 5, 6, 7, 9; Tapa. 44; VA. 4 ( 20; 21; 26 ); 5 ( 6; 7); VB. 8 (19); 9 ;( 4); VC. 4 ( 26 ); VD. 4 (9); Vel. No. 1439 ( quotation ; dated Sam. 1674). (13) Avacūri composed in Sam. 1644 by Amarakirti. JHA. 30. (14) Kalpalatä composed in Sam. 1671 by Subhavijaya, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Chani. No. 458; PRA. No. 396. It was corrected by Kirtivimala. (15) Pradipikā ( Gram. 3200) composed in Sam. 1674, during the reign of Vijayadevasüri, by Sanghavijayagani, pupil of Vijayasenasūri of the Tapa Gaccha. It was again examined in Sarn. 1680 by Dhana vijayagani, pupil of Kalyāņavijaya. Bhand. VI. No. 1128 Jain Education Intemational Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ F : 7: 1 (dated Saṁ. 1680); BO. p. 58 ( dated Sam. 1680); JG. p. 50; Limdi. No. 440= PRA. No. 690. (16) Dipikā composed in Sam. 1677 Jayavijayagani, pupil of Vimalaharsa, pupil of Vijayadānasuri of the Tapā Gaccha, during the reign of Vijayanandasüri (Grarn. 3432 ). The first copy was prepared by Vrddhivijayagani. Baroda. No. 2097 ; Buh. I. No. 47 (dated Sam. 1685); Chani. No. 900 ; DA. 15 (1719 ); DB. 7 ( 23 ); JB. 60 ; Kaira. A. 13; Limdi. No. 233 (dated Sam. 1688); SA. Nos. 398, 1598; SB. 1 ( 65 ); Vel. No. 1442 (dated Sam. 1680, a quotation); VB 8 (17; 18). (17) Mañjarī composed in Sam. 1685 by Sahajakirtigani and Srisara, pupils of Hemanandanagați of the Kharatara Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2199 ; Bhand. III. No. 421 ; JHA. 32; Kath. No. 1249 ; KB. 3 ( 25 ), 5 (7), 6 (14), Pet. IL No. 288 , PRA. Nos. 967, 989; SB. 1 (65); Surat. 1, 5; also cf. Bhand. III. p. 41. (18) Dipikā Sisubodhini composed in Sam. 1698 by Ajitadevasūri of the Pallivāla Gaccha, mentioned in Jain' of 9-138, at p. 45. (19) Kalpalată (Gram 7700) by Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. It was composed during the reign of Jinarājasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha, who died in Sam. 1699. Agra. No. 521 ; AM. 226 ; Baroda. No. 1773 ; Bhand. IV. No. 266; VI. No. 1129; DA. 15 ( 17 ) ; DB. 7 ( 20 ); JG. p. 50, JHA. 31 (dated Sam. 1669); KB. 1 (10); 3 (62); Kiel. II. No. 372, Limdi. No. 426 (dated Sam. 1701); Mitra. VIII. p. 180, IX. p. 1 ; PAZB. 20 (3); SB. 1 (50); Surat. 2, 4, 5, 6, 9; Vel. Nos. 1440, 1441. ( 20 ) Subodhikā composed in Sam. 1696 by Vinayavijaya, pupil of Kirtivijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha (Gram. 5400). It was composed at the request of Srivijaya, pupil of Rāmavijaya and corrected by Bhāvavijaya. Kiranävali (No. 12) and Dipikā (No. 16 ) are sometimes criticised here, cf. Kap. No. 523. Agra. Nos. 509 ; 512; AM. No. 356; BO. p. 58; Buh. II. No. 255 ; III. No. 100 ; DA. 15 ( 12-15 ) ; 73 (11); 101 (11); DB. 7 (17-18); JB. 57, Limdi. No. 174 ; PAPS. 27 (5), 31 (2); 71 (19); PAZB. 20 (2); Pet. VI. No. 561 ; SA. Nos. 204 ; 1667; 2640; 2651 ; SB. 1 ( 67 ); Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5; VB. 34 (5; 13); VC. 4(1); VD. 13 (12); Vel. Nos. 1443; 1444 (quotation) ( 21 ) Kaumudi composed in Sam. 1707 by Sāntisāgara, pupil of Srutasägara, pupil of Dharmasagara of the Tapa Gaccha (Gram. 3707). Agra. No, 534, Baroda. No. 2755 ; Bhand. V. No, 1178, Buh. VI. No. 833; Chani. No. 494 ; DB. 7 ( 42 ); PRA. Nos. 401 ; 912; SB. 1 (66); Surat. 1 (3119), 5. ( 22 ) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. 1707, by Budhavijaya, pupil of Santivijaya, pupil of Devavijays of the Tapā Gaccha. Cal. X. No. 11. (23) Dānadipikā (Jñānadipika--Kap. No. 530) composed in Sam. 1722 by Dänavijaya, (Jñānavijaya--Kap.), pupil of Suru vijaya, pupil of Kirtivijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha, during the reign of Vijayarājasūri. Büh. II. No. 194 ; Chani. No. 458 ; PRA. Nos. 397; 821. (24) Dánadipikā in Sam. 1750, by Dānavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha Mentioned at Jain' of 9-1-1938 at p. 45. (25) Kalpabodhini composed in San. Jain Education Intemational Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 श्री जिनरत्नकोशः । 1788 by Nyayasagara, pupli of Uttamasagara of the Tapa Gaocha. DB. 7 (24) (26) Kalpadrumakalika (Gram. 4109) composed by Lakanivallabhagani, pupil of Laksmikirti of the Kharatara Gacche, during the reign of Jinasaubhagyasūri, successor of Jinaharsa, successor of Jinacandra, successor of Jinakusala etc. Jinasaubhagya became Suri in Sah. 1899. Agra. Nos. 526; 531; Baroda. Nos. 1793; 2756; Bengal. Nos. 2553; 4333; 6795; 7058; Bhand. VI. No. 1126; Bod. No. 1341; BSC. No. 459; DB. 7 (21); JHA. 31; 68; JHB. 22; 23; 52; KB. 1 (10; 11); 2(7); 3(62); 5(7); 6(2), 8(2); 9(1); KN. 28, Kiel. II. No. 370; Mitra. VII. p. 97; X. p. 229; Pet. I. No. 252, V. Nos. 659, 660; PRA. No. 944; SB. 1 (63, 65; 67); Surat. 1 (2527) 2, 4, 5; VB. 7 (5) (27) Sūtrarthaprabodhini composed in Sam. 1954 by Vijayarajendra Suri of the Tristutika Guccha. Mentioned at p. 45 of Jam' of 9-1-39. (28) Kalpalata composed by Gunavijayagani, pupil of Kamalavijaya, pupil of Amaravijaya, pupil of Subhavimalagani, of the Lakṣmibhadraśākbā of the (Tapā) Gaocha. PRA. No. 560. (29) Dipika by Vrddhivijaya. This is probably Jayavijaya's commentary (No. 16 above), the fsrst copy of which was written by Vṛddhivijaya, cf. Vel. No. 1442. VB. 8 (17). (30) Dipika by Bhavavijayagani. This probably is Vinayavijaya's commentry (No. 20 above) which was cor rected by Bhavavijayagani; cf. Vel. No. 1443. VB. 8 (18). (31) Niryukti-Avacuri by Manikyase. khara Suri. Buh. VII. No. 19. (32) Avacuri composed by Udayasigara, pupil of Dharmasekhara (Grath, 2085) of the Añcala Gaccha. Pet. II. No. 287 (ms. dated Sam. 1633). The date of compositon is given as 'sarivatsare sasini candragarem pürne' at Kap. No. 446. Is it Sam. 1551? His commentary (No. 17) on the Uttaradhyayanasotra was composed in Sam. 1546. (38) Vṛtti by Meratungasuri (Grami. 2229) VA. 5 (22). (34) Avacuri by Mahimeru Upădhyaya (Gram. 700). JG. p. 50, Limdi. No. 333. (35) Laghu-Tiki (Gram. 1000). JG. p. 50. (36) Kalpoddyota by Nayavijaya. BK. No. 810. (37) Kalpalata viveka. Kundi. No. 389. (38) Sankṣepavyākhyā. KB. 2 ( 18). (39) Niruktanirukti (Grain. 790). JA. 95 (3); 106 (11). (40) Tika or Avacuri. Anon. Agra Nos. 504; 527; 528; 532; 535; Bengal. Nos. 2712, 6779; Buh. II. No. 199; III. No. 98; (dated Sarh. 1513); 99; DB. 7 (27; 28); JG. p. 52 (Gram. 2200); JHB. 23; PAPS. 31 (4-7); 32(4); Pet. L. No. 251, IV. No. 1223; VB. 7 (2); VC. 4 (17); Weber. II. No. 1888, 1889. (41) Antarvacanã (cf. Vel. No. 1445) is a sort of an indirect commentry. It narrates the legends suggested in the text and explains the ritual connected with the reading of the Kalpasūtra. This one was composed in Sam. 1457 by Gunaratnasuri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tap Gaccha. PRA. No. 562. (42) Antarvacanã composed by Kulamandanasuri. BK. Nos. 705; 951; JG. p. 52; PAP. 8 (11), 81 (6); PAPS. 39 (3, 7, 8); 46 (10; ms. dated Sam. 1574); 71(9); PRA. No. 547 (ms. Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः | dated Sam. 1485), VB. 1 (48); VC. 1 (16). (43) Antarvacanã by Ratnasekhara JG. p. 52 (footnote). (44) Antaracanã by Jinaharia. JG. p. 52 (footnote). (45) Antarvacanikämnäya, composed during the reign of Jinasägarasari, snoce ssor of Jinasimhasuri of the Kharatara Gaocha (Gram. 3066). Pet L. No. 290. (46) Antarvacya by Bhaktilabha, papil of Ratnacandra. DA. 73 (13); DB. 7 (30; 31); Pet. V. No. 663. (47) Antarvacya by Jayasundarasūri. DA. 18 (37-48; 50). 79 412, PAP. 31 (10), PRA. No. 1156.) (58) Balavabodha by Kamavijaya, (Kṣemavijaya?) in Sami. 1707. DB. 8 (1-3), PAPS. 27 (8, 10). (50) Stabaka by Parsvacandrasări. Limdi. Nos. 122, 123, 131; 175, (1) 495; SA. No. 1747. (51) Stabaka by Ramacandrasiri of the Madahada Gaocha. Limidi. No. 98 (dated Sam. 1517). (54) Balavabodha in Sarh. 1707 by Meruvijaya. Kaira. A. 157. (55) Stabaku composed in Samh. 1729 by Vidyavilasagani, pupil of Kamalabar sa of the Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 561. (48) Antarvacya by Somasundarasiri (Gram. 1800.). JG. p. 52; PAP. 8 Mitra. VIII. p. 111; Vel. Nos. 1447; (17 dated Sati. 1491; 19; 23; 24). 1448. (56) Balavabodha composed in Sam. 1733 by Sukhasagara. DB. 8 (2); Limdi. No. 255. (49) Antarvicya. Anon. Agra. Nos. 547 to 551; AM. 143; 254; 299; 373; Bengal. No. 6969; Bhand. IV. No. 267 VI. Nos. 1130; 1131; Bod. Nos. 1342; 1343; Buh. III. Nos. 77; 99; Cal. X. Nos. 6; 7; JB. 63; Kaira. B. 182 (dated Sat. 1650); JG. p. 52; Kath. No. 1250 Limdi. Nos. 273 (dated Sam. 1525); 274; 334 (dated Sari. 1512); 501; Mitra. IX. p. 149; X. p. ar Bhand. V. No. 1180. DA. 39 (72). 263; PAP. 8 (6; 7); Pet. I. No. 253; IV. No. 1224; V. Nos. 662; 663; 664; SA. No. 1686; SB. 1 (66); VB. 7 (7); Vel. Nos. 1445; 1446; 1447; 1448 to 1451; Weber. II. Nos. 1886; 1891; 1892. hafa of Vinayacandra. SG. No. 85. (1) en (25 Gathas). JA. 25 (12); Samb. No. 472. (II) in 35 Karikas by Asadhara. Limdi. No. 540. (57) Mangalikamala (Bhagatika i. e. in Hindi) composed in Sam. 1763. Cal. X. No. 10. e of Asadhara. Limdi. No. 540. कल्पाध्ययन or Dufrutaskandha. Bengal. No. 4158. This is perhaps Kalpasitra. Bhand. V. No. 1179. See Kalpaprārainbha. Bt. No. 20. See Nirayavalisūtra. (1) Tiks in Sam. 1228. Bt. No. 20. are of Ugräditya. This is a manual of Medicine. Burnell. p. 66a; Mysore. II. p. 179; III. p. 119; Padma. 47; Rice. p. 318; SRA. 35; 231; SRB. 6; 173. (52) Stabaka composed in Sam. 1625 (II) of Kumarasenadeva. AK. No. by Somavimalasuri, pupil of Hemavimala of the Tapa Gaccha. Limdi. Nos. 411; (III) (Kanarese) by Citrakavisena. 142. Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (1) PicouTCATC of Pujyapāda. Mud. 242. 276 in 51 Gātbās (Be. tittham pava yaņa.) Bengal. Nos. 7152; 7452; 7690; JA. 106 (1); Pet. I. A. pp. 48 ; 56; 67; 82 ; 86. See Pancakalyāņa stuti. C ARTolgitaaa by Mallisena. Pet. V. No. 911. (I) कल्याणमन्दिरपादपूर्तिस्तवन by Premaji. BK. | No. 306. (II) कल्याणमन्दिरपादपूर्तिस्तवन by Kantivijaya. PRA. No. 596. (III) कल्याणमन्दिरपादपूर्तिस्तवन composed by Bha vaprabhasuri in Sam. 1791. See Jainadharmavarasamstavana. (1) Svopajña Țikā in Sam 1791. BK. No. 1835. Clafatul of Vijayakīrti. CP. p. 632. (I) FEU Tararaataca of Devendrakirti. Idar. 162 ; List. (II) TOTAralarga of Surendrakirti. List. hulafateata of Siddhasena Divākara, also known as Kumudacandra. It contains 44 stanzas. It is published in the Kāvyamālā, Guccha VII. It is also edited and translated into German by Jacobi in Ind. Stud. Vol. 14, p. 376 ff. It is also edited with the commentaries of Kanakakusala (2) and Māņikyacandra (8) by H. R. Kapadia in the D. L. P. series, No. 79, Bombay,1932. Agra. Nos. 3236 to 3255; Baroda. No. 2139 ; Bengal. Nos. 4325; 6768 ; 7434 ; 7549 ; 7690 ; 7694 ; Bhand. V. No. 1070; VI. Nos. 992; 1003 ( 35 ); Bik. Nos. 1489; 1674 ; BK 233; BO. pp. 29; 58, Bod. Nos. 1387 ( 7 ); Buh. I. No. 48; III. No. 149, VI. Nos, 574; 575; Cal. X. Nos. 29 to 36 ; Chani. No. 1039; CP. pp. 632 ; 633 ; DA. 41 (79 to 96 ); 75 (12); DB. 24 (65-66); Hamsa. Nos. 278; 1255; 1293 ; JHA. 58 (2 c.); Kaira. B. 56 ; 72; Kath. No. 1251 ; Limdi. Nos. 91 ; 92 ; 641 ; 1. 763; 764 ; 870; 930 ; 1022; 1023; 1024; 1154; 1155 ; 1385; 1432 ; 1569 ; 1595 ; 1620; 1692 ; Mitra. IX. pp. 161; 190; PAP. 39 (40), PAPS. 45 (37; 39); 48 (37; 38; 39 ); 66 (51); Pet. I. A. p. 93; III. A. p. 227; IV. Nos. 1225; 1226; 1440 ; V. Nos. 665; 666 ; VI. Nos. 626; 640; 673; 690 ; VI. p. 143 ; No. 94; PRA. Nos. 188 ; 475; 1242 (No. 38 ); Samb. Nos. 97; 314; SG. Nos. 2010; 2163; 2306; Strass, p. 300; VB. 8 (16; 21 ; 28 ); 9 ( 32 ); VC. 4 (15; 18; 19; 34); Vel. Nos.1799–1801; Weber. II No. 1968 (a). (1) Tīkā called Vyākhyālesa (Grari. 555) composed by Harsakirti, pupil of Candrakirti of the Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha (Be :-srimatpārsvajinam. ). The date of composition as given in JG. p. 275 (Sam. 1668 ) is probably wrong. It should be about 35 years earlier. See Vel. No. 1828. and the Kath. ms. which is dated Sam. 1635. Bengal. No. 6664 ; BO. p. 58; DA. 4 (57; 58), DB. 24 ( 57 ; 58, 59); JHA. 58 (2 c.); Kath. No. 1252 (dated Sam. 1635 ); Limdi. Nos. 91; 764 , Mitra. IX. p. 190; PAZB. 5 ( 26 ); Pet. IV. No. 1225; PRA. No. 784 ; 1242 (No. 38); Vel. No. 1801. (2) Tīkā composed in Sari: 1652 by Kanakakusalagani, pupil of Hira vijayasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. (Be :- Pranamya pārsva. ) Bhand. VI. Nos. 1132; 1133 ; DA. 75 (12); Kaira. B. 72; Limdi. Nos. 1022 ; 1023; Pet. V. No. 778; VB. 8 (21), Vel. No. 1800; Weber. II. No. 1968 (a ). (3) Tīkā (Gram. 250 ) by Guņagāgara, pupil of Sāgaracandra, pupil of Amaraprabha, a spiritual descendant of Vadi Devasūri. JG. p. 275; Pet. III. A. p. 227 ( quotatiou ). (4) Tıkā by Guņaratnasuri, pupil of Jain Education Intemational Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Devasundarasiri of the Taps Gaccha. Bengal. Nos. 7434, 7549, DA. 41 (60 to 63; 68), PAPS. 66 (51). ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । (5) Tika by Panyasagaragani. Pet. V. No. 665. (6) Saubhagyamanjari (Grazi. 346). Kiel. I. No. 13 (dated Sam. 1627. Be :bhāsvadratnagabhastibbiḥ). (7) Tika by Caritravardhanagani, pupil of Kalyanaraja of the Kharatara Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2139, DA. 41 (56). (8) Dipika composed in Sam. 1668 (according to PAPS. note), by Manikyacandra, pupil of Ratnacandra, pupil of Santicandra of the Tapă Gaccha (Be:raivatadrisiras). BK. No. 233; Chani. No. 1089; DB. 24 (55; 56); PAPS. 48 (38), PRA. No. 188; VB. 8 (28) (9) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1695 by Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha (Be -- pārsva nätham jina). PRA. No. 475; VB. 8 (16). (10) Avacuri by Gunasenasūri (Gunaratana? See No. 4). JG. p. 275; PAPS. 48 (37; dated Sam. 1523); SA. No. 1646. (11) Tiks by Devatilaka of the Ukesa Gaccha. JG. p. 275; PAPS. 45 (39). (12) Tiki by Ratracandra, pupil of Santicandra of the Tapa Gaocha. This commentary is mentioned by the author himself in his commentary (composed in Sam 1676,) on Samyaktvasaptatikā. PRA. No. 305. No. mss. are however, known to me. (13) Tika composed in Sarh. 1710 by Jinavijayagani, pupil of Devavijayagani. JG. p. 275; PAPS. 45 (37). (14) Vrtti by Jayanandasiri (by Gunaratna ?). VB. 9 (32). (15) Vrtti by Kamalavijaya. VC. 4 (15, 18; 19). J....11 (16) Vrtti by Tapācārya (Digambara. Be:-gripārsvajinamänamya.). CP. p. 632; Keith. No. 65, PAP. 39 (40). 81 (17) Tika. Anon. Agra, No. 3240; Bengal. Nos. 2610; 7679; Kaira. B. 56, Limdi. Nos. 650; 763; 930; 1385; 1650; Pet IV. No. 1226; V. No. 666; Surat. 1, 5; VC. 4 (34). (18) Balavabodha by Merutunga. Limdi. No. 92. (19) Balavabodha by Manoharadasa (Digambara). PAPS. 48 (39) quifqizin 45 Anustubh Slokas, composed by Ratnamani (Bet-re yobijamava.) It is published in the DLP. Series No. 79 (p 250), Bombay, 1932. See also Kalyanamandiraochāyāstavana. by Asadhara. Published in the MDG. Series No. 21, Sarh. 1979. in 54 Prakyta Gathas by Brahma Ajita. Published in the MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay. Sam, 1979. awgcuftodes in 123 Gathas sometimes ascribed to Jinacandra, pupil of Jinesvara. DB. 35 (211); JG. p 66; Patan Cat. I. p. 374 (quo.), PAZB. 14 (7); Pet. V. A. P. 69; VI. No. 579; Surat. 1 (1237). GEGYIPEIQUEMurga of Yasabkirti. Idar. 73 (2 copies), MHB. 19. figures of Cañarika Kavi. Hebr. 49. (1) ga metrical Dhatupaths acording to the system of Hemacandra's grammar, composed in imitation of Vopedeva's work by Hargakula, pupil of Hemavimalasüri of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published in the YJG. Suries, No. 12, Bhavnagar. DA. 61 (35); VB. 10(27). | (II) कविकल्पद्रुम Anonymous. (1) Vetti (Gram. 1754). JG. p. 306. (2) Avacuri by Vijayavimala. JG. p. 306. Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। (1) # casar (rafat) of Devasena, son of Sakalacandra of the Tapā Gaccha. . of Vāgbhata, ininister of Malwa. It is BK. No. 270 ; PRA. No. 280. published in the Bibliothecu Indica Series. (1) Tīkā Svopajña. BK. No. 270; Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 48. PRA. No. 280. (II) car (ar ) of Amaracandra. (I) Water treating of Sanskrit roots in 298 See Kávya-kalpalata. stanzas, by Ravidharma. DB. 38 ( 24 ); #lateptam in 116 stanzas by Samantabhadra. JG. p. 329. CP. p. 633 ; see Siddhapriyastotra. It is (1) Svopajña Vrtti. DB. 38 (24); also called Jivasataka and Smrtividyā. JG. p. 329. Also see Kaviguhyakāvya. Fraggo A work in Prakrta on Präkrta metres in (II) # tety Anonymous. (Gram. 400 ). Very five chapters. It is alluded to in Jinapra probably the same as above. For other bha's commentary on Ajitaśāntistava Kavirahasyas compare CC. II. p. 19. VA. (in Sam. 1365). The author quotes a stan 5(8); VB. 10 ( 33 ). za from Hemacandra's Chandonusāsana, (1) Vrtti. VB. 10 ( 33 ). and mentions Kumārapāla in the illustra- (I) laister of Jayamangalācārya ( Gram. 300 ). tions of Ghatta and Kadava. He also JA. 5 (4); Pet. I. A. p. 78. quotes Prākrta verses from Jinasimhasuri, (II) Farstant of Vinayacandra, pupil of (?) Süraprabhasuri and Tilakasūri. I have Bappabhatta ; cf. Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. edited the work along with its Vrtti 47. Bt. No. 498; JG. p. 315; PAS. from the single manuscript, namely, Kiel. No. 296 ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 47-50 (quo.). IL No. 15, in the Annals, BORI., 1935. (III) faster of Amaracandra. See KavyaThe author's name is not known. kalpalata. (1) Vrtti. Anon. Kiel. II. No. 15. +91991Ta in about 236 Gāthas composed by In this commentary three writers on a Digambara writer called Gunadhara Sanskrit metres i e. Sura, Pingala and Acārya. Trilocanadāsa and two writers on Prakrta meters i. e. Svayambhū and Manoratba, (1) Cūrņavrtti (Gram. 6000) by as also the Chandahkandali, a work on Yativrsabha, who studied under NagaPrakrta metre, are mentioned and hastin and Aryamariksu, both pupils of quoted. The commentary also quotes Gunadhara Acārya. a verse from Padaliptasuri. (2) Uccāraṇavrtti by an unknown author (Gran. 12000). E picu is a commentary on Vopadeva's Kavirahasya, by Ravidharma. JG. p. 329; (3) Vrtti by Sāmakunda Acārya Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 54. , (Gram. 6000). (4) Cadāmaņi Vyakhya by Tumbu(1) Svopajña Vrtti. JG. p. 329 ; this is perhaps a mistake. According to lūrācārya. CC. I. p. 87 Kaviguhya is only another (5) Prakrta Tika (Gran. 60000) by name of Kavirahasya. Bappadeva Guru. iPagriEiTh JG. p. 315. This is probably (6) Jayadhavala composed in Saka 759, by Virasena and Jinasena II (Gram. the same as kavimada parihära. 60000 ). It is in mixed Sanskrit, TAURETT composed, during the spiritual reign Prākrta and Kannada. See J. H. Vol. of Hiravijayasuri, by Sānticandra, pupil 12. p. 382. Jain Education Intemational Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। The Dhavala of Vīrasena on the Mahakarmaprakrti Prabhrta (also known as the Satkhandăgama) is now being published by Prof. H. L. Jain at Amaraoti, Berar. glasi Bengal. No. 6730. fra SB. 2 ( 95 ). (I) FiraT by Somasundara Upādhyāya (Grari. 1000 ). VB. 9 ( 26 ). (II) Fargo by Samvegasundara. BK. No. 279. (III) Fa tur in 182 Kärikās, composed dur do ing the reign of Hiravijayasuri, by Hemavijayagani, pupil of Kamala vijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, 1908. Hamsa. No. 144 ; JG. p. 176 ; PAP. 19 (89 dated Sam. 1656 ). (1) Svopajña Vrtti. JG. p. 176. (IV) Fractor of Hemaviinalayaņi (Hema vijaya ?). Chani. No. 412. 3517 7 Weber. II. No. 2009. 1969 JG. pp. 354; 364 ; Limdi. No. 1484 ; SA. No. 1904. 15kgafra of Vādirājasuri. This is mentioned by the author in his Yasodbaracaritra, I. 5. But no mss. of it are yet known to me. Cf. Pet. IV. A. p. 163. v. 7. FITTIT Bengal. No. 6804. # ght Buh. VI. No. 576. IT-TE199584 in Sanskrit. Jesal. No. 873 (dated Sam. 1346 ). (1) Avacuri. Jesal. No. 873 (dated Sam. 1346). # r ainyaGrani. 500). Bt. No. 460. aaaaa in 21 stanzas ( Be :- kasya dhätoh). Bhand. V. No. 476 ; VI. No 530 ; Buh. III. No. 36 ; CC. I. p. 90 ; CP. p. 634; IO. No. 789; JG. p. 305 ; PAPS. 69 (61); Pet. V. No. 217; Weber. II. No. 1632. (1) Țikä сomposed in Sari. 1352, by Jinaprabhasüri, pupil of Jinasimhasūri of the Kbaratara Gaccha. DC. p. 48 ; JG. p. 305. (2) Avacuri composed in Sam 1625, by Cáritrasimba, pupil of Matibhadra of the Kharatara Gaccha. BO. p. 58, Buh. III. No. 36 ; CC. I. p. 90 ; IO. No. 789; Weber. II. No. 1632. (3) Tikā or Avacuri. Anon Bhand. VI. No. 530 ; Pet. V. No. 217 (dated Sam. 1693). 1771FTUES by Sarvavarman. It is published with Rūpamālā Vitti by HiracanNemicand, Bombay, Sam. 1952 and by Biharilal Kathanera, Bombay, A. D. 1927. (1) Vrtti by Durgasimha. CC. I. p. 90 , II. p. 17; III. p. 19; DC. pp. 9; 12 ; 33; 53 ; Idar. 145 ( 2 copies ); 149 ( 5 copies ); Jesal. Nos. 117 ; 272 ; 765 ; Kiel. II. No. 44, Kundi. Nos. 67, 110, 206 ; 328 ; Pet. IV. A. 14; V. A. p. 41. (2) Vrttivivaranapañjikā (see CC. I. p. 90; II. pp. 17; 192 ; III. p. 19) by Trilocanadāsa, son of Megha, a non-Jain. Bt. No. 448 ; DC. pp. 9; 12; 17 ; 33; 53, IO. No. 748 ; Jesal. Nos. 117; 272; 765 ; Kundi. No. 328 ; Ulwar Catalogue, EX. No. 1127. (3) Vrttivivaranapañjikădurgapadaprabodha by Jinaprabodha (alias Prabodhamurti ; see DC. p.17), pupil of Jineśvara (Gram, 3161 ). CC. I. p. 90; DC. p. 17 (dated Sarn. 1328); IO. No. 748, Jesal. Nos. 272 ; 765; JG. p. 305 ; Kiel. II. No. 44; Kundi. No. 328. (4) Sabdasiddhivrtti by Mahadeva, son of Dhunduka. Kiel. II. No. 60 (palm mis. dated Sarn. 1340 ). (5) Daurgasirohidipika (Gram. 4000) by Gautama, pupil of Virasiroha Upādhyaya. JG. p. 305 ; Kundi. No. 67. (6) Bälāvabodha composed in Sam. 1444 by Meratūngasūri, pupil of Mahen Jain Education Intemational Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ draprabha of the Añcala Gaccha. Bhand. 1 nandasuri. It is only upto SamāsaVI. No. 1360; CP. p. 714 ; DA. 61 (68); prakaraņa. Bt. No. 461 ; DC. p. 24; Hamsa. Nos. 206; 230; Idar. 153 ; Jesal. Nos. 147, 815 ( both palm ) ; JG. Kundi. No. 19; PAP. 39 (34); 41(21); p. 305 ; Kundi. No. 69 ; Pet. IV. No. PAPL. 5 ( 46 ); 6 (6, 7, 13); PAPR. 487; IV. A. p. 16 ( quotation ). 18 (39); PAPS. 72 (21), 80 (90); ; iqrart of Bāṇabhatta, a non-Jain author. Samb. No. 44, Vel. No. 22. (1) Țikā by Bhānucandra and Siddhi(7) Vistāra by Vardhamāna, priest of candra of the Tapā Gaccha. CC. I. p. King Karnadeva. Was he a Jain ? CC. 92. It is published by N. S. Press, I. p 90 ; Idar. 149 (dated Sam. 1453 ); Bombay. Kiel. II, No. 278; Mud. 532; SG. No. 1446. *19ra fręgot of Mandana Mantrin. JG. P. 334, (8) Rūpamālāvrtti by Bhävasena Trai This is the same as the next. vidya, a Digambara writer. AK. Nos. 145 कादम्बरीमण्डन by Mandana Kavi. It is an epitome to 151; CC. I. p. 90; II. p. 17; III. p. 19; of Bana's work, and is published by the CMB. 66 ; 173 ; CP. pp. 633-635; 662; Hemacandra Sabhā, Patan, Series No. 8. Idar. 145(4 copies); 149; Hebru. 8;10;46; Chani. No. 230; JG. p. 334 ; PAZB. 23 KO. 159 ; 164, 168 ; 169; 170, 171 ; (1; dated Sam. 1504); SA. No. 819; 174; Mud. 52; 87, 91; 92; 100; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 7. Mysore. I. p. 44 ; IL p. 169; Padma. 10; F#arqar Bengal. No. 7033 ; Surat. 4. 60; 85 ; 113 ; Pet. III. No. 248 (dated THCF See also Pāpabuddhidharmabuddhikathā; Sam. 1535 ); Vel. No. 21, published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jam(9) Kālāpakavisesavyākhyāna (Gran. nagar, 1909 and 1922. Agra. No. 1635; 325 ); Bt. No. 453. Buh. II, No. 276 ; DB. 31 (68; 69); (10) Catuskavrtti-Tippna by Golhaņa. Limdi. No. 805 ; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 7, VC.. PAPS. 72(1); Vel. No. 73. 4 (4) (11) Kaumārasārasamuccaya is a me. me. 1901Eifcalce of Malliseņasuri, pupil of Jina-, trical commentary (Gram. 3100 ) based senasuri. It has 5 Adhikāras. Padma. 36; on three earlier commentaries. Bt. No. SRB. 113. 455 ; JG. p. 304. filma arts composed in Sam. 1409, by Merutun(12) Akhyānavrtti by Moksesvara, gasuri of the Ancala Gaccha. Published possibly a Non-Jain (Grain. 5804). by the Hemacandra Sabha, Series No. 18, JG. p. 304. See also CC. I. p. 90. Patan, 1928. Hamsa. No. 1473 ; PRA. (13) Vrtti by Prthvicandrasuri (Gram. No. 315 ; Surat. 1, 6. 4000 ). JG. p. 304. FTHÈZ 57#UT JB. 122. (14) Vrtti. Anon. Bt. No. 449 to 453 ; THEIT of Guņākara. DB. 23 ( 26 ). 158; 459; JG. pp. 304 ; 305 ; also com- | TUESIT in 24 Prākrta stanzas. It is publipare CC. I. p. 90, II. p. 17 ; III. p. 19. shed in the JAS. series, (No. 8), Bhav19TEZA JG. p. 305 (a palm ms. of foll. 225). nagar, Sam. 1968. Agra. Nos. 929Is it Katantravibhramavrtti ? 931 ; 3256-3262; Bhand. V. No. 1181; Fragia also called Siddhānanda (Vijayānanda Buh. II. No. 277; Chani. No. 371 ; DA. according to JG. Vidyānanda acc. to Bt.), 60 (153-169); 76 (53); DB. 35 (137 composed by Vijayānanda or Vidyā- ! to 140); Flo. No. 672; Kath. No. 1262, Jain Education Intemational Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 85 PAP. 19 (118); PAPS. 80 (30); Pet. Bhand. VI. No. 1349 ; Bik. No. 1486) V. Nos. 672; 673; SA. No. 630 ; Surat. Bub. II. No. 387 ; Chani. No. 781 ; CP. 1, 11 ; VA. 5 (13); VC. 4 (6); VD. p. 713; DA. 60 (266-284), 76 (93); Idar. 4 (14); Vel. No. 1802. 108; 124 ; Jesal. No. 1067 ; JHA. 56 ( 2c.); JHB. 35 ( 2c.); 54 ; Limdi. Nos. (1) Tikā composed by Kulamaņdana 1018; 1107 ; 1209 ; 1380 ; 1381; 1458; suri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the 1517; 1529; 1718; 1720; Mitra. IX. Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. 1181 ; Buh. p. 5; PAP. 62 (12); PAPS. 48 (135); II, No. 277; Chani. No. 371 ; DA. 60 62 (22); 63 (6; 16); 80 ( 112 ); PA(153-165), DB. 35 (137-140); Flo. No. ZA. 11 (8) ; PRA. No. 1179 ; SA. No. 672 ; Hamsa. Nos. 921; 1068; 1087; 242 ; Tapa. 49 ; VB. 22 (5 ; 15 ; 30 ); PAP. 19 (118); PAPS. 80 (30); SA. VC. 8 ( 25 ; 27 ); 9 ( 11 ); Vel. Nos. No. 630 ; Surat. 1, 11 ; VA. 5 (13); 1838 ; 1839 ; 1840. VD. 4 (14) (II) Fran$922 TAIE (Gadya ). DA. 60 (2) Tikā by Ratnasimha. DA. 104 (270 ; 271 ); Limdi. No. 1500. Also see (53); JG. p. 145. Jñānapañcamikathā. (3) Tīkā. Anon. Agra. No. 929; Hamsa. कार्तिकसौभाग्यपञ्चमीमाहात्म्यकथा Anon. Bengal. Nos. 1068; 1087; Pet. V. Nos 672; 673; Strass. p. 432c ; Vel. No. 1082. No. 6672 ; Flo. Nos. 748 ; 749 (both in 149 stanzas ); Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. gtatagri of Bhadrabahu in 55 Gāthās. JA. (W) auf TTYOPATATETEJP by Manjusuri. 95 (7) ; Pet. I. Nos. 273 ; 306 ; I. A. p. BO. p. 58. 62; V. A. p. 67. tereffaf Pet. VI. No. 633. fatura by Kumāra, also known as Kärti keya ( cf. for contents etc. Bhaud. IV. p. Archausa CP. p. 634. 113 ). It contains 489 Prākrta Gāthās TTFUTE SA. Nos. 419, 638. and is published by Natha Ranga Gandhi, Free DA. 63 ( 22 dated Sam. 1714). Bombay and in the Sulabha Jain 1 974 by Sarabhasanandin. DA. 61 ( 43 ) Granthamālā, Calcutta, 1921. Also see TTF#arolata by Vinaśvaranardin. Mysore. II. p. Winternitz, History, II. p. 577. AD. Nos. 169. 85; 139; 142; Bhand. IV. No. 290; VI. No. 1041; Buh. VI. Nos. 698 699, कारकसमुच्चय See Karakoktisamuccaya. CMB. 23 ; 98 ; 146 ; CP. p. 634 ; Kath. actria ait in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 920. Nos. 1217, 1218 ; Pet. IV. No. 1409 ; कारकोक्तिसमुपचय in three chapters composed in 1500; VI. Nos. 688 ; 689; 690 ; PR. Sam. 1280 by Sriprabha. BO. p. 29; No. 86 ; SG. No. 2469 ; Strass. p. 300 ; Bt. No. 445 ; SA. No. 439. (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1613 by (I) कार्तिकशुक्लपञ्चमीमाहात्म्यकथा also called Jnana Subhacandra, pupil and successor of pañcarnīmāhātmya or Saubhāgyapanoa Vijayakirti of the Mülasangha. In this mikathā or Varadattagunamañjarikathā, commentary, many passages from Bracomposed in Sarn. 1655 by Kanakakusa hmadeva's commentary on Dravyasanla, pupil of Vijayasenasuri of the Tapā graha are quoted ; cf. ABORI. XII. p. Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit. Published by 157. AD. Nos. 139; 142; Bhand. IV. Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1925-26. No. 290; IV. p. 113, 398 ff.; BO. p. Also in the Parvakathāsangraha, I. YJG. 58; CMB. 146 ; CP. p. 634 ; Kath. Series, No, 16, Benares, Vir. Sam. 2436. No. 1217, MHB. 11 ; Pet. IV, No. Jain Education Intemational Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 86 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 1409 - IV. A. p. 142 (quotation); Strass. p. 300. कालकाचार्यकथा See Kalikacaryakatha. camauit in 85 Gāthās was composed in Sam. 1267. JG. p. 137 ; Limdi. No. 930. F IT in Sanskrit (Gram. 2641). JG. p. 354; VB. 10 ( 31 ) izglit T PAZB. 12 (14). See Kālasvarüpa kulaka (I). (1) Tikā. PAZB. 12 (14). m aart Kiel. II. No. 77. $13 by Municandrasuri. JG. p. 208 ; VB. 9 (10) caarasi in 74 Aryas composed by Dharma ghosa, pupil of Devendra of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1968. Agra. Nos. 1875–1880; Baroda. No. 1795 ; Buh. II. No. 185; Chani. No 292 ; DA. 59 ( 58-71); DB. 34 ( 94-99 ); Flo. Nos. 703; 704 ; JG. p. 143 ; JHA. 47 ( 2c.); Limdi. Nos. 930 ; 1007; 1143 ; PAP. 21 (14); Pet. I. No. 275; IV. No. 1227 ; IV. A. p. 82 ( quotation); V. No. 667 ; PR No. 181; Surat. 1, 2,5, 8, 9, 11 ; VA. 5 (14): VB. 10 (11); Weber. II. No. 1975. (1) Avacuri. Anon. Buh. II. No. 185; DB. 34 ( 94 ; 95 ); Limdi. Nos. 930; 1143 ; Weber. II, No. 1975. (1) F1 FET in 32 Apabhrariisa stanzas, by Jinadattasuri. It is published with a commentary in the Apabhramsakāvyatray. No. 37, Gaek. O. Series, Baroda, 1927. Baroda. Nos, 682 ; 717 ; DB. 35 (98); Jesal. No, 138; Kjel. III. No. 167 ; PAZB. 12 (14); PRA. No. 957. (1) Vrtti by Jinaprabhasuri. DB. 35 (98). (2) Vivarana by Suraprabba. Baroda. Nos. 682 ; 717 ; DI. p. 19; Jesal. No. pupil of Jinapati. JG. 1» 158. (4) Vitti. Anon. PAZB. 12 (14). (II) FIZETET * of Dharinaghoşa. See Kāla saptatikā. targ of Jinadatta. See Kālasvarūpa kulaka I. कालिकाचार्यकथा the story of Kalaka or Kalika Acārya, who transferred the date of the Paryusaņā festival from the fifth to the fourth of the first half of the month of Bhādrapada. It is usually found at the end of the manuscripts of the Kalpasūtra. But independent copies of it also are not wanting. It exists in many recensions, some of which are in Sanskrit and others in Prākrta. Almost all these recensions have been carefully examined and analysed by Prof. N. W. Brown in his Story of Kälaka, Washington, 1933. (1) F i at ( Tu ea ) This version is in mixed prose and verse. It is mostly in Prākrta, with a few stanzas in Sanskrit and Apabhramsa. This is styled as the Long Aronymous Version by Brown and is edited with English translation from six mss., in the Story of Kalaka, at pp. 36-70. Brown considers this as the oldest version. JA. 107 (2); Pet. I. A. pp. 18; 51; 69 ; III. A. p. 26; Sangha Bhandar, Patan, Nos. 4 (2; palm ms. dated Sam. 1336); 7 ( 2; palm ms.); 17 ( 2; palm ms. dated Saris. 1344). All these are also the mss., of the Kalpasutra. (II) T U RUT ( BUTE ) This ver sion contains about 153 Prakrta stanzas. Sangha Bhandar, Patan, 6 ( 2 ). This also is a palm-leaf ms. of the Kalpasūtra ; cf. Brown, Story of Kālaka, p. 26; also cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 389. Perhaps PAP. 11 (28) is a ms. of this version (ms. dated Sari. 1490). (III) HIST U (377 ) This version is in about 108 Präkrta stanzas. Sangha 138. (3) Vitti by Jinapala Upadhyāya, Jain Education Intemational Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । Bhandar, l'atan, 58 (2; a palm-leaf | the version of the Prabhāvakacaritra. It ms.); cf. Brown, p. 27. contains 156 Sanskrit stanzas and is prin(IV) Fil e (aragazafat) This version ted in the N. S. P. Edition of the Pracontains 85 Prakrta stanzas. Sangha bhāvakacaritra, at pp. 36-46. Compare Bhandar, Patan, 2 ( 2; a palm-leaf ms. of Brown, p. 30. the Kalpasūtra ); cf. Brown, p. 28, and #1134191472 (aa1a49u) This ver Patan Cat. I. p. 388. At Patan Cat. I. sion consists of 67 Sanskrit stanzas. See p. 261 (quo. ), this version is ascribed Brown, p. 31 ( Bhavnagar ms. on paper). to Vinayacandra, pupil of Raviprabha, ) f or (gå HIE927:) This verand contains only 78 Prākrta verses. This author had assisted Udayasimha in sion contains 74 Sanakrit stanzas, compohis commentary on Dharmavidhi in Sam. sed in Sam. 1325 by a layman called 1286 ; cf. Pet. V. A. p. 115. Pradyumna at the request of Hariprabha(V) 1914 ( gal irtaagui ) This sūri; cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 151 for quoversion is in about 132 Prakrta stanzas. tations etc. PAS. No. 234 ( a palm-leaf Sangha Bhandar, Patan, 82(1; a palm-leaf ms. of the Kalpasūtra ). ms. of the Kalpasūtra ); PAS. 221 (This (XII) Fe (SOTAT HITS are ) This also is a plam-leaf ms. of the Kalpasutra); version is in about 100 Präkrta staznas, Brown, p. 28. and Patan Cat. I. pp 147 composed by Bhāvadevasuri, who descri. (quotaion); 372; 406; (ms. dated bes himself as a descendant of Kālikācārya Samvat 1377). himself. This version is edited by (VI) 110 2 ( TEIEGIC iai) this ver Leumann at ZDMG, Vol. 37, p. 493ff., sion is almost wholly identical with No. and by Brown, Story of Kālaka, p. 87 ff. (V). JA. 60 (4; a palm-leaf ms. of the AM. 206 ; DA. 18 (19); JA. 89 (8), Kalpasutra); PRA. No. 1294 ; cf. Brown, Jesal. No. 386 ; Limdi. No. 89 (ms. dap. 29. ted Sam. 1538 ); 263 ( ms. dated Sam. (VII) #1919 ( F ana') The version 1481 ) ; 930 ; Pet. I. A. p. 30; RAS. consists of about 88 Sanskrit stanzas, London (ms. dated Sam. 1461, mentioncomposed by Vinayacandra, pupil of Rat ed by Brown). nasimhasuri and author of Kalpasūtra-ţikā (XIII) FCS Car (@JITA UTIÊ) This ver(No. 7 in Sam. 1325). Ahmedabad, sion contains 57 Prākrta stanzas compoLohar Pol Bhandar, 91 ( 3 ); PAZB. 21 sed in Sam. 1389 by Dharmaprabhasüri. ( 33 ); Sarigha Bhandar, Patan, 5 ( 2; a Edited by Brown, at Story of Kālaka, palm-leaf ms. of the Kalpsutra ); cf. p. 92 ff., and also by Leumann at ZDMG., Brown, p. 29, and Patan Cat. I. p. 377 vol. 37, p. 505 ff. Ahmedabad, Lohar ( ms. dated Sam 1364). Pol Bhandar, 38 (3); (a ms. of the (VIII) folatiem ( pui faiça gel) This Kalpasūtra ); Cambay, Vijayanemisuri version contains 52 Sanskrit Slokas, Bhandar, 181 (2); PAZB. (19; dated which were composed by Mabesvarāsuri Sam. 1502); for the other three of the Pallivāla Gaccha in Saro. 1365, as European mss., see Brown, p. 93. an appendix to a ms. of the Kalpasūtra The following mss. also are very probably written at his advice, in the same year. of this version :-Limdi. Nos. 332 ; 598 JA. 60 (3) = Pet I. A. p. 29 = PRA. (dated Sam. 1472); 774; and 930. The No. 1296. Compare Brown, p. 30. two middle ones are illustrated with (IX) #&# # (seazaratzfs) This is beautiful pictures. Jain Education Intemational Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 stratarea atat: 1 (XIV) #f areer (frafitaih ) This ver Pustakoddhära Fund, Series, Surat, 1939. sion contains 65 Sanskrit stanzas. It is Besides the two mss. mentioned by published at the end of the Kalpasutra in Brown, p. 34, the following may be the DLP. Series, No. 18, Bombay, 1914. recorded :-Baroda. No. 2994; Bik. No. It is also edited from 11 mss. by Brown, 1488; BK. No. 1242; Cal. X. No. 57; Story of Kālaka, p. 98 ff. See also Buh. Chani. No. 913; Kaira. B. 112; PAPS. II. No. 337. In addition to these 12, I 48 (93); PRA. Nos. 202; 476. may mention only one more ms., namely, The following versions, the accuracy Limdi. No. 153. See also Patan Cat. I. p. of information regarding which cannot 411 No. 3-2. be guarranteed, are not used by Prof. (XV) FILETE1OT (agfsofiagrat) This ver Brown in his Story of Kālaka :sion is in 120 Prākrta Gāthās. Edited XIX ) F r eno in 107 Prakrta Gathās from nine mss. in his Story of Kalaka, composed in Sam. 1566, by Devakallolap. 71 ff. In addition to these 9 mss., the sūri of the Upakeśa Gaccha. JG. p. 249. following Limdi. mss. also seem to contain this version:--Limdi. Nos. 679; 680; It is a manuscript from the Jain Sālā 930; cf. also AM. 397 ; Pet. I. A. p. 17; Bhandar, Cambay. III. A. p. 225. (XX) 1691er by Māņikyasuri. PRA. No. 744 (dated Sari. 1646 ). (XVI) Fre e (Cursoft si facu) This |(XXI) F11 2116 by Jinalābhasuri. KN. 19. version is in 105 Prākrta stanzas and was probably composed by Dharms kirti (after ( XXII) Fila in Sanskrit by Kirtiwards Dharmaghoșasūri), pupil of Vidyā. candra. JG. p. 249 ; Pet. I. No. 251. nanda and Devendra Sūris of the Tapā (XXIII) F C Fert in Sanskrit by a pupil of Gaccha. A single ms. of this version is so Vardbamānasüri. Bhand. IIL No. 423 far known and it is JA. 5 (2). Compare, ( foll. 15). Brown, p. 33 (No. 15). The information (XXIV ) 113 11het by Kulamaņdana. VD. which I have given above and which is not 4 ( 17 ). given by Brown was obtained by me from | (XXV) #1 en by Jinacandrasuri. KN. a Prasasti copied out from this ms., for 17. Dr. T. L. Shah, of Baroda, where the following line occurs:-- Vidyānandarisiņam (XXVI) F erie in 119 Prakrta Gâthās yo Devindo ( ya ) Dhammakittidbaro. by Jayānandasuri. Limdi. No. 124; (XVII) Ferra (3raflaag zoragit) cf. JG. p. 249. This version is from Bhadreśvara's Kathā ( XXVII ) A 1 69 by Rāmacandrasuri. vali. It is in Prākrta and is written in Limdi. No. 98 (dlated San. 1517). mixed verse and prose. This is published (XXVIII) F leder in Sanskrit prose. Pet. with an analysis by Brown at Story of IV. No. 1228. Kālaka, pp. 102-107. (XXIX) #f l ict called Alpātisayaprati(XVIII) 10 luku (90F sys) This pādanaslokavyākhyā. JA. 106 (16; prose version in Sanskrit was composed Graṁ. 370); JG, p. 249. by Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra (XXX) Fleet of Kamalasariyama (ms, of the Kharatara Gaccha in Sam. 1666. dated Sam. 1567). JHA. 30. It is published along with the Kalpa- (XXXI) FI1913FT of Lakşmivallabha. JHB sutra-Kalpalată in the Jinadattasuri 31 ; 35; 54. Jain Education Intemational Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (XXXII ) *iferare Anon. Agra. Nos. 544 ; 1617-1633; Buh. II. No. 337 (this is No. XIV); Bengal. Nos. 7507; 7583; DA. 18 (20-26); 19 (77); 73 (19); DC. pp. 28; 34 ; Idar. 124; JA. 5 (2 ; 3); 60 (5); 95 (10); 107 (2); JB. 68; 69, 71 ; Jesal. Nos. 535; 858 ; JG. p. 249; JHA. 30 (ms. dated Sarn. 1567 ); Kaira. B. 102 ; Kath. No. 1248 (Kap. No. 501); Kiel. II. No. 14 ( Kap. No. 499 ); 373; Kundi. Nos. 7; 10; 26; 35; Pet. I. A. p. 69 ; II. No. 287 (Kap. No. 546); IV. Nos. 1228 ; 1229; V. A. p. 53 ; Samb. Nos. 27; 85 ; 115 ; Surat. 1, 9, 11; Tapa. 29 ; 30; 31 ; VB. 8 (2 ; 22); 9 (31); 10 (2;3; 29); VD. 4 (20; 24). (1) Vrtti (Gram. 370). JG. p. 249. requencat on Rhetoric, is a work in four chapters composed by Amaracandra, pupil of Jinadatta of the Vāya da Gaccha, who lived during the reign of King Visaladeva (1243-61 ) ; see Bhand. IV. Intro. p.6. It contains about 452 Sanskrit stanzas and is otherwise called Kavisiksā. In Kavyakalpalatā, the author refers to the following works of his own:-Kavyakalpalatāparimala and Mañjarī, Alankāraprabodha and Chandoratnāvalī. Agra. Nos, 2834; 2835; 2836; Bhand. III. No. 424; IV. Nos. 268 ; 269 ; VI. No. 1363 ; Bik. No. 598 ; Buh. II. No. 401 ; IV. No. 65; VI No. 708 ; CC. I. p. 101 , II. p. 19; III. p. 22; CP. p. 635; DA. 66 ( 41-43 ); DB. 38 ( 29-31); IO. Nos. 1183-1187; JB. 152; Jesal. Nos. 142; 614; 975; 996 ; 1017 ; 1880; JHA. 57 (2 c.); Kaira. A. 45 ; 53; Kaira. B. 118; 180; Kath. No. 1356; KB. 3 ( 31 ), Limdi. No. 909; Mitra. VII. p. 282; PAP. 2721); 24 (4); 27 (2 ; 55; 56); 40 (52); 71 (5), PAPL. 5 ( 40); 6 ( 33); PAPR. 8(3); 12 (6); PAPS. 34 (3); 72 (23); PAZA, 7 (5); Pet III. No.: J.......1% 589 ; IV. Nos. 667; 668 ; VI. No. 327; SA. No. 264; Samb. No. 444; VA. 5 (11; 12; 15; 16 ); VB. 9 (17; 18; 21 ; 30); 10 ( 21 ); VC. 4 (5); VD. 4 (1); 5 (2); Vel. Nos. 130 to 133. (1) Svopajña Vrtti called Kavisiksa Vrtti (Gram. 3357). Agra. No. 2835; Bhand. III.No.424; IV. No. 269; VI.No. 1363; Bik. No. 598; Buh.IV. No 65; VI. No. 708 ; CC. I. p. 101 ; II. p. 19; III.. P. 22 ; CP. p. 635; DA. 66 (41 ; 42); DB. 38 (29; 30); DC. pp. 22; 38; 57; JB. 152, Jesal. Nos. 142; 996; Kaira. A. 45 ; Limdi. No. 909 ; Mitra. VII. p. 282 ; PAP. 2 (21); 24 (4); 27 (2;55; 56 ); 40 (52); 71 (5), PAPL. 5 (40); 6 (33) ; PAPR. 8 (3); 12 (6); PAPS. 34 (3); 72 (23) ; PAZA, 7 (5) ; Pet. IV. No. 668; VI. No. 327 ; SA. No. 264; Samb. No. 444 ; VC. 4 (5); VD. 5 (2). (2) Svopajña Vrttiparimala (Gram. 1122); Bt. No. 500 ; OC. I. p. 101 ; JG. p. 316 ; Surat. 1 ( 264 ; 265 ). (3) Vrttimakaranda composed in Sam. 1665 by Subhavijayagaņi, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha (Gram. 3196 ). DC. p. 57; Kaira. A. 45; Pet. VI. No. 327 = VI. A. p. 25; VB. 9 (24; 25 ). (4) Viveka called also Pallavasesa, by Vibudhamandiragaņi (this is doubtful; JG p. 316; Gram. 10000). DC. pp. 22 ; 38; Jesal. No. 614 (palm, dated Sam. 1205); JG. P. 316. It begins :-yat pallavena vivrtam.' (5) Vrtti by Hiravijaya (Gram. 5600). VC. 4 (5). This is probably the same as No. (3). (6) Vitti by Yasovijaya (Gram. 3250). - VD. 5 (2). 18 MTETHIOTT of Amrtadharmagani. KB. 3(66); KN. 48. TETASIT of Mammata (Non-jain ) Jain Education Intemational Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (1) Sanketa composed in A. D. 1160, by Mānikyacandra, pupil of Sagaracandra. This is published in the Anandashrm Series, Poona, 1921; also at Mysore, 1922. BO. p. 16;CC. I. p. 102; PAS. Nos. 154; 202 ; cf. Patan Cat. 1. p. 53-54 ( quo.); Pet. III. A. p. 320; Vel. No. 134. (2) Tikā by Jayānanda suri (Gram. 4400). VB. 9 (19). (3) Vrtti by Yasovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Patta. I. p. 107. TEHT=P ( Gram. 3500) by Vijayadevasuri. (This is very probably Subhavijaya's commentary on Kävyakalpalatā which was composed at the advice of Vijayadeva suri). VB. 9 (24; 25). FITHSH by Mandala Kavi (Gram. 1250 ). It de scribes the life of the Pandavas; cf. Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 50. Chani. No. 227, PAZB. 1 ( 24 ; 25 dated San. 1504); 23 (25; 29); PRA. No. 1162. FETARIET by Maheśvara. It is a poem ou Manda na Mantrin. It is published by Hemacandra Sabha, Patan, Series, No. 7. Chani. No. 233; PAZB. 23 (7, dated Sar. 1504; 33). Touson (Gram. 2500). JG. P. 316. flagratareff by Somaprabha. SA. No. 505. See Vel. Nos. 1825-27. #6917f of Dandin (Non-Jain). (1) Tikă by Tribhuvanacandra alias Vādisimha. Mitra. III. p. 33. (I) STEUTETTE is a work on Rhetoric in 8 chapters, composed by the famous Hemacandra, the preceptor of King Kumārapāla. It appears that the sutras constitute the Kāvyānusāsana, the Vrtti explaining the sutras is styled Alamkāracū dāmaņi and the commentary which explains the Vrtti is styled Viveka; cf. Kane, Sähityadarpaņa (2nd ed.), Intro. p. CXIII. Both the Sütras and the commentary are published in the Kavyamāla Series, Bombay. It is publi- | shed with Alarkāraciidāmaņi and Vives ka and with a learned Introduction and notes by Prof. Parikh and Prof. Athavale, at Sri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya, Bombay, 1938. BO. p. 57; Buh. IV. No. 265; DB. 38 (39); kath. No. 1352; Kiel. III. No. 153; KO. 127 ; Limdi. No. 1466 ; Mysore. II. p. 157 ; PAP. 24 (16); 27 (40) ;PAPR 2 (2) ; 10 (1); 15 (39); PAPS. 7 (palm ms. dated Sam. 1390); PAZB. 22 (9); Rice. p. 304 ; SA. No. 182; VD. 1 (20); Vel. Nos. 137, 138. (1) Svopajňa Vrtti called Alamkāracudamaņi ( Gram. 2800 ). Agra. Nos. 2832 ; 2833 ; Bik. No. 1460 ; BO. p. 57; Buh. II. No. 398 ; IV. No. 265 ; DB. 38 (39); Kath. No. 1352; Kiel. III. No. 153; KO. 127, Limdi. No. 1466 ; Mysore. II. p. 157 ; PAP. 24 (16); 27 (40) ; PAPR. 2 (2); 10 (1); 15 (39) ; PAPS. 7 (palm ms. dated San. 1390); Patan Cat. I. p. 398; PAZB. 22 (9); Pet. III. No. 574 (dated Sani. 1641); V. A. p. 134; (dated Sam. 1390); Rice. p. 304; SA. No. 182; VD. 1 (20); Vel. Nos. 137 ; 138. (2) Viveka Svopajña. Agra. Nos. 2832, 2833 ; Bik. No. 1460; BO. p. 93; PAPR. 2 (2); 10 (1); PAZB. 22 (9); Pet. III. No. 574; VD. 1 (20). (3) Yakşamaņi Vrtti (?). DB. 38 (39). (4) Vrtti by Yasovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Mentioned at Pattāvalisamuccaya (Viramyam, 1933), Part 1, P. 107. No manuscripts are known to me. FOTECTIEFTIRT of Vägbhata, son of Nemikumāra. This also is a work on Rhetoric. It is divided into five chapters and is published with the Alankāratilaka in the Kāvyamālā Series, Bombay. The author mentions here a Mahākāvya called Rsabhacaritra of his own and also a work on Metre called Jain Education Intemational Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ # eart: 5:1 Chandonusā sana, written by himself. f ragata of Bhäravi (non-Jain.) Neither of these is however, traceable. (1) Tīkā called Dipikā, composed by CC. I. p. 32 ; DB. 38 ( 34; 35); IO. Dharmavijayagaņi, pupil of DevavijayaNo. 1157; Kiel. I. No. 3; PAP. 12 (23); gani, pupil of Munivijaya, pupil of RājaVB. 10 (35); Weber. II. No. 1717. vimala of the Tapā Gaccha. DB. 38 (1) Svopajña Vttti called Alankāra (1; 2); JG. p. 334; Mitra. VIII p. tilaka. CC. I. p. 32; DB. 38 ( 34; 35 ); 247 ; Pet. V. No. 331 (canto I). IO. No. 1157; JG. p. 315; Kiel. I. No. (2) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1613 3 ; VB. 10 ( 35 ) ; Weber. II. No. 1717. by Vinayarāma or Vinayasundara, pupil SCOTT by Amarakavi. Bt. No. 502. Is it a of Ratnākarasuri. Bhand. IV. No. 271; commentary on Candrāloka? IV. A. pp. 143; 448 (quotation); CC. II. FIGUTEET of Rudrata (non-Jain). p. 194. (1) Tippana composed in Sarn. 11:5 (3) Tīkā by Rajasundara. VC. 4 (3) by Namisadhu, pupil of Salibhadra. For Perhaps the same as above. a list of authors quoted by Namisādhu, ( 4 ) Țikā composed in 1603 by Vijacf. Kane, Sāhityadarpana (2nd ed. ), p. yasuri. Chani. No. 902. This is perLV. The commentary is published in the haps the same as No. 2 above. Kavyamala Series, Bombay. Buh. IV. fasts by Bhānucandragani in 300 Slokas. VB. No. 70; 0C. I. p. 103 ; II. p. 20; DI. 10 (13; 14). p. 34; JG. p. 312; Kiel. II. No. 53 m e treat of Hemavijayagani. (palm ms. dated Sam. 1176 ); Kundi. Agra. Nos. 2877; 2878; Buh. IV. No. Nos. 46 ; 120; 300; PAZB. 1 ( 36 ); 240; SA. No. 822 ; VB. 9 ( 36 ). It is 8(12); Pet. I. No. 159. a eulogy of Vijayasenasūri of the Tapā (2) Tīkā by Asadhara. CC. I. p. 103; Gaccha ( died Sam. 1671). CPI. p. 36. arengut of Someśvarabhatta (non-Jain), cf. STT TOTA or Vrtti-vivarana-pañjikā by Jinendra Winternitz, Gesch. III. p. 93. Printed in buddhi. This is a commentary on the well the Bombay Sanskrt Series, 1883. It known Kasikā on Panini's Astädhyāyi. contains the life of minister Vastupāla BO. p. 94 ; Buh. VI. Nos. 284-286 ; of Gujrat. CC. I. p. 108 ; III. p. 24; CC. I. p. 103 ; II. p. 23; III. p. 20; Chani. No. 585 ; Hamsa. No. 629; Hebru. 29; TO. No. 603; Kiel. III. PAZB. 24 ( 23 ); Surat. 3, 9 ; Vel. No. Nos. 32-34 ; Mitra. VI. p. 139 ; Padma. 1170. 129 ; Rice. p. 306 ; SRA. 55.1 (1) Tikā by Mahāmisra. CC. II. FUERIT on Astrology. JG. p. 351 (foll, 10 only). E r int of Paramananda. Mitra. X. p. 100. 1ergeiftar Astakavarga ) a work on Horoscopy by Siddhasena. Mysore. II. p. 186. acaaien in Sanskrit verse. DB. 31 (143); JG. p. 250. काष्टासयगुर्वावलि AD. No. 161. (I) gateralta in Sanskrit by Vibudhaprabha fakturering by Siddhasena, pupil of Santi sūri. Bt. No. 259 (Gram. 5555); JG. sāgara. Hamsa. No. 634 ; SA. No. 211. p. 242. (1) Pikā Anon. Hamsa. No. 634, (II) ETS in Prakrta. Bt. No. 260. SA. No. 211. (III) yarate Anon. JB. 116 ( foll. 103 ). p. 20. Jain Education Intemational Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 92 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । कुन्दकुन्दपञ्च नामकथा List (8. J.) grafarmaco JG. p. 159. See Pravacana pariksi. gree of Dharmasagaragani. Buh. II. No. 186. See Pravacanapariksa. gr Limdi. No. 530. gryer of Manikyasiri. See Nalayana Mahaka vya. कुमताहिविषजाङ्गुलिमन्त्र otherwise called Hitopades, camposed in Sarh. 1677 by Ratna candragani, pupil of Santicandragani of the Tapa Gaccha. This work is mention ed by Ratnacandra in the Prasasti to his commentary on Adhyatmakalpadruma. (III) Chani. Nos. 66; 67; DA. 76 (14), DB. 20 (64), JG. p. 159; Hamsa. No. 1084, Limdi. No. 1179; PAPR. 15 (4), PAPS. 65 (85); Surat-5. कुमतिस्थापक KB 1 (63). gafaweza KB. 1 (62); SA. No. 490. कुमतिविषउत्तारणजाङ्गुलिमन्त्र the same as Kumatihiviṣajangulimantra. DB. 20 (64). कुमतिशिखामात्रस्वाध्याय of Mānavijaya. Chani. No. 971, SA. No. 2999. कुमारतिलककाव्य SB. 2 (162). कुमारदेवमवन्ध JG. p. 214. gareteft is a Präkta poem in 8 cantos, des cribing the life of King Kumarapala and at the same time illustrating the rules of Prakṛta grammar composed by Hema candra. It is published in the Bombay S. Series, 1900. This poem is really the second part of the Dvyasrayakävya composed by Hemacandra, to illustrte his Sabdanusasana, the first part illustrating Sanskrit grammar being usually known as the Dvyasrayakavya (s v. ). Agra. No. 2896. (1) garceaft () in Prakrta (Gram- 950) by Hariścandra, pupil of Prthvicandrasuri. JG. p. 213; PAS. No. 98. (II) garcraft (re) in 10 cantos (Gra 6307), composed in Samh. 1422, by Jaya simbasuri, pupil of Mahendrasiri of the Krsnarsi Gaccha. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1915 and by Godiji Jain Upasraya, at Bombay, 1926. See also M. D. Desai, Jaina Sahityano Itihasa, p. 440. Bhand. IV. A. pp. 6 and 313 (This is a Patan ms. examined by the author i.e. Dr. Bhandarkar); V. No. 1274; VI. No. 1300; BK. No. 467; DA. 50 (23); DB. 30 (28; 47); Hamsa. No. 357; PAP. 30 (25); 47 (11), 65 (13); PAPR. 15 (5); SA. No. 1775; Surat. 1, 5; VA. 5 (28); VB. 7 (4); VC. 4 (11). (V) (VI) (VII) (1) ft (4) composed in Sari. 1487 by Caritrasundaragani, pupil of Ratnasirihasüri. This is published by the JAS. Bhavanagar, (Series No. 57), Sam. 1973. Chani. No. 508; JG. p. 213; Kath. No. 1357. (IV) कुमारपालचरित्र ( काव्य ) in mixed prose and verse by Dhanaratna in Sam. 1537; compare Sadhanasamagri by Muni Jina vijaya p. 32. garcareafter (m) by Somavimala. Patan Cat. I. Intro. 44. P. HATCASE() (metrical) by Somacandragani (Gram. 6300). VB. 8 (15). ArtSita (1) Anon. Agra. Nos. 1420; 1421. garegresara in Präkṛta prose and verse composed in Sari 1241 by Somaprabha carya, pupil of Vijayasithhasüri, pupil of Ajitadeva of the Brhad Gaccha. The work is also called Jinadharmapratibodha and Hemakumaracaritra. It is published in the Gaek. O. Series No. 14, Baroda, 1920; cf. Winternitz, History, II. p. 570. For a review of its contents, see Alsdorf, Alt und New Indische Studien, Hamburg, 1928, p. 8. A discussion of the Pradyotakatha from this book at Annals, BORI., Vol. II. pp. 1-21. Chani. No. 175; Pet. V. A. pp. 24; 37, PRA. No 365. Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। (II) anyag aala in Sanskrit (Graṁ. 1575). and also by the JAS. Bhavnagar. Bt. No. 313. This is very probably Bhand. V. Nos. 1342; 1343; BK. Somatilaka's work (see below). Nos. 31 ; 1437; 1601 , Buh. II, No. Fagogíaatuita composed in Sar. 1424, by 318; DB. 22 (75; 76); 38 (32); Hamsa. Somatilakasuri, pupil of Sanghatilakasuri Nos. 664 ; 675; 723 ; 1525; JG. pp. of the Rudrapalliya Gaccha. It is written 210; 289; PAP. 24 (30; ms. dated in Sanskrit. Buh. VI. No. 709; Chani. Sam. 1514); 37 (110) ; 75 ( 8; 105 ); No. 390; PRA. Nos. 386 ; 893. PAPS. 67 (129); PAZA, 10 (22); (1) FAITE Fu composed in Sam. 1492 by Pet. III. No. 587 ; SA. No. 827 ; VB. 8 (7). See Vihāraśataka for other referJinamaņdanagani, pupil of Somasundara er.ces. süri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is in Sanskrt prose and verse mixed. It is pub (1) Vrtti by Sudhabhusana of the lished by the JAS. Bhavanagar,( Series Tapā Gaceba. DB. 22 ( 75 ); Hamsa. No. No. 34), Saṁ. 1971. Its Grarn. is 2456. 1524. Baroda. No. 2114; Bhand. V. Nos. (2) Tika by Vibudharāja. BK, No, 1275-76 ; Chani. No. 25 ; DA. 50( 21 ); 31. DB. 30 ( 29; 30); Hamsa. No. 405; (I) STEHT of Kalidasa. Kiel. I. Nos. 18; 19; II. No. 375; Mitra. (1) Kumāratatparya by CaritravarVIII. p. 33 ; PAPS. 76 (19); PAS. dhanagani. CC. 1. p. 110 ; Kiel. II. No. 194 ; Pet. I. No. 255 ; III. No. 586; No. 244. IV. No. 1230; IV. A. p. 82 ; VI. No. 562; PRA. Nos. 775; 1324; SA. No. (2) Tīkā (upto canto 7 ) by Srivija360 ; Surat. 1, 2, 11; VD. 15 (21); yagani, pupil of Rāmavijayagani of the Vel. No. 1708. Tapā Gaccha (Gramn. 1200). Bhand. V. No. 336 dated Sam. 1713); JG. (II) FATTOTO Trw of Somatilaka. See Kumära p. 334 ; PRA. No. 813; VA. 6(6; 7; 8). pālapratibodhacarita. (3) Tikā (upto canto 7) by Jina(III) ATTIET-u Anon. JHB. 34 ; PAP. 59 samudrasuri, successor of Jinacandra, (19 dated Sam. 1464, Gram. 2456 ); PAS. (cf. Patan Cat. I pp. 15–17). successor of Jinabhadra of the Kharatara Gaccha (Gram. 2728). Bhand. V. No. HITTHEI see Kumärpälacarita and Kumā. 337 = PRA. No. 814 ; VC. 4 ( 24). rapālacaritrakāvya. (4) Avacūri ( upto canto 7 ) composBayrafts Bub. II. No. 339. This is Kurmā ed in Sam. 1574 by Matiratna, pupil of putracaritra. Ksamāmeru, pupil of Matisagara of the AlfaETT STREET by Vardhamānagaņi, pupil of Upakesa Gaccha. Pet. II. Intro. p. 54ff. Hemacandrasuri. Pet. IJI. A. p. 316. It (5) Tīkā by Dharmakirti (Digamis in 87 Sanskrit Slokas. No other ms. bara ). Bt. No. 530. is known to me. (6) Vrtti by Kalyānasāgara (Gram. कुमारविहारशतक containing the description of a 2100). VB. 10 (10). Jain temple called Kumāravihära at Patan built by King Kumarapāla by (7) Tikä by Laksmivallabha. KB. 3 Rāmacandrasuri, pupil of Hemacandra ( 31 ). sūri. This is published with a brief (8) Tīkā by Jinacandrasuri. VB. 24 Avacūri by the JDPS., Bhavanagar, (35). Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। (9) Tikā by Jinabhadrasuri. CC. T. (I) FICTATOUA ( Gran. 10000) composed in p. 110. Sar. 835 by Dāksinyacinhasūri (called Both (8) and (9) seem to be the same Uddyotanasuri before Diksā), pupil of as No. (3). Tattvācārya. It is in Prākrta. Dāksi(10) Tīkā by Kumārasena (I-III). nyacinha alludes to Padalipta, Sātavāhana BO. p. 16. Satparņaka, Bana, Vimalāņka, Deva(11) Avacūri. Anon. Pet. II. Nos. gupta, Jatila, Prabhañjana, Ravisena and 75; 76. Bhavaviraba Haribhadra. The work is first mentioned in Santināthacaritra in (II) FRITEIT of Jayasekharasuri, pupil of Mahen Sam. 1160 by Devacandrasuri ; cf. DI. draprabhasuri of the Ancala Gaccha. It is p. 43 ; ABORI., 16, p. 35. Baroda. No. in Sanskrit and contains 11 cantos. It 13163; BK. No. 1973 ; Bt. No. 320; is published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. DC. p. 27 ( dated Sam. 1139); DI. pp. Ayra. Nos. 2880; 2881, 2920; 42-43; Jesal. No. 838; Hamsa. No. Bhand. VI. No. 1370; Buh. III. No 493; Kiel. III. No. 154 ; Kundi. No. 152; VII. No. 21 ; DA. 65 ( 25 ) ; DB. 128; PAZB. 23 (18); SA. Nos.872; 873. 37 (34; 35; 42-44); Hamsa. No. 876; Kaira. B. 100 ; Limdi. No. 657; PAP. 27 (II) FAJTATOTT (Gram. 3894) in four chap( 18 ); 54 (13); PAPR. 18 ( 45 ); ters composed by Ratnaprabhasuri, pupil of Paramanandasuri of the Candra Pet. III. A. p 251 ; V. No. 701 ; SA. Nos. 223 ; 289; VA. 6 (1); 7 (16); Gaccha. The work which is written in Sanskrit, is based on Dāksinyacinha's Vel. No. 1721. original in Prākrta. The author was (1) Țikā by Dharmasekharagani, assisted in his task by Pradyumnasūri pupil of Jayasekharasuri, the author. It ( about Sam. 1300 ), pupil of Kanakawas composed in Sarn. 1483 and was prabha, pupil of Ratnaprabha, the author. corrected by Māņikyasundara. Bhand. It is published by the Jaina Atmānanda VI. No. 1370 ; Buh. IV. No. 231 ; DB. Sabha ( Series No.54), Bhavanagar, A.D. 37 (34; 42); PAPR. 18 ( 45 ); SA.. 1916. Agra. No. 2988; Bt. No. 321 ; No. 289; VA. 6 (1); 7 (16); Vel. Chani. No. 483 ; DB. 30 ( 26 ; 48); No. 1721. Hamsa. No. 65; JG. p. 250; Kath. No. (2) Avacuri. Anon. DB. 37 (35). 1327 (dated Sam. 1445); Limdi. No. a tah by Yasascandra. See Mudrita 1235; PRA. No. 269 (dated Sam. 1438); kumudacandra Nataka. Bhand. VI. No. SA. Nos. 170; 872; VC. 4 ( 14). 834; DB. 22 (170); VB. 10 (20). pilihan JG. p. 276. 9004141ET KB. 3 ( 16; about 54 folios ). कुशलानुबन्ध्ययनप्रकीर्णक This is another name of the $50*9*417 in Sanskrit prose. JG. p. 250; Catuhsaranaprakirņaka ( s. v.). Limdi. Nos. 541 (dated Sam. 1489); 852; 930. (I) HAITI of some pupil of Abhayasuri. Bhand. VI. No. 1135 (ms. dated Sam. FEKETE DB. 35 ( 166-167). 1570). FutF1477 DB. 31 ( 50; 146 ); JG. P. 350 ; Limdi. No. 814. (II) Fantar by Abhayananda. CP. p. 635. şereffer JB. 118 ; Limdi No. 769. (III) HHATT Anon. Buh. IIL No. 101. (This SISATIFO Lindi. No. 2000. is Hemacandra's Puspamālā or Upadesa F Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - H arim: : 1 inālā); PAS. Nos. 20; 41; 428 ; Purnimă Gaccha. Chani. No. 326; Surat. 9. Hams. Nos. 689 ; 1547, JG. p. 250 ; FRATTUT containing about 1700 Gathas, com. PRA. Nos. 261 ; 384. posed in Sam. 1099 by Nemicandrācārya. Kali in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 769. See Agra. No. 1636; Bt. No. 344. Kulapālakakathā. EANS (Gram. 250 ) by Samudräcārya. Bt. Batur (aa) (Grann. 497). JG. p. 251. No. 639. This is the name of the author's agraarta CP. p. 635. commentary on Snātravidhi ( s. y.) Bagozkur ( 1012 ) Bengal. No. 6733. TEUT-a in Sanskrit by Yasovijayagani of the fagozats composed in Sari. 1305, by PurnabhaTapā Gaccha. Patta. I. p. 107. drayani, pupil of Jinapati, during the (1) कूर्मापुत्रकथानक in Prakrta containing about spiritual reign of Jineśvara, successor 207 Gāthās, compossd by Anantabarisa, of Jinapati. DC p. 34, No. 263; papil of Jinamāņikya, pupil of Hema Kundi. No. 328 ; PRA. No. 665. DC. p. vimalasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is 1 identifies this with the same author's indeed doubtful whether Anantaharsa or Dhanyaśālibhadracaritra through mistake. Jinamāņikya is the real author. The My Prasasti clearly says that the Krtulatter is generally assumed to be so, but punyacaritra was composed in Sam. 1305 the former appears to be the real author. (bānasünyānalāgnau sankhyebde märIt is published in the Jaina Vividhasastra yasirşāsitadasamadine ) at Jesalmir, while Sahityamāla, No. 131, Benares, 1919. the Dhanyaśālibhadracaritra was composUso edited with notes and introduction ed at the same place in Sam. 1285 (baruby P. L. Vaidya, Poona, and by K. V. vasuravisankhye ) by Purņabhadra. JG. Abhyankar, Ahnedabad, 1931. Agra. has committed the same mistake. No. 1422 ; Chani. Nos. 221 ; 985 ; DA. agra of Meruturiga. This is a part of Meru19 ( 47-52); DB. 29 (12); 31 (5-7); tunga's commentary on Katantravya. Flo. Nos. 750 ; 751; JG. p. 250; JHA. karana. See Kätantravyākaraņa. PAP. 71 ; Limdi. Nos. 1671; 1727 ; PAP. 39 ( 34); PAPL. 5 ( 46 ). 36 (34); 63 ( 13 ); PAPS. 48 (134); A T&T by Santicandra, pupil of Sakalacandra 66 ( 6; 115 ; 130 ), 81 (81); Pet. III. Upadhyāya of the Tapā Gaccha. It is No. 588 ; IV. No. 1231 ; Surat. 1, 5, published by the Kāntivijaya Iitihăsa6,11; Weber. II. Nos. 1977; 1978. mālā, Bhavanagar, Sam. 1973. Hamsa. (JI) 477Anonymous. Agra. No. 1637 ; No. 784; Kaira. B. 62 ; SA. No. 144. BO. p. 58; JG. p. 222. See also Kurmā (1) Vrtti by Ratnacandragaņi, pupil of putracaritra (III). Santicandra, the author. This commen (1) baigsafts See Kürmäputrakathānaka. tary is mentioned by Ratnacandra himself (II) nigarily Anantaharsa (Anantaharsa in his commentaries on AdhyatmakalpaPAPS). See Kūrmāputrakathānaka (I). druma and Samyaktvasaptati. PRA. Nog. PAPS. 66 (6; dated Sari. 1597); SA. 305 ; 942. No. mss. are known to me. No. 869. Foartea in Prākrta (foll. 55). Pet. V. No. 670 (111) agzati composed in Sań. 1577 by (dated Sam. 1658 ). Vidyaratna, pupil of Municandra, succes- utgivgrung Buh. VI. No. 710. sor of Căritracandra, successor of Bhāva- pursigiasi by Prthvirāja. This is non-Jain. candra, successor of Jayacandra of the Chani. No. 1040. Jain Education Intemational Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ fare : . (1) Tīkā by Sāranga Upadhyāya in Series, No. 59, Bhavanagar, Sam. 1973. Sam. 1639. Chani. No. 1040. Agra. No. 2978; Chani. No. 456 ; poradi by Jinamāņikyasuri (Gram. 1900). VD. PAZB. 8 ( 18 ), SA. No. 341. 4 ( 23 ). कौमुदीमित्रानन्दनाटक See Kaumudi Nataka. magiata atę DA. 74 ( 22). URUT ( foll. 47). VA. 6 (3). ay EITT of Candrasena. Mud. 24 ; Rice. p. 318; (I full by Jinadevasuri of the Bhävadeva SG. No. 2347; SRA. 152, SRB. 22. Gaccha. It is based on the Kātantra gian Bengal. No. 6681. Vyākarana. Bengal. No. 8003; Buh. afaqa Bengal. No. 7343. III. No. 181 (ms. dated Sain. 1485). agaftreyaFQITIST of Paramananda. Mitra. (II) T IC of Jayānandasūri. Pet. V. No. X. p. 95. 671. The author is probably Vijayamarcu Pet. V. A. p. 142. nanda, a non-Jain; cf. Vel. No. 79. (1) af 79 TOT of Sākatāyana. Baroda. No. FutFSITETETT (A) DA. 61 ( 44 ); Kath. 7477, Bt. No. 378; JG. p. 159 ; Patan No. 1058. Cat. I. p. 3 (quo.); Surat. 1 (1256); 9. Jihargaia of Samantabhadra. AD. No. 163; (II) 1 9 TO ( foll. 23). Anon, JA. 31 BK, No. 469 ; Chani. No. 576 ; DA. 63 (10). This is probaly the same as above. ( 47 ; 51 ; 64); DB. 24 (106); Idar. केवलिमुक्तिप्रकरणसंग्रहश्लोक Numbering about 94. 146 ( 2 copies ); JG. p. 275 ; PAP. 72 Bt. No. 378. (63); PAPR. 2 (5); Pet. I. No. 256 ; frater a part of the Uttaradhyayana III. No. 481; VI. No. 564; Strass. p. sūtra Pet. I. A. p. 84. 300; VB. 10 (36); Vel. No. 1803. 1991Ter Buh. VIII, No. 393. (1) Tippani by Prabhācandra. AD. T F1 See Kākajanghakokasakakathā. No. 163; Bhand. V. No. 1046 (ms. ilunaTATO in Prākrta composed by Silasimha, dated Sam. 1490); Buh. VI. No. 711 pupil of Devaratnasuri, successor of Jaya (ms. dated Sam. 1483 ); CP. p. 635 ; nandasuri of the Agama Gaccha. Kiel. DB. 24 (106); Kath. Nos. 1056; 1057; III, No. 155 ; PAP. 45 (6); 64 ( 10 ); PAP. 72 ( 63 ); PAPR. 2 (5); Pet. PRA. No. 952 ; SA. No. 433. III. No. 481; PR. No. 79; Rice. p. 304; (1) Svopajña Vrtti. Kiel. III. No. SG. No. 1890, SRA, 58, 146; Strass. 155 ; PAP. 45 (6); 64 (10); PRA. p. 300, VB. 10 ( 36 ) ; Vel. No. 1803. No. 952 ; SA. No. 433. 911937 fat in 18 Gāthās by Padmanandin. a f of Rājasekharasuri of the Maladhari Limdi. No. 610; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442; Gaccha. PRA. No. 378. This is pro 1443. bably the same as Antarakathāsangraha.. PARTYTJ Surat. 11. ATTEITAQET in 310 Sanskrit Slokas. Bt. No. Tighfaraaa by Jinaprabha. Published in 455. See Kātantravyākaranasūtratikā Prakaranaratnākara Vol. II, by Bhimsi No. ( 11 ). Manek. Bombay. igata Kiel. I. No. 20 (this is Samyaktva- Igarais of Jayasekharasuri of the Ancala kaumudi No. 14. Gaccha. JG. p. 276. कौमदीनाटक also called Kaumndimitrananda Nataka | क्रियाचन्द्रिका KB. 8 (4). composed by Rämacandra, pupil of fugeam of Umāsvāti with pictures. Is it Hemacandra. It is published in the JAS. Tatvārthasutra? Jain Education Intemational Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः। KO. 8 (palm); 202 ; 205; 206 ; 207; PUTETT in 270 Gāthās composed by Nemicandira; 212; 214. cf. CPI. p. 35. It is published together farengra of Samantabhadra.' AD. No. 97. with Labdbisāra in Haribhai Devkarana (I) F ATE 2 composed in Sam. 1466 by Jain Granthamālā, No. 5, Calcutta. CP. Gunaratnasūri, pupil of Devasundarasuri p. 636 ; Idar. 38; Lal. 171 ; 431 ; Tera. of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published in 16; 17. YJG. Series, Benares, 1908 A. D. (1) Vrtti composed in Saka 1125 by Agra. Nos. 2584-2587 ; Bendall. No. Mādhavacandra Traividya, pupil of Nemi376 ; BK. No. 1783; Buh. I No. 49; candra. CP. p. 636 , Idar. 38; Lal. 171; CC. I. p. 133; CP. p. 635 ; DA. 61 (50); PR. No. 23 ; SG. No. 2652. DB. 36 ( 33 ; 34); Kaira. A. 60; 114; OTET (same as above ?) Bengal. No. 1530. KB. 3 ( 26 ) ; PAP. 17 (5); 26 (15); She is the concluding portion of the Paksika PAPR. 11 (2); PAPS. 72 (15; 16 ); Sutra. JG. p. 58. See Kşāmaņāsutra. PAS. No. 438 (dated Sam. 1492 ; como afegary Buh. II. No. 341. It is in Sanskrit. pare Patan Cat. I. pp. 71 ; 214 ); PAZB. (I) 19 by Ratnasuri. Pet. V. No. 803. 6 (18); Pet. I. No. 257 ; IV. No. 490 ; VI. No. 235 - VI. A. p. 17 (dated Sam. (II) 12 *in 25 Gāthäs. JA. 111 (25). m 25 Grathas. JA. 111 1468); PRA. No. 215; Surat. 8; VB. ATEŞ Agra. No. 1930; Surat. 1, 4, 7, 10. 8 (14); 9 (14) a re JG. p. 197. See Kşamäkulaka (I). Thyag of Jinadeva. See Kriyākalāpa. Buh. (I) AUTO See Jivakşāmaņākulaka. Pet. V. III. No. 181 (dated Sam. 1485 ). p. 137. SIFAT Taart Bod. No. 1360 (7). (II) TA * JB. 123 ( foll. 64 ?). TETittag fórstar Mitra. X. p. 90. JIHOTELS Agra. Nos. 322 ; 323. This is the conTETAO also called Jivandharacarita in Sanskrit cluding portion of the Pākṣika Sutra, prose, containg 11 Lambhakas, by Vādi sometimes recorded separately. bhasitnha Odayadeva, pupil of Puspa. Hurgang: by Yasobhadrasüri. Bhand. V. sena. It is edited by T. S. Kuppuswami, No. 1182. Tanjore, 1903; cf. I. A. Vol. 36, p. qaraan Hamsa. No. 442. 285ff ; Journal, Mythical Society, XII. p. 318. AK. Nos. 989-993; Buh. V. No. (I) TT&T in Prakrta (Gram. 1353; Be:-- 1047; CMB. 25; 58; CP. p 636 ; navaguttīhi). Patan Cat. I. p. 136. DLB. 28; Hebru. 27 ; Hum. 224 ; 232; (II) IT ( Be :- jayanti jitamā ) Mitra. KO. 136 ; 141, 178; MHB. 4; Mud. X. p. 145. 1; Padma. 14, 32, 59; Pet. III. No. Altara by Jinacandra. Pet. VI. p. 141, 482 ; PR. No. 121, Rice. p. 300 ; SB. 2 No. 69. (14); SG. Nos. 1314, 1332 ; SRA. 193 ; Strass. p. 300. 28 aralar in 25 Gāthās by Dharmasekhara gari. It is published in the JAS. Series, (1) Pañjikā. SG. No. 1331 ; SRA. (No. 2), Bhavanagar, Sam. 1968. AM. 193. 291 , Baroda. No. 3028 ; Bhand. III. in 123 Gathās) by Jinacandrasuri, No. 425 ; VI. No. 1136 ; DA. 60 (151); pupil of Jinesvarasuri. DB. 35 ( 209 ); 76 (54); DB. 35 (76); Hamsa. Nos. 450; JG. p. 176 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 35 (quo). 806; JG. p. 132; Limdi. No. 1719; 99 STOFA ET DA. 54 (56). Pet. IV. No. 1232; IV. A. p. 83 (quoJ....13 Jain Education Intemational Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । tation); Surat. 7, 9; Weber. II. No. 1867 (6). (1) Avacuri Svopajna. AM. 291, Baroda. No. 3028; Bhand. VI. No. 1136; DB. 35 (176); Hams. No. 808; JG. p. 132, Weber. II. No. 1967 (6). ma by Nemicandra. DA. 104 (31; 32); SG. Nos. 1501; 2649. for Surat. 5. This is probably Ksatracūdāmani. ege of Viśvasena Bhattaraka. AD. No. 70; CP. p. 636; Pet. IV. No. 1410. क्षेत्रपालपूजाउद्यापन of Dharmacandriärya Idar. 162. क्षेत्रपाल पूजाजयमाला of Subhacandra, pupil of Vijayakirti. Strass. p. 306. aqreqareata Bhand. V. No. 1048, VI No. 1003 SG. No. 98. af Bengal. No. 7546; DA. 56 (49; 50). fancaching by Nannasüri. DA. 71 (158). क्षेत्रसंग्रहणी See Jambudvipasangrahani. (I) by Umasvati in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 125; JG. p. 121; See Jambudvipa samāsa. (1) Vrtti (Grath. 2880). Bt. No. 125; JG. p. 121. (II) also called Brhatkṣetrasamāsa in 637 Gathas (Benamiūņa sajalajalahara) of Jinabhadraganikşamiśramana. It is published with the commentary of Mala yagiri by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sath. 1977. Agra. Nos. 1132-1149; AM. 92; 109, Bengal. No. 2541, Bhand. VI. Nos. 1137; 1138; Chani. No. 364; DA. 56 (1-9); DB. 33 (16; 17; 23; 24; 29); DC. pp. 6; 34; Flo. No. 589; JA. 38 (2); 111 (16); JG. p. 120;Hamsa. No. 1226; JHA. 42; Keil. IL No. 16; Kundi. Nos. 173; 284; Limdi. Nos. 1463; 1708; Mitra. VIII. pp. 85; 101; 184; PAP. 76 (147); PAPR. 16 (7); 18 (41), PAPS. 33 (4), 53 (17); PAS. No. 388, PAZB. 18 (15); Pet. I. A. pp. 26; 47, 54; 62; 73, 101; III. A. p. 31, PRA. No. 379; SA. Nos. 42; 187, 1568; Strass. p. 371; VB. 41 (52), VC. 15 (21, 23); VD. 15(24); Vel. Nos. 1589; 1590, 1591. (1) Vrtti composed by Haribhadra in Sam. 1185. This is mentioned it. Jinadatta's Ganadharasardhasataka; cf. Weber. II. p. 987. Bt. No. 124; DA. 56 (2,3); DC. p. 34; (cf. DI. p. 35); Hamsa. Nos. 910; 1226; JG. p. 120; Keith. No. 57; Kiel. II. No. 397, Kundi. No. 284; PAPS. 53 (17); Pet V. No. 815; SA. Nos. 187; 1568; Samb. No. 171; VB. 41 (52); VC. 15 (21). (2) Vrtti (Gram. 3000) composed in Sam. 1192 by Siddhasuri, pupil of Devaguptasuri of the Upaketa Gaccha (Benatvā virah vakaye jinabhadragani.). Bt. No. 121; Chani. No. 364, DC. p. 28 (quotation); DI p. 35, JA. 111 (16), PAPR. 16 (7), PAS. No. 388 (cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 28; 34); PAZB. 18 (15), Pet. III. A. p. 193. (3) Vrtti composed by Mulayagiri (Grain. 7887). AM. 92; Bengal. No. 2541, Bhand. VI. No. 1138; Bt. No. 120, DB 33 (16; 17), DC. p. 12; JA. 38 (2); Hamsa. Nos. 48, 958, 1708; JHA. 42, Kiel. II. No. 16, Kundi No. 173, Limdi. No 1463, Mitra. VIII. pp. 85; 101; 134, PAP. 76 (147); PAPS. 33 (14); SA. No. 42; VC. 15 (23), VD. 15 (24). (4) Vṛtti (Grain. 3256) composed in Sam. 1215, by Vijayasimha. JG. p. 120. (5) Vrtti (Grah. 3332) composed in Sarh. 1455 by Devananda, pupil of Padmaprabha. Hamsa. No. 1590, JG. p. 120; but see Kṣetrasamāsa (V). Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थाविभागः प्रथमः। 99 (III) ( 6 ) Vrtti composed in Sar. 1233 by Devabhadra (Gram. 1009). Bt. No. 122. See however, next number. (7) Vrtti (Gram. 2000) by Anandasuri, pupil of Jineśvara, pupil of Devabhadra. JG. p. 120, Limdi. No. 1708; PAPR. 18 ( 11 ); PRA. No. 379. (8) Vrtti ( Be:-- pranamya paramārhantam ). AM. 109. (9) Vrtti (Be :-- natvā vīram brhatkşetra). Flo. No. 589. (10) Vrtti. Anon. Agra. Nos. 1136; 1138 ; 1139; Bengal. Nos. 1302 ; 7490; DC. pp. 6; 36. ATA in Prākrta (Be:--sirinilayam kevvaliņam ) composed by Somatilakasūri, pupil of Somaprabhasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It contains 387 Gātbās and is often called Navya and Brhat. AM. 124; (IV) Baroda. No. 676; Bengal. No. 7115; BK. No. 724; BO. p. 15; Buh. IV. No. 192, Chani. No. 952; DA. 56 (11-19; 26; 96-97); DB. 33 (21 ; 22); JHA. 42 ( 5c.); Kaira. A. 100; Kaira. B. 33 ; Kundi. No. 11, Limdi. No. 1010 , Mitra. VIII. p. 117; PAP. 22 (14); 23 ( 13 ); 37 ( 73 ); 75 (64); PAPL. 3 (6; 10; 20); 7 (4); PAPS. 62 ( 3 ); Pet. I. A. p. 93; III. No. 605; V. No. 590 (dated Samvat 1511 )= VI. A. p. 42 ( quotation); PRA. No. 1209; SA. Nos. 110; 111; 1630; Samb. No. 160 ; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VA. 18 (48); VB. 33 (61); 41 ( 46 ; 47 ; 49; 50); VC. 15 (22); Vel. Nos. 1594; 1595. (1) Avacūrņi by Gunaratnasūri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It was composed for Jñänasāgarasuri, the eldest of Devasundara's pupils; cf. Pet. VI. A. p. 53, lines 8-9. I think we have to read Jnanasågarakrte for Jñanasagaraksta which latter however, seems to be the reading of at least three mss. and bas given rise to the idea that Jñānnsāgara was the author. JG. p. 122, has committed this mistake. BK. No. 724 ; BO. p. 15 ; Chani. No. 952 ; DA. 56 ( 11-16, 26 ; 96-97); DB. 33 ( 21; 22); Hamsa. No. 1745; JHA. 42; Kaira. A. 100 ; Kaira. B. 33; Kath. No. 1254 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 117; PAP. 22 (14); 23 (13), 37 (73); 75 (64); PAPL. 3 (6), 7 (4); PAPS. 62(3), Pet. VI. No. 590 (dated Sam. 1511); PRA. No. 1209; SA. Nos. 110 ; 1630; VA. 18 (48); VB. 41 ( 47); VC. 15 ( 22 ). (2) Avacūrņi by Jñānasāgara in Samn. 1465 (JG. p. 122). See above (1). JG. p. 122; Kath. No. 1254, VA. 18 ( 48 ); VB. 41 (47). (3) Vrtti (Gram. 2345 ). JG. p. 122. Perhaps the same as (1). Tante in 264 Gāthās composed by Ratnasekharasūri, pupil of Vajrasenasūri and successor of Hematilakasūri of the Nägapuriya Tapā Gaccha (Be :-viram jayaseharapaya ). The text is published by Bhimsi Manek in his Laghuprakaranasamgraha, Bombay, 1903. Both the text and the commentary are published by the JAS. Bhavanagar, No. 46 of their Series, Sam. 1972. Agra. No. 1150; AM. 228; 351 ; Baroda. Nos. 2218 ; 3029; Bod. No. 1365 ; Buh. II. No. 402 ; DA. 56 (2025; 27-47); 76 ( 30); DB. 33 ( 1819; 25-28; 30-31 ); JHA. 42 ( 8c.); 67; JHB. 29 ( 10c. ); Kath. No. 1253; Keith. No. 58 ; Limdi. Nos. 563; 582; 588; 625; 714, 776; 930; 1009; 1124; 1125; 1126; 1433; 1445; 1633; 1742 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 55; PAP. 21 (22); 23 ( 26 ); 65 ( 12 ); Pet. V. Nos. 672-674 ; SA. Nog. 29; 41 , 1655; 1661 ; Strass. p. 374; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9; VD. 15 ( 22 ; 23 ); Vel. Nos. 1592 , 1593; Weber. II. No. 1942. Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 श्रीजिनरलकाः । The ?); Peter (1) Vrtti Svopajña (Grai. 1600). (IX) FAAIT Anon. (Perhaps of Jinadāsa himBaroda. Nos. 2218; 3029; Bod. No. self). 1365, Buh. II. No. 402; DA. 56 ( 20 (1) Tīkā by Jinadāsa. Baroda. No 25), 76 (30); DB. 33 (18; 19 ); 7693. Hamsa. Nos. 869; 946, JHA. 42 ( 2c.); IELATE by Hemācārya (?). VB. 41( 48 ). Keith. No. 58, Limdi. No. 1742; PAP. (XI) FATE by Jayasekhara. This must be the 21 (22); 23 (26); 65 (12); Pet. V. viram jayaseharupaya' Ksetrasamāsa Nos. 672-674, SA. Nos. 29; 41; 1655; (No. IV above) of Ratnasekhara. SA. Strass. p. 374 ; VD. 15 ( 22; 23 ); Vel. 1565 ; VB. 31 (24). No. 1592; Weber. II. No. 1942. (2) Bälävabodba by Pārsvacandra of (XII) SEATE Anon. Bengal. Nos. 2605; the Nagapuriya Tapā Gaccha, who later 4309; 6632 ; 6640; BSC. No. 477; DA. started a new Gaccha in his own name. 56 ( 10-vv. 90 ); JA. 96 (6-vy. 105); AM. 228. 105 (1-vv. 85 ); 105 ( 4-vv. 89 ); 105 (3) Bālāvabodha by Udayasāgara. (6-vv.90); 106 ( 5-vv. 88); 107( 3-vv. 85); JG. p. 122 (vv. 77 ); Limdi. No Limdi. No. 625. 829; SA. Nos. 1661; 1735; 1858 ; (4) Tippana or Avacuri. Anon. JHB. 2540 ; 2541, 29 ( 3c.). (1) Vrtti. Anon. DC. p. 6. (Vyamar in Sanskrit containing 7 chapters, ATTITUTE also called Punyaprakāśa, is a poem composed in Saka 1320, by Devänanda, intended to glorify the minister Kşemapupil of Padmaprabha of the Purnimā räja, composed in Sam. 1650, by Ratna. Gaccha. BK. No. 332 ; Chani. No. 5; kusala, pupil of Anandakusala of the DB. 33 ( 20 ); JG. p. 120; Hamsa. No. Tapā Gaccha. Agra. No. 2887; PRA. 1590; PAPR. 18 (5); PRA. Nos. 290; No. 238. 567 ; 568; Also see below No. VI. | खगेन्द्रमणिदर्पण is a work on Medicine in Kanarese (1) Svopajña Vrtti. Hamsa. No. 1590 and JG. p. 120, regard this as a and based on Pujyapāda's work; cf. JH. Vol.IX.p.580. It was composed by Mangacommentary on Jinabhadragani's Kşetra vibhu (Grain. 2500). AK. No. 170 ; samāsa. But from my Prasastis, I am inclined to think that this is a mistake. CC. I. p. 135. BK. No. 332; Chani. No. 5; DB. 33 (20) (I) Tead of Yasovijayagani. See NyayakhandaHamsa. No. 1590; PAPR. 18 (5); PRA. khādya. Nos. 290 ; 567 ; 568. (II) EVEWIVqa by Paramānandasuri ; see next. (VI) IAR composed in Saka 1320 by Can Hamsa. No. 1380; Samb. No. 235. See draprabha of the Pūrnimā Gaccha. This also CC. I. p. 136. seems to be the same as No. V above. This also is in Sanskrit. Chani. No. 287; (1) Tippana (Gram. 850 ) composed PAPL. 5 (31); SA. No. 472 by Paramānandasuri, pupil of Bhadrasuri (VII) TARTE by Padmadevasuri in 656 Prākrta successor of the famous Vädi Devasüri, Gātās. JG. p. 121 ; PAS. No. 391. who lived at the court of the king Sid(VIII) TEHTA in 341 Gāthās by Sricandrasuri dharaja of Gujrat. Hamsa. No. 1380; ( Be:--namiū viram sayala ). JG. p. 120 ; JG. p. 81 ; PRA. No. 660 ; Samb. No. Pet. III. A. p. 20. 235. See above. 90374489 Anon Jain Education Intemational Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। ioi खण्डप्रशास्तकाव्य Non-Jain. GTATATATATE ( Gram. 1500) of Abbayadevasuri (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1641 by in Prakrta. PAPS. 81 (122). Guņavinayagani, pupil of Jayasoma ET ( Gadya ). DA. 49 ( 68 ); JG. p. 251. Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. खाद्यखण्ड Anon. Bhand. III. No. 620; VI. No. 382 (dated (1) Tippana by Paramānanda. Harisa. Sari. 1644); Bub. VI. No. 124 ; CC. I. No. 1380, see Khandanamandana. p. 136; JG. p. 334; Pet. VI. No. 331 ; halet in 1397 Gathās by Māhūyä. JG. p. 354. PRA. No. 815; SA. No. 308; Surat. 1, See however, under Náthapustikā. 6,9; VA. 6 (9), Vel. No. 1182. (2) Vrtti composed in Tayie 1 DB. 31 ( 116 ); JG. p 251. Sam. 1501 by Dharmasekharasuri. Limdi. No. 794. 1997*2017* Kath. No. 1329 (dated Sam. 1682). ( 3 ) Vrtti. Anon. JG. p. 334. VA. | 75913T composed by Ganga Budha of the Mula 18 (7). Sargha. DA. 67 (37; 38; 39 ); VA. ETTISTA in 40 Gäthäs. See Paramāņukhan 10 (77). daşattrimsikā. Bhand. VI. No. 1139; TEGATARIT JG. p. 155. Bt. No. 67 ; Hamsa. No. 530; KB. 3 (1) Tikā (Grarn. 4000) by Jñana(3); Limdi. No. 953; SA. No. 1946 ; muni. VA. 10 (77). VC. 4 ( 25 ). JEITTf in 138 Gātbās. It is one of the ten (1) Vrtti by Ratnasimhasüri. Bhand. principal Prakirņakas and is published by VI. No. 1139; Bt. No. 67, KB. 3 (3). the Agamodaya Samiti (Series No. 36 ), agar 0 DB. 31 (43). Bombay, 1927 together with the com mentary of Vijayavimala, alias Vanararsi. Tarte gaiara Hamsa. No. 1781 ; Surat. 1 Agra. Nos. 452-455 ; AM. 33 ; Baroda. ( 747 ); 4; Vel. Nos. 1710; 1711 ; No. 2781; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1068 ; Weber. II. No. 1989. 1140 ; 1141; BK. No. 358; BO. p. (I) aatteetrare in 40 Gathās by Jinacandra. 58; Buh. VI. No. 835; Cal. X. No. 97; A collection of the Kharatara Gaccha DA. 27 ( 36; 37; 40; 94-99); 74 (20); Pattavalis is published by Jinavijaya, DB. 13. (58-62); Hamsa. Nos. 19, Calcutta, 1932. DC. p. 17 (dated Sam. 1620 ; JHA. 18 ; JHB. 21 (2c.); Kath. 1171 ). No. 1255; KB. 1 ( 40); Limdi. Nos. (II) E l taf composed in Sam. 1830 by 206; 525; 930; PAP. 24 (38); PAPL. Kşamäkalyāna, pupil of Amrtadharma of 8 (18); PAPR. 1 (7); PAPS. 55 (9); the Kharatara Gaccha. 80 (63); Pet. IV. Nos. 1233 ; 1234 ; (III) ATATTE giafo Anon. Agra. Nos. 1366 PRA. No. 913; SA. Nos. 800; 1573; 1371. Chani. No. 474 ; PRA. No. 1164. 1695; 9531; 2690; 2849; Strass. p. 419; VB. 10 ( 42 ); VC 4 ( 27 ; 28 ); ETTES Era Limdi. No. 1288. Vel. No. 1841 ; Weber. II. No. 1871 eattestegia TIT DA. 76 (17). (7). atacaraf by Laksmisāgaragani. Chani. No. 751. (1) Vrtti composed in Sarn. 1634 by erraTaTaga Anon. JHB. 61. Vijayavimalagaņi, (known also as Vānarawracanegai SA. Nos. 1712; 2048. rsi ; cf. Vel. No. 1655 ), pupil of Ana ndavimala of the Tapā Gaocha (Gram. etachaquga DB. 20 ( 56 ). 5850). AM. 33; Baroda. No. 2781; TATHAFETOT JG. p. 159. Bhand. V. No. 1183; VI. No. 1140 ; Jain Education Intemational Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । BK. No. 358, Buh. VI. No. 835, DA., (III) orgessagen of Sakalakirti. Idar. 77; 177. 27 (94; 95); 74 (20); DB. 13 (58- (IV) agar Anon. Pet. V. No. 925. 61), JG. p. 62, JHA. 18; Hams. Nos. regenerare Pet. V. No. 925. 260; 619, PAP. 24 (38), PAPR. 1 (7); PAPS. 55 (9), Pet. V. A p. 161; PRA. No. 913; SA. Nos. 1573; 1695; VB. 10 (42); VC. 4 (27-28). Chani. No. 868; JG. p. 84; Hamsa. No. 1319; PAP. 79 (26); SA. Nos. 1,9; 2613, 2893. (1) Vrtti. Anon. Surat. 1 (913). Bengal. No. 6877. cafe in Prakrta by Jayasirishasuri. Patan Cat. I. p. 31. (2) Vrtti by Harṣakula (Gram. 1600). Bhand. VI. No. 1141, DA. 27 (96, 97), JHB. 21. This is probably the same as No. (1). Harṣakula was a Guru of Vijayavimala, ef. Kap. No. 385. (3) Vṛtti by Malayagiri. Bah. VI. No. 835. This is a mistake. The author is Vijayavimala. PRA. No. 913. (4) Tikā Anon. Agra. Nos. 453; 455; JG. 62, Hamsa. No. 1620; JHB. 21; KB. 1 (40); Limdi. No. 206, SA. Nos. 800; 1563. All these are probably the same as (1). in Präkṛta, quoted in Gathasahasri. Pet. III. A. p. 284. गजसिंहपुराण Bik No. 1475. गजसिंहराज चरित Bah. VI. No. 713. गजसुकुमालमहामुनिकथा Bhand. VI. No. 1301. गजसुकुमालचतुष्पदी in Sarvat 1624, by a pupil of Ratnaprabha Vacaka of the Añcala Gaccha, during the spirtaal reign of Dharma murtisuri. PRA. No. 586. g in 9 Sanskrit Karikas. Limdi. No. 1698. गणधरवूढशतक by Somacandra. JG. p. 160. Probably this is a copy of Ganadharasardhakataka. गणधरपादुकायजन by Nemidass Varnin, pupil of Candrakirti, successor of Nemicandra of the Musangha. PR. No. 149. Jourgfave Limdi. No. 1343. naucasusuiqa by Pandit Asadhara. List (SJ.) FREE SG. No. 1695. (1) saucamuger of Subbacandra. Idar. 162. (11) case of Śrutasagara. Idar. 192. गणधरवादद्दष्टान्त arcerias in 150 Gathas composed by Jina dattasuri, pupil of Jinavallabhasüri of the Kharatara Gaccha. See Bhand. III. A. p. 45ff, where a brief summary of the contents is given. The work describes the lives of the Jain pontiffs of the Kha ratara Gaccha. The author says that the title Kharatara was first conferred upon Jinesvara, the pupil and successor of Vardhamanasuri and the Gaccha owes its name to this fact. This is, however, repeatedly controverted by the followers of the Tapa Gaccha. The work is pub lished as an Appendix in Gaek. O. Series, No. 27, Baroda, 1927. It is also published with the commentary of Sarvarāja (No. 2) by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1916. AM. 258; 307; Baroda. No. 2106, Bhand. VI. No. 1142; BK. Nos. 387, 1928, Chani. No. 295; DB. 22 (105); Flo. No. 705, Hamsa. No. 852; Jeasal. Nos. 148, 405; 484; JG. p. 159, Kath. No. 1359; KB. 3 (52); Kundi. No. 393, Limdi. No. 1288; Mitra. X. pp. 51, 52, PAP. 7 ( 34 ); PAZB. 13 (3), 14 (19), Pet. V. No. 826; PRA. No. 1130, SA. No. 293; Samb. Nos. 33, 252; 358; Weber. II. No. 1979. (1) Vṛtti composed in Sam. 1295 by Sumatigani, pupil of Jinapatisuri of the Kharatara Gaccha (Gratis. 6000). AM. 258; 307, Bhand. III. No. 426, BK. Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अम्थविभागः प्रथमः । 103 No. 1928; Buh. VII, No. 20 ; DC. p. No. 1168, Bik. No. 1594; DA. 10 (45); 39 (Nos. 313, 315 ); Hamsa. No. 1372; 27 (36-37); Hamsa. No. 19; JG. p. 47; Jesal. No. 148; JG. p. 159 ; Kundi. No. Limdi. No. 525; PAP. 23 (30), PAPS. 393 ; PAP. 7 ( 34 ); PAZB. 13 (3); 81 (2); Pet. VI. No. 579 ; Weber. II. PRA. No. 1130 ; Pet. VI. No. 565. No. 1870 (8); 1871 ( 9 ). (2) Tīkā based on No. (1) and com T a ggia Bengal. No. 7498. This is perhaps posed by Sarvarājagani, pupil of Jine the same as the above mentioned Prakiśvarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. rņaka. Baroda. No. 2106 ; BK. No. 387 , Chani. Taaraan of Sripati, Non--Jain. No. 295 ; DB. 22 (104); JHA. 39; (1) Vrtti by Simhatilaka. Bt. No. Mitra. X. p. 52, PAZB. 14 (19); SA. 568. This is edited in the Gaek. O. Series, No. 293 ; Weber. II. No. 1979. No. 78, by H. R. Kapadia, Baroda, 1937. (3) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1676 by forafango See Ganavidyāprakirnaka. Padmamandiragani. JHA. 39. TOGETT of Yallācārya. Rice. p. 318. ( 4 ) Vrtti. Anon. Jesal. Nos. 405; 484; AEITENE of Mahāvīra, a Digambara writer who KB. 3 ( 52 ). quotes Sridbara and lived at the time of गणधरसार्धशतकसार in Sanskrit prose. This is an Amoghavarsa, the Rāstraküta prince, in abridgment of Sumatigani's commentary the middle of the 8th century A. D. The by Caritrasirnbagani, a pupil of Sumati work is published with English translation gani. Published by Chunilal Pannalal, by Rangacarya, Madras, 1912. AD. No. Bombay, 1916, for the Jinadattasūri 65 , AK. Nos. 177 ; 180, 181; 925; Bhandar, Surat. Bhand. V. No. 1154; CC. I. p. 143; TUTTTTT in Prākrta. JG. p. 276. II. pp. 28; 196 ; CP. p. 636; Hum. TOTUTTI in 29 Prākrta stanzas by a Jain author. 32; 99; 124 ; Idar. 154 ; IO. No. 2880; KO. 222; MHB. 38 ; Mud. 85; 329; Patan Cat. I. p. 81 ( quotation ). Mysore. I. p. 49; II. p. 184 ; III. p. 106; गणरत्नमहोदाध a well known work on Grammar, Padma. 33; PR. Nos. 138; 163; 165; composed in Sam. 1196 by Vardhamāna, 166 ; Rice. p. 318, SA. No. 748 ; SG. pupil of Govindasūri. Bhand. VI. No. Nos. 928; 1526; Vel. Nos. 229; 230. 1364 ; BO. p. 89; Bt. No. 472 ; CC. I. (1) Tikā by Varadarāja. CP. p. 636. p. 142 ; II. pp. 28; 196 ; III. p. 30; DA. (2) Tikā. Anon. PR. No. 138. 63 ( 48 ) ; IO. Nos. 915-917; JHA. 72; 2669r in Prākrta. Agra. No. 1638 ; JG. p. KB. 5 ( 24 ); SB. 2 ( 159 ); Surat. 5; 267. VB. 10 ( 53 ). TOEPT Buh. IV. No. 241. (1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 4200). Tartare in Sanskrit by Ponna Kavi, pupil of BO. p. 89; CC. I. p. 142 ; II pp. 28; Indranandin. This is mentioned in the 196 ; III. p. 30; DA. 63 ( 48). author's Knarese Santipurāņa ; compare Tofagyaror in 86 Gathās is sometimes called JH. Vol. VIII. p. 189. Gaņitavidyāprakirņaka, as it deals with referalaro of Odayadeva Vādibhasir ba, pupil of astrological calculations etc. It is published Puspasena. It is a romance in Sanskrit along with other Prakirņakas in the Aga-| prose and treats of the story of Jivan. modaya Samiti Series, ( No. 46 ) Bombay,' dhara. It is edited by T. S. Kuppu1927. Bengul. No. 7498; Bhand. VI.! swami Sastri, Madras, 1902. Compare E. for Lidyaprumulati Jain Education Intemational Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। Hultzsch, I. A., Vol. 32, p. 240. KO. T hing (Gram. 331). JG. p. 340. 111; Mud. 661 ; 725; Mysore. Il. p. TOTTAHTE JB. 131 ; JG. p. 340 (Gram. 700 ). 138 ; Rice. p. 300 ; SRA. 46 ; 184. OTETTATT JG. p. 317. FREITA by Asādhara. SG. No. 1764. (I) Tr o r composed in Sam. 1633 by Sama yaTrailtrara in Sanskrit contains 40 stanzas. Patan sundara, Pupil of Sakalacandra of the Cat. I. pp. 66 ; 70. The author seems to Kharatara Gaccha. BK. No. 124; Hamsa, be Vimala. No. 327. Traforage DB. 21 (36). (II) 1915 of Devänandasuri. DB. 38 ( 67 ). Thai Jagter of Vidyananda. Idar. 138. (III) Sep (in 96 Gāthās) of Nanditadhya. garsiaiara Pet. IV. No, 1411. See Nanditādhyachandabsutra. Limdi. TU JG. p. 132. This is the same as Gāri No. 930. geyabhangaprakarana. Anon. SA. Nos. (IV) 7121 Eur Anon. Bengal. No. 6781, DA. 618; 722. 66 ( 38 ); VB. 10 ( 58 ). (1) TETHETur in 54 Prākrta Gāthās compos (1) Avacūri. Bengal. No. 6781. ed in Sari. 1878 by Padmavijaya. It is safatit (Gram. 707 ). JG. p. 129. published in Atmavira Granthamālā, No. T72121a VA. 6 ( 10). 4, 1917. DA. 59 (172-174); DB. 35 TOTETT DA. 60 ( 99 ). (39-40). TITEOTT SA. No. 218 ( foll. 33). (II) गाङ्गेयभङ्गप्रकरण by Dharmavijaya, pupil of Uttamavijaya. SA. No. 624. Ipat of Sātavāhana. Non-Jain. (1) Tikā by Aja da. Bt. No. 527 (2). (III) T ur in 23 Gathās (extracted (2) Tikā by Jalhaņadeva. Bt. No. from the 33rd chapter of the Bhagavati 527 (3). sūtra, according to DB.), by Srivijaya, (Tika) by Bhuvanapala. Bt. No. pupil of Megha. It is published by the 527 (1). JAS, Bhavnagar, together with the Avacūri. DA. 59 ( 169-171) ; DB. 35 गाथासहस्रशतपथालंकार in Prakrta. A verse from (37; 38 ); PAPS. 80 ( 27 ); Surat. 1 this is quoted in Nanditādhya's Gathā(618; 722), 5, 7, 10. laksana according to Ratnacandra, its (1) Avacūri Svopajña. DA. 59 (169 commentator ; cf. ABORI. Vol. 14, p. 2. 171); DB. 35 (37; 38); PAPS. SC 38). PAPS se 911 Cai composed in Sam. 1686 by Samaya 1FE Ell composed in (27; dated Sam. 1672); Surat. 1 (618; sur.dara, pupil of Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. Agra. Nos. 1989; 1990; Hamsa. No. 408 ; JHA. 47 (2c.); (I) 121113T in 72 Gathās. Anon. Agra. No. JHB. 59; KB. 1 (53); 3 (16); 5 (10); 2851 ; JG. p. 340. Pet. III. A. p. 284 ( quotation); PRA. (II) TTTTST in Präkrta (Gram. 384 ) by Muni Nos. 337 ; 1332 ; SA. No. 218; SB. 2 candrasuri. JG. p. 340 ; Pet. III. A. p. (170); Surat. 1, 2, 5. 297ff. See Rasāula. OTTOTENTICIT by Ratnanidhāna Upādhyāya. DA. . (III) TTTET in about 150 Präkrta Gāthas (Be: 37 (34). nijjariya jara maranam). JA. 25 (11); 717UTTU JG. p. 251. 107 ( 3 ); JG. p. 177 ; Patan Cat. I. p. (I) ritrator is an explanation of the Gāyatri 372 ; Pet. I. A. pp. 46; 86; V. A. p. stanza (RV. III. 62.10 ) from the Jain 150. point of view by Subhatilaka Upadhyāya. 722). Jain Education Intemational Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविमागः प्रथमः। 105 Published in No. 81 of D. L. P. Series, Nog. 267; 990; 1322; SA. No. 570-, Surat, 1933. SB. 2 ( 43 ); Surat. 2. (II) Tigailaato by Jinaprabha. See Jainagāyatri. (1) Tīkā Svopajña. Bengal. Nos. forearance by Dharmaghosasuri, pupil of Deven 2611 ; 3057 ; 3048 ; 7444; Chani. No. drasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is in 32 862; DB. 18 (10 ; 45); JG. p. 177: Sanskrit Slokas and is published in the KB. 1 (53); 5 (10); 6 (4); Mitra. Appendix to Bhaktāmarakävya-Sangraha, VIII. p. 222; X. p. 204 ; PAPR. 18 Vol. I, by the Agamodaya Samiti, ( 32 ); Pet. II. No. 290; PRA. Nos. Bombay, 1926. DA. 60 ( 212 ); DB. 267 , 990 ; 1322; SA. No. 570; SB. 2 35 (164; 165 ); JG. p. 270. ( 43 ); Surat. 2. forfaitaia of Jñānasāgarasūri. Chani. No. 331. TORGATA KB. 3 ( 54 ; foll. 130 ). Possibly the (1) Avacūri. Chani. No. 331. same as above. गुणरत्नसमुच्चयधातुपाठ See Kriyaratnasamuccaya. fiicartier Pet. VI. No. 566. KB. 3 (26). staratit of Abhinava Cīrukirti. It is in imita Toitraraai on Medicine by Devayanāma. Padma. tion of the Gitagovinda Kávya of Jaya 34. deva. See also Jināstapadi. AK. Nos. 185 ; 186; 278; 505; Hum. 259; Kath. Tura aia (Gram. 1948) composed in Sarn. 1484 No. 1360 ; List (Sravana Belgula ); by Mānikyasundara, pupil of MerutungaMysore. II. p. 129; III. p. 78; Padma. sūri of the Ancala Gaccha. In the Pra41 ; SRA. 46 ; 314. śasti, the author mentions the following works of his own :- Māņikyārika Catuh(1) Tikā by another Cărukirti. List parvi, Prthvicandracaritra and Sukarāja(Sravan Belgula). kathā. PRA. No. 389. It is published ufafar Bengal. No. 7716. at Ahmedabad, 1901. Agra. No. 1423 ; TOCHT Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (15) Bhand. VI. No. 1302, BK. No. 1321; Buh. IV. No. 242; VIII. No. 401 TUHTKUT KB. 1 (12); Surat. 1, 7. See Vara (dated Sam. 1486 ) ; Chani. No. 416 ; datta-Gunamañjarikathā. DA. 50 ( 24 ; 25 ); 29 (7;8); JG. JUATOTT TOT composed in Sam. 1817 by Rāma p. 252 ; Kaira. A. 69; Kaira. B. 129; vijayagani, pupil of Dayāsimba, during PAP. 40 (13); PAPR. 1 (17); PAZA. the spiritual reign of Jinalabha of the 8 (17; dated Samvat 1496); PRA. Kharatara Gaccha. It describes the Guņas No. 389; Surat. 1 (3295), 11, VB. 10 of the Panca Paramesthins i. e. Arhat, (63). Siddha, Acārya, Upādhyāya and Sädhus. | TUEE et composed in Sari. 1665 by JinaHence it is sometimes called Panca para kusalasuri, pupil of Guņavinaya. PAP. mesthigunaratnamālā. It is published 12 (17). with Gujrati translation by JAS., Bhav Torgian (foll. 12 ). JG. p. 222. nagar, Sam. 1979. Agra. No. 932; Bengal. Nos. 2611 ; 3047; 3048 ; 7444; (I) TUFTA of Ratnasekhara. See GunasthänaBhand. V. No. 1277; Chani. No. 862 ; kramāroha DB. 18; (10 ; 45 ); JG. p. 177 ; KB. 1 (II) TF277976 is another name of Gommatasāra. (53); 5 (10); 6 (4); Mitra. VIII. See Strass. pp. 300, 301. p. 222; X. p. 204 ; PAPR. 18 (32); TOTEUTTAA Equr of Harsavardhana. SA. No. 682; Pet. II, No. 290 ;-IV. No. 1235; PRA. Surat. 1, 2, 7, 9, 11, J.......14 Jain Education Intemational Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। p. 172. TUTE T aarup These are 17 only. Hamsa. (IV) TOTFUTARTIE (Be:-jiņadaṁsaņam viņš No. 1509 ; JG. p. 137; Samb. No. 229. jam) of Jinabhadrasuri. Mitra. VIII. (I) TUIFTTA ATTIE in Sanskrit composed in Sarn. 1447, by Ratnasekharasūri, pupil of (1) Lokanāla Vrtti by Jinabhadrasūri Vajrasenasuri of the Nāgapuriya Tapā himself. Mitra. VIII. p. 172 Gaccha. It is published with the Svo TOTERTAGITTO SA. No. 1847. pajña Tīkā in the DLP. Series, No. 38, Bombay, 1916 and by Hiralal Hamsaraj, गुणस्थानमागणास्थान in Prakrta by Nemicandra. Jamnagar, 1910. Agra. Nos. 791-796 ; Hum. 75; 220. Bengal. Nos. 3051; 6675; 6861; JUTERTETATIfT of Ratnasekhara. See Guņasthāna7468 ; Bhand. V. Nos. 1049; 1184 ; kramāroha (I). Bik. No. 1662; BO. p. 58; Bod. No. JUIFSTATTET of Harşavardhana. SA. No. 682. 1377 ; Bub. VIII. No. 376 ; CP. p. 637; TOTERIT (Be:-śrimadvīrajinam natvā ). Flo. DA. 54 (62-68); 76 (60); DB. 32 No. 590. ( 43-45 ); Hamsa. Nos. 561; 807 ; 923; TUTTUTTO SA. No. 1865. 1682 ; JHA. 43 ( 2c.); JHB. 46 ( 4c.); 61; Kaira. A. 142; 172 ; KB. 3 ( 58 ); Tog in 28 Gāthās by Jinaharsa, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha Limdi. Nos. 837; 1507; Mitra. VIII. (Be:-sayalakallāna). It is published in pp. 102, 172, 174; X. p. 151, PAP. Sajjanasanmitra' by S. J. Master, 75 ( 5; 88); PAPS. 53 ( 9 ); 66 (2); Bombay, 1913. PAZB. 9 (16); Pet. III. A. p. 214; SA.. Nos. 352 ; 721 ; 1854; 2054 ; Torratur (Silavisa ye ) of Jinacandrasuri. KN. Strass. p. 441; VD. 5 (8-10); Vel. 28. No. 1596. JAFIC of saha JHA. 58; (1) Vrtti Svopajña. Agra. No. 793; (1) Svopajña Țikā. JHA. 58. Bengal. Nos. 3051; 6675 ; 6861 ; 7468; T5JTU Limdi. No. 1094. Bhand. V. Nos. 1049 ; 1184 ; Bik. Nos, (1) Avacūri. Limdi. No. 1094. 1479 ; 1596; BO. p. 58; Bod. No. 1377; Buh. VIII. No. 376 ; DA. 54 (62-68 ); IST * in 25 Gāthās by Pradyumnasūri. Patan 76 (69); Hamsa. Nos. 561 ; 807 ; 923, Cat. I. pp. 305; 307. 1682; Kaira. A. 142, 172 ; KB. 3 (58); T5UHIGT of Ratnasekhara. See Guruguņasattririr Limdi. No. 1507 , Mitra. VIII. pp. 102; sikā. 174; X. p. 151; PAP. 75 (5; 88); PAPS. 66 (2); PAZB. 9 ( 16 ); SA. TENUTI T composed in Sam. 1541, by Nos. 352; 721 ; 2054 ; Strass. p. 441; Somacāritragaņi, pupil of Caritrabarsa. VD. 5 (8-10); Vel. No. 1596. gaņi, pupil of Somadevasūri, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaocha, ( 2 ) Bālāvabodha by Srīsāra. PAPS. during the spiritual reign of Lakşmi53 ( 9 ). sägarasuri. It contains four cantos and (3) Avacūri. Bik. Nos. 1596; 1597; describes in Sanskrit, the life of LaksmiDB. 32 ( 43; 44 ). sāgarasuri. Published in the YJG. Series. ( II ) TOTEUTTRATTIE (Gram. 2000) of Vimala No. 24, Vir. Sam. 2437. Bhand. VI. suri. VB. 10 ( 62 ). No. 1365; BK. No. 1775; Buh. III. (III) TUFOTTATTIE of Jayasekharasuri. PAPS. No. 150; Hamsa. No. 1451; JG. pp. 214; 81 ( 92 ). 329; SB. 2 (162), VB. 10 (55). 88); TENUTE Somacarito Jain Education Intemational Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 107 gwreel fat also called Guruguņamälä, compos (this ms. is dated Sam. 1683. It was ed by Ratnasekharasuri, pupil of Vajra copied from another, at Patan. This latter senasūri and Hematilakasūri of the Naga was copied in great haste in Sam. 1606, by puriya Tapa Gaccha. This small poem in Vimalasägara, Jñānvimala, Vinayasagara Prakrta describes 36 of the qualities of and Vivekavimala Gaņis. The cause of the a Guru in each of its 36 stanzas. It is haste is given in the Prasasti as follows:published with a Gujrati explanation but When Dharmasagaragani composed his without the Sanskrit commentary, by Tattvatarangiņi at Nāradapuri, the KhaJAS. Bhavnagar, ( Series No. 37), Sam. rataras began to quarrel saying that they 1974. Agra. Nos. 1931 ; 1932; Bengal. had been covertly criticised in the work. No. 2613; BK. No. 125; Buh. VIII. No. Dharmasāgara thereupon sent Vinaya377; DA. 48 (9); 60 ( 132–134); DB. sāgara to Patan to find out the old palm35 ( 116 ; 117 ); Hamsa. No. 1114 ; leaf manuscript of Gurutattvapradipa, JB. 143 ; Jesal. Nos. 364; 986 ; JG. pp. which, he was sure, would support his 140; 197 ; Kath. No. 1330; Kundi. point of contention. Vinayasāgara went Nos. 10; 16; 25; Mitra. X. p. 202 ; to Patan and did find the ms, at the PAP. 9 (9; 10 ); 76 ( 68 ); Pet. III. house of Sadayavatsa Thakura. The No. 590; V. Nos. 641 ; 677 ; 678 ; SA. Brhatcchalika Laingikas, when they knew No. 369 ; Samb. No. 16; Surat. 1, 11; this, demanded the book immediately, VC. 4 (32) saying that it belonged to them. Vina(1) Țikā Svopajña (Gram. 1297). yasāgara then, with the help of his friBengal. No. 2613; BK. No. 125 ; DA. ends very hastily copied it and returned 48 (9; dated Sam. 1480); 60 (132 the manuscript to them. Afterwards 134); DB. 35 ( 116; 117 ); Hamsa. the substance of this work was added in No. 1114; JB. 143 ; Jesal. Nos. 364; a separate chapter to his Tattvatarangimi 986, JG. pp. 140; 197; Kath. No. 1330; by Dharmasagaragani. The author of Kundi. Nos. 10; 16; 25; Mitra. X. p. the Prasasti is Vivekavimalagani); SG. 202 ; PAP. 9 (9; 10); 76 (68); Pet. III. No. 1642 (foll. 84). No. 590; SA. No. 369; Surat. 1, 11; Jaragelight of Dharmasāgara. This is another VC. 4 (32). name of Sodaśasloki with its Vivaraña (2) Avacūri. Buh. VIIL No. 377. probably because it is based on GurutatJEEx of Somacandra. JG. p. 143. tvapradipa. PRA. No. 935. Tetrafa ore of Yasovijaya. See Gurutattvavinir Thararàrquia of Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayanaya. vijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Publishgarrafart of Haribhadra (?). Agra. No. 797 ; ed by the JAS., Bhavanagar, Series No. DB. 16 ( 37, 40); Kath. No. 1331 ; 73, Sam. 1981. AM. 15; Baroda. No. Probably the same as Gurutattva 2782; Chani. No. 169 ; DB. 16 (37; vinirnaya. 40); PAPR. 12 (12); SB. 2 ( 42 ); (1) Tīkā by Yasovijaya. DB. 16 Surat. 1, 7, 11; VB. 10 ( 41; 56 ). (37; 40); Kath. No. 1331 ; SA. No. (1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 6871). 287. JG. p. 103 ; Surat. 1 (287), 7, 11; VB. Taratata This is another name of the Utsūtrakan 10 ( 41 ; 56). dakuddāla. Agra. No. 798; DA. 32 15 calafazu See Gurutattvavinirnaya. (23); Hamsa. No. 1386 ; PRA. No. 555 | 16a7aa271 (Gram. 448). JG. p. 177. Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। गुरुतत्त्वव्यवस्थापनवादस्थल Chani. No. 273. Nos.273, 274, 277; Bhand. V. No. 1190; yuarat atoqar Bhand. VI. No. 1143. VI. Nos. 1150; 1230; 1269 ; Buh. VIII. usaraferg (Graṁ. 374 ). DB. 20 ( 51; 52); 22 No. 390 ; DB. 23 ( 45 ); Limdi. Nos. (155); Hamsa. No. 1386 (This is 811; 1219; Pet. I. No. 263; IV. No. another name of Utsutrakandakuddala 1240; V. Nos. 691 ; 787; Weber. II. Sūtra acc. to Note); JG. p. 177. Nos. 1917 ; 1918. J5 in 18 Prākrta stanzas (Be:-goya (2) Bhāsyatikā by Somasundarasūri. masuhammajambu ). Bhand. V. No. 1190 ; Buh. VIIL No. yeqiqastia of Jinakirtigani. Chani. No. 712. 390 ; Pet. V. No. 787. 5591 TFata (in 6 Sanskrit Kārikäs ). Limdi. No. (3) Bhāsyatīkā by Jñanavimala. Bhand. 1674. VI. No. 1230. 1591T in 21 Prākrta Gathās, of Jina ( 4 ) Avacūrņi. Pet. I. No. 263. dattasuri. Published as 'Sugurupäratan (5) Avacūri by Kulamaņdana. Buh, tryastotra as an appendix in No. 37 of IV. No. 123. the Gaek. 0. Series, Baroda, 1927. Kath. 4591Fuqit by Dharmasāgaragani. Kiel. I. No. Nos. 1229; 1241; PAZB. 3 (12); Pet. I 98. This is really Gurvāvali No. II. No. 232. saqarx* in 15 Gāthās by Dhanesvara. Patan (1) Tikā (in Sam. 1358, according Cat. I. p. 68. to JG.) by Jayasāgaragani. JG. p. 276; TEISTETÉTAIT (Gram. 50). VD. 5 (7). Pet. I. No. 232. (I) ystata in 18 Sanskrit Slokas by Dharma(2) Țīkā by Dharmatilaka. Kath. prabhasuri, pupil of Dharmasimbasuri, No. 1241. pupil of Dharmatilakasuri of the Brhad (3) Tīkā. Aron. PAZB. 3 ( 12 ). Gaccha. Pet. V. A. p. 125. Taqiqac PB. 516. | (II) yvenia in 7 Sanskrit Slokas by Yasovijaya. Jhqal by Jinakusalasūri. Bengal. No. 7526. Limdi. No. 3032. 95 Fifaq in Sanskrit by Nemidāsa Varnin, pupil 1 (III) Theara Anon. Bengal. No. 7425. of Candrakīrti. PR. No. 149. YHTETTgiats in 94 Slokas composed in Sam. 157inon This is published with 16 other 1765 by Rangavijaya. BK. No. 376 ; Kulakas by Balabhai Kakalbhai, Ahmeda PRA. No. 320. bad. TÁTITUT JG. p. 251. Tggang being a list of the pontiffs of the Ka-l 998 yág of Yasovijaya. Published in the Āgamodaya tuka Gaccha. JB. 150. Samiti Series, No. 49, Bombay, 1927. Taga1a * in 34 Prakrta Gathās by Ratna. TTTTTUATO of Ratnasimhasuri. Pet. VI. No. simha sūri. Limdi. No. 955 ( 31). 803. 15H13Tast by Cāritravijaya, pupil of Vinaya (I) yaiart of Acaladāsa. Pet. VI. No. 568. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. It is a sup (II) yaigres of Dharmasāgaragani, pupil of Hiraplement to Dharmasāgara's Pattāvali. vijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is also See Pattāvalisa muccaya, I. p. 102ff. called Tapā-Gaccha Pattāvali or Pattāvali.. T A 18712 JG. p. 276. It consists of 21 Prakrta stanzas with a गुरुवन्दनसूत्र See Vandanakasutra. Sanskrit commentary. It is based on (1) Bhásya by Devendrasuri of the the older Pattāvalis and is carefully preTapā Gaccha. See Bhāsyatraya. Agra. pared. It is published in the Pattāvalisa Jain Education Intemational Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ *M: S : 1 109 muccaya, Part I (pp. 41-77), by M. 1336; SA. Nos. 237; 563; VB. 22 Manekchand, Viramgam, 1933. Buh. (9); 33 ( 59 ); Vel. No. 1712. IL No. 392; VIII. Nos. 402; 408 ; DA. (IV) yaiares ( upto 59th i. e. Vijayasenasūri ) of 18 ( 27-30); DB. 8 (9-10); JB. 125; the Tapā Gaccha. Composed by GunaKaira. B. 29, Kiel. I. Nos. 21 ; 35; 98 ; vijaya Vācaka. DB. 39 ( 24 ). Limdi. Nos. 857; 1170; Mitra. VIII. (V) yaiara by Jayavijaya. Bhand. V. No. 1278. p. 139 ; PAP. 8 (18); 42 ( 25 ); PAPS. (1) Țikā Svopajña. Bhand. V. No. 48 ( 114 ); 64 ( 15 ); 81 (8); Pet. 1278 (dated Sam. 1680 ). V. No. 745 ; PRA. Nos. 776; 777; SA. No. 228 ; Surat. 1, 2; VA. 12 (23; (VI) yaiares composed in Sam. 1881 by Ksamā25 ); VB. 20 (18); 22 (12); VD. 9 kalyāna. JHB. 54 ( 2c. ). (1; 10 ); Weber. II. No. 1980. (VII) yaiare (Anon. ) in 11 Prākrta Gāthas. (1) Tikā Svopajña. Buh. II. No. Limdi. No. 1288. 392 (ms. dated Sam. 1660 ); VIII. (VIII) Taials by Nemicandra in Sanskrit. SG. Nos. 402; 408, DA. 18 ( 27-30); DB. No. 1992. 8 (9; 10); JB. 125, Kaira. B. 29; () gaiara (Anon.) See also Pattāvali. Kath. No. 1370; Kiel. I. No. 21 (at the Agra. Nos. 1373 ; 1374; 1376 ; 1378end of this ms., we are told that the work 1393; 1395-1399; Bhand. III. No. was examined at the order of Hira vijaya 427 ; VI. No. 1003 (2); BO. p. 58; suri at Ahmedabad in Sam. 1648 by Buh. IV. Nos. 243-245; VI. No. 715; Vimalaharsa, Kalyāņavijaya and Labdhi KB. 1 (10); 9(2); SG. Nos. 1995; sāgara by comparing it with Munisun 2014 (Digambara ); Surat. 11. dara's Gurvāvali, Jirņapattāvali, Duhsa Taiarc JG. p. 198. masamghastotra etc.); Kiel. I. Nos. 35 yararciagle JG. p. 214. (this also contains the same information and is dated Sam. 1660 ); 98 ; Limdi. TEFRIGT Taaugurata in 57 Gāthīs. Limdi. No. Nos. 857 ; 1170; Mitra. VIII. p. 139; PAP. 8 ( 18 ); 42 (25), PAPS. 48 (I) JEF #sfagfr0 in 60 Gathās. JA. (114); 64 ( 15 ) ;. 81 (8); Pet. V. 47 ( 3 ). No. 745; PRA. Nos. 776 ; 777 ; SA. (II) DEFTWARTE in 42 Gathäs, composed No. 228; VA. 1: (23 ); VB. 20 (18); in Sam. 1287. JA. 47 (3); JG. p. 198. 22 (12); VD. 9 (1; 10); Weber. II. DEFOTWafgest composed by Somadharmagani, pupil No. 1980. of Caritraratnagani of the Tapā Gaccha. (III) yaiaro also called Brhattapāgacchagurvāvali This is another name of the Upadesaor Tridaśatarangini, composed in Sam. saptatitīkā. Bik. No. 1478. 1466 by Munisundarasūri, pupil of Soma- FTIT Agra. No. 933. sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Publish feu of Padmanandin in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. ed in the YJG. Series No. 9, Benares, Sam. 610 1961. BK, No. 1453 ; Buh. JI. No. 391 ( ms. dated Sam. 1508 ). VI. NO. TEITETETT Bengal. Nos. 6875, 7049, 7463 : 714 ; DA. 39 ( 23 ); Kath. No. 1361 ; 7601 ; SA. Nos. 2918 ; 2979. Limdi. No. 718; Mitra. III. p. 47: Ticia areata in 108 Karikās by YagovijayaPAP. 8 ( 37 ); 76 (10; 28; 140); gaņi, pupil of Nayavijayagani of the PAPL. 8 ( 43 ) ; PAPS. 48 ( 63 ); 60 Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 276. ( 47 ); Pet. IV. No. 1236 , PRA. No. I stagra19fala in 9 Karikās. Limdi. No. 984. 955. Jain Education Intemational Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। H it Satārthavrtti ). JG. p. 343 ( foll. 51 ). TÌ4764 in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 814( 4 ). TIVISTEET of Bhāvaprabhasūri. Chani. No. - 291. TIFHEART of Saiddhāntika Nemicandra. The work is also known as Gunasthānaka or Pancasangraha (Pet. I. A. p. 74; V. No. 929 ). It is in Präkrta and is divided into two parts called Jivakāņda containing 733 stanzas and Karmakaņda containing 972. It is edited with Abhayacandra's commentary on the 1st Kānda and Kesava Varnin's commentary on the IInd in No. 4 of Haribhai Devakarana Granthamala, Calcutta, 1921. It is also edited with introduction, translation and notes in English, by J. L. Jaini, in Sacred Books of the Jainas, Vols. 5 and 6, Lucknow, 1927. It is published in two parts, with Sanskrit and Hindi translations in the RJS. Series, Bombay. For the lacunae in the Karmakāņda and its connection with the Karmapraksti of Nemicandra, see Anekānta, Vol. III. pp. 537; 635; 757 (parti. pp. 762-63). See also, Upadhye, Bharatiya Vidyā, VOL. II. 1940, p. 48ff., for the interpretation of the title Gommatasāra. AD. Nos. 19; 46 ; 182; AK. Nos. 189-194; 271; Bengal. No. 1447 ; Bhand. V. Nos. 1050, 1051 ; Buh. VI. No. 578; CMB. 19; 24; 71; 165; 172; 186 ; 189; CP. pp. 637, 638; 639; Hebru. 10; 31; Hum. 5; 60; Idar. 38 ( 6 copies ); Idar. A. 18 (3 copies); 19 (5 copies ); Kath. No. 1059; KB. 3 ( 46 ); KO. 1; 2; MHB. 39; Mud. 65; 75; 285; 518; 535; 736 ; Padma. 2; PAPS. 76 (21); PR. Nos. 12; 99; Rice. pp. 310; 318 ; SA. Nos. 845; 2041; SG. Nos. 1; 613; 614; 618; 2170 ; SRA. 21 ; 23 ; 30; 32; 39; 224; Strass. p. 301; Tera. 1-15; Vel. No. 1575. (1) Desi Vịtti by Cámunda Rāya. No mss. are yet discovered. See Upadhye, Indian Culture, Vol. VII. p. 26. (2) Tīkā by Abbayacandra. No. (4) is based on this ; see Upadhye, Indian Culture, Vol. VII. p. 29. CP. p. 637; Idar. A. 19 (2 copies ); Mud. 73; 736; Padma. 2; SG. No. 1 ; SRA. 224. (3) Tikā by Dharmabhūsaņa. Perhaps the same as the next. CP. p. 638. ( 4 ) Tikā called Jivatattvapradipikā composed in Kanarese by Kesava Varnin, pupil of Abhayasuri in Saka 1281. CP. p. 638; Hum. 5; 60; Mud. 65; 285; 518; 535; SRA. 21 ; 23; 30; 32, 39. (5) Tīkā called Jivatattvapradipikā composed by Nemicandra, pupil of Jñānabhūşana, Municandra and Prabhācandra of the Mula Samgha. He was assisted by Visälakirti. It is based on the older Kanarese commentary of Keśava Varnin (No. 1) above. See Upadhye, Indian Culture, Vol. VII. p. 30ff. One Abhayacandra wrote out the first copy of the present commentary. AK. No. 271 ; Bengal. No. 1447 ; Bhand. V. Nos. 1050; 1051; Buh. VI. No. 578; Kath. No. 1059, KB. 3 ( 46 ); Pet. V. Nos. 929 ; 930; PR. Nos. 71; 78; 98; SA. Nos. 845; 2041 ; SG. Nos. 613, 614 ; 618; Strass. p. 301. (6) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1620 by Sumatikirti, pupil of Jñānabhūsaņa of the Mülasangha. CP. p. 639; Vel. No. 1575 (only on vv. 1-95 of the Karmakāņda). (7) Tikā by Āsādhara. Idar. 38. (8) Tīkā Anon. Idar. A. 18 ( 3 copies ) ; 19; PR. Nos. 77 ( Be:-munim siddham pranamyāham); 108; Tera. 1-5. (9) Tikā in Sanskrit (Graṁ. 125000) composed by Pandita Rāva. This is mentioned by a Kannada poet Päyanna idya, P, Sean Com the Jain Education Intemational Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः | in A. D. 1659. No mss. are so far (II) ana by Bhattaraka Yaśaḥkirti. List known. See Anekanta, I. p. 336. गोम्मटेशस्तोत्र CP. p.639. (Savai Jaypor). Я in Sanskrit. g KO. 62. in 20 Präkṛta stanzas. It is published with the commentary of Jnanatilaka, by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1914. Agra. Nos. 1774-1783, Bengal. Nos. 6981, 7639; Bhand. V. Nos. 1185; 1186;. 1187; VL No. 1144, BO. p. 58; Chani. No. 178; DA. 38 (15-19); DB. 21 (43-47); Jesal. No. 582; JHA. 33; JHB. 27; KB. 3 (14); Kundi. No. 39; Limdi. Nos. 1079; 1656; Mitra. VIII. p. 73; SA. Nos. 171; 564, 648; 1888, 2602; 2775; 3040; VD. 5 (6) (1) Vrtti (Gramh. 1200) composed in Sam. 1660 by Jñanatilakagani, pupil of Padmarajagani, pupil of Punyasagara Upadhyaya, pupil of Jinasitihasüri of the Kharatara Gaccha. It contains 69 illustrative stories. Bengal. No. 7639; Bhand. V. Nos. 1185; 1186; Bik. No. 1595; BSC No. 709, Chani. No. 718; DA. 38 (15, 16), DB. 21 (43; 44); Jesal. No. 582, JHB. 27, KB. 3 (14); Kundi. No. 39, Limdi. No. 1079; Mitra. VIII. p. 73; Pet. III. A. p. 223 (quotation); V. No. 680; SA. Nos. 171; 564, 648; 2502; Samb. No. 415, Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7; VD. 5 (6). (2) Vrtti by Devaraja. Bengal. Nos. 2514; 5572; 6640; 7109. by Amaravijaya (?). Buh. II. No. 343. fan (1) maga in Sanskrit, consisting of five chapters, composed in Sarh. 1726 by Mandalācārya Dharmacandra, a Digambara writer, papil and successor of Sribhūgana, pupil and successor of Bhanukirti, successor of Yasabkirti; cf. SGR. III. p. 98. It is published at Surat, 1927. Hamsa. Nos. 267; 279; Kath. No. 1060; SG. Nos. 36; 2015. 111 flange गौतमचरित्रकुलक in Apabhratinsa composed by Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha in Sam. 1358. Patan Cat. I. p. 266. or the questions of Gautama in 64 Gathas Gāthās. It is published with the commentary of Mativardhana (No. 2) by Hiralal Hamsraj. Jamnagar, 1920. Agra. Nos. 22552265; AM. 51; Baroda. Nos. 1785; 17892149, Bengal. Nos. 6712; 7708; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1145; 1146; 1269; Bik. No. 1477; BK. No. 414; Bod. No. 1360; Bah. I. No. 50; VIII. Nos. 379; 380; Cal. X. No. 100; DA. 38 (1-14); 75 (20); DB. 21 (42); Jesal. Nos. 1059; 1071; 1419; 1788; Hamsa. Nos. 736; 737; 1254; 1740, JA. 96 (6); 106 (7); JHB. 26 (5c.), Kaira. A. 18; KB. 3. (78), KC. 10; Kiel. II. Nos. 73, 376; Limdi. Nos. 532; 696; 703; 730,930; 978; 1169; 1260; 1288, 1384; 1665;-. 1717; 2257; 3281, Mitra. VIII. p. 140; X. p. 199; PAP. 64 (5); PAPS. 44 (7); 54 (10; 13); 77 (18); PAZB. 9 (26); Pet. I. A. pp. 11; 57; 83; 101; V. No. 681; V.A. p. 137; SA. Nos. 60; 851; 1772; 2705; 3120; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11; VB. 10 (46; 47; 48; 65); Vel. Nos. 1597-1600; (1) Vrtti (Grah. 5600; Be:-madhuryadhuryaganatab) by Sritilaka, pupil of Devabhadrasuri of the Rudrapalliya Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. 1188; BK. No. 414; Buh. I. No. 50; DA. 38 (1-3); DB. 21 (37, 38); Jesal. No. 1419; JG. p. 177; Hamsa. No. 447; Kaira. A. 18; Limdi. No. 978, PAP. 64 (5); PAPS. 44 (7); 54(13); PAZB. 9 (26), SA. No. 851; VB. 10 (46); Vel. No. 1600. (2) Vrtti (Gram. 3800; Be:-viram jinam pranamyadau) composed in San. 1738 by Mativardhana, pupil of Sumati Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1212 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। harima, pupil of Jinaharsasuri of the (1) Țikā by Caturavijaya. Published. Kharatara Gaccha. Bengal. No. 2603 ; (I) ahfata in 21 Sanskrit Slokas by JinapraBod. No. 1359; DB. 21 (39; 40); bhasūri. Published in Kävyamālā, VII. JG. p. 177; Hamsa. Nos. 736; 737, 1254; p. 110. 1740; JHB. 26; Kath. No. 1061; Kiel. I ) Tiaralia See Gautamasvāmistotra. II. No. 376 , Mitra. VIIL p. 140; X. p. 199 ; Pet. V. No. 681 ; SA. No. 60; anfalf graafia in Sanskrit. Vel. No. 1715. Vel. No. 1598. affarhamats of Jinaprabha in 9 stanzas. (3) Vrtti (Bālāvabodha ) composed Vel. No. 1804. by Jinasuri, pupil of Sudhābhūsana, pupil TITA afheara by Nandidharmagani. Hamsa. No. of Visālarāja of the Tapā Gaccha. Buh. 429. VIIL No. 379 - PRA. No. 929. (1) Tikā. Hamsa. No. 429. (4) Curņi (Balāvabodha ) by Soma- TATA FAITHET DB. 21 (48); JG. p. 276 ; Limdi. sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. JHB. No. 140. 26 ( 3c. ); KC. 10; Limdi. No. 2257 ; (1) Vrtti. DB. 21 ( 48 ). . VB. 10 (65). Tahra in 10 Kārikās. Limdi. Nos. 1721; (5) Vrtti by Abhayadevasūri. Baroda. 2885; 3292. No. 2149. TATUHETicy in 11 cantos, composed in Sam. ( 6 ) Vrtti by Kesaragani. Baroda. 1807, by Rupacandra (alias RāmavijayaNos. 1785; 1789. Hamsa. ), pupil of Dayāsimha of the (7) Vrtti by Ksamākalyāna, pupil of Kbaratara Gaccha. It is published in the Amrtadbarma of the Kharatara Gaccha. Candrasimhasuri Jaina Granthamālā. Pet. VI. No. 569 ( dated Sam. 1858 ). BK. No. 96 ; Hamsa. No. 1010 ; Mitra. (8) Vrtti. Anon. Bengal. Nos. 1; VIII. pp. 56 ; 58 ; SA. No. 1776 ; 266, Bhand. VI. Nos. 1145; 1146; SB. 2 ( 161 ); Weber. II. No. 1987. Buh. VI. No. 716 ; Jesal. Nos. 1071; (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1852, by 1788; KB. 3 (78); PAPS. 77 (18); Ksamākalyāṇa, pupil of AmrtadharmaSurat. 1, 2, 7, 11; VB. 10 ( 47, 48). gani of the Kharatara Gaccha. BK. No. ( 9 ) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. 96; Hamsa. No. 1010; Mitra. VIII. p. 1884 by Padmavijayagani. Limdi. No. 58 ; SA. No. 1776. 626. itata (Gram. 2500 ). JG. p. 366. ( 10 ) Bālāvabodha. Anon. AM. 51; OFTETTAUTU of Kulabhadra. See SārasamucBik. No. 1477 ; DA. 38 ( 4-10). caya. JG. p. 129, Pet. IV. No. 1237 ; tangasrugogi composed in Sam.1554 by Läva PRA. No. 995. ṇyasamaya, pupil of Samayarāja of the CET SA. No. 2922; VB. 10 ( 59-Gram. 500). Tapā Gaccha. DB. 45 ( 93-94); Limdi. geetfær JG. p. 351. Nos. 2005; 2291 ; 3118; PAP. 72 (12). JEEn Limdi. No. 547. nanaria in 42 Kārikās. JG. p. 177 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 92 ( quotation ). ETahtaart Hamsa. No. 98. wancara of Ravisāgara. It is published with the METHITHSHI (Gram. 800 ). VA. 6 (12) commentary in the gamodaya Samiti 009 Limdi. No. 1683. Series, No. 59, Bombay, 1929. Heart Hamsa. No, 660. Jain Education Intemational Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रेन्याविभागः प्रथमः। 113 ( 1 ) Hayfit of Padmaprabha. CP. p. 639; utstraat in 74 Gāthas (Be:-- sirivirajinesara ). Hamsa. No. 1018. See Bhuvanadipaka JA. 31 (6)= Pet. V. A. p. 67. ( II ). aor (Adhyayana ). Pet. V. A. p. 137. ( II ) CHAT Anon. Limdi. No. 665; pro- agraitane Agra. No. 1801. bably the same as above. aaraitratgauifasita DB. 21 ( 19 ). CETTE JG. p. 351. taraftarana by śāntyācārya. Chani. No. 802. Ea Bengal. No. 7215. agurraaa * in 35 Gāthās. DA. 60 ( 222 ). FEETIFFaqatfart Limdi. No. 725. aail@taran JG. p. 198. AEFTATEA of Bhadrabāhu. Published by Jas: TETUT ARTIQ Bhaktămara ?). Bengal. No. vantray Jain, Lahore. 7130. . Sefer Limdi. No. 907. चतुर्थवृत्तआरोपणविधि Hamsa. No. 659. ugga of Ganesa (Non-Jain). acestuiagerface composed in Sam. 1684, by (1) Vārtika composed in Sam. 1760 Srutasāgara, pupil of Dharmasägara by Yasasvatsāgara, pupil of Kalyana. Upadhyāya of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. sāgara, pupil of Caritrasagara of the No. 1911 = PRA. No. 1128. It is in Tapā Gaccha. PRA. No. 226. Sanskrit. घटकपरकाव्य Non-Jain. asstaatega of Tárācandra. Pet. IV. No. 1456. (1) Tikā by Sāntisuri Hamsa. Nos. 11; 12; Kundi. No. 11, SA. No. 192. ghof Vijayatilaka Upādhyāya. Chani. No. 161. ghalifaq Bengal. No. 7070; DB. 46 ( 35 ); JG. p. 364, JHA 73; Lal. 360, SA. (1) Ţikā Svopajña. Chani. No. 161. Nos. 595 ; 599. agafem DA. 60 ( 313 ); JG. p. 264. Also JUSTFlagrattaat Vel. No. 1810. see Caturmäsikaparvakatha and the utgtro Bengal. No. 1475. following. r ight in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 1340. CAFETETTEJA fa Kath. No. 1257. *ar#19 in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 1698. desfingrareata in 35 stanzas, of Simhadeva. gerot Bengal. No. 1475. Flo. No. 686. #satiraia Bengal. No. 7222 ; DB. 24 (151). (1) Svopajña Țikā. Flo. No. 686. Uz aut er in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 543. (I) latrast by Jinaprabhasūri. Bengal. Nos. Weita of Bāņa ( Non-Jain ). 6841; 7389. (1) Țikā by Dhanesvara. Buh. IV. (II) Egiazal by Yasovijaya. KB. 2 (17); Nos. 30; 31. Surat. 1. (I) 0:00et composed by Manikyasundara of (III) aajastiaat by Ratnavimala. KB. 2 ( 17 ). the Añcala Gaccha. This is mentioned in the author's Gunavarmacaritra (s. v.). aaraati Filhagenariaat JG. p. 132. (II) agicaret Anon. Hamsa. No. 638 ; Surat. 7. aafáatiaatqualcasiaa faaa JG. p. 132. चतु-पर्वी see Catuhparvakatha. gafastareas JG. p. 278. See also Caturvirnsaaig u by Samayasundaragani. Bengal. tijinastotra. . No. 6688. चतुर्विशातिचित्रस्तव See Caturhāravalicitrastava. ITFATN Baroda. No. 6118. This is in the Apa- agraaraika lu in 13 Apabhramisa stanzas. bhramsa language. Patan Cat. I. p. 43. J....15 Jain Education Intemational Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (I) wargaretaafte of Amaracandra. See Pad (VIII) arayararaa by Jayatilaka. See Caturmānandakāvya. hārāvalicitrastava. (II) glagtatafe Anon. JG. p. 246. (IX) agrå tiafftar ena by Jinadattı. AD. No. aardstrafsahtart by Hemacandra. Bengal. Nos. 131. 6828 ; 7561. (A) चतुर्विशतिजिनस्तव by Jinaprabhasuri of the (1) Svopajña Tikā. Bengal. No. Kharatara Gaccha. It is published in 6828. Kāvyamalā, VII. p. 115. Bengal. Nos. (1) arafaisaati in Sanskrit composed 6841; 7389 ; BK. No. 149; Buh. II. in Sarn. 1814 by Rāmavijayagani of the No. 280 ; DB. 24 ( 108; 111 ); Hamsa. Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 1258 No. 235; JG. p. 277; KB. 1 (9); (No. 64). Limdi. No. 1532, PAPR. 15 ( 26 ); (II) चतुर्विशतिजिनपञ्चाशिका in Sanskrit by Ksama PAPS. 65 (18); 68 (117); Pet. V. No. 684. pramoda. JHA. 65. (1) safáriafarger by Rāmacandra. BO. p. 58; (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1652 by 1 . Pet. V. No. 932. Kanakakusalagani, pupil of Vijayasena(IL) Taararsagar by Surendrakirti. Kath. süri of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No. 149; No. 1146. Hamsa. No. 235 ; JG. p. 277 ; PAPR. (IUI) arastrarfragst Anon. Pet. VI. No. 673. 15 ( 26 ); PAPS. 65 (18); 68 (117); चतुर्विशतिजिनपूर्वभवोत्कीर्तनसंबद्धस्तवन in 27 Karikas Pet. V. No. 684. by Ratnasāgaragani. JG. p. 276. (XI) agraría sataa by Jinavallabha in Präkrta qaretrasaaraalafaqa Kath. No. 1256. (Gram. 155 ). Hamsa. No. 871 ; JG. p. (1) wafatlaisanga by Indranandin. DB. 24 276. (XII) agrārstarStaraa by Jinesvarasuri. JG. p. (1) Svopajña Țikā. DB. 24 ( 18 ). 277 ; PAP. 26 (2). (II) aarastfarsana by Kamalavijayagaņi, pupil (1) Avacuri. JG. p. 277; PAP. of Vijayasenasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. 26 ( 2 ). DA. 41 ( 201-205). (XIII) agraatfat staraa by Devacandra. KB. 1 (III) wafentiaista para by Krpāsaubhagya. Surat. (53). 1( 2887). (XIV) gráfagafaa by Devanandin. Hum. (IV) garaarfarsatta by Keśavasena. SG. No. 1450. (v) araiarsaraa by Ksamākalyāna, pupil (1) Vrtti Svopajñā. Hum. 53. of Amrtadharmagani of the Kharatara (XV) arafarstaat by Devaprabha of the Gaccha. It is in 77 Sanskrit stanzas. Maladbāri Gaccha. Bt. No. 145; JG. Published by Bhimsi Manek in Prakara p. 276; SA. No. 2728. naratnākara, Vol. II. Bombay. JHA. (XVI) waràstiaisasea of Dharmaghosa, pupil of 58; 70 ( 2c.); SA. Nos. 626 ; 813 ; Devendragūri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is Surat. 3, 7. published with a commentary by the (VI) gratarstarea by Cáritraratnagani. DA. Jaina Sreyaskara Mandala, Mhesana, in 41 ( 207 ). the Stotraratnākara, Pt. I, Sam. 1970. (VII) wgrasrattara by Jagannātha Kavi. Hamsa. Nos. 129; 431; JG. p. 277; JHB. 47. Vel. No. 1805. ( 18 ). 53. Jain Education Intemational Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मन्दाविमायः प्रथमः। 115 (1) Avacūri. Hamsa: No. 431 ; Vel. (XXVI) woraufar stanga by Raviprabha. Limdi. No. 1805. No. 3378. (XVII) wafà farstareata by Dharmasekhara. (XXVII) wafargurafshtag by Vimala vijaya. JG. Bhand. VI. No. 1148 ; JG. p. 278. p. 278; Pet. III. A. p. 213. (XVIII) tarafastamaa by Naracandra. JG. P. (XXVIII ) Araratiafrafaa by Šilaratnasuri. 278 ; Pet. V.. A. p. 95. Hamsa. No. 1604. It is published by (XIX) adatlararaa by Padmanandin. JG. the JAS. Bhavanagar ( Series No. 44), p. 278. Sam. 1971 ( XX) wafatiafrarrara by Padmavijaya, pupil (XXIX) Zarafatsrattaa by Sobhana. See of Jītavijaya. JG. p. 277 ; PAP. 42 Sobhanastuti. ( 33 ). XX ) चतुर्विशतिजिनस्तव by Samantabhadra. (1) Avacūri. JG. p, 277, PAP. 42 See Svayambhūstotra. ( 33 ). (XXXI) paráztastareda (Guptakriya) by Sāgara(XXI) aláztafstatega by Pārsvacardrasuri. candra. JG. p. 278; Pet. I. No. 259. KC. 12. (XXXII) grå stiaisrahaa composed in Samvat • (XXII) afastarsaraa by Bappabhatti. It con 1541 by Siddhāntasāra, pupil of Indratains 96 Sanskrit stanzas. It is published nandin. JG. p. 277; PAP. 19 ( 87 ). by the Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, (XXXIII ) taratiaisratra by Sumatisatyagaņi. 1926. Bhand. VI. No. 1149; DA. 75 Chani. No. 837. (4), DB. 24 ( 19; 20); JG. p. 276; ( XXXIV ) gratiaisasua by Somadeva. JG. Mitra. VIII. p. 142; PAP. 41 ( 19 ); p. 277; Pet. V. No. 683. PAPS. 67 ( 72 ). (1) Vrtti Svopajña. J. p. 277; (1) Svopajña Țikā. Bhand. VI. No. Pet. V. No. 683. 1149; DA. 75 (4); DB. 24 ( 19 ; 20), XXXV) चतुर्विंशतिजिनस्तव by Somaprabhācārya JG. p. 276. in 27 Sanskrit Kārikās. Chani. No. 163, (2) Vrtti by Pandit Gunākara. Hamsa. No. 743 ; JG. p. 277 ; PAPL. Patan Cat. I. p. 196 (ms. dated Samvat 8 ( 28 ) 1211 ). (3) Avacuri. PAPS. 67 (72). (1) Svopajña Țikā. Chani. No. 163 ; JG. p. 277. ( XXIII) hafa urafratera by Bhūpāla Kavi. JG. p. 278. It is published in the Kávyamālā, (XXXVI) waraziarrataa by Somasundarasuri Vol. VII, Bombay, 1926. See Bhūpāla of the Tapā Gaccha. PRA, No. 1157 stotra. (dated Sam. 1500); SA. No. 813. (XXIV) agraararstarea by Munisundara of the (XXXVII) arazfalsatiaa AA by Hemavijaya, Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 278. pupil of Kamalavijaya. DB. 24 (17); (XXV) चतुर्विशतिजिनस्तव by Meruvijaya. Pub Hamsa. No. 1467; JG. p. 277. See Caturvimsatijinastuti by Kamalavijaya. lished by the Agamodaya Samiti, (Series No. 59 ), Bombay, 1929, and also in the (XXXVIII) safariafaataa by śāntibhānu. DLP. Series, No. 23, Bombay, 1915. JHB. 47. BK. No. 11 ; DB. 24 ( 16 ); JG. p. 277. (XXXIX) Zafatlantasca Anon. (1) Svopajna Vrtti. BK. No. 11 ; Agra. Nos. 3266 to 3268; Bengal. DB. 24 ( 16 ); JG. p. 277. Nos. 4312; 6740; 6768; 7061 ; 7306; Jain Education Intemational Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 श्रीजिनरलकोषः। * *0. 402. DA. 41 (208-220); 75 ( 23 ); Limdi. 1361 , Hultz. III. No. 1966 ; JB. 121 ; No. 1548. Jesal. Nos. 1073, 1108, JG. p. 214; (1) Vrtti. Agra. No. 3266. PAP. 12 ( 37 ); PAZB. 9 (14); SA. adalafhaigua Buh. II. No. 404. No. 117 ; SB. 90, Strass. p. 396 ; (I) agràriadi True of Dámanandin. SRA. Surat. 6; Vel. Nos. 1717 ; 1718; 1719. 54. laufen Bengal. No. 7482. (II) agrafa áreaTGTIOT of Malliseņa. SRB. 72. ada tang17 is a single stanza in Sanskrit which (1) gratiarütar of Sribhūsana. SG. No. ig applicable to all the 24 Jinas. It was 69, SGR. III. pp. 104; 105 (quotation). composed with a commentary in Sar. In Sanskrit. 1699 by a Digambara writer called (II) tafarlaatängsl of Vidyābhūşana. See Jagannātha Pandit, pupil of NarendraCaturvimsatipujā. kirti. It is published by Ravaji Sakharama Doshi, Solapur, 1921. SG. No. 2211. (III) wafazaatama Anon. Buh. VI. No. 579 ; Pet. III. No. 484 ; IV. No. 1413. arazziaegrafen in 61 Gāthās of Bhadrabāhu. This is a part of the author's Avasyaka - चतुर्विशतितीर्थकरपूजाजयमाला by Maghanandin. niryukti. JA. 25 ( 12); 95 (7); Pet. Strass. p. 301. I Nos. 273; 306 ; I. A. p. 52. wafaarfaquetaan of Jinaharsa. Cal. X. No wafáafarrera7% by Nemicandra. Bhand. V. Nos , 38. 1052; 1055 ; DB. 23 ( 6 ); Flo. No. ugrazia gai Pet. V. No. 925. 593; Kath. Nos. 1362; 1363; Pet. IV. grazifaqe IT of Pārsvacandrasuri. KC. 16. Nos. 1414; 1415 ; V. No. 931, Tera. waráztracat of Vidyābhūşana. CP. p. 640. 1-6. agfagfararu also called Prabandhakośa (Gram. (1) Tīkā. Anon. Bhand. V. No. 4000) or Prabandhämrtadirghikā com 1052; Flo. No. 593; Pet. IV. No. 1414; posed at the house of and at the request V. No. 931. of Mahanasimha, son of Jagatsimha of Delhi, in Sam. 1405 by Rājasekhara, चतुर्हारावलीचित्रस्तव of Jayatilakasuri of the Agama Gaccha. It is published in Stotraratnapupil of Śrītilaka of the Maladhāri or kara, Pt. II, by the Jaina Sreyaskara Harsapuriya Gaccha. The work con Mandala, Mhesana, Sam. 1970. Also at tains the lives of 24 great men of Jai Anekānta I. p. 522ff., with the Svopajna nism. It is published by the Hemacan Vyakhā and a Hindi translation. drasabbā, Patan, 1921 ; and also by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1913. Re (1) Svopajña Vyākhyā. Published ; cently it is critically edited by Muni Jina see above. vijaya, in the Singhi Jaina Granthamālā, a cute Toft otherwise called KusalānubandhŠāntiniketana, Bengal, 1935. yadhyayana. It contains 63 Găthās and is Agra. Nos. 1799 ; 1800 ; Baroda. Nos. ascribed to Virabhadra. It is published by 2785; 2786 ; Bendall. No. 286; Bhand. Balabhai Kakalbhai, Ahmedabad, Sam. V. Nos. 1279; 1302 ; BK. No. 658; 1962, as also in the JDPS. Series, Bha Bt. No. 354; Bub. II. No. 363; vnagar, Sam. 1966, and in the DLP. VI. Nos. 748 ; 749; Chani. Nos. 104 ; Series (No. 59), Bombay, 1922. It 919 ; 921 ; DA. 51 (34; 37); DB. 30 describes the four resorts i. e. the Arhat, (35, 36); Hamsa. Nos. 6189; 1338; Siddha, Sadhu and Dharma, of man, Jain Education Intemational Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः। 117 Generally this and the other Prākirņakas by Pārsvacandrasuri, pupil of Sādhuratna. exist in groups in the manuscripts. DB. 13 ( 17 ); Pet. IIL. A. p. 214 Agra. Nos. 421-428 ; 430-441 ; AM. (quotation). 144 ; 372 ; Baroda. No. 690 ; Bengal. (7) Avacuri by Mahendrasirnhasuri. Nos. 7173 ; 7681 ; Bhand. III. No. 428; This is a mistake. The author is BhuVI. Nos. 1147 ; 1168; Bik. No. 1589; vanatunga, pupil of Mahendrasimha. See BK. No. 529; BO. p. 58; Buh. II. No. No. (2). Limdi. No. 754 = PRA. Nos. 188; Cal. X. Nos. 102 ; 108! DA. 27 688; 1418; 1838. (36-39 ; 41 ; 44 ); 33.( 39 ); 74 ( 16 (8) Tīkā. Anon. AM. 144; 372; 18); DB. 13 ( 11-21), Flo. No. 520; Bengal. No. 6552, JHA. 18; KB. 3 (6); Hamsa. Nos. 19; 842; 932; JA. 60 (11); Mitra. X. p. 11; SA. Nos. 387; 2015; 106 ( 4; 7); JHA. 18 ; JHB. 21 (7c.); VB. 11 ( 21 ). Kap. Nos. 266 to 284; Kath. Nos. 1262; o imigra in Sanskrit. Published in Stotra. 1358 ; KB. 3 (6); Limdi. Nos. 606 ; 638; 802 ; 834; 835; 930; 1072; ratnākara, Pt. II, by the Jaina Sreyaskara 1137 ; 1138 ; 1139; 1231, 1288, 1290; Mindala, Mhesana, Sam. 1970. 1412; 1413; 1454; 1589; 1707 ; 1" 89. 1707. (I) qopara of Merutungasūri of the Ancala Mitra. X. p. 11; PAP. 23 (1); PAZB. Gaccha (Gram. 493 ). Agra. No. 2592 ; 4(11); Pet. I. No. 260; I. A. pp. 11; PAP. 41 (18; 20). See Kātantra53; 59; 85 ; III. A. pp. 11; 27; 214; vyākaranatikā. V. A. p. 67; PRA. No. 688 ; SA. Nos. (1) Svopajña Vrtti. PAP. 41 (18). 387 ; 1908 ; 1951; 2015; Samb. Nos. (II) ushqia of Golhaņa. Vel. No. 73. 245 ; 286 ; 319; Strass. p. 310; Surat. 770Taart of Dhanaprabha Bhand. V. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 ; VA. 7 ( 7; 8); 1344; PAPS. 74 ( 14 ). VD. 5 (15); Vel. Nos. 1452-1456; Jacq2127619599ft of Silācārya. See Mahā. Weber. II. Nos. 1861-64 ; 1870. puruşacaritra. Chani. No. 521. (1) Avacūri by Gunaratnasūri. agafar Tu See Ekavimśatisthānaka. Baroda. No. 690; JG. p. 44; Kath. Taguirnalegra in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 395 ; No. 1364; PAZB. 4 (11); Pet. I. JG. p. 278; Pet. V. No. 685. Nos. 260; 261; SA. No. 1908. gtaGFRITAT Cal. X. No. 107. (2) Avacuri by Bhuvanatunga, pupil aafatia DA. 60 ( 35 ). of Mahendrasimha, pupil of Dharma- (1) agresterengreyagalarga by Sribhūşaņa. ghosasuri of the Ancala Gaccha. BK. List ( S. J.) No. 529; JG. p. 44 ; Limdi. No. 754. (II) चतुस्त्रिंशदधिकद्वादशशतव्रतोद्यापन by Jiiadasa (3) Avacūri by Somasundarasuri. Pandita. List (S. J.) DB. 13 ( 15; 16); Flo. No. 520; JHB. | (IIT) चतुस्त्रिंशदाधिकद्वादशशतव्रतोद्यापन by Subha21 (2c.); Strass. p. 310 ; VA. 7 (7;8); candra. Idar. 75 ( 4 copies; one dated Weber. II. Nos. 1861-1864. Sam. 1630 ); 162; SG. No. 2175. (4) Vrtti by Vinayarājagani. DB. चत्वारिअष्टवशद्वौचप्रकरण of Devendrasuri. BK. 13 (13; 14). Nos. 1559 ; 1571; DA. 78 (68); Flo. (5) Cūrņi by Vijayasenasuri (Gram. No. 592; JG. p. 137. 500 ) VD. 5 (15). (1) Avacūri. Flo. No. 592; JG. p. (6) Vārtika composed in Sam. 1597 | 137. Jain Education Intemational Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (2) Vivaraņa by Vinayavijaya. BK. (I) y a ng in Sanskrit (Gram. 3339). PAP. Nos. 1559; 1571. 42 ( 42; dated Sam. 1580 ), 62 ( 26 ); raturaFITOTERIRII Limdi. No. 1690. PAPR. 15 ( 37 ). (I) 799gisuga by Somakirti Bhattāraka. (II) 749afts by Mohanavijaya, pupil of RupaList. (S. J.) vijaya. Flo. No: 706 ; PRA. No. 1320. (II) raggiunga by Dharmabhūsaņa Bhattā- 799 is the 7th Upānga of the Jain canon. raka. List (S. J.) In its present form it is wholly identical arraugie by Brahma Sruta sāgara. Buh. VI. with the Suryaprajñaptisūtra. W. SchNo. 581. ubring, Lehre Der Jainas, p. 71, thinks Haagigst Pet. IV. No. 1416. that it is possible to assume that the last qararta by Subhacandra, pupil of Vijayakirti. 11 chapters of this Sūtra, where the moon This work is mentioned by the author in and the stars occupy a prominent place, · his Prasasti to Pandavapurāņa: cf. Pet. formed the orginal Candraprajñaptisütra. IV. A. p. 158. Bhand. V. No. 1101 ; Agra. Nos. 188, 189; AM. 318 (b), Buh. VI. No. 580 ; SG. No. 2403. Baroda. No. 6081 ; Bhand. III. No. 429; चन्द्रकीर्तिव्याकरण See Sarasvatavyakarana. Bik. No. 1587; Buh. II. No. 189; DA. rata pe by Candrakirti. See Sārasvatavyākara 13 (10; 11 ); DB. 6 ( 4 ); DC. pp. 23; natikā by Candrakīrti. VB. 7 (5); 31, JA. 33 (1); JB. 46, 47, Jesal. 11 (5). Nos. 83; 192 ; 563; 1187 ; Hamsa. No. (1) 1108: JHA. 17 ( 2c.); Kundi. Nos. K i ta (Grari. 3296 ) composed in 106; 335; Limdi. Nog. 248 ; 249 ; Sam. 895 by Siddharşi, who however, Mitra. VIII. pp. 113; 114, PAP. 79 bases his work on another older Prākrta ( 34 ); PAPL. 4 (27 ; 28 ); PAPS. work. It is in Sanskrit. PAPS. 34 (7); 23 (7); 24 (14); PAS. Nos. 75; PRA. No. 359. 317; 362; PAZA. 3 (11-13); 14 (8; (II) Hargit Anon. Agra. Nos. 1424-1426; 13; 14); PAZB. 4 ( 5 ); 14 ( 14 ); KB. 2 (9). Pet. III. A. p. 154 ; V. No. 688; SA. aragalau by Jambu Kavi (Jambūnäga-Hamsa No. 200, Samb. Nos. 48 ; 83; SB. 1 and Kundi). It consists of 23 Sanskrit (44); Surat. 1, 5, 6, 8; Vel. No. 1457 ; stanzas only. Baroda. No. 2788; BK. Weber. II. Nos. 1849-1853. No. 1767 ; "Hamsa. No. 9; Kundi. Nos. 18 ; 38 ; Pet. III. A. p. 292 (quotation). (1) Tīkā by Malayagiri (Gram. (1) Avacūri. BK. No. 1767 ; Hamsa. 9500). Agra. No. 190; AM. 318(b); · Baroda. No. 6081, Buh. IV. No. 147; No. 9. DA. 13 ( 8; 9); DB. 6 (1; 2); DC. p. चन्द्रधवलधर्मदत्तकथा in Sanskrit composed by Mani 23 , JA. 33 ( 2 ); JB. 46, 47; Jesal. kyasundara, pupil of Merutungasuri of Nos. 192; 563; 1187; Hamsa. Nos. the Añcala Gaccha, in Sam. 1484. Agra. 612 ; 1235; JHA. 17; Kundi. Nos. No. 1639 ; Chani. No. 1044; Pet. I. 106; 335; Limdi. No. 249, Mitra. VIII. No. 262. See Dharmadattakathā. p. 114 ; PAPL. 4 ( 27 ); PAPS. 23 (7); (1) 752191 (Kanarese) by Dodayya. AK 24 ( 14 ); PAS. Nos. 75 (dated Sam. No. 219. See Candraprabhacaritra XI. 1483 written at the advice of Soma(II) aragaria by Subhacandra. See Candra sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha; cf. Patan prabhacaritra XIV. Cat. I pp. 238-39); 317 ; Patan Cat. I. Jain Education Intemational Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । itg No. 10). ( VILL pp. 201 ; 218; 238 ; PAZA. 3 (13); 1 Jesal. No. 67 (palm ms. dated Sam. PAZB. 4 ( 5 ); 14 (14), Pet III. A. 1217 ). p. 154 (quotation ); SA. No. 200: (VI) argarita in Sanskrit (Gram. 5325 ) Samb. No. 51; SB. 1 ( 44 ); Surat. 1, composed in Sam. 1264 by Devendra, 5, 6, 8; Weber. II. No. 1853. pupil of Vijayasimhasuri of the Nāgendra (uz ?) Tata Agra. No. 1428. Gaccha. It is published in the Atma(I) 971 by Panditācāryu. Rice. p. 300. vallabha Series, No. 9, Ambala, 1930. (II) 9H1521 Anon. Tera. 8-11; 25. Baroda. Nos. 2098 ; 2791 ; Bhand. V. No. 1280; VI. No. 1303 ; BO. p. 29; (1) 9 in Prikrta by Jinavardhanasuri Bt. No. 237; Buh. II, No. 347 ( ms. of the Kharatara Gaccha. From the dated Samvat 1462); III. No. 158; Introductory verses in the commentary, Chani. No. 126; DB. 25 (11; 12), it would appear that Jinavardhana had Hamsa. No. 302; KB. 3 ( 76 ); PAP. written four other Caritras (names not 30 ( 55); 60 (12); 65 (9); 78(1), mentioned ) besides this. Bik. No. 1468, PAPS. 25 (16); Pet. IV. No. 1417, IV. JG. p. 239 ; PAP. 37 (80). A. p. 84 ( quotation ); PRA. Nos. 839 ; (1) Tikā (Gram. 1315 ) composed 855; SA. No. 850; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7, by Sadhusomagani, pupil of Siddhanta 11 ; VB. 11 (1). ruci, pupil of Jinabhadra sūri of the (VII) a gafta by a Süri of the Arcalika Kharatara Gaccha. Bik: No. 1468 Gaccha. JG. | 239 ( foll. 99). (quotation ); JG. p. 239 ; PAP. 37 (80). (II) (VIII) quarta in Sanskrit by Asaya, a grafrein Prākrta (Gram. 6400 ) com Digambara writer. List ( S. J.). posed in Sam. 1178 by Yasodeva (alias Dhanadeva ), pupil of Devaguptasuri. Bt. (IX) T a ria by Agyaladeva, pupil of SrutaNo. 238; DC. p. 33 (cf. DI. p. 48); kirti. It is in Kanarese and contains 16 JG. p. 239. chapters. Composed in Saka 1011; cf. JH. IX. p. 82. AK, No. 218; Hebru. (III) hafta in Sanskrit (Gram. 6141 ), 74; Mud. 99; 230 and many copies; composed in Sam. 1302, by Sarvananda Padma. 94 ; 104 ; 128; SG. No. 1336; sūri, pupil of Gunaratna, pupil of Sila SRA. 120. bhadra. Another work of the author is Pārsvanāthacaritra (s.v.) composed in Sar. (X) THIE by Damodara Kavi, pupil of 1291. Bt. No. 236; DB. 25 (13); JG.p. Dharmacandra. Bengal. No. 1484 ; 239 ; PAP. 14 (4): 76 (21); PAPL. 5 Bhand. V. No. 1102 ; Kath. No. 1144 ; (24); Patan Cat. I. p. 283. List (S. J.); Pet. III. No. 487. (IV) T a fts in Prākrta (Grain. 8032 ) com- (XI) after by Dodayya. AK. No. 219. posed during the reign of King Kumára- |(XII) 99afta by Yasahkirti. Pet. VI. No. pāla of Gujrat, by Haribhadrasūri, pupil 659. of Candrasuri of the Candrakula and (XIII) g ata in 18 Cantos, by Viranandin, Brhad Gaccha. Bt. No. 239 ; JG. p. 239; Pupil of Abhayanandin, pupil of GuņaPAS. No. 359 (palm ms. dated Sam. nandin of the Desīgaņa. The work is in 1223 ); cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 252 for Sanskrit and is mentioned in Vādirāja's quotations. Pārsvanāthacaritra composed in Saka 947, (V) Haft in Prākrta composed in Sam. It is published in the Kávyamālā Series, 1138 by Virasuri, pupil of Siddhasuri. I Bombay, 1912 ( 4th ed. 1926). Buh. VI. during the rei Haribhadrasuri, pupid |( XJII) *** Jain Education Intemational Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । No. 582; CMB. 1; 67; 70; 137; CP. p. 640, Hebr. 25, Ham. 43; 240, Idar. 96; Idar. A. 30, 67 (2 copies), KO. 113, 121, 125, 135; Mud. 4; 112; 135; 152; Mysore. II. p. 139; Padma. 24; 73, 77; 101; Pet. III. No. 485; PR. Nos, 26; 119; PRA. No. 1220 (No. 10); Rice. p. 300; SG. Nos. 962; 2013. (1) Panjika by Gupanandin. CP. p. 640; Idar. 96; Mysore. II. p. 130; Pet. III. No. 486 (dated Sam. 1597); SG. No. 962. (2) Vidvanmanovallabha by an un known author. SGR. V. p. 63. (XIV ) चन्द्रप्रभचरित्र of Subbacandra, pupil of Vijayakirti. The work is in Sanskrit and is mentioned in the author's Pandavapūrāna (cf. Pet. IV. A. p. 158) as Candranathacaritra. Bhand. VI. No. 1045; Idar. 96; SG. No. 2379. (XV)fe of Andhasena, this is mentioned in Dhavala's Harivamsa Purapa. See Allahabad University Studies, I. p. 167. (XVI) चन्द्रमचरित्र in Apabhraria Lal 6. (XVII)afta Anon. Agra. No. 1427; JB. 116; KB. 5 (16); PAP. 12 (11); 14 (2), Rice. p. 302; Surat. 1 (850); 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11; VA. 7 (4). (1) Vigamapadavṛtti composed by Jinesvara, pupil of Jinapati. JG. p. 239; PAZA. 10 (21). चन्द्रप्रमपुराण See Candraprabhaaritra VIII to XVI. चन्द्रप्रभमहाकाव्य of Viranandin. See Candrapra bhacaritra of Viranandin (No. XIII). Bengal. Nos. 6801, 7315; 7462; Bhand. VI. No. 1003; SA. No. 711. चन्द्रप्रभस्वामिचरित See Candraprabhacaritra. Egger JB. 152, KB. 1(21); see below. dala, Mhesana, A. D. 1928. The work is composed in imitation of Bhattoji's Siddhantakaumudi and is based on the Haimavyakarana; cf. Pet. III. A. pp. 290, 291, for quotations. Agra. Nos. 2590; 2591, 2754-2756; BK. No. 90, Hamsa. Nos. 256, 323; 777, Pet. III. A. p. 290; PRA. No. 1065, SA. No. 802. cognac on (Astrology). JG. p. 346. of Gunaratnasuri. Kath. No. 1145. in 286 Prakṛta Gathās. JG. p. 251 Limdi. No. 58. (1) (II) ERGENGSEL by Matikusala. VB. 36 ( 69 ). a by Devacandrasuri. This is probably the same as Candralekhavijaya Prakarana. Chani. No. 242, JG. p. 329, Kundi. No. 228; PAZB. 23 (13); see next Bt. No. 552; JG. p. 336. ZrgČanfanager in Sanskrit (Grain. 2200) by Devacandra, Guru of the famous Hemacandra, cf. DI. p. 64; Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 52. Jesal. No. 244; JG. p. 329. चन्द्रविजयप्रवन्ध by Mandana Kavi. It is in Sanskrit and is published by the Hemacandra Sabha, Patan, Series No. 10. Chini. No. 232, PAZB. 23 (5; dated Sari 1504), SA. No. 818. aftere SA. No. 2536 (foll. 16). in 174 Gathas; see Indi. Stadi. XVI. p. 441, n. 3. It treats of the religious discipline and is published among the 10 Prakirnakas by R. B. Dhanapati simha, Benares, Sam. 1942. Bhand. VI. No. 1168; Bik. No. 1588; BK. No. 726, DA. 27 (36, 37; 40), DB. 13 (39); Flo. No. 527; Hamsa. No. 19; JA. 25 (12), Kundi. No. 11; Limdi. No. 525; PAP. 6(28); 23 (61); PAPL 7 (15); Pet. I. A. p. 54; IV. No. 1238, VI. No. 579; SA. Nos. 100, 818; 1648; Samb. No. 351; Weber. II. No. 1870 (6), 1871 (6). CO (Gram. 18000) composed in Sath. 1757 by Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published by the Jaina Sreyaskara Map (Gr. 1300). VA. 7 (9). Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । चन्द्रसेनचन्द्रयोतनानाटक composed in Sari. 1667 | (IV) चम्पकश्रेष्ठिकथा by Vimalagani. It is publish by Daysilagani, pupil of Vijayasila. PAP. 79 (79). ed at Ahmedabad, Sam. 1972; cf. PB. 662. JG. p. 251. Probably the same as No. 1. sig in Sanskrit prose, composed by Jinakirti, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. Edited and translated into English by Hertel in ZDMG, Vol. 65, p. I. p. 425, into German in Indische Erzahler, Vol. 7, Leipzig, 1999. DB. 31. (84); Flo. No. 754; PAP. 62 (13); 75 (46); Weber. II. No. 2017. चम्पकश्रेष्ठिकथानक Anon. Probably the same as above. Agra. Nos. 1640-1643; Bhand. V. No. 1281 Bah. II. No. 348; VL. Nos. 717; 718; DA. 50 (40); 75 (44); JG. p. 251; Jesal. No. 846 (dated Sam. 1565); Mitra. X. P. 130; Samb. No. 164. by Mandana Kavi, containing the Jain version of the story of Draupadi and the Pandavas. It is published in the Hemacandra Granthamälä, Patan, 1918 (Series) No. 9). Chani. No. 226, PAZB. 1 (26; 27 datad, Sam. 1504); 23 (3); SA. No. 824. चन्द्रार्की पद्धति in Prākrta, on Astrology. Agra. Nos. 3029-3024; Hamsa. No. (I) 982; KB. 1 (26); 3 (38); 5 (14; 22); Limdi. No. 1376; Samb. No. 206, Surat. 1 (2500). (1) Tika. KB. 5(14; 22). See Sarasvatavyakaranacandriks. KB. 3 (29; 30). (1) Vrtti by Sadananda. KB. 3 (29, foll. 230). चन्द्रोदयकथा JG. p. 251. चन्द्रोदयग्रन्थ DB 45 (158), चन्द्रोदयनाटक VB. 11. ( 15 ; 18). चन्द्रोद्रयबन्धनकथा DB 31 (46). on divination based on Praśnavyaka-quvga rana (?); cf. Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 55. BK. No. 1920, KB. 1 (42), Kiel. II. No. 377; SA. No. 245; SG. No. 2279. (1) Tiks. KB. 1 (42). (II) चमरहारिकथा Agra. No. 1644. चमरेन्द्रबन्ध ( Grami. 200) by Sudharmasvanin चरणकरणमूलोत्तरगुणप्रकरण in Prakrta (Grari. 955) VB. 11 (17). by Cakresvara. Limdi. No. 955. (1) Kigwer composed in Saria. 1656 by Pritivimala, pupil of Jayavimalagani of the Tapă Gaccha. It is published by Jamnabhai Bhagabhai, Ahmedabad, 1916. Chani. No. 219, DA. 50 (39); DB. 31 (82; 83), Hamsa. Nos. 636; 662; JG. p. 251; PRA. No. 371. RIGIN composed in Sam. 1708 by Bhava-r in 47 stanzas, by Jinadattasuri of the Khara vijayagani, pupil of Munivimala of the Tapa Gaecha. It is published by the JAS. Bhavanagar, Sati 1970. Bhand. VI. No. 1304, BK. No. 1813, Chani. No. 1043; DB. 31 (125), Hamsa. No. 531; JG. p. 152; PRA. No. 1045. tara Gaccha. It is in Apabhraia. Both text and commentary are published in the Grek. O. Series, No. 37, Baroda, 1927. Baroda. Nos. 717 719; Buh. IV. No. 148, Chani. No. 288; Jesal. Nos. 139; 1283; JG. p. 160; JHA. 48; PAPR. 16 (16); PAZB. 12 (14); PRA. Nos. 266, 381. (II) by Vijayavimalagani. Chani. No. 219. This is the same as No. I. (III) चम्पक मेडिकथा by Jaynaima. JG. P 951, J.....16 191 (1) Tiki (Grath. 335) composed in Sam. 1294 by Jinapala Upadhyaya at the request of Jinesvarasäri of the Kha ratara Gaccha. Baroda. Nos. 717; 719; Buh. IV. No. 148; Chani. No. 288, Jesal. Nos. 139, 1283, JG. p. 160, JHA. 48; PAPR. 16 (16); PAZB, 12 (14); PRA. Nos. 266; 381 (in PRA. No. 381, the reading is candragraharas Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। vivarse instead of the usual vedagraha- THETET T This is probably Amarasenavaravivarse i. e. the date is 1291 instead of yarasenakathā. JG, p. 252. 1294); Samb. No. 463. HTETE JG. p. 252. (II) arti in 38 Apabhramsa stanzas in the Doha algoTIAGTTU also called Trişastisalākā Purāņa or metre by Solaņa. Patan Cat. I. p. 43 Trisasti Purāņa, composed by Cámunda( quotation. ). rāya, pupil of Jinasena Bhattāraka. This (III) in 36 Apabhramsa Stanzas by Jina Camundaräya is different from Cämundaprabhasūri. Patan Cat. I. p. 267 ( quo.). räja, author of Caritrasāra (s. v.). Camun Fagr (Gram 1700 ). JG. p. 160. darāya lived between 974 and 984 AD. wafa DA. 36 ( 58, 59 ); DB. 20 (61); KB. 1 Cf. ABORI. Vol. 14, p. 65. It is in the Kanarese language. Compare Winternitz, (67). History, II. p. 585. AK. No. 1011 ; er Hamsa. No. 268. Hebru. 22 ; 76 ; Hum. 7; 134 ; KO. TH#917974 by Bhūdharamalla. Pet. VI. No. 52 ; Mud. 82 ; Padma. 131 ; SG. No. 660. 1230. qalega in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 1335. | altugfreak in Prākrta. Hamsa. No. 1093. Ole of Devācārya. Hebru. 59. DIET23157 Bhand. V. No. 1282. 1919 Limdi. No. 1698. ETHIT AK. Nos. 227-233 ; Bhand. VI, No. gratiae (Grar. 123). JG. p 343. 992. gafferen t composed in Sam. 1782 by Bhā- (1) HATTORITI in 30 Gathās by Dhanesvaravaprabhasūri. BK. No. 1609 ; DA. 60 suri. DA. 60 (228); Patan Cat I. p. 89. ( 313 ); JG. p. 264. (II) FTSHÄITUACI by Munipatisuri Pet. v. चातुर्मासिकपर्वव्याख्यान in Sanskrit by Ksamakalya | No. 803. ņa, pupil of Amrtadharmagani of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is published by al HITAZI Anon. DB. 35 ( 174 ; Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar. 175); JG. p. 177 (37 Gāthās ) ; Kundi. Hamsa. No.560 ; KC 12 ; 13. Nos. 2; 3; 45 ; Samb. No. 144. Hier het Gecia composed in Somnathan Bhand. VI. No. 995 (dated Sarvat 1665 by Samayasundara, pupil of Saka 1649 ); SG. No. 41. lacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. BK. ENTE au Padma. 20, SG No. 41. Nos. 394; 1535; BO. p. 58 ; Chani. alfa (Grani. 1700 ) also called BhāvanāsăraNo. 682; JHA. 56 ; KB. 3 (25); PRA. sangraha, composed by Cāmundarāja No. 336. (Ranarangasimha ), pupil of Jinasena CHITEHTUFETTE Buh. II, No. 187. Bhattāraka (cf. CP. p. 640 ); for this Cã(I) WIZATÍAlegla in Sanskrit (Gram. 500), mundaraja, different from Cämundaräya, composed in Sam. 1749, by Dharma cf. S. Venkata Subbaiya, I. H. Q., Vol. mandiragani. JG. p. 343, PAPS. 46 VI. p. 296 ff., 299, f. n. It is published ( 28 ). in the MDG. Series, Bombay, Vir Sam. (II) WHITECTETT Anon. It may be anyone 2443, and also in the Gandhi Haribhai of the above mentioned five works. DA. Devakarana J. Granthamālā, No. 6, Cal60 ( 310 ; 311 ); Flo. No. 593; Hamsa. cutta, 1921. AD. No. 189; AK. No. 226; No. 1357 ; PAZB. 25 ( 27 dated Sam. Bengal. No. 1516; Bhand. V.Nos. 1053; 1694); SA. Nos. 219; 405; Surat. 1054; VI. No. 996 ; CP, P. 640 ; Kath. 1, 2, 4 ; VC. 5 (7) ; Vel. No. 1796. No. 1181 ; Mud. 323 ; Pet. II. No. 2663 Jain Education Intemational Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VI. p. 143, No. 89; SG. Nos. 17; 2207; 2208; Strass. p. 301; Teru. 17; 18. anfeffan (Grani. 2300); AK. No. 225. site of Simhanandin. CMB. 60. चारुशतक by Ksemendra JG. p. 339. चारुविचारसंग्रह Surat. 3. ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः | fe by Akalankadeva. Published in the Anekanta, Vol. I. pp. 373; 520ff. fangenfer in 104 Sanskrit verses, composed in Sam. 1508 (1495--JG.), by Caritraratnagani. JG. p. 214; Kath. No. 1332 PRA. No. 788. enfee JG. p. 160. fafa by Harisaraja. JG. p. 359. चिकित्सोत्सव चित्तचूडामणि by Pürnamalla Kavi. SG. No. 2713. ( VII ) चित्रसनपद्मावतीचरित्र by Silavijaya. SA. No. fEGEAİZAR in 354 Gathas by Candraprabhasuri (Be-annanatimirasuram). JG. P(VIII) 110; Patan Cat. I. p. 302 (quo. ). चित्तस्थिरीकरणपञ्चाशिका of Vimalacarya. BK. No. 1601. (1) Svopajña Vrtti. Hamsa. Nos. 91; 276: JG. p. 278; PAPR. 18 (30): SA. No. 520; Vel. No. 1806. ferent in 31 Sanskrit Slokas by Guna bhadra. It is published in the MDG. Series, No. 21. Bombay, Sam. 1979. चित्रकूटमहावीरविहारप्रशस्ति by Caritrarataa The same as above. JG. p. 214. चित्रकृत्सोत्र composed by Sadhurājagani, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. (I) Hamsa. Nos. 91; 276; JG. p. 278; PAPR 18 (30); SA. No. 520, Vel. No. 1806. (II) चित्रसेनपद्मावतीचारित्र by Ratnasekhara. Flo. No. 708. (IV) faseneciate of Rājavallabha Pāṭhaka. See Padmavaticaritra. (V) चित्रसेनपद्मावतीचरित्र composed in Sam. 1660 by Buddhivijayagani, pupil of Jaganmalla of the Tapa Gaccha. Baroda. No. 3031; PRA. Nos. 196; 273. (III) चित्रसेनपद्मावतीचरित्र by (VI) चित्रसेनपद्मावतीचरित्र by Nayavijaya. Bah. II. No. 349. This is really Rajavallabha's Padmavaticaritra. 123 90. (I) by Mahimanidhana. This is really Rajavallabha's work. Pet. (II) VI. No. 570. (IX) (I) fases of Sadhuraja. See Citrakṛtstotra चित्रस्तोत्र JG. p. 278. (II) Anon. JG. p. 278. (1) Vṛtti (Grath. 88). JG. p. 278. चिपचिन्तनफाग of Santi Jinadeva Idar. 82. age in 12 Gathas. JG. p. 198; Limdi. No. 1288. fic composed in Sam. 1649 by Kalyanacandra, pupil of Deva candra. PRA. No. 598. Fetzgereift Anon. Agra Nos. 14291435, 1645-1646. चित्रवर्ण संग्रह JG. p. 354. (I) चित्रसेनपद्मावतीचरित्र by Hemnacandra VB 37 चिन्तामणिपार्श्वनाथ जनस्तोत्र Anon Published in his his Prakaraparatnakara, Vol. I, by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. (44). चिन्तामणिपार्श्वनाथपूजा of Vidyabhūsana. CP. p. 641. in 47 stanzas in Sanskrit by Dharmaghosa, pupil of Manatunga. Pub lished by S. Navab in the Jainastotrasamdoha. Vol. IL pp. 30-34, Ahmedabad, 1936. Anon. JHA. 73. (II) चिन्तामणिकाव्य by Cintamani mentioned in the Sravan Belgula Inscription No. 54, v. 15. Fararefore Mitra. III. p. 58; Surat. 1 (685). daragat of Subhacandra. Idar. 78 (7 copies, one dated Sam. 1601). Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Faliagaaaniaga of Subhacandra. Idar. WAITKITU by Jinavallabhasüri. Bengal. No. 162 ; 178. 7486. faTTasogra avereita Anon. BK. No. 1686; gate by. Meghavijaya. Published by the Bengal. Nos. 7003 ; 7246. Hamsa. No. JAS, Bhavnagar., No. 25 of the Series, 745 ; Limdi. No. 1264. Sam. 1970. Agra. Nos. 2891-2892, Surat. 11. (1) Tikā by Bhojasāgara (Bodha gragg TU (Be : iha kecinmithyā) in Sanskrit sägara-Hamsa ) Upadhyāya. BK. No. 1686; Hamsa. No. 745. prose. Pet. V. A. p. 142. UgeTTHU SA. No. 1863. zaintaqala by Labdhikallola. JHB. 59. (1) F i at by Sumatisundarasuri, pupil of # PIO Fata Pet. VI. No. 673. Somajaya. PAPL. 3 ( 34). ferrari-aral Bengal. No. 7518. (II) Augftaret in Apabbramsa language, by JinaPararara Pet. V. No. 925. prabhasūri. Patan Cat. I. p. 272 ( quo.) fermalarTIFT of Subhacandra. It is in Sanskrit. aragazalaraa of Devendrasuri. JG. p. 145. This is mentioned as one of his works (1) Avacuri. JG. p. 145. by the author in his Prasasti to the | Arigaraia of Haribhadra. It is in Präkrta. Pāņdava Purāņa ; cf. Pet. IV. A. p. 159. Hamsa. No. 352. An analysis of its contents based on two (1) Tikā. Anon. Hamsa. No. 352. mss. is given by Dr. A. N. Upadhye at ABORL, XIII. p. 46ff. According to it, THIF AK. Nos 250-259. the work contains 1224 Sutras, divided STEP SA. No. 2012. into 3 Adhyāyas, each having 4 Pādas. Agar h of Jinadatta Sūri of the Kharatara (1) Svopajña · Vrtti. See A. N. Gaccha. BK. Nos. 182 ; 193; Bt. No. Upadhye, ABORI., XIII. p. 46. 197 ; DB. 21 ( 63 ); Hamsa. Nos. 207 ; 1345 ; JG. pp. 26; 202 ; KB. 3 ( 16 ); fazathioTT VA. 7 ( 11; 12 ). Kiel. III. No. 148, Limdi. No. 1863; (1) Tīkā. VA. 7 ( 12 ). PAP. 72 (8); PAPR. 12 (13); PAZB. aralararaa See Pārsvanāthacintāmaņistavana. 12 (5); 14 (5) ; PRA. Nos. 954 ; 1092; Limdi. No. 1498. 1096 ; SA. No. 422. TrATE JG. p. 278. (1) Vrtti ( Gram. 4400) composed (1) F iraTarot of Kalyāṇakirti. AK, No. in Sam. 1383 by Jinakusala, pupil 244. and successor of Jinaprabodha of the (II) ATATHIOT of Srutakirti. AK. No. 245. Kharatara Gaccha. BK. Nos. 182 ; 193; faraghaT JG. p. 355. BO. p. 59; Bt. No. 197 ; DB. 21 (63); Hamsa. Nos. 207 ; 1345 ; JG. pp. 26; fanataire Agra. No. 1436. 202 ; KB. 3 (16) ; Kiel. II. No. 19 ; III. चूडामणिकाव्य of Vardhadeva mentioned in Sravan No. 148 (ms. dated Sam. 1474); PAP. Belgula Inscription No. 54. ( Mallisena 72 (8); PAPR. 1: (13); PAZB. 12 (5; Prasasti dated Sake 1050 ). dated Samvat 1487 ); 14 (5); PRA. rear by Gurudāsa. See Prayascittacālikā. Nos. 1092; 1096. (1) Vivarana by Srinandin. CP. p. (2) Vrtti-Tippana (Gram. 965) by 641 , Tera. 21; 26. Labdhinidhānagaņi, pupil of Jinakusala gaņi, pupil of Jinacandrasuri of the KhaITT Bengal. No. 7504. ratara Gaccba. JG. p. 26; PAZB. 12 (6); ETTIERHITE Agra. No. 1437. PRA. No. 1092 (=BK. No. 193). . Jain Education Intemational Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । चैत्यवन्दन चतुर्विशिका by Ksamakalyan, pupil of Amrtadharma of the Kharatara Gaccha. BK. No. 277, Chani. No. 834; Hamsa. No. 1164; SA. No. 626. It is published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, and also by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar and by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. (1) Svopaja Vrtti. BK. No. 277. चैत्यवन्दनपञ्चपदनमस्कार Kath. No. 1365. a is a part of the Sadavasyaka Sutra. It is published with the Lalitavistara of Haribhadra and Pañjikä of Municandra on it, in the D. L. P. Series, No. 29, Bombay 1915. The Mahabhagya of Santisuri on it (No. 4) is published at Ahmedabad, Sam. 1977. The Bhasya of Devendra (No. 15) is published by the Jaina Sreyaskara Mandala, Mhesana, and also by the JDPS., Bhavanagar. Baroda. Nos. 678; 2911; Bengal. Nos. 6821; 7088, 7643; 7706; Bt. No. 24; Chani. Nos. 149, 683; DA. 38 (27; 28); DB. 17 (7; 8; 10; 29); 21 (65; 67-70); 33 (51); Jesal. Nos 679; 943; 1739; 1838; JHA. 48; KB. 3 (78); 5 (28), KN. 17; Mitra. X. pp. 93; | 94; PAP. 5 (19; 20); 72 (31, 57); PAPR. 15 (9); PAPS. 62 (9; 10); PAS. Nos. 91, 96, 126, 394; PAZB. 10(10); Pet. I. Nos. 263; 264; 273; 306; I. A. pp. 53, 76; V. No. 690, 787; V. A. p. 106; SA. Nos. 114; 184; 642; 1576, 1926; VA. 15 (6); VB. 11 (22), VC. 12 (31; 32, 36); Vel. Nos. 1601; 1653. (1) Niryukti by Bhadrabahu in 194 Gathas. JA. 25 (12); 95 (7); PAP. 79 (33); Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306; I. A. p. 73; SA. No. 19. (2) Curņi. Anon. Compare also Bt. No. 24 (23). Bhand. V. No. 1189; PAP. 23 (49), PAS. No. 126; SA. No. 1926. (3) Bhasya Aryabaddha (Gram. 108? 2000?) composed in Sarh. 956 123 (ace to Bt. No. 24) by Parivacandragani. Bt. No. 24 (4); JG. p. 26; Pet. I. No. 264 (ms. dated Sam. 1585). (4) Mahābhāṣya (Be:- mahamahapanamatam; in 922 Gathas) composed by Santyacarya. Be. No. 24 (11); Chani. No. 149; DB. 17 (10); 33 (51); Hamsa. No. 127; PAP. 72 (57); SA. No. 184; Surat. 11; VB. 11 (22). (5) Curni (Gram. 845) in Prakṛta. It is really a Prakrta commentary on the Curni i. e. No. (2); cf. DC. p. 19. Composed in Sam. 1174, by Yaśodevasuri; cf. B. No. 24 (6); JG. p. 28. DC. p. 19; JA. 31 (9), Kundi. No. 63; PAP. 72 (31); Patan Cat. I. p. 88, Pet. I. A. p. 76, SA. No. 576. (6) Lalitavistară Vṛtti by Haribhadra (Gram. 482). It is said to have been composed for Siddharsi, author of the Upamitibhavaprapañcă; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 148. Agra. No. 238; Baroda. No. 2911, Bhand. VI. Nos. 1151; 1241; Bt. No. 24 (18); Buh. III. No. 151; DA. 38 (27, 28; 29, 30); DB. 21 (69-70); DC. p. 18; Hamsa. No. 88; Jesal. Nos. 679; 1739; 1838; JG. p. 24; JHA. 48; KB. 3 (78), 5 (28), Kiel. II. No. 20; KN. 17; Kundi. No. 279; Mitra. X. p. 94; PAP. 5 (19, 20); PAPR. 15 (9); PAPS. 62 (9; 10); PAS. Nos. 91, 96; 394 (dated Sam. 1185), Patan Cat. I. pp. 34; 126, 394, 408; Pet. IV. No. 1241-IV. A. 85 (quotation); SA. Nos. 114; 642, 1576; VA. 15 (6); VC. 12 (36); Vel. No. 1653. p. (7) Lalitavistaräpañjiks (Gram. 1800) by Municandra, pupil of Vinayacandra and Guru of Vadidevasūri. This is a commentary on Haribhadra's Vrtti. Baroda. No. 2911, Bhand. VL. No.1241; DA. 38 (27); DB. 21 (67; 68), JG. p. 24, Kiel. II. No. 21; PAP. 5 (19); Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। PAPR. 15 (9); PAPS. 62 (9); PAS. Nos. 91 ; 96 ; cf. · Patan Cat. I. pp. 111 (quo. ms. dated Sam. 1294); 126; SA. Nos. 642 ; 1576; VA. 15 (6); VC. 12 (31 ;32); Vel. No. 1653. (8) Vrtti (Be :-- pranamya srimahāvīram ) composed by Sricandrasuri, pupil of Dhanesvarasuri, pupil of Silabhadrasuri. The author's name before Dikşā was Parsvadevagaņi. DB. 21 (65); DC. p. 6; Jesal. No. 943. (9) Vrtti called Kulapradipa (Grari. 2458). Bt. No. 24 ( 14 ). (10) Visamapadaparyāyamañjari by Akalankadevasuri. Bt. No. 24 (9); JG. p. 28 ; PAZB. 10 (10) (11) Vrtti by Tilakācārya (Gram. 550 ). Baroda. No. 678; Bt. No. 24 ( 15 ); Chani. No. 683; JG. p. 28; Keith. No. 54 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 126. (12) Vrtti by Taruņaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha, composed (Gram. 7000) in Sam. 1411 (acc. to JG.). Bt. No. 24 (26); JG. p. 24. Bt.'s date Sam. 1331 is evidently wrong. (13) Vicāra (in about 50 Gāthās ). Bt. No. 24 ( 23 ); Flo. No. 555. (14) Curņi by Saubhāgya (Gram. foll. 178). JG. p. 28. (15) Bhāsya by Devendrasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. This is metrical. This is one of the three Bhāşyas known usually by the name 'Bhāsyatraya.' This contains 63 Gāthās. The other two Bhāsyas are Guruvandana-Bhasya and PratyakhyānaBbāsya. Compare Vel. No. 1601. For other references see under Bbāsyatraya. Agra. Nos. 273; 277; Bengal. No. 7643; Bhand. V. No. 1190; VI. Nos. 1150; 1230 ; 1269, BK, No. 460 ; Bt. No. 24 (24); Buh. VIII. No. 390 ; DA. 56 ( 55 to 89 ); DB. 17 ( 7; 8; 29); DC. pp. 17 ; 54 (dated Saxi. 1329); Hamsa. Nos. 277; 666 ; 783; JA. 11 (1); Jesal. Nos. 52; 1870 ; JG. p. 26; Kundi. No. 295; Limdi. Nos. 811; 1133 ; 1288; PAP. 5 ( 30 ); 45 (24); 64 (6); Pet. I. A. pp. 14; 64 (dated Samvat 1290); IV. No. 1240; V. Nos. 691; 787, PRA. Nos. 339; 1268 (11); SA. No. 833; SB. 1 ( 33 ); VD. 13 ( 28 ); Vel. No. 1601 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1916-1918. ( 16 ) Bhāsyasanghācāra-Vrtti (Gram. 8500) composed before Sam. 1327 ), by Dharmaghosasuri, (earlier name Dharmakirti, pupil and successor of Devendra, the author of the Bhāsya. BK. No. 460 ; Bt. No. 24 (25); DB. 17 (7; 8;29); 33 (51); DC. p. 17 (dated Sam. 1329; this is probably the author's own copy ); 54 ; JA. 11 (1); Jesal. No. 52; Kundi. No. 294 ; PAP. 5 (30); Patan Cat. I. p. 94 ; Pet. I. A. p. 14 ; PRA. Nos. 339 ; 1268 (11); SB. 1 ( 33 ). (17) Bhāsya-Tikā ( Gram. 1027) by Somasundarasuri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. For other mss. see under Bhāsyatraya-Tikā (1). Bhand. V. No. 1190 ; BO. p. 61; Buh. VIII. No. 390 ; DB. 33 (36 ; 39 ); Hamsa. No. 882; Pet. V. No. 787; VD. 13 ( 28 ); Weber. II. Nos. 1917 ; 1918. (18) Bhāsya-Tīkā by Jñānavimala. See also under Bhāsyatraya-Tikā (2). Bhand. VI. No. 1230, DB. 33 ( 40-43); Limdi. No. 1789. (19) Bhāsya-Avacuri. Hamsa. No. 882; JG. p. 26 ; Pet. I. No. 263. ( 20 ) Bhāsya-Vārtika. Vel. No. 1601. (21) Bhāsya-Vrtti Anon. Bt. No. 24 (12). (22) Tikā Anon. DA. 56 (53Gram. 1180; 54); Limdi. Nos. 68 ; 1288 ; SA. Nos. 19; 2943. racealalt (about 50 stanzas ). Bt. No. 24 ( 23 ); Flo. No. 555. Jain Education Intemational Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थाविभागः प्रथमः । 127 चैत्यवन्दनाविधिपश्चाशक of Haribhadra. This is a Surat. 11, VB. 11 ( 26 ); VD. 5 ( 20 ); part of the author's Pañcāsakasūtra. Weber. II. No. 1709. Pet. I. A. p. 16. (1) Svopajña Vrtti (Gram. 2999 ) ergara FairyT of Sumatimandanagani. KB. 1 called Chandascudāmaņi according to JG. (42). Agra. No. 2857 ; Bik. No. 591 ; BO. p. areas areia 14 in 9 Slokas. Bod. No. 1387 62 ; Bt. No. 483; DC. p. 4 ; Idar. 105; ( 12 ). JG. p. 317, KB. 3 ( 66 two copies); arrara Pet. VI. No. 673. Kundi. Nos. 28 ; 229 ; PAP. 18 ( 15 ); 27 ( 34 ); PAPL. 6 (2); PAPR. 1 (6); font*21 by Amaracandra. Bik. No. 1467; PAS. No. 114; Patan Cat. I. p. 398; BK. No. 870; Mitra. IX. p. 11. PAZB. 5 (17); 27 (4); Pet. V. A. p. (1) Tīkā composed by Jivarāja, the 134 ; (a good and complete ms. dated author's pupil, in Sarn. 1869. Bik. No. Samvat. 1390); SA. Nos. 322; 337; 1467 ; BK. No. 870; Mitra. IX. p. 11. Surat. 11 ; VB. 11 ( 26 ); VD. 5( 20). à afatetela in Sanskrit. Bengal. No. 7645 ; (2) Tīkā by Yasovijayagani. JG. Hamsa. No. 1150. p. 107. osiąga qarare Bengal. No. 6723 ; SA. No. 3008. (3) Tikā by Vardhamānasuri. TIRTISTATISTU DA. 60 ( 221 ); 76 (85); Kundi. No. 28. Limdi. No. 1165. (III) grize in five chapters by Vägbhata, Trafistriraala att DB. 35 (98). son of Nemi. This is mentioned in the tatargatuTEI of Subhacandra. Idar. 87. author's Kāvyānusāsana ( s. v.). OC. I. r JG. p. 317. p. 192; for a ms. of the work, cf. Patan. (I) gaplastika of Jayakīrti ( Be:-śrīvardbamäna Cat. I. p. 117 (quo.). mānamya chandasām). It is based upon (1) Svopajña Tikā. Patan Cat. I. p. the works of Pingala, Pujyapada, Jaya-, 117. deva and Māndavya. DC. p. 30 ( dated rea r of Amaracandra, pupil of Jinadatta Sam. 1192 ); SRB. 55. of the Vāyada Gaccha. Agra. No. 2860; (II) JET&S1 T of Hemacandrasuri. This is also Bendall. No. 431 ; Chani. No. 447; JG. called Chandascudāmaņi by later writers, p. 317 ; PAZB. 25 ( 38 ); SA. No. 835. e. g. by Jinaprabha of the Kharatara gerator in Prākrta. DA. 66 ( 35). Gaccha in his Ajitaśāntistava-tīkā in garagar (foll. 4). Surat. 1. Sam. 1365. It is published by Deva (1) Tippana. Surat. 1. karana Mulji, Bombay, 1912. Agra. gairajarê See Ratnamañjūsä. Strass. p. 301. Nos. 2856-2859; Bendall. No. 432; Bik. No. 591 ; BO. p. 62; Buh. U nrest is a work in Präkrta on Metrics. It is III. No. 182, Bt. No. 483 ; CC. I. pp. three or four times quoted in the Kavi191 ; 192; II. p. 39; DB. 38 (68); darpaņa-Țikā (s. v.). Hamsa. Nos. 152; 472 ; Idar. 105; yra:197 of Ratnasekhara, pupil of Hematilaka of KB. 3 (66; two copies ); Kundi. Nos. the Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha. It consists 28 ; 229; Limdi. No. 873; PAP. 18 of 74 Prākrta Gathās and is critically (15); 27 (34); PAPL. 6 (2); edited with Introduction, by H. D. PAPR. 1 (6); PAS. No. 114; PAZB. 5 Velankar, in B. U. Journal, Arts and ( 17 ); 27 (4); Pet. I. No. 265; V. Law, May, 1933. Earlier in 1922, by No. 451, SA. Nos. 322; 337; 1606; W. Schubring in ZDMG. Vol. 75, p. 97ff. Jain Education Intemational Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 128 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। The work is closely related to the Prākr part of the Indranandisarnhitā and is tapaingalam and quotes two Prākrta published in the MDG. Series, No. 18, poet-metricians i. e. Allu and Gulhu or Bombay Sam. 1978. Arjuna and Gosala. Agra. Nos. 2852 ; 2853; AZ. 1 (22); Bhand. V. No. 543; g ia or Chedanavati is another work on PrāyaVI. No. 1366; BK. Nos. 821 ; 1237; scitta in 94 Prākrta stanzas ; published in Buh. IV. Nos. 74; 75 ; CP. p. 642 ; DB. the MDG. Series, No. 18, Bombay, Sar. 1978. 38 ( 60-62 ); Hamsa. Nos. 90 ; 495; 10. No. 1115; JG. p. 317 ; Pet. III. No. 3lare JG. p. 198. 591 ; V. p. 192; SA. Nos. 1760 :/ i toi' TT TT Anon. 1932. (1) Vyākhyā by Meruturgasuri. DA. (1) Țīkā composed by Candrakīrti, 37 ( 71 ). See Vicārasreni and Vel. No. pupil and successor of Rājaratna of the 1656. Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha. AZ. 1 (22); Fragat139h Bengal. Nos. 7178; 7193. Bik. No. 594 ; BK. No. 821 ; Buh. IV. F ita composed by Sarvānandasuri, pupil of No. 75; CP. p. 642 ; DB. 38 (60); Dhanaprabhasūri. It is a Sanskrit poem Hamsa. No. 90; JG. p. 317; Pet. III. in 7 cantos, containing 388 stanzas in all. No. 591; V. A. p. 192. The author describes the Gujrat famine (1) aistra of Jayadeva. of Sam. 1312-15 (at VI. 68 ) and re(1) Vrtti by Vardhamana. JG. p. fers to King Visaladeva (VI. 25). It is 318. published by M. D. Khakbar, Bombay, (2) Vrtti-Tippana by Sri Candrasuri. 1896. Buh. II. No. 284=PRA. No. 828. Bt. No. 481. STUSTIETTF Limdi. No. 1345. (3) Tikā by Harsa. Kundi. No. 45. 5ęFarrala by Vinayaharnsagani. Baroda. No. (II) =:TIE by Rāmavijayagani. VB. 11 ( 29; 672 (a). 32). F U5137 (Graxi. 233 ) in Sanskrit is a life of 5 TEIRO See Chandonusāsana of Hemacandra. Hiravijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha, comgratarea of Dharmanandanagani of the Ancala posed by Padmasāgaragani, pupil of Gaccha. Chani. No. 800; Kath. No. Vimalasagara of the same Gaccha. It is 1366. published in the YJG. series, No. 14, (1) Svopajña Tikā. Kath. No. 1366. Bhavanagar. Agra. No. 2893 ; Baroda. 5 :57 of Rāja( Jaya ? )sekhara. JG. p. 318; No. 2798; BK. No. 163; PAPR. 8 Kundi. No. 8. (17); PAPS. 81 (93; dated Samvat 1646). są:#JB. 164 ( foll. 73). 53995HT31191 in Prākrta. Weber. II, No. 15 fascy by Suvarṇānanda. This is a 1928. wrong title given to Jaga ducarita of guruhT by Ratnamuni. See Kalyāna Sarvānanda. Buh. II, No. 284 ; = PRA. mandira stotra chāyāstavana. No. 828.. GITIZA KB. 1 ( 22 ). Fofack in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 530. Àgita JB. 136 ( foll. 88). (1) Fra T UTAIG ( Be :- mayanakariņo vidiBasque is a work on Prāyascitta composed by mnam) of Yasahkirti, pupil of VimalaIndranandin. It contains 361 Prākrta kirti, pupil of Rämakirti, of the Bäga da stanzas, Pet. III No. 488. This is a Sangha, It contains 43 chapters. It is in TER by sivell i. No. Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ #ulam: ***: 1 129 Prākrta and contains encyclopaedic in- | (II) #Taggia composed by Harsakirti, pupil formation on medicinal formulae, spells of Candrakirti of the Nagapuriya Tapā and amulets and such other kindred Gaccha. Chani. No. 918 ; Jesal. No. 426 ; matter. The author tells us how he could Samb. No. 190. not study Yoniprāburta from his Guru (III) H itafa of Mahimodaya. Af. No. 285. who was displeased with him (this must (IV) ragaiagra Anon. Bengal. Nos. 6348 ; have been a Vidyāguru and not the 7620; III. A. 37. regular Diksāguru ) and hence he studied the subject from some one else and com- TH9afa g ia AL No. 1100. posed the present work. The Poona ms. Hagatai JG. p. 347. pemely Pet. IV. No. 1242 is incomplete F ig of Devasūri. Bhand. V. No. 1345; DR. and contains only the last nine chapters 24 ( 221 ; 222). (cf.the quotations at Pet. IV.A. pp. 86.87). PHAFETA Bengal. No. 7478. The last 9 chapters ( 35-43 ) are printed FREE See Janmāmbhodhi of Naracandra. at Bombay and there exist two mss. of FAITH in Apabhrarsa. Patan Cat. I. p. 184 the first 34 chapters, one at Keka di and another at Nasirabad. See for the in ( quotation ). formation, Anekānta, II. pp. 685ff. and FHFHTN composed by Naracandra sūri. Buh. IV. also pp. 611ff. ; 485ff. No. 277 ; Chani. No. 244; Hamsa. No, (II) CUTTIGT by Harişeņa. It was 273 ; JG. p. 347. composed in Sam. 1582 and was based (1) Bedā Vrtti. Syopajña. Buh. IV. on a chapter in the Yoniprābhrta of No. 277; Chani. No. 244; Hamsa. Praśnasravaņamuni; cf. Pet. J. Intro. No. 273 ; JG. p. 347. : p. 52ff. But also see Anekānta, II. p. #Alan Bengal. No. 7230. 488 ; 6188. Pet. I. No. 266 (incom- raret VB. 12 ( 28 ) Gram. 800. plete). S ag of Sudharmasvāmin. Perhaps the same Graadafais Bt. No. 133; JG. p. 278. as above. Buh. V. No. 40. (1) Vrtti (Gram. 305). Bt. No. Fra Tua See Jambūcarita (No. 1) by Padma133; JG. p. 278. sundaragani. TEST SA. No. 1920. HEIT See Jambucarita. " F ussilaar JG. p. 346. (1) Fidafta in 21 chapters composed by Padma1Kath. No. 1367. sundaragani. The work is also called a DB. 24 ( 186 ). Aläpakasvarüpa, Jambūdrstānta or HA11asiatia DA. 57 ( 44). Jambū-Adhyaana. It is in Prākrta S faxierazre Hamsa. Nos. 795; 881 ; Limdi. ( Be :- tenam kälenar ) and is sometimes No. 2150. considered as a Prakirņaka. AM. 99, 214 ; 221 ; Bengal. No. 7644 ; Bik. No. Fragrafa AL. No. 1101; DA. 67 ( 45 ), 1 558; Buh. II. Nos. 191 ; 350; DA. 49 DB. 24 (183 ; 184). (17-19); DA. 30 (5-6); Flo. Nos. (1) #Agsflygfa (Grarn. 4400) composed in 701, 710; JG. p. 223; JHB. 33 ( 4c.); Sam. 1751 by Labdhicandra, pupil of Kiel. I, No. 29; Limdi. Nosi 800; 1078, Kalyāņavidhäna, pupil of Carudatta. Mitra. X. p. 131 ; PAPS. 60 ( 60 ); Kiel. III. No. 156 =PRA. No. 955 ; Pet. V. No. 693; Weber. II. No. 1981 JG. p. 347. (foot-note 2). J....17 H Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (II) r ufta by Sakalaharsa ; see Jambūsvāmi caritra ( No. IX ). (1) tarta (Be :- namiūm durantasāmattha ) composed by Pradyumnasūri, pupil of Virabhadra, pupil of Pradyumna. DC. p. 27. (II) F aits in Apabbramsa composed in Sarn. 1299. Patan Cat. I. p. 271. (III) H its (Anon.) Also see Jambūsvāmi caritra. Agra. Nos. 1438-1446 ; 1647 ; Bengal. Nos. 4162; 6640 ; 7511; DA. 49 (20-22); DB. 30 ( 7 ; 8); Flo. No. 709; Hamsa. Nos. 564 , 1129; KB. 3 (15 ; 24); KN. 10 ; Pet. III. No. 489; SA. No. 2595; VC. 5 (14). Higie fiariage JG. p. 137. FFETTITE Limdi. No. 1646. TE T O (Gram. 128 ). Kath. No. 1258 ; PAPL. 3 (5); PAPS. 64 ( 60); PAS. No. 23; Surat. 9. (1) Tīkā. PAS. No. 23. stefar is the sixth Upānga. It contains the Geographical notions of the ancient Jainas. It is published in the DLP. Series, Bombay, 1920, with Sānticandra's commentary (6) and also by R. B. Dhanpatisinba, Calcutta, with Malayagiri's commentary. Agra. Nos. 183-187; AM. 70; 146; 208, 215; 324; 335; Bengal. Nos. 2552; 4334 ; 6873; BK. No. 1782; BO. p. 59 ; BSC. No. 716; Bub. II. No. 190; III. No. 102 ; VIII. No. 382; DA. 13 (3-7); 14 ( 43 ); DB. 5 (6-12); DC. pp. 6; 22 ; 31; 33; DI. p. 19; JA. 53 (1); 63 (1); 110 (5); JB. 45; 55; ( Nos. 168; 169; 204); 57; Jesal. Nos. 72 ; 73; 75 ; 78 ; 554; 555 ; 560; Nos. 72 : 73: 75.18-19; 9; Jesal. 1112 ; 1345; 1712; 1886; JHA. 16 (3 c.); JHB. 14 ( 4c.); KB. 1 (5); Kiel. I. Nos. 30; 31; Limdi. Nos. 88; 102 ; 194 ; 287 ; 395; 429; 462, 479; Mitra. VIII. pp. 319; 320; X. p. 12; PAP. 10 (9); 15 (5); 39 (3); PAPR. 18 ( 25 ); PAPS. 24 (5; 6; 9 ); 21 ( 9; 13); PAS. No. 449; PAZA. 3 (8; 9; 10); Pet. I. A. p. 39; IV. Nos. 1243-1244 ; SA. Nos. 26; 136 ; 2725; Samb. No. 183 ; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; VB. 12 (18;); VC. 6 (12; 13 ); Vel. Nos. 1458; 1459 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1844-1847. (1) Curņi (Gram. about 1870). AM. 287 ; Bik. No. 1598; Buh IV. No. 149 ; DC. pp. 22; 33 (2 copies ); 41; JA. 53 (1) ; 63 (1) ; Jesal. Nos. 554 ; 555 ; 1345; Hamsa. No. 1581; JG. p. 8; Kundi. Nos. 27 ; 140 ; 233; 297 ; 329; PAP. 15( 5 ); 39 ( 3 ); PAPR. 18(25); PAPS. 24 (5; 9); PAS. No. 449 ; PAZA. 3 ( 8; 9); Pet. III. No. 592 ; III. A. p. 144 ; V. No. 695; SA. No. 1779 ; Samb. No. 182; VB. 12 ( 31 ). (2) Tıkā by Malayagiri. Jesal. No. 1112. See below under Nos. (5) and (6). (3) Tikā by Haribbadra in Prākrta. Jesal. No. 555. (4) Vrtti composed in Sari. 1639 by Hiravijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha (Gram. 14252 ). Bik. Nos. 1483; 1665; Buh. VIII. No. 382; DA. 13 (1); DB. 5 (9); Hamsa. No. 949 ; JG. p. 8; JHA. 16; JHB. 14, Kiel. I, No. 31 ; Limdi. No. 429 ; Pet IV. No. 1243; PAPS. 21 (13); VB. 12 (10); VO. 6 (12; 13 ); Vel. No. 1459. (5) Vrtti (Grani). 13275) composed in Sam. 1645, by Punyasāgara, pupil of Jinabamisasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. He refers to Malayagiri's 'lost' commentary. See above No. (2). Bengal. No 2552; DC. p. 46; DI, p. 19, Jesal. No. 560; JB. 42 (No. 163); JG. p. 8; Kundi. No. 187 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 320; Samb. No. 189. (6) Tikā (Gràm. 18000) called Prameyaratnamañjūsă, composed in Samn. Jain Education Intemational Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 131 1660 by śānticandra, pupil of Sakalacandra of the Tapā Gaccha. He also mentions both Malayagiri's and Hiravijaya's commentaries. As regards the former he remarks that it is lost.' See however above No. (2). AM. 335; DA. 13 (2); DB. 5 (7; 8); JG. p. 8; Limdi. Nos. 395 ; 454 ; 479; Mitra. X. p. 12; PAP. 10 ( 9 ); Pet. IV. No. 1244 ; SA. Nos. 26 ; 1611 ; VB. 12 (18); VC. 5 (15); Weber. II. No. 1847 (dated Sam. 1664). (7) Tīkā ( Gram. 15000) composed at Ahnilvad, by Brahmamuni, pupil of Pārsvacandra, pupil of Sadhuratna. The author describes himself both as a Satirthya of Vijayadevasūri and a Prince of the Chalukya dynasty ; cf. Kap. No. 250 (Part I. p. 239; v. 7.). Bhand. IV. No. 272; BK. No. 1782 ; JG. p. 8; Kath. No. 1259; ( = Kap. No. 249); KB. 1 (5); Limdi. No. 107 ; SA. No. 849. (8) Vștti (Graṁ. 18352 ) composed in Sarn. 1639 by Dharmasāgara. JB. 55 ( No. 221 ) ; JG. p. 8. This is obviously a mistake. This seems to be the commentary by Hiravijaya, who was assisted by Dharmasāgara and Vānararşi. See Vel. No. 1459, (Prasasti vy. 13-14). (9) Vrtti. Anon. Agra. No. 186; Be. ngal. Nos. 4335; 6873; Jesal. Nos. 72; 75; Kath. No. 1259 ; Limdi. No. 102, SA. Nos. 136 ; 2725; Surat. 1, 7,9; VB. 12 (31). ICI TATE in 13 chapters containing about 2426 Gāthās, composed about 500 A. D. (cf. CPI. p. 19 ), by Padmanandin, pupil of Balanandin. CP. p. 642; MHB. 37 ; Pet. IV. No. 1418 (= IV. A. p. 144; quotation); SG. No. 637. Fragiga ITF TU DA. 56 ( 95). HTTGTTÅET in 30 Gathās by Haribhadrasuri. It is published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, 1908. Both the text and the commentary of Prabhānanda are also published by JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1971. Agra. Nos. 1153-1158 ; Bengal. Nos. 6807 ; 7648; BK. No. 238 ; Chani. No, 815 ; DA. 58 (125-128 ); 76 (48), DB. 34 (55-58); Flo. Nos. 664 ; 698; JG. p. 126, JHA. 69 ; JHB. 29 (7c.); Limdi. Nos. 528 ; 833; 1001; 1002 ; 1091; 1123; 1389; Mitra. VIII. p. 179; PAPR. 3 (10), 16 (26); PAPS. 81 (9); PAS. No. 80, Pet. I. No. 267; I. A. p. 49; III. No. 593 ; III. A. pp. 213; 253; 276 ; IV. No. 1245 ; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 9; Vel. Nos. 1602 ; 1603 ; VC. 14 ( 33 ); Weber. II. No. 1848. (1) Vrtti composed in Sarn. 1390 by Prabhānandasuri of the Srikrsna Gaccha, who mentions Haribhadrasūri as one of his Gurus ( Be :-natvā vīrajinam). BK. No. 238 ; DA. 76 (48); JG. p. 126; PAPR. 3 (10) ; 16 (26), PAPS. 81 (9); PAS. No. 80; Pet. III. No. 593 ; III. A. pp. 253; 276 ; Vel. No. 1603 , Weber. II. No. 1848. (2) Vrtti (Be : srisarvajñamaham natvā. )AM. 233. (3) Vrtti. Anon. Bik. No. 1664, Surat. 1 (572); 5; VC. 14 (33). AFTEITERTE in 88 Prākrta Gāthās (acc. to JA. note) by Umāsvāti Vācaka. This however is not seen by me. According to K. P. Mody, it is writteu in Sanskrit prose and is divided into 4 chapters. He has published the same in the Appendix to his edition of the Tatvārtha Sūtra in the Bibliotheca Indica Series, Calcutta, 1903. The commentator also is Vijayasimhasūri (and not Srivijaya ), pupil of Haribhadrasuri of the Candra Gaccha. For this Sanskrit Jambūdvipasamāsa, compare JG. p 121 and Bt. No. 125. It is also called Kșetrasamāsa. It is published with the commentary in the Satyavijaya Granthamālā, Ahmedbad, 1922. BK, No. 16 , Jain Education Intemational Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 श्रीजिनरलकोशः । Hamsa. No. 246, JA. 31 (4), PAP. 9 (25,-29; 31); PAPR. 9 (1); PRA. No. 1070; SA. No. 572. (1) Tika composed in Sam. 1215 by Srivijaya (Vijayasinha-see above), pupil of Haribhadra Suri of the Candra Gaccha. BK. No. 16, Hamsa. No. 246; PAP. 9 (25; 29; 31); PAPR. 9 (1), PRA. No. 1070 (BK. No. 16); SA. No. 572; Surat. 1, 5. of Buh. II. No. 191; JG. p. 68. See Jambucarita (I). in Prakṛta. DB. 30 (9), JG. p. 252. (I) जम्बूस्वामिचरित्र by Nemidatta. Lal. 17. (II) जम्बूस्वामिचरित्र by Manasiriha (Grari. 1360 ) JG. p. 223, Pet. II. No. 291. (IV) argenfrafer by Vidyabhusana. CP. p. 648. (V) जम्बूस्वामिचरित्र in Sanskrit, is a poem in six cantos by Jayasekharasuri of the Aticala Gaccha. It's Gujrati translation is published by JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1970. The text also is published by the same (III) जम्बूस्वामिचरित्र by Rajamalla Kavi,compo in Sam. 1632 for one Todara Sadhu ; cf. Anekanta, Vol. I. p. 138. It is in (XIII) 13 cantos and is published in the MDG. Series, No 35, Bombay, 1936. Idar. A. 30. (LX) (X) (VI) argent by Vira, son of Devadatta. It is in Apabhramsa and in the Ghatta metre. List (Mathura). (XI) (XII) (XIV) 306. menfe in 1644 Präkta Gathas. Bt. No. 305. (VII)eart by Sakalakirti. This is par haps the same as the next one. Idar. 107 (3e); Idar. A. 24, 30, 54 (2c.); List(1) (S. J.). 1536); Kath. No. 1062; Lal. 41, 42, 59; Mysore. II. p. 130; Pet. IV. Nos. 1419, 1420(=IV. A. p. 144; quotation); SG. No. 1894, Tera. 27; 28; 37; 38. gefa by Sekalaharagani. JG. p 223, Mitra. X. p. 147; PAZB. 24 (47). gaffe (Gram 2600) by Sagaradatta composed in Sam. 1016. It is in Sandhibandha i. e. in the Apabhrarisia language and divided into Sandhis. Bt. No. 306. (1) Tippana (Gram. 1100). Bt. No. (VIII) Rafa In Sanskrit, containing 11 cantos by Brahmacari Jinadisa, pupil of Sakalakirti of the Sarasvati Gaocha. AD. (III) No. 126, Hum. 164; 281; Idar. 107 (IV) (3 copies), JHB. 33 (ms. dated Sahvat जम्बूस्वामिचरित्र Anon. See also Jumbii. caritra. Bt. No. 305; Chani. No. 220; JG. p. 223, KB 1 (41; 62); SG. No. 2556; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. ama in Sanskrit prose (Gram. 897). Anon. JG. p. 223; PAPR. 18 (48). (XV ) जम्बूस्वामिचरित्र by Padmasundara. Jambacarita (1) 1970. institution at Bhavnagar, Sarh. 1968-(1)efes also called Jayapurana, by Brahma Kamaraja. The author was assisted by Pandit Jinaraja. It contains 13 cantos and is writen in Sanskrit. AD. No. 27, Bengal. No. 1461; Bhand. V. No. 1103; CP. p. 643, Idar. 11 (6 copies, one is dated Sarh. 1691), PR. No. 70. agafes (in Ghattä metre) by Brahma Devasena. It seems to be in the Apabhrarisa language. List (Delhi Pancayati Mandir). nafta in Sanskrit, by Bhavanakirti this is perhaps Jinadasa's work, who men tions Bhuvana kirti as his brother in the Prasasti. Cf. Pet. IV. A. p. 145, v. 25. JG. p. 223. See art by Prabburája. Hebeu. 37. (in Ghatta metre) by Raidhu. This is also probably in the Apabhramsa Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । langugage. List (Delhi Pafickyati Mandira) Gunafte in Prakṛta. Hamsa. No. 1547. (I) जयतित्तुयणस्तोत्र sometimes called Tririsikci as it contains 30 Gäthis, is ascribed to Abhayadevasiri. It is published with a commentary by Hajarilal Ratanlal, Loha vat, Marwar; with Samayasundara's commentary also by Mrs. Phulkuvartai, Ratlam; cf. Winternitz, History, II. p. 555. Agra. Nos. 3269-3273; Bengal. No. 7386, Bik. No. 1484; Buh. II. No. 285; IV. Nos. 228; 229; DA: 41 (236; 238-249); Hamsa. No. 859, Jesal. No. 316, JHA. 64, KB. 1 (49), Limdi. Nos. 821; 863, 872, 988; 1157; 1158; 1288, Mitra. IX. pp. 156; 162; PAPL. 3 (53; 54); PAZB. 10 (27; 28; 38), Pet. I. No. 305, III A. p. 245; IV. No. 1247; V. Nos. 641; 694; VI. Nos. 571; 572, 640; PRA. No. 221; VC. 6 (9); SA. No. 389; Samb. No. 338; Surat. 1, 9, 11. (1) Vṛtti composed in Sari 1687 by Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 221. (2) Vivarana by Jinodayasuri of the Vegada Sakha of the Kharatara Gaccha. Jesal. No. 316. (3) Tika (Beatrayam vrddhasaripes dayaḥ etc). Mitra. IX. p. 162; Pet. III. A. p. 245. Δ. (4) Tika by Sugunasägar. DA. 41 (236). This is doubtful. (1) Svopajna Vrtti. DA. 41 (235). जयदेवछन्दः शास्त्रवृत्ति by Vardhamāna. See Chandah - sastra (I). JG. p. 318, Kundi. Nos. 10; 45. See Jayantakavya. fx See Praśnottarasanigraha. जयन्ती प्रश्नोत्तर संग्रह See Prainottarnaarigraha. जयपताकायन्त्रकल्प Bengal. No. 7190. Havasgergeda in 17 Gathas. JG. p. 279. (5) Tika by Jinaprabhasuri. DB. 24 is a work on Prognostics in (91; 125); Hamsa. No. 279. about 228 Ślokas. A copy of it is said to be existing in the Santinätha Bhandara at Cambay, JG. p. 955. Another ms. of the work, written on Palm leaves in Sam. 1336, is Harima. No. 1422. by Brahma Kamaraja. See Jayakumaracaritra. (Be-vrṣabham tribhuvana ). Flo. No. (6) Tikä, Anon. Agra. Noe. 33703271; Bub. IV. Nos. 228, 229; DA. 41 (237), JG. p. 279; JHA. 64; KB 1 (49); Limdi. No. 988; PAZB. 10 (27; 28; 38); Pet. VL. No. 572, VC. 6 (9). (II) aufage of Samantabhadra (Gram. 250), DA. 41 (235; ms. dated Sam. (I) 1640). ag 133 (1) Tika by Harsa. Kundi. No. 45. (2) Tippona by Śriandrasuri. Bt. No. 481. severe ( 60000) on the Kaya Prabhṛta (s. v.), by Virasena and his papil Jinasena II. This was completed at Mathagrama, in Saka 759 during the reign of Amoghavarṣa I. See CPI. p. 23; JBBRAS., XVIII. p. 226. (Gram, 2220) also called Jayantavijayakavya composed in Sarh. 1278, by Abbayadeva, pupil of Padmendu, pupil of Jinasekhara, pupil of Jinavallabha, pupil of Abhayadevasari of the Kharatara Gaccha. The author however, does not refer to the title Kharatara in his Prasasti. The poem cantains 21 cantos and is printed at the N. S. Press, Bombay; it is also Published by JDPS., Bhavnagar. Baroda. No. 2803; Hamsa. No. 778; JG. p. 330; Kath. No. 1368; PAP. 79 (69), PAPR. 7 (2); PAZB. 14 (9); Pet. IV. No. 1248 (IV. A. p. 87; a quotation). SA. No. 437, SB. 2 (161). = 595. Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (II) #THISI (Be :-nikhilasukhanivāsam ). In 10 | PAPS. 74 (25), SA. No. 164; Surat. 4; Sanskrit stanzas. Flo. No. 696. Weber. II. No. 1722. FO T OT (Gram. 500). JG. p. 252 ; Pet. IV. Fagradig of Sridatta mentioned by Vidyānanda in No. 1249. his Slokavārtika; cf. JH. vol. 14, p. 129. FIT -a (in prose ). JG. p. 214. FEAT in Sanskrit composed in Sam. 1529, by Hg in Prākrta. Bt. No. 341; JG. p. Jinasura, a pupil of Sudhānandana, pupil 252. of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. wafaqaalalaura Pet. VI. No. 690. It is published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar. (I) F ramareata (Gram. 675) composed by Bhand. V. No. 1346; VI. No. 1368 Munisundarasuri, pupil of Somasundara (dated Sam. 1529); BO. p. 59; DA. sūri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published 66 ( 39; ms. dated Samvat 1608); by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, Sarn. Hamsa. No. 1016; KB. 3 (65); Kundi. 1968. Baroda. No. 2151, BK. No. 336 ; No. 6; PRA. No. 1048 ; Samb. No.116; DB. 28 (5; 6); Hamsa. No. 50; JG. SB. 2 ( 149 ) ; Surat. 1, 11. p. 224 ; PAP. 62 ( 27 ): VC. 5 (13) Fíha in Sanskrit. SA. No. 692. (II) S a harcaits in Sanskrit prose, composed Aranetagia by Harsavijayagani. BK. No. 57; in Sam. 1858 by Padmavijaya, (possibly) the spiritual brother of the famous Yaso PAPS. 80 ( 115 ); SA. No. 869. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. The work is (1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 350) based on Munisundara's work. It is pub composed in Saṁ. 1765. JG. p. 347. lished at Palitana, 1921. Agra. No. 1447. Jarnetical of Harsavijaya. See JātakadipakaBengal. No. 6616 ; DA. 48 ( 3; 4; 5); paddhati. JG. p. 347. DB. 28 ( 7; 8); Hamsa. No. 506; JG. (I) Fraga by Jaina Acārya (?). DB. 24 p. 224; Kaira. A. 1. (224; 225 ); JG. p. 347. F9119 KB. 3 ( 20 ). (II) 1998@ of Śrīpati ( non-Jain). E91919 Buh. II. No. 351 ; VB. 12 (8; 24 (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1673 by Gram. 1200). Sumatiharsagani, pupil of Harsaratna of 51319TITATO ATT DA. 22 (52). the Añcala Gaccha. Bendall. No. 489; (1) grau DB. 22 (93); Pet. IV. No. 1421; CC. I. p. 204. SA. No. 713; VB. 12 (25). Flag a (Gram. 1300) by Simhamalla. JG. (II) Forgafa by Ratnasekhara. Published by p. 347. Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. Friaagra by Gunavijaya; see Mitabhāşiņijātivivrti. Foraar in Prākrta. Hamsa. No. 187. PRA. No. 671. Flatafa KB. 5 (31). 52995ar in three Stabakas, composed by Ratnamandanagani, pupil of Ratnasekharsuri Fagara in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 171. of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published in falgar taraga Bengal. No. 6853. the DLP. Series, No. 11, Bombay, 1912. Fatma Bengal. No. 7273. It has the form of a discussion between a pupil of Vādi Devasuri and a Naiyāyika जिनकल्याणकादिस्तवन by Somasundarasuri of the about topics from Logic, Grammar and Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1154 ; Poetics. Baroda. No. 2804 ; BK. No. PAPR. 10 ( 6 ) 75; Hamsa. No. 1464; Kaira. B. 153; GECETTO/ a by Somaprabhasuri. DA. PAP. 23 (29); 24 (15); PAPR. 8 (12); 75 ( 22 ). Jain Education Intemational Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 'Kalyanas' of the 24 Jinas. PR. No. 22. faida (Gram. 103) by Somasundara. Possibly the same as Jinakalyāṇakādistavana. JG. p. 279. ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । 135 in 35 stanzas by Asadhara. It ( II ) faaquafa in Prakṛta (Gram. 750) by describes the traditional dates of the Sumatigani, pupil of Nemicandra, pupil of Sarvadeva of the Paḍicchaya Gaccha (Be-jayau viņijjiya). DC. p. 15 (dated Sam. 1246; compare also DI. p. 48); Kundi. No. 294. जिनकुशलसूरिगुरुपूजा Bengal. No. 7526. fanguif by Narendracandra. SG. No. 2158. (I) जिनगुण संपश्युद्यापन by Jnanasāgara Idar. 74. (II) जिनगुण संपत्त्युद्यापन by Devanandin. Idar. 74. (III) जिनगुण संपत्त्युद्यापन by Viśvabhūsana Bhand. V. No. 1056. (IV) जिनगुण संपच्युद्यापन by Brahma Sumatisagara. Idar. 74; 162; List (S. J.). जिनचतुर्विंशतिका See Caturvirnśatijinastuti. जिनचन्द्रचतुःसप्ततिका by Jinakuśalasūri. JG. p. 214 ; Limdi. No. 1288. जिन चैत्यनमस्कार Mitra. III. p. 64. faaaa (Be:- aghate.). Pet. III. A. p. 242. जिनजन्ममह in Apabhrariśa by Jinaprabha. Patan Cat. I. pp. 273, 275. जिनजन्ममहोत्सवस्तोत्र Bhand VI. No. 997. जिनजाप्य Bengal. No. 6989. (1) (II) DA. 50 (101); Limdi. No. 770. (Gram. 9200) by Sumatisuri. Bt. No. 347; JG. p. 252. (III) in Sanskrit prose (Gram. 1637), composed in Sam. 1474, by Gunasamudrasuri, pupil of Gunasagarasuri of जिनदत्तकथासमुच्चय in Sanskrit by Gunabhadracarya in 9 cantos. It is published in the MDG. Series, No. 7, Bombay, Sam. 1973. (III) जिनदत्तचरित्र in the Apabhraiśa language, by Raidhu Kavi. List (S. J.). (IV) af in Prakṛta prose ( Be-namiūna calanajuyalam and afterwards in prose) possibly the same as Jinadattakhyāna mentioned below. Pet. V. A. p. 108 (foll. 28). जिनदत्तसूरिओसवालवंश KB. 1 (63). in Prakṛta prose. Pet. V. A. p. 62 (dated Sam. 1186; copied by Manibhadra Yati for Varanaga). जिनत्तत्त्वचन्द्रिका of Mahadeva Bhattācārya. Bengal. जिनपञ्चकल्याणकस्तोत्र in 36 Apabhraniśa stanzas by I. B. 75. Municandra. Patan Cat. I. p. 71. (I) | (II) farçare by Sumatigani. See Jinadattacaritra (II). For Private जिनदत्तीयविद्या JG. p. 366. जिनदासकथा SG. No. 767. Bod. No. 1372 (3). जिनधर्मप्रतिबोध See Kumārapālapratibodha. जिननामाक्षर यमकमयस्तव Bhand: VI. No. 1369. जिन पञ्चाशिकास्तोत्र by Tejasiniha of the Luiikā Gaccha. DA. 41 (200). the Paurnima Gaccha. DB. 31 (79); (II) faagerea Agra. No. 3274; Bengal. Nos. Vel. No. 1720. 6999; 7192; 7669; SB. 2 (92). (1) faqatala by Kamalaprabha, pupil of Devaprabha of the Rudrapalliya Gaccha. BSC. No. 456; JHA. 73. Bhand. V. No. 1104; VI. No. 1046; Buh. VI. No. 719; CMB. 139; CP. p. fa 643; Idar. 104 (4 copies); Kath. No. 1182; Pet. III. No. 490; Tera. 22-26. (1) fangaka by Gunabhadracārya. See Jina-fangetâqgaur in Präkṛta. DB. 31 (126, dattakathasamuccaya. जिनपतिस्तोत्र ( in 9 Sanskrit stanzas ; Be :- jayati bhujagaraja.) by Bilhana Kavi. Pet. V. A. pp. 54-55. by Padmanandin. Limdi. No. 610. Surat. 1 (2675). Bengal. No. 1448; BO. p. 59 Personal Use Only 127). Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 श्रीजिनरस्नकोशः। 10 जिनपूजास्तोत्रसंग्रह Kath. No. 1063. BO. p. 29; Buh. VI. No. 584; CD. p. ialahECTATUT Bengal. No. 6943. 644; Hum. 1 ; 207 , Lal. 7; 28; Mud. TIGHT=a Bengal. No. 7198. 231, 317 ; 503 ; Padma. 16; PR. Nos. fragrafangrei by Sahajakusala. DB. 20 199; 234; Rice. p. 314 ; Tera. 20. (69; 70). (1) Kalpadarpaņa by Parasurāma. BO. FGASICHTF219719974 Agra. No. 1802. p. 29. Perhaps this is a mistake. See Vel. fagfagiginot Bengal. No. 1488. No. 812. fara grisarciacca Kath. No. 1369. (2) Vrtti by Subhacandra. This is menFragHY JG. p. 214 (Gram. 143). tioned in the author's Prasasti to his Pāņ. fagheiter in Sanskrit. KB. 1 (14); Limdi. davapuräņa. See below. Bhand. V. No. No. 530. 1057. fraga EFTFIEt of Amrtacandra. JG. p. 110; (II) fate by Subhacandra. This must be this is another name of Puruşārthasi Subhacandra's commentary on Āsādhara's ddhyupāya. work. It is mentioned by Subhacandra in जिनप्रवचनस्वरूपविचार in Sanskrit by Kulamandana. his Prasasti to Pāņdavapurāņa ; cf. SGR. sūri. PAPR. 8 ( 21 ); PAPS. 48 ( 103 ). II. p. 78, v. 174. Also cf. Pet. IV. A. eraiarage Rare in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 416. p. 158, v. 73. Bhand. V. No. 1057. FararaqlarTTO in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 577. (III) (TTT** of Bhāvasarman. Bhand. V. No. fafaragatíaru Hamsa. No. 1098 ; Limdi. No. 1057 ; dated Sam. 1676. 2424. hiç by Kalyānakirti. Mud 81 ; SG. No. Farachu Mud. 399. 1081. fafarafurgare i Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. Fabriqaura Buh. VI. No. 585. 415. FAT in Sanskrit (Gram.81). PR. No 223. Ha ai by Brahma Säntidāsa. Idar. 82. face by Veņirāma. Bengal. No. 6957. FaHaGrietats by Devendrasuri. BK. No. 1472. FSTATTISET in Prakrta by Jinaprabhācārya. sahardia by Somasundarasūri. JG. p. 279; PAPL. 8 (89). PAPS. 48 (119). frarato Bengal. No. 7336. (1) Avacūri. JG. p. 279 ; PAPS. 48 for at statea in 33 Gātbās by Padmanandin. (119). AK. No. 268 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1003; f77a FiraTanę Buh. VI. No. 588. Kath. No. 1064, Limdi. No. 610 ; Pet. Hantragtiistar of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. IV: Nos. 1442, 1443. 105. faat yag of Vijayacandra. Kath. No. 1 260. STARCAL by Jinaprabha in the Apabhramsa Fa rara in the Avabhramsa languave (in 47 languge. Patan Cat. I. p. 189 (quotation) stanzas ). This is probably the other FAITHEars Bengal. No. 7637. See also Mahi name of Carcari. By Jinadatta. DA. 60 muastotra. ( 34 ). sagerataaaay of Sakalakirti (Gram. 87). Parastraat JG. p. 279; Mitra. VIII. p. 309. AD. No. 166. fraighteaia (Gram. 700) by Mahendrasuri. VB. जिनमूर्तिपूजाप्रदीप SA. No. 2695. 12 (19) (1) जिनयज्ञकल्प also called Pratisthasaroddhara (of. (I) जिनशतक is a collection of a hundred stanzas in CP. p. 682), composed in Sam. 1285 by praise of the Jinas, composed by Jambu Asadhara Pandit. See under Pratişthāsā Kavi. It is published in the Kāvyamālā, roddhāra for more mss. Bengal. No. 1476; VII, Bombay, 1926 (4th edition). Jain Education Intemational Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः। Agra. Nos. 1830-1837 ; AM. 79; (II) fatah (Possibly the same as below) Pet. Baroda. No. 2806; Bengal. Nos. 7328; V. No. 925. 7485; BK. No. 124 ; Bod. Nos. 1385; (III) Frasta# of Samantabhadra. It is published 1386 ; Buh. IV. No. 230; VL No. 586 ; with the commentary in the SyādvādaVIII, No. 403 ; Chani. No. 154; DA. granthamālā, Indore, (No. 1), 1912. Idar. 38 (31-37); 41 (181); 74 (43); 103 ( 2 copies ); Mud. 149. DB. 21 (74–77); 24 (105); JG. p. (1) Vrtti of Narasimhabhatta. Idar. 279; JHB. 47, Kath. No. 1261; Kundi. 103 ( 2 copies ); Mud. 149 ; Mysore. II. No. 9, PAP. 24 ( 6 ; 21 ); 30 (57); p. 282. 71 (12; 18); PAPR. 7 (5); PAPS. Hazai Ek of Samantabhadra. Tera. 8; 9. 71 (17); PAZB. 10 ( 26 ); Pet. I. No. See Jinasattālankāra. (Be :- srimajjina268; III. Nos. 594 ; 595; IV. No. padābhyāśam ) PR. No. 107. 1251 ( -IV. A. p. 90, a quotation); SA. No. 794; Samb. No. 24 ; Surat. faghaight of Asādhara. Idar. 178. 1, 11, Tapa. 332; VA. 7 (24); VB. Hafstemas KB. 1 (66). 12 (9 ; 16;21 ; 29 ; 39 ); VC. 6 (5); fagaus Pet. V. No. 925. Vel. No. 1807. Thiarata Bengal. Nos. 7078; 7121. (1) Tikā called Pañjikā, (Gram. 1550) (1) Fratefgar by Ekasandhi Bhattāraka. See also composed in Sam. 1025 by Samba Kavi Ekasandhijinasambitā. This is a work on of the Nāgendra Gaccha, at the request Jainapujākrama. It is quoted in Jinendraof Durgaka, son of Malhaņa. Agra. No. kalyānābhyudaya composed in Saka 1836; AM. 79; Baroda. No. 2806 ; 1241. AK, No. 870 ; Bengal. No. 1531 ; Bengal. Nos. 7328; 7485; BK. No. Bhand. IV. No. 291 ; CP. p. 630, Hum. 124 ; BO. p. 29; Bod. No. 1386; Buh. 17 ; 49; Kath. No. 1065; KO. 183, VI. No. 586; VIII. No. 403 ; Chani. 187 ; Mud. 19; 746 ; Padma. 78; Pet. No. 154; DA. 38 (31 , 35, 36); 74 III. No. 492; Rice. p. 314; SG. Nos. ( 43 ); DB. 21 (74; 75); Hamsa. Nos. 10; 2688; SRA. 62; 90; 153, 173; 482 ; 971; JG. p. 279; Kundi. No. 9; 204 ; 244 ; 296 ; 324 ; 401 ; Tera. 10. Lal. 54; PAP. 24 (6; 21); 30 ( 57); Lad Gaeilbar by Jinasena. This is awork on Jaina 71 (12; 18); PAPR. 7 (5), PAPS. Law in six chapters on (1) Rņādāna, (2) 71 (17); PAZB. 10 ( 26 ); Pet. III. Dāyabhāga, (3) Simānirnaya, (4) KsetraNos. 594 ; 595; IV. No. 1251 =(IV. A. visaya, (5) Nissvāmivastuvisaya, and (6) p. 90; a quotation); SA. No. 794; Sähasa, Steya, BhojanādikānucitavyavaSurat. 1, 11 ; Tapa. 332; VA. 7 (24); VB. 12 (9; 16; 21; 29; 39 ); VC. hära and Sūtakāśauca. CP. p. 644. 6 (5) Forregate Eat by Indranandin. See Pratisthä pātha by Indranandin. SG. No. 1082. (2) Avacūri composed in Sam. 1653 This also is a work on Jinapūjā. at Cambay, by Vimalahamsagani. Vel. No. 1807. TANTCATETTEK by Brahma Sūrideva. This is yet another work on Jinapuja. It is also called (3) Pañjikā composed in Sam. 1874 Trivarṇācāra, Traivarņikācāra, or Pratiby Vatsarāja. JHB. 47. sthātilaka. Padmarasa, the Kannada poety (4) Avacuri. Anon. DA, 38 (34); author of Srngārakathā in A.D. 1599 was DB. 24 (105); Kath. No, 1261. a descendent of him ; cf. Anekānta, I. p. J.......18 Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 86. AK, No. 517 ; Baroda. No. 7812; (III) BATATATATAAta in Sanskrit, composed in CP. p. 644 ; Mud. 131; 280; Mysore. Sam. 1287 by Asādhara son of SallaksaI. p. 97; II. p. 281; IIL p. 179 ; SG. na of the Vyāghreravāla family. AD. No. 2277, SRA. 61; 216 ; SRB. 145. No. 153, AK. No. 900; Bhand. V. जिनसंख्याविचार of Anandaruci of the Purnima / Nos. 1058; 1070 ; VI. No. 1038; Buh. Gaccha. PAPR. 16 (22). II. No. 286 ; VI. No. 587 , CP. p. 706; (1) Bālāvabodha Svopajña. PAPR. Idar. 85 ( 4 copies ); 168 (2 copies), 16 (22). 170; 171 ; 172 ; 179, Idar. A. 43 (5 TETIOCIT of Samantabhadra. See Jinasatālan copies ); MHB. 27 ; PAPS. 64 ( 53 ); kāra. JG. p. 88; Tera. 8; 9. · 68 (39); Pet. III. No. 493; V. No. 925, VI Nos. 662; 663; PR. Nos. farhafft in 220 Gātbās in Prākrta by Jinabhadra 113; 114 ; 240 ; PRA. No. 1176 ; SA. sūri, successor of Jinarājasuri of the No. 699, SG. Nos. 108; 109; 1513 ; Kharatara Gaccha. BK, No. 513 = PRA. 2163 ; Tera. 7. No. 298; also cf. Jainastotrasandoha, (Ahmedabad, 1932 ), I. Intro. p. 84. (1) Tīkā by Srutasāgara. SG. Nos. 1513 ( foll, 143); 2353. TECHITACHT of Candrakirti. CP. p. 707. (2) Vrtti. Anon. CP. p. 706 ; SG. (I) जिनसहस्रनामस्तोत्र by Siddhasena Divakara ; see No. 2163. Sakrastava. Bhand. V. No. 1191 = PRA. (IV) RA. (IV) ETEEATHEIST composed in Sam. 1658 No. 1030. by Devavijayagani, pupil of Kalyāņavija(II) STEEETTTATTI in 160 Slokas by Jinasena yagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Chani. No. (Be :- svayambhuve namaskrtya ). 183; PRA, Nos. 408 ; 1144. It is otherAD. Nos. 153; 161 ; AK. Nos. 898; 1 wise called Arhannāmasamuccaya. 907; 910; Bhand. VI. No. 1039; BO. (1) Tikā Svopajña composed in Sam. p. 59; Cal. X. No. 85; Chani. No. 979; 1698 i. e. forty years after the composiCP. p. 707; Hum. 47, 146; Idar. 85 tion of the text. Chani. No. 183 ; PRA. (3 copies ); 173 ; 189; 203 ; Idar. A. Nos. 408 ; 1144. 43, Kath. No. 1202, KO. 192; Pet. ) FRETEA ta composed in Sarn. 1731 by III. No. 491; VI. No. 661 ; SG. Nos. Vinayavijaya Upadhyāya, pupil of Kirti1513; 2020; Strass. p. 301 ; Tera. 6. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. Chani. No. (1) Țīkā by Amarakirti. AD. No. 405; PRA. No. 387 ; Hamsa. No. 272. 161, Bhand. VI. No. 1039, Idar. 85 (VI) H E RAETTE in 138 Slokas by Sakala(2 copies); Kath. No. 1066 ; Tera. 5. kirti. Idar. 85; Strass. p. 301. (2) Tikā by Visvasena, 'pupil of (VII) GREEETTTHEATE Anon. Bhand. VI. No. Visalakirti of the Kasthā Sangha. Buh. 1003; Buh. VI. No. 587 ; Limdi. No. II. No. 287 (dated Sam. 1585 = PRA. 1285; Mitra. VII. p. 178 (Be :--svaNos. 837 and 1486 ); CP. p. 707. yambhuve namastubhyam ); SA. No. (3) Tikā by Śrutasāgara. AD. No. 699. 153 ; CP. p. 707; Idar. 85; Idar. A. 43; (1) Tikā. Mitra. VII. p 178. MHB. 27, SG. No. 1513 ; Tera. 4. T ag aften on sila. Limdi. No. 770. (4) Tikā. Anon. Idar. 173 ; JG. P. Fratraa by Naracandra in 121 Sanskrit Slokas. 279 (Graṁ. 3000); Pet. III. No. Patan Cat. I. p. 386 ( ms. dated Sam. 491. 1334). Jain Education Intemational Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 139 faaraaa by Vijayagaņi. BO. p. 59. kirtisüri of the Anicala Gaccha. PRA. (I) streara in Sanskrit by Candraguptasuri. JG. No. 542. p. 279 ; Pet. I. A. p. 94. fahara Bhand. VI. No. 1003. (II) forategia by Samantabhadra. BO. p. 29. franziga Idar. 85. (III) faceala by Somasundara. Pet. IV. No. (1) Tīkā by Subhacandra. Idar. 85. 1252. Fanfara Bhand. VI. No. 1003. (IV) frategia by Somaprabha. JG. p. 279. farget of Cärukirti. Padma. 41. See Gitavita(V) fratara by Jayabhinandin. JG. p. 279. rāga. (VI) fiareala by Jineśvara. Hamsa. No. 1487. fe &TUTE also called Arhatpratisthā or (1) Svopajña Vrtti. Hamsa. No. 1487. Jainendrakalyāņābhyudaya or Pratisthā(VII) heqia Anon. Bengal. Nos. 6768 ; 6782; sära, was composed in Saka 1241 at DA. 40 (82); 41 (183-194); Hamsa. Ekasilä, during the reign of King RudraNo. 438. kumāra, by Appayyarya, pupil of Puspa sena. This is a work on the ritualistic fraeafaqatatat (fulgæt) by Mahimeru. Pub worship of Jina and the author quotes or lished by Sarabhai Navab, in Jainastotra mentions the following writers on the sandoba ( Ahmedabad, 1932), I. p. 36. same subject :- Āsādhara, Ekasandhi, frareata by Harsavardhanagaņi. JG. p. 280 ; Indranandin, Guņabhadra, Jinasena, PAPS. 69 ( 39 ). Pujyapāda, Vasunandin, Virácărya and (1) Svopajña Avacūri. JG. p. 280 ; Hastimalla (compare CPI. p. 36 and PAPS. 69 (39). Intro. to Chedapiņda published in MDG. FATTITAEIET of Munisundara. See Jinastotra Series, No. 18). CP. p. 644; Rice. p. ratnakosa. 316; SG. No. 1265. areatarratt also called Jinastotramahāhrada, Harghita by Amaracandra. See Padmānandaor simply Ratnakosa, is a collection of kāvya. Stotras addressed to Jina by Muni जिनेन्द्रभक्तिसुधाकर published by the Abhidhāna sundarasuri, pupil of Somasundarasüri of Rajendra Kāryālaya, Rutlam, Sam. 1972. the Tapā Gaccha. The work is divided fraferarnais BSC. No. 471. into several chapters, the first of which is (1) Tikā by Rāmacandragaņi. BSC. published in Jainastotrasamgraba, Pt. II, No. 471. in the YJG. Series, Benares, 1906. Chani. Nos. 160; 587; DA. 41 ( 157 ); f argt in Sanskrit. SG. No. 2280. DB. 24 ( 99, 100); Hamsa. Nos. 61; fra A TTU by Bhattācārya Jinendrabhūşaņa. 423 ; JB. 143 ; JG. p. 288; PAZA. 7 List (S. J.). (3); Vel. No. 1808. fragrau in 30 Gātbās. JG. p. 206. fara iar by Vādivetāla. JG. p. 153. farmaga (Be :- omkārasphāra). Mitra. IX. p. 195... Fereas of Jinaprabhācārya. Kath. No 1067. . I foarala in जिनागमवचनस्तव of Jinaprabha in the Apabhramsa 30 Gāthās by Ratnasimhasūri. language. Patan Cat. I. p. 189 ( quota Limdi. No. 954.. tion). Hegrafatearent in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 567. framtafaar in Prakrta. Hamsa. Nos. 1558 ;. Fargrala Pet. V. No. 826. 1721. FASTHEITOT JG. p. 132. Gartrata21 of Rşivardhana, pupil of Jaya (1) Vrtti. JG. p. 132. Jain Education Intemational Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। PAD: 760No. 73, JHB. 20. Jesal. जिनेश्वरसहस्रनामस्तोत्र See Jinasahasranamastotra. | fra P CTTS ( Be :-yo vijahāra ). Pet III. A. p. 23. (I) fane consists of 103 Gathās (Be :- kayapa vayaņappaņāmo voccham pacchitta; cf. Pet. I. A. p. 70 ) composed by Jinabhadragaņi Kşamāśramaņa. It is sometimes called Sanksiptajitakalpa ; cf. Pet. L A. p. 70; III. A. p. 277, v. 4. It is published along with the commentaries of Siddhasena and Sricandrasūri by the Jaina Sāhitya Samsodhaka Samiti, Ahmedabad, 1926. It is also edited with extracts from the Cūrņi, by E. Leumann, Berlin, 1892. Bhand. VI. No. 1153; Bt. No. 40; Chani. Nos. 28 ; 38 (42); 75 (50) ; DB. 7 (12; 23 ); 22 (1); Hamsa. No. 1497 ; JA. 107 (4); JB. 54 ; Jesal. No. 542, JG. p. 54; JHB. 20, KB. 3 (6), Kiel. II. No. 75; Limdi. No. 40; PAP. 76 (107); 21 (7), 57 (35;40); PAPR. 2 (9); 8 (13); PAPS. 25(3); 37 (9); palm ms. No. 8 ; PAZA. 5(2; 3; 4, 11); PAZB. 2 (9); 19 (9, 10) ; 23 (11); Pet. I. A. p. 70; PRA. No. 338; SA. Nos. 146 ; 150; 1601 ; 1605; 1709; Samb. No. 257 ; VA. 7 (26), VB. 12 (21, 30); VC. 6 ( 3; 4); Surat. 1, 2, 6, 9. (1) Bhāsya in Prākrta (Gram.3125). Anon. DA. 75 ( 50 ); DC. p. 15; JA. 107 (4); JB. 54; JG. p. 54; KB. 3 (6); Limdi. No. 40 (dated Sam. 1544); PAZA. 5 (4); SA. Nos. 150; 1709; VC. 6 (4). (2) Brhaccūrņi by Siddhasena (Gram. 1300. Be :- siddhatthasiddha ). AM. 95; Bhand. VI. No. 1233; Bt. No. 40; Chani. No. 28; JG. p. 54; Kiel. II. Nos. 23 ; 24; PAPR 2 ( 9 ); 8 ( 13 ), PAPS. 37 (9); PAPS. palm 8; Patan Cat. I. p. 399 ( quo.); PAZA. 5(2; 3); PAZB. 19 ( 10 ); 23 (11), Pet. V. A. p. 128 ( quotation ); SA. Nos. 1601; 1605; Surat. 1, 2, 6; VB. 12 (21 ; 30 ). (3) Brhaccūrnivyākhyā (Be :- natva srimanmahāvīram ; Gram. 1120), also called Tippana ( Vişamapadavyākhya ) at JG. p. 54, composed in Sam. 1227 by Sricandrasuri, pupil of Dhanesvara, pupil of Silabhadrasūri. AM. 176, JG. p. 54; PAPS. (palm ) 8; Patan Cat. I. p. 399 (quo. ms. dated Sam. 1284); PAZA. 5 (3); PAZB. 19 (10); Pet. V. A. p. 128 ( quotation ); SA. No. 1605, VB. 12 ( 21 ; 30). (4) Brhaccūrņītippanaka. Bt. No. 40 (3). Probably same as No.(3). (5) Vivarana in Prākṣta Gāthās (Gram. 543 ; Be :-sirivirajinar ņamium). See Bt. No. 40 (5). This is wrongly supposed to be the Jitakalpasūtra at Pet. V. A. p. 131, line 21. Really speaking, it is a sort of Curņi or Vivarana as the Byhattippanikā 40 (5) calls it. Tilakā. cārya probably bases his commentary on this; cf. Pet. V. A. p. 131, v. 4. This Vivarana seems to be wholly incorporated in the commentary of Tilakācārya, and may be found in all mss. of the same. See below (6). Bt. No. 40 (5); Pet. V. A. p. 131. (6) Vrtti (Gram. 1700 ) composed in Sam. 1274, by Śrītilaka, pupil of Sivaprabhasūri, pupil and successor of Cakre. svara, successor of Dharmaghosa, successor of Candraprabhasūri. See above (5). Bhand. VI. No. 1153; DA. 14 ( 38; 39 ); 38 (42); DB. 7 (12); 22 (1); Hamsa. No. 1542 , Jesal. No. 542; JG. p. 54; PAP. 21 (7); 57 ( 35; 40); PAPS. 25 (3); Patan Cat. I. p. 292 (quo. ms. dated Sam. 1292); PAZA. 5 (11); PAZB, 2 (9); 19 (9); Pet. V. A. p. 130 ( quotation); PRA. No. 338; SA. No. 146; Samb. No. 276 , VA. 7 ( 26 ); VC. 6 (3). (7) Avacūri. Anon. Kiel. II, No. 75; SA. No. 1709. Jain Education Intemational Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । (8) Paryaya. Kap. Nos. 598-602. (II) by Dharmaghosa. See Śrāddhajitakalpa. (III) face by Somaprabha. See Yatijitakalpa. father by Merutunga. JG. p. 54 (foll. 21). Fawara Kiel. II. No. 24. Doubtful. (1) Vivarana in Prakṛta. Kiel. II. No. 24. (IV) जीरापल्लीपार्श्वनाथस्तव in Sanskrit composed by Merutunga of the Añcala Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2135, JHA. 73; Pet. VI. No. 575; PRA. No. 1207 (No. 31). (1) Vyakhyā composed by Punya sagaragani, pupil of Dayasagaragani of the Añcala Gaccha in Sam. 1725 during the regin of Amarasagarasuri. Baroda. No. 2135; PRA. No. 1207 (No. 31). जीरापल्लीपार्श्वनाथस्तोत्र Anon. JG. p. 280, Limdi. No. 1630; SA. Nos. 763; 1830. जीरा पल्लवीतरागस्तव SA. No. 613. जीवकचरित See Jivandharacaritra No. IV. a is the first part of the Gommaṭasara of Nemicandra Saiddhantika (s. v.). जीवकुलक by Nemicandra. JG. p. 198. ang hercega by Nandivṛṣabha. DB. 22 (35); far by Haricandra. See Jivandharacaritra JG. p. 149. VII. (I) जीरापल्लीपार्श्वनाथस्तव by Sudhānandasūri. PAP. 75 (149); 79 ( 55 ). Pet. IIL (III) (II) aftergitara by Śrikarna. A. p. 213. About 10 stanzas. gigareta in 45 Sanskrit_ Ślokas by Mahendraprabhasuri of the Añcalika Gaccha. JG. p. 280; Limdi. Nos. 644; 1437 (dated Sam. 1670); Pet. I. No. 316 PRA. No. 978. in 38 Gathas. DA. 60 (103; 129); DB. 35 (184); Hamsa. No. 1551; Pet. V. A. p. 137, Vel. No. 1842. ag of Kesavarya. This is based on Nemicandra's Karmakanda. CP. p. 645; SG. Nos. 1313; 2654 जीवदय कुलक by 2586. For Private Somasundarasuri. Limd. No. age in 117 Gāthās. BO. p. 31; JA. 25 (11); JG. p. 178; Kiel. II. No. 74; Pet. I. A. p. 46; V. A. pp. 111; 150; SA. Nos. 809; 2019. Pet. VI. No. 574. (1) Tika. Pet. VI. No. 574. 141 (I) जीवन्धरचरित्र of Bhāskara Kavi AK. No. 274; Mud. 307; 592. (II) raft of Brahmayya. Mud. 580. (III) starega of Raidhu Kavi. SG. No. 1700. (IV) fara composed in Sam. 1596 by Subhacandra, pupil of Vijayakirti (cf. Bhand. IV. p. 435ff.). This is mentioned as Jivakacarita, in the author's Pandava purana (s. v.). Bhand. IV. No. 292 (dated Sam. 1638); V. No. 1105; CP. p. 645; Idar. 125 (3 copies); Kath. No. 1068; MHB. 21; PR. No. 143; Tera. 1-4; 16-19. (V) (VI) (VII) (VIII) by Vadibhasimha. This is another name of Kṣatracudamani (s. v.). by Sucandrācārya. SG. No. 1192. जीवन्धरचरित्र also called Jivandharacampū (Gram. 27.00), composed by Haricandra, in Sanskrit. Edited by T. S. Kuppuswami Sastri, Tanjore, 1905. See Hultzsch, IA., vol. 35, p. 268 and Journal of Mythical Society, vol. XII, 1922, p. 318. AK. No. 273; CMB. 35; Mysore. I. p. 39; IL p. 141; Padma. 53; Rice. p. 302, Tera. 185. The author probably lived after 900 A. D. cafe by Gunabhadra (a portion of the Uttara Purana). Published in the Sarasvativilāsa Series, No. 11, Tanjore, 1907 and translated into English by E. Hultzsch, Bangalore, 1922. जीवभेदद्वात्रिंशिका JG. p. 139. Personal Use Only Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 facena: 1 - atera (Gram. 125). VA. 7 (15). It was composed during the reign of siatie DB. 31 (122). Jinamāņikyasuri. Bengal. No. 7216; sfargare in 51 Gāthäs on the nature of the Jiva BK. No. 1776; Hamsa. No. 297; JG. tatva, by Santisuri. Edited with French p. 123; JHA. 48; PRA. Nos. 309; Translation by Guerinot, in Journal 1214 (No. 44). Asiatic, 1902. Also published in his (3) Tikā called Aksarārthadipikā by Laghu Prakaranasangraha by Bhimsi İśvarācārya. DA. 58 (67); DB. 34 Manek, Bombay, Sam. 1959 and with ( 36-38); JG. p. 123 ; JHA. 48; JHB. Ratnākara's .commentary by Venichand 28 (2 c.); PAP. 37 (19); SA. No. Surchand, Mhesana, 1915, and with an 53. unknown commentary by the JAS. Bhava (4) Tīkā based on No. ( 3 ) and comngar. Agra. Nos. 1160–1178; AM. 294 ; posed by Bhāvasundara. DB. 34 (36; · Bengal. Nos. 2713 ; 6700, 6811'; 6846 ; 37); Bod. No. 1373. 6848; 6978; 7151 ; 7313; 7326 ; 7491; (5) Țikā composed in Sam. 1850 by 7594 ; 7688; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1155, K samākalyäņa, pupil of Amrtadharma of "1156; 1269; BK. Nos. 319; 1678 ; the Kharatara Gaccha. Bengal. No. 1776 ; BO. pp. 29, 59, Bod. No. 1372 3052; BK. No. 319; Bod. No. 1372 (2); 1373; Buh. IV. No. 150; Cal. X. (1); JG. p. 123 ; JHA. 69; JHB. 28 Nos. 106; 113, 114; 115, DA. 33 ( 3c.); Mitra. X. p. 152; PAPR. 18 (39); 58 ( 65-83); 76 ( 40; 44), DB. (23); Pet. IV. No. 1273; Vel. No. 34 ( 43-44), Hamsa. Nos. 297, 1210; No. 1850. 1218; 1572; JA. 105 (8); JHA. 48 (6) Tikā ( Apon.). Agra. Nos. 1164(2 c.); 69 ( 7 c.); JHB. 28 ( 11 c.); 1170; AM. 294; Buh. IV. No. 150, Kath. No. 1262; Limdi. Nos. 574; 620; DB. 34 (38); Pet. V. No. 698; Samb. 812 ; 1084; 1460 ; 1513 ; 1515; 1531; No. 300; SG. No. 770 (This com. is 1543 ; 1590; 1634; 1642; 3281 ; called Pradipaka ); VC. 6 (11). Mitra. VIII. p. 167; IX. p. 133; X. p. lafazity of Sumativardhana ; JHA. 69; JHB. 152 ; PAP. 37 ( 19 ); PAPR. 18 ( 23 ); 28. Pet. I. No. 269 ; 1. A. pp. 62 ; 71, IV. alalaerteaa Anon. Bengal. Nos. 7125, 7391. No. 1273 ; V. No. 697-699; V. A. pp. sarang u by Jinacandragani in 25 Gathās 93 ; 137; VI. No. 626; PRA. Nos. ( Be :--namiūņa calana ). Pet. V. A. p. 309.; 1214 No. 44); SA. Nos. 53 ; 68 (dated Sam. 1213); 106 (dated .54; 1787 ; Samb. Nos. 90; 239, 274; Sam. 1186); Patan Cat. I. p. 392 (dated SG. No. 769; VC. 6 (11); Vel. Nos. Sam. 1186 ). 1604; 1605; 1606 ; 1850. siace of Nemicandra. See Jivakulaka. (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1610 by JG. p. 198. Ratnasūri (Sādhuratna--SA; Ratnaväcaka--BK; Ratnākarasūri--Pet. ). farata Bhand. VI No. 1157; JG. p. 178. Bengal. No. 6640;,BK. No. 1678; DA. tai hinh in 50 Gathās. SA. No. 177. 76 (40; 44 ); Pet. I. No. 269, SA. Fap t consisting of 267 Gathäs. It is pubNo. 1787. lished with Hemacandra's commentary in (2) Ţikă composed in Sam. 1610 by |. ." in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 50, Megbanandanagani, pupil of Candra Bombay, 1927. Baroda. No. 2808 ; DA. vardhanagani of the Kharatara Gaccha. 76 ( 45 ); DC. p. 38;JG, 5 (1); JHA. Jain Education Intemational Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः । 38, KB. 3 (16 two copies), KN. 3; Limdi. No. 1583; PAP, 64 (14); 79 (61), PAZB. 3 (5); Pet, L. A. p. 18, PRA. No. 1271 (No. 5); SA. Nos. 16; 2053 VA. (20, 21; 25); VC. 6 (6; 7). (1) Tika by Silankacārya. Baroda. No. 2808; Bhand. V. No. 1192, DA. 76 (45); DB. 34 (34; 35); JG. p. 123; VC. 6 (6). (2) Tikā called Brhadvṛtti, (Gram. 6627) composed and copied by Hemacandrasuri, pupil of Abhayadevasuri of the Maladhari Gaocha in Sath. 1164; cf. Pet. I. A. p. 18. Bhand. V. No. 1193, Bah. IV. No. 151; Bt. No. 86; Hamsa No. 1572; JA. 5 (1), JG. p. 123; JHA. 38; Limdi. No. 1583; PAP. 64 (14); PAZB. 3 (5); Pet. I. A. p. 18; PRA. No. 1271 (No. 5); SA. No. 16; VA. 7 (21; 25); VC. 6 (6; 7). (3) Tikā. Anon. DB. 34 (32; 33; both copies of the Brhadvṛtti, 34;.35; copies of the Laghuvṛtti); KB. 3 (16) two copies); KN. 3. (I) जीवसिद्धि a work of Samantabhadra mentioned in Jinasena's Adiparana, L. 30. Compare JH. 14, p. 18. (II) staff is another work of the same name जीवसिद्धि by Anantakirti. This is mentioned in the Parsvanathacaritra of Vadiraja in Saka 947 or Sam. 1082. See JH. 14, p. 165. जीवस्थापनाकुक JG. p. 198. जीवस्वरूप चतुवैिशिका SA. No. 785. जीवाजीवविचारविवरण harfiaftrenfarm JG. p. 129. This is perhaps Jivavicäravivarana. जीयाजीयाविभक्तिप्रकरण (Anon) It is Jivavibhakti ? Bhand. VI. No. 1158; KN. 12; Surat. 1, 11. ftaraftara (Vibhakti ?) by Nrsimhagani. BO. p. 59 (dated Sam. 1686). frangerer composed (in Sam. 1162) during the reign of King Jayasimha of Gujrat, by 143 Devasuri, pupil of Viracandrasuri and Municandrasuri. It was corrected by Jinadattasuri (Saptagrhaniyasin). It is in Prakrta and contains 333 Gathas. is published in the Hemacandra Granth vali, Patan (No. 17), 1928. BK. No. 184 Hamsa. No. 164; JG. p. 178; JHA. 47 PAP. 9 (27); PAPR. 5 (11); Patan Cat. I. p. 134; PAZB. 3 (13); Pet. V. A. p. 21, PRA No. 1100, SA. No. 190, VB. 12 (26). (1) Tika Svopaja composed in Sarn. 1162 (Gram. 2200). BK. No. 184; Hamsa No. 164; JG. p. 178, JHA. 47; PAP. 9 (27); PAPR. 5 (11); PAZB. 3 (13); Pet. V. A. p. 21; PRA. No. 1100; SA. No. 190; VB. 12 (26). gr See Anityatakulaka. जीवानुशासन कुलक arganta in Apabhramsa (18 stanzas) by Jinaprabhasuri. Patan Cat. I. pp. 268-69. fangi These are 25 Gathas (Be-panamiya miyankavayanam). This is pub lished along with 16 other Kulakas, by Balabhai Kakalbhai, at Ahmedabad. JA. 107 (9); JG. p. 198; Pét. I. A. p. 85 [Jīvānusiddhi is a wrong translation of Jivanusiththi ]; SA. No. 696. afagrara See Jivanusiştikulaka. Pet. I. A. p. 85. fantanasiagoft in 223 Gathas, probably a synopsis of the Jivabhigamasutra. SA. No. 154. a is the third Upanga; cf. IA. Vol. 20, p. 371. It is published with Malayagiri's commentary in the DLP. Series, Bombay, 1919. It describes the Universe in 20 sections. Agra. Nos. 171-174, AM. 4, 193, 255;344; 353; AZ. 2(9, 10), Bengal. Nos. 2543; 2590, Bik. No.1485, Buh. II. No. 195; Cal. X. No. 5, DA. 12 (16-19); DA. 4 (28-29), Hamsa. No. 894, JA. 110 (7); JB. 31, 36, 41; Jesal. Nos. 74; 154; 195; 197; JHA. 13 (3 c.); JHB. 12 (1 c.), Kaira. A. 72, Kath. No. 1263; Kundi. Nos. 47 Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । 135; 237; Limdi Nos. 125; 129, 467; 492; Mitra. VIII. pp. 310, 312; IX. p. 105; PAP. 2 (16); 74 (1 to 9); PAPS. 76 (14), PAS. Nos. 87; 290; PRA. No 733; SA. Nos. 8; 920; 1512, 1567; 1748; 2634; 2728; Samb. No. 55; SB. 1 (27; 28); Surat. offer (8) Paryaya. Kap. Nos. 206-213. fategragatdal D. 76 ( 87 ). (1) Avacāri. DA. 76 (87). (Gratis 150). Bhand. VI. No. 998; JG. p. 88. IL Nos. 1833-1836. 1, 9, 10; VB. 13 (23), VC. 5 (11); 6(1,2; 14), Vel. No. 1460; Weberge Pot. V. No. 803; JG. p. 198. offer containing 51 Gathas, (Be:jinindacandana. ), composed by Municandrasuri. It is published in the Pra karanasamuccaya, at Indore, 1923. DC. p. 35 (dated Sam. 1169); JG. p. 178; Limdi. No. 955. (1) Carni in Prakrta (Gramh. 1500); Bt. No. 14 (1); Jesal. No. 197; JG. p. 8. (2) Tiks by Malayagiri (Gramh. 14000. Be pranamata padanakha. ). AM. 4; 14; 344; AZ 2 (9, 10); (1) Bengal. Nos. 2543; 2590; Bik. No. 1485; Buh. IV. Nos. 152, 153; DA. 12 (13-15), DB. 4 (26; 27); DC. p. (II) afair 42; Hamsa. No. 72; JB. 37, Jesal. Nos. 154, 195; JHA. 13; Kath. No. 1264; Kundi. No. 237; Limdi. Nos. 125; 129; 442, Mitra. IX. p. 105; PAP. 2 (16), 74 (1-4; 8; 9); PAPS. 76 (14); PAS. No. 290, Pet. I. No. 270; V. No. 700, SA. Nos. 8, 1512, 2634 VB. 13 (23), VC. 5 (11); 6(1;2; 14); Weber. II. No. 1836. (3) Laghuvṛtti also called Pradesavrtti (Gramh. 1192), composed by Hari bhadra Mahattaräyäkiniputra. DC. p. 38, No. 258; (DI. p. 18); Jesal. No. 74, JG. p. 8, Kundi. Nos. 47, 135; PAS. No. 87; cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 123 (quo.); SA. No. 1748, Surat. 9, 10. (4) Vṛtti by Devasuri (?). Buh. IV. No. 154 (dated Sam. 1564; foll 43); JG. p. 8. (5) Tiks composed in Sam. 1700 by Padmasagara, pupil of Dayasagara of the Añcala Gaccha. PRA. No. 733. (6) Vrtti. Anon. Bik, No. 1667; Samb. No. 54; SB. 1 (27; 28). (7) Pithiks (Grath. 200). VB. 12 (27). fitures in 25 Prakrta stanzas (Be: vande savvannunahassa) by Nemikumära. Patan Cat. I. p. 133. in 25 Gathas (Be: dhammovaesajuttam uvalambham ). JA. 25 (13), 106 (4); JG. p. 178; Pet. L A. p. 57; V. A. p. 106. composed in Sam. 1683 by Sahala jakirti Vsaka, pupil of Hemanandana of the Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 219. Bengal. Nos. 6687, 7128. by Sivabhadra (?). BO. p. 59. agarena of Jayasekharasäri. See Kumarasambhava (II). Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (54); BO. p. 59; Hamsa. No. 678, SA. No. 1769. (1) Vivarana by Jinaprabhasuri. Hamsa. No. 678; SA. No. 1769. af in Sanskrit composed in Sam. 1973 by Mangalavijaya, a living writer, and published by A. B. Gandhi, Benares, Sam. 1974. It describes the principles of Jainism in seven chapters. ever composed in Sam. 1679 by Pandit Suracandra. It is published with a Gujrati translation by the JAS, Bhavnagar. Bengal. No. 7717; BK. No. 1499; Hamsa. No. 1511; SA. No. 1216. Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। (1) Tippana. BK, No. 1499 ; Hamsa. Raniera Faia by Ratnasekhara. See RsabhamaNo. 1511. bimnastotra. SA. No. 1768. जैनतत्त्वपरिभाषा See Tarkaparibhasa. ATHTETIT Bengal. No. 6793 ; Surat. 11. Ragnarar See Tarkabhaşā (I). जैनरामायण See Ramayana. aparatie are also called Vicārakalikā (cf. Patan (I) alqalaqera by Jinasena. SG. No. 1653. Cat. L. p. 87), of Sāntisuri. The author (II) Saragiggia Bengal. No. 1471, Kath. No. of the text i. e. Jainatarka, is said to be 1069. Siddhasena Divakaru ; that of the Vārtika safgangara Pet. IV. No. 1422. is unknown and that of the Vrtti on it is afast BO. p. 59. Santisuri, pupil of Vardhamānasūri. The arai Eiz composed in Sam. 1505, by Hematext of the Vārtika consists 55 Slokas in hamsagani, pupil of Ratnasekharasuri of all, divided into four chapters. It is of the Tapā Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2784. published with the commentary, in the acaria Bengal. No. 7251. Pandit, Benares, 1917. DC. p. 22 ; Jesal. No. 831; Kundi. No. 173. Also cf. Baharu yay of Appayyārya, See JinendraPatan Cat. I. pp. 41 ; 86, 299, according kalyāņābhyudaya. to the latter authority, the Vārtika is a (I) are of Gunanandin. This really commentary on Siddhasena's Nyāyāvatāra seems to be the work of a pupil of Śru(s. v.). takirti, who is mentioned in the last TÅatákaaa composed in Sam. 1791, by Bhā stanza, and who must have based his work vaprabhasūri, pupil of Mahimaprabhasuri on Guņanandin's version of the Jainendra of the Purnima Gaccha. The Stotra is a Vyākaraña ; cf. JH. Vol. 15, p. 49. Samasyāpūrtistotra based upon the Published by the Sanātana Jaina GranthaKalyāṇamandira Stotra. In it, one line mālā, Benares, A. D. 1914. Idar. 146 i. e. the last one from every stanza of the (dated Sam. 1561 ); SRA. 49. Kalyānamandira is taken as the basis (II) Wargar by Pandit Vamsidhara, a very of each corresponding stanza, the three recent writer who models his work on other lines being composed by the author. the Siddhāntakaumudi of Bhattoji. This Baroda. No. 2760; BK. No. 1835; JG. is mentioned in the introduction to the p. 280 ; PAPR. 8 ( 19 ); Pet. V. A. p. edition of Gunanandin's works. 170 ( quotation); PRA. No. 1124. (1) Vrtti Svopaña. Baroda. No (11) FEFEETIO of Meghavijaya. Tera. 11. 2760; BK. No. 1835; JG. p. 280 ; This is doubtful. Perhaps this is a copy PAPR. 8 (19); Pet. V. A. p. 170 of the author's Candraprabhāvyākaraņa (s. v.) ( quotation ); PRA, No. 1124. à aggraat BO. p. 30; Mud. 209 ; 224. Arata JG. p. 81. Haftalâ by Gunacandra. Pet. III. No. 494. H umiąg of Kalyāņa kārti. KO. agafar Bengal. No. 1541. (I) जेनेन्द्रयज्ञविधि is a work on the worship of the fagferhifaert in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 98. Jinas, cast in the form of the ceremonial Prayogas of the Brāhmaṇas, composed #Heizst Bengal. No. 7060. by Srutasāgara, pupil of Vidyānandin, H a Bengal. No. 6713, See Yuktiprakäsa. successor of Devendrakirti; cf. Bhand. #anta See Meghadūta ( II ). IV. p. 117. Bhand. IV. No. 293. J.......19 Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। (II) Harguarata by Abhayanandin. See Sreyovi No. 590; CC. I. p. 208; CMB. 26 ; CP. dbāna. SGR. IV. p. 68. p. 645 ; Mitra. VII. p. 185; Tera. 1-3, जैनेन्द्रव्याकरण also called Paficadhyayi from its five Weber. II: No. 1634. chapters, by Devanandin otherwise known (2) Sabdārņavacandrikā composed in as Pujyapāda. It is in two recensions. Saka 1157, by Somadeva. Agra. No. The longer one contains about 700 Sätras 2673; Buh. VI. No. 591 , CC. I. p. more than the shorter one. Abhaya 208 ; CP. p. 693; PR. No. 56; Kiel. nandin's commentary is on the shorter II No. 25. recension, while Somadeva comments on (3) Nyāsa also called Sabdāmbhojathe longer one which he ascribes to bhāskara, by Prabhācandra. Mud. 759; Gunanandin as is clear from the intro SG. No. 724 (cf. SGR. V. p. 42ff). ductory and concluding verses in his (4) Manimālā by Gunanandin. This commentary. Pañcavastu (s v.) is only a is probably the same as No. (1) above; recast or a Prakriyā by one Srutakirti cf. Ulwar Extracts, Nos. 251-252. Ulwar. of the shorter recension, while No. 1133. Jainendraprakriyā (see No. I above ) is a (5) Laghuvrtti composed by Pandit similar recast of the longer one. The Rajakumāra in AD. 1924. It is based on six authors i. e. Bhūtabali, Sridatta, Yaso Abhayanadin's commentary and is pubbhadra, Prabhācandra, Siddbasena and lished at Benares, AD. 1924. Samantabhadra quoted in the Jainendra are considered as fictitious names by 9191397379 DA. 50 (11 ; foll. 11 only). some, but the more probable view is that ETIA ąz is the sixth Arga ; cf IA. vol. 19. they were merely well known Jain authors, p. 66ff. It is published with Abhayadeva's who used the particular grammatical forms commentary in the Agamodaya Samiti and not necessarily old Grammarians. Series No. 25, Bombay, 1916 and also in See IA. vol. X. p. 75; Belvalkar, the Agamasangraha, Calcutta, 1876. It is Systems of Grammar, pp. 62-68 and in two books. Its Gujrati translation by Jaina Hitaisi, vol. 14, p. 350ff. ; vol. 15, D. B. Kalelkar is published at Ahmedabad, p. 54ff. Published with Abhayanandin's 1931(Punjabhai Jain Granthamālā No.3). commentary in Pandit, New Series, vol. Agra. Nos. 80-83 ; 85; 88-94; AM. 31-34.; also with Sabdārņavacandrikā 20; 52; 53 ; 83; 203; 284; 411; in the Sanātana Jaina Granthamālā, Bengal. Nos. 4170; 7048 ;7202; III. H. Benares, A. D. 1915. AD. Nos. 17; 27; Bhand. III. No. 430; Bik. No. 18; 21; Bhand. V. No. 1139; VI. Nos. 1487, BK. Nos. 1187; 1933; BO. 1055 , 1059; Buh. VI. No. 589; CC. p. 29; Buh. II. Nos. 192; 193; Cal. X. I. p. 208 ; CMB. 26 , 76; 112 ; 123; JG. No. 82 ; Chani. No. 429; DA. 8 (6p. 297 ; Kath. No. 1223 , Lal. 173; 13, 21-24); 9 (2); 73 ( 1 );75 ( 49 ); DB. 3 (5-8); DC. p. 7; Flo. No. 503; Mitra. VII. p. 185; Pet. VI. p. 143, No. 90; Rice. p. 308; SB. 2 (154 two Hamsa. Nos. 962 ; 1727; JA. 6 (2); 69 copies ); SG. No. 120; Ulwar. No. 113; (1); 110 (1-3); JB. 26; 27; 28; JHA. 5 Vel. No. 23 ; Weber. II. No. 1634. ( 6c.); 11 (2c.); JHB. 8 (2c.); Kaira. B. 123 ; KB. 3 (4); Kiel. I. No. (1) Mahāvrtti composed about 700 32 , II. No. 26; Kundi. Nos. 44; 144; A. D. by Abhayanandin. AD. Nos. 17 ; 174 ; 223 ; 229; Limdi. Nos. 85; 103; 121; Bhand. V. No. 1140, Buh. VI. 115; 192; 193; 218; 265; 297 ; 298 Jain Education Intemational Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 147 366; 369 ; 370; 384; 390; 398; | the Kharatara Gaccha. AM. 411, BK. 490, 3418, Mitra. VIII. p. 81, PAP. No. 1933; DA. 75 (49); Hamsa. No. 39 (27); 54 (1-8); 69 (1-14); 217 ; PRA. No. 1131 ; SA. No. 2715; PAPS. 12 (1-17); PAS. Nos. 49; 282; Surat. 1. PAZA. 2 (10-12); PAZB. 5 ( 32); Pet. (4) Vrtti Anon. Agra. Nos. 84I. No. 430, I. A. p. 36; III. A. p. 60; 88 , Bik. No. 1670 ; SA. No. 700; Samb. V. No. 702 ; PRA Nos. 1131 ; 1276 ; No. 192; Surat. 1, 4; Vel. No. 1472. 1287 ; SA. Nos. 25; 1503 ; 1552; (5) Alāpaka. DA. 9 (6). Samb. No. 185; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, (6) Upanayagāthāvrtti. DA. 73 (2). 8, 9; VA. 6 ( 14-16 ); 7 (2) ; VB. 12 galera atera (Graṁ. 382). PAP. 54 (8). (46); 13 (1-12); VC. 4 (33) ; 5 (1-5); q urare composed in Sam. 1817 by MayācanVD. 5 (11); Vel. Nos. 1464-1473; dra. Buh. VI. No. 592; Vel. No. 1607. Weber. II. Nos. 1792-1797. (1) a grārstart in Sanskrit composed by Nara(1) Pradeśavyākhyā composed in candra Upadhyāya, pupil of Simbusuri of Sam. 1120 by Abhayadevasūri Be: the Kásadraba Gaccha. PAPS. 80 (105). natvā srimanmahāvīram Bhand. III. (1) Avacūri. PAPS. 80 (105). No. 430; BO. p. 59; Buh. III. No. 103; (II) gaasdistal Anon. Buh. II. No. 288 ; JG. p. Chani. No. 429, DA. 8 (1; 4; 5; 7-10; 178. 20; 25 ); 9 (1); 73 (1); DB. 3 (5; 6); DC. pp. 6; 7; 13; 17; Flo. No. ज्ञानचन्द्रोदयनाटक compoased by Padmasundara, 503; Hamsa. Nos. 16; 658; 1047; pupil of Padmameru, pupil of Ananda1477; JA. 69 (1); 85 (1); JB. 29 meru etc. Another work of the author is ( 4c.); JHA. 5 ( 2c.); Kaira. B. 123, Rāyamallābhyudaya Kāvya (s. v.). He KB. 3 ( 4 ); Kiel. II. No. 26, Kundi. is very propably a Diganbara writer. Nos. 44; 144; 174; 223; 229 ; Limdi. Chani. No. 55; JG. p. 336; PAPR. Nos. 71; 115; 128; 197; 242 ; 367; 18 (33); PRA. No. 355; SA. Nos. 3419; Mitra. VIII. p. 81; PAP. 39 825; 3116. ( 27 ); 54 ( 1; 4; 7); 69 ( 3; 4; 8; 10); artATOT Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (17) PAPS. 12 (1-3), PAS. Nos. 49; 282; Tatigut composed in Sam. 1560, by JñanaPAZA. 2 (12); PAZB. 5 (32); Pet. I. bhūsaņa. See Tatvajñānatarangiņi. BK. No. 271; I. A. p. 36 ; III. A. pp. 60 ; No. 1223 ; DB. 22 (108); JG. p. 110, 73 ; 146; PRA. No. 1276 (No. 16 PAPR. 18 (34). dated Sam. 1295); 1287 (No. 16; dated F atiga tor Anon. JG. p. 133 (foll. 4 only) Sam. 1184); SA. Nos. 25; 1503 ; 1555; mafaias Agra. No. 935. 2523 ; VA. 6 (14-16 ); 7 ( 2 ); VB. 12 ( 46 ); 13 (1-12); VC. 4 (33); 5 TEUFO See Trailokya prakäsa. Bt. No. 576. ( 1; 2; 5); Weber. II. Nos. 1792; 1793. N egiatartarą of Haribhadra in Sanskrit. (2) Mugdhāvabodha by Lakşmi Hamsa. No. 1613; Surat. 1, 9. kallola, pupil of Harsakallola. It was (I) Flangt in Prākrta, composed by Jñānacomposed during the reign of Saubha vijaya. Buh. II. No. 194 (dated Sam. gyaharsasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. Vel. 1763 ); JG. p. 178. No. 1473. (II) gratiar (Piņdasthādidhyānavācya) pro(3) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1899 bably different from the last one. Bt. by Kastūracandra, pupil of Jayaratna of No. 616; JG. p. 110. Jain Education Interational Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। N (MI) Enteresirger on Astrology in Sanskrit. SG. (VII) FA T by Kanakakusala. See No. 1788. Kārtikasuklapancamikathämāhātmya by anafaqat of Yasovijayagani. It is published in Kanakakusala. the JDPS. Series, No. 13, Bhavanagar. (VIII) araqalet by Jinaharsa. KC. 12. a reator of Haribhadra (quoted in Gāthá-|(IX) 51927 by Muktivimala. Published sa hasri of Samayasundara ). Pet. III. A. in the Dayävimala Jaina Granthamālā, p. 286. No. 2, Ahmedabad, 1916. wa Bengal. Nos. 6680; 7097 ; 7131, 7646. |(X) şaq 2 Anon. See Saubhāgyapañcami katha and Kārtikaśuklapañcamikathā and (I) 1992 (Gram. 2500) in Prākrta com Pañcamikathā. JG. p. 264. posed by Maheśvarasūri. See Pancami ज्ञानपञ्चमीविधि Bengal. No.67714 kathā (No. III) by Mahesvara. Baroda. raznikala Pet. V. No. 826; SA. No. 2995. No. 11794 ; Chani. No. 147 ; DC. p. 52 (dated Sam. 1109) ; Hamsa. Nos. 1544; laurala Pet. I. No. 305. 1545; JG. p. 228 ; PAP. 12 (24); arazlagaralega by Surendra kirti. SG. PAPS. 62 ( 25 ); Patan. Cat. I. pp. 30; No. 54. 33; SA. Nos. 275; 1616; Tapa. 119; 5119921991 JG. p. 178. VC. 5 ( 4). ज्ञानप्रकाशकुलक in the Apabhramsa language (II) 1992 ter composed by Devavijayagani, containing 113 Gathās, by Jinaprabhasuri. of the Tapā Gaccha in Sam. 1656 ac JG. p. 110; PAS. No. 28 (cf. Patan Cat. cording to PAPS. 66 (107). This is very I, p. 102, quotation; pp. 191; 410). probably Kanakakusala's work. See (1) Țikā Anon. PAS. No. 28 (in Kārtikasuklapañcamimāhātmya kathā. (1). Sanskrit ). (III) TAG ( Grarn. 310 ) by Megharatna TT&T on Astrology (foll. 13). JG. p. 351. Vācaka. PAP. 72 (44). la gira# KO. 216. (IV) 21 (foll. 213; Gram. 200 [2000 ?] afar Tu composed by Yasovijayagani, pupil by Sundaryaguņi (?) [ Saundaryagani of Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha, duJG. p. 264 ). Is this Padmasundara ring the reign of Vijayadevasuri. It is gani's work ? See Bhavisyadattacaritra (I). published in the Yasovijayajikrta GranthaPAS. No. 65 (palm. ms. dated Sam. mālā by the JAS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1965. 1313). Hamsa. No. 35; JA. 110 (19); Kath. (V) 1991 in Apabhramsa containing 22 No. 1265; Pet. III. A. p. 192 (quotaSandhis by Dhanapāla, a Digambara tion; ms. dated Sam. 1731); SA. No. writer, son of Māesara and Dhanasri. 349 ; SB. 2 (44); Surat. 1, 4, 5. Published in Gaek. 0. Series, 1923; first (1) Tikā. SB. 2 ( 44 ). edited with introduction and notes etc. Ani on Astrology (Gram. 100; fol]. 2 only). in German by H. Jacobi, 1918. Bhand. Chani. No 294 ; JG. P. 351. VI. No. 1305 ; Chani. No. 555; CP. p. 697; Hamsa. No. 220 ; Pet. VI. No. STAAT ITU by Maheśvara. Surat. 1, 9. 576 ; PAP. 39 (1); Pet. VI. p. 143, atalget by Jayaratna. Bhand. V. No. 1347 No. 91, Surat. 1 (428). (dateri Sam. 1761). ( VI ) E14792AATKU composed in Sam. 1705 by a T EZA by Jayatilaka (see MalayasundariDhanacandra. PAPS. 65 (92). carita by Jayatilaka ). Bhand. V. Nos, Jain Education Intemational Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 1284 ; 1285 (dated Sam. 1445 ); Mitra. 110 ff. Bombay, 1936. Agra. Nos. 934; X. p. 124. 1977-1979; Bhand. V. Nos. 1194 ; FATETIT also called Brhadyogasāra. CP. p. 646. 1195; DA. 40 ( 3; 9); 75 (2), DB. MONAFTE in 46 Sanskrit Slokas by Vădirāja 23 ( 36-40); Kaira. B. 191 , Limdi. süri, son of Pomarāja. This Vadiraja No. 1506 ; PAPR. 12 (11); PAPS. 63 (20); Pet. IV. No. 1254 ; PRA. No. wrote a commentary on the Vāgbhatalarikāra in Sam. 1729; cf. JH. Vol. VS. No. 1330; SA. Nos. 56; 88; 314 ; 757; 12. He is thus different from the author 1745, SB. 2 ( 44 ; 72 ); Surat. 1, 5, 7, of Pārsvanāthacarita and Yasodharacarita. VC. 5 (3); Vel. No. 1608. The Stotra is published in the MDG. (1) Tīkā Svopajña, called Dipikā (Gram. 3800). DA. 40 (9), PAPS. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. SG. No. SS. 63 (20); SB. 2 (72); VC. 5 (3). ga (2) Tikā composed in Sam. 1796 by ie composed by Ajaya, grandson of Asa da, Devecandra, Pupil of Dīpacandra of the author of the Upadesakandali. It is a work Kharatara Gaccha. DA. 40 (3); 75 (2) on Jain Philosophy and is mentioned in DB. 23 (36); JG. p. 104; PRA. No. the Prasasti to his commentary on Upadesakandali by Bālacandra ; cf. Pet. V. A. 1330 ; SA. No. 56. p. 49, verse 20. No ms. of this work is (3) Tikā composed in Sam. 1954, by so far available except Surat. 8. Gāmbhiravijayagani, pupil of Vrddhi vijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No. a composed in Sam. 1959 by Hirālāla. 415; PAPR. 12 (11); SA. No. 314. PAPR, 18 (3). (4) Tīkā Anon. Agra. No. 1979 ; (1) Tart in two chapters composed by Matinanda SB. 2 (44); Vel. No. 1608. nagani, pupil of Dharmacandragaņi, pupil (I) grategięgach composed in Sam. 1648 by of Jinasāgarasuri of the Kharatara Gac Vädicandrasuri, pupil and successor of cha. PRA. No. 346. Prabhācandra, succssor of Jnānabhūsaņa (II) ज्ञानसार composed at Ambaka on the 9th day of the Sarasvati Gaccha. Bengal. No. of the bright-half of Srāvana in Sam. 1536; BK. No. 659; CC. I. p. 210; 1086 by a Digambara writer called CP. p. 646 ; Padma. 118, 119, Pet. II. Padmasimha Muni. It is in Präkrta and No. 267 , III. No 495 ; VI. No. 664, contains 62 Gāthās in all. It is published PRA. No. 342; SG. No. 2011 ; Tera. 19, with a Sanskrit rendering in the MDG. 20; 21; 22. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. 1975. (JI) ज्ञानसूर्योदयनाटक of Hastimalla Kavi AK. (III) FATE in 32 Astakas and hence called Astaka No. 1016. Prakarana or Astakadvātrisat, composed by Yasovījayagani, pupil of Nayavijaya of arafatigu by Caraṇadāsa. Bengal. No. 6947. the Tapā Gaccha. It is published with Garn. a1$97 in 28 Sanskrit stanzas. Bt. No. 620: DR 35.( 172 ); JG. pp. 111; 179; Hamsa. bhiravijaya's commentary by the JDPS. No. 392 ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 105 (quota. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969; and with Devacandra's commentary by the JAS., Bha tion) ; 175. vnagar, in No. 38 of their Series, 1918. altar GÌAT in Sanskrit. Hamsa. The text is also published in the Muktika No. 755. mala Jaina Mohanamāla, Baroda, Vir Sam. gar90 in 84 Gathās in Prākrta composed by 2447 ( Series No. 17); and by Ksamāvi Haribhadrasuri. This is translated as Nānā. jayagaņi in Srutajñāna Amidhārā, p. ! citra by Weber. II. p. 987 and Peterson Jain Education Intemational Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Reports, IV. Index, p. CXXXVIII from sini, composed by Srutasāgara, pupil of the Präkrta word Nāņäitta. The work Vidyānandin, successor of Devendrakirti, contains philosophical advice and hence at the request of Simhanandin, his Guruthe name Jrānāditya 'sun of knowledge.' bandhu. AD. No. 163; CP. p. 646 , But it is quite possible that it derived its Idar. 17; MHB. 3; Pet. III. No. 498; name from the first words of v. 2; cf. IV. No. 1423 = IV. A. p. 147 (quotaPatan Cat. I. p. 366. From this it would tation); PR. No. 158. seem that Nānācitta (s. v.) is the correct (2) Tīkā by Nayavilāsa. Pet. III. title. JA. 25 (11); JG. pp. 99 ; 178. No. 497 (foll. 67 ; incomplete ). Pet. I. A. p. 48; Prabandhakośa, 25. (3) Tikā Anon. Bhand. V. No.1061. See Nānācitta. (II) ataria of Yaśovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha ETF71219 Tera. 26 ; 27. Pattāvalisamuccaya, Viramgam, 1933, I. (I) gratia on Jain Philosophy, consisting of 2077 p. 108. Slokas divided into 42 chapters, composed garaanTIGIT Bik, No. 1599; DA. 74 (40). by Subhacandra, an old Digambara writer Fugiratet by Srutasāgara. CP. p. 646. who quotes Jinasena aud Akalanka, but is falatu Non-Jain. Astronomical work. different from his namesake who com (1) Tikā called Subodhini composed posed his Pandava Purāņa in Sam. 1608. in AD. 1712 by Bhävaratna, pupil of This is evident because Asādhara (about of Mahimaprabba of the Pūrņima GacSam. 1290 ) quotes a few verses from cha. BO. p. 52; CC. I. p. 212; II. Jnänārņava in his com. on Istopadeśa ; pp. 43; 201 ; JIL p. 45. cf. Upadhye, ABORI. Vol. XIII. p. 38. Sulfitezh on Astrology (Gramn. 1830), is some The work is also called Yogārnava or times regarded as a Prakirnaka. It is Yogapradipa and is published in the RJS. published with the commentary at Series, No. 3, Bombay, A. D. 1907. Rutlam, AD. 1928. AM. 325 ; Chani. AD. Nos. 71; 163 ; 164; Baroda. No. 526 ; DA. 27 (93); DB. 13 No. 13145 ; Bengal. No. 6615 ; Bhand. (57); Hamsa. No. 1080 ; Jesal. Nos. 188; V. Nos. 1059;1060;1061;Bik. No. 1599; 345; 834 ; JG. p. 64; JHA. 18 , Kaira. BK. No. 1095, Buh. IV. No. 112 ; Bt A. 89; KB. 1 (37); PAP. 24 (37); 37 No. 615; Chani. No. 70; CMB. 109; (55); PAPR. 21 (31); PAZB. 14 (18); 132; CP. p. 646 ; DA. 74 (39); DB. 23 PRA. Nos. 1170; 1243 ; SA. Nos. 278; (31), Flo. No. 597 ; Idar. 17 ( 6 copies ; 901 ; 1657 ; Surat. 1, 11. one dated Sam. 1575); Idar. A. 39 (4 (1) Tīkā by Malayagiri (Gram. copies ) ; 48 ; JG. p. 111 ; Kaira. B. 26; 3150 ). AM. 325; Bengal. No. 7559; Kath. Nos. 1183; 1184; KO. 10; Buh. IV. Nos. 268, 269; VI, No. 720 ; Limdi. No. 1211; MHB. 3 (3 copies); Chani. No. 526 ; DA. 27 (93), DB. 13 Mitra. VII. p. 178; Mud. 127; PAPR. (55; 56 ); DC. p. 28; Hamsa. No.1080; 15 (29) ; PAPS. 44 (1); Patan Cat. I. p. Jesal. Nos. 188 ; 345; 834 ; JG. p. 64; 276 (dated Sam. 1284); 76; PAZB. JHA. 18 ; KB. 1 (37), Kiel. II. No. 378; 10 (29); Pet. III. No. 496 ; V. No. 935; Kundi. Nos. 137 ; 233; 253; PAP. 24 PR. No. 75; SA. No. 239; SB. 2 (44); (37), 37 (55); PAPR. 21 ( 31); PAZB. Strass. p. 302; Tera. 23-44; Vel. No. 14 (18); PRA. No. 1170 (dated Sam. 1609; Weber. II, No. 1953. 1670); 1243 ,SA. Nos. 278 ; 901 ; 1657, (1) Pikā called Tattvatrayaprakā. Samb. No. 47; Tera. 41, Surat. 1, 11. Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । 151 Setia an (Gram. 155 ) in Prākrta, compos- (I) Falda afecta of Mallisena. Idar. 170 ( 2 ed by Vinayakusala. JG. p. 347 ; PAPS. copies ). 64 (82). (II) sarath S eats Anon. Hamsa. No. 395; sullera of Hirakalasa. See Jyautişasāra (II). SG. Nos. 99 ; 100 ; 582. | MHB. 10. vatergatetal by Bhāvadevasūri (Gram. 2500). Financa Kath. No. 1185. VB. 12 (6). This is doubtful. Fulfagh a by Brahmasuri, a Digambar. (I) Fantate of Yallācārya (Elācārya ?). This writer of the 19th century AD. Public is perhaps Indranandin's Jvālāmālinikalpa. shed in Kavyāmbudhi, 1893-94. Rice. p. 316. Sulfafart in three chapters composed by Harsa- (II) walfease of Mallisena, pupil of Jinasena. kirti, pupil of Candrakīrti of the Nāga See JH.Vol. 15. p. 21. SRB. 147. puriya Tapā Gaccha. It is also called (III) walcance of Indranandin. See Jvālāmā. Jyautişasāroddhāra or Jyautişasāra linikalpa smgraha. Bendall. No. 556; Bik. Nos. (IV) valfcafisha Anon. Hebru. 28. 660; 726; Buh. II. No. 144 ; DB 24 salicaina of Indranandin. See Jvālāmālinikalpa. ( 216-219); IO. No. 3001. Folia Bengal. Nos. 7514; 7842, 7923; 7926 ; sarea waar of Indranandin. See above. 7938 ; JG. p. 347 ( foll. 292, palm ms.). valisatiana KO. 193. Feitraanoqgur JG. p. 353. aiguru See Prthvidharaprabandha. (I) ज्योतिषसार See Naracandrajyautisasara. CUCUFATI Limdi. No. 1294. (II) w aar composed in Sam. 1621 by Hiraka. ZICHTIT by Dhādhasi Muni, a Digambara writer. lasa of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is in They are 36 in number and are published Präkrta and contains 2 chapters. PR. in the MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay, No. 258. Sam. 1975. A verse from this collection is quoted by Srutasāgara in his commenfut ETTĚTE See Jyotissãra. Also JG. P. 347. tary on the Satprābhrta. See Vel. No. Fogertu of Subhacandra. Lal. 21. 1610. CMB. 178 ; Lal. 92 ; Vel. No. ज्योतिषसारोद्धार See Jyotissara. 1610. Fate TFT composed in Sam. 1662 by Jayaratna (1) naai by Kamalasamyama. DB. 20 (74). Pandit, pupil of Bhāvaratna of the (II) q u i by Pārsvacandra. DB. 20 ( 72 ) Pūrņimā Gaccha. Hamsa. No. 319. (III) genaai by Vinayavijaya. DB. 20 ( 79 ). ज्वालामालिनीकल्प also called Jivalinikalpa or °mata || or ®mantravāda, composed in Saka 861 (IV) qua i by Yasovijaya. DB. 20 ( 77). at Mankhed during the reign of Krsna. (V) naf Anonymous. DB. 20 (68; 71 , räja, by Indranandin, pupil of Vappanan 73; 75, 76); JB. 158 (65 folios ). din. Its Granthāgra is 500. Indranandin geaf by Devacandra. DB. 20 (80; 81 ) bases his work on that of Elācārya. For For (I) Guza JB. 157 ( 281 folios). contents &c., cf. Anekānta, I. p. 430ff ; p. 555ff. CP. p. 647; CPI. p. 30; (II) haza by Muktilābha. JHA. 70. Padma. 36 ; PR. No. 53. (III) CHATETA by Nayakunjara Upādhyāya. Falotarat Hattar in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No: PRA. No. 569. 1412. Genarati real by Sivavijaya. Hamsa No. Jadiatisatiaan JG. p. 366. 721; JHB. 60; KB. 3 (57). Jain Education Intemational Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 quia (Gram. about 75) by Laksmivijaya. Pet. III. A. p. 213. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । for(Nemipravrajya ?) Pet. I. A. p. 83. af a by Jinadatts. Kath. No. 1229. avanter (Ch. VII only) of Akalaka. Kath No. 1070. This is probably a portion of the author's Rajavārtika on the Tatvarthasutra. avatar also called Arhadgitä in Sanskrit, by Meghavijaya of the Tapă Gaccha. JK. II p. 189. (II) तत्त्वज्ञानतरङ्गिणी by Aśādhara Lal. 115. a (1) Vrtti by Amṛtacandra. This is Amṛtacandra's commentary on Kunda kunda's Pravacanasara. Tattvadipika is the name of the commentary. Bhand. V. No. 1063; Mud. 718. (1) foft (Slo. 536) composed in Saranga by Candrakirti. CP. p. 647; SG. No 1560, by Jnanabhusana, pupil of Bhuvanakirti, successor of Sakalakirti of the 40. avarria of Subbacandra. Mentioned in his Pandavapurana. Milasangha, cf. Bhand. IV. p. 106. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj,Jamnagar, 1922. Bhand. V. No. 1062; VI. No 999; BK. No. 1223; CMB. 200; CP." p. 647; DB. 22 ( 108); Idar. 25 (five copies), JG. p. 110; PAPR. 18 (34), Pet. VI. No. 665; PR. No. 52; Tera. 54 55 56. arafager in 36 chapters composed in Sam. 1951 by Vijayanandasüri (Atmārāmji). It is in Hindi. Published by Amarchand Parmar, Bombay, 1902. aafara by Pravarakirti. Mud. 251. in 11 cantos, composed by Silarainagapi, pupil of Munisimha of the Agama Gaccha. Mitra. VIII. p. 188 (dated Sarh. 1492). containing 62 Gathas, composed together with its commentary in Sam. 1615 by Dharmasigaragani of the Tapa Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2813, Bhand. V. No 1348; VI No. 1160; BK. No. 278; Buh. VIII. No. 384; Chani. No. 52; DA. 39 (11;12); DB. 22 (106, 107); Hamsa. No. 109; Jesal. No. 1424; Kaira. A. 26; Limdi. No. 724, PAP. 37 (76); PAZB. 3 (14); Pet. IV. No. 1255: SA. No. 500; SB. 2 (99); Surat. 5; Tapa. 298; VD. 6 (5;6;7). (1) Svopajaa Tik. Baroda. No. 2813; Bhand. V. No. 1348; VI. No. 1160; BK. No. 278; Chani. No. 52; DA. 39 (11; 12); DB 22 107), Jesal. No. 1424; Kaira. A. 26, Kath. No. 1266; PAP. 37 (76); PAZB. 3 (14); Pet. IV. No. 1255; SA. No. 500; SB. 2 (99); Surat. 5; Tapa. 298, VD. 6 (5; 6; 7). by Brahmadeva. JG. p. 89. Is it a commentary on Tatvärthasutra ? avafif Anon. KB. 3 (53). Also see below. cigar Bhand. V. No. 1063; Mud. 718. See Pravacanasāra. of Haribhadra. See Sambodhatattva. PAPR. 9 (12) team Pet. VI. No. 633. 1 of Samantabhadra. Mud. 704. avgiftene Kath. No. 1422 (=PRA. No. 796, dated Sam. 1521). composed in Sam. 1730, by Jinasamudrasări, pupil of Jinacandrasuri of the Vegada Gaccha. Jesal. No. 327 Kundi. No. 13. तस्वमवोधप्रकरण This is a refutation of the Anca lika doctrine by a pupil of Amaracandra, papil of Säntisuri. DB. 34 (87). (106; (1) rear by Devabhadra of the Candra Gaccha; this is mentioned in the author's Sreyhacaritra. CE. Patan Cat. L. p. 246, lines 1-2. This Devabhadra was Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 153 the Guru of Siddhasena who composed 1915, and in the Sanātana Jaina Granhis Pravacanasāroddhāravrtti in Sam. thāvali, Calcutta, 1921. CMB. 53, CP. 1242 ; cf. Vel. No. 1460. p. 648 ; Idar. 84 ; SG. No. 1643. (II) ata u Agra. No. 807; DB. 22 (II) afatarea of Samantabhadra. JG. p. 90. (110); JG. pp. 111 ; 179. Perhaps the Also see Jaina Hitaisī, Vol. 14, p. 312. same as above. (III) aparien by Rāmasena. See above TatTTaQist otherwise called Nijatīrthikakalpitakuma tvānusāsana (I). AD. No. 181 ; Mud. tinirāsa, is also a refutation of the Añca 95; 386 ; 575. lika and the Purnimā Gaccha doctrines by amalg Limdi. No. 655. Haribhadra (Gram. 5040). Bt. No. arau arala composed in Sam. 1845, by Jyotirvi161. jaya, Pupil of Padmavijayagani. DB. 21 TataTETICAT of Balacandra. Mud. 25; 205 ; ! (53; 54); JG. p. 111. See Tattvārthasūtra (16). atarająiraat by Śrutasāgara. Bhand. IV. A. p. arafafant of Vardhamāna Kavi. JG. p. 90. 117 ; Pet. IV. Index, p. CXXIII and (I) तत्त्वविचारप्रकरण by Vasunandin. It contains Winternitz, History, II. p 592. This is 95 Gāthās borrowed from older works not an independent work, but only a mostly : cf. Anekānta, I. p. 274. CP. commentary (No. 15 ) on the Tattvārp. 647; SG. No. 1378. thasūtra. (1) gala T T by Srutasādhu. JG. p. asalfarsiratet apareifaTutar Lal. 162; Tera. 27. 133. atariatu TOT JG. p. 133 ( foll. 12 only); SG. araraan by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayavi Nos. 1773 ; 2381. jaya of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 108. ataria rege of Prabacandra, pupil of Padmanar(I) 96 Anon. Agra. No. 808. din Saiddhāntika. It is a brief commen(II) arahide of Naganandin. See, Paradharma tary on the Sarvärthasiddhi of Pujyakala. pāda, on the Tattvārthasūtra; cf. AnekāTaart by Devasena. It contains 74 Gathās and nta, I. p. 197 is published in the MDG. Series, No. 13, afarten (Gram. 724 ) by Amrtacandrasuri. It Bombay, Sam. 1975. CP. p. 648; contains 618 Sanskrit Slokas, divided Hamsa. No. 435 ; JG. p. 89; Lal. 100. into 9 chapters, which discuss the seven (1) Tīkā by Sakalakirti. JG. p. 89. Padārthas of the Jainas. It is published (2) Dipikā (Gram. 600) by Bāla by Pannalal Vamsidhara in the Sanātana candra. JG. p. 89. Jaina Granthamālā No. 1,Bombay, 1905. avalu aalt DB. 35 ( 199 ; 200). AD. No. 141; Bhand. V. No. 1067 YI) atalg TTET consisting of 259 Sanskrit verses, (dated Sam. 1584); Bt. No. 617; CP. composed by Rāmasena, pupil of Naga p. 648 ; DB. 22 (109) ; DLB. 25; JG. sena, and of Vijayadeva, Mahendradeva p. 90; Kath. Nos. 1074; 1075; Pet. Punyamurti and Viracandra. In the III. No. 502 ; V. No. 940. MDG. edition, it is ascribed to Nāga- aparefarreta (Gram. 1800) by Sakalakirti, sena through a mistake ; cf. Jaina Hitaisī, successor of Padmanandin. It is a work Vol.14,p. 313. Stanzas from this work are in 12 chapters on the principles of Jain quoted by Aśādhara in his commentary philosophy. For a summary of contents, on the Istopadesa. It is published in cf. Bhand. IV. p. 106 ff. The work MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. is not a commentary on the TattvārthaJ... 20 Jain Education Intemational Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 154 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। sutra, as may appear from its title. Bhand. IV. No. 294 ; CP. p. 648 ; DLB. 21 ; Hum. 67 ; JG. p. 90; Idar. 43 ( 2 copies, one dated Sam. 1576 ; Pet. IV. No. 1426; SG. No. 2497 ; Strass. p. 302. (1) aFarias also called Jinakalpi Sutra. It con tains 10 chapters and a total of 107 Sūtras (Be :- saddrstijñānavrttātmā). It is ascribed to one Brhat Prabbācandra. For the only mauscriprt, see Anekānta, Vol. III. pp. 393 ff., 433 ff., where the text is wholly published with a Hindi translation and explanation. (II) avaries also called Tattvärthadhigamasutra, contains in ten chapteas, the principal doctrines of the Jainas. It is claimed by both the Digambaras and the Svetāmbaras. For a summary, compare S. Vidyabhusana, History o: Indian Logic, p. 168 ff. The author is Umāsvāti (Umāsvāmin according to the Digambaras; but this is incorrect; cf. Anekānta, I. p. 269-270). The Svopajñabhāsya expresses views which are opposed to thoge of the Digambaras; hence, they do not consider it to be the work of the author of the Sutras. Winternitz, History, II. p. 579, doubts 'whether the Digambaras are justified in claiming him as one of their own.' All authorities agree that he belongs to a period when the difference between the two sects had not yet become very sharp. It is to be noted however, that while there are only 2 or 3 Svetāmbara commentaries on the Sūtra, there are as many as 15 to 20 Digambara ones on it. The text of the Digambara commentators has 367 Sūtras, while that of the Svetambara ones contains only 344 Sütras ; cf. Anekānta, I. p. 587 ff. For a lucid discussion on the text of the Sūtra and the authorship of the Svopaiña Bhāsya etc. compare A. M. Ghatage, B. U. J. Nov. 1935, p. 105. Also see Jainasatyaprakāsa, Vol. VI. p. 155 ff., for Prof. J. C. Jain's views on the matter. His contention is that the Svopajña Bbāsya was composed by Umāsvāti himself and was known as such to the author of the Rājavärtika. Both the text and the author's own Bhāsya are published in the RJS. Series, Bombay, 1906, as also in the Bibliotheca Indica Series, Calcutta, 1903-1905 and in the Arhatamataprabhākara Series, Poona, 1926. They are again carefully edited together with the commentary of Siddhasena and also Umāsvāti's own Sambandha Kārikās, 31 in number, accompanied by the commentary of Devagupta and Siddhasena at the beginning ), by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, in the DLP. Series, Nos. 67 and 76, Bombay, 19261930. The text with the Sarvārthasiddhi of Pujyapāda is published by Kallapa Nitve, Kolhapur, Sake 1839 ( 2nd ed.); with Rajavārtika of Akalanka in the Sanātana Jaina Granthamālā No. 4, Benares, 1915; and with the Slokavārtika of Vidyānandin by Mohanlal Shastri, in the Natharanga Jaina Granthamālā, 1918. It is also edited with introduction, translation and notes in English, in the Sacred Books of the Jainas, No. 2, by J. L. Jaini, Arrah, 1920. It is translated into German and explained by H. Jacobi, in ZDMG., Vol. 60, pp. 287, 512. AD. Nos. 4; 23 ; 41; 43; 51; 52; 112 ; 135; 149 ; 170; 186 ; Agra. Nos. 799 to 804 ; AK. Nos. 288 to 300; 303 ; Bengal. Nos. 1502 ; 1506; 6974; 7447 ; Bhand. V. Nos. 1068 to 1071 ; VI. Nos. 1000 ; 1001 ; BK. Nos. 132 ; 547 , BO. p. 32 ; Buh. VI. Nos. 593; 606; Chani. No. 915, CMB. 34 ; 57; 160; CP. p. 649 ; DA. 30 (1-4); DB. 15 (3-5; 8); Jain Education Intemational Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थाविभागः प्रथमः । Idar. 43 (16 copies); 44; 45 (3 copies); JA. 87 (1); Jesal. Nos. 574; 1024, JG. p. 72, JHA. 34; Kath. Nos. 1076; 1077; 1078; 1079; 1080; Kiel. III. No. 7; Lal. 162; Limdi. No. 1387, Mitra. VIII. p. 187; X. pp. 97; 98; Mud. 25; 205; PAP. 25 ( 27 ) ; 45 ( 20 ); 68 ( 11, 12 );PAPR. 20 (1); PAPS. 54 (2); 58 (1); 60 (17); Pet. III. Nos. 499, 500; IV. Nos. 1424, 1425, V. Nos. 219; 220; 925; 936; VI. No. 690; SA. Nos. 269; 1770; 1827; 2737; SG. Nos. 673; 1316; Tera. 33-38, 173, VB. 15 (12); VC. 7 (6); VD. 6 (8); Vel. Nos 1611; 1612. (1) Svopajňa Bhāṣya (Gram. 2142). The Digambaras do not admit that this Bhagya is by the author of the Sütra, whom they call Umasvamin and not Umasvati. It contains views that are opposed to those of the Digambaras. Agra. No. 802; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1162-1163; BO. p. 32; Buh. VI. No. 606; DB. 15 (3; 4); JA. 87 (1; a good copy dated Sam. 1445); Jesal. Nos. 574; 1024; Limdi. No. 944, PAP. 68 (11), PAPS. 60 (17), SA. Nos 269; 1770, Samb. No. 409, Strass p 302; VB. 15 (12); VD. 6 (8). (2) Vrtti called Gandhahastibhasya (Gram. 84000) by Vadigajagandhabastin Siddhasena Divakara. JG. p. 88; Kiel. III. No. 7; cf. Anekänta, I. pp. 216-219. (3) Tiki by Siddhasenagani, papil of Bhāsvāmin, pupil of Simhasura etc. Among others, he quotes Siddhiviniscaya and Srstiparika; cf. ABORI. vol. XIII. 335. Buh. VI. No. 595; DB. 15 p. (1;2), JA. 87 (1, dated Sam. 1445); JHA. 34, Kath. No. 1267, Limdi. No. 601; Mitra. X. p. 97; Pet. III. A. p. 83 (quotation), V. No. 703; PAPS. 54 155 (2), 58(1), SA. Nos. 841; 1682; VC. 7 (6); Vel. No. 1612. (4) Laghuvṛtti begun by Haribhadra and completed by Yasobhadra, his pupil (Gram. 11000). This is quoted by Siddhasena, commentator of Pravacanasaroddhāra (DLP. ed. p. 337) and is called the Mula Tikā; cf. Anekanta, I. p. 581. Bhand. VI. No. 1161; BK. No. 132; Buh. VIII. No. 369; Chani. No. 915, PAPR. 20(1), PRA. No. 1094, SA. No. 1578; Surat. 1, 5. (5) Tika by Nagara Vacaka (Grain. 2490) PAP. 68 (11). This is the same as the Svopajña Bhasya. Umäsvati was called Vacaka or Nagara Vacaka. (6) Tiks by Malayagiri. This is alluded to by himself in his commentary on the Prajnapanãsätra (A. S. ed. p. 298); cf. Anekanta, I. p. 582 (7) Tika by Yodovijaya Upadhyaya. It is incomplete, ef. Anekänta, I. p. 596. (8) Gandhahastimababhasya of Samantabhadra (Graz. 84000). JG. p. 88. This appears to be a mistake. Samantabhadra's Bhasya on the Karma and Kaşaya Präbbrtas seems to have been mistaken for this; cf. JH. Vol. 14, pp. 109-117. But Laghusamantabhadra in his commentary on Astashastri mentions clearly that Samantabhadra composed the Gandhahastimahabhasya on Umäsväti's Tattvärthasutra ; ef. Anekanta, L. p. 291. Even Hastimalla in his Vikrantakaurava Nataka similarly ascribes it to Samantabhadra. Also cf. J. R. Mukhtar, Samantabhadra, p. 220. (9) Sarvärthasiddhi (Grm. 6000) by Pujyapada alias Devanandin; AD. No. 23; Bengal. No. 1502, BK. No. 547; Bub. VI. No. 596; CMB. 5; 34; 92, 145; 177, CP. p. 706; DLB. 17; 36, Idar. Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 156 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । 45 (3 copies); JG. p. 88; Kath. Nos. 1073; 1078; MHB. 63; 64; Mud. 168; 507; Mitra. X. p. 98, Pet. V. No. 937; Rice. p. 312; SG. No. 2116, Tera. 28; 29; 30; 31; 32; 176; Vel. No. 1611. (10) Rajavartika by Akalanka (Gram. 16000). AD. Nos. 43; 51; Bengal. No. 1515; Bah. VI. No. 594; CMB. 9; 10; 37; JG. p. 89; Idar. 43, Lal. 372; Kath. No. 1071; Mysore. I. p. 97; II. p. 284, Padma. 30; Pet. II. No. 275; II. A. p. 156; III. No. 501; IV. No. 1427; Rice. p. 310; SG. Nos. 1299; 1644; SRA. 1; 4; Tera. 1; 2; 3; 26; 173. (11) Rajavārtikaṭippana by Padma nabha. Hebru. 32. (12) Slokavārtika by Vidyanandin (Gram 18000). AD. Nos. 4; 170; Bengal. No. 1506; Bhand. V. No. 1066; CMB. 8, CP. p. 698; DLB 26, Idar. 134; Kath. No. 1072, KO. 5; Mud. 13; 54; 517, 519, 524; Pet. IV. No. 1481; V. No. 939; Rice. p. 310; Tera. 678; 9; 172. (13) Sukhabodhika (Gram. 3000), by Yogadeva, a Digambara writer. Bhand. V. No. 1096 (dated Sam. 1671); Buh. V. No. 41; CMB. 38; 97; 124; Idar. 44 (dated Sam. 1615), JG. p. 89; Kath No. 1079, SG. No. 726 (cf. SGR. V. p. 49 ff. ). (14) Ratnaprabhakara (Grah. 2400) by Prabhacandra, pupil of Dharmscandra. Bhand. V. No. 1064; CP. p. 648; CMB. 160; JG. p. 88; Idar. A. 44; Mud. 168; Pet. V. No. 936; V. A. p. 219 (quotation); SG. No. 1518; Tera. 33. (15) Tīkā (Gram. 8000) by Śrutasigara, pupil of Vidyanandin. It is called Tattvärthadipika. AD. Nos. 41, 149; Bengal. No. 1504; Bhand. V. No. 1065 ; Bah. VL No. 607; CP. p. 649; JG. p. 88; Lal. 96; Mitra. VIII. p. 187; PR. No. 14 (dated Samh. 1716); Pet. V. No. 938 V. A. p. 220 (quotation), SG. No. 15. (16) Ratnapradipiks by Balacandra. AD. No. 52, AK. No. 288; Mud. 25; 205. (17) Balabodha Tika by Jayanta Pandita. Bengal. No. 1505. (18) Sukhabodhs by Bhaskaranandin. Rice. p. 312; SG. Nos. 1282; 1302. (19) Tika by Kamalakirti. Idar. 43. (20) Laghuvṛtti by Diväkarabbaṭṭa (Divakaranandin, pupil of Candrakirti; cf. Anekanta, I. p. 460 ). Hebru. 61; Hum. 46, 90, KO. 7, Mud. 64; 105; 211, 289. (21) Vetti by Maghanandin. Mud. 631, (22) Tikā (Gram. 3250) by Vibudhasena. JG. p. 88. (23) Tika by Lakanideva. JG. p. 88. (24) Tika by Subhacandra. JG. p 88. (25) Tika called Tattvaprakisika by Yogindradeva. JG. p. 88. (26) Tikä by Devidas. JG. p. 88. (27) Tika called Sukhabodhini(Gram 5000) by Ravinandin. JG. p. 89. (28) Nidhiratnakara. Anon. Lal. 162; Tera. 27. (29) Slokavärtikatippani. Rice. p. 310. (30) Samgrahabhāṣya. Anon. Perhaps these are the Saṁgrabakärikäs ascribed to Umāsvāti himself. Bhand. VI. Nos. 1162; 1163. (31) Bhagya Anon. (Gram. 2142). This is probably the Svopajabhāṣya. PAP. 25 (27). Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 157 p. 197. (32) Vrtti Anon. Agra. No. 803; Jogoa arftatu consisting of about 400 GāJG. p. 90 (Sphotakavrtti ) ; PAP. 45 thās, is the fifth Prakirņaka ; cf. IA. Vol. (20; Gram. 17647); 68 (12); Pet. 21, p. 111. Published with the commenIV. No. 1424 ; VC. 7 (6). tary of Vijayavimala, in the DLP. Series, (33) Tikā by Padmakirti. See Ane No. 59, Bombay, 1922. It is a dialogue kānta, I. p. 585, footnote. in mixed prose and verse, between (34) Tikā by Kanakakārti. See Ane Mahāvīra and Gautama on matters kānta, I. p. 585, footnote. connected with physiology and anatomy. (35) Tīkā by Rajendramaulin. See Agra. Nos. 449 ; 450 ; AM. 35; Bhand. Anekānta I. p. 585, footnote ; III. p. 121. VI. Nos. 1159 ; 1168 ; Bik. No. 1613; BK. No. 40; Chani. No. 173; DA. 27 (36) Vrtti by Sivakoti, pupil of (36; 37; 75-80); 74 (19); DB. 13 Samantabhadra. This is mentioned in (35-38); Hamsa. Nos. 19, 308 ; Limdi. Sravan Belgula Inscription No. 105. No. 930; Mitra. VIII. pp. 115, 116; Also cf. JH. Vol. 14, p. 111. PAPL. 7 ( 55 ); PAPS. 81 (82); Pet. (37) Tippņa by Ratnasimha. See II. No. "292; IV. No. 1234; V. Nos. Anekānta, I. p. 587, footnote. 704 ; 705; VI. No. 579 ; SA. Nos. 151; (38) Vrttipada by Prabhācandra, pupil 1544; 2151; Surat. 1 ; 9; 11 ; VA. 8 of Padmanandin. This is a commentary (11); VC. 7 (3; 4); Vel. No. 1474 ; on No. (9) above. SG. No. 1518 is Weber. II. Nos. 1868; 1869 ; 1870 (5); a ms. of this; compare Anekānta, I. 1871 (8) (1) Avacūri composed by Vijayavi(39) Cūdāmaņi in Kannada (Grar. malagani, also called Vänararşi, pupil of 96000); this is mentioned by Akalanka Anandavimalagani of the Tapā Gaccha. in his Karnatakaśabdānusāsana. See Sat Chani. No. 173; DA. 27 (75; 76 ; 77); khaņdāgama ( Amraoti, 1939 ), Introduc 74 (19); DB. 13 ( 35 ; 36; 37); JG. tion, p. 49. p. 46; PAPS. 81 (82; dated Sar. ata T FITTE in Sanskrit. KO. 88. 1655 ); SA. Nos. 151 ; 1544 ; Surat. a pareriatiu consisting of stray reflections on mat 1, 9, 11; VA. 8 (11); VC. 7 (3; 4). ters connected with Jain religion. DA. 37 (2) Tikā composed in Sam. 1655, (78-foll. 12). by a pupil of Visālasundara. It is based तत्त्वालोकवृत्ति by Yasovijayagani of the Tapa on No.(1) and was written at Nagpur.. Gaccha. Compare Pattavalisamuccaya, I. BK. No. 40 = PRA. No. 1076 ( dated p. 107. Is it a commentary on (See Sam. 1655). No. 7), Tatvärthasūtra or on a Non-Jain (3) Avacūri Anon. Mitra. VIII. p. work called Tattvāloka ? 116. aralaga ke This is a work on Logic, mentioned (4) Bālāvabodha by Parsvacandra, by Mallişeņa in his Syādvādamañjari on pupil of Sādhuratna. Pet. II. No. v. 17. Its author is a Bhatta Jayarāģi ; 292. a ms. of this work is found at Patan ; cf. Are by Devendrasūri. See DanasilatapabhāvaPatan Cat. I. p. 165 ( quotation ). It is a mākulaka. Tapakulaka has 20 Gathās palm ms. dated Sam. 1349 and contains only. Baroda. Nos. 2819 ; 3041 ; Bik. 176 folios. It is a Non-Jain work very No. 1614 , Buh. IV. No. 155 ; Limdi. probably of the Advaita Vedanta school. Nos. 930; 1077 ; PRA. No. 873. Jain Education Interational Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। (1) Vrtti called Dharmamañjūsā, prabha, pupil of Sumatigani at Bharoch. composed in Sam. 1666 by Devavijaya JA. 107 (6). gaņi, pupil of Vijayarājasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. See also under Dānaśīlatapabhä- TIR IG n. 84 vanā Kulaka. Baroda. Nos. 2819, 3041 ; Bik. No. 1614; Buh. IV. No. ateist is a Kathā in Prakrta variously ascribed 155 (dated Sam. 1725 ); Limdi. No. to Virabhadra or Yasahsena, or Nemi1077 = PRA. No. 873. candra of the Härijyapuriya Gaccha. ATT DC. p. 13. This is based on Padalipta's work men tioned below, and is translated into aqua 59 DC. p. 32. German by Leumann, Munchen, 1921; (I) ATITETET of Dharmasagara. See Gurva into Gujrati by Nemicandra, Palithana, vali (II). Sam. 1989 ( 3 rd ed.). BK. No. 359, (II) T1+9qaradi Anon. BK. No. 734; Bod. Hamsa. No. 80; JG. p. 267; PRA. No. No. 1406 (3 brought down to San. 332; SA. No. 274. 1884), Chani. No. 417; DA. 18 (31 arraaier of Padalipācārya. This ia mentioned 36); DB. 39 ( 24 ; 98 ; 99; 100; 101); in the Avasyaka-Visesa-Bhāsya of JinaLimdi. No. 1170; SA. Nos. 27 ; 28; bhadragani (Gāthā 1508 ), in Kuvala228 ; 1884; Strass. p. 420a ; Vel. No. yamālā of Dāksinyacihna, in Tilakamani. 1713. jarī of Dhanapāla etc. But no mss. are (III) तपागच्छपहावली of Munisundarasuri. See known to me so far. Gurvāvali (III). agro KB. 3 ( 32 foll. 199). athaa's of Guņavinaya. See Utsūtrodghātana- giarizu See com. No.(2) on Tarkabhāsā (V). khandana. adifat by Vādisimha. JG. p. 90. AETATTE JG. p. 156. ETITHIOT (Jain) See Tarkabhāşa (1). SA. Nos. atharga (Gram. 110) composed by Jinapra 87 ; 1778; 2763 ; Surat. 1 (68), 2, 4, bhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is a 5, 6, 11. refutation of the Tapā Gaccha doctrine. O fte by Vidyānanda. JG. p. 90. It is also called Tapotamatakuttanasata at ! U Baroda. No. 7480. SA. No. 406, from its one hundred verses. This was probably composed by ilhar composed in Sam. 1828 by K samākathe author in his youth, but later he was lyāņa, pupil of Amrtadharma of the Khareconciled with the teachers of the Tapā ratara Gaccha. It is a commentary on Gaccha like Somatilakasuri, for whom he Annarnbhatta's Tarkasamgraha and Dipiis said to have composed 700 Stavas by kā; cf. Bhand. IV. pp. 123 ; 450. Bhand. Visälarājagani; cf. Kāvyamala, Vol. VII. IV. No. 273 ( = IV. p. 450 quotation); p. 86. Baroda. No. 2201 ; BK. No. BK. No. 370 ; JG. p. 95. 395; Chani. No. 277 ; Jesal. No. 1351, (I) ##91 (Jain) Grar. 800 by YasovijayaKath. No. 1371 ; PAPS. 80 ( 49 ), SA. gami, pupil of Nayavijayagani of the Nos. 406 ; 1898. Tapā Gaccha. It is published in YJG. ahrz e uga Surat. 1 (1279), 2. Series, Bhavanagar, Sam. 1965 and also in No. 13 of the JDPS. Series, Bhavagitaruéta JG. p. 153; SA. No. 913. nagar Sam. 1965. This latter edition agra r composed in Sam. 1265, by Kula contains nine more works of Yasovijaya, Jain Education Intemational Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । Agra. Nos. 2438-2442; Bhand. VI. No. 1371, Bik. No. 1482; Hamsa. No, 195; JG. p. 72, PAP. 27 (25); PAPR. 13 (1), SA. Nos. 87, 1778. (II) a composed in Sam. 1759 by Yasasvatsigara, pupil of Yasalasigara of the Tapa Gaccha. PRA. No. 206. (III) aur by Vijayadevasuri (Gram. 800). VA. 8 (13; 16). This is probably Subhavijaya's Vārtika on Kesava's Tarkablas. See below No. V (3). (IV) by Yati Moksskaragupta. JG. p. 90 PAS No. 425. (V) (Non-Jain) by Kesavamitra. (1) Tika (Non-Jain) by Govar dhana. (2) Tiki on No. (1) composed by Gunaratnagani, pupil of Vinayasamudra, pupil of Jinamanikya of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is called Tarkatarangini. Bendall. No. 329. (3) Vartika composed in Sarh. 1665 by Sabhavijayagani, pupil of Hiravijaya suri of the Taps Gaocha. BK. No. 1882, JG. p. 95; JHA. 60; Limdi. No. 917, PRA. Nos. 1127; 1190. of Annamnbhatta (Non-Jain). (1) Tika by Kṣamakalyana. See Tarkaphakkiks. (II) aur by Abhayadevasuri (foll. 30; Gram 1800). VC. 7(2; 8). (1) Dipiks by Abhayadevasuri (both T Mitra. X. p. 99. fag See Vrddhistavana of Abhayadeva. तिथिमकर्णिक JG. p. 64. No. 3163. (4) Tika by Siddhicandragani (Gram. far in Sanskrit by Vaghaji Muni. Limdi. 2600). VD. 6 (16). तर्करत्नावली SB 2 (149). ariatit of Gunaratna. तर्क रहस्यदीपिका tary on Haribhadra's ccaya. JG. p. 95. aar by Prabhadeva. JG. p. 90. तर्कवार्तिक See Jainatarkavārtika.. arm by Subbacandra. JG. p. 90. (I) This is a commen This is a commen-fa Saddarianasamu text and commentry are probably Annam bhatta's work). VC. 7 (2). asiger by Asidhara. JG. p. 90. anfarer is an astrological treatise by Haribhadra or Haribhatta who refers to Saka year 1105. Dikshit in his Marathi 'History of Ancient Astronomy', p. 490, thinks that he lived about Saka 1445. Bendall. No. 503; Bengal. No. 7621; Bik. No. 744; BO. p. 52; OC. I. p. 228; II. pp. 48; 203; III. p. 49, Idar. 156; KB. 5 (14), Mitra. VIII. pp. 238; 239, Pet. I. No. 272; Vis. No. 310; PRA. No. 1225; Surat. 1, 2, 3; VD. 6 (17), Vel. No. 307. 150 (1) Tiki composed in Sari 1677 by Sumatihargagani, pupil of Hargaratna of the Ancala Gaccha. Bendall. No. 503; CC. I. p. 228; II. p. 48; III. p. 49; JG. p. 347; Mitra. VIII. 239; p. Pet. I. No. 272; V. No. 481; PRA. No. 1225; Surat. 1, 2, 3; VD. 6 (17); Vel. No. 307. तिथ्यादिसारणी JG. p. 847. of Dhanapala Kavi. It is quoted by Nami Sadhu on Kävyälankära, 163, and also by Subbasilo; cf. Weber, Berlin Cata logue, II. p. 1117. It is edited in the Kavyamālā, Bombay, 1903. Baroda. No. 2817; BK. No. 211, Chani. No. 153; DB. 30 (24; 25); Jesal. No. 1352 (a palm ms.); JG. p. 330; PAPL. 7 (67); PAPR. 16 (2); PAS. Nos. 102; 247; (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 34); PAZB. 8 (14); 22 (4). (1) Tippana (Gram. 1050) composed by Santyacarya of the Pürpatalliya Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2817 ; Chani. No. 153, DB. 30 (25; the ms. seems to contain only the commentary. It has foll. 29 only); Hamsa. No. 504 ; JG. p. 330 ; PAPR. 15 (12); Patan Cat. I. p. 87 (quotation). fac 311 by Padmasägara. See below. fac THPT ETT in Sam. 1281 by Lakşmidhara. Published by the Hemacandra Sabhā, Patan ( Series No. 12), 1919. fa q aru by Padmasāgara in Sam. 1635 (note in Hamsa ). But see the Pet. ms. below. BO. p. 29; Hamsa. Nos. 218 ; 1707 ; Pet. VI. p. 141, No. 71 (dated Sam. 1511; this is doublful). facu t ar by Laghu Dhanapāla (Gram. 1223). Bt. No. 522; JG. p. 330. This is published by Hemacandra Sabhā, Patan; cf. Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 50. तिलकसुन्दरीरत्नचूडकथानक by Nemicandrasuri, (formerly Devendragaņi), pupil of Amradeva, pupil of Uddyotanasuri of the Brhad Gaccha. It is also called Ratnacüdakathānaka. This work of the author is mentioned by Amradeva, the commenta- tor of Akhyānamaņikosa, which is another work of our author; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 80, v. 10. Chani. No. 214; JA. 20 (2; dated Sam. 1221); 96 (8); 106 (10); PAP. 36 (7) ; PAPR. 23 (4); Patan Cat. I. p. 288 (dated Samvat 1208); Pet. III. A. p. 66 (= JA. 20 (2); a quotation ). atteintųht Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 10 ). are that a CP. p. 649. aferadrat in Prakrta. SG. No. 2715. aftermitenta TO in 150 Gathās by Jinavallabha. JG. p. 138. This is very probably Gana dharasárdbasataka. afterne also called Vividhatirthakalpa or Kalpa pradipa containing the legendary and historical account of the different Jain holy places of pilgrimage, 62 in number, com posed between Sam. 1365-1390 by Jinaprabhasuri, pupil of Jinasimhasūri of the Kharatara Gaccba. It is a very useful book and is written Partly in Sanskrit and partly in Prāksta. The different parts were written separately and then put to gether by the author. It is being published in the Bibliotheca Indica Series. The first part containing the complete text of the work critically edited with the help of 8 mss. by Pandit Jinavijaya, is also published in the Sirghi Jain Series, 10, at Santiniketana, Bengal, 1934. Bhand. VI. No. 1127 ; Bt. No. 154 ; Buh. III. No. 97; IV. No. 143; VIII. No. 417; DA. 74 ( 41 ); DB. 21 (62); Hamsa. No. 478; JG. p. 271; PAZB. 24 (4); Pet. III. No. 596 ; IV. No. 1256 = IV. A. p. 91 (a long quotation); PRA. Nos. 850; 870; SA. No. 309, SB. 2 (99); Surat. 1, 5, 6; Vel. Nos. 1722 ; 1723. ateiega Pet. V. No. 925. तीर्थचिन्तामणि Surat. 5. TAIGI Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 53 ). ataTAFE by Jinaprabha. See Tirthakalpa. ATTATO See Tirthamālāstavana. JG. p. 179. (I) aftergraag containing the praise and des cription of the holy places of the Jainas, is in Prakrta. It contains 111 or 112 Gāthās and was composed by Municandrasuri. It is also called Pratimāstuti. AM. 57; 183; Bengal. Nos. 6686 ; 6930; Buh. VIII. No. 418 ; DB. 35 (210); Hamsa. No. 1470 ; JG. p. 280 ; Kath. No. 1372, Limdi. Nos. 1762, 3332; PAP. 19 (72); Pet. III. A. p. 219 ; SA. Nos. 431; 2872 ; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 7, 11 ; VA. 16 (1). (1) Tīkā by Mahendrasirnhasuri of the Añcala Gaccha. Buh. VIII. No. Jain Education Intemational Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थावभागः प्रथमः । 161 418 ; Hamsa. No. 1470 ; Limdi. Nos. (I) DR: No 63.0. Nos |") 1*man. SG. NO. 2021. - teagle face in Sanskrit, of Bhavasar1762 ; 3332 ; PRA. No. 938. (II) G IFTTH by Dharmasüri. BK. No.(II) freuaråstiaqar of Subhacandra. Idar. 1203. 76; SA. No. 1836. (III) Hicraaa by Munisundarasuri. This f eat AH AK. Nos. 996-1000. must be the same as No. (?). Pet. I fangagaqar Bhand. VI. No. 992. No. 578. fratatizo This is another name of Munisun(IV) taigitaaa by Candrasuri. Same as No. dara's Gurvāvali composed in Sam. 1466. (1). VA. 16 (1). It is also called Tapāgaccha Pattāvali. aftertanara Anon, JHA. 70. See Gurvāvali (III). BK. No. 1453 ; at tsaga of Jayasāgaragani, HJL. P. 474. PAP. 76 (10; 28; 140); SA. Nos. ateina of Somaprabha. JG. p. 280. 237 ; 563. Qifatreata Bengal. Nos. 6784 ; 7530. (I) त्रिपञ्चाशत्कियावतोयापन by Visvabhusana Bhaafteria by Asādhara. See Brhacchāntika ttāraka. Flo. No. 599. bhiseka. | (II) त्रिपञ्चाशक्रियाव्रतोद्यापन by Devendrakirti. wurfaafar by Gunabhadra Acārya. SG. No. Idar. 73 ( 4 copies); 162 ; List ( S. J.); 2468. SG. No. 2554. तीर्थेशस्तुति See Sobhanastuti. H ai by Nemicandra Saiddhāntika. The aluferty See Tīrthodgälikaprakirņaka. work consists of the following parts :(I) ataffif uti containing about 1233 Gathās (1) Asravatribhangi, (2) Bandhatriis not usually counted among the 10 pri bhangi, (3) Udayodiraṇatribhangi, (4) ncipal Prakirņakas. Agra. N3. 457 ; Baro Sattātribhangi, (5) Sattvasthānatribhada. No. 2818Bhand. VI. No. 1164 ; ngi, (6) Bhāvatribhangi. As is seen Buh. VIII. No. 385; DA. 27 (82); from Vel. No. 1613 however, the diffeDB. 13 ( 46 ; 47 ); Hamsa. Nos. 18; rent parts belong to different authors. 481; Limdi. No. 36 ; PAP. 79 (78); The first i. e. Asravatribhangi contains PAPR. 1 (14); PAPS. 80 ( 34 ); PAS. 63 Gātbās and is ascribed to Srutamuni. No. 119; Patan Cat. I, p. 121, PAZA. 6 The second i. e. Bandhatribharigi in 44 (8); PAZB. 9 (13); Pet. III. A. p. 285 Gātbās is ascribed to Madhavacandra, (a quotation from it in the Gathäsahasri); pupil of Nemicandra. The third i. e. SA. No. 302 ; Samb. No. 380 ; Surat. Udayodirana or Udayatribhangi in 73 1, 10. Gathās is ascribed to Nemicandra. The (II) affaigtishganuit by Munisundara. This is fourth i. e. Sattātribhangi in 35 Gathas probably Municandra's Tīrthamälā. VC. is also by Nemicandra. The fifth i.e. 7 (7). See above Tirthamālāstavana Sattvasthānatribhangi in 37 Gathäs is by No. (1) and ( 4). Kanakanandin; this is accompanied by adieracie by Malladeva. JG. p. 366. Nemicandra's commentary at Vel. No. 1613. Agra. No. 1649; DB. 31 (56). FATTET The last i. e. Bhāvatribhangi in 116 Gāthās is again by Srutamuni. See arranged by Amara Kavi. Bt. No. 467. under the different heads. The first and staatfa€9* DC. p. 32. the last of these are published in the staigagingat CP. p. 649. MDG. Series, No. 20. For quotations J.... 21 Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरलकोशः। etc., see SGR. 1. p. 111. AD. NO. 84; f CMB. 29; CP. p. 650, Kath. No. 1234; (I) E Pet. III. No. 503 ; SG. Nos. 3; 4; Tera. 32 to 41 ; 43 to 46; Vel. No. 1613. (1) Lāțivyäkbyā composed by Somadeva, pupil of Pujyapāda and Giņa- (II) candrasuri. It is based on the Kanarese commentary of Srutamuni according to SGR. I. p. 111. SG. Nos. 3 ; 4. (2) Vyākhyā. Anon. CMB. 29; Tera. 40; 41 ; 43 ; 44 ; 45 ; 46. Hiew by Harşakula, pupil of Laksmīsägarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. This is the same as Bandbahetūdayatribhangi by Haryakula (s. v.). Bhand. VI. No. 1165. (1) Tiká composed in Sam. 1602 by Vijayavimalagani, pupil of Anandavimalasuri. Bhand. VI. No. 1165 (copied by Anandavijayagasi in Sam. 1662); PRA. No. 1042. layanafia KC. 12. Is it Tribhuvanasimha caritra ? yaaemangaru by Jayasekharasūri. It is pub lished in the Jaina Dharmābhyudaya Granthamālā, Bhavanagar. Agra. No. 1804 ; DA. 67 ( 58 ); PAZB. 23 ( 35). fayansita (Gadya ; Gran. 684). Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 192223. DB. 31 ( 52 ); JG. p. 224 ; PAPS. 48 ( 111 ): u eria of Pātrakesarin ; it is mentioned in Vādirāja's commentary on Nyāyevi. niscaya ; verses from this seem to have also been quoted in the Tattvasarigraba of śāntarakṣita. See Anekānta, I. pp. 74-75. It is also mentioned in Sravan Belgula Inscription No. 54, v. 12. garmarkaaitraan KB. 2 ( 17 ). a=7 ( foll. 16). SB. 2 (94). fanfaat in Sanskrit by Subhacandra. SG. .: No. 2159. formatiqət by Indravāmadeva. See Trailokya dipaka. Idar. A. 19; Rice. p. 318. r See Trailokyaprajñapti. F IT (Gram. 3000) in Sanskrit by Srutakevalin. Mud. 627. Perhaps the same as the next one. FIT containing 1018 Prākrta Gathās was composed by Nemicandra, pupil of Abhayanandin in order to impart knowledge to Kiny Cámundarāya. Several Gāthás were added later to the original work by the author's pupil Madhavacandra Traividya, who also commented upon the work; cf. quotation from his commentary at SGR. I. p. 108ff. Both text and commentary are published in the MDG. Series, No. 12, Bombay, 1919. AD. Nos. 19; 39, AK. Nos. 1004 to 1007; Bengal. No. 1512; Bhand. VI. No. 1002 ; Bub. VI. No. 599; CMB. 41; 165; CP. p. 651 ( 26 mss.) ; Hebru. 19; 42 ; Hum. 37; 101 ; 167 ; Idar. 22 ( 12 copies ); 23; Idar. A. 16 ( 6 copies ); Kath. No. 1085 ; KO. 12; 13; 20; Mitra. VI. p. 97; Mud. 164; Padma. 19; 134; Pet. II, No. 268 ; IV. No. 1431 = IV. A. p. 151 ( quotation); PR. Nos. 162; 253 ; Rice. p. 320; SG. Nos. 2; 619, 1306 ; 1307; 2023; Tera. 2 to ]1; 17; 18; Vel. No. 1614. (1) Vrtti called Karaṇānuyoga composed by the author's pupil Mādhavacandra Traividya, who also added a few stanzas to the original text. See SGR. I. p. 108ff. AK. NO 1007; Bengal. No. 1512 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1002; Buh. VI. No. 599; CMB. 41; CP. p. 651 (9 mss.); Hum. 37; 101 ; 167; Idar. 22 ( 2 copies ); Mitra. VI. p. 97, Mysore. I. p. 96; II. p. 282; Padma. 19; 134; Pet. IV. No. 1431 ; Rice. p. 320; SG. No. 619. (2) Țikā by Sahasrakirti. Idar. 23. (3) Vrtti by Abhayacandra. Mud. 164. f Jain Education Intemational Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ safarHit: 999: 163 (4) Vrtti. Anon. Idar. A. 16 ( 3 F ETHUHETSTIUT or simply Mahapurāņa by copies); Kath. No. 1086. Candramuni. It is also called Laghufiintata in Prākrta. SG. No. 2165. mahāpurāņa. Idar. 5; SG. No. 1762. (1) त्रिवर्णाचार in Sanskrit by Brahmasuri. See त्रिषष्टिलक्षणमहापुराणसंग्रह This name seems to bave also Traivarņikācāra. AD. No. 83 ; AK. been generally applied to the UttaraNo. 596 ; KO. 184 ; Mud. 576; Padma. purāņa, composed in Saka 820 by 125; SG. Nos. 609; 1234; SRA. 162. Guņabhadra, pupil of Jinasena, as a (II) aqui are of Ananta Muni. SG. No. 2346. supplement to his Guru's Adipurāna. It It is in Sanskrit. contains 30 Adhyāyas marked from (III) Fai ait of Vatteraka Acārya. See Trai 48 to 77. See Pet. IV. A. pp. 147-149. varņikācāra of Kumudacandra. But it is also a name given to the whole (I) safarTTETO ( Gram. 2700 ) of Somasena, Mahāpurāņa, as at Winternitz, History, II, p. 497. Consequently some of the mss. pupil of Gunabhadra. It was composed given below may contain even the in Sam. 1669 ; cf. JH. Vol. 13, p. 125; Adipurāņa. Also see Uttarapurāņa. AD. PR. No. 205. The date is given as No. 6 ; AK. Nos. 99; 100; Bengal. No. tattvarasartucandrakalite. It contains 1499; Bhand. IV No. 289 ; V. Nos. 13 chapters. AD. No. 25; BO. p. 30, 1098; 1099; 1100; Buh. VJ. Nos. 567; Bub. VI. No. 600; CMB. 18; 74; CP. 602; CMB. 140; Hebru. 26; Hum. 6; p. 651 ; Idar. 25; Idar. A. 47; Kath. 54; 62 ; 70; 94 ; Idar. 2 (3 copies ) ; 3 Nos. 1081, 1082 ; Tera. 7. (3 copies); 4; 5; Idar. A. 2 (3 copies) ; 9; (II) ruiaITTEPU of Nemidatta. Lal. 438. 10; Kath. Nos. 1143 ; 1147 ; 1148 ; KO. (III) T ITTETU Anon. See also Traivarni 51 ; Lal. 75; MHB. 56; Mud. 501 ; 516; kācāra. DLB. 133. 522; 527; 529; Padma. 12; Pet. III. No. sauiatriear of Jinasenācārya. AD. Nos. 24 ; 505; IV. No. 1429 ; = IV. A. p. 147 122 ; 144; BO. p. 59; Buh. VI. No. ( quotation ); Rice. p. 314 ; SG. Nos. 601, CMB. 108; CP. p. 651; Kath, 1304 ; 1305 ; SRA. 118; 163 ; 246. No. 1083; Pet. III. No. 504. (1) Tippani by Prabhācandra. Rice. fofagtru of Cāmundarāya. See Cämundaraya p. 314 ; SRA. 256 (without text). purāņa. Farig 1514192ATÍSTAT is a collection of 50 stanzas (I) V AETETTO of Mellisena, pupil of Jinasena. on the life of the 63 important persons of It is in Sanskrit and is also called Tri Jainism. It was composed by a pupil of sastišalakāpurāņa or Mahāpurāņa. It Kalyāņavijaya. DB. 35 ( 109 ); JG. P. was composed in 1047 A. D. See IA. 142. Vol. 40, p. 46ff. KO. 58 ; Mud. 340 (Gram. 2000); SG. No. 1448. (I) faceti TIT of Jinasena. KO. 51. See (II) fadigheigtru of Mallinātha (probably the Adipurāņa (I). same as above). SG. No. 1448. (II) Figarot of Mallisena. See Trisa(III) AugTror of Cāmundarāya. See Că stimahāpurāņa of Mallisena. KO. 58. mundarāyapurāņa. AK. No. 1011. (III) Cazzagrior See Cámundarāyapurāņa. त्रिषष्टिमहापुरुषगुणालङ्कार of Puspadanta Kavi. See त्रिषष्टिशलाकापुरुषविचार This is a collection of 33 Mahāpurāņa by Puşpadanta. Bhand. V. Gāthas on the 63 Salākā Purusas of No. 1106 ; Buh. viii. No. 370. Jainism. Vel. No. 1733. Jain Education Intemational Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 stifarm17: 1 (I) fo@ r u ta is a big poem in 11 Parvans composed by the famous Hemacandra of the court of King Kumărapăla of Gujrat. The whole poem is pnblished by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, 1906-1913. Parvan I of the poem is translated into English by H. Johnson and published in the Gaek. 0. Series, Baroda, Vol. I, 1931 ; Vol. II, 1937. Parvan XI called the Parisistaparvan is separately edited by H. Jacobi in the Bibliotheca Indica Series, Calcutta, 1891; 2nd edition with supplements by Leumann and Tawney, 1932. Selected stories from the Parisista Parvan are translated into German by Hertel, Leipzig, 1908. Also consult Leumann, ZDMG., Vols. 60-62. Parvan VII is also separately published as the Jaina Rāmāyaṇa, Poona, 1890, and Calcutta, 1873. Parvan I Adiśvaracaritra in 6 cantos. Bod. No. 1390, DA. 42 (1); DB. 25 ( 3; 4 ; 8; 9); Hamsa. Nos. 600; 1031. Parvan II Ajitanāthacaritra in 6 cantos. Agra. No. 1448; DA. 42 (2, 3); JA. 97 (9), Hamsa. No. 601, Limdi. No. 1231 ; Pet. I. A. p. 19; Vel. No. 1728. Parvan JII Sambhavādi-astānām caritram. Agra. No. 1450 ; Buh. V. No. 47; DC. pp. 9 ; 23 ; JA. 97 (9); 101 (2); Hamsa. No. 602 ; PAZA. 14 (palm); Pet. III. A. p. 124. Parvan IV. Agra. No. 1459; JA. 107 (9); Hamsa. No. 603; Pet. I. A. p. 93. Parvan V Šāntināthacaritra. Bub. V. No. 47; JA. 102 (1); Hamsa. No. 604; PAZB. 13 (4); Parvan VI. Buh. V. No. 47; JA. 102 (1); Hamsa. No. 605; PAP. 20 (19); PAPM. 19; Vel. No. 1728. Parvan VII Rāmacarita or Rāmāyaṇa. Agra. No. 1451 ; Bhand. III. No. 432; V. No. 1286 ; Buh. V. No. 47, DA. 44 (12), JA. 102 ( 1 ); Hamsa. No. 606; PAP. 20 (6); PAPM. 19, PAS. No. 13; Pet. J. A. p. 23; III. A. p. 145; IV. Nos. 1257 ; 1258 ; Samb. Nos. 285; 467 ; Vel. Nos. 1728; 1729; 1730, 1731. Parvan VIII Nemināthacaritra. Agra. Nos. 1454; 1455; Bhand. III. No. 432; VI. No. 1306; Bod. No. 1391 ; Bub. II. No. 353; V. No. 47; DA. 45 (1-10); DB. 26 (11; 16; 17; 18); DC. p. 14 ; JA. 102 (2); Hamsa. No, 607 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 122 ; PAP. 32 ( 4 ; 6; 10); PAPM. 19; PAS. No. 114; Pet. III. A. p. 144 ; IV. No. 1259; V. Nos. 707 , 708 ; PR. No. 30; Vel. No. 1726. Parvan IX Parsvanāthacaritra. Buh. V. No. 47 ; Hamsa. No. 608 ; PAP. 31 (8;9), 32(8; 9); PAPM. 19; PAS. Nos. 176; 211. Parvan X Mahäviracaritra. Agra. Nos. 1460 ; 1461 ; Bod. No. 1310; Buh. IV. No. 246; V. No. 47 ; Cal. X. No. 62; DB. 27 (12; 13); DC. pp. 21; 51; Hamsa. Nos. 609; 771; JA. 97 (10); Kiel. II, No. 393; Pet. I. A. pp. 2; 3; III. A. p. 25; IV. No. 1260; V. A. pp. 4, 59; Samb. Nos. 302 ; 383; Vel. No. 1724. Parvan XI Parisistaparvan or Sthaviravalicaritra. Agra. Nos. 1465 to 1468 ; Bengal. No. 6854; BO. p. 72; Buh. II. No. 354; III. No. 161, V. No. 47; DA. 47 (1-10); DB. 27 (15; 16; 17); Hamsa. No. 145; Kiel. III. No. 162; Samb. No. 131 ; Vel. Nos. 1725; 1727 ; 1732 ; Weber. II, No. 1990. The following inss. are unidentified :Buh. Iil. No. 159; IV. No. 246 (Srenikaca.) ; DA. 31 ( 130); PAP. 32 ( 1; 2); 77 (18); PAS. No. 162; VA. 8 (14); 9 (1; 2); VB. 15 (9); 16 (10), VC. 7 (9). Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 165 V imajas (II) त्रिषष्टिशलाकापुरुषचरित्र in Sanskrit prose by 1250). PRA, No. 1223. It is publiVimalasuri. Patan. Cat. I. p. 300, Intro. shed by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. Bhand. p. 54. V. No. 1362; Chani. No. 457: DB. 19 (III) f iesta 195471ta (Gadya ) by Vajra (12); 24 ( 202 ; 236 ; 237 ); Hamsa. sena. DC. p. 20; DI. p. 53. No. 652; JG. p. 356 ; PAPR. 21 ( 22 ); (IV) frater1951717 (Gadya ) by Siddha PRA. No. 1223 (dated Sam. 1564 ); sena (probably, the same as above). SA, No. 1807 ; Surat. 3 ; VB. 16 (3). Kundi. No. 363. See under Meghamālā. (V) T11959 by Silācārya. See (II) TTTT (Dinacarya) Anon JB. 142; Mahāpuruşacaritra. KB. 5 ( 21 ). sorgera by Asādbara Pandita. It was compos (III) AT170951T is another name of the Caityaed in Sam. 1292 at Nalakaccha. Publish vandanacaturvimsatikā (s. v.) by Ksamāed in the MDG. Series, No. 36, Bombay, kalyāna. It is published by Bhimsi 1937. Bhand. V. No. 1107 ; Idar. 18; Manek, Bombay and others. List (several at Jaipur ). UIFUAFI of Yati Vrsabha. Compare Rao (1) Pañjikā Svopajña. Idar. 18. Babadur Hiralal, CP. Catalogue, Intro. p. fw01017 by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Naya. 15ff. ; JH. Vol. 13, p. 527ff. It contains vijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. 9 chapters (Gram. 8000). It is quoted . p. 107. in the Dhavala by Virasena. It is now 113malaziathagat Pet. V. No. 941. being published in the Jainasiddhānta bbāskara, Arrah. AD. No. 61, CP. p. (1) Gat Figga by Indravāmadeva. See Triloka 652 (2 mss.); Mud. 286 ; 479; Pet. dipikā. Buh. VI. No. 603, Chani. No. IV. No. 1430 (=IV. A. p. 150 quota698 ; CP. p. 652 ; Hamsa. No. 31, Idar. tion; ms. dated Sam. 1519); Rice. p. A. 19; Kath. No. 1084; Lal. 79; 336 ; 318; SG. No. 652; SGR. I. p. 126ff. Pet. III. No. 506; V. No. 942; Rice. p (quotation); Tera. 14; 15; 16. 318 ; SG. Nos. 24; 2022 ; Tera. 12; Har by Nemicandra. See Trilokasāra. 13; 20. HTTFT by Sumatisāgara. SG. No. 43. (II) 219 of Hemaprabha. See Trailokyaprakāśa. STIFOARTHEITEr by Sahasrakarti. Kath. No. 1087 ; Pet. II, No. 269. Jiraitgal See Trailokyadipaka. (1) gardian of Brabmasuri. See Trivarnaingerigardugor by Sricandrasūri. See San cāra. grabaạiratna. Bengal. No. 6789 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1372 ; BO. p. 59; Buh. II No. (II) ait of Kumudacandra KO. 107. 405 ; Cal. X. No. 121; Pet. I. A. p. 75. See Winternitz, History, II. p. 577. त्रैलोक्यदीपिकासामाचारी by Jinabhadraganiksamasra maére. (III) Aarů#f71t of Nemicandra. AD. No. 89; maņa. It is published with the Brhat Mud. 90. samgrahan, by Manchand Velchand, Gragnigt composed in Sam. 1455, by MunisunGopipura, Surat, Sam. 1972. darasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is also (I) 1999 on Astrology composed in Sam. called Pañcadarśangsvarūpa at PRA. No. 1305, by Hemaprabhasuri, pupil of. 793 and Kath. No. 1389, and is a Devendrasuri. The other names of the discourse on Deva, Guru and Dharma. It work are Navyatājika, Trailokyadipaka, is published by Shah Devakarana Mulaji, Bhuvanadipaka and Meghamālā (Gram. Bombay, Sam. 1966. Baroda. No. 3019; Jain Education Intemational Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । BK. No. 154; Chani. No. 103; DB. 22 (99; 100); Hamsa. No. 286; JG. p. 81; Kath. No. 1389; Kiel. II. No. 379; PAP. 79 (79), PAPR 5 (2); PAPS. 69 (82); SA. No. 243; Surat. 1, 11. is a small poem in Apabhraía. Baroda. No. 6119. (1) Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1179-1191; दण्डक Bengal. Nos. 4311; 6931; 7002; 7280; Bik. No. 165; Buh. III. No. 183; KB. 3 (59); Kiel. I. No. 33; SA. Nos. 404, 1838; 2756; 2890; 2952. (1) Tika by Samayasundara of the Kharatara Gaccha. KB. 3 (59). (2) Tika by Rupecandra. JG. p. 124. (3) Avacuri. JG. p 124, SA. No. 404. (II) in 38 Gathas composed in Sam. 1707 by Amṛtas garagani. DB. 34 ( 53 ). ff by Gajasära, ef. Vicăraşaṭtrimsikä quare Flo. No. 600. दण्डकविचारषट्ात्रंशिका See Vicārasattrimsika. Bengal. No. 7535. Anon. JG. p. 224. (I) दण्डकस्तुति by Jineśvara. See Rucitadanda - | दर्शनदशत्रिकव्याख्या KB. 3 ( 46 ). kastuti. (III) (Anon). Bengal. Nos. 6973, 7061; 7654; Bhand. VI. No. 1166. (II) (of Vira) composed in Sam. 1709 by Manavijaya, pupil of Jñanavijaya, pupil of Vrddhivijaya of the Taper Gaccha. PRA. No. 564. (1) Tika Anon. Bengal. No. 7654; Bhand. VI. No. 1166; Kath. No. 1268. (Non-Jain ) of Trivikramabatta. It is published at the N. S. Press, Bombay, together with Candapala's commentary. DB 38 (14); Jemal. No. 872, Lal. 214; PAS. No. 416 (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 162); PAZB. 1 (32); Samb. No. 151. (2) Tika (Grah 8800) composed in Sam. 1646 by Gunavinaya, pupil of Jyasomagani of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is based on No. (1); cf. Bhand. IV. p. 143. Bendall. No. 282; Bengal. III. C. 108; Bland. IV. No. 274; Bah. IV. No. 34; CC. I. p. 244; II. p. 52; Hultzsch. III. No. 1611; JG. p. 334; Mitra. VIII. p. 133, PAPS. 47 (16); PAZB. 1 (1); VA. 9 (18, 19, 27); Vel. No. 1248. (3) Tika by Prabodhamanikya (Grain. 1000). Probably same as (2) above. JG. p. 334. This seems to be a mistake. Prabodhamanikya is the name of the Guru of Gunavinaya. (1) Tippanaka by Candapala Jaina of the Pauravala family. Its Granthäge, (1) given at Bt. No. 526, is 1900. Bt. No. 526, CC. I. p. 244, II. pp. 52; 205; III. (II) p 53; Chani. No. 225; DA. 66 (1);) (4) Tippana Anon. DA. 66 (1) Probably same as No. (1). ift in Präkrta ( Be-panamaha santijinin dam). If contains 20 chapters, each conta ining 105 Gathas. PAS. No. 404; Patan Cat I p. 10 (quotation). aya of Kundakunda (See Satprabhṛta and Astaprabhṛta). BO. p. 30; CP. p. 652; DB. 23 (7-11), KO. 12; 21. in Sanskrit (Grari. 700). JG. p. 179. a composed in Sash. 1570 by Siddhanta sära, pupil of Indranandin, papil of Somajaya, pupil of Jayacandrasuri of the Tapa Gaccha (Grain. 19864). Agra. No. 809; Baroda. No. 2814; Bhand. III. No. 433; V. No. 1287; VI. No. 1167 Chani. No. 499; JG. p. 111; PAP. 12 (14); 73 (5); PAPR. 3 (11), PAPS. 40 (9); SA. No. 366; SB. 2(50); Surat. 1, 5. ag of Haribhadra. SA. No. 149; Weber. II. No. 1935 (Pravacanasara only). age of Tilakacārya, pupil of Cakresvarasuri. PAP. 45(1). Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HTT: : 167 (1) Svopajña Tīkā. PAP. 45 (1). is a PAS. palm ms. dated Sam. 1224. (III) tag by Devabhadra of the Candra See above Darsanasuddhi (III), for Gaccha (Gram. 527). From Patan Cat. other mss. 1. pp. 6-7, it is however certain that this (V) atasie Anonymous. DC. p. 13; Patan is not different from the next. Deva Cat. I. p. 31 ( 280 Gāthās); SB. 2 (52 bhadra is the author of commentary No. two copies ); Surat. 1, 5. (2) on it. BK. No. 59; DC. p. 18; (1) Tīkā Anon. Bik. No. 1652 ; Jesal. No. 686 ; Kundi. No. 322; PAP. DC. p. 13; SB. 2 (52 two copies ); 9 (2); PAS. No. 260; PAZB. 12 Surat. 1, 5. ( 11 ). (1) alaagrair also called Samyaktvasaptati, (1) Țikā by Devabhadra and his pupil ascribed to Haribhadra It contains 120 Sánticandra. See next Darsanasuddhi Gāthās according to Bt. No. 85, though Tikā (2). (Gram. 3008). BK. No. its name shows that it ought to contain 59; Kundi. No. 322 ; PAS. No. 260; only 70 or a few more. See SamyaktvaPAZB. 12 (11) saptatikā. Agra, Nos. 1881;1882; Bhand. (IV) asiatice also called Samyaktvaprakarana V. No. 1196 ; BK. No. 152; Bt. No. ( Be :--pannabhavannavatīram.) by Can 85; CP. pp. 706 ; 707 ; JA. 106 ( 4 ); draprabha, pupil of Jayasimha of the Jesal. No. 730; JG. pp. 99; 143; Cândra Kula, Vajra Sakhā. It is in 226 PAPS. 48 (57); Pet. I. No. 275; III. Gāthās. It is published with the com A. p. 13; V. A. p. 42; Samb. No. 264; mentary of Devabhadra, by Hiralal Ham VB. 17 ( 41 ); VD. 7 (3). sarāja, Jamnagar, 1913. AM, 136; (1) Tikä сomposed by SivamaņdanaChani. No. 309; JA. 108 (2); JG. p. gani, pupil of Munisundarasuri of the 179; Kundi. No. 322; Limdi. No. 78; Tapă Gaccha. BK. No. 152; CP. p. PAPR. 18 (40); PAZB. 3 ( 4 ); Patan 706; Jesal No. 730; JG. p. 99 ; PAPS. Cat. I. pp. 23 ; 31 ; Pet. I. No. 276; I. 48 ( 57 ). A. p. 41. (2) Bālāvabodha composed by Rat(1) Tikā (Gram. 12100) composed nacandramuni. VD. 7 (3). in Sam. 1184 by Vimalagasi, pupil of ( II ) zlagalan by Municandrasūri. Hamsa. No. Dharmaghosasuri, pupil of Candraprabha, 398. the author of the text (Be :--cañcac (1) Avacuri. Hamsa. No. 398. candramarici). Chani. No. 309; JA. 82 (1); JG. p. 179; Pet. I. A. p. 81; Tal in 51 Gathās is 'a Digambara manual of PAZB. 3 (4). (heretic) Doctrines! It was composed (2) Tikā (Gram. 3008; Be :- namah in Saṁ. 990, at Dhara, by Devasena, srivardhamānāya ) composed by Deva pupil of Vimalasena of the Mula Sangha. bhadra, pupil of Vimalagani author of Cf. Pet. III. Intro. p. 22ff. It is published No. (I) and successor of Dharmaghosa, by Pandit Nathuram Premi, Hirabag, pupil of Candraprabha. This was com Bombay, 1920. The text is also critiposed with the help of śāntibhadrasuri, cally edited from several mss. by Prof. A. the author's pupil. AM. 136; JA. 108 N. Upadhye at ABORI., Vol. XV. pp. (2); JG. p. 179; Kundi. No. 322; 198-206. Devasena mentions not less Limdi. No. 78; PAPR. 18 (40); than 10 heretic sects which include even Patan Cat. I. p. 5 (quotation). This the Svetämbaras. Of the Sanghas, he Jain Education Intemational Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। p. 652. mentions the Drāvida, Yāpaniya, Kāşthā, THÍ It is published with Prabhācandra's comMathura and Bhillaya as the heretics. mentary and a Marathi translation at Bhand. V. Nos. 1072; 1073; CMB. Sholapur, 1921. Mysore. II. p. 282; 183; CP. p. 652; Kath. No. 1088; Pet. SG. No. 1237. III. No. 507; IIL A. p. 374. (1) Tīkā by Prabhācandra. No. mss. asfarais in 12 stanzas, Anonymous. Flo. No. are known to me. 695. PITSHUÇar Anon. Bengal. No. 7155; CP. ajala Anonymous. Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 43 ). TETTU JB. 154 (foll. 11); Limdi. Nos. 2558 ; (I) HUGTATGT in Apabhramsa, composed by 3283, 3406. Sirnhasena, alias Raidhū Kavi. It con77 TOTE is a work mentioned in the Jaya tains 68 stanzas and is published by the dbavala of Virasena ; cf. Satkhandāgama Jain Grantha Ratnākara Kāryalaya, (Amraoti, 1939), Intro. p. 63. Bombay, 1923. Buh. VI. No. 605 ; ETICHTIFTgar Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (26). Bhand. IV. No. 295, CMB. 148; DLB. alegra Bengal. No. 7387; BSC. No. 465; 7 ; Pet. III, No. 508; SG. No. 2172 ; Hamsa. No. 1343 ; Surat. 1, 5. Tera. 27 to 30; 36 to 39. TET- 1 from Hemacandra's Puspamālā. Bod. (II) TEPUTETTATT by Bhavasarman in ApaNo. 1418. bhramsa. Strass. p. 303. (1) ESTEETFanera composed by Abhayadharma (III) T UTTG1 Anonymous, CMB. 162; Vācaka in Sam. 1579. Cal. X. No. 123. Strass p. 303. (II) दशद्दष्टान्तकथानक Anonymous. (I) दशलक्षणव्रतोद्यापन in Sanskrit composed by Agra. No. 1650 ; Bengal. No. 7387 ; Jñānabhūşana. List ( S. J. ). DA. 75 (39); Kath. No. 1337 ; KB. 3 (II) aruga in Sanskrit composed by (56). Dharmacandra. List (S. J.). Era fiat in Prākrta (only 4 folios) composed (III ) 15auaae17 in Sanskrit composed by by Somavimala. Buh. II. No. 290, JG. Ratnakirti. List (S. J.). p. 179. ( IV ) दशलक्षणव्रतोद्यापन in Sanskrit composed by arceratita composed in Sam. 1571, by Ananta Visvabhūsaņa. Idar. 74; List (S. J.). hamisa, pupil of Jinamäņikya, during the AUTUVa composed by Sumatisāgara. AD. reign of Hemavimalasuri of the Tapā Nos. 42, 73; Bhand. IV. No. 296; Gaccha. PRA. Nos. 735; 1325. See Idar. 74 ( 4c.); 162; 182 ; SG. Nos. 47; Dtstāntaratnākara, which is another name 2178. of the work. Staforer CP. p. 653. Está n is a collection of stories in illustration of (I) Torerogati of Mallibhüşaņa. Idar. 78. the ten important religious festivals of the Jains. It was composed by Ksamä (II) TESTUTE al composed by Yasahkirti. SG. kalyāna, pupil of Amrtadharma of the No. 1651. the Kharatara Gaccha in Saro. 1835. Vel. (III) TOT FIT composed by Somasena. No. 1734. Idar. 182. atgaleata Bengal. Nos. 7033, 7154 ; 7473. (IV) Tarraght of Srutasägara. AD. No. GETTATISTIC Limdi. Nos. 607; 1097 ; 176. 1308; 1497. Tatarrekara Bhand. V. No. 1074. Jain Education Intemational Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 169 ØTyfofuraaga of Jñānasāgara. Idar. 74 (2 copies). दशविधजातिधर्मस्वाध्याय composed by Jinanavimala sūri. VB. 17 ( 34 ). of Padmanandin. Limdi. No. 610. aara Teuta Hamsa. No. 412; SA. No. 1987. qolaverde Limdi. No. 1165. दशवैकालिकसूत्र is the third Malasutra ascribed to Sayyambhavasvāmin ; cf. Weber. II. p. 807ff.; IA. Vol. 21. p. 339ff.; Winternitz, History, II. p. 476 ; Kap. No. 704 etc. Text only, is published by Jivaraj Ghelabhai, Ahmedabad, 1912; text with commentaries of Haribhadra and Samayasundara is also published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, 1900. The text with Samayasundara's commentary is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamanagar, 1915; and also in Jinayasasuri Granthamālā, Cambay, 1919; the text with Bhadrabahu's Niryukti and Haribhadra's commentary is published in the DLP. Series No. 47, Bombay, 1918. E. Leumann bas edited the Niryukti and the Sūtra with a learned introduction at ZDMG., Vol. 46, pp. 581-663. It is again edited in Devanagari characters and translated into English with introduction and notes by W. Schubring, Ahmedbad, 1932. Cürņi alone is published at Indore, 1933. The Dasavaikälikasutra: A Study, by Prof. M. V. Patwardhan (Sangli, 1933, 1936 ) is also a very useful contribution. Agra. Nos. 335-341 ; 343-362; AM. 11 ; 22 ; 40; 47 ; 49; 60; 94; 114 ; 152; 162 ; 167 ; 169; 172; 177 ; 199; 210; 275 ; 308 ; 316; 345; 365; 368; 380; Baroda. Nos. 968; 2815; Bengal. Nos. 2588 ; 4163; 6780; 6857, 6918; 7361 ; 7465 ; 7568; 7686; Bhand. III. Nos. 434 ; 435; VI. Nos. 1170, 1171 ; Bik. Nos. 1591 , 1604; 1654 ; BK. Nos. J.......22 1097 , 1810; Buh. II. Nos. 197 ; 198, VI. No. 721 ; Cal. X. Nos. 20; 118 ; 124; Chani. No. 949; DA. 19 ( 4875 ); 26 (63); 74 (3-5); DB. 8 ( 28-29); DC. pp. 25; 41 ; DI. p. 22 (dated Sam. 1188 ); Hamsa. Nos. 547 ; 793; 891, 979; 1023; 1270 ; 1341; JA. 39 (2); 96 (3; 4; 10); 112 (14); JB. 74 ; Jesal. Nos. 13; 51; 149; 156 ; 233; 234; 239 ; 458; 776; 777 ; 778; 1253; 1356; JHA. 21 (12c.); JHB. 15 (12c.); Kaira. A. 59; 141 ; Kap. Nos. 702-709, 716-717; 720-724; KB. 1 (7); 3 ( 40 ); Kiel. I. No. 36; Kundi. Nos. 71 ; 173 ; 196 ; 212, 270 ; 271, 322 ; 358 ; Limdi. Nos. 72; 127; 138 ; 160, 161 ; 187 ; 199 ; 200; 201 ; 220 ; 222 ; 335; 341 ; 342, 360 ; 361 ; 380 ; 381 ; 382 ; 383; 410 ; 423 ; 424; 438 ; 464 ; 469 ; 470 ; 471; 485; 486; 493 , 500 ; Mitra. VIII. pp. 119, 168 ; IX. pp. 176; 183, X. p. 169 ; PAP. 6 (1-14; 16-24; 26-27; 29-34; 38-49; 53 ); PAPL. 8 (18); PAPM. 44 (dated Sam. 1304); 65 (2 dated. Sam. 1248 ); PAPR. 7 (13) ; PAPS. 35 (2); 36 (431 ); 37 (3 ; 13; 19); 76 (1); 84 (8); PAS. Nos. 50; 68; 134; 135; 208; 314; 364 ; PAZA. 6 (10; 11 ); PAZB. 7 (3); 9 (4); 10 (2); 14 ( 22 ); 18 (9); Pet. I. A. pp. 51; 83, 96; 97; 98; 100; III. A. p. 52 ; V. No. 713; V. A. pp. 61; 68; PRA. Nos. 439, 686 ; 1205 ; SA. Nos. 62; 503 ; 1506; 1547; 2735; Samb. Nos. 1 ; 169; 213; 301 ; Strass. p. 312; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VA. 9 (3; 11-16; 17; 22; 30 ); VB. 16 ( 12; 19; 23; 29; 32; 33; 34); 17 (4; 10; 18 ; 23 ); VC. 7 (7; 16; 18); VD. 7 (7; 9; 10); Vel. Nos. 1475-1481 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1919 ; 1220; 1221. (1) Niryukti by Bhadrabhāhu in 445 Gāthās, of which about 63 Gāthās go by Jain Education Intemational Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। the name of the Mūlabhāsya Gathäs. The latter are evidenly supplements to the original work; cf. A.M. Ghatage, IHQ. Vol. XII. p. 631. Agra. No. 342 ; Bt. No. 26 (1); DA.19 (36; 37); DB. 8 (21 ; 22); 9 (7,8); DC. p. 41 ; JA. 25 (9) ; 96 (5); Jesal. Nos. 149 ; 156; 225; Kap. Nos. 710; 711; KB. 3 ( 40 ); Kiel. II. No. 76; Kundi. No. 124; PAP. 6 ( 9; 18; 46 ); PAS. Nos. 50; 68; PAZA. 6(11); PAZB. 9 ( 4 );18 (9); Pet. I. A. pp. 51 ; 97 ; III. A. p. 165 ; IV. No. 1261; PRA. No. 686, SA. Nos. 503 ; 1641 ; Samb. No. 64; Surat. 1, 6. (2) Curņi (Gram. 7000 ). Bt. No. 26 (2); DB. 8 (20); DC. pp. 33; 34; JG. p. 34; Hamsa. No. 1594; JHB. 15; Kundi. No. 335; Limdi. No. 3; PAP. 6 (7); PAPR. 7 (13); PAPS. 36 (14; 15); 37 ( 13 ; 19); PAZA. 6 (10); PAZB. 7 (3); 9 (3); SA. No. 1673; Samb. No. 394. (3) Tīkā (Be:- jayati vijitānya.) by Haribhadra Yākiniputra (Gram. 6850 ). AM. 11; 60; Bhand. VI. No. 1169; Bod. Nos. 1354; 1355; Bt. No. 26 (3); Buh. II. No. 198 ; III. No. 104, VI. No. 721 ; DA. 19 (2); 74 (4) ; DB. 8 (13; 14 ); DC. pp. 16; 19; 33; 41; Hamsa. Nos. 594 ; 799, 897 ; JA. 36 (2), 96 (5); Jesal. Nos. 51 ; 234 ; 239; 259; 458; 778; JG. p. 34; JHA. 21 ( 3c. ); Kaira. A. 141; KB. 1 (7); Kundi. Nos. 71; 173; 212; 270, 271; 322; Limdi. Nos. 22 (dated Sam. 1522); 380 (dated Sam. 1525 ); Mitra. IX. p. 176 ; PAP. 6 (3; 23 ; 39 ); PAPL. 8 (80); PAPS. 36 (31), 76 (1); PAS. Nos. 50, 134; 135; 208; 364; PAZB. 14 (22); 16 (19); Pet. III. A. p. 165; SA. Nos. 163, 1523; Samb. No. 393; Strass. p. 201, VA. 9 ( 30 ); VB. 16 ( 32 ; 34); VC. 7 (11), Vel. No. 1480; Weber. II. No. 1919. (4) Tīkā (Graṁ. 2600) by Sumatisūri, pupil of Bodhakācārya. BK. No. 1810 ; Bt. No. 26 (5); DA. 19 (3-10; 21-22 ); 26 (63); 74 ( 5 ); DB. 8 ( 15 ); DC. p. 18; DI. p. 22 (dated Sam. 1188); Jesal. No. 233; JHA. 21 ; JHB. 15 ; Kap. Nos. 716-719; Kundi. No. 358 ; PAP. 6 (12); PAPM. 65 (2; this is dated Sam. 1248 ) ; PAPS. 35 (2); 36 (17); PAS. No. 314 (palm ms. dated Sam. 1188; cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 11-12 for quotations ) ; Pet. V. No. 710; SA. Nos. 1523 ; 2505; VB. 17 (4 ; 23). (5) Tikā composed in Sam. 1304 (1346 according to JG.) by Tilakācārya, pupil of Sivaprabhasuri (Gram. 7000 ). Baroda. No. 968 ; Bhand. III. No. 435; Bod. No. 1353 ; Cal. X. No. 21 ; DA. 19 (1); DC. p. 15 ( ms. with pictures ); DI. p. 22; JA. 39 (1); Jesal. No. 13; Hamsa. No. 366; Kundi. No. 196 ; PAPM. 44 (dated Sam. 1304 ), PAPS. 37 (3); Patan Cat. I. p. 356 (quotation); PAZB. 10 (2); Pet. III. A. p. 49; V.A. p. 65 ; SA, No. 1731 ; VA. 9 (17; 22); VB. 16 ( 12; 29; 33 ). ( 6 ) Niryukti-Avacūri ; this is a brief commentary on Bhadrabāhu's Niryukt composed in Sam. 1441 by Jnānasāgarasūri, pupil of Devasundarasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. Chani. No. 949; JHA. 21; PRA. No. 1205 (No. 30 ); SA. No. 1641. (7) Vrtti (Gram. 2100) composed by Vinayahamsa, pupil of Mahimaratna of the Vidhipaksa (Ancala ) Gaccha in Sam. 1572. JB. 74; JG. p. 34; Mitra. VIII. p. 168. (8) Sabdārthavrtti composed in Sam. 1681 by Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. AM. 94; Baroda. No. 2815; Bengal. No. 2574 ; BK, No. 1097 ; DB. 8 ( 16 ); Jain Education Intemational Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । Hamsa. No. 582; JG. p. 36, Mitra. IX. p. 183; X. p. 169, SA. Nos. 1521; 1737. (9) Balavabodha composed in Sam. 1711 by Yatindra, pupil of Hemanandana, pupil of Ratnasigaragani of the Kharatara Gaccha. Vel. No. 1481. (10) Vrtti by Jinadevasüri (?). Gra 3600. VC. 7(16; 18). (11) Avacuri by Santidevasuri. JG. p. 36, SA. Nos. 390; 1556; 2562; VD. 7 (7). (12) Vrtti-Dipika by Manikyasekhara (1) (foll. 111) DA. 74 (3), JG. p. 36. (13) Niryukti-Avacuri. Anon. DC. p. 33; JG. p. 36; Kap. Nos. 720-723; 726-729; Pet. IV. No. 1262; Weber. II. Nos. 1919; 1921. (15) Balavabodha by Merusundara, pupil of Ratnamurti of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bik. No. 1604. (16) Balavabodha by Parsvacandra suri. VA. 9 (3); VB. 16 (36); VD. 7 (9, 10). (17) Vrtti. Anon. It ends bhavambudhes samullaghya te yanti paramavyayam'. The ms. is dated Sam. 1290. Pet. I. A. p. 83. (18) Tiks by Sumativijaya (Sumatisuri?). Kath. No. 1373. (14) Vṛtti Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 343; 346, DA. 19 (11-21; 23; 25); DB. 8 (17-20); DC. p. 34; JHA. 21 (6), JHB. 15; Pet. I. A. p. 83, IV. No. 1262; V. Nos. 711; 712; 713; st See Tattvärthasutra. SA. No. 1673; Strass. pp. 200, 312, VA. 9 (11-16); VB. 16 (1923). (19) Stabaka by Somavimalasiri. Kaira. A. 59. (20) Stabaka composed in Sarh. 1667 by Rajacandrasuri. Limdi. Nos. 342; 383; PAPS. 36 (8). (21) Balavabodha by Rajabamsopadhyaya. PAPS. 36 (10, 12); VB. 17 (10; 18); Weber. II. No. 1920 (dated Sarh. 1662). (22) Dasavakalikagitäni composed in Sarh. 1723 by Kamalalarsa, pupil of Manavijaya of the Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 439. 171 fter Anonymous. DB. 31 (49), Surat. 1 (814), VB. 17 (3). It is published with 16 other Kulakas by Shah Balabhai Kakalbhai, Ahmedabad. JG. p. 199. contains lives of the ten ideal Jain laymen, composed in Sam. 1542 by Subhavardhana, pupil of Sadhuvijaya (Grath, 800). It is in Prakrta. Chani. No. 561; JG. p. 224; PRA. No. 405; SA. No. 814. (II) दशश्रावक चरित Anonymous. JG. p. 224, VB. 17 (3). see Upasakadasakatha. Surat. 9. few in Prakrta. Hamsa. No. 1547. दशावतारपरिशिष्ट Bengal. No. 7675. Bengal. Nos. 7150; 7510. Is this Dasarnabhadracaritra ? g is the fourth Chedasutra. It contains ten Uddeśas, the 8th of which is called the Kalpasitra. See Schubeing, Lehre der Jainas, p. 76. The Kalpasūtra (s v.) is separately published with com mentaries very often; but the Dassśrutaskandha as a whole is not yet published so far as I know. The whole is ascribed to Bhadrabhahu, who is said to have extracted it from the 9th Purva. The Sutra is also known as Acäradasă, owing to its 10 books on the conduct of the Jaina monks. Agra. Nos. 204; 205 AM. 159; 160, 229, 245, 272; 374; Bengal. Nos. 4158; 6918, 7350; 7464; Bhand. III. No. 436; V. No. Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 172 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । 1163; Bik. No. 1470, BK. No. 302; BSC. No. 457, Buh. II. No. 199; III. No. 105; VI. No. 608; DA. 14 (34 to 37); 73 (10), DB. 7 (7-10); JA. 49 (2); 51 (1); JB. 71; Jesal. No. 1365; JHA. 19, JHB. 20 (3 c.); Kaira. A. 88, KB. 3 (5); Kiel. III. No. 157; Mitra. VIII. p. 80; IX. p. 178; PAP. 45 (2-3), 46 (1-4); PAPL 3 (59), PAPS. 23 (1-3); PAZA. 6 (5; 6); PAZB. 10 (1); 19 (12), 23 (1, 2, 10), Pet. IV. No. 1263; V. No. 714, SA. Nos. 162, 1742; 1989; Samb. No. 339; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6; VC 7 (14; 17), Weber. II. Nos. 1880, 1881. (1) Niryakti by Bhadrababu. It contains 144 Gāthās. Buh. III. No. 105; DA. 14 (32), 73 (9), DB 7 (9), DC. p. 42, Hamsi. No. 581, JA. 51 (1); JG. p. 14, KB. 3(5), Kiel. III. No. 157; Kundi. No. 94, PAZB. 10 (1); Pet. IV. No. 1263, Surat. 1 (1231). (2) Carni. (Gram. 2225; 4321 including Sutra and Niryukti). Bt. No. 36, Buh. III. No. 105; DC. pp. 2; 43; (compare DI. p. 24); Hamsa. No. 581; JA. 49 (2) 51 (1); JB. 71; Jesal. No. 1365; JG. p. 14, Kaira. A. 88; Kiel. III. No. 158; Kundi. No 290; PAP. 45 (2,3), PAPS. 23 (3); PAZA. 6(6), PAZB. 10 (1); 19(12), 23 (10); Pet. III. A. pp. 142, 181; IV. Nos. 1263; 1264; IV. A. p. 100; SA. No. 1742; Samb. No. 452. (3) Tiki called Jinahita composed by Brahmarşi or Brahmamuni, pupil of Parsvacandra of the Tapa Gaccha (Gram. 5150; Beyathasthitäsega). Agra. No. 204; BK. No. 302; Bah. IV. No. 156; DA. 14 (29; 30); 73 (10) ; DB. 7 (7, 8); Hamsa. No. 1577; JG. p. 14; JHA. 19 (dated Sam. 1651); JHB. 20; Kath. No. 1089; Limdi. Nos, 204; 456, SA. No. 162; VC. 7 (14; 17). (4) Tika. Anonymous. Bik. No. 1653; BSC. Nos. 472; 717; DC. p. 43 (No. 340), Surat. 1, 7, 8. (5) Paryaya. Kap. Nos. 494, 495. Bt. No. 23. This is the 5th book of the Niraya valikäsutra. It is counted as the 12th Upanga and is usually known as Vrsnidaśā. (1) Vṛtti composed in Sam. 1998. Bt. No. 23. is a hymn in praise of Jinadattasüri (benamamyaham śrījinadattasürim). Cal. X. No. 67. दादापार्श्वस्तवन is a hymn containing forty-five Sanskrit stanzas in praise of the image of Pārsvanatha called Dādā, at Baroda, composed by Rajasundara, pupil of Pandit Padmasigura of the Tapă Gaocha. The bymn is a sort of Pädapurti of the Bhaktamarastotra. Vel. No. 1809. दादासाहेब स्तुतिमयकाव्य ( Be :-- bhūyistha yasya kirtiḥ). KB. 1(66) also called Dhanyasalicaritra (see No. 1), since it contains the life of one Dhanya, in illustration of the efficacy of religious gifts according to Jainism, composed by Jinakirti of the Taps Gaccha. It is publi shed in the DLP. Series, No. 9, Bombay, 1919. Bengal. No. 7520; Buh. II. No. 200, DA. 49 (1); KB. 3 (14), Limdi. Nos. 536; 636; 682, 856; PAZA. 10 (9); SA. No. 134; Surat. 1, 7, 4. Limdi. No. 930. See Danasilatapobhvanakulaka. by Vijaya candragani. JG. p. 253, दानचतुष्टय कथा Pet. III. No. 597 (dated Sari. 1618). ragnar by Paramanandasuri. KB. 3 (58); Mitra. X. p. 144. in fifty-four stanzas by Padmanandin. Limdi. Nos. 586; 610, Pet. IV. Nos. 1442, 1448. Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मन्थविभागः प्रथमः । दानपञ्चाशिका in Sanskrit by Jayasimhasūri. Hamsa | दानशीलतपोभावना कुलक consisting of 80 Prākrta No. 1004. stanzas in all (20 on each of the 4 topics composed by Devendrasuri of the Tapă Gaccha. It is published in 3 parts with both the commentaries by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1915. It is also published in the Prakaraṇamala by H. L. Vardhamankar, Ahmedabad, 1901. AM. 54; Bengal. No. 6640; Bhand. VI. No. 1172; Bik. No. 1590; BK. No. 551; Buh. III. No. 108; (cf. PRA. No. 852); IV. No. 155; (cf. PRA. No. 873); DA. 57 (28-44), DB. 33 (61, 63; 64); Hamsa. Nos. 374; 1011; 1342; JHB. 27 (2 c.); KB: 3 (15); KN. 14, Limdi. Nos. 1074; 1761; PAPS. 51 (22); Pet. III. A. pp. 217; 218, V. Nos. 715; 716; 717; PRA. Nos. 852; 873; 1171, VA. 9 (26), VC. 7 (13). (1) (Gram. 340). Composed in Sah. 1656, by Kanakakalagani, pupil of Vijayasenasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1911. Agra. Nos. 936-937, Chani. No. 282; DB. 16 (22); JG. p. 180; JHB 46; PAP. 37 (85); PAPS. 68 (121), Surat. 1, 7. (II) (Probably the same as Patradānaprakasa). Pet. III. A. p. 53 (foll. 12 to 113 Gram about 2800) JA. 183. Incomplete. (Grah. 6665) composed in Sam. 1499 by Caritraratnagani, pupil of Jinasundarasuri and Somasundarasuri of the Tapă Gaccha. It contains 12 chapters, and is edited by Muni Caturavijaya in the JAS. Series, No. 65, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1974. Agra. No. 938, BK. No. 133, BO. p. 72, DB. 16 (20-21), Hamsa. No. 1559; JG. p. 180; PAP. 18 (27); 68 (9), PAPR. 10 (3); Pet. VI. No. 580; SB. 2 (76), VA. 9 (29). दानमहिमाकुलक JG. p. 199. rafafu in twentyfive Gathas (Be-dhammovaggahadanam). JA. 25 (11), JG. p. 149; Limdi. No. 1288, Pet. I. A. pp. 49, 58. by Väsupujya. See Dänasäāra. SG. No. 2407. (I) दानशीलतपोभावना in fifty Prakrta stations (Be-devädhidevam namiūna viram) by Asoka Muni. DB. 57 (33); JG. p. 199; JHA. 33; Pet. IV. No. 1360; IV. A. p. 122 (a quotation); SA. No. 1666; Vel. No. 1843. (II) दानशीलतपोभावना in twentyfour Gathas (Be-namivi usabhai cauvisa). Pet. (II) V. A. 140. p. (III) feat Anon. Bengal. No. 7175; Kath. No, 1374. 173 (1) Tikā called Dharmaratnamañjūṣā (Gram. 12000) composed in Sarh. 1666 by Devavijayagani, pupil of Rajavijayagani of the Tapă Gaocha. AM. 54, Bhand. VI. Nos. 1134, 1172; Bik. No. 1590; BK. No. 551; Buh. III. No. 108; IV. No. 155 (cf. RRA. No. 873); DA. 57 (28; 29); DB. 33 (61), Hamsa. Nos. 374; 1342, JG. p. 199, JHB. 27; KB. 3 (15), KN. 14; PAPS. 51 (22), PRA. Nos 873; 1171; VA. 9 (26); VC. 7 ( 13 ). (2) Tika by Labhakusalagani (Gram. 5500) Bengal. No. 6640; JG. p. 199; JHB. 27; Pet. V. No. 717 (ms. dated Sam. 1766). दानशीलतपोभावनामकरण See Danasilatapobhāvanā. (I) दानषट्त्रिंशिका by Vinayaratna. PAPS. 81 (95). See below. Anonymous. DB. 35 (126); JG. p. 140. P. (1) Avacuri. DB 35 (126). (2) Avacüzi by Vinayaratna. JG. Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । p. 140. Perhaps both the text and Avacuri of the Danagaṭtrinsika were composed by Vinayaratna. DB. 31 (118), JG. p. 143. (1) by Vasupujya, a Digambara writer. Rice. p. 312; SG. Nos 1768; 2407; SRA. 50, 284. (1) Vyakhyāna. Anon. Rice. p. 312. (II) दानसार by Prabhācandra in Sanskrit. SRA. 149. (1) Tiks by Dhamnandin. SRA. 149. दानही रावली Agra. No. 940 by Subhasila (This is probably the same as Bharatesvaravṛtti of Subhasila). JG. p. 253; Pet. III. No. 598. (I) दानादिकुलक in Apabhramśa by Pradyumna Baroda. No. 6119. (1) Tik Svopajña. Baroda. No. 6119. See (II) qram@gees in Sanskrit (Be-om namo nābhibhupala.). Mitra. VIII. p. 147. (III) Anon. DB. 33 (65); Hamsa. No. 1605; KB. 2 (10, foll. 80). (IV) qenges in 50 Gathas by Asoka. Danasilatapobhavana (I). JHA. 33. दानादिप्रकरण in Sanskrit by Suracarya. It is a poem in seven cantos containing 46, 54, 53, 53, 97, 109 and 114 stanzas respectively (Be-jaramaranavarjitam). Bt. No. 644 (foll. 34); JG. p. 340, Patan Cat. I. p. 185 (quotation). The last ms. forms the second part of another which is dated Sam. 1191. rangay SA. Nos. 2909, 2978, 3072. दानोपदेशमाला by Divakara pupil of Baighatilakan of the Rudrapalliya Gaccha according to PRA. No. 409. BK. No. 1252; Bt. No. 221, Hamsa. Nos. 298; 321; JG. p. 180; JHA. 41; PRA. No. 409; Pet. VI. No. 581. (1) Tika by Devendrasuri, pupil of Sanghatilaksuri of the Rudrapalliya Gaccha. It was composed in Sam. 1418 according to a note in the Hamsa list. BK. No. 1252; Bt. No. 221 (Anon. foll. 71); Hamsa. Nos. 298; 321, JG. p.180; PRA. No. 409; Pet. VI. No. 581. (Gram. 158) JG. p. 161. दिगम्बरचर्चा SA. No. 93. Pet. VI. No. 667. दिगम्बरमतखण्डन See also Digambarakhandana. Chani. No. 93; DB 20 (66); PAPR. 6 (9) fązana ( only 1 folio ). KB 1 (67) दिग्विजयमहाकाव्य in Sanskrit on the life of Vijayaprabhasüri of the Taps Gaccha. It was composed by Meghavijayagani, pupil of Krpāvijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha. It has 13 cantos (foll. 48). BO. p. 30; Pattavalisamuccaya, I. p. 110. fe in 5 Gathas. JG. p. 199. for Anon. See Śräddhadinakṛtya. Pet. III. No. 599. (1) Vrtti also anonymous. BO. p. 30 (dated Sarh. 1411). fare in 344 Präkṛta Slokas (Bet-viram nameuna tiloyabhanum). Pet. III. A. p. 30. feat(Gram 192) composed by Bhavadevasäri, a descendent of Kalikācārya. See Yatidinacarya (II). PAP. 23 ( 38 ), 45 (13) (1) Tika by Matisāgara Upadhyaya. PAP. 23 (38). gift an astrological treatise in Sanskrit by Ratnasekharasuri. It is published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, Sari. 1974. BK. No. 150; PAPS. 67 (103; dated Sam. 1536). fiero Bengal. No. 7453. firefer Bhand. VI. No. 1174, JG. p. 199. Bengal. No. 7024; DA. 22 (16) a of Paramananda. Mitra. X. p. 102, Bengal. No. 1479. Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 17.5 fanfaara197% of Haribhadrasuri. See Pañica 1558 ; 1714 ; PAP. 72 (1); 76 ( 47, sakasūtra (Be:-namiūņa mabāvīram ). 128); PAPS. 61 (2); 63 (13); 64 The ms. also contains Caityavandana, (76; 85 ); PAZB. 21 (25); PRA. Nos. Pujāvidhi, Pratyakhyāna and Stavana 1108; 1211 ; 1333; SA. Nog. 230; vidhi Pancāsakas of the same author ; cf. 736; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9; VB. 17 Pet. I. A. p. 16. All the nineteen Pan (16; 38 ; 39; 46 ). cāsakas of Haribhadra with Abhayadeva's (1) Avacūri composed in Sam. 1571, commentary are published by the Jain by Tejapāla Katukacatedabhava ? Chani, Dharma prasārakasabhā, Bhavanagar, Sam. No. 562 ; DB. 24 ( 263 ). 1968. Vel. No. 1844. (2) Stabaka composed in Sam. 1763 (I) imara in Präkrta. Hamsa. No. 452. by Sukhasāgara, pupil of Dipasāgara of (II) fara in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 1395 ; SA. the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No. 1070 ; DA. Nos. 707 ; 1867. 60 ( 248-255); Limdi. Nos. 561; 1147; दीतवारसमुद्यापन A short treatise on the Adityavrata PAPS. 61 (2); PRA. Nos. 1108; and Pārsvapujā, composed by Keśava 1333. sena, pupil of Ratnabhūşaņa (cf. SGR. (III) aigre t composed in Sam. 1345 (JG's III. p. 115). SG. No. 52. See Aditya date is wrong) by Vinayacandra, pupil vratodyāpana (I). of Ratnasimhasuri. It contains 174 PIAT T composed by K samākalyāņa, pupil Slokas. Bhand. VI. No. 1173; BK. of Amrtadharma of the Kharatara Gac No. 671; Buh. VI. No. 722; Flo. No. cha. KC. 13. 713; Hamsa. Nos. 994; 1153 ; 1193; ITAErdeyle Bengal. No. 2582. 1488; JA. 111 (21); JG. p. 270; (I) gigifchet Variously called Apapābrhat Kaira. B. 155; Limdi. No. 1259; PAP. kalpa, Pāvāpurikalpa and Dipotsavakalpa, 75 ( 47); PAPS. 65 (42); PRA. No. composed in Sam. 1387 by Jinaprabha 895; VB. 16 (18) sūri, pupil of Jinasimhasuri of the Khara- (IV) Igie in Sanskrit composed by Jinatara Gaccha. It is in Prākrta and forms ratnasuri, in Sam. 1683. PAPS. 63 (6). a part of the author's Tirthakalpa (s. v.); (v) iqtische by Sarvänandasūri. See Dipotsacf. Pet. IV. A. p. 95. No. 6711; vakalpa (II). JG. p. 270 ; KB. 1 (10; 34); PAP. (VI) alqigaltheby Kanakakusala. JG. p. 270; 23 ( 69 ); 72 (13); PAPL. 6 ( 48 ); SA. No. 231. Pet. I. No. 235; IV. A. p. 95; V. Nos. 718; 719; 720; VI. No. 582 ; SA. No. (VII) Pigieeleeq Anonymous. Hamsa. Nos. 914 ; 1359; JA. 112 ( 12 ); JG. p. 270 231 ; Surat. 1, 8; Vel. Nos. 1735; 1736. (composed in Sarn. 1325, Graṁ. 318); Limdi. No. 700 ( dated Sam. 1559 ); (II) t h at composed in Sam. 1483 (JG's PAPS. 64 (87); 68 ( 25 ). date is wrong) by Jinasundara, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It EITUTT composed in Sam. 1890, by Ume is in Sanskrit. BK. No. 1070; Bod. No. dacandra, pupil of Ramacandra of the 1415; Buh. II. No. 201, Chani. No. Kharatara Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit. 1034; DA. 60 ( 246-260); DB. 24 PRA. No. 1169. ( 259-265 ); Hamsa. No. 1527; JG. p. Erotzats (Grain. 208 ). VB. 36 ( 67 ). 270; JHA. 56 ( 2c.); JHB. 35, Limdi. QaT by Tribhuvanakirti. CP. p. 653. Nos. 561 ; 818 ; 819; 1147 ; 1515; (I) Qiraan See Dipālikäkalpa. Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। (II) atarrhana by Sarvānandasuri. It consists No. 609; DB. 22 ( 103 ); Pet. V. No: of 43 Sanskrit stanzas (Be :-- guroh sri 721 ; VI. No. 583 ; Vel. No. 1821. vardhamānasya ). Chani. No. 236 ; JG ; (3) Vrtti by Nayanasundara, pupil of p. 270; Pet. V. A. p. 53 (dated Sam. Jivakalasagani ( Be :— vardhayatu var1336). diamānāh). This commentary is the (III) ainak by Somasundara (Jinasun same as No. 1 above. Nayanasundara dara?). KN. 39 ( foll. 58 ). appears to be only the name of the scribe. (IV) ataan by Hemacandra. This is a Mitra. VIII. p. 157. chapter from the author's Mahāvīracarita; (4) Țikā. Anonymous. Agra. No. cf. Flo. No. 712. DA. 60 (261-265). 1462 ; KB. 1 (10); 3 (20); 5 ( 28 ). Flo. No. 712 ; JHA. 56. gregatu See Lingānušāsanatīkā No. 2. aliaia in Sanskrit, by Devendrakirti. SG. No. fqqCIETT of Kanakaprabha. See Śabdānusāsana1614 (foll. 91 ). (Haima ) tikā No. 6. दुरियरयसमीरस्तोत्र so called from its first words, is a दुर्गवृत्तिव्याश्रयकाव्य See Dvyasrayamahakavya of hymn composed by Jinavallabhasūri. It Jinaprabhasuri. is otherwise called Viracaritrastotra or gitka by Narapati, who is probably a non-Jain. Mabāviracaritra. It consists of 44 Gāthās, JG. p. 355. See Vel. No. 380. and is in Prākṣta. It is published with guitarria SA. No. 3018. Samayasundara's commentary by the manager of the Jinadatta Suri Bhandar COTTEETTEJ (Gram. 300 ) by Rājakunda. of Surat. Agra. No. 1462, Baroda. No. DB. 38 ( 22 ); VB. 16 ( 15 ). 2134 ; Bhand. III. No. 437 ; V. No. The Bengal. No. 6964. 1321; VI. No. 1338; Bik. No. 1474 ; agga Probably a portion of the Vajjālagga. Bub. IV. Nos. 251 ; 257; Chani. No. Ko. 77 ; 107. 957 ; DB. 22 (103); Hamsa. Nos. 271; g an Limdi. No. 2650. 848 ; JHA. 51 ( 2c.); KB. 1 (10; TIRÀ Anon. Idar. 36. 48); 3 ( 20 ); 5 (28); KN. 12; Limdi. No. 1288; Mitra. VIII. p. 158, Pet. I. Q:Ecuatanga of Yasahkirti. Idar. 73 ( 6c. ). No. 334 ; V. Nos. 721 ; 794 ; VI. No. CATIFITAEFEfara in Prākrta composed by 583; PRA. Nos. 277; 883; 1263; SA. Dharmakirti (alias Dharmaghoșasūri ), Nos. 1561 ; 1816 ; Vel. No. 1821. pupil of Devendrasuri of the Tapā (1) Țikā composed by Sadhusoma Gaccha. BK. No. 105; JG. p. 146, gani, pupil of Siddhāntaruci of the Pet. III. A. p. 307 ( quotation); PRA. Kharatara Gaccha in Sam 1519 (Be :-- No. 1093; VC. 7 ( 29 ). vardhayatu vardhamānāḥ). Bik. No. TUATIE 19Tu in about 86 Gäthäs (Be :-attam 1491 ; Hamsa. Nos. 271 ; 848 ; JHA. 51 ( 2c.); Mitra. VIII. p. 157; PRA. gayā ya bhingā). JA. 95 (5); Pet. I. A. Nos. 277 ; 1263 ( No. 61 ); SA. Nos. p. 31 ; III. A. p. 21 (quotation ). 1561 ; 1816. qapfogat (Gāthās 112). Bt. No. 152. (2) Vrtti composed by Samaya- AIOTATTU by Vimalaprabhasūri in about sundara, pupil of Sakalacandra Upā. 92 Gāthās. Bt. No. 150; JG. p. 133; dhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha ( Be : PAPL. 8 (8). Is this the same as Dusama. natvā vīrajinendram). Baroda. No. gandikā! 2134; Bhand. V. No. 1321 ; Buh. VI. RETOSSIGT Hamsa. No. 1161. Jain Education Intemational Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 177 (1) Gafa fogar (Gäthäs 173 ) by Yogasāra-(III) Tyr Ta# Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1839; gani. Bt. No. 153. 1840 ; 1841 ; DA. 39 (22); JG. p. 208; (II) wasasa fel (Gathäs 204 ). Anonymous. PAPS. 64 (94); Surat. 6,9. Bt. No. 151. T319 Strass. p. 303 ; often published. NAGIT in 48 Gathās by Udayaprabhasüri, pupil Tigarg (foll. 42). Buh. VI. No. 610; JG. p. 90. of Raviprabha, pupil of Yasobhadra. This is a mistake. The ms. contains only Patan Cat. I. p. 365 (Be :-- namiūņa Haribhadra's Saddarśanasamuccaya with bhuvanaviram ). Gunaratna's commentary. ETIETTELUT JG. p. 253; JHB. 31 ( 2 copies). are JG. p. 153. TC E arta JG. p. 224. aantagaita in 97 Gathās (Be :- namiūņa caraTE171*4 Bhand. VI. No. 1307. najuyalam ..........devayasuyänucariyam ). This is Devakisutacaritra (though menHair A BO, P. 59. tioned as Devakicaritra at JG. and Pet. ), getragau JG. p. 84. and is surely the same as the SukosalaErgatat by Meghaprabba. See Suktamuktä caritam mentioned at Pet. I. A. p. 95. vali. JA. 25 (11); 106 (6); JG. p. 224 ; Pet. TECHTOT in Sanskrit by Arimalla. JG. p. 180; I. A. pp. 47 ; 95; Patan Cat I. p. 304 PAPS. 53 ( 15). See below. Drstänta (quotation ; 97 Gāthās only). ratnāvali. agai See Devakumāracaritra. JG. p. 253. gramma composed in Sam. 1571, by Ananta |(I) FATafts in Sanskrit (Gram. 527). JG. harnsagani, pupil of Jinamāņikya of the p. 253 , PAP. 60 (6); PAPR. 20 (5). Tapā Gaccha. Another name of the work |(II) FAITETTa (another one ; foll. 6 only). is Dasadrstāntacaritra (s. v.). Baroda. DB. 30 (34); JG. p. 253. Both references Nog. 2823; 11605; JG. p. 267; PRA. probably refer to the same ms. Nos. 735 ; 1325. देवकुमारप्रेतकुमारकथा in Sanskrit (on the vow of raraat of Arimalla. Published by Hiralal Pausadha ). DA. 50 (95); DB. 31 (34). Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1925–26. See agaragamo in 59 Găthās. JG. p. 180; Limdi. above Drstāntamālā. No. 1704. दृष्टान्तरहस्यकथा Surat. 5. TEHT DB. 31 (48); Limdi. No. 1966. (I) Erradas composed by Tejasimba, pupil of qafia in 15 Sanskrit Ślokas (Be :-darsanam . Kesavarsi of the Lünkā Gaccha. It con devadevasya. ). Cal. X. No. 112. tains 112 Sanskrit Kārikās. It is ancient in Sankrit by Nyāyaviśārada Yasovipublished with a Gujrati translation by jayagani, pupil of Nayavijayagani of the D. M. Shah, Baroda. Bhand. V. No. Tapā Gaccha. This is published in No. 1141; BK. Nos. 426 ; 902; Buh. II. 13 of the JDPS. Series, Bhavnagar, Sam. No. 291 (ms. dated Sam. 1746); DB. 1965, along with 9 other works of Yaso22 (150; 151 ); Limdi. Nos. 617 ; vijaya. Agra. No. 941 ; AM. 400 ; BK. 1017 ; PRA. No. 829. No. 267; Hamsa. Nos. 345; 537; 558; (II) Eyl 1970 by Narendrasuri. Bhand. VI. No. 648; JG. p. 104 ; SA, No. 562. 1373 ; JG. p. 209; JHB. 46. 99919 in Sankrit prose. Limdi. No. 854. (1) Avacūri. Bhand. VI. No. 1373; Mahathir Pet. VI. No. 668. JG. p. 209. |(I) ayat by Padmanandin. Pet. V. No. 943. J... 23 E Jain Education Interational Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 stiferaen : 1 Hum. 2; 51, Idar. A. 68 ; JB. 110; 140; Kath. No. 1090; KB. 2 (14);" KO. 141, 143 ; 150 ; 151; 160 ; Limdi. No. 560; Mitra. VI. p. 105; Mud. 172; 173; 250; 263; 354 ; 640, 641 ; 682 ; Pet. IV. No. 1177; V. Nos. 922; 944 ; PRA. Nos. 288; 1244 ; SA. No. 317; SG. No. 1315; Strass. p. 299; Tera. - 46, 47, 48; Weber. II. No. 1952. (1) Bhāsya called Astašati composed by Bhatta Akalankadeva. AD. Nos. 36, 93, 94; 137; 150; Baroda ; No. 2727, Bengal. No. 1525, Bhand. V. Nos. 1037 ; 1038 ; BK. No. 1100; BO. p. 72; Buh. VI. No. 566 ; CMB. 30, 35; 101, 107 ; CP.p. 622, DB. 38 (75; 76); DLB. 15; 23 ; 30; Hebru. 18; Hum. 2; 38; 39, 51; 201; Idar. 136 (2c.); 139 (2c.); Idar. A. 68 ; JB. 110, 140, Kath. No. 1049; KB. 2 (14); KO. 141, 143; 151; 160, Limdi. No. 560, MHB. 29; 34; 61 , Mitra. VI. p. 105; Mud. 184 ; 354; 640 ; 641 ; 682; Pet. IV. No. 1177; PRA. Nos. 288; 1244; Rice. p. 306; SA. No. 317 ; SG. No. 1315; Strass. p. 298 ; Tera. 11; 12; 13; 14; 46 ; 47, 48; Weber. II. No. 1952. 107CP ; Hebru. 36' (2c.)Kath. No (II) qaga by Pandit Śivacandra. AD. No. 169. aaraan Bengal. No. 7408. Ba u Bub. VI. No. 723. This is really the Prabandharāja of Ratnamandiragani. CartaETEK Pet. V. No. 722. qarke JG. p. 215. are AERTS DB. 31 (60-61). IGHTIOFATYTAUTAT VB. 17 ( 42). 50% in 28 Gāthās. Limdi. No. 1288. qarah in 41 Gāthās. This is one of the three Bhāsyas ( see Bhāsyatraya ) of Devendrasuri. It is separately published with Somasundara's Avacūri, by the JAS, (Series No. 15), Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. Bengal. No. 7565; JA. 31 (6). qarqarola DA. 39 (62). qarqat by Devendrasūri. VB. 16 (25). This is the same as Devavandanabhäsya. raqafeter Bengal. Nos. 6809; 7578; SA. No. 2798. देवसिद्धपूजाजयमाला Strass. p. 303. TETTE Agra. No. 1394. euraa Hamsa. No. 450. TATTATTET Bhand. VI, No. 1004. a TAFSI also called Aptamimämsā, by Samanta bhadra. It is in 115 Sanskrit stanzas and forms the introduction to the author's Bhāsya i. e., the Gandhahasti Mahābhāsya, on the Tattvārthasūtra. It is published with Akalanka's Astašati and Vasundin's commentary, in the Sanātana Jaina Granthamälä, No. 10, Benares, 1914. It is also published with Vidyānandin's Astasāhasrī, by Natha Ranga Gandhi, Bombay, 1915. AD. Nos. 36; 93, 94; 112; 137, 150; AM. 366; Baroda. No. 2727 ; Bhand. V. Nos. 1037 ; 1038; VI. Nos. 992; 995; BK. No. 1100; BO. p. 72; Buh. VI. No. 611; CMB. 30, 35; 82; 102 ; 107 ; CP. pp. 625 , 653; DB. 37 (75; 76); Hebru. 18;! IS IS (2) Astašatībhāsya, otherwise called Astasabasri or, Aptamīmāmsālamkrti, composed by Vidyānanda. AD. Nog. 36; 93; 94, 137, Agra. Nos. 2354; 2420; Baroda; No. 2727, Bengal. Nos. 1525; 1537, Bhand. V. Nos. 1037 ; 1038; BK. No. 1100; BO. p. 72, Bub. VI. Nos. 564 ; 565, CMB. 30, 69 , 102, CP. p. 622, DB. 38 ( 75, 76), DLB. 23; 30; Hebru. 18; Hum. 2, 38, 39; 51, 201; Idar. 128 ; 129 ; 130 (6c.); 139 ( 2c.); Idar. A. ( 68 ), JB. 110 ; 140; 442; Kath. No. 1049; KB. 2 ( 14 ); KO. 141; 143; 151, 155, 156; 160 ; Limdi. No. 560, MHB. 29; 34; Mitra. VI. p. 105; Mud. 184 ; 354; 640; 641; 682; Pet. IV. No. 1177; V. No. Jain Education Intemational Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 179 of the me . No. 1506 Pet. v 922 ; V. A. p. 155; PR. No. 261; PRA. Nos. 288 ; 1244 (No. 38); Rice. p. 306; SA. No. 317 ; SG. No. 1315; Strass. p. 298 , Tera. 15; 16; 17; 46 ; 47; 48; 175; Weber. II. No. 1952. (3) Astasāhasrītīkā called Vişamapadatātparya, by Laghu Samantabhadra. This is a commentary on No. 2. CMB. 28 ; CP. p. 622 ; KO. 152; Pet. V.A. p. 216 (quotation ); V. No. 920, Rice. p. 306. (4) Astasähasrivivaranam composed by Nyayavisārada Yasovija yagani, pupil of Nayavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Pet. VI. No. 546 = VI. A. p. 38 ( quotation ) ; PRA. No. 288. (5) Aştasābasrimangalācaraṇavrtti. This is a commentary on the Mangalācaraña verse only, of the Astasahasri. CP. p. 622. (6) Tikā by Vasunandin. AM. 366; Bengal. No. 1538; CP. p. 653 (4 copies) ; Kath. No. 1090. देवानन्दाभ्युदयमहाकाव्य being a Padapurti Kavya based on Māgha's Sisupālavadha, composed by Meghavijayagani, pupil of Krpāvijayagami of the Tapā Gaccha. It describes the life of Vijayadevasūri (No. 60) of the Tapā Gaccha, and was composed in Sam. 1755. It is recently published in the Singhi Jain Series, ( Vol. 7), 1937 A. D. It is also published by the YJG., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. qar Bhand. VI. No. 1003. (I) देवाःप्रभोस्तोत्र also called Sadhāranajinastavana and Sarvajñastava, composed by Jayanandasuri, pupil of Somatilakasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published with a commentary in the MDG, series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. Also in the Digam. Jain Grantha Bhandar Series No. 1, Benares, Sam. 1982. Bhand. VI. No. 1175; BK. No. 1506; Chani. No. 773; 1.. CP. p. 707; DA. 41 (167-180, 184194); Flo. No. 675; Hamsa. No. 717; JG. pp. 280 ; 294; JHA. 58; 70; Kaira. B. 61 ; Limdi. Nos. 822; 932; PÁPS. 80 (45); Pet. I. No. 278; Pet. IV. No. 1369; V. Nos. 724; 894 ; VI. No. 641 ; PRA. Nos. 227; 305; 656; 1000, 1206 ; SA. Nos. 395; 1947 ; 1950. (1) Svopajña Tikā. Bhand. VI. No. 1175; SA. No. 1947. (2) Tikā composed by Vānararsi (Vijayavimalagaņi), pupil of Anandavimalasuri of the Tapă Gaccha. DA. 41 (184, 185, 188); JG. p. 280; Kaira. B. 61; Pet. I. No. 278; IV. No. 1369 = PRA. No. 1000. (3) Țikā composed by Kanakakusala, pupil of Vijayasenasuri of the Tapă Gaccha. BK. No. 1506; JHA. 58 ; 70 ; Pet. VI. No. 641; PRA. Nos. 227; 1206 (No. 31). (4) Vrtti (Gram. 350 ) composed by Ratnacandra, pupil of Sänticandra of the Tapā Gaccha. This commentary of the author is mentioned by him in the Prasasti to Samyaktvasaptatikābālāvabodba. PRA. No. 305; VB. 19 ( 24 ) (5) Vrtti by Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpävijaya composed during the reign of Vijayaprabhasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It was written out by Jiva vijayagani. JHA. 58 , PRA. No. 656 dated Sam. 1724). (6) Tikā composed in Sam. 1710 by Jinavijaya. This is probably the same as No. 5 above. DA, 41 (187). (7) Tikā by Vivekasāgara (?). DA. 41 (186). (8) Tikā by. Visalarāja. Hamsa. No. 717. (9) Vrtti or Avacuri. Anonymous. Chani. No. 773; Flo. No. 675 (Bet-devāh Jain Education Intemational Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। prabhoryam vidhinātmasuddhyai); PAPS. 18 (10); SA. No. 455 ; V B. 17 (30); 80 (45); Pet. V. No. 894 ; SA. No. 395. Weber. II. No. 1870 (7). (II) qat: Thirata by śānticandra. This is pro- eaterie u r BO. p. 59. Perhaps the same as bably Ratnacandra's commentary ( No. 4 the next. above) on Devāḥprabhostotra. VB. atoareak Tur in 43 Gāthās by Cakreśvara19 ( 24 ). sūri. JG. p. 133 ; Limdi. No. 955. stafagara From Acāradinakara. Bengal. No. Ostal of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 6759. 144. qarata y o by Cirantanācārya i. e.. by R ahi Hamsa. Nos. 1014; 1017 ; Kaira. A. some ancient Acarya whose name was 180 ; Surat. 1; VA. 9 (33); VB. 17 unknown even to the commentator. It ( 29 ). consists of 378 Gāthās in Prākrta and is THE Buh. II. No. 202. This is Adināthapublished by the JAS Bhavanagar, (Series deśanā or Vairāgyaśataka (Be :-samsāre No. 74), 1922, together with the com natthi. ) mentary of Municandra (i.e., No. 2 below). 1977 1978 by Padmanandin. Limdi. Nos. 586; BK. No. 1711; Hamsa. No. 1494; JG. p. 610; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442; 1443. 99 ; Kiel. III. No. 178, PRA. No. 961; wataa See Deśavrataprakāśana. SA. Nos. 312; 910; VA. 9 ( 4). etraf aret Bengal. Nos. 6976; 7274 ; (1) Tikā by Malayagiri. This is 7698. mentioned by Malayagiri in his com- qaft HOT is a lexicon of the Desi words composmentary on Gathā No. 263 of Jina ed by Hemacandra. It is edited by Pisbhadra's Brbatsangrahaņi. No mss. of chel and Buhler in the Bombay Sanskrit it are so far known. Series, 1880 ; and also by M. Banerji, (2) Tikā (Gram. 2909 ) composed Calcutta, 1931. It is otherwise called in Sam. 1186 by Municandrasūri, pupil of Ratnāvali. In this Lexicon, Hemcaudra Vinayacandrasuri, in the spiritual reign of quotes Abhimānacihna, Avantisundari, Nemicandrasūri, successor of Sarvadeva Devarāja, Dhanapala, Drona, Gopāla, suri of the Brahd Gaccha. It was corrected Rahulaka, Samba, Silaika, Satavāana, by Cakradevasuri, at Ahnilvad ; cf. PRA. and Padalipta (only mentioned ); cf. No. 961. BK. No. 1711; JG. p. 99; Kiel. Vaidya, ABORI., Vol. VIII. p. 63 ff. III. No. 178 ; PRA. No. 961 , SA. Nos. Agra. Nos. 2810; 2811 ; Bhand. III. 312; 910; VA. 9 (4). No. 438 ; Buh. III. No. 184 ; IV. Nos. aaraarentures in 300 stanzas, ascribed to Rsi 270 ; 271; VI. No. 724 ; DB. 37 (17; pāla of the Brahmadvipa Śākha. It is 18); KB. 3 ( 27; 66), Kiel. II. No. published with the other 9 Prakirņakas 281, PAP. 24 (12); 40 (10); PAPR. by the Agamodaya Samiti, (No. 46), 7 (1); PAS. No. 371 ; Pet. VI. No. Bombay, 1927. Also in the Agamasar 397 = PRA. No. 1027; SA. Nos. 94; 887 graha, by Ray Bahadur Dhanapatisimba, (palm ms.); 1818; Samb. No. 273 ; Benares, Sam. 1942. Bengal. No. 7500 ; Surat. 1, 2, 9; VB. 16 ( 24 ); 17 (21; Bhand. VI. No. 1168 ; Bik. No. 1592 ; 27); VD. 7 (4). DA. 27 (36; 37); Hamsa. No. 19 ; JB. (1) Svopajña Vrtti. Bhand, III. No. 124; JA. p. 46; Limdi. No. 525; Mitra. 438 ; Buh. ILL. No. 184; IV. Nos. 270, VIII. p. 21 ; PAPL. 5 (19); PAPR. 271, VIII. No. 419 ; DB. 37 (17; 18); Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । KB. 3 (27; 66); Kiel. II. No. 281, III. No. 159, PAP. 24 (12); 40 (10); PAPR. 7 (1); PAS. No. 371, SA. No. 1818; Surat. 1, 2, 9. by Hemcandra. Buh. III. No. 184. See Deśīnāmamālā. देश्य निदेश निघण्डु by Rajacandra. Mysore. II. P. 321. fufata in 24 Gathas composed by Dharmaghosasuri. It is published by the JAS. (Series No. 6), Bhavnagar, Sari. 1968. JG. p. 145. (2) Avacāri. DB. 37 (17, 18). (3) Tika by Vimalasüri. This is not Hamsa. No. 1737. a regular commentary but the author has a SA. No. 670 (foll. 4 only) arranged alphabetically, the words occur ring in the lexicon. See Deśyasabdasa muccaya. Chani. No. 111; SA. No. 94. on Haimavyakaraṇa, Ch. VIII. It is the Sanskrit rendering of the Apabhraria Dohas only. See Sabdanusssana of Hema candra, Com. No. 26, see Dodhakavṛtti. e of Laksmicandra. See Upasakācāradohakasutra. देश्यशनसमुच्चय or Deiya words extracted from दोहकार्थ] See Dohakavrtti. Hemacandra's Desinämamala and alpha-ging betically arranged by Vimalasuri. Chani. No. 111; DB. 37 (16); PAP. 27 (33, dated Sam. 1640); SA. No. 94. by Dharmaghosa, published in Prakaranasamuccaya, Indor, 1923. (1) Vitti by Kulamandanasuri. JG. p. 145. Kath. No. 1262; SA. No. 607. #agearea of Paramananda, Mitra, X. दैवपुरुषकारद्वात्रिंशिका p. 141. देवासकप्रतिक्रमण of Gautama See Allocanä. दैवासिकप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र It is published by Maganlal Hathising, Ahmedabad, 1909, and also in the DLP. Series, No. 55, Bombay, 1916. Bengal. No. 7423. Limdi. No. 1309. वैवासिकप्रतिक्रमणादिविधि Bengal. Nos. 7011; 7030; 7126; 7400; 7493; Limdi. No. 955. gfer in Sanskrit. See Dohakavṛtti. It is published by the Hemacandra Sabha, Patan. दोषगाथा Bengal. No. 6879 composed in Sam. 1451, by Abhayadevasüri. Bik. No. 1472; KB. 1 (62). Bengal. No. 7557; DB. 24 (248); Limdi. No. 2223. 181 of Ramasena in 222 Apabhramsa stanzas (Bet-guru dinayaru). But also cf. A. N. Upadhye, ABORI. Vol. XII. p. 151ff. and Anekanta, I. p. 544ff. According to him, Yogindru is the author of the work. See also Paramätmaprakasa, Introduction, p. 61 f. (Bombay 1937). It is edited with translation, notes, glossary and introduction in Hindi, by Prof. H. L. Jain, Karanja, Berar, 1933. Bhand. VI. No. 1005. in 58 Apabhramsa verses. Patan Cat. I. p. 190 (Be - bhale bhaṇeviņu). rer by Yogacandra. See Yogasira. JB. 149 (foll. 18). zayaqaigâza (Grath. 300) of Devasena. JG. p. 90, Tapa. 41. (Gram. 600). JG. p. 129. by Devacandra. JG. p. 134; JHA. 47, KB. 3 (58). द्रव्यसङ्ग्रह is a brief exposition of Jain philosophy in 58 Prakrta stanzas by Nemicandra, a Digambara writer. See Vel. No. 1615. It is published with Brahmadeva's commentary in the RJS. Series, No. 10, Bombay, 1919 and in the Sulabha Jaina Granthavali, No,1, Calcutta 1921. It is also edited Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। with the same commentary and introduc-1: (6) Tīkā by Mallisena. Bhand. VI. tion, translation and notes in English, by No. 1007. S. G. Ghoshal, Arrah, 1917, in the Sacred (7) Țikā by Amrtacandra. KO. 4. Books of the Jainas, Vol. I. The author (8) Țikā by Rāmacandra. Bengal. lived in the 10th Century A. D. From No. 6640 ; DB. 39 ( 62 ). Strass. p. 304, it would seem that the (9) Tippana by Subhacandra. Lal. 41. work existed also in a shorter recension of 26 verses which was composed by (10) Laghu Tīkā. Kaira. A. 90. the author himself earlier. AD. Nos. 73; (11) Tikā. Anonymous. AD. No. 165; 165; 173 , Agra. Nos. 811 ; 812, 813; Agra. No. 811; Bengal. Nos. 6884 ; AK. Nos. 318; 321; Bengal. Nos. 6640; 7651 ; Tapa. 142; Tera. 9-20. 6884; 7651; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1006 ; (12) Tikā in Kanarese by Keśva1007; BO. p. 54; Buh. III. No. 106 ; varnin. Mud 119. VI. No. 613; CMB. 73; 105; CP. p. 654; (13) Tikā in Kanarese by Balacandra, DA. 67 (14-16), DB. 39 ( 69-72); composed in Saka 1195. Hum. 92, 93, DC. p. 49 ; DLB. 11 ; Hamsa. No.1229; 99; 107; Mud. 31 ; 106 ; cf. JH. Vol. Hebru. 6; 7; 18; Hum. 92; 93 ; 99; IX. p. 519. 107, Idar. 39, Jesal. No. 1008 ; Kaira. (14) Stabaka by Hamsarāja of the A. 90; Kath. Nos. 1186; 1187; Kiel. Kharatara Gaccha. DA. 67 (14); DB. III. No. 160; KO. 4 ; Limdi. Nos. 654 ; 39 (70 ; 71 ); PAPS. 48 (80). 676 ; Mitra. X. pp. 41, 42; Mud. 31; 106 ; 119; PAPS. 48 (80); 81 (64): eranfaat composed in Sam. 1744, by LävanyaPet. III. No. 509 ; V. No. 925; VI. No. vijaya, pupil of Bhānuvijaya, during the 584 ; SA. No. 225 ; SG. Nos. 2160; reign of Mānavijayasuri of the Tapā 2180 ; Strass. p. 303; Surat. 1, 2, 5; Gaccha. It is published with a Gujrati Tapa. 142 ; Tera. 9-20; VB. 17 (17; translation by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, 36 ; 44); VC. 7 ( 20 ); Vel. Nos. 1615; Sam. 1958. Also published at Mhesana, 1616 ; 1617. 1906. AM. 350 ; Chani. No. 121; DA. (1) Ţikā by Bhattāraka Prabhā 76 (70); DB: 34'( 88, 89 ); JG. p. candra ( Be :- natvā jinārka ). CP. p. 143; PRA. No. 430 ; SA. No. 412, .654 ; SA. No. 225; Vel. No. 1617. VC. 7 ( 19 ). (2) Tikā by Brahmadeva (Bes-pra (1) Vivarana Svopajña. AM. 350; namya paramātmānam ). Bengal. No. Chani. No. 121 ; DA. 76 (70); DB. 1508 ; Bik. No. 1473; Buh. IV. No. 34 (88; 89); JG. p. 143; PRA. No. 202 ; CP. P. 654 ( 3 copies ); DC. p. 49, 430, SA. No. 412. No. 15 (dated Sam. 1485); DLB. 11; Fattura1T is only another name of Nayacakra Idar. A. 25; Jesal. No. 1008 ; Kath. No. (III) of Māilladbavala. See JH. Vol. 1187; Kiel. III. No. 160; Lal. 5; 14, p. 307. It was originally composed Mitra. X. p. 42; PR. No. 76, Strass. in the Dohā metre. p. 303. chigiau in 15 chapters by Bhojasāgara, (3) Țikā by Sahasrakīrti. Idar. 39. pupil of Vinītasāgara, pupil of Bhāva( 4 ) Țikā by Devacandra. Idar. A. 25. sāgara. It was composed during the (5) Cūrņi by Lakşmicandra. Kath. spiritual reign of Dayāvijaya of the Tapā No. 1186.. Gaccha ( Sam. 1785 to 1809 ), successor Jain Education Intemational Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Hulaar: 444:1 188 of Ksamāvijaya, successor of Ratna Also see Vardhamānadvātrimsikā. Pandit vijayasuri. It is published in the RJS. Ratanlal Sanghavi speaks of 22 DvātirnSeries, Nos. 6 and 8, Bombay, Vir Sam. sikas, out of which 7 consist of praise of 2432. For the author, compare, M. D. Jinas, 2 are about disputation (VādopaDesai, Jaina Sāhityano Itibāsa, Bombay, nişat and Vāda), and the remaining 13 1933, p. 959. Agra. No. 810 ; BK. No. are on different philosophical systems. 77 ; DB. 39 (66); Hamsa. No. 402 ; See Anekānta, Vol. II. pp. 495-496. JG. p. 73, Kath. No. 1188; KB. 5 Bengal. No. 7122 ; Buh. IV. No. 54; ( 24 ); Mitra. VII pp. 258; 266 ; SA. Chani. No. 119, Kath. No. 1189; Kiel. Nos. 400; 1738 ; SB. 2 (152); VB. II. No. 32; SA. No. 393. 16 ( 28 ; 37). (1) Tikā by Udayasāgara. Chani. (1) Tikā Svopajña. DB. 39 (66); No. 119. Hamsa. No. 402 ; JG. p. 73 ; Kath. No. (II) USTENSÍTT by Yasovijaya, pupil of 1188 ; Mitra. VII pp. 258 ; 266. Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccba. This is द्रव्यानुयोगप्रकाश Surat. 2. published with the commentary in the getER in 3 chapters composed by Ramacandra JDPS. Series, No. 10, Bhavnagar, Sam. and Gunacandra, pupils of the famous 1966. Baroda. No. 2824, DA. 74 (44); Hemacandra. It is a treatise on the prin DB. 22 (82; 83); JG. p. 104; Mitra. ciples of Jain philosophy. The 3 chap X. p. 32; PAP. 5 ( 26 ); PAPR. 14 ters respectively treat of (1) Jivadravya (3); SA. Nos. 214; 285. and Pudgaladravya; (2) Dharma and (1) Tikā called Arthadipikā (SvoAdharma ; and (3) the Åkāśadravya. pajta ). Baroda. No. 2824; Hamsa. Baroda. Nos. 13164 ; 13165; Bt. No. No. 714; JG. p. 104; Mitra. X. p. 32; 370 ; DC. p. 11, No. 95 (dated Sam. PAP. 5 ( 26 ); PAPR. 14 (3); SA. 1202); DI. p. 27; JG. p. 73. Nos. 214, 285. autole of Yasovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. (III) TEENS JG. p. 180 ( foll. 14 ). See Pattāvalisamuccaya, I. p. 107. sisataFuigit SA. No. 893. genta faraug by Mahendra. JG. p. 359 (Gram. lustighe SA. Nos. 470, 993. 900). (I) Teh ( The same as Dvātrirsatddvāद्रौपदीचरित्र KN. 11. trimśikā ) of Yasovijaya. Mitra. X. p. egetarc by Hemaçandra (Vijayapāla ?) ; Kundi. p. 32; PAPR. 14 (3). No. 189. See below. Tíkā called Tattvadīpikā (Arthadipikā) stagitadata in two Acts, by Vijayapāla, son by Yasovijaya. Mitra. X. p. 32 ; PAPR. of Siddhapāla, son of Sripāla. It is 14 (3). edited by Muni Jinavijaya for the JAS. (II) ansat Anonymous. Published in the Bhavnagar, AD. 1918 (No. 5 of the MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. Kāntivijaya Gronthamāla). 1975 and also in the Digambara Jaina ITOTECA of Pandit Lälji. Idar. 110. Grantha Bhandara Series, Vol. I, Benares, 1926. See Dvātrimsībhāvanā. (1) ESTESÍgyar of Siddhasena Divākara (possibly this is the same as Vimsatidvā. (III) qusistant in Sanskrit by Devabhadra. Patan trimsikā). A portion of this i. e., Cat. I p. 64. Ekavimsatidvātrimnsika is published in the anat aftia by Siddhasena Diväkara. See JDPS. Series, No. 14, Bhavnagar, 1903." Vimsatidvātrimsikā. Chani. No. 156. Jain Education Intemational Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। gushing Agra. No. 1955. IETATECO TEUTAT by Ksamākalyāņa, pupil of aftaraat Anonymous. See Dvātrirnsika II and Amrtadharma of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bhāvanādvātrimsikā. Pet. V. No. 925; Chani. No. 874., VI. No. 690. terraif by Municandrasuri. Chani. No. 836. (I) 1951 in Prākrta. It contains about 1400 (1) Avacūri. Chani. No. 836. Gāthās. Patan Cat. I. p. 35. (I) in Sanskrit by Caritrakirtigani, (II) g er of Laksmisuri. Baroda. No. 2826. pupil of Anandaprabhasūri. JG. p. 253, gla by Jinavallabhasuri, pupil of Abhaya PAP. 30 (51, dated Sam. 1662); PAPS. devasūri, in Prākrta. It contains 232 62 ( 29). stanzas in different metres divided into a (II) gira Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7239; 12 chapters. It is published with Jina Bhand. V. No. 1108, Bub. II, No. 355; pala's commentary in the Jinadattaguri DB. 31 (147); JG. p. 253; Pet. VI. Prācina Pustakoddbāra Fund Series, No. 586 ; SA. No. 765; VA. 12 ( 39). Bombay, 1934. BK, No. 97; Chani. No. 491 ; Hamsa. No. 169; JG. p. 199; (I) grafaqat of Ksamākalyäna. JHA. Kundi. Nos. 158; 301 ; Limdi. No. 70 ( 2c.). 1288 ; PAPR. 18 (31) ; PAZB. 12 (18); (II) grataracqaft by Udayasagara. JHA. 64. SA. Nos. 376, 467. rastaaegu by Manatunga. This is the same (1) Tīkā (Gram. 3363 ) composed as Parigrahapramäņa. Pet. I. A. p. 94. in Sam. 1293, by Jinapāla Upadhyāya, gretaal by Viravijaya. Limdi. No. 2341. pupil of Jinapatisūri of the Kharatara Gaccha. BK. No. 97, Chani. No. 491; gratarrara Bhand. V. No. 1075. DC. p. 4; Hamsa. No. 168 ; JG. p. 199; 1991 FAICT Bengal. No. 7240. Kundi. Nos. 158 ; 301 ; PAPR. 18 (31): 1ECTEETTOETS in Prakrta, Hamsa. No. 178; PAZB. 12 (18); SA. No. 467. SA. No. 706. GIFT composed at Patan by Hiravijayasuri of gląTOT DB. 24 ( 97 ). the Tapā Gaccha in Sam. 1646 (?). EirYasir Pet. III. No. 510. JG. p. 161; SA. Nos. 616; 1952 (dated i gehigher-UA193 JG. p. 200. Sam. 1646 ). द्वादशाङ्कीपदप्रमाणकुलक by Jinabhadrasuri, successor I tem s by Vijayadānasuri. KN, 12. of Jinarājasūri of the Kharatara Gaecha. द्वादशपर्वकथा Surat. 5. See JSS. I. Intro. p. 84. Tragigacarena in Sanskrit. KB. 6 ( 2, foll. 98). tania of Pradyumnasüri. Buh. III. No. STEETHTHayag by Bhadrabāhu. JG. p. 347. 107; JG. p. 6. This is really Prayrajyā. (I) grattaat by Vinayavijaya. DB. 24 ( 29; vidbāna with the commentary of Pra30). dyumnasuri. (II) 19 Anonymous ; in Sanskrit ( Gram. (I) Tatar of Kundakundācārya. It con683). Agra. No. 942; JG. p. 180. tains 91 Gathās in all, containing reflecETHICAT Anonymous. JG. p. 267 ; Limdi. tions on the 12 topics like Adhruva etc. No. 962, Vel. No. 1741. It is published in the MDG. Series, No. gt741719JG. p. 199. 17, Bombay, Sam. 1977. AK. Nos. TEETHATTU This seems to be the same as 323; 324 ; 325; 326; Bhand. VI. No. Candravedhyakaprakirņaka. Pet. I. A. 992; Rice. p. 320; Strass. p. 298. p. 54; V. No. 768. | (II) ECT of Somadeva. Idar. 95. Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (III) (IV) ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । of Kalyanakirti. Mud. 184. in Sanskrit. Anonymous. KO. 16; 73, 197. See Nayacakra (Dvadaśāra). Limdi. No. 602. द्विचत्वारिंशदोष Limdi. No. 1668. (I) द्विजवदनच पेटिका by Hemacandrasuri. This is published by the Hemacandra Sabha, Patan, 1922. Be. No. 630 (Anon.); Chani. No. 88; JG. p. 161; Surat. 1, 4, 5. (II) द्विजवदनचपेटिका also called Vedāñkuśa is an attack against the Hindu caste system by Haribhadra. Agra. Nos. 2235, 2236; Bhand. VI. No. 1176; BO. p. 30, Chani. No. 196; JG. p. 161, Hamsa. No. 1243, Kath. No. 1376; KB. 1 (67), 3 (70); PAPS. 65 (25); SA. Nos. 55; 193; SB. 2(52, 2 copies); Vel. No. 1687. (1) Tikā. Anon. SB. 2 (52). द्विजवदनयन्त्रसूची Bt. No. 698; JG. p. 161. द्विरूपकोश KB 1 ( 33 ). f by Nandidharma, pupil of Jayacandra. SA. No. 1562. द्विवर्णरत्नमालिकास्तोत्र in Sanskrit composed by Punyaratnasuri. See Dvyakṣararatnamālā. Baroda. No. 2825, Chani. No. 247; JG. p. 281, PAPS. 80 (95). (1) Tika by Ramarṣi. Baroda. No. 2825, Chani. No. 247, JG. p. 281; PAPS. 80 (95, dated Sam. 1645). द्विविधाहारकल्प Surat. 1. (1) free by Hemacandra. See Nabbeyanemikavya. (II) द्विसन्धानकाव्य by Sūrācarya. See Neminatha caritra I. (III) frezen also called Raghavapäṇḍaviya (s. v.), composed by Dhananjaya, a Digambara writer. It is quoted by Vardhamana in his Gaparatnamabodadhi; cf. Bhand. V. p. 20. Also see Winternitz, Geschichte, III. p. 75. It is published J.......24 185 with a commentary in the Kavyamala, Bombay, 1895. Bhand. V. No. 1142; Bah. III. No. 154; CMB. 6; 44; CP. p. 654; Hum. 89; 137; Idar. 94; Idar. A. 67; JG. p. 381, KO. 114; 117, 129, Padma. 82, 91; PAPS. 43 (5; 24); PAZB. 10 (6; 7); Pet. III. Nos. 511; 512; Tera 2-8. (1) Tikǎ called Padakaumudi (Gram. 9000) composed by Nemicandra, pupil of Devanandin; cf. CP. p. 654. Bhand. V. No. 1143, Buh. IIL No. 154; CMB. 6, 44; 158; CP. p. 654; Hamsa. No. 363; Idar. A. 67; KO. 114; 129; MHB. 20; PAPS. 43 (5); PAZB. 10 (7; dated Sam. 1518); Pet. III. No. 511; Tera. 2-8. (2) Tika by Puspasenasisya. SRA. 174. (3) Tika by Kavi Devara, son of Ramabhatta. It was composed for one Aralu Sresthin. The author pays homage to Amarakirti, Sinhanandin, DharmabhuSrivardhadeva and Bhattarakamuni sana, in the beginning; cf. JH. Vol. 15, pp. 153-154. AK. Nos. 652; 653. (4) See Raghavapāṇḍaviya Kavya (IV) and its commentaries. far by Devamürti Upadhyaya. Pet. V. No. 826. (1) (II) by Jinarangasuri. KB. 3 (70). द्वीपसागर प्रशाप्तिसत्यहणी consisting of about 220 Gathas, on Jain cosmography. Agra. No. 459, AM. 120; Chani. No. 23; DA. 27 (81); DB. 13 (43; 44); Hamsa. No. 15, Jesal. No. 359; JG. p. 64, Limdi. Nos. 282; 526; PAP. 64 (11); PAS. No. 64; PAZA. 6 (8); PAZB. 23 (9); Pet. III. No. 600; SA. Nos. 155; 1583; Samb. No. 9; VA. 15 (47). JG. p. 310. fed by Jinaprabhasuri (Gram. 50). JG. p. 280. Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। ETTATGT of Panyaratnasüri. Baroda. No. Nos, 404 ; 405; 406 ; CP. p. 664 ; DA. 2825. See Dvivarnaratnamālikästotra. 66 (1; 2; 4); DB. 38 (10; 11; 12); (I) द्याश्रयकाव्य or the Poem with a double DC. pp. 22 ; 23 ; Jesal. Nos. 180, 186 ; purpose is the first of Hemacandra's JHA. 61; Kiel. II No. 380; Kundi. Dvyāśrayakávyakumārapālacarita'. The Nos. 207; 300; PAP. 17 (3); 21 (4); whole poem is intended to describe the 26 (77); 27 (1; 49 ); 28 (8); PAPL. life of King Kumārapāla of Gujrat and 6 ( 29); 7 ( 48 ); PAPR. 10 (2); PAat the same time to illustrate the rules of PS. 75 (22); PAS. Nos. 193; 357; Sanskrit and Prākrta Grammar, contained 480; PAZB. 1 (10); 6 (22); Pet. III. A. p. 322 ; IV. No. 1266 ; V. No. 727; in the author's Sabdānuśāsana or the Sid Surat. 1 ; Vel. Nos. 1737 to 1740. dbahemacandram. The first part in Sanskrit which illustrates Sanskrit grammar (II) 1974164 See Dvyäsrayamahākāya. i. e., the first seven Adhyāyas of the Hai- द्याश्रयमहाकाव्य also called Srenikadvyasrayakavya maśabdānuśāsana, contains 20 cantos. in Sanskrit composed by Jinaprabhasuri, It describes the Chālukya Dynasty and pupil of Jinasimhasuri of the Kharatara the life of Siddharāja Jayasimha, and Gaccha, in Sam. 1335. It contains 18 is generally known by the name Dvyāśra cantos and is meant to illustrate Durgayakāvya. The second part usually known simha's Vrtti on the Kātantra Vyakarana. as Kumārapālacarita (s. v.), illustrates For this reason, it is also called DurgaPrākrta grammar i. e., the 8th Adhyā. vrttidvyāśrayakāvya. It is published ya of the Sabdānusāsana and contains 8 by the Jainadharmavidyāprasārakavarga, cantos and is naturally written in Präkrta. Palitana, 1905. Buh. IV. No. 233; CP. Dvyäsrayakāvya is edited with the com p. 697; JB. 133; SA. Nos. 281; 1711; mentary of Abbayatilakagani by Prof. VB. 39 (3). Kathavate in the Bombay S. Series, 1915 (1) Avacūri. Samb. No. 153. to 1921. Agra. No. 2897 ; Bhand. VI. ARROT of Dhananjaya. See Nāmamälä. No. 1347 ; BK. No. 141; BO. pp. 59; 417 in 400 ślokas ( Be :- atraiva srisuvisti72; Buh. VIII. Nos. 404 ; 405; 412; rņa). Weber. IL No. 2018. DA. 66 (1-4); DB. 38 (10-13); Jesal. Nos. 180; 186; JHA. 61 ; Kath. No. T aita by Bhāvacandra. Published by Hiralal 1377 ; Kiel. II. Nos. 22 ; 374 ; Kundi. Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1924. Nos. 207 ; 300, PAP. 17 ( 3 ); 21 (4); 99 by Amaracandra. JG. p. 253 (palm 26 (77); 27 (1;49); 28 (8); PAPL. ms, foll. 154). 6 ( 29 ); 7 ( 48 ); PAPR. 10 (2); asrat See Satakatraya. PAPS. 75 ( 22); PAS. Nos. 193; 357; Tia by Dhanadarāja Śrävaka. See 480 ; PAZB. 1 (10); 6 ( 22); Pet. III. Śatakatraya. Chani. No. 69; JG. p. A. p. 322, IV. No. 1266; V. No. 727, 209; PAZB. 1 (28; 29; dated Sam. PRA. Nos. 847, 1085; Vel. Nos. 1737 1504). to 1740. VITAT in Sanskrit prose. Limdi. No. (1) Tikä сomposed in Sam. 1312 by 854. Abhayatilakagaņi, pupil of Jinesvarasuri; (I) gaau *4 by Amaracandrasūri. JG. p. cf. DI. p. 31 ; Wirternitz, Geschichte, 253PAS. No. 307. III. p. 92 and Vel. No. 1737. Bhand. (II) waa r Anonymous. Patan Cat. I. VI. No. 1374; BO. p. 72; Buh. VIII. P. 405. Jain Education Intemational Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 187 U in 440 Sanskrit verses composed in (I) Y after of Yasahkirti. Tera. 13. Sa. 1484 by Munisundarasuri, of the (II) Araft of Mallibhūsaņa. Tera. 25. Tapā Gaccha. See Devasthali, Catalogue (III) UFUGATafta by Jñānasāgaragani. See of the Bombay University Mss. No. 2030. Dhanyacaritra (III) above. Baroda. No. gagie in Sanskrit prose. Anonymous. JG. p. 2829 ; DB. 29 ( 34; 35; 36 ). 253 ; Limdi. Nos. 541 ; 852; 1190; (IV) FAITEITE composed the last is dated Sam. 1489 ). in the twelfth century A. D. during the reign of Paraagaaita See Dhanyacaritra. maddideva at Vilaspur, by Gunabhadra, 4991aafta by Devendrasuri in Prākrta (Be : pupil of Nemisena, pupil of Māņikyasena. vandio suvvayajinam ). Mitra. IX. p. Compare CPI. p. 24. CP. p. 655, Limdi. 133. No.57 (dated Sam. 1555), List ( Savai 4991092ft See Rsabhapañcâsikā. Bt. No. Jaipur and Delhi); PRA. No. 412. 129; JG. p. 281. (V) KAITTE in seven chapters (Gram. WATEST Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1288 ; 850 ) by Sakalakirti. Its Hindi transVA. 9 ( 43). lation is published by Manager, Jain saler JG. p. 362. Bharatī, Benares, 1911. No mss. are Eta JG. p. 362. known to me. 98151 JG. p. 253. (VI) 4F0 A ts in Sanskrit by Bilhana Kavi. (I) er of Dayāvardhana. JG. p. 253. See Idar. 123. Dhanyaśālicaritra (II). (VII) FATTata in five chapters, composed (II) 4F021 ( Anonymous ) in Sanskrit. See also by Brahma Nemidatta, pupil of MalliDhanyacaritra, Dhanyakumāracaritra, bhusaņa. It is in Sanskrit. AD. No. Dhanyaśālicaritra and Dhanyaśālibhadra 188; Bhand. V. No. 1110 ; Idar. A. 21; caritra. Limdi. Nos. 541 (2); 852 (2 List (S. J. and Delhi), Pet. IV. No. dated Sarn. 1489). . 1432 = IV. A. p. 151 ( quotation); (1) g uftg This is the 8th chapter containing Strass. p. 304 ; Tera. 11 ; 12. 776 Sanskrit verses of some work. The ( VIII ) F a its composed in Sam. 1510 by chapter is called Pātradānaprakāśa. Vel. Jayānanda, pupil of Jinadharma, succesNo. 1743. sor of Jinasekhara of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit and contains (II) ait by Somasundarasūri (in Sanskrit verses ). VC. 7 (21). This is probably 1140 stanzas divided into five chapters. It is published by the Jinakirti's Dhanyaśālicaritra, also called Jinadattasuri Pustakoddbāra Fund, Surat, 1938. SA. Dānakalpadruma. (III) arts in Sanskrit prose (Gram. 9000). No. 1754. composed by Jírānasāgaragani, grand-pupil ofaagia composed by Dayavardhana, pupil of of Harso sāgara of the Tapā Gaccha. He of Jayapāņdusūri. SA. No. 775. See has based his work on Jinakirti's Dāna Dhanyaśālicaritra (II). kalpadruma. Baroda. No. 2829; DB. F e (Gram. 300). VB. 18 (11). 29 ( 34, 35, 36; 39); Hamsa. No. ufagie in Sanskrit (Gram. 1100) by Dharma196; JG. p. 225; Vel. No. 1742. sirhasūri. Limdi. No. 2812 (dated (IV) yrafts Anonymous. Bhand. VI. No. Sam. 1685 ); VC. 7 ( 25; 26). 1308; PAPS. 74 ( 8.); the second is in (1) F i ts also called Danakalpadruma Prākrta. (see under it), describing the lives of OF Harcsá his work oda. No. Hansa. Jain Education Intemational Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Dhanya and Salibhadra, composed by the JAS. Series, No. 41, Bhavnagar, Sam. Jinakirti, pupil of Somasundarasūri of 1971. JG. p. 254 ; Limdi. No. 767. the Tapā Gaccha. It is published in the (1) affarafts composed in Sam. 1462, by DLP. Series, No. 9, Bombay, 1919. Jayasekharasūri, pupil of MahendrapraBengal. No. 7520; BK. No. 158, Buh. bhasūri of the Ancala Gaccha. This is II. No. 200; Chani. No. 255; DA. 49 published by Lalchand N. Shah, for the (1; dated Sam. 1494); DB. 29 (37; Jaina Mitra Mandla, Mandala. Baroda. 38, 39); Hamsa. No. 1369 ; JHA. 51; No. 2128, BK. No. 33, Bub. VI. No. JHB. 31; Kath. No. 1191 ; KB. 3 614; Hamsa. No. 444; JG. p. 225; (14); Limdi. Nos. 531 ; 536 ; 636; Limdi. No. 1114 ; PRA. No. 414. 682.856: PAP. 47 (14); 62 (2); (I) Tata ( Anonymous. ). DA. 50 ( 93 ); "PAPR. 12 (8); PAZA. 10 (9); Pet. DB. 29 ( 4 ); Hamsa. No. 1636; JG. p. I No. 279 (dated Sam. 1497 ); SA. 225 ; Pet. I. A. p. 29; Surat. 1, 5. No. 134. Target SA. No. 206. This is a portion of (II). Caita by Dayāvardhana, pupil of the Vasudevahiņdi; cf. ABORI. Vol. 16, Jayapāņdu (Jayacandra according to p. 32. are some ), in Sam. 1463. This is published | Toittisgata by Jinesvarasūri. JG. p. 281 ; Pet. in the JAS. Series No. 43, Bhavnagar, V. p. 70; VI. No. 587. Sam. 1971. BK, No. 1414 , Idar. 123, (1) Tikā. Anon. JG. p. 281 ; Pet. JG. p. 253; Mitra. IX. p. 176 ; PAPL. VI. No. 587. 5 ( 26 ); SA. Nos. 775 ; 1733; Surat. UFPT Bhand. VI. Nos. 1309 ; 1310; Kath. No. 1, 3, 4, 5. Ratnasekhararatnavatikatha . 1334. . (s. y.) composed in Sam. 1463 is is another work of the author. NATURHEIT of Uttamarși. See Kathāratnākara. GLYYnferrufta in six Paricchedas (Gram. H eyat Faria (Gram. 3200) by Somamandana( 1460), by Purnabhadra, pupil of Jina gani. VA. 9 (41). pati of the Kharatara Gaccha, composed (I) WAREIGH composed in Sar. 1667 according in Sam. 1285. He was assisted by to the SA. note, by Dharmadeva of the Sarvadevasūri ; see JSS. II. Intro. p. 33; Purnimā Gaccha. Baroda. No. 692, DI. p. 49. DC. pp. 1-3 ( quotations ); Bhand. V. No. 1289; DB. 17 (25, 34; Hamsa. No. 791; Jesal. No. 110 ; dated Sam. 1667 ); 29 (12); SA. No. JG. p. 225; Kundi. No. 166; PRA. 365. No. 293. (II) 7# (Grar. 4814) in Sanskrit com(II) aneugaita composed in Sam. 1428 by posed by Udayadharma, pupil of MuniBhadragupta, pupil of Devagupta of the sāgara Upadhyāya during the reign of Rudrapalliya Gaccha. Jesal. No. 3; see Anandaratnasūri, successor of MuniratnaJG. p. 225, note C. süri, successor of Anandaprabhasūri of (III) FURTI H afts Anonymous. Also see the Agama Gaccha. It contains nine Dhanyaśālicaritra. Hamsa. No. 637 ; Palla vas; cf. Hertel, ZDMG. Vol. 65, p. 429ff, and Winternitz, History, Vol. II. KB. 3 ( 56 Sve.); KO. 48 (Dig. ); .! Surat. 1, 7, 9. p. 545. It is published in the DLP. Series, No. 40, Bombay, Sarn. 1973. aftur in Sanskrit (Graṁ. 479). See Dhammilla Baroda. No. 2116; Chani. No. 577; caritra A Dhamillakathā is published in! Hamsa. No. 1573 ; JG. p. 180; Pet. III. Jain Education Intemational Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H aup: : 1 189 No. 602, III. A. p. 235 (quotation ); whi leTUT composed in Sam. 1979 by V. No. 728 ; PRA. No. 663. Mangalavijaya. It is published in the (III) ETA in Prakrta. This name is wrongly YJG. Series, Sam. 1981. given to Parigrahapramāņa (s. v.) of alcu (foll. 66) by Jayatilakasūri. VB. 18 Dhavalasārtha. Pet. V. A. p. 107. (2). (IV) y# 9Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 943; (I) # ta in Prākrta. Bt. No. 253; JG. p. 944; 945; SB. 2 ( 42 ; foll. about 144); 241. Surat. 1. (II) arafta in Sanskrit by Nemicandra. JG. (V) WATE# Anonymous. See Viradeśanā. KB. p. 241. See Dharmacarita (II). 3 (17); SA. No. 365. RETETEJ in Sanskrit containing 21 cantos, CA JG. p. 200 composed by Haricandra, a Digambara TQUT (9) HEInafta in Sanskrit. Hebru. poet. See Dharmasarmābhyudayakävya. 59. Bt. No. 509; JHA. 49. reaftrala in 33 Sankrit stanzas by Ravipra- S T ATISTOT by Sakalakirti. List (S. J.) bhasūri. Patan Cat. I. p. 366 (quota- FTTHCF Bengal. No. 7150 ; SA. No. 2607. tion) A la staar of Brahma Jinadāsa. CMB. 55. # CP. p. 655. ETHAUTAT by Jinadāsa. This is prabably the (I) harta in Präkrta (Anon. ). Bt. No. 253. same as above. Buh. VI. No. 615. (II) fca in Sanskrit by Nemicandra. Bt No. 99? DC. p. 38, No. 309. 252. (I) fiat written in Präkrta Gathās by JayaExifrariala Bengal. No. 6808. räma. This is mentioned by Harisena, whara in 8 Gáthās. JG. p. 180; Limdi. No. author of the next Darmapariksā. 1704. (II) qfrar (Gram. 2070) composed in the (1) Vrtti. Anon. JG. p. 180. Apabhrarisa language by Harişeņa. It consists of eleven Saridhis and was (I) WA762177 composed by Māņikyasundara, finished in Sar. 1044, i. e., fall 26 years pupil of Merutungasuri of the Añcala earlier than Amitagati's Dharmapariksā Gaccha. The work is also otherwise called (see next number ). Harisena in his Candradhavaladbarmadattkathānaka, and introduction (1.1) tells us how bis work is in Sankrit. It is published on behalf was based on an earlier Dharmapariksa of the Hamsavijayaji Free Library, written in the Gātbā metre by Jayarama. Ahmedabad, 1924. Buh. III. No. 160 A paper describing this work is submitted (dated Sam. 1681); Chani. No. 1044; to the 11th AIOC., 1941, at Hyderabad, DA. 35 (15); 50 (79); JG. p. 253; Deccan, by Dr. A. N. Upadhye of Pet. I. No. 262 ; PRA. No. 856. Rajaram College, Kolhapur. Bhand. VI. (II) WATT by Vinayakusalagaņi. DB. 31 No. 1009 ; Bụh. VI. No. 617. (66). (III) WATT composed in Sam. 1070, by (III) Tak Anonymous. Amitagati, pupil of Madhavasena. It Bhand. IV. Nos. 1311 ; 1312; 1313 contains 21 Parichhedas; cf. Bhand. V. (dated Sam. 1521 ); DB. 31 (67); p. 13 ff., N. Mironow, Die DharmaHamsa. Nos. 647 ; 983; 1168 ; JG. p. pariksā des Amitagati, Leipzig, 1903, 253; Kaira. B. 74 ; Limdi. Nos. 594 ; and Winternitz, History, II. p. 563 ff. 767 ; VB. 18 ( 14 ); Vel. No. 1744. AD. Nos. 102; 125; Bhand. V. No. Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 1076; VI. No. 1008; BO. p. 79, Buh. pupil of Jayavijaya, for his own pupil VI. No. 616; CP. p. 655 ( 7 mss. ); DB. Daivavijaya, during the reign of Vijaya16 ( 31 ); Hum. 43 ; 233; JG. p. 161; prabhasüri (Sarn. 1710-1747), successor Idar. 114 (5c.); Idar. A. 3 (3c.); of Vijayadevasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. Kath. No. 1091 ; Lal. 6; 20; Mud. 233; BK. No. 93 ; PRA. No. 1064. PAP. 64 (7); PAZA. 9 ( 28 ); Pet. III. (XI) FÅTTET Anonymous. Agra. Nog. 947 ; No. 513; III. A. p. 294 ; V. No. 945 ; 948 ; 949 ; DB. 16 ( 33); SB. 2 ( 55 ); SG. No. 2567 ; Strass. p. 304; VA. 9 SG. No. 2209 ; Tera. 3 to 9; 21 to 24. ( 38 ); Weber. II. No. 2019. (I) Ágie composed in Sam. 1645, by (1) Tikā in Kanarese by Candra Padmasāgaragani, pupil of Dharmasägarasägara. Hum. 233. gani of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published (IV) A ir of Pārsvakirti. Hebru. 2. in the DLP. Series, No. 15, Bombay, (V) nafrat by Devasena. See Dharmasan 1913 and also by the Hemacandra graha. AK. No. 342 ; Hamsa. No. 60; Sabhā, Patan, Sam. 1978. This work VB. 18 (7). contains 1474 stanzas in all, out of which (1) Tikā in Kanarese by Vrttavilāsa. about 1250 have been bodily reproduced AK. No. 342. from Amitagati's work. Compare JH. Vol. 13, p. 314ff. Bhand. VI. No. 1178, (VI) V rati composed by Jinamaņdana, pupil JG. p. 267 ; Pet. V. No. 729. of Somasundarasuri of the Tapå Gaccha (Gram. ahout 1800). It is published (II) Ágirer by Rämacandra, a Digambara by the JAS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1974 writer. It is in Sanskrit and was com( Series No. 67). Chani. No. 211; posed at the request of Devacandra, pupil Hamsa. Nos. 118; 473; PAPR. 9 (3); of Padmanandin, a spiritual descendant PAPS. 49 (17); 63 ( 40). of Pujyapada. Its Graṁ. is 900. Hamsa. (VII) Åqfar in Sanskrit composed in Sam. 1571 No. 60; JG. p. 253; Kath. No. 1270, PAP. 64 (9); Pet. IV. No. 1268 - IV. by Saubhagyasagara. Hamsa. No. 522. A. p. 100. (VIII) DACT composed by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. It is TE KB. 1 ( 63-fo]]. 187), 1 (72); 2 (16; published with the Svopajña sīkā, by the 4c.); 3 ( 34); 5 (12); 8 (9). Hemacandra Sabha, Patan, Sam. 1978 13 in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 1012. ( Series, No. 14). AM. 309; Bhand. VI. 99919T SA. No. 3047. No. 1177 ; BK. No. 83; DB. 16 ( 30); gaiviąg SG. No. 1364. Hamsa. No. 213 ; JG. p. 104; PAPS. ÅTZTETT also called Prasnottara Srävakācāra or 46 ( 2 ); SA. Nos. 35; 1659; VB. 17 Praśnottara Upāsakācāra or Śrāvakācāra (48). by Sakalakirti. It is in six chapters. It is (1) Tıkā (Svopajña). AM. 309; published at Surat, 1926. It is on the Bhand. VI. No. 1177 ; BK. No. 83 ; duties of a Jain layman. Bengal. Nos. DB. 16 ( 30 ); Hamsa. No. 213; JG. ?. 6619; 6646 ; Bhand. V. No. 1077; VI, 104 ; PAPS. 46 (2); SA. Nos. 35 ; No. 1033 ; CP. p. 655 (17 mss.); 1659 ; VB. 17 (48). Idar. A. 27; 46 ; 47 ; Kath. Nos. 1092, . (IX) #919 by Naya vijaya (Yasovijaya ?). 1093; 1094 (dated Sam. 1654 ); Pet. BK. No. 83. V. No. 972; PR. No. 82; SG. Nos. (X) at composed by Mānavijayagaņi, 628 ; 672 ; Strass. p. 304. ; Bhan 1978 Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 191 far by Haribhadrasuri in 8 Adhyāyas. See Gaccha, composed by Ratnavijaya, and Winternitz, History, II. p. 584. It is published in the YJG. Series. published with Municandra's commentary STAHIRIFT4 (Gram. 158 ). JG. p. 254. by the JAS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1967; 791 DB. 31 (1; 5). also in the Bibliotheca Indica, (edited by WÁTH by Sāntisüri in Ardhamāgadhi (Be :-namiSuali), Calcutta, 1912 and by the Aga una sayalagunarayanakulaharam). The modaya Samiti (Series No. 37 ), Surat, text consists of 145 Prakrta Gāthās. 1924. It is published with a Gujrati Both the text and the commentary by translation and explanation at Bombay, Jainapatra Office, 1922. Bengal. No. Devendra are published by Jainadharma3054; Bhand. VI. No. 1179; BK. No. vidyāprasāraka Varga, Palitana, 1905360, DA. 32 (22); DB. 16 ( 35;36); 1906 and also in the JAS. Series, No. 30, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1970. The latter DC. p. 13; Hamsa. No. 337; JA. 25 edition contains also the commentary of (5); Jesal. No. 107; JG. pp. 99 ; 181 ; Śāntisūri. Agra. No. 1192 ; Bengal. No. Limdi. No. 967; PAPR. 8 (7); PAPS. 7447 ; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1180 ; 1181 ; 66 (7); PAZB. 12 (4); Pet. I. A. p. 1220; BK. No. 148; DA. 30 44 ; III. A. p. 53 (dated Sam. 1181); VI. No. 588 ; SA. Nos. 212 ; 769, VC. (11-17); 33 (44); DB. 15 (16); Hamsa. Nos. 69; 119; 7 (24); VD. 7 (14); Weber. II. No. 1079; JA. 1954 A. 95 (7); 104 (1); KB. 3 ( 56 ); 8 (3); Kiel. IL No. 381; Limdi. No. (1) Tikā (Gram. 3000) composed 930, Mitra. IX. pp. 173, 174; PAP. 9 by Municandrasuri. Bengal. No. 3054; ( 4; 30 );PAPR. 7 (8); 12 (1); Bhand. VI. No. 1179; BK. No. 360; PAPS. 12 (palm ms.); Pet. I. A. p. Bt. No. 81; DA. 32 ( 22 ); DB. 16 60; III. A. p. 24; VI. p. 141, No. 72; (35; 36); DC. p. 35; JA. 90 (3); SA. Nos. 158; 248 ; 868; 1728 ; 1796 ; Jesal. No. 107; JG. pp. 99; 181 ; Tapa. 118 (dated Sam. 1308); VB. Limdi. No. 967; PAZB. 12 ( 4 ); Pet. 18 (1). III. A. p. 53 (dated Sam. 1181 ); VI. No. 588; SA. No. 212; VC. 7 (24); (1) Vrtti (Gram. 9682 ), (Be :Weber. II. No. 1954 A. sajñānalocana. ) called Sukhabodhā, com posed by Devendrasuri, pupil of Jagace धर्मबुद्धिपापबुद्धिकथा See Papabhuddhidharmabud candrasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. The first dhikathā. copy was prepared by Vidyānanda ; THATTAIF* in 30 Gāthās ( Be :- namiūņa mahi Dharmakirti and Hemakalasa helped to yamoham.) by Jayaghosa. JA. 106 (4); correct it. Bhand. VI. No. 1181 ; Bt. JG. p. 200 ; Pet. III. A. p. 10 ( quota No. 183; DA. 30 (11; 12); DB. 15 tion), (16); Hamsa. No. 69, JA. 104 (1); WHAT composed by Meghavijaya, pupil of JG. p. 181;JHA. 65 (dated Sam. 1498); Krpāvijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No. Kiel. II. No. 381; Mitra. IX. p. 174 ; 346 , PRA. No. 331. PAP. 9 (4; 30 ); PAPR. 12 (1); Pet. धर्ममज्जूषाप्रकरण Perhaps the same as above. I. A. p. 60; SA. Nos. 248 ; 1728, VB. Agra. No. 950; BO. p. 59; KB. 1 18 (1). (63, foll. 52). (2) Vrtti by Santisuri of the CandraWÄHETTY is a short poem containing the life kula ( Be :- siddham sarvajñamānamya ). sketch of Vijayadharmasuri of the Tapä. BK. No. 148; DC. p. 52 (dated Sam. Jain Education Intemational Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । 1309); PAPS. 12 (palm ms.), Pet. V. A. p. 132 (dated Sarh. 1271); Tapa. 118 ( palm ms. dated Sam. 1308). (3) Avacuri. Anonymous. Agra. No. (II) 1192; DA. 33 (44); KB. 3 (56 foll. 258), 8 (3), SA. No. 1580. www (Grah. 9500) composed by Var dhamana, pupil of Abhayadevasuri in Sam. 1172. It is published in two parts by Hiralal Hamsaraja, Jamnagar, 1915. Agra. No. 951; Chani. No. 510, (III) PAPR. 21 (2); SA. No. 803, SB. 2 (54). Sam. 1172; this was corrected by Dhanesvara, Afokacandra, Nemicandra and Parsvacandra. PRA. No. 403 (Chani. ms.). Chani. No. 510; DI. p. 45; PAPR. 21 (2); PRA. No. 403; SA. No. 803; SB. 2 (54-two copies) धर्मरत्नपरीक्षा DB. 16 ( 33 ). Máce Bhand. V. No. 1259; BO. p. 59. by Devavijaya. This is the name of the author's commentary on Devendra's Danasilatapobhāvanākulaka. Buh. III. No. 108, KB. 3 (15). (1) Vṛtti Svopajña composed in g in 15 Gathas in the Apabhranisa langua ge composed by Nemitilala. Limdi. No. 1288. af of Abhayadevasuri. PRA. No. 1161. (1) Vṛtti composed in Sam. 1441 by Kulamandanasuri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha; PRA. No. 1161. w in 20 chapters composed by a Digambara author called Jayasena, pupil of Bhāvasena, pupil of Gopasena, papil of Santisena, pupil of Dharmasena of Jhada vägada Sangha. It is in Sanskrit and is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar. AD. No. 157; Kath. 1095 (dated Sam. 1485); Lal. 313; 372; Pet. IV. No. 1434 IV. A. p. 122 (quotation); Tera. 15; 16. (I) unter of Padmanandin. It contains 193 Prakṛta Gathas and is published in the MDG. Series No. 21, Bombay, Samh. 1979. CP. p. 656; Lal. 279; Tera1; 2; 17. of Jinadattasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 1203; see Upadesarasayana. (1) Vṛtti composed in Sam. 1294 by Jinapala Upadhyaya, pupil of Jinapatisuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 1203 (No. 19). cer Anonymous. This is probably the work of Padmanandin. Buh. VI. No. 618. etter by Siddhasüri. Chani. No. 375. Lindi. No. 530. effe in Sanskrit. Mud. 723. Arr in 15 Gathas. Bengal. No. 7602; JA. 25 (1); 106 (4,5), JG. p. 111, Limdi. No. 1288, Pet. L. A. pp. 50; 57; 59; 63, 82; 92; 102; III. A. pp. 9, 23; V. A. p. 137. nifan (Gram. 150). VB. 18 (6). Яfter (Gram. 1400 ). VB. 18 (5). (I) far in Prakṛta (Be-namiūņa vaḍdhamapam) by Sriprabhasüri, pupil of Sarvadevasuri of the Candra Gaccha. It is publi shed on behalf of the Hamsavijayaji Free Library Ahmedabad, Sam. 1954. Schu bring, Lehre der Jainas, p. 223, says that the work was composed in Sarb. 1286. This is evidently a mistake. Bt. No. 210; Chani. No. 418; Hamsa. No. 471; JG. p. 149; PAP. 25 (17); PAPM. 27 (dated Sari 1408); PAPR. 19 (4), 'Pet. V. A. p. 113; SA. No. 246, Surat. 1, 9. (1) Tikā composed by Śriprabha himself. This is mentioned by his grandpapil Udayasimha in his commentary (see next) as being lost in Sam. 1253. Pet. V. A. p. 115, v. 7. Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । (2) Tikā (Gram. 5520) composed in Sam. 1286, by Udayasimha, pupil of Manikyaprabha, pupil of Sriprabha, the author of the text. Bt. No. 210; Chani. No. 418; PAP. 25 (17); PAPM. 27 (dated Sam. 1408); PAPR. 19 (4); Pet V. A. p. 113; SA. No. 246; Surat. 1, 9. (3) Vrtti by Jayasinhasüri (Gram. 11142). Bt. No. 209; JG. p. 149; cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 248-250. From this quotation, it would seem that this commentary is on some other Dharmavidhi also called Upadesastra which begins: dhammamahāmahimuddhariu. (II) war (Grath. 6950) composed in Sar. 1190, by Nannasūri ( Be:- vijjāharanara). DC. p. 41 (quotation); Jesal. No. 775; JG. p. 149. (III) wife in Präkṛta. Anonymous (Be-dham (IV) far Anonymous. SB. 2 (55; foll. 155). At (Grah. 1835). It was composed by (?) Matinandanagani, pupil of Dharmacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit. At PRA. No. 662, a manuscript of Dharmavilasa is said to be copied for (II) Matinandana, pupil of Dharmacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar. Chani. No. 432; JG. p. 181; PAP. 12 (1); PAPR 22 (6); PRA. No. 662, Surat. 2. 1193 composed in imitation of Magha's Sisupälavadha. It is published in the Kavyamālā Series, Bombay, 1888. AD. No. 12; BO. p. 303; Chani. No. 452, CMB. 47; 72; CP. p. 656; Hebru. 30; Hum. 31, Idar. 94 (3 copies); Idar. A. 66 (2 copies); KO. 118; 122; Mitra. X. p. 35, Mud. 8,14; Padma. 71; 92; PAP. 12 (36), 23 (14); PAS. Nos. 109; 175; 248; (cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 32; 112); Pet. II. No. 270 (dated Sari. 1564) II. A. p. 141 (quotation); III. No. 514, IV. No. 1435, PRA. No. 1204, (No. 19); Rice. p. 302, SG. Nos. 116; 610. mamahämahi), also called Upadesastra. (I) were in 40 Sanskrit Karikas by JinaSee above No. I. Com. 3. vallabhagani. It is engraved on one of the pillars of the Mahavira temple at Citrakuta. Cf. JH. Vol. 14, p. 100. JG. p. 181, KB. 3 (58); Limdi. No. 1288. (1) Vrtti by Sakalacandra. JG. p. 181. See Dharmadik (II). (1) Tippana called Sandehadhväntadipika composed by Yasabkirti, pupil of Lalitakirti. BO. p. 30; CMB. 72; CP. p. 656; Hum. 31, Idar. 94; Idar. A. 66, Mud. 8; 14; SG. No. 610. by Sakalacandra Upadhyāya, pupil of Vijayadinasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. BK. No. 226; DB. 16 (29); Hamsa. No. 516. (1) Svopajña Vrtti. Hamsa. No. 516. also called Adhyatmakalpadruma (8. v.). SA. No. 1762. Afati (Bet-namiūga jinam jagajiva). JG. p. (I) wg by Devasena; cf. Pet. III. Intro. p. 181; Pet. V. A. p. 106. 22. See Dharmaparikṣa (IV). VB. 18 (7). faifa Limdi. No. 1288. It is in Prakṛta. anieren p. 142. of Paramananda. Mitra. X. (II) by Asadhara. Idar. 18; PR. No. 150. Dharmasangraha Srävakäcära of Ass dhara is published from two mss. of the 13th century A. D. at Benares, 1910. afgene in 21 cantos containing the lifestory of Dharmanaths, the 15th Tir thankaru, composed by Hariscandra, who (III) wei (Gram. 15608) composed in Samh. mentions Vakpati's Gaudavabo. It is J.......25 1738, by Manavijayagani, pupil of Santi Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। vijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Compare (II) Araguit Anonymous. Probably the same as Bhand. IV. pp. 143, 452ff. It is published above. Agra. No. 952; DA. 76 ( 58 ); by Vasntji Trikamji, Palitana, 1905 and Jesal. No. 1467; PAP. 18 ( 33 ); SA. also in the DLP. Series, Nos. 26 and 45, Nos. 286; 792; Tapa. 50 ; VB. 18 Bombay, 1915, 1918. The work consists (4). of three chapters dealing with various (1) Tippana by Hemacandrasuri. SA. religious matters and was composed at No. 792. the request of Sresthi śāntidāsa. AM. (2) Vrtti by Maladhari Hemasurisisya. 31 ; Bhand. IV. No. 275 ; DB. 17 ( 30 ); Jesal. No. 1467. Punjab. No. 1331; SA. Nos. 286 ; (3) Tippana. Anonymous. Agra. No. 1855 ; Surat. 1, 5; VB. 17 ( 47 ). 952; DA. 76 (58); PAP. 18 (33); (1) Tīkā Svopajña. AM. 31 ; Bhand. SA. No. 286. IV. No. 275 ; SA. No. 286 ; Surat. 1, 5. धर्मसंग्रहटिप्पन by Yasovijayagani of the Tapa (IV) YARET (Gram. 14000 ) by Vijayānandasūri. Gaccha. See Pattāvalisamuccaya, ViraVB. 17 ( 47 ). mgam, 1933, L p. 107. (V) Tag (Gram. 4500) by Munisekharasūri. yaadtarvett in 200 Sanskrit stanzas by JayaVB. 18 (4). sekharasuri of the Arcala Gaccha. It is (VI) HRAC Anon. SB. 2 ( 52 ; 53 ; 56 ). published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, (VII) FATE (Śrāvakācāra ; Gram. 1440 ) by 1908. Agra. No. 953; Vel. Nos. 693; Medhāvi Pandita, composed in Sam. 694. 1541. Samavasaraṇadarpaņa is a part WHAT of Sakalakirti. of this work. It is published at Benares, THE Y SA. No. 653. 1910; cf. also ABORI, Vol. 13, p. 39. Kath. No. 1096 ; Lal. 279 ; PR. No. 20 : eftegra in 50 Apabhraría stanzas. Patan Cat. Tera. 5; 9. I. p. 370. (I) Hagoft in 1396 Gāthās by Haribhadrasüri. SHETTI Surat. 7. It is published with Malayagiri's com- SAFETE* in Prakrta. Hamsa. No. 422. mentary in the DLP. Series, Nos. 39, (1) Tīkā in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 42, Bombay, 1916. Bik. No. 1471 ; BK. No. 311; Bt. No. 71 (3); Buh. IV. No. 157 ; DB. 17 (4; 5); Hamsa. No. (I) TAIENT ÀST in 140 "Prākrta Gathās by 613; Jesal. No. 1505; JG. p. 99; Kath. Vinayacandra. See Kathānakakosa (II); No. 1271, PAPS. 58 (4); PAS. No. cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 42. 478 ; SA. No. 792; VA. 9 (45); Vc. (II) JATETI2517 in Prākrta. JG. p. 267. 7 (23). (1) Vrtti in Prākrta. JG. p. 267. (1) Vrtti by Malayagiri (Gram. Sigra HF in 34 Gāthās. JG. p. 206. 11000). BK. No. 311 ; Bt. No. 71 (3); Bub. IV. No. 157; VI. No. 726 : DB. WATAFST in 18 Apabhramsa stanzas by Jina17 (4;5); Hamsa. No. 613 ; Jesal. No. prabha. JG. p. 200. See next. 1505; JG. p. 100; Kath. No. 1271; Hazit in Apabhramsa, by Jinaprabhasuri. PAPS. 58 (4); PAS. No. 478; Patan (Be :-aha jana nisuņijjau). It contains Cat. I. pp. 230 (quo.) ; 232; SA. No. 18 stanzas. Baroda. No. 6119; Pet. V. 792 ; VA. 9 ( 45 ); VC. 7 ( 23 ). A. p. 111 ; Patan. Cat. I. p. 263. 422. Utopien mayacandeat. I. P. 4 Jain Education Intemational Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ruhi: : 1 195 (I) wafaga (Chāyānātyaprabandha ) by Megha in Samvat 1300. Here, sometimes, the prabhācārya, on the life of a sage called earlier commentary is referred to , comDarsanabhadra. JG. p. 336 ; Pet. V. A. pare Strass. p. 304. The text was comp. 19 ( quotation); also see Patan Cat. I. posed in Sarnvat 1296 ; compare CPI. p. 307. Published in the JAS. Series, p. 36. AD. No. 161 ; Bengal. No. 1524; No. 61, Bhavnagar, 1918 AD. Translat Bhand. IV. No. 297; CMB. 2; CP. p. ed into German in Indische Shatten 656; Hebru. 33; 36; 54; 83; Hum. 3; theater ', p. 48 ff. 40; 95, 99; Idar. A. 17; Kath. Nos. (II) White (Mahākāvya ). It is a poem in 14 1097 ; 1219; Mysore. II. p. 285; Pet. cantos, describing the life of the famous III. Nos. 516; 517 ; Rice. p. 312; minister Vastupāla of Gujrat by Udaya. Strass. p. 304 ; Tera. 19. prabha, pupil of Vijayasenasuri of the (II) waqa Anonymous. (Gram. 50) JG. p. Nāgendra Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2830; 181. Bt. No. 507, JA. 41 (1); 95 (1; ms, dated Sam. 1290); JG. p. 331; Shigatur in Kanarese by Nayasena. AK. Nos. PAP. 11 (1); Pet. I. A. p. 33; III A. 344, 345 ; 346 ; KO. (?); Mud. 373. p. 16. Also cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 14. WIETETT in Sanskrit by Gunacandradeva. SG. (I) waiqa in 9 chapters composed by Aśādhara, No. 2717. the Digambara writer of the 13th century a 1 Anonymous. (See Dharmadattakathā ). AD. For contents, campare Bhand. IV. Limdi. No. 767. p. 103. It is divided into two parts, namely Sägāra and Anagăra and is published Siracqar by Mallavādin in Sarnvat 1206. See with the Svopajõa commentary in the Nyāyabindutika. MDG. Series, Nos. 2 and 14, Sam, JACUE3% in 25 Gathäs. Patan Cat. I. p. 1972, 1974. It is also published by 291. (Be :- dhammovaggahadāņam ). Biharilal Kathanera, Bomba y, AD. 1928. (I) VATTET Anonymous in 144 stanzas. DA. 60 AD. Nos. 161; 262; AK. Nos. 17 ; (101). 19 ; 20; Bengal. No. 1524 ; Bhand. IV. No. 297; VI. No. 1010; Chani. No. (I) gest in Sanskrit. (Be : vasudhābharanam 241; CMB. 2; 135; 195 ; CP. pp. puruso.) Mitra. IX. p. 159. 621; 656 ; 657; 707 ; Hebru. 33 ; (1) Vyākhyā. Anonymous. Mitra. 36; 54 ; 83; Hum. 3; 40; 95; IX. p. 159. 99; 137 ; Idar. 18 ( 4 copies ); Idar. A. (III) SATT ST by Lekşmivallabha, pupil of Lak 17; 49 ; JG. p. 181 ; Kath. No. 1097 ; smikīrti in 107 Ślokas. AD. No. 188 ; KO. 4 ; 96; 104; MHB. 7; 58; Mud. 34 ; 160 ; 169; 413 ; Mysore. II. p. 283 ; DC. p. 56. See DI. p. 42. PAP. 79 ( 67 ); PAPR. 21 (24); Pet. (1) Svopajña Vrtti composed in Saru. III. Nos. 515; 516; 517; IV. No. 1436; 1745 ; compare DI., p. 42, f. n. 2. PR. Nos. 83; 87; SG. Nos. 1998; (IV) uafgaat JG. p. 182. See Dharmopadeśamālā. 1999; Strass. p. 304 ; Tera. 19. (1) Vrtti in Sam. 915 by Jayasimha, (1) Svopajña Pañjikā called Jñānadipikā, the first shorter commentary by pupil of Krsnarsi. JG. p. 182. See Ā§ādhara. Strass. p. 304. Dharmopadeśamälāvrtti. (2) Second Țikā called Bhavyakumu- (V) Argest by Merutunga. JG. p. 182. See dacandrikä сomposed by Agadhara himself Dharmopadeśasataka. 161 262 ; Abd. IV. ligast in San Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (VI) by Yasodeva. JA. 107 (9); JG. p. 182. See Dharmopadeśaprakarana. (VII) Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 954, 955 956; CP. p. 657; JG. p. 182, Pet. IV. No. 1269. (1) Vrtti. Anon. Agra. No 954. धर्मोपदेशकथा KB. 1 ( 41 ). धर्मोपदेशकाव्य in Sanskrit by Ratnabhūsana ( foll. 86). Idar. 114; Tera. 20. (1).qon in 25 Gathas by Municandra. JG. p. 205, Limdi. No. 955, Patan Cat. I. pp. 131 132, published in Prakarana samuccaya, Indore, 1923. (II) Anon. JG. p. 205; Pet. V. ; No. 803. anff Bhand. V. No. 1290 (foll. 100). SA KB. 3 (58). See Upadesacintă mani. धर्मोपदेशतरङ्गिणी by Ratnamandiragani. V. No. 1291. See Upadesatarangini. I also called Dharmopadeśapiyusa, by Brahma Nemidatta. Buh. VI. No. 619; CP. p. 657; Lal. 90. धर्मोपदेशपीयुष Sce Dharmopadeans. Bhand. composed in Samvat 1305, by Yasodeva. Bt. No. 206 (Gram. 8332). It is described as Prākṛtamulam and Bahukathasangraham. a in Sanskrit verse. Punjab. No. 1332. (I) (Be: sijjhau majjhavi) in 102 Gathas composed in Samvat 915 by Jayasimhasuri, pupil of Krsnarsi. Bengal. No. 2593; BK. No. 188; Chani. No. 31; DA. 33 (44); Hamsa. Nos. 7, 496; 611; JA. 7 (5); 105 (6), 106 (1;8; 17); JG. p. 182, Kiel. II. Nos. 74; 382; Limdi. Nos. 49; 930, PAPR. A. pp. 54; 67; 80; 93, 137; PRA Nos. 844; 846; 948; 1101; Punjab. No. 1333, SA. No. 95, Surat. 1, 8, 9. (1) Prakrta Vrtti (Gram. 6650) composed in Samvat 915, during the reign of King Bhoja of Kanoja by Jayasizinha, the author himself. Bengal. No. 2593; BK. No. 188; Bt. No. 179, DC. p. 13, No. 112; p. 53, (cf. DI. p 37) Kiel. II. No. 382; PRA. Nos. 948; 1101. Also cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 348. (2) Vrtti (Grah. 14471) composed by Vijayasithhasiri, pupil of Hemacandrasuri of the Hargapuriya Goocha, composed in Samvat 1191. Bhand. VI. No 1182; JG. p. 182, PAPR. 19 (1), Patan Cat I. p. 311( quotation); Pet. V. A. p. 87 (quotation); PRA. No. 846. (3) Vrtti (Gram. 6800) compos ed by Manidevasuri (a descendant of Vädidevasüri-PRA.) of the Brhad Gaccha, in Sarivat 1190, according to Bt. No. 178; but according to PRA. No. 844, the Vrtti was corrected by Pradyumna, pupil of Kanakaprabhasiri of the Devananda Gaccha. This would bring Munideva down to the 14th century of the Samvat Era. Besides his Sartinathacaritra was composed in San. 1322, in which also he was assisted by the same Pradyumna; cf. Pet. L. A. p. 4. This commentary is based on No. (1); cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 109 (quotation). Chani. No. 31, Hamsa. Nos. 496; 611; Limdi. No. 49 (dated Sam 1495), PAS. Nos. 27; 82; PRA. No. 844; Punjab. No. 1333; SA. No. 95. (4) Tika by Kanakaprabha, pupil of Devananda. PAS. No. 82. This is probably the same as above i. e., No. 3. (5) Vivarana. Anon. Bt. No. 180. 19 (1); PAS. No. 27; Pet. L. A. pp. (II) after in 104 Prakṛta Gathas by 25; 47; 55; 64; 70; 82; 91; 93; V. Yasodevasüri. JG. p. 182; Pet. I. A. Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ laun: :1 197 pp. 25; 47; IV. Index, p. C. This however, is very probably the same as the first Dharmopadesa mālā as its begin ning shows, or it may be the Dharmopadesaprakaraṇa of Yasodeva mentioned above. (I) ATTESTATO in Sanskrit by Ratna bhūsaņa Bhattāraka. SG. No. 2362. (II) 98192Tailor by Nemicandra. Pet. VI. No. 589. (I) giga also called Upadeśasataka or Mahāpuruşacaritra. It is in 5 cantos (Be :-pranidhāya param jyoti). It was composed by Merutunga, pupil of Candraprabhasuri of the Nāgendra Gaccha (Gram. 2336). Baroda. Nos. 2142; 2742 (dated Sam. 1486 ) ; 2893 ; Buh. II. No. 271, VI. No. 727 ; Chani. Nos. 339, 726 ; Hamsa. Nos. 192; 1500 ; JG. pp. 173; 208 ; 229; Pet IV. A. p. 266 (quo. ); VI. No. 609=VI. A. p. 43 (quotation); PAP. 11 ( 34 ); PAPR. 1(2); SA. Nos. 109; 288; 392 ; Surat. 1, 2, 6; VB. 5 (5); Weber. II. No. 1986. (1) Vivaraņa Svopajña. Baroda. Nos. 2142; 2742 (dated Sam. 1486); 2893 ; Buh. II. No. 271; Chani Nos. 339 ; 726 ; Pet. III. A. p. 266 ( quo.); VJ. No. 609 = VI. A. p. 43 (quotation); SA. Nos. 109; 288 ; Surat. 1, 2, 6; VB. 5 ( 5 ); Weber. II. No. 1986. (II) qafqata in 323 Prākrta Gāthās, also known as Rsabhanāthacarita by Bhuvana turga. Patan Cat. I. p. 62 ( quotation ). SATTEET in 54 Gāthās (Be: namiūm jinava ravīram). Pet. I. A. p. 85. Wagata in 198 Kārikās by Padmanandin. JG. p. 111 ; Limdi. Nos. 586; 610 ; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442; 1443; SRA. 289. Thiqariga # JG. p. 200. waoa araurga by Devendrakirti. List (S.J.) agar Limdi. No. 2524. wagil by Virasena in Sam. 905. See Mabā karmaprakrti Prābhrta. gala Limdi. No 1698. grer in Prākrta. JG. p. 254. SIT TT (Gram. 1800). JG. p. 364. aigation is the name of Harsakirti's Svopajña commentary on his Dhätupātha. See below. (I) viagra of the Sārasvata Vyākarana composed in Sarnvat 1663, by Harsakirti, pupil of Candrakirti of the Nāgapuriya Tapa Gaccha, according to PRA. No. 1188. Bhand. III. Nos. 439; 440; Bod. Nos. 1138 ; 1139; Buh. V. No. 51, VI. No. 785; DA. 63 (15 ; 26; 27), DB. 36 ( 32 ); JHB. 41, KB. 3 ( 26 ); Kiel. III. No. 161 ; PAPS. 72 (14); PRA. No. 1188 ; SA. No. 69. (1) Svopajña Vivarana called Dhātutarangiņi. Bhand. III. No. 440; Bod. No. 1139, Buh. V. No. 51; VI. No. 785 ; DA. 63 (15; 26; 27); DB. 36 ( 32); JG. p. 307 ; KB. 3 ( 26 ); Kiel. III. No. 161; PAPS. 72 (14); PRA. Nc. 1188 ; SA. No. 69. (II) Wara composed by Kalyāņakīrti. AD. No. 58. (III) gratia (Vopadeviya ). BSC. No. 491. (1) Tikā by Rāmacandrarsi. BSC. Nc. 481. (IV) gratis (sākatāyana ). KO. 88; 110. (V) uga (Haima) by Harşakula. See Kavi kalpa druma. (VI) viagra of the Haima Vyakarana. Bhand. VI. No. 1375; BO. p. 33; Buh. IV. No. 272, CP. p. 657 ; KB. 3 ( 26 ); Punjab. No. 1334 (ms. dated Sam. 1474); SA. No. 796 ; Surat. 1, 8, 9. (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1829 by K samākalyāņa. JHB. 41 ( 2c.). (2) Avacūri. Anon. Bengal. No. 7999; Buh. IV. No. 272.. Jain Education Intemational Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। (3) Kriyācandrika Tikā. KB. 3 (26); Waeglat DB. 36 (24). (VII) JUTT ( Sārasvata ). Himsa. No. 998. orgaraTO JG. p. 355. urgiarataniq+A by Punyasundaragani. KB. 3 WICHT (Gram. 300 ). VD. 7 ( 13 ). (65); Pet. I. No. 280. UITUL Surat. 8. This is a commentary on (I) SETTETOT by Śrutasagara, pupil of Vidyā. some work. nanda. CP. p. 658. orqaTATT JG. p. 351. (II) WITTU by Hemacandra. It is published hane Hamsa. No. 1432. This ms. also with the commentary by J. Kirste of contains Varuņakalpa, Vandākalpa, Vienna, at Bombay, 1901. Buh. III. Hastikalpa and Ankolakalpa. No. 198 A ; Chani. No. 730; Hamsa. No. 156; JHA. 61 ; JHB. 41 ; KB. 3 yaras of Jayabhūşaņa. JG. p. 149. ( 26 ); Limdi. No. 15; Mitra. X. p. (1) Vrtti by Samudrācārya. JG. p. 154 ; PAP. 17 (4); 26 (4); 49 (4); 149. Dhumā valikā however, as is PAPS. 75 (18); Patan Cat. I. p. 147; assumed by me below, seems to be a SA. No. 847 ; Surat. 1, 5; VD. 7 (11); commentary by Silācārya on ParvapancaWeber. II. Nos. 1644; 1681. śikä of Santisuri Vadivetāla. JG.'s assumption is based upon a wrong split(1) Svopajña Vrtti. Buh. VI. No. ting of a sentence in Bt. Nos. 637, 638, 728 , Chani. No. 730; DC. p. 16; JHA. 61; KB. 3 ( 26 ); Mitra, X. p. 154; PAP. 639. 17 (4), 26(4), 49 ( 4 ), PAPS. 75 yaratilagrer by Silacärya. This seems to be a (18); Patan Cat. I. p. 147 ; Weber. commentary on the Parvapanjika (ParII. Nos. 1644; 1681. vapa ncāsika ; s. v.) of Sāntyācārya (III) WITTITIETOT ( Kātantriya) by Trilocanadāsa. Vādivetā la. Bt. Nos. 637 ; 638; Jesal. Bt. No. 452. No. 725 (palm. ms.). See under ParvaNITTETO Buh. IV. No. 273. pancāśikā. 1 JG. p. 254. Thi by Siddhicandragani (Grari. 1200). JG. p. 307 ; Limdi. No. 1259. (I) galega of Haribhadra. It consists of five Akhyānas, respectively containing 8, 6, STT TT by Hemacandra. Mitra. VIII. p. 120. 10, 10, 10 Kathās and 50, 75, 98, 93; STATI DA. 74 ( 48 ). and 123 Prākrta Gāthās. It was composed watac ( Gram. 2100) composed in Sarvat during the reign of King Sammattarāya 1680, by Sadhusundara, pupil of Sádhu of Citoda. This is according to a note kirti of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bendall. in DB. Bhand. VI. No. 1314; Buh. No. 382 ; BO. p. 30; OC. I. p. 272; II. VIII. No. 407 ( The Kathās are narrated p. 58; III. p. 59; Chani. No. 8; JG. here in Gujrati without the original p. 307; KB. 1 (60); KN. 38 ; PAP. Prakrta text; PRA. No. 936); Chani. 15 (11); PAPR. 19 (2); PAZB. 5 No. 432 ; DA. 50 (84; 85 ); DB. 31 (11); Pet. V. A. p. 156 (quotation). (103; 104; 105); Hamsa. No. 491; (1) Svopajña Țikā called Kriyākalpa JG. pp. 100; 162; JHB. 34; Kath. latā composed in Sam. 1687. Bendall. No. 1379 (This has only 85 Gathās ; No. 382, Chani. No. 8 ; KN. 38; PAP. PRA. No. 790); PAP. 30 (14); PAPL. 15 (11); PAPR. 19 (2); PAZB. 5 6 (50); PAPR. 12 ( 2); 20 ( 4); (11); Pet. V. A. p. 156 ( quotation); PRA. Nos. 790; 936; Punjab. No. see Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 54. 1337 ; SA. No. 450 ; Surat. 1, 6, 9. Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 199 (II) yaiera in Sanskrit. (This is probably a tinaguria Bengal. No. 7296. Sanskrit rendering of the first Dhürtā. | a5 Ta'awa DB. 20 ( 46 ; 47 ; 48). khyāua.) Kaira. B. 89; Kath. No. 1378. 0474 Limdi. No. 1966. (III) valera (Bhāsā). Idar. 95. Probably a ara t at composed in Samvat 1560, by Sim• Hindi rendering. Eakusala, pupil of Jñānasila, pupil of IT on Punyaphala. DA. 50 (78); Limdi. Hemavimalasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. No. 770. The work is written in old Gujrati. Kath. 17arfar Limdi. No. 885. 1630 = PRA. No. 806. Tatra by Sakalacandra. DB. 22 (115); walay JG. p. 254 (Gram. 600 ). JG. p. 111. नन्दिताढ्यछन्दःसूत्र This is a work on Prakrta metres. THIS by Nemidāsa. Agra. No. 1029 ; DB. 44 Its proper name is Gāthālakṣaṇa. It (53; 54 ; 55), SB. 2 (117). contains about 96 stanzas of which only wargai Hamsa. No. 871, JG. p. 111. 75 appear to be original, and was comEgiamiah by Jinabhadragani Ksamäśramaņa. It posed by one Nanditādhya. Hence it has 106 Gātbās. DB. 22 (74); JA. is often called Nandita dhya Chandas. It 106 ( 2 ; 13); JG. p. 209; JHB. 48 ; is edited by H. D. Velankar, with Intro55, PAPL. 5 (12); PAPS. 74 ( 9 ) duction and notes etc. from three mss., Patan Cat. I. pp. 291 (quo.); 303; in the Annals, BORI., Vol. 14. pt. 1-2, p. Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306; 1. A. pp. 43; Iff. Poona, 1933. Bengal. No. 6781; 96. DA. 66 ( 36; 37 ); DB. 38 ( 66 ; 67); (1) Tikā. Anon. DB. 22 ( 74 ); JG. Hamsa. No. 1486 ; Jesal. No. 387; JG. p. 209; PAPL, 5 ( 12 ). p. 318, KB. 3 (66); 5 ( 33 ); Kundi. No. 11; Limdi. No. 930, Mitra. VIII. (1) 17ETT by Yasahkirti. DB. 22 (116). p. 181 ; PAP. 75 ( 40); 79 ( 49 dated (II) Far Anonymous. CP. p. 658; JG. p. Sam. 1507 ); PAPL. 5 (4); Pet. III. 111. A. p. 224 ; Punjab. No. 1340 ; SA. Nos. Eutata in Sanskrit by Bhāskaranandin. Mud. 188; 1652; Vel. No. 116. 399; SG. Nos. 1380; 2151. (1) Tikā by Ratnacandra, pupil of 191964 composed in Samvat 1696, by Bhāva of Devācārya and the author of 108 vijaya. PAPS. 67 (142); 68 (5); Prakaraņas. Bhand. V. No. 1350 ; DA. SA. No. 2968. 66 ( 36 ); DB. 38 (66); Jesal. No. 1997 in Prakrta (foll. 13). This is probably 387 ; KB. 3 (66); 5 (33); Kundi. No. a part of the Uttarādhyayanasutra. JA. 11, PAP. 79 ( 49, dated Sam. 1507); 25 (14) Pet. IIL A. p. 224 ; Punjab. No. 1340; Balqa of Abhayacándra. Mud. 459. SA. No. 188; Samb. No. 7. Eastguztiqua Mitra. VIII. p. 75. afraque Limdi. No. 569. Egy on Astrology. JG. p. 351 (foll. 2 only). agageaia AD. No. 191. ratarrara in Prākrta. Punjab. No. 1342 Yine Limdi. Nos. 541 ; 852; 930. (dated Sam. 1526). qriqorian Bengal. No. 7352 ; CP. p. 658; geeftiarg (foll. 4 only). JG. p. 154 ; PAP. 37 DB. 22 ( 94 ); Pet. V. No. 948; SA, ( 113 ); 79 ( 19 ); PAPS. 64 ( 40 ); No. 533. VB. 19 ( 13 ). TETAO SG. Nos. 1633; 1637. aaraataniah SA. No. 1940. Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। trereara JG. p. 281 ; PAPR. 15 ( 19 ). (1) Vyākhyā by Gunasa ubhāgya. JG. p. 281 ; PAPR. 15 ( 19 ). Perhaps even the text was composed by him. gretarzulga of Ratnanandin. Idar. 74 (3 copies). Freisaraigagal by Rājakirti. CP. p. 658. arare by Jinaprabhasuri in 48 stanzas. It is published in Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. II, by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. BO. p. 30. arainatatarsT of Sumatisāgara. Idar. 78. raisataigiasit by Nandiśvara. Mitra. VIII. p. 22. alatie FAQAT AD. No. 62; Bhand. VI. No. 1011; Flo. No. 601. (1) pisarqalg I of Anantakirti. Idar. 74. (II) T A IST of Subhacandra. Idar. 74 (two copies). (III) 7721aTUFFIZI Anon. Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (20). नन्दीश्वरपूजाविधान in Sanskrit, AK. No. 365. arivarhifi in Präkrta. AD. No. 172; AK. Nos. 355 to 365. (I) qisateaaa by Jinavallabha. Bhand V. No. 1282; PRA. No. 466. (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1519 by Sadhusomagani, pupil of Siddhāntaruci of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. 1282; PRA. No. 466. (II) 7-21atraga Anon. DB. 35 ( 151 ); Pet. VI. No. 574 ; Strass. p. 304. a tractara containing 11 stanzas in old Gujrati. Vel. No. 1810. नन्दीश्वराष्टान्हिककथा See Siddhacakrakatha of Subhacandra. Hosigurare Limdi. No. 569. araivarasqasi by Sumatikirti in 39 Sanskrit stanzas. PR. No. 222. Faiq is a work of a comparatively late origin and mentions almost all the Jain canoni cal works. Malayagiri ascribes it to Devardhigani himself. But its account of the canonical works does not agree with their present form which we owe to Devardkiyaņi. This is one of the two independent Agamas outside the group, the second being the Anuyogadvārasūtra. It is published with Malayagiri's commentary in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 16, Bombay, 1924. An older edition of the same commentary is by Ray Bahadur Dhanpatsimha, Benares, Sam. 1936. The text with Jinadāsa's Curņi (No. 1) end Haribhadra's commentary (No. 3) on it, is published by R. K. Samsthă, Rutlam, 1928. Agra. Nos. 410-415; AM. 21 ; 78; 82; 105; 154; 279; 362; 402; Bengal. No. 2515; Bhand. IV. No.276 ; VI. No. 1315; BK, No. 2, Bik. Nos. 1601; 1698; Buh. II. Nos. 203 ; 204 ; 389; III. No. 109; BSC. No. 464; Chani. Nos. 168; 349; 720; DA. 27 ( 13-24); DB. 12 ( 44-46 ); DC. p.38; Hamsa. Nos. 980; 1353; 1672 ; Jesal. Nos. 177; 224; 313 ; 330; 547 ; 569; 896 ; 934 ; JA. 57 (1); JB. 54; JG. p. 42; JHA. 28 (3c.), KB. 1(3; 74), 5 (29); 3 (8); Kaira. A. 74 ; 118; Kundi. Nos. 37, 128; 205 ; Limdi. Nos. 82 ; 190 ; 205, 232; 254 ; 276 ; 449, 473; Mitra. VIII, p. 135; X. p. 294 ; PAP. 1 (3); 2 ( 20 ); 5 (17,28); 6 (50; 51 ; 55); 15 (3); 17 ( 47 ); 39 ( 10 ), PAPR. 1 (8); 7(11); PAPS. 33 (2; 4-6; 8-9); PAS. No. 339; PAZA. 6 (12;13); PAZB. 10 (3); 15 (7); Punjab. Nos. 1344 to 1351; SA. Nos. 85; 1619; 2025; 2568; 2733; 3118; Samb. No. 177; 322; 327 ; SB. 1 (24); Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; VA. 9 ( 50 ); VB. 18 ( 23; 32); VC. 8 (12); Vel. Nos. 1482 ; 1483; 1484 ; Weber. II. No. 1895. Jain Education Intemational Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थाविभागः प्रथमः। 201 (1) Cūrņi composed in Saka 598 by p. 23 (ms. dated Saṁvat 1226 ) ; Jinadasagaņi Ksamāśramaņa (Gram. Hamsa. No. 182; Jesal. No. 177; JG. 1500). This is probably the Curņi men p. 42, Kuudi. No. 221, PAP. 15 (3); tioned as “Cūrniḥ 733 varse ( Sam.) krtā Pet. V. No. 730; V. A. p. 202, SA. stambhatirtham vinā nāsti" at Bt. 41 (1). No. 1800; Vel. No. 1484. Bhand. V. No. 1197 ; Hamsa. No. 725; (6) Avacūri (Gram 1603) by JG. p. 42, Limdi. No. 45; PAP. 6 (51), Devyavasuri (Devasuri? Yasodeva17 ( 47 ); PAPR. 7 (11); PAZA. 6 (12); SA, No. 1665, Strass. p. 452. suri?). DB. 12 (52; 53 ); Hamsa. No. 505; JG. p. 42. (2) Niryukti. Surat, 1, 5. (3) Vivaraņa or Laghuvrtti by Hari (7) Durgapadatikāvyākhyā by Yaso. devasūri. Kundi. No. 221; this is very bhadra, pupil of Jinabhadra (Gram. probably the same as No.( 5 ) above. 2336). This commentary is mentioned by Malayagiri in his commentary, see next. (8) Nūtana Vrtti by Jayadayāla. BO. p. 60; Buh. IIL No. 110; DB. 12 KB. 1 (74). ( 44 ) ;JG, p. 42; KB. 5 ( 29 ); PAP. 2 (9) Țikā Anon. Agra. No. 410; Chani. ( 20 ); 6 (50); PAPR. 1 (8), PAZA. No. 349; JB. 54 ; JG. p. 42, Kaira. 6 (13); PAZB. 10 (3); 15 ( 7); SA. A. 74; 118; KB. 3 (8); Kundi. No. No. 1599 ; Strass. p. 453. 128; SB. 1 (24); Surat. 1, 2, 5; (4) Tikā (Gram. 7732, Be:-jayati Weber. II. No. 1895 (Be :-Jayatītibhuvanaikabhānuḥ ) composed by Mal bhāvasatru). ayagiri, who mentions both the Cūrņi (10) Vişamapadaparyāya. Kap. Nos. and Haribhadra's Vivaraṇa. AM. 621 ; 622 ; 623. 21; 38; Bengal. No. 2516, BOD. Nos. 1344, 1345; Buh. III. No. 109; (11) Bālāvabodha by Pārsvacandra. Chani. No. 720, DA. 27 (1-4); VB. 18 ( 32 ), VC. 8 ( 16 ). DB. 12 ( 45 ; 46 ); DC. p. 13; Hamsa. reiese in fourteen stanzas. KB. 9 (1) No. 255; JA. 57 (1), Jesal. Nos. 224: Weber. II. No. 1896. 569 ; 934; JG. p. 42; KB. 1 (3); Aaregia JG. p. 281; PAPR. 15 (19). Kundi. Nos. 37; 205 ; Limdi. No. 79, (1) Vyākhyā by Gunasaubhāgyagani. Mitra. VIII. p. 135; PAP. 1(3); 5 JG. p. 281 ; PAPR. 15 (19). ( 17,28; 6 (55), 39 (10), PAPS. Biarrara DA. 27 (5.6.7. 9: 11 : 12 33 (2; 3; 7), PAS. No. 339, Pet. III. 24; 25; 26); SB. 54. A. p. 35 (dated Sam. 1292 ); IV. No. -iqteya Buh. VI. No. 729; JG. pp. 215; 254. 1270 ; Punjab. Nos. 1344 to 1347; SA. Nos. 9; 808; 2017 ; 3118;2056; Faraatergat Punjab. No. 1352. Samb. No. 404, VA. 9 ( 50 ); VB. 18 AH* T in Sanskrit verse. Punjab. No. 1380. ( 23 ), VC. 8 (12) नमस्कारकुलक see Navakārakulaka. (5) Vrtti-Tippana (Gram. 3300) (I) THEAT Anon. Hamsa. No. 1409. Also also called Durgapadavyākhyā composed by Sri Candrasuri, pupil of Dhanesvara, see Navakārakalpa. pupil of Sālibhadra. This is a commen (II) RETKET of Simhanandin; cf. Anekānta, tary on Haribhadra's Vivarana. BK. No. I. p. 428. 2, Bt. No. 41 (4), Chani. No. 168, DC. ##**#* DA. 26 (35); Pet. III. No. 603. J....26 Jain Education Intemational Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। (1) Laghupañjikā by Bhadragupta, I. No. 281, IV. No. 1271 - IV. A. p. pupil of Säntisüri, descendant of Abha 101 (quotation); PRA. No. 1168 ; yadevasūri, author of the Navāngavrtti. Punjab. Nos. 1354; 1355 ; SA. No. 739; Pet. III. No. 603 ; ( dated Sari. 1558 ); Surat. 1, 9. PRA. No. 992. (1) Tīkā Svopajña composed in Sam. AHETTEra DA. 50 (103); Hamsa. No. 651; 1494; AM. 382; Baroda. No. 2224; JG. p. 254. Buh. VI. No. 730; Chani. Nos. 86; 588; HAFFTEIfafitat Bhand. VI. No. 1174 ; JG. P. Hamsa. No. 1026; JG. p. 281; Mitra. 281. VIII. p. 245 ; PAPS. 81 (109); Pet. I. Helagrati This is a portion of Bhadrabāhu's No. 281 ; IV. No. 1271 = IV. A. p. 101 Avasyaka-Niryukti. JA. 25 (12); PAP. (quotation); PRA. No. 1168 ; Punjab. 72 ( 26 ); Pet. I. Nos. 273 ; 306 ; I. A. Nos. 1354 ; 1355 ; SA. No. 739 ; Surat. p. 52; Patan Cat. I. p. 295. 1, 9. JARTZa by Sumatisāgara. Idar. 162. Also (2) Avacūri. Hamsa. No. 231. see Navakārapañcatrirasatpūjā. 2AFITFalezta Limdi. No. 780. THEFITTATO Pet. I. A. p. 58. See Navakārapra- ##FFITTAT in Sanskrit. Punjab. No. 1385. karana. Afhurtaa of Mānatunga. See Bhayaharastotra. (1) Avacūri. Agra. No. 326. (1) allarta in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 269; JG. ###1 Pet. III. A. p. 9; V. A. p. 54. Also see Navakāraphalakulaka. . p. 243. T e rra See Namaskāradrstānta. DB. 60 (II) Areaftra in Präkrta. Bt. No. 270 ; JG. (103); Hamsa. No. 651. p. 243. FHEITA EHIETFU Bhand. VI. No. 1316. Fallegra DB. 24 ( 121 ; 122). AFFITAT in Prakrta verse. Punjab. Nos. (1) Avacūri. DB. 24 ( 121 ; 122). 1383; 1384. AĀTETETT JG. p. 282. AHFICHEIFT by Siddhasena. Published by Hirlal tegalareala DA. 40 ( 73 ); JG. p. 282; Hamsaraja, Jamnagar, 1911, Bhand. IV. SA. No. 1894. No. 298; DB. 24 ( 104 ); Vel. No. (1) Tīkā. SA. No. 1894. 1845. (I) THE ITEAZ of Hemacandra. Punjab No. T ai Segia by Bappabhatti. Bt. No. 134; 1353. Limdi. No. 643. (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1654 by (1) Vitti by Sahadeva. Bt. No. 134 Kanakakusala. See Sakalārhatstotra and (Gram. 735). its Vrtti. Punjab. No. 1353. 701cht in 23 stanzas in Sanskrit composed (II) AFFIa also called Pañcaparameşthimabā in Sam. 1708, by Vinayavijaya Upāstava, composed in Sam. 1494, by Jina dhyāya, pupil of Kirtivijaya Upadhyāya kirti, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published Tapā Gaccha. It is in Prākrta Gātbās with a Gujrati explanation by M. D. (Be :-paramitthinamukkkāram). Baroda. Desai, Bombay, 1910 A. D. Also with No. 2224; Buh. II. No. 293; VL No. an English translation at Arrah, 1915. 730, Chani. Nos. 86 ; 588 ; Hamsa. Nos. BO. p. 59; Chani. No. 395; DA. 67 231 ; 1026 ; 1412 ; JG. p. 281; Mitra. ( 11 ); Hamsa. No. 427, SA. No. 2771; VIII. p. 245 ; PAPS. 81 (109); Pet. SG. No. 2183. Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 203 (1) Tikā by Gambhiravijaya, pupil | (IV) 772 of Kundakundācārya. Tera. 13-16; of Vrddhivijaya. Chani. No. 395 ; (V) by Dharmasägara. JG. p. 91. Hamsa. No. 427. (VI) नयचक of Devasena ; see नयचक (III). agara Fag by Vinayavijaya. DA. 67 ( 11). See | (VII) Anon. Agra. Nos. 815; 816; 817 ; Nayakarnikā. 819 ; DA. 67 ( 8; 9); SA. Nos. 2538; (1) 793# (FIFIIT) by Mallavādin (Svetapata, 2859; 3054 ; SG. No. 2690. Ksamāsramana ). It is in Sanskrit and 709 gta based on Mallavādin's work and comits extent is Gram. 18000. It is being posed in Sam. 1714 by Yasovijayagani edited by Muni Caturavijayaji for the of the Tapā Gaccha. Hamsa. No, 150. Gaek. O. Series, Baroda and will be out shortly. BK. No. 29; DB. 16 ( 41 ); See HJL. p. 659. Also see ibid, p. 136. 39 ( 49 ); JG. p. 73; Limdi. No. 602; नयचकवाल See Nayacakra (I). PAPS. 59 (3); Punjab. No. 1366 ; SA. 297 ATT SB. 2 (147). No. 311. 999 higit by Yasovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. (1) Brhadvrtti by Vadisimbasuri See Pattăvalisamuccaya (Viramgam, (Vijayasimhasūri? ) Kşamāśramaņa. DB. 1933), I. p. 107. Also see Nayacakra16 (41); 39 (49); JG. p. 74; Limdi. tumba. No. 602 ; SA. No. 311. Hata Kath. No. 1381 ( See Navatatva ). (2) Vrtti by Yasovijaya Upādhyāya. See Nayacakratumba. BK. No. 29. (1) Tikā by Ratnasuri (Sadhu( II ) + by Devacandra, pupil of Dipacandra ratna ?). Kath. No. 1381. of the Kharatara Gaccha. AZ. 1 ( 21 ); (2) Vārtika by Ratnalabha. Kath. DA. 67 ( 7 ); 75 ( 29 ); DB. 39 (50; No. 1382. 51; 52 ); Hamsa. No. 1236 ; JG. p. atatag #1 of Subhavijayagani (see Syādva74; JHA. 48 ; JHB. 45; Kath. No. dabhāṣā ). PAPR. 9 (11). 1380, KB. 1 ( 17 ); Vel. No. 1618. 799 of Padmasāgara. JG. p. 81 ; see below. (III) 774# in 453 Gāthas composed by Mailladhavala in Sam. 990. Dravyasvabhāva 799719 composed in Sam. 1633, by Padmaprakāśa is another name of the work sāgaragani, pupil of Dharmasagaragani See JH. Vol. 14, p. 307. It wholly of the Tapā Gaccha. This is a hymn in embodies Devasena's Nayacakra, which nine Sanskrit stanzas in praise of Mahāhowever, is not separately known to vira. It is published by the Hemachanexist. It is published in the MDG, dra Sabhā, Patan, 1918, together with Series, No. 16, Bombey. AD. No. 173; the Svopajña Vrtti. Bengal. No. 6713; Bengal. No. 6640; BO. pp. 30; 59; BK. No. 47 ; Buh. VI. No. 658; Chani. Buh. II. No. 406; CP. p. 658; DA. 61 Nos. 157; 237; 723 ; DB. 39 (60); (1); 67 ( 1-6); Hamsa. Nos. 1491 ; Hamsa. No. 380; JG. p. 81 ; Limdi. 1548, JG. p. 91; PAPS. 80 (89); No. 1364; PAPR. 16 (14); 22 (8); Pet. III, No. 519; Punjab. Nos. 1359; Pet. IV. No. 1272 = IV. A. p. 102 1360; 1361, SA. Nos. 311; 753; 1998; (quotation ); SA. No. 549 ; see YuktiStrass. p. 304; VD. 9(2). prakāśa and Jainamandana. (1) Vrtti called Sukhabodhārthamälā (1) Svopajña Tikā. Bengal. No. paddhati. Punjab. No. 1361. But See 6713; BK. No. 47 ; Chani. Nos. 157, ālāpapaddhati of Devasena. 237 ; 723 ; DB. 39 (60); Hamsa. No. Jain Education Interational Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 380; JG. p. 81, Kath. No. 1383; Limdi. No. 1364; PAPR. 16 (14); 22 (8); Pet. IV. No. 1272-IV. A. p. 102; SA. No. 549. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (I) of Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. This is published along with 9 other works of Yasovijaya in No. 13 of the JDPS. Series, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1965. It was composed in Sam. 1665. (II) Anon. Probably the same. CMB. 197, JG. p. 82; Kath. No. 1384; KB. 1(60); Punjab. Nos. 1370, 1371; SG. No. 1507; Surat. 2. (1) Vṛtti. KB 1 (60). ae by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapă Gaocha. It is published in No. 13 of the JDPS. Series, Bhavnagar, Sarh. 1965, along with 9 other works of Yasovijaya. Agra. No. 820; Hamsa. No. 1589, JG. p. 74; Kaira. B. 16, PAPR. 14(4), SA. Nos. 526, 1708, SB. 2 (144); Surat. 1, 4, 5. by Prabhadeva. JG. p. 91. (Anon.). DB. 39 (61). aufarm of Vidyanandin. It is an exposition of the 7th Naya, in 119 Sanskrit stanzas. CMB. 4. It is published by Pannalal and Vamsidhara, Bombay, 1905. afaaraa by Manavijaya. DA. 71 (109). नयसंवारसूत्र KB 9 (7). नय सप्तकगाथा SA. No. 3011. नयस्वरूप KB. 1 (62). नयामुततर गिणी by Yasovijaya, pupil of Naya vijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. SA. No. 244; see Nayopadesatikā (1). नयालोक See Nyayaloka. a by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published in No 13 of the JDPS. Series, Bhavanagar, Sam, The publication contains both the commentaries and 9 other works of Yaso vijaya. BK. No. 25; Chani. No. 77; DA. 67 (10); DB. (18; 55 to 58); JG. p. 104; Pet. VI. p. 141, No. 73; SA. Nos. 244, 509; SB. 2 (152). (1) Svopajña Tikā called Nayamṛtatarangini. BK. No. 25, DB. 39 (18; 55; 56); JG. p. 104; SA. No. 244; SB. 2(152) (2) Langa Vrtti by Bhavaprabhasuri, pupil of Mahimaprabhasuri of the Purnima Gaccha. See HJL. p. 659. in Prākṛta verse. Punjab. No. 1374. CP. p. 659. नरक्षेत्रविचार JG. p. नरचिकित्सा In Kanarese by Cāmundarāya. AK. No. 367. 137 (foll. 14). Anonymous. JG. p. 254; Pet. I. A. p. 54 (foll. 3-21). नरनारायणानन्दकाव्य in sixteen cantos (Gram.1600) by Vastupala, the minister, also called Vasantapala, who was a pupil of Vijaya. senasuri, pupil of Haribhadrasiri, pupil of Amara candrasuri of the Nagendra Gaccha. The poem describes the friendship of Arjuna and Srikrapa and the abduction of Subhadra by the former. It is published in Gaek. O. Series, Baroda, 1916. The poem was composed between. Sam. 1277 and 1287. Bhand. V. No. 1351, BK. No. 240; Bt. No. 520, Bah. VI. No. 731; Hamsa. No. 1864; JG. p. 331; PAP. 23 (21); PAPR. 15 (7); PRA. No. 898. gafes in Sanskrit. JG. p. 225 (foll. 92). नरभववशदृष्टान्त Limdi. No. 3152. aguaegitàqazmi in Prakṛta by Nayavimalasuri (alias Jnanavimalasuri). It is pub lished in the Dayavimala Granthamālā, Devasano Pado, Ahmedabad, 1916. DA. 50 (114); JG. p. 183; PAZB. 17 (30). car by Vinayaprabha. See below. (1) composed in Sarn. 1412 by Vinayaprahha Upadhyaya (Gram. 800). It Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 205 is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, 1 (II) aita (Gram. 3500) by Nayacandra Jamnagar, 1909. BK. No. 1338 ; Chani. (Vinayacandra ?). VA. 9 (49). See No. 734 ; Hamsa. No. 1389; JG. p. below Naladamayānticaritra (II). 254, JHA. 51; PAPL. 5 ( 32); PAZB. ( (32); PAZB. (III) Aefta by Hemacandra. DB. 31 ( 130 ). efter by H 9 (15, dated Sar. 1480 ). (II) Tata (Gram. 500) by Munisundara. (I) qui aita by Rsivardhana. Limdi. Nos. 1541 ; 2313 ; Surat. 5, 7, VB. 19 (23). JG. p. 225. नरवर्मनुपतिकथानक (Possibly the same as above No. (II) GATE ta by Vinayacandra. Published (1). Agra. No. 1463 ; Buh. VI. No. at Ambala, 1921. 732; DB. 29 ( 10 ); Kath. No. 1383 falwarc by Rāmacảndrasuri, pupil of Hema(dated Sam. 1652). candrasuri. It is in 10 Acts and is pubATETET T This is mentioned as a Laukika lished in the Gaek. 0. Series, Baroda, katha in the Nisitha Visesacūrņi (s. v.). 1926. It is quoted in Kumārapālaprati bodha and Ganadharasārdhasatabrhadvrtti Teatret Bub. VI. No. 734; JG. p. 343. See (Sam. 1995). See Intro. p. 35. Bt. No. Samvādasundara. 539 ; Chani. No. 305; JG. p. 336. PETTer Hamsa. No. 1532. A TTEET Agra. No. 821. नलायनमहाकाव्य This is a big poem in ten Skandhas divided into a hundred Sargas, contain(1) ARTE ( Be :-jayai bhuvanapai; Gram. ing a total of about 4045 Slokas. 1750 ) composed in Sam. 1187 by Another name of the poem is KubergMahendrasūri. The first copy of the purāņa. It describes the life of King work was prepared by Śilacandragani. Nala who is supposed to be an incarnaBt. No. 340 ; DC p. 54 (quotation). tion of Kubera. It was composed before (II) FREIE12r in Sanskrit (Be:-atrevāsti Samvat 1464 by Māņikyasūri, also called suvistirņe). Mitra. IX. p. 175. Māņikyadeva of the Vata Gaccha. In (ILI ) aÅqrafie composed in Sarn. 1328 by the colophons he describes himself as an Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. author of Yasodharacaritra and Megha It is in the Apabhramsa language and Nātaka. Agra. No. 2898; Baroda. No. contains about 70 stanzas. Patan Cat. I. 2835; BO. p. 59; DC. p. 55; JG. P. p. 188 ( quotation ). 331; Pet. III. A. p. 357 ( ms. dated (IV) #recteur Anon. One is published on Sar. 1464 ); Tapa. 138; VB. 19 (5) behalf of Hamsavijayai Free Library, VD. 6 (19); Vel. No. 1745. Ahamedabad, 1919. Bt. No. 340 (Gram. IFTTT by Nayasundara. DB. 41 ( 25 ). This 1700); DA. 50 ( 127 ; 128 ); DB. 31 is possibly an abridgement of the Nala(139, 140 ); Limdi. No. 577 (Gāthās yana Mahākāvya. 249 ); VA, 9 (46); VC. 8 (1;2). 7781769 CMB. 165; SA. Nos. 655 ; 758. 1997 Bh:and. V. No. 1292; VI. No. 1317; 2015 in about 20 Gathās ( Be : ghanagbāya). Buh. II. No. 356; DB. 29 (10), JG. Limdi. Nos. 1288; 3281 ; PAS. cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 44 ; 292; 372; 374. 091g see Damayantikathā. नवकारपश्चत्रिंशत्पूजा in Sanskrit composed in Sari. (I) aguita in Sanskrit composed by Hitaruci, 1792 by a Digambara writer called Jaya: papil of Udayaruchi of the Tapā Gaccha, rāma, pupil of Vidyānandin of the Vāņi in Sam. 1702. PRA. No. 480. Gaccha. SG. No. 64. p. 254. Jain Education Intemational Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। ac t or in 27 Gāthās. JG. p. 183. h oh in 30 Apabhramsa stanzas (Be : paņavevi pāya ). JG. p. 200; PAS (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 44). ATES Traga by Somanāthadeva. PR. No. 189. नवग्रहगर्भितपार्श्वजिनस्तवन by Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Hamsa. No. 316; Punjab. No. 1386. (1) Svopajña Tikä. Hamsa. No. 316. AUTHEATT Limdi. No. 1690. queqfr Pet. III. No. 518. ALETTFETISIT JG. p. 348. AUET on Astrology. JG. p. 351 (foll. 2 only). 799EFals ( Be : bhadrabāhuruvācedam ). Bengal. Nos. 7108 ; 7354 (anon.); JG. p. 281; Pet. III. A. p. 241. (1) Vrtti by Jinaprabhasuri. Punjab. No. 1388. नवग्रहार्चितपार्श्वस्तुति Bengal. No. 6912. watak by Jayasekhara of the Añcala Gaccha. JB. 162; JG. p. 200 ; Pet. V. No. 732; PRA. No. 251. Taaraget by Devacandra, pupil of Bhānu candra. PAP. 37 ( 21 ). (I) aratatut by Ambakaprasāda. It is in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 134; PAZB. 22 (1); cf. JG. p. 124, according to which this is merely a commentary on the Navatattvaprakarana No. III. But even the note in Hamsa. describes the Tikā as the Svopajña-tikā like the note in the PAZB. List, and thus shows that it is an independent work. (1) Svopajña Țikā composed in Sam. 1220; Hamsa. No. 134; JG. p. 124 ; PAZB. 22 (1). (II) gaafaqator with Țikā (Anon.). SB. 2 ( 57, two copies ). (III) ataq Tur in 30 Aryas. (Be :- jivājivă punnam). This contains a brief description of the nine Tattvas or principles of Jainism. It is published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, 1903, in his Laghuprakaranasangraha, and also elswhere. Its author is unknown. Agra. Nos. 1195 to 1233; Bengal. Nos. 2600; 3059; 4166; 4315; 4323; 6624; 6787; 6978; 7333 ; 7398; 7488 ; Bhand. III. No. 441 ; V. No. 1199 ; VI. Nos. 1183 ; 1185; Bik. No. 1499; BK. Nos. 319; 795; 983; 1328 ; 1387 ; BO. p. 59; BOD. Nos. 1360; 1361 ; 1362; BSC. Nos. 466 ; 469; Buh. II. No 205; Cal. X. Nos. 129, 130; 131 ; DA. 27 (24); 58 ( 2; 9-11; 29-32; 35-42; 44 ; 45-60 ) 76 ( 40; 41; 43 ); DB. 34; ( 22-31 ); Flo. No. 605; Hamsa. Nos. 280; 855; 924 ; 1069; 1263 ; 1317; 1321 ; 1661, JA. 105 (1.) JHA. 69 (4c.); JHB. 28 (7c.); KB. 3 (60); Kiel. I. No. 778, Limdi. Nos. 559,565 ; 622 ; 830; 930; 932; 949 ; 974; 998 ; 999; 1080 ; 1081 ; 1082; 1083; 1085; 1142; 1346; 1356 ; 1365; 1411; 1447; 1460; 1512; 1534 ; 1542; 1548; 1642; 1695 ; 1760; Mitra. VIII. p. 47; PAP. 19 ( 32 ; 34); PAPL. 3 (19) ; PAPR. 18 ( 23 ); PAPS. 48 (1-3); 53 (20); 65 ( 33 ); 68 (73); 69 ( 32 ); PAZB. 10 ( 24), Pet. IV. Nos. 1273 ; 1274 ; V. No. 734 ; V. A. p. 68; PRA. Nos. 791 ; 927 ; 1043; 1197; Punjab. Nos. 1389 to 1401 ; 1404 to 1428 ; SA. Nos. 156; 1537 ; 1787 ; 1831; Samb. Nos. 248; 356 ; 411; VA. 9 (51); VB. 18 (18); 19 ( 24); VC. 8 ( 14 ); Vel. Nos. 1619 to 1622; Weber. II, No. 1933. (1) Tīkā by Devendra. JG. p. 124; KB. 3 ( 60 ); Punjab. No. 1419. This is probably a mistake. Devendra's commentary composed in Sarn. 1452 is on the Navapadaprakarana (II). See under the latter. (2) Vrtti by Kulamandana. DB. 34 (17; 18 ); JG. p. 124 ; SA. No. 156. Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 207 (3) A vacūri by Sadhuratna, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccba. BK. Nos. 795; 983; 1387 ; BOD. Nos. 1360; 1361 ; 1362; DA. 58 (1-8 ); 76 ( 40 ), DB. 34 (19-21); Hamsa. No. 855; JG. p. 124; JHA. 69 ; PAPL. 3 (19); PAPS. 53 (20); 65 ( 33 ); 69 (32, dated Sam. 1515 ); PAZB. 10 ( 24 ); Pet. V. No. 734 ; SA. Nos. 1787; 2639, VD. 8 (7); Vel. No. 1622; Weber. II. No. 1933. (4) Tikā composed by Samaya" sundara, pupil of Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha in Sam. 1698 ; see HJL. p. 589. Bik. No. 1602 ; BK. Nos. 319; 1328 ; JG. p. 124; KB. 3 (60); PAPR. 18 ( 23 ), PAPS. 48 (2; 3); Punjab. No. 1404. (5) Bālāvabodha composed by Somasundara, pupil of Devasundara of the Tapā Gaccha, in Sam. 1502. Bhand. VI. No. 1183 (ms. dated Sarn. 1502 ); Bod. No. 1360 (3); Buh. III. No. 111 (ms. dated Sam. 1517); DA. 58 (18; 20); Hamsa. No. 1661; PAPS. 48 (1-3); 68 (73); PRA. No. 1043. (6) Vivaraña (Gram. 250) by Paramānandasuri. VB. 18 (18). (7) Vivarana by Māņikyasekhara of the Aricala Gaccha. This is mentioned in the author's Avasyakadipikā. PRA. No. 927. (8) Tīkā by Tejasimha, pupil of Harşa, pupil of Kalyāņa of Pārsvānkapura Gaccha. PRA. No. 1197. (9) Tikā ( Anonymous. Be :- viram visvesvaram ). Bod. No. 1363. (10) Tikā ( Anonymous. Be :- jayati śrīmahāvīra ). Bik. No. 1499. (11) Avacūri by Mānavijayagani, pupil of Sāntivijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. It was composed during the reign of Vijayānandasūri and is in old Gujarati. DA. 58 (33; 34), Kiel. I. No. 40 ; PRA. No. 778, VA. 9 (51); VC. 8 (14). (12) Bālāvabodha by Harsavardhana Upādhyāya. DA. 58 (19; 24); JG. p. 124 ; PAP. 19 (32 ; 34); Pet. IV. No. 1276 ; SA. No. 1908 ; VB. 19 (24). (13) Vārtika (in old Gujarati) by Ratnalabha, pupil of Vivekaratnasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha Kath. No. 1382; PRA. No. 791. (14) Tikā composed in Sarn. 1797 by Ratnacandra. HJL. p. 659. ( 15 ) Tikā. or Avacuri (Anon. ). Agra. Nos. 1202 to 1208 ; BO. p. 30; Fol. No. 605; Hamsa. Nos. 280; 887; 1069; 1212; 1317; Punjab. Nos. 1408 ; 1410; 1412; 1414; 1417; 1419; 1420 ; 1424 ; 1426; SA. No. 1908 ; Samb. No. 287 ; VD. 8 (7). (IV) agatatu in about 14 Gāthās, composed by Jinacandra (Devaguptasuri ), pupil of Kakkasuri of the Upakesa Gaccha. It is published with the Bhāsya of Abhayadeva and Yasodeva's Vivarana on it, by the JAS. ( Series No. 10), Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. Navapadaprakarana (II) is another work of this same author. Bhand. V. No. 1198 ; BK. Nos. 142; 171 ; DA. 76 (42); Hamsa. No. 265; JA. 105 (1; 6); 106 (4); JG. p. 125; KB. 3 ( 20 ); Mitra. IX. pp. 130, 131, PAP. 9 (5), 45 (8; 23), 68 (8); PAPR. 9 (13); PAPS. 34 ( 16 ); 57 ( 16 ); PAZB. 13 (2); Pet. I A. pp. 28; 46 ; 62 ; III. A. p. 280; IV. No. 1275, V. A. pp. 40; 93; SA. Nos. 156 ; 175, 1591, 1679; 2644; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ; VB. 19 ( 1 ). (1) Bhāsya by Abhayadevasūri, the author of the Navāngavrtti. The Bhäsya consists of Prākrta Gathās, which number 139. Bhand. V. No. 1198; VI. No. 1184 ; BK. Nos. 142; 171 ; DA. 76 (41) DB. 17 ( 20; 21); 34 ( 16 ); Hamsa. No. Jain Education Interational Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 stifatalkapata 127 Bhagya-Vivarzodevasūri, Core he 265; JG. p. 125; Mitra. IX. p. 131 ; qawwaaan in Prākrta. Hamsa. No. 419. PAP. 9 (5); 45 (8; 23 ); 68 (8); 799? Bengal. Nos. 6830 ; 7576. az PAPR. 9 (13); PAPS. 34 (16), 57 (16); PAS. (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 57); 997 DB. 45 ( 249 ), SA. No. 2773. PAZB. 13 (2); Pet. III. A. p. 280; IV. (1) A T TU In 250 Gathās. See PravacanaNo. 1275 ; SA. No. 463 ; VB. 18 (21). samdoba. (2) Bhāsya-Vivarana composed in (II) a u in 138 Gathās composed by Sam. 1174 by Yasodevasūri, whose Devaguptasuri who was known as Jinaanother name was Dhanadeva before he candragaội before his Dikṣā, of the Upabecame a suri, pupil of Devagupta, pupil keśa Gaccha. Another work of this of Siddhasuri of the same Gaccha. (Be : author is Navatattva Prakarana ( see No. mokşasyādimakaranam ). Bhand. V. No. IV.) It is published with commentary 1198 , VI. No. 1184 ; BK. Nos. 142; No. (1) in the DLP. Series, No. 68, 171; DA. 76 ( 42 ); DB. 17 (20; 21); Bombay 1926, and with commentary 34 (16); Hamsa. No. 265; JG. p. 125; No. (2) in the same Series, No. 73, Mitra. IX. p. 131; PAP. 9 (5), 15 ( 8 ; Bombay, 1927 23 ); 68 (8); PAPR. 9 (13); PAPS. Bt. Nos. 109; 200; 201; DB. 17 (2034 (16); 57 (16); PAZB. 13 (2); 22); DC. p. 7; Jesal. Nos. 1045 , 1381 ; Pet. III. A. p. 280; IV. No. 1275 ; SA. 1601; JG. p. 183 ; JHA. 48 ; JHB. 28; No. 463 ; VB. 18 (21). Kiel. II. No. 174 ; PAP. 68 (8); PAS. (V) ataq Tu by Māna vijayagani. This is a Nos. 165; 244; 365; Patan Cat. I. pp. commentary ( No. 11) on Navatattva 2-3; 31 ; Pet. I. A. pp. 28; 46; 62, III. prakarana (III). VA. 9 (51). A. p. 12; V. A. pp. 40; 93, SA. Nos. (VI) agatavotos by Muniratnasuri in 54 Gathās. 17; 156, 175, 1628 ; VA. 10 (15); Limdi. No. 1083 ; Punjab. No. 1428 ; VB. 19 (1). SA. No. 1831. (1) Laghu Vrtti called Śrävakānanda(1) Vrtti. Punjab. No. 1428. kāriņi by Devaguptasüri himself, comaaneagra of Sumativardhana. JHA. 69. posed in Sam. 1073. Kulacandra was (1) aqatalazi by Bhāvasāgara. VB. 19 (18; either another name of Devagupta or was a Gurubandhu of him. DB. 17 (20-22); Jesal. Nos. 1043 ; 1381 ; JG. p. 183; (II) aaralar Anonymous. DA. 58 ( 25; 62; PAP. 68 (8); PAS. Nos. 165 ; 244 ; 63 ); Hamsa. No. 1096; JG. p. 124; 365; Patan Cat. I. pp. 2 ( quo.); 31; PAZB. 10 ( 39 ). Pet. III. A. p. 304 (quo.) ; SA. No. (1) Avacūri by Gunaratnasūri. PAZB. 1628 ; VA. 10 ( 15 ). 10 ( 39, dated Sam. 1510). (2) Brhad Vrtti or Vivaraṇa compospara TITETT in 121 Gāthās. DA. 58 (61). ed in Sam. 1165 by Yasodeva, whose (1) araigeteg (Be :- arihantā bhaga. name before the Dikşā was Dhanadeva, vantā). Pet. V. A. p. 141. pupil of Siddhasūri of the same i. e., (II) 720asaaTAIGIT Anon. JG. p. 125; Upakeśa Gaccha (Be :- suddhadhyānaKiel. II, No. 76. dhanaprāptyā); DC. p. 7; Jesal. No. agaarfaiara Pet. VI. No. 690. 1601 ; Pet. V. A. p. 40, SA. Nos. 17, 99-W Jesal. No. 1355 (palm ms.); JG. p. 1587 ; 2533, 2850; Samb. No. 346. 225. (3) Abhinava Vịtti composed in San. 26 ). Jain Education Intemational Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ tum: 24:1 209 1452 (1182 of Bt. No. 203 is evidently (II) FATats in Sanskrit by Sikhāmaņi. al inistake) by Devendrasuri, pupil of SRA. 125. Sanghatila kasti of the Rudrapalliya (III) ATATUta in the Apabhranisa language Gaccha. JG. p. 183; JHA. 48 ; JHB. by Puspadanta Kavi, son of Kesava. 28; KB. 3 (60); SA. No. 156; VB. It contains nine Sandhis or chapters and 19 (1) is edited with introduction, notes, etc., in aaqa git SA. No. 723. English, by H. L. Jain, in the Devendraqaqardia Anon. Bengal. Nos. 6721; 6821 ; 7089; kirti Jaiu Series, Karanja, Berar, 1933. 7199 ; 7368; 7515; 7607. CP. p. 660 ( 2 copies); SG. No. 1205, aqqas Kiel. II. No. 74 ; see Navatattva No. IV. Tera. 20; 21. qagarangy by Vadibhasinha. Mud. 86; SG. (1) Arata in Sanskrit by Mallisena, No 1451. pupil of Jinasena. It is also called SrutaaÀyaa in Präkrta. Flo. No. 607. pancamikatha and illustrates the efficacy of the Vrata. Its Granthāgram is 500 ; (1) Vyāklıya in Sanskrit. Flo. No. for its Prasasti, cf. JH. Vol. 15, p. 20. 607. AK. Nos. 378 ; 381 ; 383 ; 384 , CP. p. garrafarar IG AK. Nos. 370; 371. 659 ( 9 copies); Hebru. 56; Hum. 43 ; qafo Frana Kiel. I. No. 41; this is Hema 217 ; 261; 274 ; Idar. 103 ( 5 copies); candra's Lirgānusāsana with Avacuri. KO. 31; 32, 37, 59; Mud. 462 ; 474 ; Harryhaat JG. p. 183. 599 ; 601 ; Mysore. II. p. 130; Padma. agiauratie Limdi. No. 1251. 109; Pet. VI. No. 669; Punjab. No. afata of Vajranandin, pupil of Pujyapäda. This 1442 ; Rice, p. 302 ; Tera. 12; 18. is mentioned in Mallisenaprasasti ( Inscri- (V) ATA T by Dharmadbara (Dharmaption No. 54, dated Saka 1050, of dhira ). Pet. IV. No. 1437 ; SG. No. Śravan Belgula). See Anekānta, I. p. 2342; Tera. 19 ; 22. 255. (VI) ATHICfta by Dāmanandin. SRA. 54. FEATU Limdi. No. 1430 ; SA. No. 1848. (VII) TTFAITEIT in Sanskrit by Sridharasena, (1) Vrtti by Abhayadeva. Punjab. pupil of Virasena. It is in 8 cantos and No. 1440. was composed at Gonarda. Idar. 103, PR. No. 129. नवोङ्कारकल्प CMB.59. (VIII) ATEI of Ratnākara. This is perHezren 1959 See Karmagrantha (IV). haps the same as No. (I). AK. No. 380. PETTERIE see Ksetrasamāsa ( No. III) by Soma- (IX) Aitara (kāvya ) in Sanskrit by Vāditilaka. Punjab. No. 1441. räja. KO. 96. नागकुमारकथा see Nagukumāracaritra. (X) TT&Tata in Kanarese by Bahubali RājaATFAITEICZ See Nāgakumāracaritra (kävya ) hamsa. AK. No. 379. No. IX. (XI) AEFATTET Anonymous. Agra. No. (1) M AITITE In tive Sargas, written in 1653; Lal. 6. Sanskrit. It illustrates the efficacy of Śru- aMAITOT in Sanskrit and Kanarese ( niixed) tapasicami Vrata (Be :- srimanyyavabi by Jinamuni and Brahma Candrasāgara. tāropi. ). It was composed by Ratna List (Śravan Belgula). Yogindra. JA. 56 (3); Mud. 686; ama en Agra. No. 1654 ; JB. 162 ( foll. 6 Pet. III. A. p. 125 quotation). only ). J....27 Jain Education Intemational Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 श्री जिनरत्नकोशः । on Astähnika Tapas. Limdi. No. 770. afts in Prakṛta (Grani. 1000). JG. P. 225. amar by Bralima Nenilatts. Agra No. 1655; BK. No. 1297, Chani. No.890; JG. p. 254. argftaa on magic practices, containing 1397 Gāthās in Prākṛta, composed by Khelavadi Mabuya. Bt. No. 596; JG. p. 355. JG. considers Khelavadi as a separate work composed by Mabuya, which seems to be wrong. ara Pet. V. No. 925. a by Ramacandra and Gapandra, pupils of Hemacandra. It is in four chapters. It (II) is published with the commentary, in Gack. O. Series, No. 48 (Vol. 1), Baroda, (1) 1929. Agra. No. 2975; JG. p. 316; PAPS. 69 (35 dated Sam. 1497); Pet. V. A. p. 188 (quotation); Surat. 1. (1) Svopajna Tika. Agra. No. 2975. DB. 24 (256). (1) area of Pujyapada. Mud. 252. नाडीपरीक्षा (II) were probably the same as above. MitraIX. p 143, SA. No. 1802. (1) arifare in 78 Sanskrit stanzas (Be: natva viram). Patan Cat. I. p. 84. (II) effe Anon. Limdi. No. 1713. afra Bt. No. 594; JG. p. 355. art in 81 Gathas. Patan Cat. I. p. 69. See Nanacitta. See Tirthakalpa. DB. 21 (79). नानाकपविचार DB 46 (19, 30 ). a in 91 Gathas (Be: namiūna jiņam jagajiva). See Jaanaditya. DB. 35 (209); DC. p. 38, No. 309; Patan Cat. I. pp. 69, 366; Pet. I. A. p. 48. ar of Asaga Kavi. Hebru. 10. ag of Ramacandra. Mud. 432. नान्दीश्वरीकथा of Subhacandra see Siddhacakrakatha. (1) composed in Sath. 1464 by Merutungasari of the Añicala Gaotha. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1908. BK. Nos. 1340; 1830; DA. 50 (83) by (Ratna) labha, pupil of Kamalaraja. DB, 31 (101; 102). Anonymous. JG. p. 254, PAP. 63 (11); Pet. V. No. 737; SA. No. 234. EnŃARCEÀÌZnacza by Kakkasuri, pupil of Siddhasena, composed in Sarh. 1393. DA. 74 (38), JG. p. 215 (foll 61). This is perhaps the same as Satrunjayamahatirtharprabandha (s v.). uff by Viśvasena. JG. p. 282; Pet. V. No. 826. area by Hemacandrasuri, pupil of Ajitadeva, pupil of Municandra of the Brhad Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit and was corrected by the poet Śripala, who lived at the court of King Kumarapala. It is a Dvisandhana Kavya describing both the Jinas, i. e, abha and Nemi. BK. Nos. 141; 1833; JG. p. 331; PAZB. 18 (23); SA. No. 343. Also cf. Patan Cat. I. Introduction, p 50; HJL. pp. 235-36. (1) Svopaja Tiks. Patan Cat. 1. Introduction, p. 50 नाभेवस्तव of Vijayutilaka Upadhyayu See Ru bhadevastotra. JHB. 47; 59; Mitra. III. p. 101. (1) Avacuri. JHB. 59. in 25 Gāthās by Jinavallabha. JG. p. 282; Limdi. No. 1288. (1) Vitti in Sam 1519 by Sadhusoma. See Jainastotrasandoha, Ahmeda bad, 1982, I. Intro. p. 27. aranâarcé¤g in Prakṛta. DB. 21 (22; 25); by Sahajakirti. DC. p. 58; see SiddhaHamsa. No. 1481; JG. p. 129. P. sabdārṇava. Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ F HN: 978:1 211 ATA Faia by Municandra. Bhand. V. No. 1200. ! 301, 302 ; 303 ; Hamsa. Nos. 925; 990; (I) ATAAST by Sriyāla. Bhand. V. No. 1144. JB. 133; JG.p 348 ; JHA. 59; JHB.45 (II) HATT by Harsakirti. See śāradiyabhi (3c.); Kaira A. 163, KB. 1 (39; 50 ; dhanamālā. BO. p. 71; Bhand. V. No. 66 ; the last ms. is with maps ); 3 (86); 1361. Limdi. Nos. 781 ; 1051; Mitra. VIII. p. (III) AH T in Sanskrit of Dhananjaya Sruta 240 ; PAP. 56 (4), 75 (103; 110; 120; kirti, who lived between A. D. 1123 and 139 ) ; PAZB. 17 (16); 25 (15), Pet. 1140 ; cf. Winternitz, Geschichte, III. III. No. 606; IV. No. 929; V. A. p. p. 413. But a verse from this is found 150; PR. Nos. 167; 210 ; SA, Nos. in the Dhavalā of Vīrasena in Saka 738. 1740, 2920; Punjab. Nos. 1455 to Yet it is possible that Dhananjaya repro 1461; Samb. No. 204; Surat. 1, 8, 9; (luced this stanza from older sources, VB. 19 (16); VC. 8 (15); Vel. No. and had not composed it himself. 311. See Satkhandāgama, Amraoti, 1939), (1) Tippanaka by Sagaracandra Vol. I. Intro. p. 62. Nāmamālā mentions (Gram. 1335 ). Agra. No. 3075; BK. Akalarika, Põjyapāda and the Dvisan No. 1115; Chani. No. 311 ; Hamsa. Nos. dhāna Kāvya. Agra. Nos. 2812 ; 2813; 919; 925; JB. 133; JG. p. 348 ; JHA. Bengal. No. 7123; CC. I. p. 286 ; II. 59; JHB. 45 ( 3c. ); Kath. Nos. 1387; pp. 62; 207 ; III. p. 61; DA. 64 ( 48, 1388 (dated Sam. 1667 ); KB. 3 ( 86 ); dated Sam. 1543 ; 56); DB. 37 (23; Kiel. II. No 383; Limdi. No. 548; 24); JG. p. 311, Limdi. No. 1190 ; PAP. 56 ( 4 ); 75 (120); PAZB. 17 PR. No. 115, SA. No. 30; VA. 9 (39; (16); 25 (15); Pet. IV. No. 929; 44), VD. 7 ( 12 ). Punjab No. 1461 ; SA. Nos. 138 ; 1600, (IV ) ATARZI See Abhidhānacintāmaņināmamālā. 1790; Surat. 1; 9. नाममालालेशसंग्रहसारोद्धार by Hemacandra. See Sesa- नारीनिराशफाग DB. 44 (23). sangraha. Kath. No. 1386. (1) Avacūri. DB. 44 (23). AIHATGIETE see Nāmasangraha. Punjab. No. afisate Agra. No. 957. See next. 1448. ariatu Agra. No. 957; JG. p. 183 (Gram. 300). नाममालासारोद्धार See Abhidhānacintamanitika No. | arcotiaaraia JG. p. 364. (5). SA No. 1528. ATAFOE by Bhānucandra, Pupil of Süracındra aufa fati U JG. p. 85; Limdi. No. 883. of the Tapā Gaccha. See also Viviktanama Thea by Indranandin. See Vedāntastavana. . sangraha and Nāmamālāsa igraha: CC. ATTEITA Chani. No. 719 (Foll. 164); Hamsa. II. p. 62 ; DB. 37 (19; 20); Mitra. X. Nos. 269; 621; SA. No. 896. This is p. 151 ; Punjab. No. 1448. perhaps the same as above. Acercatracat in 257 Sanskrit stanzas by Nara falar Bhand. VI. No. 1186 ; DA. 37 ( 28 ); candrasuri of the Maladhari Gaccha. DB. 35 (201); VB. 19 ( 31 ). Published by Pandit Ksaruāvijayagaņi at (1) Bálāvabodha by Somasundara. Bombay, 1938 Agra. Nos. 3071-3076; Bhard. VI. No. 1186 (dated Sam. 1502) Bengal. Nos. 6625 ; 6896 ; 7010; BK. No. 1115; BO. pp. 52; 60; BSC. No. (2) Avacūri. DB. 35 ( 201 ), VB. 710; Buh. I. No. 51; Chani. No. 311; 19 ( 31 ). CP. p. 647 ; DA 67 (33; 34; 35); DB. Fariąja attraherattega by Nyāyasāgara. 24 (165, 166; 167 ); Flo. Nos. 300; Chani. No. 931. Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 212 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (1) faqafirar In 36 Găthās. ( Bez-logassega Bhand. V. Nos. 1145 (1st Pari.); 1146; paese) by Abhayadevasüri who is des both, dated Sam. 1632. cribed as Thambhanapāsapa yadikara. f ogata by Hemacandra. This is a supplement, These Gathās were composed in the containing 396 stanzas, to the author's course of his commentary on the Bhaga own Abhidhānacintamani. It is publishvatisūtra, XI. 10. According to Ratna- i ed in the Abhidhānasangraha' by the simha, the commentator, they are "Viel N. S. Press, bombay, Saka 1818. Buh. dhokta,' and merely quoted by Abhaya VI. No. 735; DA. 64 ( 29; 38; 42 ); devasuri. It is published with the com Pet. V. A. p. 23 (a quotation ; ms. mentary, by the Jaina Ātmānanda Sabhā, dated Sam. 1280); Surat. 1. Bhavanagar, 1917. The text is also (1) Tıkā by Vallabhagani, pupil of published by the Agamodaya Samiti, Jñanavimala. This commentary is menSurat, (Series No. 9) and by Bhimsi tioned by Vallabha himself in his comManek, Bombay, 1876. Agra. Nos mentary on the Abhidhānacintāmani ; cf. 1933-1939, Bhand. VI. No. 1139; DA. Bendall. No. 403. 54 (48); 60 (136-140; 143 ; 144 ; 146; agus by Akalaukadeva. Mysore I. p. 108. 147 ; 152); 76 (52); DB. 35 (118121 ); Hamsa. Nos. 530 ; 1027, 1651; निजतीथिककल्पितकुमतिनिरास See Tattvabodha PraJG. p. 140; JHA. 47 ; Limdi. No. 953; karaņa of Haribhadra Mitra. X. p. 75; Pet. I. No. 283, III. A. PETITE of Yogindra in Präkrta. It is publishp. 212 ; SA. Nos. 560 ; 1946, 2051; ed in the MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay. 2516; VC. 8 ( 17 ); Weber. II. No. AK. Nos. 396; 397. 1967 (10). fax Strass. p. 305 (1) Tikä by Ratnasimhasuri, pupil Fachgiata is a work on the ceremonial bathing of of Municandra. Agra. No. 1933, Bhand. the idol of Jina composed by Aśādhara. VI. No. 1139; Bt. No. 67 ; DA. 60 This is mentioned in v. 17 of his Prasasti (137-140 ; 143; 144 ); DB. 35 (118 to Dharmāmrta, by the author. It is 121 ); Hamsa. Nos. 530 ; 1027 ; 1651; published with the commentary of SrutaJG. p. 140 ; JHA. 47 ; Mitra. X. p. 75; sāgara by Pannala Soni in AbhisekaPet. I No. 283; III. A. p. 212; pāthasangraba, Bombay. Punjab. No. 1462 ; VC. 8 (17); Weber. (1) Tikā by Śrutasāgara Published. II. No. 1967 ( 10). See Mahābhiseka. (2) Cūrņi Anon. SA. No. 2051 fagra by Lakşmidhara. Bengal. No. 6734. Surat. 6. faragiale in Sanskrit by Pujyapāda. SG. No. ( II ) faitgaliai in Sanskrit by Rámasirnha 1469 ( foll. 12). sūri; Punjab. No. 8462. This is probably fag FA UT Pet III. No. 520. the same as No. (I). (III) faiatelist of Dharmaghosasuri. JG. aurag TU SA. No. 854. p. 140. jawategelatia JG. p. 348. (1) Vrtti by Ratnasimhasuri, pupil farggaa e* Weber. IL No. 2009 (2). of Vinayacandra. JG, p. 140. This also ATH of Bhadrabāhu. Vel. No. 385. See Bhadrais probably the same as No. (I) above. bahus anhitā. fazah by Dhananjaya, in two Paricchedas. Palh y in Sanskrit (Grarn. 5000) by Kavi This is the same as Namamala (III). Rāya candra ; cf. HJL. p. 712, og telafering 1933,"n, pupil Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः 213 favarauaga-steaia#1 DB 45 ( 124). ayataga ateigar by Pārsvacandra. Limdi. No. 2221. fagre in 47 Prākrta Gathās (Be: bhuvanikka.) by Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccba. fagget of Kundakundäcarya. The work contains 187 verses divided into 12 Adhikāras; cf. Bhand. IV. p. 102ff. It expounds the whole discipline which the seeker of eternal bliss should subject himself to. It is published with English translation by Uggar Sain in the Sacred Books of the Jainas, Arrah, 1931. It is also published with the commentary of Padmaprabha at Bombay, 1916. Bhand. IV. No. 291 ; CMB. 12; CP. p. 660; Hebro. 44 ; SRA, 394; Strass. p. 305; Tapa. 141. (1) Tika by Padmaprabha Maladharideva, who alludes to the following avthors :-Siddhasena, Akalanka, Pujyapäda, Viranandin, Amrtacandra, Guna. bhadra, Samantabhadra, Somadeva, Candrakirti and Mādbavasenasüri ; cf. Bhand. IV. p. 103. He also quotes verses from Amrtāsīti, Srutabandhu, and Mārgaprakāśa. See JH. Vol. 14, pp. 19, 45. Bengal. No. 1481 ; Bhand. IV. No. 299; CMB. 12; CP. p. 660; DC. p. 54; Hebru. 44 ; SRA. 394 ; Strass. p. 305 ; Tapa. 141 ; Tera. 5. ATACHISSI JG. p. 282. fargla Hif (Gram. 200). Bt. No. 58. atenatalą This contains 5 chapters called Nirayāvalikā, Kalpāvatamsikā, Puspikā, Puspacülā and Vrsņidaśā which are regarded as the last five Upāngas of their Canon by the Jainas. See Vel. Nos. 1485, 1486. It is published in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 33, Surat, 1922, together with Candrasuri's commentary. It was also published in the Agamasamgraha, Benares, 1885. The text with introduction etc., is recently edited by Dr. P. L. Vaidya, Poona, 1932. Agra. Nos. 192-196; AM. 77; 122 ; 164; 186 ; 207 ; Bengal. Nos. 4329; 6785; 6977; 7613; BO. p. 60; BSC. No. 460; Buh. III. No. 112 ; IV. No. 158; DA. 13 (16-22); DB. 6 (10; 11); DC. p. 33; Flo. No. 518, Hamsa. Nos. 868; 1132; JA. 14 (2); JB. 47, 48; Jesal. Nos. 423 ; 553; JHA. 29 ( 4c.); JHB. 15 (3c.); Kundi. Nos. 11; 14; 19; Limdi. Nos. 126; 133; 162; 189; 247 ; 260 ; 329 ; 330; 358 ; 405; 448; Mitra. VIII. p. 112 ; PAP. 38 (11; 18; 20 to 38); PAPL. 4 ( 24); 5 (18); PAPS. 19 (4-8; 10); 21 (10); 24 (10); 76 (9); PAS. No. 63; PAZA. 3 ( 16; 17); PAZB. 14 (6); Pet. III. A. p. 109; Punjab. Nos. 1466 ; 1467; 1468 ; Samb. Nos. 181; 313; SB. 1 ( 46 ); Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VA. 10 (2); VB. 18 ( 27 ); VC. 8 ( 5; 6); VD. 8 (4); Vel. Nos. 1485; 1486 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1854-1860. (1) Tikā by Śri Candrasuri, pupil of Dbanesvara, pupil of Silabhadra, composed in Sam. 1228, according to Bt. No. 23 ; also cf. Prasasti in Kap. Nos. 257-258. (Gram. 650). Bengal. Nos. 6785; 6977; Bik. No. 1699 ; BSC. No. 460; Bt. No. 23; Bub. IV. Nos. 158 ; 159; DA. 13 ( 14; 15); DB. 6 (8; 9); Flo. No. 518; Hamsa. No 1044; JA. 14 (2); JB. 47; 48 ; Jesal. Nos. 423, 553 ; JHB. 15 ( 2c.); Kundi. Nos. 11 ; 14; 19; Mitra. VIII. p. 112 ; PAP. 38 (18; 24; 25; 27; 28; PAPL. 5 (18); PAPS. 19 ( 5; 10); 21 (10); 24 ( 10 ) ; 76( 9 ); Patan Cat. I. p. 122; PAZA. 3 ( 17 ); PAZB. 14 (6); Pet. III. No. 607; IV. No. 1277; V. Nos. 738; 739; SA. Nos. 13; 1522 ; 1980; 2512, 2658; 2727 , Samb. Nos. 6; 181; 312 ; SB. 1 ( 46 ); VA. 10 (2); VB. 18 ( 27 ); VC. 8. ( 5; 6); VD. 8 (4); Weber. II. Nos. 1859 ; 1860. Jain Education Interational Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 farfar (Gram. 790). This is probably the Nirukti on the Kalpasitra. JA. 95 (3); 106 (11). See Kalpasitra-tiks No. (33). See भीजिनरत्नकोशः । निर्मन्थसमयभूषण of Indranandin. Mud. 9. Samayabhuṣaṇa. from Bub. VI. No. 620. fadara composed in Sam. 1930 by Balacandra Pathaka and Buddhisagara BK. No. 1824, PRA. No. 1121, SB. 2 (111); Surat. 1, 5. See Allahabad निर्दोष सप्तमीकथा in Apabhraria University Studies, I. p. 181. facivanĤizunga by Sivaji Lal. List (S. J.) निर्भयमीमध्यायोग by Ramacandra, pupil of Hema candra. It is published in the YJG Series, No. 19 Bhavanagar. Chani. Nos. 281; 454, 571; JA. 84 (3), PAP. 71 (15); PAPR. 10 (5); PAZB. 14 (20); Pet. I. A. p. 80; VA. 9 (53) fagfmeq; (rere) composed in Sath. 1676 by Matikirtigani. Chani No. 873, Hamisa. No. 1089. ; निर्वाणकलिका Anonymous, KB 3 ( 74 ) 6 ( 17 ), Surat. 1, 2, 5. निर्वाणकालिकाप्रतिष्ठापद्धति Anonymous. Jesal. No. 1130; Kath. No. 1272, SA. No. 233; VC. 8 (7). faatfagnana (Gram. 1300) by Padaliptasuri, pupil of Mandanasuri. It is edited by M. B. Jhaveri B. A., LL.B., Bombay, 1932. Chani. No. 245; DB. 22 (41); Punjab No. 1469. निर्याण कल्याणकस्तवन Bengal. No. 6684. farai निर्याण क्षेत्रमण्डनपूजा Pet. VI. No. 670, (Also called Laghusamayika, ef. SGR. IV. p. 69). It contains 27 Gathas mentioning the sacred places of the Jains, which, when visited, lead to salvation. Buh. VI. No. 621; CMB. 104; JG. p. 111, Pet. V. No. 925; VI. No. 673, SG. No. 83. fratagang Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (48). fagia AK. Nos. 401-410. fratorarfer (af) Pet. VI. No. 690. faaioraftar in Prakrta. Punjab. No. 1471;Surat. 2. faaimaferaft by Jinesvara, pupil of Vardhamana, composed in Sari. 1092; see Bhand. III. A p. 46. This was in Prakṛta. See Lilavatisära Kavya, which is its Sanskrit version. This is the view of DI. p. 50. The easliest mention of this work is found in Dhanesvara's Kathasurasundari composed in Sath 1095. Pet. V. No. 925. fari निर्वाणस्तवन Bengal. No. 7194. निर्विकल्पज्ञानसमर्थना Baroda. No. 7478 fange in 21 Gathas. DB. 35 (171), JG. P. 200. ffigi Bah. VI. No. 736; JG. p. 12; VA. -10 (8). fare in 20 chapters. It is edited by W. Schu bring for the Jaina Sahitya Samsodlaka Samiti, Poona, 1923 and also earlier, Leipzig, 1918. It is the first of the six Chedasutras, and prescribes rules for the conduct of a monk. See Winternitz, History, II. p. 464. AM. 230; 403. Bengal. No. 7032; Bhand. III. No. 442; Bah. II. No. 207; III, Nos. 113; 114; IV. No. 161 Chani. Nos. 421; 580, DA. 14 (2-5); 76 (80, 89), DB. 6 (15; 20); Flo. Nos. 528, 529; JA. 32 (1); 60 (8); JB. 54 (2c.), Jesal. Nos. 565; 567 837 JHA. 19; JHB. 20 (26); KB. 5 (38); 7(14); Kiel. II. No. 35; PAP. 15 (16, 17); 47 (1; 4; 5,6, 8); PAPM, 24, 32; PAPR. 13 (7); 22 (5); PAPS. 37 (2,8); 70 (7); 76 (23), PAS. No. 481; PAZA. 4 (1), PAZB. 2 (6); 18 (1); Pet. 1. A. pp. 6; 88; V. No. 740; Punjab. Nos. 1479, 1473; 1474; SA. No. 2729; SB. 1 (36 to 38), Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8: 8; Weber. II. Nos. 1872 to 1875. Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। • 215 (1) Bhásya in Prākrta consisting of KB. 5 (38); 7 (14); PAP. 47 (1; about 6529 Gāthās (Grar, about 7000). 8); PAPM. 24 (dated San. 1320); It is sometimes ascribed to Sanghadäsa. PAPR. 13 (7); PAZA. 5 (1); PAZB. ( Be :-navabambhacera ; cf. Pet. V. A. p. 2 (6); 16 ( 20 ); Pet. I. A. p. 6; VB. 100). AM, 302; Bhand. VI. No. 1188; 18 ( 22 ; 30 ). Bt. No. 30 (1); DA. 14 (2); DB 6 (5) Vyākhyā of Jinadāsa's Cūrni on (16); DC. pp. 24; 27 ; Flo. No. 528; the XXth chapter of the Sūtra. This is Hamsa. No. 30, JA. 32 (1); Jesal. also called Vimboddesakavrtti and was Nos. 565; 567; 837 (all palm mss. ); composed in Sam. 1174 by Sri Candrasuri JG. p. 10; Kiel. II. No. 36 (ms, dated also known as Pārsvadevagaņi and pupil Sam. 1146 ); II. No. 8; Limdi. No. of Dhanesvarasuri, pupil of Silabhadra 44 ; Kundi. Nos. 174; 214 ; PAPM. 24; (cf. DI. p. 30). In the Prasasti to this 32, PAPS. 37 (2); 76 (23); Pet. V. commentary however, he calls himself a A. p. 100, SA. No. 482, Strass. p. 308; pupil of Silabhadra. See Kap. No. 449. Surat. 1 ( 482); Weber. II. No. 1875. AM. 8 ; Bhand, V. No 1201 ; VI. No. 1187; Bt. No. 30 (4;5); Chani. No. (2) Brhadbhasya (Gram. 12000). 530 ; DA. 14 (1; 6); DB. 6 ( 15 ); JA. Anonymous. Bt. No. 30 (1); DB. 5 32 (1); JG. p. 10; Kiel II. No. 38; ( 16 ); JG. p. 10. PAP. 15 ( 16; 17 ); 47 ( 5); PAPS. 70 (3) Visesacūrņi (Gram. 28000) by (7); PAZA. 4 (1); PAZB. 18 (1); Jinadasagani Mabattara, pupil of Pra VA. 10 ( 14). dyumna. (Be :-namiū ari. ). In this ( 6 ) Paryāya. Kap. Nos. 452-456. commentary Siddhiviniscaya, Sarmati (7) Bhāsyaviveka by a pupil of Ratua tarka, Naravāhanadattakathā, Magadha prabha. JG. p. 12. senā and Tarangavati are mentioned ; cf. ABORI., Vol. 16, p. 300. AM. 8; ANT1 of Padmanandin. Limdi. No. 610 ; Bhand. V. No. 1201; VI No. 1187 ; Bt. Pet. IV. Nos. 1442 ; 1443. No. 30 (3); Buh. III. No. 114; Chani. Fageracitatura in 14 Gāthäs. DA. 76 (75). No. 530; DB. 6 ( 15; 17; 18 ); DC. pp. fattaertraga DB. 44 (90); Limdi. Nos. 6; 12; 23 ; 39 ; Hamsa. Nos. 71; 1634; 1995 ; 2581 ; 2885; SA. No. 3030. JA. 32 (1), Jesal. No. 567 ; JG. p. 10; fage a l of Candrasuri. Kundi. Nor 84 ; JHA. 19; JHB. 20; Kiel. II. Nos. 36 cf. also JG. p. 111. (dated Sam. 1146), 37, 38; (all palm a gregraraan by Candrakirti, pupil of mss. and old ones ); Kundi. Nos. 98 ; Vimalasuri ( Gram. 3670 ). JA. 56 (1), 113; 173 ; 419; PAP. 15 (16, 17); dated Sam. 1212; JG. p. 129. See PAPM. 32; PAPS. 37 (2); PAS. No. Siddhāntoddhāra. 481 (dated Sam. 1187); PAZA. 4 (1); PAZB. 2 (6); Pet. III. A. p. 25 ; V. A. fara Bhand. V. No. 1293. p. 100; Punjab. No. 1474 ; SA. Nog. atau Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7517. 483; 484 ; 485 ; Strass. p. 376; Surat afateta of Subhacandra. Mud. 396. 1, 2, 5, 8. affaqifiga by Somadevasuri. In the colophons (4) Bhāsya or Cūrņi. Anonymous. of this work the author mentions the Chani. No. 421; DA. 76 ( 80 ; 89 ); following works as his own-ŞaņnavatiFlo. No. 529; JB. 53 ; Jesal. No. 1732; prakarana, Yukticintamani, Mahendra Jain Education Intemational Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। mātalisañjalpa and Yasodharacaritra (s.v.). A gafia by Vijayakirti. SG. No. 1715. This is published in the MDG. Series, No. A g ar See Arhatpratisthāsārasangraha oi 22, Bombay. AD. Nos. 56; 169 ; AK. Nemicandra. No. 422; Bhand. VI. No. 1012; Buh. नेमिचरित्र See Neminathacaritra.. VI. No. 737 ; CP. p. 660; Hebru. 38 ; ITTATÍTERETIT of Sūrācārya. See NemināthaHum. 41; 44; JG. p. 339; Mud. 18 ; caritra No. (I). 46; 51; 114; 164; PAS. No. 344 (dated Sanit. 1290, cf. Patan Cat. I. p. afatarata in Präkrta (Grani. 114). JG. P. 31 ); PAZB. 1(13); SA. No. 810; 282. SG. No. 1720 (a beautiful palm leaf STATISTIT a Hamsa No. 1456 : SA. ms.); Surat. 1, 5. No. 1757. (1) Tikā. Anonymous. SG. No. 1720 H araan is an illustration for portions of the (palm ms.). Siddhahema Vyākarana, in Sanskrit. (1) arama by Bhartrhari. See Śatakatraya (I). Hamsa. No. 700. (1) Vrtti by Dhavasāra, pupil of Ministarata Hamsa. Nos. 128 ; 697. Bengal. Nos. Siddha. Bendall. No. 254 ; Mitra. VIII. 6792 ; 7874. p. 182. (1) Tikā. Hamsa. No. 128. (II) affasta by Dhanadaraja. See Śatakatraya Afhaisz by Vikrama, son of Sängaņa. This is (II). an artificial poem in which the last line (1) fferta of Dharmasresthin. Idar. 98 (dated of every stanza in Kalidāsa's Megha duta Sam. 1534). is supplemented with the first three lines (II) affarat by Tilakaprabhasüri, pupil of Deva by the author. It is published in the suri of the Purnimā Gaccha. This work Kávyamālā Series, Bombay, Vol. II. p. of the author along with his Subhāşitävali 85ff. Agra. No. 2902 ; Baroda. Nos. is mentioned by Ajitaprabhasuri in the 2898; 2953; Bhand. V. No. 1353; Prasasti to his Santināthacaritra compos Chani. No. 224; Hamsa. No. 544 ; JG. ed in Sam. 1307; cf. Pet. V. A. p. p. 331 ; JHA. 49; Limdi, No. 1331 ; 122, v. 12 ; No. mss. of this work how Mitra. X. p. 27; PAP. 43 (11); ever appear to be available. PAPR. 5 (5); Pet. IV. A. p. 25; IV. (1) affaert of Indranandin. It contains 110 No. 715 ; Surat. 1. stanzas. In v. 70, the author refers to (1) Tika by Guna vinaya. Bhand. V. Nemicandra. It is published in the MDG. No. 1353. Series, No. 13. AD. No. 105; Bengal. ISIS11 SA. No. 1757. No. 1539; Buh. VIII. No. 371 ; CP. p. * Afgagalby by Hemacandra. See also Não 660; Idar. 98 ; 197; JG. p. 339 ; Pet. bheyanemikävya. This is another name III. No. 521; SG. No. 1318; Tera. 17. of the Dvisandhānakävya (II). BK. No. (II) offrit of Samayabhūşana. Hebru. 69. No. 141; PRA. No. 1085. (III) affaeit of Prabhācandra. AK. No. 417. नेमिनाथकाव्य See Neminathacaritra. mantrag Ty by Kunda kundācārya. Kath. No. (1) arhargait composed in Sam. 1090, during 1192. the reign of Bhojarāja of Dhara, by fifterfaart Bengal, No. 7062. Sürācārya, pupil of Droņācārya. Bt. No. À HCIÍHairaa Bengal. No. 7243. 510 ; and HJL. P. 216. It is in Sanskrit afruar JG. p. 282. and is a Dvisandhāna Kávya applicable to Jain Education Intemational Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 217 is 26 16 to 18 ); ( VII ) dia bhavanagar, Vir. Sath. 24eries, Rsabha and Nemi Jinas ; cf. Prabhāva Upadesamāla in Sam. 1299. JG. p. 243; kacaritra, 18. 254. PAP. 30 ( 48 dated Sam. 1518). (1) Tippanaka (Gram. 1400 ). Bt. (VI) afwaret ( in Sanskrit) in 12 cantos, No. 511; JG. p. 331. composed in Sam. 1495 by Kirtiraja (II) afgasta composed in Sam. 1170 by Upadhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. Hemacandra. This is the 8th book of It is published in the YJG. Series, No. the author's Trisastišalākāpuruşacaritra. Chani. No. 753 ; DB. 26 (16 to 18); (VII) T a ta in Sanskrit prose composed in Flo. No. 711 ; JA. 18 (1 dated Sam. Sam. 1668, by Guņavijaya, pupil of 1198); Jesal. No. 50; JG. p. 243; Kanaka vijaya, pupil of Vijayasenasuri of JHA. 49; KB. 3 ( 14 ; 15;18); Limdi. the Tapā Gaccha. (Gram. 5285 accordNo. 842 ; PAP. 9 (23); 12 (13); 32 ing to PAPS note). It has 13 chapters (4; 6; 10); PAPM. 10; 27; PAPS. and is published at Surat, 1920. DA. 45 49 (21); 55 (11); 71 (4); PAZB. (6); DB. 26 (19; 20 ); Jesal. Nos. 18 (2); Punjab. Nos. 1480; 1481 ; 1185; 1240; JG. p. 243; PAP. 30 SA. No. 362; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 8; Tapa. (24); PAPS. 55 (3); Samb. No. 143; VA. 9 ( 47 ); 10 (1; 9; 18 ); 462. VB. 9 ( 37 ); 18 ( 19 ); VC. 8 (3; 9; (VIII) anatafta by Hemacandra, pupil of 10); VD. 7 ( 16 ). Abhayadeva of the Harsapuriya Gaccha. (1) Tikā by Rāmavijayagani. DB. ( Be :-ajjavi jassa pavattai). This is a 26 (16). part of the author's Bhavabhāvanā-vrtti according to Bt. No. 272 and DC. p. 15. (III) afhayarts in Prakrta (Grar. 8032 ) com The name Gunavallabha of the author posed, at the request of the minister given in JA. and Pet. I., is through Prthvipāla, in Sam. 1216, at Ahnilwad, during the reign of King Kumārapāla of mistake. DC. p. 15 (dated Sam. 1245); Gujarat, by Haribhadra, pupil of Candra DI. p. 47. sūri of the Vata Gaccha ( Be :-duhavipa- (IX) aff i a in Prakrta (Gram. 5100 Be :yadiya). A portion of it written in ajjavi jassa pavattai) by Guņavallabha. Apabhramsa namely, the Savatkumära. JA. 40 (1); Pet. I. A. p. 24. This is carita (s. v.) is separataly edited by H. probably the same as No. VIII. Also Jacobi, Munchen, 1921. Bt. No. 271;! cf. DI. p. 47. DC. p. 27; Jesal. No. 835; JG. p. 243; (x) agarants in Prakrta by Guņasāgara ( proKundi. No. 304. bably the same as No. VIII above). VB. (IV) afwatait in Prākrta composed in Sari. 19 (23). 1233 by Ratnaprabha, pupil of Vādideva. (XI ) Arcafts by Bhojasāgara. Baroda. No. sūri of the Brhad Gaccha. (Gram. 13600). 6079. It is in six chapters. Bt. No. 273; DI. (XII) arqalgafta by Tilakācārya (Gram. 3500) p. 40; JG. p. 243 ; PAS. No. 452 (cf. in Sanskrit. Bhand. VI. No. 1318 ; JG. Patan Cat. I. p. 250, quotation). p. 243. (V) afarafta by Udayaprabhasuri, pupil of (XIII) Harghita by Puspadanta. This is a Vijayasenasuri of the Nāgendra Gaccha. part of the author's Mahāpurāņa written It is in Sanskrit (Gram. 2100). The in the Apabhramsa language. CP. p. author composed his commentary on 661 ; List ( S. J.). J.......28 Jain'Education Intemational Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। P. Obu. (XIV) af a fts by Vikrama. This is the afatgrafa Bhand. IV. No. 1003 ( 49 ), DA. 40 same as the Nemidütakävya. JG. p. 243; ( 67; 71 ); Pet. V. No. 826. JHA. 49; PAP. 43 (11). (I) afhagia ( Tuni) in 9 Sanskrit Slokas. (XV) afarafta by Gunabhadra. This is a It is published in the MDG. Series, No. part of the author's Uttarapurāna. CP. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. p. 660. (II) ATATEATS of Jinavallabhagani. Limdi. No. (XVI) Awaruara (Ghattābandha ). This is per 1288. haps Puspadanta's work i. e., No. XIII (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1519 by above. Lal. 6. Šādhusoma. See Jainastotrasrndoha, (XVII) afarreta in Sanskrit by Narasimha. (Ahmedabad, 1932 ), I. Intro. p. 27. SG. No. 2342. (III) afwateriala by Vijayasimbasuri. PAPL. 8 (XVIII) NA7127719 in Sanskrit by Harisena, ( 27). pupil of Vajrasena. This is mentioned (I) aiagaform of Brahma Nemidatta. This is in the Karpuraprakara ( s. v.) as his own probably the author's Neminātha Purāņa. work by the author. Idar. 113. (XVIII) altaf Anonymous. Agra. No. (II) Hagorney of Vägbbata, son of Soma 2903; Bhand. V. No. 1294 ; VI. No. and the author of the Vāgbhatalankära. 992 (19); Hamsa. No. 508 ; Kath. No. It is a Mahakāvya in 15 cantos and is 1151 (this is from the Kalpasutra ; cf. published in the Kāvyamälä Series, Kap. No. 541); KB. 3 (15); VB. 19 Bombay, 1896. AD. No. 146 ; AK. No. (4; 19 ). 423; BK, No. 385; Bt. No. 512; CMB. afhaagara by Samayasundara. Limdi. No. 65 ; CP. p. 661 (10 mss.); Hamsa. No. 1723. 205 ; Idar. 113 (4 copies), Idar. A. 66 ( 8 नमिनाथजन्माभिषेक in Apahhrainsa by Jinaprabha copies), JG. p. 331; Kath. No. 1152; suri. Patan Cat. I. p. 274. KO. 124; 131 ; Padma. 75; PAZB. 24 (2); Pet. IV. No. 1278 = IV. A. (I) watergero of Brahma Nemidatta, pupil of p. 103; Punjab. No. 1483; Rice. p. 302. Mallibhusana. It contains 16 chapters. AD. No. 111; Bhand. V. Nos. 1111; (1) Tikā by Upendra. CP. p. 661 (2 mss.) 1112, Bah. VI. No. 622 ; CP. p. 661; Kath. Nos. 1149; 1150; List (S. J.); (2) Țikā by Abhinava Laksmisena. Pet. III. No. 522; V. No. 948 (dated KO. 131. Sam. 1636); Strass. p. 305 ; Surat. 2, (3) Tippana. Anon. CMB. 65. Tera. 2; 3; 4; Weber. II. No. 1988. Til of Bhāvaratna (Bhāvaprabhasuri ). (II) FOOTTO of Mangarasa. Hum. 42. Hamsa. Nos. 116 ; 568 ; PRA. No. 377. (III) Hauger of Karnapärya in Kanarese. See Bhaktämarapādapūrtistavana. It is Mud. 122 ; 148. published by the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 54, Bombay, 1926. aihaagiin 62 Gāthās ( Be : caiūņa deva). Pet. I. A. p. 83. afÆTIFICENT Bengal. Nos. 7525 ; 7673 ; 7677. alaterrothaigla TAETTU Bengal. No. 6907. Afrah Anon. JG. p. 282 ; PAPR. 1 (15). THATTUTTE in 10 Apabhrarisa stanzas by Jina- afwaga by Vijayasimha (Grar. 24). JG. p. 282. prabhasuri. Patan Cat. I. p. 269. (I) afheata composed in different dialects by afwarcraaa of Subhacandra. Idar. 83. Somasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha, Jain Education Intemational Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थाविभागः प्रथमः । 219 See Jainstotrasamuccaya, Bombay, 1928, called Nyāyakumudacandrodaya ( s. v.). p. 99. Bt. No. 389; JG. p. 91 ; Strass. p. 305. (II) aratata in 14 Gathās. Hamsa. No. 697 ; erg of Prabhäcandra. This is a comJG. p. 282. mentary on Akalarka's Lagbiyastrayi aratar Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (11). (see under it). Bhand. VI. No. 1056; arogaftaficu of Śrīharşa, a non-Jain. JG. p. 91 ; MHB. 66 ; Mud. 638; Rice. (1) Tikā (Gram. 1200) by Muni p. 306 ; SG. No. 1893 ; Strass, p. 305. candrasuri who lived about Sam. 1170. FUTVECIU ( Gram. 5500) also called KbandaHJL. p. 243. nakhādya or Mahävirastavana, composed (2) Tīkā by Jinarājasūri, the head of during the reign of Vijayadevasüri of the Tapā Gaccha, by Yasovijayagani, pupil the Kharatara Gaccha; cf IA. 1882, p. 252. BO. pp. 17; 60; CC. I. p. 306. of Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published by Mansukhbhai Bhagubhai, (3) Tikā composed in A. D. 1368 by Ahmedabad. Hamsa. No. 84; JA. 110 Cäritravardhana, pupil of Kalyāṇarāja of ( 20 dated Sam. 1735); JG. pp. 75; the Kharatara Gaccha. Bendall. No. 238; 105; JHB. 58; Pet. III. A. p. 194 ; CC. I. p. 306. PRA. No. 1232 ; SA. Nos. 202 ; 1767 ; (4) Subodhikā by Ratnacandrayani, SB. 2 ( 151 ). pupil of Sānticandra. (Gram. 13364). (1) Svopajña Tikā. PRA. No. 1232; Bhand. V. No. 369 dated Sam. 1668 ); SA. No. 202; SB. 2 ( 151 ). VA. 9 ( 48 ); VD. 7 (15). Fra TU JG. p. 351. JG. p. 82. Folgari of Jayasimha. See Nyāyasāra-9146get of Sridhara, a non-Jain. tīkā (2). Panjab. No. 1490. (1) Pañjikā (Gram. 4000) compos 10 geiga (About 100 Slokas ). BSC. No. 473; ini Ahont 100 ślokas) BSC. ed in Sam. 1385 (according to Bt.) by this is perhaps a copy of Dharmabhüşana's Rajasekhara, pupil of Sritilaka of the Nyāyadipikā. Harsapuriya Gaccha. Bt. No. 417; JG. p. 95; Pet. III. A. p. 272 (ms. dated reqia i also callad Pañcamithyātika, in SanSam. 1480 ); VA, 10 (10). skrit by Sukhaprakāsa. Mud. 166. (1) Vivekavyākhyāna (2) Tippanaka by Naracandra (Be : by Amrtaavyāhatam. Gram. 2500); cf. Pet. III. nandin. Mud. 166. 15. BO. 41. Bt. No. (1) Fiziqot of Bhävasena. Rice. p. 306. 416; DC. p. 4; DI. p. 32; JG. p. 95; (II) Fugiat of Dharmabhusana, pupil of VarPAZB. 11 (28; 29). dhamāna. It is pubiished with a Hindi (3) Tīkā by Candramunisvara. BO. commentary by Pandit Nathuram Premi, p. 41. Bombay, A. D. 1913. AD. Nos. 156; This is probably the same as No. 2. 191; Bhand. V. Nos, 1147 ; 1148 ; VI. Nos. 1057 ; 1058, BK. No. 104; BO. ( 4 ) Tikā by Asa da Kundi. No. 288. p. 30; Bod. No. 1378; Buh. VI. Nos. This is probably a copy of Asada's Upa 623; 624; CMB. 22; 23 ; 182 ; CP. p. desakandali. 662, DB. 39 ( 25 ); DLB. 17; Hamsa. graa g by Akalanka. See Laghiyastrayi. Bt. No. 383; Hum. 279; Idar. 133 (8 No. 389; JG. p. 91. copies; one dated Sam. 1586); Idar. A. (1) Vrtti (16000) by Prabhācandra, 68 (3 copies ); JG. p. 91 ; KN. 38; Jain Education Intemational Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। B. Dhruvas. DA. 36 S; JG KO. 145; 153; PAPR. 1 (4); Pet. III. (3) Pañjikā by Pārsvādeva. JG. p. No. 523 ; IV. No. 1438 ; V. Nos. 949 ; 75. This is the same as above No. 2. 950; PR. No. 259 ; SA. No. 252 ; SG. (4) Tikā. Anonymous. DB. 39 ( 29); Nos. 20; 21; 2005 ; Strass. p. 305; Hamsa. Nos. 794, 1013. VB. 19 (3). Furfag of Dharmakirti a Buddhist writer. The +919fifq179 13T (Foll. 9). SA. No. 252; work is edited with Dharmottarapāda's Surat. 1. commentary by Peterson in the Biblio.. (1) Tikā. Surat. 1. theca Indica Series, Calcutta, 1889. Malla vādin's Tippani is published by Th. ayaq (Grariu. 783). JG. p. 183; Pet. I. Stcherbatskoi, in the Bibliotheca Buddhica, No. 284. XI. St. Petersburg, 1909. FUTUTAHUI (?) by Rājasekhara. VA. 10 ( 10 ). (1) Tikā by Dharmottarapāda, also a -19 ate of the Buddhist Dirināga. Its Tibetan Buddhist. BO. p. 41 ; Bt. No. 399; Text is edited with Introduction etc. Chani. No. 184; DC. pp. 31, 414; Jesal. by Vidhushekhara Bhattacarya, in the Nos. 7; 91; 677; 1279; 1342; JG. p. 95, Gaek. O. Series, No. 39, Baroda, 1927. Kundi. Nos. 87 ; 122; PAP. 72 (84; Its Sanskrit text, along with the com 86); PAPM. 62; Pet. III. A. p. 33 mentaries of Haribhadra and Candrasuri (dated Sam. 1229 ); V. A. p. 3; Surat. (Parsvadevagaại ), is edited by Prof. Dr. 1, 7. A. B. Dhruva, in the same Series, 1930. ( 2 ) Dharmottaratippanaka by MalBt. No. 400; DA. 36 (54); DB. 39 lavădin Acārya who was a Jain author. ( 29 ); Jesal. Nos. 1 ; 38; JG. p. 74; DC. pp. 4 ; 14 (dated Sam. 1206 ); DI. Kundi. Nos. 107; 134 ; PAPR. 21 (32); p. 29; Jesal. Nos. 7; 91 ; 677 (palm); PAS. No. 238; Pet. I. A. p. $1 ; Punjab. 1279 (palm); 1342; JG. p. 95; Kundi. No. 1491; SA. Nos. 348 ; 536 ; SB. 2 Nos. 87; 122; PAPM. 62 ( 8,dated Sam. (152); Surat. 5. 1231); Patan Cat. I. p. 375; Pet. V. (1) Tikā by Haribhadrasuri (Grain. A. p. 3 ( quotation); Surat. 1, 7. 500 ; Be:-samyari nyäyasya vaktāranı). 21T is another name of the Nyāyasāra. See Bhand. VI. No. 1378 (dated Sarii, Bt. No. 407. 1499); Bt. No. 400; Buh. VI. No. 738 ; PITHvraak of Sukhaprakása (Subhaprakāsa). DC. p. 4 (dated Sam. 1201 ); DI. p. It is in Prākrta (Gram. 3500); AK. 30; Jesal. No. 1 ; JG. p. 74; Kiel. II. No. 394 ; Mud. 502. No. 40; Kundi. No. 134; PAPR. 21 FITHSHQIFTE see Nyāyārthamañjūşā. JG. P. ( 32); PAS. No. 238 (see Patan. Cat. I. 302. p. 86, quotation). F11Throtrga in Sanskrit by Ajitasena. Hum. (2) Tikā on No. (1) called Pañjikā, 4;97; 130; SG. No. 1481 ; SRA. 208; composed in Sam. 1169 by Cardrasuri 402 ; SRB. 209. (formerly Pārsvadevagaại ), pupil of Dhanesvara, pupil of Sildbhadra ( Be : (I) Fratea by Sasadhara, probably a non-Jain. durvāramāra). Bt. No. 401 ; DC. p. 31; Punjab. No. 1493. DL. p. 30, JA. 90 (2, dated Sam. 1368 ); (1) Mañjari by Rājasekhara (Gram. JG. p. 74 ; Kundi. No. 107; Patan Cat. 1200). VA. 10 (10). Possibly also, I. p. 293 ( quotation); Pet. I. A. p. 81; Punjab. No. 1493. SA. Nos. 348 , 536 ; Surat. 5. (II) =qrama of Manikanthu. AK. No. 391. Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Halaam: **: 1 221 91. 10). D No. 404 (6P of Jin TOTAASTAT by Hemahamsa. Bhand. VI. Nos. No. 388; Bt. No. 407 (3); DB. 39 1379 ; 1380. See Nyāyārthamañjuşă. (38); MHB. 31 ; Mud. 807. Foratradi on Prākrta grammar. It was composed ( 5 ) Avacūri. SA. No. 255 (foll. 15). about Sam 1626 by Dayāratna, pupil Fotregiraat 17 TOT (Gram. 7000) by Jinaof Jinaharsa, successor of Jinacandra sekhara Vācaka. VA. 10 (7). suri of the Kharatara Gaccha. See ole of Gautama Aksupäda, a Hindu author. HJL. p. 584; PRA. No. 231. (1) Tātparyasuddhi by Udayanācārya (1) Vrtti Svopajña. BO. p. 30 a Hindu author. ( foll. 21 ). (2) Tātparyaparisuddhi-Nyāyālankāra Foliafag of Akalankadeva. Hebru. 3; JG. P. by Bhatta Śrikantha, also a Hindu author. (1) Tikā by Anantavirya. Bt. No. ( 3 ) Nyāyālankāra-Tippana also called 391; JG. p. 91 ; Idar. 132 ; Rice. p. 306. Pañcaprasthanyāyatarkavyākhyā,by Abha(2) Tīkā by Vădirājasuri, who refers yatilaka Upadhyāya, pupil of Jinesvarato Anantavirya's commentary. AD. No. suri. Bt. No. 404 (6); DC. p. 47 (No. 8; SG. Nos. 8; 1299 ; SRA. 94; 168 ; 10 ); DI. p. 31; Jesal. No. 1041 ; JG. 241. See ABORI., Vol. XIII. p. 163. p. 96; Samb. No. 439. न्यायविनिश्चयालङ्कार See Nayayaviniscaya and its Fogmast in five chapters, is a part of Bhavacommentaries. sena's Moksasāstra. Strass. p. 305. Future see Nyāyārthamañjūsā. Folia #1216 Buh. II, No. 409. FOTTEITE of Hemaharósa. See Haimavyākaraņa Forgiga by Asadhara. JG. p 91. This is doubtful nyāya and Nyāyārthamañjüsā. (1) Nyāyārthamañjūşā Svopajña. Forgiatoiront of Yasovijaya. JG. p. 75. See FullTequat Bub. VI. No. 625; JG. p. 91. Nayopadesa-tikā. ETT of Bhāsarvajña, who is a Non-Jain writer. ForH5519 composed by Hemahansa, pupil of The work is also called Nyāyabhūsaņa at Ratnasekharasuri of the Tapā Gaccha in Bt. No. 407. It is edited with the com Sam. 1516. This is a commentary by mentary of Jayasimha by S. C. Vidya Hemaharısa on Nyāya's or the grammabhusana, in the Bibliotheca Indica, Cal tical axioms which are 141 in number. cutta, 1910. SG. No. 2549. Also see Haimavyākarana-Nyāyasangrba. (1) Tikā by Vijayaharsagaại. Of these, 57 were collected and Buh. put IV. No. 90; OC. I. p. 310; Chani. forth by Hemacandra himself at the No. 54. end of his Brhadvrtti on his own Sabdā(2) Tikā ( Grām. 2900 ) called Nyā nuśäsana and the remaining 84 were put forth by Hemahamsa. These all he calls yatätparyadipikā by Jayasimhasüri of the by the name Nyāyasangrahasūtra. The Krsnarşi Gaccha. Bt. No. 407 (1); CC. commentary is divided into four chapters. II. p. 68; III. p. 66 ; Chani. No. 36; It mentions an earlier Vrtti called Prajñā. 10. Nos. 1866; 1867 ; JG. p. 95; panā on the first 57 Nyāyas. It is PAZB. 11 (12); Punjab. Nos. 1490; published by Harsacandra Bhurabhai, 1494 ; 1495 ; VC. 8 (11). Benares, Vir. Sam. 2437 and also in the (3) Tikā by Vijayasirhasūri (Vija. YJG. Series, No. 45, Bhavanagar. For yabaṁsa ?). Chani. No. 54. quotations etc., compare Vel. No. 76. (4) Pañjika by Vasudevasuri. AK, 1 Agra. Nos. 2608 to 2611; Bendall. Nos. Jain Education Intemational Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 327, 328; Bengal. No. 2565; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1379; 1380 ; 1418; Buh. II. No. 408 ; IV. No. 274; VI. No. 739 ; CC. II. p. 68; Chani. Nos. 7 ; 451 ; DB. 39 (22; 23 ); Hamsa. Nos. 252; 338; JG. p. 302 ; JHA. 60 ; Limdi. No. 738 ; Mitra. X. pp. 297 ; 298 ; PAP. 27 (45); 40 ( 46 ); 72 ( 85 ); PAPR. 9 ( 15 ); PAPS. 81 (88); PAZB. 5 (1); Pet. IV. No. 500 = IV. A p. 17 (quotation); Punjab. No. 1498 ; SA. No. 446 ; Surat. 1, 5; VA. 10 ( 6 ); Vel. No. 76. (1) Nyāsa Svopajña. CC. II. p. 68; Weber. II, No. 1622. sorglitiaqat of Abhayatilaka. See Nyāya. sūtratikā ( 3 ). Forth (Gram. 1200 ) by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published with the commentary of Vijayanemi, at Ahmedabad, 1918. Bhand. VI. No. 1381 ; Hamsa. No. 143; JG. pp. 75; 104 ; PAP. 40 (36); SA. Nos. 381 ; 1743. (1) Țikā by Vijayanemi. Published. Fylgtaatee of Siddhasena Divakara. It is edited with a commentary and English translation by S. C. Vidyabhusana, Calcutta, 1908. It is also again edited with introduction and notes by Dr. P. L. Vaidya, Bombay, 1928. It is also published with the commentary of Siddharși and its Tippana, by the Hemacandra Sabhā, Patan, A. D. 1917. Text only is published in the JDPS. Series, No. 13, Bhavanagar 1909, along with Ekavimśatidvātrimsika and Sammatitarka. The work is one of the 32 Dvātrimsikās of the author ; cf. S. Vidyabhusana, History of Indian Logic, p. 174 ff. It would appear from Patan Cat. I. p. 86 that coms. (6) and (7) below are on this work of Siddhasena. Baroda. Nos. 13153(b); 13155; BK. Nos. 6; 7; Bt. No. 365; Buh. IV. Nos. 91, 92, Chani. No. 596; 1, DA. 66 (71-74), DB. 39 (26-28); Hamsa. No. 191 ; Jesal. No. 11; JG. p. 75; KB. 7 (12); Kundi. Nos. 130; 206; PAP. 40 ( 28 ); 76 ( 75 ); PAPR. 7 (10); 18 (29); PAS. No. 239 ; PAZB. 11 (10-12); Pet. I. A. p. 81 (dated Sam. 1318 ); V. No. 741 ; VA. 10 ( 16 ); VB. 19 (7). (1) Vrtti (Graṁ. 2073 ) by Haribhadra. Bt. No. 365 (1); see Prabandhakosa, v. 25. (2) Vyākhyāna ka by Sitapata Siddharsi, also called Siddha Vyākhyānika. BK. No. 7 ; Bt. No. 365 (2); Buh. IV. Nos. 91 ; 92 ; Chani. No. 596; DA. 66 (71); DB. 39 ( 26 ; 27); JA. 46 (1); PAZB. 11 (10). (3) Tippana by Devabhadra, pupil of Sricandra, pupil of Hemacandra, pupil of Abbayadeva of the Harsapuriya Gaccha (Gram. 2953). BK No. 6 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1382; DA. 66 (72); JG. p. 75; PAP. 40 ( 28 ); 76 (75); PAPR. 7 (10), 18 ( 29 ); VB. 19 (7). (4) Vivrti or Vrtti (Be :-aviyutasāmãnya). Anonymous. This is perhaps the same as No. (1). Patan Cat. I. p. 86; Pet. III. A. pp. 34 ; 109. (5) Vrtti-tippaņa (Be:-natvā sriviramekänta ) by Rājasekhara. DA. 39 (28); DC. p. 4, No. 19; JA. 90 (2); Pet. I. A. p. 81 (dated Sam. 1318). It is a Țippana on some Vrtti or Vivrti. Is it on No. (1) above ? (6) Vārtika consisting of 55 Sanskrit Slokas by an unknown author. This is generally known as Jainatarkavārtika (s. v.) or, Pramāņavārtika ( s. v.). (7) Vārtika-Vrtti by sāntisuri or Säntyäcārya. See Jainatarka-VārtikaVrtti. Patan Cat. I. pp. 41, 86 ; 299. (8) Tīppana by Hemacandra. Probably the same as No.(3) above. Jesal. No. 11, VB. 19 (7). Jain Education Intemational Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 923 q (9) Tīkā by Abhayatilaka ; this is (3) Curņi on the text and the Bhāsya. very likely the author's Tippana on the in mixed Sanskrit and Prakrta. (Grari, Nyāyasūtra (s. v.). Kundi. Nos. 130; about 3000; be: margalādini saththāni). 206. This Cūrni is ascribed to Amradevācārya (10) Tippana or Vrtti. Anonymous. at Buh. IV. No. 162; but this appears Baroda. No. 13155; Bhand. VI. Nos. to be a mistake. The author of the Cūrn; 1382 ; 1383 ; DB. 39 (28); DC. p 31 is unknown. Agra. No. 209; AM. 262; (dated Sam. 1490), Hamsa. No. 521;! Baroda. No. 2846 ; Bt. No. 39 (3); JA. 59 (3); 80 (2); KB. 7 (12); Bub. IV. No. 162; DA. 14 ( 42 ); DB. PAS. No. 239; PAZB. 11 (11). 7 (14); DC. p. 42 (dated Sam. 1490 ); Ferraraan SB. 2 (152); VA. 10 (16, Grari. Hamsa. Nos. 1384; 1803 ; Jesa). No. 2000). 151; JG. p. 16; Kundi. No. 149; Limdi. No. 42 (dated Sam. 1545); PAZB. 7 FOTOTEUTOT JG. p. 82. (9); Pet. III. A. p. 179 ; Punjab. No. #Fatty KB. 1 (64); 3 (19; 58); Punjab. 1507 ; SA. No. 158; Surat. 1, 2. No. 1500; SA. Nos. 1637 ; 1927 ; 2970; (1) 927e101 also called Adināthaphāga, by 3021 ; SB. 2 ( 170 ); Surat. 1, 5. (1) Vrtti. KB. 3 (58); SA. No.1637; Jiānabhūsaņa. CP. p. 624; SG. Nos. 2162; 2176. Surat. 1, 5. gfogart In Sanskrit, composed in Sam. 1792, (II) 21 0 by Candrakirti in Sanskrit. SG. No. 2028. by an unknown author. BK. No. 53; PRA. No. 1079. (III) 42CU10 Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. 7152; arorga In 51 Gāthās by Jayasimbasūri. JA. 7452; 7690; JA. 106 (1); PAS. (Patan Cat. I. p. 67.); Punjab. Nos. 107 (4). 1508 ; 1509. 749 It is the 6th Chedasūtra. Its Gram. according to Bt. No. 39, is 1133. No पञ्चकल्याणकविधान in Sanskrit by Bhattaraka Surenms of this work is now available ; cf. «rabhūşaņa of Gopăcala. PR. No. 110. Winternitz, History, II. p. 465. (J) 92CTIF by Jñānasāgara. CP. p. 662. (1) Niryukti. Bt. No. 39 (1). No (II) nelqar by Gopālavarņin. Idar. 78. ms. is available. (III) 92=CJOTTEIT by Mallibhūsaņa. Idar. 78. (2) Bhasya by sanghadasagani ; it! (I) 921 ToyStaajarga of Brahma Gopāla. Gram. is 2574 Gāthās or 3035 Slokas AD. No. 62 ; Idar. 72. according to Bt. No. 39. (Be : van | (II) पञ्चकल्याणपूजाव्रतोद्यापन of Narendrakirti. dāmi bhaddabāhum ). Agra. No. 209; Idar. 72. AM. 292 ; Baroda. No. 2934; Bt. No. (III) 27 O qhiaatega of Prabhācandra. Idar. 39 (2); Chani. No. 506; DA. 14 (40); 72,182. DB. 7 (15); DC. p. 42; DI. p. 24; (IV) TOCADalaga of Sumatisāgara. Hamsa. No. 1673 ; Jesal. No. 150 (palm ms.); JG. p. 16; JHB. 20; Kundi. Idar. 162. No. 293, Limdi. No. 41 ; PAP. 45 (14); 9226 9 7 See Kalyāņapancaka. DA. 41 (58; PAPR. 22 (4); PAPS. 37 (22); 38 160); JA. 25 (1) ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 60; (7); 76 (11); PAZB. 4 (10); 10 (4); 67 ; 91; 107 ; 152; 284; 296 ; 299, Pet. III. A. p. 178; IV. No. 1279 = IV. 384 ; Pet. V. No. 826; Surat 7. A. p. 103 (quotation ); SA. No. 145; 929 Titara by Somasundarsuri. DB. 24 (101; Surat. 1, 5. 102). AD. No. Jain Education Intemational Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। ayaTaTTa of Garigādāsa. Idar. 74. Agra. Nos. 1656 ; 1658; 1659; Bendall. quruchut composed in Saṁ. 1080 by Bud No. 277; Bhand. V. No. 371; VI. p. dhisagarasuri, pupil of Vardhamānasūri. LIX. (quotation); Bt. No. 351. It is also called Buddhisāgaravyäkarana Tatrala A hymn of praise applicable to five or Sabdalaksma. In his Pramalaksana, different Tirtharikaras, composed by Jinesvara, his spiritual brother, says that Megha vijaya, pupil of Krpāvijaya of the this Vyakarana and his Pramälaksana Tapā Gaccha. See HJL. p. 653. were composed because people said that (1) Svopajña Vrtti; see HJL. p. 653. the Jains had no Prama and Sabda paarata by Jinavallabhasuri, is a similar hymn. Laksmas of their own. He further says Bengal. Nos. 6753 ; 6925 ; 6935 ; 7598; that the Vyākaraṇa was in verse and was KB. 1 (9). composed after consulting Pāṇini, Candra, vaatajiraga Composed in Sam. 1681 by SamayaJainendra, and Visrānta (?) Vyakaranas sundara of the Kharatara Gaccha. JHB. and the Durga-tīkā. See JH, Vol. 13, 62. p. 421. It is alluded to in Sam. 1095, by Dhanesvara in his Surasundarikathā ; qafrazęíaareena JG. P. 283. in Sam. 1120 by Abhayadevasūri in his 92775 % Anonymous. JB. 122. Pañcāsaka-Vrtti ; in Sano. 1125 by Jina- 027409357FT by Purņacandra (Punyacandra candra in his Sarvegarangaśālā ; in Sam. according to some). Gram. 400. The 1139 by Guņecandra in bis Mahāvira-- work contains the legendary account of caritra ; by Jinadattasuri in his Gaņa King Vikramaditya and his royal umbrella dharasārdhasataka; by Padmaprabha in with five handles. Baroda. No. 2376 ; his Kunthunāthacaritra and lastly in Sam. Bhand. V. Nos. 1314; 1315; Hamsa. 1334 by Prabhācandra in his Prabhāva No. 879; JG. p. 260, PAP. 12 (5). kacaritra ; cf. DI. p. 56. Taquagero in Präkrta. Bik. No. 1501. DC. p. 20 (No. 176); Hamsa. No. TEST999composed in Sam. 1490 by 46; Jesal. No. 608 (palm ms.); JG. p. Rāmcandra, pupil of Abhayacandra of 298 ; Kundi. No. 291 ; PAZB. 1 (12); the Sadhu Purnimā Gaccha. It contains 22 (6). 550 Slokas ; it is published with notes by Paragraafu DB. 21 ( 66, 71 ). Weber, at Berlin, 1877, and by Hiralal Paraiaga DB. 17; (17), Punjab. No. 1510. Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1912 ; cf. also Vel. See Panacavijñānopanişad and Bhavyaja No. 1746 for the Prasasti which is not nabhayāpahāra. given in the printed editions. Baroda. qafataa (Şadbhāṣāmaya ) of Jinakīrti. JG. p. No. 2111; Bendall. No. 281 ; Bengal. No. 282. See Şadbhāṣāmayastava (II). 6860; Bhand. V. No. 1316 ; BO. p. 30; पञ्चतत्त्वप्रकरण This consists of five chapters con Buh. IV. No. 256 ; DA. 49 (59); 75 taining 273 Gāthās in all. The chapters ( 41 ); DB. 30 (13; 14); JG. p. 232; are ( ) Devatattva, ( 2 ) Dharmatattva, Kaira. A. 65; Kiel. II. No. 384; Mitra. (3) Mārgatattva, ( 4 ) Sadhutattva and VIII. p. 169, PAP. 42 ( 45 ); 60 ( 4); (5) Darśanasuddhi. DB. 35 (204). PAPS. 44 ( 4 ); Pet. III. No. 608 ; 9220 in the redaction of Pürņabhadra, pupil of Punjab. No. 1514; Vel. No. 1746. Jinapati, done in Sam. 1255 at the re-9 SIFH h afts of an unknown author, quest of the minister Soma ; cf. Winter composed in Sam. 1290 or 1294. See ernitz, Geschichte, Vol. III. p. 288ff. HJL. p. 611, f. n. Jain Education Intemational Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। sutrecuei by 140.6219Bened. No: quarantent 92493 TEUS JG. p. 85. PRA, No. 187, Punjab. Nos. 1516 ; Pagaiaratay by Munisundara. Kath. No. 1389 ; 1517 ; 1518 ; 1519. this is another name of the author's Trai (2) Țikā in Gujrati called Bālabodha, vidyagosthi. composed by Yasovijaya, pupil of NayaTAH1The Pet. VI. No. 671; SG. No. 2642. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. Buh. II. Nos. 27 THESITETO Bengal. No. 7475. 210; 823; Kaira. B. 77; PAPS. 45 ,922 in 118 Gāthās, by Jinacandrasuri. ( 36 ). JG. p. 183; Limdi. No. 1288. (3) Avacuri. Anonymous. (Gram. 260). Agra. No. 822; Bengal. No, qaraciyaar JG. p. 137. 7312; Bhand. V. No. 1202 ; Bod. No. (I) q araft of Abhayadeva. See below, Panca . 1337 ; DA. 60 (57-60); 76 (50); DB. nirgranthivicārasangrahaņī. 35 ( 82 ; 83 ); Hamsa. No. 1639; JG. (II) fureft of Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya p. 134 ; JHB. 55 ; KB. 3 (3); PAPR. of the Tapā Gaccha. Buh. II. No. 210 ; 3 (8), PAPS. 82 (181); Punjab. Nos. JG. p. 134. This is perhaps the com 1515; 1517; 1518; SA. Nos. 629 ; mentary No. 3 on the next work. 1639; 2693; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9; VB. 20 (24); VC. 8 (22); VD. 9 (8). paraurtfaranguft also called Pancanirgranthi contains 107 Gāthas ( Be:-namiūna mabā. 129€ SA. No. 2777. viram ) and was composed by Abhaya PATANI Hamsa. No. 1423; PR. No. 84. devasuri. It is based on the Bhagavati- पञ्चपरमेष्ठीगुणरत्नमाला of Rāmavijaya. See Gunasutra, XXV. 6. It is published with an mäla. Avacuri by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. PITANIUurraaa Bengal. No. 7697. 1974 ( Series, No. 62). Agra. Nos. 824; QPTTAGITA Bengal. Nos. 4308; 7076; Limdi. 825; 1234 ; AZ. 1 (31); Bengal. No. No. 1033 ; Pet. V. No. 742. 7312; Bhand. V. No. 1202 ; Bod. No. 1337; Buh. II. Nos. 210 ; 823 ; IV. No. i | पञ्चपरमेष्ठीपद by an unknown author. 163 ; VIII. No. 387 ; Chani. No. 829; (1) Vyākhyā by Devaratna. Hamsa. DA. 60 ( 57, 58; 63; 64; 65; 245); 76 No. 1459. ( 50 ), DB. 35 ( 84 to 87 ); DC. p. 38, (2) Vyākhyā. Anonymous. Hamsa. No. 309 ( 3 ); Hamsa. Nos. 407; 1271; No. 148. JB. 143 ; JG. p. 134 ; JHA. 47; JHB. | PATTITIE of Yasonandin. AD. Nos. 74; 95 ; andria of 55, Kaira. B. 77 ; Kath. No. 1274 ; 112. KB. 3 (3); Limdi. Nos. 977; 1242, 1243; PAPR. 3 (8); PAPS. 45 ( 36 ) ; PACagight of Jñānabhūsana. Idar. 162. 49 (15); 82 (181); Pet. I. No. 287; TATTACIqhtgefa CP. p. 662; Pet. VI. p. 143, SA. Nos. 661 , 2693 , Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9; No. 91. VB. 20 ( 24 ); 22 ( 10 ); VC. 8 (20; MATTaggara Bengal. No. 7713. 22 ), VD. 9 (8); Weber. II. No. T arafa DB. 24 ( 112 ; 113 ). 1791. 9229THTHEIF f These are a few Jain (1) Bālāvabodha by Merusundara, Tantric extracts. Vel. No. 1846. pupil of Ratnamurti of the Kharatara See NamaskäraGaccha. AZ. 1 ( 31 ); Chani. No. 829 : 4229TĀSTA TEST by Jinakirti. DA. 60 (61, 62); DB. 35 (85); stava. Hamsa. No. 1271; PAPS. 49 (15); The area Bengal. No. 7214. J.......29 Jain Education Intemational Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। achetator in 250 Gāthās composed by Mati p. 105 (incomplete copy; v. 43 is quotsāgara in Sam. 1168; this contains many ed along with the colophon). stories. Bt. 24 ( 28 ); JG. p. 34. पश्चप्रमाणीप्रकरण the same as above. 9224 Ch Slegteara Limdi. No. 3307. TOT of Kanakanandin in Präkrta. Mud. 23. TATTATEAU Hamsa. No. 1424. पञ्चप्रस्थन्यायतर्कव्याख्या by Abhayatilakagani. Bt (I) PATAgira by Jayacandra. Pet. V. No. 404 ( 6 ); DI. p. 31. See Nyāyasūtra743. tikā No. (3). (II) 229Tga Anonymous. Bengal. No. 6666; 457 HITA SA No. 2867. Bhand. VI. No. 1269; JG. p. 282 ; 9527O9I CP. p. 662. Limdi. No. 860 ; Strass. p. 305; Surat. 5 gaga Bengal. No. 7020. 4, 9, 10. 9572 71 KB. 6 (4); Limdi. No. 2877; (III) ATAgita also called Bhaktistotra, in 35 Surat. 1 ( 2816 ). Prākrta Gathās by Manatungasūri. It पञ्चमासचतुर्दशीव्रतउद्यापन by Surendrakirti Bhattais published in the DLP. Series, No. 79, raka. List (S. J.). Bombay, 1932 (p. 237). 5 heutetar of Sukhaprakāśa. This is another (IV) Tagtecte by Jinakirti. See Şadbhāsa name of Nyāyadipāvali. Mud. 166. mayastava. JG. p. 282. 957facaigua (Grarn. 450 ) by Dharmasāgara(1) Svopajña Vrtti. JG. p. 282. gaņi. VD. 9 (4). (V) Patagiraa by Jinaprabhasūri of the Khara- () (I) 952 by Kanakakusala. See Kārtikatara Gaccha. JG. p. 282 ; Vel. No. 1846. suklapancamīmāhātmya.(1) Tīkā by Abhayadeva. JG. P. ( II ) 952 by Dhanapāla. See Jñānapanica 282, this is doubtful. mikathā (V). PATTATta See Pañcaparamesthīstava. JG. p. (III) 950 e r by Maheśvara. It is in Prākrta p. 283. and contains 10 stories, extending over pagat of Jayasāgaragani. See Parvaratnāvali. about 2000 Gāthās. A ms. of this work is 929 in Sanskrit by Vidyānandin. Rice. p. dated Sam. 1109. Baroda. No. 11794 ; 306 ; SRA. 22; 47 ; 56. DC. p. 52 (dated Sam. 1109); PAP. 12 ( 24); Patan Cat. I. pp. 30; 33 ( both 991 af Limdi. No. 2550. palm mss.); Tapa. 119 ( palm ms.). See (I) पञ्चप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र The five Pratikramanas are Jñānapañcamākathā (I). (1) Daivasika ; (2) Rātrika ; (3) Pak (IV) 952#lae by Pārsvacandra. Limdi. No. sika ; ( 4 ) Căturmāsika and (5) Samvat 2045. sarika. They are published with a Guja. (V) osate (Digambara). Anonymous. ( Prorati explanation by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1982; and also by Mohanlal, bably by Dhanapāla). Tera. 93 (foll. Bombay, 1903 (with a Hindi transla 205 ). tion), and in the DLP. Series, No. 19, (VI) 9574 in Sanskrit by Meghavijaya of Bombay. the Tapā Gaccha. See Devānandakāvya, (II) #HUTELST of the Ancalika Gaccha. Limdi. published in the Singhi Jain Series, 1937, No. 1520. Intro. p. 9. पञ्चप्रमाणीपश्चाशिका by Kakudasuri in about 43 पञ्चमीग्रहणविधि Bengal. No. 7683. Prākrta Gāthās. JG. p. 184; Pet. V. A. Wigitorare Bengal. Nos. 6814 ; 7278. Jain Education Intemational Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । qsaniqloveanga by Harṣakirti, pupil of Ramakirti. AD. No. 87: SG. No. 60; SGR. IV. p. 44. 5 by Dhanapila. See Janapañcamikatha No. V. Pet. VI. p. 143, No. 91 (dated Sam. 1432). पञ्चमी व्रत उद्यापन in Sanskrit by Bhatttraka Somasena. List (S. J.). eferea in Sanskrit. Anonymous. Panjab. No. 1523. (1) ftefa in 132 Ślokas. BK. No. 1728. (1) Tiks composed in Samh. 1652 by Kanakakusala. BK. No. 1728. (II) fefe Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. 6812; 6986; 7144; 7250; JA. 106 (5); Limdi. Nos. 1735; 1951; 2214. (1) by Gangadasa Kavi. Idar. 78. (II) by Ratnacandra. SG. No. 78. पचमेरु पूजा जयमाला Pet. III. No. 524. 45eft of Nemicandra. Idar. 38. (1) sufer of Jinesvarasuri in 101 Gaths. It treats of the five Lingas, namely, Upa- (II) sama, Samvega, Nirveda, Anukamps and Astikya of Samyaktva. It is published with Jinapati's commentary by the Jinadattasuri Prachina Pustakoddhara Fund, (Series, No. 10), Surat, 1919. Bhand. V. No. 1354, VI. No. 1189; BK. No. 1784; Chani. No. 150; DA. 76 (59); DB. 34 (69); Jesal. Nos. 284; 723; JG. p. 134; Kundi. No. 128; Limdi. No. 1288; PAP. 21 (11); 42 (8); 79 (5; 31), PAZB. 12 (7); Pet. III. A. p. 250; Punjab. No. 1525; SA. Nos. 877; 2044; Surat. 1; 2; 5; 9; VB. 19 (37); Vel. No. 1623. (1) Vivarana (Gram. 6600) by Jinapati, pupil of Jinacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha (Be-asyäśokasya ). BK. No. 1784; DC. p. 53; PAZB. 12 (7), Vel. No. 1623. (2) Vivarana-Tippana (Be-yugavarajinapati) by Jinapala Upadhyāya, 227 pupil of Jinapatisüri. Bhand. V. No. 1354; Hamsa No. 787; JG. p. 135; PAZB. 12 (7); SA. Nos. 877; 2044; Vel. No. 1623. (3) Laghu Vrtti by Sarvarajagani (Gram. 1348). Hamsa. No. 527; Jesal. No. 284; JG. p. 134; Kundi. No. 18; PAP. 21 (11); 42 (8); 79 (5), Samb. No. 26. (4) Laghu Vrtti by Abhayadevasūri (Gram. 1348). This seems to be the same as No. (3). PAP. 42 (8). (5) Vetti. Anonymous. (Be :-samyaktvam nayasara). Pet. III. A. p. 250; this refers to commentary No. (1) and is probably the same as No. (3). (6) Vrttitippana. Anonymous. PAZB. 12 (7). Perhaps the same as No. (2). (7) Tika. Anonymous. Chani. No. 150; DA. 76 (59); Kundi. No. 128, SA. Nos. 877, 2044; Surat. 1, 2, 9. 5ft by Haribhadra, son of Yakini Mahattara. PK. 25, also see HJL. p. 162. पञ्चवर्गपरिहारजिनस्तवन of Jinaprabhasuri. Published in Prakaranaratnakara Vol. II, by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. पञ्चवर्गपरिहार नाममाला by Jinabhadrasūri, successor of Jinarajasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. This is the same as Apavarganāmamālā (s. v.) and is a kind of dictionary. Bhand. V. No. 1355; DB. 37 (26); Hamsa. No. 1287; Idar. 124; Jesul. No. 626; JG. p. 311; Kundi. No. 6, Samb, No. 118. पञ्चवर्गसंपदनाममाला by Subhasila, pupil of Manisundarasiri of the Taps Gaccha. Bendall. No. 408; Bhand. VI. No. 1384; Hamsa. No. 153, JG. p. 311. पञ्चवर्गाक्षरपरिहारपूरितस्तव of Sūracandra. Punjab. No. 1526. (1) Tika Punjab. No. 1526. Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। lekhanāvidh a rani danopanişat. 9sara See Pañcavastuprakriyā. (1) Tikā (Bālāvabodha ) composed 45204T* by Haribhadra Yäkiniputra. It treats by Trisambhudāsa in Sam. 1445. SA. of Pravrajyāvidbi, Pratidinakriyā, Upa No. 97. sthāna, Anujñā and Samlekhanāvidhāna saláty auf: Bengal. No. 7609. and is published in the DLP. Series, No. agangana DB. 17 (24). See Pañcajñāna69, together with the Svopajña Țikā, vedanopanişat. Bombay, 1932. Agra. Nos. 826 ; 827; 950 e r See Aticārasūtra (3). AM. 131; Baroda. Nos. 2849; 2851; 2852, Bhand. VI. No. 1190; BK. No. 5afhai another name of the Arambhasiddhi by 324; Bt. No. 76; Buh. III. No. 115; Udayaprabha. Buh. II. No. 410; JG. DB. 14 (9-11); DC. p. 25; Jesal. Nos. p. 76 ; see Arambhasiddhi. 811 ; 1022 ; 1286; Kath. No. 1275 ; 45214PTO by Haribhadra, pupil of Mānadeva. Kiel. II, No. 41 ; Kundi. No. 152; PAP. KN. 15 ( foll. 9). 64 (4); 68 (13); 77 (5); PAPL. 8 qa T EITE of Subhasila. Hamsa. No. 58 ; ( 79 ); Pet. VI. No. 592 ; SA. No. 1715; see Pancasatiprabodhasambandha. Surat. 1,5 ; Tapa. 137; VA. 11 (1; 95aaigru (Gram. 7900 ) by Somatilaka. VD. 4); 12 (10); VB. 19 ( 36 ); 20 (15); 8 (13) Vel. No. 1624. पञ्च शतीप्रबोधसंबन्ध in four chapters containing 600 (1) Vrtti (Gram. 5050) called stories in all, composed in Sam. 1521 by Sisyahitā by Haribhadra himself. Agra. Subhasila, pupil of Laksmisagarasuri of Nos. 826; 827 , AM. 131 ; Baroda. Nos. the Tapā Gaccha ; cf. Winternitz, History, 2849; 2851; 2852; BK. No. 324; II. p. 544. Hamsa. No. 58; JG. p. 130 BO. p. 30; Bt. No. 76 (1); Bub. III. (under the wrong title PañcāstiprabodhaNo. 115 ; DB. 14 (9); DC. p. 25; sarbandha ); Weber. II. No. 2020. Hamsa. No. 67 ; Jesal. Nos. 811; 1022; 1286; JG. p. 100; JHA. 33; Kundi. (I) of Candrarşi Mahattara. It contains in No. 152; PAP. 64 (4); 68 (13); 77 963 Gấthās a discussion on the five topics (5); Pet. V. A. p. 161 ; VI. No. 592 ; i. e., Sataka, Saptatikā, Kasāyaprābhrta, Punjab. No. 1527; SA. Nos. 119; Satkarma and Karmaprakrti. Bt. No. 1715 ; Surat. 1, 5; Tapa. 137 ; VA. 11 95. It is published with the Svopajña (1; 4); 12 (10); 12 (10); VB. 19 Vrtti in the Agamodāya Samiti Series, (36); 20 ( 15 ); Vel. No 1624 No. 47, Bombay 1927, it is also pub lished with Malayagiri's commentary in 957FNETT by Srutakīrti. This is another name four parts by Hiralal Hamsraj, Jamnagar, of Śrutakirti's recension of the Jainendra 1909. The text alone is published in Vyākarana. CE. JH. Vol. 14, p. 350, the JAS. Series, No. 50, Bhavnagar, 357. 1919. AM. 305; 313; Baroda. No. (I) 9575 Edoua To by Srutakirti. See Pañcava 2848 ; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1191 ; 1192; stuprakriya. 1193; Buh. VI. Nos. 577 ; 578; DA. 52 (II) 9574geltentu by Devanandin. See above (1-5); DB. 32 (1-3); Hamsa. Nos. Jainendravyākarana. 809; 850; 1029; JA. 55 (1), Jesal. qsafáafa by Padmanandin. It is published Nos. 1335; 1705 (palm ms.); Kath. with Hindi and Marathi translation, No. 1059 ; Limdi. Nos. 517; 823; 824, Belgaum, Saka 1820. Bengal. No. 1523; Mitra. X. p. 304 ; PAP. 25 ( 18 , 19); BO. p. 30; SA. No. 97, Strass. p. 305. PAPM. 58 ; PAPR. 10 (8); PAPS. 71; Jain Education Intemational Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 229; Lima 1); Jesal. Nos. Nos ( 21 ); 74 (32); PAZB. 21 ( 36 ); Pet. Gāthās from it ; see Anekānta, III. pp. I. A. p. 24; SA. Nos. 448 ; 845 ; 2041; 409 ; 378. 2662; Strass. p. 379; Surat. 1, 5, 7. (VI) Faring by Haribhadrasuri. See HJL. p. (1) Svopajña Vrtti (Gram. 9000 ). 162. Bt. No. 95, SA. Nos. 845 ( foll. 131); 9575 by Indravāmadeva. This is a San2041 (foll. 176 ). skrit version of Nemicandra's Gommata(2) Ţikā by Malayagiri (Gram. sāra. It has five chapters containing 18850). AM. 305 ; 313; Baroda. No. respectively 825, 141, 125, 187, and 2848 ; Bengal. No. 2520; Bhand. VI. 220 Slokas ; cf. Pet. I. A. p. 74; JA. Nos. 1191 ; 1192 ; 1193; BO. p. 30; 31 ( 2 ); Buh. VI. No. 578; DA. 52 (1; 4; 5); 15TThingu Agra. No. 1235. DB. 32 (1; 2); DC. p. 7 ; Hamsa. Nos. 809; 850; JA. 55 (1); Jesal. No. 1705 T erdarar Bhand. VI. No. 1013. (palm ms.); Limdi. Nos. 517 ; 823; 9577-1972 in Sanskrit by śāntiraja Kavi. SG. 824 ; Mitra. X. p. 304 ; PAP. 25 (19); No. 1894. PAPM. 58; PAPR 10 (8); PAPS. 71 957 afastfit Buh. II. No. 211 (dated Sam. (21); 74 ( 32); PAZB. 19 (13); Pet. L. A. p. 24; V. A. p. 32; Punjab. No. 1672); JG. p. 130. 1529 ; SA. Nos. 441; 1675; Strass. p. 957#hatasaga Bengal. No. 7054. 379 ; Surat. 1, 5, 7. 950s consisting of five chapters respectively called (II) Tae (Digambara) by Dhaahdha in Pāpapratighātaguņabījādhāna, SädhuSanskrit. Idar. 21. dharmaparibhāvana, Pravrajyagrahaņa(III) 289C (Digambara ) of Nemicandra. This vidhi, Pravrajyāpālana and Pravrajyāis another name of the author's Gomma phala. It is ascribed to some unknown tasāra ; cf. Pet. I. A. p. 74; V. Nos. ancient author. Compare Pet. I. A. p. 929 ; 930; Winternitz, History, II. p. 65 ; ILI. A. p. 293, IV. A. p. 104. The text with Gujrati translation is published (IV) POTETE (Digambara ) composed in Sam. by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1981, 1073 by Amitagati, pupil of Mādbava as also by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. sena of the Māthura Sangha. Published 1970. It is recently edited with introducin the MDG. Series, No. 25, Bombay, A.D. tion etc. by Dr. A. N. Upadhye, Kolhapur, 1927. It is in mixed prose and verse 1934. Agra. Nos. 828-831 , AM. 266 ; and is almost a Sanskrit version of the Bband. VI. No. 1194 ; BK. No. 22 ( the Gommatasāra ; PR. No. 74; SG. No. original is here ascribed to Candrarsi); 2441. BO. p. 60; Bt. No. 25; Buh. II, No. (V.) Peug in Prākrta. It contains five chapters 209, VI. No. 740; Chani. No. 872; namely Jivasvarūpa, Prakrtisamutkirtana, DA. 27 ( 102; 103); DB. 13 (66; Karmastava, Šataka and Saptatikā. For 67 ), Hamsa. No.. 832; JA. 47 (2), the only ms. dated Sam. 1527, see Ane 106 (1); JG. p. 100; PAP. 19 (123) kānta, Vol. III. p. 256. Many of these 75 ( 86 ), PAPR. 1 (18); PAS. No. Gathas are found in the Dhavala of Vira 107 ; Pet. I. A. pp. 65, 82, 92, III. A. sena (composed in Śaka 738). Yet it pp. 127, 293 ; IV. A. p. 104 ; Punjab. may have been composed long after the No. 1531 , SA. Nos. 540 , 778 ; 1893 , Dhavalā and may have borrowed the 2020, Strass. p. 423, Surat. 1, 4, 5., 586. Jain Education Interational Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 230 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। VB. 21 (11); 22 ( 34), VC. 8 (19; (1) 9521 g i Bub. II. No. 359. See Pan23; 24); VD. 8 (15). cākhyāna I. (1) Tikā (Gram. 880) by Hari- (II) 95| e gt in Sam. 1716 by Meghavijaya. bhadrasuri Yakiniputra (Be :-prañamya See above Pañcākhyāna V. paramātmānam). Agra. No. 828 , AM. M. 4321697a JG. p. 353 ; VA. 12 (5). 266 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1194; BK, No. (1) Vrtti (Grañ. 9000 ) by Abhaya22; BO. p. 60; Bt. 75 (1); Buh. II. devasuri. VA. 12 (5) No. 209, VI. No. 740; DB. 13 ( 66 ; 9591Flagrar ur (Gram. 190 ) called Karana67 ); JG. p. 100; PAP. 19 (123); 75 sekhara-( Karañasesa-JG. )-Vrtti. Bt. (86); PAPR. 1 (18), PAS. No. 107 No. 572; JG. p. 348. (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 117 ); Pet. III. A. p. 293 ; IV. A. p. 104; Punjab. No. 4521 girar JG. p. 351. 1531; SA. No. 540 ; Strass. p. 423; 959179afar Hamsa. No. 393. Surat. 1, 4, 5; VB. 21 (11), 22( 34); 95afferauta SA. No. 756 (foll. 5 only). VC. 8 ( 19 , 23, 24); VD. 8 ( 15). 9571Fiskais Limdi. No. 3255. (2) Avacūri by Munisundarsūri. 95217134 in 8 Gāthās. JG. p. 200. Chani. No. 872. 95algaar in Sanskrit, is divided into five cha(3) Avacūri. Anon. Agra. No. 831, pters respectively containing 24, 27, 20, DA. 27 ( 102; 103); Surat. 1. 36 and 38 stanzas by an unknown Fara ft Bengal. No. 1463. author. Patan Cat. I. p. 174. 154ack by Haribhadrasuri. See HJL. p. 162. 95st containing two parts having 768 and (I) area by Dhanaratnagaại. This appears and 1145 Sanskrit Karikas and probably to be a version of Pancatantra. It is composed by Rājamalla Kavi, the author really called Brhatpañcākhyāna or Pas of the Lāti Saṁhitā ; cf. Darbarila), cākhyānasāroddhāra. Buh. IL. No. 359, Introduction to Lāti Samhita in the MDG. JG. p. 255, PAP. 30 (18 dated Sam. Series, No. 26. It is published by Natha 1545). Ranga Gandhi, Kolhapur, Sam. 1963, (II) 951617 edited in Sam. 1255, by Pūrņa and also by Lalram Jain, Indore, Vir. bhadra. Bt. No. 351. See Pascatantra. Sam. 2444. (III) 54TCYT7 Anon. Agra. Nos. 1658, 1659; 5ariauTied by a Digambara writer called Limdi. No. 1596 ; Surat. 1, 8. śāntirāja, in Sanskrit. Padma. 31 , 67. (IV) 9521 Ota in old Gujrati composed in Sam. 45917 by Haribhadra. It contains nineteen 1648 by Vatsarājagaņi, pupil of Ratna chapters each having about fifty stanzas candra of the Vada Gaccha. Hamsa. on different subjects connected with No. 1686 ; PAP. 36 ( 30 ). Jainism. The names of the 19 Panca sakas are (1) Śrāvakadharma, (2) Diksā, (V) watela composed in Sam. 1716 by Megha (3) Caityavandana, (4) Pūjā, (5) vijaya, pupil of Krpāvijaya of the Tapā Pratyākhyāna, ( 6 ) Stavana, (7) JinaGaccha; this is mentioned at Intro. p. 9, bhavana, ( 8 ) Pratisthā (9) Yātrā, (10) Devānanda Kavya, ed. Singhi Jain Series, Srāvakapratimā, (11) Sādbudharma, (12) 1937; also see Keith, History of Class. Yatisāmācāri, (13) Piņdavidbi, (14) Sk. Literature, p. 260. Silānga, (15) Alocanăvidhi, ( 16 ) Prāgepraaifa Buh. VI. No. 741. yascitta, (17) Kalpavyavasthā, (18) 95 TETETTTET JG. p. 255. See Pañcākhyāna I.! Sadhupratimā and (19) Tapovidhi. It is Jain Education Intemational nternational Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः। 231 published with Abhayadeva's commentary by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, A. D. 1912. Agra. Nos. 832; 834 ; AM. 29; Baroda. No. 2853; Bengal. Nos. 2592, 6631 ; Bhand. VL No. 1195; Buh. IL. No. 209; VI. No. 742 ; Chani. No. 4; DA. 30 (9); DB. 15 (10; 11); DC. p. 51 ; Hamsa. Tafea No. 461 ; JA. 79 (1); 96 ( 13 ); Jesal. Nos. 941, 944; 1319; JG. p. 100; Kaira. A. 56 ; Kath. Nos. 1276 ; 1277 ; KN. 7; Kundi. Nos. 144 ; 262; 284; Limdi. Nos. 47 ; 1200 ; Mitra. X. p.306; PAP. 18 (28); PAPR. 9 (6); 18 (6); PAPS. 57 (17; 21 ); 53 (24); PAS. Nos. 93; 152, 153; PAZB. 12 (12); Pet. I. A. pp. 68; 99 ; III. A. p. 45; SA. No. 473; Strass. p. 375; Surat. 1, 2, 5,8; VA. 12 (17); VB. 20 (10; 16); VC. 8 ( 21 ). (1) Vrtti (Grani. 7480) composed in Sam. 1124 by Abhayadevasuri, author of the Navānga-Vrtti ; cf. Weber. II. p. 889, line 22, p. 920. line 14 ; Bt. No. 77 (1). AM. 29; Baroda. No. 2853 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1196 (dated Sam. 1496); 1197 ; Bt. No. 77 (1); Buh. VI. No. 742; DB. 15 (10); DC. p. 6 (dated Sam. 1207); 7; 9 ; Hamsa. No. 310; Jesal. Nos. 941 ; 944; Kaira. A 56; Kath. Nos. 1276, 1277 ; Kundi. Nos. 144 ; 262, 284; Limdi. No. 48: Mitra. X. p. 306 ; PAP. 18 (32); PAPS. 51 (17, 21); PAS. Nos. 152; 153; Pet. III. A. p. 15, Punjab. Nos. 1533; 1534; SA. No. 516 ; Strass. p. 375; Surat. 1, 2; VB. 20 (16). (2) Prākrta Țikā called Cūrņi on the first 3 Pañcāsakas only, composed by Yasodeva, pupil of Vira, pupil of Candra, in Sam. 1172. Agra. No. 833 ; Baroda. No. 2853; Bt. No. 77 (2); Chani. No. 4; DB. 15 (11); Jesal. No. 1319 (palm); PAPR. 18 (6), PAZB. 12 (12); SA. Nos. 418 , 1704 ; Surat. 1, 2, 8. (3) Tīkā by Haribhadra. Buh. VI. No. 742, Knndi. Nos. 144 ; 284. (4) Tīkā. Anon. Agra. No. 834; Bengal. Nos. 2592 , 6631 ; KN. 7 (dated Sam. 1224); PAPR. 9 (6); VC. 3 (21; Gram. 9000); Surat. 1. arma by Kundakundācārya in 173 (or 181 in Brahmadeva's recension ) Gathās. It is quoted in the Dhavală by Virasena. It is published with Amrtacandra's commentary in the RJS. Series, No. 3, Bombay, 1904 A. D. and also with introduction, translation and notes in English by A. Chakravarti Nayanar, in the sacred Books of the Jainas, Vol. III, Arrah, 1920. Bhand. V. No. 1078; VI. Nos. 1014; 1015; Bod. Nos. 1370; 1371 ; Buh. VI. Nos. 626; 627 ; Chani. No. 413; CMB. 5; 45; 174; CP. p. 663 ; DB. 39 ; ( 48 ); Hebru. 2; Hum. 173 ; Idar. 21 ; Idar. A. 52 ; Limdi. No. 19, Padma. 65; PAPS. 68 (14); Pet. IV. A. p. 153 ; IV. No. 1441 ; PR. Nos. 15; 81 , Punjab. No. 1635 ; SA. No. 292; SG. Nos. 114; 2000; Strass. p. 305, Surat.. 1, 2, Tera. 70 to 76; VB. 20 ( 10 ) (1) Tikā by Amrtacandrasūri. Bhand. V. No. 1078; VI. No. 1015; DB. 39 ( 48 ); Idar. 21 ( 2 copies one dated Sam. 1571 ); MHB. 33 ( 2c.); VB. 20 ( 10 ). (2) Tikā by Brahmadeva. Bod. No. 1370; Pet. IV. A. p. 153; Strass. p. 305. (3) Tikā by Bālacandradeva. CP. p. 663; Hebru. 2. (4) Tīkā by Mallisena. CP. p. 663. (5) Tikā by Jayasena. CMB. 45. (6) Pradīpa by Prabhācandra. Idar. 21 ; Limdi. No. 19 (dated Sam. 1567). (7) Tātparyavrtti. CP. p. 663 (4 mss.); Kath. No. 1098. (8) Vyākhyā. Anonymous. Bhand. VỊ, No. 1014; Buh, VỊ No. 627; Jain Education Intemational Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 · sifaaemmer: 33 ). Chani. No. 413; CMB. 174, PAPS. TaradtaTTgk by Ravivardhana. Bub. VIII. No. 68 (14); PR. No. 81 ; SG. No. 2009. 409; JG. p. 215. (9) Bālavabodha by Hemarāja. Pet. qizarerg ICFITTEET JG. p. 282. VL No. 672. giocary 5JG. p. 200. पञ्चास्तिकायविधान DLB. 31. Egia SA. Nos. 610 ; 1939. (I) qaradi by Haribhadrasūri (Gram. 550). garip by Vidyānandin. It is published in the VD. 9 (2; 6). Sannātana Jaina, Granthamälä Benares, (II) teraet by Dharmasăgara. See Gurvāvali 1913. AK. No. 448 , CP, p. 664 , Hum. No. I. Mitra. VIII. p. 139; Pet. V. No. 21 ; 97 ; Idar. 138 ( 8c.); JG. p. 343 ; 745; Puujab. Nos. 1545; 1546. KO. 142; 151; 160 ; SG. No. 1315. (III) Eat by Manikyavijaya. Bhand. V. No. wagenfaru Limdi. No. 1441. 1295. (IV) 9gad by Bhävasāgara. VA. 12 ( 16 ) atau of Vidyānandin. KO. 151. Same as (V) Tract by Jinadatta. Is it Ganadharasārdha Patrapariksā ? sataka ? Jesal. No. 760 (palm ms. necura ter on grammar by Vimalakirti. JG. P. 307; dated Sam. 1171). Pet. V. No. 222; PRA. No. 1060. (VI) erant by Sumativijayaguni. VB. 22 ( 32; (1) Tīkā (Gram. 3300) by Udaya kirti, pupil of Sadhusundara, pupil of (VII) qera (Brhatpośālika ) by Jayasundara Sadhukirti of the Kharatara Gaccha, Upādhyāya. Chani. No. 363. composed in Sam. 1681, during the (1) Tikā Svopajña. Chani. No. 363. spiritual reign of Jinarāja, successor of (VIII) Teraet (Brhatpośālika ) In Präkrta. Jinasāgara. JG. p. 307; Pet. V. No. 222 (ms. datedSam. 1713); PRA. No. PAPR. 18 ( 49 ). 1060. (1) Tīkā by Harsakulagani, pupil of Dhanaratnasūri. PAPR. 18 ( 49). PRIRUSA Limdi. No 1471. (IX) Taraft of the Tapā Gaccha. Limdi. No. 9191 Falafo see Sundaraprakasa. : 2061, SA. No. 669. qariBUT DB. 39 (35). (X.) qeraet (Laghupośālika ) In Sanskrit. PAPR. (1) Vrtti. Anonymous. DC. p. 13, 21 (12). No. 121 (foll. 83). (XI) qaradt Anonymous. A collection of Pattā- aerei SSTT Anon. SB. 151 ; VA. 12 (11). valis is published by Darsanavijaya in YRIETT (Gram. 2730 ) by Māghanandin, pupil Caritrasmāraka Granthamālā, Viramgam, 1933. Another one of the Pattāvalis of of Kumudacandra. The author received the Kharatara Gaccha is published by a grant in A. D. 1265 from King NaraMuni Jinavijaya, Calcutta, 1932. Buh. simba of the Hoyal Dynasty, where he is IV. Nos. 247 ; 248; VI. Nog. 628 ; described as the author of three other 629, 743; JG. p. 215; Kath. Nos. Sāras, namely, i. e., Siddhāntasāra, Śrā1153; 1278; KB. 1 (10; 47; 48 ); vakācārasāra and Šāstrasārasamuccaya ; Kiel. I. No. 47; Limdi. Nos. 1170; see Medieval Jāinism, p. 84. Mud. 468; 2309; Punjab. Nos. 1538 to 1542; 579; Rice. p. 310. 1546, 1547 ; 1549 ; Surat. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, qara TEHETETU in 119 Gāthās by Cakre9; VA. 12 (13; 14; 15); VB. 22 śvarasuri, pupil of Vardhamānasuri. JG. 32, 33). p. 134 ; Limdi. No. 955. Jain Education Intemational Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 233 ist on Astrology, JG. p. 311 ; Kundi. No. (VIII) qaafta (Gram. 8000) by Abhayadeva. 9 ; Punjab. No. 1565; Samb. No. 349. suri in Prākrta. VA. 10 (25). This is (I) qafty of Hemacandra. See Trişastisalākā- ' doubtful. purusacaritra, Book No. VII. Bhand. (IX) Elarta Anonymous. Surat. 1, 2, 5. VI. No. 1319, PAPS. 46 (3); 47 (X) arte in Apabhramsa by Caturmukha (14); 51 ( 14; 15); 60 ( 34); PAZA. Svayambhū. See Rāmāyaṇapurāņa. 9 (32), VB. 12 (11); 21 (25); 29 agara SA. No. 2842. (7); 30 ( 20 ). (II) Crafts in Sanskrit by Ravisena. See Pad vaarafta by Candrasena. List (Delhi, Har sukhraya Mandir); SG. No. 1763. mapurāņa No. I. (III) quia in Prākrta by Raviseņa. This is qarqarastraat by Padmanandin. AD. Nos. 21; 30; 136; Bengal. No. 1523 ; published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar. Bhand. IV. No. 300; Buh. VI. No. 630; Whether this belonged to the Svetambaras CMB. 40; 56 ; 79 ; DLB. 16; Flo. Nos. or the Digambaras is yet not very clear. 678 ; 679; Idar. 19 ( 10c.); JG. p. 112; Compere JH. Vol. XI. p. 132. Limdi. No. 610, Pet. III. No. 525; IV. (IV) gaits in Prakrta, by Vimalasuri, pupil of Nos. 1442 ; 1443; V. No. 954, SG. Rähusuri. It contains 118 cantos and Nos. 38; 630; 2561 ; Tera. 78 to 91. describes the life of Rāma in the Jain (1) Tikā. AD. No. 136. version, where Padma is the name of (I) qarToT (Gram. 2505 ) by Subhacandra, Rāma. It is edited by H. Jacobi for the pupil of Jõānabhūsaņa. This work is JDPS., Bhavnagar, 1914. It was com mentioned in the author's Pandavaposed towards the beginning of the Chri purāņa ( s. v.). Idar. 11 ( 2c.); Idar. stian Era ; cf. Winternitz, History, II. A. 54 ; 58 ; PAP. 78 (2); Pet. III, No. p. 489. Bhand. V. No. 1296; Buh. II. 526. No. 260; DB. 26 (9 ; 10); DC. p. 17 | (II) garagerup by Vidyābhūsaņa. Idar. 11 (dated Sam. 1198); DLB. 34; JA. 110 (dated Sam. 1680). ( 17 ); Jesal. No. 56; JG. p. 216; Kath. No. 1154 ; Kundi. No. 260; (III) THRU by Somadatta. Idar. 11 (2c., Limdi. No. 707 ; PAP. 47 (10); 50 one copy dated Sam. 1660). ( 22), 60 ( 3); 73 (7); PAPR. 17 (IV) qaragarut (Bhavisyat ) by Sakalakirti, (1); PAPS. 41 (3); PAS. No. 195; Idar. A. 58; Lal. 5. PAZB. 18 (3); Pet. III. A. p. 194; (I) 99garut in Sanskrit by. Ravisena, pupil of IV. No. 1281=IV. A. p. 104 (quo of Lakşmaņasena, pupil of Arbanmuni, tation); PRA. No. 1339 ; SA. No. 161 ; pupil of Divākara Yati. The book has Strass. p. 442 ; Surat. 1, 5, 6. seven Adhikāras containing 123 chapters (V) qaafta by Devavijaya. See Rāmāyaṇa No. in all and a total of about 18000 Slokas. I. JG. p. 226; Pet. III. No. 611; It was composed in Vira Sam. 1204, i.e. 678 A. D. It is mentioned in Jinasena's Punjab. No. 1566. Harivamsa Purāņa (I. 34). The author (VI).qaafta by Devabhadrasüri. VB. 29 ( 5; 6) says that his work was based upon a ms. Perhaps the same as above. of a similar work composed by Anutta(VII) qafta by Vijayasena. This is Deva ravāgmin, pupil of Kirti, popil of Indravijaya's Rāmāyaṇa. Bub. II. No. 308 bhuti ; see Bhand. IV. p. 117ff., 417ff. ; (dated Sam. 1695). CPI. p. 21. The work is recently pubJ....30 Jain Education Intemational Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। by širina lippanass. p. 306.527; 'Seadma. lished in the MDG. Series, Nog. 29 to 31, together from the Vidyādharasakhā (v. Bombay, 1928-29. AD. No. 1; Bengal. 34) of the Kotika Gaņa ard that his No. 1510; Bhand. IV. No. 301, Buh. grand-guru Sarvānanda was the author VI. No. 632 (this is a Hindi version ); of a Pārsvanāthcarita (v. 39). He furCMB. 64; 175; CP. p. 664; Flo. No. ther says that he studied Logic from 720; Hebru. 10; Hum. 50; Idar. 7; Devendra and Agama from HaribhadraIdar. A. 5; 14; Kath. No. 1155 ; Keith. sūri (v. 52); see Patan Cat. I. pp. 210-212 No. 63, KO. 50; Mud. 523 ; Padma. (quotation and PRA. No. 361. Bhand. 9; 25; Pet. III. No. 527 ; SG. Nos. V. No. 1297 ; Bt. No. 233; Chani. No. 27 ; 627 ; Strass. p. 306; Tera. 3; 33 131; Hamsa. Nos. 185; 291 ; 311; 831; (1) Tippana composed in Sarn. 1087 JG. p. 239; PAP. 35 (5); PAS. No. by Sri Candra Muni. See Anekānta, II. 443; PRA. No. 361; SA. No. 836; p. 58. Surat. 1, 7; VB. 21 (21). (II) Teatru by Somasena. AD. No. 107; (II) qaghafta by Hemacandra; (part of the Bhand. V. Nog. 1118; 1119; Buh. VI. Trisastiśalākācaritra ). Jesal. No. 792. No. 631; CP. p. 687 ; Kath. No. 1341; (III) 999Hart of Siddhasena ; pupil of DevaLal. 37 ; 83 ; Pet. III. No. 552; IV. bhadrasuri of the Rāja Gaecha. This is No. 1444; SG. No. 1785 ; Tera. 4. mentioned by the author in his com. (III) Tagtiur by Dharmakirti. Bhand. V. No. mentary on Pravacanasāroddhāra. See - 1113. HJL. p. 338. (IV) E ro by Vimalasuri. See Padmacaritra Thi by Subhavardhanagani. Published by (IV). Hiralal Hamsaraja, Jamnagar, 1917. (V) Tagpro by Puspadanta in Präkrta. List. agar JG. p. 255. (VI) qagTrop by Candrakirti Bhattaraka in San- qorxur in Prākrta (Gram. 318). JG. p. 255. skrit. List (Sawai Jaipore ). qantata in the Apabhramsa language, by Däbila (VII) tagtrot by Candrasagara in Sanskrit. List Kavi, son of Päráva Kavi. Patan Cat. I. (Bengalore). p. 183 ( quotation ; Be : dbāhilu divva(VIII) griut by Sricandra. List (Delhi Pan. dibi kavi jampai; foll. 1-53). The ms. cāyati Mandir ). forms the second part of another which (IX) Tagtrut by Jinadāsa. See Ramadevapurāna. is dated Sam. 1191. Bengal. No. 1449. qar T Limdi. Nos. 541 (dated Sam. 1489); (X) Tagtrui by Svayambhū in Prakrta. See 852 ; 930. Rāmāyanapurāņa. qa17am also called Caturvirsatijinacaritra or (XI) qagTu by Pampa. See Rāmāyaṇa. Jinendracaritra composed by Amara candra, pupil of Jinadattasüri of the Tagsutart by Prabhācandra. List ( SJ.). This Vāyada Gaccha. The Jinendracaritra seems to be a commentary on some Pad composed by our author is in two recen mapurāņa. sions. The one which is shorter (JA. (I) 99afts composed in Sam. 1254, by Deva 721) contains about 1802 Slokas divided sūri, pupil and successor of Dharma into 24 chapters and the other (JA.72-2) ghosasuri, pupil of Sarvänanda of the which is longer, contains 6281 Slokas. Jālihara Gaccha. The author says that the The longer recension contains 19 cantos Jalihara and Kasadraha Gacchas started and is called Padmānanda Kävya. It is Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 235 led in them. The house ga, becauset of critically edited by Prof. H. R. Kapadia qaladtarget in Prakrta (Gram. 46 ) by Jinain the Gaek. 0. Series, No. 58, Baroda, prabhasūri. JG. p. 365; PAPR. 12 (5). 1932. The shorter Jinaendra-Caritra is Perhaps this is a part of the Tirthakalpa. published in the Appendix Ka of the (1) qoraafts also known as Citrasenapadmā. Gaek. O. S. editon. The longer recension vaticaritra, composed by Pathaka Rājais called Padmānanda Kāvya, because it vallabha, pupil of Mahicandrasüri of the was composed at the special request of Dharmaghosa Gaccha. The work conthe minister Padma. The shorter Jinen tains 511 Sanskrit Slokas and was comdracuritra contains the lives of all the 24 posed in Sam. 1524. It is published by Jinas, while the longer one contains only Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1924. the life of the first Jina. At the end of Baroda. No. 1787; Bhand. V. No. the 18th Sarga, it is described as 1283 ; Bod. No. 1416 ; Buh. II, No. Vrsabbadevacaritabhidhano grantah. BK. 349, Cal. X. No. 58; Chani. No. 734 No. 32; DB. 25 ( 1;2); JA, 72 (1;2); DA. 50 (26 ; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 38 ); Jesal. No. 1313 (palm ms.); JG. p. 331; DB. 31 (11; 12); JHB. 32, Kath, No. PAP. 18 (3); 35 (1); PAZB. 9 ( 24 ); 1333; Limdi. Nos. 533; 1116 ; 1422 ; Pet. I. No. 285;1. A. p. 2( dated Sam. Mitra. VIII. p. 232 ; PAP. 17 (50); 1297); PRA. Nos. 275; 1138 , VA. 11 63 (5); 76 (104); PAPS. 62 ( 19 ); (7); VC. 8 ( 30 ); VD. 9 ( 15). 63 (1); 80 (91); Pet. III. A. p. 215; (1) Vrtti (Gram. 6281 ). JG. p. Vel. No. 1747. 331. (II) qaraarafta See Citrasenapadmăvaticaritra. (2) Tippana by Harsa vardhana Upā (III) qaracteria by Padmasena. Bengal. No. dhyāya, pupil of Jinavardbamāna (?). 1518. PRA. No. 275. (IV) qaraduft Anonymous. Agra. No. 1661. a zafarsifat by Kundakunda. Bengal. No. SG. No. 1618 ( a palm ms.). 1523 ; see Pancavimsatikā. qaractera by Harsaságara. Pet. VI. No. 575. a mah also called Vairāgyasataka, or Dhana arafareta SA. No. 705. devasataka. It was composed by Pad Eraggi by Bhojasangha. CP. p. 665. mānanda, son of Dhanadeva Srāvaka, (1) pupil of Jinavallabhasuri. Bhand. VI. afara by Viśālakirti. Idar. 78. No. 1198; Chani. No. 301 ; DB. 22 (78; (II) qaragarrara Anonymous. CP. p. 665 ; 79); JG. p. 209; SA. No. 340. Pet. VI. No. 575. garaat Bengal. No. 6799. qergatoa Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1203; VI. No. 1003; CP. p. 665; (I) garraata of Mallisenasūri. See Bhairava Kath. No. 1099; Pet. VI. No. 673. padmavatikalpa. DB. 21 (78); JG. p. in Bengal. No. 7244. 364; KB. 5 ( 29). Tractamen Limdi. No. 1614. (II) qarganen (Gram. 1163) by Nandisena sena araathaalaeals Bengal. No. 7427; JG. p. (Mallisena ?). PAPR. 12 (5). 283 ; Pet. VI. No. 575; Panjab. No. (III) grade of Jinaprabha. See Padmāvati 1573, SG. No. 111. catuspadi. SA. No. 543. (I) qalgatata by Prthvibhūsana. JG. p. 283; (IV) quatre Anonymous. KN. 15; Punjab. Pet. IV. No. 1445; V. No. 747. No. 1569 , SA. Nos. 508 ; 543. (II) qeradeats Anonymous. AD. Nos. 75; qarata Pet. VI. No. 575. 112; 153 ; Bengal. Nos. 7085; 7324; q q Jain Education Interational Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 vifaranga DB. 24 (150); Hamsa. No. 1152, JG. (3) Vrtti. Anonymous ; probably the p. 283, Kath. No. 1100; KN. 12; same as No. (1). BK. Nos. 128 ; 1157; Mitra. IX. p. 172 (be :-śrīmadgirvāṇa.); Bub. VI. No. 744; Hamsa. No. 403 ; Pet. VI. No. 593; Punjab. Nos. 1571; KB. 3 (66); PAPR. 2 (6); VA. 15 1572, SA. Nos. 710; 1842; SG. Nos. ( 39 ). 101 ; 578; 582; 2212. (I) qrafiufta composed in Sam. 1913, by Cariqaracugs Anonymous. BK. No. 1127; CP. tropādhyāya. Chani. No. 215. p. 664; JG. p. 283; Pet. V. No. 748. (II) qrasiefta Anonymous. SB. 2 ( 19 ). (1) Tikā by Pārsvadevagani (alias pagast (probably Asta sähasri) of Vidyānanda. Śricandrasuri, pupil of Dhanesvara ). BK. Idar. 138 ( 2c.) No. 1127 (ms. dated Sam. 1203); PRA. G E T also called Tattvasarngraha, of NägaNo. 1109. This is published in Jaina Stotrasamdoha Vol. I, Ahmedabad, nandin. Baroda. No. 2143. 1932, App. p. 77. qan17 by Vivekabarsagani of the Tapā Gaccha, (2) Vyākhyā. Pet. III. No. 528. composed during the reign of Vijaya prabhasūri. PRA. No. 541. ofertraits composed in Sam. 1706 by Labdhodayagani of the Kharatara Gaccha. Agra. | परब्रम्होत्थापनस्थापनस्थल by Bhuva nasundara, pupil No. 1464; Hamsa. No. 860. of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha Agra. No. 2241; Baroda. No. 71!; quis Variously called Vajrālaya, Vijjahala, Vi Chani. Nos. 304, 602 ; JG. p. 85; PAPR. dyalaya or Vajjālagga, compiled by Jaya 15 ( 25 ); Pet. VI. No. 595; SA. Nos. vallabha. This is a collection of about 884; 2047. 704 Präkrta Gāthâs on different topics, परमज्यातिःपञ्चविंशिका in Sanskrit by Yasovijayagani mostly moral, and are comparable with the Sanskrit Subhāşitas ; cf. Bhand. IV. of the Tapā Gaccha. Patta. I. p. 107. pp. 17 and 324. It is published in It is published in the Muktikamala Jain the Bibliotheca Indica Series, Calcutta, Mohanamālā, Baroda. 1914-1923. Bhand. V. No. 1358; परमसमयसारविचारसंग्रह by Ksamakalyana, pupil of BK. Nos. 128, 1157; Buh. VI. No. Amrtadharma of the Kharatara Gaccha. 744 ; VIII. No. 420 ; DA. 74 (35); DB. 23 (15). Hamsa. No. 403 ; JG. p. 341 ; KB. 1 THATAT Kath. No. 1390. (57); 3 (66); PAP. 24 ( 40 ); 64 (8); ( 1 ) aguiffstal See Aradhanäsutra. Limdi. PAPL. 5 ( 28 ); 7 (9); PAPR. 2 (6); No. 729, PAS. No. 37. PAPS. 43 (14); PAZB. 6 ( 34); Pet. (1) Tikā. PAS. No. 37. III. Nos. 629; 630; IV. Nos. 1331 ; (II) TTAFERIEST of Jinaprabha. JG.. 112. 1332; VA. 15 ( 39 ). This is probably the same as above. (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1393, (1) Tikā. JG. p. 112. by Ratnadevagani at the request of The gáfsta168 of Ratnasimba. JG. p. 207. Dharmacandra, pupil of Haribhadrasuri, successor of Mānabhadrasuri of the Brhad Theara by Jayasekharasuri. PAP. 72 (80 Gaccha. See Bhand. IV. p. 17. Buh. dated Sam. 1501 ). VIII. No. 420, DA. 74 ( 35 ), JG. p. TCHÈTu Bub. VI. No. 745. Is this the same ag 341 ; PRA. No. 939. above ? (2) Vrtti by Dharmacandra. JG. p. TTHÉHatuarea composed in Sam. 1624 by 341; probably the same as above. Nayaranga, pupil of Gunasekharagani of Jain Education Intemational Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविमागः प्रथमः। 237 the Kbaratara Gaccha. It contains 8 Rikhabh Das Jain in the sacred Books chapters and is written in Sanskrit. DC. of the Jainas, Arrah, 1915. A new p. 57; Mitra. VIII. p. 112. edition with a learned and exhaustive (1) ITATA ET in Prākrta by Śruta Muni. SG. Introduction &c., along with the text of No. 1452. It was composed in Saka Yogasāra is brought out in the RJS. 1263 and contains 230 Gāthās; cf. Ane Series by Prof. Dr. A. N. Upadhye of kānta, I. p. 196. Kolhapur at Bombay, 1938. AD. No. (II) TÆTTARTT by Pārsvakīrti. Mud. 607. 170; Agra. No. 823; AK. Nos. 442 to परमाणुखण्डषत्रिंशिका by Abhayadevasuri. See 445 ; Baroda. No. 6120 ; Bhand. V. No. Khandasatrimśikā. These are 36 Gathäs 1079; BO. p. 30; Bod. No. 1374; Buh. compoeed by Abhayadeva in the course III, No. 117 ; IV. No. 165 ; VI. No. of his commentary on the Bhagavatisātra 633 ; CP. p. 665 ; DB. 23 (4); 45 V. 7 according to the commentator. ( 156 ); Flo. No. 609; Hebru. 7 ; Hum. They are published with the commentary 189; 212; Idar, 39 ( 4c.); 189; Idar. by the JAS. Bhavnagar, 1917. The text A. 51 ( 2c.), JG. p. 112; Kath. No. is also published in No. 8 of the Agamo 1193; KB. 1 (39); Limdi. Nos. 21, daya Samiti Series, Surat [Be:-khitto 1606; Mud. 615; Pet. II, No. 271 ; IV. gāhana. ). DA. 60 (143 ; 145 ; 148 ); No. 1447, V. No. 255; Punjab. No. DB. 35 (118-121 ); 76 (52); Kap. 1585; Rice. p. 310; Tera. 23-32 ; VC. Nos. 97-100 ; SA. No. 560. 8 (26); Vel. No. 1625. (1) Vrtti by Ratnasimhasuri. Bt. (1) Tikā by Brahmadeva (BrahmaNo. 67 ; DA. 60 ( 143 ; 145; 148 ); datta according to CP.). (Be :-cidānandeDB. 35 (118-121 ); 76 (52); SA. No. karūpāya). Buh. III. No. 117; CP. p. 665; 560. Limdi. No. 21 ; Rice. p. 310 ; Vel. No. qtalgiaantazjárat by Dharmaghosa. JG. p. 1625. 140. (2) Țiká by Prabhācandra. Flo. (1) Tīkā by Ratnasimhasūri. JG. No. 609. p. 140. (3) Tikā Anonymous. Bengal. III. परमाणुषत्रिंशिका by Ratnasimhasuri. Both this H. 25; Bhand. VI. No. 1027 ; BO. p. and the last one are very probably identi 30; Bod. No. 1374; IV. No. 165; VI. cal with the Paramāņukhaņdaşattrim No. 633 , CP. p. 665; DB. 23 ( 4); Idar. sikā. DA. 76 ( 52 ); SA. No. 560. 39 (2c.), Idar. A. 51 (2c.); Kath. No. परमात्मतरदिगणी This is another name of Amrta 1193, Pet. V. No. 955; Punjab. No. candra's Samayasāra-Kalasa. 1585; Tera. 27–32. Very likely most of परमात्मद्वात्रिंशिका Bengal. No. 6914. these mss. contain commentary No.(1). (I) परमात्मप्रकाश in Sanskrit by Padmanandin | परमात्मज्योतिःपञ्चविंशिका by Yasovijaya of the Tapa (Gram. 1300). Mud. 581. Gaccha. Patta. I p. 107. It is published (II) TCRAT 137 by Yogindradeva in 345 Dohās. in the Muktikamala Jainamohanamāla, It is in Apabhramsa and was composed Baroda. for one Bhatta Prabhākara. It is published #175412 by Amaracandrasūri. VA. 11 (7). with Brahmadeva's commentary in the See Padmānandakāvya. RJS. Series (No. 12), Bombay, 1915. It qara ayaráztrat DA. 39 ( 18-20); DB. 22 is also edited with English translation by (144, 145); JG. p. 112 ; Limdi. No. Jain Education Intemational Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 sifarannsata: 1 1449; Pet. VI. No. 596 ; SA. No.(II) TUETATUT (Grhidharma ) on the duties of a 3091. householder in 84 Gāthās composed in GTATA* (Grar. 1300 ) of Balabhadra. VB. Sam. 1186, by Dhavala Srăddha (Dha22 (27) ndhala Srāddha accoading to Patan Cat.), ITATAFEERA (Gram. 300 ). VB. 22 (2) pupil of Dharmaghosa, pupil of Silabha(1) A raratat in 8 Sanskrit Slokas by Harsa. adrasüri (Be : panamiya paramapayatJG. p. 283. tham ). JG. p. 184 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 392 ( ms. dated Sam.1186 ; quotations ); (II) TCHTHEFTE Vel. No. 1811. It is in 25 Sanskrit verses. Pet. V. A. p. 107. All the three refer ences are to the same only ms, at Patan. gariantía of Padmanandin. Limdi. No. 610; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442 ; 1443. (III) CHETATU by Somasundarasūri. Surat 1. #aeaa Bengal. No. 7091. (IV) ETHIOT by Hemacandra. PAS. No. 168. Tagara Filua&T Strass. p. 306. ofronfaegeaf297 (Gram. 180). Bt. No. 375. THITHE TT Bengal. No. 7076. qft heraf Limdi, No. 880. TTHTH-Limdi. No. 1685. qehreqia by Siradeva. Mitra. VI. p. 139. (1) Tragiraa of Jinakirti, pupil of Somasundara. OftfHaiTaitigarut (Gram. 2170). PAP. 72 See Pañcaparamesthistava. SA. Nos. ( 25; 40). 429 ; 3001. qftfargue the eleventh book of Hemacandra's Tri(1) Vivarana Svopajña, composed in sastisalākāpurusacaritra (s. v.). It is Sam. 1494 ; SA. No. 429. edited by H. Jacobi in the Bibliotheca (II) Thea JG. p. 283 (Gram. 42). Perhaps Indica Series, Calcutta, 1891. 2nd edition the same as above. with a few additons by Leumann and (III) Tragitena of Jinavallabha. JHA. 65; 70 Tawney, 1932. It is also published by the (3c.). JDPS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1968. Extracts translated into German by J. Hertel, (1) CHIFT of Rāmacandra. Bod. No. 1387 Leipzig, 1908. CP. p. 666; DA. 47 (13). (1-10); DB. 27 (15-17); Hamsa. No ( II ) Tcheteta Anonymous. Limdi. No. 765. 145; JA. 43 (1); Jesal. No. 882; JHA. qiqtifaent DB. 20 ( 39 ). 53 ( 2c. ), JHB. 34 ( 2c.), KB. 2 ( 9 ); a rg of Haribbadrasuri, son of Mahattarā 3 (19; 56 ); 5 ( 30 ); Limdi. No. 1182; Yākini. See HJL. p. 162. PAP. 30 ( 22 ); 60 ( 1; 9); PAPM. 58 परसमयसारविचारसंग्रह by Ksamakalyana, pupil of (2); PAPS. 39 (15); Punjab. Nos. Amrtadhrama of the Kharatara Gaccha. 1588 to 1592; SA. Nos. 380; 1687; DB. 23 (15; 16 ) ;.cf. DI. p. 42. Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9; VA. 10 (22); VB. 21 (7; 12; 22 ; 24); VD. 8 (16). ETAHTERFETE JG. p. 85. परीक्षामुखसूत्र by Manikyanandin in six chapters Títhafaura (in Sanskrit ), by Virācārya. AK. containing 207 Sūtras in all, based on No. 447. Akalanka’s Nyāyaviniscaya. See Winterof ETIHTOTEK JG. p. 200. nitz, History, II. p. 582. It is published (1) fagyhut in 66 Sanskrit Kärikäs (Be : with the Prameyaratnamālā by Biharilal samsārasindhūttama ) by Mānatunga, acc Kathnera, Bombay, A. D. 1927, and by ording to JG. JG. p. 184; Kiel. II. No. Balcandra Sastri, Benares, 1928. It is 76 , Pet. I A. p. 94. also edited by S. Vidyābhūşaņa in the T Akalaining 207 Sandin in six 16) Jain Education Intemational Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः Bibliotheca Indica, Calcutta, 1909. See for contents etc. S. Vidyabhuṣaṇa, History of Indian Logic, p. 28ff., 188ff. It is also published with the Prameyakamalamartanda at the N. S. Press, Bombay. AD. Nos. 7, 33; 60, 63; Agra. No 2498; AK. No. 524, Bengal. No. 1543; BK. No. 304; CMB. 4; 18; Idar. 136 (7 copies); 141, Idar. A. 69 (3c.), JG. p. 91; Kath. No. 1391; Mitra. VII. Pp. 176; 186, VIIL p. 78; Pet. III. No. 529; IV. No. 1448; SA. No. 253, SG No. 1315; Vel. Nos. 1626; 1627. (1) Prameyakamalamärtaṇḍa also called Parikṣamukhalankara by Prabhscandra, pupil of Padmanandin. AD. Nos. 7;33, AK. No. 524; Bengal. No. 1543; Bhand. VI. No. 1061; Bah. VI. Nos. 638, 836, CMB. 7; CP. p. 671; Hum. 18; 61; 171; Mitra. VII. p. 186; Mud. 15; 58; 132, 502; 528; 531; 536, 540, Mysore. I. p. 97; II. p. 283; PR. Nos. 94; 148, Rice. p. 306, SRA. 38; Tera. 1,2; 174. (2) Prameyaratnamälä by Ananta virya, who refers to Prabhacandra's commentary, and who is himself mentioned in the Parivanathaparina composed in Saka 947 by Vadiraja and also in M5dhavacārya's Sarvadarśanasangraha. AD. Nos. 60; 63; BK. No. 304; BO. p. 72; CMB. 14; 83; 147; CP. p. 67, DB. 39 (36); DC. p. 9, Hebra. 45; 81; Hum. 2; 112; 248; Idar. 186 (5c.); 141; Idar. A. 69 (3c.), KO. 145, 148 ;-157, MHB. 30; Mitra VIII. p. 78; Padma. 48; Pet. III. No. 529; IV. No. 1448 (3) Prameyaratnälankära by Abbinava Carukirti. Mysore. L. p. 97; IL p. 283: SG. No. 1480, (4) Laghu Vrtti by Urumati. SA. No. 253 (foll. 25). (1) (II) (6) Nyayamanidipika, a commentary on the Prameyaratnamals. AD. No. 60. (7) Prameyakanthika by Säntivarnin. Strass. p. 307. See Prameyakanthiks. (8) Laghu Vṛtti. Anonymous. DB. 39(36); Kath. No. 1391. garerar Anonymous. Limdi. No. 973. See Aradhana, verge in 16 Gathis by Rotnasimhasuri. JG. p. 207; Limdi. No. 975. qarge JG. p. 201, Pet. V. No. पर्यन्ताराधनाकुलक 803, Punjab. Nos. 1593, 1594, also see Aradhanakulaka. by Somasuri. JG. p. 184. See Aradhana (VII). in old Gujrati (Gramh. 245) by Jinavallabbasuri. JG. p. 184. (5) Prameyaratnamals by Abhayanandin. CP. p. 671 ( 3 mss. ). gore See Kalpasūtra. JG. p. 48. पर्युषणाकल्प 239 (1) (1) Tippanala by Prthvicandrasuri This is the author's commentary on the Kalpasūtra. Pet. I. A. p 13 (dated Sam. 1305). (2) Vrtti. Bah. II. No.. 213. This is the Sandehavisansadhi of Jinaprabhasiri on the Kalpasūtra. पर्युषणाकल्पभाहात्म्य earn - by Muktivimala. It is published in the Day vimala J. G. Mālā, Ahmeda bad, 1919 (No. 12). पर्युषणादशशतक See Paryayanasataka. IV. A. p. 155 (quotation); PR. No. 55, (II) ago (Gram. 258) also called Par SG. No. 1433, Vel. Nos. 1626; 1627. Anonymous. This is based on the Paryanavicara of Municandra. Bah. II. No. 212. agomare composed by Manicandra in 125 पर्युषणाविचार Ślokas. This is mentioned in the Paryusanparvavicira at Bah. II. No. 212; cf. Kap. No. 565. yuşanasthiti or Vartitabhadrapadaparyuganviara, composed in Samh. 1486, by Hargabhusanagani, pupil of Hargasena gani of the Tapa Gaccha. BK. No. 1949; DA. 37 (61); JG. p. 162; PAPR. 15 (22); PRA. No. 1134; SA. No. 866. Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 stiftrarea: 1 (III) of Anonymous. Kap. No. 566. (1) Țikā called Dhumāvalikā by TUTTEUTETTT composed in Sarn. 1893. BK. No. Silānka. BK No. 1828; Bt. No. 638. 419. (2) Tīkā (Gram. 250 ) called Kusuogwartaa is a collection of 110 Prākrta Gāthas māñjali by Samudrasuri. Bt. No. 639. regarding the Paryuşaņāparvan, composed (I) qaqat of Santisūri Vadivetāla. The work is by Dharmasāgaragaại, pupil of Vijaya otherwise called Snapanavidhi. Bt. No. senasüri of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No. 637. This is the same as above i. e., 538 ; DB. 8 (7; 8); JG. p 162 ; SA Parvapaficāśikā. No. 566 ; Vel. No. 1847. (II) qe of Silācārya. JG. p. 149. This is (1) Vrtti Svopajña. BK. No. 538; Silācārya's commentary on the ParvaBuh. IV. No. 166; DB. 8 ( 7; 8); SA. pañjikā or Parvapañcāśikā (s. v.). No. 566 ; Vel. No. 1847. qarraradt also called Pañcaparvi, is a story in 621 (1) qggoreriggrauanta composed in Sam 1789 Sanskrit stanzas. It was composed in by Nandalala at the command of Jina Sam. 1478, by Jayasāgaragani, pupil of bhaktisuri. Kap. No. 563. Jinarājasuri and Jinavardhanasuri of the ( II) पर्युषणाष्टाह्निकाव्याख्यान of Ksamakalyana of Kharatara Gaccha. Other works of the the Khare.tara Gaccha. Punjab. No. author are Prth vicandracaritra (in Sam. 1596 ; see Astāhnikāvyakhyāna. 1503 ), and Vijñaptitriveni (in Sam. (III) पर्युषणाष्टाहकाच्याख्यान of Laksmivijaya, pupil 1484). BK. No. 232; Bub. IV. No. of Subhavijaya of the Tapā Gacche. He 167 ( dated Sam. 1546 ) , KB. 3 ( 41 ); is a recent writer who wrote his Prasnot PRA. Nos. 327; 874. tarapradipa in A. D. 1903. Both the Telera Agra. Nos. 1703 ; 1704 ; 1705. works are published with Gujrati translation by Bhogilal Kalidas, Ahmedabad, qaraar by Dayāvardhanagani. JG. p. 162 ; Pet. 1909. The first is also published in the IV. No. 1339. See RatnasekhararatnaJAS. Series, No. 26, Bhavnagar, Sam. vatīkathā. 1971. Vefasiasta JG. p. 209. (IV) patrí TEUTETTA Anon. Kap. No. 564. qaragine Agra. No. 1702. q ueefaat Bod. No. 1372 (2); Kath. Nc. Totaart DB. 23 ( 29 ); JG. p. 355. 1281. TEI CESTIT JG. p. 355. g onfula of Harsabhūsaņagani (Gram 258 ). T argera Bub. VI. No. 634. See Paryuşaņāvicāra. JG. p. 162; PAPS. 15 ( 22 ); SA. No. 866. Terrazas by Ratnanandin. Bhand. IV. No. No. 302 ; Pet. IV. No. 1449. (1) #ker in Prākrta. Kaira. B. 151. ( II ) qaer or the Caitri Vyākhyāna in Sanskrit. (1) Telangagter by Srutasā gara. Kath. No. 1335; Tera. 35. (I) qa Y E by Ksamakalyana. See Dasapar- (II) veuiangalia by Gopala. Idar. 74. vakathā. |(I) telautalarga by Anantakirtī. Idar. 74 (II) qayde Anonymous. Agra. No. 170!; (ms. dated Sam. 1664). JHB. 35 ( 2c.). (II) qayfartyga by Subhacandra. This is geliariaate of Dayāvardhana. Hamsa. No. 1510 also called Palyavratodyäpana or PalyoSee Ratnasekhararatnavatikathā. pamavidhāna and is mentioned under the पर्वपञ्चाशिका also called Snātravidhi by Santisuri last name as his own work by Subha. Vādivetāla. BK, No. 1828; Bt. No. candra in his Pandavapurāņa (s. v.). 637 Idar. 74 ( 7c.); 162; 179 , List (Dehli Ahmed.transa parete also pub (11) g oiab. No. 1602... See Daśapar Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 241 Harsukhrai Mandir); Pet. IV. No. 1450; SG. Nos. 50 ; 51. (1) jaatanga by Devendrakirti Bhattāraka. List. (II) TOTIUTCA by śubhacandra. See Palyavi dhānodyāpana. (I) qeshara by śubhacandra. See Palyavidbānodyāpana. q (II) gehia by Vrsabhanātha Jina (?). Pet. IV. No. 1451. Perhaps the same as above. (III) qatiqhfawra Anonymous. JG. p. 154; Pet. I. A. p. 83 (dated Sam. 1260 ). TENTgagare JG. p. 154. This is the same as above. yangray composed by Vādicandra, author of Jnānasuryodaya. It is published in Bombay. See Krishnamacharir, History, p. 366. Tarikh TÉTTY JB. 149 (foll. 19). TERATAITES Bhand. VI. No. 1174 , DA. 26 ( 67 ; 69 ); DB. 12 (27); JA. 96 ( 4; 10 ); Kap. Nos. 953 to 960; Kath. No. 1282 ; Limdi. Nos. 1288; 1313. (1) Avacūrņi by Yasobhadrasuri, pupil of Candrasuri in Sam. 1180; see Kap. No. 962. This is the same as Yaśodeva's commentary on the Pāksika sūtra ( s. v.). TifaTi Bhand. VI. No. 1202. पाक्षिकपतिक्रमणसूत्र see Paksikasutra. nieafa Hamsa. No. 93. e ala by Municandra. It is also called Avasya kasaptati (s. v.). BK. No. 10; Chani. No. 948 ; DA. 26 (103 ; 104; 105); DB. 12 ( 38; 39); Hamsa. Nos. 632; 1638 ; JG. p. 143 ; PAP. 64 ( 2 ); PAPS. 80 (103); Pet. III. A. p. 243; PRA. No. 1142; SA. Nos. 195; 1638. (1) Tīkā called Sukhaprabodhini, composed by Mahesvara sūri, pupil of Vadidevasuri. Vajrasenagami, who is evidently different from the Guru of Harişeņa, the author of the KarpuraJ.......31 prakara, helped in the composition of this commentary. BK. No. 10; Chani. No. 948; DA. 26 ( 103, 104 ; 105); DB. 12 (38; 39 ); Hamsa. No. 632; JG. p. 143 ; PAP. 64 (2); PAPS. 80 ( 103 ); Pet. III A. p. 233 (quotation ), PRA. No. 1142 ; Surat. 1 (195 ; 1638 ). ua intended for the Pāksika Pratikramana. It is published with Yasodeva's commentary in the DLP. Series, No. 4, Bombay, 1911. It is also published with Sanskrit and Gujrati translation, along with the Sramaņasūtra, by the JDPS., Bhavanagar, Sam. 1979. Agra. Nos. 303-316 ; 318-322; Bengal. Nos. 2715; 4327; 6948; 7369; 7432; 7615; Bhand. VI. No. 1269, BK. No. 1137; Cal. X. No. 14; DA. 25 (8); 26 ( 71 to 83 ); 74 ( 10; 11); DB. 12 ( 25; 26; 28; 29); DC. p. 25; Hamsa. Nos. 556 ; 752; 1120 ; 1133; JA. 47 (1); 90 (1); 96 ( 4; 10); JB. 73; Jesal. No. 808 ; JG. p. 58; JHA. 44 ; JHB. 25 ( 10c.); Kap. Nos. 1143-1150; 1158 ; Limdi. Nos. 72; 277, 347 ; 406; 407; 494 ; 498; 499; 511; 930; 3417; PAP. 25 (22; 23 ); 72 (10); PAPM. 2(1 dated Sam. 1327); PAPR. 3 ( 4 ); PAPS. 61 (12); 74 ( 21 ); 76 ( 17 ); PAZB. 10 (10); Pet. I. A. pp. 35; 100; III. No. 613; III. A. p. 52; V. Nos. 750; 751; V. A. p. 61 ; PRA. Nos. 1217 (No. 1); 1283 (No. 6); Punjab. Nos. 1604 to 1637 ; SA. Nos. 377; 1923 ; 1979 ; 2898; Surat 1, 5, 8; VB. 22 (8); Vel. No. 1489; Weber. JI. Nos. 1926 ; 1927. (1) Visama padaparyāyamañjari by Akalarkadeva. JG. p. 58; PAZB. 10 (10). (2) Cūrni (by śānticandrasűri according to Kundi. No. 66). Grar. 400. DC p. 19; JA. 6 (1); Kundi. No. 66; SA. Nos. 196; 1788; 2034. q Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 3.; BO. PP. (III) 910 (3) Vrtti (Grarn. 2700; Be :- siva was corrected by Ratnacandra, pupil of sarmaikanimittam ) composed in Sam. Sānticandra. It is published in the YJG. 1180, by Yasodeva, pupil of Candrasuri, Series. Benares, Vir. Sam. 2438. BK. pupil of Viragani of the Candra Gaccha. No. 629; DA. 45 (15); DB. 26 ( 23 ; Agra. No. 316; Bhand. V. No. 24); Hamsa. No. 1045; KB. 3 (18); 1182 (c.); VI. No. 1203; BO. pp. PAPS. 41 (5); Punjab. No. 1647. 60; 72; Bt. No. 27 (1); Buh. II, (III) quzqaft by Devaprabhasuri, pupil and No. 214; IV. No. 168 ; DA, 74 successor of Municandrasuri of the Mala(9; 10); DB. 12 (21 ; 22); DC. dhāri Gaccha. It is a big poem in 18 pp. 18; 35; Hamsa. Nos. 517; 1037 ; chapters corresponding to the 18 Parvans JA. 6 (1); 47 (1); Jesal. No. 808 ; of the Mahābhārata. It contains about JG. p. 58; JHA. 41; JHB. 25; Kap. 8000 Slokas. It is published in the Nos. 1150-1156; Kath. No. 1283; Kāvyamālā Series, Bombay, 1911. Kiel. II. No. 45, Limdi. No. 3417;PAP. Baroda. No. 2857 ; Bhand. III. No. 443; 25 ( 22; 23); 72 (10); PAPM. 2 (1 BK. No. 389; Bub. VIII. No. 410; ms, dated Sam. 1327); PAPR. 3 (4); DA. 45 (11-14): DB. 26 ( 21 ; 22); PAPS. 61 (12); 74 ( 21 ); 76 (17); Hamsa. No. 593 ; JA. 21 (1); 96 (1); Pet. I. A. p. 35 ; III. A. p. 128; IV. JG. p. 226; JHA. 51 ; PAP. 14 (1); No. 1284; PRA. Nos. 1217 (No. 1); 20 (2); 21 (24); 33 ( 3 ); 60 (10); 1283 (No. 6); SA. Nos. 103 ; 1805 ; PAPL. 1(2); PAPM. 57 (5); PAPS. VB. 22 (8); Vel. No. 1493; Weber. II. 26 (8); 47 (19); Pet. I. A. p. 98; No. 1927. III. No. 614; III. A. p. 131 ; Punjab. (4) Avacuri. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1645; 1646; VB. 20 (20); 21 Nos. 317 ; 318; DA. 74 (11); DB. 12 (10; 31 ); VC. 8 (28); VD. 8 (12; ( 23; 24); Hamsa. Nos. 1133; 1287 ; 14); Vel. No. 1748. 1382; JB. 73; JG. p. 58; Kap. Nos. (1) Tıkā by Muniśvara. Punjab. No. 1157-1160 ; Pet. IV. No. 1285; SA. 1645 (dated Sam. 1543 ). Nos. 196 ; 1788; 2034 ; Surat. 1, 5, 8. (5) Bālāvabodha by Sukhasāgara (IV) grogauit by Devabhadra (Gram. 10000); composed in Sam. 1773. BK. No. 1137; probably the same as above. PAPS. 42 SA. No. 2898. (9); 50 (6); PAZB. 13 (5) miega tala by Bālacandra. Limdi. No. 3260. (V) groeqafts by Subhavardhanagani. Publish ed by Balabhai Mulchand in the SatyaTIETFata by Srutasāgara. Punjab. No. 1638. vijaya Granthamala, Abmedabad. No grelosíaETO (only 3 foll.). SA. No. 224. mss. are known to me. 10 how to me. qirqia by Dharmasāgara. BO. p. 72. (VI) groga ata by Hemacandra. VB. 20 (13; See Gurvāvali ( II ). 23); 21 (2). quioriya1910TJ by a pupil of Vijayaratna. JG. (VII) qruauits Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1473p. 332 ; Pet. I. No. 299. 1475; DB. 26 ( 25 called Langhupāņda(I) पाण्डवचरित्र by Vijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha vacaritra ); JB. 108; 109; Kaira. A. in 14 Sargas. Bod. No. 1402. 77; PAP. 73 (22; Gram. 2500); (II) quugaats in Sanskrit prose divided into 18 Surat. 1, 5. chapters and composed in Sam. 1660 by (VIII) quzqafts by Sribhūsaņa. See PāņdavaDevavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. It! purāņa No. II. Kath. No. 1156. Jain Education Intemational Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । free by Jayananda. DA. 45 (16); JG. p. 226. (1) composed in Saria. 1608, by Subhacandra, successor of Vijayakirti of the Müla Sangha. It contains 25 cantos. In the Prasasti to this work, Subhscandra mentions as his own works, the following(1) Candranathacaritra, (2) Padmansbhacarita; (3) Jivakacarita; (4) Candunákatha; (5) Nandiśvarikatha; (6) Commentary on Asadhara's Arca i. e.; Jinayajñakalpa or Pratisthāsāroddhara; (7) Commentary on Pärivanäthakāvya i.e., the Parsvabhyudaya ; (8) Palyopamavidhana; (9) Samsayavadanavidaraça with Vṛtti (10) Commentary on the Adhyatma Padyas; (11) Cintamani Vyakarana; (12) Angaprajñapti; and several Stotras. The author was assisted in the Pandava Purkina by his pupil Śripala Varnin. Compare Pet. IV. A. p. 158ff. AD. No. 3; Bhand. V. No. 1114; Bod. No. 1400; Buh. VI. No 635; CP. p. 667; Idar. 9 (4c.), Idar. A. 1; 2;4;8 (2c.); 10; Pet. IV. No. 1452 (ms. dated Sami. 1653); IV. A. p. 156 (quotation); SG. Nos. 623; 624; Strass. p. 306; Surat. 3; Tera. 7; 8; 9. = (II) age by Sribhusana. Bengal. Nos. 1300, 1509; Idar. 10 (ms. dated Saria. 1699), Kath. No. 1156; Lal. 136; Pet. III. No. 530; SG. No. 1892. (III) age in 18 cantos, composed by Vadicandra, pupil of Prabhäcandra. He composed his Jñanasuryodaya Nataka (s. v.) in Sam. 1648. Hum. 265; Rice. p. 314; SG. No. 1467; SRA. 80; Strass. p. 306. (IV) gage by Vadiraja. Rice. p. 314. It this the same as above? composed in Sari. 1731, by Udaya candra at the order of King Anupasirhha of Marwar. It is in Sanskrit and contains a refutation of certain doctrines in 9 chapters. DC. p. 56 (DI. p. 29); KB 3 (66). Samb. No. 305. qasekaranga by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayavijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha. JG. p. 107. See Yogasūtravṛtti. qasecinequíazırruftfart of Paramananda. पातञ्जलयोगलक्षणविचारद्वात्रिंशिका Mitra. X. p. 102. after by Bhattaraka Mallibhusana. पात्र केशरिकथा 243 (S. J.). in 50 stanzas by Vidyanandin, author of the Aptapariksi. CP. p. 667; (CPI. p. 29); DLB. 6; SG. No. 2018. पात्रायुपधिपरिमाणत्रकरण DB. 35 (819). (1) Tiks. Anonymous. Both text and commentary are published in the MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Vikrama Samvat 1975. List 1295. Surat. 7. (1) Avacuri. DB. 35 (219) of Nandiratnagani. JG. p. 307. In Präkrta verse (Be: atthi iha bha rahavase). Patan Cat. I. pp. 194-95 (ms. dated Sam. 1991; quotations). feneftra in Sanskrit Limdi. Nos. 530; q in Sanskrit. JG. p. 362. पाद्यलब्धि qata Bengal. No. 6797. पापप्रतिघातगुणबीजाधान सूत्र is one of the five Sutras of which the Pañcasutra consists. See Pañcasutra. Hamsa. No. 179; JA. 25 (1), 35(1); 106 (4); Pet. I. A. pp. 56; 65; 73; III. A. p. 11. पापबुद्धिधर्मबुद्धिकथा also called Kāmaghatakatha composed by Manavijaya, pupil of Jayavijaya. DA. 50 (63). The story forms part of the author's work called Dharmaparika socording to the DA. note. For references, see Kamaghaṭakatha. gaga Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1631; 1652; BO. p. 60, CP. p. 650 A Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। DA. 50 (64-70); 75 (35; 36), DB. Oraparuhan Bhand. V. No. 1080. 31 ( 70 ); Hamsa. No. 826 ; Limdi. Nos. qiela12FAUT of Padmanandin. Pet. JII. No. 531. 594 ; 770; SA. Nos. 1751; 1868 ; (I) पार्श्वनाथकाव्य See Parsvābhyudayakāvya of m a is 2009. Jinasena. grogich 417 BO. p. 60. (II) q arthieu in seven chapters by Padma. 919929 e a Limdi. No. 278. sundara, pupil of Padmameru, pupil of que la composed in Sam. 1422 by Hari Anandameru. The author is very likely Brāhmaṇa (Salakṣamantrin according to a Digambara and is identical with the JG.). This is probably Non-Jain. JG. author of Rāyamallodaya in Sain. 1615. p. 311; SA. Nos. 254; 859; 861. Baroda. No. 2213; Bhand. VI. No. The work is otherwise called Sabdaviläsa. 1385 ( ms. dated Sam. 1618); Bod. No. giregiã by Yasodevasuri, pupil of Uddyotana 1403 ; JG. p. 243. sūri, pupil of Pradyumnasüri. Pet. I. (III) gratie See Pārsvanāthapurāņa of A. pp. 3; 90; 98 (ms. dated Sam. Vădirāja (No. 1). 1289). (I) quedarafta (Gram. 9000 ) by Devabhadragirrtýrgrafaret ( Be : indiyāṇam acittasanjaye). gani, pupil of Sumati Upādhyāya and Pet. V. A. p. 63. Prasannacandra, both pupils of AbhayaQUEEastlagiti Pet. I. Nos. 273 ; 306. This devasuri. It is in Prākrta and contains five is a portion of the Avasyakaniryukti of chapters and was composed in Sam. 1168 Bhadrabāhu. at Bharoch. Very curiously this work is oranga (Gram. 200). VB. 22 ( 36 ). mentioned in the Prasasti of an earlier araftarEFTEN (Gram. 957) by work of the author i. e., Kathāratnakosu ; Ratnaprabha. JG. p. 267. cf. Pet. III. A. p. 140. This is probably que Erza DB. 20 ( 57). because this Prasasti was composed later. पार्श्वजिनपद्मावतीस्तोत्र Bengal. No. 7044. Bt. No. 277; DC. p. 37; JA. 20 (1); Jesal. No. 25; JG. p. 244; Kundi. No. qresarati Hargla Bengal. No. 7633. 229 ; PAS. No. 304 (dated Sam. 1199); greitafaa7 in Prākrta, Punjab. No. 1652. Patan. Cat. I. p. 219; Pet. III. A. p. 64; qrai hargla by Viddhivijaya. BO. p. 30. ( quotations ); PRA. No. 1278 (No. (I) qraistareata by Jinavallabhagani. Limdi. No. 20). 1288. (II) q argita also called Pārsvanātha-Dasa. (II) raitapata by Jinaprabhasuri. Limdi. No. bhavacaritra, containing 2564 Prakrta 1442. Gathās. Anonymous. Bt. No. 278; gratinatguistika by Kirtirāja. See Lakşmana JA. p. 245. vihāraprasasti. (III) gravaits by Sarvänandasüri, pupil of qraqalpaig ( g iri) by Silaratna. Publi Gunabhadrasuri of the Jālihara Gaccha. shed in the Appendix to the JAS. Series, This is mentioned in Sam. 1254, by the No. 441, Bhavnagar, Sar. 1971. author's grand-pupil Devasuri, (pupil of पार्श्वनाथअध्यात्मस्वरूपस्तवन by Somatilakasuri. Chani. Dharmgboşa ), in his Padmaprabhacaritra No. 768. (s. v.). This is different from the next. qidalyugtapata by Kalyāṇasāgarasuri, pupil (IV) qaagafia ( Be:- om namo višvamitrāya ; of Dharmamūrti of the Añcala Gaccha. Gram. 5278 ) composed in Sam. 1276, PAP. 40 (29). by Māņikyacandra, pupil of Sagaracandra, Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभाग प्रथमः । 245 pupil of Nemicandra of the Rāja Gaccha. 56); 1318 ; Strass. p. 444; VA. 11 The poem is written in Sanskrit and con (2); VB. 21 (8; 17); VD. 9 (11); tains ten cantos. JA. 36 (1); Pet. III. Vel. No. 1749. A. p. 157 ( quotation). (1) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. (V) पार्श्वनाथचरित्र in five cantos composed in 1800, by Lakşmivijaya, pupil of BhānuSam. 1291 by Sarvānandasūri, pupil of vijaya, pupil of Meghavijaya, pupil of Gunaratnasuri, pupil and successar of Sila Gargavijaya, pupil of Lābhavijaya of the bhadra &c. Another work of the anthor Tapa Gaccha. DB. 27 (7); Hamsa. No. is Candraprabhacaritra (No. III) com 1666 ; JHA. 50; PRA. Nos. 1238 (No. posed in Sam. 1302. Bt. No. 274 ; JG. 56); 1318. p. 245; PAS. No. 313; also cf. Patan (VII) qrartita in Sanskrit (Gram. 4709) Cat. I. Pp. 72–73 ( quotations ). composed before Sam. 1460, by Vinaya(VI) qrareata (Gram. 6400) composed in candra, pupil of Raviprabhasuri of the Sam. 1412, (raviviśvavarse, but cf. Patan Candra Gaccha. This Vinayacandra is Cat. I. p. 166-168 for a ms. dated Sam. Probably the same as the author of 1379 of this work according to the title Kavisiksā (II). See Patan Cat. I. p. given on p. 166. This however, may 48. BK. No. 400 (ms. dated Sam. not be correct.) by Bhāvadevasuri, 1460); JG. p. 245; PAP. 35 (7); pupil of Jipadevasuri, descendant of PAPR. 4 (5) Kälikācārya. It is in eight chapters. It (VIII) qidalgata in Sanskrit (Gram. 3160) is published in the YJG. series No. 32 composed in Sam. 1632 by Hemavijaya, Benares, 1912. For a digest of the work, pupil of Kamala vijaya of the Tapā see Bloomfield, The life etc. of Pārsva Gaccha. He wrote his Kathāratnākara nātha,' Baltimore, 1919. Baroda. No. (s. v.) in Sam. 1657. It is published 2860; Bengal. Nos. 2586 ; 2587 ; 3040; by Mrs. Bhikhibai Chunilal Pannalal (in 7650; Bhand. III. No. 444 ; VI. Nos. the Chunilal Granthamālā) Bombay, Sari. 1321 ; 1386; BK. No. 1133, Bod. 1972. JG. p. 245 ; PAP. 62 ( 24). No. 1396 ; Cal. X. No. 60; DA. 46 (IX) quarrata (Gram. 5500) composed in ( 3; 4); DB. 27 (7; 8; 9), Hamsa. Sam. 1654, by Udayaviragaņi, pupil of Nos. 313; 1666 ; Jesal. Nos. 1295; Sangbavira, pupil of Hemasoma of the 1786 (both palm ); JG. p. 245 ; JHA. Tapā Gaccha. It is written in Sanskrit 49; 50 ; KB. 2 (10); Limdi. Nos. 747; prose and is divided into eight chapters. 843; 1203; 1297 ; PAP. 34 (8); 35 It is published by the JDPS. Bhavnagar, (5; 11); 62 ( 25 ); 78 (6); PAPL. Sam. 1970. Bhand. VI. No. 1322, Bik. 1 (1); PAPS. 49 (27); 53 ( 23 ): 54 No. 1502 ; BO. p. 30 ; DA. 46 ( 5; 6; ( 20 ); 61 (41; 19); Patan. Cat. I. p. 166 7); DB. 27 (10; 11); Flo. No. 721; ( this ms., probably of a different Pārsva JG. p. 245 ; PAPS. 47 (18); 50 (7); näthacaritra, was copied in Sam. 1379 Punjab. No. 1654 ; Strass. p. 443 ; VC. for Mahanasima, son of Sobhanadeva of 8 (31); VD. 8 (11). the Gurjara Vamsa); p. 215 ( ms. dated (X) qra nita by Padmasundara. JG. p. 245 Sam. 1436); PAZA. 12 (1); PAZB. (date given here is probably wrong). 18 (18); Pet. IV. No. 1286 = IV. A. See Pārsvanāthakāvya No. II. p. 106 (dated Sam. 1532); V. A. p. 203 (quotations ); PRĄ. Nos. 1238 ( No. (XI) qrargata (Gram. 999 ) by Hemacandra. Gaccha. n. 1657. Pannalal Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 246 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। This is probably a part of Trisastisalāka dhānakávya of Dhananjaya, Prameyapurusacaritra. PAPS 63 (18). ratnamālā of Anantavīrya, Slokavārtika (XII) gratuita by Padmasenasuri. Idar.115 of Vidyānanda and the Candraprabha(ms. dated Sam. 1568). This is ment caritra of Viranandin. The work was ioned by the poet Dhavala in his Hari composed in Saka 947. Vădirāja is vamsa Purāņa ; cf. Allahabad University described as the preceptor of King JayaStudies, I. p. 167.. simhadeva II of Ahnilwad of the Chālu(XIII) araarutita Anonymous. Agra. Nos.1469 kya dynasty (1015-1045 A. D.) at Epi. 1472; Bengal. No. 6618; Bhand. VI. Karnatika, V. p. 117, and also at the No. 1320; CP. p. 668; DA. 46 (1; end of the Pārsvanātha Purāņa. The 2); Hamsa. Nos. 1703 ; 1712; JB. work is published in the MDG. Series, 107; Kaira. A. 159 ; KB. 3 ( 15; 52 ); No. 4, Bombay Sam. 1973. KO. 123. 4 (1); KN. 10 ( ms. dated Sam. 1583); (1) Pañjikā by Subhacandra, pupil Limdi. No. 1203 ; Punjab No. 1653; of Vijayakirti. This is mentioned in the Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9. author's Pāņdavapurāņa ; cf. Pet. IV. A. (XIV) quarraits See Pārsvanāthapurāņa. p. 159, v. 75. It was composed at the gratuita (Gram. 957) by Ratna request of Sribhūşana and its first copy prabhasuri. JG. p. 267; PAZA. 10 (8; was prepared by Srīpāla Varnin. MHB. dated Sam. 1567 ). 17; PR. No. 200 ; Bombay University qreaturatareaTa Pet. V. No. 925 ; VI. Nos. ms. No. 2015. 575 ; 640. (II) q ardagpro of Sakalakarti. It is in Sanskrit. great AT 4 in 11 Apabhramsa stanzas, by AD. No. 108; Bengal. No. 1527 ; Bhand. Jinaprabhasuri. Patan Cat. I. p. 274. IV. No. 303 (ms. dated Sain. 1662), IV. A. p. 122 ; Bod No. 1397 ; CP. pp. gradat a in Sanskrit. Anonymous. Punjab. 667; 668; Idar. 115; Idar. A. 47, 54, No. 1657. 58; Kath. No. 1158 ; Pet. IV. No. 1453; (1) gratu i ts by Udayaviragani. DB. SG. No. 2025 ; Strass. p. 306; Tera. 10; 46 (6). See Pārsvanāthacaritra No. IX. 11 ; 12. (II) पार्श्वनाथदशभवचरित्र probably the same as (III) qarugtru composed in Sam. 1640, by above. Bod. No. 1404 ; Limdi. No. Vādicandra, pupil of Prabhācandra. BK. 1528; Surat. 9. No. 783; CP. p. 667 (CPI. p. 41 ); (III) arr azita in 2564 Prākrta Gathās. Idar. 115 ( 2c.); Kath. No. 1157; List See Pārsvanāthacaritra (II). (S. J.); Pet. III. No. 532; PRA. No. graaryaat by Abhayadevasuri. VC. 9(2;3). 1143 ; SG. Nos. 1718; 1756. (IV) q ar getur composed by Padmasenasuri. पार्श्वनाथनाममाला in old Gujrati by Meghavijayagani See Pārsvanāthacaritra No. XII. of the Tapā Gaccha. It was composed in Sarn. 1721 ; cf. JK. II. p. 189 and Patta- (V i arecrot by Padmasundara. See Par vatisamuccaye., I. p. 110. svanāthakāvya (II) (I) qrafarergero of Vādirāja, pupil of Matisāgara, (VI) arugto in the Apabhrarisa language by pupil of Sripăladeva of the Nandi Sangba. Raidhū Kavi. SG. No. 2344; Tera. 13; 14. The author mentions, in the introduction, (VII) q ara getut (Gram. 2710) composed in Jivasiddhi of Anantakirti, Laghu and Sam. 1654 by Candrakirti, pupil of SriBrhat Sarvajñasiddhis, Pályakirti, Dvisan bhūşana. SG. No. 643 ; cf. SGR. V. p Jain Education Intemational Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 247 28f. It is in Sanskrit and contains 15 (1) grafateteata of Jinapadma. Published with cantos. Kalyanavijaya's commentary in the (VIII) quareg Trot by Ganabhadra. This is a part Aga modaya Samiti Series, No. 59, of the author's Uttarapurāņa. Hum. 227 ; Bombay, 1929. Idar. 115. Separately published at (1) Tıkā by Kalyāņavijaya. Published. Bangalore, 1893. (II) graarteara Anon. Bengal. Nos. 6728; 6745; (IX) q atagor in eighteen chapters, composed 6991; 7044; 7063; 7065 ; 7138 ; by Padmakirti, pupil of Jinasena. It is 7141 ; 7373; 7403; 7448; 7616; in the Apabhrarśa language. CP. p. 668 7633; 7684; 7726 ; Bhand. VI. No. (ms. dated Sam. 1473 ); SG. No. 2614. 1003; Bod. No. 1387 (8) Be : kim (X) q alergitut by Nāgadeva. It is in Prākrta. karpūramayam ; in 11 Ślo. ]; (9) Be : sphuraddevanāgendra ; in 7 slo.]; Hams. List (S.J.). Nos. 409; 428 ; Limdi. Nos. 1288 ; (1) Pañjikā by Prabhācandra II. 1498; 1525, 1547 ; 1716 , 1734 ; Pet. List (S. J.) V. Nos. 826 ; 986 ; Punjab. Nos. 1660; (XI) graegTTO Anonymous. Buh. VI. No. 1661 ; Surat, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. See 636. also Pārsvastotra (VII). qrsefa HAITI Bhand. VI. No. 1003. |(1) orsalarreata also called Lakşmistotra by Padqisa123#healâ Bengal. No. 7079. maprabhadeva. It is published in the paarsyafa by Udayavīragani, pupil of Sangha MDG. Series. No. 21, Bombay. AK. viragani of the Tapā Gaccha. See Pārsva No. 658 ; Bhand. VI. No. 992; Hamsa. nāthacarita No. IX. Bhand. VI. No. No. 234 ; Idar. 173; JG. p. 283 ; Kath. 1322; Bik. No. 1502; Flo. No. 721; No. 1101 ; Pet. III. A. p. 212; VI. p. PAPS. 47 ( 18 ); 50 (7); VC. 8 ( 31). 143, No. 94; SG. Nos. 578; 930; Strass. qrUFFET in 13 Sanskrit stanzas. Ano. p. 306 ; Tapa. 306. nymous. Published in the MDG. Series, (1) Tīkā by Munisekhara. JG. p. No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. 283 ; Pet. III. A. p. 212. पार्श्वनाथसहस्रनाम by Kalyanasāgarasuri of the (2) Tīkā. Anonymous. Kath. No. Ancala Gaccha. Chani. No. 859; JG. 1101. p. 284; PAPR. 18 (44). (II) qraftTTE (Be : dharaṇoragendrasurapati), (I) grateega by Viranandin. Hebru. 68. of Sivanāga, a layman of the Srimāla ( II ) sepatufaa by Dharmasuri. Pet. VI. No. family. It consists of 38 stanzas in 626. Sanskrit. It is published with a commen(III) grattaa in 17 Sanskrit ślokas by Jina tary at the Jainastotrasarndoha, II. p. Prabhasuri. Published in the Kāvyamālā, 7 Off. (Ahmedabad, 1936). VII, p. 107. (III) graagfata of Padmanandin. AD. No. 62. (I) qrear geaaa by Siddhasena Divākara. Bhand. (IV) ralaterala of Vidyānandin. AD. No. 105. VI. No. 992. (V) gratufata by Bilhana Kavi. See Jinapati(II) graarteaan by Abhayadevasuri. Cal. X. stotra. Pet. V. No. 753. No. 40 ; Punjab. No. 1659. (VI) quajturata by Jinabhadrācārya. PAPL. (III) grateteaga in Sanskrit by Manikyasun. 8 ( 17 ). darasuri. JG. p. 284; PAP. 79 ( 48 ). (VII) grata Faia by Jinadatta. Pet. I. No. (1) Țikā Svopajña. PAP. 79 (48).! 232. Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 अजिनरत्नकोशः । (1) Tika by Jayasigaragani. Pet. I. (IV) No. 232. (VIII) dans (Kalyanamandirapădapurti). Limdi. No. 930. (1) (IX) ráaràs composed in Sam. 1544 by Kakkasuri. Baroda. No. 11913. of Padmaprabhadeva. See Pärvanathastotra (I). (II) by Indranandin. JG. p. 283; Pet. III. A. p. 264. (1) Tika by Srutakirti. JG p. 283, Pet. III. A. p. 264. (Gram. 113) by Kalyāṇasagara. See Parsvanathasahasranama. JG. p. 284. पार्श्वप्रस्तयन In mixed Sanskrit and Gujrati by Samayasundara Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaccha. Mitra. IX. p. 102. पार्श्वभक्त प्रासादप्रशस्ति Bhand VI No. 1204; JG. p. 284. पार्श्वभक्तामर स्तोत्र by Vinayalabhagani, pupil of Vinayapramoda. This is published by the Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1927. पार्श्वमहिम्नस्तोत्र in 40 status by Raghunātha of the Lonka Gaccha, composed in Sarh. 1857. Published at Benares, 1880. (1) Tiks by Ramacandra in Sam. 1935. Published in the above edition. (I) qranga by Kalyānasagara. See Pārsvanathasahasranama. PAPR. 18 (44). (II) पार्श्वसहस्रनाम KB.5 ( 28 ). reau in different dialects, including the Paisaci, composed by Dharmavardhana (about 1225 A. D.). See Festgabe, H. Jacobi, p. 89 (Bonn, 1926). (1) पार्श्वस्तोत्र in different dialects composed by Somasundarsuri the Tapa Gaccha. See Jainastotrasamuccaya, Bombay, 1928, p. 99. (II) by Padmanandin. A. D. No. 62. See Parvanathastotra (III). (III) पार्श्वस्तोत्र in 12 Sanskrit Slokas composed by Jinaprabhasüri. It is published in the Kavyamala, VII. p. 117. p. 283. (1) Vitti in Sam. 1519 by Sadhusoma. See Jainastotrasaridoha, I (Ahmedabad, 1932), Intro. p. 27. (V) (Gram. 125) by Parsvadeva. JG. p. 283. (VI) पार्श्वस्तोत्र in Sanskrit arranged in the form of a lotus of 100 petals, composed in Sam. 1683 by Sahajakirti, pupil of Ratnastragani of the Kharatara Gaccha. DC. pp. 71-75. See Jesalamerupăráva stuti. (VII) by Jinavallabha in 14 Gathās. JG. Anonymous Bengal. Nos. 6728; 6768; 6796, 6817; 6820; 6965, 6971, 7004; 7158, 7477, Hamsa. No. 697; SA. Nos. 703; 1995. See also Pārśvanathastuti (II). पार्श्वभ्युदयकाव्य (Meghadītavestita ) by Jinasenacarya, the author of the Adipuräna. The text of the Meghadüta as embodied in this poem is edited with translation by K. B. Pathak, Poona, 1894, (2nd ed. 1916). The text of our poem is also edited with the commentary of Yogiraja Panditācārya at Bombay, N. S. P. 1909. CMB. 1363; CPL. p. 23; MHB. 17, Mud. 40; Mysore. II. p. 132; Padma. 21, 117; 119; Rice. p. 224; cf. Winternitz, History, II. p. 512. CMB. (1) Tika by Panditācārya. 63; Mysore. II. p. 132. (2) Tiks by Yogiraja. CMB. 63. This is the same as No. (1). (3) Tiks by Carukirti. SRA. 117. पालगोपालकथा Anonymous Agra. No. 1662 ; SA. No. 905. by Jinakirti. See Śrīpālagopala katha. DA. 50 (80-82); DB. 31 (2628); Hamsa. No. 1557; PAPS. 65 (31); Punjab. Nos. 1662; 1663. पावापुरीकल्प See Dipalikākalpa. art by Gargācārya. See CC. I. p. 336. Bengal Nos. 6946; 7690; Idar. 156 Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 249 ( 9c.), Kiel. III. No. 70; Mitra. I. No. 973; Pet. III. A. p. 212; Punjab. No. 1665 ; Vel. Nos. 386; 387. 10FETT in Prākrta. Idar. 105. OFSEITIGT (Grarn. 559). JG. p. 318. fquefaffi Ascribed to Bhadrabāhu, the author of the ten Niryuktis. It consists of about 700 Gāthās divided into 8 chapters. It is usually regarded as a Mülasutra, but is sometimes classified as a Chedasūtra too. See Schubring, Lehre der Jainas, p. 83. It is published with the commentary of Malayagiri, in the DLP. Series, No. 44, Bombay, 1918. Agra. No. 402 ; AM. 355 ; Buh. VIII. Nos. 388 ; 389; Chani. No. 422; DA. 22 (39; 40); DC. p. 39, No. 317; JA.96 (2); JB. 91; Jesal. Nos. 88; 106; 267; 456; 889; 890; 891, 917 ; 918; 1605; Hamsa. No. 44; JG. p. 40; Kap. Nos. 1113-1116; Kiel. II. No. 10; Kundi. Nos. 74 ; 175; 202 ; 207; 241 ; Mitra. X. p. 14 ; PAP. 20 (18); 61 (3; 31; 34; 38; 40; 41 ); PAPL. 5 (13), 7 ( 49 ); PAPM. 8; 62 (6; a good palm ms, dated Sarir. 1181 ); PAPS. 47 (12; 13 ); 49 (24); 51 ( 16 ); 53 (21); 76 (8); PAS. Nos. 7; 190 ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 98; 107; 112; 119; 161; 175; 309; 385; 390; 409; PAZA. 5 ( 23 ); 6 ( 25 ); PAZB. 15 (10); 18 (11; 12); Pet. I. A. p. 97 ; III. A.p. 24; V. A. p. 31; PRA. Nos. 927, 931; Punjab. Nos. 1674; 1675; SA. Nos. 478; 852; Samb. No. 291; SB. 1 ( 47 ); Strass. p. 160 ; Surat. 1, 5, 8; VA. 10 ( 23 ); VC. 9 (8) (1) Tikā by Malayagiri (Gram. 6700). AM. 355 ; Bengal. No. 3046 ; DA. 22 (39; 40); DC. p. 39, No. 317 (3); p. 41 ; Jesal. Nos. 88; 456, 917 , 1605; (first and last are palm mss.); JG. p. 40; Kundi. Nos. 202; 207 ; 241 , Mitra. X. p. 14, PAP. 20 ( 18 ); 61 ( 3; 40; 41); 1 PAPM. 8; PAPS. 47 (12), 49 (24), 53 (21); 76 (8); PAS. No. 190; Patan Cat. I. p. 215; PAZA. 5 ( 23 ); PAZB. 15 ( 10 ); 18 (11); Pet. V. A. p. 31; SA. No. 478; Strass. p. 160; VA. 10 ( 23 ); VC 9 (8). (2) Vrtti called Sisyahita ( Be : namrāmareśvara), composed partly by Hari. bhadra (Gram. 1350) and partly by Viragaņi, pupil of Devācārya (Gram. 1750 ); cf. Bt. No. 28; DI. p. 22. But compare Kap. No. 1115 for a long quotation from the Prasasti of the Vrtti. From this, the Granthägra of Viragani's portion alone would seem to be 7671. The date of its composition given here is Sam. 1160. The name of the author's Guru is Isvaragari who belonged to the Saravālaka Gaccha, according to the Prasasti. Mahendrasuri, Devacandragani and Pärsvadevagaņi helped him. It was corrected by Nemicandrasuri and Jinadattasuri at Ahnilwad. Bt. No. 28; Chani. No. 422, DB. 10 (7;8); DC. p. 9, No. 80 (cf. DI. p. 22 ); Jesal. Nos. 889; 890; JG. p. 40; Kiel. II. No. 46 ; PAPS. 51 (16); PAZB. 7 (2); PRA. No. 391, SA. No. 852 (3) Dipikā (Gram. 2832) by Māņikyasekhara, pupil of Merutunga of the Arcala Gaccha. This is based on Malayagiri's commentary and is mentioned in the author's Avaśyakadipikā. Bub. VIII No. 389; JG. p. 40; Kap. No. 1116 (quo.); PRA. No. 931. (4) Vivarana or Laghuvrtti. (Be : prārabhyate pindaniryuktiḥ etc. Grań. 2950 ). DC. p. 34, No. 272 ; p. 39, No. 317 (2). (5) Avacūri by Kşamāratna, pupil of Jayakirtisūri of the Ancala Gaccha. Buh. IV. No. 169; Kap. No. 1117 ( quo.). Jain Education Intemational Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 250 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (6) Vrtti. Anonymous. H. p. 40 (Gram. 4000); Kap. Nos. 1118-1123; Patan Cat. I. p. 323; SA. No. 478; Samb. No. 395; SB. 1 ( 47). fquzfagig by Jinavallabhasuri in 103 Gathās. It is published with Candrasūri's Vrtti in the Vijayadāna Jaina Grantha Mālā, Surat, 1939. Agra. Nos. 461-463 ; 465-468 ; AM. 9, 37; Baroda. No. 694 ; Bhard. VI. Nos. 1205 ; 1206 ; 1269; BK. No. 137(); Buh. III. No. 118 ; IV. No. 170; Chani. Nos. 151 ; 699 ;DA. 59 ( 87-89; 107 to 116 ); 76 (64; 65); DB. 35 (1-3; 10-14); Flo. Nos. 563 ; 564; 565; Hamsa. No. 1349; JA. 31 (6); 95 (7); 96 (5); 105 (1); 106 ( 4 ); 110 (-24); Jesal. No. 106; JG. p. 64; JHA. 29 ( 4c.); 64 ; JHB. 25 ( 6c.); Kath. No. 1284; Kiel. II. No. 47; Kundi. No. 184; Limdi. Nos. 604; 623; 750, 930; 956; 1239; 1240; 1288 ; 1300 ; 1567 ; 3416; Mitra. IX. pp. 102 ; 103 ; PAP. 2 (8); 23 ( 55 ); 39 ( 2 ); 45 ( 22 ); 79 (6); PAPL. 4 ( 29 ); 6 (55); PAPR. 8 (14); PAPS. 49 (12); 64 (79); 84 (11); PAS. Nos. 26; 367 ; 390 , Pet. I, No. 302; I. A. pp. 63; 71; 100; III. A. p. 31 ; V. Nos. 754; 755; V. A. pp. 67; 68 ; 93 ; PRA. Nos. 446; 563; 719; 738; 1262 (No. 62 ); Punjab. Nos. 1676 to 1686 ; SA. Nos. 382;518; Samb. No. 126 ; SB. 1( 47 ); Strass. p. 433; VA. 12 (1); VB. 20 (3); 22 (23; 26; 31 ); VD. 9 (3,5). (1) Tikā called Subodhā (Gram. 2800 ) composed in Sam. 1176 by Yasodeva, pupil of Candrasuri, pupil of Viragani of the Candra Gaccha (Be :yaduditalavayogāt ); cf. DI. p. 35. AM. 9, Baroda. No. 694; Bhand. VI. No. No. 1206 ; Bt. No. 93 (1); DA. 59 (87); 76 (64); DB. 35 (2; 3); DC. p. 34 (No. 274); Hamsa. No. 1127; Jesal. No. 106; JG. p. 64; JHA. 29; Kiel. II, No. 47 (palm ms. dated Sam. 1300); Kundi. No. 184 ; PAP. 2 (8); 39 (2); PAS. Nos. 367; 390; PRA. No. 446 ; Punjab. No. 1685. (2) Vrtti (Gram. 4409 ) by Srican drasuri composed in Sam. 1178 (Be :narmānekasurāsurā). DA. 59 (90 ; 91; 93; 94 ; 96; 97; 98 ); DB. 35 (1; 8; 9); Flo. Nos. 563; 565; JG. p. 64; JHB. 25 (dated Sam. 1537 ); PAPL. 4 ( 29 ); 8 (12; 15); Pet. I. No. 301 ; VA. 12 (1). (3) Dipikā (Graṁ. 703) composed in San. 1295, by Udayasimha, pupil of Mäņikyaprabha, pupil of Sriprabha. It is based on Yaśodeva's Vrtti (Be:- tam namata sriviram ). AM, 37; BK. No. 1370; Bod. No. 1369; Buh. III. No. 118; Chani. Nos. 151; 699; DA. 59 (88; 89, 92; 95; 99-102); 76 ( 65 ); DB. 35 (4; 5); Hamsa. Nos. 37, 927; JG. p. 66; JHA. 29 (3c.), 64; PAP. 23 (55); 45 ( 22 ); 79 ( 6 ), PAPR, 8 (14); PAPS. 64 ( 79); Patan Cat: I. p. 408 ; Pet. I, No. 302; V. Nos. 754, 755 ; PRA. Nos. 563; 1262 ( No. 62), Punjab. Nos. 1683; 1685, 1686; SA. No. 518; SB. 1 ( 47 ). (4) Tikā by Ajitadevasuri, pupil of Maheśvarasuri of the Candra Gaccha. JG. p. 66; PAPS. 84 (11; ms. dated Sam. 1627). A ms. of this same author's commentary (No. 11 ) on the Uttaradhyayanasūtra (s. v.) is dated Sam. 1629. (5) Bālāvabodha by Samvegadevagaņi, pupil of Ratnasekharasuri of the Tapa Gaccha composed in Sam. 1513. DA. 59 (103; 104, 105 ); DB. 35 ( 10, 11, 12) ; Limdi. Nos. 604; 1567, Mitra. IX. p. 102 ; PAPL. 6 ( 55 ); PAPS. 49 (12); PRA. Nos. 719; 738; Punjab. No. 1681. Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 251 ( 6 ) Pañjikā. DB. 35 ( 221), Limdi. Harsa in Sam. 1631. Mitra. VI. p. 70. No. 750. gogga in Sanskrit. JG. p. 255 ; SA. Nos. (7) Dipikā. Anonymous. Bengal. 169, 1582. No. 6803; Bt. No. 93 (2), Flo. No. qogwaaita in Sanskrit by Subhasilagaņi. Hamsa. 564 ; PAP. 23 (3); VC. 9 (12). No. 1504. See Punyasărakatlā No. III. (8) Avacūri or Țikā. Anonymous. gouq1UT JG. p. 255. Agra. No. 464 ; DB. 35 ( 6; 7); Kath. guza145# in 16 Gāthās by Jinakīrti ; JG. p.201; No. 1284; Limdi. Nos. 1300; 3416 ; Limdi. No. 1625. It is published in PAS. No. 26; Punjab. No. 1682 (dated the Kulakasangraha by Balabhai KakalaSaṁ. 1419 ); SA. No. 382 ; VB. 22 bhai, Ahmedabad. (23). googleTIST21 Anon. Buh. III. No. 162 (ms. (9) Tikā by Kanakakusala (?). VB. dated Sarn. 1676 ); DB. 31 (31 ); 22 ( 26; 31 ) Limdi. No. 1119 (dated Sam. 1658 ). fanirafanfaarastafa DB. 22 ( 90 पुण्यप्रकाशकाव्य This is another name of Ksema-/ fagfogata in Prākrta. It consists of only 8 saubbägyakävya (s. v. ) of Ratnakusala. stanzas explaining the prognostication of PRA. No. 238. events from the appearance of ants. golftraga KB. 2 ( 17 ), DB. 45 ( 38; 39). Bt. No 593; JG. p. 355 ; Patan Cat. I. guage p. 83 ( quotation). by Māņikyasūri. See Bappabhattisuri prabandha. foragitar in Sanskrit. Hamsa. Nos. 1397, 1790. पुण्यप्रभावदर्शककुलक It is published in his Kulaka. sangraha, by Balabhai Kakalabhai, aigua sahar SG. No. 1495. Ahmedabad. quentata (Gram. 3300) composed in Sam. 1372, by Kamala prabha, pupil of Ratna- of Ratna (I) qura (1) gueroH$by Jinakirtisuri, pur by Jinakirtisūri, pupil of Somaprabhasuri of the Pūrņimă Gaccha. It sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. PAP. contains 8 cantos and is published. Bt. 79 ( 63 ). No. 297; Hamsa. No. 1468; JG. p. (II) got Hoch Anonymous. JG. p. 201 ; 226 ; PAP. 30 (11); PAPR. 10 (4) Lindi. No. 1288. goeft geest in Prākrta. Hamsa. No. 1641. graadio JG. p. 255 (palm ms.). guccimena in 118 Gāthās (Be :- ārambheşu (I) quan41 (Gram. 548 ). JG. p. 255. niyatta ). JA. 106 (6); JG. pp. 184 ; JU. PP. 104; (). (II) FIT by Ajitaprabhasuri in Sanskrit. 284 ; Pet. I. A. p. 95. Hamsa. No. 430. gug4 in about fifteen Gathās. Bhand. VI. (III) quattar by Subhasilagani, pupil of MuniNo. 1208, DA. 60 ( 226, 227); DB. sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is 35 (169; 185–188); JG. p. 201 ; published by Nanajibhai Popatcand for Limdi. No. 985 ; Surat 1; Vel. No. the Mabävira Jainasabhā, Cambay, 1919. 1628. Hamsa. No. 1504; JG. p. 255; PAZA. (1) Tīkā. Bhand. VI. No. 1208 , 10 ( 24 ). JG. p. 201. guru 1 77 in 341 Sanskrit Slokas composed guyarlay which is another name of Munisuvra in Sam. 1334 by Vivekasamudra, pupil tapurāņa (s. v.), was composed by Krsna of Jineśvarasuri of the Kbaratara Gaccha. dāsa, elder brother of Margala, con of Jinaprabodhasūri assisted in the correc Jain Education Interational Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 252 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । tion of the work. BK. No. 605; DC. p. DI. p. 53; Hamsa. No. 1568; JG. p. 255; PRA. No. 341; SA. No. 568. gerafts of Bhavacandra; published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1925. पुण्यापकथा BO. p. 60. (I) पुण्यास्तव by Ramandra Mumuksu, a Digambara writer. Bhand. V. No. 1081 ( foll. 143); CP. p. 669; Kath. No. 1102; KO. 36; 38, 56, MHB. 48; Mad. 507; Mysore. II. p. 283, PR. No. 11; SRA. 390; Tera. 29 to 48. (11) goarea by Nemicandragani (Gram. 4500). VA. 11 (5) gear in Sanskrit (?) by Nagaraja. Mud. 300. One Punyasravacampü in Kanarase is said to have been composed in Saka 1253 by Nagaraja. See JH. Vol. IX. p. 578. पुण्यात्रवकथाकोश Strass p. 300. पुकूलकुलक in Prakrta Verse by Udayaraci gani. Punjab. No. 1692. gear by Kavi Karpuracandra. Bengal. No. 6914, DB. 45 (122) परावर्तगाथाविचार DA. 60 (229), JG. p. 137; Limdi. No. 3029., grogzimifa-nceara JG. p. 284; SA. No. 678. (I) पुलपरावर्तस्तोत्र in Prakrta by Dharmaghog. Hamsa. No. 806. (1) Vivṛti by Nayavijaya, pupil of Vijayasenasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. Bengal. No. 7059; BK. No. 1684; Buh. II. No. 215; DB. 35 (217); JG. p. 134; Surat. 1. (1) Avacuri. JG. p. 134. पुद्गलभङ्गजालप्रस्तारक by Kalyānakuśalagani. पुद्गलमङ्गप्रकरण BK. No. 1684 Bub. II. No. 215; DB. 35 (217), JG. p. 134; Surat. 1. पुलविचारसप्ततिका by Municandra. VC 9 (5). (I) पुलपद्विशिका by Abhayadevasüri author of Navarigavṛtti. This is a part of his commentary on the Bhagavatisutra, V. 8. (Be: khittogahapa, etc.). It is published with the commentary, by the JAS., Bhavnagar, 1917 and by Hiralal Hamsaraja, Jamnagar, 1914. The text is also published in No. 10 of the Agamodaya Samiti Series. DA. 60 (136-138, 140142; 148-150); Hamsa. Nos. 439; 450; 530; JHA. 47; Mitra. VIII. p. 182; 195, SA. Nos. 561; 1946; VC. 9(6). (1.) Vrtti by Ratnasimhasuri, pupil of Munisundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. DA. 60 (136-138; 140-142; 148-150); JHA. 47; Mitra. VIII. p. 182; SA. No. 1946, VC. 9 (6) (II) geoqgraded Anon. DA. 76 (57); JG. p. 145, Pet. IV. No. 1232- IV. A. p. 83, quotation; it has 11 Sanskrit stanzas; (III) grefe Surat. 1; VC. 9 (4). (II) grow firfire by Ratnasimhasüri. It is in 36 Gathas and begins: voocham appä bahuam. Bhand. VI. No. 1139; DA. 76 (52); DB. 35 (118 to 122); Hamsa. No. 1651, Punjab No. 1693; SA. No. 1607; Weber. II. Nos. 1790; 1967 (7). (1) Vṛtti Svopajña. Bhand. VI. No. 1139; DB. 35 (118-121); Punjab. No. 1693, Weber. II Nos. 1790; 1967 ( 7 ). by Dharmaghosa. JG. p. 140. This seems to be Pudgalaparavarta Stotra (s. v.). (1) Vṛtti by Ratnasinha. JG. p. 140. (1) Avacuri. JG. p. 145; Pet. IV. No. 1232, VC. 9 (4). groquias Agr. No. 848; DA. 76 (57) SA. No. 717. Hamsa. No. 19; JG. P. 134. पुनरालोचनाविचार yaenar JG. p. 255. grar Anonymous. DB. 31 (54); Pet. V. No. 757. पुरन्दरकुमारकथा by Maladeva, pupil of Bhāvadevasüri. DA. 70 (109), PAP. 30 (31) Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः $58 पुरन्दरनृपकथा by Devendrasuri. Hamsa No. 1541 पुरुषार्थसिद्ध्युपाय by Amrtacandrasuri. It is also called पुरन्दरपचरित्र in Prakrta and Sanskrit. No. 532. पुरन्दरविधान Pet. VI. No. 674. पुरन्दरविधिकथोपाण्यान by Srutasāgara. Pet. VI. No. 675. पुरन्दरवतोद्यापन AD. No. 168. george composed in Sam. 1518 in Kanarese. AK. Nos. 490; 491. पुराणशकुन KO. 151. gurarea also called Catarviriatiparāna, by Damanandin. Rice. p. 314; SG. No. 1786. (1) gerovere (Grath. 2100) by Sricandra, pupil of Jinapravacanarahasyakosa and contains 926 Sanskrit Karikás; many of these are quoted by Asadhara in the commentary on Dharmamṛta. It is published in the RJS. No. I, Bombay, Vir. Sam. 2431 and also in the Sanatana Jaina Granthamals, No. I. Bombay, 1905. The text with English translation by J. L. Jaini is published in the Sacred Books of the Jainas, No. 4, Arrah, 1933. The book is also called a Śravakacăra by Meghavijaya in his Yuktiprabodha. See JH. Vol. 14 p. 256. Bhand. V. Nos. 1082, 1084; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1016; 1017; BK, No. 117, Bod. No. 1379; CMB. 29, 51, CP. p. 669, DLB. 30, JG. p. 112; Kath. No. 1194; KO. 86; 89; Mysore. II. p. 283; Padma. 19; PAPR. 6 (10), PAPS. 74 (26); Pet. III. No. 533; IV. No. 1454, SA. No. 59; Strass. p. 306; Tera. 64-69; Vel. No. 1629. Śrinandin. It was composed in Sam. 1070 during the regin of King Bhojadeva of Dhara. See JH. Vol. 14, p. 118, MHB. 49; PR. No. 197. (II) gerar Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1298. ganaren by Sakalakirti. CMB. 84; Idar. A. 36, SG. No. 1524. (1) Tiks. Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1084; JG. p. 112, Pet. IV. No. 1454, VI. No. 676; Vel. No. 1629. पुरुषार्थानुशासन by Pandita Govinda Kavi. In this work the following authors are mentioned among others- Asaga, Amitagati, Umäsväti, Gunabhadra, Jayasena, Kundakunda, Jinasena, Dhananjaya, Ravisena Vatteraka, Viranandin, Somadeva and Hariscandra (cf. SGR. III. p. 88) SG. Nos. 37;2417. gegen Probably the same as above. पुरुषार्थानुशासन Bengal. No. 1532, Buh. VI. No. 637. gift in 106 Gathis. DC. p. 38. gera by Devendrasuri, BK. No. 197. पुरुवपचकल्याणकथा by Sāntikirti. AK. No. 493. पुष्पचूलासूत्र is the fourth chapter of the Nirayāvaligagor of Sakalakirti. Mud. 629. See Rṣa sutra. bhadevacaritra. guage Hamsa. Nos. 786; 1231; 1261; JG. p. 340; Limdi. No. 881. (1) gufter in prose by Jinasena. It is mention ed by Gunabhadra in his Prasasti to the Uttarapartina. See Bhand. IV. A. pp. 120, 428. (II) goufca of Hastimalla. See Krishnamachariar, Class. Sansk. Literature, Madras, 1937, pp. 641; 1114. gary by Arhaddasa, pupil of Asadhara Pandita. It contains the life of Puru deva i. e., Rgabhadeva Jina in 10 chap ters. It is published in the MDG. Series (No. 27), Bombay, Sam. 1985. AK. No. 492, KO. 115; Mysore. III. p. 84; Padma. 53; SG. No. 1408; SRA, 187. (I) mala, (II) पुरुषादामीय पार्श्वदेयनाममाला See Parivadovanama- पुष्पदन्त चरित्र in Prakata. Two verses from this are quoted in Nanditaḍhya's Gathālak (1) Vrtti. In Sam. 1228. See Bt. No. 22. Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 254 MARGTET: saņa according to Ratnacandra, its com mentator; cf. ABORI. Vol. 14, p. 2. geqarar in 505 Gathās (Be :-siddhamakammama viggaha ) by Hemecandrasuri of the Maladhāri Gaccha. This is also called Upadeśamälä. It is published by Venichand Surchand, for the Jaina Śreyaskara Mandala, Mhesana, at Ahmedabad, 1911 Agra. Nos. 1236-1243 ; Bhand. V. No. 1174; VI. No. 1209; BK. No. 181; Buh. II. No. 362; III. No. 101 ; Chani. No. 896 ; DA. 32 ( 28-82; 36-54); 33 (44); DB. 18 (14-16; 19-20); Hamsa. Nos. 404 ; 906; 1200 ; 1290 ; 1358; 1506 ; 1570; JA. 25 (7); 79 (1); 95 (7); 100 (1); 105 ( 4); 106 (9); JB. 103; JG. p. 184 ; JHA. 41 (2c.); JHB. 46 (éc.); KB. 3 (16) ; Limdi. Nos. 573; 716 ; 717 ; 969; 981; 1235 ; 1588; Mitra. IX. p. 170; X. p. 35; PAP. 57 (16; 17); PAPL. 2 ( 10 ); PAPM. 5; 12 ; 33; PAPS. 25 (17); 54 (7; 9 dated Sam. 1523 ); 60 ( 39 ); 76 ( 20 ); Pet. I. No. 303 ; I. A. pp. 44; 91 ; 92; II. No. 296 ; III. A. pp. 24; 30; 47; 71; 89; IV. No. 1201 ; V. Nos. 758; V. A. pp. 93; 95; 98; VI. No. 626; PRA. Nos. 229; 760; Punjab. No. 1698; SA. Nos. 14; 1477 ; 1589; 1806 ; 2534; Samb. Nos. 133; 220; 348 ; 471; Surat. 1, 5, 6, 7, 9; VA. 12 (20; 24; 30 ); VB. 1(4-6; 8-9); VD. 8 (17); Vel. No. 1630; Weber. II. Nos. 2001 ; 2002. (1) Tikā Svopajña (Be :-yena pra bodhaparinirmita ) composed in Sam. 1175 according to Bt. No. 177 and JA. (Gram. 13868). DB. 18 (11; 12); Hamsa. Nos. 1506; 1570; JA. 100 (1); JG. p. 184; Mitra. IX. p. 170 ; PAPM. 5; 12; 33; PAPS. 25 ( 17 ); Pet. III. A. pp. 71; 89; V. A. p. 98 ; SA. No. 396, Vel. No. 1630. (2) Vivarana by Abhayadevasūri (perhaps this is Svopajña Vrtti). Pet. IV. No. 1202. (3) Avacūri (Gram. 1900 ) by Anicalika Jayasekhara, composed in Sam. 1462. JG. p. 184. (4) Vrtti by Sadhusomagaņi, pupil of Siddhāntaruci, pupil of Jinabhadrasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. It was composed in Sam. 1512. BK, No. 181, Buh. IV. Nos. 171, 172, DB. 18 (13); DC. p. 58; Hamsa. Nos. 373, 1726 ; JG. p. 184 ; PAP. 57 ( 16 ); PAPS. 54 (7); 76 ( 20 ); PRA. Nos. 229; 760; SA. No. 1746 ; VD. 8 (17). (5) Tikā. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1239 ; 1241 ; DA. 32 ( 28 to 32); DB. 18 ( 14, 15, 16 ; 19-20); Hamsa. Nos. 404 ; 906 ; JB. 103 ; JG. p. 184 (Gram. 2320 ); KB. 3 ( 16 ); Limdi. Nos. 715; 1178; Pet. I. No. 304; IV. No. 1201 (ms. dated Sam. 1519 ); V. No. 759; SA. No. 1746; Surat, 1, 5, 6, 9.. (7) Bālāvābodha by Merusundara Upādhyāya. Chani. No. 896, DB. 18 ( 17; 18); Limdi. Nos. 573 ; 779; 981 ; 1235; PAP. 57 ( 17 ); PAPL. 2 (10) ; PAPS. 54 ( 9, dated Sam. 1523 ); 60 (39) EA DA. 32 ( 33 ); Weber. II. No. 2013. goyaal in Prākrta ( Foll. 55; Gāthas 643). PAS No. 233 ( dated Sam. 1191). Cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 181-183 ( quotation. Be :-muttamamuttam). (I) g rafech by Ratnacandra Bhattāraka. Idar. 183; Kath. No. 1103 ; SG. No. 70. (IJ) qof s Anonymous. Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 29 ). qoglufoadurga by Gargadasa. Idar. 162; Kath. No. 1104 ; Pet. IV. No. 1455; VI. p. 143, No. 93; SG. No. 56. gorursai Bengal. No. 6933, Punjab. No. 1700. gíeqaretage is the 3rd chapter of the Nirayā valisutra. Bt. No. 21; Kath. No. 1372. Jain Education Interational Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 955 (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1228. (II) Fly by Lakşınīcandra, pupil of PadmaBt. No. 21. deva. Pet. V. A. p. 63; the ms. contgraficha Limdi. No. 1602. ains 9 other Astakas. gretera972 JG. p. 355. (III) Fe composed in Sam. 1127 by Candraपूजापश्चाशत्सू त्र This is probably Pujapaficasika. prabha Mahattara. JHB. 31. (1) Vrtti. Kath. No. 1105. (IV) qargħ Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7162 ; Pet. (1) galanter by Haribhadrasüri. Probably a III. A. p. 27; IV. Nos. 1250; 1442; part of the Pañcāsakasūtra. This is 1443; VA. 12 (9); VB 20 (19); Vel. quoted in Samghācāravidhi of Dharma Nós. 1848 ; 1849. kirti (Surat ed. p. 66). Buh. IL No. Tere Bband. VI. No. 1323; JG. px 255 ; 240; Hamsa. No. 354. Limdi. No. 990; Pet. V. No. 760 (rus. (1) Vrtti by Abhayadevasuri. DB. dated Sam. 1481). 35 ( 105-107). Steak by Rūpavijaya. DA. 76 ( 101 ). (II) पूजापञ्चाशिका by Udayasagarasuri of the | पूजासारसमुच्चय Kath. No. 1285. Añicala Gaccha. Kaira. B. 24. garraga in 10 Prākrta stanzas. Flo. No. 697. (III) CETTARTAT Anonymous. JG. p. 142. पूर्णिमागच्छपट्टावलि Chani. No. 265. (1) Avacuri. JG. p. 142. gfúATTES ET Tari by Tilakācārya. See SāmāTarefa Pet. III. No. 543 (ms. dated Sam. cāri(V). 1534). giúhlasitiaat JG. p. 162. (1) TATT TOT of Umāsvāti. See Pujāvidhiprakaraṇa. JG. p. 149. Shqinlateiasu in Prākrta. Punjab. No. 1705. (I) Vrtti in Sanskrit. Punjab. No. (II) Tot in Sanskrit by Bhadrabāhu. 1705. Hamsa. Nos. 436, 744. gágengary in prose. JG. p. 215 (foll. 10). Chi ( a palm ms. ). JG. p. 185. gafa afts This is another name of Prabhāvaka(I) hifaga of Nemicandra (foll. about 60 ). caritra. (s. v.) The first copy of this work was made in Sam. 1208 by Yasodeva, pupil of Pra eigiant by Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. dyumnasūri ( SA. List note). SA. No. 103. 523; Surat. 1, 5, 7. getuaira composed in Sam. 1865, by Rsabha(II) quayra Anonymous. JHB. 50 ; Pet. V. sāgara. SA. No. 1956: No. 925. Perhaps the same as above. geate Anonymous. JB. 122 (foll. 43). (I) ETIHTETU by Umāsvāti Vācaka. DB. 21 gealare UTETITEITE DB. 30 ( 46 ). . ( 72 ): KB. 3 ( 59 ); Pet. III. A. p. (I geta after In Prākrta was composed in 328; Punjab. No. 1702; Surat. 1. Sam. 1161 (Vir. Sam. 1631 ) by Sān(II) Fart To by Jinaprabba (Gram. 600). tyācārya, pupil of Nemicandra, pupil of DA. 38 ( 68 ); JG. p. 154, SA. No. Sarvadevasuri of the Brhad Gaccha. It 452. contains about 7500 verses. Bt. No. 307 ; garaia in Sanskrit quoted by Dharmakirti in Chani. Nos. 9; 527 ; DB. 28 ( 13 ); DC. Samghācārabhāsya ( p. 67). p. 17; (cf. DL. p. 46 ); Hanasa. Nos. (1) ST by Vijayacandra. JHB. 53; Kath. 5; 443; JA. 63 (3; ms, dated Sam. No. 1336 ; Pet III No. 597 (ms. dated 1222); Jesal. No. 57; JG. p. 226; Sam. 1618). Kundi. No. 260; Limdi. No. 1232; (1) gatitemhe first copy of deva, pupil Jain Education Intemational Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 956 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। PAPR. 21 (4); PAPS. 43 (19), PAZB. (VII) geaarganta in Sanskrit prose (Gram. 23 ( 21 ); Pet. V. A. p. 117; PRA. No. 1 2 784). Tapa. 223. 352; SA. No. 811. (VIII) yearparts Anonymous. Agra. Nos. (1)Tippana (Gram 1100) by Kana 1477 ; 1478; Flo. No. 723, JA. 103 kacandra in Sar. 1226. Bt. No. 307 ; (3; foll. 152); JG. p. 227 ; KB. 1 (60); JG. p. 227. PAP. 36 (39); Pet. III. A. p. 187, (2) Caritrasamketa (Gram. 500) by Punjab. No. 1707 (Gram. 2654). Ratnaprabhasūri. Bt. No. 307; JG. p. geaftuts -4 also called Jhāmjhaņaprabandha, or 227. Peyba dacaritra composed (II) gealaria in Sanskrit containing 11 chap by Ratna mandana, pupil of Nandiratna of the ters (Gram. 2654) by Jayasagaragani, Tapā Gaccha. The work seems to be an pupil of Jinavardhanasuri of the Khara abridgement of Sakrtasāgara made by tara Caccha. It was composed in Sam. the author himself. Both were composed 1503, at Palanpur. Another work of the by Ratnamaņdana and deal with the author is Parvaratnávali (s. v.). BK. same story; but Sukrtarsāgara is a vast No. 35; DC. p. 56 (quotation); Hamsa. poem in 8 cantos, while the present work No. 939; JHA. 51 , PRA. Nos. 753 is a short epitome in mixed prose and (dated Sam. 1511 ); 1075; Punjab. No. verse. See Sukrtasagara. BK. Nos. 229 1706 ; VB. 20 (7). 1314 ; Chani. No. 515; DB. 30 ( 27 ), (III) gelagata in Sanskrit verse and prose Hamsa. Nos. 643 ; 646; JG. p. 215; mixed, composed in Sam. 1534 by Satya VB. 12 (12), Vel. No. 1750. räjagasi. It is published in the YJG. dagaita by Ratnamaņdana. See Prthvidharapraseries No. 44, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1976. bandha. Buh. III. No. 163; Hamsa. Algo compare DL p. 47. VB. 20 (11). No. 643. (IV) geftarafta composed in Sam. 1558, by Labdhisāgara, successor of Udayasăgara quanto by Jayasoma. JG. p. 149; See Posaof the Vrddha Tapā Gaccha and the dbaşattrmsikā. author of Sripālakathā in Sam. 1557. It (1) grofarug To by Cakreśvarasūri, in 92 is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jam Gātbās. JG. p. 154. nagar, 1918. Chani. No. 110; DB. 28 (II) quia au in Prākrta by Jinavallabha(12); JG. p. 227 ; Surat. 1, 5. . sūri. BK. No. 147 ; PAP. 45 ( 5 ); (V) gealarga (Gram. 958 ) in Sanskrit by : PAPR. 6 (7); 18 (1); PRA. No. - Mānikyasundara, pupil of Merutunga of 1087; Surat. 1, 2, 7. the Añcala Gaccha. JG. p. 227 ; PAPS. (1) Tikā (Gram. 3555 ) composed 25 (12); PRA. Nos. 422; 629 (ms. in Sarn. 1617, by Jinacandrasūri, pupil dated Sam. 1556 ). of Jinamāņikyasuri of the Kharatara (VI) gealargata (Gadya ) composed in Sam Gaccha. BK. No. 147; JG. p. 150; 1882 by Rūpavijaya, pupil of Padma PAP. 45 (5); PAPR. 6 (7); PRA. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. It has No. 1087. eleven chapters. It is published by the (III) diguiarato in 118 Gāthās by DevaJDPS., Bhavnagar, 1918, and also by Messrs. A. M. Co., Bhavanagar, 1936. bhadra. Patan Cat. I p. 143. Baroda. No. 2877; DA. 48 (6); qugrifiant also called Posadhaprakarana comDB. 28 (14, 15); JG. p. 227 ; PRA. .. posed in Sam. 1643 by Jayasoma, pupil No. 429 ; Surat. 1, 5. of Pramodamāņikya of the Kharatare vijasen chapters. Ttar, 1918, and 1936. leit also said. 1643 by the Kharate Jain Education Intemational Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 257 25 ). Gaccha. It was written during the (II) Bahamiana of Samantabhadra. AK. No. spiritual reign of Jinacandrasuri, successor 500. of Jinamānikya. BK. No. 1790 ; Chani. Tetrat a rea by a pupil of Jinaharsa. JG. p. No. 172; Hamsa. No. 865; JG. pp. 316 ( foll. 305 ). This is a palm-leaf ms. 140; 150 ; JHA, 45; PAP. 21 (12); from the Lodhi Pośāla Upāśraya at PRA. Nos. 1117, 1213 (No. 44). Sanghavi Pādā, Patan. (1) Tīkā Svopajña, composed in Sarn. af ter with Vrtti. KB. 5 ( 33 ). 1645; BK. No. 1790; Chani. No. 172; by Abhayacandra. This is a commentary Hamsa. No. 865; JG. pp. 140; 150; JHA. 45; PAP. 21 (12); PRA. Nos. on the Sabdānusāsana of Sākatāyana 1117, 1213 (No. 44 ). (s. v.). AK. Nos. 502; 503; CC. I. p. 23; qafe A t in 10 Gäthäs only. See CP. p. 669, Hum, 69, 110 ; Idar. 147; Patan Cat. I. p. 404. Rice. p. 300 (cf. also IA. for 1887, p. (1) Vitti by Tilakācārya. Patan Cat. I. p. 404. 491**Limdi. No. 770. qa014 THT ( Be :-dhyātvā vāmeya ) Bik. No. प्रज्ञापनातृतीयपदसंग्रहणी by Abhayadeva, see Prajna1504 ; Mitra. X. p. 10. panāsütra, Com. No. (4). (I) 197TA121 by Jinendrasāgara. BK. No. 45ale is the fourth Upānga. It is ascribed to 1715. This is published in the Parva Araya Syāma and describes in full details kathäsangraha I, in the YJG. Series, the different classes of living beings in its Benares, Vir. Sam. 2436. 36 chapters. It is published with Malaya(II) lograranet Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1707 giri's commentary by Ray Bahadur 1711 ; Bengal. No 7316; DA. 60 (304) ; Dhanapatisinha, Benares, 1884 A. D., 76 (97); JG. p. 264 ; Limdi. No. 1108 ; and also by the Agamodaya Samiti Punjab. Nos. 1713; 1716; Surat. 2, 5, 9. (Series Nos.19-20), Bombay, 1918-1919. पौषदशमीमाहात्म्यकथा by Muktivimala. Published in Agra. Nos. 175, 176, 177 ; 179-182; the Dayāvimala J. G. Mālā, Nos. 14–15, AM. 5; 6; 16; 48; 50; 379; 394 ; Ahmedabad, 1918-19. 396 ; Bengal. Nos. 2521 ; 6858; Bhand. III. No. 445; Bik. Nos. 1505; 1709; Buh. TTUREIHE Kath. No. 1392. II. No. 216 ; III. No. 116; Chani. No. startulangius DA. 37 ( 66). 544 ; DA. 12 ( 25 to 28 ); DB. 5 ( 3(I) Teluia1 about 800 Gäthäs by Pradyum 5); DC. p. 13 (No. 111 ); Flo. No. nasüri. See Vicärasāra No. VIII. DA. 37 517 ; JA. 12 (1); JB. 31; 37; 38; 39 ; (59). Jesal. Nos. 158 ; 199; 556; 1731; JG. (II) talviraat Anonymous. DA. 37 ( 41 ; 45– p. 8; JHA. 14 ( 3 c.); 15( 2 c. ); JHB. 47; 49-51, 62, 67; 76; 84); 60 13 ( 3 c.); Kaira. A. 73, Kath. No. (88). (00). 1393 ; KB. 2 (5); 3 (6); Kiel. II. No. fazaru Pet. V. No. 768. 18; Kundi. Nos. 144 ; 238 ; Limdi. Nos. 7 ; 84; 149; 243; 301 ; 339; 386 ; Tianae SA. No. 2873. Mitra. VIII. pp. 60; 70 ; 184; PAP. 1 galaterafuta in 41 Gāthās is a part of:Gommata (4); 51 (1-5); PAPL. 2(1); 6 sāra. Strass. p. 307. ( 49 ); PAPS. 21 (11; 12); 22(1-5); (1) talatertela by Kemicandra. AK. No. 37(1); 46 (13); 60 (12); 67 (76); .501 ; Padma. 87; SG. No. 1326. 68 (41); 69 (64); PAS. No. 417, J.......33 Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 258 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। PAZA. 3 (7); Pet. V. Nos. 762, 763; | PAPS. 60 (12); 67 (76); 68 (41), PRA. No. 190 ; Punjab. No. 1718 ; SA. 69 (64); PAZA. 3 (7), Pet. V. No. Nos. 81; 834; Samb. Nos. 56 ; 193; 763. SB. I ( 29-31 ); Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, (5) Trtiyapadasangrahaņi-Tikā by: 9; VB. 20 (14); 21 (3); VC 8 Kulamaņdana. DB. 35 (141-143 ); (18; 29 ); Vel. Nos. 1494 to 1498; Hamsa. Nos. 136 ; 281 ; Kap. No. 224 Weber. II. Nos. 1837-1840. (Kath. No. 1393); Pet. I. No. 295. (1) Pradeśavyākhyā (Grar. 3728 ) (6) Bālāvabodha compased in Sam. composed by Haribhadra, pupil of Jina 1784, by Jivavijaya, pupil of Jñānabhata. This is mentioned by Malayagiri. vijaya, of the Tapā Gaccha. AM. 16; DA. (12 (22; 23 ); Hamsa. No. 1447; PRA. No. 190. Jesal. No. 1731 palm ms.); Kiel. II. (7) Paryāya. Kap. Nos. 226-233. No. 48 ; PAP. 51 (1); PAS. No. 417; SA. No. 1548 ; VC. 8 (18). 9aare Neo by Abhayadevasūri. See Prajna panāsūtra Com. (4). JB. 143 ; KB. 3 (2) Vrtti by Malayagiri ( Graṁ.14500 (59). Be :- jayati namadamara ). AM. 50; SITTAIESTATTET in prose. Pet. I. A. p. 63. 379; Bengal. Nos. 2521 ; 6858, Bik. No. 1505 ; Buh. III. No. 116; Chani. F I T in 133 Gāthās. This is a copy of No. 544; DA. 12 ( 20 ; 21 ; 23; 24); Abhayadeva's Titīyapadasangrahaņi. DC. DB. 5 (1;2; 13 ); DC. p. 36; Flo. No. p. 38, No. 309 (3). 517; JA. 24 (1); Jesal. Nos. 158, 556; T111 TESTETIT of Yasasvigani according to JHA. 14 ( 2c. ), JHB. 13 ( 2c. ); Keith. Punjab dist. Agra. No. 1940; BO. p. 60; No. 43; Kundi. Nos. 144 ; 238 ; Limdi. Punjab. No. 1721. Nos. 114 ; 340; 386 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 60; JUFI Fala in Prākrta. JG. p. 284. PAP. 1 (4); 51 (2; 5), PAPS. 21 09176 in 90 Gāthās by Devendrasuri. See (11; 12); 37 (1); 46 (13); Pet. III. Vrddhacatuśśaraña. JG. p. 201. A. p. 100; IV. No. 1288 ; V. No 762; TAITEK (Gram. 400 ). VB. 23 (12) Punjab. No. 1720, SA. Nos. 81 ; S34; 2027 ; Samb. No. 184, Surat. 1, 2, 5; (I) in 60 Gāthās (Be :- namiūņa mahāVB. 20 ( 14 ); 21 (3), VC. 8 ( 29 ); vīram). Limdi. No. 1726 ; Pet. III. A. Vel. Nos. 1497 ; 1498, Weber. [I. Nos. p. 128. 1839 ; 1840. (IT) T EHOT by Gotama. Rice. p. 316. (3) Vrtti. Anonymous. Agra. No.178. (III) FAT AK. Nos. 507-512. Bik. No. 1759 ; DC. pp. 13 (Nos. 111; HOEFAT also called Pratikramanagarbha118); 14; KB. 2 (5);3 (6); Punjab. hetu, or Hetugarbha Pratikrama, composNo. 1719, SB. 1 (29-31). ed in Sam. 1506, by Jayacandra, pupil of (4) Trtiyapadasangrahani based on the Somasundarasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. third chapter of the Sūtra and consisting of This work is worngly described as a com. 133 Gáthás composed by Abhayadevasuri on Jayacandra's work by Nayacandra at [ Be:-disigai indiyakāe] AM. 409, Chani. Pet. JII. A. p. 229; cf. Pet. IV. A. p. No. 179, DA. 59 ( 83 ); DB. 35 (141 107. Agra. Nos. 331-334 ; Bhand. IV. 143 ); Hamsa. Nos. 136; 281 ; JB. 143; Nos. 1210; 1211 (dated Sam. 1506); JG. p. 8; Kath. No. 1393; KB. 3 Chani. No. 461; DA. 22 (21); 26 (59), Kiel. II. No. 18; PAPL. 6 ( 49 ); (51-62); 74 (14); DB. 12 (-18-20); COS. 1210., Nos. 331. Pet. Ticandra at Jain Education Intemational Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 259 JB. 86; 87 ; JG. pp. 32 ; 150 ; JHA. 44; Kath. No. 1286; KB. 4 (5); Limdi. Nos. 705 ; 1284 ; PAP. 5 (7); PAPS. 25 (15); 48 (84); 60 (7); Pet. IIL A. p. 229; IV. No. 1291; IV. A. p. 107; V. No. 764; Punjab. Nos. 1744 , 1745 ; SA. Nos. 280 ; 1515; Strass. p. 313 ; Surat. 1, 4, 10; VB. 22 ( 21 ); 24; (1); VC. 10 (2); VD. 9 ( 20 ); Vel No. 1850; Weber. II. No. 1955. FAUFT by Prabhācandra (Gram. 1800). Mud. 238. Tahulagi Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306 ; see Prati kramaņasūtra. gazmutiara composed in Sam. 1525 by Jina harsa, pupil of Jayacandra of the Tapā Gaccha (author of Pratikramanakrama vidhi). See HJL. p. 471. sahur 279 DB. 29 (9). gía Hudagur in 169 Gāthās. JG. p. 126; Pet. I. Nos. 273 ; 306. This is probably the same as Pratikramana-Niryukti. AUTETTAT by Jina valabhagani. DA. 10 ( 40); Limdi. No. 1288. fa F EET This is a portion of the Avasyaka sutra. There are two Pratikramanasūtras, one for the Sādhus, and the other for the Sraddhas or laymen. See under Sraddhapratikramana and Sádhupratikramana Sutras. Bhand. VI. Nos. 992; 1213; Bod. No. 1364; Cal. X. Nos. 15-17, 22; Chani. No. 293; JA. 60 (11); 95 (7); JG. p. 32, JHB. 55; Kath. No. 1106, KN. 37, Kundi. No. 226, Limdi. No. 1691 ; PAP. 39 (18); PAS. Nos. 1; 9, Pet. I. A. pp. 61 ; 82; 92; I. Nos 273; 306; III. No. 615; IV. No. 1293 ; V. A. pp. 54 ; 67 ; VI. No. 597; Punjab. Nos 1724 ; 1731; 1742; 1743; SA. Nos. 11; 777; 1922, 1966 ; 2836; VA. 12 (2); VB. 21 (5); Weber. II. Nos. 1911; 1934. (1) Niryukti in 61 Gāthās by Bhadrabāhu. DA. 26 (9); JA. 60 (11), 95 (7); Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306; III. No. 615; III. A. p. 29. (2) Curņi in Prākrta. Anoymous. Agra. No. 299; Pet. V. A. p. 112 (dated Sam. 1168 ). (3) Curņi by Vijayasimha in Sam. 1183. Bhand. VI. No. 1212; Hamsa. No. 1578. (4) Vrtti by Pārsva in Sam. 821 (Gram. 1060 ). Chani. No. 293 (foll. 31 ). (5) Padavivrtti (Gram. 1550) composed in Sam. 1122, by Namisādbu, pupil of Salibhadra. DC. pp. 18; 24 (No. 217 ); DI. p. 20. (6) Vrtti by Haribhadrasūri. KN. 37. (7) Vrtti by Sirinhadattasuri of the Humba da Gaccha. JG. p. 32; PAS. No. 1. (8) Padaparyāyamañjari by Akalanka. Bt. No. 24. (9) Vrtti by Jinaharşasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha composed in Sam. 1525; JG. p. 32; PAP. 39 (13). (10) Tikā by Ratnasekharasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1213 ; VA. 12 (2); VB. 21 ( 5 ); VD. 10 (1). (11) Vrtti by Tilakasuri, pupil of Sivaprabhasuri. Keith. No. 54; PAS. No. 9; Pet. IV. No. 1293; VI. No. 597; Punjab. No. 1738. (12) Vrtti by Gargarsi. Kundi. No. 226. ( 13 ) Vrtti by Udayarāja (Gram. 3100). VB. 22 (39). (14) Avacūri by Kulaman dana. JG. p. 32. ( 15 ) Bālāvabodha in Sam. 1714 by Sahajakirti. JHA. 55. Jain Education Intemational Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 260 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । for (16) Avacuri. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 300; 301; Bod. No. 1364; Pet. V. No. 765; SA. No. 1966; Weber. II. No. 1934. яia of Kṣamakalyana. JHA. 70. प्रतिज्ञागाङ्गेय is a Dvyāśraya Kavya on the life of Bhisma, illustrating the rules of the Kätantra Grammar. It was composed by Müla. See Patan Cat. I. p. 51. afarwaiyfer by Devasuri. SA. No. 183. प्रतिमा पूजामण्डन KB. 1 ( 68 ). Яiaga Bengal. No. 7447; Kath. No. 1287. प्रतिमाप्रभाण Bengal. No. 1472. प्रतिमाप्रासादगुणदोषविचार DA. 37 (60). DA. 39 (64). प्रतिमाशतक of Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published with the author's own commentary and the commentary of Bhavaprabha in the JAS. Series, No. 42, Bhavnagar, Samh. 1971 and also in the Muktikamala Jain Mohanamālā, Kothipola, Baroda, Sari. 1976. Agra. Nos. 1843-1846; Bhand. VI. No. 1214; BK. Nos. 92; 236; DA. 36 (1; 2; 4-6), 76 (5); Hamsa. Nos. 250; 314; PAP. 27 (54); PAPS. 46 (39); 49 (26); PAZB. 20 (4), Punjab. No. 1748; SA. No. 737; SB. 2 (26; 64). (1) Tika Svopajña. Agra. No. 1844; Bhand. VL No. 1214; BK. No. 92; DA. 36 (1-6), 76 (5), DB. 20 (84; 85); Hamsa. No. 250; PAP. 27 ( 54; dated Sam. 1713); PAPS. 46 (39); 49 (26); PAZB. 20. (4); SB. 2 (26; 64); Surat. 1. fafa This is another name of the Tirthamālāstavana of Municandra. Surat. 1, 5, 8, 9. are by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. JG. p. 105. It is published in the Muktikamala Jainamohanamālā, Baroda. HJL. p. 645. प्रतिमास्थापनाविचार by Kamalaśekharagani. PAPS. 67 (140 dated Sam. 1608). feeft JG. p. 162 (Gram. 2000). wage in about 36 Gathas, composed by Vijayavimala, (known as Vanararsi ), papil of Anandavimala of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published in the 'Prakarana samuccaya, Indore, 1923. Agra. No. 1791; BK. Nos. 1745; 1956, DB. 35 (182, 183); JHB. 27 (2c.), Limdi. Nos. 1288; 1622; PAPL. 6 (40); PAPS. 80 (22); Pet. III. No. 610; Surat. 1. farfar Surat. 2, 5, 7, 9. (1) afagreeq by Akalankadeva. According to JK. Muktyar, this Akalanika who quotes from Ekasandhi's Jaina Samhita (VII. 16, X. 6) and Nemicandra's Pratisthäpätha (I. 3) is different from the author of the Rajavārtika. He is however, mentioned by Somasena in his Trivarnicăra (Sam. 1665); cf. JH. Vol. 13, pp. 123–125. CMB. 203 Lal. 437; Rice. p. 316; SG. No. 1601; SRA. 195. age by Asadhara. See Pratisthāsaro ddhāra. (2) Vitti or Laghu Tika composed in Sarn. 1793, by Bhavaprabha, papil of Mahimaprabba, pupil of Vinayaprabha. BK. No. 236; Punjab. No. 1748; SA. (V) Nos. 1663; 2645. (II) (III) (IV) fagre (Grams 300) by Gunaratnasuri. Pet V. No. 766, VD. 9 (17) age by Sakalacandra Upadhyaya of the Tapa Gaccha. It was composed in Sat. 1660, in the presence of Vijayadanasūri. See HJL. p. 585. AZ. 1 (16); Buh. III. No. 119; Hamsa. No. 683; JG. p. 150; Pet. IV No. 1294; Punjab. Nos. 1751; 1752. fager by Candrasuri, pupil of Dhanesvara, pupil of Silabhadra (Be athataḥ sampravuksyāmi). DA. 38 ( 65 ); Pet. V.A. p. 63 (quotation on p. 64). Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । (VI) farmer by Haribhadrasuri; see HJL p. (VI) fagra Anonymous PR. No. 88. 162. (1) Tiks by Śrutsägara. MHB. 15. (VII) age in Sanskrit by Vidyavijaya. (VII) (f) Bhand. V. No. Punjab No 1750. (VIII) яfagre Anonymous. DA. 38 (65; 69; 70, 71; 99); DB. 22 (87); Hamsa. Nos. 742; 1992; 1678; JG. p. 150, JHA. 73 (2c.); Kath. No. 1288; KB1 (63); KN. 41; Limdi. Nos. 941; 942; 1505, PAP. 25 (36); PAPS. 48 (III) (65); 68 (82; 83); SA. Nos. 633; 634; 1851; 2068. (1) fagfa of Narendrasena. Idar 192, Lal. 178; SG. No. 14. See also Pratisthasärudipaka (II) प्रतिष्ठातिलक of Brahmasuri. See Jinasarihitāsāroddhāra. (IV) fagnar by Hemācārya. Kath. No. 1290 (1)ffaf BO. p. 60; DA. 38 (58-62).(fagfara by Tilakācārya. JG. p. 150. (II) afgreift by Padmavijaya. DB. 22 ( 37;(VI) fagfart by Naresvara. DB. 22 (44), 38). 150. p. JG. (III) affres of Nemicandra. See Nemicandrasamhita and Arhatpratisthāsāra sangraha, प्रतिष्ठादीक्षा कुण्डलिका by Naracandra. Kath. No. 1394. (1) Avacāri. No. 1394. Anonymous. Kath. (1) fagrafa by Padaliptasuri, pupil of Mandanagani. SA. No. 233; See Nirvana kalikā. (II) Anonymous Kath. No. 1289. (1) प्रतिष्ठापाठ by Kumudacandra. Hum. 175; 252; Mud. 114; Padma. 112; SG. No. No. 1758. (II) fagia by Indranandin. Hum. 20; Mud. 671; 804; SG. No. 1691. (IV) (V) fag 261 1085. agrara JG. p. 151, Pet. V. A. p. 52. (1) fagfar by Vardhamanasuri. SA. No. 631. (II) afagra by Gunaratnasari. See Pratisthä kalpa by Candrasuri. 1018. by Hastamallaka vi. SG. No. 1271. by Jayasena, Bhand. VI. No. fagfart by Śricandrasuri. See Pratisthkalpa by Candrasuri. VII) afagifar Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 21412146; Bengal. Nos. 6703; 7499; Hamsa. Nos. 377; 1104, JHA. 73; JHB. 50; Mitra. IX. p. 102; Pet. VI. No. 690, Rice. p. 316; SA. Nos. 565; 631; 2861; 2862. aff Pet. V. No. 767. (1) gagrant of Kumārasena, composed in Sam. 1491. AK. No. 516. (III) fagre by Vasunandin. Kath. No. 1107. (II) gfagic of Phattelala. AD. No. 38. See Pratisthäsärasigra.ha. (II) afagrene of Appayyarya. See Jainendrakalyanabhyudaya. fagraria by Narendrasena. SG. No. 14. See Pratisthätilaka. (I) प्रतिष्ठासारसंग्रह ang composed in six chapters having about 700 Slokas, by Vasunandin. This is mentioned by Asidhara in his Jinayajñakalpa (v. 174). AD. No. 140; Baroda. No. 3021 (3); Bhand. VI. No. 1019; BK. No. 162; CP. p. 670; DB. 22 (42, 43); Kath. No. 1107; MHB. 15, Mysore. III. p. 179; PR. No. 131; SG. No. 25; Vel. No. 1851. प्रतिष्ठासारोद्धार by Asadhara. It is in 6 chapters containing 954 Slokas in all. It is also called Jinayajñakalpa and was composed in Sam. 1285. It mentions Vasunandin's Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। Tre work on the same subject. It is publi- shed by Manohar Shastri Malik, Bombay, Sam. 1974. AD. No. 150; AK. No. 515; Bengal. No. 1476; Bhand. VI. No. 1020; BO. p. 29; Buh. VI. No. 584; Chani. No. 17; CMB. 62 ; CP. p. 644 ; 669; 670; 682, Hum. 1 ; 207; Idar. 19, Idar. A. 49 (2c. ); Lal. 7; 28; 437; MHB. 15 ( 2c. ); Mud. 79; 141 ; 231 ; 317 ; 503, Padma. 16; Pet. VI. No. 662 ; Rice, p. 314 ; SG. Nos. 26 ; 207 ; Tera. 20. (1) Kalpadīpikā Svopājña. This is mentioned in his Prasasti to Dharmāmrta, v. 16. Also see Āsādhara, by Nathurama Premi, p. 14. (2) Tikā by Parasurāma. BO. p. 29; CP. pp. 669; 670. (3) Tippaņa. Anon. AD. No. 150. (4) Vrtti by Subhacandra. This is mentioned in the author's Prasasti to his Pändavapurāņa ; cf. Pet. IV. A. p. 158. Bhand. V. No. 1057. qugqui in Prakrta by Nemicandra. Idar. 84. TITAATIT Pet. V. No. 951. STIER by Haribhadrasuri. VB. 23 ( 18 ) Segregla313 Limdi. Nos. 1559 ; 1560; 1601; 1638 ; 3400. प्रत्याख्यानकल्पाकल्पविचार also called Pravacanasa roddhāraprakarana or Laghupravacanasāroddhāra, by Sricandra, pupil of Hemacandra of the Maladbāri Gaccha. DB. 33 ( 50 ). TRATEGIA in Präkrta. Harisa. No. 411. grita FETIT by Samayasundara. DA. 76 ( 39 ). teenkaaHg Limdi. No. 1446. It is in 7 Găthās. ulegrafertur in 237 Gäthäs by Salibbadrasūri, JG. pp. 34; 151 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 397 (quo. ); Pet. V. A. p. 133 ( quo. ). प्रत्याख्यानविचारणामृत is the same as above. JG. e This is a part of the Avaśyakasūtra. Bengal. No. 7433 ; Bhand. VI. Nog. 1150; 1230; 1269; BO. p. 61; Buh. I. No. 52, VI. No. 746; VIII. No. 390; Cal. X. No. 18; DB. 12 ( 17 ); Flo. Nos. 551 ; 553; JHA. 70; Kap. Nos. 934952; Kath. No. 1273 ; KB. 3 ( 58 ); Limdi. No. 1066; PAP. 75 (38); PAS. No. 262; PAZB. 10 ( 10 ) ; Pet. I. Nos. 273: 306 ; I. A. pp. 53; 62; IV. Nos. 1234 ; 1240; V. Nos. 768 ; 787 ; SB. 1 ( 48 ); VA. 12 ( 28 ; 31 ), VB. 22 (20; 24 ; 25 ); 23 ( 29 ); Vel. No. 1601; Weber. II. Nos. 1916 ; 1917, 1918. (1) Cūrņi (Grem. 400 ). Bhand. V. No. 1189; JG. p. 34. (2) Niryukti in 61 Gāthās by Bhadrabāhu. Buh. II. No. 208 ; JA. 25 (12); 95 ( 7 ); Pet. I. Nos. 273 ; 306; I. A. pp. 53; 62 ; SB. 1 ( 48 ); Surat. 5, 6, 9, VB. 21 ( 23 ; 28 ; 33); 22 (6 ; 37; 45); 23 ( 30 ); 24 (11; 12); VC. 9 ( 20 ). (3) Bhāsya by Devendrasuri in 48 Gathās ; see Bhäsyatraya. AM. 274-276; Bhand. V. No. 1190; VI. No. 1150; 1230 ; 1269; BO. p. 61; Buh. I. No. 52 ; II. No. 217; VIII. No. 390; Cal. X. No. 18; DB. 33 ( 46 ); JG. p. 26 ; JHA. 70; Limdi Nos. 1219 ; 1301 ; Pet. IV. No. 1240; V. Nos. 768 ; 787 ; Punjab. Nos. 1757 to 1765 ; SA. Nos. 697; 1766 ; 2071; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9; VA. 12 (28; 31 ); VD. 9 ( 23 ); Vel. No. 1601 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1916 ; 1917 ; 1918. (4) Bhāsya-Avacuri by Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. 1190; BO. p. 61; Bub. VIII. No. 390; Cal. X. No. 18; Flo. No. 551 ; JHA. 70; Pet. V. No. 787; VA. 12 (18); VB. 24 (19); VD. 9 ( 23 ); Weber. II. Nos. 1917, 1918. p. 34. Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 263 (5) Tikā by Jñānavimala. Bhand. pp. 255; 256 ; Kundi. No. 320; VI. No. 1230. Surat. 5. (6) Padaparyāyamañjari by Aka- integrata by Jinavardhanasuri. See lanka. PAZB. 10 ( 10 ). Pratyekabuddhacaritra No. III. (7) Vrtti by Tilakācārya. Bt. No. (I) = ( Be : karakandu kalingesu ). 24 ( 15 ); Keith. No. 54; PAP. 75 (38); Pet. V. A. p. 135 (palm. ms. dated Sam. Patan Cat. I. p. 126 ( quotation ). 1398). Gāthās 141. (8) Vivarana or Cūrni in Prākrta (II) 7729gafta in Sanskrit, composed in Sam. (Grari. 400 ) by Yasodeva. See Pra 1311, by Lakşmitilaka, pupil of Jinetyākhyānasvarūpa. DC. p. 19; JA. 31 svarasuri, successor of Jinapati. It con(9); KB. 3 ( 58 ); Surat, 5. tains 17 cantos (Be : kāntodärän ati(9) Bhāsya or Curņi. Anon. Bengal śayān). DC. p. 23 (cf. DI. p. 51 ); No. 6805 ; 7287 (Both Bhāsyas ); Bt. Jesal. No. 10. No. 24 (8); Flo. No. 553; Hamsa. (III ) Eats by Jinavardhanasuri. Bhand. No. 935; Limdi. No. 1301, PAS. No. V. No. 1300 (foll. 23 ); VB. 22 (3). 262 Curni ) , Punjab. Nos. 1766; 1767; (IV) graag its (Gram. 6050). In Prakrta SA. No. 1766 ; VB. 22 ( 20 ; 24 ; 25); composed in Sam. 1261 (according to 23 ( 29 ). Bt., ) by Sritilaka, pupil of Sivaprabha (10) Vivarana by Jinaprabhasuri. of the Candra Gaccha. Baroda. No. Hamsa. No. 283 ; JG. p. 154. 2863, Bhand. V. No. 1299; Bt. No. (11) Vārtika. Vel. No. 1601. 304; Buh. VI. No. 747 ; Chani. No. 12; HERTUGIFT Bengal. No. 7248. DB. 29 (22; 23 ); JG. pp. 227 ; 255; TOTEM JG. p. 154. PAP. 30 ( 20 ); 46 (11); Pet. II. No. 293; III A. p. 109; Vel. No. 1752 (1) Tīkā (Gram. 1500 ). JG. p. 154. (quotation ) (I) HOTEra Tajaato by Jinaprabha. Hamsa. (V) gali by Samayasundaragani. Bengal. No. 6688. No. 283 ; JG. p. 154. (II) TESTETITFragator (Gram. 700 ) by Jaya | (VI) Teng a in the Apabhramsa language. Anonymous. It contains 15 Sandbis. candra, pupil of Somasundarasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 34 ; HJL. p. 465. Patan Cat. I. p. 300. (Gram. 214). (Be: iha jiņusāsaņi). StrategiaFTET composed in Sam. 1182, by Yaśo (VII) Fruchaga bhadra or Yasodava, the author of the Anonymous. Bhand. VI. Paksikasūtravrtti (cf. DI. p. 35). It No. 1324 ; DA. 49 (9 to 16; of these 9 and 14 are in Sanskrit ); DB. 29 consists of 360 Gathās. Bt. No. 24 (7); (24); JB. 114; Kath. No. 1395; DA. 23 ( 15 ); 56 (90); DC. p. 19, Kaira. A. 79 ; Pet. I. No. 296 ; II. No. No. 170 ( 2 ; a quotation ); JA. 31 (9); JG. p. 32; Patan Cat. I. p. 88 ( quota 293; Strass. p. 370 ; Surat. 1; Vel. No. tion); Pet. I. A. p. 76. 1751. (1) Vrtti (Grar. 550). Bt. No. Tungga lday See Pratyekabuddhacaritra No. * 24 (8); JG. p. 32. VII. Relaterat JG. 7. 201. TH23395 Pet. V. No. 925. Tu r in Prākrta prose. Anonymous. Buh. (I) Fasfreits in Prākrta (Gram. 300 ); Hamsa. III. No. 164, DA. 49 (10-16); JG. No. 1542; JG. p. 227. Jain Education Intemational Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 stifarra: 1 (II) aflate in Sanskrit, composed in Sar. (XI) grauit by Jinesvarasuri (Grań. 1400 ). 1913; Hamsa. No. 583. VB. 22 (22). (III) qesiaita composed by Kuśalaruci. JHA. (XII) qarafts in 18 cantos, composed in Sam. 56 ( ms. dated Sam. 1564). 1671 by Ratnacandra, pupil of Sānti(I) Traita ( Prākrta ) by Kavi Siddha. List. candra of the Tapā Gaccha, during the (Delhi). spiritual reign of Hemasomasuri. It is (II) qaaf ( Sanskrit ) by Bhogakirti. Idar. published at Bhavanagar. Baroda. No. 120. 2866; BO. pp. 30; 60; 92 ; Chani. No. (III) T afta ( Prākrta ) by Ralhana Kavi. 174; DA. 45 (18; 19; 20); DB. 27 Idar. 120. ( 5; 6); Hamsa. No. 774 ; JG. p. 227; (IV) pasta (Sanskrit ) by Vādicandra. Idar. Punjab. No. 1775 ; SA. No. 181 ; Surat. 53; 54. 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 ; Weber. II. No. 1991. mone 1 910. 337. (XIII) graafta (Gram. 7 200 ) composed in (VI) tauft (in Sanskrit ) by Sakalakarti. Sam. 1645 by Ravisāgara, pupil of RājaList. (S.J.) sāgara of the Tapā Gaccha. This is pub(VII) agraarts by Subhacandra. List. (S. J.) lished by Hiralal Harnsarāja, Jamnagar. Bhand. V. No. 1301 , BK. No. 18; DB. (VIII) T afta by Mallibhūsaņa. List. ( S. J.) 27 (1; 2) Hamsa. No. 494; JG. p. 2273 (IX) qerara (Sanskrit). It is in 14 cantos com PAP. 32 (12); PRA. No. 1071 ; SA. posed by Mahāsenācārya, pupil of Cāru No. 181. kirti. It is published in the MDG. Series, (XIV) quraits in the Apabhrarsa language No. 8, Bombay, 1917. Mahāsena was the by Raidhū Pandit. Tera. 60. Guru of one Pappata at the court of King Sindhurāja, father of King Bhojadeva ; cf. (XV) has composed in Sam. 1671, by JH. Vol. 13. p. 369. CP. p. 670; (cf. CPI. Ratnasimha of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. p. 34); Hebru. 55; Idar. 120 ( 2c.); 227 ; Pet. V. A. p. 163; this is howJG. p. 228; Kath. No. 1195 ; Lal. 201; ever Pradyumnacaritra by Ratnacandra, 278 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 82 ; Mud. 17; 418; and not by Ratnasimha. See No. XII 672; Rice. p. 302. above. (X) ago (Gram. 4850 ) in 16 cantos, com- (XVI) ay its of Yasodhara. Madras. XX. posed in Sam. 1530, by Somakīrti, pupil No. 7939. of Bhimasena (cf. CP. pp. 37). It is (XVII) Fagita Composed in Sarn. 1630 by in two recensions ; the short one is in 14 Samayasundara. Punjab. No. 1773. Sargas (Gran. 4850), the long one in 16 Sargas (Gramn. about 6000); cf. (XVIII) grafis Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1479Strass. p. 307. AD. Nos. 8; 9; 147 ; 1481, Idar. A. 24; JG. p. 227 ; KB. 3 167 ; Bengal. Nos. 1464 , 6629 ; 6673; ( 19 ); PAPL. 1(8); SG. No. 2546 ; Bhand. V. No. 1115; CMB. 126 ; CP. Patan Cat. I. p. 136; Surat. 1, 2. p. 670 : DB. 27 (3; 4), Hamsa. No. gua from Kumārapālapratibodha ; cf. Gunes 954; Idar. A. 58; JG. p. 227 ; Kath. Annals, BORI. Vol. II. p. 1-21. Nos. 1396 ; 1397 ; Lal. 222; Mitra. VIII. p. 243 ; Pet. III. No. 535 ; V. No. प्रबन्धकथा Surat. 5. 958; Punjab. No. 1774 ; Tera. 61 ; 62; |(I) qa 1T of Rājasekhara. See Caturvirsa63; VD. 9 ( 25 ). tiprabandha. Punjab. No. 1777. Jain Education Intemational Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः 265 (II) 99$at by Candrasekhara. Buh. II. No. Fue Surat. 1, 3. 363 (This is really Rājasekhara's Catur Tareas by Räma Kavi, who and his work are vimsatiprabandha ). JG. p. 215. mentioned by Mäņikyacandra in his (III) Tariat of Jayasekhara. A copy of this Sāntināthacaritra. Patan Cat. I. p. 204, book was seen by Sir Dr. Bhandarkar at v. 17. Māņikyacandra composed Pārsvathe Dela Upashraya of Ahmedabad ; cf. năthacarita in Sam. 1276. Bhand. IV. Intro. p. 17. Is it the | प्रबन्धावलि Consisting of many different stories comPrabodhacintamani ? posed by Jinabhadra, pupil of Udayapraप्रबन्धचतुर्विशति See Caturvilinsatiprabandha. bhasuri in Sam. 1290 for the sake of (I) THEATRIO composed in Sam. 1361, by Vastupāla's son. Compare Sadhana SamaMerutunga, pupil of Candraprabha of the grī, p. 22. Nagendra Gaccha; cf. Vel. No. 1753. qarorgairaht of Rājasekhara. See CaturvitsaIt is published with Gujrati translation tipra bandha. Hamsa. No. 1361 ; Jesal. by Ramachandra Dinanath, Bombay, No. 1108. 1888. It's English translation by C. R. प्रबुद्धरौहिणेयम् a drama in 6 Acts composed by Tawney is published in the Bibliotheca Rāmabhadra, pupil of Jayaprabbasūri, a Indica Series, Calcutta, 1899-1901. It descendent of Vādidevasuri. It is published is recently critically edited by Muni Jina in the JAS. Series, No. 50, Bhavnagar, vijaya in the Singhi Jaina Series, Santi 1917. Also cf. Hultzsch, ZDMG., Vol. 75, niketana, Bengal, 1933, and also by p. 66. It treats of the story of a robber Durga Shankar Kevalram Shastri, in the called Rauhiņeya, for which see HJL. P. Forbus Gujrati Sabha Series, Bombay, 325. Agra. No. 2991; BK. No. 119; 1932. Baroda. No. 2868; Buh. IV. Chani. No. 454 ; JG. p. 337; PAPR. 9 No. 249, DA. 51 ( 35 ); DB. 30 ( 34); (17); PAZB. 14 ( 20 ); SA. No. 339. JG. p. 216, Limdi. No. 1181 ; PAP. Tala Agra. No. 959; KB. 1 ( 20 ); 3 60 (8); PAPS. 66 (122); Pet. III. No. 617 ; VB. 22 ( 40 ); Vel. No. 1753. (65). (II) yarafaíor by Guņacandrasūri. PAPS. (I) प्रबोधचन्द्रोदयनाटक by Dharmasena. CP. p. 670. 67 ( 67 ; ms. dated Sam. 1520). (II) qiym a tea by Ratnasekhara, pupil of qar95seems to be only a part of some work. Munisundarasuri, of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 216. PAS. No. 59. TFT composed in Sam. 1517, by Ratna (1) Vrtti by Ratnasekhara. JG. p. mandiragani, pupil of Nandiratna of the 337. Tapā Gaccha. The other name of the raiuferatafor composed in Sarn. 1462, by Jayawork is Bhojaprabandha, since it contains sekharasuri, pupil of Mahendraprabha of a traditional account of King Bhoja of the Ancala Gaccha. It consists of 7 Dhara. It is written in Sanskrit prose chapters with a total of about 2000 and is published by Pandit Bhagvandas, Sanskrit verses. It is published by the Ahmedabad, Sam. 1978. Buh. VI. No. JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1965. Agra. No. 723 ; JG. p. 216 ; PRA. No. 896 ; Nos. 961; 962, Baroda. No.2867, Bengal. Vel. No. 1754. Nos. 6669, 7495 ; Bik. No. 1717 ; BK, YAYENE Agra. No. 1805. No. 239; Buh. IV. No. 173 ; Chani. No. gauert of Rāma. See Prabandhābdhi. 464 ; DB. 19 (11); JG. p. 185; PAP. J.......34 Jain Education Intemational Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 266 stiftamentet: 1 79 ( 71 ); PAPR. 15 (38); PAPS. 43 TH9aft also called Purvarsicaritra, composed (2); PAZB. 21 (19); 27 (6); Pet. in Sam. 1334, by Prabhācandra, pupil of V. No. 770; VI. No. 599; PRA. No. Candraprabha of the Candra Gaccha. He 278; Surat. 6; VA. 12 ( 33 ; 34 ); VB. was assisted in this work by Pradyumna23 (5). suri, pupil of Kanaka prabba. It is qarato Bengal. Nos. 7242; 7690. published by the N. S. Press, Bombay, Fatetel by Yasaḥkirti. It is in three chapters 1909. Baroda. No. 2870; BK. No. 1930; containing respectively 90, 240 and 99 Buh. VIII. No. 411 ; DB. 29 (5; 6); Sanskrit Slokas. The peculiarity of the Jesal. No. 1190; JG. P. 216 ; PAP. 42 work which contains moral and religious ( 43 ); 65 (6); PAPS. 71 (15); 77 advice, is that it does not contain any (3); SA. No. 272, Surat. 1, 5; VA. letter from 37 to or of the Devanāgari 11 (3); Vel. No. 1755. alphabet. It is published by R. S. Doshi, Th e JG. p. 284. Sholapur, 1928. JG. p. 112 ; Pet. III. (1) Vrtti called Mantramahābhāsya No. 536 ; SG. No. 1497; Tera. (Gram. 700 ). JG. p. 284. 20; 21. प्रभावतीकथा JG p. 256. qarugate by Jinapati (author of a com- | Hale Pet. VI. No. 600. mentary on Pancalingi ), successor of Jinacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. (I) qaraditafta by Nayasundara. (This is in old The work is a refutation of Pradyumna's Gujrati ). DB. 43 (75); Limdi. No. Vādasthala (s. v.); cf DI. p. 28. 2282; PAP. 63 ( 24). Agra. No. 958; Bengal. No. 6827; (11) Taarts in Sanskrit (Gram. 2 1. No. 6827: (II) Tradiata in Sanskrit (Gram. 2000). Jesal. BK, No. 1801 ; DC. p. 60, No. 2; No. 1346 (palm ms.); JG. p. 228. Hamsa. No. 1032; PRA. No. 312, SA. I garaaigera in Prākrta (Gram. 199). PAP. 75 No. 494. (11). (1) 995 DITE of Mangarasa. Mud. 400. SATU also called Vicārakalikā, is a commen. (II) H afta of Yasodhana. Mud. 698. tary on a Vārtika on Siddhasena Diva(III) q Ita Anonymous. Bhand. VI. No. kara's Nyāyāvatāra ; see Jainatarka1048 (ms. dated Sam. 1589); KO. 42; värtikavrtti and Nyāyāvatāra. It was Mud. 386. composed (Gram. 2873 ) by Säntyācārya, s a consists of 13 Sanskrit stanzas by Candra pupil of Vardhamāna. Bt. No. 359; prabhasüri. Published by Sarabhai Navab Chani No. 314, JG. p. 92; PAZB. 11 in his Jainastotrasamdoha, I. p. 42, ( 23 ); PRA. No. 383. Ahmedabad, 1932. JA. 106 (13). CATEUZE Siat by Ratnasimha. Hamsa. No. प्रभातसामयिकविधि Bengal. No. 7320. 1651; see Paramāņukhaņdadvātrirsikā. THEAT in 33 Gäthās by Devasuri. JG. TATU 9 by Gunaratnasüri ; cf. Pramāṇanayap. 205. tattvarahasya. Bhand. IV. No. 1387; THATEX (feala) by Municandra. Limdi. JG. p. 76. No. 955. प्रमाणतःस्तव in Sanskrit composed by Yasoqa#composed in Sam. by 1504, by Subha vardhanasuri of the Devānanda Gaccha. sila, pupil of Munisundara of the Tapä Jesal. No. 17 (palm ms. dated Sam. Gaccha. PRA, No. 543. 1194, foll. 97; Gram. 1200 ). Jain Education Intemational Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 267 प्रमाणतश्वपरीक्षा Surat. 1. Hurant of Prabhācandra. JG. p. 92. THUTTUATOR FI by Gunaratnasuri ; it is based on Syādvādaratnākara and Prameyaratnamālā. It is published in the Srutajñānaamidhārā, p. 25, at Bombay, 1936. BK. No. 1829. प्रमाणनयतत्त्वालोकालकार is a work on Jain Logic in eight chapters. The author is the famous Vādidevasuri, who defeated the Digambara Kumudacandra at the court of King Jayasimha of Gujarat in Sam. 1181. It is published with Syādvādaratnākara in four parts by Motichand Ladhaji, Poona, Vir. Samvat 2453-2457. It is published also in the YJG. Series, Benares, Vir. Saṁ. 2431-2437, with Ratnākarāvatārikā and its two commentaries. Agra. Nos. 2500-2503 ; Baroda. Nos. 2212; 2905; 2906; 13153 (a); Bhand. VI. Nos. 1388; 1389, BK. Nos. 36 ; 121 , BO. p. 14; Bt. No. 363 ; Buh. IV. No. 174; Chani. No. 820, CMB. 142; 162; DA. 66 ( 57; 63; 70 ); DB. 39 (9; 10; 13; 14, 59 ); Hamsa. Nos. 199; 573; 1116; Hultzsch. III. No. 1772; JB. 111 ; 135; Jesal. Nos. 529 ; 833 ; 1114 ; 1312 ; 1498; Kaira. A. 24 ; 50; Kaira. B. 10; 12, KB. 3 ( 32 ); Kiel. I No. 81; II. No. 49; Limdi. Nos. 584 ; 660 ; 888, PAP. 23 (6); PAPR. 8 (11); PAPS. 71 (11); PAS. Nos. 185, 187 ; PAZB. 6 ( 17 ); 11 (3; 20, 21; 22); Pet. I. No. 362; V. No. 772; SA. Nos. 466 ; 767 ; 1741 ; SB. 2 ( 148, 149 ); Surat. 1, 9; VA. 12 ( 7 ); 14 ( 44 ); VB. 19 ( 21 ); 30 ( 4 ); VC. 12 ( 27 ); Vel. Nos. 16321636. (1) Syādvādaratnākara Svopajfia (Gram. 13000 ). Agra. No. 2560; Baroda. No, 13153 (A); Bhand. VI. No, 1430, BK, No. 15; Bt. No. 364 ; Jesal. No. 1312 (palm); JG. p. 79; JHA. 60; KB. 9 (7); Kiel. I. No. 81; PAS. No. 185; PAZB. 11 ( 20 ), SA. Nos. 643 ; 1814; Surat. 1, 6. (2) Ratnākarāvatārikā by Ratnaprabha, pupil of Devācārya. Agra. Nos. 2504; 2516-2519; Baroda. Nos. 2212; 2905 ; 2906 ; Bhand. V. No. 1253 ; VI. No. 1390; BK. Nos. 36; 121; BO. p. 60, Buh. IV. No. 180, Chani. No. 820; CMB. 142; DA. 66 (57; 63); DB. 39 (13-17); DC. p. 18 (ms. dated Sam. 1225 ); Hamsa. Nos. 41 ; 833; JB. 111 ; 135; Jesal. Nos. 529 ; 833; 1114; 1498; JG. p. 78; JHA. 60 (2c.); Kaira. A. 24; 50 ; Kiel. III. No. 189, Kundi. No. 173; Lal. 165; 343 ; Limdi. Nos. 685, 1184, PAP. 23 (6); PAPR. 8 (11), PAPS. No. 71 (11); PAS. No. 187 ; PAZB. 6 ( 17 ); 11 (3; 21; 22 ), Pet. I. No. 361; V. No. 812 ; SA. Nos. 329 ; 1596 ; 2507, Samb. No. 377, SB. 2 (148; 149); Surat. 1, 9; VA. 14 (44); VB. 29 ( 21 ); VC. 12 (27), Vel. Nos. 1633; 1634 ; 1635. (3) Ratnākarāvatārikă-Ţikā composed by Rājasekhara, pupil of Sritilaka of the Maladhāri Gaccha. BK. Nos. 36; 121 , DB. 39 (5; 16; 17); JG. p. 78; JHA. 60; Kath. No. 1340 ; PAZB. 11 (22), PRA. No. 1233 (No. 16); SA. Nos. 329; 457 ; VC. 12 (27), Vel. No. 1634. (4) Ratnākarāvatārikā- Țippana by Jnānacandra, pupil of Gunacandra of the Pūrņimā Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2905; DB. 39 (15); Hamsa. Nos. 1381 ; 1743; Jesal. No. 529; JG. p. 78., Kaira. A. 50, Limdi. No. 1184 ; PAP. 23 (6); PAPR. 8 (11); PAZB. 11 ( 21 ); SA. No. 457 , Samb. No. 236, VB. 30 ( 4 ); Vel. No. 1635. Jain Education Intemational Jain Education Intermational Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (5) Avacūri. Anonymous. Hamsa. No. 1196 ; 1197 ; MHB. 46; Pet. I. No. 199 ; KB. 3 ( 32); Kiel. I. No. 81 ; SA. 291 ; V. No. 959; SA. Nos. 567 , 913 ; No. 1741 ; SB. 2 (149) ; Vel. No. 1636. SG. No. 1373. (I) Thurauis of Vādirājasūri. It is published in (1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 2000 ). the MDG. Series, No. 10, Bombay, Sam. JG. p. 91. 1974. Idar. 141 (2 copies ). (2) Vrtti by Sāntisūri. JG. p. 92. ( II ) Thufaure of Vidyānandin. Hebru. 78; This is probably the same as PramāņaHum, 97; JG. p. 92, KO. 142; Mud. kalikā. 84; 563. SHUTTEUTU JG. p. 76. See Pramāņaprạmeya (1) Tīkā. Mud. 84. No. III. (III ) Thrautu Anonymous. SG. No. 1516. (I) A t by Sarvadevasūri who was a Hindu (I) qui il of Vādisimha. JG. p. 92. writer. Buh. VI. Nos. 395; 418; 419; (II) TATUT of Virasena. JG. p. 92. CC. L p. 354 ; II. p. 79; DB. 39 (39; TATOGET in Sanskrit prose, by Vidyānandin. It is 40 ); Kiel. II. No. 385 ; Limdi. No. 659; Mysore. III. p. 128; Pet. III. A. published in the Sanātana Jain Grantha p. 265; SA Nos. 77 ; 96; 257; VC. 9 mālā No. 10, Benares, 1914. AK. ( 16 ) No. 521; Bhand. VI. No. 1060; CMB. 15; 118 ; CP. p. 671 ; Hum. 2; (1) Tippana by Advayāranya. Buh. 51 ; Idar. 142 ( 8 copies ); KO. 142; VI. Nos. 418 ; 419; SA. No. 257. Limdi. No. 12; Pet. IV. No. 1457 ; SG. (2) Tikā by Balabhadra. SA. No. 96. No. 1260. (3) Särapradesini Avacūri. Pet. III. (I) TAUSTATT of Padmasagara, pupil of Dharma A. p. 265. sāgara of the Tapā Gaccha. HJL. p. 587. (4) Tikā Anon. VD. 9 ( 16 ). (1) Svopajña Vrtti. HJL. p. 587. (II) YAN137 on Logic (metrical) of Deva (II) FAT by Devabhadrasuri. Agra. Nos. bhadra, pupil of Ajitasirba of the Candra 2505 ; 2506 ; SA. No. 77; Surat. 1, Gaccha. This is mentioned by Siddha 5, 6. sena in his com. on Pravacanasāroddbāra (1) Tīkā. Surat. 1, 5, 6. and by Devabhadra himself in his Sre. (I) TAUHTATET by Hemacandra. Published with yamsacaritra ; cf. Vel. Nos. 1640–41. commentary by Motichand Ladhaji, Also see Patan Cat. I. p. 246. Poona, Vira Sam. 2452. Baroda. No. (I) TATUTTO of Bbävasena. Hum. 2. See Nyāya 13171; Bhand. V. No. 1356 ; Bt. No. dipika. 367; Chani. No. 394 ; DB. 39 ( 34); (II) THUYÊT of Subhacandra. SG. No. 1519 DC. p. 9 (cf. DI. p. 26); JG. p. 76; ( foll. 36). Kundi. No. 168 ; PAPR. 18 ( 51 ); Pet. V. A. p. 147; SA. No. 356; Tera. 41; (III) TATOTO Anonymous. JG. p. 76 ; Kundi. Surat. 1 (2 copies ). Nos. 165; 224. (1) Tikā Svopajña. Bhand. y. No. qala by Narendrasena. Baroda. No. 1356 ; Bt. No. 367; DB. 39 ( 34); DC. 715; BK. Nos. 368 ; 1234 ; BO. p. 31 ; CMB. 120 ; Hamsa. No. 922; Hum. 2; p. 9; JG. p. 76 ; Pet. V. A. p. 147. Idar. 141 (2 copies ; one dated Sarn. (II) TATHTHIET by Vidyānanda. JG. p. 92. 1586); JG. pp. 91 ; 92, Kath. Nos. 'HUEHU by Akalanka. AK. No. 522 ; Chani. Jain Education Intemational Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 269 77 anthi Vyakar. JG. P. P No. 120; Mysore. II. p. 283; Surat 1 TAITETU of Yasovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. ( 443). See HJL. pp. 635 ; 645. TATUISEASEO by Malu Mehetā. Kundi. No. 117. I TATOUT consists of 405 Sanskrit Kārikās and THIET52 by Buddhisāgara. See Pramālakṣya their commentary, both intended to laksaņa. explain the first śloka of the Nyāyāvatāra Tamaratef composed in Sam. 1758 by Yasasvat of Siddhasena Divākara. Both composed sãgara, pupil of Yasahsāgara. PRA. by Jineśvara, spiritual brother of BuddhiNo. 233. sāgara. Compare JH. Vol. 13, p. 417ff. प्रमाणवार्तिक see Jainatarkavartika. It is published by the Tattvavivcea ka gatun@IA (Gram. 2000) by Dharmabhūşaņa. Sabbā, Ahmedabad. See HJL. p. 208. JG. p. 92. II TASO DC. p. 17 (ms. dated Sam. 1201). faturay?utan Kath. No. 1352. This is probably the same as the last one. (I) TATUTÉSE of Akalanka. It contains 87 Kärikäs THIGETETT (Gram. 3308 ) composed by Budand is published in the Singhi Jaina dhisāgara, pupil of Jinadattasuri of the Granthamālā, Ahmedabad 1939, to Vāyada Gaccba. according to the note in gether with the Bhāsya. PAPR. and Jesal. Lists, which also says (1) Svopajnabhāsya, mentioned in that the work is on Grammar and conAnantavirya's com. on Siddhiviniscaya, sists of text in Prākrta and commentary cf. Anekānta, L p. 136. in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 1387; Jesal. No. (2) Ţikā by Anantavirya. cf. ibid, pp. 6 (palm ms. dated Saṁ. 1201 ); JG. P. 136 ; 256. 77; PAPR. 18 (24). But see Panca(II) TATOTELE (Graṁ. 712). Baroda. No. 7476 ; Bt. No. 371 ; JG. p. 77; Patan Cat. I. Tragię by Prabhādeva. JG. p. 92. p. 4. Surat. 1. 10ml in five Stabakas, by śāntivarnin or TATUTAIT (Grar. 300 ) by Harsamuni. JG. p. Säntisena. This is a commentary on the 82 ; Limdi. No, 54. 1st Sutra of the Pariksāmukha. See Strass. FATUIESIT (37aqauz ) by Padmasundara, pupil of p. 307. Mysore. I. p. 97 ; II. p. 283; SG. Padmameru of the Tapă Geccha, com No. 2103; SRA. 86. posed in Sarn. 1732. Agra. Nos. 2508- TÀUFH H us by Prabhācandra. See under Pari2509 ; BK. Nos. 72; 276 ; Hamsa. No. ksāmukha, of which this is a commentary. 188; JG. p. 77 ; PAP. 71 ( 33 ); PRA. Baroda. No. 2871; Bhand VI. No. 1061; No. 1063, VA. 12 (35); VB.24 (9, 17). Buh. VI. Nos. 638; 836; CP. p. 671, TATU f er in Sanskrit by Yasodeva. Hamsa. Mitra. VII. p. 186 ; Mysore. II. p. 286 , No. 38 ( foll. 26 ); see next PAS. No. 52 ; Rice. p. 306. TAITHTa is an examination of the logical con- The T DA. 36 ( 50 ). ceptions of the Buddhists and the Mimām- FUTAI (Gram. 1680 ) by Candraprabha who sakas by Devabhadra and Yagodeva '. started the Pūrņimā Gaccha in Sam.1149. Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 43. A ms. dated It is in Sanskrit prose and is edited by L. Sam.1194 exists at the Jesalmir Bhandar. Suali in the JDPS. Series, Bhavnagar, TATUT: Faa ( Grari. 1200 ) by Yasodeva. JG. 1912. Agra. No. 2818; BK. No. 683; p. 82 ; same as above. Bt. No. 372, DB. 39 (37); Hamsa. qaragena in 33 Gāthās. Hamsa. No. 1618; No. 226; JG. p. 77; PAP. 79 (77), JG, p. 201. PAPR. 13 (5); .PAZB. 11 (15); SA. HIEF4174ACU JG. p. 201. No. 240, Vel. Nos. 1637; 1638. antivarnim the Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 270 श्रीबिनरनकोशः। TATAASTAT is the name of śānticandra's com- | (1); 23 (75; 77 ); PAPR. 3 (12); mentary on Jambūdvipaprajňapti Sūtra. PAPS. 71 (20), SA. No. 363; SB. 2 AU TOT by Laghu Anantācārya. Rice. pp.306; (58); VA. 14 (38); VB. 22 ( 43 ); 310. This is probably the author's com VD. 10 (5); Weber. II, No. 1976. mentary on the Pariksāmukha Sūtra. (II) T a ie by Padmanabha (Gram. 55000). #AFTRISTEET by Abhinava Cărukirti. This is VA. 12 (6). a commentary on Pariksämukha (s. v.). (III) qazatitan by Jinendracandra. SRA. 86. Mysore. I. p. 97; II. p. 283 ; SG. No. (IV) quanta by Dharmabūşaņa. SG. No. 1480. 1609 (foll. 88). TÀUTHAT of Sāntişeņa. AK. No. 523. See Prame (v) qaxaqat by Nemicandra. SRA. 139. yakanthikā. (VI) qazanten by Mallisena. Mud. 110. TÄVarat on logic by Aśādhara. This work is Tauagaat by Akalanka. Mud. 250; 638; SG. mentioued in the author's Pratisthāsārod No. 1521. dhāra or Jinayajñakalpa ; cf. SGR. II. TTT TTTU JG. p. 185. p. 68. yalarait in Sanskrit composed by Nayagaraia in Prākra. A Gātha is quoted from it kuñjara Upadhyāya, pupil of Jinarājain Vāmadeva's Bhāvasaṁgraha. See süri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. JH. Vol. 14, p. 18. VI. No. 1215, Chani. No. 83 ; JG. p. (I) Tawa (Gram. 17882) also called Kupaksa 130; PAPS. 61 (13); PAZB. 20 (17); kausika-sahasrakiraņa, in eleven chapters, PRA. No. 357. composed in Sam.1629 by Dharmasagara Taaahan (foll. 12 only). KB. 2 ( 16 ). gani, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. The work is an examination of Tage te also called Navapadaprakarana, in 250 the tenets of the ten sects of the Jainas, Gāthās (Be : namiūņa vaddhamāņam which according to the author are hete vavagayamäņam). BO. p. 31; Bt. No. rodox; cf. Bhand. IV. p. 144ff. See also 90 ; DA. 37 ( 41 ); JA. 31 (6); JG. p. Weber, Procceedings of the Royal Aca 127, PAS. Nos. 174; 375; Patan Cat. I. demy of Sciences, Philo and His. Secs., pp. 5; 23 ; 45; 58; 69; 106 ; 176 ; Wien, 1882, pp. 793-914. AM. 412; 295; 298; 304; 365; 411 (dated Baroda. No. 2872; Bhand. IV. No. 278; Sam. 1332 ); Pet. I. A. p. 71; V. A. Buh. II. Nos. 186; 219; DB. 20 (1; 2); p. 150; SA. No. 522. Hamsa. Nos. 765; 952; 963; JG. p. (1) Vitti. Bt. No. 91 ; JG. p. 127. 159, Kaira. A. 37 ; Kiel. II, No. 386; T aart of Kundakundācārya ; cf. Bhand. IV. p. Limdi. No. 1226; PAP. 13 (1); 23 91ff. It consists of three chapters on the (75; 77); PAPR. 3 (12); PAPS. 71 Jñāna, Jõeya and Caritra Tattvas having ( 20 ), Pet. I, No. 293; SA, No. 363 ; respectively 92, 108 and 75 Prāksta SB. 2 ( 58 ); SG. No. 1609; Surat. 3; Gatbās. It is published in the RJS. VA. 14 (38); VB. 22 ( 43 ); VD. 10 Series with the Tattvapradipikā of Amrta(5); Weber. II. No. 1976. candra and Tātparya Vrtti of Jayasena, (1) Tikā Svopajña. AM. 412; as also the Hindi commentary of Pāņde Baroda. No. 2872 ; Bhand. IV. No. 278; Hemarāja, Bombay, Sam. 1969; second DB. 20 (1; 2); Kaira. A. 37; Kiel. II. edition with a very useful exhaustive inNo. 386; Limdi. No. 1226; PAP. 13 troduction, and a literal English trans. Jain Education Intemational Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मन्यविभागः प्रथमः । lation by Prof. Dr. A. N. Upadhye of Kolhapur 1935. AD. No. 152; Agra. Nos. 835; 836; Bengal. No. 6622; Bhand. IV. No. 304; VI. No. 1021, Buh. VI. No. 639, CMB. 21, CP. p. 671; DB. 14 (6); DLB. 19, Idar. A. 50; Kaira. A. 99; Mitra. X. p. 17; Mud. 561; 718; Pet. IV. No. 1458; V. No. 960, SG. Nos. 115; 534; Strass. p. 307. (1) Tattvapradipika by Amṛtacandrasüri. Compare Upadhye, Pravacanasāra, (Bombay 1935), Intro. pp. XCVII ff. AD. No. 152; Bhand. IV. No. 301, V. No. 1063, CMB. 21, DA. 29 (21); DB. 14 (6); Idar. (25 dated Sari. 1571); MHB. 35, Mud. 718; Pet. IV. No. 1458, V. No. 960; SG. No. 534; Tera. 29; 30; 50, 51, 52, 53. (2) Vetti by Vardhamana, Bhand. V. No. 1204. (3) Tiks by Mallisena. CP. p. 671. But cf. Upadhye, Pravacanasära, Intro. p. CIX. (4) Tika by Balacandra; cf. Upadhye, Pravacanasira, Intro. p. CIV. CP. p. 672; Mud. 561. (5) Tiks by Prabhscandra. See Upadhye, Pravacanasära, Index, p. 42. MHB. 45, SG. No. 1370. (6) Balavabodha composed in Sat. 1651, by Padmamandiragani. Mitra. X. p. 17. (7) Hindi Tikā composed in Sam. 1709 by Pände Hemacaja. Bhand. IV. No. 304; Bengal. No. 6622. (8) Vṛtti. Anon. Agra. No. 836; Bengal. No. 1503; Idar. A. 50, Kaira. A. 99; Kath. No. 1198; SG. No. 1370. (9) Tiks by Jayasena, pupil of Ku maranandin. See however, Upadhye, Pravacanasara, Intro. pp. CI to CIV. ( 1 ) gazzangs in 203 Sanskrit stanzas, composed by Haribhadrasuri. This is a portion from the author's Darśanasuddhi. 271 JG. p. 135, Punjab. No. 1785, SA. No. 1681; Weber. II. No. 1935. (II) gang of Balacandra. Mud. 561. This is really the author's commentary on Kundakunda's Pravacanasara (s. v.). of Nemicandra, pupil of Amradeva, pupil of Jinabhadra. It is a detailed exposition of Jain Philosophy in 1599 Gathas. It is published with the commentary of Siddhasena, by Hiralal Hamsaraja, Jamnagar, 1914 and also in the DLP. Series, Nos. 58 and 64, Bombay, 1922. This author is different from his namesake, who was called Devendragani before his Diksi and who composed his Uttaradhyayana-Vṛtti in Sam. 1129. See Vel. No. 1639. Our Nemicandra quotes Avasyakacurņi in v. 235 and mentions a Candrasuri in v. 308 and v. 470. Agra. Nos. 837-847; AM. 220; AZ. 2 (19), Bengal. No. 7456; BK. Nos 354; 391; B. No. 71; Buh. II. Nos. 220, 221, VI. Nos. 640; 641; DA. 28 (4-7); 29 (1-19; 21); DB. 14 (3-5; 7, 8); DC. p. 32 (No. 250); 38 (No. 302); Hamsa. Nos. 212; 1170; JB. 118, Jesal. Nos. 36; 85; 98;124; 1688; JG. p. 127; JHA. 37 (Be.), JHB. 24 (4c.); Kaira. A. 11; KB. 3 (17), Kundi. Nos. 327, 388, Limdi. Nos. 621; 785; 927; 945, 1087, MHB. 32, Mitr. VIII p. 178, X. p. 18; PAP. 11(16); 13 (3-14); PAPL. 3 (3; 23; 26); 5 (38); PAPS. 60 (18-20); 74 (3); 62 (13); PAS. Nos. 16, 48, 297; PAZB. 4 (6; 7); 19 (15; 16); Pet. I. No. 292; I. A. pp. 25; 88; JL No. 294; IV. Nos. 1296, 1297; SA. Nos. 105; 276; 2646; 2697; 2856; Samb. No. 429, Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, VB. 21 (4; 6), 22 (42; 43), 23 (8 copies); VD. 9 (22); Vel. Nos. 16391642, Weber. II. Nos. 1936-1939. (1) Tika (Gram. 16500; Be: sannaddhairapi yat) composed in Saria.1242 Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 272 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। by Siddhasena, pupil of Devabhadra of TETIETYTU () by Sricandra, pupil of the Candra Gaccha. See Vel. Nos. 1640 Hemacandra of the Maladhari Gaccha. -1641. In this commentary, the author JG. p. 127. See Pratyākhyānakalpapientions Padmaprabhacaritra as his own vicara. work, (on pp. 187, 440, 442) along Tagalegra ET DB. 42 ( 4). with other works. See HJL. p. 338. argfaragrafe (Gram. 5000 ) by Devasūri. VA. Bhand. V. Nos. 1205 ; 1206 ; BR. No. 12 (3); foll. 70. 354; Bt. No. 71 (1); Buh. II. No. 221, 495915 in 34 Gāthās (Be : samsāravişamasaDA 28 ( 4-7); 29 (1-6); DB. 14 ( 3; yara ). This is the Pravrajyāvidhana 4); DC. pp. 34; 40; Jesal. No. 85; JG. (s. v.) of Paramānanda. Bengal. No. p. 127, JHA. 37; JHB. 24 (2c.); Kaira. 6979; Bik. No. 1509 ; Flo. No. 614; A. 11; Kiel. II. No. 387 ; III. No. 9; JHA. 33; JHB. 27 , Punjab. No. 1788; Kundi. No. 327; Limdi. Nos. 698; Surat. 1. 785; 3413; Mitra. VIII. p. 178; PAP. |(1) aura gra in 34 Gāthās, also called Pravra 13 (9, 10; 13; 14); PAPS. 74 (3), jyäkulaka, by Paramānandasuri, pupil of PAS. Nos. 48; 297 ; PAZB. 4 (6; 7); Abhayadevasuri, pupil of Bhadreśvarasūri. Pet. I. A. pp. 25; 88; Punjab. No. 1787; See JG. p. 81, foot-note C. It is publiSA. No. 276; VC 9 (22); Vel. Nos shed in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No 1640; 1641; Weber. II. Nos. 1938;1939. 49, Bombay, 1927. Bengal. No. 6979; (2) Vişamapadavyākhyā (Gram Bhand. V. No. 1207; Bik. No. 1509 ; 3203 ) by Udayaprabha, pupil of Ravi Bt. Nos. 207 ; 208 ; Buh. IIL No. 107 ; prabha, pupil of Yaśobhadra, pupil of DB. 35 (152); Flo. No. 614; Hamsa. Dharmaghosa. Agra. No. 845 ; Bengal. Nos. 451; 1452; JA. 96 (5); 105 ( 4 ); No. 7456; BK. No. 391 ; Bt. No. 71 106 (4); JG. p. 185, JHA. 64 ; KN. (2); Bub. II. No. 237 ; DA. 29 ( 18 ); 15 ; Limdi. No. 61 ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 25; DB. 14 (5; 7); JA. 56 (1); JB. 118; 33 ; 68; 70; 110; 161; 278; 296 , JG. p. 127 ; PAPL. 3 (3); 5 ( 33 ); 372, 374 ; 410; Pet. I. A. pp. 91; 100; PAZB. 19 (15); Pet. III. A. pp. 126 ; III. A. pp. 10; 28; V.A.pp. 54, 63; VB. 262; Punjab. No. 1786 ; SA. No. 1554. 23 ( 32 ); Vel. No. 1644. (3) Visamapadaparyāya (Gram. (1) Tikā by Jinaprabhasūri. Bt. No. 3303). PAP. 13 (4); PAPS. 62 (13). 208 ; JG. p. 185. (4) Bālāvabodha by Padmamandira (2) Tīkā (Gram. 4500) composed in Sam. 1328 ( 1338 of JG. and Bt. is a yaņi. AZ. 2 (19 dated Sam. 1651 ). mistake. The date is given in the words (5) Țikā. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 'varsesta-paksayakşākhye '-PRA. 1851 ), 839 ; 842 ; 844 ; DA. 29 (7 ; 8); JA. by Pradyumnasuri, pupil of Kanaka73 (1); Hamsa. No. 1170 ; KB. 3 prahha, pupil of Devänanda. The first (17); Kundi. No. 388 ; PAS. No. 16; copy was made by Munideva, pupil of Pet. I. No. 294; Surat. 1, 5, 7, Vel. Madanacandra, a descendant of VadidevaNo. 1642. sūri. Bhand. V. No. 1303 ; Bt. No. प्रवचनसारोद्धारगतकुलक by Nemicandra. This is a 207, Buh. III. No. 107; Hamsa. portion of the Pravacanasāroddhāra, na No. 1462; JG. p. 185; JHA. 64; mely Gathās 1232-1248. Vel. No. 1643. Limdi. No. 61 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 45 (1) Vrtti. Anonymous. Vel. No. (quotations ); PRA. No. 851; VB. 1643. 23 ( 32). Jain Education Intemational Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 273 (3) Vrtti by Kanakaprabha (Gram. 1196 ; Jesal. No. 531 ; PAPR. 15 (13); 4500). VB. 23 ( 32). This is the same PAS. Nos. 46 ; 47 ; 88 (cf. Patan Cat. I. as No. 2 above. p. 96-97, ms. dated Sam. 1298); PAZB. (4) Vrtti. Anoymous. Hamsa. No. 24 (3) , SA. No. 205 ; Surat. 1, 2, 5; 451 ; KB. 9 (2); KN. 15; Vel. No. VB. 22 (44); VD. 9 ( 24 ) 1644 ( Be :-- śrivirasya padāmbhoja ). (2) Țikā. Anonymous (Be: prasa(II) atawa in 29 Gāthās; perhaps the same masthitena; Gram. 2500 ). DC. p. 12; as above. JA. 60 ( 11 ). Patan Cat. I. p. 113 ( dated Sam. 1497); garnfafa DA. 39 ( 60, 63); DB. 35 ( 152 ); Punjab. No. 1792. Punjab. No. 1789. (3) Țikā. Anonymous. Buh. VI. No. EFTEE See Pravrajyāvidhāna of Paramānanda. 750; DA. 40 ( 46 ; 47 ; 49); DB. 24 Totatia by Umāsvāti. It consists of 313 Sanskrit (1-3); Kaira. A. 67 ; Kath. No. 1291; Slokas and is published as an appendix to Limdi. No. 1227 ; PAP. 9 (8), Pet. V. Tattvārthasitra' by K. P. Mody in the No. 773 , Punjab. Nos. 1791 ; 1793 ; Bibliotheca Indica Series, 1904. It is SA. No. 545; VA. 12 ( 27 ); VB. 23 also published with a commentary of an (27); 24 (14). unknown author by the JDPS. Bhav- TETEATAŞIfa Bengal. Nos. 1521 ; 1522. nagar, Sam. 1966. It is edited with a (1) Petrea by Caritraratnagani, on the Mahāvīra commentary and translated into Italian Temple at Citrakūta. Kath. No. 1332 by A. Ballini, in the Journal of the (dated Sam. 1508 ). Italian Asiatic Society, Vol. 25, p. 177ff (II) Tea by Vijayanandasuri (Gram. 2000). Vol. 29, p. 61ff. Agra. No. 964; VB. 23 ( 28 ). Baroda. No. 2875; Buh. VI. No. 750; Chari. Nos. 135, 136; DA. 40 (46 (III) TTita by Vijayadāna (Gram. 1700). VC. 10 (1). 52); DB. 24 (6); 96 (6); Hamsa. Nos, 194; 225; 550; 734; 1196; JA. Treast Bengal. No. 6639. 79 (1); 96 (6); Jesal. No. 531 ; JHA. Startna Vel. No. 1756. 47 ; Kaira. A. 67; Kiel. I. No. 56; (I) quierarhit (Gram. 2200) in Sanskrit by Limdi. Nos. 1227 ; 1241 ; PAP. 9 (8); Vira vijayagani, pnpil of Subhavijayagani 76 (55); PAPR. 15 (13); PAS. Nos. of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published at 46 ; 47 ; 88 ; PAZB. 24 (3); Pet. I. A. Bombay, 1919. DA. 76 (4), DB. 20 pp. 15; 103 ; III. A. pp. 32; 47 ; V. (7, 8); JG. p. 162; Kaira. A, 9; No. 773; V. A. p. 134; Punjab. Nos. Punjab. Nos. 1796, 1797 ; 1798; SA. 1790; 1792; SA. Nos. 205 ; 545; No. 1771. Samb. No. 267; Strass. p. 307 ; Surat. | (II) Twiarata for Anonymous. SB. 2 ( 62 ). This 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9; VA. 12 ( 27 ); VB. 22 is probably the same as above. ( 44 ); 23 ( 27 ) ; 24 ( 14 ); Vel. No. THETHIOTEN Surat. 1 ( 2 copies ). 1645. (1) Tika (foll. 44). Surat. 1. (1) Tikā (Gram. 1800) composed by Haribhadra, pupil of Mānadeva of the 93751 by Brahmārka. Surat. 1. Brhad Gaccha in Sam. 1185, according THEIT Surat. 5. to DA. Note and DI. p. 34. Chani. Nos. Tegra composed by Haricandragani, pupil of 135 ; 136 ; DA. 40 (51, dated Sam. Abhayadevasūri. It is published by the 1506 ); DB. 24 ( 4 ; 5); Hamsa. No. l. JAS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1978 ( Series No. J....35 Jain Education Interational Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 274 70). Agra. No. 2269; Patan Cat. I. pp. 181; 413 (Gramthagra about 125) (Gr. 360) by Naracandra. Bt. No. 569; JG. p. 348. See Prasnasata. fi of Laubitya Varasena, who quotes his own Jātakadipa here. OC. III. p. 76. (1) Prakasini. Svopaja. CC. III. p. 76. प्रदीप Surat. 1. प्रश्नप्रबोध by Vinayasigara. BK. No. 1657. प्रम्नभेद Bengal. No. 6744. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः by Amoghavarga. Kath. No. 1393. See Prunottararatnamála. SERIEROGLY (Gram. 228). JG. p. 355. It is a work on divination. (1) Cudamani Vrtti (Gram. 2300). Patan Cat. I. p. 8. (2) Lilavati Tika. Patan Cat. Ip:8; Intro. p. 60. (8) Darśana Jyotir Vṛtti; cf. Patan. Cat. I. Intro. p. 60. Bt. No. 560, JG. p. 355. cofagfer (Grah. 2300). Bt. No. 560; JG. p. 355. See above. cogeftar by Jnanavimala (?). Bik. No. 1508. aco is the 10th Anga of the Canon. It is edited with Abhayadeva's commentary by Ray Dhanapatasimha Bahadur, Calcutta, 1876, and by the Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1919. It consists of ten chapters treating of the five great sits and the five Sarivaras, and in its present form appears to have replaced an older lost work of the same name. See Weber, Ind. Stud. XVI. p. 326ff; Schubring, Worte Mahavirus, p. 13, Lehre der Jains, p. 66, Winternitz, History, II. p. 452. Agra Nos. 138-141, 143-147, AM. 18, 19, 81, 91; 104, 174; 271; Bengal. Nos. 2524; 4313, 7572; Bhand. III. No. 446, Bik. Nos. 580; 1 1508, BK. No. 1088, BO. p. 89; Bah. II. No. 222; III. No. 120; DA. 9 (63; 65-68), 10 (1-16; 27); 73 (3); DB. 4 (1-7); Flo. No. 508; Hamsa. Nos. 330, 1175; JB. 31 (3c.); 32; 33; 49; Jesal. Nos. 783; 939, 1002; 1540; JG. p. 6; JHA. 6 (3c.); JHB. 10 (5c.); Kaira. A. 61, Kath. No. 821; KB. 3 (4); Kundi. Nos. 77, 171; 181; Limdi. Nos. 31, 83; 105, 280; 319-322; 402; 437, 510; Mitra. VIII. pp. 54; 314; PAP. 53 (1-14), PAPR. 22 (2); PAPS. 16 (1-12); Pet. III. A. p. 73; PRA. Nos. 308, 478; 1107; Punjab. Nos. 1802 to 1809, SA. Nos 1511; 1512, 1546; Samb. Nos. 60; 141, SB. 1(22); Strass. p. 397; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, Tapa. 323, VA. 12 (4); VB. 23 (16; 17, 24), VD. 10 (2); Weber. II. Nos. 1815-1817. (1) Tika by Abhayadevasüri (Grail. 4630). This was corrected by Dronasuri. AM. 18, 19; Bik. No. 1508; BO. pp. 31; 60; 89; Bod. Nos. 1338; Buh. II. No. 222; III. No. 121, VII. No. 22; DA. 9 (65-68); 10 (1-4); DB 4(1; 2). Flo. No. 508; Hamsa. Nos. 18; 896; JA. 111 (11); Jesal. Nos 783; 939, 1002, 1540, JG. p. 6; JHA. 6 (2c.); JHB. 10 (3c.); Kaira. A. 61; Kap. No. 156; Kath. No. 821; Kundi. Nos. 77; 171; 181; Limdi. No. 447; Mitra. VIII. p. 314; PAP. 53 (2; 6; 10; 11); PAPR. 22 (2); PAPS. 16 (1-6); Pet. I. No. 298; II. No. 295; III. A. pp. 70, 73; 146, IV. No. 1206; Punjab. Nos. 1805 to 1807, SA. Nos. 476; 2052; Strass. p. 397; Surat1, 4, 5, Tapa. 323; VA. 12 (4); VB. 23 (16, 17; 24), VC. 9 (17; 18); VD. 10 (2); Weber. II. Nos. 1815-1817. (2) Tika (Gram. 7500) by Jnana. vimalasuri, pupil of Nayavimala, pupil of Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HTT: 47:1 275 Dhiravimala of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. by Punyasāgaragani. Baroda. No. 2230; No. 1038; DA. 73 (3); Hamsa. No. Bhand. VI. No. 1216. 330; JG. p. 6, Limdi. No. 83; PRA. (2) Tikā corrected by KamalamandiNos. 478; 1107 ; SA. Nos. 442; 2800 ; ragaņi, in Sam. 1660. Bendall. No. 426. 2933; Surat. 1, 4, 5. (3) Avacūri by Vādi Devasūri, pupil (3) Dipikā by Ajitadevasūri, pupil of Municandra. Bombay University ms. and successor of Maheśvarasuri of the BS. No. 295 (New No. 2019). Candra Gaccha. DB. 4 (3); PRA. No. (4) Tīkā. Anonymous. Buh. II. No. 308 ; SB. 1 (22); Surat. 6. 295, PAPR. 11 (12); PAPS. 48 ( 31; (4) Curņi. Anonymous. JB. 31; dated Sam. 1541 ); PAZA. 9 ( 33 dated SA. No. 1512; SB. 1 (22); VC. 9 Sam. 1483 ). ( 15 ). agreata See Praśnaśataka. JG. p. 211. (5). Tikā. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. (I) yaradt See Praśnasataka. Bengal. No. 139 ; 142 ; 143 ; Bik. No. 1713 , CP. p. 6819. 672 ; SB. 1 ( 22 ). (6) Bālāvabodha by Pārsvacandra, (II) saradt by Sarvadeva. VB. 24 (8). pupil of Sãdhuratna. Bengal. Nos. 2524; (I) TITT by Jinacandra. KB. 3 (57). 4313, 7572, DB. 4 (415), JHB. 10. (II) TST TT by Devabhadra (Gram. 5400 ). VB. 22 ( 38 ). (7) Paryāya. Kap. Nos. 171 ; 172. 949717 composed in Sam. 1324 by Naracandra (III) T TT by Vimalaharsagani (Gram. 300). Upādhyāya, pupil of Simhasuri, pupil of VB. 23 (3). Uddyotanasuri of the Kāsadraha Gaccha. ) TETIT by Jayasoma, pupil of PramodamāAgra. No. 2270; Bhand. V. No. 1357; ņikya of the Kharatara Gaccha. Mitra.X. Chani. No. 239; JG. p. 348 ; Kiel. II. p. 127 (dated Sam. 1656 ). No. 388, PAPS. 81 (86); PRA. No.(V) TTT by Devacandra. Punjab. No. 1811. 949 ; SA. No. 828 ; VB. 10 ( 18). (VI) T by Rūpavijayagani. DA. 76 (11; (1) Avacūrni. Svopajña. Bhand. V. 21); DB. 20 ( 27 ; 28). No. 1357 (dated Sam. 1572); Chani. (VII) atat by Viravijaya. Buh. II. No. 223. No. 239; Kiel. II, No. 388; PAPS. 81 This is a table of questions and answers (86); PRA. No. 949 ; SA. No. 828 ; from Praśnottarasamuccaya of KirtiVB. 10 (18). vijaya. See also Praśnacintāmaņi. qasam also called Praśnottaraikasastiśa taka or, (VIII) Har Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 2272Prasnaşastiśataka or Prašnāvali, compos 2278, 2914 ; Bengal. No. 7240; DA. ed by Jinavallabhasūri, pupil of Jinesva 36 (55); 37 (80; 81 ); DB. 19 ( 4 to rasuri. Baroda. No. 2230; Bendall. No. 9); 20 ( 27; 28; 43; 44 ; 45 ); Punjab. 426, Buh. II, No. 295; IV. No. 234; No. 1812 ; SA. Nos. 2594; 2782; 2790; Chani. No. 285; CP. p. 672, DB. 20 2944. (33; 34); 22 (142); Hamsa. Nos. 232, 849; Jesal. No. 350; PAPR. TITTITESTEI of Sakalakirti. See Dharma11 (12); PAPS. 48 ( 31 ); PAZA. 9 prasnottara and Prasnottaropāsakācāra. (33); SA. No. 128; Samb. No. 365; Margasta by Jinavallabha. See PraśnaVB. 24 (8). sataka. (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1640, THT Limdi. No. 930. Jain Education Intemational Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 276 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (1) giratory by Jinasiraha. Pet. IV. No. 1299. Chani. No. 325; CP. p. 673; DA. 32 (II) HIITATU Anonymous. KB. 3 (55). (-24-27 ; 55, 56 ) ; DB. 18 (1-9; 46); tertiaATHíor of Viravijayagani. See above Flo. No. 761 ; Hamsa. Nos. 358, 1092; Praśnottara VII. Hamsa. No. 241; SA. JG. p. 185; KB. 3 ( 56 ); Kiel. III No. No. 1771 ; SB. 2 ( 99 ); Surat. 1, 5, 7. 164; Limdi. Nos. 723; 930; 1161 ; gaiATTh composed in Sam. 1527, by Jña 1215; 1288;. 1548; PAPL. 2 ( 12 ); PAPS. 55 (7); 56 (19); Pet. I. A. narāja. DA. 36 (56); Hamsa. Nos. 410, 1552; 1553; JG. p. 162 ; SA. pp. 15; 50, 58; 74; 102; III, No. 618; No. 438. III. A. pp. 9 ; 23 , 29, 31 ; 32; IV. Nos. 1299; 1300; V. A. p. 137; Punjab. gitatiara by Dharmaghosa. See Satapadi. Nos. 1815; 1816; 1817; Rice. p. 300; THUTTEFIT containing about 338 questions with SA. No. 1525 ; Surat. 1, 7, 8; VD. 9 their answers distributed over five (18; 19); Weber. II. No. 2021. chapters composed in Sam. 1959 by (1) Vitti ( Grarn. 2134 Be : candrāLaksmīvijaya, pupil of Subhavijaya of the dityamahausadhi ) composed in Sam. Tapā Gaccha. It is published by Sanghavi 1273 (bhuvanaśrutiravisankhye) by Bhogilal Kalidas, Ahmedabad, 1909. Hemaprabba, pupil of Yasoghoșa, pupil (1) ITHTOETAIGI of Jayasāgara in Sanskrit. of Dharmaghosa, pupil o! Candraprabha. Idar. 114. DC. p. 10. (II) प्रश्नोत्तरमाणिक्यमाला in Sanskrit by Devagani (2) Tikā (Gram. 7326) composed Muni. AK, No. 528. in Sar. 1429, by Devendra, pupil of (1) CHICT by Kavi Karpūracandra. Bengal. Sanghatilaka of the Rudrapalliya Gaccha. No. 6914. Bengal. No. 1299; Bhand. V. Nos. 1208; (II) TTATGT Anonymous. Surat. 5, 9, 10; 1209; BK. No. 890; Bt. No. 222 ; DB. VA. 10 (24); VB. 23 ( 2 ); VD. 10 18 (1-3; 46 ); Hamsa. No. 358 ; JG. (4). p. 185; JHB. 54; Kiel. III, No. 164; (1) Tikā (Gram. 7500 ) by Udaya PAPS. 55 ( 7 ); 56 (19); Pet. IV. Nos. meru. VA. 10 (24). 1299, 1300 , Punjab. Nos. 1816; 1817; (2) Vrtti (Gram. 6900) by Soma SA. No. 1525; Surat. 1, 7, 8; Weber. II. No. 2021. candrasuri. VD. 10 (4). (3) Vrtti by Munibhadra. JG. p. (I) qatacara by Vimalasuri. Sometimes 185. the author is said to be Amoghavarşa. (4) Vrtti by Subhavijayagaņi. VD. It contains only 30 Sanskrit stanzas on 9 (18; 19). This is probably the general morality. Often published. See author's Prasnottararatnākara. Kāyyamālā, VII. p. 121. It is claimed even by the Buddhists and the Brah (5) Vrtti. Anonymous. JG. p. 185; manas; cf. Winternitz, History, II. pp. KB. 3 ( 56 ); PAPL. 2 (12; Gram. 559-560, Pet. IV. A. p. 109 and CP. 8580; dated Sam. 1441). p. 673. It is published with the commen (II) TITTARII by Uttamarsi. Flo. No. 762. tary of Devendra by Hiralal Hamsarāja, (III) AT A T by Bhavyottama Muni. Jamnagar, 1914. AK. Nos. 526 ; 527; This is a Prāksta rendering of No. I Bengal. Nos. 6982 ; 7213; Bhand. V. above. See JH. Vol. 13, p. 109f. Nos. 1208 ; 1209; VI. No. 1217, Bik. (I) ATTESTATI FI by Hiravijaya. See below No. 1506, BK. No. 890 ; Bt. No. 222; Prasnottararatnākara. Kath. No. 1399. Jain Education Intemational Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (II) Anonymous. Limdi. No. 1663. gracement by Devacandra. KB. 3 (57; Foll 40). अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । प्रश्नोत्तररत्नाकर also called Senapraśna, composed by Subhavijayagani, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. The work contains four chapters and was composed during the reign of Vijayasenasiri. In it the author mentions the following works as his own--(1) Tarkabhāṣāvārtika; (2) Kavyakalpalatamakaranda; (3) Syä dvadabhasa with Vrtti, and (4) Kalpakalpalatä-Vṛtti. PRA. 253. The work is published in the DLP. Series, No. 51, Bombay, 1919. Its Grarh. is 4387. Agra. (1) No. 2304, Baroda. No. 2876; BK. No. 1766; DA. 36 (30; 31; 32), 76 (1); DB. 20 (3; 4); JG. p. 164; Kaira. A. 49; Kath. No. 1399, Limdi. No. 1553, PAPR. 18 (14); PRA. No. 253; Punjab. Nos. 1818 1819; SA. Nos. 401; 1919; Surat. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, VC 15 (10), VD. 9 (19). rafa by Abhayadeva. VC. 9 (18); see Praśnavyakaranasūtra. (1) spares composed in Sam. 1672 (JHB Note) by Samayasundara of the Khara tara Gaccha. Mitra. VIII. p. 89; SB. 2 (85). See Sämäcärisataka (I). (III) ca (II) प्रश्नोत्तरशतक in Sanskrit composed in Satis. 1884, by Umedacandra, pupil of Kṣamakalyana of the Kharatara Gaocha, BK. No. 1818; Hamas. No. 458, PRA. No. (II) 313; SA. No. 2554. Anonymous. DB. 20 (58), KB. 3 (57); Surat. 1. (I) प्रश्नोत्तरभावकाचार by Rājamalla Pande. CP. pp. 673; 696. See Lati Samhita. (II) प्रश्नोत्तरश्रावकाचार by Sakalakirti. See Dha cara. also called Jayantiprasnottarasangraha 277 or Siddhajayanticaritra by Manatunga, pupil of Silagana, pupil of Dharmaghoga, pupil of Candraprabha of the Vata Gaccha. It is in Prakṛta and extracted from i. e., based on the 12th chapter of the Bhagavatisutra. Agra. No. 2289; Bt. No. 204; Hamsa. No. 546; JA. 57 (3, dated Sam. 1261); JG. p. 178; Pet. III. A. 37f. p. (1) Tika (Gram. 6600) composed by Malayaprabhasüri, pupil of Manatungasuri the author, in Sam. 1260. Bt. No. 204; Hamsa. No. 546; JA. 57 (3); JG. p. 178, Pet. III. A. p. 37ff. (quotation, dated Sam. 1261). storage also called Hiraprasna, compos ed by Kirtivijayagani, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapä Gaocha. It is pub lished by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1917. Agra. Nos. 2299-2303, AM. 197, 224, Bhand. V. No. 1210, VI. Nos. 1218, 1219, Bik. No. 1603; BO.. p. 62, Chani. No. 392, DA. 36 (34) to 38); 76 (2); DB. 20 (5; 6); JB. 125; JHB. 54 (dated Sam. 1652), Kaira. A. 48, 101, Kath. No. 1400; KB. 3 (55); 5 (32); Limdi. No. 1250; Mitra. IX. p. 142; PAP. 18 (23, 30); PAPS. 81 (7); Pet. I. No. 297 (dated Sam. 1655); V. Nos. 774; 915; SA. Nos. 226; 1713; Surat. 1, 4, 7, 8; VB. 23 (4), VC. 15 (19); Vel. Nos. 1646 1647. composed in Sam. 1886, by Dipavijaya. DB. 20 (29); Kaira. B. 160. rmaprasnottars and Praśnottaropasakā (1) garis composed in Sarh. 1851, by Kamakalyana, pupil of Amṛtadharma of the Kharatara Gaccha. It contains ans cer SB. 2 (62; foll. 165). प्रश्नोत्तरसारसंग्रह in Prakrta by Samayasundara Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaocha. Hamsa No. 1567. Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 278 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । wers to 150 disputed points of Jainism and is published for the Jinadattasuri Pustakoddhara Fund by Fakirchand Javheri, Bombay 1916. Bengal. No 6878; BK. No. 369; DA. 76 (8); DB. 20 (21, 22); Hamsa. Nos. 596; 690; 739; 1360; JHA. 39 (2c.); JHB. 54 (4c.), 57, Kaira. B. 35; Kath. No. 1401; PRA. Nos. 264; 440; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9. (1) Tikā Svopajña. Bengal. No. 6878; DA. 76 (8); Kath. No. 1401; PRA. Nos. 264, 440; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5,9. (II) प्रश्नोत्तरसार्धशतक of Laksmivallabha KN.19. (III) प्रनोत्तरखार्धशतक Anonymous Agra. Nos. 2290-2294, Bik. No. 1507 (Be. śrisa quadgearure in 24 chapters by Sakalakirti. candra. 0.8), p. 33. earner by Anandasigarasuri SA. Nos. 424, 427. See Intro. to Nalavilasa (Gaek. (1) Vivarana Svopajña. SA. Nos. 424, 427. (Gram. 175) by Haridasa. JG. p. 339; KN. 18. Seattle e of Kesaravimala. Published by Hiralal Harisaraja, Jamnagar, 1911. impromptur in verse' by Lauhitya Varasena. CC. III. 77. (II) p. Buh. VI. No. 751; SA. No. 1932. See Chandaḥkosa. प्राकृतछन्दोलंकार SA. No. 1760. rvajñam natva); DA. 36 (51), JG. p. (I) gaffer by Udayamubhagya composed 162, KB. 1 (62); SA. No. 124. (Gram. 465 ). JG. p. 355. in Sam. 1648; this is probably the author's commentary on ch. VIII. of the Sabdanussana by Hemacandra. SA. No प्रश्नोत्तरस्तोत्र in Sanskrit by Dharmacandragani. SRA. 387. quet by Gangārama. Punjab. No. 1823. qt by Nandaräma Misra. Bengal. No. 6758; 7253. प्रश्नोत्तरे कषष्टिशतक of Jinavallabha See Praine Praśna śataka. For contents, cf. Bhand. IV. p. 116ffar also see Dharmaprasnottara, Srävakäära and Upssakäära. AD. Nos. 67; 168, Bengal. Nos. 6619; 6646; Bhand. IV. No. 305; V. No. 1077; VI. No. 1083; BO. p. 60; CP. p. 655 (17 copies); Flo. No. 763; Hum. 67; 167; 264, Idar. 20 (7 copies); Idar. A. 27, 46; 47 Kath. Nos. 1092, 1093; 1094, 1108; 1109; MHB. 40, Mitra. VIII. p. 59, Mysore. III. p. 179, Pet. IV. No. 1459 (dated Sarh. 1551); SG. Nos. 628, 672; Strass. p. 307; Tera. 1-5; 16-19; 22. (1) Tippana. SA. No. 1760. 15. af by Narscandra. Buh. VII. No. 8. See Sabdanusasana of Hemacandra, com. No. 25. (III) प्राकृतदीपिका Anonymous. Tera. 77. प्राकृतद्याश्रयकाव्य of Hemacandra. See Dvyaárnyakāvya. Anonymous. JB. 152; VA. 19 (9). (1) Vetti (Gramh. 675). VA. 19 (9). (Gram. 1420), by Narendracandra or Naracandra of the Maladhari Gaccha. It teaches the declension and conjugation of words in the 8th Adhyaya of Hemacandra's Sabdanusāsana. KB. 3 (65) ; PAS. No. 99; cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 88; Pet. I. No. 300; Surat. 1, 9, VB. 23 (11), 24 (10). This is probably the same as Präkṛtadipika of Naracandra, which is mentioned by Rajasekhara in his Nyayakandali-Tik; cf. Pet. III. A. P-275. प्रसादद्वात्रिंशिका of Rāmacandra, pupil of Hema- | प्राकृतलक्षण by Canda. It is edited by Hoernle in Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः। 279 55. the Bibliotheca Indica, Calcutta, 1883. same as Padyālaya. ( s. v.). See Bhand. Bhand. VI. Nos. 1391, 1392 ; CMB. V. No. 1358. 111; Kath. Nos. 1224; 1225 ; KB. 1 alaturatJHOE Kath. No. 1402. (62); Pet. III. A. p. 265; Tera. 54- ro l e in 48 stanzas by Ratnasimha. This is Bhaktāmarastotra (caturtha ) pādasamaTaxat in 279 Prākrta verses, composed in Sam. syāpurti. It treats of the love story of 1029, by Dhanapāla. It is a Prākrta Rājimati and Neminātha. Baroda. No. Dictionary and is published by the B. B. 12381. It is published at Khurai, Vira and company, Khargate Bhavnagar, Sam. 2442. Sam. 1973. It is also edited by Bühler 91:Afsfageala by Municandra. Published in in Beitrage Zur Kunde der Indoger. the Prakaranasamuccaya, Indore, 1920. Sprachen, Vol. IV. p. 70ff. Buh. III. Patan Cat. L p. 135. No. 185; V. No. 52, Chani. Nos. 400; gra:FHTO Limdi. No. 1288. 580 ; DB. 37 (25); JG. p 311 ; PAPS. granitateala by Candraprabha, pupil of Pra66 (112); SA. No. 861. dyumna. It is mentioned by Balacandra grenagiga by Devasundara. JG. p. 367. in his commentary on Asada's Upadesakaartrara JG. p. 283. kandali; cf. Pet. V. A. p. 46. (1) TESTETTACO by Hrsikeśa. See Hrsikeśavyä- gru esavya ghiacynaqefa Agra. No. 963. karana. grafaella in 9 Sanskrit Slokas. JG. p. 205 ; (II) FJETU by Trivikrama. See Sabdänu Limdi. No. 3066. sāsana (I). KO. 182 ; SG. No. 1517 ; 9179777 of Kundakunda. See Satprābhrta. AK. SRB. 88. (III) Hatut Tu by Srutasagara. See Audārya No. 533 ; SRA. 13; 18. cintāmaņi. CP. p. 630 ; SG. No. 1770; (1) Vyākhyāna (Gram. 12000 ) by SRB. 202. Mallisena. Rice. p. 310; SRA. 13; 18. (1) Tikā called Audāryacintāmani. (2) Atmakhyāti. AK. No. 533. CP. p. 630 ; SG. No. 2420. प्राभृतदोहा See Dohaprabhrta. (IV) Tractor by Samantabhadra (Gram. (I) I T by Akalarka. It contains 90 Slokas 1200 ). Pet. II. No. 96 ( See Upadhye, and is also called Srāvakācāra. It is at I. H. Q. Dec. 1941, p. 511). JG. p. published in the MDG. Series, No. 18, 307. Bombay, Sam. 1978. The authorship of (V) gator by Subhacandra. See Cintā the work is however doubtful ; cf. CPI. maņi Vyakarana. p. XXVI. Bhand. V. No. 1086; CP. (VI) or by Hemacandra. See Sabdānu p. 673; Kath. No. 1110; Lal. 273; śāsana (VI). 318; SG. No. 18 ; Tera. 37. (VII) 571TU by Vālmiki. See Upadhye, (11) 1977 by Indranandin in Prakrta. CMB. Vālmiki Sūtras, a Myth, Bhārati Vidyā, 136. May, 1941. (III ) I Anonymous. SG. No. 2641 ; Vel. No. 1852. (This last contains 60 gikataaqat composed in Sam. 1569 by Tilaka Gāthās; Be : namiuņa pañcagurūņam ). gani at the request of Jinacandrasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 584. (IV) grupa in Sanskrit, by Vidyānanda. raghigarate by Jayavallabha. Probably the (1) Svopajña Kannada Tikā compo cielo Jarl Education International Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 sed about A. D. 1455. See Anekanta, I. p. 82. magia (Bet yogibhir yoga) by Gurudasa, pupil of Nandanandin. Both the text and commentary are published in the MDG. Series, No. 18, Bombay, Samh. 1978. Pet. III. No. 537; SG. No. 9; SGR. I. p. 120 (quotations). (1) Tiks by Nandiguru. (Be per namya paramātmānam ). CP. p. 641; Pet. III. No. 537, SG. No. 9, SGR. L. p. 121 (quotations); Tera. 21; 26. प्रायश्चित्ततपविधि VC. 9 ( 10 ). by Somasena. Bhand. VI. No. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । 1022. प्रायश्चित्तनिवृत्ति Surat. 1. प्रायश्चित्तमदान विचार Limdi No. 1164. forfora Hamsa. No. 1396, SG. No. 1990. (1) mafurafafa by Meratangasuri. Hamsa. Nos. 459; 805. \(II) starfa DA. 38 (42); Surat. 1. (III) प्रायश्चित्तविधि of Ksamākalyāna of the Kharatara Gaccha. JHA. 70. प्रायश्चित्तविशुद्धि Surat. 1. (1) Malanaga (Be: samyamamala.) by Gurudasa, pupil of Nandanandin. This is different from the author's Prayaścittaculik, ef. SGR. I. p. 119. Bhand. VI. No. 1023; DB. 17 ( 27 ); Pet. III. No. 538; SA. No. 1631, SG. No. 9; Tera. 39. (1) Tiks by Nandigura. Be: (suddhātmarupa). Bhand. VL No. 1023; Pet. III. No. 538; SA. No. 1631; SG. No. 9; Tera. 39. (H) प्रायश्चित्तसमुच्चय by Padmanandin. SRA. 52. प्रायश्वित्तसाध्यापवर्गीपनिषत् DB. 17 (15; 27 ) DB. 17 ( 27 ); SA. No. 1631. See Prayascittasamuccaya (No. 1). (1) Tiks by Nandigura. SA. No 1631. प्रायश्चित्तसामाचारी (Besirivirajinam mamiūni) by Tilakacārya. See Sravakasänäcäri. Mitra. VIII. p. 158; Patan Cat. L. p. 404. grafa (1) Tiks Svopajña. Mitra. VIII. p. 158; Patan Cat. I. p. 404. composed in Sam. 1372 by Thakkura Feru. JHA. 47. arafarmare Surat. 8. greanfair DB. 23 (82; 83). DB. 23 (80); Limdi. Nos. far Agra. No. 1806. 1109; 1256; 1686; Punjab. No. 1824. तीर्थप्रबन्ध in Sanskrit prose composed by Jinasura, pupil of Visalaraja of the Tapă Gaccha. It illustrates the efficacy of the Upasargaharastotra and is published in the DLP. Series No. 80, Bombay, 1932. It is also published in the Saradavijaya Jaina Granthamals No. 1. Bhavnagar, 1921. Kiel. L. No. 9; PRA. No. 773; SA. No. 51. (1) (II) प्रियंकरकथा Anonymous Probably the same as above. Agra. No. 1663; Buh. II. No. 364; VI. No. 752, DB. 31 ( 53 ); Flo. No. 764, Hamsa. Nos. 1282; 1448; JG. p. 256; KB. 3 (15); Tapa. 51. faft in Sanskrit by Narendrakirti. Idar. 112. sifamengigianfe in Sanskrit contains five cha प्रीतिकरमहामुनिचरित्र pters, and was composed by Brahma Nemidatta. Bengal. No. 1473; CP. p. 674; List (SJ. & Sravana Belgula); Pet. VI. No. 677 (dated Sam. 1645); Tera. 59. फलधर्मकुटुम्बकथा Bengal. No. 7019. फलबधिपार्श्वनाथमातृकास्तोत्र Limdi. No. 2000 aftardaufamâ by Dayässigara, pupil of Padफलवर्धिपार्श्वनाथविज्ञप्ति mananda. JG. p. 234, Pet. I. No. 305. फलवर्धिपार्श्वनाथस्तोत्र by Ksamāratna, pupil of Paramananda. JG. p. 284, Pet. I. No. 305, PRA. No. 972. (I) composed in Sam. 1281 by Premalabha of the Añcalika Gaccha (Gram. 2223). JG. 297. Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (IT) फलवायानाथस्तोत्र composed in Sari. 1369 | by Jinaprabhasuri. It is published in the Kavyamala, VII. p. 117. फलाफलविषयकप्रश्नोत्तर of Yaśovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. Published in the Jain Sahitya Samsodhaka. वटुकभैरवस्तोत्र JG. p. 284. मन्यविभागः प्रथमः । See (1) Sataka. gift of Abhayadevasüri. It is published with the commentary of Vänararsi by the JAS. (Series No. 12). Bhavnagar, Sain. 1969. The text is also published in No. 11 of the Agamodaya Samiti Series, Surat. According to JG. p. 141 and DA. List note, however, the author of the text is Dharmaghoga. DA. 60 (136 to 138); 76 (52); DB. 32 (48); 35(123); JG. p. 141; Kap. No. 105 SA. Nos. 560, 820; 1946, VA. 12(38); VC. 10 (10). (1) Vriti by Ratnasinha. Bt. No. 67; DA. 60 (136); 76 (52); JG. p. 141. (2) Vrtti by Vanararṣi. DB. 35 (123) (3) Avacuri (Gram. 500) by Munisundara. VA. 12 (38). (1) (old). Anonymous. It is pab lished (along with the other older Karmagranthas) with the commentary by Haribhadra by the JAS. Bhavnagar, (Series, No. 52) Sam. 1972. Bod. No. 1358; J.G. P. 117; Kiel. III. No. 148; Kundi. No. 50; SA. No. 989; Surat. 5. (1) Tikä (Grazh. 560) composed in 1172 by Haribhadra, pupil of Jinadeva Upadhyaya of the Brhad Gaccha. Bt. No. 101; DI. p. 34; JG. p. 117; Kundi No. 50; Patan Cat. I. p. 22; SA. No. 989. (2) Anonymous. Bod. No. 1358, Kiel. III. No. 48; Samb. No. 482. (II) वधस्वामित्व of Devendrasūri. See Karmagrantha (IV). Bengal. No. 7611; BO. J.......36 281 p. 60; DA. 53 (56-62); Limdi. Nos. 1288, 1351; 1390; 1648; Pet. IV. No. 1302; VI. No. 652; Strass. p. 440c. (1) Avacuri. Bah. IV. No. 175; Strass. p. 440c. (2) Balavabodha by Somasundarasuri. BO. p. 60. बन्धहेतुत्रभङ्गी by Somadeva BK. No. 437.. (1) Tiks by Nemicandra Saiddhän tika. BK. No. 437. by Hargakula, papil of Lakṣmisagarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published with the commentary of Vija yavimala in the JAS. Series, No. 66, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1974. Agr. No. 1118; Baroda. No. 3017, Bhand. VI. No. 1165; Chani. No. 460; DA. 54 (69-74); 76 (51); DB. 32 (46; 47); JG. p. 135; JHA. 35, Limdi. Nos. 1005; 1647; Mitra. VIII. pp. 166; 179; PAZB. 20 (13), PRA. Nos. 1042, 1264, SA. No. 388; Surat. 1, 5, 6; VB: 24 (25); VC. 10 (9), VD. 10 (6; 9). (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1602 by Vanarargi i. e., Vijayavimala, pupil of Anandavimalasuri. Baroda. No. 3017; Bhand. VI. No. 1165 (dated Sam. 1662); Chani. No. 460; DA. 54 (69, 70); 76 (51); DB. 32 (46; 47), JG. p. 135; JHA. 35; Limdi. No. 1647; Mitra. VIII. p. 179; PAZB. 20 (13); PRA. Nos. 1042; 1264; SA. No. 388; VB. 24 (25); VD. 10 ( 6; 9). (2) Tiks by Anandasuri (possibly the same as above). VB. 24 (25). (3) Avacuri. VC. 10 (9) yeter In 139 Gathis. Limdi. No. 1009. ayat is an old Akhyāyikā mentioned by Siddhasenagani is his commentary on the Tattvärthsätra. See ABORI. Vol. XVI. p. 29. बन्धोदयसत्तामकरण by Vijayavimala Published in the JAS. Series, No. 66, Bhavnagar, Sath. 1974. Agra. No. 1245; DB. Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 282 श्री जिनरत्नकोशः । 32 (39); JG. p. 135, SA. No. 892, Surat 1, 6. (1) Avacuri. Agra. No. 1245; JG. p. 135. angaftuary in 700 (Sanskrit ?) verses, by Manikyasiri. It is otherwise called Pu nyapradipa. DA. 50 (112). qur in Präkṛta. It contains 685 Gāthās. Patan Cat. I. p. 195 (ms. dated Sam. 1291. generere. Bah. III. No. 165. (1) Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1304; DB. 31(94); Hamsa. No. 1691; Limdi. No. 2006; Pet. II. No. 297, V. No. 776; Vel. No. 1757. (II) by Rajasekhara. A portion of his Prabandhakosa. It is published in the Agamodaya Samti Series, No. 46, Bombay, 1926. (Grari. THIÊN TÂN ( Gear. 96 ). Bt. No. 134; JG. p. 284 (see namrendramaulistuti); SA. Nos. 1638 1692. (1) Avacuri by Sahadeva. Bt. No. 134: JG. p. 284, SA. Nos. 1638, 1692. JG. p. 256; Surat. 6. a of Subhavardhana. Published by Hiralal Harisaraja, Jamnagar, 1922. aerae This name is sometimes given to the Svopajña Behadvṛtti of Hemacandra's Sabdanusasana (s. v.). Also cf. DC. p. 45. (1) aizza(Gram. 1800) by Indraबंलिनरेन्द्रकथानक hamsagani, pupil of Dharmahamsagani of the Tapa Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit prose. It was composed in Sarh. 1554. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Bhavnagar, 1919. Chani. No. 267; Chani. No. 267; Hamsa. No. 872, JG. p. 228; PAP. 73 (21); PRA. No. 380. Hamsa. Nos. 644, 773, 1022; Mitra. IX. p. 23; X. p. 127, SA. Nos. 290; 1716; Vel. No. 1758. बलिनरेन्द्राख्यान also called Bhuvanabhānucaritra, composed by Hemacandrasiri of the Maladhari Gaccha. Bod. No. 1408; see Bhuvanabhanacaritra (III). बलिराजचरित्र See Balinarendrakathānaka. fer by Mallisena, pupil of Jirasena; cf. Anekanta, I. p. 428. AK. No. 546. बालमज्योतिष by Mallisern AK. No. 547. ngana by Pūjyapada. AK. Nos. 543, 544. of Merutungasuri composed in Samh. 1304 according to JG. p. 297; This is probably the Bälävabodha Vrtti of the author on Kätantravyakarana. but the date of composition given by JG. is impossible. (II) बलिनरेन्द्रकथानक Anonymous. Agra. No. 1482, Bengal. Nos. 2599; 3488; 6630; 6881 7172; Bhand. V. No. 1255, VI. No. 1325; Buh. VI. No. 642; (II) are (1) Vṛtti Svopajña. JG. p. 297. (2) Präkta Vrtti Svopajña. JG. p. 297. a of Amaracandrasuri, pupil of Jinadattasuri of the Vayada Gaccba. It is published in the Pandit, Vols. IV to VI, Benares, and also in the Kavyamālā Series, Bombay 1894 (2nd edition, 1926); cf. Winter nitz, Geschichte, III. p. 74. Bhand. VI. No. 1393, Bik. No. 480; Bt. No. 516; Buh. II. No. 57, CC. I. p. 371, II. p. 84; CP. p. 674, Idar. A. 10, JG. p. 332; Surat. 3. (1) Adiparvan. PAP. 24 (31); Vel. No. 1759. (2) Draupadisvayamvara only. Pet. III. No. 601. fra JG. p. 285. बालभारतीयस्तुति (1) are based on Katantra, composed in Sam. 1336, by Sangramasimha. DC. p. 45; Hamsa. No. 457, Jesal. Nos. 623; 1564, JG. p. 298, Kundi. No. 30; Samb. No. 121. by Bhaktilabha. JG. p. 298. Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 283 ग्रन्थाविभागः प्रथमः (6). 382. (1) ateragia by Somasundara. This is Yogasutra | 290; Buh. II. No. 296 ; Hamsa. No. 96 ; (I-IV ) with the commentary of Soma JG. p. 112; PAPR. 15 (35); PRA. sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Buh. II. No. 286 ; Punjab. No. 1857; SA. No. No. 225. 912. (II) aleagie (CTTO) by Merutunga. Limdi.(II) OG EITT ( 2T TOT) Hamsa. No. 46; JG. p. No. 92. See Kātantravyākarana Tikā 298. See Pancagranthivyākaraṇa. (III) Igen Anonymous. SB. 2 (93 three (I) agafrufta in Sanskrit (Grarn. 500 ). JG. copies). p. 228. que in the Sanskrit garb made by King Dar(II ) agatufca in Sanskrit by Cărukirti. SRA. vinīta of the Ganga family towards the end of the 5th century AD. See Mediaval बिकानेरवर्णन KB. 1 (64). Jainism, pp. 19-23. fataqqozgragnary by Sritilakācārya. DB. TE 1 of Harişeņa, pupil of Bharatasena. 22 (88). See Kathākoša, VII. The work is now fara fir To Bengal. No. 7286. being published in the Singhi Jain fragragnara by Sricandrasüri. DB. 22 (86). Series, Ahmedabad. Bhand. VI. No. farayarare Anonymous. Bengal. No. 6893; 1049 ; Kath. No. 1159 ; SG. No. 2395 DA. 67 (36); DB. 46 (14); Kath. TEUTETTE Agra. No. 1664 see Kathāsargraba No. 1403 ; PAP. 25 (21); Strass. (VI). p. 433c; VC. 10 ( 7). yaaniagra by Gargarși. See Karmavipāka. fantastigah Punjab. No. 1853. qcahiea See Karmastava. Limdi. No. 81. farale by Vardhamāna. Published by the Agg- aafzght by Vidyabhūsana. CP. p. 675. modaya Samiti, Series, No. 49, Bombay, ea auzy FunTAT Pet. VI. No. 678. 1927. बृहत्कल्पसूत्र The fifth Cheda Sutra containing six fatturato composed in Sarn. 1639, by Sa chapters. It lays down rules of conduct ranga, pupil of Padmasundara, during the for the monks and nuns. It was edited reign of Jñānasāgarasuri of the Madahada by W. Schubring at Leipzig 1905 and Gaccha. DB. 43 ( 25; 26 ); Kath. No. again at Poona, 1923. The Sūtra is also 1648; PRA. No. 809. known as Brhatsādhukalpasutra. The German edition contains a translation of aftrenten of Gautama. See Sakunāvali. the text, notes, and a glossary, all in afhaag JG. p. 311. German. The text, with Gujrāti transfattaa in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 2369. lation is published by J. G. Doshi, Tata Pet. V. No. 925. Ahmedabad, 1915. It is again recently published with the Niryukti, the Bhäşya af tsT in Sanskrit, composed in Sam. 1868, by Jivarāja. Hamsa. No. 1653; SG. No. and Malayagiri's commentary by the JAS. Bhavnagar ; Part I. 1933, Part II. 1936. 2380. Agra. Nos. 198; 572 ; 573; 576-584 ; grate of Pandit Mabiräja. SG. No. 130. AM. 1; 65; 148; 327; Baroda. No. 2935; (I) बुद्धिसागर on Jain Philosophy composed in Bhand. VI. Nos. 1221; 1222; 1223; Sam. 1520 by Sangrāmasimba, who was Buh. III. Nos. 128 ; 129 ; 130 (the last the Bhändāgārika of Mohamed Khilji of dated Sam. 1334 ; palm ms.); IV. No. Malwa. Baroda. No. 2878; BK. No. 191 ; DA. 14 ( 25-28 ), 73 ( 9 ); DB. 7 Jain Education Intemational Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284 stiftae)T: 1 (6; 14; 15); DC. p. 30; JA. 15 (2); JB. Pet. III A. pp. 170, 171, 177 ; SA: 67, 68, 70, 73; Jesal. Nos. 28; 153, 157; No. 1676, Surat. 1, 2, 5. 161; 182, 183, 193; 551 ; JHB. 20; (5) Visesacūrņi. JA. 51 (2); Kiel. II. Nos. 13; 390 ; 401 ; III. No. Kap. Nos. 582 ; 583 (Graṁ. 11000). 175; KN. 37 ; Kundi. Nos. 122, 147; (6) Tīkā partly by Malayagiri who 296 ; 308 ; 331 ; Limdi. Nos. 41; 43; mentions the Cūrņi and partly by Kse63; 270; Mitra. IX. pp. 206; 207 ; makirti, pupil of Vijayendu of the CánPAP. 67 (1-7); PAPM. 1(1; 2); drakula in Sam. 1332. AM 1; Baroda. 25; 44 ; PAPR. 23 (2); PAPS. 23 No. 2935; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1221; 1222; (5); 37 (5; 21); PAZA. 4 (7-14); 1223; DA. 14 (25); DB. 7 (13); DC. PAZB. 2 (2-5); 7 ( 10 ); 15 (14); pp. 9; 14; 19; 22 ; 36; 42; DJ. p. 24; 19 (2-6); Pet. I. A. p. 6; III. A. p. Jesal. Nos. 153 ; 157, 161 (all palm 153 ; V. No. 777; Punjab. Nos. 1860; mss.) ; 182 ; 183; 193 ; 551; Kiel. II. 1861 ; SA. Nos. 145; 158; 206 ; 517; No. 390 ; III. No. 6, Kundi. Nos. 122 ; 1689; 1690, 2026 ; 2732; Samb. No. 147, 296; 308; 331; Limdi. Nog. 43; 234 109; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 9; VB. 21 (20); to 237, Mitra. IX. p. 207 , PAPM. 44 ; 31 ( 29; 31; 32); 32 (5; 11); VC. PAPS. 37 (5; 21); Patan Cat. I. p. 354, 13 (2); Vel. No. 1503 ; Weber. II. PAZA. 4 (11-14; the last is dated Sam. Nos. 1893 ; 1894. 1573); PAZB. 2 (2-5); 19 (3-6); (1) Niryukti by Bhadrabāhu. Pub Pet. V. A. p. 101. lished. (7) Tikā. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. (2) Bhāsya by Sangbadāsagani 576-581 ; DA. 14 ( 26 ); DB. 7 ( 14 ); (Gāthās 6540; Be :-kāūņa namukkāram). DC. pp. 9 ; 14; 42 ; Hamsa. Nos. 1232; AM. 28; 211 ; 327; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1233 ; JA. 15 ( 2 ); 61 ( 2 ); JB. 51; 1221 ; 1222; Buh. III. No. 129; DB. 7 52 ; 67; KN. 37; PAP. 67 (2-7); (2; 15); DC. pp. 1; 6; 30; 41; PAPS. 23 ( 5 ); SA. Nos. 158; 206, Hamsa. No. 1580 ; JA. 15 (2); 32 (2); 303; 304; 305; 1689, 1690; 1725; 51 (1); Jesal. No. 182; Kiel. II. Nos. Samb. Nos. 52 ; 53 ; 179, SB. 1 ( 35 ), 390, 401; III. Nos. 6; 150; 151 ; Surat. 2, 7; VA. 15 (37); VB. 21 (20); Kundi. No. 202, Limdi. Nos. 42, 302 ; 31 ( 29 ; 31; 32); 32 (5, 11). PAP. 67 (1); PAPM. 1(2); PAPR. 23 (2); PAZA. 4 (8); PAZB. 15(14); (8) Avacuri by Saubhāgyasāgara. 19(2), Pet. II. No. 282 ; III. A. p.53; DA. 14 ( 26 ); 73 ( 9 ); DB. 7 (3, 4). SA. Nos. 145, 517, 2026; VC 13 (2); q& C A TE by Jinabhadragani. See k setrasaWeber. II, No. 1894. māsa (II). (3) Brhadbhāsya (Gram. 8600 ). TU STTT in ninety Gathās. See VrddhacatuhgaKap. No. 584. rana and Supraņidhānakulaka. JG. (4) Curņi (Be : bhaddam sarassatie) 106 ( 4 ). Gram. 14000. Agra. No. 572; Buh. III. gesaglāzilayer Pet. VI. No. 678. No. 130 (dated Sam. 1334), DC. p.37: TESZTATOarety Pet. VI. No. 678. DI. p. 24 ; Jesal. No. 28; Kiel. II. No. aruara by Hemacandra. Buh. II. No. 297. 13 (dated Sam. 1218 ); III. No. 151; This is the Sakalārhatstotra. Limdi. No. 42; PAPM. 25 (dated Sam. (1) Tıkā. Buh. II, No. 297. This is 1291 ); PAZA. 4 (9); PAZB. 7 (10); Kanaka kusala's commentary on it. Jain Education Intemational Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मन्थविभागः प्रथमः । (1) Tika. a Punjab. No. 1859; SA. Nos. 89, 719; yerdimifengreeft in Präkrta. Hamsa. No 1016. 2754. Hamsa. No. 1016. बृहत्पद्स्थानक by Abhayadevasiri. PAPR 5 (4). See Satathinaka. (1) Tika. SA. Nos. 89; 719. See Brhacchantistava वृच्छान्तिकाभिषेक Of Aadhara. AD. No. 143 Idar. 168; PR. No. 322. of faiz of Dharmadeva. AD. No. 154. बृहच्छान्तिस्तव of Manadevasiri. BK. Nos. 1897 1917, BO. p. 60, DA. 58 ( 66 ), JHA. 58, JHB. 47 (2c.), KN. 12, Limdi. Nos. 866, 1305; 1645, 1653, 1654; 1750, 1758; Mitra. III. p. 127, IX. p. 153; PRA. Nos. 461, 1129; SA Nos. 89, 710; 2754; VC. 13 ( 12, 13); Vel. No. 1853. (1) Tiks by Dhanapala. VC. 13 (12). (2) Tika composed in Sarh. 1655 by Hargakirti, papil of Candrakirti of the Nagapuriya Tapa Gaocha BK. Nos. 1327; 1917, Bah. V. No. 42, DA. 58 (66); Hamsa. Nos. 175; 351; JHA. 58; JHB. 47 (2c.); Mitra. III. p. 127; PRA. Nos. 461, 1129; SA. No. 89; VC. 13 (13). (3) Tika by Candrakirti. The same as above. KN. 12. बृहजातक of Varahamihira. (1) Tik by Matisagara. Jesal. No. 436. geannwgaiafes by Munisundara. See Tridasatarangini and Gurvävali (III). - बृहत्पञ्चनमस्कार JB. 143. (Grah. 3780) by Dhanaratna. See Paficäkhyāna (I) PAP. 30 (18 dated Samh. 1545). बृहत्पश्चाङ्गुलिमन्त्र Hamsa No. 1407. बृहत्पञ्चनमस्कारस्तोत्र JB 143. This is another name of Patrakesaristotra. बृहत्पिङ्गल CP. p. 675. बृहत्पुण्याहवाचन Pet, VI. No. 602, 285 बृहस्पत्यभिशा Bengal. No. 2536. (I) बृहत् षोडशकारणपूजा by Kesavācārya. Buh. VI. No. 644. (II) दोडकारणपूजा by Sumatisāgara. SG. No. 46. gegengoft in 419 Gathas (Be: nitthaviya atthakammam) composed by Jinabhadragani Kṣamasramana. It is published with Malayagiri's commentary in the JAS. Series, No. 47, Bhavnagar, Sain. 1973. The text alone is published by Manacand Velchand, Gopipura, Surat, Sam. 1972. Bt. No. 119, DA. 55 (1), 76 (23; 24); DB. 33 (1, 2; 5), DC. p. 34 JA. 79 (1): 105 (4); 106 (9); Jesal. Nos. 89, 103, 111, 527;720; JG. p. 125; Kaira. A. 150; KB. 3 (60), 5(8); Kundi. Nos. 47; 150, 221; PAP. 24 (39, 41); PAPM. 59 (6); PAPR. 12 (4), PAPS 13; 90; 159; 337; Pet. I. No. 336; I. A. PP. 26; 51; 66; 92, III. A. pp. 46, 127; SA. Nos. 39; 79, Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, VA. 17 (37); VB. 35 (8). (1) Tiles by Malayagiri. (Graz. 5000); Bt. No. 119 (2); Buh. IV. No. 205; DA. 55 (1), 76 (23); DB. 33 (1; 2); DC. pp. 35; 41; Jesal. Nos. 89; 103, 111; 527; JG. p. 125; KB. 3(60), Kundi. No. 221, PAP. 24 (39); PAPM. 59 (6); PAPR. 12 (4); PAPS. 13; PAS. Nos. 90 (dated Sam. 1290); 159; 337, Pet. I. Nos. 336, 352, SA. No. 79; VA. 17 (37); VB. 35 (8); Samb. No. 210; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9. (2) Vivrti (Grah. 2800, Be: kevalavimalajñānävaloka) composed in Sami. 1139, by Salibhadra, pupil of Pürṇabba Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। dra and the Guru of Namisādhu of the game by Jinavallabha. Bengal. No. 6768. Thārāpadrapuriya Gaccha. Bt. No. 119 garas To Pet. I. No. 335. (1); DB. 33 ( 5 ); DC. pp. 12; 20; TETTE SA. Nos. 801 ; 2014. DI. p. 34 ; Jesal. No. 720 ( palm ms.); afeiTiTu also called Botikapratisedha, comJG. p. 125 ; Kundi. No. 150; PAP. 24 ( 41 ); PAPS. 13 (palm ms.); Patan posed by Haribhadra Yakiniputra. Baroda. No. 7419; DC. p. 31; DI. p. 27; Cat. I. p. 401 (quotations ); Pet. V. A. pp. 41, 132. Patan Cat. I. p. 5. (3) Vrtti by Haribhadra, author of 19922177 BK. No. 1601, Bt. No. 650 ; JA. the Munipaticaritra. DC. p. 84, No. 268 31 (8); JG. p. 185. (3), DI. p. 34. augalgar in 52 Sanskrit Karikās is the same as (4) Vrtti by Jinavallabha. Kundi. the above one. Bt. No. 650 ; JG. p. No. 47. Doubtful. 185. (5) Tīkā. Anonymous. Kaira. A. a la by Kundakunda. Bhand. V. No. 1087, 150; KB. 5 (8). See under Astaprābhrta. TEETHIT Idar. 35; 36. aucerárftar Buh. II. No. 224; JG. p. 185. (1) Tika by Prabhācandradeva. Idar. aghai@ TO JG. p. 216. 35. CHihiaraza by Yasodeva. (Gram. 2000). JG. (2) Bhāsya by Visvasena. Idar. 36. p. 163. gedag*qət Pet. VI. No. 678. The by Sūryaprabha, pupil of Jinapatisūri of Ertalar Surat. 1, 5. of the Kharatara Gaccha. See JainaFreinafs (Gram. 1300 ). VD. 12 (17). stotra-samdoha, Ahmedabad 1936, Vol. Ertajeart by Samantabhadra. Bhand. VI. No. II, Intro. p. 33. 992 ; CMB. 82 ; SG. No. 94. ani in Sanskrit verse. Punjab. No. 1871. (1) Tīkā by Prabhācandra. CMB. waar In 22 Kārikās by Padmanandin. 82 ; MHB. 28 (3 copies ). Limdi. No. 610; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442; 191€ Bengal. No. 1479. 1443. Bernary SG. Nos. 1522; 2643 (old ms.). E ign by Padmanandin. Limdi. No. 610; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442, 1443. AcuTETT See Jnānarasärņava. CP. p. 646. (1) a ará 1977 Bhand. V. No. 1116 ; Ezrat Hamsa. No. 1635; SB. 2 ( 144 ). DB. 31 ( 58 ; 59). (1) Vrtti by Samayasundara. Hamsa. | (II) ब्रह्मदत्तचक्रवर्तिकथानक This is the nineth No. 1635. Parvan of the Trisastiśalākāpurusacaritra. enq This is a collection of 100 stanzas in JHB. 34 ; PAP. 31(8 ; 9). Sanskrit by Rāmacan dra. Punjab. Nos. 1864 ; 1865. mar T JG. p. 256. This is perhaps the same (1) Svopajña Tikā. Punjab. Nos. as the above one. 1864 ; 1865. anatu composed during the spiritual reign of ViTÍGITTIT of Devendrasuri. Hamsa. No. jayaprabbasuri of the Tapā Gaccha, by 1437; SA. No. 821. Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpävijaya. PRA. E rasgrun by Jinasena. Strass. p. 307. See No. 1200; Surat. I. Horivarsa Purāņa. carlaię SG. No. 1494. gegaalaru by Nemicandra. SG. No. 1523. Egia Pet. V. No. 925. Jain Education Interational Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 287 frau (Be: natvā jagadgurum ). Pet. V. A. p. 62. TETTHAEUS KN. 17 ( 37). Stresi faiatarot of Haribhadra. Baroda. No. 7479 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 4; Surat. I. g etuie containing 172 Prākrta stanzas. It is published along with other Prakirņakas by Balabhai Kakalbhai, Ahmedabad, Sam. 1962 and also by Ray Bahadur Dhanpatsinha, Benares, Sarn 1942 and by the JDPS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1966. Agra. No. 446; Bengal. No. 7471 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1168; Bik. No. 1585; DA. 27 (36 to 39; 41 to 46 ; 73); DB 13 (27; 28); Hamsa. Nos. 19; 842; JG. p. 44 ; Limdi. Nos. 527; 930 ; PAP. 23 (42); PAZB. 4 (11); Pet. IV., No. 1234; V. No. 768; VI. No. 579 ; SA. No. 1526, Surat. 1, 4; Weber. II.Nos. 1866 ; 1870 ; 1871. (1) Avacūri by Gunaratnasari. DB. 13 (27; 28 ); JG. p. 44; Kap. Nos. 306-308 ; PAP. 23 (42); PAZB. 4 (11); Pet. I. No. 261. THTRT See Bhaktamarastotrakathā. #Tafts See Bhaktāmarastotracaritra. THTATETRU See Bhaktāmarastotramāhātmya. theragat is a Samasyāpūrti Stotra in 204 Slokas composed by Pandit Lālārāma, a living writer. See Anekānta, II, p. 70. (1) TATATE containing 54 stanzas by Māna tunga. It is edited and translated into German by H. Jacobi in Ind. Stud. Vol. 4. Prof. H. R. Kapadia has recently edited it with the commentaries of Guņā. kara, Meghavijaya and Kapakakusala in the DLP. Series, No. 79, Bombay, 1932. See also Winternitz, History, II. p. 549ff. According to the Digambaras, the Stotra contains 48 stan zas only. For a discussion see Anekānta, Vol. II. p. 69. AD. Nos 64, 87; 100; 117, 119; 123 ; 165, 170; Agra. Nos. 3294-3327, AZ il (27); Baroda. Nos. 2175; 2879 ; 12381; Bengal. Nos. 4322; 6768 ; 6775; 7130; 7207 ; 7346 ; 7366 ; 7676 ; III. E. 21; Bhand. V. Ios. 1149 ; 1150; VI. Nos. 992; 1003; 1224; 1225 ; 1269; Bik. No. 1463 ; BK. Nos. 490; 694; 1213; BO. pp. 31 ; 60; Bod. No. 1387 ( 5 ); Buh. II. Nos. 300, 301 , VI. Nos. 645; 646 ; Cal. X. Nos. 42; 43; 99; Chani. Nos. 246 ; 467; 1007, CP. pp. 675; 676; DA. 33 (39); 41 (50-55 ); 75 (11; 12); DB. 24 (40-54); Flo. Nos. 680-683; Hamsa. No. 274; 796 ; 1100, 1122, 1154; 1354; Idar. 79 (14 copies); JA. 96 (7); JG. p. 285; JHB. 48 ( many copies); Kaira A. 173; Kaira B. 32; Kath. No. 1111; KB. 2 (11); 3 (20, 58); 5 (28), Kiel. II. No. 73 ; KN. 25; 39; Limdi. Nos. 529; 579 ; 642; 778; 266; 983; 987, 1262; 1263; 1288; 1304; 1339; 1386 , 1609; Mitra. IX. pp. 147; 163; PAP. 22 (8); 36 ( 2 ); 37 (33; 86); 72 ( 64 ); 76 (113), PAPR. 15 (17); PAPS. 48 ( 48-50 ); 53 ( 4 ); 63 (25); 74 (16); 81 ( 65 ), PAZA. 10 (14), PAZB. 5 ( 25 ); 9 ( 25 ); 15 (18); Pet. I. A. p. 96; III. A. pp. 29; 32; 228; IV. Nos. 1303 ; 1304; 1305; 1410 ; V. No. 826 ; V. A. pp. 54; 137; VI. Nos. 603 ; 626 ; 640; VL A. pp. 109, 143 ; Punjab. Nos. 1874 to 1929; SA. Nos. 20; 1825; 1991; Samb. Nog. 250; 275; 451 ; SG. Nos. 102; 1791 ; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VA. 13 (8), VB. 24 (43); 25 (3; 17-19 ); Vel. Nos. 1812-1816; 1817, Weber. IL No. 1968 (B). (1) Vrtti (Gram. 1572 ) composed in Sam. 1426, by Guņākara also called Guņasundara (cf. Kaira B. 32, PAPS. 81 (65); Vel. No. 1817) pupil of Guņacandrasuri of the Rudrapalliya Gaccha. AZ. 1 (27), Baroda. No. 2175, Bengal. No. 6640, Bod. No. 1380; Bt. No. 132, Jain Education Interational Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 288 strainata: 1 1059 Buh. II. No. 302, Chani. Nos. 467 ; 1007; DA. 41 (1-12); 75 (11), DB. 24 ( 40, 41); Flo. Nos. 680-682; Hamsa. Nos. 104, 1039 ; 1130; JG. p. 285; JHA. 58 ; JHB. 48; Kaira B. 32; KB. 3 ( 20 ); Limdi. Nos. 642; 966 ; PAP. 22 (8); 36 (2); 37 (33; 86 ); 72 ( 64); 76 (113); PAPR. 15 (17); PAPS. 48 ( 49 ); 53 ( 4 ); 63 ( 25 ), 74 ( 16 ); 81 ( 65 ); PAZB. 5 ( 25 ); 9 ( 25 ); 15 ( 18 ); Pet. I. No. 309, IV. No. 1303, V. No. 779; V. A. pp. 207 ; 208 ; Punjab. Nos. 1885;1894; SA. No. 20; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 5; VA. 13 (8) ; VB. 24 ( 43 ); 25 (17; 18 ); VC. 10 (12); VD. 10 (16); Vel. No.1817; Weber. II. No. 1969. (2) Bālahitaişiņi composed in Sam. 1652, by Kanake kusala, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapă Gaccha. BK. No. 1213, Buh. II. No. 301 , DA. 41 (13 to 19, 21); 75 (12); DB. 24 ( 42 ; 43 ); Hamsa. No. 1293; JG. p. 285 ; Pet. IV. A. p. 109; V. No. 778; Weber. II. No. 1968 (13). (3) Tīkā composed by Amaraprabha at the request of Devasundara Vācanacārya. BK. Nos. 490; 694 ; CP. p. 676; Flo. No. 683; Hamsa. Nos. 796 ; 1112; JG. p. 285 ; JHB. 48 ( 2c.); Kaira. A. 173 ; Limdi. No. 629, Pet. III. A. p. 228, IV. No. 1305, Punjab. Nos. 1878, 1890, 1895; 1919 to 1922, SA. No. 1825. (4) Vrtti (Gram. 4000 ) by Sāntisūri of Khāņdila Gaccha (Be: vrttim bhaktāmarādinām). DA. 41 (23; 24); JA. 96 ( 7 ); JG. p. 283; Limdi. Nos. 589, 987, 1263, Pet. I. A. p. 96; Punjab. No. 1904. (5) Vrtti composed by Meghavijayagani, pupil of Vijayaprabhasüri of the Tapā Gaccha (Gram. 1000 Be : srisankhesvarapārsvam zatvā). This is published in the DLP. edition by Prof. Kapadia, 1932. (6) Tikā with illustrative stories, composed in Sam. 1667, by Brahma Rāyamalla. AD. Nos. 64, 87, 100; 117; 119, 123, 165, 170; CP. pp. 675 ( 7 mss. ); 676 , Kath. No. 1111; MHB. 1; Pet. III. Nos. 539; 540, Strass. p. 308. (7) Tikā by Ratnacandra, pupil of Sánticandra. Bland. V. Nos. 1149; 1150; VI. No. 1225; DA. 41 (20); JG. p. 285; PAPS. 48 ( 48 ) ; Pet. IV. No. 1461; VB. 25 ( 19 ). (8) Vārtābodha by Merusundara. Mitra. IX p. 163; PAZA. 10 (14); Punjab. Nos. 1874, 1899; 1929; Vel. No. 1813. (9) Avacūri by Samayasundara. DA. 41 ( 26 to 28 ); KN. 25. ( 10 ) Curņi by Indraratnagaņi, pupil of Sudhānandasuri. SA. No. 1991. (11) Țikā by Padmavijaya (perbaps the same as No. 5); JG. p. 285. (12) Tikā by Devasundara (see above No. 3). JG. p. 285. (13) Vrtti by śānticandra Upādhyāya (probably the same as No. 7). VB. 25 (3). ( 14 ) Vrtti by Candrakirtisūri. KN. 39. (15) Vrtti by Kirtigani (?). KB. 3 (58). ( 16 ) Tikā by Gunākarasuri of the Caitra Gaccha, composed in Sam. 1524. Baroda. No. 2879. (17) Tikā by Haritilakagaại. Idar. 79. (18) Avacuri by Ksemadeva. Surat 1, 5, 6, 7, 8. ( 19 ) Bālāvabodha by Subhavardhana. Punjab. No. 1897. ( 20 ) Bālāvabodha by Lakşmikirti. Punjab. No. 1915. Jain Education Intemational Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रेन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 289 tanzas ima). It is 2,46, Bor (21) Tikä or Avacūri. Anonymous. TATERTETTEIT by Sribhūşaņa. CP. p. 676. Agra. Nos. 3295 ; 3300; 3311 ; Bengal. I WIACENTAA Hamsa. Nos. 1406 . 14 Nog. 2157, 7130; 7207; 7365 ; III. 1417, SA. No. 644. E. 2 ; Bik. No. 1464; Bt. No. 131; Buh. भक्तामरस्तोत्रमन्त्रकथा Hamsa. No. 1418. VI. No. 645, Hamsa. No. 274; KB. 2 POTATFISHIFT by Subhasila. Bhand. VI. No. (11); 3 ( 20 ); 5 (28); Limdi. Nos. 869, 1539 ; 1650 ; Punjab. Nos. 1881 1326 ; JG. p. 268. to 1884, 1889; 1896 ; 1898 ; 1900 ; Healaatu SG. No. 2744. 1905 ; 1909; 1910, 1914; SA. Nos. (I) HITATEATEA urga by Jñānabhūsaņa. List. 1825, 1991, SB. 2 ( 94). | (II) letrasaturga by Surendrakirti. List. (II) TACTIE ( 34f #T) JG. p. 285. (III) HE galarga by Somasena. Idar. HAT Trataset composed in Sam.1667 by Brahma 74, 77; 79; List ; MHB. 19. Rāyamalla. CP. p. 675; List (Delhi). Tila ISTAHFI fataa See BhaktāmarastotraSee Bhaktāmarastotra Țikā ( 6 ). pādapūrtistava. THEATE by Visvabhūşana, pupil of Anan- figlfir ( Be :-śramananamiyam ) by Paratabhūsaņa. CP. p. 676. mănanda. Mitra. X. p. 91. (1) F ATFAITESITETA by Mallisena. JG. p. #HTETTE by Mānatunga. See Pañcaparames 285 ; Pet. V. No. 911. thistava. (II ACE raaa by Ratnamuni in 55 | Ency composed in Sam. 1672, by Nemi. stanzas in the Anuştubh metre (Be : sāgaragaại. SA. No. 1846. namradeva ). It is published in the DLP. raafisear by Sivārya. See Aradhana V. Series, No. 70, p. 246, Bombay, 1932. Bhand. VI. No. 1024; Kath. Nos. 1112 **ATEN I IG SG. No. 3748 ( foll. 50). to 1115. (I) भक्तामरस्तोत्रपादपूर्तिस्तवन composed by Bhava (1) Tikā by Aparajita. Bhand. VI. prabhasūri, pupil of Mahima prabhasūri No. 1024; Kath. Nos. 1114 ; 1115. of the Purnimā Gaccha. See Nemibhak (2) Tika by Sivaji Dāruņa. Kath. tāmara. Chani. No. 246 ; Hamsa. Nos. No. 1113. 116 , 568 , PRA. No. 377. (3) Tikā by Nandigaņi. VB. 26 (1). (II) भक्तामरस्तोत्रपादपूर्तिस्तव composed by Ratna-भगवतीकथानक KB.9 (1). simha. See Prāņapriyakāvya. Baroda. Paatsastig Limdi. No. 619. No. 12381 , DB. 24 ( 52 ). gaigagerie Limdi. No. 1488. (III) भक्ताभरस्तोत्रपादपूर्तिस्तव composed by Dhar Hadias also called Vivahaprajñapti (viyahapan. masimha, pupil of Kşemakarņa. PRA. natti) or Vyākhyāprajñapti, is the No. 313. 5th Anga of the Jain Agama. It is (IV) भक्तामरस्तोत्रपादपूर्तिस्तव composed by Hiralal. published with the commentary of AbbaBK. No. 1329. yadeva in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, (V) भक्तामरस्तोत्रपादपूर्तिस्तव composed by Sama Nos. 12 to 14, Bombay, 1918-21 and also yasundara. DB. 24 ( 50 ; 54). by M. R. Metha, Bombay, Sam. 1914. (VI) भक्तामरस्तोत्रपादपूर्तिस्तव Anonymous. See also Book XV. (only the story of Gosāla ) is Pārsvabhaktāmara, Virabhaktāmara and translated into English by Hærule in the Sarasvatībhaktāmara Stotras. Bengal. No. appendix to his translation of the Upāsa7365; Hamsa. No. 706 ; KB. 1 ( 42 ); kadasāsutra. An older edition of the SA. No. 755. Sūtra, with the commentary of Abhaya1....37 Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 290 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । deva by Ray Dhanpatisimha Bahadur Benares, 1882, also exists. Another similar edition was published by Pajabhai Hirachand in the Kaychanda Jinagama Sangraba, Ahmedabad. This latter is I believe still available. For contents etc. ef. I. A. Vol. 19, p. 62ff. Agra. Nos. 56 to 77; AM. 2; 3; 26; 45; 46; 147; 194; 289; 301, 303; 304; 336; 343; 383; Bengal. Nos. 2560; 4317; Bhand. III. No. 447; Bik. Nos. 1635; 1636, BO. p. 93, BSC. No. 451; Buh. I. No. 56; II. No. 226; III. No. 122; Cal. X. No. 2; Chani. No. 167; DA. 5(9-13); 6 (1-6); 7(1-8; 12-20); 3 (3-4); DC. pp. 3; 21; Flo. No. 500; Hamsa. Nos. 2; 147; 214; JA. 8 (1); JB. 1418; Jesal. Nos. 45; 68; 78; 558; 559; 798; 804; 922; 997, 1054; 1588; 1690 1699, 1720, JG. p. 4; JHA. 4 (2c.); 9; 10; JHB. 6; 7; Kaira. A. 33; 35; KB. 2 (2), 3(2); KN. 9; Kundi. Nos. 207, 255; 256; 302; 397, 435; Limdi. Nos. 85, 113-151; 196; 210; 288, 364; 365; 431; Mitra. VI. p. 109, PAP. 1(2; 5); 4 (2; 5; 7; 8); 9 (24); 66 (1-12); 77 (3,6; 10; 15; 17); PAPL. 4(25); PAPM. 45; PAPS. 7 (16-19); 8 (1-8), 9 (1-13); 10 (15); 11 (1-3); 38 (2); 70 (6-8); PAS. Nos. 66; 150; 298, PAZA. 2 (6-9); PAZB. 7(7), 9 (6); Punjab. Nos. 1930 1931, 1982; to 1933; 1938 to 1943 SA. Nos. 82; 359, 3117; Samb. No. 187; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VA. 13 (3; 5; 6); VB. 25 (8); 26 (2-4), 27 (1); VC. 10 (20); Vel. Nos. 1504-1508; Weber. II. Nos. 1787; 1788; 1789. (1) Visegavitti (Gram 18616) compos ed in Sarh. 1128, by Abhayadevasuri. It was revised by Dropasuri [ Be: sarvajñami. J. AM. 26, 194, 343, Bengal. Nos. 956, 2518; 2561; Bhand. III. No. 448; Bik. No. 1637; BO. p. 93, Bod. No. 1336; BSC. No. 451; Bt. No. 5 (3); Buh. II. No. 227, Cal. X. No. 119; Chani. No. 167; DA. 5 (1, 4-8); 6 (1-4); 7 (21), DB. 2 (13); 3 (1); DC. pp. 8; 18, 32; Flo. No. 500; Hamsa. Nes. 64; 1055, 1222, JA. 34 (2); 70 (1); JB. 19-25; Jesal. Nos. 45; 68, 78; 558; 559 804; 922; 1054, 1588 (all palm mss. except 559 and 922); JHA. 4, JHB. 7; Kaira. A. 33; Kap. No. 96, KB. 2 (2); 3(2), Kiel. III. No. 10; Kundi. Nos. 207, 255; 256, 302; 397; 435; Limdi. Nos. 35; 196; 388; Mitra. VI. p. 109, PAP. 1 (2; 5); 4 (2,5; 7,8);9 (24); 66(3; 4; 12), 77 (10), PAPL 4 (25); PAPM. 45; PAPS. 7 (19); 8(3); 9(1, 11), 10 (3; 4); 11 (1-3); PAS. Nos. 66; 150, PAZA. 2 (7); Pet. I. No. 307; III. A. p. 172; V. A. p. 57; SA. Nos. 24; 359; 1501; Samb. No. 186, Surat. 1, 6, 8, 9; VA. 13 (3; 5; 6); VB. 25 (8); 26 (2-4); 27 (1), VC. 10 (20) Weber. II. No. 1787. (2) Curni by Jinadasa Gani Mahattara (Gram. 3114). Bt. No. 5 (1); DB. 3(2), JG. p. 4; PAP. 66 (5); 77 (15); PAS. No. 298; PAZA. 2 (9), PAZB. 7 (7); 9 (6); SA. No. 1672. (3) Vrtti by Malayagiri (on Sataka No. 2 only, foll. 49; Gram. 3750); JG. p. 4; PAP. 77 (6). (4) Tika by Bhavasagara. KN. 9 (dated Sam. 1571). (5) Laghu Vrtti by Danasekharagani, pupil of Manikyasekharagani of the Tapă Gaocha (Grath, 12920). Hamsa. No. 214, JG. p. 4; PAP. 77 (17, dated Sarh. 1597); SA. No. 1719; 2696; Surat. 1, 2; VB. 26 (5; 6). (6) Laghuvṛtti by Somasundarasuri. Punjab. No. 1940. Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थाविभागः प्रथमः। 291 (7) Avacūrņi or Tīkā. Anonymous. Sanskrit. List (Savai Jaypor). Agra. Nos. 61 ; 69; Bt. No. 5 (2); (I) HEIREAT See Nimitta. For a summary Buh. III. No. 122 ; DA. 74 ( 45 ); PAP. of contents, see Vel. No. 385. In this 77 (3, Gram. 2419); Punjab. Nos. 1938; book, there is a very close imitation of 1939; 1941, SA. Nos. 2711 ; 2712; more than a hundred verses from Durga2713; 2714; 3117. deva's Ristasamuccaya composed in Sam. (8) Bijaka by Harsakula (Gram. . 1089. It is considered as a fraud by J.K. 420). DA. 7 (9; 10; 11; 15); JG. Muktyar at Jaina Hitaişı, Vol. 12, p. p. 4 ; Limdi. No. 288 ; SA. Nos. 101 ; 421-442; 521-39. AD. Nos. 174, 179, 1505; 1645 ; Surat. 1, 9. Bengal. No. 7947 ; BK. No. 1706 ; BO. (9) Bijaka composed in Sam. 1763. p. 31; Buh. V. No. 54; VI. No. 6491, PAPS. 9 ( 13 ). CMB. 166 ; 267; 168 ; 169, 170, DB. (10) Alāpaka. DA. 7 (7; 8; 12; 24 (160); Hamsa. No. 203 ; JG. P. 13, 14; 16-20); Surat. 9. 348 ; Kath. No. 1116 ; PAPR. 18 (9), (10) Tripātha. Bik. No. 1636; Punjab. No. 1952 ; SA. No. 194; SB. 2 Surat. 1. (166); Tera. 12, 46, VC. 10 (16); (11) Stabaka by Padmasundaragani. Vel. No. 385. DA. 5 (6); DB. 3 (3); Limdi. Nos. (II) PETECat by Dharmamurti. BK. No. 235. 364; 365; PAPS. 8 (1); 10 (1). Ha part by Surendrabhūsaņa. CP. p. 672. (III) Falgar on the Law of Inheritance. It is published with English translation by grad KB. 3 (3). J. L. Jaina, Arrah, 1916. This is some । भट्टारकपदस्थापनाविधि CP. p. 677... times considered as a part of the bigger SATU JG. p. 268. . Bhadrabahusambitā along with No. (1) qatge JG. p. 256. above; cf. JH. Vol. 12, p. 421-422. (1) Huge FET (Be: sadbodhabhānunā.) in four HEAT in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 530. chapters containing respectively 129, 93, HTET E composed in Sar. 1451, by Jinadatta99 and 177 stanzas composed by Ratna sūri. Bik. No. 1521 (Be : bhayarabiyam nandin, pupil of Anantakirti. It is in guna ). Sanskrit and is published by the Manager HUETEaqa by Sthulabhadra. Buh. II. No. 298; Jain Bharati, Benares, Vira Sam. 2437. JG. p. 285. It refers to the origin of the Luikā Hertaga by Mánatunga in 20 Gāthas (Be : namiGaccha which took place in Sam. 1527, ūņa paņaya ). It is otherwise called at IV. 157-159. It is also published in the ZDMG. Vol. 38, pp. 19-41. AD. Namiūņa Stotra froin its commencing words. It is published with an Avacūri Nos. 115; 147; Buh. VI. Nos. 647 (dated of an unknown author, in the DLP. Sam. 1616 ); 648 ; CP. p. 677; Hum. Series, No. 79, Bombay 1932. Agra. 249 ; Idar. 105 ( 3c.); Pet. II. No. 272; No. 3329; BO. p. 29; Bod. No. 1387 III. No. 541 ; IV. No. 1462; (=IV. A. (3); DA. 56 (94); DB. 24 (76-79), p. 161); V. No. 962 (dated Sam. 1646); 35 (98); 46 (39); Flo. No. 685; SG. No. 1984; Tera. 6-11. Hamsa. Nos. 1163; 1294; JA. 60 (11); (II) paigaita by Ratnakirti. KO. 34, 44. JG. p. 285; Kath. No. 1229; Limdi. Perhaps the same as above. Nos. 860; 862; 1399; 1630 ; 1700 ; (III) भद्रबाहुचरित्र by Ratnacandra Bhattaraka in | 1725; PAZB. 3 (12), Pet. I. No. 232; Jain Education Intemational Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 292 sifarasema: 1 coupil of Med Vitti I. A. p. 30; III. A. p. 29; V. Nos. 641; HEHETETT JG. p. 256. 780, V. A. pp. 137, 147 ; VI. No.575; Hagevettigią Hamsa. No. 686 ; Limdi. No. SA. Nos. 652; 657 ; 1896 ; Vel. No. 1044; VA. 25 (14). 1812 ; Weber. II, No. 1965 (b). HOTIFATES of Hastimalla. CC. I. p. 396, (1) Tikā by Jinaprabhasūri composed in Sar. 1365. DB. 24 ( 76, 77); 35 HATEK JG. p. 228. (98); Flo. No. 685 ; Hamsa. No. 1294; HTATETETTO DB. 25 (7). JG. p. 285, Kath. No. 1229; PAZB. 3 Hasta SG. No. 1355. See Bharateśvaracaritra. (12); Pet. I. No. 232; V. A. p. 147 ; (I) Ataaraita by Ratnakara. This is in KaPunjab. No. 1956; Weber. II. No. narese. AK. Nos. 566 ; 567 ; 569-572; 1965(b). SG. No. 1355. (2) Paryāyaţikā. Anonymous. JHA. | (II) p ara Anonymous. Buh. III. No. 103, 73. (3) Vrtti ( Grar. 160). Agra. No. Pet. III. No. 619; VI. No. 604 ; SG. 3329 ; Bt. No. 140 ; JG. p. 285. No. 1355. The first three are from ch. (1) TENIS by Bhadrabāhu. Pet. VI. No. 640. III of Jambudvipaprajnapti Sūtra. (II) HgTeals by Jinasimha. Buh II. No. 299 ; ! 900. Hranatga qie Generally known as Kathākosa, JG. p. 286. composed in Sam. 1509 by Subhasila, (1) Tīkā Svopajña. Buh. II. No. pupil of Munisundara of the Tapā Gaccha. 299 ; JG. p. 286. It is called Vrtti as it is a sort of com mentary on a few (about 13 ) Gāthas (III) HTETET composed by Abhayadevasūri in beginning with the words 'bharahesaraSarn. 1451 (Be: namiūņa paņayasura ). bahubali.' A Gujarati translation of Bik. No. 1465. This is Mānatunga's this work is published by Maganlal HaBhayaharastavana It was perhaps copied thising, Ahmedabad, 1909. An edition by one Abhayadeva in Sam. 1451. of the text is being published in the DLP. (IV) WETENTE See Bhayaharastavana Series; Part I is published as No. 77, (V) HUETETT Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7547. Bombay, 1932. Agra. Nos. 2915 ; 2916, Hranister is a collection of 32 stories by an Buh. II. No. 333 ; VI. Nos. 705 ; 753, unknown author. It is edited with in VIII. No. 413; DA. 48 (7), DB. 28 troduction etc. by J. Hertel, Leipzig, 1921. (16-18); Hamsa. Nos. 218; 1801 ; It is a satire on the Saivas according to Jesal. No. 1251 ; JG. P. 256 ; JHA. 53; Hertel;' but cf. Winternitz, History, II.pp. Kaira. A. 32; Kaira. B. 190; Mitra. 350, 659 ; Agra. Nos. 1956; 1957,1958 ; VIIL p. 163, PAP. 33 (1; 2); Pet. I. DA, 50 ( 113 ); DB. 31 (96; 97); JB. No. 308 ; III. Nos. 582 ; 583; 620;IV. 161 ; JG. p. 256 ; PAPS. 68 (65); SA. No. 1307, IV. A. p. 110; Punjab. Nos. No. 554 ; Strass. p. 392; VC. 10 (14). 1958 to 1961 ; Strass. p. 303; Surat. 1, भरतऐरावतत्रिकालचतुर्विशतिका by Jagamālagani, 4; 5; 7; VA. 13 (7); VC. 10 (19; 22), pupil of Vijayānandasuri, composed in VD. 10 ( 20 ); Vel. Nos. 1760 to 1763. Sam. 1361 ( 1631 ?). SA. No. 871. waathaTETT also known as BharateśvarabāhuG isaegla JG. p. 286. balisvādhyāya. Limdi. Nos. 1214; 1265; aarest Bengal. Nos. 6718; 7497 ; JG. p. 228; 1443 ; 1552; 1724. Limdi. No. 899; Pet. III. No. 619. Hraratii ECU (fagl) by Asadhara. The Tikā. Bengal. Nos. 6718; 7497. work is mentioned in the prasasti to his Jain Education Intemational Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । Jinayajnakalpa, by the author; of SGR. II. p. 68. in 531 Gathas by Hemacandra, pupil of Abhayadevasiri of the Maladhari Gaocha. Agra. Nos. 965-968; Bengal. No. 7451; Bhand. V. No. 1212; Bt. No. 181; Bah. III, No. 123; VI. No. 837, Chani. No. 24, DA. 33 (44); 57 (45-63); DB. 34 (1-9); Hamsa. Nos. 878; 917; 941; 1345; JA. 90 (4), 106 (5): 109 (1), Jemal. Nos. 12, 26; 996; JG. भविष्यदत्तकथा 185; Kiel. II. No., 74; KN. 10; p. Kundi. Nos. 287; 384; Limdi. Nos. 16; 646, 787; 801; 3415; PAP. 28 (1, 2-7, 9); PAPR. 4 (3); PAPS. 43 (II) (3), 44 (6); 50 (5); 69 (15); PAZB. 12 (1); Pet. I. A. pp. 78; 85; 93; 96; III. A. p 155; V. Nos. 782; 783; V. A. pp. 93, 95; 105; Punjab. Nos. 1967 to 1972, SA. Nos. 2029; 2630; Samb. Nos. 70; 307, Surat. 1. 7, 8, 9; VA. 13 (9,10; 14), VB. 25 (12), VD. 10 (18); Weber. II. No. 1940. (3) Tika (Be yenädaa nayasampa. dab) Weber. II. No. 1941. (4) Tika by Jinaendrasüri. KN. 10 (dated Sam. 1670). garvita Hamsa. No. 1608. See Vairagya ataka. भवस्वरूपकुलक (1) Avacuri. JG. p. 145. reftar Bengal. Nos. 6855, 7149. भवानीनायक (1) (II) (5) Balsvabodha composed in Sah. 1763, by Manikyasundara. PAPS. 50 (5). भवानीस्तोत्र arredits Bengal. No. 6739. (I) afacerear by Mabendrasuri. (1) Tiks Svopajña (Gramh. 13000) composed in Sari. 1170. Bhand. V. No. 1212; Bt. No. 181; Buh. IV. No. 176; (III) VI. No. 837; Chani. No. 24; DB. 34 (1;2); DC. pp. 31, 37; JA. 109 (1), Jesal. No. 12 (26); JG. p. 186; Kundi. Nos. 287; 384, PAP. 28 (6; 9), PAPR. 4(3), PAPS. 43 (3);44(6):69 (1) (15); PAZB. 12 (1); Pet III Ap 155; Punjab. Nos. 1969; 1972; Samb. No 70; Surat; 1, 7, 8, 9; VD 10 (18). p. (2) Avacuri or Tika. Anonymous. Bhand. V. No.1211; VI. No. 1226; DA. 57 (45 to 53), DB. 34 (4, 5), Hamsa. (II) Nos. 878; 917, JG. p. 186, Limdi. No. 646; Punjab. Nos. 1970; 1971, SA. Nos. 848, 1644; VA. 13 (9). JG. p. 145; Pet. V. No. 784. JG. p. 201. 293 (Gram. 2000). JA. 105 (5); JG. p. 256. See Bhavisyadattakhyāna (I). by Dhanapala. Sea Jñānapañcamakatha. CP. p. 697; PAP. 39 (1), Pet. VI. p. 143, No. 91. fafter by Padmasundara. AD. No. 150, CP. p. 677. faqat by Sridhara in Sanskrit. CP. भविष्यदत्तचरित्र p. 677, Idar. 117; (dated Sarh. 1558); Idar. A. 21; 53; 65, Kath. Nos. 1199, 1200; MHB. 60, Pet. III. No. 542; SG. Nos. 1703; 2174, Tera. 18. Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1117 (dated Sarh. 1636); Punjab. No. 1973. (This is probably Dhanapala's work. It is in Apabbrarisa ); SA. No. 1616; Tera. 19-21. afacerea by Mahendrasuri (Be: pancindiyaniravekhkham. Gram. 2000). JG. p. 256, Pet. I A. p. 67 (dated Sam. 1214). This is probably the same as the Bhavisyadattakatha L भविष्यदत्ताख्यान afacerea by Mabesvarasuri See Jnanapañcamikatha (I). JG. p. 228, SA. No. 275. aracter by a Jain. Bt. No. 629; JG. p. 163. भव्य कण्ठाभरण Anonymous. SG. No. 1696. (1) Panjika by Arhaddasa. SG. No. 1696 (foll. 23) Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 294 श्री जिनरत्नकोशः । AWGETTCVN in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 305. Perhaps the Sanskrit rendering of the above. A didactic poem in 37 Apabhrarifa stanzas by Jinaprabhasüri of the Kharar tara Gaccha. Baroda. No. 6117; BK. No. 2111. See below. भव्य कुदुम्बचरित्र Probably the same as Bhavyaku tumba, cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 266. JG. p. 228; PAPL. 8 (4). भव्य कुमुदचन्द्रिका by Asidhara. This is the name of the author's commentary on his own Dharmamṛta. by Kṣamapati. SG. No. 1697. wegfa Buh. IV. No. 235. भाद्रपदपर्युषणाविचार in Sanskrit prose by Harsa - bhüsanagani. Punjab. No. 1976 (ms. dated Sam. 1486). Also see Paryugan vicāra. refier see Bhavyajanabbaypal. भारतीयोपदेश JG. p. JG. p. 286; Punjab. No. 1977 (Sanskrit). भानुचन्द्रगणिचरित composed during the reign of Emperor Jehangir by Siddhicandragani, pupil of Bhanucandra of the Tapa Gaccha. It contains four chapters having respec tively 128, 187, 76 and 358 Sanskrit stanzas. It is edited with a learned Introduction by M. D. Desai in the Singhi Jain Series, No. 15, Ahmedabad, 1941. भानुसप्तमीकथा Bik. No. 168. wwwwfew in 44 Apabhraihda stanzas composed by (I) waar by Allu. The name Allu is explained Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Patan Cat. I. p. 265 (quotation). as a popular form of Arjuna by the com mentator of Chandaḥkośa, cf. BUJ. Nov. 1988, p. 51 (para 30). AM. 243 (See Allūkṛtabhāvanā); JG. p. 186. भव्य जनकण्ठरत्नाभरण of Abhayacandra. Mud. 361. भव्य जनभयापहार also called Pancajasnavedanoper nisad or Bharatiyopadesa or Vidyatattva (II) is the 16th chapter of Indranandin's Nigamastava; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 329. Baroda. No. 2718; Hamsa. No. 1586; Pet. IV. No. 1477-IV. A. p. 164; Punjab. No. 1570; Vel No. 1764. (I) arcfree of Mallisena, papil of Jinadeva. See Anekanta I. p. 428. SRB. 113. (II) (I) of Nemicandra. SG. No. 1320. This is the 6th chapter of the author's Tribhangīsāra. But see under it. (II) wa Anonymous. Buh. VI. No. 650; DA. 54 (75); SG. No. 1902. (III) wat in 117 Gathas, of Śrutamuni. pupil of Balacandra, pupil of Abhayacandra. Published in the MDG. Series, No. 20. Bombay, Sarn. 1978. This is the same as No. (I) above. by Amitagati. This is in Sanskrit and contains 121 stanzas and is otherwise known as Samayikapatha. It is published in the MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sari 1979. CP. p. 677. Compare also Winternitz, History, II. p. 567. T DB. 57 (64; 65); DB. 34 (12 to 14). भावनाकल्प in Prakrta Punjab. No. 1978 (foll. 26). भावनाकुलक See Dana(I) are by Devendrasadha. silatapobhavanakulaka. Bhand. VI. No. 1229; Bik. No. 1586; Buh. II. No.303; DA. 57 (42, 43); DB. 33 (62); Limdi. Nos. 699; 930, Pet. V. Na 803; SA. Nos. 902, 1953, Surat 1, 5, 8, 9; VD. 10 (15). (1) Tika by Devavijayagani. Bik. No. 1586, DB. 33 (62). (2) Avacuri. VD. 10(15); Surat. 1. (II) भावनाकुलक in Apabbrarita by Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Patan Cat. I. p. 270. Perhaps the same as above. Chani. (III) ago by Yasoghosa, in 45 Gathās, No. 831. Patan Cat. I. P 403. Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ art: g : 1 295 vou. (IV) by Somadeva in 24 Gāthās. JG. caritra composed in Sam. 1306, by the p. 201; Patan Cat. I. p. 89; Punjab. No. author ; cf. Pet. V. A. p. 122. 1979, SA. Nos. 902 ; 1953. (II) H ier in Apabhrarsa. (Be :-calu tārunnu (V) * in 202 Gāthās. JG. P. 201. asäru). Patan Cat. I. p. 29. (1) WIE SITETT otherwise called Samayikapatba, HaaTETTETE See Caritrasāra. Strass. p. 308. by an unknown author, contains 33 HIFFE Hamsa. No. 432. Sanskrit Slokas and is publishad in the MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay ; compare (1) Tikā. Hamsa. No. 432. Winternitz, History, II. p. 567. HOZTAT K.B. 1 ( 60 ). (II) HIGIETST Anonymous. Bhand. VI. No. H TTĘS composed in Sam. 1623 by Vijaya992; JG. p. 186; Pet. V. No. 786. vimala, popularly known as Vānararsi, ramaitor in 494 stanzas in Sanskrit. Hamsa. and pupil of Anandavimalasuri of the No. 893; JG. p. 186 ; Pet. V. A. p. 63; Tapa Gaccha. Both the text and commenSA. Nos. 2822 ; 3377. tary are published by the JAS ( Series No. 9), Bhavnagar, Sam. 1968. Agra. pasta of Kundakunda. See Astaprābhrta. SG. Nos. 1246; 1247 ; Baroda. No. 6076; No. 1986. BK. No. 1224; DA. 54 ( 76 ; 77); DB. TaTATTEU This is probably non-Jain. 32 (35-38); Hamsa. Nos. 331 ; 1198 ; Bhand. VI. No. 507; JG. p. 332. · JG. p. 135; JHA. 47; Limdi. No. 1545 ; HITETTA Agra. No. 1851. PAPS. 67 (135; 153 ); Punjab. No. Haftat in 43 Gātbās. JA. 106 (13), SA. 1981 ; SA Nos. 370; 621; Vel. No. 1648. No. 697. (1) Vyākhyā Svopajña. Baroda. No. TCFTTEET Pet. IV. Nos. 1442 ; 1443. 6076; BK, No. 1224; DB, 32 ( 35; 36), Tarrat another name of Căritrasāra. Strass. p. Hamsa. Nog. 331; 1198 ; JG. p. 135, 308. JHA. 47 ; Limdi. No. 1545; PAPS. 67 (135; 153 ); Punjab. No. 1981; SA. (1) Aradiu in 77 Apabhrarnsa stanzas by Jaya No. 370; Vel. No. 1648... deva, pupil of Sivadevasuri. Published in the Annals, BORI. Poona, Vol. 12, warg a Limdi. No. 1165. pp. 1-31, with Introduction &c. In v. Trafagiig in Prākrta by Sivadevasūri. Jesal. 5, it refers to King Munja who died in No. 715 (palm); JG. p. 202. Sam. 1054. Hamsa. Note says that it was composed in Sam. 1606. Baroda. (1) Hasta by Nāgarāja, in 103 Sanskrit stanzas. No. 6118; Hamsa. Nos. 893; 1005; JG. p. 316; Limdi. No. 930; SG. No. 1006 ; Limdi. No. 2549 ; PAPL. 8 (60); 1985. PAPS. 67 (65); 81 (98). (II) Tara composed in Saṁ. 1634 by Hema(II) IGIETE perhaps the same as above. Bhand. vijaya, pupil of Kamalavijayagaņi. Buh. V. No. 1213; VI. No. 1269 ; VB. 25 VI. No. 651; DB. 35 ( 81 ), JG. P. (10). 209. Haaretza Hamsa. No. 304. (1) Avacūri. Svopajña. DB. 35 (81). (I) H ATATT of Ajitaprabha, pupil of Viraprabha (III) asas by Samayasundara. Hamsa. No. of the Pūrņimā Gaccha. It is mentioned 1621; JG. p. 209; SA. No. 857 ; VB. in the Prasasti to his own Sāntinātha 25 (16). Jain Education Intemational Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Strass(9 cop 50 (2c.); Sam. 166 296 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (IV) Hrastara Anonymous. Agra. No. 1850 ; JG. virasvāmistavana or Vardhamănastava, p. 209. or Samasarskrtastava composed by Jina(1) Tikā by Mallanāga. JG. p. 209. vallabhasūri. It contains 30 Sanskrit (1) agriatest by Jõānasāra. DB. 35 (125); Slokas and is published in the KāvyaKB. 1 (37). mālā, VII. p. 27; also with Jayasāgaia's (II) arauftrahit by Jinalamsa. JG. p. 316. commentary by Hiralal Harisarāja, Jam nagar. Baroda. No. 2107; Bengal. No. (III) ateisitaht Anonymous. It is also known 6954 ; Bhand. V. No. 1214; VI. No. as the Rabasyaşattrimsikā. JG. p. 141. 1228; Bik. No. 1492; Hamsa. Nos. 289; (1) Haine by Devasena, pupil of Vimalasena in 1195; JHA. 58 ( 2c.); Kath. No. 1292; 767 Gathās (Gram 960; Be :-panamiya KB. 3 (20); Limdi. Nos. 935 ; 1288; surasenanuyam ). Idar. 30 ; Pet. IV. No. PAP. 37 (10); Pet. III. A. p. 216 ; 1463 = IV. A. p.162 (dated Sam. 1627). PRA. No. 1245. Strass. p. 308. It is published in the (1) Tikă composed in Sam. 1465 MDG. Series, No. 20, Bombay, Sarn. by Jayasāgara gani, pupil of Jinarājasuri 1978. of the Kharatara Gaccha. Jayasagara (II) Hate by Srutamuni. See Bhāvatribhangi. composed his commentary on Sandehadowhich is another name of the work ; cf. lāvali in Sam. 1495 ; his Vijñaptitriveņi Strass. p. 308. CMB. 134; CP. p. 678 ; in Sam. 1484; and his Parvaratnāvali Idar. 30 (9 copies ; one is dated Sam. in Sari. 1478. Baroda. No. 2107; 1579); Idar. A. 50 (2c.); PR. Nos. 153; Bengal. No. 6954, Bhand. VI. No. 1223; 161 ; PRA. No. 265 (dated Sam. 1663). Hamsa. No. 1195; JHA. 58, Kath. (III) Haag by Vámadeva Pandit, pupil of No. 1292; PAP. 37 (10); PRA. No. Lakşmicandra, pupil of Vinayacandra 1245. of the Naigama Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit (2) Tikä by Merusundaragaại. Bhand. and is published in the MDG. Series, No. V. No. 1214; JHA. 58. 20, Bombay, Sam. 1978. AD. No. 124; (3) Tikā. Anonymous. Hamsa. No. CP. p. 678, MHB. 6, Pet. III. No. 543; 289; KB. 3 ( 20 ); Pet. V. No. 785; SG. No 1701 ; Tera. 4; 5. Punjab. No. 1982.. (IV) HTHYE by Subhamuni. It is in Präkrta (Gram. 119). AK. No. 575. Hartaras Agra. No. 1852; DB. 22 ( 80 ); JG. (V) Haug Anonymous. Agra. No. 850 ; Chani. No. 268 , Kath. No. 1117 ; Tera. 13-17. #SHACI of Visvanatha. AK. Nos. 576, (1) Tikā by Sumatikirti. Chani. No. 577. Perhaps non-Jain. 268. R ata (Be : janavayasamyamathavana). Hamsa. Hafalar composed in Saṁ. 1740 by Yasasvat No. 150; Weber. II. No. 1967 (5). sāgara, pupil of Yasasvisāgara. PRA. (1) Vivarana. Hamsa. No. 450; No. 214. Weber. II, No. 1967 (5). HCETTE (Gram. 3300). JG. p. 348. भाषाछन्दोधिकार SA. No. 1875. Hanegrata by Kundakunda. Buh. VI. No. 652. HOW on Grammar by Nagavarman. Mud.437. See Aştaprābhrta. ICT by Bhatta Akalanka (Gram. 2000). भावारिवारणस्तवन so called from its commencing This is the author's own commentary on words, but otherwise known as Maha his Karnatakasabdanusāsana composed in p. 210. Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 297 1526 ; cf. Anekānta ; I. p. 335. Bhand. posed in Sam. 1508. Bhand. V. No. VI. No. 1062 ; JG. P. 92; KO. 173; 1190; Buh. VIII. No. 390 (dated Sam. Padma. 88. 1562 ); DA. 56 (55-70 ); 76 (34; 35); (1) Mañjarīmakaranda. Svopajña. DB. 33 (36-43); JHA. 33 (5c.); Bhand. VI. No. 1063 ; JG. p. 92. Kaira. B. 178 ; PAP. 19 ( 45 ); PAPL. HIGIERU by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayavijaya 7 ( 34); PAPS. 48 (40); 63 (39); 65 (67; 68); PAZB. 24 ( 28 ); SA. of the Tapā Gacchia. It contains 101 Prākrta Gathās. It is published at Nos. 386; 1640; 2040; Surat. 1, 2, 3, Ahmedabad by Mansukhbhai Bhagubhai. 5, 6, 9; VC. 10 (15); Weber. II. Nos. DB. 23 ( 50 ); 35 ( 129 ); JG. p. 105; 1917; 1918. SA. No. 354; SB. 2 (160). (2) Tikā by Jrānavimala. Bhand. (1) Vrtti Svopajña. DB. 23 (50); VI. No. 1230 (dated Sam. 1754); BK. Nos. 739 ; 858; DA. 56 ( 71 ; 72); 76 JG. p. 105; SB. 2 ( 160 ). ( 36-38); according to a note in BK., HISTÍTETT Limdi. No. 2402. this commentary is in vernacular and Fran7JB. 154 (foll. 10). was composed in Sam. 1758 at Surat. 1979 namely the Bhāsyason Caityavandana, See however the date of the Bhand. ms. Guruvandana and Pratyākhyāna Sūtras, (3) Laghuvrtti by Tilakācārya. JHA. respectively containing 63, 41 and 48 33 ; PAP. 45 (11) Gāthās (cf. Vel. No. 1601); composed (4) Avacūri. Anonymous. KB. 3 (20); by Devendrasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It Pet. I. No. 263. is published by the JAS., Bhavnagar, ESETT of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 101. ( Series, No. 15) Sam. 1969. Agra. FH6U (Grari. 800). VB. 27 ( 15 ). Nos. 254 to 272; AM. 36, 61; AKAITYT in Sanskrit. Bhand. VI. No. 1328; 253; 296; Bhand. V. No. 1190; VI. DB. 31 (35); Hamsa. Nos. 639 ; 645; Nos. 1150; 1230, 1269; BK. Nos. JB. 154. 739 ; 858; Bt. No. 24; DA. 56 ( 55-72; 74-78, 80-89 ; 92); 76 ( 34-38 ); WA DB. 31 (35); see above. DB. 33 (36-49); Flo. No. 661; JA. H er See above. Hamsa. Nos. 639 ; 645. 106 (14); 110 (24); JHA. 33 (6c.); a in mixed prose and verse by BhāvaJHB, 21 (13c.); Kaira. A. 164; Kaira. sena. Strass. p. 308. B. 178; KB. 1 (8); 3 (20), Limdi. valsarta of säntikirti. AK. No. 578. Nos. 529, 932; 933; 934 ; 1244; 1245; Yalta in Sanskrit by Dodayya (about A. D. 1299; 1435; 1501 ; 1675; PAP. 19 ( 45 ); 45 (11), PAPL, 7 ( 34); PAPS. 1 1550 ). See Anekānta I p. 85, f.n. 48 ( 40, 41 ); 63 (39); 65 ( 67 ; 68 ); (I) yaaaiak of Hemaprabba, pupil of Devendra PAZB. 24 (28); SA. Nos. 386; 697; of the Tapā Gaccba. See Trailokyapra1640; 2024; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9; VC. kāśa. PRA. No. 1223. 10 ( 15 ); Vel. No. 1601 ; Weber. II. (II) vaitga composed in Sam. 1221, also Nos. 1916-1918. See also Caityavan called Grahabhāvaprakāśa (see JK. II. danasūtratikā Nos. 15-20, Guruvandana p. 758 ) by Padmaprabha, pupil of Deva* bhāsya with Țikās and Pratyākhyāna sūri (in Sam. 1174), and the founder of sutra Țikā No.1. the Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha. See for the (1) Avacūri by Somasundara, com information PRA. No. 864. Agra. Nos. ....38 Jain Education Intemational Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 298 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। 3095 to 3103 ; Bengal. Nos. 68 ; 1844; (III) yaaar by Maladhāri Hemacandra. See 4332, 5556; Bhand. V. No. 1360 ; Balinarenadrākhyāna. Bod. No. 1408; BO. p. 31; BSC. Nos. 627; 628 , Bt. VC. 10 (13); VD. 10 (14). No. 577 ; CC. I. p. 173 (under Graha (IV) yaanigaity in Prākrta composed in Sam. bhāvaprakāsa); II. p. 35; III. p. 37; 1557 by Indrahamsa, pupil of DharmaDA. 67 ( 47, 58 ), DB. 24 ( 187-191; harsa of the Tapā Gaccha. See Bali228 ); Hamsa. Nos. 78; 1183; 1312; narendrakathānaka (I). JG. p. 228 ; 1770; Idar. 156; JA. 112 (1); PAP. 73 ( 21 ). Jesal. Nos. 432; 435; KB. 1 (27); (69); 5 (14); KN. 12; Kiel. I. No. (I) yaagafafts by Harikalasagani. JHB. 63; II. No. 391 (dated Sam. 1553 ); 31, Limdi. Nos. 1967 (dated Saṁ. Limdi. Nos. 672 ; 921; Mitra. I. Nos. 1572); 2283; 3096 (all three contain 762 ; 850; Pet. I. No. 310; PR. No. Gujrati tran. only); PAP. 33 ( 11 dated 209; PRA. Nos. 455; 864, 973; Sam. 1609); 36 (12); 40 ( 21 ); SA. 1222; Samb. Nos. 196 ; 198 ; 421 ; SG. No. 837. No. 2192 ; Surat. 6, 10, VB. 25 ( 4 ; 13, 20); 27 (8); VD. 10 ( 17 ); Vel. (II) भुवनभानुकेवलिचरित्र by Vijayacandrasuri of No. 372 ( quotation ). the Maladbāri Gaccha. Jesal. No. 878. (III) yaanigaaicafts Anonymous Agra. Nos. (1) Bhāvabodhikā by Daivajñasiro 1483 to 1485; Bengal. No. 4330 ; Bik. maņi. Mitra. I. Nos, 762 ; 850. No. 1466 ; BK, No. 563; Bub. II. No. (2) Vrtti by Simhatilakasūri, pupil 366; DA. 48 ( 8-14); DB. 29 (15of Vibudhacandra, composed in Sam. 19 ); KN. 48, Limdi. No. 846 ; Surat. 1326 (Gram. 1700). Bengal. Nos. 6334; 1, 2, 5, 6, 8. 6501 , Bt. No. 577 (1), CC. I. p. 413 ; II. p. 94 ; DB. 24 ( 187, 188); JG. p. YAFET SA. No. 650. 348 ; PRA. No. 455. yaagatten In Prākrta (Be: padhamañciya pa(3) Avacūri composed in Sam. 1521 dhamajinassa ) composed in Sam. 975, by Lakşmisāgarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. according to Bt., by Vijayasimha, pupil Jesal. No. 432. of Samudrasuri of the Nailakula (Gram. 10350 ). Bt. No. 322; JA, 53 (2); (4) Bālāvabodha composed in Sarn. 1805 by Ratnadhira Vācaka, pupil of JG. p. 228 ; Pet. I. A. p. 38 (ms. dated Danasāgara Upādhyāya of the Kbaratara Sam. 1365 ); SA. No. 332. Gaccha. CC. I. p. 173 ; Pet. I. No. 310; | yaefata JG. p. 228. See BhuvanasundariPRA. Nos. 973 ; 1222; Surat. 1. kathā. (5) Vitti by Hematilaka. JG. p. 348. ( 6 ) Țikā. Anonymous. Agra. No. JAIOTITAE by Jinalābhasūri. KN. 48 (foll. 3097 ; Bengal. Nos. 68 ; 5556; BSC. 12). No. 628 ; DB. 24 (189); JG. p. 348, 915ugrastraat by Devanandin .Bhand. VI. No. KB. 3 (69), 5 (14); Surat. 10. 1003 ( 36 ); JG. p. 286, Pet. IV. No. Yh tet (asiafia) Bengal. No. 4330. 1440; VI. p. 143, No. 94. (I) yahrgafta by Haribhadrasūri. VB. 27 Gaia by Bhūpāla. See Caturvimsatijinastava (12). No. XXII. It is published in the Jaina II) Yarafta by Udayavijaya, pupil of Vi Nityapāthasamgraha, N.S. Press, Bombay. jayasimhasuri. SA. No. 837. AD. No. 138; AK. Nos. 579-588; Jain Education Intemational Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 299 (IIT Buh. VI. No. 653 ; CP. p. 678; KO. DB. 30 ( 22 ); Hamsa. No. 485; JG. P. 184; 186 ; 195; SG. Nos. 104 ; 577 ; 216; VD. 10 ( 13 ). 2017 ; Strass. p. 308. (II) #99FW by Merutunga. Bhand. III. No. (1) Tikā by Asādhara. Buh. VI. 450 ; JG. p. 216 ; SA. No. 911. : No. 653 ; CP. p. 678. ) 1999 (Gram. 3700) by Subhasila, pupil (2) Tikā by Vinayacandra, pupil of Munisundara of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. of Lalitacandra. CP. p. 678. p. 216 ; Pet. III. No. 621; V. No. 788. (3) Tikā. Anonymous. AD. No.(IV) 1999 by Rājavallabha Pathaka. See 138 ; AK. No. 588. Bhojacaritra. grafes in Sanskrit by Rangavijaya. Hamsa. No. (V) HFTF by Satyarājagaņi. JG (VI) Hitta Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. T hrusgraat JG. p. 137. 1305 ; JB. 150 ; KB. 3 (18; 70). Aragoratue by Mallisena, pupil of Jinasena. It 111516UTFIT (Grama. 2000) by Vinayasāgara of the Ancala Gaccha.BO. p. 13; Buh. contains 10 chapters ; cf. Anekānta I. p. 429. Published with the commentary by II. No. 82 ; CC. I. p. 418; JB. 161 ; Sarabhai Nawab, Abmedabad, 1937. JG. p. 298 ; Limdi. No. 1187. AD. Nos. 40; 119; AK. Nos. HIFUATAN भोज्यनामगर्भसाधारणजिनस्तुति (Is it Citrakrtstuti?) 431-433 ; 589, 590; Bhand. VL Nos. by Sadhurājagaņi. BK. No. 1460; 1025; 1026; Bik. No. 1462; CP. p. Hamsa. Nos. 91 ; 276. 678 ; DB. 21 ( 78 ); Hamsa. No. 170; (1) Tikā by Śrutasāgara. Hamsa. Hum. 79 ; 285; Kath. No. 1118; KB. No. 276. 1 ( 29 ); Lal. 239; Limdi. No. 731 ; ATIE Limdi. No. 1698. Padma. 36 ; PAPS. 69 (89), Pet. IV. मगधसेनाकथा is mentioned in the Nisithacurni as a No. 1464 ; V. No. 963; SA. Nos. 508 ; Lokottarakathā. 543; Vel. No. 854 and also additional note on p. 491 in the Catalogue. (I) H K T Composed in Sam. 1525 by (1) Tīkā by Bandhusena. Hamsa. Udayadharmagani. PAPS. 62 (7). No. 170; Vel No. 854, (II) #5 STAT Anon. Agra. No. 1668 ; DA. H ATSI DA. 67 ( 61 ). 50 ( 96 ); Flo. No. 765; JG. p. 256. (1) A95 भोगोपभोगपरिमाण DA. 60 (36). Taita by Harnsacandrasisya. BO. p. 60.. W agot in Prākrta. Hamsa. No. 1530. (II) F** it by Bhävacandra. Published whaita by Rāja vallabha Pāthaka, pupil of Mahi by Hiralal Hamsarāj, Jamnagar, 1924. candrasūri of the Dharmaghosa Gaccha. Agra. Nos. 1487-1491 ; Bhand. III. 55 by Dharmasūri. See Mangalāstaka. JG. No. 449; BO. p. 50; Buh. IV. No. p. 202. 40 ; CP. p. 679; DB. 30 ( 21 ); Hamsa. AFSAFATE Limdi. Nos. 1748 ; 1749. Nos. 1807 ; 1808 ; Jesal. No. 1070; AF HIGIT in Prākrta. JG. p. 268 ( foll. 326 ). SA. No. 911 ; Vel. Nos. 1765 ; 1766. paarę by Yasovijaya. JG. p. 107. (1) ug composed in Sam. 1517, by Ratnamandiragani (Ratnamaņdana according Afører atrara by Dharmasūri. Ses Mangalāstaka. to Chani). It is published at Ahmeda JG. p. 286. bad, 1922. Chani. No. 512; CP. p. 679, AF1770 Limdi. No. 1494. Jain Education Intemational Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 300 fime: 1 (I) Forga by Dharmasuri ( Be :-nityasrībbava ). (I) HATTU by Jinadeva. Buh. VI. No. 654 ; JG. r. 202; Limdi. No. 1027 ; Pet. V. Hamsa. No. 1528 ; Idar. 124 ( 3 copies ; A. p. 137 one dated Sam. 1511 ); SRB. 7. (II) FI by Jinaprabha. (Be :-natasurendra). (II) hy by Nāgadeva. Bhand. V. No. Mitra. VIII. p. 309. 1151, VI. No. 1064. Hetaler JG. p. 257. |(III) HATTISTU by Thākúradeva. Lal. 125; F A T by Bhatta Akalanka. Rice. p. 308. 310; Tera. 9-11. See Bhāşımañjarī. (IV) #9997514 Anonymous. SB. 2 ( 79 ); After Hamsa. No. 1419. Surat. 7. HOUTE JG. p. 349. | natatau in Sanskrit prose. JG. p. 256 , Limdi. (I) Aofaufta composed in Sam. 1005, by No. 1293. Jambūnāga. BK, No. 1831; BT. NO. A TETEJTO by Jinabhadrasūri, pupil of 315; Buh. VI. No. 754; DB. 31 (2); Candraprabhasuri. DB. 31 (24). DC. p. 49, No. 16 ; PAP. 22 (13); (I) Hatenata in Apabhramsa. Composed in Surat. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9. Sarn. 1297. Patan Cat. I. p. 268. (II) ogíaaft in 643 Präkrta Gäthās by Hari- (II) ATEITITE by Matisekhara, pupil of Devabhadra. See Munipaticaritra (1). Limdi. guptasüri of the Ukesa Gaccha. Buh. Nos. 571 ; 853 ; 1274; 2699. III. No. 166 ; PRA. No. 858. HOTH Faiz Bengal. No. 6897. A9762 Bengal. No. 7604. aforagique Pet. VI. No. 579. This is probably hefiae JG. p. 256. Gaņividyāprakirņaka. Arętraat217 Flo. No. 767. Hisyafagaura by Aśādhara. Idar. 182. Ayarater Agra. No. 1669. Ausfaguara JG. p. 217 ; PAPR. 15 ( 23 ). HEATAE by Pārsvacandra. BSC. No. 452, HECTE by Hemaprabhasüri, pupil of Devendra Samb. No. 361. suri. It is in Sanskrit and contains Gram. 486. JG. p. 349 ; PAP. 75(3). (1) Tippana. BSC. No. 452. (I) HUSFO in 99 Gāthäs by Vinayakusala, U E U See Trailokyadipikā. pupil of Vijayasenasuri. See Vicāralesa. FETIETOTEUT Composed in Sam. 1673 by HarsaHamsa. No. 688; JG. p. 135; KB. 3 nandanagaņi, pupil of Samayasundara ( 60 ); Surat. 1 ; VC. 12 (9); VD. 11 Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaccha. (8). According to a Hamsa Note, it is a (1) Svopajña Tīkā corrected by Campūkavya composed by SamayaLābhavijaya. JG. p. 135. sundara and not Harsanandana. Baroda. (II) HUGOT of Lābhavijayagani. Surat. 1. No. 2150; Chani. No. 16 ; Hamsa. Nos. This is the same as above. See Vicāra 1178; 1610; KA. 3 (53); 5 (31); lesa-Tikā No.(1). PRA. No. 353; SA. No. 883. H itache Bhand. VI. No. 1329; JG. p. 256. मध्याह्नव्याख्यानपद्धति is the same as above. KB. HEUTETTIE composed in Sam. 1573 by 3 (53); 5 ( 31 ); SA. No. 883. Lāvanyaratna. PAP. 12 (21). FAITU in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 1061. TIET in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 530. | FTO in 76 Prākrta stanzas. Patan Cat. मदनधनदेवीचरित्र Surat. 5. I. p. 111 (qnotations ). Jain Education Intemational Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः | मनःस्थिरीकरण fear in Prskerta composed in Sari. 1284 by Mahendrasöri (Benamiņa vaddhamanam). JG. p. 112; Patan Cat. I. pp. 1 (quo.); 153. (1) Vivarana (Gram. 2300) by Mahendrasiri himself. JG. p. 112; PAS. No. 113, Patan Cat. I. p. 1 (quotations). मनःस्थिरीकरणविचार by Somasundara. JHB. 55. मनुष्यक्षेत्र परिधिविचार Hamsa No. 837. मनुष्यभवोपरिशदृष्टान्तव्याख्या DB. 22 (113). #gurtas Hamsa. No. 450, SA. Nos. 131, 410; Weber. II. No. 1967 (2) (1) Avacuri. Bhand. VL. No. 1231; Weber. II. No. 1967 (2). (Gram. 300). Chani. No, 78, JG. p. 332 ; PAPR. 21(21). मनोनिग्रहभावनाकुलक aðfangaranges in 44 Prakrta Gathis by Ratnasithhasüri. JG. p. 202, Limdi. No. 955; Pet. V. No. 803. it in Prakrta (Gram. 15000 Gaths), composed in Sam. 1140, by Vardhamana, pupil of Abhayadevasuri. He composed his Adinathacaritra (s. v.) in Samh. 1160 and Dharmaratnakaran daka (s. v.) in Sam. 1172. Bt. No. 327; DI. p. 45: JG. p. 229. MATURARIST JG. p. 311; Samb. No. 473. मनोरथनाममाला मनोरमानाममाला by Hargakirti. See Namamsls. मनोवेगकथा in Sanskrit prose. JG. p. 257. मनोवेगपवनवेगकथानक DB. 31 (45) मन्त्रगर्भितआदिदेवस्तोत्र by Sabhasundars this is published at Jainastotrasamdoha, part I (Ahmedabad, 1932), p. 353. It contains 25 Prākṛta stanzas. Chani. No. 387; Hamsa. No. 1211. (1) Avacuri by Dharmacandragani. Chani. No. 387, Hamsa. No. 1211. मन्त्रगर्भित गौतमस्तोत्र DB. 24 (149). SA. No. 708 (foll. 31). मन्त्रबीजकोश JG. p. 286. # in 36 Gathas by Durgadeva, a Digambara writer. BT. No. 598, JG. p. 367. No mss. are known to me. :301 (Grarh. 800) by Simhatilakasiri, pupil of Vibudhacandra, pupil of Yasodeva, composed in Sarh. 1322 according to DC. p. 58; the date is however given as Sam. 1332 in the Prasasti and the JHA. list. The words giving the date are Samvad gunatrayodašavarse. DC. p. 58 (quotation); Hamsa. No. 1403; JG. p. 367; JHA. 73 (2c.); PRA. No. 1239 (No. 36). (1) Lilavati by Simhatilaka himself. DC. p. 58; PRA. No. 1239 (No. 36). are by Mallisena. Rice. p. 316. This and the next two are probably identical with Bhairavapadmavatikalpa. by Mallisena. JG. p. 366, SA. No. 2079. aug Bengal. No. 7563. मन्त्रसारसमुच्चय by Mallisena. SRB. 50. Anonymous. JG. p. 286. (1) Vetti. JG. p. 286, Pet. V. No. 789. arfer in five chapters (Grah. 629) by Sagaracandra. Hamsa. No. 1404. It is published by Sarabhai Navab, in Jainastotra Samdoba, II, p. 227, Ahmedabad, 1936. मन्त्राम्नाय Bengal. No. 7580. मन्त्रावली Bengal. No. 7640. afaner in Sanskrit verse. JG. p. 257. Bengal. No. 6924. for is the name of Amitagati's commen tary on Sivakotis Aradhana; ef. SGR. V. p. 69. SG. 2640. fo See next मरणविभक्तिप्रकीर्णक also called Maranavidhi or Marapasamadhi or Maranasämäcäri. It is one of the 10 principal Prakirņakas and is published along with others by the Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 302 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1927. It Nos. 1020, 1368 ; JA. 111 (14), contains 656 Gäthās. Bengal. No. 7585; Jecal. Nos. 385; 437; JG. p. 229; Buh. III. Nos. 124 ; 141; VIII. No. Kundi. No. 43 ; Mitra. X. p. 124 ; PAP. 386 ; Bt. No. 55; Chani. No. 105; DA. 27 ( 26 ); 30 ( 7; 45 ); 36 (38; 40); 73 27 ( 36; 37 ); DB. 13 ( 40); JB. 99; (12, 14, dated Sarn. 1478); PAZA. 7 JG. p. 62 ; Limdi. No. 931, PAP. 23 (11); PAZB. 9 ( 29 ); Pet. I. No. 312; ( 37 ); PAPL. 5 (17); PAZA. 5 (9); III. No. 622 (dated Sarn. 1536); III. A. Pet. VI. No. 579; SA. No. 544; VB. p 210; V. No. 791, SA. No. 116, 27 ( 20 ). Samb. No. 200; Surat. 1, 5; Tapa. 28; FUTEAU See Maranavibhaktiprakirņaka. VA. 14 (4); VB. 27 ( 23 ). ATUETAT I See Maranavibhaktiprakirņaka. (III) RET U fis in 1296 Präkrta Gathās by haufitftafts KN. 12. an unknown author. Hamsa. No. 1277, मलयगिरिव्याकरण See Mustivyakarana. JG. p. 229; Limdi. No. 1115. (I) मलयसुन्दरीकथा in Sanskrit prose by Manikya- | L 6. (IV) HOUERETIS Aconymous. Also see Malayasundarasūri of the Ancala Gaccha. It sundarikathā. Agra. Nos. 1495-1498; was published at Bombay, 1918. Bik. Kath. No. 1404 ; Limdi. No.706, Samb. No. 1494; BK. No. 1158; JG. p. No. 384; Surat. 5. 257; PAPS. 82 ( 39 ; 186); PAS. suæftuala in 10 Apabhramsa stanzas. JA. 106 No. 82 (39); Pet. I. No. 313 ; V. No. (15); PRA No. 1284 (No. 7). 793; PRA. No. 360. Agater in Präkrta. Patan Cat I. p. 195 ( foll. (II) Hug e by Dharmacandra, pupil of 6 only; ms. dated Sam. 1291 ). Dharmadevagani of the Pippala Gaccha. मल्लिकामकरन्दप्रकरण by Ramacandra, pupil It is translated into German by Hertel in of his Indische Märchen', Jena, 1919 Hemucandra. Quoted in his Nātya(pp. 185-268). See Winternitz, History, darpana by the author. No mss. are known to me so far. II, p. 533. BK, No. 680. (III) HOTE-atia Anonymous. JG. . 257 HIER of Jinaprabhasuri. See Mallināthacaritra. (Gram. 1200 ). See Malayasundari- (1) H arita in Prākrta (Gram. 5555 ) comcaritra. posed in Sam. 1175 by Jinesvarasüri. grafarere by Dharmacandra. BK. No. BT. No. 263; JG. P. 242. 680. See Malayasundarikathā No. II. ( II ) Ararunt in Prākrta (Gram. 9000) con(I) HgIga ta composed in Sam. 1456, by taining three chapters, composed during śāntisuri of the Palli Gaccha (Gram. King Kumārapāla's reign by Haribhadra, 500). DA. 50 (122). pupil of Candrasuri, pupil of Jinacandra of the Vada Gaccha. BK. No. 1971, (II) मलयसुन्दरीचरित्र by Jayatilakasuri of the BT. No. 265; Hamsa. No. 486; JG. Agama Gaccha. It is published in the p. 242, PRA, Nos. 633; 1137. DLP. Series, No. 34, Bombay and also by Hiralal Hamsarāja, Jamnagar, 1910. (III) Aigareuita in 105 Präkrta stanzas (Be :Baroda. Nos. 2112 ; 2891; Bhand. VI. ikkhāgarāya vasabho) Patan Cat. I. p. No. 1330; BK. Nos. 189; 564 ; BO. p. 136 (ms. dated Sam. 1345 ). 60 ( ms. dated Sam. 1494); p. 61; (IV) higareteit in Prākrta (Gram. 500) by Chani. Nos. 296; 592 ; DA. 50 (116 Bhuvanatungasuri. Jesal No. 689 (palm 121); DB. 31 (131; 132); Hamsa. ms.); JG. p. 242. 185.2he Man German pala of Jain Education Intemational Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ anaam: $4#:1 303 (V) Agar Tits consisting of 50 Apabhramsa HEOS See Maharsiguṇasamstava and Rşimaņdala stanzas in the Mātrā metre composed by stava. Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Helý5* In 26 Gātbās. Hamsa. No. 1537; Patan Cat. I. p. 270. Limdi. No. 1288. (VI) 1977 (Gram. 4250) by Vinaya- AEIONUTEITAT In 210 stanzas by Dharmaghoșasuri. candra, pupil of Pradyumnasuri, pupil of It is also called Rşimandalastava (s. v.). Ratnaprabha, pupil of Devānanda of the JA. 60 (11); PAPL. 3; 33; Pet. III. Candra Gaccha. It has 8 cantos and is A. p. 28. written in Sanskrit. The author lived A zul In Präkrta by Sarodevasüri ( Sarvadeva ?). before Sam. 1491, and is probably to be Jesal. No. 49 (palm ms. dated Sam. identified with Vinayacandra, author of 1246 ). Adināthacaritra (III, composed in Sam. HEIGqiqatar Pet. V. No. 925. 1474), Pārsvanāthacaritra (VI); and HEIGRETêxt by Vidyānanda. CP. p. 679. Munisuvratacaritra (II). It is published ATITIS in 12 Sanskrit Slokas. It is published in the YJG. Series, No. 29, Bhavanagar, Vir Sam. 2438. Baroda. No. 2113; in the MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Bhand. V. No. 1306 (dated Sam. 1491); Sam. 1979. Bt. No. 264; Chani. No. 308 : DB. 26 HET31777FEE4F27 ( Gram. 4000 ) by Sarva vijaya. (6; 26); JG. p. 242; PAPM. 48; VC. 12 (4) PAPR. 20 (3); Patan Cat. I. p. 361; HET kaarya in 6 chapters. This is described Pet. V. A. p. 31; VI. No. 608. in Indranandin's Srutāvatāra. It was (VII) Aargaria of Subhavardhana. Published composed partly by Puspadantācārya by Hiralal Hamsaraja, Jamnagar, 1930. ( first 100 Sätras only) and partly by (VIII) Hgatusita (Grəm. 4620) by Vijaya Bhūtabali. It is otherwise known as suri. VB. 27 (19). Satkhandāgama. (IX) yaits Anonymous. Agra. No. 1499 ; (1) Prākrta Tikā by Kundakunda. JB. 117; Surat. 1, 5, 7, 9. Gram. 12000. It is only on the first (X) H e alta by Sakalakīrti. It is published at three chapters. Calcutta, Sam. 1979. Bengal. No. 1535; (2) Tikā by Śămakunda Acārya. It Bhand. IV. No. 306; Buh. VI. No. is on the first 5 chapters only. Gram. 655; CP. p. 679; Idar. 107; (5 6000. copies, one dated Sam. 1515); Idar. A. (3) Cūdāmaņi Tikā by Tumbulārā21; 54; Pet. IV. No. 1465; S. Nos. cārya. Gram. 54000. It is in old 1711 ; 2166. Kanarese. This also is on the first 5 (XI) Afgargara of Pampa Kavi. AK. No. 597. chapters only. (XII) Afgaraga by Bhattāraka Prabhācandra. (4) Tikā by Samantabhadra. Gram. List (SJ. and Phaltan ). 48000. Also on first 5 chapters. It is H arustatedra Bengal. No. 6766. in Sanskrit. (I) arugttur See Mallināthacaritra (X to XII). (5) Prākrta Tikā by Bappadeva. (II) nitalagTiu by Nāgacandra. Mud. 103. (6) Dhavala in mixed Sanskrit, Prā. hear at Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (1). krta and Kanarese by Virasena composed Harmata by Hamsavijaya. Hamsa. No. 315. in Saka 738. See Jaina Hitaişi, Vol. 12, (1) Tikā. Hamsa. No. 315. p. 381. The Dhavalā is now being publi Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 304 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। shed by Prof. H. L. Jain, Amaravati, History, II. p. 465. AM. 133; 134; Berar. Dhavalā quotes Sammatitarka, Baroda. No. 2892; Bengal. No. 7080; Trilokaprajñapti of Yativrsabha, Panca Buh. II. No. 228; IV. No. 178; DA. stikāya, etc. See Şatkhandāgama, 14 (7-13); DB. 6 (21); DC. pp. (Amraoti, 1939), Vol.I. Intro. pp. 53 ff. 31, 51; Hamsa. Nos. 781; 1575; JA. (1) HEIZOZ" by Samayasundara Upadhyāya. 60 (6; 7); 98 (1); JB. 54; 68; PRA. No. 193. Jesal. Nos. 77 ; 425 ; 916, 1374 ; JG. (II) REIT(Be :- bhime bhavammi bhamiu ). p. 16; JHA. 19; Kaira. B. 187; Bengal. Nos. 6788; 7124; 7550; DA. KB. 1 (41); Kiel. III. No. 165 ; Limdi. 59 ( 81 ; 82, 84); 60 (169); KB. 8 Nos. 163; 170; Mitra. X. p. 10; PAP. (2); SA. No. 52 ; Weber. II. No. 1967 47 (2; 3; 7; 15); PAPL. 3 (60); (8), Surat. 5, 8, 9. 8 (73); PAPR. 3 (9); PAZA. 4 (1) Tīkā. SA. No. 52 ; Weber. II. (2); PAZB. 2 (7); Pet. I. A. p. 87; IV. No. 1308, V. No. 792 , SA. Nog. No. 1967 (8). 12, 143, 2728; Surat. 1, 5, 8, 9, VC. #Tiązafaat Hamsa. No. 1602. 12 (2); Weber. II, No. 1876. (1) Vivarana. Hamsa. No. 1602. (1) Cūrņi. DC. p. 31; JG. 54 ; ha iTh JG. p. 286. Jesal. Nos. 425; 916 (palm ms.); 1374 Halanta by Hemacandra. Hamsa. No. 716 ; (palm ms.). JG. p. 286. (2) Alāpaka. DA. 14 (11; 13). Haare era by Hemācārya. Bengal. No. 7292, (1) REISTOT written in the Apabhramsa language, Mitra. VIII. p. 48. See Mabädevastotra. complete in 102 Samdhis, by PuspaApraai on Astronomy, by Mahādeva, a non-jain. danta, son of Kesava, and a protege of (1) Dipikā composed in Saṁ. 1692 Bharata, minister of King Subhatunga deva of Mankhed ( 939 to 968 A. D.). by Dhanarājagani, pupil of Bhojarāja The work was finished in 965 A. D. gani, pupil of Kalyāṇasāgarasuri of the Yagodbaracaritra (XI) and NāgakumāraAñcala Gaccha. BK. No. 1241; BO. p. 38; Hamsa. No. 487; Vel. No. 254 caritra (III) are other works of the ( quotations ). author. Mahāpurāņa is edited in three (2) Tippanaka by Bhuvanarajagaņi. parts by Prof. Dr. P. L. Vaidya in the Kiel. II. No. 392. Manikcandra Digambar Jain Grantha(3) Vivrti by Tattvasundara. Bengal. mala, Bombay, 1937 to 1942 A. D. No. 6698. Bhand. V. No. 1106 ; VI. No. 1050; Buh. VIII, No. 370; CP. pp. 627 ; 679; (4) Țikā. Anonymous. JG. p. 352. Idar. 5 ; Idar. p. 2; Kath. Nos. 1139; HEI ASCEM JG. p. 352. 1140, SG. Nos. 993; 1262 ; Tera, 8. Helaaraia DB. 24 (154). (1) Mula Tippana, possibly by the HETATTE arcaica JG. p. 229. author himself. Herşiture In 8 chapters. It is one of the Cheda (2) Samuccaya Tippna by Prabhāsutras (Gram. 4544). A critical essay candra. Buh. VI. No. 563 ; also see Inon it is published by W. Schubring, troduction to the above edition Vol. I. p. Berlin, 1918. Also cf. W. Shubring, 24, Anekānta, Vol. II. p. 58. Lehre der Jainas, p. 78. Both language (II) HEISTI consisting of Adipurāņa of Jinasena and subject matter seem to indicate a and Uttarapūrāņa of Guņabhadra. See late orign of this work'; see Winternitz, under both. Jain Education Interational Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (III) arger by Jinasena. Rice. p. 314. See Adipurāna. (1) Tippanaka by Prabhācandra Pandita. Bengal. No. 1491. (2) Tippani by Ananta Brahmacarin. Hebru. 10. ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । (IV) go by Mallisena. See Triṣastimahāpurāņa (I). KO. 58; List (Kolhapur); Mud. 340. ()() by Candramuni. See Trisastilakṣaṇamahapurana. Idar. 5; SG. महापुरुषप्रबन्ध Surat. 5. Aggrarcaragefĵoj In 143 stanzas. It is published along with other Prakirnakas by Balabhai Kakalbhai, Ahmedabad, Sam. 1962. Also by Rai Bahadur Dhanapatisimha, J....39 1927. AM. 227; Bengal. No. 7602; Bik. No. 1600; DA. 27 (36; 37); DB. 13 (41); Hamsa. No. 19; JG. p. 46; Limdi. Nos. 525; 930; PAP. 23 (37); PAZA. 5 (17); Pet. VI. No. 579, SA. No. 2599; Surat. 1, 9;. Weber. II. No. 1870 (9); 1871 (5). No. 1762. महापुराण संग्रह See Mahāpurana. (1) Aggsrafta (Gram. 2336) by Merutunga of the Nagendra Gaccha and the author of Prabandhacintamani. This is another name of Dharmopadeśasataka (s. v.); cf. JG. p. 229; PAP. 11 (34); PAPR. 1 (2); Pet. VI. A. p. 43. (III) महापुरुषचरित ( Grari. 10000 ) in Prakrta, composed in Sam. 925 by Silacarya, pupil of Manadevasuri. According to (I) Pet. III. Intro. p. 38 this is the work meant in v. 24 (see ibid, A. p. 91) of Muniratna's Amamasvamicaritra, ch. I. The work describes the lives of the "Śalākā' or 'Mahā' Purusas of Jainism. It is quoted in Dharmakirtis Sangha (II) carabhāṣya (p. 382, Surat ed.). Bt. No. 283; Chani. No. 521; DC. p. 39 (ms. dated Sam. 1227); Hamsa. No. 758; Jesal. No. 894; JG. p. 229; Kundi. No. 324; PAPR. 21 (34); SA. No. 288. (III) Ħggsqfta in 8790 Prakṛta Gāthās by Amrasuri. Bt. No. 284; JG. p. 229. No. mss. are known so for. (III) (IV) in Sanskrit by Pujyapada. SG. No. 1693. 305 DA. 50 (110); DB. 31 (114); SA. Nos. 147; 1579. Agra. Nos. 1670; 1671, Bengal. No. 7540. महाबलमलयसुन्दरकिथा in Sanskrit by Manikyasundara. See Malayasundarikatha (I). PAPS. 82 (39). #lassy-zûafta by Santisuri. DA. 50 (122). See Malayasundaricaritra (I). composed in Sam. 1334 by Vive kasamudragani, pupil of Jinesvarasūri. SA. Nos. 147; 1579. महाभयहरपार्श्वनाथस्तव See Bhayaharastava by Manatunga. Pet. V. A. p. 137. by Asadhara. Idar. 78; PR. No. 240. This is the same as Nityamahoddyota (s. v.). (1) Tika by Śrutasagara, pupil of Vidyanandin; cf. JH., Vol. 15, p. 187 (ms. dated Sam. 1582). in Sanskrit by Gunabhadra. Mud. 165; 431; SG. No. 1619. in Sanskrit by Jinasena. SG. No. 1468. Bengal. No. 7948. Benares, Sam. 1942, and by the Agamo (I) Haar by Kularka, a non-Jain. This is a daya Samiti, (Series No. 46) Bombay, short metrical piece consisting of ten (V) Anonymous. CP. p. 680. महायमकमय पार्श्वस्तवन by Padmaprabha. JG. p. 286. महाराजकुमारचरित्र composed in Sar 1752, by Vinayacandra, pupil of Jñanatilaka, pupil of Harṣanidhana of the Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 452. For Private Personal Use Only Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 sifarama bhrar. It is pubhash stanzas containing sixteen arguments to stotra in 44 Gáthás. See under it. Buh. prove the eternity of Sabda. BK. No. IV. No. 251 ; JG. p. 287 ; KN. 12; 559; Chani. Nos. 393 ; 450 ; PAP. 24 Limdi. No. 1288; Pet. V. No. 794 , ( 22 ); 27 ( 48 ); 64 ( 20 ); SA. Nos. PRA. No. 883. 413 ; 466 ; 511 ; 577; 1744; Vel. No. (V) grattarca in Prākrta composed in Sam. 1056. 1139 by Guņacandragani, pupil of (1) Dipikā by a non-Jain. BK. Sumati Vācaka. It is in 8 chapters and No. 559; Chani. No. 450 ; PAP. 27 was composed at the command of Pra ( 48 ); 64 ( 20 ); SA. Nos. 413 ; 466 ; sannacandrasuri, pupil of Jinacandra511, 577; Vel. No. 1056. sūri, the author of the Sarnvegaranga(2) Dipikāvrtti or Tippana, by sala (Be: payadiyasamaththaviththaram). Bhuvanasundara, pupil of Somasundara The language is artificial and beautiful. sūri of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. VI. The work also contains about 50 Apa. No. 1394 ; BK, No. 559; Chani. No. bhramsa verses ; cf. ABORI., Vol. 16, F. 450 ; PAP. 27 ( 48 ) ; 64 ( 20 ); SA. 38. It is published in the DLP. Series., Nos. 413 ; 465; 511; 577; Vel. No. No. 75, Bombay, 1929. Bt. No. 280 ; 1056. Chani. No. 73; DC. p. 38 (ms. dated ( II ) Age of Vadindra. Both the text and the Sam. 1242 ); DI. p. 45; PAPM. 49; Patan Cat. I. p. 361 ; PAZB. 3 ( 3 ); 6 commentary are published in the Gaek. ( 33 ), Pet. V. A. p. 32 ( quotations ). 0. Series, Baroda, 1920. (1) Tīkā by Bhuvanasundara of the (VI) Heritafta by Hemacandra (Gram. 12025). Tapā Gaccha. Hamsa. No. 628 ; JG. p. This is the 10th Parvan of the Trişasti96 ; SA. Nos. 413 ; 465. salākāpuruşacaritra. DB. 27 ( 12; 13 ); JA, 22 ( 1 ); 78 (1), 95 (8); 111 Hellulara (y) by Bhuvanasundara, pupil of ( 27 ); Jesal. No. 830 ; PAP. 20 (3); Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. 32 ( 3; 5); PAPL. 1 ( 7 ); PAPM. 14 SA. No. 1744, Vel. No. 1056. (dated Sam. 1368 ); 38 ; VA. 14 (25), (1) helicata (Grań. 3000) by Nemicandra VD. 11 ( 10 ). suri, also known as Devendragani, com (VII) haritafta by Asaga. JG. p. 245. See posed in Sam. 1141 (Be:-panamaha Vardhamānacaritra. padbamajiņindam. ). It is published by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1973 ( Series III) Agritarta Anon. Agra. No. 1491 ; Bt. No. 58). See Jacobi, Sanatkumāracariya, No. 279; JG. p. 245 ; Surat. 1, 7. Intro. p. XXII. Bt. No. 281; JA. 107 #grattaita in the Apabhramsa language. It (7); JG. p. 245; Patan Cat. I p. 286 (ms. contains 24 stanzas by an unknown dated Sarn. 1236 ; quotation ); Pet. I. A. author. Patan Cat. I. p. 271 (Be :-- p. 67 (dated Sam. 1190). sumarivi sirijiņa ). Taitara In Prakrta by Devasuri, pupil of AETATTHIET BO. p. 60. Mānadevasūri. Jesal. No. 821. (III) Aeratura In 108 Apabhrarna stanzas Herefterra@artera DA. 71 (112); SA. No. composed by some pupil of Jineśvara 2860. sūri. JA. 106 (17); JG. p. 245. (1) Tīkā. DA. 71 (112). (IV) haraitafta by Jina vallabhasūri. This is herifugeglur Faia by Jinavallabhasūri. BK. another name of the Duriyara yasamira No. 698. DU Jain Education Intemational Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः । 307 6. Heraftansi by Siddhasena Divākara. See (JII ) Helaftraga in Sanskrit by Kalyāņa vijayaalso Dvātrimsaddvātrimsikā, Vimsati gani. PAPS. 66 ( 144 ). dvātrirnsikā and Viradvātrimsikā. Bhand. (IV) fulaicraaa by Munisundarasuri. Baroda. VI. No. 1414, DA. 39 (7; 8; 9); No. 11934; Limdi. No. 1734. 76 ( 90 ); Hamsa. No. 1457; Limdi. (V) Etattaga Anonymous. Limdi. No. 1650; No. 545; Pet. III. A. p. 217; VI No. Samb. No. 437. 610; SA. No. 583 ; Surat. 1 ; VB. 33 ( 48 ). (I) AËTaiteaia by Jinesvarasuri. JG. p. 287, Pet. V. No. 826. (1) Avacūri by Udayasāgara. DA. 39 (9). ( II ) Acraftedra by Jinapatisūri. JG. p. 287 ; Pet. V. No. 826. HETETTUTTO Bengal. Nos. 7698 ; 7720. (III) Agaitegia by Jayasāgara. BK. No. 1468. hera TITUERIS Bengal. Nos. 6889; 7158; 7519; 7538; 7639. (1) Tikā by Sahajakirti in Sam. (1) Tīkā. Bengal. No. 7639. 1668. BK. No. 1468. helageru by Sakalakirti. Sse Vardhamāna- (IV) agraiceara by Harnsavijayagani. BK. No. purāņa. 1697. HETETTTET by Aśādhara. Idar. 178. (1) Țikā Svopajña. BK. No. 1697. (I) महावीरविज्ञप्तिषत्रिंशिका by Indrasaubhagya, महावीरस्तुतिद्वात्रिंशिका by Siddhasena Divakara. See pupil of Satyasa ubhagya. This small Mahāvīradvātrimsikā. Stotra attempts to prove the incorrectness (1) Ariat Faia by Simhadeva. See Caturmukhaof about eleven non-Jain philosophical srimahāvirastotra. systems and was composed during the (II) HETETT FAT In 30 Apabhrarsa stanzas. JA. spiritual reign of Rājasāgarasuri of the Sāgara Gaccha. Buh. IV. No. 237; 106 ( 15 ); JG. p. 286. PRA. No. 881. (III) Heraftraia by Anandavijaya. VA. 14 (11; (II) HETTasaris T ( Dvātrirasikā ) See 12 ), Virasattrimsikā by Dharmasāgara. PRA. (IV) Heat Faiz by Jinavallabhasūri. See BhāvāNo. 1028. rivāraṇastotra. Bik. No. 1492, Pet. III. herat antiaerian KB. 2 ( 17 ) A. p. 216. Agata faziana Limdi. No. 2845. (V) HET Tealt Anonymous; in Präkrta. DA. 41 ( 250 to 262 ; 264 ), Limdi. No. 1498; Abraithaa by Padalipta. See Svarṇasiddhigarbha Pet. I. A. p. 97; VB. 28 ( 31 ). mabāvirastava. HETUT*41 JG. p. 257. (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1380 by Jinaprabhasūri of the Kharatara Hernatgim JG. p. 202. Gaccha. PRA. No. 836. Heldrafts This is another name of the Sitācaritra (I) hasraga by Yasovijayagani. See Nyāya (s. v. ). Buh. III. No. 177 (Be :khandakhādya. Pet. III. A. p. 194. kamanahakantijalana) (II) HETaiteetan by Pārsvacandra. JG. p. 286; Helaasgarę DA. 76. ( 19 ). PAPR, 16 (18). ACTIECTS Pet. V. No. 925. (1) Tikā by Bhāvaprabbasuri of * the Purnimā Gaccha. JG. p. 286 ; PAPR. Hierarcare by Rşivardhanasuri. Chani. No. 366. 16 ( 18 ), (1) Tåkā. Chari. No. 366. Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 (I) af by Ratnasekharasüri. See Ṛsabhamahimnastotra. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (II) by Satyasekharagani, pupil of (III) Jayacandrasuri. Chani. No. 141; JG. p. 987, PAPR. 18 ( 17 ). (1) Avacuri. Svopajña. Chani. No. 141, JG. p. 287; PAPR. 18 ( 17 ). (III) महिम्नस्तोत्र by Raghunatha Sen Parivar mahimpastotra, (IV) by Puspadanta. See Śivamahima stotra. (1) Tika by Harṣakirti of the Nagapuriya Taps Gaccha. BO. p. 26 (No. 704). महीपालकथा in Pralerta by Viradevagani, pupil of Munkandra, pupil of Siddhasena of the Candra Gaocha (Be. namiņa risa hanäham.). Baroda. Nos. 2085; 2286; Bengal. No. 7467; Bik. No. 1493; BO. p. 60, Chani. Nos. 434; 917; DA. 50 (16 to 20); DB. 29 (1, 2) Hamsa. No. 890, JG. pp. 229, 257; JHB. 53; Limdi. Nos. 669, 1617; 1677; Mitra. VIII. p. 226, PAP. 19 (2; 15; 43 ); 56 (25; 32), 54 (11); 73 (9, 16), PAPL. 5 (8); 8 (77); PAPS. 48 (94); 51 (19); 60 (53) 63 (15); 77 (5); PAZA. 8 (15); Pet. V. Nos. 795; 796; SA. Nos. 121; 1584; 2656; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 8; VB. 28 (10, 18), Weber. II. Nos. 2011; 2012. JG. p. 229; Kiel. IIL No. 166; PAPR. 18 (13); VA. 14 (26; 27). Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1492 1494; 1672-1675; KB. 3 (56); Limdi. No. 537. Hamsa. No. 1646. Agrafa in Prakrta. Hamsa. No. 1650. महेन्द्रमातलि जल्प by Somadeva. This is men tioned by the author in the colophons of his Nitiväkyämṛta (s v.) महेश्वर चरित्र This is a wrong title sometimes given to Megbesvaracaritra of Sithhasena, alius. Ratdhu. See Adipurana (VIII.). a by Caritravardhana. JG. p. 335. See Sisupalavadhavṛtti. rare by Mäghanandin. SG. No. 1365. See Sravak cara (XII). by Viranandin, a Digambara writer. JH. Vol. 14, p. 21. arrafa by Maghacandra. JG. p. 359. gifagar by Viśvabbusana. Pet. III. No. माङ्गीतुङ्गीगिरिपूजा 544. area by Sripujya. Kath. No. 1406. maaa in 18 Sanskrit stars in dif ferent metres by Kalyanasagarasuri. Published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, in Prakaraparatnakara, Vol. II. by Mahidasa, probably a non-Jain. JG. p. 311. JG. P. 355. (1) miqtsafe In 5 cantos by Limidi. No. 1574. Bengal. No. 1483; CP. p. 680; Kath. No. 1405; SG. No, 2340; Tera. 12. (II) def by Caritrasundaragani, pupil of Ratnasithhasüri of the Brhat Tapa Gaocha. Another work of his is Acãropadesa (s.v.). He lived about Sam. 1523 when he made some Pratihsthās. It is in Sanskrit (Graṁ. 895). It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1909; (2nd ed.) 1917. BK. Nos. 381; 1587; Hamsa. No. 169; Hamsa. No. 1391. मातृकाप्रसाद] This is a philosophical expositon of the Mantra 'oh namaḥ siddham', composed in Sam. 1747, by Meghavijaygani, pupil of Krpavijaya of the Tapă Gaccha. PRA. No. 256. ifta by Mohanavijaya. Bengal. No. 7441. A manuscript of this work was written in Sam. 1512 by Kalyanacandra, pupil Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः 309 of Kirtiratna Vácaka of the Kharatara (1) Ego in 517 Sanskrit stanzas. It was Gaccha. The nature of the work is not composed in Sam. 1484, by Munisundaraknown. PRA. No. 647. sūri, of the Tapā Gaccha. It was correctHALET* T* by Devacandragani (Gram. ed by Laksmībhadra ; cf. Bhand. IV. pp. 1800). BT. No. 542 ; JG. p. 337. 155, 457 f. It is published in the JAS. ATTENTIVEfa ( foll. 118 ). KB. 3 ( 38 ). Series, No. 75, Bhavnagar. Its Gujrati translation also is published in the same HTETTHET CP. p. 680. Series (Gujrati section No. 46), BhavHTUTETIHft by Nemicandra. Idar. 84 ( 2 c. ). nagar, Sam. 1979). Bhand. IV. No. amfata in 46 Gāthās. JG. p. 186; Limdi. No. 279, Chani. Nos. 216 ; 778; DB. 31 1704. (13, 14); JG. p. 257; PAP. 30 (43); ANESTI by Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 104. PAPR. 23 (5); Pet. III. No. 624; Anfarteng by Yasovijaya. See Mārgasuddhi. PRA. No. 435; SA. Nos. 191 ; 557 ; Surat. 1, 9; VA. 17 (17); VB. 36 Hamsa. No. 538 ; JG. pp. 105; 107. ( 26 ). arast is a metrical work in Sanskrit of an un: (II) f ake by Samyamaratnasuri. (Gram. known author. About six stanzas in 1631 ). VA. 14 (8). Anustubh metre from this are quoted in Ter in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 530. Padmaprabha's commentary on Kundakunda's Niyamasāra. See Upadhye, AIESTAT ( Be :-- mitrāyām darśanam. ) in BUJ., Arts of Law, September, 1942, p. Sanskrit by Paramānanda. Mitra. X. 108. p. 99. Alulite-Carni Bengal. Nos. 6815; 7401. ANIFESTAKETT 21 in Prāksta (Gram. 700 ). See below. DB. 31 (37); JG. p. 288. AUF by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijjaya of the | मित्रानन्दकथा in Sanskrit see Amaradattamitra.. Tapā Gaccha. It is published in the nandacaritra. Limdi. No. 530. Muktikamala Jain Mohanmālā, Baroda, Vira Sam. 2446. BK. No. 1283 ; PRA. ANTA ATT by Rāmacandra. VA. 14 ( 16 ). See Kaumudimitrānanda Nataka. No. 1331 , SA. No. 420. feulach (Be:- namiūņa mahāviram. ) in 30 HISTUTETT composed in Sam. 1264 ( 1204?) Gathās. DB. 35 ( 177-179 ); 50 ( 213 ; by Jinabhadra, pupil of Salibhadra. Pet. 214 ), Pet. V. A. p. 137 ; SA. No. I. A. p. 83. See Upadeśamālākathā 604. samāsa. CITATIETTE in 25 Gāthās. DA. 60 ( 213 ; Alara in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 814. 214); JG. p. 202; Limdi. No. 930. Hortiquara in Präkrta. Bengal. No. 7447 ; DA. Pera t ( Gram. 130 ) by Jinavallabba39 ( 69; 70); Limdi. No. 1254. sūri. JG. p. 163; Kiel. III. No. 167. मितभाषिणीजातिविवृति composed by Gunavijaya, | feira ait in Prākrta, by Devendrasūri. This is pupil of Sumativijaya, during the reign of Hira vijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. perhaps the same as the next one. Hamsa. No. 434. It is sometimes called merely Jātivivrti. DB. 22 (137); Pet. VI. p. 139, No. 2 a egra of Devendra. SA. No. 684. 42 : PRA. Nos. 671, 1028; Surat. 1 foregik ( Be :- jo koi yāpanigane). An (foll. 31 ). attack on the Yāpaniyas(?). JG. p. 202 ; HET in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 814. Pet. V. A. p. 137. Jain Education Interational Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 310 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। sig alat also called Misralinganirnaya or Linga- gitngit aru by Harsakula. JG. p. 151. nirņaya, was composed by Kalyāṇasāgara g are of Jagannātha. See Sitārbara parājaya. ( described as Sivasimdhu by Udaya- greraator VB. 28 (34). sägara in his Snātrpancāśikā composed garagia by Paramānanda. Mitra. in Sam. 1704 ; cf. Pet. III. A. P. 238, X. p. 103. v. 3 ), pupil and successor of Dharmamürti of the Añcala Gaccha. It yaale IFTTT by Vardhamānasuri. Chani. is a No. 299. Published in the Prakaranadictionary of nouns having more than samuccaya ', Indore, 1923. one gender in Sanskrit. It was composed gwaragiasaait (Graṁ. 240). JG. p. for the author's pupil Vinītasagara. The 154 ; PAP. 25 ( 28 ). information given on page 311 of JG., about the author is wrong. The author an IEC T DB. 20 (25; 26). lived between Sam. 1670 and 1709. Buh. THAUTSTÖTT by Ratnamandanagani, pupil of VI. No. 762, Chani. No. 238; DA. 61 Nandiratna of the Tapā Gaccha. The ( 67 ); JG. pp. 307 ; 311, PAPS. 81 work is on Rhetoric. DB. 38 (40); ( 85 ); PRA. Nos. 373 ; 904 ; SA. JG. p. 311; Pet. VI. No. 375 = VI. A. No. 831. p. 31 ( quotation ); SA. Nos. 740; ANGFaia by Kalyāṇasūri. See Misralingakosa 1699 ; 1721 ; 2700. above. Buh. VI. No. 762 ; JG. p. 307. (1) Vrtti. SA. Nos. 740; 1699; aday of Devanātha. See Krishnamachariar, 1721; 2700. History of Sanskrit Literature, p. 296. graraala by Madanasūri (Graṁ. 600). VB. 28 (9). AFTE Higua by Sivjilāla. List ( S. J.) guage sitíffi composed in Sam. 1450, by H artgat hy Viśvabhūsaņa. CP. p. 681. Kulamaņdanasūri of the Tapā Gaccba. tialgijat Bhand. VI. No. 992. Extracts from this are published in the Igician4 in Apabhra msa. See Allahabad Prācina Gujarāti Gadyasandarbha, p. U. Studies, I. p. 181. 172 ff., Ahmedabad, Sam. 1986. Bhand. (I) aidatanga by Sumatisägara. Idar. 72. IV. p. 16; Chani. No. 1011 ; DA. 63 (II) g argaalaga by śāntisuri. SGR. IV. (28); Limdi. Nos. 694 ; 918; PAP. 17 p. 37. (12); 26 (57; 71); PRA. No. 712. (III) afcaalarga by Ratnakirti. List. (Savai Th JG. P. 257. Jaipur ). (I) 557atasar by Vijayasimhasūri. Chani. No. (IV rafcgatunga by Yasahkirti. Idar. 72 218 ; perhaps the same as the next. ( 2 copies ). (II) Hair by Jayasimhasūri, pupil of g aigaalaga Anonymous. Flo. No. 696 ; Mahendrasuri of the Krsnarsi Gaccha. Pet. VI. p. 143, No. 95. PRA. No. 370. a f ficial by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Naya- Hisagie composed in Sain. 1475. Kaira. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. According B. 75. to JG. p. 105, foot-note, it forms part of the author's Vairāgyakalpalatā (s v.). MTFifagaru by Merutunga. A portion of PraJG. p. 105; SA. No. 283. bandhacintāmaņi. JG. p. 217. gif 1971 (Be :- duhkhadhvamsa) by Parmā. taa by Gunasena. Pet. VI. No. 626. nanda, in Sanskrit. Mitra. X. p. 96. 91922Surat. 1. Jain Education Intemational Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ fint: 444: 1 311 g h DB. 22 (53); Hamsa. No. 661; JG. p. (IV) glagfagita (Anon.) Agra. Nos. 1500154. 1506; JHA. 52. मुद्रितकुमुदचन्द्रनाटक describing the defeat of the मुनिपतिचरित्रसारोद्धार in Sanskrit. DA. 49 (42%; Digambara Kumudacandra, at the court 43 ; 45 ); Vel. No. 1768. of King Jayasimba of Ahnilwad in 1124 ATST Bengal. No. 7713. A. D. It was composed by Yasascandra, Harg h JG. p. 202. pupil of Padmacandra. It is published Gaaraan in 32 Sanskrit stanzas. Bengal. No. in the YJG. Series, No. 8, Benares, 1905.! 7480 ; Flo. No. 697. See also Hultzsch, ZDMG., Vol. 75, p. 1 (1) giagaaata (Gramn. 6806 ) in Sanskrit con61 ff. Buh. VI. No. 834; Chani. Nos. taining 23 cantos composed by Muni223; 297 ; 572, DB. 22 (170); Limdi, ratnasuri of the Purnima Gaccha acc. to No. 688; PAZB. 6 (15); SA. No. Bt. He is probably the same as the 383 ; Surat. 1, 9, 10. author of Amamasvāmicaritra. Bt. No. मुनिगुणनाममालिका Surat. 2. 266; JA. 102 (3); JG. p. 243; Pet. fargestrategia In 55 Gäthäs by Devasuri. III. A. p. 144. JG. p. 205 ; Limdi. No. 955; Patan! 10. 959; Patan (II) glagaagits by Vinayacandra (Gram. Cat. I. p. 134. 4552). BK. No. 259; Bt. No. 268 ; gawaitegia in Apabhramsa, by Devasuri. DB. 26 ( 7; 8); JG. p. 242. Patan. Cat. I. p. 134. (III) Hagagata by Hemacandra. This is a gragraner (Gram. 625 ) by Nayanandasuri. VB. part (8th book) of the Trisastisalākā28 (8). puruşacaritra. JA. 76 (1). (I) giaqraait containing 646 Prākrta Gātbās, (IV) graganatta containing about 10994 was composed in Sam. 1172, by Haribhadrasuri, pupil of Jipadeva, pupil of Gāthās, composed by Sricandrasuri, pupil Mänadeva of the Brhad Gaccha. Bengal. of Hemacandrasūri of the Harsapuriya Nos. 3487; 7110; 7187, Bhand. VI. Gaccha. The date of this work is not certain. According to Bt. No. 267, it No. 1331 ; BK. No. 681 ; Buh. Il. No. 372; DA. 49 (33 to 46); DB. 29 is Sam. 1193, while Pet. IV. Introduc(12); 31 (1; 3; 4); DI. p. 34; tion, page 7 says that it is 1121. This Hamsa. Nos. 421, 911; JG. p. 229; latter, however, is not possible since the author could not have written so early as JHB. 32; 34; KB. 3 (56); Limdi. Nos. 571 ; 853 ; 1274 ; 2699 ; PAP. 12 this. His other works are Samgrahani( 34); 20 (6); 45 ( 39 ); 46 (3); ratna and Pradeśavyākhyātippana in Sam. PAPL. 6 (42); PAPR. 11 (11); 1222 (see Avasyakasutra, Com. No. 17, Pet. I. No. 314; IV. No. 1309; VI. where read 1222 for 1122). Bt. No. 267 , Chani. No. 2; JG. p. 242; PAP. No. 612; SA. Nos. 45; 1602; 2852; Strass. pp. 316 ; 414 ; 445 ; VB. 28 21 (13); 63 (42); PAPM. 7; Patan (2; 25; 32, 33, 40 ); Vel. No. 1767. Cat. I. p. 314 (quotations ); Pet. V. A. (II) fagfarct ( T ) by Dharmavijaya. Baroda. p. 7 ( quotations from Prasasti ). No. 2897; Surat. 1. (V) great ( Gram. 5555 ) composed in (III) æfagfareits in Sanskrit composed in Sarn. Sam. 1294, by Padmaprabha, pupil of 1005, by Jambūnāga or Jambū Kavi. of Vibudhaprabha, of the Candra Kula. See Manipaticaritra (I). DB. 31 (2); According to DI. p. 49, KunthunāthaJG. p. 229. caritra (I) was also composed by this Jain Education Intemational Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 श्रीजिनरत्नकोश: । Padmaprabha. Chani. No. 125, DC. p. 9, No. 85, pp. 27; 30; DI. p. 49; Hamsa. No. 489; Jesal. Nos. 84 ( palm ms.); 836; JG. p. 242, Kundi. No. 167; PAPR. 16 (3), PAZB. 3(2), Pet. III. A. p. 302 (quotation). (VI) मुनिसुव्रत चरित्र In Sanskrit by Kesavasena. List (S. J.) by Jinasena. AK. Nos. 603; (VII) giga 604. (VIII) gaga by Surendrakirti. List (S. J.) (IX) मुनिसुव्रतचरित्र by Harisena. List ( S. J.) (X) by Arhaddása, pupil of Asa dhra, Pandita. It contains 10 cantos and is also called Kavyaratna. It is published with the commentary at the Jain (1) Tiki. Anonymous. Hum. 262; Mysore. II. p. 133 (cantos I-V only). मुनिसुव्रतजिनस्तव Bengal. No. 7480. मुनिसुव्रतदेवस्तव of Ramacandra, pupil of Hemacandra. See Nalavilasa (Gaek. O. S.), Introduction, p. 33. (1) gfagaager in 23 cantos composed in Sam1681, by Krsuadas, brother of Mangala and son of Harga, at Kalpavalli. Bengal. No. 1501; CP. p. 681; Mitra. VI. p. 70; Pet. V. No. 964. (II) gagang See Munisuvratacaritra, Nos. VI. to X. मुनिसुव्रतस्वामिस्तोत्र in the Apabhraiśa language by Jinaprabhasuri. Patan Cat. I. p. 275. guff by Naracandra. DC. p. 25, see Anarghyaraghavatippana. मुष्टिव्याकरण by Malayagiri. It is also known as Sabdanusiaana. Bt. No. 446; Chani. No. 442; JG. p. 298; Kiel. IL No. 61; PAPR. 1(10); Patan Cat. I. p. 42 PAZB. 24 (17); SA. Nos 832; 2057. (1) Tika Svopajña (Gram. 4300). Chani. No. 442; JG. p. 298; Kiel. II. No. 61; PAPR 1(10), PAZB. $4 (17) (2) Vigamapadavivarana. JG. p. 298. (Be:- śrimat pārśvajina). Mitra. VIII. Siddhanta Bhavana, Arrah, 1929. AD.nasefirerer Limdi. No. 1168. No. 13; AK. Nos. 605; 606; 607; Hum. 137; 239; 262; 280, KO. 39, 108; 112, 116; Mud. 50, 155, 215; 247, 366; 385; 392; Mysore. I. p. 35, ILp 138; Padma. 31; 56; 63; Rice. p. 302, SG. Nos. 1264; 1278, 1279; 1525. p. 137. Bhand. VI. No. 1395; Bah. II. No. 304; Hamsa. No. 257; JG. p. 210, Limdi. No. 568; Surat. 1 (619), 9. (Gram. 250). VA. 14 (3). tagfant (Gram. 1000). VB 28 (37).. DB. 31 (47), JG. p. 257; Mitra. X. p. 125, Pet. IV. No. 1310. मूलविधान JG. p. 352. मूलशुद्धिप्रकरण also called Sthānakasūtra in 212 Prakṛta Gāthās, composed by Pradyumnasuri of the Purnatalliya Gaccha. See also Siddhantasāra (III) which seems to be the third name of this work. AM. 300, Bhand. V. Nos. 1215, 1246; VL No. 1232, BK. No. 170; Bt. No. 205; DB. 35 (205; 212); JA. 7 (5); 25 (1); 105; (6); 106 (1); 107 (3); JG. pp. 136; 186; Jesal. No. 593; JHB. 61; PAP. 13 (2), 22 (5); PAPL 3 (63); PAPR. 11(1); PAS. No. 30, PAZB. 3 (8), Pet. L. A. pp. 46; 56; 64; 86; V. A. pp. 80; 93, 106 (ms. dated Sam. 1186); 165; PRA. No. 1090; SA. Nos. 148, 1680, VA. 14 (3); VB, 6 (13). (1) Tiks (Grah. 13000) composed by Devacandra, the grand-pupil of the author (namely Pradyumnasuri) and the author of the Santinathacaritra (II) in Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 318 it contains unda's works, and (3) the magistreta %3 ( 26 ; 29 Sam. 1160. AM. 300; Bhand. V. No.1 Surat, 1917. Also in the Jain Atma Vira 1215, VI. No. 1232; BK. No. 170; Series, No. 5, Bhavnagar, 1917. Bt. No. 205, Hamsa. No. 507 ; JG. p. (I) Erker Limdi. No. 569, Surat. 1, 2. 186, PAP. 22 (5), PAPR. 11 (1); (II) ECETE of Aparăjita. This is mentioned PAS. No. 1090; PAZB. 3 (8); Pet. V. by Rājasekhara. See Krishnammachariar, A. p. 165; PRA. No. 1090; Surat. 1; History of Sanskrit Literature, p. 445.. VA. 14 (3); VB. 6 (13). TEğerafta DB. 43 ( 98 ) ; Hamsa. No. 1542. GAZETATA Idar. 170. ITETETA JG. p. 257. Frant See Acārānga Sūtra (II) by Vatterakā Frigaafta in Prākrta. JG. p. 230. cārya. It is regarded as a sort of compilation by a little known author called EgaHellasca in the Apabhramsa language. It Vatteraka, who is surely different from contains 60 stanzas and is also called Kundakunda, according to Mr. Parama Mrgāputrasandhi. JG. p. 186; Pet. V. nanda Jaina Shastri. He points out how A. P. 68 ( quotations). it contains a large number of Gäthäs from zeifa See above. JG. p. 186. (1) Kundakunda's works, (2) Avaśya- galeria is the 15th chapter of the Uttarakaniryukti of Bhadrabāhu and (3) the dhyayanasūtra. Limdi. No. 930. Arādhanā of Sivakoti among others. See raaisel by Hiravijayasuri (Gram. 800); Anekānta, Vol. II. pp. 319-324. Fierig by Sakalakirti. It is in 12 chapters waait Anonymous. Pet. I. A. p. 83 ; VB. 28 and is probably based on Vatteraka's (14). work; for quotations, cf. SGR. V. p.52 ff. ad in Präkrta. JG. p. 202 ; Pet. V. For mss., see Acärānga Sutra (No. II) No. 641. Tikā No. (3). The work seems to have (I) gaalalta by Devaprabhācārya of the Malabeen composed in Sam. 1481. See SGR. dhāri Gaccha (Gram. 2400 ). It is V. p. 56. Also see PR. No. 10. edited by Hiralal Hamsaraj Jamnagar, UITTETU by Sivakoti. See Arādhanā (V.) 1909. Agra. Nos. 1507 ; 1508 ; 1677 ; ita in 83 Gāthās by Padmakumära. JG. Buh. VI. No. 757 ; DA. 50 (123 ; 124); p. 230. DB. 31 (135; 136); DC. p. 52; JG. reria of Harnsadeya, a protege of King p. 230; JHA. 51; PAP. 42 (44); Saundadeva. It is in two parts, contain: Pet. V. No. 798 (dated Sam. 1480); . ing a total of 1712 stanzas. It is a rare VB. 28 ( 11 ); VD. 11 (3). work on Zoology and a ms. of it is (ID) alaita by Maladhari Hemacandra. This preserved in the palace Library of appears to be a mistake. The work is Trivandram. The author is said to have probably the same as above. VD. 11 (3). lived in the 13th century. RHEIAT ( Vows to be taken by a Yati on the (1) aprice Anonymous. DB. 31 (145); deathbed ). CMB. 188; CP. p. 682. Hamsa. No. 657; JG. p. 258; Surat. 7. FATTO Surat. 2, 5, 8. (II) TT& by Kanakakusalagani composed altofta by Jinaprabhasūri. Bengal. No. 6768. in Sar. 1667. BK. No. 1658. (I) मेघदूत of Kalidasa. AE A T Agra. No. 1510; Hamsa. Nos. 654 ; (1) Tikā by Asada mentioned by 1398 ; JG. p. 257. Balacandra on Vivekamañjari; cf. Pet. Faits composed by Ķddhicandra. Published at III. A. p. 102, v. 5. J.......40 Jain Education Intemational Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 ( 2 )Țīkā by Srivijayagaņi. DB. 38 PAZB. 17 (50); Pet. III. A. p. 248 (17); VA. 14 ( 19 ). (quotation ); Surat. 1, 4, 5, 6; VB. 8 (3) Tīkā (Gram. 1500) by Sumati (8). vijaya, pupil of Vinayameru. CC. III. Tikā by Silaratna, pupil of Jayakirtip. 100; JG. p. 335 ; Pet. I. No. 315; sūri of the Añcala Gaccha. It was comPRA. No. 976. posed in Sam. 1491. Māņikyasundara (4) Țikā by Cäritravardhanagani helped the author. Hamsa. No. 625; of the Kharatara Gaccha. Pet. VI. No. PAP. 71 (27); PAPR. 5 (6); Pet. 345. III. A. p. 249 ( quotation ). (5) Țikā (Gram. 1150 ) by (2) Tikā (Gram. 1444 ) composed in Ksemahamsagani, pupil of Jinabhadra Sam. 1546, by Mabimerugaņi, pupil of sūri of the Kharatara Gaccha. JG. p. 335; Jayakirtisuri. BK. No. 1342; JG. p. Pet. III. No. 329; VI. No. 346; PRA. 335 ; PAP. 71 (19). Also Mohanlal No. 1024. J. C. Library (Bombay) possesses a ms. (6) Tikā by Kanakakīrti, pupil of (3) Tippana (Gram. 450 ). PAPR. Jayamandira, pupil of Jinacandrasuri of 21 (11). the Kharatara Gaccha. AL. No. 416, (III) haga by Vikrama. JG. p. 332. See NemiBendall. No. 225; CC. III. p. 100. duta. (7) Tikā by Jinaharsa, pupil of TECHETICE by Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpā. Dharmasundaragani. CP. p. 682. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. Published (8) Țikā composed in Sam. 1693, by the JAS, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1970. by Mahimasimha, pupil of Sivanidhana (I) Huatur See Meghanada Nrpatikathā. JG. of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. IV. p. 258. No. 280; PAPS. 75 (23) : PRA. (II) arger Limdi. No. 854. No. 285. Ta Bhand. V. No. 1307 ; DB. 31 ( 108). (9) Tikā by Megharājagani. BO. Fraginer (Gram. 760 ) by Somamaņdana gani, pupil of Munisundarasuri of the (10) Tikā by Vijayasuri. Bhand. V. Tapā Gaccha. Chani. No. 468 ; JG. p. No. 443 ( dated Sam. 1709 ). 258 ; PAPL. 3 ( 37). (11) Tikā called Meghalata Be:- Agiç by Meghavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. pranamya srijineśānam.) Mitra. IX. See Varsaprabodha. Compare Pattävalip. 163. samuccaya (Viramgam, 1933), I. p. 110. ( II ) Aug in four cantos, composed by Merutunga (I) CATS by Hemaprabhasüri, pupil of Devendrasuri of the Añcala Gaccha. It is in the suri of the Tapā Gaccha, composed in Mandākrāntā metre and deals with the life Sam. 1305. See Trailokyaprakāsa. Bhand. of Neminātha. It is published with Silara V. No. 1362; DB. 24 (236; 237 ); tna's commentary in the JAS. Series; Hamsa. No. 652; JG. p. 356; PRA. Bhavnagar (No. 76), A D. 1924. No. 1223. Agra. Nos. 2920-2924; AZ. 3 (2): 1 (II) HAIGT by Bhadanta (Be :- tiyasindanaBhand. VI. No. 1396; BK. No. 1342; rindapaya paņamiņu). Bik. No. 1496. Chani. No. 453 ; DB. 38 (16); Hamsa. (III) HEAST Anonymous. Agra. No. 3118; Nos. 625; 655; PAP. 19 (108); 71 Patan Cat. I. p. 127 (in Apabharmsa ); (19 , 27 ); PAPR. 5 ( 6 ) 21 (11), PR. No. 251. p. 50. Jain Education Intemational Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 315 À TÁTOT175 Pet. IV. No. 1466. (IV) A53T o by Muktivimala. Published HTAISTA FT Pet. VI. p. 144, No. 96. in the Dayāvimala Granthamäla, by ÀTatagatela Kath. No. 1121. Jamnabhai Bhagubhai, Ahmedabad (No. 16), 1919. #TEET See Meghadüta. hay of Mānānkasūri (Be :- jitālimālā). 5341 STEUE1 Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7074. It has 36 verses (Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. (I) #5THI by Somasena. Idar. 176. 50). Agra. No. 2931; BO. p.18; Hamsa. (II) #5THI Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 30 ). No. 6; Kundi. No. 27; Pet. III. A. p. A5F31Tataart Hamsa. No. 388. 291 , IV. No. 750; VI. No. 348; PRA. TOT ISTIarc by Hastimalla, son of GovindaNo. 1025. bhatta. It is published in the MDG. (1) Vrtti by Santisuri, pupil of Series, No. 5, Bombay, Sam. 1973. Vardhamānasuri of the Purnatalla Gaccha. AD. No. 183; AK. No. 609; KO. Agra. No. 2931 ; BO. p. 18; DC. p. 43; 43; 137 ; 138; Mysore. II. p. 150 ; (cf. DI. p. 59 ); Hamsa. No. 6; Kundi. SRA. 35. No. 27. Pet. VI. No. 348 ; PRA. No. H e the same as above. Rice. p. 304. 1025. H122 liter of Prabhācandra. It is published in Harga Limdi. No. 1698. the MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. (I) # araita also called Adipurāņa in Apa 1975. bhramsa by Raidhu Pandit. See JH. Vol. A ya of Kundakunda. See Astaprābhrta. 13, pp. 103-106. See Adipurāņa (VIII). Bengal. No. 1517 ; Idar. 41 ( 4 copies ); It is in 13 Sandbis. A ms. dated Sam. PAPS. 56 (8); 64 (14) 1608 exists at the Jain Temple, Farukh (1) Tikā by Srutasāgara. Bengal. No. nagar, U. P. 1517. (II) Haaraita of Surasena. This is mentioned aari Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 55 ); Limdi. No. by Simhasena (Raidhū) in his work. 939. (III) मेघेश्वरचरित्र Tera. 14. H1TA1f- 3 a SA. No. 1955. #wracare of Hastimalla. CC. I. p. 466. मोक्षमार्गनवपदार्थचूलाधिकार by Prabhacandra. BO. #50FETTU See Kātantravyäkarana-Tika No. 6. p. 61. SB. 2 ( 159 ). WATT 15 Tera. 2; 3; 4; 5; 182 ; 183. See (I) RUTES composed in Sarn. 1860, by Mārgaprakāśa. Ksamākalyāna, pupil of Amrtadharma of H atagi SB. 2 ( 79 foll. 5). the Kharatara Gaccha. Published by FTSTATY TU AK. No. 610. Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1919. of Bhāvasena. See Nyāyasuryāvali. Strass. JHB. 54 ; Mitra. IX. p. 4. p. 305. (II) #57a or Vyakhyana by Labdhi ini. Helga2221972 by Municandrasuri. Published in Prakaranasamuccaya, Indore, 1923. BK. vijaya. This is published by the JAS. No. 1601 ; DB. 35 ( 167 ); JG. p. 205 ; Bhavnagar, (No. 36 ), Sam. 1917. Limdi. No. 955; Patan Cat. I. p. 130 ; (III) 5311 I T Anon. Agra. Nos. 1712 Surat. 1. 1715 ; BO. p. 31 ; DA. 60 ( 306 ; 307 ; Hiç treateT JG. p. 258. 308); 76 ( 97 ); Hamsa. No. 350; JG. p. 264, Kaira. B. 157 ; KN. 15; Pet. Igaras PRA. No. 619. V. No. 800 ; Surat. 1 (1815); 2; 5. Higatuary9TU DB. 32 ( 40 ); JG. p. 135. Jain Education Intemational Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 316 श्रीजिनरस्नकोशः। RIETTITAIT* is an allegorical drama in 5 Acts (III) HIACaratter by Dhiravijayagaņi. Kath. celebrating King Kumārapāla's support No. 1160. to Jainism, composed by Yasahpāla, (IV) Raglasitoer in Sam. 1708, by Dhana. minister of King Ajayadeva (A. D. 1173 candra (Dānacandragani), pupil of 1176 ). It is published with an introduc Vimalaharsa, pupil of Vijayasimhasuri. tion by C. D. Dalal, in the Gaek. 0. BK. No. 207, Chani. Nos. 57 ; 825; Series, No. 9, Baroda, 1918. Bhand. VI. PRA. No. 321. No. 1397; BK, No. 1822 ; DB. 22 1) Hagen 121 composed in Sam. 1860 by (168); Hamsa. No. 208 ; JA. 111 (15); Ksamākalyāņa. JHB. 33. Jesal. No. 1849; JG. p. 337; Kiel. IL (VI) Alacarafer Anonymous. Agra. Nos. Nos. 50; 257; Pet. III. A. p. 208; Surat 1716-1726 ; Bengal. Nos. 7278; 7436 ; 1; VB. 28 (12). DA. 60 ( 285 ; 286 ; 294 to 299); JG. मोहराजपराजयनाटक See above. p. 264 ; JHB 36 ( 7c.); Limdi. No. 728; HIETTA is a small Apabhramba poem by Jina Mitra. VIII. p. 160 ; SA. Nos. 2894; prabhasūri. See Patan Cat. I. p. 272 2967; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9; VB. 28 ( 38 ); (quotation ) Vel. No. 1854. ATETEH Surat. 5. (1) Tīkā. Mitra. VIII. p. 160. Higal by Padmacandrasuri. KC 12. Ára egiteaga composed in Sam. 1624, by Sadhu* JG. p. 341 ; Limdi. No. 2307. kirti, pupil of Amaramāņikya of the (1) Raggaff composed in Sam. 1564 by Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 465. Ravisāgara, pupil of Rājasāgara of the H e r in Sanskrit by Gunacandrācārya. It is Tapā Gaccha during the reign of Vijaya published at Calcutta, 1924. Idar, 124. senasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is pub- qaretiaait in Sanskrit ( Grar. 113 ). PAPR. lished in the Parvakathāsangraha I, in 15 (11). the YJG. Series, No. 16, Benares, Vir gregoria atskiga JG. p. 367. Sam. 2436. Buh. II. No. 229; DA. 60 75 € by Aśādhara. See Pratishāsāroddhāra. (287 ; 288); 76 ( 94 ); Hamsa. No. 73; alkaa Pet. V. No. 925. JA. 111 ( 22 ); JG. p. 264; Limdi. Nos. 1058; 1382; 1407; PAP. 30. Tratar DA. 60 ( 131 ). ( 42 dated Sam. 1655 ); PAPS. 66 (I) Masitaic (Prācina, Gram. 132). PAZA. ( 100 ; 102; 104; 105); 68 ( 103 ); 5 (6). PRA. No. 826; SA. Nos. 571; 677; (II) zasilane ( Navya ; Graṁ. 498). PAZA. 1983; 2832 ; Tapa. 159. 5 (8). (II) Atamaalaient composed in Sam. 1576 by (III) fatiafiq in 306 Gāthās by SomsprabhāSaubbägyanandin, pupil of Indranandin cārya ( Be :-kayapavayana ). Somaprabha of the Tapā Gaccha. It is edited by Anu bodily reproduces the first 24 Gathās in pram Shastri, Madhwas, 1922. Bik. his work from Jinabhadragani's JitaNo. 1495; BK. Nos 861; 1699; kalpa ; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 279, lines 7-8. Chani. No. 779 ; DA. 60 ( 289 to 293 ); Hence, its beginning is the same as that Hamsa. No. 1111; JG. p. 264 ; JHA. of the Jitakalpa. Bhand. VI. No. 1234; 56; JHB. 35; Limdi. Nos. 1106; 1210; BK. No. 94 ; BO. p. 29; DA. 73 (8); 1492, 1626 , 1664 ; PAP. 62 (9); DB. 7 (13); JB. 4, 73; JG. p. 56; PAPS. 62 (20); 68 (85); PRA. Nos. Kap. Nos. 603 ; 604 ; PAPR. 17 (2); 456 ; 493. PAPS. 22 ( 7, 10); PAZA. 5 ( 7; 8); www.jainelibrary.png Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Pet. L A. p. 70; IV. No. 1253; VA. 14 (34), VB. 29 (1); VC. 5 (10). (1) Vrtti by Somatilaka. This is not available at present, but it is mentioned by Sadhuratna in the introduction to his commentary, cf. Pet. III. A. p. 278, vv. 6, 7. अन्यविभागः प्रथमः | (2) Vrtti (Grah. 5700) composed in Sam. 1456, by Sadhuratna, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1234; BK. No. 94; DA. 73 (8); DB. 7 (11); Hamsa. No. 477, JG. p. 56, Kap. No. 604; PAPS. (III) 22 (7, 10); PAZA. 5 (7); Pet. III. A. p. 277 (quotation), IV. No. 1253; VL No. 573; SA. No. 152, VA. 14 (34); VB. 29 (1), VC. 5 (10). (1) (II) afaf (I). (III) affa (3) Vetti. Anonymous. JB. 4; 73; PAPR. 17 (2, Gram. 5197. This is probably Sadhuratna's Vrtti). by Yasovijaya. Hamsa. No. 1365. af JG. p. 155. See Yatidinacarys (IV). by Devasäri. See Yatidinacarys (Gram. 500) by Haribhadrasuri. DB. 22 (61; 62); JG. p 100; Pet. V. No. 801. See Yatidinacarya (III). प्रतिदिन चर्या by Devasūri, in 396 Prākrta Gathās (Betam jayai saham kammam). Bhand. VI. No. 1235; Bah. VIII. No. 391; Chani. Nos. 462; 961, DA. 38 (86; 87); Jesal. No. 404; JHA. 44 (2c.); Kundi. No. 12; PAP. 72 (17); 79 (58); PAPR. 21 (14, 20); PAPS. 46 (35); 63 (31); 68(54); Pet. III. A. p. 216; VB. 12 (41); VC 12 (12). supposes. See Dinacarya and Yatisamācāri (I). Baroda. Nos. 2223; 2899; BK. No. 95; DB. 22 (58 to 60); Hamsa. No. 733; JG. p. 151, Kath. No. 1293; KN. 12; PAP. 23 (38); 45 (13); SA. Nos. 188, 1750; VC. 12 (13). 317 (1) Tik by Matisigara Upadhyayn (Grain 3500). Baroda. No. 2899; BK. No. 95; DB. 22 (57); Hamsa No. 899; JG. p. 151; PAP. 23 (38); SA. No. 1750. यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र See Sadhupratikramanasiitm. fagfagrexiquens composed in Sam. 1185, by Jinadevasuri. BT. No. 636 (foll. 26); JG. p. 85. fangs by Padmanandin. Limdi. Nos. 586; 610, SG. Nos 86; 87. यतिमूर्तिप्रतिष्ठाधिDB. 22 (90) - यतिमृत्युविधि DA. 39 (68). JG. p. 154. fregar in Prskṛta (Grain. 262) by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapă Gaccha. It is pubished along with 9 other works of Yasovijaya in No. 13 of the JDPS. Series, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1965. BK. No. 34; JG. p. 105, PAPR. 6 (8); PAPS. 69 (85); SA. Nos. 538; 1759. (1) Tiks. Grah. 3500. PAPR. 21 Hamsa. No. 553. See next. (14). यतिशिक्षापञ्चाशिका arafangsen Prthvicandra. Bhand. IV. No. 1220, DA. 60 (33); DB. 35 (172); (afari by Bhavadevasüri, a descendant of Kalikācārya. This is a separate work Hamsa. No. 553, JG. p. 187; Pet. V. No. 803. and not a commentary as JG. p. 151, afferat (Graria. 500) by Hariprabhasüri in Sanskrit. This is probably the same as Yatidinakṛtya (III) DA. 38 (84); DB. 22 (61; 62); SA. Nos. 2748; 2750; SB. 2 (67); VB. 12 (43). (IV) यतिदिनचर्या by Yasovijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. Chani. No. 243; Hamsa. No. 1365. (V) ufafawai Anonymous. Agra. No. 2092. Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 318 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (I) graeraren by Bhāvadeva in 154 Gāthās. (II) TFTC15 Anonymous. (Grain. 600). JG. p. JG. p. 156; see Yatidinacarya (II). 349. Perhaps the same as above. (1) Vrtti by Matisāgara. JG. p. 156. (1) Vrtti. JG. p. 349. (II) यतिसामाचारी by Yasovijayagani of the Tapa यन्त्रराजरचनाप्रकार by Savai Jayasarmha. JG. p. Gaccha. DB. 22 (33; 36); see Sāmācāri 349. ( VIII ). TEFTANTof Mahendrasuri. JG. p. 349. See grategia Kiel. II. No. 76. Yantrarāja (I). Tamariage by Dharmasagara Upadhyaya or 73+ary in Sanskrit. DB. 24 ( 242 ); Hamsa. No. the Tapā Gaccha. SA. No. 1756. 1429. T ar Limdi. No. 2243. JA Hyugidaria sargia in 28 Sanskrit stanzas, (1) Tatt in Sanskrit by Aśādhara. Idar. 18 composed by Jinaprabhasüri. It is pub(dated Sam. 1552). lished in the Prakaranaratnākara Vol. IV, (II) Alat in Sanskrit by Sakalakirti. Bhand. by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. VI. No. 1033 ; SG. No. 2345. (I) TAntara by Dharmaghosa,pupil of Devendrasūri (I) arrat In six chapters composed in Sam. of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. P. 287; Pet. 1685 by Samayasundara of the Khara III. A. p. 310. tara Gaccha. Bik. No. 1513. JHA. 70; (1) Țikā by Somatilaka, pupil of JHB. 56. Somaprabha, pupil of Dharmaghosa, the (II) JETTAT Anonymous. DA. 60 (131 ); author. BO. p. 61; JG. p. 287; Pet. Strass. p. 309. III. A. p. 310. UUTETTU JG. p. 151. (II) nedia by Somaprabhācārya. JG. p. 287 ; GUATGI (Gram. 110). JG. p. 187. PAPR. 16 (15); PAS. No. 377 ; Patan aTarot JG. p. 367. Cat. I. p. 157. (1) Vrtti. JG. p. 367. (1) Vrtti. Anonymous. JG. p. 287; gratiaat by Padmanāga. JG. p. 349. PAPR. 16 (15); PAS. No. 377 ; Patan (i) Vrtti Svopajña. JG. P. 349. Cat. I. p. 157. (1) 311 by Mahendrasuri, pupil of Madanasuri. T raia by Padmanandin. Idar. 95 (3 The work contains 5 chapters and was copies ). composed in Saka 1292. It is published (1) Ţikā by Munisekharasuri. Idar. by S. Dvivedi and L. Sarma, Benares, 85. 1883. See Vel. No. 255. Bik. Nos. 759; ; Tu by Visuddha Muni ( only 2 folios). Patan 760; BO. pp. 53, 55 ; Hamsa. Nos. 95; Cat. I. p. 5. 317, I0. Nos. 2905 to 2908 ; Jesal. Nos. 1618; 1636 ; 1637 ; JG. p. 349 ; PAPR. यवननाममाला by Vidyānilaya Kavi composed in 8 (4; 5); SA. Nos. 291 ; 331; Samb. Sarn. 1421 according Hamsa. note. No. 476 ; Vel. Nos. 255-257; Viś. No. Chani. No. 264 ; Hamsa Nos. 663 ; 870; PAZB. 1 ( 20, ms. dated Sam. 1421). 282. gaaigest Bengal. No. 702. (1) Tikā by Malayendu. Bik. Nos. 759; 760; BO. pp. 20; 53; Hamsa. No. ATTITUT JG. p. 258. 317, 10. Nos. 2906 to 2908; Jesal. TITTAT Farg is a story of a legendary king YasoNos. 1636, 1637 ; JG. p. 349; PAPR. dbara of Ujjain in 7 chapters by Soma8 (4); SA. No. 331; Vel. Nos. 255 to deva, pupil of Nemideva, pupil of Yaso257 ; Viś. No. 282. deva of the Gauda Samgha and the y Jain Education Intemational Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 319 author of the Nitivākyāmrta, where this 804; SA. No. 49; VD. 11 (18); is mentioned. The author is a Digam Weber. II. No. 1992. bara writer. It was composed in Saka (V) GETITEITE by Padmasāgara, pupil of 881 during the regin of Krsnadeva III of Dharmasāgara of the Tapā Gaccha. See the Rastrakūta Dynasty. It is edited with HJL. p. 587. a commentary (No. 2 ) in the Kávya (VI) TTTarta in Sanskrit (Gram. 1850) commālā Series, Bombay, 1901. Compare posed in Saka 1353 by Kalyāṇakirti. AK. also Hultzsch, Journal of the Mythic No. 615. See Anekānta I. p. 82, f. n. Society, 1922, p. 218 ff. Bhand. VI. No. 1065; BO. p. 72; CP. p. 683; DLB. B ( VII ) T afta by Jñānakirti. Idar, 103, 27 ; Hum. 200; Idar. 93; 95; JG. p. Tera. 12. 332, Lal. 376; 384, MHB. 22 ; Pet. II ( VIII.) Tafta by Brahma Nemidatta. CP. No. 274 = II. A. p. 147 ( quotation); p. 684. SG. No. 29 ; SRB. 179; 182; Strass p. (IX) Tutafta by Padmanandin. SG. No. 309; Tera. 2 to 5. 1766. (1) Panjikā by Srideva. JG. p. 332; (X) Titafis composed in Sanskrit by PadmaPet. III. No, 547 ; PR. No. 90. nābha Kayastha, at the request of Kusa(2) Tikā by Srutasāgara. Idar. 93 rāja Mantrin and at the advice of Guņa(ms. dated Sam.1602 ); cf. also JH. Vol. kirti. Kusarāja was the minister of 15, p. 188. It runs only up to a portion King Virama of the Tomara family of of ch. V and seams to have been left in Gwalior wbo lived in Sam. 1462. See JH. complete by the author. It is published Vol. 15, pp. 225-226. AD. No. 15; in the Kāvyamālā edition. Baroda. No. 2211; CP. p. 684 ; Kath. (1) STUTAT by Kşamākalyāņa, pupil of No. 1161 ; Lal. 39; Mud. 371; SG. Amrtadharma of the Kharatara Gaccha. No. 2318. Composed in Sarn. 1839. It is in San- (XI ) Tafts in Apabhramsa by Puspadanta skrit prose. Baroda. No. 2074; BK. Kavi, son of Keśava Edited in the No. 1825; Hainsa. No. 1267; JG. p. Karanja Jain Series, 1931, by Dr. P. L. 230; Kiel. II. No. 394; PRA. No. Vaidya with Introduction etc. CMB. 75; 1163; SA. No. 49. CP. p. 684; Idar. 103; Kath. No. 1162; (II) यशोधरचरित्र in Sanskrit by Hemakunjara Lal. 24; SG. No. 1270; Tera. 13. Upādhyāya, pupil of Dharmacandragani. (XII) FTTETT by Pūrņadeva. Lal. 139. JG. p. 230 ; PAP. 30 (16; ms. dated (XIII) TTTTTarta by Mallisena. Mud. 744. Sam. 1607). (XIV ) T aica in 4 cantos ( Slokas 296 in (III) ATTUTTIT composed in Saṁ. 1623 by all) by Vădirājasūri, author of the Jñānadāsa, pupil of Nānaji of the Lunka Pārsvanāthacaritra and of the KäkutsthaGaccha. PAP. 12 (38). caritra. It is edited by Gopinath Rao, (IV) Tiyata in 14 cantos by Māņikyasıāri. Tanjore, 1912, in the Sarasvati Vilasa It is in Sanskrit and is edited by Hiralal Series, No. 5. AD. No. 82 ; AK. No. Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1910. Bhand. V. 616 ; CP. p. 683; Hum. 21 ; Idar. 103; No, 1308; VI. No. 1332; Chani. No. JG. p. 230; KO. 132 , Mud. 247 ; 294 ; 266 ; DB. 29 ( 25 ; 26 ; 43); JG. p. 306; 311; Mysore. II. p. 133, Pet. IV. 230; KN. 48 ; Limdi. No. 1076 ; PAP. No. 1467 = IV. A. p. 162; V. No. 805 ; 73 ( 10 ); PAPS. 63 (36); Pet. V. No. PR. No. 2 ( dated Sam. 1547); PRA, Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 320 16. श्रीजिनरलकोशः। No. 1009; Rice, p. 302 ; SG. No. 1325; JSTE ETC by Dhanavijaya. Published. SRA. 29; 202; 206, 329. Tugearele JG.p. 258; Pet. IV. No. (XV) JET Tafta by Vāsavasena. AD. No. 92, 1312. Bhand. IV. No. 307 (dated Sam. 1585); Eligia is a work on Horoscopy composed in Pet. III. No. 550; SG. No. 2379; Tera. Sam 1762 by Yasasvatsāgara, pupil of Yasahsāgara. The manuscript is in the (XVI) USTIETEE by Srutasāgara, Pupil of author's own hand. PRA. No. 218. Vidyānandin. It is in four chapters. CP. Garhar Anonymous. DB. 34 (108), JG. p. p. 684 ; Idar. A. 67 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 83. p. 143. (XVII) STETCEs by Sakalakirti, in 8 cantos qar y by Rāmacandra, pupil of Hemacandra. (Gram. about 1000 ). Bhand. VI. No This is mentioned in the author's own 1051; CP. p, 683; Idar. 103 (3 c. ); Nalavilāsa, Raghuvilāsa (s. v.) and Idar. A. 54; 66; JG. p. 230; Lal. Nātyadarpaņa. 128 ; MHB. 2 ( 2c.); PAP. 36 (35, dated Sar. 1598 ): Pet. IV. No. 1469: PRO TEFTATOT by Somadeva. This is mentioned in No. 111 ; SG. No. 1709 , Strass. p. 309; his Nītivākyāmrta by the author. CPL p. Tera. 10; 11. 31; JG. p. 93. (XVII) Users by Sarvasena (Vāsavasena ?).getT also called Nayaprakāśa or Jainaman dana Bhand. IV. No. 307 ( dated Sam. 1585). was composed by Padmasăgara, pupil of (XIX) TUTELT composed in Sar. 1536 by of Dharmasagaragani of the Tapā Gaccha. Somakirti, pupil of Bhimasena, a des It is published along with Syädvādakalikā cendent of Rāmasena of the Sarasvati of Rājasekhara by Hi.alal Hamsaraj, Gaccha. Buh. III, No. 167, CMB. 110; Jamnagar. Bengal. No. 6713; Buh. VI. CP. p. 683; CPI. p. 37 ; Idar. 103 ; 183 ; No. 658; Chani. Nos. 237 ; 723 ; JG. P. 78, PAPR. 22 (8); VB. 28 ( 50 ). See Idar. A. 67; JG. p. 230; Pet. III. No 549.. Nayaprakāśa. (XX) Tara Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1511 (1) Vrtti Svopajña. Bengal. No. 1513; CP. p. 684; DA. 50 (33 to 37 ; 6713; Chani. Nos. 237 ; 723 ; PAPR. last ms. dated Sam. 1495); DB. 29 (27; 22 ( 8 ). 28); Idar. A. 17; 24; Pet. III. No. grauarea by Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpāvijaya 548; VI. No. 681 ; SG. Nos. 1324; of the Tapā Gaccha. It is in Prākrta and 2548 ; Tera. 3; 14; 15; 18 to 22 ; VB. intended to refute the Vāņārasiya Mata, a 28 (48). heretic sect of the Digambaras, later known as the Terahapanthis. See JH. Vol. (1) Tikā by Lakşmaņa. Mud. 241; 14, p. 106. Agra. No. 2981; Bhand. VI. 803. No. 1237 ; Hamsa. No. 1463 ; JG. p.78. (XX) TETIETOIT by Somadeva. See Yasastilaka. (XXI) OSTITEfts by the Digambara Māņikya (1) Tikā Svopajña (Gram. 5000 ). gūri. JG. p. 332. This is probably a Bhand. VI. No. 1237, Hamsa. No.1463; mistake. See above No. IV. JG. p. 78. (XXII) Jurafts by Devasuri (Grar. 350 ): GierarhT by Siddhicandragani. BK. No. 1673. JG. p. 230. This is probably Sūktiratnākara. Jūlytet t by Prabhañjana Guru. Idar. grenaię by Prabhādeva JG. p. 93. 103, 112, Mud. 686. Fazure by Samantabhadra. It is a hymn to Jain Education Intemational Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ to Mahavira and contains 65 Sanskrit Ślokas. It is published by Pannalal Vamshidhara in Sanatana Jaina Granthamālā No. 1, Bombay, 1905. It is published also with the commentary of Vidyananda in the MDG. Saries, No. 15, Bombay. Sam. 1977. AK. No. 617; Hum. 2; Idar. 131, 136; JG. p. 93; Kath. No. 1201; Mud. 95.; 114; 146; 173; Pet. VI. p. 144, No. 97; SG. Nos. 1358; 1652. ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । 1 (1) Tika by Vidyananda (Gram. 2782). JG. p. 93; Kath. No. 1201; MHB. 12; Pet. VI. p. 144, No. 97; SG. No. 1358. yaguanfosanac in Prākṛta. Hamsa. No. 1214; SA. No. 611. KB. 1 (64; foll. 21). युगादिजिनचरित्रकुलक in Apabhramsa by Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Patan Cat. I p. 269. See युगादिजिनस्तवन ( सरस्वतीशब्दयमकमयं ) by Jinamanikya, pupil of Caritraratna. Jainastotrasamdoha I, Intro. p. 80. f. n. युगादिजिनस्तुति by Manikyasuri. Pet. VI. No. 626. (I) युगादिदेवचरित्र by Hemnacandra. DC. p. 51. This is part of the Triṣastisalakāpurusacaritra. See Adinathacaritra. (II) युगादिदेवचरित्र by Vardhamāna, pupil of Abhayadeva. Jesal. No. 152. See also Adinathacaritra and Rsabhadevacaritra. guntzatan (Gram. 2400) by Somamaṇḍanagani, pupil of Munisundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. See also Rsabhadeśana J....41 guga (Gram. 6000 ). JG. p. 230. युगप्रधानपट्टावलि Composed in Sari. 1685 by Saha | युगादिस्तव JG. p. 287. Kalyāņa. DB. 34 (112, 113). g by Devendrasuri. DB. 34 (111). युगप्रधानयन्त्रन्यास by Devendrasūri. BO. p. 31. (I) युगप्रधान स्तोत्र Anonymous. JG. p. 146. ( 1I) युगप्रधानस्तोत्र by Dharmaghosasuri. DB. 34 (114). For Private and Adinathajinadeśana. It is published at Palitana, 1913. Agra. No. 972; Baroda. Nos. 2167; 2900; 3001; Bhand. V. No. 1216; Chani. No. 493; DB. 35 (46, 47); Hamsa. No. 448; Kath. No. 1294; KB. 3 (73); SB. 2 (67); Surat. 1, 5; VC. 3 ( 18 ). of Ramacandra, pupil of Hemacandra. See Intro. to Nalavilasa (Gaek. O. S. ), p. 33. युगादिदेवस्तव Hamsa.No. 290. 321 (1) Avacuri. Hamsa. No. 290. gaafa by Somakirti. Pet. V. No. 826. JG. p. 287; Limdi. No. 1591; Pet. V. No. 806. (1) Vrtti (Gram. 200). JG. p. 287. युगादिदेशना See Yugādidevadeśanā. युगाद्यष्टोत्तरसहस्रनामस्तोत्र by Jinasena See Jina sahasranamastotra. युधिष्ठिरविजय is a Sanskrit Kāvya in eight cantos, CP. p. 684. The author is unknown. युष्मदस्मदस्तोत्र संग्रह by Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. BO. p. 61; Hamsa. No. 397; JG. p. 288; see Astādaśastavi. in 25 Sanskrit stanzas. Strass. ' p. 309. in Sanskrit (Gram. 415). Bt. No. 621; JG. p. 112; PAP. 40 (2); Patan Cat. I. p. 186 (quotation). योग चिन्तामणि by Harsakirti. See Vaidyakasarasangraha. JG. p. 359. योगतरङ्गिणीटीका by Jinadattasuri. Kundi. No. 150. (I) by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. See Soḍaśa ka. Surat. 1 (318). by Asadhara. Tera. 17. (II) योगदृष्टिसमुच्चय by Haribhadrasūri. It is edited by L. Suali with the Svopajña Tika in the DLP. Series, No. 12, Bombay, 1913. Agra. No. 1033; Baroda. No. 2901; Personal Use Only Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 392 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Bhand. VI. No. 1238, DA. 40 (85); 1 (1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 3620 ; 75 ( 8; 9); DB. 24 ( 27 ; 28 ); Hamsa. Be:- sadyogacintāmani. ). Agra. No. Nos. 309, 762 ; 1583; JG. p. 101 ; 1035; Bt. No. 82 ; DB. 16 (34; 35 ); Kiel. II, No. 395, KN. 12, PAPS. 68 Hamsa. No. 307; JG. p. 101 ; Kath. No. (130, 131); PAZB. 12 (20); Pet. 1408 ; Mitra. X. p. 48, PAP. 7 (17); V. A. p. 29 (dated Sam. 1146); SA. PAZB. 4 (22); Pet. III. A. p. 327 ; VI. Nos. 229; 559; 1786; SB. 2 (66); A. p. 46; VA. 14 (31; 33 ); VB. 28 VC. 12 (18); VD. 11 (19). (41); Weber. II, No. 1954. (1) Tikā Syopaiña (Grari. 1175). A AK. Nos. 618 to 625; Bhand. VI. No. Agra. No. 1033, Baroda. No. 2901 ; 992. Bhand. VI. No. 1238, Buh. VL. No. Statent of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 142. 758; DA. 75 (8; 9); DB. 24 ( 27 ; ITA by Somadeva. CMB. 162; SG. No. 1490. 28). Hamsa. Nos. 309, 762 , 1583; T ESTET Mitra xn91 . JG. p. 101; Kiel. II. No. 395; PAPS. TE JG. p. 352. 68 (130, 131 ); PAZB. 12 (20); Pet. IV. No. 1313; V. A. p. 29; SA. TITTERATUI by Nāgārjuna. It is also called AscaryaNo. 229; SB. 2 ( 66 ); VC. 12 (18); yogamālā. BK. No. 1557 ; BO. pp. 26; VD. 11 (19) 68 ; DA. 74 ( 26 ); Hamsa. No. 1413 ; JG. p. 362; KB. 3 (68); Mitra. V. p. (2) Țikā (Gram. 450 ) by Sādhurā 276 ; Pet. III. A. p. 313; IV. No. 1314, jagani, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the V. No. 554 ; SA. Nos. 507; 792 , 1223, Tapā Gaccha. DA. 40 (85); JG. p. 1996; Weber. IL No. 1746. 101 ; Pet. IV. No. 1313. (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1296 by terraries Agra. No. 1032, DA. 71 (81; Svetāmbara Bhikṣu Guņākara. BO.pp. 26; 82); SA. Nos. 2804 ; 2805. 29; 68; BK. No. 1577 ; DA. 74 ( 26 ); (1) aluseia by Subhacandra. See Jñānārņava. Hamsa. No. 1413; JG. p. 362; KB. 3 (II) y aeta also in Sanskrit (Gram. 1270 ) by (68); Mitra. V. p. 276, Pet. IIL. A. p. Devānanda. PAPR. 11 (5). 313; IV. No. 1314; V. No. 554; SA. Nos. 792; 1223 ; 1996 ; Weber. IL No. (III) Teig Anonymous. Agra. No. 1034.; SA. 1746. Nos. 297 ; 587 ; SB. 2 (117); VD. 11 (13). H ayat (Gram. 450 ). DB. 22 (120); JG. gastrata in Prakrta. Bhand. VI. No. 1239; pp. 113; 359. Hamsa. No. 440. (I) Tea (Gram. 9000 ) by Nayanasekhara of the Ancala Gaccha. It is on Medicine ufafarag in 526 Slokas by Haribhadrasuri. It is and was composed in Sam. 1736. JG. edited with the commentary by L. Suali p. 359, Limdi. No. 1793. in the JDPS. Series, Bhavnagar,1911. Agra. No. 1035; BO. p. 31; Bt. No. (II) Tath by Jayakirti. SRA. 38; 227 ; 391. 82; DB. 16 ( 34 ; 35 ); Hamsa. No.307; JG. p. 101 , Kath. No. 1408 ; Mitra. X. MITE JG. p. 362; SA. No. 791. pp. 47 ; 48 ; PAP. 7 (17); 45 (4); TITTIEST #r by Paramānanda. Mitra. X. PAZB. 4 ( 22 ); Pet. III. A. p. 327; p. 141. VI. A. p. 46; VA. 14 (31 ; 33); VB. haar by Haribhadrasūri. This is a part of 28 ( 41 , 42); Weber. II, No. 1954. the author's Vimsativimsikā. It is edited Jain Education Intemational Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थावमागः प्रथमः $23 by Pandit Sukhlal of Ahmedabad, Purātattva Mandira along with Patanjali's Yogasūtras, and with Yasovijaya's commentary on both, in No. 72 of the JAS. Series, Bhavnagar, 1922. BK. No. 1939; Hamsa. No. 1393; PRA. No. 1132; SA. No. 220. All mss. contain the commentary. (1) ulars by Indrācārya. This is quoted in Samayasundara's Gathāsahasri ; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 286. (II) utrar composed in Sam. 1273 by Ajita deva, pupil of Bhānuprabha. This is quoted in Vicāraratnasangraha by Jaya somasūri; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 306. (III) T re ( Be :- āgamagranthārthayogahetu tvāt). Pet. V. A. p. 142. (W) ia by Sivanidhānagaņi. JHB. 50. (V) liars Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1217; Buh. IV. No. 179, DA. 39 ( 34 to 46 ); DB. 22 (14; 15; 17; 18 ); Hamsa. Nos. 103; 124 ; 488 ; 670; 985 ; 1030; JHA. 44 (3 c.); Limdi. No. 1610; SA. Nos. 367; 781 ; 1832, 2055; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 6; VB. 28 ( 43 to 46 ); VC. 12 ( 15 ); VD. 11 (20). ollaacut by Yādavasūri. Kundi. No. 124. Toad gifsftat Mitra. X. p. 89. (I). T a on medicine by Vidagdha Vaidya who according to Pürnasena, his commentator, is Vararuci. Mitra. IX. p. 204; X. p. 153. (1) Tikā by Purnasena (Be :- srivardbamānam praņipatya). Mitra. IX. p. 204 ; X. p. 153. (II) TT in Prākrta (Be:-namiūna jogināham ). Pet. I. p. 95. (III) yatata Anonymous. Agra. No. 1853 ; JG. p. 359. (1) Tikā. Bik. No. 1793. tirater in 101 Prākrta Gāthās by Haribhadra. JG. p. 113. TIST&TT by Hemacandrasuri. It consists of twelve chapters containing instructions re garding Yogic practices etc. See Winternitz, History, II. p. 567 ff. It is also called Adhyātmopanişad. Text only, is published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, A. D. 1915. Chs. I-IV are edited and translated into German by E. Windisch, in the ZDMG., Vol. 28, p. 185 ff. The text with Svopajña Vrtti is published by the JDPS. Bhavnagar, 1926. It is being edited by Muni Indravijayasuri in the Bibliotheca Indica, Calcutta, with Svopajña Vitti. The text alone, chs. 1-12, is also published in Vijyadānasūrisvara Jain Series, Surat, 1939. Agra. (1-4 only) Nos. 1037–1043; 1047-1051; 1055– 1058; (5-12 only) 1044, 1051; Baroda. Nos. 695; 2215 ; Bhand. III. No. 451; V. No. 1363 ; VI. No. 1269 ; BK. No. 664; BO. p. 47; Bod. No. 1375 , Bt. No. 193; Buh. III. No. 186; IV. No. 120; V. No. 43, VL No. 838, Chani. No. 166 ; CMB. 197 ; DA. 31 ( 4 to 10; 12 to 51; 53 to 61); 74 (23; 24); DB. 15 (14-16 ); 16 ( 4 to 11 ) ; DC. p. 301 ; Hamsa. Nos. 294; 378; 986, 1418 ; JA. 42 (1; 2 ); 49 (1); 97 ( 4 to 8); JB. 109; Jesal. No. 1372; JG. p. 187; JHA. 72, Kath. No. 1409; KB. 2 (9); Kiel. II. Nos. 73; 74; Kundi. No. 82; Limdi. Nos. 590; 744; 758 ; 759 ; 964 ; 980; 991, 994; 995; 1148 ; 1149 ; 1150 ; 1288; 1354 ; 1704 ; 1727 ; 1763; PAP. 42 ( 41 ); PAPL. 7 ( 45 ); PAPM. 18; 30; PAPS. 55 (6), 61 (14); 76 (16), PAS. No. 97 ; Pet. I. A. pp. 21; 22; 56 ; 57 ; 63 ; 74; 82; 91 , III No. 624; III. A. pp. 5; 7; 8; 32; 74; IV. Nos. 1315; 1316; 1317; V. No. 826, V. A. pp. 54; 95; PRA. Nos. 210; 1193; 1270 ; SA. Nos. 198; 774; 1633; 1921; 2671 , 2682, 2930; Samb. No. 17 , SB. 2 ( 66 ); Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VB. 28 (53); 29 (2, 3, 4); VC. 12 Jain Education Intemational Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Vel 53); 292, 3, 4, 5. 2; SA. (22); Vb. 11 (14; 15; 16; 17); Vel. p. 187, Limdi. Nos. 159, 1150, 1370; Nos. 1649 to 1652; Weber. II. Nos. SA. Nos. 1650, 1913; 2561; Kiel. II. 1956; 1957. Nos. 51; 52; Keith. No. 61 ; Vel. Nos. (1) Tikā Svopajña (Gram 12000). 1650 ; 1651. Agra. Nos. 1045 ; 1047, 1048; Bhand. TITÉ ET Pet. I. Nos. 273 ; 306. VI. Nos. 1398 ; 1399; Bt. No. 193; Chani. No. 166; DA. 31 (4; 6; 7); TITEAE Bengal. No. 7800; JA. 60 (11); Pet. DB. 16 ( 4 ); Hamsa. Nos. 378 ; 986 ; III. A. p. 28; SG. No. 2620. 1418; JA. 4 (1); 42 (1;2); 49 (1); (I) T UEETT by Jinacandra. AD. No. 49. 97 ( 4 to 8); JB. 109; Jesal. No. 1372; (II) TIETEET Anonymous. JG. p. 113. JG. p. 187, Kath. No. 1410; KB. 2 GITTE TETTU by Nandiguru. It is also called (9); Kundi. No. 82 ; Limdi. No. 980; PAPM. 18 ( dated Sam. 1292); PAPS. Adhyatmapaddhati; cf. Patan. Cat. I. p. 76 ( 16 ); PAS. No. 97; Pet. I. A. pp. 56 for quotations. Baroda. No. 13152 (A); Hum. 116; Mud. 95 ( 399 ). 21 ; 22 ; 57 ; III. A. pp. 74, 176; IV. No. 1317; V. No. 809; PRA. No. (I) HATT by Gurudāsa. SG. No. 1379. 1270 (dated Sam. 1251 ); SA. No. ( II ) THEIT by Yogindradeva in 108 Apabhrama 198; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9; VB. stanzas. It is published in the MDG. Series 28 ( 53 ); 29 ( 2; 3; 4); VC. 12 (22); No. 21, Bombay, Saṁ. 1979. It is Vel. No. 1652; Weber. II. Nos. 1956 also published in the Appendix to the to 1958. second edition of Paramātmaprakāśa in (2) Balāvabodha by Somasundara the RJS. Series, Bombay, 1938. There sūri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the it is critically edited by Prof. Upadhye Tapā Gaccha. BK, No. 664; BO. p. 47; of Kolhapur, from 4 mss. The author is Buh. V. No. 43 (dated Sam. 1531 ); sometimes called Yogindu or Yogacandra DA. 31 (15; 21; 23; 24; 25; one of Muni. The work is composed in the Apathese mss. is dated Sam. 1508 ), DB: 16 bhramsa language and the Dobā metre (9-11); Hamsa. No. 294 ; Limdi. No. and is therefore also called Dohāsāra. For 744; PAPS. 55 (6); 61 (14); Pet. III. Yogindu and his works, cf. A. N. No. 624; PRA. No. 1193; SA. Nos. Upadhye, Annals BORI, Vol. XII, p. 132 2671; 2682. ff. Bengal. No. 2601; BK. No. 717 ; CP. (3) Vārtika by Indrasaubhagyagaại. p. 685; DA. 31 ( 52 ); DB. 22 (117); Bhand. V. No. 1363. Idar. 39; JG. p. 112 ; Limdi. No. 760 ; ( 4 ) Bālāvabodha composed in Samn. Mitra. IX. p. 281; PAP. 18 (39); 1508 by Merusundaragaņi. DA. 31 PAPS. 60 ( 49, 50 ); 67 ( 157 ); Pet. ( 22 ); Limdi. No. 991 ; PAPL. 7 (45). III. No. 625; V. A. p. 147 (dated Saṁ. 1192); Tera. 12; 13; 14; 15; 39. (5) Tīkā-tippaņa. JA. 42 (2). (6) Vrtti by Amaraprabhasuri, pupil (1) Tikā by Indranandin, pupil of of Padmaprabhasuri. Baroda. Nos. 695 ; Amarakirti. CP. p. 685. 2215; JHA. 72 (dated Sarn. 1619 ); (2) Ţikā. Anonymous. Bengal. No. PRA. No. 210. 2601 ; Mitra. IX. p. 281. (7) Avacuri or Vrtti (Anon.). DA. (III) JITET This is a didactic poem containing 9 31 ( 8-14; 27 ); DB. 16 ( 5-8 ); JG. chapters in Sanskrit ascribed to Vitaraga Jain Education Intemational Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 325 Amitagati. It is published in the Sanās / past of Kālidäsa. tana Jaina Granthāvali, No. 16, Calcutta, (1) Sisuhitaişini by Caritravardhana, 1918; cf. Winternitz, History, II. p.566. pupil of Jinabhadrasuri of the Kharatara PR. No. 29. Gaccha. Bhand. IV. p. 7 ; Bub. IV. Nos. (IV) TITATT Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1060 ; 45; 48 ; CC. I. p. 487; II. p. 113;JA. 1061; Hamsa. No. 467 ; Lal. 103 ; 118 ; 111 (12); Jesal. No. 532; Kundi. No. Limdi. No. 1404; Surat. 7. 53 ; PAP. 24 ( 34 ); Pet. III. A. p. 210; (1) Țikā. Anonymous. Lal. 118. Samb. No. 268. T a of Patañjali. This is published with Yaso (2) Tikā by Dharmameru, pupil of vijaya's commentary by the JAS., Bhav Muniprabhagani. Bendall. No. 18; nagar, Series No. 72, 1922. Bhand. IV. p. 7; VI. No. 445 (dated Sam. 1748 ); CC. I. p. 487; III. p. 104; (1) Vrtti by Yasovijaya, pupil of DA. 65 ( 8 to 11 ); JG. p. 335; PRA. Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. · No. 816; VA. 14 ( 36 ). 107. ulatie of śāntarasa ( Gram. 4500 ). Mud. 650. (3) Viseşärthabodhikā composed in Sam. 1646, by Guņavinaya (Guņavijaya TETTE JG. p. 113. ( Graṁ. 1500). of JG. is a misprint ), pupil of Jayasoma tigma E VD. 11 (11; 12). One Yogānu Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. sthānavidhi by Viyaya vimala is published Bhand. VI. No. 448; CC. III. p. 104 ; in the Prakaranasarigraha, Indore, 1923. JG. p. 335 ; Mitra. X. p. 152; SA. No. Otra of Virasenadeva, AK. No. 627. 1610; Samb. No. 424; Surat. 1, 6. g uia of Subhacandra (see Jñânārņava ). Bub. (4) Arthālā panikā composed in Sam. VI. No. 659. 1692, by Samayasundara, pupil of rangiffar Mitra. X. p. 90. Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. CC. II. p. 114; DB. 37 ( 36; 37 ; ); (1) Troftraga by Dharmabhūsaņabhattāraka. Idar. DC. p. 58; Hamsa. Nos. 1048; 1191; JG. p. 335; JHB. 49; KB. 1 ( 23 ); (II) Profis Anonymous. Bhand. VI. No. 1003 3 ( 31 ); VC. 12 ( 24 ). (24). (5) Țikā (Gram. 8000) by SrivijayaIngeniars DA. 39 ( 25; 26; 28 to 33 ). gani, pupil of Rāma vijaya. CC. I. p. (1) fagra by Praśnasravanamuni, or rather 487; DA. 65 ( 1 to 5); DB. 37 ( 39 ); Prajñāsravaṇamuni ; see Anekānta, II, PAPS. 73 ( 37 ); VA. 14 ( 40 ). p. 487 (quotations. ); 668. Jesal. No. 1726 ; Pet. I No. 266 (ms, dated Sam. ( 6 ) Sugamānvayā by Sumativijaya. 1582.) Buh. IV. No. 46; OC. I. p. 487 ; II. p. 114; III. p. 104 ; JG. p. 335; Pet. V. (II) ontfagra on spells and charms composed iu No. 373. Vira Sam. 600 by Dharasenācārya. Bt. No. 92; JG. p. 66. (7) Tikā by Hemasuri. Jesal. No. 1018. (III) tatua composed by Hariseņa. See Ane: kānta, II. p. 666. (8) Țikā by Ratnacandragaņi, pupil ofereca by Dharmaghosasūri. It is published with of śānticandragani of the Tapā Gaccha. an Avacuri by the JAS. ( Series No. 4), Bhand. VI. No. 446 ; CC. III, p. 104 ; Bhavnagar, Sari. 1968. JG. p. 145. PRA. Nos. 305; 816. boy. 87. Jain Education Intemational Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 326 (9) Panjikā. Anonymous. Agr. No. 2839. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (10) Tika by Malayasundarasuri (Gram. 3120). VB. 29 (17). रघुविलापनाटक See Raghuvilasa. रघुविलास नाटक by Ramacandra, pupil of Hemacandra. In this work the following are mentioned as Ramacandra's own compositions:- Dravyalarikára Prabandha, Nalavilāsa, Yadavābhyudaya and Raghavābhudaya. Buh. VI. No. 760, Patan Cat. I. p. 192. Compare Pet. V. A. p. 144 for quotations. The title Raghuvilara given in Bühler's list (and followed by JG. p. 337) seems to be wrong. cywgarach JG. P. 356. * Bengal. No. 3133. रजोहरणादिचर्चा DB. 20 (63) ; 25 (63). रञ्जिकापर्णचरित्र Hama No. 1547. (2) Tika by Jnanacandra. KO. 83. (3) Tiki Anonymous. AD. No. 59. JG. p. 264. See Holirajahparvakaths. (I) by Munisundara. JG. p. 288. See Hamsa. No. 1193. DB. 31 (85; 86); Limdi. No. 2167; SA. No. 1560. 103; 106; 123, 127; Idar. 39; 171; Kath. Nos. 1051; 1052, 1108; KO. 24, 65; 72, 81, 83, Mysore. II. p. 284; Padma. 74, 106, Pet. III. No. 476, IV. Nos. 1402; 1470 IV. A. p. 137 (quotations); V. No. 966; VL A. pp. 56; 142, No. 87, SG. Nos. 1319; 1641; 2201; Tera. 1 to 5; 14 to 19. रतिसुन्दरीकथा Pet. I.A. p. 54. See It contains 150 रत्नकरण्डकश्रावकाचार by Samantabhadra. Upssakadhyayana. It Sanskrit Ślokas divided into seven (III) chapters. It is published in the Sanatana Jaina Granthamala No.1, Bombay, 1905, (1) and also by Pannalal Baklival, Bombay, 1906. It is again published with the commentary of Prabhãcandra in the MDG. Series, No. 24, Bombay, Sami 1982. The text with Hindi and English (II) translation is also published by Champat Rai Jain. Arrah, 1917. AD. Nos. 59; 141; AK. Nos. 628 to 642; Bengal. Nos. 1474; 1533; Bhand. VI. No. 994; Bah. VI. No. 569; 660; CMB. 39, 48; (III) 103; 104; 121, CP. pp. 629; 685; DB. 23 (5); DLB. 5; 13; 14; 22; (IV) Hebeu. 77; 85; Hum. 31; 58, 74, (1) Tika (Grari. 1500) by Prabha candra. Bengal. No. 1533; Bhand. VI. No. 994; Buh. VI. No. 569; CMB 39; CP. p. 629; DB. 23 (5); DLB. 22; Idar. 39; Kath. No. 1052; KO. 72; 81; Mysore. II. p. 284, Pet. IV. No. 1402; Rice. p. 312; SG. No. 1641, SRA. 176. Jinastotraratnakosa. (II) Anonymous. DB. 22 (141); 37 (32); Hamsa. Nos. 707; 1149; JG. pp. 339, 341; 349. (1) Vyakhya composed in Sam. 1176 (Gram. 500). JG. p. 311. This is perhaps a commentary called Ratnakosa. (2) Vṛtti. Hamsa. No. 1147. see Vastuvijñānaratnakosa. CP. p. 686 JB. 140; VA. 15 (3). by Jinavallabhasuri, pupil of Jinesvarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Jesal. No. 246 (palm ms.). (1) Tippana. Jesal. No. 246. in Prakrta by Yasodevagani, the grand-papil of Pradyumnasuri. It was copied at the advice of Cakreśvara and Paramananda Sūris. PRA. No. 1279 (No. 20; ms dated Sath. 1921). by Nemaprabha. BT. No. 383 (Gram. 3500). Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1678; 1679; BO. p. 72; Flo. No. 769. Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 327 663. (1) Visama padavivarana-tippanaka. Ja by Aśādhara. This is mentioned in v. DC. p. 4. 18 of his Prasasti to Dharmāmrta. Idar. (1) raeex " by Devendragani. See Tilaka 178 ; SG. No. 61. LA sundarīratnacīdakathānaka. aan See Ratnatrayavidhānakathā. Bengal. (II) T o rta by Jnana sägara, pupil of No. 7155. Ratnasimhasuri. It is published in the TOT by Āsādhara. AK. No. 643. YJG. Series No. 43, Bhavnagar, 1917 (1) Tikā. AK. No. 643. and translated into German by Hertel, in Tagishly Bhand. VI No. 1003 (18); Buh. Indische Märchenromane, Leipzig, 1922. VI. No. 661; Flo. No. 621; Pet. III. Bhand. VI. No. 1333 ; DB. 31 (64); No. 551. Hamsa. No. 151. TE JG. p. 349 ; Limdi. No. 1047. Tagafis by Rajavardhana. JG. p. 230 (Gram. raga CP. p. 686. 2300 ). Tractor DA. 21 ( 61 ); SA. No. 858. (I) T u ra by Dharmabhūsaņa. Idar. 162. (I) Traleer by Ratnasekharasūri. Hamsa. No. ( II ) 21939197 by Rājakirti. Idar. 73. 1476. (III) arga by Sruta sāgara. List (Phaltan). 1 (II) Tarot by Meghavijaya from his Pañcā. (IV) Ta Anonymous. Bah. IV. No. khyānoddhāra ( Sam. 1716 ). Published by Hertel in ZDMG. Vol. 57. रत्नत्रयकथानक See Ratnatryapujavidhana by Padma- | (I) रत्नपालकथानक by Bhanucandragani of the nandin. Tapā Gaccha. PRA. No. 201 (dated Sam. Ta in 31 Gäthäs by Municandra. JA. 1662). 25 (13); JG. p. 205 ; Limdi. No. 955; (II) Taga ma (Anon. ) Agra. Nos. 1680Pet. I. A. p. 60; V. No. 803, Patan 1682, Limdi. Nos. 847 ; 854, Surat. 5; Cat. I. p. 132 ( quotations ). Vel. No. 1769. रत्नत्रयक्षमापनविधि Idar. 178. (III) T e a by Somamandanagaņi, pupil Thereafarufu DB. 16 ( 25 ). of Munisundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. (I) Tray In Apabhrarsa by Rsabhadāsa, It is published in the JAS. Series, No. pupil of Dharmakirti. SGR. III. p. 112. 22, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. BK. No. ( II ) m aqal ( Brhat ) by Sumatisāgara. Idar. 1955 ; DB. 31 ( 29; 30). 192. | रत्नपालचरित्र See Ratnapalakathanaka.. (III) 69 Anonymous. Bhand. VI. No. Talary by Devabhadra. SA. No. 345 (3 foll. only). 1003 (14); DB. 21 ( 73 ). TOU T by Abhayadevasüri : cf Patan Cat. I. (67979FFTIGT Anon. Strass. p. 309. p. 125, v. 7. Tarihara by Padmanandin. This is also as also called Chandoviciti is a treatise on called Ratnatrayakathānaka. Idar. 77; metres in 12 chapters. Strass p. 309. 183; Limdi. No. 610; Pet. IV. No. (1) Tīkā in 8 chapters. Mysore. II. p. 1471; PR. No. 128 (ms. dated Sam. 162, Strass. p. 309. 1555). Taarat by Sivakoti. It contains 67 Sanskrit Truyla ara by Asādhara. See Ratnatrayavidhi. stanzas on general rules of conduct and Tria Bengal. No. 7155 ; Buh. VI. No. is published in the MDG. Series, No. 21 662, Kath. No. 1338. Bombay Sam. 1979. This Sivakoti is Jain Education Intemational Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 328 श्रीविनरत्नकोशः। T not the same as the author of the Arā- | put together by Harsanidhāna, pupil of dhanā, according to the editor who Gunanidhāna of the Añcala Gaccha. It is points out how vv. 22, 63, 64 propound published with a Gujrati Translation by doctrines opposed to those of the Arā. the JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1985. DA. dhanā and how v. 65 may have been 60 ( 100 ). borrowed from Somadeva's Yasastilaka (IV) Taciau Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1218; Campu. AK. No. 644, CP, p. 686 ; DB. 34 (109; 110 ); Hamsa. Nos. 62 Hum. 31; KO. 81. (Prākrta ); 847 (Sanskrit ); JG. p.135; TEHIOT Kiel. II. No. 73. Kaira. A. 184; Kath. No. 1339, KB. 2 U JG. p. 356. (15); PAPS. 60 (13), Pet. IV. No. 1319 ; SA. Nos. 2509 ; 2569; Strass. Toate Agra. No. 1683. B. No. 446; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8; VB. 30 TETETT Anon. Agra. No. 1558; Bhand. V. (28). Nos. 1309; 1310 ( ms. dated Saṁ.1553; # 4 KB. 1 (8); Surat. 2. DA. 50 (107 ; 108) ; DB. 31 (32; 33 ). TAET JG. p. 360. (I) Tastetargiaa (Gram. 8000 ) in Prā TERET by Kundakunda. It contains 167 Prākrta krta by Jinaharsa, pupil of Jayacandra Gāthās and is published in the MDG. of the Tapā Gaccha. He composed his Series No. 17, Bombay, Sam. 1977. Vimsatisthānakasamgraha (s. v.) in AK. Nos. 647 to 650; Buh. VI. No. 664; Sam. 1502, and Vastupālacaritra in Sam. CMB. 49; Hum. 34 ; JHA. 68 , KB. 1 1497. It is published in the JAS. Series, (53), Rice. p. 310 ; Surat, 5, 8. No. 63, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1974, and also TETTHE T DB. 31 (120). in the Jain Vividha Sābitya Sastramālā Tre by Jinaharsa. SA. No. 216 (is it No. 10, Benares, 1918. BK. No. 1927; Ratnasekharakathā ?) PAPS. 61 (9); Pet. IV. No. 1318-IV. Tarn by Budhamangala. CP. p. 686. A. p. 111; SA. Nos. 216 ; 1608 ; 1785. रत्नाकरपञ्चविंशतिका also known as Vitaragastotra (II) रत्नशेखरनरपतिकथा by Ratnasekharasuri. by Ratnākarasuri. Text alone is publishLimdi. No. 1278, SA, No 2806; VB. ed by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, 1903 in 30 ( 27 ). his Laghuprakaranasangraha ; cf. also Far araalia in 380 Slokas composed in Winternitz, History, II. p. 557. BK. San. 1463 by Dayāvardhanagani, pupil Nos. 109; 364; 1195; DA. 41 (97; of Jayatilakasuri (Jayacandra ?). The 98); 75 (19); DB. 24 ( 67, 68, 69); work is also known as Parvavicāra and Hamsa. Nos. 691 ; 814 ; JG. p. 288; Parvatithivicāra. Chani. No. 564; DA. Limdi. Nos. 871; 940; 1035; 1594 ; 50 (107; 108, 109); Hamsa. No. 1627 ; 1657; Pet. VI. No. 617 ; SA. 1510; JG. p. 258; Pet. IV. No. 1339 ; Nos. 749 ; 1087; Surat. 1, 2, 7; VC. 12 ( 23 ). PRA. No. 999. (1) Vrtti (Gram. 1308 ) by Vāghaji. 17997199 DA. 61 ( 41 ); JG. p. 217. JG. p. 288, SA. No, 749. (I) T AT by Vinayarājagani of the Ancala (2) sīkā by Kanakakusala, pupil of Gaccha. BK, No. 271; PRA. No. 281. Vijayasenasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. (II) TARY by Hemaprabhasūri. BO. p. 61. No. 364 ; DA. 75 (19); DB. 24 ( 67; (III) रत्नसंचय (प्रकरण ) is a collection of about | 68); Pet. VI. No. 617; SA. No. 749; 547 Prakrta Gāthās from different works, Surat. 1, 2, 7; VC. 12 ( 23 ) Jain Education Intemational Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः। 329 (3) Vrtti hy Bhojasāgara in Sam. TETETTU on Medicine, by Kankālaya Acārya, a non1795. Hamsa. No. 691. Jain. Weber. I. p. 297. ( 4 ) Vrtti. Anonymous. Hamsa. No. (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1443, at 814 ; JG. p. 288 ; Limdi. No. 871. Patan by Merutungasūri, pupil of Tra itaartal See Pramāṇanayatattvāloka-Com. Mahendraprabhasuri of the Añicala Gaccha. No. (2). It was composed at the request of Tarahi (Gram. 4000). JG. p. 187. Campaka Rävala, son of Bhadiga. See TEHTACI by Nayacandra, pupil of Prasannacandra Bhandarkar, List of Mss. in Private of the Krsnarsi Gaccha. It is a drama. Libraries, Part I, Bombay, 1893, pp. It is published by Ramcandrasastri and 121-122; Weber. I. p. 297. B. Kevaldas, Bombay, 1889. See HJL. TEGU probably the same as Rasäula. JG. p. 341. p. 444. CC. I. p. 493 ; JG. p. 337. Tataart by Māņikyadeva. Hamsa. No. 1274. 1; (1) Tippana. JG. p. 337. TETTU of Sivabhadra, son of Prabhañjana. It taart Bengal. No. 7083. describes Rāma's love-lorn condition.. : (I) tartaataiqa by Subhacandra. Idar. 74. (1) Tikā by Sāntisuri. Patan Cat. I. (II) Taartaatunga by Devendrakirti. SG. No. Intro. p. 50. 2554. TESTER KB. 3 ( 74 ; foll. 65). TATTFOT on Alamkārasāstra by Bhānudatta, a Tha See next. Non-Jain. (1) Stabaka by Kuladhira. VB. 30 (1) Tīkā by Nemi Sāha ; the com ( 14 ). mentary is called Kávyasudhā or Sahitya- T T1991 Surat. 1, 5. sudbā. BK. No. 609; CC. I. p. 494 ; III. TIHAFIcy by a non-Jain. p. 106 ; Viś. No. 206. (1) Vrtti by Sāntisūri. DB. 22 reguin on medicine by Somaprabhācārya. Hum. (134); Hamsa. No. 8; JG. p. 335. 185. Traien by Bhattāraka Sakalakirti. List ( SJ ). TF see Sukadvāsaptatikā. Treigia 21 also called Visņukumārakathā (s. v.). H afta by Māņikyacandra. JG. p. 230; Pet. III. No. 553. Limdi. No. 1579. TITAT by Lakşmivijaya. DB. 22 ( 157 ; 158 ); TATEC1 SA. No. 905 ( foll. 12 only). 45 ( 6 ). TAw by Māņikyadeva. BK. No. 1255. gaat by Vimalasuri. See Padmacaritra. Araratfaga by Yogasena Bhattāraka. Idar. (1) traagruzalusisz by Nemicandra. Hamsa. 108. No. 363 ; see Dvisamdhānakávya( III)teaatraa in Sanskrit by a pupil of Merutunga. tikā No. 1 Buh. VI. No. 759, PRA. No. 901. (II) reagrugaluit in Sanskrit (Gram. 1200) TAF1 by Cāmundarāya Kāyastha. Idar. by Arala Sresthin. AK. No. 652. See 159. Dvisandbāna Kavya (III) tikā IIL TEETTT by Rāmavijaya. Hamsa. No. 1799. (III) traagrozailey by Srutakirti. See Sravan TFETT by Govindācārya. JG. p. 311. Belgula Inscriptions (MDG., No. 28) रसाउल or रसाउलगाथाकोश by Municandra. See No. 40, verse 24. Gāthākosa. BO. p. 61; JG. p. 341 ; (IV) Taqrus Anonymous. AK. No. 653; PAPS. 82 ( 57 ).. Hamsa. No. 363 ; see Dvisandhāna. J.......42 Jain Education Intemational Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330 (II) (2) Vyakhyān (Grari. 7500) by Padmanandin. Rice. p. 302. (3) Vyakhyana (Gram 3000) by Puspadanta. Rice, p. 304. राघवाभ्युदयनाटक by Rāmacandragani, pupil of Hemacandra. This is mentioned in his Raghuvilasa Nataka. Bt. No. 551; JG. p. 338. राजगृद्दाष्टक CP. 686. (1) traffer by Devidasa. Buh. VIII. No. 427; JG. p. 339. p. Anonymous. Buh. II. No. 307. is the second Upanga, of the Jain Canon. It is published with Malaya giri's commentary by Ray Bahadur Dhanapatisimha, Callcatta, 1880 and in the Agamodaya Samiti Series No. 42, Bombay, 1925. The Sanskrit rendering of the original word Rayapasenaijja is doubtful; Malayagiri explains the name by Rajaprasneṣu bhavam. Siddhasena gani in his com. on the Tattvärthasutra renders the title by Rajaprasenakiya". Evidently the tradition does not know the correct meaning of the name of the Sutra; cf. Weber, Ind. Stud. XVI. p. 382 ff; Annals. BORL. Vol. 14, p. 149; W. Schubring, Lehre Der Jainas, pp. 67; 68. Agra. Nos. 162-163; 165-170; AM. 73; 110, 187; 155, 293, 360; 381, Baroda. Nos. 1777, 2147, 2908, Bengal. Nos 4161 4165; Bhand. VI. No.1240, Bik. No. 1724, Buh. III. No. 125; Cal. X. No. 4; DA. 11 (30 to 40); 12 ( 1 to 12), 73 (5); DB. 4 (21 to 25), DC. p. 43; Hamsa. Nos. 961, 1248; 1304; JA. 19 (3); JB. 34; 35, 36 (11 mss.); Jesal. Nos. 202; 468; 541; 913; 1550; JG. p. 6, JHA. 12 (4c.); JHB. 12 (4c.); Kaira. A. 40, KB. 2(4); 3(5), Kiel. L. No. 74, II. No. 72; Kundi. Nos. 37; 79, 203; 229; 345; Limdi. Nos. 172; af श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (1) Prakasa by Marälasreni. AK. No. 653. 173; 203, 245; 246; 299; 300; 327; 328; 371, 389; 394; 455; 461, 468; 3414; Mitra. VIII. p. 242, PAP. 2(1); 39 (9); 48 (1 to 12); PAPS. 17 (2; 15); 18 (13 to 17); 19 (2); 46 (4;5); PAS. No. 340; PAZA. 3 (4); PAZB. 4(4), Pet. I. No. 317, III. A. p. 59; SA. Nos. 64, 2722, Samb. No. 237; SB. 1 (26); Surat. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9; VA. 14 (37; 45; 46, 47), 15 (2); VB.30 (5 to 8; 18, 19, 22; 23); VC. 12 (25, 28); Vel. Nos. 1510 to 1515; Weber. II. No. 1829 to 1832. (1) Vrtti by Malayagiri (Gram. 3700; Be- pranamata virajineśvara); AM. 110; 360; Baroda. Nos. 1777; 2147; 2908; Buh. II. No. 230; III. No. 125; DA. 11 (30 to 39); 73 (5); DB. 4 (21; 22); DC. p. 43; Hamsa. Nos. 120; 785; 972; JA. 19 (3); Jesal. Nos.202; 468; 541; 913, 1550; JG. p. 6; JHA. 12; JHB. 12, Kaira. A. 40; KB. 2 (4); 3(5), Kiel. IL No. 72; III. No. 168; Kundi. Nos. 37; 203, 229; 345, Limdi. Nos. 145 246, 257, 299; 338; 371; 455; Mitra. VIII. p. 212; PAP. 2 (1); 39 (9), 48 (4; 7; 8;9, 11), PAPS. 18 (13; 14; 15, 17); 46 (4); PAZA. 3(4), PAZB. 4 (4); Pet. I. No. 317, III. A. p. 59; SA. No. 64; Samb. Nos. 62; 277, SB. 1 (26); Surat. 1, 4, 5, 6, VA. 14 (37, 45, 46; 47); 15 (2); VB. 30 (5 to 8; 18, 19; 22; 23); Vel. No. 1515; Weber. II. Nos. 1830; 1831. (2) Tika by Abhayadevasuri, pupil of Jinesvara (Grain. 3125). Kundi. No. 79; PAS. No. 340. (3) Tika by Ratnaprabhasüri. VC. 12 (25). (4) Tikā. Anonymous. Agra. No. 164; Bik. No. 1725, SA. No. 2506. (5) Vārtika by Samaracandrasuri, pupil of Parsvacandra. Bengal. No. 4165; Cal. X. No. 4; see below. Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 331 (6) Stabaka by Rājacandrasuri. Limdi. and also in the DLP. Series, No. 55, No. 389; PAPS. 46 (5). Bombay, 1966. (7) Stabaka by Megharāja, pupil of (I) TIHTSA by Brahma Nemidatta, pupil of Sravaņamuni composed during the reign Mallibhūsaņa. of Rajacandra, successor of Samaracandra CP. p. 687; Idar. 104 ( 4 c.); PR. of the Pārsvacandra Gaccha. Probably No. 91 ; Tera. 21 , 22. Nos. (5, 6 ) are identical with this. DA. (II) SHIHT4 Anonymous. Surat 1 ( 2811 ); 11 ( 40 ); JHB. 12 (2c.). Limdi. Nos. 6. 172 ; 173 ; PRA. No 1196. T 1 21 by Hemasena Acārya. Idar. TATUS by Prabhācandra. JG. P. 93. 104. TATT Tha by Isvara. Bub. VIII. No. 426. TISTHISTAMDIts by Brahma Jinadāsa. List tinaatan Hamsa. No. 1791. (Phaltan). TIFTHEAT Pet. IV. No. 1321. TIÊEIFTTTTT971 Bengal. Nos. 6831; 6886 ; 7137 ; 7152. THIETWEENet contains 413 Slokas and was VERFATTgiret Limdi. No. 1363 ; SA. No. 39. composed by Rūpavijaya, pupil of retra is a work in Sanskrit from which a verse is Padmavijaya in Sam. 1900. quoted by Viranandin in his Acārasära. DA. 50 (104); DB. 31 (92; 93). See JH. Vol. 14, p. 127. Its author is TAGE by Yasahkirti. Tera. 13. said to be Aryadeva in the Sravan Belgula er or Caritra. Anonymous. DA. 50 (126); Inscription No. 54. See Anekānta, I. JG. p. 231; PAP. 73 (11, ms. dated p. 258. Sam. 1487; Gram. 377). |(I) Tafta by Vijayasena. Buh. II. No. 308 ; THE WR Bhand. V. No. 1319. Parhaps JG. p. 231. This is Devavijayagani's same as above. Rāmāyana (No. 1). TIeuafer composed in Saka 1246, by Jina (II) hafta See Padmacaritra and Rāmāyaṇa. prabhasuri. Limdi. No. 1705. See (III) TIIT by Padmanābha. AK. No. 795. Rucādiganavrtti. traqagTror by Jinadāsa, pupil of Sakalakirti. The STEFATT Tre Bengal. Nos. 6831 ; 6886 ; 7137; author follows Ravisena's Padmapurāņa 7152. See Rātrisamstāraka. in his work. Bengal. No. 1449 ; CP. p. राजीमतीप्रबोधनाटक by Yasascandra Kavi. 687; Idar. A, 5; 7; 8; 11 ; Kiel. III. Chani. No. 353; Hamsa. No. 245; No. 180; Lal. 141 ; MHB. 59, PR. No. JG. p. 337; PAP. 27 ( 39 ); SA. No. 9; SG. No. 28. Trsfaatraggi A small poem (Khanda Kāvya ) Tratam JG. p. 338. by Asādhara. This is mentioned by him TIAGTrut by Somasena. See Padmapurāņa (II). in v. 12 of his Prasasti to Dharmāmorta atat in 208 Gathās is a continuation of his Sītācaritra by Bhuvanatungasūri. (1) Svopajñatikā. Mentioned in the same place. Patan Cat. I. p. 136. troigceaan JG. p. 288. () TATOU in prose composed in Sam. 1652, by Devavijayagaņi, pupil of Rājavijaya, Taquara Bengal. No. 7208 pupil of Vijayadānasuri of the Tapa trifamuraia in Prāksta. Bengal. Nos. 7494 ; Gaccha. It was corrected by Padma. 7575; PAP. 5 ( 22 ). It is published by sāgara, pupil of Dharmasāgaragaại. Maganlal Hathising, Ahmedabad, 1909, Agra. No. 1515; Baroda. No. 2907 ; 829. Jain Education Intemational Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। Bengal. No. 7599; Bhand. III. No. Falfettuare composed in Saka 1246 by Jinapra452, Buh. II. No. 308; DA. 44 ( 13 to bhasuri. Limdi. No. 1705. 16 ); DB. 26 ( 13; 14); JG. p. 268 ; रुचितदण्डकस्तुति by Jinesvarasuri of the Kharatara Kiel. III. No. 169; Mitra. X. p. 134; Gaccha. It is also called AdbhutadandkaPAPS. 57 (10); Pet. IIL No. 611; stuti. Bhand. VI. No. 1166 ; KB. 1 Strass. p. 447 ; VB. 29 (9). (34); Pet. VI. No. 618 = VI. A. p. (II) TATUUT See Trisastisalākāpuruşacaritra of 47 quotation); PRA. No. 219. Hemacandra, separately published, Poona, (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1624 by · 1890. See Winternitz, History, II, Padmarāja, pupil of Punyasāgara of the p. 494. Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1166; (III) TATUUT by Pampa Kavi. Padma. 66. Pet. VI. No. 618 = VI. A. p. 47 Italyogtrot by Caturmukha Svayambhudeva. It (quotation ), PRA. No. 219. is written in the Apabhramsa language. nša language. sagia JG. p. 356. It was begun by Caturmukha Svayambhū and was completed by his son, Tribhu 5 12strafe by Namisādhu. See Kavyālankāra, vana-Svayambhū. It contains 90 Sandhis. of Rudrata. Sandhis I and II of this poem are publish (I) H13 by Punyanandana Upadhyāya. ed with brief notes by Prof. M. Modi at Hamsa. No. 99 ; JG. p. 187; Pet. V. Bharatiya Vidyā, August, 1940, pp. No. 813. 253-294. Bhand. V. No. 1120 (mg. (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1663 by dated Sam. 1521 ). Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. tratantas Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 50 ). No. 1219 (ms. dated Sam. 1664); TUHET Thrat in 25 cantos composed in Sam. Hamsa. No. 99, JG. p. 187 ; Pet. V. No. 1615, by Padmasundara, pupil of Padma 813; PRA. No. 1031. meru, pupil of Anandameru. The author is a Digambara writer. JG. p. 332, Pet. (II) ETATO composed in Sam. 1586 by PārsvaIII. A. p. 255, Vel. No. 1770 ( this ms. candrasuri. Kath. No. 1411; PRA. No. contain the last cantos only of the 794. poem). (III) ETAIGT Anonymous. tao* FTET JG. p. 270. (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1582 ( netrasıddhjanacandra ) by Ratnaranga trauereiarę Limdi. No. 3266. Upādhyāya. Bik. No. 1512. frEET TE (Gram. 300, Gathās 260 only) by (2) Bälāvabodha. KB. 3 ( 22). Durgadeva who in the introduction pays homage to Mādhavacandra, Samyama Eetgage by Jayakrsna. This seems to be a work deva and Samyamasena. It is in Prakrta on metres. Agra. Nos. 2863; 2864 ; and was composed in Sarn. 1089 (cf. Bengal No. 6987 ; Buh. VIII, No. 428. Gāthā 257); see JH. Vol. 12, p. 437. ETICH ET composed in Sam. 1644, by Baroda. No. 13190 ; Buh. VIII. No. Rūpacandra, son of Gopāla. BK. No. 392; JG. p. 356 ; PRA, No. 932. 1368 ; JG. p. 312 ; Kiel. III. No. 170; frenuta in Prakrta (Gram 202 ; Be :- panamanta SA. No. 258. surasurā). PR. No. 136. (1) Tippana. SA. No. 258. wartoffertes by Chatrasena Acārya. Idar. 110. ETTARIAT Anonymous. VB. 30 (13). . Jain Education Interational Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। E (1) Tikā (Gram. 13000) by Naya- i tata in Sanskrit. Anonymous. Limdi. sundara. VB. 30 ( 13 ). Nos. 541; 852 ; 930. Etataet by Jinendra, pupil of Sāgaracandra. taarag Pet. VI. No. 626; Surat. 1. SA. No. 625. taTagAEFFU a part of Dhanesvara's Satruñjaya(1) Avacūri. SA. No. 625. māhātmya. DA. 35 ( 10 to 12). (I) ETTENCEITUT of Dayāpāla, pupil of Matisagara (I) fifcuriskier by Bhānukirti. Bengal. No. 1456 : and a spiritual brother of Vādirāja (author Bhand. V. No. 1121 ; Tera. 23. of the Pārsvanātha Purāna in Saka 947). (II) TIITUTT PT In 134 Gāthās by Rūpavijaya. Cf. Intro. to MDG. No. 4 ; Sravan Bel DA. 60 ( 300; 301 ). gula Inscriptions (MDG. No. 28 ), No. (III) TIÊiet by Kanakakusala. See Rohinya54, v. 38. sokacandranrpakathā. (II) AeroCO SG. No. 1610. (IV) Tigorifer by Narendradeva. Hamsa. No. 588. l adata Limdi. No. 844. (V) TRETIEF Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1560 ; ay Limdi. No. 570; Pet. V. No. 814. 1561, 1811 ; JG. p. 264 ; JHB. 35 (3c). (I) a naita Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1518 Limdi. No. 1646. to 1520 ; 1559; KB. 1 (45); 3 ( 15 ); I (I) tifosite in 4 Prastāras beginning with Limdi. Nos. 844, 986 ; 1233, SA. No. namiūņa mahāvīram. Pet. I. A. p. 55 2679, Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7. (foll. 50). (II) FThafta composed in Sam. 1636 by Ravi-|(II) trigoitanta in Prākrta. According to Ratnasāgara, pupil of Rājasāgara, pupil of candra, the commentator of NanditāHarsasāgara of the Tapā Gaccha. Cbani. dhya's Gathālaksana, a verse. from this Nos. 217 ; 482 ; JG. p. 231; PAP. 72 Rohiņicaritra is quoted in the Gathā(97); PAPR. 21 (13); PAPS. 77 laksana ; cf. ABORI., Vol. 14, p. 2. (7); PRA. No. 369 ; SA. No. 900. (III) tirgutafta Anonymana. Flo. No. 773 ; JG. (III) Eêaits composed in Sanskrit prose by p. 231; Surat. 1, 9. Jinasuri, pupil of Sudhābhūsana and tricota CHIETETT of Kanakakusala. See RohinyaViśālarāja. It is published by Hiralal sokacandranrpakatha. Hamsa. Nos. 172; Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, Sam. 1968. 1285. Baroda. No. 2145, Bengal. No. 7413 ; Bhand. V. Nos. 1311; 1312; BK. No. infofiqligt Thy Rāmacandra, pupil of Hema 532; Buh. II. Nos. 336; 375; V. No. candra. This is mentioned in the author's 48; VII. No. 44; DA. 50 ( 32); DB. Nātyadarpaņa. 31 ( 15; 16 ); JG. p. 231; JHA. 52, Tifeoffaurau in Apabhramsa by Devanandi. JHB. 33. 34 (2 c.); Mitra. VIII. p. See Allahabad Uri. Studies, I. p. 181. 193; PAP. 62 (11); PAPS. 62 ( 26 ; Teofan see Rohiņikathā. 36 ); Pet. I. No. 318 ; PRA. No. 921. (I) tifgofaatarga by Vādicandrasuri. Idar. 72 (IV) ETU by Dharmadeva, a Digambara | ( 5c. ). writer. Hamsa. No. 631. (II) tireogalanga by Prabhācandra. Idar. 162. EhAgtru Bik. No. 1726. (III) tirungaraga by Krsnasena, also called TOCITTBUTTU by Dharmakirti. Mysore. III. p. Krsņajisņu or Keśavasena ; cf. SGR. II. 101, pp. 82, 83, IV. p. 40. Kath. No. 1122 ; Jain Education Intemational Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334 stilarante: 1 List ( Savai Jaipore ); Pet. IV. No.1472; (I) SemiFaia by Padmaprabhadeva. See PārsvaSG. No. 59. nāthastotra. (IV) diffofiaalaga by Sivajilāla. List (Savai(II) Genitals by Padmanandin. Idar. 166, 169 Jaipore ). (2 copies ) ; 177. (V) arconigalaga Anonymous. Buh. VI. No. h V N (III) genitats Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7158. 665. ge a r by Harsakirti. SA. No. 754. GHETE in 133 Gāthās by Haribhadraguri. It is triguitaa Bengal. No. 6704. published by Bhimasi Manek, Bombay, रोहिण्यशोकचन्द्रनुपकथा also called Rohinikatha or Sam. 1974. It is also called LagnaRohiņitapamāhātmya composed in Sam. Kundali. It is also recently published by 1657, by Kanakakusala, pupil of Vijaya. Pandit Kşamāvijayagani, at Bombay, senasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is pub 1938. AM. 246, DB. 24 (170), Hamsa. lished by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. No. 708 ; JA. 60 ( 10 ); JG. pp. 101 ; 1971 (Series No. 36), and also by 349; KB. 1 (66); PAPS. 66 (94); Hiralal Hamsaraj Jamnagar, 1912. BK. 68 (144); Pet. I. A. p. 88; V. No. No. 1948 ; Hamsa. Nos. 172; 1285; 515; SA. No. 411. PAP. 36 ( 33 ); Pet. I. No. 319; PRA, hizofar Limdi. No. 3159. No. 979; Tapa. 334. itibaren in Sanskrit by Devamūrti, pupil of gaytayt by Udayaprabhadevasūri. Idar. 156. Davacandra of the Kāsadraha Gaccha. Sarara Surat. 1, 9. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, gara by-Hemaprabhasūri. Kiel. II. No. 396. Jamnagar, 1908 and by the JAS. GHSR by Haribhadrasūri. See Lagnasuddhi (Series No. 45), Bhavnagar, 1916. It galder or wrongly called Nyāyakumudais translated into English, by H. Johnson candra at Bt. No. 389, composed by in Studies in Honour of M. Bloomfield', Akalankadeva. It is a work containing 78 New Haven, 1930, p. 159 ff. Bhand. VI. Karikās divisible into three chapters on No. 1334; PRA. No. 1346. Pramāņa, Naya and Agama which give trgoera eta by Kanakakusala. See Rohinya it the name Laghīyastrayi. It is publishsokacandraurpakathā. PRA. No. 979. ed with Abhayacandra's commentary in matara by Visuddha Muni. Is this a Stotra the MDG. Series, No. 1 Bombay, Sarn. of the Pāśupatas ? Patan Cat. I. p. 5. 1972. It is also recently edited with the HUT Anonymous. Hamsa. Nos. 511 ; 1011. Svopajña Vivrti by Pandit Mahendra(1) Avacuri. Hamsa. Nos. 511; 1011. kumāra Shastri in the Singhi Jain Series (No. 12), Ahmedabad, 1939. AD. No. tegutas front by Srutasāgarasuri. Bhand. V. No. 34; Bt. No. 389 ; CP. p. 687; Hum. 2, 1122. 283; KO. 160 ; Limdi. No. 14 ; Strass. B ATTI by Jinabhadrasuri. Bhand. V. No. 1365. p. 309. quent by Ratnasekharasuri (Gram. 699 ). JG. p. 96. (1) Svopajña Vivrti. Published. No geurage composed in Sam. 1473 by independent mss. are known to me. The Kirtirāja Sadhu of the Kharatara Gaccha, edition mentioned above is based upon It was corrected by Jayasāgaragani. See two mss.; one from Idar and the other DC. pp. 63-64. The Vihāra was begun from Jaypore. in Sam. 1459 at the advice of Jinarāja (2) Țikā called Nyāyakumudacandrosuri. daya or Nyāyakumudacandra, composed Jain Education Intemational Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । by Prabhacandra, pupil of Manikyanandin and the author of Prameyakamalamartanda; cf. CPI. p. 28. This is mentioned in Jinasena's Adipurāna. AD. No. 34; Bhand. VI. No. 1056; JG. p. 91; MHB. 66; Mud. 638; Mysore. I p. 97; II. p. 283; Rice. p. 306; SG. No. 1893; SRA. 36; SRB. 25; Strass. p. 305. (3) Tika by Abhayacandra, pupil of Municandra; he refers to Prabhācandra's commentary and also to Anantavirya. CP. p. 687; Limdi. No. 14; SRA. 128. (I) लघुअजितशान्तिस्तव by Jinavallabha. Ullasikastotra. JG. p. 288. (II) लघुअजितशान्तिस्तव by Viragani in the Apa bhramsa language. It contains 8 stanzas. JA. 60 (11); Limdi. No. 1630; Pet. III. A. p. 29; Also cf. Patan Cat. I. P. 95. (II) लघुउपमितिभवप्रपञ्च कथा by Prasannacandra, pupil of Udayadeva, pupil of Santisuri, pupil of Haribhadra, pupil of Bhadre svara of the Candra Gaccha. SA. No. 1727; SB. 2 (72; 93). See | लघुजम्बुद्वीप संग्रहणी ( Gram. 136 ). PAP. 37 ( 34 ). gone by Tilakasuri. See Śraddhajitakalpa (II). DA. 38 ( 42 ). gara SA. No. 584. gaiara (Gram. 5000) by Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 268; Pet. V. No. 816. Arhanniti. लघुअर्हनीति by Hemacandra. BO. p. 61; See लघुदण्डक Bengal. No. 7271. agufta in verse. DA. 49 (7). gaby Harṣakirtisūri. Bengal. No. 7392; See Namamālā. लघुआराधना VB. 31 ( 16 ). (I) लघुउपमितिभवप्रपञ्चाकथा composed in Sar. 1298, by Devendra, pupil of Candrasuri. PAPR. 23 (3). See Upamitibhavaprapañcakathasaroddbāra. (II) Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1255 1264; Bhand. IV. No. 1220; BSC. Nos. 477, 708; Chani. No. 257, Kiel. II. No. 397; Limdi. Nos. 582; 714; 776; (1) 930; 1124; 1125 ; 1708; PAPR 18 (41); Pet. V. No. 815; VI. No. 626; VI. p. 141, No. 77. (1) Tika by Anandasuri. Chani. No. 257; Limdi. No. 1708; PAPR. 18 (41). 335 (2) Vrtti by Haribhadra. Kiel. II. No. 397; Pet. V. No. 815. (3) Vṛtti. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1257; 1258; 1260; BSC. No. 477. consisting of the Khandana of the Saddravya, Pratyakṣa and Kartṛtvakarana. CP. p. 688. also called Laghucandra is an abridged form of the Candraprabha Vyakaraṇa (s. v.) by Meghavijaya. BK. No. 1800; Hamsa. Nos. 256; 777; SA. No. 812. (I) लघुक्षेत्रसमास by Ratnaśekhara. See Ksetra - ( II ) लघुप्रक्रिया by Vinayavijaya, pupil of Kirti samāsa No. IV. vijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. It was composed in Sam. 1710. It is published by JDPS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1979. SA. No. 1597. See Haimalaghuprakriya. garden by Candrasuri. It contains 115 Gāthās. BK. Nos. 1101; 1733. For Private by Kanakaprabha, at the advice of Udayacandra. SA. No. 889. See Sabdānusasanaṭikā No. 6. लघुपरमात्मप्रकाशव्याख्या Bhand. VI. No. 1027. garagerac JG. p. 217. (1) ag by Gunanandin Acarya. Idar. 146 (dated Sam. 1561). See Jainendraprakriya. (II) ggazzarien SB. 2 (90, 99 ). लघुप्रव्रज्याकुलक Surat. 1 ( 58 ). guia Bengal. No. 7148. agafarera by Bhuvanasundara. Limdi. No. 1172; Vel. No. 1056. Personal Use Only Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 336 affarasetta: . Guttalgia by Nāgārjuna. Buh. II, No. 413. (4) Tīkā by Dharmapramodagaņi. SA. This is perhaps the same as Yogaratna No. 421. mālā. (5) Vttti by Bhāvakusala (Gram. (1) sīkā. Buh: II. No. 413. 1000 ). VC. 12 (35). granatu in 40 Gātbās. JG. p. 113, PAS. No. 36. (6) Avacūri. Anonymous. JG. p. 289. (1) Tikā. JG. p. 113; PAS. No. 36. guitarraga (Be :- Bho bho bhavyāḥ srņuta ). agrarea of Sivanidhāna Upādhyāya of the Kha Cal. X. No. 4. ratara Gaccha. This is quoted in Sam. gegstad SA. No. 32. 1836 by Ksamākalyāņa in his Srāvaka- (1) aghagut in 30 stanzas. Agra. No. 1249-1258; vidhiprakāsa, PRA. No. 473. Flo. Nos. 664 ; 698. JIFCETATO# Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 45 ). (II THEO by Haribhadrasuri. Bhand. V. No. otaqat of Merutungasīri. JG. p. 164; PAP. 1221; JG. p. 126 ; See Jambūdvipa. 72 (93). See Śatapadisāroddhāra. sangrahani. yetirag crot by Asaga, in 12 chapters. It is an (III) JYugoft by Hemacandra. JHA. 43 (3c.). abridgement of the bigger work of the G e orgier by Devabhadra. Bt. 119 (3). See same name of the same author. Bod. No. Sangrabaņiratnatikā. 1406. ZJATETT by Jinavallabhagani. Limdi. Nos. agai afara Buh. VI. No. 666. 1288; 1643 ; 1644 ; Pet. I. No. 320; gystforfra by Mānadevasūri, who is supposed to Samb. No. 35. have stopped an epidemic at Sakaribhari GYATA This is another name of the Nirväņapura with this hymn. See Pattāvali kāņda ( s. v.); cf. SGR. IV. p. 67. samuccaya ( Viramgam, 1933), L. p. 26, ggraa Anonymous. Jesal. No. 620 ; JG. p. 288 ; v. 12. Bengal. Nos. 6695; 6936; 7004; Kundi. No. 8; PRA. No. 222. 7090 ; 7552; Bhand. VI. No. 1269; (1) Vrtti called Jñānadipikā by SomaBik. No. 1517 ; BK, No. 1339; Chani. tilaka, pupil of Sanghatilakasūri of the No. 300; Hamsa. Nos. 138; 275, 674; Rudrapalliya Gaccha. Jesal. No. 620; 1340; 1430 ; JG. p. 289; Limdi. Nos. JG. p. 288; Kundi. No. 8; PRA. No. 871; 1030; 1305 ; 1402 ; 1522 ; 1530, 222 , Samb. No. 91. 1549; Mitra. IX. pp. 155 ; 157; PAPR. EFT Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7036; JG. p. 18 ( 42 ); Pet. I. A. p. 51; III. A. p. 288. 213; VI. No. 640 ; PRA. No. 382 ; SA. (1) Vrtti by Somatilaka. JG. p. 288; No. 421; VB. 36 (31); VC. 12 ( 35 ). see Laghustavavrtti. (1) Tikā by Harsakirtī, pupil of Candra. (2) Vrtti. Anonymous. Bengal. No. kirti of the Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha. 6699. Mitra. IX. p. 157 ; VB. 36 (31). gtatala by Devanandin. See Siddhapriya(2) Tīkā composed in Sarn. 1658 stotra. Idar. 82 (2 c.); SG. Nos. 95 ; by Gunavinaya, pupil of. Jayasoma 96, 104. Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. BK. No. 1339; Chani. No. 300; Fareery Limdi. No. 581. PAPR 18 (42), PRA. No. 382 (dated gargy by Yasovijaya. JG. p. 107. Sam. 1659 ); SA. No. 421. Jagiaanitu arteaga Anonymous. DA. 76( 81 (3) Tīkā by Dharmaprabhagaại. to 84 ); Surat. 1. Hamsa. No. 614. (1) Avacūri. DA. 76 ( 81 to 84). Jain Education Intemational Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मन्थाविभागः प्रथमः (I) लब्धिविधानउद्यापन by Pandit Vidyadhara | छाटीसंहिता composed by Rajamalla Kavi in Sarv List (Savai Jaypore). (II) by Sivajilla. List. (Savai 1641. This is a book on the conduct of laymen; hence it is also called Śrävakcara. It was composed for Phaman during the reign of Emperor Akbar; cf. SGR. II. p. 95. It contains 7 cantos and about 1600 Slokas in all. It is edited by Pandit Darbari Lal, in the MDG. Series, No. 26, Bombay, Sam. 1984. by Kalyanasagarasuri of the Añcala Gacaha. Buh. VI. No. 762; DA. 61 (67); Hamsa. No. 1714; PRA. No. 904. See Miśralingakosa. Jaypor ). atafuran Bhand. VI. No. 1003; Pet. IV. No. 1473, V. No. 968; VI. p. 144, No. 98. ent by Nemicandra. It is a sort of an appendix to the Gommaṭasara. It is published in the RJS. Bombay. It is also published together with Ksapanasara, in the Haribhai Devakarana Jain Granthamālā, No.5, Calcutta. AK. Nos. 659 to 662; Bhand. VI. No. 1028; CP. p. 688; Hum. 182; Idar. 38 (2 c.); Kath. No. 1123; KO. 17; Lal. 431, Mitra. IX. p. 86; Mud. 24; 55; PR. No. 86; Rice. p. 310; SRA. 66; Tera. 16, 17. (1) Vṛtti by Madhavacandra. CP. p. 688, SRA. 66. (2) Vrtti (Be-jayatyanvaya). Anonymous. AK. No. 660; CP. p. 688; Mitra. IX. p. 86, Rice. p. 310. See below; Bengal. Nos. 7037, 7668. of Bengal. Nos. 7037; 7668; JG. p. 145; SA. No. 856. (1) Avacuri. Bengal. No. 7668; JG. p. 145, SA. No. 856. fafata of Haribhadra. See Caityavandanasutra-Vṛtti. feaften by Jinadattasuri. VD. 19 (10). feargar Anonymous. Agra, Nos. 1562; 1563; JG. p. 259; see below. ललिताङ्गकुमारकथा Limdi. No. 814, see above and below. fearafta composed in Sam. 1561 by Isvarasuri, pupil of Santisuri. Buh. VI. No. 761; PAP. 73 (14); PRA. No. 903. ललिताङ्गनरेश्वरचरित्र The same as above. JG. p. 231. ललिताधारचरित्र Hebru. 59. J....43 Jain Education Intemational foul 337 (1) Vivarana. Hamsa. No. 1714. by Hemacandra. Bhand. V. No. 1366. foffa JG. p. 82. लिङ्गलिङ्गिविचार f (1) feggere by Sakatayana. CP. p. 688; cf. लिङ्गानुशासन Belvalkar Systems of Grammar, p. 71. (II) feign of Hemacandra. It contains 138 Slokas only and is published by the N. S. Press Bombay, in the Abhidhānesagraha, Saka 1818. It is published also with an avacuri in the YJG. Series, Benares, A. D. 1905. AL. Nos. 780, 781; AZ 3 (10); Bendall. No. 374, Bhand. VI. No. 1400; BK. No. 1716; BO. p. 54; Bod. No. 1143, BSC. Nos. 448, 450; Bul. IV. Nos. 278, 279; CC. L pp. 544-545; II. p. 129; III. p. 116; Chani. No. 85, DA. 61 (51; 52; 54 to 65); 62 (20, 21); DB. 36 (30; 31, 35); Hamsa. Nos. 34; 1028; 1331; 1367; Idar. 146 (2 copies); 10. Nos. 813, 814, JA. 89 (1); Jesal. No. 570; KB. 1 (22), 3 (29, 66, 74); Kiel. I. No. 41 Kundi. Nos. 4; 12, 103, Limdi. Nos. 612; 687; 734, 1318; 1330; Mitra. VIII. p. 117, PAP. 17 (18, 24, 26; 40, 45), 41(27); PAPR. 18 (21), PAZB. 5 (8; 16); Pet. I. Nos. 321; 322; I. A. p. 76; SA. Nos. 499, 1634; 2084, Samb. No. 45, Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 338 • sifat: 1 Surat. 1, 5, 8, 9, VA. 15 ( 8 ; 9); VC. (I) trade in Prākrta, by Jineśvara. See 12 ( 33 ); VD. 12 (8); Weber. II. No. Nirvāṇalilāvati. 1691. (II) Stargate Anonymous. Kundi. Nos. 33; (1) Tikā Svopajña. AZ. 3 ( 10 ); 143; JG. p. 259. Bendall. No. 374; BO. p. 31; Bod. No. (III) tarade ( 1800 Gram. ) in 1332 Prăkrta 1143 ; BSC. Nos. 448 ; 450; Buh. IV. Gātbās. Bt. No. 355; DC. p. 28 ( dated Nos. 278; 279; DA. 61 (51; 52; 57 Sam. 1265). This is non-Jain The to 60); DC. p. 22; Hamsa. No. 1331; author is a son of Bhūsanabhatta, son of Idar. 146 ( 2 ); IO. Nos. 813; 811; Bahuladitya. See also Patan Cat. I. pp JA. 89 (1); Jesal. No. 570; JHA. 61; 193-94. KB. 1 ( 22 ); 3 ( 66 ); Kundi. Nos. 1; graella in Sanskrit (Gram. 3650) by Kunjara 12 ; 103; PAP. 17 ( 45 ); 41 ( 27 ); Kavi. Mud. 99. PAZB. 5 ( 16 ); SA, No. 2084; VA. लीलावतीप्रबन्ध of Kavi Rajakunjara. Probably the 15 ( 8; 9); VC. 12 ( 33 ); Weber. II, same as Līlāvatikāvya. AK. Nos. 665 ; No. 1691. 666. (2) Durgapadaprabodha composed in olgatarti in 21 cantos called Utsähas. It is a Sarn. 1661 by Srivallabha Vācaka, pupil in Sanskrit and based upon Nirvanaof Jnānavimala. Agra. No. 2597 ; lilāvati (s. v.) of Jineśvarasuri. The Bhand. V. No. 1349; BK. No. 1716; author of this Sanskrit version is accordCC. I. p. 545; Chani. No. 85; Hamsa. ing to DI. p. 50, Jinaratnasuri, pupil of Nos. 34; 1028 ; JHA. 60 ; KB. 3 (29; Jinesvarasuri, pupil of Jinapati of the 66; 74 ); PAPR. 18 ( 21 ) ; Weber. II. Kharatara Gaccha. He lived in Sam. No. 1692. 1307, but his literary activity must have (3) Tikā by Jayānandasūri (Gram. extended over a long period earlier than 1211 ). CC. I. p. 545; Mitra. VIII. p. this date. DC. p. 43; Jesal. Nos. 162; 117 ; PAZB. 5 (8). 813; JG. p. 332; Kundi. No. 264; (4) Avacūri or Țikā. Anonymous. Samb. No. 382. · Bengal. No. 8000 ; DB. 36 ( 35 ); SA. lhatní Agra. No. 2244. Nos. 499; 1634. yras Surat. 1 ( 1877 ). (III) fegtarea by Sabarasvāmin. 579 gaaf JB. 149; 160. (1) Sarvārthalaksana by Harsa faTiTu KB. 1 ( 72 ). vardhana. Buh. VI. Nos. 310, 311; Steagfa iara Surat. 1 ( 2903 ).. CC. I. p. 544 ; II. p. 129. Fraga by Gunavinaya Upadhyāya. JHA. (IV) E gea of Durgasimha. Idar. 146. 64. (1) Svopajia Vrtti. Idar. 146. Team JG. p. 362. foizgagi by Jayānandasuri. See Lirgānu लेखपद्धति Tapa. 58. sāsana ( II )-?īkā No. ( 3 ). *TET for in Prākrta by Nemicandra. SRA. (I) terant composed in Sam. 1736 by Lāla 303 ; 319. candra, pupil of Sāntiharsa Vācaka. Zakona of Simhasüri. Mud. 34. PAPS. 69 ( 86 ). tharaiaoio by Haribhadra. It contains 145 (II) isaat Anonymous. Surat. 1. Sanskrit stanzas in different metres and (1) Țikā by Malayasāgara. Surat. 1. is published by the JDPS, Bhavnagar, Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 339 Sam. 1958. It also edited and translated by Suali, in the Journal of the Italian Asiatic Society, Florence, 1905. Chani. No. 841 ; DA. 39 ( 13 ); DB. 22 ( 111; 112); Hamsa. No. 555; JG. p. 101; KB. 1 ( 63 ); Pet. IV. No. 1322 = IV. A. pp. 111, 112 ( quotation ); Surat. 1 ( 766). लोकनालद्वात्रिंशिका See Lokanalika. als See Lokanālikā. (1) Finallest in 32 Gāthās by Dharinaghosasūri. sosūri It is also called Lokanāladvätrimsikā. It is published in the JAS Series, No. 3, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1968. Also in the Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. II, p. 720 ff. Agra. No. 1969; AM. 286; AZ. 1 ( 26 ); Baroda. No. 2109; Bengal. No. 7512; Bhand. V. No. 1222; Buh. II. No. 231; DA. 60 ( 37 to 56 ); 76 (63); DB. 35 ( 130 to 136); Flo. No. 623; Hamsa. No. 1786 ; JG. p. 139; JHA. 47 (3 c.); JHB. 55 (2 c.); Kaira. A. 175; Limdi. Nos. 753 ; 930; 1612; PAP. 21 (6); PAZB. 20 (9); Pet. III. A. p. 223 ; V. No. 813; PRA. No. 1150; SA. Nos. 371; 1693; Strass. B. No. 433 f ; Surat. 1, 6, 7,9; VB. 31 (14); VC. 12 ( 29 ; 30 ); Weber. II. No. 1933. (1) Bālāvabodha by Sahajaratna. AZ. 1 ( 26 ); DA. 60 ( 47 ); Limdi. No. 753 ; VC. 12 ( 29; 30). (2) Avacūri by Dharmanandana. JG. p. 139; Pet. IV. No. 1223; SA. No. 371. (3) Bhāsāvrtti composed in Sarn. 1410 by Dhanavijayagani. Pet. III. A. (6) Bālabodha composed in Sam.1665 by Yasovijayagaņi, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. See Jainastotrasaindoha, I, Ahmedabad (1932 ), Intro. p. 90. (7) Avacūri. Anonymous. AM. 286; Bengal. No. 7512; BO. p. 31 ; DA. 76 (63); PAP. 21 (6); PAZB. 20 (9); SA. No. 1693 ; VB. 31 (14); VC. 12 (29; 30 ). . (II) " atst by Jinadattasuri (Gram. 300 ). VD. 12 ( 9 ). (I) 3169rs by Yasovijaya. Pet. IV. No. 1324. The author is probably Vinayavijaya. (II) 1695731 composed in Sam. 1708 by Vina yavijaya, pupil of Kirtivijaya of the Tapă Gaccha. It is published by Hiralal Hamsa raj, Jamnagar, 1910; and also in the DLP. Series, Nos. 65 and 74, Bombay, 1926, 1928. It is again published with a Gujrati translation by the Agamodya Samiti, Surat, 1930-1932 (Series Nos.6061). Baroda. No. 2914; Bengal. No. 2568; Bhand. VI. No. 1242 ( ms. dated Sam. 1716 ), BK. No. 20; Buh. II, No. 377; IV. No. 181; DA. 28 (1;2;3; 8): DB. 14 (1; 2) Flo. No. 625 (cf. Weber. II. No. 2304 and ZDMG. Vol. 60, pp. 290; 291 ) ; Hamsa. Nos. 125; 711; JG. p. 129; KN. 3 ; Limdi, No. 1425, Mitra. VIII. p. 64; Pet. IV. No. 1324; SA. No. 402, SB. 2 ( 69 ); Strass. B. No. 401 ; Surat. 1, 3, 5 ; Vel. No. 1771. i at Kath. No. 1297 ; Pet ; I. No. 343. (1) Bālāvabodha by Nayavilása. Kath. No. 1297. (I) AT 17 (Gram. about 1536) in Präkrta composed in Saka 380 by Sarvanandin. See Next. A reference to this work seems to be made in Yati Vrsabha's Trilokapra jñapti. See Anekānta, Vol. II. p. 8. (II) si fa in Sanskrit by Simhasüri. It is in 11 chapters and its Granthāgra is 1526 p. 223. (4) Stabaka by Jayavijaya, pupil of Vimalaharşa. Kaira. A. 175; PRA. No. 1150. (5) Avacūri by Harsakula. Baroda. No. 2109. Jain Education Interational Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 340 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। Slokas. It professes to be a Sanskrit (I) agrict is a Prakirņaka ascribed to Yasorendering of a similar book composed in bhadra. This is mentioned in the Arigacū. Saka 380 or in the 22nd year of the likā. It is published by K. M. Madayatā reign of Simbavarman of Kāñci, by Sarva Phalodhi, Marwar, Sam. 1980. See also nandtin. In its present form, however, the W. Shcuhring, Lehre der Jainas, pp.83-84. work quotes some Gāthas from Nemi AM. 205; 390, DA. 12 (23 to 28); 73 (6); candra's Trailokyasāra and Yati Vrsabha's DB. 6 (12; 13; 14); Hamsa. Nos. 233; Trilokaprajñapti. See JH. Vol. 13; pp. 466; JG. p. 68 ; JHB. 15 ; KN. 12; 39; 525-527 ; and Anekānta, Vol. II p. 9. Pet. VI. No. 621 ; SA. No. 553; Surat. AK. No. 675 ; MHB. 23 ; PR. No. 48 ; 1, 2, 5, 8. SG. No. 1515 ( foll. 77); 2471. वजालग्ग See Padyalaya. GIFFETTEIT by Ravigupta. JG. p. 312. Qarta See Vajrasvāmicaritra. gìtaE9 AK. Nos. 668 to 674. age Chani. No. 401 ; Surat. 1 ( 751 ). Girigit by Vrddha Jinasena. MHB. 23; SG. No. Fatih DB. 31 (39), JG. p. 259. 1172. infanaaraan in 16 Prākrta Gathās. DA. 76 (I) akiwaita in Prakrta. JG. p. 231 ; PAS. No. 79. (55); DB. 35 (194; 195 ; 214;); Hamsa No. 450 : JG. p. 145. Weber. ! (II) aprITAETTE in Apabhrarnsa. Anonymous II. No. 1967. JA. 25 ( 13 ); Patan Cat. I. pp. 43; (1) Vrtti (Be :- yair devair vijñaptah 193 ; 296 ; 305 ; Pet. I. A. pp. 57; 59. etc. ). Weber. II. No. 1967. (III) a tataarin Apabhramsa. Composed by (2) Avacūri by Amaradevagani. DA. Jinaprabhasuri in Sam. 1316. Patan Cat. 76 (55). I. p. 190. (3) Avacūri. Anonymous. DB. 35 Flyure Buh. III. No. 170; JG. D. 259. ( 194 ; 195; 214). It is in Sanskrit prose. लोकान्तिकप्रकरण The same as the last one. वज्रालय See Padyalaya. Cisareena JG. p. 145, see Lokāntikadevasta-asio E ga by Dharmacandra, pupil of Harivana. bhadrasuri in Sam. 1393. This is a 1 9ara in Sanskrit verse. DA. 50 (97); mistake. See Padyalaya-Tikā No. (1). JG. p. 259. Buh. VIII. No. 420; DA. 74 ( 35 ). AFFATTET Bhand. VI. No. 1335. Is it (1) Vrtti by Ratnadeva. Buh. VIII. Vatsarājakathā ? No. 420 ; DA. 74 ( 35 ). at greatera by Arya Nandila. See Vajrosthistavana. Tigrexaat By Arya Nandila. Peter. III. A. p. a het in Prakrta. Agra. Nos. 1564-1566; Bik. 329. No. 1538 ; JG. p. 259 ; KB. 1 (172); (I) GETTA in Prākrta ( Gram. 425 ). Agra. Patan Cat. I. p. 153 (pictures ). No. 1568; JG. p. 259. a ar JG. p. 352. (II ) TEETIST in Sanskrit (Gram. 400 ) by वक्षणापार्श्वनाथविज्ञप्ति by Nayavardhana, pupil of Sarvasundarasūri. JG. p. 259. Nandivardhana. JG. p. 289; Pet. I. (III) TRACT** Anonymous. Punjab. No. 2284. No. 305. DeTefta by Ajitaprabhasüri. Limdi. No. 627. वङ्कचूलकथा See Vakracudakatha. TIHEN VA. 15 ( 11 ). Jain Education Intemational Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः 341 FATTHEATTEETTa by Jinodayasūri. Bengal. Nos. (6) Visamapadaparyāyamañjari by . 6651; 7127. Akalankadeva. PAZB. 10 ( 10 ). (1) ATHIGAITEIT by Amaracandra. Bt. No. (7) Bhāsya-avacūri. Punjab. No. 2287. 556; JG. p. 338. (8) Tikā Anon. Limdi. Nos. 68 ; (II) TAIGI by Rāmacandra, pupil of 1288 ( Both are Bhāsyas ); SA. No. 19. Hemacandra. This is quoted in the a n at by Jinakusala. Bt. No. 197; JG. author's own Natyadarpana. p. 202. See Caityavandanakulaka-Tikā antepara un by Municandra. See Vanaspati No. 9. saptatikā. araçla SA. No. 1837. ET Anel by Municandra. Agra. No. 1883; arqafaruferatur in Prākrta. DB. 21 ( 64 ). AM. 409; Bengal. No. 7634; Bhand. Tarrataacor (Gram. 150 ) by Jinaprabhasūri. V. No. 1368; VL. No. 1243; DA. 59 Hamsa. No, 283; JG. p. 154. (76 to 80); DB. 34 ( 104 to 107 ); Hamsa. Nos. 398 ; 437; JG. p. 143; arretoran SA. No. 1880. Limdi. No. 930 ; Pet. IV. No. 1325; V. qalga gert DA. 37 ( 33 ). No. 820; Punjab. Nos. 2285; 2286 ; Filter ?) Hamsa. No. 1432. See under Surat. 9; VC. 13 (16); Vel. No. 1654. Dhumaketukalpa. (1) Vrtti Svopajña. Bhand. VI. No. 15 See Avasyakasūtra-Țikā No. 18. 1243. | वन्दिनुसुत्र See Sraddhaprtikramanasutra. (2) Vrtti by Gunadevasūri of the Agra. No. 324; BK. No. 757 ; Flo. Nāgendra Gaccha. DA. 59 ( 76 to 79 ); No. 626; JA. 25 (1); JG. p. 60; Hamsa. No. 398. KB. 2 ( 16 ); 3( 58 ); Pet. I. A. pp. (3) Avacūri. Bhand. V. No. 1368; 57; 61; 92; V. No. 821; Surat. 1, DB: 34 ( 104 to 107 ); VC. 13 (16). 5; 7. agerte Surat. 1 ( 860 ). (1) Bālāvabodha by Candrasuri. Pet. argit See Iryāpathikādandaka. V. No. 821. वन्दनकसूत्र See Guruvandanasutra. (2) Avacūrņi in Sam. 1183, by (1) Niryukti in 194 Gathās by Vijayasimba. BK. No. 757. Bhadrabāhu. JA. 25 ( 12 ); 95 (7); (3) Vrtti. KB. 3 ( 58 ). PAP. 79 (33); Pet. I. Nos. 273 ; 306 ; at THT by Mäghanandin. Idar. 77, 171. SA. No. 19. arszaT JG. p. 365; Punjab. Nos. 2291, 2292. (2) Cūrņi by Yasodevasuri composed arhurate acrtatraa Bengal. No. 6955. in Sam. 1174 (Gram. 707 ). Bt. No. 24; JA. 31 (9); Pet. I. A. p. 76; SA. erhuratufteaa Bengal. No. 7006. No. 576. are ATTEITA In Sanskrit prose. Jesal. No. (3) Vrtti by Tilakācārya. Bt. No. 1689 (palm.). 24 (15); Keith. No. 54; Patan Cat. (I) arnyn e by Kanakakusala, pupil of I. p. 126. Vijayasenasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. See ( 4 ) Bbāsya by Somasundara. BO. Kārtikasukla pañcamimāhātmya. Jesal. p. 61. No. 1067. (5) Cūrni (Gram. 1750 ). PAP. 23 (II) YASH or the Jñānapancami: ( 49). kathā, composed in Sam, 1700, by Däna Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 342 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। N 189. candra, pupil of Māņikyacandra of the quaearga by Amrtavijayagaņi. Bengal. No. Tapā Gaccha. PRA, No. 189. 6722. See Astavidhararnanasarnvādana. (W) CETOTASSTIFT Anonymous. BO. p. 61; auffam in Prakrta. Buh. IV. No. 252 ; JG. Flo. No. 776 ; Kath. No. 1342; Surat. 1. p. 343. atuita in Sanskrit prose (Gram. 300). JG. p. aularifafa DA: 60 (241); DB. 35 ( 196 ). 231 (same as Varadattakumāracaritra ). tra), ag u rraar in 258 stanzas composed acairaa SA. No. 602. in Sam. 1486, by Harsabhūsaņagani. (1) Vrtti. SA. No. 602. DA. 37 ( 61 ). See Paryusaņāvicāra. atea 9 DB. 31 (109); JG. p. 259. This is (I) Ha lay Anonymous; in Prākrta. SG. No. probably Vajrasenakathā. 2621. (I) ati aita believed to have been composed (II) qua e (Sandhis 6-11) also called by Ravişeņa, pnpil of Laksmaņasena. Sreņikacarita ( s. v.) in Apabhramsa by This is mentioned in Jinasena's Hari Jayamitra. Kath. No. 1204 (ms. dated varsapurāņa I. 35 and also in the Sam. 1608). Kuvalayamālā of Uddyotanasūri. This is however, a mistake as is conclusively (1) वर्धमानचरित्र in Apabhramsa by Raidhu Kavi. shown by Prof. Dr. A. N. Upadhye at Tera. 6; 7. ABORI., Vol. 14, pp. 61-63. The real (II) qaaaait also called Mahäviracaritra, or author is Jatila, according to him. Sanmaticaritra in 18 cantos by Asaga. (II) atificata (Gram. 1383) by Vardhamāna In the Prasasti appended to one of the Bhattāraka of the Balātkāragana, Sara mss. of this work, Asaga is said to have svati Gaccha of Müla Sangha. It is in 13 composed his eight works in the year 910. cantos ; cf. Anekānta, I. p. 273; SGR. The work is mentioned in Dhavala's HariV. pp. 66-68 for quotations. Bhand. V. vamsa Purāņa. See Allababad Uni. Studies No. 1123, Idar. 116 (2 copies ); Idar. I pp. 167, 168 ; also cf. JH. Vol. 15, p. A. 64 (3 c.); Kath. No. 1203; List. 336 ff. This work is mentioned under (Savai Jaipore ); MHB. 25; PR. No. the title of Sammaticaritra in the author's 126 ; Rice, p. 304; SG. Nos. 996 ; Santi Purāņa. See JH. vol. 15, p. 342. 2006; Tera.9 ; 10. Published with Marathi translation at (III) ariagaita in 31 cantos, by Jatācārya or Sohlapur, 1931. AK. Nos. 681 ; 682; Jatila Muni, alias Simbanandin. It is in CP. p. 689; Hebru. 9; 24; Hum. 21; Sanskrit ; it is edited critically, with Idar. 90 ; MHB. 213; 502 ; Mysore. IL. Introduction, Notes etc., by Prof. Dr. p. 135; Pet. IV. No. 1495 ( = IV. A. p. A. N. Upadhye of Kolhapur in the MDG. 163 ); SG. No. 2544. Series, No. 40, Bombay, 1938. CP. p. (III) Uhaafta by Padmanandin. Idar. 119. 689; KO. 155 ; 195. (IV) ataquits Anonymous. See also Vardha(IV) atigit by Jatila Muni. Same as No. mānapurāņa and Mahaviracaritra. III. It is mentioned by Dhavala in his Harivamsa Purāņa ; cf. Allahabad Univ. (1) Tippaua. Bhand. V. No. 1124. Studies Vol. I, p. 167; CP. p. 764. a aaaaaaaa Limdi. No. 936. (V) atirqqafts by Jňānabhūşaņa. Idar. 116. (I) Arafataa ( Be:- bhavyāmbhoja). See 601 Hamsa. No. 1432. See under Dhüma Sobhanastuti. Mitra. VIII. p. 183. ketukalpa. (II) U nitatea Anonymous. Hamisa. No. 387. Jain Education Intemational Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 343 1 • See also Vardhamānastava and Vardha- (V) atasat Anonymous. mānastotra. Agra. Nos. 974-975; 977-979, JB. VATTEN by Munisundarasuri (Gram. 275). 135 ; 139; Kaira. A. 83 ( Prākrta.); VB. 33 (52). KB. 2 (9); 3 ( 14); Limdi. No. 924. (I) A TAT in Prakrta (Graṁ. 5500) com com (1) Haagist of Siddhasena Divākara. This posed in Sam. 1552 by Subhavardhana is published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, gani, pupil of Sādhuvijaya of the Tapā 1903, with Udayasāgara's commentary. Gaccha. This is published in the JDPS. See also Dvätrimsat-dvätrimsikā No. I. Series, No. 43 Bhavnagar, and also by DA. 41 ( 263 ); DB. 22 ( 97; 98 ); Balabhai Chaganlal, Abmedabad. Sam. Hamsa. No. 139; JG. p. 289; PAPR. 1960. Bhand. VI. Nos. 1244; 1245; 18 ( 11 ); PAZB. 21 ( 46 ); Surat. 1. Chani. No. 490 ; DB. 19 (18); Hamsa. No. 39; JG. p. 187 ; Limdi. Nos. 1464 ; (1) Avacuri by Udayasāgara, pupil 1476 ; PAP. 59 (9; 11; 14, 21); of Vidyāsāgara of the Vidhipaksa Gaccha. PAPL. 60 ( 32); PAPS. 39 (2); 61 DB. 22 ( 97; 98 ); Hamsa. No. 139 ; (16), 71 (2); Pet. I. No. 324 (ms. JG. P. 289; PAPR. 18 ( 11 ). dated Sam 1609 ); PRA. No. 399; (2) Vrtti. Anon. JG. p. 289. Punjab. No. 2297 ; SA. No. 43; Surat. (II) Aragua by Dharmasagara. See Vira1, 2, 4, 5, 7; Tapa. 53; VA. 15 (14); dvātrimsikā. BK, No. 251. VB. 33 (11; 13); VD. 12 (15). (I) qaragTruy in 19 cantos by Sakalakirti. (1) Svopajña Tīkā. Bhand. VI. No. (Gram. 3035). AD. No. 159 ; Bhand. 1245; Chani No. 490 ; PAP. 59 (9; V. No. 1125; BK, No. 172; BO. p. 11; 14; 21 ); PAPL. 7 (32); PAPS. 31 , Buh. VI. No. 667 ; CP. p. 689 ; 39 (2); 61 (16); 71 (2); PRA. No. Idar. 90 ; 119 (ms. dated Sam. 1518); 399; VA. 15 (14); VD. 12 (15). Idar. A. 53; 64; Kath. No. 1205 ; Pet. (II) au taastatt in Sanskrit prose (Gram. 4300 II. No. 276; IV. No. 1476 ; PR. No. Be :-namah sripäráva. ) by Rajakirti, 126; SG. No. 1989; Strass. p. 309; pupil of Ratnalābha of the Kharatara Tera. 1 to 5; 7 to 10. Gaccha. Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj (II) avaragTror by Kesava. Mud. 735 ; 796. Jamnagar, 1918. Agra. No. 973 ; Bengal. (III) ashtagtrut by Vāņīvallabha AK. No. 684. Nos. 2572; 6640; DB. 19 (17); Hamsa. Nos. 1139 ; 1266 ; JG. p. 188 ; JHB. (IV) quaragiot by Ganabhadra. This is a 33 ; Kaira. A. 8; 146; Kath. No. 1343; portion of the Uttarapurāņa. Bhand. Mitra. IX. p. 126; Pet. V. No. 822; V. No. 1100. Punjab. Nos. 2294 ; 2295; 2296 ; (v) anagriot by Asaga. See VardhamanaStrass. B. No. 444. caritra (II). (III) qaratat in Prākrta (Be : virajinandam). ajarafery by Padmanābba (Graiii. 2500; fol). This is a metrical version of the con 88). VB. 41 ( 43 ). tents of the Upākadasāsūtra, by an un (I) avaraigatahet by Simhatilaka, pupil of known author. Agra. No. 976; Weber Vibudhacandrasuri. It is in several II. No. 1805 ( incomplete ms.). chapters, the first three of which contain (IV) avaraat (Gram. 3400) by Sarvavijaya. 89, 77 and 36 Slokas respectively ( Be :JG. p. 188; Punjab. No. 2298 (ms vaksyāmyatbānuşangāt ). CP. p. 689; dated Sam. 1715 ). JG. p. 365 ; JHA, 73; JHB. 73 ( 2c.); Jain Education Intemational Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344 stifdar 1 223. Pet. I. No. 323, PRA. No. 980; heic by Meghavijaya; same as above. Buh. Surat. 1. VI. No. 668. See Varsaprabodha. (II) qatargulhan by Yasodevasuri. SA. No. airgra SA. No. 2604. 731. antea Bengal. No 2711. (III) carafage Anonymous. DB. 24 | वसतिशयनासनादिदानकथा This contains 8 stories of (152); 46 ( 36 ); DC. p. 53; Hamsa. Kurucandra, Padmākara, Kanakaratha, Nos. 1405; 1428; 1431; JHA. 73 Karirāja, Karmakaradvaya, Revati, (2 c.); PAPS. 74 ( 29 ); Punjab. No. Dhvajabhujanga and Dhanapati. Limdi. 2299 ; SA. Nos. 731 ; 2067; 9808. Nos. 852; 930; 1518 ; Pet. V. No. qararaanigraanit DB. 22 ( 47 ). 823. av Tulia JG. p. 289. qaratteita on omens. It is a work, call Sakuna वर्धमानसप्तविंशतिभवाधिकार Bengal. No. 7529. or Sakunanirnaya of a Hindu author, (I) auramaa usually known as Bhävārivärana Vasantarāja. See Vel. No. 392. stotra (s. v.) from its commencing words, (1) Tikā by Bhānucandra, pupil of by Jinavallabhasūri. Pet. IJI. A. p. 216. Süracandra of the Tapā Gaccha. It was (II) avarata by Udayadharma. Hamsa. No. corrected by Siddhicandra. The text with this commentary is published by the avarirala by Bālacandra. Punjab. No. 2300. Venkatesvara Press, Bombay, Sain. 1963. (1) Țikā Svopajña. Punjab. No. Jesal. No. 1087 ; Hamsa. No. 1199; JG. 2300. p. 356 ; Mitra. V. p. 263 ; PRA. No. 1517. (I) qarafats by Siddhasena. SA. No. 2002. TAFITI terrey in 14 cantos describing the life of (II) a Alfals by Jayacandra. Pet. V. No. 743. the minister Vastupāla, composed in (III) quaracaia Anonymous. Bhand. VI. No. Sam. 1296 by Balacandrasūri, pupil of 1003. Haribhadrasuri of the Candra Gaccha. (IV) quarantata in different Präkrta dialects by It is published in the Gaek. O. Series, Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. See Baroda 1917. The edition also contains Jainastotrasamuccaya, Bombay, 1928, Rajasekhara's Vastupāla prabandha. Agra. p. 99. No. 2944; BK. No. 280; JG. p. 332; ah Tak TAMTEU by Asaga. Rice. p. 304. See PAZB. 8 (3); SA, No. 434. Vardhamānacaritra (II). agaita ( 91qca) by Bhadrabāhu. This is mentioned in Devacandra's and Māņikyaadats also called Meghamahodaya on Astrology, candra's Santināthacaritra (see under omens, prognostication etc. in 13 chap both); cf. Pet. V. A. p. 73, also cf. Patan ters, composed after Sam. 1732, by Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpāvijaya of the Cat. I. p. 204, v. II. Tapā Gaccha. It is in mixed Sanskrit anarguet by Sanghadāsa and Dharmasena. It and Prākrta. It is published by Mr. contains three chapters having Grara. Bhagavandas Jain, Jaipore ; cf. Patan 11200, 6609 and about 1000 respectiCat. I. Intro. p. 55. Bhand. V. No vely. They begin namo vinayapanaya1369 (ms, dated Sam. 1758); BO. p. surinda, jayai ņa vanalini kuvalaya and 31; Buh. VI. No. 668; PRA. No. mayā bhaniya jai puna etc. The first of 1226; SA. Nos. 844; 2039. these was composed by Sanghadasa while Jain Education Intemational Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 345 the last two were composed by Dharma. Jinaharsagani, pupil of Jayacandra of senagaņi. It is in Prākṣta prose. The the Tapā Gaccba (Gram. 4839 ). earliest writer, who quotes this is Jina It is in 8 chapters. (Be :- puşnātu bbadragani ( in the Visesaņavati ). It is bhakti). Its Gujrati translation is published by the JAS., Bhavnagar, BK. published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. I. pt. 1, 1930; (BK. I. pt. 2, 1931. 1974. The text is published by Hiralal An abridgement (Vasudevahiņdisāra ) Hamsaraj, Jamnagar. Baroda. No. 2918; is published in the Hemchandra Buh. (III. No. 171 (ms. dated Sam. Granthavali (No. 4), Patan, 1917. 1550 ); Chani. Nos. 47 ; 426 ; DB. 29 Hindi literally means wanderings' (12); 30 ( 31); Hamsa. No. 53; JG. i. e., Transmigrations and is here p. 217 ; PAPR. 9 (5); PRA. No. 860. applied to the work which describes them. (II) artista (Graṁ. 7000 ) by Vardhamāna. Agra. No. 1522; Bhand. IV. No. 308 JG. p. 217. This seems to be a mistake. (IInd); Buh. IV. Nos. 253; 254; Chani, No. 522; DA. 31 (1 to 3 ); DB. (III) arauigaita Anonymous. PAPR. 11 ( 10 ); 16 ( 1 to 3 ); DC. pp. 53; 56; Hamsa. SB. 2 (15). Nos. 328; 329; JA. 34 (1); 52 (2); (I) grati 13afts by Arisimha. DB. 30 67 (1); 71 (1), 77 (1); 111 (1); (32); see Sukrtasamkirtana. JB. 113; JG. p. 232; Limdi. Nos. 9 (II) Team h afta by Simhakavi. Chani. No. (Ist ); 10 (IInd); 27 (IInd); 726; 479 ; same as above... PL. 10 (11); PAPR. 20 (2); (III) aragisa hargafts by Kirtivijaya UpāPAZA. 6 (1;2), PAZB. 16 (17, 18); dhyāya. VB. 32 (12). 20 ( 21 ); Pet. I. A. pp. 2; 4; III. A. (I) वस्तुपालतेजपालप्रबन्ध in Sanskrit composed by pp. 184 ; 196; 197; 200; PRA. No. 692 ( dated Saṁ. 1528); SA. Nos. Rājasekhara, pupil of Sritilakasuri of the 266 (IInd); 514 (1st ); 535 (IInd); Maladbāri Gaccha. It is published in the Strass. p. 369; Surat. 1, 9. Appendix to Vasantavilāsa Kävya, Gaek. 0. S. No. 7, Baroda, 1917. This is a वसुदेवहिण्डीगतआलापंक in Prakrta by Gunanidhāna part of the author's Caturvimsatisūri. PAPS. 68 (7). prabandha. DA. 51 ( 38 ); JG. p. 218; THUTTIHEUTT Bengal. Nos. 2583 ; 4836 ; 6676; Idar. 118; Kaira. B. 65; PAP. 65 6900; Bhand III. No. 453; Buh. II. (14); VB. 33 (1). Nos. 310; 311 ; DA. 39 ( 14 to 17 ); DB. 22 ( 130 ; 131 ); Hamsa. No. 1325; (II) ataq 15TTFT JG. p. 218; Mitra. IX. Kiel. I. No. 79, Limdi. Nos. 1020; 1099; p. 188. 1255; 1400; 1431 ; 1649 ; SA. No. granica 154rea in 77 Sanskrit stanzas com1859; Vel. Nos. 1855; 1856; 1857. posed by Jayasimha, pupil of Virasimha. agai Bengal. No. 4840. . sūri. It is published in the Appendix to the Gaek. O. Series, edition of Hammiraas (Gram. 300 ). JG. p. 259. madamardananātaka. aewaele VA. 15 ( 55). (1) aggiarea by Bālacandra Kavi. VA. 15 Jatiwar in Sanskrit. JG. p. 259. ( 50 ). STEET112 Anonymous. Surat. 1, 7, 8. This is (II) araqi fta by Narendraprabha, pupil of probably Vasantavilăsa. See JG. p. 332. Naracandra of the Maladhāri Gaccha. (I) Terce composed in Sam. 1497 by DA. 51 ( 39 ). J.......44 Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 346 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। (III) AKIN&TITIFS Anonymous. DC. p. 23 , JG. Nos. 190; 384; 824; 825; 1750; 1756; p. 218. JG. p. 307, Kaira. B. 91 ; 95; Limdi. aeg totarafraz DC. p. 23. No. 1191 ; PAP. 9 ( 26 ), 39 ( 12 ); adfau See Vastuvijñaratnakosa. 79 ( 68 ); PAPR. 7 (4); PAPS. 68 ( 56 ); PRA. Nos. 709; 887; Punjab. argiaga TIT JG. p. 312; Pet. III. A. p. 267; Nos. 2311 ; 2312 ; SA. Nos. 639; 1294; VI. p. 142, No. 78 ; SG. No. 2423. Surat. 1, 9; VA. 15 (19; 25; 27; 29 ); (1) Vyākhyā. CP. p. 690 ; Pet III. VD. 13 ( 5; 9). A. p. 267. (1) Tīkā by Harşakula, pupil of Somaarafanna ere in 141 Präkrta Gatbās composed vimala. Hamsa. Nos. 1750; 1756; JG. by Amaracandrasuri. It is on the dis p. 307 ; Limdi. No. 1320 ; PAP. 9(26); tinction between the different Padārthas, PAPS. 68 ( 56 ); PRA. No. 709; SA. which is six-fold according to Bhadra No. 639. bāhu. It was composed before Sam. 1222 (2) Tikā composed in Sam. 1694 by which is the date of the Jesalmere (DC.) Jinavijaya, pupil of Kirtivijaya. Bendall. ms. DC. p. 32 (quotation ); Patan. Cat. No. 383, Buh. IV. No. 280 ; CP. p. I. p. 35 ( quotation ). 690 ; PRA. No. 887. AFTER by Paramajaina Thakkura. Surat. 1 (2 (3) Tīkā by Ratnasūri. JG. p. 307. copies ). (4) Tikā (Be: srimj jinendra.) Jam ( Be :- dānam yaso vitanute ). Cal. X. Bendall. No. 384. No. 68. (5) Tikā. Anonymous. AZ. 1 (28; alFITOTEUT JG. p. 93. 30), Chani. No. 397 ; JG. P. 307 ; Kaira. (I) 917491 by Dharmasuri. This is probably B. 91 ; PAPR. 7 ( 4). the same as the next one and Dharma is 914497611 fick by Dharmasüri. This is the same Udayadharma. Bengal. No. 7429 ; as above. Bengal. No. 7429. Bhand. V. No. 1370; Flo. No. 445; 117431 ( Be: natvā jineśvaram. ). DB. 38 (70), VB. 33 ( 32 ; 33; 35; 38; 40; 56 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 178. 82). alaię Agra. No. 2662. (1) Țikā Svopajña. VB. 33 ( 32; FUE Bband. VI. No. 1401. 33 ; 35; 38; 40; 56 ; 82). quaE of Kaviparamesthi. Mentioned by Jina(II) afF91T composed in Sam. 1507 by Udaya. sena in Adipurāņa. dharma, pupil of Ratnasimhasuri of the atufisafic Panjab. No. 2313. Tapā Gaccha. It consists of 129 Sūtras. It aloitatieaia Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (52). is published in the Stotraratnākara ( Part (1) afhICEIT by Vägbhata, son of Soma ; cf. 1) by Venichand Surchand, Mhesana, Sam. Kane, introduction to the Sahitya1970 for the Jaina Sreyaskara Mandala, darpana (2 edition ) p. CXII. It is AF. No. 189; Agra. Nos. 2655-2661; published with Simhadevas commentary AL. No. 782; AZ. 1 (28 ; 30); Bendall. in the Kävyamälä Series, Bombay. Nos. 383; 384; Bengal. No. 7429; AD. No. 146 ; Agra. Nos. 2840-2843; BO. p. 61; Buh. II. No. 415 (ms. AL. Nos. 822 ; 823; 824 ; Bhand. III. dated Sara. 1507 ); IV. No. 280; VI. No. 653; V. Nos. 1371; 1372; BO. No. 763; Chani. No. 397; CP. p. 690; pp. 50; 72; 85; Bik. No. 618; Bod. DA. 61 ( 69 to 78; 63 ( 53 ); Hamsa. No. 509; CMB. 159 ; CP. p. 690; DA. Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H2HM: 4:1 347 66 ( 44 ; 46 to 52); DB. 38 (36 to 38); (6) Ţikā by Kșemahamsagani. CC. II. Hamsa. Nos. 992; 1298; Hebru. 39; JG. p. 132 ; Stein. pp. 64; 274. p. 312; Idar. 98 ( 7c.); 10. Nos. 1153 (7) Tikā ( Be :- pärávanātham jinam to 1156; Jesal. Nos. 1080; 1485; KB. natvā. Gram. 1650) composed in Sam. 3 (28); Kiel. I. No. 80; II. No. 300; 1692 at Ahmedabad by Samayasundara, KO. 96; 134 ; 144; Limdi. Nos. 39; pupil of Sakalacandra of the Kharatara 1353; PAP. 71 ( 17; 29; 35 ); PAPL. Gaccha. See List of Sanskrit Manuscripts 6 ( 22 ; 23 ); PAPS. 48 (19 to 21); Pet. in the Private Libraries, by Dr. BhandarV. No. 421; V. A. pp. 26; 191 ; PR. kar, Bombay, 1893, p. 76. This ms. No. 256; PRA. Nos. 217, 271; 986 ; is dated Sam. 1711). The date of the Punjab. No. 2314 ; SA. No. 454; Samb. composition is given as karanidhiørngā. Nos. 232; 289; SG. No. 2000; Stcin. rākhyābde i. e., Sam. 1692. p. 274 ; Surat. 1, 9; VA. 15 (36; 49 ; (8) Tikā by Jayavardhana. Bendall. 52; 53 ); VB. 33 (84); VC. 13 (7); No. 421 ; BO. p. 72. This is probably Weber. II. Nos. 1713 to 1720. Jinavardhana's commentary. (No. 1 (1) Ţikā by Jinavardhanasuri, pupil above). of Jinarājasūri. Bhand. V. No. 1372 ; (9) Tīkā by Kumudacandra. DA. 66 OC. I. p. 559; II. p. 132; III. p. 119; ( 48 ); JG. p. 312. CP. p. 690; DA. 66 (49 ); JG. p. 312; (10) Vrtti by Vardhamānasuri. JG. Kath. Nos. 1412; 1413 (ms. dated Sam. p. 312 ( Doubtful ). 1654); Limdi. No. 1353 ; Pet. III. (11) Tikā Anon. Agra. No. 2843 ; No. 626 ; VB. 33 (84); Weber. II. Nos. Jesal. Nos. 1080 ; 1485; PAPL. 6 ( 22; 1919; 1920. 23 ); PAPS. 48 (19; 20); SA. No. (2) Tikā by Simbadeva (Gram. 1331). 31. AL. No. 824; CC. I. p. 559; II. p. (II) THIET by Ratnasekhara. VB. 33 (2 132; III. p. 118; JG. p. 312; PAP. to 4). 71 (29; 35); Pet. V. A. p. 191 ; PRA. (III) Cit by Dharmadāsa. VB. 33 ( 34 ; No. 217 ; SA. No. 1636. 43; 51 ; 57; 68; 80; 88 ). Both this (3) Tīkā by Rājahamsa Upadhyāya, and the last one are probably identical pupil of Jinatilakasuri of the Kharatara with the Vāgbhatālankāra (I). Gaccha. Bhand. IV. No. 281 ( ms. dated arrugor by Rämacandra. See Brbadvägbhüsaņa. Sam. 1486 ); CC. I. p. 559; JG. p. 312. antagie JG. p. 93. This is anthor name of (4) Tikā (Gram. 1164 ) by Somo Prthvicandracaritra of Māņikyacandra dayagaņi, pupil of Visālarāja of the Tapā ( Mānikyasundara ); cf. Prācina Gujarāti Gaccha. BO. p. 31 ; DB. 38 (36); Gadya Sandarbha, p. 139. PRA. No. 271; VC. 13 ( 7 ); Surat. 1. atacar KB. 3 ( 45). (5) Vrtti (Gram. 2956 ) composed ATEETI HAITI Pet. V. No. 976. in Sam. 1681 (DB. List; 1621-JG ) by ag a r by Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 143. Jhānapramodagaại. AD. No. 146 ; BO. p. 61; DA. 66 ( 46 ); DB. 38 ( 33 ); arquia of Kumāranandin is quoted by Vidyā. Hamsa. No. 974 ; JG. P. 312; KB. 3 nanda in his Patra pariksā, and other (76); PAP. 71 (17); SA. No. 65; works ; see JH. Vol. 14, pp. 119, 129. Samb. No. 426. atganci by Vădirāja. JG. p. 93. Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । वाइमहार्णव by Abhayadeva successor of Pradyumna | बार्तासमुच्चय see Sastravartasumacaya. KB 3 ( 32 ). anfwafa by Santisüri. PAS. Nos. 240; 264; see Jainatarkavärtika. of the Raja Gaccha. No ms. of this work is available so far. But it is repeatedly mentioned by the writers of the Raja Gaccha; cf. e. g. Pet. III. A. pp. 158; 162; Patan Cat. I. p. 245; Vel. No. 1640. Vadamabarnava is supposed to be another name of Abhayadeva's commentary on the Sanmatitarka; cf. Sanmatitarka (Ahmedabad edition with com. of 1924-1931 ), p. 308, f. n. 2. वादरत्नाकरसूत्र This is Prumkpanayatattvaloka with an Avacuri based on Ratnakarāvatārikā as is ascertained by me. JG. p. 79; Kiel. I. No. 81. 348 (I) by Jinapatisuri. See Prabodhodayavädasthala. Bengal. No. 6827, SA. No. 494. (II) areas which seeks to establish the purity of certain idols at Asapalli was composed by Pradyumnasuri, pupil of Mahendrasuri, pupil of Vadidevasūri. DC. p. 60; cf. also DI. p. 27; for a refutation of this see Prabodhodayavadasthala. (III) Anonymous. SA. Nos. 494; 913. वादस्थलसङ्ग्रह Baroda. No. 2061. वादस्वरूपनिर्णय KB. 7 ( 12 ). वादिकौशिकमार्तण्ड by Prabblicandra JG. p. 98. वादिमत्तगजाङ्कुश BK. No. 262. चादिविचार JG. p. 163. anacor (Grah. 748), composed by Sadhuvijayagani, pupil of Jinaharṣasuri of the Taps Gaccha, during the reign of Sumati sidhusüri. Bhand. V. No. 1373, BK. No. 269, Hamsa. Nos. 82; 571, JG. p. 79; PAP. 79 (73); PAPR. 1 (3); PRA. No. 330. (1) Tika Svopajna. Bhand. V. No. 1373, BK. No. 269; PAPR. 1 (3); PRA. No. 330. वारविचार Bengal. No. 6824. ataifa Flo. No. 627. (1) in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 509. of Subandhu, a Non-Jaina author. (III) (I) Vrtti by Siddhicandragani of the Tapă Gaccha, SeeBhanucandracaritra (ed. Singhi Jaina Granthamäls ), App. p. 61. JG. p.332; Pet.IV.No.781; VA. 15 (38). (Gratis 5494) composed in Sam. 1299, by Vardhamana, papil of Vijayasimhasuri. This is edited by Ballini and published in the JDPS., Series, No. 18, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1966. It is also phblished by Hiralal Hathsaraj, Jamnagar 1928-30. Bhand. V. No. 1313; VI. No. 1336; BK. No. 1809, BO. p. 31; Bt. No. 247; Chani. No. 45; DA. 42 (4;5;6;); DB. 25 (14; 15); DC. p. 24; Flo. No. 731; Jesal. No. 562; Hamsa. No. 121; JG. p. 240, KB. 1 (58); KN. 27; Kundi. No. 370; PAP. 14 (7); 65 (8); PAPL 1 (5); Pet. IL No. 298; IV. No. 1327 (ms. dated Sam. 1487), Punjab. Nos. 2317 to 2321; VB 32 (1;7; 8,); Vel. No. 1772. (II) anggota in Präkṛta (Gram 8000. Be: su hasiddhivahuvasikarana) by Candraprabha, who mentiens Haribhadra, Padalipta and his Tarangavati and Jivadeva. Bt. No. 248; JG. p. 240; Patan Cat. I. p. 140142 (quotations). aga Anonymous. Agra. No. 1523, Hamsa. No. 1375, JB. 112, JG. p. 240, PAS. No. 6; SB. 2 (3, 4) refacer also called Ancalamatanirăkarana or Mukhavastrika composed by Gunaratnasuri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Taps Gaccha. BK. No. 1335; Buh. VIII. No. 394; JG. p. 163; Pet. III. No. 627; PRA. No. 933; Surat. 1. Larger by Govardhana. Limdi. No. 23. Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHIT: : ! 349 aregem composed in Sam. 1372 by Thakkura fasta follia Bengal. Nos. 7438 ; 7663. Feru, son of Sricandra of the Ghāngha (1) Tīkā. Bengal. No. 7663. family. It is published by Bhagvandas já diakira 99 in Prākrta by a pupil of Jaini, Jaipore. BK. No. 68; DB. 22 Municandra. Hamsa. No. 355. ( 43); Hamsa. Nos. 247 ; 1041 ; PRA. (I) fástrafata agnarst Bengal. No. 7358; DA. No. 1083; SA. Nos. 451 ; 1843 ; cf. 39 ( 73 ); DB. 22 ( 22 ). Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 61. (II) fazlatara agars composed in Sam. 1766, festiguisti by Siddhasena Divākara. Chani. by Jõānavimalasuri. PAZB. 20 (14); No. 156 ; DB. 22 (84). Surat. 1. laenauehara Bengal. No. 7025. fáma F9197AFFIT in Sanskrit. Punjab. No. विंशतिप्रकाश See Vitaragastotra. 2389. fastlastega In Prākrta by Nemicandra Saiddbā- lata 21 FT KN. 41 ; SA. Nog. 2862; 2869. tika. AK. Nos. 715 ; 717 ; Hum. 60; (I) fásta a a a (Gram.) 2800) 93; 180; 212 ; Idar. 37 (2 c.); KO. composed in Sam. 1502 by Jinaharsa, 6; 9, Padma. 24 ; 58 ; 115 ; 119. pupil of Jayacandrasuri of the Tapā (1) Tikā by Padmaprabhu. KO. 6. Gaccha. This is published in the DLP. See next. Series, No. 60, Bombay 1922. Baroda. fázifamarauit by Padmaprabha Traividyacakra No. 708 ; Bhand. V. No. 1226; Bik. No. vartin in Prākrta. AK. No. 716 ; Mud. 1540 ; Buh. II. No. 234; VI. No. 766 ; 56 ; Mysore. II. p. 284. Is this not the DA. 48 (1;2), DB. 19 (14; 15; 16); same as the commentary on Vimsati Hamsa. Nos. 449; 620; 1668; 1802, prarūpaņā? JG. p. 233; JHB. 33; KB. 2 (9); 3 farurayrafare is a brief commentary on a small (55); Mitra. VIII. p. 107, PAP. 72 Kavya (Be :- bhūvisva ) by Megha ( 20 ); PAPS. 34 (11); Pet. III. No. vijaya, pupil of Krpāvijaya of the Tapā 631 ; IV. No. 1328 = IV. A. p. 112 Gaccha. See Devānanda Kāvya, Intro. (quotation ); Punjab. No. 2388; SA. p. 9, ed. Singhi Jaina Series, 1937. No. 112 ; Strass. B. Nos. 382 ; 427a ; fastlaetaTUCFT CP. p. 692. 449 ; VB. 33 (14); Surat. 1, 5. विंशतिविहरमाणजिनस्तवन by Kirtivimala.' Bengal. (II) विंशतिस्थानकाविचारामृतसदन्ग्रह by Jayacandra, No. 7233 (anon.); Surat. 1, 9. probabably the same as above. Buh. II. No. 234, VB. 33 (14). faniaastat by Haribhadrasuri (Yakiniputra ). These twenty Vimsikās on different topics fáaniaren ahtaa Bengal. No. 7388. are edited by Prof. Abhyankar, Ahmeda- fagfaf T I SENT Bengal. No. 6628; Punjab. bad, 1932. BK. Nos. 305; 1939; Buh. No. 2391. IV. No. 219; DB. 17 (19); Hamsa. Forsetiaator by Anandasāgara. SA. Nos. 425; No. 557 ; PRA. Nos. 420 ; 877; Surat. 427; see Prastāvanāvimsikā. 1 (894); 7; VD. 13 (1). विकृतिनिर्विकृत्यादिविचार (Gram. 614). (1) Vyākhyā by Yasovijaya, pupil of (1) fanaa (Gram. 5300) by Devamūrti, Nayavijaya, of the Tapā Gaccha, BK. pupil of Devacandra of the Käsadraha No. 1929 (only on Yogavimsika ). Gaccha, composed before Sam. 1492. fauteurs Surat. i (foll. 60). See This is also known as the SirahasanaVimsatisthāņakavicārāmrtasaņgraha (1). dvātrimsikā. Chani. No. 533; Hamsa. Jain Education Intemational Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 350 श्रीविनरलकोशः। Nos. 1446; JG. p. 232 ; Limdi. No. 30 (11; 12); JHA. 52; PAPS. 61 587 (ms. dated Sam. 1495 ); PAPL. 7 (18); PRA. No. 404 ; VD. 12 (16). (3); PAZB. 23 ( 22, ms. dated Sam. fa &a qara by Merutungasūri. 1514 ), PRA. No. 678 (ms. dated Sam. Hamsa. No. 426. 1496), Vel. No. 1773 ( ms. dated Sam. f f TPAUCTFU (Gram. 400 ) by Purna. 1492). candrasuri. See Pañcadandachatrapra(II) AI by Pandit Somasuri (Gram. 6000); bandha. VC. 13 ( 6 ). f ATICITY by Vidyāpati. JG. p. 218. (III) fanart by Rājameru, pupil of Sadhu- farfa by Kavi Gunārņava (Gram. 5500) ratna. It is in Sanskrit prose. DA. 49 AK. No. 707. (58, ms. dated Sam. 1589); Punjab. farachiraat (in 6 Acts) by Hastimalla Kavi, No. 2327. son of Govinda Bhatta. Published in the (IV) faianta by Rāmacandra. See Panca MDG. Series, No. 3, Bombay Sam. 1972. daņdātapatrachatraprabahdha. Bengal. Another name of the drama is Sulocanā No. 6860; JG p. 232; Punjab. No. 2325. Nātaka. CMB. 77 ; KO. 138; Rice. p. (V) Honig of Siddhasena Divākara. CC. 1. 304 ; Mysore. II. p. 152; SRA. 35; p. 717. 380. fatting Agra. No. 1812 ; Hamsa. No. 1566 ; facatoa Taa Idar. 83. (1) Tīkā by Kesavasena. Idar. 83. JG. p. 260. विचारकलिका is the name of a commentary by विकमपञ्चदण्डचरित्र by Ramacandra. See Pancadaņdātapatrachatraprabandha. DA. 49 Sāntyācārya on the Vārtika on Nyāyā. (59). vatāra of Siddhasena; cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 87. fa74924ueqaru by Pūrņacandra. JG. p. 260. " aan*** JG. p. 203. see Pancadaņdachatraprabandha. francoter in 24 stanzas in the Apabhramsa language fantu Buh. III. No. 172; JG. p. 218; Surat. by Jinaprabhasuri. Bengal. No. 7622 1, 3, 7. Patan Cat. I. p. 191 ( quotations. ). faraFun by Srutasāgara. List. (Savai Jaipore). Prands pore). Partensitatei Bengal. No. 7223. a ra in Präkrta by a pupil of Padma विचारपञ्चाशिका by Vijayavimala also called Vanaracandra. Patan Cat. I. p. 173. (be:tisalā rşi. It is published with the commentary, kucchisarovara ). . in the Prakarana Puspamālā, Vol. I, la rue Anon. Agra. Nos. 1524 ; 1525; } . which itself is No. 24 of the Anandji 1572 ; KB. 1 (12); Limdi. No. 727, Puruşottama Granthamālā, and is also Surat. 3. published by the JDPS., ( Series No. 11 ), (I) farfaneruafts by Rāmacandra. See Pañca Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969, Bhand. V. No. dandāta patrachatraprabandha. Bengal.No. 1244, DA. 60 ( 23 to 27), 76 (61); 6860; Bhand. V. No. 1316, Buh. IV. DB. 35 (102; 103 ; 104); JG. p. 142; No. 256 ; JG. p. 218. JHA. 47; JHB. 58; SA. No. 414; (II) atferuefa composed in Sarn. 1490 by Vel. No. 1655. Subhasila, pupil of Munisundarasuri, of (1) Tikā Svopajña. Bhand. V. No. the Tapā Gaccha. Baroda. No. 12407, 1244 ; Buh. V. No. 44, DA. 76 (61), Buh. VI. No. 765; Chani. No. 516, DB. 35 (102, 103, 104); SA. No. DA. 49 (55; 56 ; 57); 75 ( 40); DB. 414; Vel. No. 1655. f Jain Education Intemational Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ fr far (foll 119) VB. 33 (5), Surat. 1, 9. Surat. 1 (foll. 40). fac in Sarh. 1573 by Mahesvara. See Vicararasiyana. मन्थविभागः प्रथमः । far by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayavijaya face of the Tapa Gaocha. Hamsa. No. 464, VB. 33 (88). (I) far composed in Sarh. 1613 by Nagargani of the Taps Gaocha. BK. No. 116; Hamsa. No. 464; JG. p. 135; PRA. No 1062; VB. 33 (66) (II) विचारमञ्जरी Anonymous. Probably the same as above (foll. 11); KB. 9 (6); Surat.1. विचारमुखप्रकरण by Amaracandra. See Vastu vibhaktivicăra. farma (Grarh. 14000) composed by Jayasoma Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaccha during the reign of Jinacandrasüri. It was put together in a bookform and committed to writing by Guna विचारत्नसागर DA. 21 (6) 7). faceren Agra. No. 852; DA. 76 (10); DB. 21 (8); JG. p. 130, KB. 1(62). (1) fan (1) Tika Svopajña (Gram. 7155). PAPE. 4(7). 60 (8), DB. 32 (55); Flo. Nos. 628, 629; JG. p. 135; Pet. III. A. p. 240, Tapa. 207. vinaya in Samh. 1657. JG. p. 130; Pet. (I) fra In 116 stanzas composed by Ramacandra, pupil of Hemcandra. III. A. p. 302 (quotation). Weber. II. No. 1972. fancer in 87 Präkṛta Gathas composed in Samh. 1573, by Maheśvarasuri of the Śripalla Gaccha. BK. No. 1076, DA. 351 (1) Avacuri. JG. p. 135. also called Mandalaprakarana (a v.) (s. contains 99 Prakrta Gathas and was composed in Samh. 1652, by Vinayakusala, pupil of Vijayasenasüri of the Tapä Gaocha. It is based on the Jivabhigamasätra and is published by the Jain. Atmananda Sabha, Bhavnagar, 1922 (Series No. 73). BK. No. 268; Chani. No. 350; DB. 33 (33); JG. p. 135; PAPS. 80 (56); Pet. III. A. p. 240; PRA. No. 737; SA. No. 447, VD. 11 (8) (1) Tika Svopajña (Gram. 1000) corrected by Labhavijayagani. BK. No. 268; DB. 33 (33), PRA. No. 737, SA. No. 447, VD. 11 (8). composed in Sam. 1690, by Kir-(II) fara tivijaya, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapa Gaocha. It is published in the DLP. Series, No, 72, Bombay, 1927. Bhand. VI. Nos. 1247, 1248; BK. No. 243; Chani. No. 538; DB. 21 (6;7); Hamsa. No. 1363; JG. p. 130, PAP. 9. (III) (16), PAPR. 4 (7); PAPS. 47 (17); Punjab. No. 2333; SA. No. 321; SB. 2 (73); VB. 33 (16). (1) Tiks called Anvaya, by Vilaraja. Weber. II. No. 1972. composed in Sam. 1674, by Samayasundara of the Kharatara Gaocha. Bhand. V. No. 1223; BK. No. 1791; BO. p. 31, DA. 76(6), Hamsa. No. 464, JG. p. 130; KB. 3 (57), 5 (18); PRA. No. 270. (11) fanecenme (y) of Devendra. Hamsa. faefer by Merutunga. It is written in Sanskrit विचाररत्नाकर No. 1437; SA. No. 821. prose and purports to be a commentary on a few Prakṛta Gathās beginning with jam rayapiw. It is otherwise called Sthaviravali and contains a list of some Anonymous. Agra. No. 1854; Hamsa. No. 529 (This is Laghu Vicărnsataka, Grah. 700), Surat. 1. विचारशतकबीजक by Kamakalyāra BK. No. 284, Chani. No. 280; Hamsa. Nos. 587; 7481284. Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 352 istifarroa: 1 old Jain kings with their traditional IX. p. 18; PAPS. 81 ( 104 ), PAZB. dates. It is published in the Jain 6 ( 35 ); Pet. IV. No. 1273 ; V. Nos. Sahitya Samshodhak, May 1925; also 827; 828 ; Vel. No. 1622. cf. JBBRAS., IX. p. 147 for a summary (2) Tīkā by Isvarācārya. Kath. No. of the same. Buh. II. No. 378 : DA, 1415 (ms. dated Sam. 1654). 37 (71); JG. p. 162; Vel. No. 1656. (3) Tikā composed in Sarn. 1675 TartuEŞTHT composed in Sam. 1579, by by Rupacandra, pupil of Bhānucandra Gajasāra, pupil of Dhavalacandra of the of the Tapā Gaccha. AM. 231; DA. Kharatara Gaccha. It consists of 40 58 ( 84 ; 86; 87 ), 76 ( 46 ); DB. 34 Gathās and is otherwise called Dandaka ( 45 to 48 ); Hamsa. No. 1324 ; JG. caturvimsati. It is published with the p. 124 ; PRA. No. 317; SA. No. 404. commentary of Rūpacandra, by Venicand Surchand, Mhesana, 1916 and also (4) Cūrņi Anonymous. Bhand. V. by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1972. No. 1224; Bengal. Nog. 2523; 2606 ; Text alone is published by Bhimsi Manek, 7281; 7647. Bombay 1903, in his Laghuprakaraņa- raraga tal composed in Sam. 1682 by sangraha. Text with Svopajñațīkā, publi Balacandra. Punjab. No. 2339. shed by the JDPS., Bhavanagar, Sam (1) fa g (Gran. 2200 ) composed) in Sarn. 1964. Agra. Nos. 1941-1952; AM. 1443 by Kulamandanasuri, pupil of 231; 244; Bengal. Nos. 2523; Devasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. 6640; 7281 ; 7647; 7667; Bhand. It is also called VI. Nos. 1249; 1250; BO. P. 61; Vicārāmrtasangraha or Siddhāntālāpakoddhāra. Bhand. V. Cal. X. Nos. 106; 122; DA. 58 No. 1225; VI. Nos. 1080 (ms. ( 84to 94; 118 to 123 ); 76 (46; dated Sam. 1506); 1251 ( ms. dated 47 ); DB. 34 (45 to 53); Flo. Nos. Sam. 1463 ); DA. 36 ( 52 ); 37(1; 630; 631; Hamsa. Nos. 88; 270; 2; 64; 65 ); DB. 20 ( 23 ; 24.); 340; 921; 1094; 1324; Jesal. No. 21 (10; 11 ); Hamsa. Nos. 520; 900; 274; JG. p. 124 ; JHA. Nos. 47; 69 Kath. No. 1417 ; KB. 1 ( 28 ); PAPR. (8c); JHB. 28 ( 13 c. ); Kath. Nos. 1 ( 13 ); PAPS. 48 (64; 87 ) ; PAZA. 1414; 1415, Limdi. Nos. 535; 633; 9 (31; ms. dated Sam. 1463 ); PAZB. 1067; 1086; 1248; 1298; 1388; 3 ( 11 ); Pet. III. No. 628 (ms. dated 1459; 1493; 1511; 1666; 1667; Sam. 1443 ); PRA. No. 295; Punjab. 1745; Mitra. IX. p. 18; PAPS. 81 No. 2340 ( ms. dated Sam. 1519 ); SA. (104); PAZB. 6 ( 35 ); Pet. III. A. Nos. 112 ; 326; VA 15 ( 15 ); VB. p. 212; IV. No. 1273 ; V. Nos. 709; 33 ( 23 ); VD. 13 ( 38 ); Weber. II. 827 ; 828 ; PRA. No. 317; Punjab. No. 1960. Nos. 2334 to 2338; SA. Nos. 404; (II) EITHE ( Gram. 22000 ) by Somaprabha1838; Samb. No. 304; VA. 8 (8); Vel. Nos. 1622; 1657. sūri. VD. 13 ( 11 ). i (1) Țika Svopajña composed in Sam. (III) ( ) THE by Samayamāņikyagaņi. BK. 1579 at Patan. Bhand. V, No. 1224; No. 1335. BO. p. 61; DA. 58 (88 to 94 ); (IV) rettege Anonymous. DB. 21 (9; 15, 16; Hamsa. No. 270; JHA. 47; JHB. 17 ; 22; 23; 25), JHB. 55 (foll. 52) 28 (2c); Limdi. No. 1086; Mitra. SA. No. 2686. Jain Education Intemational Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Haupt: 59:1 353 BK. NO: 1318 Bhand. VI. No 1969. (V) faire faqaagui Surat. I. See Vicārasāra (IV). sana (). (IV) Tettere in 85 Gáthās composed by Hema(1) far hafa by Mahendrasimhasūri, of the candrasuri in Sam. 1267. VB. 33 (36); Ancala Gaccha. It is published with Vel. No. 1818. It is also called VicāraVinayakusala's commentary by the JAS. sārasangrahaņi. (Series No. 18), Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. (V) Ter composed in Sarn. 1257, by RaksāAM. 62, 409, Bhand, VI. No. 1246; nandaguru. DB. 32 ( 53; 54). BK. No. 1318; Buh. VIII. No. 395; (VI) facer by Jinavallabhasūri. See AgamikaDA. 59 (55; 56; 57); DB. 34 (92; vastuvicārasāra. 93 ); Hamsa. Nos. 93, 424; JG. p. 144; (VII) CITEIT in 900 Gātbās by PradyumnaJHB. 48 ; Kaira. B. 145, Kiel. II. No. sūri, pupil of Devaprabha, pupil of 398; Limdi. Nos, 1008; 1247, PAPL. Dharmaghosa. It is published 8 (75); Pet. V. No. 830; Punjab. in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 35, Surat, Nos. 2342; 2343 ; 2344 ; SA. Nos. 394; 1923. (Be :-paņayajanapūriyāso ). Bt. 555; VB. 33 ( 47 ; 50; 83 ); VC. 13 No. 89; DA. 37 (58); JG, p. 128 ; (10 ; 15). Pet. III. A. p. 270 ; SA. Nos. 324; (1) Vrtti by Vinayakusala (in Sam. 546 ; Surat. 1, 3, 5. . 1615 acc. to Kaira note ). DB. 34 ( 90 ; III) TTH Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7362; 91); Hamsa. No. 424 ; JG. p. 144 ; Bub. II. No. 232 ; DA. 37 (3; 4; 5 ); Kaira. B. 145 ; Kiel. II. No. 398 (ms. Hamsa. Nos. 204 ; 893; Kath. No. dated Sam. 1683 ); SA. Nos. 394 ; 555; 1262 ; Punjab. Nos. 2348 ; 2349; VA. VC. 13 (15) 15 ( 23 ); VB. 33 ( 19 ). (2) Avacūri by Mahendraprabhasūri. (1) Ţikā by Jinamāņikyasuri (Gram. BK. No. 1318. 1695 ). VA. 15 ( 23 ). (3) Avacuri by Dharmanandana Upā- larte विचारसाररत्नमाला Kaira. A. 17. dhyāya. AM. 62; Buh. III. No. 126; PAPL. 8 ( 75, ms. dated Sam. 1607). F ITEITERE JG. p. 130. (4) Tikā Anonymous. AM. 409, JG. ETTETTHEUT See Vicāra sāra (IV) by Hemap. 144, Punjab. No. 2344; SA. No. candra. VB. 33 ( 36 ), 2663, VC. 13 (10). femei in Prakrta by Māņikyasundara. JG. (II) saat Fafal by Samayasundara Upādhyāya, p. 289, PAPL. 8 ( 57 ). in Sanskrit. Punjab. No. 2341. faitettiGi Agra. No. 853; JHB. 55 ( foll. (1) face (Gram. 1500 ) in Prākrta com 125 ); 58 ; SA. No. 247 ( foll. 149 ). posed by Devacandra, pupil of Dipa- faltaan by Vijayatilaka Upādhyāya. Kath. candra of the Kharatara Gaccha in Sam. No. 1416. 1796. DB. 32 ( 49 to 52); JG. p. 136; (I) falitigang by Kulamaņdana. See VicāraPRA. No. 340; Punjab. No. 2347 ; sangraha (I). Surat 1 ( 2675). (II) Fittige by Jinabarşa. See Vimsati(1) Tikā Svopajña. DB. 32 ( 49; 50), sthānakavicārāmrtsaṁgraha. JG. p. 136 ; Punjab. No. 2347. (III) farci Anonymous. Punjab. No. (II) Tere composed in Sań. 1776, by Mūla 2350. candragani. BK. No. 478. fantasi a in Prāksta. Anonymous. Punjab. (III) faitett by Vijayahamsasuri. CP. p. 691.1 No. 2353. J....... 45 Jain Education Intemational Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 354 xifrata 1 Wijayadevasuri Upad Gaccha, fagurgare ur by Candraprabha. JG. p. pp. 18; 34; 413; Pet. VI. No: 623 ; 260. See Vijayacandracaritra (I). = VL. A. p. 48 ( quotation ); - PRA. (1) fag ardata by Viradeva. JG. p. Nos. 924; 1102 ; SA. Nos. 415; 531; 232. See Vijayacandracritra (II). Surat. 1, 5. (II) frajerkaufts by Amrasuri. JG. p. (II) Farguits in Prākrta (Graṁ. 1311) 232. See Vijayacandracaritra (II). composed by Viradeva, pupil of Amara deva, in Sam. 1187. This is probably (III) far a leit in Prakrta ( Grám. the same as above. PAP. 30 (15). 3900) composed in Sam. 1299; DA. (III) fari aita Anonymous. 49 ( 23, ms. dated Sam. 1642 ). Agra. No. 1526 ; Bhand. V. No. · (IV) facurgharcaite by Jayasūri. VB. 32 1318; VI. No. 1337, Flo. No. 777 ; S (10). JB. 112 ; KN. 48; Patan Cat. I. p. (V) ataqdicata by Hemaratnasuri. VB. 153; VB. 33 (12; 24; 30 ) 33 ( 30 ). विजयदानसूरिस्वाध्याय in Prakrta by Sakalacandra (VI) fagacarseits by Candraprabha. See Upādhyāya. PAP. 79 ( 51 ); Surat 1. below. विजयदेवमाहात्म्य or the Life Vijayadevasuri of the (1) fasteuraa (Gram. 1311 ) also called Tapā Gaccha, written by Srivallabha Haricandacaritra composed in Sam. Upādhyāya, pupil of Jnanavimala of 1127 by Candraprabha Mahattara, pupil the Kharatara Gaccha. It contains 19 of Abhayadevasūri of the Kharatara cantos and is published by the Jain Gaccha ( Amrtadevasüri of the Nir Sahitya Samsodhak Samiti, Ahmedabad, vrtivamsa according to the editor ). It 1928. Buh. III.' No. 156; Chani. No. was composed at the request of Vira 819 (ms. dated Sam. 1709); Hamsa. devagani, and is in two recensions : No. 1078; JG. p. 333; JHA. 57, the shorter one containing Gram. 1300. PAP. 30 ( 21 ); 61 ( 43 ) ; 62 (19; 21 and the longer one' containing about 22, 23). 4000 (1163 Gātbā ). Both are in (1) Vivarana by Meghavijaya, pupil Prakrta. The work contains 8 stories of Krpāvijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. to illustrate the 8 modes of Jina's wor Intro. p. 8 of Devānandakāvya, ed. in ship. It (the longer one ) is published Singhi Jain Series 1937 A.D. in in the JDPS. Series; No. 16, Bhavnagar, 1906. Its Gujrati translation is also विजयपताकाकल्प PAZB. 17 (14). published in the same Series, Bhavnagar, विजयपताकायन्त्र See Vijayayantravidhi. . Sam. 1962. Baroda. No. 697 ; Bhand. (I) Teated by Jinadevasūri (Gram. V. No. 1317 ; BK. No. 208; Bt. No. 10000). VB. 31 ( 30 ). 336, Buh. III. No. 179; VII. No.(II) fatigue 1 by Căritravijaya (Gram. 47 ; Chani. No. 433 ; DA. 49 ( 23 to 32 10000). VB. 32 ( 13 ). all long. ); DB. 29 (11 and 12 are (III) fast IFTTHIEU composed in Sam. 1681 long; 13 and 14 are short ); Hamsa. by Hemavijaya, pupil of KamalavijayaNos. 49 ; 382; 843 ; 944; 1390 ; JG. gani of the Tapā Gaccha. It is in 21 p. 260 ; Limdi. No. 1234 ; PAP. 35 cantos, the last 5 of which were added ( 48 short ); 47 (12 long ); 73 ( 18 by the commentator Guņa vijaya. It gives long ); PAPS, 34 (4); Patan Cat. I. information about Hiravijaya, Vijaya Jain Education Intemational Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H aunt: $**:! 355 sena and Vijayadeva Sūris of the Tapā raga1 KB. 1 ( 62 ). Gaccha. Both the text and commentary fagraria JG. p. 362. are published in the YJG. Series, No. fagraroratgage DB. 23 ( 30... 23, Bhavnagar, Vir Sam. 2437. AgrafeTTACHga by Dharmadāsa, a Buddhist writer. Nos. 2945 ; 2946; Baroda. No. 2924, Bhand. III. Nos. 454; 634 ; Bik. No. Buh. VI. No. 767; Chani. No. 170, 619; Bod. No. 1163; CC. I. p. 573; Hamsa. No. 1480 ; JG. p. 333 ; PAP. CP. p. 691 ; 10. Nos. 1243 to 1247; 11 (9, ms. dated Sam. 1694); SA. PAP. 21 ( 30 ); Pet. IV. No. 784 ; No. 449; VA. 15 (13). Rice. p. 304; SA. No. 72; Surat. 1, 3; (1) Țikā (Gram. 10000 ) composed Vel. Nos. 156; 157 ; Viś. No. 218; by Guņavijaya, pupil. of Kanakavijaya. Weber. II. Nos. 1727 ; 1728. Agra. No. 2946; Baroda. No. 2924 ; (1) Tikā by Jinaprabhasūri. CC. I. Buh. VI. No. 767; Chani. No. 170; p. 573; Weber. IL No. 1728. Hamsa. No. 1480 ; JG. p. 333; PAP. (2) Tikā by Bhimavijaya. SA. No. 11 (9); 62 ( 20 ), SA. No. 449; VA. 72; Surat. 3. 15 ( 13 ) (3) Tīkā by Sivacandra. Bhand. VL (IV) asrangier by Vallabhadeva. See Nos. 466 ; 467; CP. p. 691 ; PAP. 21 Vijayadevamāhātmya. ( 30 ). (V) विजयप्रशस्तिकाव्य by Gunavijaya. See above (4) Tikā (Be: smrtvă jinendramapi.) No. III (Com.). Buh. VI. No. 767; Vel. No. 156. SA. No. 449. (VI) (Flugst #1=4 by Vijayasenasuri. VA. (5) Țikā Anonymous. Limdi. Nos. 1192, 1336. 15 (13). Nos. I, II, III, V and VI appear to be identical. farce See Surividyākalpa. la l afu JG. P. 365; Pet. I. No. 327) lanara See Bhavyajanabhayāpahāra. Hamsa. No. 1586. Fasteiriguara BO. p. 61. faar EET of Vidyānanda. Alluded to by fahrerfagle composed in Sam. 1753 by Vidyānanda himself in the Astasahasri, Tattvavijaya. Limdi. No. 1252. cf. Anekānta, I. p. 257. faceITET DB. 31 (85). (I) fauigare of Mallisena. CMB, 159 ; Padma. विजयानन्दाभ्युदयकाव्य Published. But I have not 48 ; SRA. 197 ; SRB. 124. seen it. (II) fauigare by Indranandiguru. Padma. 36. fa HIES JG. p. 341. See Padyalaya. faurgaigh (Gram. 1050 ) by Hastimalla. Mud. (1) Vrtti by Ratnadeva. JG. p. 341. 746. Farinigadir (Gram. 1012 ) composed in Sam. | fargina of Mallişeņa, pupil of Jinasena. It 1484, by Bhoja Kavi also called Bhoja consists of 24 chapters and 5000 Mantras, sägora. It is published by the JAS., .. See Anekānta, I. p. 499. CP. p. 691 , Bhavnagar, in their Kāntivijayagrntha Kath. No. 1206 ; Ko. 67 ; Pet. VL p. mālā No. 1, 1916. Baroda. No. 2923, 144, No. 99; Rice. p. 316, SG. No Chani. No. 234; JG. p. 289; PAZB. 1 | 13; SRB. 50; Tera. 8. (8); SA. No. 838. faariating Limdi. No. 530. fanfaqat in Sanskrit (Graṁ. 142 ) by Meruvijaya. furgitprêt in Prākrta (Be:-savve bhananti loya). JG. p. 343; PAPR. 16 (27). See Patan. Cat. I. p. 393. Jain Education Intemational Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 356 stiramena: 1 . 9360 Quicy of Jayavallabha. See Padyalaya. JG. P. I fawai * in 10 Gathās. JG. p. 203; Limdi. 341. No. 930. (1) Vrtti by Dharmacandra. JG. p. / Faraasigato Agra. No. 1266 ; KB. 3 ( 78, 341. foll. 148 ); Punjab. No. 2362. fautianty of Pujyapāda in Sanskrit. SG. No. (1) Vrtti. Agra. No. 1266. 2102. fare qef HUTETATEATTI Limdi. No. 1428. faanaaqausia by Akalanka. AD. No. 114. faraha TT&FIATI DB. 22 (55). fagnacre911 in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 726 (ms. (1) fafaqat by Kșamākalyāņa. Hamsa. No. dated Sam. 1488 ). 1392; See Śrāvakavidhiprakāśa. (II) Frutart Kath. No. 1298 ; KB. 5 (32); fagiagree by Devadattagani. Chani. Nos. KN. 27; Punjab. No. 2363. 567; 737. विधिप्रपा See Vidhimārgaprapa. fagfaseT in Sanskrit prose, by Malaya- faggots by Udayākaragani. Bhand. VI. No. hamsa. DA. 50 ( 87 to 89 ). 1252; JG. p. 151, Taurasia97Anonymous. Agra. No. 1571; faragatyalarga by Jinapati. BK. No. 1801, DA. 50 (90; 91 ); DB. 31 ( 112; See Prabodhodayavādasthala. 113 ); JHB. 32; Kiel. III. No. 172 farhamgar ( FIATT) (Gram. 3575) in Prākrta (ms. dated Sam. 1541 ); Punjab. No. composed in Sam. 1363, by Jinaprabha2360; Surat. 3, 6. sūrī, pupil of Jinasimhasüri of the fagligaTAITH-FT17 Bhand. V. No. Kharatara Gaccha. It is edited by Muni 1319. Jinavijaya and published in the Jinafagle g e in 50 Sanskrit Slokas, by Guņā dattasuri Bhāndāru Series, Surat, 1941. karasuri of the Caitra Gaccha. Pet. I. Baroda. No. 2101 ; BK. No. 247; No. 328, PRA. No. 982. BO. p. 31; Buh. IV. No. 184, DB. 19 Patiesi din See Padyalaya. KB. 1 ( 57 ). ( 10 ); Hamsa. No. 1250; Jesal. No. 581 ; JG. p. 151 ; JHA. 44 ; JHB. 50; faureoare See Padyālaya. KB. 3 (66); VA. KB. 1 ( 66 ); 5 (8); Kundi Nos. 7; 15 ( 39 ). 67; 221; Mitra. VIII. p. 85; PAP. fagatunafta by Sakalakirti. Idar. A. 65. 25 (20); PAPS. 52 (3); PAZB. 10 lagriforet Bhand. VI. No. 1003. (8); Pet. IV. No. 1333 = IV. A. p. 114 ( quotation ); Punjab. Nos. 2364; faghafta by Rāmacandrasuri. Limdi. No. 65. 2365 ; SA. Nos. 560; 690; Samb. No. विद्वचिन्तामणि Based on Sarasvata Vyakarana, 414; SB. 2 (64); Surat. 1, 2; Weber. composed by Vinayasāgara, pupil of II. Nos. 1944, 1945. Kalyāṇasāgara. DA. 63 (41). See Viddha faretaię by Yasovijaya. JG. p. 107. cintāmaņi. fargeaua KB. 5 ( 10; 24). V sagaga by Tejasimha. Buh. II. No. 312; JG. p. 210 ; PRA, No. 833. farafanie This is another name of Somakirti's Saptavyasanakatha, as given at Punjab. faecal JG. p. 343. No. 2761. fagene JG. p. 343, Limdi. No. 1307. farazax by Pārsvacandra. Hamsa. Nos. 1469; fact ET164 in Sanskrit by Tārānātha. Hebru 1698. (1) sīkā. Hamsa. No. 1469. 11. Jain Education Intemational Jain Education Intermational Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्याविभागः प्रथमः 357 farge Bengal. No. 6763.. 511 ; Hamsa. No. 1070; JB. 30; faauguftst by Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 95. 31; 32; 33; Jesal. Nos. 204; 206 ; (I) fatiutuita in Prākrta. JG. p. 233. JG. p. 6; JHB. 10 ( 4 c. ); Kaira. A. (II) Faadigrafia in Sanskrit prose, by Siladeva. 97, KB. 3 (4); Kiel. I. No. 82; Kundi. Nos. 39; 128; 183 ; Limdi. Punjab. No. 2366. Nos. 31 ; 99 ; 116; 219; 323, 324; विनयभुजङ्गमयूरी by Amrtasāgaragani. According 357 ; 385; 403 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 318 ; to JG. p. 163, this is a criticism (Gram. IX. p. 216 ; PAP. 38 ( 4; 6; 8 to 10; 122) of Vinayavijaya's doctrines, compo 15; 16 ) ; PAPS. 17 (1; 3; 12; 13 ), sed by Padmasāgara, pupil of Dharma 37 ( 17 ); PAZB. 4 ( 20 ), Pet. III. sāgara. Chani. No. 359; JG. p, 163, A. p. 73; Punjab. Nos. 2367-2371 ; PAPR. 15 ( 21 ); SA. No. 409. SA. Nos. 1621, 1978; 2720; 2802; fayfa | JG. P. 144. 28 23; Strass. p. 397; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, a tarya in 48 Gāthās. Flo. No. 633. 6, 8, 9; SB. 1 ( 23 ), VA. 15 ( 32; argita JG. p. 210. 33 ); VB. 31 ( 33 ); 33 ( 28 ); VD. 8 (1) Vrtti. JG. p. 210. ( 10 ); Vel. Nos. 1516 to 1519 ; Weber. faalace by Rajasekhara. Bhand. V. No. 1320. II. Nos. 1818 to 1821. See Antarakathāsangraha. (1) Vrtti by Abhayadevasuri. (Grań. विनोदकथासङ्ग्रह See Antarakathasangraha. about 1000 ). Agra. Nos. 150; 151 ; AM. 66; 195; Bengal. Nos. 2595; . Hamsa. No. 1273; Kaira. A. 66 7459; Bik. No. 1783 ; Bod. No. 1338; (ms. dated Sarn. 1540 ). Buh. I. No. 53; IV. No. 185, DA. 10. fagfiagequt by Dharmasāgara. KB. 3 ( 57). (3; 17 to 22); DB. 4 ( 8.; 9); Flo. faqa f DB. 20 ( 82, 83). No. 511, JB. 30 ( 3 copies ); Jesal. No. 206 ; JG. p. 6; JHB. 10; Kaira. A. 97; fa915 is the 11th Anga. It is published with KB. 3 (4); Kundi. Nos. 39; 128; Abhayadeva's commentary, by Rai 183, Limdi. Nos. 116; 230 ; Mitra. IX. Bahadur Dhanapatisimba, Calcutta, 1876 p. 126 ; PAP. 38 ( 4; 6; 8 to 10; 15; and also by the Agamodaya Samiti, 16 ) ; PAPS. 17 (1; 3; 12, 13 ); 37 Bombay, 1920; and in the Muktikamala ( 17 ); PAZB. 4 ( 20 ); Pet. I Nos. Jain Mohananālā, Baroda, 1920. It 329 ; 330; III, A. pp. 73; 146, IV. treats of the Karmavipāka doctrine with No. 1206 ; SB. 1 (23; 3 copies ); the help of stories, in 20 chapters. For Strass. p. 397; VA. 15 ( 32, 33 ); VB. its original form; cf. Shubring, Worte 31 ( 33 ); 33 ( 28 ); Vel. No. 1519; Mahāviras, p. 6. The text is recently Weber. II. Nos. 1818 to 1821. edited also by Dr. P. L. Vaidya, Poona, 1933, with introduction and notes. (2) Stabaka by Pārsvacandra. JHB. The text with Gujrati translation is published by JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sar. 1987. I fattareTTo See Dvijavadanaca peta (I). Bt. Agra. Nos. 148, 149 ; 150; 152 - 155; No. 630. AM. 66; 121, 195; 222, 297 ; 367; fagligIT BK. No. 1673. 404 ; Bengal. Nos. 2595 ; 7459; Bhand. faga EFT JG. p. 82 ; Surat. 1. VI. No. 1253; Bik. Nos. 1541, 1784; lagu TU JG. p. 188. Buh. III, No. 120; DA. 10 (3; 17 (1) fruita art by Jinapatisuri of the Kbaratara to 37 ); DB. 4 ( 8 to 11 ); Flo. No. Gaccha. JG. p. 308. 10. Jain Education Interational Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 358 stiftaetha: 1 (II) fantaziT by Amaracandra. See Vastu- ATAFETT DA. 76 ( 29 ). vicāra. arenga Agra. Nos. 2950 ; 2951. (I) fangafta Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1527; (I) facingai ut in 11 chapters composed in 1528 ; JG. p. 218. Sam. 1193 by Sadhāraṇa, afterwards (II) F aits in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 249; JG. known as Siddhasenasuri. It is in the p. 240. Apabhrmsa language. Baroda. Nos.6995 (III) facuta in Sanskrit by Indraharsagaņi 13166 ; DC. pp. 14; 19 (cf. DI. p. 45 ); in Sam. 1578. See Sadhana Samagri p. Jesal. Nos. 680; 721; 1610 (all three 44. . are palm mas.); Kundi. Nos. 173 ; 322. (IV) fange in Präkrta. Bt. No. 250: JG. p. ( 11 ) faarwater by Laksmidhara Maharsi. 240. Kundi. No. 322. farolarna Bengal. No. 7103. facia le Agra. Nos. 2952 ; 2953. fah DÍTE (Gram. 5650) in Sanskrit compos faigtart JB. 152 ( foll. 4). sed in Sam. 1517 at Cambay, by Jñāna- falcon Surat. 1. Cf. W. Shubring, 'Lehre der sāgara, pupil of Ratnasimhasuri of the Jainas, &c., p. 84. Edited with Hindi Brhat Tapā Gaccha. It contains five translation and explanation by Upadhyāya cantos. JG's date, i. e., 1512 is a mistake. Atmāramji, Agra, Sam. 1979. It is published by Hiralal Hamsraja, (I) faalgiza by Harsakirti. KB. 3 (67). Jamnagar, 1910. (II) faigtas Anonymous. Punjab. Nos. 2372Bengal. No. 2580; BK. No. 258; 2375. DA. 42 (7, 8; 9); DB. 25 ( 16 ), fara by Bhānucandragaại. It is in six PAP. 14 (8); 35 (2); PRA. No. Kāndas. See Bhānucandracarita (ed. 1099; Surat. 1. 5. Singhs' Jain Granthamālā ), p. 56 for (1) farsagtru in 10 cantos containing about quotations. Bengal. No. 3050. See 2300 Slokas by Krsnajisnu, son of Harsa. Nāmasangraha. Bengal. No. 1528; Bod. No. 1405 farah JG. p. 268. (1); CP. p. 691 , Idar. 111; Pet. III, fara TAZE DA 1 (1 to 5:7. 10 to 14. 16 No. 554. to 25; 27 to 32 ). (II) fara GTTU in Sanskrit by Ratnanandin. franare fara garie JG. p. 218 ; see Tirthakalpa. JG. 7. 218. sea Tirth SG. No. 2418 ; Tera. 18. faruri (Gram. 18000 ). JG. p. 130. fandy composed in Sam. 1578, by Saubhāgya- Fagfagian Pet. V. No. 834. nandin. DB. 30 ( 33 ); Surat. 1. faHolleqaru JG. p. 218. qaychalet DA. 74 ( 49 ). Parhaa s (Gram. 2400 ) by Lāvanyavijaya- | falag a (Gram. 1600 ). VD. 12 ( 20 ). (samaya ) gaại. Limdi. No. 3213 ; VD. faragena JG. p. 288. 12 (19). It is published by M. B. faa l in Sanskrit, by Narendraprabha. It is Vyas, Godhra. in 110 Slokas. Patan Cat. I. p. 187 PHONETIC of Indrahaṁsagani. See Vimala (quotation ). caritra (III). faàhem in 32 Apabhramsa stanzas by Jinafantaqaatuiga by Sakalabhūsana. Idar. 74 (2c.) | prabha. Patan Cat. 1 p. 264. farag a by Candrakirti. Buh. VI. No. 671. Ifaacre IUT Surat 2. . . 12 (19). 1 Jain Education Intemational Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ fart: : 1 359 fangiąc is the name of a Suktasamuccaya compiled by Narendraprabha of the Maladhāri Gaccha. Patan Cat. I. p. 187 (quotations). (1) fa a Described as “expounding the twelve Angas" composed in Prakrta ( Gram. 11250 ) by Padmadevasuri, successor of Jayasimba, pupil of Dharmaghosa. AM. 330; BK No. 1042; Hamsa. No. 1460; PRA. No. 1068; SA. No. 313. (1) Vrtti (Gram. 11250 ) composed by the author's pupil Devaprabhasuri and completed hy his pupil Akalankadeva. AM. 330; BK. No. 1042 , Bt. No. 189, Hamsa. No. 1460; JG. p. 188; PRA. No. 1068; SA, No. 313. According to Bt. the commentary is in Prākrta ( begins māņusakhitte ) and was composed in Sarn. 1223. ( II ) fara ft in.144 Gäthäs composed by Asada in Sam. 1248. It is published with the commentary of Bālacandra, by the Jain Vividha Sahitya Sastramālá Office, Benares, Sam. 1975. Agra. Nos. 980985; Bik. No. 1543, Bub. IV. Nos. 186; 187; 188; VI. No. 1269 ; DA. 33 ( 44 ); 60 ( 28 to 32 ); DB. 35 (111; 112 ); Flo. No. 634; Hamsa. Nos. 722; 1134; JA. 24 (2); 31 (6; 7); 95 ( 5 ); 105 ( 4 ); 106 ( 4, 5); Jesal. Nos. 335 ; 1610; JG. p. 188; Kaira. B. 144 ; Kiel. II, No. 73, Kundi. Nos. 127; 186 ; Limdi. Nos. 836; 930; 952; 953; 1071; 1144 ; 1288 ; 1456; 1719; 3281 ; PAPL. 6 ( 38 ); 7 ( 8; 39 ); PAPR. 4 (2); PAPS. 60 ( 62 ); 67 (30; 63 ); 69 (5); 81 ( 22 ); PAS. No. 24; PAZB. 13 ( 7 ); Pet. I. A. pp. 56 ; 74 ; 82, 91 ; III. A. pp. 12; 23 ; 31, 100; V. Nos. 835; 836 ; V. A. p. 93; Punjab. Nos. 2377; 2378; SA, Nos. 313; 661; 1536; 3050; Samb. Nos. 33; 341; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9; Tapa. 222, VB. 33( 75). (1) Tikā composed by Bälacandra, pupil of Haribhadrasuri at the request of Asada's son Jaitrasirnba. JA. 24 ( 2 ); JG. p. 188; Kundi. Nos. 127; 186 ; PAPR. 4 ( 2 ); PAS. No. 24; PAZB. 13 (7); Pet. IIL. A. p. 100 ( ms. dated Sam. 1322 ); Punjab. No. 2378 ; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9. fantral T Anonymous. Agra. No. 3139. (1) faalasie by Bhāvasenasuri. CMB. 185. (II) facesiagra by Jinadattasuri of the Vayada Gaccha. It has 12 chapters which contain 1323 Slokas in all, dealing with varions subjects like the duties of a layman, different philosophical systems etc. It is published by the Manager, Diamond Jubilee Press, Ahmedabad, 1898. It is also published in the Sarasvati Grantha Mālā, No. 1, Agra. Sam. 1976. Vivekaviläsa is quoted in the Sarvadarśanasargraha of Mādhavācărya. See Bhand. IV. p. 156 and Vel. No. 1659. AD. No. 128 ; Agra. Nos. 2093-2095; Bhand. III. No. 455; IV. No. 282, Bik. No. 1544 ; BK. No. 55; Buh. IL Nos. 235; 236; IV. No. 189, BSC. No. 447 ; Chani. No. 109; DA. 32 (8 to 13); 14 ( 34 ); DB. 15 ( 13; 14; 15 ); Hamsa. No. 1445; Hultz. III. No. 2088; JG. p. 152; JHA. 48 ; JHB. 49 ; Kaira. B. 17; 49; 156; Kiel. III. No. 173; Limdi. Nos. 37 ; 542 ; 1554; 1631; PAP. 64 (1; 19); 68 (2); PAPS. 25 ( 20 ); 42 (8); Patan Cat. J. pp. 51; 85; 279 ; Pet. IV. No. 1334 ; V. No. 837; VI. No. 624; PRA. Nos. 559; 1080; Punjab. Nos. 2379 ; 2380; Surat. 1 ; 5; VB. 33 ( 8; 91 ); VC. 13 (17) ; Vel. No. 1659. (1) Vrtti composed by Bhānucandragani in Sam. 1671 during the reign of No. 2088, 8:17; 49 : 37 ; 542; Jain Education Intemational Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 360 sifa alemma: 1 Vijayānardasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No. 55 (dated Sam. 1678); DA. 74 (34); Hamsa. No. 1445 ; JG. p. 152; PAPS. 42(8); PRA. Nos. 559 ; 1080; Punjab. No. 2380. (2) Vrtti by Jayavijaya. VB, 33 (8). This is a mistake. This is the same as above. Jayavijaya had merely corrected it. See quotations from the Prasasti at Bhānucandracarita, ( ed. Singhi Jain Series ), p. 26. faziletaETÍa DA. 40 ( 71 ); JG. p. 289; SA. No. 685. (1) Vrtti by Kanakakusala. JG. p. 289 ; SA. No. 685. falsteaiztosJTIY SA. No. 251 ( foll. 8). rasta i (Gram. 11100. Is it a commentary on the Brhatkalpa. See Brhatkalpa, com. Nos. 3 to 5. Buh. IV. No. 190Chani No. 507; Jesal. Nos. 465 ; 1054; Kiel. II. No. 399; Kundi. No. 233; PAPR. 9 (10); PAZB. 1 (5); 7 (11, ms. dated Sam. 1489); Samb. No. 388. faatguraat consisting of 438 Gäthäs by Jina bhadragani K samāśramaņa. Agra. Nos. 2344; 2345; BK. No. 151 ; Bt. No. 70; Chani. No. 118; Hamsa. No. 23; PAP. 37 (81); 45 ( 17 ); PAPR. 4 (6); Patan Cat. I. p. 116; SA. No. 238. (1) Visesaņavrtti Svopajña. Bt. No. 70 (1); PAP. 37 (81); 45 (17); PAPR. 4 ( 6 ). विशेषणावली Ses Visesanavati. fainalę SG. Nos. 1493 ; 1612. fastaga conists of answers to a hundred disputed points connected with Jain religion and belief, composed in Sam. 1672 by Samayasundara Upādhyāya, pupil of Sakalacandragani of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is published for the Jinadattasuri Pustakoddbara Fund Bombay, 1817. Agra. No. 1855; Bengal. Nos. 7029; 7041; BK. No. 52 (ms. dated Sam. 1667 and copied by the author himself at Patan for his pupil Meghavijaya. The year is described in the Prasasti as one of great famine when one maund of grain could be had for Rs. 5/-); BO. p. 31 ; DA. 76 (7), Hamsa. No. 468 ; JG. pp. 130, 210; JHA. 39, KB. 1 (37); 3 (55; 57); 5 (32); KN. 22; Mitra. VIII. p. 100; PRA. Nos. 250 ; 1078; 1151 ; SA. No. 123 (dated Sam. 1667 and copied by the author himself in circumstances mentioned under BK. No. 52; obviously one of the two Mss. only, was copied by the author and the other is a mere copy of the same ). (1) Țikā. KB. 5 ( 32 ). lateGHT composed in 1685 by Samayasundara Upadhyāya of the K baratara Gaccha. BK. No. 1793, JHA. 47 ; KB. 1 (37;53); 3 ( 57 ); PRA. No. 249 ; Surat. 1. alongTIEI by Amrtadharma. Hamsa. No. 682. jagigtasa by Bhadrabāhu. Buh. VI. No. 768 ; see Sāmayikādhyayana. fastara86*167 by Jinabhadragani Ksamāśra maņa. See Sāmayikādhyayana. fastian (Gram. 4314). The same as above PAP. 52 (8); 78 (3), PAPM. 35; 47; PAPR. 13 (2); PAZB. 15 (8). (2) Vrtti ( by Hemacandra ? Gram. 34036 ). PAP. 52 ( 8, ms. dated Sam. 1520); 78 (3); PAPM. 35; 47 ; PAPR. 13 (2). faramiaart in Sanskrit. Punjab. No. 2381. (I) raqaragaist by Bhāvasena Traividya. This is only the first chapter of the author's Moksaśāstra. CMB. 162; 176; CP. p. 692 ; Hum. 2 ; Idar. A. 23; 52; JG. p. 93, MHB. 13; Mud. 666 ; PR. No. 132, SG. No. 963 (cf. SGR. V. p. 64.1. (II) fasaata 13 by Devasena. CMB. 184. Jain Education Intemational Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rracter also called Muktavalikoa, by Sridharasena, pupil of Munisena of the Sena Gaccha. It is published by Natha Ranga Gandhi, Bombay, 1912. AD. No. 31; JG. p. 313. fangare in Präkrta (Gram. 3533) JG. P. 260. fa Agra. No. 2954; JG. p. 335. (1) Vrtti or Avacuri. Agra. No.2954, JG. p. 335. fa¶nqqquiungû by Akalankadeva. This name is given by the author to his commentary on Caityavandanapäkşika Sätra, Pratyakhyāna Sutra and the Vandanaka Sutra. PAZB. 10 (10, ms. dated Saria. 1510). विषमार्थवृत्त Kath. No. 1207. favara SA. No. 870. अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । faverage in 25 Gathas by Municandra. Limdi. No. 955. विषयपञ्चाशिका JG. p. 188. faqufafauego Bt. No. 198; JG. p. 203. (1) Vrtti (Gram. 10008) composed in Sam. 1337, by Malacandra. Bt. No. 198; JG. p. 203. विषयापहारस्तोत्र in Sanskrit. This is perhape VisipeVisāpahära. Punjab. Nos. 2384; 2385. faucets by Dhananjaya in 40 Sanskrit Slokas (1) Tiks by Nagacandra. AD. No. 185, JHB. 47; Kath. No. 1299, MHB. 74, SGR. V. p. 35. J....46 (2) Avacuri. Kath. No. 1300; JG. p. 289. 361 (3) Tiks by Pärivanatha Gomata. SG. No. 2029. विषापहारव्रतोद्यापन by Devendra.kirti. List. विष्णुकुमारकथा Soe Rakhimunikatha. fara composed in Sam. 1685, by Samayasundara Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaccha. JG. pp. 163; 210, KB. 1 (37), KN. 12, Pet. III. A. p. 290; SA. Nos. 878, 2045. विहरमाणाजिनएकविंशतिस्थान by Siladeva. Chani. No. 197; DA. 76 (74); Hamsa. No. 1160; JG. p. 138. (1) Tika Svopajña. Chani. No. 197; Hans. No. 1160, JG. p. 138. farmers in Präkṛta (Gram. 325) by Labdhisigara. JG. p. 289. Limdi. No. 1568. fagre वीतरागनमस्कारस्तव JG. p. 290. वीतरागप्रकीर्षक SA. No. 551. ( 1 ) वीतरागविज्ञप्ति BK. No. 317. (1) Tiks. BK. No. 317. (1) Published in Kavyamala VII, Bombay, (II) aftana of Devendra (Gram 1848). See 1926 (4th edition). AD. Nos. 161; Jainastotrasamdoha (Ahmedabad, 1932), 165; 185; Bhand. VL Nos. 992; 1003 I. Intro. p. 55. (37); Bah. VI. No. 672; Flo. No. 674; JG. p. 289; JHB. 47; Kath. Nos. 1299; 1300, Limdi. No. 1096; Pet. IV. No. 1440; V. No. 925; VL. No. 690, VI. p. 143, No. 94; SG. No. 2029; Strass. p. 309. ferrera in Sanskrit by Devabhadra. Patan. Cat. I. p. 259. (II) afferma JG. p. 290. See Vitarägastotra. fe also called Virśatiprakasa by Hema वीतरागस्तोत्र candra. It contains 20 chapters called Prakasas, each containing 8 or 9 stanzas. The Stotra is published with the commentaries of Prabhananda and Somodayagani, the pupil of Visslaraja, in the DLP. Series, No. 1, Bombay, 1911. It is also published with the Gujrati transla (1) (II) farcerfan fascarmfagn@cac composed in Sam. 1682, by Kamalavijayegani, papil of Vijayasenasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. PRA. No. 1309; SA. No. 2581. also called Kumaraviharasataka (8. v.) by Rámacandra, pupil of Hemacandrasuri. Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 362 sila maat: 1 tion by the Jain Sreyaskara Mandala, (4) Țikā (Gram. 625 ) by Rājasāgara. Mhesana. Baroda. No. 2932; Bengal. No. VA. 15 ( 41 ). 1270 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1269; BO. Pp. (5) Tīkā by Manikyagaņi. VB. 33 30; 31 Bod. Nos. 1381 ; 1382 ; 1383; ( 44 ; 55 ). Buh. I. No. 54; Cal. X. No. 48; DA. 40 (6) Avacūri (Gram. 700 ) composed (86 to 100, 102 to 109 ); 75 (14; 15); in Sam. 1510, by Megharāja, pupil of DB. 24 ( 31 to 39); Hamsa. Nos. 728 ; Mahendra. JG. p. 290. 885; 976 ; 995; 1086; JA. 96 (9); (7) Avacūri (Be: jayati srijino 105 ( 4 ); JG. p. 290 ; JHA. 57 ( 3c.); viraḥ.) Bod. No. 1383. Kath. No. 1125; KB. 3 ( 58 ) ; Kiel. II. (8) Avacuri. Anonymous. DB. 24 No. 400; III. No. 174; Limdi. Nos. ( 36; 37); Hamsa. Nos, 976; 995; 989; 1156 ; 1302; Mitra. VIII. p. 99; 1086, Kiel. III. No. 174 ; PAS. No. 32; PAP. 40 (20; 42); PAPS. 48 ( 51 to Pet. III. No. 632; V. Nos. 838; 839 ; 53); PAS. No. 32; PAZB. 5 (27); Pet. SA. No. 1677. I. A. pp. 91 ; 93 ; 96 ; III. No. 632 ; III. (9) Kathinabshadyrri. KB. 3 ( 58 ; A. p. 32; IV. No. 1337; V. Nos. 838 ; V. A. p. 147; VI. No. 626 , PRA. Nos. foll. 49). 448; 1261 (No. 63); Punjab. Nos. (II) alatteala by Ratnākara. See Ratnākara2392 to 2394 ; SA Nos. 1722; 2661; pancavimsatikā. 2701 ; Samb. No. 292; Strass. B. No. (I) aitarist by Nemicandra. DC. p. 24 (ms. 432; Surat 1,9; VA. 15 (30; 41 ; 51 ); d ated Sam. 1161). See Mahāvīracaritra. VB. 33 ( 41 ; 44 ; 45 42; 48 ; 53 ; 67); (II) atteita Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7022; Vel. Nos. 1818; 1820. JB. 120; Samb. No. 230; Patan Cat. (!) Tikā called Durgapadaprakása, I. p. 62; Surat. 1 (1567 ; 1916); 2, 5. (Gram. 2125 ) by Prabhānanda, succes (1) Tikā. Anonymous. SA. Nos. sor of Devabhadra of the Kbaratara 1567 ; 1916. Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2932 ; Bod. No.(111) afraica (Be: virajiņesaravaracariu ). Pet. I. 1382 ; Bt. No. 127 (1); DA. 40 (93; A. p. 93. 94 ; 95); DB. 24 ( 31 to 35); JG. p. (IV) Tit by Gunacandra. See Mahävira290, JHA. 57 ; PAP. 40 (20; 42); caritra. PAPS. 48 ( 51 ) ; Patan Cat. I. p. 279 ( v (V) atata by Asaga. See Vardhamānacaritra. reifah (quotations ), PAZB. 5 (27); Pet. V. ar by Jinavallabha. JG. p. 203. See A. p. 147; SA. Nos. 459 ; 687 ; 1698; Duriyarayasamirastotra. Surat. 1, 9. (2) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1512 by (1) Tikā by Sadhusomagani. Punjab. No. 2395. Somodayagani, pupil of Visālarāja, | aitartean by Jinavallabha. JG. p. 290. See pupil of Somasundarasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. DA. 40 (87 to 92); 75 (14; Duriyarayasamirastotra. 15); JG. p. 290, PAPS. 48 (52, ms. altigrife TOT JG. p. 188. dated Sam 1522); PRA. Nog. 448 ; (1) Vrtti. JG. p. 188. 1261 ; SA. Nos. 480; 1698; 1722. animato in 47 Apabhramsa stanzas by Var(3) A vacūri composed in Sam. 1525 dhamänasuri. Patan. Cat. I pp. 43; 412 by Nayasāgaragani (Nandisāgara acc. to (both palm Mss.) JG.). DA. 40 (107); JG. p. 290 ; SA. (I) antistateag Anonymous. Punjab. Nos. 2399; Nos. 480; 2702. 2400. Jain Education Interational Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 363 Db (II) altistataan by Rāmavijaya. Punjab. No. Talsiahaita ( 0) by Udayavira, pupil 2397. of Samghavira. DA. 46 ( 7 ). aircrategia composed in Sām. 1662 by Meruvi- TATT Agra. No. 1573; JG. p. 260. jaya, pupil of Ananda vijaya of the Tapā (I) afineda (Be: nimmalanabevi ) by Dhanapāla. Gaccha. PRA. No. 657. Bt. No. 130; DB. 24 ( 129 to 134 ); (1) Avacūri. Svopajña. PRA. No. JG. p. 290 ; Surat. 1, 5, 7; Vel. No. 657. 1822. afif starglar agoch by Yasovijayagaņi. DA. (1) Vrtti by Súrācārya. Bt. No. 76 ( 103 ). 130; JG. p. 291. attateci by Kalyāņavijaya. JG. p. 291. (2) Ayacuri. DB. 24 ( 130 to 134 ); atestat Bhand. VI. No. 1257 ; KB. 3 ( 17; 52 ); Vel. No. 1822. 5 (11); 8 (7); SA. No. 365. See (II) aicina in 25 Sanskrit Slokas of JinaprabhaDharmakalpadruma (V). suri. Published in the Kávyamālā, VII. (I) E iTT by Siddhasena. See Mahāvira p. 112. dvātrimsikā. SA. No. 583; VB. 33 (III) attaa Anonymous. JG. p. 291. ( 48 ); Surat. 1. (1) Avacūri. JG. p. 291. (II) TETIETET by Dharmasāgaraga ni of the (I) aftraga by Munivimala, pupil of Vimalaharşa. Tapā Gaccha, composed in Sam. 1669. JG. p. 291. It is also called (at PRA. No. 1028 ) (II) afteaan Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. 7134 ; Mabāvīravijñaptisattrimsikā. It was 7381; Buh. II. No. 313; JG. p. 291; corrected by Vimalasāgara. BK. No. SA. No. 99. 251 ; Chani. No. 792 ; PRA. Nos. 328 ; aittaagatura In 43 Gāthās. It is one of the 1028 ; SA. Nos. 435; 547. Prakirnakas. Bhand. VI. No. 1168 ; (I) Vrtti Svopajña. BK. No. 251; Bik. No. 1618; DA. 27 ( 36; 37 ); PRA. No. 328 ; SA. Nos. 475; 547. JG. p. 46; Limdi. No. 525; Weber. (III) TET T Anonymous. (Gram. 880). II. No. 1870 ( 10 ) Bengal. No. 6874 ; PAPR. 16 ( 24 ); (I) aitegia by Bālacandra. Limdi. No. 1652. Punjab. No. 2403. See Snātasyetivīrastuti. atgíaaruan u raa in 19 Sanskrit Slokas com- (II) arealê Anonymous. Pet. III. A. p. 213; posed by Jinaprabhasuri. It is published SA, No. 99. in the Kāvyamālā VII. p. 119. (I) Tikä. Pet. III. A. p. 213. वीरभक्तामरस्तोत्र of Dharmavardhanagani. Published वीरस्तुतिधर्ममङ्गलस्वाध्याय Limdi. No. 1342. . by the Agmodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1926 (I) Teater by Jinavallabha. See Duriyarayasamiwith the Svopajña Tikā. Harnsa. No. rastotra. 589. ( II ) Traia Anonymous. Punjab. Nos. 2407THE 1 Anonymous. JG. p. 260. 2409 ; SA. Nos. 743 ; 1891 ; 2637. ( I a by Devabhadrācārya. Chani. No. aturzaet by Haribhadra. Bhand. V. No. 1126 ; 478. JG. p. 260; Punjab. No. 2411. (II) hafa DA. 50 ( 77 ); DB. 31 (75; ATTATUTAAFFITEIT by Visvasena. Pet. V. 76 ) ; Limdi. No. 544. No. 826. Taghera Punjab. No. 2404. (I) Tea TATUTEXT by Kusalamuni. KC. 12 aitantástraha Limdi. No. 1495. (mş. dated Sam. 1790), 409 Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 364 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (II) वीसविहरमाणस्तवन by Jinasimhasuri. KC. 16. | वृद्धप्रस्तावोक्तिरत्नाकर A collection of Sanskrit stanzas III) afteETaruttaga by Merunandana. JG. p. by Siddhicandra of the Tapā Gaccha. It 291 ; Pet. V. No. 826. is mentioned by Siddhicandra himself in atite JG. p. 365. his comentary on the Bhaktāmarastotra. qatala of Kedārabhatta, a Hindu writer. (I) quittaa by Gaudavaṁsatilaka. Bhand. V. Nos. 1374 ; 1375. (1) Tikā by Somacandragani, pupil ) Igua n also called Vaidyavallabha, by of Mangalasuri (or Vādidevasuri acc to PRA. No. 302 ) composed in Sam. Pūrņasetūttamasuri. Bhand. V. No.1376 1329. AF. No. 463; BK. No. 537; (dated Sam. 1720 ). Both these are proBhand. V. Nos. 552; 557; Bod. No. bably non-Jain. 1154 ; CC. I. p. 597; II. pp. 142 ; 226; PEITT Gia Bhand. VI. No. 1269; Buh. III. No. III. p. 125; DA. 66 ( 23 ; 24); DB. 127 ; V. No. 42; PRA, No. 889; Punjab. 38 (49; 50 ); Mitra. VIII. p. 318; Nos. 2421; 2422; 2423 ; Vel. No. PAP. 27 (46); PAPS. 67 (138); Pet. 1812. III. No. 349; IV. No. 870; SA. No. (1) Țikā by Harsakirti, pupil of Can1549 ; VB. 33 ( 10 ). drakirti. Buh. V. No. 42; PRA. No. (2) Țikā composed in Sam. 1694, 889. by Samayasundara Upadhyaya of the asazaru also called Astottarisnätravidhi (s. v. ). Kharatara Gaccha. CC. L p. 597 , DB. DA. 38 (75 to 80); DB. 22 (39; 40); 38 ( 47 ); Hamsa. No. 470, KB. 3 Punjab. No. 2424. (66; 81 ) ; PAZB. 21 ( 26 ); Pet. III. Feitast by Laghu Jinasena. Rice. p. 314. No. 348; PRA. No. 441, Punjab. No. agrardigaru Chani. No. 341. 2418, VB. 9 (14). EITT Surat. 1. (3) Tikā by Ksemaharosagani. a raga also called Tijayapahuttastavana and Bendall. No. 428 ; CC. II. p. 226. Sapatisatajinastotra. It contains fourteen (4) sīkā called Upadhyāyanirapeksā Gāthās and was composed in Sam. 1451 by Asada. DB. 38 ( 46 ). by Abhayadevasūtri. Bik. No. 1531 ; (5) Bālāvabodha by Merusundara. DB. 24 (80); Hamsa. Nos. 287 ; 1340; BK. No. 614. 1430; JG. p. 280; Limdi. Nos. 618; gafaa KO. 11. 1060; 1261; 1373; 1442; 1562; Gauslauffeq Puujab. No. 2420. 1621 ; 1697 ; PAZB. 17 ( 32 ); SA. No. 3062. agua: cu In 90 Gāthās by Devendra Sadhu. It is also called Brhaccatussarana ( s. v.) (1) Vrtti in Sam. 1644 by Harsaor Supranidhānakulaka ( s. v. ). JA. 106 kirti, pupil of Candrakirti. Hamsa. No. (4); 107 (9); JG. p. 201 ; Pet. I. A. 1340 ; JG. p. 280; PAZB. 17 (32). p. 84 ; III. A. p. 11; Surat. 1. Feira Is it Vandāru Vrtti : Punjab. Nog. 2426; greatHrê by Vinayasāgara, pupil of Kalyāna 2427. sāgara of the Ancala Gaccha. This is a 1597 by Devakusala. Buh. VI. No. 769. This metrical commentary of the Sārasvata may be Vandāruvrtti. Vyākaraṇa. See under the same. DB. 63 gra1972 Agra. No. 2955; JG. p. 335; Kundi. (4); PRA. No. 274. No. 31; VA. 15 ( 43 ). . 7 by Jinavallabha. Pet. VI. No. 640. (1) Vrtti by Säntisūri. Agra. No. Jain Education Interational Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः 2955, Bhand. V. No. 1377 (ms. dated Sam. 1516); Hamsa. No. 10; JG. p. 335; Kundi. No. 31. (2) Vrtti by Ramarei. CC. I. p. 599, VA. 15 ( 43 ). qagerar by Candrakirti. See Adinathapuriņa. CP. pp. 623; 674; SG. No. 2405. वृषभनाथचरित्र (9ce also Adinatha Pariya I and Rabhadevacaritra V) by Sakalakirti. It is in 20 cantos. Bhand. V. No. 1127; CMB 91; CP. pp. 674; 675; Idar. 88 (4 copies one dated Sarh. 1564), 89 (2 copies); 95; Idar. A. 21, 53; 54; 58; 64; 65; Kath. No. 1418, MHB. 51 Mud. 629; Pet. III. No. 555; SG. Nos. 1608, 1717; Strass. p. 309. garage (See Adinathapurana) In Sanskrit prose by Hastimalla. Mud. 285; 604. वृष्टिशतपन DB 24 ( 289 ). बृहत्कल्पसूत्र Seo Brhatkalpasītra. Punjab. Nos. 2428-2435. (1) Curni. Punjab. No. 2428. (2) Vṛtti by Kṣemakirti. Punjab. Nos. 2432; 2433. (3) Bhagya. Panjab. Nos. 2430; 2431. घेणवत्सराजादीनां कथा DA 51 (36). Garagenfant by Simhapramoda, pupil of Vivekapramoda, papil of Kusalapramoda of the Tapa Gaccha. It was composed in Sam. 1602. Kath. No. 1419 (dated Sarn. 1620), PRA. No. 795. a CMB. 162; SG. No. 1489. Agunganfrerecor by Haribhadra (foll. 27). JG. pp. 85, 101; SA. No. 913. fee in Sanskrit (Gram. 209) by Kirticandra Upadhyāya. Ohani. No. 261; JG. p. 85; PAPR. 18 (37); PAZB. 17 (48). area by Yasovjayagani of the Tapa Gaccha. See Pattavalisamuccaya, I. p. 103. reagan Surat. 7. w also called Nigamastavana (see under this and Nigamsgama) by Indranandi, also called Dharmasimha. He is described as Bharatanarapati and Śraddhadeva. The Stotra itself is a long one and contains 36 chapters called Upanisads, where in the rules of conduct for laymen are prescribed and illustrative stories are narrated. Pet. III. A. p. 329 (quotations). (1) Tika. Pet. III. A. p. 329 (quotations). (Palm ms. ). SG. No. 1723. 365 by Pujyapada. Khagendramanidarpana of Mangaraja is based on this; cf JH. Vol. IX. p. 580. Bhand. VI. No. 1066; SG. Nos. 1773; 2406. were (Palm ms.) SG. No. 1730. वैद्यकसारसङ्ग्रह or Vaidyakasāroddhāra, also called Yogacintamani by Harakirti, pupil of Candrakirti of the Nagapuriya Taps Graccha. AD. Nos. 103; 134; Agra. No. 1031; AL 1186 (5), Bengal. Nos. 1159, 1718; 7257; 7340; 7397; Bhand. V. No. 1378; VI. No. 1402, BO. pp. 23; 54; CP. p. 685; Idar. 158; Jesal. No. 526; JG. p. 360; Kath. No. 1407; KB. 1 (25); 3 (67); 5 (15); 8 (10), KC. 9; Kundi. No. 54; Mysore. III. p. 119, Samb. No. 211; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 6, 9. (1) Tika. Jesal. No. 526; Kath. No. 1407. वैद्यगादि by Kundakunda. (1) वैद्यवल्लभ See Vrddhayogaśataka by Pūrpase tuttamasuri. (II) वैद्यवल्लभ composed by Hastiruci, pupil of Hitaruci. Bhand. V. No. 1403; BO. p. 54; JG. p. 360; KB. 5 (35); Mitra. IX. p. 88; Punjab. No. 2451, SA. No. 1849; VD. 13 (2). a in Sanskrit (Gram. 200) by Śrīdharadeva. AK. No. 736. Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 366 वैभारगिरिकरूप JG. p. 270. Gear Corporene by Kondabhatta. Limdi. Nos. 790, 791. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । Seren (Gramh. 6050) by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijava of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, 1901. Agra. No. 986; BK. No. 335, DB. 15 (9); Hamsa. No. 857; JB. 108; JG. p. 188; Katra. A. 147, PAPR. 11 (13); SA. No. 315; SB. 2 (72); VC. 13 (5; 11); VD. 12 (14). (1) argon lu 14 Gāthās. DA. 60 (226); Hamsa. No. 1616; Pet. V. No. 803. (II) urges in 23 Gathas. JG. p. 203. (III) in 91 Gāthās. JA. 106 (12); VB. 33 (79) वैराग्यदीपक Surat.. (1) (II) by Labdhivijaya. Published at Buhari, 1926. tot by Visalakirti. SG. No. 121. after by Śricandra, pupil of Śrutasagara, pupil of Vidyanandin. It is published in the MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. 1975. ta by Laksmisigara. Pet. VI. p. 142, No. 79. (1) in Sanskrit by Padmananda, son of Dhanadeva. PAPR. 16 (12). See also Padmanandasataka and Satakatraya. It is published in the Kävyamālā, VIL Bombay, 1926 ( 4th ed.). (II) वैराग्यशतक also called Bhavavairagyasataka in Prakrta (Be: samsăre natthi. ). It is edited and translated by L. P. Tessitori in Journal of Italian Asiatic Society, Vol. 22, p. 179, Vol. 24, p. 405. It is also published with Gujrati transla tion by Kacarabhai Gopaldas, Ahmeda bad, Sari 1952. Also published with Gunavinaya's commentary by Hiralal Harisaraja Jamanagar, 1914 A. D. Agra. Nos, 1847-1849; 1856-1861; (III) AM. 149, 182, 298; Baroda. No. 2219; Bengal. Nos. 6741; 6825; 6851; Bhand. V. No. 1359; VI. Nos. 1227; 1404; BK. No. 228; Buh. V. No. 46; DA. 60 (66 to 79, 91; 94; 95); 76 (49); DB. 35 (70 to 75; 80); Hamsa. Nos. 465; 684; JG. p. 210; Limdi. Nos. 674; 930, 972; 1013; 1016; 1153; 1689; Pet. V. Nos. 840; 841; 842; VI. No. 605; PRA. No. 324; SA. Nos. 217; 2618; 2622 2923 2965; Surat 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9; VB. 27 (6); VD. 12 (14); Vel Nos. 1660; 1661. (1) Vyakbyalesa. Vel. No. 1660. (2) Tik composed in Sam. 1647 by Gunavijaya, pupil of Jayasoma of the Kharatara Gaccha. Agra. No. 1859; AM. 149; 298; Baroda. No. 2219; Bengal. Nos. 6741, 6825; 6851, BK. No. 228; DA. 76 (49); DB. 35 (70; 71), Hamsa. No. 684; JG. p. 210; PRA. No. 324; Pet. V. Nos. 841; 842 SA. No. 217. of Bhartṛhari. See under Satakatraya. (1) Tiks (Gramh. 2300) by Dhanasăra, papil of Siddhasüri of the Ukesa Gaccha. Bendall. No. 254, CC. I. p. 397; II. p. 90; III. p. 86; JG. p. 209; Mitra. VIII. p. 186. (2) Tika (Gram. 500) by Jinasamudrasiri, pupil and succsesor of Jinacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. Jesal. Nos. 475, 534, JG. p. 209. went by Suprabhacarya. It is in the Apa bhrama language and contains 77 stanzas. It is edited with introduction and glossary by H. D. Velankar in the Annals BORI 1928, p. 272. SG. No. 113. (1) Tikā. SG. No. 113. decor (वी) स्तोत्र by Arya Nandila, It is in Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 367 30 Gathās. JG. p. 291. See Vairutthā stavana. Pet. III. A. p. 329. atlet y is a poem composed by Sripala, son of Lakşmaņa of the Prāgvāta family. See Krishnammachariar, History of Sanskrit Literature, p. 196. estaurken DB. 31 ( 55 ); JG. p. 260. atgayvil See under Dhātupätha. cattišist of Rāmacandra, pupil of Hema candra. See Introduction to Nala vilasa, (Gaek. O. S.), p. 33. quafi in 62 Prākrta Gāthās by Jinadattasuri. See JSS. I. Intro. p. 35. 89afqs Hamsa. No. 283. व्यवहारकल्प See Vyavaharasutra. TUETTE ATT JG. p. 349. SUUT Tg (only the sixth chapter ) by Säntisūri. VB. 33 (73). STEETSegafa JG. p. 344. TETES In 10 chapters, is one of the Cheda Sutras ( the 3rd ). It forms a sort of supplement to the Brhatkalpasūtra and deals with the conduct of a yati. Edited by W. Schubring for the Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka Samiti, Poona, 1923 and at Leipzig, 1918 before that. It is also published with the Bhāsya, Niryukti and Malayagiri's commentary by K. P. Mody, Ahmedabad, Sam. 1982-85. Agra. Nos. 199-201; 203 ; AM. 170; 317 ; Baroda. No. 2940; Bik. No. 1788; Buh. III. No. 131 ; IV. No. 193; DA. 14 ( 18 to 24); DB. 6 ( 22; 25; 26; 27); DI. p. 24 , Hamsa. Nos. 35; 142; 667 ; 888; 1362, JA. 1 (1; 3); 29 (1); 50 (2); JB. 50; 54; 70; Jesal. Nos. 24, 155 ; 232 ; 237; 238; 914; 915; 1032; 1730; JHA. 19 (2 c.); Kiel. III. Nos. 12; 13; Kundi. Nos. 375; 382, Limdi. No. 164; PAP. 34 ( 5;637); PAPM. 28; PAPR. 10 (7); 22 (3); PAZA. 4( 3 ; 4; 5; 6); PAZB. 2 (10; 11); 7 (12); 9 (11); 19 (8; 11 ); Pet. I. A. p. 13; IV. No. 1338 ; PRA. No. 1266 (No. 1); Punjab. Nos. 2467 to 2472 ; SA. Nos. 266; 1658; 1689; 1734; 2666 ; 2730; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 9; VC. 13 (14); Vel. No. 1521 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1877 to 1879. (1) Bhāsya in 4629 Gāthās by Jinabhadragani Kşamāśramana. AM. 327; Bt. No. 34; Buh. IV. No. 194 ; DA. 14 (16; 17 ); DB. 6 ( 23 ); DC. pp. 40; 43 , Hamsa. No. 1585; JB 50; 70, Jesal. Nos. 155; 914 ; JG. p. 14; Kiel. II. No. 401 ; III. No. 151; Kundi. Nos. 147; 154 ; 332, Limdi. No. 25; PAP. 34 (7); PAZA. 4 (6); PAZB. 2 (10); 19 (11); Surat. 1 (1690). (2) Curņi (Gram. 10360 ). AM.327; 337; Bt. No. 34(2); DA. 14 (16; 17); DB. 6 (24); DC. p. 19; Hamsa. No. 1584 ; JA. 61 (1); Jesal. Nos. 252; 915; 1032; JG. p. 14, JHA. 19; Kiel. III. No. 152; Kundi. No. 301, Limdi. No. 24 ; PAP. 34 (6); PAZA. 4 (5); PAZB. 7 (12); 9 (11); Pet. III. A. p. 171 ( Kap. No. 476); Surat. I( 1689). (3) Tikā by Malayagiri. (Gram. 33625). Agra. No. 202 ; AM. 27, 371 ; Baroda. No. 2940; Bik. No. 1781 ; Bt. No. 34 ;(3); Buh. III. No. 132; IV. No. 194; DA. 14 (14; 15); DB. 6 (22; 25); DC. pp. 9; 18; 36; 40; DI. p. 24; Hamsa. Nos. 35; 142; 1362; JA. 1 (1); 29 (1); 50 (1), JB. 50; Jesal. Nos. 24; 237, 238; 1730; JG. p. 14; Kiel. III. Nos. 12 to 16; Kundi. Nos. 375; 382; Limdi. No. 109 ; PAP. 34 (5); 35 ( 8;9); PAPM. 28, PAPR. 10 (7); 22 (3); PAZA. 4 28, PAPR. JO (3 ; 4); PAZB. 2 (11); 19 (8); Pet. 1 1:1928). Pet. I. A. p. 13 ; III. A. pp. 63, 157 ; PRA. No. 1266; Punjab. Nos. 2469 ; 2470; 2472 ; SA. Nos. 266; 487 ; SB. 1 (34); Surat. 1, 2, 5, 9; Weber. II. Nos. 1878; 1879. Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 368 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (4) Paryaya. Kap. Nos. 477; 478. (4) Avacuri. Anonymous. DB. 6 (25); Hamsa. No. 888, JG. p. 14, SA. (V) No. 1658. व्यवहारसूत्रचूलिका in Prakrta prose. Limdi. No. 930, Hamsa. No. 667; Punjab. No. 2467. व्याकरणचतुष्क (1) अवचूरि (Be:- pranamya kevaläloks). DC. p. 36 (ms. dated Sath. 1271). व्याकरणदुण्टिका by Hemacandra. Bhand. V. No. 1379. व्याकरणभूषण Surat. 2, 3, 9. व्याख्यानकथनपद्धति JG. p. 344. (1) KB. 1 (34): Surat. 5. (II) व्याख्यानपद्धति See Upadeśakalpadruma व्याख्यानमुखभात्रिकापात SA. No. 592. zrezanfoniayser by Amradevasüri. VA. 15 (12). See Akhyanamaṇikosa. sqreqatigas DB. 22 (73); JG. p. 211. व्याख्यानसंग्रह Bengal. No. 6643. af in 173 Gathas by Yogasăragani. Bt. No. 153. व्युत्पत्तिदीपिका (Is this oormentary ?) Kiel. I. No. 89. See Vel. No. 72. aga A commentary on Abhidhanarama mälä of Hemacandra, by Devasagara, pupil of Ravicandra. See Abhidhanacintamapināmamälätkä (3). by Dayavardhana. Pet. IV. No. 1339. This is the same as Ratnasekhara-Ratnavalikatha. PRA. No. 998. aatarqa by Subhacandra. MHB. 12. (I) व्रतोद्यापनजयमाला Pet III. No. 556. (1) Tiks. DB. 22 (73); JG. p. (II) natengasgate by Sumatisagara. See Vratajayamālā. 211. ì (II) water by Dharmacandra. Lal. 225. (III) by Mallisena. Lal. 383. (IV) writer by Srutasigars. See Kathavali and Kathakosa. AD. Nos. 76; 166; Bhand. VI. No. 1029; CP. p. 630; Lal. 108; SG. No. 2402. water by Sakalakirti. SGR. IV. p. 81. by Srutasägara, perhaps the same as Kathakośa. Kath. No. 1420. by Sumatisagara. Idar. 178. aaaaaa by Simhanandin. CMB. 128; SG. No. 1375. (I) (II) He व्रतनिर्णय by Govindacandra, CMB. 4. See Vratasvarupa. व्रतफलवर्णन व्रतफलवर्णना of Akalanka Kavi Published at Bangalore, 1875. by Raidhu Kavi. SG. No. 1496. Anonymous. Pet. V. No. 925. also called Vrataphalavartans, by Prabh candra. AK. Nos. 687 to 694; Hum. 58; SRA. 281. af DA. 39 (30; 53 to 56; 58; 59; 65 ); DB. 22 (23). in 500 Ślokas by Amradeva. Bhand. V. No. 1088, Kath. No. 1126; Pet. V. No. 970, SG. No. 19. शकुनदीपिका Surat. 5. agage in Prakṛta. Patan Cat. I. p. 81. of Lavanyasarman. Samb. No. 483. garais also called Kathakosa by Vardhaशकुनरत्नावलि mana, pupil of Abhayadeva. Bik. No. 713; JG. p. 356. (I) व्रतकथाकोश by Devendrakirti, Lal. 41; 58; शकुनशास्त्र by Manikyasūri. JG.. 192; SG. No. 2758. Sakunas roddhara. gafaare DA. 74 (46), JG. p. 356; Limdi. No. 3297, Patan Cat. I. p. 80 (quotation.), SA. No. 1903; Surat. 1. 356. See शकुनसप्तत्रिशिका JA. 106 ( 13 ). शकुनसारोद्धार in eleven chapters composed in Sari. 1338, by Manikyasüri. It is in 507 Ślokas; cf. Patan. Cat. I. Intro. p. 56. Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविमागः प्रथमः। 369 Bik. No. 714; Bt. No. 604, DB. 22 by Meghavija ya Vācaka. It is published ( 176 ; 177); DC. p. 58; Hamsa. No. in the DLP. Series, No. 79 (p. 254 ), 201; JG. p. 356 ; PRA. No. 757; VC. Bombay, 1932. ( Be :-srisäraņācala ). 15 (5). | (III) gratia teraga by Hamsaratna. PRA. T roia of Vasantarāja, a non-Jaina. No. 1199. (1) Tika (Granu. 3750 ) by Bhānu- (I) atgrafaa in 112 Sanskrit Kārikās by candragaại. CC. I. p. 405; JG. p. 356. Yasovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. (I) skaal also called Bijakaustubha, by p. JG. 292; SA. No. 863. Gautama Maharsi. SGR. IV. p. 77. (II) To t aa Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. ( II ) ratai Anonymous. DA. 67 (70, 71 ); 6951 ; 7075; 7307 ; JG. p. 292. DB. 24 ( 245; 246; 247 ); PR. No. TEFFITUT of Yasovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. 249; SA. Nos. 759 ; 1943 ; Surat. 1, 7. See Pattāvalisamuccaya (Viramgam, (III) Talata by Hemacandra. PAS. No. 74. 1933), L p. 108. TEFU Kath. No. 1422. | (I) sta by Haribhadra, son of Mahattarā Yākini. (1) Avacūri. Kath. No. 1422 (dated This is mentioned at Prabandhakosa (ed. Sam. 1521.) Singhi Jaina Series, 1935 ) p. 25. 7 fara of Siddhasena Divākara. It is in prose and (II) 724 in 111 Gāthās, is the fifth of the old is otherwise called Siddhisreyassamudaya Karmagranthas which are five in number. or Jinasahasranāma Stotra. It is publish See under Karmagrantha (I). It is ed in the DLP. Series, No. 79 (p. 242X), ascribed to Sivasarman. It is also known Bombay, 1932; also cf. Anekānta, I. pp. as Bandhasataka ( s. v.); cf. Pet. IV. A. 499-504. Bengal. No. 7348; DA. 38 pp. 127 ; 128. For its relations with the ( 29; 30); DC. p. 13; JA. 110 (24); Digambara Prākrta Pañcasamgraha, see Hamsa. No. 575; KC. 16; Kap. Nos. Anekānta, Vol. III. pp. 378-380. It is 753-758 ; Limdi. No. 1630; Pet. VI, published in the Vira Samaj Grantha No. 575 ; Surat. 7. Ratnamālā, No. 3, 1923. Bt. No. 108; (1) Lalitavistarā by Haribhadra. This DA. 54 (10 to 13); DB. 22 (72), 32 must be on Caityavandanāsūtra. DA. 38 (12);JA. 79 (1); 105 (6); 106 (1, ( 29; 30). 2), Jesal. Nos. 90, 766 ; 767 ; 823; JG. (2) Vrtti by Pradyumnasūri. DC. p. p. 117 ; Kiel. III. No. 148 ; Kundi. Nos. 13; Surat. 7. 147 ; 173, 175; Limdi. No. 1288 ; PAP. 11 (4; 7); PAPR. 3 (1); eraatit in Prākrta (Graṁ. 372). JG. p. PAPS. 60 (65); PAS. No. 57 ; Pet. I 260. A. pp. 27; 66; IV. A. p. 127ff.; IV. T arge of Bhānukirti. Published in the MDG. Nos. 1389; 1390 ; V. No. 768 ; Samb. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. No. 370; VB. 39 (4); Vel. No. 1586. 199119 Limdi. No. 1658. (1) Bbāsya Gathābaddha (Be :-nagatisrahaa KN. 15; Surat. 1. miūņa jiņam vucchāmi. ) in 25 Gāthas. (I) gratefaan by Nyāyācārya i. e., by G. p. 117; Pet. IV. No. 1390.-IV. A. Yasovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Pet. p. 128. Also cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 298 VI. No. 575; SA. No. 863; Surat. ( quotation); 389. 9, 10. (2) Bhāsya Gāthābaddha ( Be :-sam(II) Tercatatetea in 21 Sanskrit Slokas, khāmettapayaththa. ) in 14 Gathās. Pet. J.......47 PAPS 11 (43; Lim : Kundi (65); PiS PAPRS; 1288 Jain Education Interational Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 370 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। V. A. p. 70. Is this on the same Sataka ? (3 to 9 ) DB. 32 ( 26 ); Flo. No. 637, (3) Bhāsya in 24 Gāthās (perhaps Limdi. Nos. 578; 809 ; Mitra. VIII. p. same as No. I). Limdi. No. 809. 91; X. p. 149, Pet. IIL. A. p. 47; V. No. 843; Strass ; B. No. 440e. (4) Brhadbhäsya (Gram. 1413 ; Be : caubandhaņuogavihi ) composad in Sam. (1) Tikā Svopajnia. DC. p. 39 (No. 1197 by Cakreśvara, Pupil of Vardha 314 ); Bengal. Nos. 2589; 7611, Strass. māna. Patan Cat. I. p. 284 (quo.); SA. B. No. 440e. No. 1749 ( foll. 26 ); cf. Jainastotra (2) Avacūri. Bhand. VL No. 1290 ; samdoha, ( Ahmedabad, 1936), II. Intro. Buh. VI. No. 707. p. 43. (3) Bālāvabodha by Maticandra of (5) Cūrņi (Be:- siddho niddhuya the Añcala Gaccha. DB. 32 (26); kammo ; Gram. 2380 ). Bt. No. 107 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 91 ; X. p. 149. DB. 32 (18); DC. p. 17 ( 2 copies; (I) Nan of Bhartrhari. See also Nītisataka and one dated Sam. 1196 ); 21 (dated Sam. Vairāgyasataka. 1175); 36 (dated Sam. 1423); Jesal. (1) sīkā by Dhanasāra, pupil of Nos. 766 ; 767 ; 823 (all palm mss. ; Siddhasuri of the Ukeśa Gaccha. Bendall. the last dated Sam. 1175); JG. p. 117 ; No. 254; Bhand. IV. No. 277 ; V. No. Kundi. Nos. 147; 173; 175; PAPS. 382 ; CC. I. p. 397 ; II. p. 90; III. p. 60 (65); PAS. No. 57; Patan Cat. I. pp. 147; 258 ; SA. Nos. 1752; 2028 ; 86; Pet. IV. No. 795, V. Nos. 353; 391, SA. No. 2016, 3115. (6) Vrtti (Gram. 3740 ) called Vine ( II ) Tantu Nīti, Vairāgya and Srågāra ) by Dhanadarāja Sarighapati, son of Dehada. yahita by Hemacandra of the Maladhāri Gaccba. Bhand. VI. No. 1405; Bt. No. This was composed in Sam. 1490 at 104 ; DB. 22 (72); 32 (12); DC. p. Mandapadurga. The author belonged to 36 (cf. DL p. 33); Jesal. No. 90 ; JG. p. the Kharatara Gaccha and was a pupil of 117; Kiel. II. No. 59; III. No. 148 ; Jinabhadrasūri. It is published in KävyaKundi. No. 291 ; PAP. 11 (4); PAPR. mālā, Guccha 13, Bombay, N. S. Press. Chani. No. 69; PAPR. 18 (19), 3 (1); Pet. IV. No. 1392 = IV. A. PAZB. 1 ( 28 ; 29 dated Sam. 1504 ), p. 130, SA. Nos. 477 ; 1586. 23 ( 8, dated Sam. 1504 ). (7) Tippana by Udayaprabha, pupil शतकसप्ततिसूत्र SA. No. 2931. of Raviprabha (Gram. 974). Bt. No. 108 ; JG. p. 117; Vel. No. 1586. a gte by Devendra. Kiel. III. No. 176. ( 8 ) Avacūri by Gunaratnasuri. JG. p. Taomnicantufqrafia See Pārsvastotra V. 117 (foll. 25 ); PAP. 11 (7); SA. YPATET JG. p. 142. This must be Satpancā. No. 594. sikā. (9) Tippanaka by Municandrasuri. Tapet IT See Gathasahasra. VB. 39 ( 4 ). (1) acei Composed by Dharmaghosa, pupil of at the fifth Karmagrantha (s. v.) of Jayasimha of the Añcala Gaccha in Sam. Devendrasüri. Bengal. Nos. 2589; 7611; 1263. It consists of a hundred objecBhand. VI. No. 1290 ; BO. p. 32; Buh. tions against Jainism with their refutaII. No. 180 ; III. No. 133; VI. Nos. tions. AM. 282; Chani. No. 15; Kaira 706 ; 707 ; DA. 53 (1; 20; 75), 54 B. 27, Pet. V. A. p. 66 ; SA. No. 1617. (III) Jain Education Intemational Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । 371 All these, however, seem to be the mss. dharma, pupil of Lāvanyadharma of of the next work. the Tapā Gaccha. This is a commentary (II) Tag (Gram. 5450) also called Prasnottara which gives a hundred meanings of a paddhati, composed by Mahendrasimha single stanza i. e. No. 51 from Dharmasuri, pupil of Dharmaghosa of the Añcala dāsa's Upadeśamālā beginning "dāsassa Gaccha, in Sam. 1294. This is nothing jalamūlam ' etc. Agra. Nos. 2956; 2957 ; but a revised and to a certain extent 2958; BK. No. 138; DA. 74 (45); enlarged form of Dharmaghosa's work Hamsa. No. 1526 ; JG. p. 344 ; PAPR. as the author himself plainly states. A 1(11); PAPS. 66 ( 92 ); PRA. No. ms. containing Dharmaghosa's original 1084; Surat. 1 ( 826 ) ; 4. work does not seem to exist. Only this (I) Tarifi by Somaprabhācārya, author of the one is mentioned at Bt. No. 160. AM. Kumārapālapratibodha. It is a single 282, Bt. No. 160; Buh. III. Nos. 134; stanza in the Vasantatilaka metre (Be :135; Chani, No. 15; DA. 31 (62), kalyāṇasārasavitāna) interpreted by the 76 ( 3 ); DB. 16 (23; 24 ); JA. 104 author in 100 ways so as to be applicable (2); JG. P. 164; Kaira. B. 27, Kiel. to the 24 Tirthankaras, several BrahmaIII. No. 177; Limdi. No. 55; PAP. nical deities, and the important con72 (16); PAPM. 60 (1 dated Sam. temporary persons connected with 1300); PAPR. 22 ( 33 ), PAS. No. 5; Jainism. See Winternitz, History, II. PAZB. 20 (8); Pet. I. A. p. 12; V. A. p. 573 and Introduction to Kumārapālap. 66 (dated Sam. 1300 ); SA. Nos. pratibodha ( Gaek. O. S.), pp. 6ff. ; 10ff. 22; 1617. Baroda. No. 2942; BK. No. 23; (III) Tagi by Kadava Mati. DB. 20 ( 30 ; 31 ). Hamsa. No. 1679 ; PRA. No. 1072. a leTTIET composed in Sam. 1453, by Meru (1) Svopajña Vrtti. Baroda. No. tungasūri, pupil of Mahendraprabha of 2942; BK. No. 23. the Añcala Gaccha. This is an abridg. (II) stareff composed during the spiritual reign of ment of Dharmaghoşa's Satapadi. AM. Hiravijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha, by 334 ; DA. 31 ( 63, 64); JG. p. 164, Mánasāgara, pupil of Buddhisāgara of Kath. No. 1301; PAP. 72 ( 93 ); SA. the same Gaccha. This also is a single Nos. 22; 1617 ; Pet. III. No. 653; IV. stanza (be :- parigrahārambhamagna ; No. 1340 = IV. A. p. 115 ( quotation); cf. JG. p. 344 foot-note ) interpreted in VC. 15. (3). a hundred ways. BK. No. 384 , Hamsa. TETESTTTT DB. 20 ( 58 ). See Prasnottarasata. Nos. 133; 528; JG. p. 344 ; Limdi. garra (This must be Satprābhrta) by Kunda No. 1075, PAPR. 18 ( 28 ); PRA. Nos. kundācārya. Pet. IV. No. 1478. 335 ; 676; SA. No. 316 ; Surat. 1, 5, 9. (1) Tikā. Anonymous. Pet. IV. No. (III) starft composed in Sam. 1539, by Jina1478. māņikyasūri. Bengal. No. 2585, DB. wastant of Vopadeva on Medicine (Non-Jain). 39 (19). (1) Vyākhyāna by Jinacandra of the | (IV) Tarat by Udayadharma ; see Satärthavrtti. Begada Gaccha. Jesal. No. 673. (V) Taraff Anonymous. SB. 2 ( 161-two copies ). TABLECERT JG. p. 356. 7 2 1461 composed in Sam. 1518 by Subhaargit JG. P. 352. . sila. Strags. B. No. 428. This is identiTardare composed in Sam. 1605, by Udaya cal with Satrunjayakalpa (II) Vrtti. Jain Education Intemational Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 372 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (I) E T (Be :-suadhamma.) in 39 Gathās, Kakkasūri in Sam. 1392. Cf. Sadhana composed by Bhadrabāhu, revised by Sāmagri, p. 28. Vajrasuri and abridged by Pādalipta- TESHJheiatzifaga Pet. VI. No. 626. suri (cf. Pet. III. A. p. 206). Bhand. (I) TETTU (Prose; Incomplete). Limdi. III. No. 456; Bt. No. 156; DB. 35 No. 803 (160 to 163 ): PAP. 72 (27; 58 ) ; (II) T5HJHETETU by Dhanesvarasuri in 14 can76 (150 ); PAPL. 7 ( 33 ); Pet. III. A. tos; cf. I. A. VI. p. 154, XXX. p. 239ff. p. 205; IV. No. 1342 ; VI. No. 626. and Vel. No. 1774. It is published by (II) T570 in about 40 Gatbās ascribed to Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1908. Dharmaghose. Chani. No. 500 ; DB. 19 Agra. Nos. 1756-1768; Baroda. No. (6; 7); Hamsa. No. 845 ; JA. 111 2943 , Bhand. V. No. 1322; VI. Nos. (24); Limdi. Nos. 730; 779; 816 ; 1339 ; 1340 ; 1341 ; Bik. No. 1606; PAP. 68 (4); PAPR. 21 (3); PAPS. BO. p. 61; Bod. Nos. 1393 to 1395; Buh. 45 (18; 23 ); 67 (46); PRA. No. II. No. 314 ; Cal. X. No. 73, DA. 35 402. (1 to 12); 75 ( 33 ); DB. 19 (1 to 5 ); (1) Vrtti (Gram. 12500 acc. to JG.) Flo. No. 734; JB. 102; Jesal. Nos. 958; by Subhasila, pupil of Munisundarasuri 1519; JG. p. 271, JHA. 56, 67; Kaira. of the Tapā Gaccha, composed in Sam. A. 5; Kaira. B. 1; 106 ; KB. 1 (64); 1518. This is also known as Satruñjaya 2 (10); 3 (52); 5 ( 31); Kundi. No. brhatkalpa or Satruñjayakalpakathā, or 178 ; Limdi. Nos. 87; 840; 923 ; 1206; Satruñjayakathākosa. Chani. No. 500; 1366 ; PAP. 11 (11; 15); 68 (1; 3; 5); DB. 19 ( 6;7); Hamsa. No. 502 ; JG. PAPS. 26 (5); 71 (1; 3); 77 (19); pp. 260; 271; PAP. 68 (4); PAPR. Pet. IV. No. 1343, V. No. 844 , PRA. 21 (3); PRA. No. 402; Strass. B. No. No. 512; Punjab. Nos, 2487 ; 2488 ; 428. 2490 to 2495 ; SA. Nos. 569; 1509; (III) 735799 2007 ; Samb. No. 443; Surat. 1, 4, 5, by Jinaprabha. See Tirtha 7, 8, VB. 38 (13; 14); 39 (6; 8; 10); kalpa. 40 (1); VC. 13 ( 25 ); 14 ( 21 ; 39 ); (IV) T155777 Anonymous. DA. 60 ( 199 to 15 (6); Vel. Nos. 1774 ; 1775; Weber. 211 ); DB. 35 (16); Surat. 1 (597; II. No. 1993. 598; 612); 3, 5, 7; VC. 14 (15); 15 (1) Vyākhyā. Bik. No. 1607. (2) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. 1590694 by Subhasila ; see Satruñjaya 1667 by Devakusala, pupil of Ravikusala. kalpa (II) Vrtti. PRA. No. 512. TESF Anonymous. JHB. 27 (2 copies. ). | (III) शत्रुञ्जयमाहात्म्य by Jinaharsasuri. See 135414ruriaret Flo. No. 733; JG. p. 292; Satruñjayamahātīthamāhātmya. Pet. VI. No. 626. शत्रुञ्जयमाहात्म्यस्तवन JG. p. 292. 5735571eca59 by Subhasila. See Satruñjayakalpa(II) Vrtti. 735FJHITIFFTEIT An abstract from Dhanesvara's work. Weber. II. No. 1993. TESRUHETHa Hamsa. No. 282. शत्रुञ्जयमाहात्म्योल्लेख is based on Dhanesvara's work TETSFTTHETArera by Jinaharşasuri. Bengal. and contains 15 chapters written in simple No. 6642. Sanskrit prose. It was composed in Sam. शत्रुजयमहातीर्थोद्धारप्रबन्ध in Sanskrit composed by 1782 by Hamsaratna, pupil of Nyāya Jain Education Intemational Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ traffPT: # 373 ratna of the Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha. DA. 35 (8; 9); Flo. No. 735; Hamsa. No. 804 ; JG. p. 271 ; SA. Nos. 1509 ; 2007 ; Vel. No. 1776 ; Weber. IL No. 1994. TE5FYRIEIEITaula JG. p. 271. TE5F9Fugana Pet. VI. No. 626. 795ean in Prakrta by Anantahansa. Hamsa. No. 1711. TESH Fata Limdi. No. 1032; Kath. No. 1638 ; PRA. No. 807. (1) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. 1518 by Merusundara, pupil of Ratnamūrti of the Kharatara Gaccha. Kath. No. 1638 ; PRA. No. 807. TESTiferaga BO. p. 61. : (I) T i git composed in Sar. 1638 by Nayasundara. DA. 70 ( 61; 71; 99; 113), DB. 45 (11; 12); Hamsa. No. 1700, Samb. No. 481. (II) 735i r an abridgment of Dhanesvara's work composed in Sam. 1667 by Rsabhadāsa, son of Mahīrāja of Cambay. DC. p. 55. (III) TESHIGIT also called Istärthasādhaka is another similar work composed in Sam. 1587 by Vivekadhiragani, pupil of Vinayaman dana of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published with an introduction by Muni Jinavijaya, by the JAS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1973. Bk. No. 1310. Targat Bengal. No. 7349. शनैश्चरप्रभावगर्भितविक्रमादित्यप्रबन्ध Limdi. No. 771. staateata Bengal. No. 7697 ; Limdi. No. 1732. af TAOT of Subhacandra ; see Cintāmaņi Vyakarana. stefar to JG. p. 85. $1@qqPATITT SB. 2 ( 96 ). शब्दप्रकाश Surat. 5. (I) arrater by Sadhusundaragani. Chani. No. 26 ; PAZB. 17 ( 55). (II) Teagh THAT&T by Mahesvara. CC. I. p. 633. See Sabdabhedaprakāsa. agafa Surat. 1. Ta in Sanskrit by Udayaprabha. Patan. Cat. I. p. 279. Incomplete; upto 49th verse. TECHTFT by Tarkatilaka. Bub. II, No. 416. This was composed in Sam. 1672. The author is a non-Jain i. e. Hindu, son of Dvarika of Mathura. The work is a running commentary on the Sārasvata Sutras. Agra. Nos. 2667; 2668. 37yqu on Grammar, composed by Dānavijaya, pupil of Rājavijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. III. No. 457 ; JG. p. 298 ; Vel. No. 85. şaq CATHAIGT See Sabdabbedaprakāśa. JG. p. 313. Tę#Tart of Maheśvara. (1) Vrtti (Gram. 3800 ) composed in Sam. 1654, by Jñānavimala, pupil of Bhānumeru of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bendall. No. 396; CC. I. p. 633, Chani. No. 446 ; Hamsa. No. 262; JG. p. 313 ; JHA. 60; Pet. II. No. 100 = II. A. p. 124 ( quotation); Weber. II. No. 1708. Taqhiagor by Kavi Kesiraja. AK. No. 747; Mud. 412; 438 ; Padma. 93. Teatra by Sadhusundaragaņi, pupil of Sadhu kīrti Upādhyāya. It has 6 Kāņdas containing 1011 Slokas in all. It is published in the YJG. Series No. 36, Benares, Vira Samvat 2439. Buh. III. No. 187; JG. p. 313 , Mitra. VIII. p. 11; Pet. I. No. 339. 784€TIO See Sabdasarcayarūpāņi. Teatri JG. p. 308. 576 &HUTTU of Buddhisagarasuri. See Panca granthi. शब्दविभावीपारसीकनाममाला See Parasikanamamala. Taęfacre composed in Sam. 1422 by Haribrāh mana. See Pārasikanāmamālā. SA. Nos. 254 ( 8 foll); 859; 861. TEPHET (foll. 102) by Vinayabhūsaņa. JG. p.308. Jain Education Intemational Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 374 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। 7452afor (Gram. 252 ) by Amaracandra. PAP. 26 ( 76 ), SA. No. 140; Surat. 1, 7. 3775U4 perhaps the same as above. PAPS. 72 ( 18 ); SA. Nos. 139 ; 140. 27TH-TICENTE JG. p. 313 ( palm ms. foll. 479 ). verfa in Sanskrit. SG. No. 2716 ( foll. 3 only ). syafearact of Sakalakīrti. Tera. 101 to 116. zaigalatau SG. No. 1486. TEąTGATAHEFT Pet. II, No. 299. (1) 31argetina by Devavijaya. See Sabda bhūsana. ( II ) Tegea by Akalanka Bhatta. Mud. 677; SRA. 177. (III) CIE by Trivikramadeva, pupil of Arbanandi. He mostly follows Hemacandra ; cf. Pischel, Prakrit Grammatik, p. 42; I. A. Vol. 40, p. 219ff., 45 p. 142. Also See T. K. Laddu, Prolegomena Zu Trivikrama's Prakrit Grammatik, Halle, 1912 ( translated into English at ABORL; Vol. X. p. 177-218 ); L. Nitti Dolci, Les Grammairiens Prakrits, Paris, 1938, p. 179ff.; A. N, Upadhye, Valmiki Sūtra; A Myth, Bhārtiya Vidyā, Vol. II, pt. 2, p. 160ff. (May, 1941 ). KO. 182 ; SG. No. 1517; SRB. 88. (IV) regte by Malayagiri. See Musti vyākarana. (V) Touten by Durgasimha. This is probably Durgasimha's commentary on the Kātantra. (1) Dhuņdbikā by Sarvānanda. DA 61 ( 79 ). (2) Vịtti by Nrsimhācārya. DA. 61 ( 91, dated Sam. 1477). (VI) Taqree by Hemacandrasuri in 8 chapters. Adhyayas I to VII with the author's own Laghuvịtti are published in the YJG. Series, Benares, 1905. Adhyaya VIII with the author's own Laghu Vrtti (called Prakāgika ) is edited and translated into German with brief notes by R. Piscael, Halle, 18771880. It is also published with the same commentary by Motichand Ladhaji, Poona, 1928. Agra. Nos. 2712-2717 ; Bendall. No. 368; Bengal. Nos. 285; 2502; 2567; 2609; 7997; Bhand. III. No. 458; Bik. Nos. 583 to 586; BO. pp. 32, 90, Bod. Nos. 1140 ; 1142; Buh. IV. Nos. 282, 283, 284; VII. Nos. 11, 12; DA. 61 (12;18; 19; 20; 22-26; 28); 63 ( 23 ); DB. 36 (25 to 29, 37 to 40); Hamsa. Nos. 149; 202 ; 1492 ; IO. Nos. 811; 812 ; 942 ; 943 ; 944 ; JA. 23 (1; 2); 37 ( 6 ); 44 (1); 54 (1); 88 (1); 89 (5); 108 (3); Jesal. Nos. 146 ; 252 ; 1445; JHA. 61 (3 c.); Kath. Nos. 1421 ; 1430 ; KB. 3 (53); 7 (9); Kiel. I. No. 120; Kundi. Nos. 91; 123; 174; 488; Limdi. Nos. 551 to 555; 572; 613 ; 686 , 689; to 692 ; 736 ; 737 ; 891 to 894, 910; 911; 912; 919; 1185, 1186, 1282 ; 1680 ; Mitra. VII. p. 208 ; VIII. p. 77 ; IX. p. 179; PAP. 14 ( 9 ); 15 (2; 6; 7; 9; 12; 13 ); 17 (1;2; 6; 9; 10; 14; 15; 19; 20; 25, 30); 26 (10; 13; 19; 20; 21; 25; 27; 29 ; 30; 33; 34; 36; 38 ; 39; 41 , 43; 44; 45; 49; 52; 55; 58 , 67; 78; 79; 80, 81 ); 41 ( 26 ; 29; 32), 42 ( 4 to 7; 9; 10; 14 to 18; 20; 23, 24 ); 54 (10); 59 (8); 61 (19), 79 (80), PAPL. 6 (3; 4; 9; 11; 14, 15; 17; 19; 20; 28 ); PAPM. 64 (3, 5)PAPR. 4 (4); 5 (14); 6 (1; 3); 10 ( 9 ); 15 (3); PAPS. 73 ( 4 ; 5; 11; 14; 15; 17; 18; 20; 21 ); PAS. Nos. 94 ; 117, 123 ; 225, 312; PAZA. 7 ( 6 ); PAZB. 1 (2,6;7, 9; 14; 15; 16 ), 6 (2;4; 8), 5 ( 5 ), 17 ( 39 ; 43 ; 44), Pet. I. A. pp. 19; Jain Education Intemational Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविमायः प्रथमः। · 375 23, 70, 76, 77, 78 ; III. A. pp. 110 ; | 114; 115, 116, 117; 145; Punjab. Nos. 1828 ; 2503 to 2505; SA. Nos. 34; 141; 793; 801; 865; 2014 ; 2033; Samb. No. 249; SB. 2 (156; -158 ); VA. 18 ( 27; 43 ); VB. 23 ( 11 ); 24 ( 10, 24); 31 (22; 27; 34 ); 33 ( 15; 18; 70 ); 40 (6; 7); 41 ( 31, 32 ); VC. 14 ( 3 ); VD. 1 ( 23 ); 6( 4 ); Vel. Nos. 64 to 72; Weber. II. Nos. 1640 to 1680. (1) It is indeed very difficult to distinguish between the various commentaries on this work since the catalogues and the lists very often mention them only in general terms. Most of the following are mss. of Hemacandra's own Laghuvrtti, or Svopajñalaghuvrtti (Prakāsikā?). Agra. No. 27 22 ; Bengal. No. 2567 , BO. p. 32; Buh. II. No. 414; III. Nos. 188; 189, 190; IV. Nos. 282; 283; 284; CC. I. p. 634 ; III. p. 132; DA. 61 (8 to 11; 16, 17; 30; 37, 38, 45; 53; 80; 81 ; 82); DB. 36 (27; 28 ); DC. pp. 5; 14; 34; 37, 39 ; Hamsa. No. 903; IO. Nos. 811; 812; JA. 23 (2); 37 (7;8); 88 (1); 89 (5); Jesal. Nos. 146 ; 252 ; JG. p. 300; JHA. 61 ( 2c. ), KB. 3 ( 53 ), Kiel. II. Nos. 62; 63, 64; 68; 287 ; Kundi. Nos. 91 ; 123 ; 174; Limdi. Nos. 572; 689; 691 ; 692; 736, 737 ; 891; 892; 911 ; 1680; PAP. 15 (6; 7; 9); 17 ( 25 ); 26 (19; 20; 21; 25; 27; 29; 30; 33; 34; 36; 38; 39; 41 , 43; 44; 49, 52; 55; 58; 81 ); 41 ( 26 ; 29; 32), 42 (5; 6; 79; 10; 14 to 18; 20; 23; 24 ); 54 ( 10 ); 79 ( 80 ); PAPL. 6 (3; 4; 11; 14, 15; 17; 19); PAPM. 64 (5); PAPS. 73 (4; 5; 15; 17; 18; 20), PAS. Nos. 94, 117; 225; PAZB. 6 (4); 17 (39; 43, 44); 22 (8); Pet. I. A. p. 77; V. A. p. 110; SA. No. 34; Samb. No. 431, VA. 18 ( 27 ); VB. 31 ( 22; 27 ); 33 ( 70 ); 40 ( 6 ; 7); 41 ( 31 ; 32); VC. 14 ( 3 ); Vel. Nos. 68 to 71; Weber. IL Nos. 1645 to 1678. (2) Svopajña Brhadvrtti ( called Prakāśikā or Balābala Vrtti or Dhundbikā. Gram. 18000 ). Agra. Nos. 2716–2718; Bengal. Nos. 285; 2502 ; 7997 ; Bhand. V. No. 1379; VI. No. 1433, Bt. No. 425; Buh. II. No. 411; VIL No. 9; OC. I. p. 634 ; III. p. 132; DA. 61 (1 to 6; 15; 21; 31; 83 ); DB. 36 ( 26; 28 ; 38); DC p. 7; Hamsa. Nos. 43 253 ; 293 ; 300, 1040 ; JA. 23 (1); 37 (1 to 5); 44 (1); 54 ( 1 ); 89 ( 5 ); 108 (3); JG. p. 299; JHA. 61; Kath. No. 1430; KB. 7(9); Kiel. III. No. 186; Kundi. No. 14; Limdi. No. 1282, PAP. 14 (9); 15 (12; 13); 17 (2); 26 ( 13 ); 61 ( 19 ); PAPR. 4 ( 4 ); 5 (14); PAPS. 73 ( 21 ); PAS. Nos. 123 ; 312, PAZB. 1 (6; 7); Pet. I. A. p. 76; III. A. pp. 110; 115; 116; 117; 145; V. A. pp. 94, 136 ; SB. 2 ( 156; 158 ); SA. No. 793 ( called Rahasyavrtti ); VB. 33 (15; 18), VD. 6 ( 4 ); Vel. Nos. 65, 66, 67'; Weber. II. Nos. 1679; 1680; 1682 to 1687. (3) Svopajñalaghunyāsa. Agra. No. 2711; Bengal. No. 2609; CC. I. p. 634 ; PAP. 17 ( 30 ); 26 (45); PAPR. 15 ( 3 ); PAZB. 1 (2; 9); SA. Nos. 141, 638 ; 865, VA. 18 ( 43 ). (4) Svopajñabrhannyāsa ( Gram. 3400 ) also called Mahārņava or Sabdamahārņava. According to Bt. No. 425 (2), this is only on 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 and 27th Padas. Agra. Nos. 2635, 2710; Bhand. VI. No. 1406; Bt. No. 425, Hamsa. No. 243; Jesal. No. 1445; JG. p. 299 ; Kundi. No. 488; Limdi. Nos. 551 to 555; 910; PAP. 17 ( 32 only one folio ); 26 ( 10, 78; Jain Education Intemational Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 376 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 79 ; 80 ); PAPR. 6 (1, 3 ); 10 ( 9 ) | PAZB. 1 ( 15 ); SA. Nos. 801 ; 2014; VB. 31 ( 34 ). (5) Laghuvrttidhundhikā ( Gram. 3200 ) by Munisekharasuri. DA. 61 ( 80; 81; 82 dated Sam. 1438 ); JG. p. 300; PAPS. 73 ( 14 ). ( 8 ) Durgapadavyākhyā on Laghunyāsa, composed by Kanakaprabha, pupil of Devendra of the Tapā Gaccha. It is also called Nyāsoddhāra and is only on the first 7 Adhyāyas according to Bt. No. 429. This was composed at the advice of Udayacandra, pupil of the famous Hemacandra ; cf. Introduction to Nala vilasa (Gaek. O.S.), p. 24, footnote 5. Bod. No. 1142 ; Bt. No. 429 ; CC. I. p. 634 (wrongly ascribed to Devendra ); DC. p. 53 ; JG. p. 299 ; Kiel. III. No. 187; Mitra. IX. p. 179; PAZA. 7 ( 6 ); PRA. No. 962; SA. No. 889; Weber. II. Nos. 1682 to 1687. (7) Brhadvrttidīpikā by Vidyākara, pupil of Mānabhadra, pupil of Vijayacandrasuri and Haribhadrasuri. Weber. II, No. 1684. (8) Laghuvrtti-Avacuri by Dhanacandra, pupil of Devendra. Buh. VII. No. 10; CC. I. p. 634; JG. p. 300 ; PAP. 15 (2); PAPM. 64 (3 dated Sam. 1403 ; PAS. No. 62 (cf. Patan. Cat. I. pp. 99 ; 388 ); PAZB. 26 ( 7 ). ( 9 ) Brhadvrtti-Avacūri composed in Sam. 1264, by Amaracandra, pupil of Jayānanda. JA. 89 ( 5 ). ( 10 ) Dipikā (Gram. 6750 ) composed by Jinasāgara of the Khoratara Gaccha. JG. p. 301 ; -Kiel. I. No. 119; PAP. 59 (8) ( 11 ) Brhad vrtti composed in Sam. 1368 ( by Vidyākara ?). Tapa. 228. (12) Nyāsa by Dharmaghosa (Gram. 9000 ). Bt. No. 426; JG. p. 299. ( 13 ) Nyāsa by Rāmacandra (Graṁ. 53000). Bt. No. 427 ; JG. p. 299. ( 14 ) Brhadvrttisāroddbāra. JG. p. 300; PAZB. 6 ( 2 dated Sam. 1521 ), Surat. 1, 5, 9. (15) Nyāsasāroddhāratippana (dated Sam. 1279 ). PRA. No. 723. (16) Laghuvrtti called Dhundhikādipikā, on Catuska, Akhyātā, Krt and Taddhita portions (Gram. 6000) only by Kākala Kāyastha. Bt. No. 432; JG. p. 300. ( 17 ) Kaksapatavrtti (Grar. 4818 ). It a is commentary on the Svopajña Brhadvrtti (No. 2). Bt. No. 430 ; DB. 36 ( 25 ); JG. p. 299. ( 18 ) Laghuvyäkarana dhundhikā (Gram. 3200). PAZB. I (14); SA. No. 2033. (19) Kaumudi. See Candraprabhā Vyakaraņa. ( 20 ) Vitti. Anonymous. CC. I. pp. 634, 635; Hamsa. Nos. 149; 202; 1492; 1522; 1523; 1524; Punjab. Nos. 2503 ; 2505 ; JG. pp. 300; 301 , Limdi. No. 613; PAPL. 6 (9; 20; 28); SA. No. 793 ; Surat. 1, 6, 8 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1661-1678. (21) Laghuvrtti-Avacuri by Nandasundaragaņi ( upto the end of Adhyaya IV.) Buh. III. No. 190; (ms. dated Sam. 1510). PRA. No. 862. (22) Präkrtavrttidhundhikā called Vyutpattidipikā composed in Sam. 1591, by Hrdayasaubhāgya, pupil of Saubhāgyasāgarasuri of the Brhat Tapā Gaccha, Bhand. V. No. 1403 ; BO. p. 89; Buh. IV. No. 276 dated Sam. 1640 ); VI. Nos. 770; 788 ; CC. I. p. 635; II. p. 151 , DB. 36 (37; 38 ); Hamsa. Nos. 904 ; 1252; JG. pp. 300; 301 ; PAP. 42 (4); PAPS. 73 (11); PAZB. 5 (5); Surat. 1. 9; Vel. No. 72. Jain Education Intemational Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । (23) Astadhyāyatṛtiyapadavṛtti by Vinayasigaragani. VD. 1 (23). (24) Präkravettidipika (Gramh. 1500) by Haribhadra. Bt. No. 432; JG. p.300. (25) Präkṛtavṛttidhundhika also called Prakṛtadipika and Prakṛtaprabodha (el. Bt. No. 432) by Naracandra Upādhyaya of the Maladhari Gaccha. The work is mentioned by Rajasekhara in his Nyayakandalitik. See Pet. III. A. p. 275. It is an Avacuri on the Brhadvṛtti of Adhyāya VIII only. Bt. No. 432; Buh. VII. No. 8; CC. I. p. 635; DA. 61 (85); KB. 3 (65); PAP. 26 (67); PAZB. 1 (16); Pet. I. No. 300; VB. 23 (11); 24 (10, 20). (26) Dodhakavrtti (on ch. VIII only). This is published by the Hema candra Sabha, Patan, Series No. I. DB 22 (147), JG. p. 301. (27) Candrikävṛtti. KB. 3 (53-foll. 88). See Candraprabhā. (28) Dasamapadaviseṣartha. JG. p. 299, PAZB. 6 (8). (29) Paribhavrtti (Gram. 4000). Bt. No. 428, JG, p. 299. (30) Präkrtapadávacüri by Haripra bhasüri (Gram. 738). JG. p. 300. (31) Balabalavṛtti abridged from Bṛhadvṛtti. See DC. p. 45 (No. 3). (32) Brhadvṛttitippana composed in Sam. 1646. Limdi. No. 1282. (VII) by Sakatayana. It is publi shed with Prakriyasanigraha of Abha yacandra, by Jestharam Mukundji, Bombay, 1907. Acc. to K. B. Pathak, I. A. Vol. 43, p. 205, this Sakaṭāyana wrote both the text and the Amoghavṛtti and lived between Saka year 736 and 789. See also Belwalkar, Systems of Grammar, pp. 68-73. AD. No. 90; AK. No. (IX) 241; CC. I. p. 638, IL. p. 151; III. p. 132, CP. pp. 669; 694; (see CPI. p. 25); Hebru. 47; 52; 56; 72; | arzigarette Surat. 1, 5 (foll. 64). (VIII) शब्दानुशासन रहस्य J....48 Hum. 14; 64; 85; 91; Idar. 147; KO. 165; 166; 167; 172; 181; Mysore. III. p. 206; Padma. 13; 17, 45; 81; 91; 131; Rice. p. 308; SG. No. 724; SRA. 41; 89; 127. 377 (1) Svopajña Amoghavṛtti. CC. I. p. 638; III. p. 132; CPI. p. 25, KO. 165; Mysore. I. p. 48, II. p. 176; III. pp. 103; 206, Rice. p. 306; SG. No. 725; SRA. 2; 3; SRB. 301. (2) Cintamani by Yakṣavarman. AD. No. 90, AK. No. 241, CC. II. p. 151; CP. p. 694; Hebru. 56; Hum. 14; 91; Mud. 28; 98; 129, 150; 156, 266; SRA. 114; SRB. 61; Vel. No. 87. (3) Cintamaniprakäsikä by Ajitasena. CC. I. p. 638; CPI. p. 25, Rice. p. 308. (4) Vrttitippana or Cintamanivisamapadațikä, on the Cintamani by Samantabhadra. This is quoted in the Madhaviyadhätuvṛtti CC. I. p. 638, JG. p. 307; Rice. p. 308; SRB. 61. (5) Nyana by Prabhäcandra. This is also quoted in the Madhaviya Dhatuvṛtti. CC. I. p. 638; CPL p. 25; Rice- p. 308; SG. No. 1357; SRA. 2; 3. (6) Pratipada by Mangarasa. CC. I. p 638; Rice. p. 308. (7) Vrtti by Bhavasena Traividya. CPL p. 25. (8) Prakriyasangraha by Abhayacandra. AK. Nos. 502, 503; CC. I. p. 638; II. p. 151; III. p. 132; CP. p. 669; CPI. p. 25; Hum. 69; 110; Idar. 147; Rice. p. 300; SRA. 41; 89; 127. (9) Rupasiddhi by Dayāpāla, pupil of Matisagara. CPI. p. 25; I. A. Vol. 43 (1914). of Valmiki. See No. (III) of Pāṇini. (1) Sabdivatāra by Pujyapada. See ᎷᎫ . P 20. This is not certain. above. Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 378 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। शब्दाम्भोनिधि Surat. 9. the Gitagovinda. It is in 16 chapters con(I) yaaruia of Sahajakirti. See Siddhasabdar taining about 175 Sanskrit stanzas. It is ņava. JG. p. 298. See also Rjuprājña published by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, vyā karaṇaprakriyā. in his Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. II. and ( II ) Tera See Sundaraprakāśa. also in the Amidhārā by Pandit KsamaStaroga gat is the name of Somadeva's com vijayagani, Bombay, 1924. It is also m entary on Jainendra Vyākarana. published with the commentary of Gambhiravijayagaņi, in the JDPS. Tarian Agra. No. 2673. Perhaps same as Series, No. 24, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. above. Agra. No. 990; BK, No. 79; Chani. (1) agraart of Pujyapāda ; MJ. p. 20. See Nos. 411 ; 988 ; DA. 75 (18); DB. 34 above Sabdānušāsana IX. (10; 11); JG. p. 188; PAPS. 64 (21), ( II ) Taaraait of King Durvinīta. MJ. pp. 19 Pet. III. Nos. 634 ; 635; Surat. 6, 9. 23. (1) Tikā by Gambhiravijayagani. TATT by Dharmaghosasūri. It is also called Printed. JG. p. 189. Antarangakathā. Bt. No. 625 (Gram. (1) TifanTeaga of Munisundarasūri in 9 verscs. 102 ). Bhand. VI. No. 1258 ; JHB 47; JG. FAIETET A short play by Ratnasiräha. Published at p. 292; Limdi. Nos. 1029 ;. 1604; Bhavnagar, Sam. 1979. 1628. Treat by Bhattāraka Simhanandin. List. (1) Avacuri. Bhand. VI. No. 1258 ; ETITIE by Padmanandin. Limdi. No. 610; Pet. JHB. 47 (ms. dated Sam. 1567 ). IV. Nos. 1442 ; 1443. | (II) शान्तिकरस्तवन by Vidyasiddhi of the Tapa 37797417Tu by Vijayagani. VA. 18 (19). Gaccha. Vel. No. 1612. Tedi Bhand. VI. No. 1258. This is pro(1) Sesatikā. Lal. 106 ; 157 ; 173. bably the same as sāntikarastavana No. I. 27 11 Fieta (foll. 166 ). JG. p. 333; PAS. No. Punjab. No. 2506. 86. (i) Avacūri by Munisundara. Bhand. T2TTAJIETU See Sabdānusāsana (VII) by VI. No. 1258. Sākatāyana. maafu DA. 38 (66) शाकिनीचरित्रविषये धृष्टकथा by Manikyasundara, pupil frag Pet. III. No. 557. of Merutungasūri. DA. 50 ( 78; 79 ). (1) FA STT by Aśädhara. SG. No. 1649. (I) TACA ATT by Sārngadhara (?) (II) T U CHT Anonymous. Pet. V. No. 925; (II) TaaaaaT a work in 16 chapters on reli VI. No. 683. gious devotion by Munisundarasuri of the area afect by Aśādhara. This seems to be a Tapa Gaccha. It is also called Adhyātma valuable manuscript. It is not clear which kalpadruma (see under it ). Agra. Nos. Śánticarita is meant. Could it be of 987, 988 ; 989; Bhand. V. No. 1381; Asaga ? Idar.18 ( a very old copy ). BO. p. 61 ; Jesal. No. 420; PAPL. 7 (35); Surat. 2, VB. 36 ( 39 ; 41 ; 74); farsarsugarea composed in Sam. 1473 by 41 (7), VD. 14 (31;), Vel. No. 1662. Jayasāgaragani of the Kbaratara Gaccha. TIFAHUTAMATEU composed in Sam. 1723 by DC. p. 66. Vinayavijayagaņi, pupil of Kirtivijaya of a Kath. No. 1163; Punjab. No. the Tapā Gaccha. It is a Geyakävya like 2507. Jain Education Intemational Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 379 (I) ( II ) s Tafta by Hemacandra. This is a part of the Trisastiśalākāpurusacaritra of the author. PAS. No. 3; PAZB. 4 ( 18 ); 18 ( 13 ); VD. 14 ( 29 ). aamerata (Gram. 12100 ) in Prākrta composed by Devacandra, pupil of Guņa. sena and Guru of the famous Hema- (IV) T candra in Sam. 1160 ( Be:-saralanguli). In the introduction the author mentions Indrabhūti(Kavirājacakravartin), Bhadrabāhu, who composed a Vasudevacaritra (savāyalakkbarn and bahukabākaliyam ), Haribhadra author of Samarādityakathā, Dāksinyacinhasuri and bis Kuvalayamālākathā and Siddharşi, author of Upamitibhavaprapanca Baroda. No. 2947; Bt. No. 257; DC. p. 12 (cf. DI. p. 46 ); JG. p. 241; PAP. 73 (1); PAPM. 23 ; PAPR. 1 (9); PAS. Nos. 316; (cf Patan Cat. I. p. 224; ms, dated Sam 1227 ); 335 (ms. with pictures ) ; Pet. V. A. p, 72. fepare aita composed in Sanskrit by Ajita prabhasuri, pupil and successor of Viraprabhasūri of the Pūrņimă Gaccha. The poem contains six cantos and about 5000 Slokas in all and was composed in Sam. 1307. It is published by the JDPS. (V) Bhavnagar, Sam. 1973 and is being edited also in the Bibliotheca Indica Series by Indravijayasuri of Shivapuri, Gwalior. See also Pet. V. A.p. 121 for quotations. Baroda. No. 2157; Bengal. No. 2579; Bhand. IV. No, 283; Bt. No. 256; Chani. No. 107; CP. p. 694; DA. 43 (1; 3 to 12); 44 (1;2; 4;9 ); DB. 26 ( 2 ; 3 ); Flo. No. 736; Hamsa. Nos. 760; 955; 1125 ; 1711 ; Idar. 109; Jesal. No. 1257; JHA. 49; Limdi. Nos. 922 ; 1111; 1112 ; 1230; 1292 ; PAP. 34 (4); 35 ( 3 ); 63(10); 73 (2; 6); PAPM. 11 ( dated Sam. 1384 ; a paper ms.) ; PAPS. 43 ( 21 ); 51 ( 18 ); 59 ( 4 ), 82 ( 64 ); Pet. I. No. 341 ; V. Nos. 845 ; 846 ; V. A. p. 121 ( quotations); Punjab. Nos. 2510 to 2515; 2517; SA. No. 122 ; Tapa. No. 317; VB. 35 ( 21 ); 38 (1); 39 ( 11, 12, 17), VC. 14 ( 47 ); VD. 14 ( 27 ); Vel. No. 1778. arga (Gram. 4855 ) composed in Sam. 1322 by Munidevasūri, pupil of Madanacandrasuri. It is in Sanskrit verse and is based on Devacandra's work. It was corrected by Pradyumna, pupil of Kanakaprabha. The author was a descendant of the famous Vādidevasūri. See PRA. No. 851 ; and also DI. p. 52. Bhand. VI. No. 1342; BK. No. 356 ; Bt. No. 254 ; Buh. III. No. 174 ; Chani. No. 481 ; DA. 44 (3); DC. p. 49; Hamsa. No. 965; JA. 13 ( 2 ); 71 (2), Jesal. No. 999; JG. p. 241 ; Limdi. No. 609; PAP. 9 ( 38 ); 33 ( 4); PAZB. 18 ( 14 ); 22 ( 12 ); PRA. No. .861; Patan Cat. I. p. 124 ( quotations ); Pet. I. No. 312; I. A. p. 4 (dated Sam. 1338 ; quotation ) ; III. A. p. 165 ; SA. No. 120 ; Samb. No. 435; VB. 37 ( 50 ); 38 (2, 3), 39( 2; 9); 40 (15), reaaruzita in Sanskrit prose ( Grań. 6500) composed in Sam. 1535 by Bhāvacandra, pupil of Jayacandra, pupil of Pārsvacandra of the Purnima Gaccha; cf. PRA, No. 1149. It is published by the JDPS., Bhavanagar, 1911 Series No. 19 ) Its Gujarati translation is published by the same Sabhä, in Sam. 1978. The work is again published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, 1924 (1930 ?). Baroda. No. 2086; Bengal. Nos. 2550; 3041 , 6627 ; BK. Nos. 800; 1262 ; Bik. No. 1516; BSC. No. 491; Buh. III. No. 175; DA. 43 ( 2 ); 44 ( 5 to 8; 11); DB. 26 (4;5); Flo. No. 737 , Hamsa. Nos. 1234; 1265; JG. (III) Jain Education Intemational Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 380 p. 241; JHA. 49; JHB. 32 (3 c.); (XI ) maalgata by Jñanasāgara. VB. 38 (5). Kaira. A. 2; Keith. No. 64; Kiel. I. (XII) s aareraita by Somaprabhasüri in No. 92 (dated Sam. 1535 ); Limdi. Prākrta. SA. Nos. 846 ; 1688. No. 1775 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 124 ; Mysore. (XIII) Taarafta by Pradyumnasūri. This is III. p. 180; PRA. No. 1149 ( ms. dated probably the same as No. (IV), above. Sam. 1535 and written by the author VB. 38 ( 2 ; 3); 39 ( 9 ). himself); Punjab. Nos. 2508 ; 2509 ; (XIV) t arafta by Harsbhusaņagasi. VB. 2516; SA, No. 1688 ; Tapa. No. 144; 38 ( 4). VC. 14 ( 45 ); 15 (2); VD. 14 ( 28 ); (XV) atata by Ratnasekharasüri. (Gram. Vel. No. 1777. (VI) Tearseita in Sanskrit (Gram. 5574) 6775). VC. 14 ( 46 ). composed by Māņikyacandra, pupil of (XVI ) Etarafta by Megha vijaya, pupil of Sagaracandrasuri of the Rāja Gaccha. It Krpāvijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. This is is in 8 cantos. For quotations, see Patan a Padapürtikāvya describing the life of Cat. I. pp. 203-205. The author men Santinātha based on the Naisadhacarita tions as his predecessors, Bhadrabāhu of Sriharsa. It is published in the (au. Vasudevacaritra ), Haribhadra, Dā. Abhayadevasuri Granthamäla of Bikaner. ksinyacihna, Siddha Vyākhyātā and (XVII) izaaraita (Grarn. 5000) by BhāvaRāma Kavi (au. Prabandhasagara ). prabha ( Bhāvacandra ?) VC. 15 ( 8). Another work of our author is Pärsva (XVIII ) maaryana in Sanskrit prose (Gramn. nātbacaritra (s. v. ) composed in Saṁ. 1276. Bt. No. 255; JG. p. 241; Kiel. II. 2700) by Udayasagara af Añcala Gaccha. No. 65; III, No. 17; PAP. 65 (5, JG. p. 241. ms. dated Sam. 1485 ); PAS. NO 444 XIX ) graagafta by Vatsarāja; published by (ms. dated Sam. 1470 ). Hiralal Hansraja, Jamnagar, 1914. ( VJI agafta (Gram. 6272 ) composed by 1 (XX) 11-aaraita Anonymous ; probably by Manibhadra in Sam. 1402. Bt. No. 258. a Svetāmbara author. Agra. Nos. 1529 This is probably the same as No. IX to 1531; JB. 110; 114; Jesal. Nos. below. 1083; 1806; Kaira. A, 158; KB. 3 (VIII) zirzaangafta in 33 Gathās by Jina (14; 17; 18); Limdi. Nos. 1296 , vallabhasuri. JG. p. 292; Limdi. No. 1709; Pet. V. No. 847; Surat. 1, 3, 1288. 5, 6, 7, 9. (IX) fearaita in Sanskrit (Gram. 6272) (XXI ) agraria ( Grai. 4911 ) by Jinacomposed in Sam. 1410 by Munibhadra, prabha. Punjab. No. 2518 ( ms. dated pupil of Guņabhadrasuri of the Brhad Sam. 1649). This is probably, the Gaccha. It is in 19 cantos and contains same as Ajitaprabha's work (No. III ). about 5000 Slokas. It is published in (I) featergrot by Sakalakirti, pupil of Padmathe YJG. Series, No. 20, Benares, Vir nandin of the Sarasvati Gaccha. It conSarn. 2437. Bt. No. 258 ; JG. p. 241; tains 16 cantos (Gram. 4375 ) and is PAPL. 1 ( 13 ). published by Lalram Shastri, Surat. AD. (X) zararea in Sanskrit (Gram. 485 ) No. 66 ; Bhand. IV. No. 309 ( See IV. composed by Kanakaprabha, pupil of Introduction p. 121 ); BO. p. 31 ; Bod. Devānanda. It is also called Sāntivrtta. No. 1398, Buh. VI. No. 673, CP. p. JG. p. 241 ; PAS. No. 84, 694; Idar. 109 (3 copies ), Idar. Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SLS ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः - 381 A. ( 66 ); MHB. 5; 54; Pet. IV. No. saqararê by Jinaprabha. JG. p. 154.A 1479, V. No. 971; PR. No. 118; ti-agtETETT by Dharmadeva. CP. p. 695. Strass. p. 309. taght in Sanskrit. Punjab. No. 2520. ( II ) Trang Trot by Santikärti. AK. No. 777. TI T ATEATS by Laksmīvimala, pupil of Kirti (III) Taarugtrot by Gunasena. DB. 26 (1). vimala. Published by the Agmodaya (IV) Traagtut in 16 cantos containing about Samiti, Bombay, 1927. 2500 verses, composed in Saka 910 by Tafale JG. p. 260. Asaga; cf. CPI. p. 33. Bod. No. Faqa Kath. No. 1208. 1405 ( 2 ), Kath. No. 1164 ; Limdi. TifaTitaaa in Sanskrit by Jñanabhusana. Str. No. 90 ; Lal. 46; SG. Nos. 38 ; 2409 ; No. 1887. See also Laghuśāntināthapurāņa. (I) Farag by Säntisūri. Bhand. III. No. 459. (V) maaregrut composed in Sam. 1659 by (II ) caraa in Sanskrit illustrative of the rules Śrībhūsaņa, pupil of Vidyabhūşana ; cf. of Hemacandra's grammar. Hamsa. No SGR. II. p. 91. Idar. A. 66; 67 ; SG. 700. No. 625. (III) caraa by Mānadevasuri. See Laghu(VI) शान्तिनाथपुराण composed by Brahma Jaya santi. sāgara. CP. p. 694. (IV) trifama Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. 6849 ; (VII) aateng Truy composed by Brahmadeva. 7430 ; 7721. Mud. 703. (1) t arnis in different dialects by Jinaprabha(VIII) straat getu Anonymous. Bengal. No. süri of the Kharatara Gaccha. See Jaida1474. stotrasamuccaya, Bombay, 1928, p. 99. strator by Dharmacaudragani. Pet. (II) Erfarala Similarly composed by SomaVI. No. 628. sundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha ; ibid, tratarea are by Anandapramoda, pupil of Hansa p. 99. pramoda. PAP. 72 ( 70 ). TIFFUE by Pujyapādasvamin. Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (28); Mitra. VII. p. 182 ; Strass. शान्तिनाथस्तुति Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. 6660; 7119; 1150 ; 1. 7263 ; CP. p. 69.1; Hansa. No. 936; Thatham JG. p. 260. Limdi. Nos. 1593; 1650 ; 1753 ; Pet. Taita in Sanskrit. JG. p. 233. V. No. 925. TIF Tara by Vijayasimba. Pet. VI. p. 142, No. (I) T a ta (HETATA ) by Sadhusundara. 80. Hamsa. No. 1655. TITETET by Pärsvacandra. Bengal. No. 6774 ; (1) Tika. Hamsa. No. 1655. Limdi. No. 3036. ( II ) z e rala in 8 Gathas by Padmanandin. ETTETEATS JG. p. 292; Surat. 1. AK, No. 779; JA. 106 ( 13 ); Limdi. Stry-11 TUTAHTOI by Hargakirtisuri of the No. 610 ; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442; 1443. Nagapuriya Tapā Gaccha. See Nama( ILI ) starała by Guņabhadra. Idar. 167. māla. AD. Nos. 132, 183, Bhand. (IV) ETET E by Padmasāgaragani. Kath. VI. No. 1409 ; Buh. IV. No. 281 ; VI, No. 1302. No. 780 ;CP.p. 695; JG. p. 313 ;JHB. (V) TifaT in Prākrta by Munisundara 44 ; Kiel. III. No. 184 ; SA. No. 637; sūri. Hamsa. No. 1109. Weber. II. No. 1703. ot p. 309. Jain Education Intemational Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 382 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। STITEIT yata Bhand. V. No. 1382. (VI) SCHEDIT by Prabbäcandra. JG. p. 233; Trinen Limdi. No. 770. JHA. 51. TICHE in the Apabhramsa language, contains (VII) H i composed in Sam. 1623 by 69 stanzas. Composed by Padma. It is Vinayasāgaragani. DA. 49 (2); JG. printed in the Pracinagurjarakāvya p. 233. samgraba, Gaek. O. S. No. 13. See Patan ( VIII ) T a fta by Purnabhadra. See Cat. I. pp. 190 ; 295 ; Intro. p. 63. Dhanyaśālicaritra. (I) SISATIE in 177 Prakrta Gāthas (Be :- CHAQ# in the Apabhramsa language in 55 suravarakayamāņam naththanisesamā. stanzas. Patan Cat. I. p. 25 (quotations ). ņam). JA. 31 (1); 106( 6 ); 107( 3 ); galgaaia (Gram. 1800 ) composed in Sam. JG. p. 233; Patan Cat. I. pp. 61 ; 92; 1540, Subhasīlagani, pupil of Muni304 ; Pet. I. A. pp. 72 ; 56. sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Chani. (II) STICHETIT, Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1532 ; Nos. 13; 559; JG. pp. 218; 233; 1533 ; Buh. VI. No. 771; DA. 49 (8); PAPR. 21 (26); SB. 2 ( 22; 24 ); DC. p. 32 (Prākrta); Hamsa. No. 637 ; Surat. 1, 5. Pet. I. A. p. 95 (Prākrta); VD. 15 (1; 3). Traagtaga Punjab. No. 2534 ( in Prākrta ); (III) TTHEITT by Pradyumnasūri ; see below Surat. 9. No. (V). VB. 39 ( 5 ); 41 (1; 6). शाश्वतजिनगृहजिनबिम्बसंख्यास्तोत्र composed by Jaya(IV) ETICHET by Somaprabha ( See No.V); nanda. DA. 76 ( 67 ), SA. No. 384. JG. p. 233 ; VA. 37 (9). (1) Avacūri by Somadharmagaņi. (V) TIGHarta in seven cantos, composed in DA. 76 ( 67 ), SA. No. 384. Sam. 1334, by Dharmakumāra, pupil of raalageTATET Faan in 24 Prakrta Vibudhaprabha, successor of Somaprabha verses. ( Be:- siriusabhavaddhamāņam.). of the Nagendrakula ; cf. Vel. No. 1779. Weber. II. No. 1967 ( 9). Pradyumna, pupil of Kanakaprabha, (1) Tīkā. Anonymous. Weber. II. No. assisted the author. It is published in 1967 (9). the YJG. Series, Benares, 1910. For a digest, cf. Bloomfield, JAOS. Vol. 43, p. शाश्वतजिनबिम्बसंख्यास्तव by Devendrasuri. JG. p. 257ff. It is in Sanskrit. Baroda. Nos. 145. See Sāśvatajinastavana (I). 2152; 2949; Bhand. V. No. 1323; Taaraa7 DB. 35 ( 148, 149150 ). See VI. No. 1343 ; Bik. No. 560; BK. No. Sāsvatajinastavana (I). 367 : Buh. II. No. 380; DA. 49 ( 3 to raasteteag Bhand. V. No. 1244 : JG. p. 6); DB. 29 (40; 41 , 42); Hamsa. 145 ; SA. No. 2005. Nos. 834; 1501; JA. 7 (3); JG. p. (1) Avacuri. Bhand. V. No. 1244. 233 ; Limdi. Nos. 576; 855; PAP. 12 raalstafaa in 34 Gāthās by Siddhasenasūri. (33); 30 ( 37 ); 36 (4); PAPL. 8 (14); PAPS. 48 (123); 60 (10); J. p. 292; Pet. I. A. p. 32. PAZB. 9 ( 21 ); 18 ( 16 ); Pet. III, A. (I) graartareaga by Devendrasuri. DB. 35 p. 174; IV. No. 1345; V. No. 848 ; (50; 148 ; 149 ; 150 ); JG. p. 292; Punjab. Nos. 2525; 2526; SA. No. Limdi. No. 2115; PAPL. 8 ( 97 ). 294; Samb. No. 43; VB. 37 (9); 39 (1) Avacuri. DB. 35 ( 50; 148; (5); 41 (1; 6); Vel. No. 1779. 149; 150 ); JG. p. 292. (1) Avacuri. DB. 29 ( 40, 41, 42); (II) Targaraga Anonymous. JG. p. 233; Limdi. No. 855. Bengal. No. 6892; DA. 60 ( 179 to Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः | 185); Kath. No. 1303, Limdi. Nos. 1890, 2506, SA. Nos. 384; 2786; 2983; 3010. art by Munisundarasuri. Hamsa. No. 423; SA. No. 2065. areng Surat. 4. MAARAFU of Maghanandin, pupil of Kumudacandra. For other works of the author see under Padarthasara. It is in four chapters containing 196 Sutras in all. It is published in the MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. AD. No.53; Hum. 63; KO. 19; 85; 87; Mud. 277; 497; SRB. 5. (1) Tika in Kanarese. See JH. vol. IX. p. 518 (Gram. 1300). JG. p. 130. also called Sastrasangraha composed by Santyacarya. Baroda. No. 2950; Hamsa. No. 3; JG. p. 128; SA. No. 497. DB. 24 (192). sangraha. शास्त्रवार्तासंग्रह by Santyacarya See Sastrartha | शिक्षाकारिका DA 63 ( 83 ). शिक्षा चतुष्टयकथा JB. 140. fra Bhand. VI. No. 1220; JB. 140. ferfinca Bengal. No. 6988. This is a supplement to Hemacandra's Abhidhānacintāmaṇināmamālā, composed in Sari 1433 by Jinadevasuri. It contains 140 stanzas only and is published in the 'Abhidhanasangraha' by N. S. Press, Bombay, 1894. Agra. No. 2830; Chani. No. 235; DB. 37 (29; 30); KB. 3(66); PAP. 26 (17); PAPR. 15 (31); PRA. No. 372; VB. 36 (50). (1) Tika. Hamsa. No. 423. शाम्यतजिनोत्सवन Bob. II. No. 315. शाश्वतप्रतिमाप्रासादजिनस्तव Bengal. No. 7007. शाश्वतबिम्बस्तवन Surat. 7, 10. int in 35 Sanskrit verses, by Madana kirti, pupil of Visalakirti. PR. No. 120. शासनदेवीस्तव Bengal Nos. 6850, 7722. by Haribhadrasuri. The text is pub lished in the JDPS. Series, No. 15, Bhav nagar, 1908. It is also published with the commentary of Yasovijaya, in the DLP. Series No. 16, Bombay, 1913. Agra. Nos. 2531, 2532, 2533; AM. 322; DA. 29 (20); DB. 17 (11; 12); Hamsa. Nos. 27; 236, JG. pp. 79; 101; KB. 3 (32); Kiel. III. No. 178; PAPR. 23 (7); Punjab. No. 2535; SA. Nos. 37; 1577; 1718; SB. 2 (146); VB. 40 (2). (1) Tika Svopajña (Gram. 7000). Hamsa. No. 236; JG. pp. 79; 101; 106; Kiel. III. No. 178; Punjab. No. 2535; SA. No. 37; SB. 2 (146); VB. 40 (2). 3 (2) Vrtti called Syädvädakalpalată, (Gram. 1300) by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha DB. 17 (11, 12); Hamsa. No. 492, fer JG. pp. 79; 102, KB. 8 (32): SA. Nos. 168, 497; 1577, 1718; Surat. 1, 5. (3) Tikā. Anonymous Agra. No. 2532; AM 322 (Be-aindrasreninată.); PAPR. 23 (7)-Gram. 13000. WE SA. No. 2510 (foll. 26). See Sastrartha sangraha. 383 (1) Tiks composed in Sarh. 1654, by Śrivallabha, pupil of Jnanavimala of the Kharatara Gaccha. Buh. IV. No. 285; Chani. No. 235; PAP. 26 (17); PAPR. 15 (31); PRA. No. 372; VB. 36 (50). of Ekasandhi Bhaṭṭäraka. Rice. p. 316. in Sanskrit verse. Punjab. No. 2537. is quoted by Namisādhu on KavyaJankara, IV. 4 and also by Rayamukuta; cf CC. I. p. 651. Hamsa. No. 7; JG. p. 335; Kundi. No. 45. (1) Tika by Santisuri. Hamsa. No. 7; JG. p. 335, Kundi. No. 45. frate Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 384 MAT: fETZEmaraia by Puspadanta a Hindu author. pūrti of it and is published in YJG. (1) Tikā by Harsakirtisuri of the Series, No. 18, Benares, 1909. See Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha. BO. p. 26. Hultzsch, JRAS., 1912, p. 732ff. Buh. FATOTTSIGYT DB. 31 ( 51 ). II. No. 316; JG. p. 333; PRA. No. 834 ; Surat. 1, 3. iştaiisiga DA. 67 ( 67 ; 68 ); DB. 24 ( 244 ); JG. p. 356 ; Pet. III. A. p. 213. flags Agra. No. 1970. flyiagara SB. 2 ( 22 ) 157751 a poem composed by Padmasāgara, pupil of Vimalasāgara and Dharmasāgara FIT&TY=1 of Māghakavi ( Non-Jain ). Gaņis of the Tapā Gaccha in Sam. 1634. (1) Tikā by Caritravardhana, pupil It is published by Hiralal Harisaraj, of Kalyāṇarājagañ of the Kharatara Jamnagar, 1911. It contains 7 cantos. Gaccha. Buh. IV. No. 53; CC. I. p. Agra. No. 991; JG. p. 189; JHA. 48 ; 656 ; JG. p. 335. KN. 15; Limdi. No. 597 ; PR. No. (2) Tīkā by Vallabhadeva, a non 233; PRA. Nos. 413; 680; 1201 ( No. Jain. Chani. No. 252; CC. I. p. 656 18); Punjab. No. 2545. etc. JG. p. 335. segura Limdi. No. 1698. siraal TaeTiS Bengal. No. 6945. siagra by Kundakunda. Kath. No. 1127. (1) siagaratta in Prākrta. Bt. No. 213. शीलभावना (II) flacarita in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 242. (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1229 by fra TOFTEVa Bengal. Nos. 6746 ; 7395. Raviprabha. (Gram. 9570), Bt. No. saga19 in Sanskrit by Malūkacandra, pupil 218 ; JG. p. 189. of Viracandra. Published by Bhimsi piath Bengal. No. 7367. Manek, in Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. 11, state Surat. 2, 4, 7. Bombay. (I) fisgate by Somatilakasūri. BK. No. 374 ; flag E gyrot in Sanskrit. by Mallisena. AK. Chani. No. 269. No. 791. (II) ficatae (Grań. 988) composed in 113TT JG. p. 261. Sanskrit by Udayaprabhasuri of the atqg AMC by Cāritrasirhamuni. Punjah. Candra Gaccha. PAP. 75 (143-ms. No. 2544 (ms. dated Sarn. 1673 ). dated Sam. 1400 ). s by Devendra. See Danasila tasabhāvanā- (II) scale in Sanskrit by Subhasila. JG. kulaka. Bik. No. 1609; Hamsa. No. p. 261. This is probably a mistake, the 1614; Limdi. Nos. 930 ; 1761; Surat. work being identical with the previous one. ( Tikā by Deva vijayagani. Bik. No. (JV) sigaator (Gram. 800) in Sanskrit, come 1609. posed by Ajääsundara of the Rudra1994 ( Be :- dánam wirdravine ). Mitra. palliya Gaccha. DC. p. 55; DI. p. 55; VIII. p. 136. Tapa. 187. aitaatioit is a commentary on Silopadeśamālā. (V) sfigatur Anonymous. Agra. No. 1574 ; fregale composed by Cáritrasundara, pupil of JG. p. 261 , Limdi. No. 1966 ( Both are Ratnasimhasuri of the Brhat Tapa Gaccha in Prākrta ). in Sam. 1487. It is in imitation of (I) isaalata by Vinayamandanagami. DB. Kālidāsa's Meghadüta, a sort of Samasya 42 ( 5). Jain Education Intemational Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रस्थाविभागः प्रथमः । (II) affediafa by Nemivijaya. DB. 43 (82). (III) शीलवती चरित्र See Silavatikathik. efaera Bub. VI. No. 674. fa composed in Sam. 1524. Punjab. No. 2547 (incomplete). of composed in Sam. 1669 by Nayasundara. PAP. 37 (76). (Gr. 228) in the Apabhraha language, by Isvaragani, a pupil of Jayasekharasiri. Hamsa. No. 135; JG. p 189; PAP. 37 (59). शीलसुन्दरीशीलपताका by Jayakirti. Idar. 110. fie from Vyavahiracüliks. Limdi. No. 938. after KC. 12 (foll. 10). शीलालङ्कारकथा by Rajavallabha See Padmavati caritra. setarer in 116 Prakṛta Gathas by Jayakirti, pupil of Jaysinha. It is published with the Tarangini, by Hiralal Hamsaraj. Jamnagar, 1909. Agra. Nos. 992-1003; Baroda. No. 2955; Bengal. Nos. 2551; 6868; Bhand. V. No. 1325; VI. Nos. 1259; 1260 1261; 1269; BK. No. 602; DA. 33 (36; 39); 34 (1-3; 7-30); DB. 18 (35 to 44); Hamsa. Nos. 122, 1083; Idar. 114; JG. p. 189, JHA. 41; JHB. 46 (2c.); Kaira. A. 83; KB. 1 (69); 3 (22); 5 (8), Limdi. Nos. 52; 575; 647; 746; 755; 756; 757; 930; 951; 970; 971; 1176; 1177; 1288; 1369; 1426; 1462; 1544; 1584, 1717, 1740; Mitra. VIIL p. 165; PAP. 2 (10); 43 (1;5; 8; 18; 24); 57 (3;4); PAPL. 2-(3; 14; 16); PAPS. 34 (8), 55 (1), 56 (18), 57 (4); Pet. I. A. p. 82; III. A. p. 214; V. Nos. 640; VI. 850; 851, VL No. 626, Punjab. Nos. 2552; 2553; 2554; SA. Nos. 691; 1909; 1928; Samb. Nos. 20; 128, 331, 340; 369; 418; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9; Tapa. 67, VB. 40 (5; 10); Vel. ..49 (II) 385 Nos. 1663, 1664; 1665; Weber. II. Nos. 2005. (1) Tikä called Tarangini composed in Sam. 1394 (cf. Vel. No. 1663) by Somatilaka (alias Vidyatilaka), pupil of Sanghatila kasuri of the Rudrapalliya Gaccha. The author now calls himself Somatilaka and now Vidyatilaka; cf. Weber. II. p. 1085, f. n. 5; p. 1088, £. n. 2 and vv. 10 and 11 of the Prasasti on p. 1088. It was composed for the sake of one Chaju son of Lālasadhu. Agra. No, 993; Beroda. No. 2955; Bengal. No. 2551, Bhand. V. Nos. 1324; 1325, BK. No. 602; BO. p. 31; Bt. No. 192; DA. 34 (1; 2; 3); DB. 18 (35; 36); Hamsa. Nos. 122; 1083; JG. p. 189, Kaira. A. 83; KB. 1(69); PAP. 2 (10); 57 (4); PAPS. 54 (8); 56 (18), Pet. V. No. 851; SA. No. 2082; Surat. 1 (2 copies); VB. 40 (5); Vel. No. 1663; Weber. II. No. 2006. (2) Balavabodha by Merusundara, pupil of Ratnanirti of the Kharatara Gaocha. Bengal. No. 6637, Bhand. VI. No. 1260, DA. 34 (7-15); Idar. 114; Limdi, Nos. 52, 575; 746, 755 756, 757; 1369, 1426; 1462; 1584, Mitra. VIII. p. 165; PAP. 48 (18); 57 (3); PAPL. 2(2, ms. dated Sam. 1466; 14, 16), PAPS. 55 (1); 57 (4), Samb. No. 418, VB. 40 (10); Vel. No. 1664. (3) Tiks by Lalitakirti. JHB. 46. (4) Tik by Panyakirti. JG. p. 189: Pet. III. No. 636. (5) Vetti. Anonymous. Agra. No. 996; Bhand. VI. No. 1261, DA. 34 (4;5; 6), DB 18 (37; 38); JHA. 41 (ms. dated, Sari. 1588); KB. 3 (22); 5 (8); Kiel. II. No. 402; PAP. 43 (24-Gram. 6950), Punjab. Nos. 25492551; Tapa. 67; Weber. II. No. 2007. शीलोपदेशमाला by Jayavallabhacarya in Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 386 itfarakarater: 1 Präkrta. PAPS. 66 (70; 84 ; 96); JH SA. No. 458. Punjab. No. 2548. शृङ्गारमञ्जरी by Ajitasena is an elementary work on (I) gioia TATTFT by Somadeva. VA. 17 Poetics in 128 stanzas composed in the (5). second half of the 10th century A.D.; cf. (II) şi ta TAISTUT in Sanskrit (Anon.). JG. Shastri, Report for 1893-94, p. 83. and p. 268 ; Vel. No. 1665. Krishnamachariar, History of Sanskrit Literature, p. 752. KO. 151; 191 ; si TTTHIJI T Limdi. No. 1117. SG. No. 2105; Surat.. S. Jaatiarę JG. p. 344. TAITHT by Mandana Kavi, on Erotics. Chani. #917 by Māņikyasuri. See Nalāyana. No. 229; JG. p. 313; PAZB. 23 (2, reale composed in Sam. 1638, by Ratna ms. dated Sam. 1504); SA. No. 815. sundara, pupil of Guņamerusūri. The Tràcratifunt in 46 Sanskrit stanzas which are work is also called Rasamañjari. DB. capable of a double interpretation by 42 ( 10 ); PRA. No. 485. Somaprabhācārya, pupil of Vijayasinhagreaftar 1 Anonymous. Bengel. No. 7211. sūri of the Brhad Gaccha. Winternitz, (I) J e r in about 500 verses composed by History, II. p. 573, f. n. is not right in Māņikyasundara, pupil of Merutunga assuming that it was originally a Shaiof the Añcala Gaccha. It is published vaite poem from the word 'siva' ( v.33 for the Hamsavijayaji Free Library, and 39 ), since it is too comonly used in Ahmedabad, Sam. 1980. Baroda. No. the sense of Moksa, by the Jainas. It 2110; Bhand. I. No. 83 ; Chani. No. is published with Gujrati translation 951; DA. 35 (13-15); JG. p. 261; by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, Bombay, 1923. PAP. 40 (24); Pet. V. No. 852; Punjab. Bengal. No. 7268; Bhand. V. No. 1383; Nos. 2556 and 2558 (dated Sam. 1522). DA. 39 (5); DB. 22 (123; 124); These are manuscripts of this work. See Idar. 118, JG. p. 189; KB. 1 (35; Punjab. Intro. p. XIV. 63); 3 (58); Kath. No. 1423 ; Pet. III. No. 637; VI. No. 627. (II) JERIT in Sanskrit composed by Subhasila, pupil of Munisundara and Jaya (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1785, by candra of the Tapā Gaccha. PAPS. 62 Nandalābha. DA. 75 (17); Hamsa. No. 653 ; Pet. VI. No. 627. (28). (III) J T Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1575; (2) Tīkā. Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1576; Bhand. VI. No. 1344 ; JG. p. 1383; JG. p. 189; KB, 1 (35); 3 261 ; Kaira. A. 135; Kaira. B. 147; ( 58 ). Punjab. No. 2557; Tapa. 54; VB. 36 TFTTa of Dhanadarāja. Surat. 1. See Sataka( 19 ); Surat. 9. traya No. II. afts see Sukarājakatha. TFITEuau of Mangarasa. Mud. 443. Iftrataet in Sanskrit verse. JG. p. 261. (I) FIVE ARTOI by Hemacandra, the Great. TEHTAT by Ratnasundarasuri. DB. 30 ( 20 ); 1 Bhand. VI. No. 1377 ; BSC. No. 476 ; 42 (10). See Sukadvāsaptatikā. Buh. III. No. 191; VI. No. 772; JHA. guera by Siddbasena. AD. No. 188. It must be 59; KB. 3 ( 66 ); PAPS. 49 ( 13 ); 73 ( 27 ); Punjab. No. 2559; SB. 2 Sakrastava ( 163 ); Surat. 1, 5; VB. 35 ( 46 ); qatga SA. No. 623. 40 ( 21 ); Weber, IL. Nos. 1701 ; 1702, Jain Education Intemational Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 387 # 1: : (1) Tikā by Vallabhayani. Buh. III. No. 191 ; VB. 35 ( 46 ). (2) Ţikā Anonymous. KB. 3 ( 66 ); SB. 2 ( 163 ); VB. 40 ( 21 ). (II) TEATRAI by Sadhukirti. Buh. VI. No. 773; JG. p. 313; SA. No. 718. FEIET DA. 64 ( 60 ). Staniqrorafare Bhand. V. No. 1230 ( dated Sari. 1671 ). V saanuefi Chani. No. 367 ; Hamsa. No. 390 ; PAP. 21 ( 18 ). TIETETE JG. p. 205. Tefat Limdi. No. 2558. T eafa also called Tirthesastati or Caturvimsa tijinastuti by Sobhana. Published with the commentary of Dhanapāla, in Kavyainālā, VII. p. 132 and in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, Bombay, 1926 and also with the commentaries of Jayavijaya, Siddhicandra, Saubhāgyasagara and Devacandra, in the same Series No. 51, Bombay, 1930. It is edited and translated into German by H. Jacobi in ZDMG. Vol. 32 p. 509ff. Bhand. IV. No. 284; VI. Nos. 1410; 1411; 1412; BO. p. 59; Buh. II. No. 317; Chani. Nos. 357; 438; CP. p. 695 ; DA. 40 ( 53 to 66 ); 75 ( 3 ); DB. 24 ( 7 to 15 ); Flo. No. 689; Hamsa. Nos. 545; 864 ; 1135; 1351 ; JG. p. 292; Limdi. Nos. 1025; 1159; 1213; 1427, 1715; Mitra. VIII. pp. 175; 183 ; PAP. 23(7); PAPR. 5 ( 9 ); PAPS. 41 ( 4 ); 48 ( 7 to 10 ); Pet. L. A. p. 101; III. A. p. 22; Punjab. Nos. 2560-2571; SA. Nos. 75, 662, 1970; SB. 2 ( 91 ); Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VB. 40 ( 18 ); VC. 14 (1); 15 (1); VD. 14 ( 30 ), Vel. No. 1823; Weber. II. No. 1973. (1) Tikā by Dhanapāla Kavi, brother of the author. Chani. No. 357, DB. 24 (11; 12); Hamsa. Nos. 864 ; 1351 ; JG. p. 292; Limdi. No. 1427; PAP. 23 ( 7 ); PAPS. 48 ( 8 ); PRA. Nos. 717 ; 1186. (2) Vrtti by Pandit Gunākara of the Devāpandita Gaccha. Patan. Cat. I. p. 196 ( ms. dated Sam. 1211 ). (3) Avacuri composed in Sam. 1151, by Rajamuni, pupil of Dharmacandra. CP. p. 695; JG. p. 293 ; PAPR. 5 (9); SA. Nos. 75; 662. (4) Tikā composed in Sam. 1671 by Jayavijaya, pupil of Devavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. IV. No. 284 ; VI. No. 1412, Bik. No. 1522 ; Chani. No. 438; DB. 24 ( 7; 8); DC. p. 56; JG. p. 292, Keith. No. 66 ; PAPS. 41 ( 4 ); Punjab. Nos. 2563; 2564; VC. 14 (1); 15 (1); VD. 14 ( 30 ). (5) Tikā by Siddhicandrayani, of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1411; DA. 75 ( 3 ); JG. p. 292; PRA. No. 754; VB. 40 (18). (6) Vrtti by Devacandra, pupil of Bhanucandragani, of the Tapa Gaccha. DB. 24 ( 10 ); JG. p. 293. (7) Tikā composed in Sam. 1778, by Saubhāgyasāgara, pupil of Vijayaprabhasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. DB. 24 ( 9 ); JG. P. 293. (8) Vrtti by Bhānucandragan. JG. p. 293. Probably same as No.( 6 ). (9) Avacūri. Anonymous. DB. 24 (13); Flo. No. 689; Mitra. VIII. p. 175; Punjab. Nos. 2560 ; 2565; 2566; 2569-2571 ; SB. 2 ( 91 ); Vel. No. 1823; Weber. II. No. 1973. graza Punjab. No. 2644. Taula This is published along with the Paksi kasūtra, by the JDPS. Bhavnagar, San. 1979 and in Dayāvimala Granthamāla, No. 6, A. D. 1917. Also see Sadhupratikramanasūtra. Bengal. Nos. 6732, 7624 ; Bhand, VI. No. 1262; DB. 12 Jain Education Intemational Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 388 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (30 to 37); JB. 74; Kap. Nos. 964970; Punjab. Nos. 2572, 2573. (1) Vitti by Tilakcarya. DB. 19 (30, 31); Kap. No. 971. (2) Vrtti by Jinaprabhasüri. DB. 12 (32). (Gram. 453 ). PAP. 23 (27). sofre DA. 26 (110 to 116); DB. 12 (42-43). SANGERER 800 Sraddhapratikramanasūtra, and Vandittusutra. Also cf. Jaina Satyapraksa, III. pp. 256-258. fa is a part of Bhavasena's Mokṣaśastra. See Struss. p. 305. श्राद्धगुणविवरण also called Srāddhagunasaigraha, composed in Sam. 1498 by Jinamandanagani, pupil of Somasundarasuri of the Taps Gaocha. It is pabüished in the JAS. Series, No. 29 Bhavnagar, Sari. 1970 Agra. Nos. 1004; 1005, AM. 315; Baroda. No. 2958; Bhand. V. No. 1231; BK. Nos. 562; 563; Bah. VI. No. 675; Chani. No. 729; Hamsa. Nos. 105; 475; 523; JG. p. 189; Kaira. A. 16; Mitra. VIII. p. 233, PAP. 25 (8,11); PAPR. 18 (20); PAPS. 34 (14); 60 (51); PRA. No. 892; Punjab. No. 2574; SB. 3 (77). भागुणसंपद See Sraddhagunavivarun. (I) in 141 (225-JG.) Gathas com- (1) posed in Sam. 1357, by Dharmaghosa, pupil of Devendrasiri of the Tapä Gaccha (Be- kayapavayanappaņāmo jiagayam saddhadana). Bhand V. No. 1232, VL No. 1263; BK. No. 60, Bt. No. 40 (8); DA. 38 (38 to 41); DB. 22 (2 to 4; 7; 8); Hamsa. Nos. 336; 591; JG. p. 56, JHA. 19, JHB. 20, PAP. 25 (9), 59 (28); PAPR. 5 (7); PAPS. 22 (8, 9); PAZB. 21 (27); PRA. No. 1208 (No. 34); SA. Nos. 102, 1696; 1724, 2699; VB. 39 (1); VC. 15 (15), VD. 15 (7), Weber. II. No. 1946. (1) Tika. Anonymous. This is very probably the same as No. 2 below. Bhand. V. No. 1232, VL No. 1263 (Betśrīvīram saganadharam ); DA. 38 ( 38 to 41); DB. 22 (2; 3; 4; 7; 8); PAP. 25(9); 59 (28); PAPR. 5 (7); PAZB. 21 (27); PRA. No. 1208 (No. 34); SA. Nos. 102; 1696; 1724; VB. 39 (1); VC. 15 (11, 15); VD. 15 (7); Weber. II. No. 1946 (Bet-ri virah saganadharam) (2) Vitti (Gram. 2547) by Somatilakasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. This is said to be lost at Bt. No. 40 (8). Bt. No. 40 (8); JG. p. 56. (3) Avacuri. Anonymous. JG. p. 56. ( II ) waafiamer (g) by Tilakasōri. It is in 30 Gätbās. Bt. No. 40 (6); DA. 38 (42); DB 22 (5; 6); JHA. 19; JG. p. 56; SA. No. 32. (1) Vrtti. Svopajña (Gram. 115). Bt. No. 40 (6); DB. 22 (1); JG. p. 56. (III) wzfasst Anonymous. Kath. No. 1305 (dated Sam. 1621); PAZA. 5 (24); Pet. III. A. p. 217. (1) Vetti. Anonymous. (Gram. 2646). PAZA. 5 (24). in 344 Gathas on the daily duties of a Jain layman, composed by Devendra, pupil of Jagaccandrasuri of the Tapa Gaocha; cf. Pet. IV. A. p. 81 and DI. p. 36. It is in eight Prastavas or chapters and begins - viram namiupa. It is published at Benares, 1876. Agra. Nos. 2096 to 2099; BK. No. 168; Bt. No. 182; BO. p. 61, Chani. No. 754; DA. 38 (85; 88 to 98); DB. 22 (63; 64); DC. p. 4; Flo. Nos. 641; 642; Hamsa. Nos. 101; 369; JA. 1(2): 101 (1), JG. p. 152; Limdi No. 1624; Mitra. IX. p. 158; X. pp. 31; 45; PAP. 25 (13, Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Hum: : ! 389 14); 57 ( 39; 41 ); Pet. I. A. pp. 13; 41 ; 92; III. A. p. 24; V. A. p. 93 ; PRA. Nos. 1088; 1267 ; Punjab. Nos. 2576; 2577; SA. Nos. 166; 1514; 1557; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9; VA. 18 ( 31 ); VB. 17 ( 40 ) ; 39 (7); 40 ( 22 ; 23). (1) Svopajña Vrtti (Be:-gobhir yena. Gram. 12820). BK. No. 168 ; Chani. No. 754 ; DB. 22 ( 63 ; 64 ); DC. p. 4; JA. 1 (2); 101 (1); Mitra. X. p. 31 ; PAP. 25 (13; 14); Pet. I. A. pp. 13; 41; PRA. Nos. 1088; 1267 ; Punjab. No. 2578; SA. No. 166; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9; VB. 39 (7). (2) Avacuri. Anonymous. DA. 38 ( 88 ); DB. 22 (65 to 69); JG. p. 152; SA. No. 1557. (3) Vrtti by Hemakalasa Upadhyāya. Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9; VB. (7). This is a mistake. According to PRA, No. 1088, Hemakalasa merely wrote out the first copy of the Svopajña Vrtti. (II) Siggau (Gram. 425 ) of Devendra, pupil of Jagaccandra of the Caitraväla Gaccha. This is obviously the same as above. The mistake is really curious. The work belongs to Devendra of the Tapā Gaccha according to Munisundarasuri. PAP. 59 ( 26 ; 27 ; 29 ); PAPS. 1 (6); 46 (1; 16; 17); PAS. No. 434. (1) Svopajña Vrtti (Gram. 12820). PAP. 59 ( 29 ); PAPS. 1 (6); 46 (1; 16; 17 ); PAS. No. 134 (ms. dated Sain. 1406 ). ganayi by Vardhamänasüri (Gram. 12000 ). P VC. 15 (13). Wigurare See Srävakavidhi. SA. Nos. 246 ; 267. (I) gyfa FAUTEET also called Vandittu' Sutra from the commencing words. It contains 50 Gātbās, and is a part of the Sadāvasyakasūtra. Also cf. H. R. Kapadia, Jaina Satyaprakāsa, III. pp. ! 256-258. It is published with Devendra's commentary called the Vandāruvrtti, in the DLP. Fund Series, No. 8, Bombay, 1912, and with Ratnasekhara's commentary in the same Series, No. 48, Bombay, 1919. Agra. Nos. 294 to 298; AM. 130; Bengal. Nos. 6956 ; 7057; 7181; 7234; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1030; 1269; Bik. No. 1523; BK. Nos. 184; 512; Bod. Nos. 1351; 1352; 1366; Buh. IV. No. 195; VI. No. 769 ( PRA. No. 907 ); Chani. Nos. 134 ; 148 ; DA. 24 (32; 36 ); 25 (1 to 17); 26 ( 9; 17; 86 to 102); 74 (7;8); DB. 12 (1; 2; 3; 8; 9; 10); Hamsa. No. 1676 ; JB. 88 ; 91; JHA. 45 (2 c.); JHB. 50 (2c); 55 ; Kaira. A. 95; 154; Kaira. B. 6, Kath. No. 1306; Kap. Nos. 917 to 931; KB. 3 ( 45 ; 84); Keith. No. 54 ; KN. 27; Limdi. Nos. 207 ; 283 ; 295; 786 ; 806 ; 1134; 1451; 1491; 1564 ; 3389; Mitra. VIII. p. 194; X. pp. 16 ; 44 ; PAP. 2 (19), 3 ( 22); 4 (9); 5 (6; 8; 9 ; 18 ; 24); 6( 25 ; 36 ); 11 ( 21 ); 22 (3); 23 ( 56 ; 76 ); 25 (7; 32); 78 (7); 39 (38); 79 (75); 55 (5); 59 (25); 72 ( 32 ); PAPL. 1 (16; 22); PAPM. 66 (1); PAPR. 2 (14; 17 ); 9 (7) 15 (32); PAPS. 24 (11); 26 (3); 31 (8); 33 (12; 13; 17); 44 (2); 48 (54, 55); 49 ( 18 ); 53 ( 32 ); 56 (12); 57 (1); 58 (2); 61 (17); 71 (8); PAS. Nos. 9; 73; 142; 413 , PAZA. 9 (1) ; PAZB. 24 (12), Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306 ; 347; I. A. p. 58 ; III. A. pp. 14; 29; III. No. 615; IV. Nos. 1346 ; 1347; V. No. 853; VI. Nos. 597 ; 690; PRA. Nos. 297 ; 319; 363 ; 552; Punjab. Nos. 2586 ; 2587; 2588 ; 2589; SA. Nos. 11; 578 ; 907; 1624 ; 2018; Strass. B. No. 429a; Surat. 1, 5, 7; VA. 18 ( 38 ); VB. 38 (7); VC. 2 (5); 15 (12; 16); VD. 10 (1); 15 (11), Vel. Nos. 1530, 1531 ; 1532. • Jain Education Interational Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 390 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। (1) Niryukti by Bhadrabāhu. DA. 26 (9); JA. 60 (11); 95 (7); Pet. J. Nos. 273 ; 306 , III, No. 615; III. A. p. 29. (2) Tika by Pārsva, pupil of Yaksadeva, composed in Sam. 956, (Saka 820) with the help of Jambu Srāvaka. Bt. No. 24; PAP. 11 (21, ms. dated Sam. 1470); PAPR 2 ( 17 ); 15 ( 32 ); PAS. Nos. 142; 413 (mss, dated Sain. 1228 and 1289 ; cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 18 and 120 ; quotations ). (3) Curņi (Gram. 4590 ) composed in Sam. 1183, by Vijayasimhasuri, rupil of śāntimuni, successor of Nemicandra and Sarvadeva. Agra. No. 291, BK. No. 512; Bt. No. 24 ( 21 ); Chani. No. 134; DA. 25 ( 17 ); Hamsa. Nos. 36 ; 775 ; Kap. Nos. 924 (quotations.); 925; PAP. 5 ( 18 ); 79 ( 75 ); PAPM. 66 (a good ms. dated Sam. 1312 ); PAPS. 44 (2); Patan Cat. I. p. 389 ( quotations; ms. dated Sam. 1317 ); Pet. V. A. p. 22, PRA. Nos. 297, 319; SA. Nos. 578 ; 907; 1624 ; Surat. 1, 5. (4) Vrtti (Gram. 2000) composed in Sam. 1222 by Candrasuri, pupil of Dhanesvara, pupil of Silabhadra of the Candra Kula ; cf. DI. p. 21 and Pet. III. Introduction, p. 14. Bt. No. 24 ( 22 ); Chani. No. 148 ; DB. 12 (8); DC. p. 6, PAPR. 15 ( 30 ) ; PRA. No. 363 ; also see Patan Cat. I. p. 8-9 (quotations) This is a Palm ms. of the PAS. Collction dated Sam.1299. (5) Laghu Vrtti composed in Sari. 1296 by Tilakācārya, or Tilakasuri, pupil of Sivaprabhasūri, successor of Cakreśvarasuri. The extent of the Vrtti is 200 Slokas. Buh. III. No. 136 , IV. No. 200, Kap. Nos. 931 ; 932; Keith. No. 54; Mitra. X. p. 16; PAP. 4 (9); 39 ( 38 ); PAS. Nos. 9; 73 ; cf Patan Cat. I. pp. 126 ( quotations), 386 ; Pet. IV.A. p. 108; VI. No. 597. (6) Tīkā by Kulaprabhācārya. Pet. III. A. p. 130. (7) Vandāruvrtti also called Srāvakānusthānavidhi composed by Devendrasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. See AvasyakaTikā ( 18 ). (8) Vivarana composed in Sain. 1411 by Taruņaprabha, pupil of Jinacandrasuri, successor of Jinaprabodhasuri of the Khazatara Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. 1234; BK. No. 184 ; KB. 3 (45); Limdi. No. 104; Pet. III. A. p. 221. (9) Arthadipikā composed in Sam. 1496 by Ratnasekharasūri, pupil of Munisundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. AM. 130, Bhand. IV. No. 285; BO. Pp. 30; 60; Bod. No. 1366; Buh. III. No. 137; DA. 24 ( 32 to 36 ); 25 (1 to 7); DB. 12 ( 1 to 3); Hamsa. Nos. 40; 1676; JA. 110 (23); JB. $8; 91 ; JHA. 45 ( 2c.); JHB. 50; 55; Kaira. A. 154 ; Kap. Nos. 926-930; Limdi. Nos. 295; 786, Mitra. X. p. 44; PAP. 5 (24); 6 (36); 22 (3); PAPL. 1 (16); PAPS. 24 (11); 31 (8); 33 (12; 13); 49 ( 18 ); 56 (12) ; 57 (1); 58 (2); PAZA. 9 (1); Pet. III. A. p. 226; V. No 679; Punjab. Nos. 2581 ; 2583; SA. Nos. 11 ; 907, 1944; 2018; 2833 ; Surat. 1(804; 2083 ); VB. 38 (7); VC. 2 (5); 15 ( 12; 16 ); VD. 10 (1); Vel. Nos. 1527 ; 1528. (10) Padaparyāyamañjari by Akalanka. BO. p. 31. (11) Tīkā by Jinacandra ( See No. (8)? Kath. No. 1306. (12) Avacūri by Devendra. See No. (7). Buh. IV. No. 195. (13) Vrtti by Somasundarasūri (?). VA. 18 ( 38 ). . Jain Education Intemational Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । (14) Balavabodha composed in Sam 1525 by Merusundara, pupil of Ratnamurti of the Kharatara Gaccha. JHB. 60; Vel. No. 1535. (15) Tika by Devacandrasuri. KN. 27. (16) Vṛtti. Anonymous. Agra. No 293; Bengal. No. 6738, Bod. Nos. 1351, 1352; DB. 12 ( 10); JHB. 50, Kath. Nos. 1233, 1307; KB. 3 (84, ms. dated Sam. 1308); Kiel. II. Nos. 43; 403; PAP. 78 (7); Pet. L. No. 347; IV. Nos 1346, 1347; V. No. 853; Punjab. Nos. 2582; 2584; 2585; 2590; 2599; 2600 to 2603; SA. Nos. 2647, 2649. (II) fan of the Digambaras. Published by N. K. Kapadia, Surat, Vira Sam. 2449. श्रमार्गानुसारिविवरण ( Be:- nyāyasampannavi bhava.). DA. 39 (1; 4). आजूबन्दना Bengal. No. 7240 by Samayasundara Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaocha. KB. 9 (5). (1) far (Gram. 3800) by Dhanapala Pandita. See Sravakavidhi. VC. 15 (14). (II) Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7631. affar composed in Sam. 1506 by Ratnasekharasuri, pupil of Bhuvanasundarasuri of the Tapă Gaocha. Both the text and the commentary are published in the JAS. Series, No. 48, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1974; also in the Jaina Granthavali, (I) Ahmedabad, 1904. Agra. Nos 21002103, Baroda. Nos. 1770, 2465; 2957; Buh. II. No. 238, III. No. 137; Chani. No. 907; DA. 84 (31 to 38), 74 (32), DB. 14 (1; 14); Hamsa. Nos. 898, 1138, 1223; JG. p. 152, JHA. 45 (2c.); Kaira. A. 15; 31; KB. 2 (10), 3(55); Kundi. No. 121; Mitra. VIII. p. 49; PAP. 25 (1 to 6; 15; 26); 37 (111) PAPL. 5(30); PAPS. 38 (9); 45 (47); 54(11); 57 (5, 6); Pet. III. No. 638, Punjab. Nos. 2591; 2592; SA. Nos. 1684; 2036; Samb. No. 434; Strass. p. 304; Surat. 1, 9; VA. 18 (35); VB. 38 (6, 9, 10; 11), 40 (8); VC 15 (17), VD. 15 (6; 15); Vel. No. 1859. (1) Vidhikaumudi Svopajña; composed in Sam. 1506. Agra. Nos 21002103; Baroda. Nos. 1770; 2465; 2957; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1264; 1265; 1266; 1267, Buh. III. No. 137; IV. No. 183; Chani. No. 907; DA. 34 (31 to 38); 74 (32); DB. 14 (1; 14); JHA. 42 (2 c.); Kaira. A. 15; 31, KB. 2 (10), 3 (55); Kundi. No. 121; Mitra. VIII. p. 49; PAP. 25 (1 to 6, 15; 26), 37 (111); PAPL. 5 (30); PAPS. 38 (9); 45 (47); 54 (11); 57 (5; 6); Pet. III. No. 638; SA. Nos. 1684; 2036, Samb. No. 434, Strass. p. 304; VA. 18 (35), VB. 38 (6;9, 10, 11), 40 (8); VC. 15 (17) VD. 15 (6, 15); Vel No. 1859. safura श्राद्धविश्विविनिश्चय 391 composed in Sam. 1480, by Harsabbusanagani, pupil of Harsasenagani of the Tapa Gaccha. Agra. No. 2104; BK. Nos. 326; 1698; BO. p. 31; DB. 19 (20; 21); Hamsa. No. 334; JG. p. 152; PRA. No. 348, SA. No. 273 (Mudralekhayukta:- note). JB. 118 ( foll. 88). by Municandra. DA. 26 (106 to 109 ). (1) Tika by Maheśvara, pupil of Vadidevasuri. DA. 26 (106 to 109). ranare by Parávacandrasiri. KC. 12. (III) safe DA. 26 (106 to 109); DB. 40 (41); KB. 2 (16). SA. No. 779. (II) श्राद्धालोचना श्राद्धावश्यक सूत्र ; carasutra. by Vargadhikasramana, see Ati Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 392 sifaritala: 195 faat Limdi. Nos. 1167 ; 1499. DC. p. 38 ; Hamsa. No. 709, Jesal. No. an Bengal. No. 7713. 31; JG. p. 152; Limdi. Nos. 521, rah JG. p. 203, JHA. 33. 1288; PAPR. 10 (10); PAZB. 12 19TITE ( foll. 21 ). JG. p. 233; SB. 119. (9); PRA. No. 1098. (I) yarafy in 340 Gāthas (be:- viram nami (1) Tikā ( Gram. 15131 ) composed uņa ). Bhand. VI. No. 1268 ; Buh. IV. in Sam. 1317 by Laksmitilakagaại assisNo. 198; VI. No. 774; DA. 33 (44); ted by Abhayatilakagani. of the Khara74 ( 37 ); JA. 106 (9), JHB. 55 ; tara Gaccha. BK, No. 214 , Hamsa. No. 59 ( 2c.); Limdi. No. 1021; Pet. I. A 709; JG. pp. 152; 189; Limdi. No. p. 92; III. A. p. 24; V. A. p. 93; 521 (ms. dated Sari. 1654 ); PAPR. VI. A. p. 142, No. 81; Punjab. No. 10 ( 10 ); {PAZB. 12 (9); PRA. No. 2596 ; VA. 18 ( 40 ); VB. 37 ( 47 ). 1098. (1) Tīkā by Laksmirāja gani. VA. Tra iu 57 Gathās by Devasuri, pupil of 18 ( 40). Municandrasuri. JG. p. 205. (2) Tīkā. Anonymous. Bhand. VI. aucta in 120 Gāthās composed by HariNo. 1268; DC. p. 4; JHB. 55;. Pet. bhadrasūri (Virahāņaka). Chani. No. VI. A. p. 142, No. 61. See also Srāddba 419; JG. pp. 102 ; 189 (under Srāvakadinakrtya. dharmaprakarana ); Kiel. III. No. 178; (II) yra laba in 5 Gāthas ( Be:- anha jināņa). Limdi. No. 1288; SA. No. 909. Limdi. No. 1132. (1) Tīkā composed by Mānadeva(III ) ranama (Grari. 394 ) by Gunasāgara suri, who says he has based it on older sisya. PAPL. 4 (15); 5 ( 35 ). commentaries according to PRA. No. rarage JG. p. 203. 960. Chani. No. 419; JG. p. 102; Kiel. III. No. 178 ; PRA. No. 960 ; SA. No. wala FA Vel. No. 1780. 909. (I ray is the first of the 19 Pancāsakas. (See raaHlet in 204 Apabhramsa stanzas by DevaPancasakasūtra ). It contains 44 Gathās sena. Published with introduction and and beging - namiūņa vaddhamānam translation by H. L. Jaina in the Karanja săvagadhammāni. It was composed by J. Series, Karanja, (Berar ), 1932. See Haribhadrasuri. Buh. IV. No. 197 ; DC. Srāvakācāra (VII). pp. 18, No. 162; p. 19; No. 168 ; P. 35, No. 280 (cf. DI. p. 37, line 10); a na JG. p. 152. Pet. I. A. pp. 16; 99 ). (1) rayarare in 22 Gāthās by Dhanapala (1) Țiká composed in Sam. 1172, by Kavi. Limdi. No. 1288; see SrāddhaYasodevasuri, pupil of Vira, pupil of vidhi and Srāvakavidhi. Candrasuri. The commentary is in Pra- |(II) Hiars by Jineśvara. See Srāvakakrta. Baroda. No. 2853 ; Chani. No. dharma (II). 4; DB. 15 (11); Jesal. No. 1319 ( palm ms.); PAPR. 18 (6): PAZB. (III) yrakusaie by Dharmacandrasuri, pupil of 12 ( 12 ); SA. Nos. 418; 1704. Sanghaprabhasuri. SA. No. 267. See ( II ) 125 composed in Sam. 1313 at Palan Śrāvakavidhi-Vrtti. (I). pur, by Jineśvara, pupil of Jinapati, of (IV) 19 a ru by Haribhadra. See Srävakathe Kharatara Gaccha. BK. No. 214; dharma (I). Jain Education Intemational Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविमानः प्रथमः 393 (V) 19 wrat Anonymous. DC. p. 35, No. [ See Srāvakasāmācāri. Patan Cat. I. p. v 280; SA. No. 246. See Aņuvratavidhi. dhi 404. (1) Tikā. SA. No. 246. (1) Svopajña Vrtti. Patan. Cat. I. la Wiart (Gram. 100 ) by Gunasila. JG. p. p. 404. 152. (II) 1991 Anonymous. Punjab. No. श्रावकपरिग्रहप्रमाण See Parigrahapramana. 2608. (Be :- arihante vanditta) in 405 Kāri- tahtaratay Hamsa. No. 681, JHA 45 ; kās composed by Umāsvāti Vācaka. Edi Kiel. II. No. 75; Pet. III, No. 561 ; ted by K. P. Mody, Bombay, Sam. 1961; Surat. 8. the editor thinks that the author of (1) Tīkā by Tilakācārya. Hamsa. Srāvaka prajipati is Haribhadra, the com No. 681, JHA. 45. mentator himself, since the 2nd and | श्रावकभङ्गकादिविचारगाथादिवृत्ति by Vijayadevasuri. 114th Kārikās in it are ascribed to him Bt. No. 84; JG. p. 136. by Abhayadevasuri in bis commentary on श्रावकरजोहरणमुखवस्त्रिका by Kulamandanasuri. the Pancāsaka and by Lāvaṇyavijaya in · JHA. 45. his commentary on v. 56 of Dravyasaptati h a ar DA. 37 (63); Surat. 1 ( 3114 ); respectively. The mss. however, usually ascribe it to Umāsvāti, though the 919 Cuia* in Sanskrit (Gram. 1555 ). Hamsa Note ascribes it to Haribhadra. JG. p. 190. Bhand. V.No. 1233; BK, No. 46; Chani. wanatayar also called Satsthānaka, in 103 No. 312; DB. 35 (202, 203); DC. p. 32; p. 38, No. 309 ( 4 ), Hamsa. No. 163 ; Gātbās. See Satsthānaka. DB. 35 (209); JA. 25 ( 2 ), PAP. 11 ( 26 ); 16 (27); Limdi. No. 1288 ; JG. p. 136. 1 , 25 ( 33 ); PAPR. 7 (5), 18 (18); | 19 6 5% JG. p. 207; Limdi. No. 955. Patan Cat. I. p. 119; Pet. I. A. p. 43; saam JG. p. 190, Pet. I. A. p. 19. PRA. Nos. 1034, 1290 ( 25 ); Punjab. (1) araw in 22 Gāthās ( Be:- jattha puresjing No. 2933; SA. No. 350 ; Surat. 1, 5, 6. bhavaṇam ) composed by Dhanapāla. (1) Țikā composed by Haribhadra, It is published in the Muktikamala Jain pupil of. Jinabhadrasuri. Bhand. V. No. Mohana Mālā (No. 17), Baroda, Vir. 1233; BK. No. 46; PAP. 11 ( 26 ); Sam. 2447. Bhand. VI. No. 1270 ; Hamsa. No. 163; PAPR. 18 (18); DC. pp. 24, 38; JA. 25 (11); 95 ( 5 ); PRA. No. 1034. JG. p. 152 ; Kiel. II. No. 73 ; Limdi. No. 1941 fare JG. p. 154. 1288; Pet. I. A. pp. 49; 91; III. A. श्रावकातिकमणसूत्र See Sraddhapratikramanasutra. p. 23 , VC. 15 (14). Punjab. Nos. 2599, 2600-2603. (1) Vrtti composed by DharmapraefertTTO Agra. No. 1267 ; JG. p. 136. candragaņi, pupil of Sanghaprabhasūri. (1) Avacūri. JG. p. 136. JG. p. 152; PRA. No. 664; SA. Nos. wtransparaan in 129 Gāthās composed by 246 ; 267. Cakreśvarasuri, at the request of Vira are composed at Palanpur in Sam. nāga. JG. p. 164; SA. No. 440. 1313 by Jineśvarastāri. Hamsa. No. 11a etu by Subhavardhana. Buh. II. No. 709. See Srāvakadharma. *** 239; JG. p. 190. (1) Tikā (Gram. 15131 ) composed (I wrattarer of Tilakācārya, 'in 20 Gathās." in Sam. 1317. Hamsa. No. 709. J....50 Jain Education Intemational Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 394 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। ( [II) samara in Apabhramsa composed by Jina (1) Vrtti Svopajnia (Gram. 1200 ). prabha. Patan. Cat. I p. 262. This con Bt. No. 163; JG. p. 156. sists of 32 stanzas in the Dohā metre. (II) 19%ETTET (Gram. 1200) of Hariwianiafagy on the duties of Jain laymen, bhadra. Jesal. No. 763 ; JG. p. 157. composed in Sam. 1838 by K samā- (III) ETAIT of Jinacandra. SA. Nos. kalyāņa, pupil of Amrtadharma of the 864; 2043, Surat. 1, 5. Kharatara Gaccha. Bengal. Nos. 6894 ; (IV) 19%Eilart in 20 Gāthās (cf. Prāgascitta7631; Bik. No. 1524; Hamsa. No. sāmācāri ) by Tilakācārya, pupil of Siva1392, JHA. 45 ( 3c.), 70, JHB. 50; prabha. It is otherwise called Srăvaka59 ( 2c.); KB. 3 ( 50 ), KN. 22; PRA. No. 473. prāyascitta (s. v.). Patan Cat. I. p. 404. (1) Vyākhyā Svopajña. Patan Cat. 1. wasaa in Prākrta by Municandra, pupil of Deva p. 404. sūri. Patan Cat. L p. 135. V) ETATII Anonymous. AM. 321 ; Bt. Tag in Sanskrit verse. Punjab. No. No. 163 ; JG. p. 157; KB. 2 ( 11 ). 2611. (1) Vrtti by Devaguptācārya (Gram. ramane in Prākrta by Jayasirhasūri. Patan 1200 ). Bt. No. 163. Cat. I. p. 155. Incomplete. (2) Anonymous. AM. 321; KB. 2 (1) rahayagra in 55 Kärikäs composed on : (11); Samb. No. 40. the occasion of the initiation of some rafican Bengal. No. 7140. Srāvaka at the hands of Mānatungasuri ( 106 TT by Akalanka. See Prāyascitta. in Sam. 1215. JA. 106 ( 15, ms. dated (II) wal of Amitagati in 15 chapters. It Sam. 1215 ). is published in the Anantakirti D. Jain (II) sahagiagra in 25 Kārikās composed on a Granthamālā, by Rājamalla Badajatya, similar occasion at the hands of Sivasuri Bombay, Sam. 1979. Hum. 40; KO. in Sam. 1259. JA. 106 ( 15 ). 80; Mud. 36 ; SG. No. 2001. wra H*T in 41 Gathās, composed by Ka-(III) 19TEI of Amradeva. See Vratoddyotana nakakusala, a pupil of Ana(nda?)vimala. śrāvakācāra. According to DB. Note, it is an extract (IV) of Asadhara PR. No. 150 of chapter 230 of the Pravacanasāro ( Gram. 1276. Bes-atha natvārhato ddhära. It is published with an Ava nünam ). This is a commentary on cüri by the JAS., Series No. 14 ), Nemidatta's Srāvakācāra ; see below No. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. Baroda. Nos. VIII. Also see Dharmasamgraba (II). 2960, 10111; Chani. No. 306; DA. 59 ( 175 to 181 ); DB. 35 ( 41 to 44); (V) Tart of Kundakunda. CMB. 32, SG. KN. 19, Limdi. No. 1163; PAPL, 8 No. 11. (32); Pet. I. No. 343; V. No. 855; (VI) of Jñānānanda. Lal. 234 ; Tera. 26, 27. VI. No. 631; SA. No. 128; Surat. 1, ( VII) here of Devasena in 224 Apabhramsa 7; VC. 15 ( 18 ). Dobäs. See Śrāvakadharmadoha. The (1) Avacuri. Chani, No. 306; DA. work is variously ascribed to Devasena, 59 ( 175 to 180); DB. 35 ( 41 to 44 ); Yogindu or Yogindra and Lakşmicandra SA. No. 128. in the mss. See No. XIV below and Upā(1) Terarent by Devaguptācārya. Bt. No. sakācāradohakasūtra. In his Satprābhrta163 ; JG. p. 156. tikā, Srutasāgara quotes 8 verses from Jain Education Intemational Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 395 this work which he ascribes to Lakşmi-1 cāra. CMB. 42, CP. p. 695; Hum. 20; candra. Prof. H. L. Jain however, Kath. No. 1128; MHB. 76; SG. No. ascribes it to Devasena. See his edition, 2470; Tera. 14; 82; 220. intro. p. 138. But see Upādhye, Paramāt (1) Țikā. Anon. Kath. No. 1128. maprakāśa, Intro. pp. 58-61. CP. p. 696. (XVIII) 1981 r of Vidyāna ndin. Mud. 452. ( VIII) a an also called Dharmapiyüşa, by (XIX ) wakit of Saka lakirti. See Upāsakā. Brahma Nemidatta. It is in four chapters. cāra, Dharmaprasnottara and PrasnoBhand. VI. No. 1031 ; Idar. A. 27 ; ttaropāsa kācāra. Bhand. VL No. 1033, Lal. 77; 329; Pet. III. Nos. 558; Idar. A. 27; 46, 47, Pet. V. No. 972; 559; 560; IV. Nos. 1442; 1443; V. SG. Nos. 628; 672. No. 973; PR. No. 39 ; Tera. 71 to 77 ; (xx) akre of Samantabhadra. See Ratna80; 81. karandaka and Upāsakādhyayana. (1) Tikā by Asādhara. Lal. 77; 329; 329; (XXI) 1919 Anonymous. Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, Pet. III. No. 559 ; Tera. 71 to 77. 5, 7, 8. (IX) wamer of Padmanandimuni. It is pub ahliT See Śrāddhāticāra. Bengal. No. 7505. lished at Belgaum, 1909. Bengal. No. 1468 , Lal. 23 ; 112; 150, Pet. III. श्रावकानुष्ठानविधि by Devendrasuri. This is another name of the Vandāruvrtti on the No. 560. Śrāddhapratikramaņasūtra, which is a (X) TETT of Pujyapāda. Bhand. VI. No. part of the Avasya kasūtra. See under 1232 ; CP. p. 696 ; Tera. 219. the latter, Com. No. (18). Bhand. V. (XI) wracle of Bhadrababu in Sanskrit. Tera. No. 1235; Buh. VI. No. 676 ; Chani. 218. Nos. 487; 721 ; DA. 25 (9 to 16 ); (XII) waar of Māghanandin, pupil of 26 (17); Limdi. Nos. 66 ; 208 ; 284 ; Kumudacandra. It is in Sanskrit and SA. No. 1543 ; Samb. No. 303. Kanerese mixed and its Gram. is 4622. 1981 TEAT composed in Sam. 1667, by SamayaSee JH. Vol. 15, p. 82. Also see under sundara, pupil of Sakalacandra UpaPadārthasära. AK. No. 600; Hum, dbyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. Agra. 10; 11, SG. No. 2466 ; SRA. 53, No. 479; Bengal. Nos. 6767; 7355 ; 229 ; SRB. 39, 138. BK. No. 1623 ; Chani. No. 760; DA. (1) Țikā by Kumudacandra. Hum. 60 (102); DB. 35 ( 56, 57); Hamsa. 10; 11. No. 97; JHA. 72; JHB. 60, Limdi. (XIII) Taalatt of Medhāvi Pandita. See No. 1557; Mitra. X. p. 93 ; Surat. Dharmasangraha (VII). 1, 2. (XIV) saat of Yogindradeva. Idar. 39 ; (1) Vrtti. Hamsa. No. 884 ; SA. Kath. No. 1308. No. 1826. (1) Panjikā by Laksmicandra. See a g afare Limdi. No. 3068. above No. VII. Kath. No. 1308. WICE by Kanakakusala. Published in the (XV) ET TT of Rāyamalla Pāņdye. See Pras Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 49, nottarasrāvakācāra and Lati Samhitā. Bombay, 1927. CP. p. 696 ; Tera 78; 79. sifafar Vel. No. 1830. (XVI) ter of Laksmisena. SG. No. 2341 ; wife teatar Surat. 1. Tera. 222. stranaagfagare These are about 167 Gathās (XVII) €47Te of Vasunandin. See Upāsakā- | composed on the occasion of the initia. Jain Education Intemational Jain Education international Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 896 tion ceremony of four Srāvikās at the 261 ; Pet. III. A. p. 220. hands of Bhadraguptasüri, and his pupil wigo egit in Präkrta. JG. p. 261. Bhadrabāhusuri in Sam. 1232. JA. 106 sigteliker in 237 Slokas by Jinakirti, pupil (15). of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. ugião Samb. No. 440. It is published by J. Hertel, Leipzig, feq by Merutungasūri. See Sūrimantrakalpa 1917 and translated into German in sāroddhāra. Pet. III. A. p. 365. Indische Erzahler, Vol. 7. Also pubflac ETH ( feladigit ) Mysore. III. p. 180. lished by Atmānandajayagranthamāla, 11argarafta composed in Sam. 598 by Sid Dabhoi, Sam. 1976. DA. 50 ( 80 ; 81; dbarsi. BK. No. 301 ; DB. 29 ( 12 ); SA. 82); DB. 31 ( 26; 27; 28 ); PAPS. No. 930. 65 ( 31 ); SA. No. 1905; Vel. No. (I) 1991 (Gram. 3700 ) composed in 1781. Sarn. 1494, by Silasimhagani, pupil of (I) siqaafts in 1341 Prākrta verses composed Jayānandasuri of the Agama Gaccha. It in Sam. 1428, by Ratnasekhara, pupil of is in Sanskrit and contains four Hematilaka of the Nāgapuriya Tapā Adhyāyas. DB. 28 ( 9 to 11 ); JG. p. Gaccha. It is published in the DLP. 233; Pet. III. No. 639, V. No. 856 = Series, No. 63, Bombay, 1923. AM. V. A. p. 208 , Punjab. No. 2615. 102 ; 250; Baroda. No. 1230; (II) se composed by Gunaratna. Bhand. Bhand. VI. No. 1346; Bik. No. 1526 ; V. No. 1326. Buh. IV. No. 259; Cal. X. No. 66, Chani. No. 545 ; CP. p. 696; DA. 50 (III) sfargarita Anonymous. Bengal. No. 6923; (1 to 6 ); DB. 28 ( 19-21); Flo. No. Bhand. VI. No. 1345; JG. p. 233 (in 782 ; Hamsa. Nos. 905, 948; 1582; Prakrta ); Kaira. A. 43; Limdi. No. JA. 110 (11); JG. p. 234 ; JHA. 52 1421 ; Punjab. No. 2613. (3 c.); JHB. 35 ( 4 c.);53; Kath. श्रीचित्तचूडामणि in Sanskrit by Purnamalla Kavi. Nos. 1425, 1429; Kiel. II. No. 404, SG. No. 2713. Limdi. Nos. 839; 849; 992; 1104, ISTITAEGITH Bhand. V. No. 1236. 1419 ; 1728; Mitra. VIII. p. 109; IX. xfraqmen of Aristanemi Bhattāraka. See Ane p. 84; X. pp. 126; 146 ; PAP. 12 kānta, Vol. I p. 428. (18; 27 ; 29; 32); 30 (4); 33 (9); siurafia (Gram. 1685 ) composed in Sam. 1463 36 (6; 10); 54 (14); 62 (3); 76 by Māņikyasundara, pupil of Merutunga (137); PAPR. 9 (4); PAPS. 53 of the Ancala Gaccha. It is in 9 cantos. (25); 61 (6); 63 (2); PAZB. 9 Bhand. V. No. 1384 (dated Sam. 1488); ( 23 ); Pet. I. No. 344; III A. p. 204, Chani. No. 415; JG. p. 233, PAP. 30 IV. No. 1348 = IV. A. p. 118, V. No. ( 2, dated Sam. 1487) ; 65 (3); PRA. 863 ; Punjab. Nos. 2619, 2621 ; 2623; No. 388. 2629; 2630, SA. Nos. 45 to 48 ; 78, satte Bik. No. 1525. 1739; 2049; 2670 ; Surat. 1, 4, 9; Tapa. 47; VB. 40 (4); Weber. II. Nog. sfiga Fita Bengal. No. 7072. 1982, 1983. wita composed in Sari. 1557 by Labdhi (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1869 by sagaragani, pupil of Udayasagaragani of Ksamākalyäņa, pupil of Amrtadharma the Vrddha Tapă Gaccha. It contains 507 of the Kharatara Gaccha. AM. 102, Sanskrit Slokas. BK. No. 1581 ; JG. p. 250; Bik. No. 1526; Chani. No. 545, BI Jain Education Intemational Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FERRATO: $4:1 397 p. 126. DC. p. 56, Hamsa. No. 1582; JG. p. (VII) igrants (Gram 1100) composed in Sam. 234; Kiel. II. No. 404 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 1868 by Jayakirtisuri of the Kharatara 109; IX. p. 84; X. p. 146; Punjab. Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit prose and is Nos. 2621; 2623. published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, (2) Vrtti by Candrakirti. Mitra. X. 1908. Bengal. Nos. 2576; 2577;JG.p.234; Kath. Nos. 1424 ; 1425, KC. 13, Mitra. (II) ENIT composed in Sam. 1514, by VIII. p. 146; Pet. V. Nos. 857 ; 858; Satyarājagani, pnpil of Guņasamudra. Punjab. Nos. 2617; 2618; 2620; SA. sūri of the Purnimā Gaccha. It consists No. 2049 ; Vel. No. 1782. of above 500 Sanskrit stanzas and (1) Tikā. Bengal. No. 2576. is published in the Vijayadānasurisvara (VIII) fia of Jivarājagani. JHB. 35 : Granthamālā, No. 4, Surat. Sam. 1995.. Kath. Nos. 1424 ; 1425; KB. 1 (12); DA. 50 (7; 10; 11); Jesal. No. 841; KC. 13. JG D. 234; Kundi. No. 18; Mitra. X. (IX) stargata of Somacandragaại. It is in p. 132 ; PAPS. 66 (36); PRA. No. Sanskrit prose. DA. 50 (8); DB. 28 1192 (date of composition is not given (23);JG. p. 234. in this PRA.); Punjab. Nos. 2624 ; (X) s tart by Ksamākalyāņa. See Com. (1) 2628 ; Samb. No. 159 ; VB. 36 ( 58 ). on Srinālacaritra No I (III) wargas composed in Sam. 1554, by (XI) siqanita by Vijayasimhasūri. VA. 18 Satyasägaragami ( Satyarāja ?). PAPR. ( 32 to 34 ). 25 ( 13 ). ( XII) siarcata (Gram. 1338 ) of Virabhadra(IV) sfgrgafta composed in Sam 1557 by sūri. VD. 15 ( 19 ). Labdbisāgara, pupil of Udayasāgara of (XIII) sfigrores of Pradyumnasūri in Prākrta. . the Vrddha Tapā Gaccha. See Sripäla VB. 40 (14). kathā. (XIV) sforzarta of Saubhāgyasuri. KN. 17. (V) sutarts in Sanskrit, by Dharmadhira, l(XV) siquia of Hargasuri. KN. 11. pupil of Vijayaratnasuri of the Veddha (XVI) sfregits of Hemacandrasuri. Perhaps Tapā Gaccha. DA. 50 (9, ms. dated the same as No. L DA. 50 (12-15), Sam. 1575), PAP. 12 (19); PAPR. Surat. 1, 6; VB. 37 ( 54 ). 20 (6); Pet. V. No. 865 (ms. dated (XVII) sigars of Ksemalaka Kavi. Idar. Sarn. 1573 ); PRA. No. 736 dated 105. Sam. 1593 ), Surat. 1 (1012). (XVIII) sfigura of Jagannātha Paņdita. (VI) sfareata (in Sanskrit prose ) composed List. by Jñanavimalasuri, pupil of Nayavirala (XIX) stigt ofta of Indradevarasa. AK. Nos. in Sam. 1745 during the reign of Vijaya. 792 ; 793. ratuasūri, successor of Vijayaprabhasūri (XX) Gaita of Naradeva. Lal. 24. of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published in the DLP. Series, No. 56, Bombay, 1917. ( XXI) fruigata of Narasena. It is in ApaIn some places it is ascribed to Naya bhrarsa. Lal. 144; List (Delhi, Mathura). vimala, pupil of Dhiravimala, through (XXII) sig after in 9 chapters composed in mistake. Buh. II. No. 382 ; Hamsa. No. Sam. 1585 by Brahma Nemidatta, pupil 26, JG. p. 234 ; PRA. No. 1069; VB. of Simhanandin and Mallibhūsaņa of the 37 ( 49 ); VD. 15 ( 16 ). the Sarasvati Gaccha ; cf. Bhand. IV. pp. Jain Education Intemational Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 398 pp. 117, 123, 435. AD. No. 88, Bhand. IV. No. 310, CP. p. 696, Idar. 105; SG. No. 2377; Tera 4. XXIII) qwft in Sanskrit, composed in Sam. 1990 by Labdhimuni, papil of Rajamuni of the Kharatara Gaccha. It consists of 10 cantos and contains about 1040 stanzas. It is published by the Jina dattasuri Bhandar, Jain Mandir, Pydhuni, Bombay, Sam. 1991. (XXIV) श्रीपाल चरित्र of Mallibhāsana in Sanskrit. List. shiftcreerder: 1 T: (XXV ) श्रीपाल चारित्र in Apabhrarisa by Raidhi Kavi. Bhand. VI. No. 1347 (ms. safar JG. p. 261. श्रीसंपादिनीविद्या BO. p. 61. (I) श्रुतज्ञानोद्यापन in Sanskrit by Vamadeva Pandita. List (Savai Jaypor). (II) श्रुतज्ञानोद्यापन in Sanskrit by Sivajilala. List. dated Sath. 1621), JG. p. 234, Listare in 31 Gathas by Padmanandin. Limdi. (Delhi Panc. Mandir), SG. Nos. 1269; 1888; Strass. p. 311; Tera. 1. Nos. 610, 1669. (XXVI) wife of Vidyanandin. Idar. 105; Pet. III. No. 562. (XXVII) ftqft of Subhacandra. List (Savai Jaypor ). (XXVIII) area of Sakalakirti. BO. p. 50 CP. p. 696; Idar. 105 (8 copies); Idar. A. 53, 54; 58; Mysore. II. p. 137; Pet. III. No. 563; Tera. 2; 3; 5. (XXIX) ft by Vinayavijaya. It is in Prakrta and contains four Khandas. Punjab. No. 2622 (ms. dated Sam. 1683 ). (XXX) fire by Somakirtideva. DB. 28 (22); JG. p. 234. (XXXI) श्रीपाल चरित्र Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1534-1541; 1577, 1578; Buh. II. No. 382, CP. p. 697, Hamsa. No. 1654; JHB. 35 (2 c.); Limdi. No. 1057; Pet. V. No. 864 (ms. dated Sam. 1572); Surat. 1, 7, 8. 12 Anonymous. Bengal. No. 6635. (1) Tikā. Bengal. No. 6635. (Rasavativarnana only, Grah. 350) composed by Dharmasundara alias Siddhasüri, in Sam 1531. JG. p. 338. tries (Grath. 4350) in Prakṛta. Bt. No. 295; JG. p. 234. siger in Sankrit by Hastimalla. Hebru. 53, Mud. 29, 59, 147; SG. No. 1447. feftar DB. 31 (248); JG. p. 261. siginguatan by Padmaprabha. See Muni श्रीमुनिसुव्रतस्वामिचरित्र suvratacaritra (V). Punjab. No. 2639. siriwa Buh. VL No. 677. श्रीश्लोकपद्धति gafar See Bhavisyadattakathi and Jnanapalcamikatha. gay is some Jain work in Sanskrit, a verse from which is quoted by Padmaprabha Maladhärideva in his commentary on Niyamasira. See JH. Vol. 14, p. 19. after of Candrakirtigani. Mentioned in Sravan Belgula Inscription No. 54; cf. Anekanta, I. p, 257. (I) ga on Metres, ascribed to Kalidasa or to Vararuci. (1) Vṛtti composed by Harṣakirti, pupil of Candrakirti of the Nagapuriya Taps Gaccha. CC. I. p. 675, II. p. 161, III. p. 140, DA. 66 (33), DB. 38 (53 to 56); JG. p. 318, Pet. V. No. 463; VD. 15 (12) (2) Vṛtti composed in Sam. 1645 (according to DB. note), by Hamsarāja, papil of Nanaka or Jimutanāda. AL 815, CC. I. p. 675; III. p. 140; DB. 38 (53); JG. p. 318; Limdi. No. 887 Mitra. VIII. p. 196; Pet. III. No. 360. (3) Purani Vetti composed by Kantivijaygani. Bendall No. 433. (4) Vrtti by a pupil of Meghacandra, (Be: śrimatsirasvatam dhama ). Pet. III. A. p. 225. Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 399 . (5) Tikā by Mānikyamalla. Punjab. XaFallo of Sakalacandra. See AtmasiksāNo. 2648. prakaraṇa. Chani. No. 399; DB. 35 (II) yarats by Ajitasena. Mysore. II. p. 163. ( 207 ). yaH AK. Nos. 798 to 807 ; Bhand. VI. No. yarrararstar of Sahajakusala. See Srutavicāra, 992. Pet. III. A. p. 270. yataan (Be: siddhaththasuyam.) also called yarrataifa&IT of Sakalacandra. See Atmasikşā. Srutāsvādasiksā or Siddhānta vicārahudi, PRA. No. 655. composed by Sahajakušala, pupil of TO *211 ( Gram. 1350 ). JG. p. 261. Kusalamāņikya. It contains 168 Gathäs. (I) 110*1 of Dharınavardhana, alias Dharma Agra. Nos. 1006; 2346; AM. 217, siinha, of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is in 259 ; DA. 76 ( 13 ); Hamsa. No. 841; prose; JG. p. 334 ; Pet. I. No. 345. JG. pp. 130; 190; PAP. 25 ( 31 ms. (II fuata in Apabhramba by Jayamitra. dated Sam. 1648 ); 72 ( 24 ms. dated This is another title of Vardhamānakävya. Sam. 1582); Pet. III. A. p. 270; V. A portion of this chs. 6-11 ) is preNos. 866 ; 867 ; Punjab. No. 2649; served at BORI, Kath. No. 1204 ( ms. SA. Nos. 1912; 2552. .. dated Sam. 1608 ). a u in Prākrta giving the words and letters (III) grafta of Hemacandra is a portion of of the 12 Angas and the dates of some his Trisastisalākāpuruşacaritra. Hams. Acāryas after Mahāvīra, composed by No. 1546; KB. 3 ( 14 ); VA. 18 ( 37 ). Hemacandra, pupil of Rāmanandi Saiddhāntika. It is published in the MDG. ) fraaita by Subhacandra. See ŚreņikaSeries, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. 1975. purāņa. AD. No. 160, Bhand. VI. No. 1034 ; (V) 10 TE by Jina prabha. See DvyāśravaCP. p. 697 ; DB. 23 ( 12 ); Idar. 81; kāvya No. II. 84; 124. (VI) suits Anonymous. AD. No. 96; TH30197 by Nakştradeva. List. (S. J.). Bengal. Nos. 3486 ; 7038 ; KB. 1(12); Surat. 7. (I) FUFT by Srutasāgara. SG. No. 75. by Gajadhara Lal. See Krishnan(II) YETEWOHT by Tribhuvanakirti. Idar. 77 (VII) 10 (2 copies ); SG. Nos. 73; 74. machariar, History of Sanskrit Litrature, (III) p. 297. *FUST Anonymous. AD. No. 98; S ETIAUTEU of Jinaprabha. See DvyāśrayaCP. p. 697 ; SG. No. 76. kāvya No. II. gama a TT by Brahmasūri. List (S. (1) 10126 TOT of Subhacandra. Buh. VI. No. Belgula ). 678; CP. p. 698; Idar. A. 30; 58; (I) qart in Sanskrit prose by Sridhara Vi. Kath. No. 1426 ; SG. No. 1716 ;. Tera. budha. SG. No. 33. It is published in the MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 157 ; 158. 1979. It contains the prophetic legend of (IL) agrit of Bahubali in Sanskrit. List Naravāhana and Subuddhi and the (Phaltan ). origin of the sacred Agama up to the श्रेणिकराजकथा see Srenikacaritra. Jayadhavalā tīkā. (I) saiaafia (Gram. 6584 ) composed in Sari. (II) Maart by Indranandin. Hebru. 43; Hum. 1172 by Haribhadra, pupil of Jinadeva 155 ; 260. This is published in the MDG. of the Brhad Gaccha. Bt. No. 246 ; DI. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. 1975. p. 34; JG. p. 240. Jain Education Intemational Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 400 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। simi (II) statanta composed by Ajitasirinhasüri, (I) qGast of Sakalabhūsaņa. See Upadeśapupil of Bhadreśvarasüri (Gram. 11000). ratnamālā. This seems to be a mistake. See below (II) Aqast in Apabhrarśa, composed in No. IV. JG. p. 240 ; PAS. No. 479. Sam. 1274 by Amarakirti. Baroda. No. (III) inafta in Sanskrit composed in Sam. 13074 ; CMB. 162; Lal. 24 , Tera. 151; 1332 by Mānaturiga ( Grar. 5124 ). Bt. 152: No. 244 ; JG. p. 240 ; PAZB. 18 (4). Exalq AIT by Raidhū Pandit. List (S.J.). (IV) teafa in Prākrta (Gram. 11000) cerur of Kamalasimhagani. KN. 27. composed by Devabhadra, pupil of Ajita- ZEITETETUT Pet. I. Nos. 366 : 367. simhasüri of the Candra Gaccha. Bt. No. (1) Bālabodhini. Pet. I. No. 366. 245. This is considered as identical ( 2 ) Vivarana. Pet. I. No. 367. with No. II at JG. p. 240, f. n. ( A ) and this is quite right. This work of Deva Chigieefafaart (Gram. 2000). JG. p. 131. bhadra is mentioned by his pupil Siddha- taEQ Hamsa. No. 1785. sena in his commentary on Pravacapasā. Z#TFGHATnaFarecirst of Sādhurājagani. BK. roddbāra; cf. Vel. Nos. 1640-41. For a No. 1467. ms. of and quotations from it, cf. Patan (1) Svopajna Tikā. BK. No. 1467. Cat. I. pp. 244-246. Tattvabindu ( s. v.) and Pramānaprakāsa are other works of TEARATE of Amaracandra. Bengal. No. 7327. Devabhadra. TOEITA of Puspadanta and Bhūtabali. See Mabākarmaprakrtiprābhrta. wute Anonymous. JB. 116. auraifea of Sivābbirāma. AD. No. 148. sigingcut of Surendrakirti. List ( S. J.) sifaara of Abhayanandin. Bhand. VI. No. 1003 Terima ruig of Bhāvavijaya.. See Sattrimsa. (25); SG. No. 84. jjalpasarigraba. w c4 JG. p. 365. E imeart of Bhimabhāvavi.aya. Agra No. FRØ ( Graro. 2000 ) by Dayācandragani. VD. 2248 ; BO. p. 31. 15 (8) पत्रिंशजल्पसंग्रह also called Sattrimsajjalpanirnaya Tit Bhand. VI. No. 1271. or Jalpasangraha, composed in Sarn. a15a in 20 Prākrta stanzas by a Jain author. 1679, by Bhāvavijaya, pupil of MuniPatan. Cat. I. p. 79 ( quotation ). vimala of the Tapā Gaccha. This is a sort of defence by Dharmasāgaragani of salasaigarc by Narapati, a Non Jain. JG. p.357. the texts of the Tapā Gaccha according sa1a5aaaart JG. p. 357 ; Patan. Cat. I. p. to DA. Note. Agra. Nos. 2249, 79. See Svānaruta. 2250 ; Bhand. V. No. 1237; VI. No. ar r y in 22 Sanskrit stanzas. Patan Cat. 1272; BK. No. 318; BO. p. 31; I. p. 126. DA. 36 ( 39 ); 37 ( 72 ); 76 (12); Saa t JG. p. 357. DB. 20 (9; 10 ); Hamsa. Nos. 126 ; almatilah Bt. No. 387; JG. p. 82. 469; 818 ; JG. p. 164; Pet. IV. No. 1350 ( ms, dated Sam. 1681 ); PRA. Saara To SG. No. 1491. Nos. 252; 289; SA. No. 213; Strass. garat Tera: 198 ; 199. See also Sitāmbara B. No. 427b. parājaya. PETERNEUZA by Hiruvijayasuri. KB. 3 (58, saare e Punjab. No. 2653. foll. 28 ), PEUGE STEVEN Ipasangraha pa, pupil Jain Education Intemational Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TAAT: 44: 1 401 (I) vertretent of Dhādhasi Muni. Lal. 92. See Intro. pp. 80-86. BO. pp. 32; 79 ; CP. Dhādhasī Gāthā. p. 698; DB. 23 ( 7 to 10); Idar. A. (II) FIT41 Anonymous. Buh. II, No. 241. 52; Kath. Nos. 1129; 1130; KB. 1 (1) Vrtti. BO. p. 61 ; Buh. II. No. (28); Limdi. Nos. 925; 1222 ; Pet. II. 241. No. 277 ( = II. A. p. 158); IV. No. (III) SEPås of Dharmasāgaragani. See Irya 1478 ; VI. No. 690; SA. No. 306. pathikāşattrirsikā. (1) Tikā composed by Srutasāgara, pupil of Vidyānandin and Mallibhūsaņa. (1) Vrtti by Bhānucandragan. VC. See Astaprabhrta. BO. p. 32; CP. p. 14 ( 43 ). 698; Kath. Nos. 1045; 1129; (IV) SE T of Jayasoma ; see Tryāpathikā MHB. 14 ; Pet. II. No. 277 ( = II. A. sattrimsikä. Punjab. No. 2556. p. 158 quotation ); IV. No. 1478; SA. EP1131*1 of Haribhatta in Prāksta. PR. No. No. 306. 207 ( Astronomy ). amit Bengal. No. 6659. (1) Tīkā by Ilābhatta. PR. No. (1) Vivarana. Bengal. No. 6659. 207. Egghet is a collection of 66 Gäthās on Celibacy. orgatan SA. No. 2797. CP. p. 699. (1) cryfta Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1542; 59AATTEET in Sanskrit. Hum 1513, SA. Nos.357; 524; VA. 18 ( 15 ). Tratatu also called Srāvakavaktavyatā (s. (1) Vivarana. Anonymous. VA. 18 v.) in 103 Gātbās csmposed by Jine( 15 ). svarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is (II) 5959afts See Satpurusavicāra. JG. p.235. published with the com. of Jinapala, by the Jinadattasuri Prācinapustakoddhāra, Egun composed by Ksemarikaragaņi, pupil Fund, Surat, 1933. BK. No. 735 ; of Devasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published in the DLP. Series, No. Chani. No. 351; DB. 35 (209); JA. 24, Bombay 1915. Its Gujrati translation 79 (1); JG. p. 138 ; Limdi. No. 1288; PAP. 2 (9); 40 ( 23 ); PAPR. 5 (3); is published by the JDPS. Bhavnagar, Patan Cat. I. pp. 304 (quo.); 365 ; Pet. Sarn. 1962. The six kinds of Purusas III. A. p. 48 ; PRA. No. 908; SA. No. are Adhamādhama, Adhama, Vima 789; Tapa. 60. dhyama, Madhyama, Uttama and Uttamottama. Buh. II. No. 383; Chani. Nos. (1) Bhāsya (Gram. 1638) by Abhaya558 ; 600 ; 605; DB. 22 (101; 102); devasuri, pupil of Jineśvara. JG. p. 138; Hamsa. No. 1038; JG. p. 235; PAP. PAP. 40 (23); PAPR. 5 (3); Patan 24 ( 24 ms. dated Sam. 1485 ); PAPR. Cat. I. pp. 304; 365 ( quotation ) ; SA. 1(1); PRA. No. 841, Punjab. Nos. No. 524. 2665; 2666 ; 2667; Tapa. 320; SA. (2) Vrtti (Gram. 1494) by Jinapāla Nos. 357 ; 524. Upadhyāya, pupil of Jinapati, composed egy of Kundakunda. See Astaprābhrta. The in Sari. 1262. BK. No. 735, Buh. VI. last two are dropped here. They are No. 775 (ms, dated Sam. 1527); Hamsa. published with Srutasāgara's commentary No. 200; PRA. No. 908. in the MDG. Series, No. 17, Bombay, (3) Vrtti by Santisuri of the ThārāSam. 1977. See Winternitz, History, padra Gaccha. SA. No. 789. II. p. 577, and Peterson, Report II. ( 4 ) Vrtti Anonymous. Buh. IV. No. J....51 in Jain Education Intemational Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 402 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 201, Chani. No. 351, PAP. 2 (9); |(1) galang ay in 87 Slokas by HaribhadraTapa. 60. sūri. It is published with Gunaratna's (1) Tagitia one of the six Karmagranthas of commentary in the Bibliotheca Indica, Devendra. See Karmagrantha (II). Calcutta, 1905, as also in the Jain AtmāBengal. No. 2589; BO. p. 32; BSC. nanda Sabha Series, No. 49, Bhavnagar No. 468 ; DA. 53 ( 67 to 75 ) ; Limdi. 1918, and with Maņibhadra's commenNo. 809 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 208 ; Punjab. tary in the Chowkhamba Series, Benares, No. 2668 ; Strass. B. No. 404d. 1905. The text alone is published in the (1) Svopajña Țikā. Strass. B. No. JDPS. Series, No. 15, Bhavnagar, 1918. 404d. Agra Nos. 854-857; Bhand. III. Nos. (II) wsatía of Jinavallabha. See Agamikava 460 ; 461 ; V. Nos. 1386; 1387 ; VI. Nos. stuvicāra. 1413 ; 1414 ; BO. pp. 48 ; 72 ; Bt. No. VEIT a hymn in 25 artistic stanzas characterized 374 ; Buh. II. No, 243; DA, 36 ( 46 by Yamaka, composed by Devanandin. to 48); 76 (15; 16 ); Hamsa. No. CP. p. 699; KN. 39; Pet. VI. No. 690. 1371 ; Idar. 138 (8 copies ); JG. pp. (1) Tīkā. Anonymous. CP. p. 699. 79; 102, KB. 3 ( 64 ); Kiel. I. No. 102 ; Limdi. Nos. 930; 1193; 1201 ; Telafu mara (Gram. 2375 ) composed in Sam. 1535 ; Mitra. X. p. 49; PAP. 21 (3); 1498 by Mahisāgara Upadhyāya, pupil of 71 ( 24 ; 25 ); 18 (24); 24 (42); Jayakesarisuri of the Añcala Gaccha JG. 27 ( 41 ); PAPR. 8 ( 10 ); PAPS. 46 p. 24.; PAP. 6 ( 35 ). ( 29; 30 ) ; 60 ( 56 ); Pet. IV. No. vara5 See Avaśyakasūtra. Kath. No. 1131 ; 1353, V. Nos. 868; 869; 870; Punjab. PAP. 21 (31); 22 ( 21 ) ; Punjab. No. Nos. 2669 ; 2673; 2674 ; 2675; 2677; 2687. 2679; SA. Nos. 1635 ; 1780; 1792; (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1530) by Tapa. 321, VA. 18 (11); VC. 14 (41); Rājavallabha (Gram. 4401 ). Punjab. VD. 14 ( 26 ); Vel. Nos. 1667; 1668; No. 2689. 1669, Weber. II. No. 1610. y a ZR JG. p. 86. (1) Tarkarahasyadipikā (Gram 1252; gygiaan TTTT Bt. No. 373 ; JG. p. 83. in some mss. 4252; Be :- jayati vijitarāgah. TE fa a brief treatise on the six systems. i.e. According to JG. p. 79, it exists in two Bauddha, Mimārsā, Sārkhya, Nyāya, recensions.) composed by Gunaratnasuri, Vaiseșika and Jaina, composed by Meru pupil of Devasundarasūri of the Tapā tunga, pupil of Mahendraprabhasüri of Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2962; BO.p. 72; Bt. the Añcala Gaccha. The book is other No.374 ; Buh. II, No. 243; Hamsa. No. wise called Saddarśanasamuccaya and is 1201 ; JG. pp. 79; 102; Limdi. No. mentioned under this name by the author 1535; PAP. 18 (24); 24 ( 42 ), 27 in his Prasasti to the commentary on the (41); PAPR. 8 (10); PAPS. 46 (29); Saptatibhāsya, composed in Sarn. 1449. 60 (56); Pet. V. No. 869; Punjab. PRA. No. 523. The only known ms. is Nos. 2679 ; 2680 ; Surat. 1 ( 2 copies ); Vel. No. 1666. VC. 14 ( 41 ); Vel. No. 1669 ; Weber. Toyafafaiataraga (foll. 20). SA. No. 1643 ; II. No. 1610. Surat. 1, 4. (2) Țikā composed in Sam. 1392, by r aq ITSAT of Subhacandra. SG. No. 1519. Somatilaka alias Vidyātilaka, pupil of T aha Bhand. V. No. 1385. Sanghatilakasuri of the Rudrapalliya Jain Education Intemational Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रेन्थविमागः प्रथमः 403 Goribe Gaccha. JG. p. 79; PRA. No. 496. regularautz (Gram. 49 Slokas in Sanskrit ). (3) Țikā by Maņibhadra. Printed ; DA. 60 ( 244 ). see above going of Brahmadeva. See Dravya(4) Tikā by Rājahaṁsa (Gram. sangraha. Buh. IV. No. 202. 1500 ). VD. 14 ( 26 ). षड्दव्यप्रकरण JG. p. 136. (5) Tika (Be: sajñānadarpanatale.) ECETETE JB. 137 ( foll. 35). Kiel. I No. 102 ( Gram. 1252 ); Mitra. TEHTOEHTaiTraia This is a hymn, the words X. p. 49. of which are capable of being construed (6) Avacūri composed in Sam.1295. and interpreted in six different languages Hamsa. No. 1371. such as Sanskrit, the different Prākrtas (7) Avacūrņi by Brahma Sāntidāsa. and Gujarāti. JG. p. 293. Punjab. No. 2674. CHITOSTIffwatara Limdi. No. 1032. (8) Țikā. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. H arga Bengal. No. 7504. 855; 857 ; Bhand. III. No. 461; V. (I) CHITTA 'anaa SA. No. 675. Nos. 1336 ; 1387 ; DA. 36 (40-45); (1) Avacūri. SA. No. 675. DB. 22 ( 85 ) ; JG. p. 79; KB. 3 (64); (I) TEHOTA Pargate by Dharmavara PAP. 21 (3); 71 ( 24 ; 25 ); Graṁ. dhana. See Winternitz, History, II. p. of both PAP. mss. is 1252; Punjab. Nos. 558. 2670; 2671; 2678 ; PAPS. 46 ( 30, Gram. 1252 ); SA. Nos. 1635 ; 1730; षड्भाषामयशान्तिनाथस्तव by Jinapadmasuri. It is 1792 ; Tapa. 321 (Gram. 1252 ); Vel. published by W. Schubring in the FestgaNo. 1668. be für Jacobi, p. 96. Also cf. Winter(II) was composed by Rajasekharasūri nitz, History, Vol. II. p. 558. of the Maladhāri Gaccha. It contains (I) TEHOTENT of Somasundarasūri of the 180 stanzas only and examincs Jaina, Tapā Gaccha. Limdi. No. 652 (ms. Samkhya, Mināmsa, Saiva, Vaisesika and dated Sam. 1580 ); SA. No. 675 (ms. Bauddha Darsanas. In v. 29 Siddhānta dated Sam. 1512). sāra a very difficult work on Logic by (II) YHT#Taa of Jinakirti, pupil of Jayasome Jain writer is mentioned; see JH. candrasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. Vol. 14, p. 127. Published in the YJG. 282; PAP. 79 (74); Punjab. No. Series No. 17, Benares, Vir Sam. 2436. 2682. It is also published along with Hari- | षड्भाषास्तव of Jinaprabhasuri of the Kbaratara bhadra's work of the same name by the Gaccha. Published by Bhimsi Manek, Agamodaya Samiti, Surat, 1918. Chani. Bombay, in Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. No. 598; DA. 36 ( 47 ; 48); DB. 20 II. JHA. 71. ( 15 to 17 ); Hamsa. No. 685; JG. p. l GameTEast Auonymous. KB. 3 ( 76 ) ; Kiel. I. 79, JHA. 58 ( 2c. ) ; Limdi. No. 1044; No. 103 ; Limdi. No. 1032; Samb. No. PAPS. 48 ( 77 ); Pet. IV. No. 1352. 88. Punjab. Nos. 2672; 2676; VA. 18 (11). T4901 JG. p. 352. (1) Tīkā. Anon. DB. 20 (11 to 14). gazetet Limdi. No. 3251. (III) Terangay of Merutunga. See Saddar षड़विंशतिजल्पसारोद्धार of Vinayavijaya Upadhyasananirņaya ya, pupill of Kirtivijaya of the Tapa paararana JG. p. 83. Gaccha. Chani. No. 240. Punjab. N Jain Education Intemational Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 404 pianina: 1 asfata 1977 Bengal. No. 7183. Nos. 1670–1672; Weber. 11. Nos. relager Pet. V. No. 925. 1948 ; 1949. retrage of Ratnaprabhācārya (Gram. 5000; (1) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. foll. 82). VB. 37 (34). 1496 by Somasundarasūri, pupil of Devaquaranta a ir of Visvasena ; see Kșetrapāla sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. pujā. AD. No. 70. No. 929; DA. 59 ( 117, 118, 119 ); quoafarista eats (Gram. 50) by DB. 35 ( 22; 23 ); Limdi. Nos. 946 ; Jñanavilāsa. 1662 ; PAP. 9 ( 20 ), PAPS. 62 (8); JG. p. 293. Pet. VI. No. 632 (ms. dated sam. 1543); yourarasento of Somadeva. This work is men PRA. Nos. 194; 284; 743 ; Tapa. 325. tioned in the colophons of the author's other work Nitivākyāmrta. See CPI. (2) Țikā composed in Sam. 1501 by p. 31. Taporatna and Gunaratna Vācakas of the Kharatara Gaccha. BK, No. 27, JHA. QUATATTE JG. p. 83 ; PAPS. 81 ( 84). 39; Limdi. No. 1461; PAPR. 6 ( 6 ); TOATA Ta of Sivanidbāna, pupil of Harsa sāra PRA. Nos. 262, 425 ; 718. of the Kharatara Gaccha. DB. 22 (13); (3) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. Kath. No, 1427. 1515 by Dharmadeva, pupil of Kşamaofera in 161 Gathās by Bhāņdāgārika Nemi ratna. Kiel. II. No. 406 ( ms. dated candru, whose son Jinesvara (Sam. Sari. 1515 ); PRA. No. 951. 1245-1331 ) became the head of the (4) Vyākhyāna by SahajamandanaKharatara Gaccha after Jinapati; cf. Vel. gani. Bengal. No. 6729. Nos. 1670-1672. It is published with (5) Bālāvabodha composed by Meru. a Gujrati translation by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, Sam. 1976. The text is sundara Upadhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. PAPL. 7 ( 37 ). also published in the Mohanlal Jain Granthamāla No. 2, Benares, 1917. The (6) Stabaka by Jayasomagani. text with the com. of Gunaratna (No. 2) PAZB. 21 ( 21 ). is published in the Satyavijaya Jain (7) Țikā by Dharmanandanagani. Granthamālā, No. 6, Ahmedabad, 1924. JHA. 72. Agra. Nos. 1268 ; 1862-1867 ; Bhand. (8) Avacūri. Anon. Agra. No. 1866; V. No. 1089; BK. Nos. 27; 929; BO. BO. p. 32 (probably = No. 1); DA. p. 32; Buh. IV. No. 203 ; DA. 59 76 ( 66 ); DB. 35 (17 to 20); JG. ( 117-132 ); 76 ( 66 ); DB. 35 ( 18 p. 190 (Gram. 200 ); KN. 25 (proto 26 ); JG. p. 190; JHA. 39; 72; bably = No. 1); SA. No. 76. Kiel. II. No. 406; KN. 25; Limdi. Nos. gigharad ( Gram. 300 ) of Ksemakirti, pupil of 926; 930, 946; 1461; 1662; PAP. 9 Amaraprabhasūri. Bt. No. 580; DB. 24 (20); PAPL. 6 ( 43); 7 (37); PAPR. 6 (6); PAPS. 62 (8); PAZB. 21 (21); ( 234 ); Hamsa. Nos. 680 , 1107; Jesal. Pet. V. No. 826; VI. No. 632; PRA. Nos. 624; 1260 ; JG. p. 350, SA. No. Nos, 194 ; 262; 284 ; 425 ; 718 , 743; 1845. 951 ; Punjab. Nos. 2691 to 2695 ; SA. (1) Tīkā. Aạon. DB. 24 (234); Nos. 76 ; 1539 ; 1540 ; 1828 ; Samb. Hamsa. No. 1107; Jesal. No. 624; JG. No. 425; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 7; Tapa. 325 p. 350; Samb. No. 120. VA. 18 ( 13 ); VB. 37 ( 33 ); Vel.. Qofte agate Bhand. VI. No. 1273. Jain Education Intemational Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grafart: sa: -405 TOHIRE utan of Sivanidbăna Pathaka, pupil of Surat. 1 ; VC. 14 ( 42 ); VD. 14 (22; Harṣasāra. DB. 22 ( 13 ); JHA. 70. 23). (I) 1995 in 256 Gātbās by Haribhadra- .. (1) Tika Svopajña. PAPR. 6 (5); sūri. It is published with the Vivarana Surat. 1 ; VD. 14 ( 23 ). of Yaśobhadra and the Dipikā of Yaso- (I) BESTATTUSTICA of Jñānasāgara. Idar. vijaya, in the DLP. Series, No. 6, 72 ( 3 c.); List (Delhi). Bombay, 1911. Bt. No. 78; DA. 40 (II) 125T yra of Laghu Subhacandra. ( 2; 3), 75 (7); DB. 23 (32, 33 ); List. Hamsa. Nos. 880; 1024; JG. p. 102 ; la TESTITUTT of Srutasāgara. CP. p. 699. JHA. 47 ( 2c. ); Kaira. B. 92; Kiel. I. No. 104 ; Kundi. No. 78 ; Limdi. No. (I) T AITOCHT of Abhra Pandita. Idar. 179. 637 ; Mitra. VIII. pp. 118; 170 ; 171 ; ( II ) WETETTOICHI CP. p. 699; Buh. VI. No. PAP. 64 (12); PAPS. 34 (13); 62 680. (12); PAZB. 15 (2, 3); Punjab. (I) षोडशकारणपूजाजयमाला of Raidhu Pandita. No. 2698; SA. Nos. 529; 773; Samb. Buh. VI. No. 679. No. 134 ; SB. 2 (86); Strass. B. No.431; (II) 1971 TOTTEITHIOT Pet. V. No. 976: Surat. 1, 5, 8, VA. 18 (12); VC. 14 VI. No. 684. (I) षोडशकारणवतोद्यापन of Kesavasena. List (1) Vivaraņa (Gram. 1500 ) by (S. Jaipor and Delhi ); Pet. VI. No. Yasobhadrasūri (Be: amrtamivāmrta. ). 695. Bengal. No. 6794; Bt. No. 78 ( 1 ), DA. ( II ) GESTITUTIQa of Sumatisāgara. Idar. 40 (1; 2 ); 75 ( 7); DB. 23 (32; 33); 72 ( 4 copies ); 162. JHA. 47, Kiel. I No. 104 ; Limdi. No. 1997 also called Garutattvapradipadipika of 637; PAP. 64 (12); PAPR. 6 ( 5 ); Dharmasāgara, pupil of Hīravijayasuri of PAPS. 34 ( 13 ); 62 ( 12 ); PAZB. 15 the Tapā Gaccha. It is based upon (3), Pet. IV. No. 1354 ; SA. No. 773. Gurutattvapradipa ( s. v.). Buh. VIII. (2) Vrtti by Abhayadevasuri (Gram. No. 399; JG. p. 164, KB. 3 (74); 1500 ). This is perhaps the same as PRA. No. 935. No. (1). Kiel. II. No. 407 ; Pet. IV. (1) Tikā Svopajña. Buh. VIII. No. No. 1355 , Punjab. No. 2696. 399; JG. p. 164 ; KB. 3 ( 74 ); PRA. (3) Yogadipikā (Gram. 1200 ) by No. 935. Yagovijaya, Pupil of Nayavijaya of the Ea st Pet. V. No. 925. Tapā Gaccha. Printed. Soe Sodasaka gregaríaera of Subhacandra. Idar. 133 prakarana ( II ). DA. 75 (7); Hamsa. ( 2 copies ). Nos. 81; 731; JG. p. 105 ; Punjab. No. DEJTARICAga Vel. No. 1860. 2697 ; SA. No. 318. (4) Vrtti. Anon. Kundi. No. 78 ; SA. dienteazaar (from the Cūrni on the Vyavaha rasūtra ). BK. No. 943 ; DA. 76 ( 78 ); No. 530, SB. 2 ( 86 ); Strass. B. No. SB. 2 ( 118 ). 431 ; VA. 18 (12). (II) 1997 Tut of Yasovijaya, pupil of Naya. His by Yasovijayagaņi. Published in Pravijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. It is other karanasamuccaya, Indore, 1923. wise called Yogadīpikä and is only a FAA in Apabhramsa, contains 135 stanzas in commentary (No. 3) on Haribhadra's the Doha metre. It was composed by Sodasakaprakaraņa. PAPR. 6 (5); ! Maheśvarasüri and is edited by P. D. Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 406 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। Gune, in the Annals, BORI. Vol. I. p. 16 ( 25 ); PAPS. 46 740 ); 53 (28)"; 157 ff. DC. p. 38; JA. 25 (11); 105 Surat. 1 (385). (4); Jesal. Nos. 144; 407; JG. p. (1) Tippana. DB. 22 (148; -149) ; 192; Kundi. No. 28 ; Limdi. No. 1288; Limdi. No. 722. PAPL. 6 ( 38 ); Patan Cat. I. pp. 68; Fanata JG. p. 203. 162; 193 ; Pet. I. A. pp. 50; 92; IV. This is published No. 1359 = IV. A. p. 121 ( quotation ) among the 17 Kulakas contained in his Kulakasangraha, by Shah Balabhai Kakal(1) Tīkā composed by a pupil of bhai of Ahmedabad, Sam. 1972. Hemaharsasūri, successor of Pürņacan. drasuri. JG. p. 192; Pet. 1V. No. faqes from Vijayakalpa. JG. p. 365 (f. n.). 1359 ( ms. dated Sam. 1561 ). Film composed by Manikyasundara, #TATTŲ Kaira. A. 179; KC. 9; Surat. 1 pupil of Merutunga of the Añcala Gaccha. (2821 ). Mitra. VIII. p. 237 ; Surat. 6. harufu DA. 76 ( 88 ). are Pet. V. No. 826. FASTEACH by Uttamavijaya. DA. 71 (88 F ETAO in 52 Gāthās. Bhand. VI. No. 1280; to 91 ); 76 ( 105). JG. p. 192; Pet. IV. No. 1360 ( = IV. FHEART KB. 3 (83). A. p. 122 ). Figarea of Vijayasimha. DC. p. 35. c h at by Vimalācārya, pupil of Cakreśvaसंयोगद्वात्रिंशिका composed by Amaracandra in rasuri. It consists of 52 Sanskrit stanzas Sam. 1731. Agra. No. 1971, PRA. composed by the author who was also Nos. 244 ; 491. called Brahmacandra, at the request of one Ravi. Published by the JAS. Bhavna FOCOTTE in Prākrta by Jinacandragani, pupil gar, Sam. 1990. Also on behalf of the of Kakkasūri. Jesal. No. 353. Harsavijaya Free Library No. 2, Baroda, HaTETC92417 KB. 2 (2). 1918. Agra. No. 1007; BK. No. LETTATO CP. p. 700; DA. 60 (230); JG. 1929; DB. 22 ( 138 ); JG. p. 192; p. 136. PAPR. 18 (4); PAZB. 9 ( 20 ); SA. Fiatartas Composed in Sarn. 1662, by Samaya No. 590. sundara Upādhyāya of the Kharatara F E T composed by Kusalasamymagani, Gaccha. Chani. Nos. 403 ; 404 ; JG. pp. ( Samyamakavi acc. to JG.), pupil of 211; 344 ; PAPR. 22 (7); PRA. No. Kuladhiragaņi. Buh. IV. No. 204 ; 707. JG. p. 192 ; PAP. 37 ( 16 ). Farger in Sanskrit. JG. ascribes this also to artí Tot of Pārsvacandrasuri. KC 12. Samayasundara at p. 344 which is wrong ng astfr in 33 Gāthās by Devabhadra. JA. 105 as the date of the 2nd Limdi ms, shows. (1); Jesal. No. 706 (palm); JG. p. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, 192 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 384 (quotation); Jamnagar, 1919, where it is ascribed to Pet. I. A. p. 63; V. N.). 803. Ratnamaņdana, pupil of Rājasekhara. Bhand. V. No. 1389; BO. p. 72; THEAT in Apabhramsa ; it contains 61 stanzas. Chani. Nos. 91, 274, DA. 39 (21); Patan Cat. I. 190 ( quotation). DB. 22 (148 ; 149 ) , Hamsa. No. 831, TAIGT in 25 Karikas (Be: -anandamandira. ) JG. p. 344; KB. 1 ( 63 ), 3 (83); by a Digambara writer. JA. 111 ( 6); Limdi. Nos.722; 3172 (ms. dated JG. p. 192 ; Pet. III. A. p. 207. Sam. 1548); PAP. 27 (12); PAPR. GHIOT JG. p. 207. It is in 50 Grāthās. Jain Education Intemational Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः ! (I) incgater in 150 Gäthis composed by Jinacandra, pupil of Jinesvarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha, at the request of Abhayadevasüri, author of the Navangavṛttis, in Samh. 1125. It is mentioned in Gunacandra's Viracaritra composed in Sam. 1139 (Prasasti, v. 7). It is I Published at Surat, 1924. Baroda. No. 3011; BK. N. 91; Bt. No. 196; CP. p. 700; DA. 60 (33); DB. 35 (206, 222); DC. p. 21; Hamsa. No. 478, JG. pp. 192, 207; Kiel. III. No. 18. (palm ms. dated Sam. 1205); Kundings of Bhadrabahu, in 64 Gathis. DA. No. 236; Jesal. Nos. 784 (palm ins.) 1530; Limdi. No. 955; PAPR. 10 (9) SA. No. 179; Strass. B. No. 380. 27 (100, 101); DB. 13 (64; 65); Hamsa Nos. 19; 348, 892, JG. p. 60; JHA. 48; PAPR. 3(3), 15 (16); Panjab. No. 2700; Surat. 5, VC. 15 (9). durere SA. No. 588 (foll. 8 only). Bhand. V. Nos. 1327; 1328; JG. p. 211; JHB. 61; VB, 36 (73). (1) mag of Ratnasimhasuri in 42 Sanskrit verses. JG. p. 207; Limdi. No. 955. (II) car (Samvegaraúgamals at Pet III. A. p. 65); it is also called an Aradhanaratna, and was composed by Devabhadrasuri, papil of Samati Vacaksa and Prasannacandrasūri of the Kharatara | संसारघोर स्वरूपकुलक JG. p. 203. JG. p. 203; DB. 35 (166). Gaccha. No mss. of this work are at present available, but it is mentioned in the author's Parsvanathacaritra and Katharatnakośa (cf. Pet. III. A. p. 64; and p. 141). This is obviously one of the four works of Devabhadrasuri, who is described as Granthacatustayisphuta mati' by one of his spiritual successor, Padmaprabhasüri (cf. Pet. III. A. p. 302). (II) Gamagata of Ratnasimhasuri in 122 Prakrta Gäthän. JG. p. 207; Limdi. No. 955. संशयधाममञ्जरी SG. No. 1257. संशयवचनविच्छेद in Sanskrit by Rathabhosana Bhattaraka. SG. No. 2373. 407 zzzfercon of Subhacandra. The author discusses in the work the points of controvercy between the Svetambaras and the Digambaras, such as liberation of women etc. The work is mentioned in CMB. the author's Pandavapurana. 162, CP. p. 700, Hamsa. No. 1278, Idar. 110 (3 copies; one dated Sam 1582), JG. p. 94; MHB. 26. PR; No 57. (1) Vrtti Svopajña. CE. Pet. IV. A. p. 159. rarefa Both text and commentary which are respectively ascribed to Haribhadrasuri and Jaanavimalasuri, are published in the Dayavimalagranthamälä of Ahmedabad, 1917 (Series No. 8). DA. 40 (68; 71; 73, 74); DB. 24 (22; 23), Hamsa. No. 542; SA. Nos. 472; 1642. (1) Tika. DB. 24 (22, 23), Hamsa. No. 542; SA. Nos. 472, 1642. (2) Tika in Sanskrit by Parsvacandra." Punjab. No. 2699. ÁAITHAAFSH in 22 Gathas. DA. 57 (63); 60 (223); JG. p. 203. räftannicages of Devasuri. 955. Limdi. No. fara in 14 Gāthās. Cal. X. No. 118, Limdi. Nos. 799; 1523, 1524, 1525; 1629; 1636; 2070; Pet. VI No. 633; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 10. संस्तारकप्रकीर्णक in 199 Prikrta stanzas Published along with other Prakirnakas by Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 408 श्रीविनरलकोशः। R. B. Dhanapatisimba, Benares, Sam. EFECTE also called Brhaccaityavandana, in 1942 and also by the JDPS. Bhavnagar, 25 Gathās by Hemacandra. BO. p. 61; Sam. 1966. Agra. Nos. 447; 448 ; DA. 75 ( 21 ); DB. 24 ( 23; 24 ); Bengal. Nos. 7655; 7685; BK. 242; Hamsa. Nos. 174; 420; 727 ; 1081; Buh. IL Nos. 246 ; 247 ; III. No. 138, JA. 106 ( 13 ); KB. 2 ( 16 ) ; Limdi. VIII. No. 398 ; DA. 27 ( 36 to 39, Nos. 861; 866 ; 1034; 1098 ; 1448 ; 41 , 43 to 46 ; 74); DB. 13 (10; 28 1639; Punjab. No. 2705 ; SA. No. to 34); Hamsa. Nos. 19, 158, 237; 2757 ; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8. 342; 542; 813 ; 841; JG. p. 46; JHA. (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1654 18 ; JHB. 21 ; KB. 3 (6); KN. 15; by Kanakakusala, pupil of Vijayasenasūri Limdi. No. 1275; Mitra. VIII. p. 236; of the Tapā Gaccha. Buh. II. No. 297 ; PAPS. 64 (16); 69 (1); PAZB. 1 DA. 75 ( 21 ); Hamsa. No. 727. (11); Pet. III. No. 645; IV. No. (2) Tikā by Guņaprabhasūri. Hamsa. 1234; V. Nos. 768 ; 874; VI. No. No. 174. 579; SA. Nos. 1526 ; 2599 ; Surat. 1, (3) Tīkā. Anonymous. DB. 24 5, 6, 9; VC. 14 ( 27; 37 ); Vel. Nos. 1538, 1539; Weber. II. Nos. 1867 ; ( 23; 24). 1870 (4); 1871 (4). '' Tautaua AD. Nos. 143; 191 ; Pet. VI. No. 686. (1) Avacūri by Gunaratnasuri of the e A x afta in Prākrta. JG. p. 235; Patan Cat. Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 46; Kap. No. I. pp. 182-83 (dated sarn. 1191 ; Be : 322; PAPS. 64 (16); PAZB. 4 (11); suravarakayamāņam ). Pet. I. No. 261 ; III. No. 645. | संकाशकथा see below. ( 2 ) Avcūri composed by Bhuvana- 1579119* in Prākrta (Be :- pamāyamittatunga, pupil of Mahendrasuri of the doseņa ). JG. p. 261; Mitra. X. p. 145. Ancala Gaccha. BK. No. 242 ; Buh. 1372191 in Sanskrit (Be : - nikhilapuVIII. No. 398 ; DB. 13 ( 29); Hamsa. randara ). Bik. No. 1515. Nos. 237 ; 342 ; PRA. No. 1103 ; Pun Fun- TOT in Sanskrit composed in Sam. 1987 by jab. No. 2704. Premavijayagani, pupil of Vijayadāna(3) Bālāvabodba composed in Sam. suri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published 1603 by Samaracandra, Pupil of Pārsva in two parts by Ranchoddas Shah, candra. PAPS. 69 (1); Pet. V. No. Bombay, 1931. 874= (PRA. No. 1015). संक्रमविचार This is a portion of some commentary (4) Bālāvabodha by Harsakusala. on the Karmaprakrti. Vel. No. 1588. Weber. II. No. 1867. #risalaatt Hamsa. No. 320. (5) Țikā. Anonymous. Agra. No. 448; alfatiha u Limdi. No. 666. Buh. VIII. No. 398 ; KB. 3 (6), KN. asta ii of Amaracandrasuri of the 15 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 236; Punjab. No. Vāyada Gaccha. This is the shorter 2703. recension of the author's Jinendracaritra. | संस्कारकविधि See Saistārakapaurasividhi.. See under Padmānanda Kāvya.. Ersatztrais in 32 Prākrta Stanzas by Siddha Ti ara in Prakrta (Grar. 204 ) by senasüri. Patan Cat. I. pp. 155-156 ( quo Jinavallabhagari. PAP. 75 ( 51, 61 ). tation. Be: samsāratārayānam. ) F a le Pet. IV. No, 1356. Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविमागः प्रथमः। 409 F attita by Yasovijaya. See Sankheśvara. (1) Vịtti by Devabhadra. DA. 76 stotra. ( 28). BEUTET (Gram. 1600 ). VD. 13 ( 36 ). | संग्रहणीरत्न dealing with the geography of the efiagium JG. p. 363. world. The original text on which langa by Mandana Mantrin. JG. p. 313 ; Devabhadra has commented consists of PAZB. 23 ( 26 ). 274 Gāthās, divided into seven chapters. Fisiatrarne (possibly same as Sangitasamayasāra ) It was composed by Sricandrasuri, pupil of Pārsvadeva. List (s. Belgola ); of Hemacandrasuri of the Harsapuriya Rice. p. 316. Gaccha. See Vel. No. 1673. It is Fotlaratadt JG. p. 363. published in the DLP Series, No. 27, M ARTHIT of Pārsvadeva, pupil of Mahā Bombay, 1915, along with the commendevārya, pupil of Abhayacandra ; tary of Devabhadra and also in the See Krshnamachariar, History, p. 855. JDPS. Series, No. 42, Bhavnagar. Text Published in the Trivandram S. Series. only containing 349 Gäthās is published It is in 9 chapters. Mysore. I. p. 109. by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, 1903. Agra. Hace JG. p. 318. Nos. 1273 to 1317; AM. 17; 43; 90 ; 112; 118; 142; 173; 201 ; 232; fiateat of Pārsvadeva. The same as 295, 367 ; Baroda. No. 3008 ; Bengal. Sangitasamayasāra. Mysore. II. p. 168. Nog. 6640; 6802; 6906, 7227; Bhand. Aftaercigit also called Sangitopanişatsāra is an VI. Nos. 1269, 1274; Bik. No. 1686 ; abridgement of the Sangitopanisad, both 1737 ; 1761; BO. p. 61, Bod. No. composed by Sudhākalasa, pupil of 1367 ; Bt. No. 119 ( 3 ); Buh. IV. No. Rājasekharasuri of the Maladhāri Gaccha. 206 ; Cal. X. No. 121 ; Chani. Nos. The original was composed in Sam. 528; 897 ; DA. 31 ( 35 ); 55 ( 2-11, 1380 and its abridgement in Sam. 1406. 40-77 ); 76 (24 to 26 ); DB. 33 Bik. Nos. 1126 ; 1127, BK. No. 1953; (3; 4, 6 to 15 ); Flo. Nos. 650 to CC. I. p. 686 , Hamsa. No. 1442; Vel. 654 ; Hamsa. Nos. 312; 460; 933; No. 434. 1001; 1052, 1053, 1373 ; JA. 31 (4); staigaga composed in Sari. 1380, by Sudhā 47 (3); 105 ( 1; 6 ); 106 ( 4 ); Jesal. kalasa, pupil of Rājasekharasüri. No. Nos. 14 ; 125; 318 ; 879 ; JG. p. 126 ; MSS. are known. The work and the JHA. 43 ( 4 c.); JHB. 28 ( 12 c. ); date of its composition are mentioned Kaira. A. 52 ; 103; Kath. No. 1310; in its abridgement at Bik: No. 1127. Kiel. I. Nos. 105; 106; 107 ; Kundi. Finaufakt Bengal. No. 7690. Nos. 71, 275 ; Limdi. Nos. 535; 599; (1) fiagoft See Kșetra, Jambūdvipa, Brhat and 603; 608; 624; 670; 745 ; 751; 810; Laghu Sangrahaņīs. 829; 830; 831 ; 832, 930, 943; 948 ; 997; 1000 ; 1069; 1070; 1092; (II) sagoft by Abhayadevasūri. It is perbaps 1121; 1127 ; 1223 ; 1237; 1238; Prajñāpanātrtiyapadasangrahaņi. VA. 1289, 1347; 1348; 1349; 1357; 17 ( 39 ); VC. 14 ( 34 ). 1367; 1416; 1417; 1490; 1508 ; (III) Fagot in Sanskrit verse ( Graro. 400 ) by 1556; 1570; 1608; 1693; 1736; Rāmacandra. JG. p. 126; VB. ( 37 ) 1754 ; Mitra. VIII. pp. 185; 192, PAP. ( 13 ). 21 (8); 23 ( 78 ); 56 (2); PAPL. cuiqargant by Devakusala. DA. 76 ( 28 ). 2 (5); 3 ( 27 ); PAPS. 46 ( 21; 22 ): J.......52 Jain Education Interational Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 410 affanentai: 1 1497, of the 1 897 ; i. Nos. 48 ( 22 to 28 ); 62 ( 18 ); 74 ( 35 ); (3) Avacūri by Dharmanandanagani, 75 ( 25 ); 77 ( 15 ); PAZB. 5 ( 36 ); pupil of Merutungasuri of the Aricala Pet. I. A. pp. 3 ; 75; III A. pp. 8; 32; Gaccha. DA. 55 (19). 154, IV. No. 1357; V. No. 875 to 879; (4) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. V. A. p. 95; VI. Nos. 626; 634 ; PRA. 1497, by Dayāsimhagani, pupil of RatnaNos, 225; 418; 702; Punjab. Nos. simbasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Bengal. 2706; 2707 ; 2708 ; 2711; 2712; No. 7412; Chani. No. 897 ; DA. 55 (24 2714 to 2724; SA. Nos. 115; 594; to 29), Kath. No. 1310 ; Limdi. Nos. 1504; 1516; 1534; 1569; 1651; 745 ; 1237 ; 1238 ; 1570; PAP. 56 (2), 1664; 1793 ; 1929; 2518, 2564; PAPL. 2 (5); Pet. VI. No. 634 ; PRA. 2571 ; 2864, 2886; Samb. No. 337; Nos. 225; 418; 702; 1022. Surat. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8; VA. 17 ( 26 ; 39 ); VB. 34 ( 15; 16 ); 35 ( 22; 24; (5) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. 34; 38; 43 ); 37 ( 23; 29 ); VC. 14 1680 by Sivanidānagaņi. JHB. 29 (2c.). (34); VD. 13 ( 14 ); Vel. Nos. 1673 to (6) Avacūri by Cáritramuni. VB. 37 1682; Weber. II. No. 1950. (29). (1) Vrtti composed by Devabhadra, (7) Vrtti Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. pupil of Sricandrasūri, the author of the 7227; 7376; Bhand. VI. No. 1275; JG. text. For authors quoted by Devabha p. 126; Kiel. I. No. 105; Limdi. Nos. dra, See Vel. No. 1682. Agra. Nos. 829; 830; 1122 ; SA. Nos. 1504, 1294 ; 1295; AM. 17, Baroda. No. 1793. 3008; Bengal. No. 7571; BO. pp. 32 , FIAT * by Meruprabhasüri. Kath. No. 61; Bod. Nos. 1367, 1268; Bt. 1344. No. 119 (3); Buh. IV. No. 207 ; # DB. 35 ( 181 ); JG. p. 203. Chani. No. 528 ; DA. 55 (2 to 10), DB. 33 (3; 4); DC. pp. 15 ; 33; Flo. grafii of Bhadrebāhu. Bengal. No. 2596. Nos. 652; 653; Hamsa. Nos. 312; 249 in 40 Gathās on moral behaviour 1373; JA. 75 (1); Jesal. Nos. 14; composed by Jinavallabhasūri of the 125; 879; JG. p. 126; JHA. 43 ; JHB. Kharatara Gaccha. It is published in the 29; Kaira. A. 52; 103; Kath. Nos. Appendix to Apabhramsakāyatrayi, No. 1311 ; 1312; Kiel. I. No. 106 ; Kundi. 27, Gak. 0. Series, Baroda, 1927. An Nos. 71 ; 275; Limdi. No. 1233 ; Mitra. earlier edition with the commentary of VIII. p. 185 ; PAP. 21 (8); 23 ( 78 ); Jinapati and a Gujrati translation was PAPL. 3 ( 27 ); PAPS. 46 ( 21 ; 22); brought out by Shah Balabhai Chaganlal, 48 ( 25 ); 62 (18); 74 ( 35); 75 (25); Ahmedabad, 1907. It is engraved on 77 (15); PAZB. 5 ( 36 ); Pet. I. A. p. one of the pillars of Mabāvīra Temple at 3 ; V. No. 877; Punjab. Nos. 2714; Chitor ; cf. JH. Vol. 14, p. 100. 2715; SA. Nos. 115; 1516; 2664; Baroda. Nos. 2137; 3009; Bengal. Nos. Samb. No. 136, VA. 17 (26); VB. 34 3060; 7143 , Bhand. VI. Nos. 1276 ; ( 15 ; 16 ), 35 (22; 24; 34 ; 38; 43); 1277 ; Buh. IV. Nos. 208 ; 209; Chani. 37 (23 ); VD. 13 (14); Vel. No. No. 283; DA. 38 ( 23 to 26 ); DB. 21 1682 ; Weber. II. No. 1950. (55 to 60); Jesal. No. 370; JG. p. 164; (2) Vyākhyā by Sivanidhānagaņi. JHA. 65 (2c.); Limdi. Nos. 1288; Bengal. No. 7407. See Com. (5) 1643 ; Mitra. IX. p. 98 ; X. p. 154, Jain Education Intemational Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्यविभागः प्रथमः | PAPR. 15 (10); PAZB. 12 (8); Pet. V. A. p. 215; V. Nos. 880, 881; Punjab Nos. 2725 to 2728, Strass. B. No. 450; Surat. 1, 5, 9; VD. 14 (8); Vel. No. 1819; Weber. II. No. 1961. (1) Brhattika (Gram. 3600) by Jinapatisuri of the Kharatara Gaocha. Bub. IV. Nos. 208; 209, DB. 21 (55); Hams. No. 146; Jesal. No. 370; JG. p. 164; JHA. 65; Samb. No. 22, Strass. B. No. 450; VD. 14 (8). (3) Tik composed in Sam. 1619 by Sadhukirti, pupil of Dayakalasagani of the Kharatara Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2137; PRA. No. 739; Punjab. Nos. 2725, 2727. (4) Tika (Gram. 1600) composed by Hararajagani, papil of Abhayasoma Upadhyayn of the Kharatara Gaocha. The commentary is based on the Brhattikä of Jinapati. Baroda. No. 3009; Bhand. VI. No. 1276; DA. 38 (23); DB. 21 (5657); JG. p. 164; Pet. V. Nos. 880 881; V. A. p. 215 (quotation); Weber. II. No. 1961. (2) Laghu Tikā (Gram. 500) com posed in Sarh. 1333 (according to note in JG. and PAPR), by Laksmisena, son of Hammira. Bhand. VI. No. 1277 (ms. dated Sath. 1573); Chani. (I) No. 283; JA. 111 (19); JG. p. 164; PAPR. 15(10); Pet. III. A. p. 209 (ms. dated. Sam. 1513); Punjab. No. 2729. (8) Vrtti Anonymous. Bik. No. 1786; JG. p. 164; PAZB. 19 (8); 12 Surat. 1, 5, 9. esqfauftar of Udayaprabhasüri. See Dharmaसङ्घपतिचरित bhyudaya II. ¶Ã¤à¶¶r Hamsa. No. 698; SA. No. 693. eat in 26 Gäthis by Dharmagbogasări. DA. 60 ( 231 ). aqida JG. सचित्त चित्तस्वरूपनिर्णय p. 164. afwerf Bhand. VI. No. 1035. DB. 35 (81). area by Dharmaghoga, alias Dharmakirti. See Caityavandanasutra, Commentary No. 16. 411 (foll. 15). Limdi. No. 530. aftag is a collection of 25 moral stanzas, ascribed to Mallisena who appears to be a Diga mbara from v. 3, and who is also mentioned in that stanza. Agra. Nos. 2963, 2964, AK. Nos. 818; 819, 820 821; 822, Bengal. No. 7209; Bhand. V. Nos. 1152; 1153; CP. p. 700; Hamsa. No. 552; Hebru. 7; Idar. 110 (5 copies); Kath. No. 1132; KO. 24; 74; 82; 197; 202, Mitra. IX. p. 150; Mysore. II. p. 155; Padma. 89, 108; Pet. V. Nos. 925; 934; VI. No. 687; VI. p. 143, No. 94, Punjab. No 2732. (1) Tiki. Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1152. (2) Tika in Kannada by Abhinava Srata Muni. MJ. p. 376. of Pandita Nemidasa. Idar. (II) este 110. (5) Panjiks composed in Saih. 1715 by Devaraja (Benatva śrisäntideva). of Paramananda. Mitra. X. p. Mitra. X. p. 154. (6) Viviti by a pupil of Jinavallabha (?). Bub. VIII. No. 397. (7) Vrtti by Vivekaratnasuri, 38 (24) DA. 96. संजनाख्यान JG. p. 235. DB. 35 (180); JG. p. 203. A of Paspadanta and Bhutabali; see Mahakarmaprakṛtiprābbṛta. radia of Subhacandra mentioned in Panda सतत्वनिर्णय vapuraṇa (s. v. ). .. Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 412 differende!! wan See Tribhangisära. SG. No. 2563. of Kanakanandin. Idar. 34. (I) सत्यशासनपरीक्षा An examination of Indian Philosophical systems (Grah. 909) by Vidyanandin, who is the same as the author of the Astasähaari; of. Anekänta, Vol. III. pp. 660-666. AD. No. 57; (II) Mud. 685; SG. No. 1273. (II) सत्यशासनपरीक्षा of Nemicandra This is mentioned in the Prasasi to Pratisthtilaka; see JH. Vol. 12. p. 197. सत्यहरिचन्द्रनाटक by Rāmacandra, pupil of Hema सत्वस्थानभङ्गप्ररूपणा in Sanskrit by Kanakanandin. Idar. 84. सत्सूक्त JG. p. 993. queen of Hargavardhanagani (Gram. 900). Agra. No. 1582; Bhand. V. No. 1329, DB. 31 (77; 78); JG. p. 261; JHA. (IV) 53; JHB. 33; PAP. 36 ( 16 ) aqaaranara Buh. VIIL No. 414. candra. Quoted in the author's own (III) saga composed in Sam. 1214, Natyadarpana. by Sricandrasuri, pupil of Devendrāsuri of the Candra Gaccha (Gramh. 8127). It is in Sanskrit. Chani. No. 511; Hamsa. No. 1547; JG. p. 235; PAPR. 20(8), PAPS. 51 (20); SA. No. 174. See Aptapariksi. Vel. No. 1684. 5 in 26 Gathas. JG. p. 218. सदृष्टद्वात्रिंशिका of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 101. a in 60 Sanskrit Kärikäs by Padmananda. BK. No. 1601; CP. p. 700; Limdi. No. 610; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442; 1443; SG. No. 1381. antaract a collection of about 400 moral verses pat together by Sakalakirti. CP. p. 701; JG. p. 341, Pet. III. No. 564 (ms. dated Suin.1671 ); SG. Nos. 2026; 2569 2687. SA. No. 882 (foll. 56). सत्तपञ्चाशिका by Vimalācārya. JG. p. 190 BAFYANĪGANGİ a collection of about 48 stories beginning with that of Sanatkumāra. Limdi. No. 1741. सनत्कुमारकथा See Sanatkumaracaritra. (1) angancaña (Gram. 2203) composed in Sanskrit by Jinapala, pupil of Jinapatisuri, pupil of Jinacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. See Jainastotrasamdoha (Ahmedabad, 1986), Vol. II. Introd. p. 33. Jesal. No. 2, JG. p. 235; Kundi. No. 183. (1) garrafen a part of the Neminathacaritra (s. v.) of Haribhadrasuri. Edited with Introduction, translation and glossary in German, by H. Jacobi, Munchen, 1921. It is in the Apabhramhsa language and composed in the Radda metre. Anonymous. Jesal. No. 1514 (Sanskrit); Kiel. I. No. 109; VB. 36 (23). by Abdal Rehaman. Gram. 600; i. e. about 216 Gathas in Apabhramhsa. This is a small love poem in which the heroine sends her message to her lover through a wayfarer. Also cf. Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 58. It is now being edited by Muni Jinavijaya and published in the Singhi Jaina Series. Kiel. III. No. 181. (1) Avacuri in Sanskrit (Anony mous). Kiel. III. No. 181. (2) Vrtti by Labdhisundara. Panjab. No. 2747 (ms. dated Sam. 1696). weitergeft is discussion of doubtful points connected with Jaina religion in 150 Gathas composed by Jinadattasiri, pupil of Jinavallabhasūri of the Kharatara Gaccha. It is published with the commentary of Jayasagara, by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, and also in the Jinadattasuri Bhandar Series (No. 9) Surat, 1918. Agra. No. 2251, AM. 280; Baroda. Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्याविभागः प्रथमः। 413 No. 2123 ; BK. Nos. 250 ; 442; Buh. (II) toract by Prabodhacandragani. This is IV. Nos. 211, 212; DA. 31 ( 65 ); a mistake. See above Commentary No. DB. 19 ( 19 ); Hamsa. Nos, 597; 669; (2). Buh. IV. Nos. 211, 212; SA. 920; Jesal. Nos. 253; 267 ; 369 ; 976; Nos. 471; 1553 ; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 9. JG. p. 165; JHA. 39 ( 4 c.); KB. 3 सन्देहनिराकरण VB. 36 (20). (17; 41); Kiel. III. No. 182; Kundi. Patarratta composed by Merusundaragani. No. 71 ; Limdi. Nos. 60; 930; 1288 ; BK. No. 1312; DB. 20 ( 59 ). PAP. 47 (9); 79 (7); PAPL. 3 (25; 32 ); 7 (36); PAPR. 4 (1), PAZB. &RCT (TOJl. 8). JG. P. 211. 4 (14, 15), 6 ( 21 ) ; Pet. IV. No. Telaf TO (foll. 9 only at PAP; or 1358 , VI. No. 635; PRA. Nos. 697 ; Grar. 1812 at JG.). Is this a fragment 1104 ; Punjab. Nos. 2748 to 2751 ; of Jinaprabha's Sandehavişausadhitikā on SA. Nos. 471 ; 1553 ; Samb. No. 18 ; the Kalpa Sūtra ? JG. p. 165; PAP. VB. 35 (42), Vel. No. 1685. 72 ( 60 ); Surat. 1, 5. (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1257 EryaT is a defence of Jainism in about 400 by Jinatilaka Upādhyāya. JHA. 39. Slokas against Hinduism, composed by (2) Vivarañamañjūsā (Gram. 4750) Jñānakalasa, pupil of Dharmaghosasiri, composed in Sam. 1320, by Prabodha successor of Amaracandrasūri, a candragaņi, pupil of Jin eśvarasüri of the descendent of the famous Vādi Devasūri Kharatara Gaccba. AM. 280; Baroda. of the Brhad Gaccha. The work is quoted No. 2123; BK. No. 250 ; Buh. IV. in Munisundara's Upadeśaratnākara. Nos. 211, 212 ; DA. 31 ( 65 ); Hamsa. See Vel. No. 1572. Agra. No. 2965; Nos. 597 ; 669; Jesal. Nos. 267; 976; Bhand. V. No 1388 ; DB. 20 ( 32;41); JG. p. 165; Kundi. No. 71 ; Limdi. JG. p. 165; JHA. 47;PAP. 23 (22), SA. No. 60 ( ms. dated Sam. 1485 ); PAP. Nos. 879 ; 2046; Surat. 1, 9; VB. 37 47 ( 9 ); 79 ( 7 ); PAPR. 4 (1); (12); Vel Nos. 1686 ; 1687. PAZB. 4 (15); PRA. Nos. 697 ; 1104; EH ETETT composed by Udayadharmagani, SA. Nos. 471; 1553. pupil of Ratnasimhasūri of the Tapā (3) Vidhiratriakarandikā composed Gaccha and author of Vākyaprakāsa in in Sam. 1495 by Jayasāgara Upādhyāya, Sam. 1507. PRA. No. 845. pupil of Jinsrājasuri of the Kharatara Thaimaasta of Raidhū Kavi in Apabhraṁsa. Gaccha. It is based on No. (1), and SG. No. 1269. was corrected by Taporatna Vācaka and FFH TUT See Sammatimahātarka. The name Jinabhadrasuri. BK. No. 442 ; DB. 19 ( 19 ), Hamsa. No. 920; Jesal. No. is an improvement on the older name 253 ; JG. p. 165; JHA. 39; Kiel. III. sugegested by the editors of the work No. 182, PAZB. 6 ( 21 ); Pet. IV. No. ( Ahmedabad, 1924-1931. 1358 = IV. A. p. 118: Punjab. Nos. Fastiat (Gram. 7200) composed in Sam. 2748; 2749 ; Samb. No. 288; VB. 35 1178 by Guņākarasuri. Bt. No. 328; ( 42 ). JG. p. 235. (3) Vrtti. Anonymous. KB. 3 ( 17, Falarea is a work on Karman, consisting of 41a ; this is a Laghuvrtti with foll. 34 about 70 Gāthās and ascribed to Candrarsi only ), KB. 3 ( 41 , this is Brhad Vrtti Mahattara. It is generally appended to with foll. 87). Devendra's Karmagrantba. Devendra by Jayal of the 1), and , editors Ahmedabad En Jain Education Intemational Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 414 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। seems to bave added a few (about 20 ) stanzas to the original and perhaps also commented on it ; see below, Com. No. (8). It is published with Abhayadeva's Bhāsya ( No. 3 ) and Merutunga's commentary on it (No. 6), in the JDPS. Series, No. 41, Bhavnagar, 1919. Baroda. No. 3013; Bhand. V. Nos. 1239; 1240; BO. p. 93 (Karmagranthavrtti ); Chani. No. 547 ; DA. 52 (15; 16 ); 53 ( 2 ; 14 ; 24 ; 31; 32; 33; 34 ); 54 ( 14 to 32 ), DB. 32 (13 ; 19 to 22); JA. 79 (1); Jesal. No. 137 ; Kath. No. 1245; KB. 3 (48); Kiel. II. No. 66; III. No. 148 ; Limdi. Nos. 520 ; 578 ; 1090; 1288; Mitra. VIII. p. 118 ; IX. pp. 89 ; 90 ; PAP. 11 (10; 19); 56 (8); PAPM. 58 (4); PAPS. 54 (1); 56 (13); PAS. No. 144 ; Pet. I. No. 282; I. A. pp. 27; 66; III. A. pp. 47; 70; IV. No. 1221; V. No. 882; PRA. Nos. 197; 523 ; 525; 669 ; Punjab. No. 2754 ; SA. Nos. 1627; 1668 ; Strass. B. No. 440f.; VB. 35 ( 9 ); 36 ( 5 ); VD. 4 (5); 5 (1; 2; 3; ); 13 (20); Vel. Nos. 1576; 1577; 1578; 1585. (1) Cūrni in Prākrta. No mss. of this Cūrņi are available. Yet it is the basis of the commentaries of Abhayadeva and Malayagiri, as they themselves acknowledge. Even Bt. No. 114 says that no mss. of it are available. Bt. No. 115 makes a distinction between this Cūrni and the Prākrta commentary by Candragani Mahattara. But perhaps the two may be identical. JG. p. 119 mentions however, a few mss. of this Cürni. (2) Prākrta Tikä (Gram. 2300) composed by Candrağaņi Mahattara. Bt. No. 115. Is this author's own commentary ? ef. BO. p. 93 ( Karmagranthavitti). (3) Prākrta Bhāsya (Be :- namiuna mahāviram ) in about 190 Găthăs, ascribed to Abhayadeva (probably from the last Gāthā ) who says it is based on the old Curņi. Buh. IV. No. 210; DA. 53 ( 31 ; 32; 33; 34); DB. 32 ( 19 to 22 ), Limdi. No. 809 ; Pet. III. A. p. 218; SA. No. 444. Perhaps Buh. IV. No. 210 is a copy of the same. (4) Prākrta Tippana ( Be : - sugaigamasaralasaranim ) consisting of about 547 ( 448 - DC. p. 40 ) Gātās acc. to Bt., composed by Rāmadevagani, pupil of Jinavallabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Even this is based on the Cūrni as the author himself says ; cf. DI. pp. 33-34. Bt. No. 116; DA. 54 ( 26 ) ; DC. p. 40, No. 319 (dated Sam. 1211); Jesal. No. 137. (5) Țikā based on the old Cūrņi and composed by Malayagiri. It is in Sanskrit (Grām. 3780 ). Baroda. No. 3013; Bengal. No. 2573; Buh. II. Nos. 248 ; 249 ; IV. No. 213; VII. No. 23; Chani. No. 547 ; DA, 52 (15; 16 ); 53 (2); DB. 32 ( 13 ); JA. 83 (1); JG. p. 119, Kath. No. 1245; KB. 3 ( 48 ); Kiel. JI. No. 66; III. No. 148; Limdi. No. 520; Mitra. VIII. p. 118; IX. p. 90 ; PAP. 11 ( 10 ); 56 ( 8 ); PAPM. 58 ( 4 ); PAPS. 54 (1); 56 ( 13 ); PAS. No. 144; Pet. III. A. p. 70; IV. Nos. 1221; 1391 ; SA. Nos. 1627; 1668; Strass. B. No. 440 f; VB. 35 ( 9 ); 36 ( 5 ), VC. 14 ( 30 ). (6) Bhāsya-Tikā composed in Sam. 1449 by Merutunga, pupil of Mahendraprabba of the Añcala Gaccha. DA. 53 ( 31 ); DB. 32 ( 19; 20); PRA. No. 523. (7) Tikā composed by Devendraguri of the Tarā Gaccha who supplemented the original text with 20. verses. It is mentioned by Gunaratna ; see next, Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 415 (8) Avacūrņi based upon Devendra's 245 ; DA. 59 ( 133 to 148 ); 76 (72); commentary as the author himself says, DB. 35 ( 27 to 32 ); Hamsa. No. 599; and composed in Sam. 1459, by Guņa JG. p. 138 ;JHA. 47 ; Limdi. Nos. 777, ratnasuri, pupil of Devasundarasüri of 930), PAP, 37 ( 30 ); 76 ( 29 ); PAPL. the Tapā Gaccha. As Gunaratna was 3 (8); Pet. V. No. 884 ; Punjab. Nos. a descendent of Devendra, his informa 2741; 2742; 2743; Surat. 1, 2, 5; tion regarding Devendra's commentary Tapa. 329; VA. 17 (7) ; VB. 36 (2); must be regarded as reliable. JG. p. 37 ( 4 ); VD. 14 (21; 32); Vel. No. 119 ; PAP. 11 ( 19 ); PRA. No. 525. 1683; Weber. II. No. 1932. (9) Curņi by Somasundara, pupil (1) Țikā ( Gram. 2900 ) composed in of Devasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Sam. 1670 by Devavijaya, pupil of PRA. No. 669 (dated Sam. 1498 ). Rāmvijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. (10) Vrtti (Gram. 4150 ) by No. 221; DB. 35 ( 27 ); VA. 17 (7); Munisekhara. JG. p. 119. It is really VD. 14 ( 32). Matisekhara. See Bhavanagar Bhandar, FÆTTA 1T2 composed in Sam. 1484 by Dabhda No. 39 (Note ). Māņikyasundara, pupil of Merutunga(11) Bālāvabodha composed in sūri of the Asacala Gaccha. PAP. 30 (2; Samvat 1601, by Kusalabhuvanagani, dated Sam. 1487). probably of the Tapā Gaccba. Vel. No. 10. FETTqar Bengal. Nos. 6737 ; 6865. 1585. (1) Tikā. Bengal. Nos. 6737 ; 6865. (12) Stabaka composed in Sam. FETS ITTFIT16U in 26 Sanskrit Kārikās by an 1700 by Dhanavijayagani, pupil of unknown author. Limdi. No. 1392. Kalyāņavijaya of the Tapă Gaccha. PRA. Fagufa taqrogram of Sahajakirti. PRA. No. No. 197. 207. See Siddhasabdārņava. (13) Bālāvabodha by Rājahamsa. do Fay DA. 75 ( 25 ; 26 ; 27); JG. p. 83; SA. VD. 4 (5). Nos. 1945; 2845 ; VC. 14 ( 32). (14) Țikā. Anonymous. Bengal. No. (1) Vivaraña (Gram. 250 ). VC. 4182; VB. 35 (9); VD. 5 (1 to 3); 14 ( 32 ); JG. p. 83; SA. Nos. 1945 ; 13 ( 20 ). 2845. Faiangaraga of Lakşmisāgara. BK. No. 1495. Fale Pet. V. No. 883. Falagi DA. 76 (73). सप्तपञ्चाशदारत्रविक in Prakrta of Nemicandra, a (1) Vivarana. DA. 76 (73). Digambara writer. Mysore. II. p. 284. Fafa Tar t s of Abhayadevasūri. Punjab. (I) FAQErff a manual of the Vaiseșika system No. 2755. See Vțddhistavana. by Sivāditya, a Hinda writer. Fafatte is a collection of about 360 (1) Tīkā composed by JinavardhaGāthās on the 170 Sthānas according to nasüri, successor of Jinarājasūri of the Jainism, composed by Somatilakasūri, Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. III. No. pupil of Somaprabhasüri of the Tapā 291 ; V. Nos. 1390 ( ms. dated Sam. Gaccha in Sam. 1387. Published with 1660 ); 1391 ; Bik. No. 1172 ; BK. Devavijaya's commentary by the Jaina No. 1019 ; CC. I. p. 695; II. p. 166 , Atmānanda Sabhā, Bhavnagar, Sari. Chani. Nos. 595 ; 604 ; JG. p. 98 ( ms. 1975. Bhand. VI. Nos. 1281 ; 1282; dated Sam. 1511 ); PAZB. 17 ( 38 ), 1283 ;BK. No. 221 ; Buh. II. Nos. 244;! SA. No. 752. Jain Education Interational Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 416 ifrat : (2) Ţikā by Siddhicandragaņi. VB. (I) ECETTETE T by Sakalakirti (Grań. 36 ( 48 ) 1800 ). JG. p. 268. This seems to be a (3) Tikā by Devasādhu. VA. 17 mistake. See JG. p. 268 f. n. ( 16 ). (II) ECOTKUTANE y of Somakirti. Punjab. (4) Tikā by Bhāvasena Traividya. Nos. 2760; 2761. See Sapta vyasanaPatan Cat. I. Intro. p. 44. kathā (I) ( II ) Faerefi composed in Sam. 1757 by Ethafara r IT of Māņikyasūri. Kath. Yasasvatsägara, pupil of Yaśassāgara of No. 1313. the Tapā Gaccha. Agra. Nos. 2443, catalizareata in Prākrta. CP. p. 701 ; JG. p. 2446, 2447 ; PRA. No. 213. 293. Fantaggi Surat. 1, 5. Atatea in Sanskrit. SG. No. 2619. ErTHUIT DB. 20 ( 60 ). (I) Fagylalat is a small poem (Gram. a rati oft in prose by Vimaladāsa, pupil of 442) cantaining 9 cantos, in which Anartadevasvamin. Published in the RJS. every verse is capable of 7 interpretations Series, No. 4, Bombay, Vir. Sam. 2431. connected with the 7 great persons (five Also in the Sāstramuktāvali No. 8, Jinas and Krisņa and Rāma ) of Jainism Conjeevaram, 1901. BO. p. 62; JG. p. composed in Sarn. 1760, by Meghavijaya94, Punjab. No. 2758. gani, pupil of Krpāvijaya of the Tapā Gaccha; published in the Abhayadevasūri. FH19 TO composed by Dānavijayagņi, pupil granthamālā, Bikaner, Rajputana, and of Vijayarājasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. also in the Jain Vividha Sāhitya SastraBaroda. No. 7805; DA. 67 ( 22 ); 75 mālā (No. 3) Benares, 1917. Agra. ( 28, 31). No. 2966. Faidaiana of Devendrakirti. Indar. 74; 77 ; 12 ) सप्तसन्धानमहाकाव्य of Hemacandra, the 178. Great. Meghavijaya mentions this as Faraatia hawaa in Prākrta. JG. p. 293. already lost at his time. F E TT (Gram. 3500 ) by Bhuvanakīrti. Razgala in Präkrta (Be: - vandāmi say VA. 16 ( 6 ). jiņidam). Pet. I. A. pp. 45 ; 64 ; 82 ; 86; (1) F e ram composed in Sam. 1526 III. A. p. 31. by Somakirti, pupil of Bhimasena, pupil (1) ECATERTUTESTIs The sevan hymns are: -(1) of Dharmasena of the Naditata Sangha. Ajitośāntistava of Nandisena; (2) UllāsikThe poem is otherwise called Vidhivinoda kama, Stotra of Jinadatta ; (3) 'Namiūņa, at Punjab. No. 2761. Bhand. V. No. or Bhayaharastotra of Mänatunga ; ( 4 ) 1128; VI. No. 1053 ; BK. No. 1826; Tam Jayau Stotra of Jinadatta ; ( 5 ) Buh. VI. No. 681; CP. p. 701; DB. Gurupāratantryastotra of Jinadatta ; (6) 30 ( 45 ); Idar. 106 (5 copies ); "Sigghamavaharau' Stotra of Jinadatta Idar. A. 63; Kath. Nos. 1165; and (7) Uvasaggabara stotra of Bhadra1166 ; Pet. IV. No. 1484; V. bahu. BK. No. 1353 ; Chani. No. 736; Nos. 977; 978; Mitra. VIII. p. 144 ; DA. 41 (138 to 140; 143 to 147; 149 PRA. No. 1122 ; Punjab. Nos. 2759; to 154 ); 75 (10); DB. 24 (92; 93, 2760; 2761. 95; 96 ), Hamsa. Nos. 792; 803, (II) FCEU ET41 Anon. Agra. No. 1583; 1144; 1209; 1337; 1347 ; JHB. 47; Surat. 2, 4. KB. 2 (17), 3 (20; 58); 5 ( 28 ), and (7) Uras. 1353 ; 143 to 147: 95, Jain Education Intemational Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः। 412. : Surat. It Samb. No.885; SÁ.' / THE Limdi. Nos. 538; 616; 639; 808 ; Awars JG. p. 204. 1064; 1405 ; 1637; PAP. 76 ( 43 ); FAHEata in Sanskrit. AK. Nos. 838 to 846. PAPR. 18 (53); Pet. V. No. 885; SA. Nos. 118; 2004; Samb. Nos. 262, 342; FATEH JG. p. 363. 353, Surat. 1 ( 6 copies ); 2 ; 4. #127 of Dharmaghosa. JG. p. 113. See Samabhāvasata. (1) Tīkā by Siddhicandragani of the Tapā Gaccha. DA. 41 (138, 139 ), Pet. (I) ARTTIT of Amarakirti. Rice. p. 310. V. No. 185. See also Bhanucandracaritra, (II) F ace of Brahmadeva Mahākavi. Hum. Singhi Jain Series, 1941, Intro. p. 74. 57 ; Mud. 349; 658; SRA. 155 ; 252. (2) Tikā composed by Harsakirti, erga See Samayasāraprābhrta. pupil of Candrakīrti of the Nāgapuriya F 4 U also called Nirgranthasamayabhūşaņa Tapā Gaccha. Bhand, V. No. 1241; BK. composed by Indranandin alias IndraNo. 1853, Chani. No. 736 ( ms. dated bhuti. AK. Nos. 837 ; 847; 848 ; Hebru. Sarn. 1650); DA. 41 (143); 75 (10); 10; Hum. 31; 231; Mud. 9 ; 345; DB. 24 (92; 93); PAP. 76 (43); 430; 607 ; SG. No. 1767; SRB. 42; PAPR 18 ( 50 ). Strass. p. 310. (3)Tikā composed in Sam. 1365 by FATEIT a work mentioned by Mallisena in his Jina prabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Syādvādamañjari ( on v. 29 ). BO. p. 32; DA. 41 ( 140 ). EHTAT Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 2983 to 2987. (4) Tikā composed in Sām. 1695 (I) FAJATTAIC composed in San. 1693 by (JHB. list) by Samayasundaragani of the Rājamalla Pāņdye. PAP. 9 (12). Kharatara Gaccha. JHB. 47, KB. 3 (II) FATETTAITĀ Anonymous. Perhaps this is ( 20 ). the work of Amrtacandra mentioned be(5) Tikā. Anonymous. KB. 3 (58); drag mentioned be low. Agra. Nos. 2985; 2987; Bengal. No. 5 ( 28 ); Punjab. No. 2762; Surat. 6845; Buh. II. No. 320; KB. 1 ( 38 ); 1, 2, 4. 2 ( 16 ); Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8; VB. (II) ACTE Tuttar ( Fugatt3 ) of Jinadatta. 34 ( 13 ), Bik, No. 1518. F#TATIC of Amrtacandrasūri. It conFREECEE Pet. V. No. 886. tains 277 Sanskrit Sloka's divided into ARTISTIaragiwa Buh. VI. No. 686. seven chapters and describes the seven (1) Tikā. Buh. VI. No. 686 ( ms. Padārtbas, in a dramatic allegory. It is dated Sam. 1454 ). different from the Atmakhyātikalagas. ESTACF BO. p. 32; CP. p. 701. It is published in the Sarātana Jain Gra. nthamālā No. 1, Bombay, 1905 by Pana1925 of Cakreśvarasuri. Published in Praka lal Vamsidhara. raṇasamuccaya, Indore, 1923. FISIF BK. No. 1254 ; Hamsa. No. 720 ; JG.(I) FHEITTU by Devānanda. Both text and p. 344; Surat. 5. commentary are published in the JAS. Series, No. 39, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1971. HIETTICA by Raghurāma. Bengal. Nos. 6678; Bhand. VI. No. 1284; Kath. Nos, 1133; 7341 ; Punjab. No. 2774. 1134; Kiel. III. No. 183 ; Mitra. VIII. quatur of Rāmacandrabhatta. Limdi. No. 673 p. 135; PAP. i9 (138); PAPL. 7 (ms. dated Sam. 1545 ). (22); 8 ( 93 ); PAPR. 3 (2); PAPS. FAQstaria Bengal. No. 7504. 68 (64); PAZB. 19 ( 17 ); Pet. III, J.......53 Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 418 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। No. 642; V. No. 887 ; SA. Nos. 172, 284 ; 407; 1590, 2901 , Strass. B. No. 433 H ; Surat. 1, 6. (1) Svopajña Tikā. Kath. Nos. 1133; 1134 (ms. dated Sam. 1469 ); Kiel. III. No. 183; PAP. 19 (138); PAPR. 3 (2); PAZB. 19 (17); Strass. B. No. 433 H. (II) FATATTETU by Samayasundara (?). VB. 36 ( 42 ; 62 ; 66 ). (III) FATETTU by Pratibodha. Rice. p. 310. EHTEYa Kundakunda Acārya. It contains 415 ( 439 ) stanzas in Präkrta, divided into 9 Ankas and is published with the commentaries of Amrtacandra and Jayasena, in the Sanātana Jain Granthamāla, No. 3, Benares, AD. 1914, and also in the RJS. Series, Bombay, 1919 (No. 14). Text with English translation &c., by J. L. Jaini is published in the Sacred Books of the Jainas (No. 8), Arrah, 1930. The Kalasas or the metrical portions from Amrtacandra's commentary are separately published in the Digambara Jain Grantha Bhandar Series, Kāsi (No. 1), Benares, Sar. 1982 and in the Sanātana Jaina Granthävali, Calcutta (No.1), 1905. AD. Nog. 28, 130, 151, Bhand. III. No. 462; V. No. 1090; VI. Nos. 992; 1036 ; Bik. No. 571 ; BO. p. 32; Buh. VI. Nog. 682 ; 683; CMB. 201 ; CP. pp. 702 ; 703 ; DA. 76 (9); Flo. No. 656 ; Idar. 40; 41 ; Idar. A. 17, JA. 64 (1); KO. 3 ; 4 ; Limdi. No. 13; Mitra. VII. p. 183 ; MHB. 52 (2 copies ); Mysore. II. p. 284, Padma. 119; PAPS. 38 (5); Pet. I. A. p. 86; II. No. 278; IV. Nos. 1485; 1486; VI. No. 690 ; SG. No. 626; Strass. p. 310; Tera. 10 to 26; VA. 2 (4); 17 (14); VB. 34 (8); VC. 13 (20); 14 (25), Vel. Nos. F 1688; 1689. (1) Atmakhyāti with Kalasas, which are a sort of metrical commentary consi- sting of 263 Slokas supplementary to the prose commentary, both composed by Amrtacandrasuri, a Digambara writer, who lived in the 10th century A. D. AD. Nos. 130, 151 ; Bengal. No. 1500; Bhand. VI. No. 1036 ; BO. p. 32; CMB. 201; CP. pp. 702, 703; DA. 76 (9); Flo. No. 656 ; Idar. 41 ; Idar. A. 17; JA. 64 (1); KO. 4, Limdi. No. 13 ; Mitra. VII. p. 183 ; MHB. 52 (2c.); Mysore. II. pp. 284, 285 ; Padma. 119; PAPS. 38 ( 5 ); Pet. I. A. p. 86; II. No. 278 ( = IL. A. p. 161 , quotatoin ); IV. No. 1485; V. No. 989; PR. No. 123; SG. No. 626, VA. 2 ( 4 ); VC. 13 ( 20 ); 14 ( 25 ); Vel. No. 1689. (2) Tātparyavrtti of Jayasena. Bik. No. 571; BO. p. 32 ( ms. datad Sam. 1629 ); CP. p. 702; Kath. No. 1209; PR. No. 3 ; SG. No. 1226. (3) Țikā called Adhyatmatarangini by Amrtacandrasuri. This is probably the prose protion of commentary (No. 1). CP. p. 703. (4) Tikā by Prabhācandra. CP. p. 702. (5) Tikā by Bālacandra, pupil of Nayakirti. CP. p. 702. (6) Tikā by Visālakirti. Idar. 40. (7) Tīkā by Jinamuni (?). KO. 3. (8) Kalasaţikā, a commentary in Hindi on Amrtacandra's Kalasas by Rāyamalla. CP. p. 702. (9) Kalasatikā a similar commentary by Jayacandra. CP. p. 702. (10) Vrtti Anonymous. AD. No. 28; Bhand. III. No. 462; Buh. VL No. 682 ; CP. p. 702; MHB. 52; Tera. 10 to 26 ; VB. 34 ( 8). T ( Be : - se kir tam samae. ) in Prākıta. Hamsa. No. 450 ; Weber. II. No. 1967 (4). Bik. No. 1730. . 310; Tera B. 34 (8): PATENT EE A Jain Education Intemational Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 419 H O T of Kundakunda. See Samayaprābhrta. 46 ( 2 ), PAPR. 5 (1); Pet. IV. No. Flo. No. 656. 1361 = IV. A. p. 123; SA. No. 325 , FATHIE by Māņikyasuri (Gram. 3200 ). Surat. 1, 4. VC. 13 ( 18 ). ) Fatizauita Anonymous. See also Samara(I) Ahtarafts (Grar. 10000) in Prākrta bhānucaritra. JB. 111; 116; JHA. 54; composd by Haribbadrasuri, pupil of KB. 5 (11); KN. 12. Jinadattasuri. It is a big Romance in (IV) FATIIETafts by Mativardhana. Published mixed prose and verse divided into 9 by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1915. chapters, to which a Būmikă is attached. Bengal. No. 3043. Edited by H. Jacobi in the Bibliotheca (V) FATITJUIta in Sanskrit Prose, by Indica Series, Calcutta, 1926. According Sumativardhana. Punjab. Nos. 2776 ; to the Prasasti of Peterson's Cambay ms. 2777. This is perhaps the same as the (see Pet. IJI. A. p. 124), Ratnaprabhasūri Tippani of No. (I) above. lectured on this book in Sam. 1299, at FACATO in Prākrta, Punjab. Nos. 2778; 2779. Cambay. Baroda. No. 2694 ; Bengal. See Samavasaraņaprakarana. No. 3043 ; Bt. No. 308 ; Chani. Nos. 523; 524 ; DB. 28 (1; 2); DC. p. 21; Fetuagiar Surat. 10. L Hamsa. Nos. 68 ; 498; JA. 48 ( 1 ); FATATOgor by Medhāvin this is a part of his Jesal. No. 800; JG. pp. 102; 235; Dharmasangraha (s. v.). It is published Mitra. X. p. 128; PAPM. 31; PAPR. at Seoni, 1913. 21 (1); PRA. No. 1153 ; Pet. III. HATOTTITAT JG. p. 142. A. p. 118; V. No. 888; V. A. p. 91 ; (I) FH ETOHI of Vadisimha. AD. No. 79. VI. p. 142, No. 82; Strass. B. No. 451; (II) FATETOOFTI of Ratnakirti. Idar. 162. VB. 34 ( 19 ). (III) HAETOga in Sanskrit by Rūpacandra. (1) Tippani which almost consists of SG. No. 2007. a Sanskrit translation of the original, (IV) FTATUITEI Anonymous. CP. p. 703. was composed in Sam. 1874 by Ksamā- FAGFITTATUT Buh. I. No. 57; JA. 60 (11; kalyana and Sumativardhana. Baroda. this consists of 71 Gātbās), PAP. 25 No. 2964; Bengal. No. 3043; Chani. (24; Gram. 195); Pet. I. Nos. 273; No. 523 ; JG. pp. 102 ; 235; Mitra. 306; III. A. p. 30; V. No. 889; X. p. 128; Pet. V. No. 888; VL p. Surat. 1. 142, No. 82 ; PRA. No. 1153. FHCATOla (a part of Adipurāņa of Jinasena). (II) Farfardafta also called Samarādityasam CP. p. 703. ksepa (Gran. 4874), composed in HTETEVE with Avacuri, published in the JAS. Sam. 1324 by Pradyumnasūri, pupil of (No. 1), Bhavnagar. DA. 58 (91). Kanakaprabha. It is inentioned by the (1) FAQATOTìa in 52 Gātbās by Mahākhya. author in the Prasati to his com. on Flo. No. 691. Pravrajyāvidhāna (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 45 ). It is a sort of abridgment of (I1 ) FATETERla of Vidyadhipagaņi. Mysore. Haribhadra's work done in Sanskrit. It II. p. 285. is edited by H. Jacobi, Ahmedabad, (III) ATATUTETET of Vişnusena Traividya. It 1905. Baroda. Nos. 2115 ; 2965; BK. contains 63 Sanskrit Slokas and is publiNo. 222 ; Bt. No. 309; DB. 28 ( 3; 4 ); shed in the MDG. Series, No. 21, BomHamsa. No. 1483; JG. P. 285; PAP. . bay, Sann. 1919. AD. No. 97; AK. Nos. 964; Sunnativard 1974 by Kamal, (iv) 1905.ted by H. Jacoe in Sanskritent of Jain Education Intemational Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 420 830; 832, 834; Bhand. VL. No. 1087; CP. p. 703; Hebru. 7; Hum. 43; Idar. 82 (3 copies); JG. p. 293; Pet. IV. No. 1489; PR. No. 177; Strass. p. 311. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । (IV) cats in 24 Gathas of Dharmaghogs. It is published by the JDPS, and JAS. Series, Bhavnagar, Sarh. 1917. BO. p. 62, Hamsa. Nos, 114; 566; 1010; JG. p. 136; Limdi. No. 1566; Pet. VL No. 636, SA. No. 1949; Strass. p. 310. (1) Avacuri. JG. p. 136; Limdi. No. 1566, Pet. VI. No. 636. (2) Balavabodha composed by Ratnacandra, pupil of Santicandragapi. This is mentioned by the author in his Prasasti to the commentary on Adhyatmakalpa druma. (V) Graecorais Anonymous. Agr. No. 1269, DA. 60 (170 to 174), 76 (69); DB. 35 (144 to 147); JG. p. 145, SA. Nos. 732; 2785; 2985, Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7; VC. 14 (24). (1) Avacuri. Anonymous. DA. 76 (69); DB. 35 (144 to 147), VC. 14 (24, Gram. 150). समवायनिराकरण SG. No. 1488. समवायाङ्गसूत्र is the fourth Anga of the Agama. It is published with Abhayadeva's commentary in the Agamodaya Samiti Series (No. 15), Surat, 1919, and also in the Agama sangraha by Ray Dhanpatsinha Bahadur, Benares, 1880. Agra. Nos. 42-55, AM. 41; 281; 375; 395; AZ. 2 (5); Bengal. Nos. 6685; 6898; Bik. No. 1514; Buh. III. No. 139; IV. No. 215; Chani. No. 72; DA. 4 (18 to 26, 31, 32), DB. 2 (7 to 12); DC. p. 40, Flo. Nos. 496; 497; 498; JA. 110 (4); JB. 12 (7 copies); Jesal. Nos. 819, 820, 883; JG. p. 4; JHA. 4 (2); 8 (2 c.); JHB. 6; Kiel. I. No. 110 Kundi. Nos. 39, 322; LimdiNos. 8, 75; 100, 108; 183; 195; 264, 310; 351, 478; Mitra. VIII. pp. 229 230 PAP. 501 to 10; 12 to 14); 52(14); PAPS. 7 (3 to 15); PAZA. 2 (3; 4); PAZB.4 (1); PRA. No. 1285, Punjab. Nos. 2780 to 2784; SA. Nos. 3; 260; 2570; 2664, 2710; Samb. Nos. 138; 175; 323; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7; VA. 17 (13), VB. 34 (18), 35 (15; 17; 23, 33); 36 (7; 16); VC. 14 (10; 26; 29); Vel. Nos. 1540 to 1545; Weber. II. Nos. 1783 to 1786. (1) Tik composed in Samh. 1120 by Abhayadevasüri, pupil of Jinesvarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Gram. 3575; Berivardhamanamanamya. Agri. No. 46; AM. 281; AZ 2 (5); Bik. No. 1733; Bod. No. 1335; BSC. No. 713; Buh. IV. No. 216; Chani. No. 72; DA. 4 (16, 17; 29; 30; 33); DB. 2(7, 8, 9); DC. pp. 8; 40, Flo. No. 498; Hamsa. Nos. 616, 1379; JB. 12 (3 c.); Jesal. No. 819; JG. p. 4; JHA. 4, JHB 6; Kundi. Nos 39; 322; Mitra. VIII. p. 230; PAP. 50 (1, 2, 3, 6; 9; 14); 52 (14), PAPS. 7 (3, 13; 14; 15); PAZA. 2 (4); PAZB. 4 (1); Pet L. No 348; IV. No. 1362, PRA. No. 1285 (No. 7, ms dated Sam. 1349); Punjab. Nos. 2785; 2786, 2787; SA. No. 3; Samb. No. 176; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7, VA. 17 (13); VB. 34 (18); 35 (15; 17, 23); 36 (716); VC. 14(10; 26; 29); Weber. II. Nos 1785; 1786. (2) Niryukti by Vijayasuri (!). This is very probably the same as above. VB. 35 (33). (3) Vrtti by Megharja Vacaka. Punjab. No. 2780. (2) Paryaya. Kap. Nos. 82-86. Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः 421 arathi Ahmedah Ba, 194010by R Fafaar (Gram. 200). VC. 14 ( 31). But in the opinion of Dr. P. L. Vaidya, FataTragte (Gram. 600). JG. p. 363, vv. 2, 3, 103, 104 and probably 105 समस्तविंशतिपदस्तुति Bengal. No. 6843. are interpolations; see Jainasiddhānta bhāskara, Vol. V. It is published in AREA Tatha in Sanskrit. PR. No. 130 the Sanātana Jaina Granthamālā, समस्तसिद्धान्तविषमपदपर्याय also called Siddhāntakosa, No. 1, by Pannalal and Vamsidhara, composed by Jinabhadrasuri, pupil of Bombay, 1905 and also by Pandit Jinarājasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. He Fatecand Dehali, Dehali, Sam. 1978. helped Jayasāgara in correcting Sandeha Text with English translation by M. N. dolávali in Sam. 1495 ; see Pet. IV. A. Dvivedi, is published at Ahmedabad, p. 120. Jesal. No. 801 ; PAP. 64 (13; 1895. AD. with Marathi translation, duted Sam. 1653); SA. No. 249. second edition by R. N. Shah of Shola. FAFARRjqaeg SA. No. 913. pur, 1940. No. 46, AK. Nos. 851 to 854; EHEUTHIEF Tena Bhand. V. No. 1242. Baroda. No. 4099; Hebru. 7; Hum. (1) Tīkā. Bhand. V. No. 1249. 149, Idar. 24 ( 6 copies ); JG. p. 113 ; (I) Fatiga of Kundakundācārya. AD. No. 26 ; PAP. 27 (9); Padma. 51, Pet. V. Nos. Baroda. No. 2967 ; Buh. IV. No. 214; 981, Samb. No. 253; SG. Nos. 112 ; CP. p. 703 , DB. 23 (13; 14); Hamsa. 576 ; Strass. p. 311 ; Surat. 5. No. 332 ; Idar. A. 22 (3 copies ); JG. (1) Tikā by Prabhācandra. AK. p. 113; JHB. 59; Kath. No. 1429; No. 853; Baroda. No. 4099, BO. p. Pet. III. No. 565; V. No. 980; Surat. 62 ; CP. p. 704 ; Padma. 51 ; PAP. 27 1. (2818); 8; Tera. 39 to 51; VD. 14 (9); Pet. V. No. 981 ; SG. No. 576. (2). (2) Tīkā by Yasascandra. Idar. 24. (1) Tikā by Parvatadharma. AD. (3) Tīkā by Parvatadharma. Idar. No. 26; Baroda. No.2967 ; Buh. IV. No. 24. 214; CP. p. 703 , Idar. A. 22 (2c.) ; (4) Vrtti by Meghacandra. Strass. p. 311. JG. p. 118, Pet. III. No. 565; V. No. 980 , Samb. No. 215. FATHET Buh. IL No. 251. This is actually Yati(2) Tikā by Nathulal. CP. p. 703. pratikramaņasutra. Faraggrup of Hastimalla. Mud. 155. . (II) FATH of Pujyapāda. The name Samādhi FATTIS in 70 Gätbās (Be:--danaicau.) tantra is based upon v. 105 of the text Pet. I. A. p. 84. which is probly an interpolation, according to Dr. P. L. Vaidya; see below | समासप्रकरण and कृत्प्रत्यय of Jayanandasuri. PAP. Samādhisataka. But Pandit J. Muktar 17 (21). at Anekänta, Vol. II. pp. 443-452 समितिगुप्तिकषायकथा composed by Kanakavijaya, controverts this view. pupil of Kamalavijayagani of the Tapā (III) Friuata of Yasovijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. SA. No. 71. . Gaccha. DB. 45 ( 108; 109 ). FIATAS Tot (Be :--aththappavayana. ). Pet. V. FAITHESITT KB. 3 ( 20 ). A. p. 137. F iqrafata in 9 Sanskrit verses by YasovijayaFAITWA AK. Nos. 855 to 862. gani of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 106. FAIETATUT Idar. 24; Surat. 2. Axiaqrarais in 9 stanzas by Yasovijayagani. JG. FHIATAN Punjab. No. 2790. p. 294. HAIINITY of Pujyapāda, in 105 Sanskrit stanzas.' gigantya Bhand. III, No. 463. Jain Education Intemational Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 422 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । edwie (Gram. 2100) by Municandrasuri. VC. 14 (23). संप्रातिनृपचरित्र Published in the Atmānandajayagranthamals of Dabhoi at Ahmedabad, Sam. 1976. One Samprätirsjakatha is published at Jamnagar by Hiralal Hamsaraja. ara On grammar, by Rabhasanandin. Jesal. Nos. 265; 1297, Kundi. No. 8, Samb. No. 295. (Grath. 2000) also called Sambodhaprakarana and Tattvaprakasaka, composed by Haribhadrasüri. It is published by Shah Vadilal Bapulal, Ahmedabad. Bhand. VI. No. 1278, BK. No. 50; DB. 34 (85; 86); JG. p. 191, PAPR. 9 (12), SA. Nos. 271, 1773; Surat. 1, 9. (1) सम्बोधनपञ्चाशिका in Sanskrit by Jinadam Kavi. SG. No. 1991. (II) of Gautamasvamin. Bhand. VI. No. 992; Bah. VI. No. 687 CMB. 55 ; CP. p. 704. (1) of Jayasekhara (Gaths 1388). Punjab. No. 2794. (II) सम्बोधप्रकरण See Saribodhatattva. A in 53 Gathas by. Nayacandrasuri. Agra. No. 1008; DB. 35 (110); Limdi. No. 930; JG. p. 192. (1) Tika by Amara kirtisüri. Baroda. No. 2124; BK. Nos. 900; 949, Chani. No. 860; JHB. 25 (2c.). (1) cafa of Ratnasekharasuri. This is published with the commentary of Amara kirti by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar. (III) Baroda. No. 2124; BK. Nos. 900, 949, Chani. No. 860; JHB. 25 (2c.); Limdi. No. 976. (1) सम्बो सप्ततिका of Juyalekharasūri of the Anicala Gaccha. It is published with a commentary in Gujrati, aud with Gunavinaya's commentary in the JAS. Series, No. 53, (I) (I) Bhavnagar, 1922. Agra. Nos. 1890 to 1901 Bhand. VI. No. 1279; BK. No. 1918; Buh. II. No. 322, CP. p. 704, DA. 33 (39); 59 (30 to 54), DB. 34 (79 to 84); Hamsa. Nos. 967; 1148; 1158; JG. p. 192; JHA. 47 (2c.); JHB. 25 (8c.); 61; Limdi. Nos. 678, 1519, 1697; PAPS. 40 (3); Pet. I. No. 275 Punjab. Nos. 2795 to 2801; Samb No. 124; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; VD. 14 (4); Vel. Nos. 1690 1691 1692. (2) Balavabodha by Merusundara in Sam. 1528. JHB. 25. (3) Tika by Yasovijaya. VD. 14 (4) (4) Avacuri. Anonymous. DB. 34 (79, dated Sam. 1537). gia Surat. 1 (2000). Éngfangggfea composed in Sam. 1497 by Somakunjara, pupil of Jayasagarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. DC. pp. 68-69. by Tejapala. Kath. No. 1210. (1) Vivarana composed in Sam. 1651, by Ganavinaya, pupil of Jayasoma Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaocha. Agra. No. 1894, BK. No. 1918, DB. 34 (80); DC. p. 56; Hamsa. No.967; JG. p. 192; PAPS. 40 (3); Vel. No. 1692. composed in Samh. 1413 by Merutungasüri. See HJI, p. 438. for Anonymous. Bt. No. 228, Jesal. No. 789 (palm ms.); JG. p. 238; SG. No. 2474; Tera. 208. संभवादि अनेक जिनस्तुति DB 24 (103) संमतितर्क Sammatimabatarka. संभतिप्रकरण See Sammatirahitarka. संमतिमहातर्फ in three chapters containing respe ctively 54, 43 and 70 Gathas composed by Siddhasena Diväkara. It is quoted in Jinadasa's Viseṣacurni on the Nisithasutra Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः 425 a Nyāyāvatārastroduction TESTFIE and also in the Dhavala of Virsena ; for PAZB. 11 (1;2); SA. Nos. 167 ; 461 ; the latter, see Satkhaņdāgama, (Amraoti, 1613; 2083; Samb. Nos. 378; 379; 1939), Vol. I. Intro. p. 53. Published SB. 2 ( 150 ; 151); VA. 16 (9). by the Puratattvamandira, Ahmedabad, (3) Sanmativivaraṇa composed by a Sam. 1980-1984, with the commentary of Digambara writer called Sanmati and Abhayadevasuri. It is also published in the alluded to by Vadiraja in his PārsvaYJG. Seies, Benares, Vir Samvat 2436. nāthacarita. See Anekānta, Vol. II. p. The text only is published with a long 571 foot-note. introduction and Gujrati translation in (4) Vrtti. Anonymous. Agra. No. the Punjabhai Jaina Granthamala, Ahme. 2544 , Bt. No. 358 (3); JG. p. 80. dabad, 1932 A.D. The text alone is also published in the JDPS. Series, No. 14, " statue of an unknown author. It is in Sanskrit and is published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, 1909, along with Ekavimsatidvätrimsikā and Nyāyāvatāra. The text Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. with English translation and introduction FESTETTAT of Surendrakīrti. SG. No. 68. is again published by the Secretary, Jain ratai Tu in 21 chapters by Dikşita DevaSvetambar Education Board, Bombay datta. Its Granthāgra is 1800. Bengal. No. 3, AD. 1939. Agra. Nos. 2539 to No. 1462 ; Bhand. VL No. 1052 ; Buh. 2544; Baroda. No. 2968 ; Bt. No. 358; VI. Nos. 684, 685 ; Hum. 134 ; 236 ; Chani. Nos. 167; 181 ; 496 ; 753; CP. Kath. No. 1167 ; Pet. III. No. 566; IV. p. 704 ; DC. p. 12; Hamsa. No. 749; No. 1483 = IV. A. p. 165 ( quotation); Jesal. Nos. 461 ; 462; JG. p. 79, Kiel, SG. No. 42. II. No. 408 ; Kundi. No. 257; Limdi. (I) EFTITITE of Lohācārya, in Prākrta. Nos. 48; 1004; 1224; 1225 ; Mitra. X. List (S. J.). p. 39 ; PAP. 78 (4); PAPR. 14 ( 1;2); (II) Fasteigiasie of Gangadāsa in Prākrta. PAPS. 77 (20); PAZB. 11 (1; 2); List (S. J.) Punjab. No. 2802 ; SA. No 753 ; Samb. Nos. 374; 375 ; 381 ; SB. 2 (150; (III) F reTeRagra in Sanskrit of Jinendra151 ); VA. 16 (9). bhusana. List (S.J.). Haqistercenga composed in Sam. 1664 by Jaya(1) Vrtti by Mallavādin (Gram. 700). vijaya. PAP. 63 (15). A quotation from this commentary is given in Haribhadra's Anekantaja yapatā ÀTISHI CP. p. 704. kā. See JH., Vol. 14, p. 305. Bt. No. FAITEK CP. p. 704. 358 (1); JG. p. 80. FETEIT al Pet. V. No. 925. (2) Vrtti composed by Abhaydeva tripragar Pet. V. No. 925. sūri, pupil of Pradyumnasūri of the Rāja paner (Gram. 30 ). JG. p. 190. Gaccha (Gram. 25000). Baroda. No.(I) aukah in 17 Gathās. JA. 105 (1). 2968 ; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1415, 1416; (II) #a 3in 35 Gātbās (Be: devo dbaChani. Nos. 181 ; 496 ; CP. p. 704; DB. 38 (71, 72); DC. p. 12; Hamsa. No. mmo maggo ) by Amaracandrasuri. JG. 367 ; Jesal. Nos. 461; 462'; JG. p. 79; p. 204 ; Pet. V. No. 150. Kiel. II. No. 409 ; Limdi. Nog. 1224: (III) AFTFra Anonymous. Punjab. No. 1225 ; Mitra. X. p. 39 ; PAP. 78 ( 4 ); 2804 (Prākrta ). PAPR. 14 (1;2); PAPS. 77 (20); (I) #terapiigat in 1488 Slokas, composed in LISU ion from Mavādin toiven in Jain Education Intemational Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 424 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । Sam. 1504 by Gunakarasuri of the Caitra Gaccha. DB. 29 (31); PRA. Nos. 613, 1152; Punjab. No. 2813; SA. No. 67. (II) age (Gram. 995) composed in Sam. 1457 by Jayasekhara. CP. p. 705; DB. 29 (12; 32); VB. 36 (51); VC. 14 (4). (III) arrangût composed in Sam. 1487 by Jinaharṣagani, pupil of Jayacandrasūri of the Tapa Gaccha. It is published with the commentary in the JAS. Series, No. 23, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1970. Baroda. No. 2184; BK. No. 310; DA. 48 (15; 17); DB. 29 (29); JHA. 55; PAP. 30 (36); VC. 14 (9). (1) Vṛtti composed in Sam. 1497 by Jayacandragani, the author's pupil. (IV) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी of Vatsarāja Rsi. KC. 10. (V) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी in Sanskrit verse (Gram. 3352) composed in Sarn. 1573 by Somadevasuri, pupil of Simhadattasūri of the Agama Gaccha. Chani. No. 484; PRA. No. 398; Punjab. No. 2810. (VI) age of Dharmakirti. Limdi. Nos. 963; 2353. (VII) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी of Mañigarasa. AK.No. 850; Hum. 71, 82; 116; 151; 183; Hebru. 5; 89. (X) aramaniye of Yasassena Kavi. Tera. 85 to 93. (XI) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी of Vadibhūsana. CP. p. 705. (XII) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी of a pupil of Srutasāgara. (XIV) (XV) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदीकथा See Samyaktvakaumudi. (VIII) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी of Mallibhāsana. Bhand V. (I) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदीकथानक See Samayaktvakau mudi. No. 1129; CP. p. 705; Idar. 28. copies). Tera. (IX) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी of Yasahkirti. Idar 12 ( 3 ( II ) सम्यक्त्वकौमुदीकथानक by Shaha Jodharāja Godika. Buh. VI. No. 688, 90; 91. सम्यक्त्वकौमुदीकथाकोष in Sanskrit (foll. 98 ). PAP. 72 (95). सम्यक्त्वकौमुदीचरित्र Bod. No. 1417. This is prabably the same as No. (1). in 11 Gathas. JG. p. 137. Bhand. V. No. 1129. सम्यक्त्वग्रहणगाथा Punjab. No. 2817. 1784; Weber. II. Nos. 2022-2024 (one of these mss. is dated Sam. 1489). get by a Digambara writer. It is in Sankrit Slokas (about 3000) and contains 8 different stories (Be :-śrīvardhamanamanamya trailokyaikanabho. ). Kiel. I. No. 20 (foll. 102). at Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 863, 1579-1581, Bengal. No. 7186; Bhand. III. No. 464 (prose); IV. No. 311; V. No. 1330; Bik. No. 1734; BO. p. 32, BSC. No. 704 (prose); Buh. II. No. 252 (Bersabhanamrasura); CP. p. 705; DA. 48 (16; 18 to 33); 75 (34); DB. 29 (30; 33); Hamsa. Nos. 902; 1223; 1307; Idar. 28 ( 4c.); 29; JA. 111 (9); JHB. 31 (4c.); 34 (2c.); Kaira. A. 161; Kaira. B. 130, Kath. Nos. 1168; 1169; KB. 3 (41; 74), Limdi. Nos. 708; 709; 710; 773; 845; 1272; 1410, 2526; Mitra. VIII. p. 231; Pet. IV. Nos. 1363; 1364; 1365; V. No. 890; VI. No. 637, Punjab. Nos. 2806; 2808; 2809; 2811; 2812; 2813; 2816; 2818; Rice. p. 314; SA. Nos. 645; 1533 (Digambara ); 2692; Samb. No. 290; Strass. p. 311; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. XIII) armiget Anonymous. (Be:-śrivardhanage in Sanskrit. Punjab. No. 2818 mānamānamya jinadevam.) Vel. No. (ms. dated Sam. 1343). Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ auf: 9944:1 425 F #raftfool of Sadhuranga Upadhyāya. See (3) Vrtti composed by Devabhadra, Sütrakıtāngasutra-tikā. No. (5). pupil of Dharmaghosa, pupil of Candra(II) Frafatger of Udayasagara. See Snātrpan prabhasuri (Gram. 527), JA, 108 (2); cāsika, JG. p. 179; Kundi. No. 322; Limdi. No. 78; PAPR. 18 ( 40 ). FFU walaury of Bhăvavijaya in Sam. 1679. Publi (4) Vrtti called Ratnamahodadhi shed at Calcutta, 1875. (Gram. 8000 ) commenced by Cakreśvara EF#raquafástierait of Devendra (?), or Haribhadra and finished by his grand-pupil Tilakā. (?). Bengal. No. 7264 ; DA. 76 (76); cārya in Sam. 1277; cf. DI. p. 36. DB. 34 ( 59 to 65 ); Hamsa. No. 925; BK, No. 169; Bt. No. 185; Chani. No. JG. p. 139 ; Limdi. No. 775; SA. No 718; DB. 16 (32); DC. p. 55; Hamsa. 2001 ; Vel. Nos. 1695; 1696 : 1697. Nos. 29, 361; JG. p. 191; PAP. 68 (1) Avacūri. Bengal. No. 7264 ; DA. (6); PRA. No. 1089; Punjab. No. 76 ( 76 ) ; DB. 34 ( 59 tv 62 ); JG. p. 2821 ; SA. No. 875; Tapa. 318. 139; Vel. No. 1697. (5) Tikā. Anonymous. ( Be :-namah acciat in 180 stanzas, composed in Sam. srivardhamānāya). AM. 136; JG. p. 1813 by Vibudbavimala, pupil of Kirti 179. vimala of the Tapā Gaccha. It is publish (6) Vrtti (Gram. 12000) containing ed in the DLP. Series, No. 28, Bombay, stories in Prākrta. Bt. No. 186; JG. p. 1915. Agra. No. 860; BK. No. 1303 ; 191. Buh. II. No. 253; DB. 29 ( 65), JG. p. 1799a915 is an interior compilation based on 190 ; Limdi. No. 539; VD. 14 (1). the different original works and commen(1) Svopajñabālāvabodha. BK. No. taries on Jain religion and philosophy. Its 1303. author is unknown; for a brief analysis, see Ardfragato also called Darsanasuddhi (Be ; J. Mukhtar, Anekānta, Vol. II. pp. 538pattabhavannavatiram. ). composed by 542. Buh. VI. No. 777 ; JG. p. 191. Candraprabhasuri. Agra. No. 1271; AM. Ayawaat Hamsa. No. 304. 136; Bik. No. 1652; BK. No. 169; Chani. (1) Avacūri. Hamsa. No. 304. Nos. 309; 718; DB. 16 ( 32 ); Hamsa. सम्यक्त्व महोदधि See. Samyaktvaratnamahodadhi. Nos. 29; 361; JA. 62 (1); 82(1); 108 SB. 2 ( 80, foll. 146 ); Surat. 1, 5. (2); JG. pp. 190; 191; Kandi. No. 322; Limdi. Nos, 78; $65; PAP. 68 (6); #TAIGI SB. 2 ( 99, foll. 14). PAPL. 5 (29; 34); PAPR. 18 ( 40); FeatraGu SB. 2 ( 97, foll. 314); Surat. PAZB. 3 ( 4 ); Pet. I. A. p. 41; III. A. . 1, 5. p. 145; SA No. 875; Tapa. 318. सम्यक्त्व रत्नमहोदधि of Cakresvara and Tilakācārya. (1) Brhadyrtti. Svopajūa (Be : See Samyaktvaprakarana, Com. No. 4. yadvaktrāmbhoja vāpyah ). JA. 62(1); FaxTiergtata by Siddhasüri. Agra. No. Pet. III. A. p. 145. 1272; Hamsa. No. 1349; JG. p. 146. (2) Tīkā, composed in Sam. 1184 | सम्यक्त्व लक्षण another name of Samyaktvaprakasa ; (Be :-cancaccandra) by Vimalagasi, see Anekanta, Vol. II. p. 539 (quotation). pupil of Dharmaghosasuri. Chani. No. #*#afan Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7204. 309; JA. 82 (1); JG. p. 179; PAZB. (1) Tikā by Kamalasımyma. Kundi. 3 ( 4 ), Pet. I. A. p. 41. No. 21. J....54 Page #443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 426 sifatinta: FFFFFT SG. No. 2655. (3) Vịtti by Devendra (?). VB. FFO@agai ascribed to Haribhadrasūri. It is 34 (2). also called Darsanasaptatikā. It is publi (4) Tikā by Sivamandanagaņi, pupil shed with Sanghatilaka's commentary in of Munisundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha the DLP. Series, No. 35, Bombay, (Gram. 357 ). BK. No. 152; CP. pp. 1913. Sanghatilaka, the commentator, 705 ; 706 ; Jesal. No. 730; JG. p. 191; does not know the name of the author of PAPS. 48 ( 57 ); 64 (63); PAZA, 11 the text ; cf. Pet. I. A. p. 92. He ascribes ( 10 ). SA. Nos. 364 ; 628. it' to 'some ancient teacher', Agra. Nos. (5) Bālāvabodha by Ratnacandrgani, 1888; 1889; Bengal. No. 7447 ; Bhand. pupil of Sänticandra Upādhyāya of the V. No. 1196; BK. Nos. 152; 1778; Tapā Gaccha, composed in Sam. 1676. Bt. No. 85 ; CP. pp. 705, 706 ; DA. 59 Bub. III. No. 140; DA. 59 (22); ( 22 to 29); 76 (71); DB. 34 (74 to Limdi. No. 1146 ; PAPS. 39 ( 16 ); 41 77); Hamsa. No. 325; JÁ. 106 ( 4 ); (7); 45 (3); 50 (2); PRA. Nos. Jesal. No. 730; JG. p. 191 ; Kaira. B. 305; 1328; VD. 7 (3). 42; Kundi. Nos. 7; 109, Limdi. Nos. (6) Avacūri. Anonymous. DB. 34 522; 930; 1006; 1145; 1146 ; 1288; (72); Kaira. B. 42; Vel. No. 1694. 1310, Mitra. IX. p. 156 ; PAP. 18 (31); aufradna by Jayatilakasūri ; see Sulasäcaritra. PAPS. 38 (10); 39 ( 16 ); 41 (7); | सम्यक्त्वसार Anonymous. 45 (3); 48 (57); 50 (2); 64 (63); PAZA. 11 (10.); Pet. I. No. 275; I. (1) Vrtti by Sanghatilakasūri. Punjab. A. p. 92 ; III. A. p. 13; IV. No. 1366 ; No. 2829. This is probably the same as V. A. p. 42; VI. No. 638 ; PRA. Nos. Samyaktvasaptatikāvrtti. 305; 1328 ; Punjab. Nos. 2824 to 2827, EFFZETT by Vinayasāgaragaņi. DB. 34 SA. No. 364 ; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8; Tapa. (66; 67 ); SA. No. 1798. 134 ; 196 ; VB. 17 ( 41 ); 34 (2); VC. Furarea in 25 Gātbās. Anonymous. DA. 59 14 ( 20 ); VD. 7 (3); 14 (6); Vel. (1 to 12); Flo. No. 698; JHA. 58; Nos. 1693 ; 1694. SA. Nos. 130; 379; 1564. (1) Vivarana (Gram. 7711) com (1) Avacüri by Munimegha, pupil posed in Sam. 1422 by Sanghatilaka of Kamala samyama. DA. 59 ( 1 to 5). suri, pupil of Gunasekharasuri of the (2) Avacüri composed by Gajasăra in Rudrapalliya Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. Sam. 1561. JHA. 58. 1331; BK. No. 1778; DB. 34 (70-71), Hamsa. No. 325; JG. p. 191 ; Kundi. aturrarana See Samyaktvasvarūpastavana. DA. Nos. 7; 109; Mitra. IX. p. 156; PAP. 60 (179). 18 ( 31); PAPS. 38 (10); Pet. I. A. FUFTEA Pet. VI. No. 639. p. 92 (quotation); III. No. 643 ; (I) tukafa69 Agra. No. 864; DA. 58 (16); Punjab. Nos. 2827; 2829 , SA. No. Punjab. No. 2830. 364 ; Samb. No. 46; Tapa. 134; 196 ; Filtrare in 104 Gāthās by JinacandraVC. 14 ( 20 ); VD. 14 (6). gaņi. Bt. No. 634. (2) Avacūri by Gunanidhānasūri- FEFIETeatwa of Pūjyapāda. Padma. 51. • sisya ( = No. 1 ?). DA. 76 (71); SA. (1) Tikā by Prabhācandra. Padma. No. 628.. 51, Jain Education Intemational Page #444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्याविमागः प्रथमः। 427 F* Fratastega in 25 Prākrta Gātbās by a pupil (II) Freaalne of Vijayakirti. SG. No. 1695. of Jõānasāgara, popil of Punyasāgarasūri. (III) Atraatana of Arhaddasa ; cf. Anekānta, Published in Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. I. p. 428. II, by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. Fraaigsta Buh. VI. No. 689. (I) सम्यक्त्व स्वरूपस्तवन by Devendrasuri in 25| FITFragolegia in about 10 verses in Sanskrit, by Gāthās. CP. p. 706; JG. p. 145; Pet. IV. Jñānabhūsana. Pet. IV. No. 1490; No. 1367. PR. No. 149. (1) Ţikā by Sivamaņdana, pupil of piraal H athala is one of the BhaktāmarapādaMunisundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. CP. pūrti Stotras ; it was composed by p. 706 ; Pet. IV. No. 1368. Dharmasirnha, pupil of Ksema karman, (II) सम्यक्त्वस्वरूपस्तवन Perhaps the same as It is published by the Āgamodaya above. DA. 59 ( 16 ); Kath. No. 1170; Samiti, Bombay, 1927. BK. No. 1814, Pet. III. No. 644; SA. Nos. 130; Hamsa. No. 590 , PRA. No. 313. 1564, VC. 14 (13). Fitraatzi Limdi. No. 1734. (1) sīkā Anonymous. Kath. No.1170; Fraairaga Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 23 ); CP. p. VC. 14 (13). 706; DC. p. 13; JG. p. 294 ; Limdi. F77Fakaequaatteaa Pet. V. No. 891. No. 1031 ; Pet. I. No. 349; IV. Nos.. Faralel of Vivekasamudragani. DC. p. 8 1442; 1443; SG. No. 581; Surat. 1, (cf. DI. p. 37); JG. p. 191, Kundi. 5, 10. No. 337. (I) Erfattaita by Āsādhara. CP. p. 706. #ID Fatigranfais in 29 Gāthās by Municandra. (II) Faaitalia by Bappabbatti in 13 Sanskrit EFT Faiqit JG. p. 191. stanzas. It is also called Sāradāstotra and FigFraigaus in 29 Präkrta stanzas by is published on p. 181 of Prof. H. R. Kapadia's edition of Bappabhatti's Municandra. Limdi. No. 955; Patan Caturvimsikā, in the Agamodaya Samiti Cat. I. p. 131. Series, Bombay, 1926. JG. p. 294; Pet. FigTTOTITIEUT by Raidhū Kavi in Prākrta. SG. No. III. A. p. 212; Vel. No. 1824. 1889. (III) Freaalfaia Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. 6650; erliqafara in Sanskrit. Flo. No. 657. 7614 ; Limdi. No. 859, Punjab. Nos. HOTELSTSITFT of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 2833 to 2835. 139. FITEATTEX by Vidyāvilāsa. Bengal. No. 7364. सरसजनचिन्तामणिकाव्य of Brahmasuri. It is | Fanera also called Catuhparvivicāra. Vel. No. in Sanskrit. Padma. 26; 43; 50; 90; 1785. 123 ; 144. Fahasia by Jinadāsa. Pet. IV. No. 1491. (1) Tikā comosed in AD. 1820 (cf. Falstafalsafala Bengal. Nos. 6917; 7449. Anekānta, I. p. 486 ) by Sāntirāja. Padma. 26 ; 43 ; 50 ; 90 ; 123, 144. Faisaarituta KB. 2 (16). सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरण of Bhojaraja. afstakaan in Sanskrit verse. Punjab. No. 2839. (1) Padaprakāśa by Ajada, son of Erasmara by Jinapati. JG. p. 294 ; Pet. V. Bhāņdāgārika Pārsvacandra ; cf. Patan No. 826. Cat. I. p. 37 (quotations), Fragraifearang DA. 36 ( 53 ). (1) सरस्वतीकल्प by Mallisenasuri. Hamsa, No. | सर्वज्ञनिराकरण See also Sarvajnabhavanirakarana. 1498. SA. No. 913. Jain Education Intemational Page #445 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 428 श्रीजिनरनकोशः। dari9 JG. p. 83. E EFTEÅret Sānticandragaņi. Chani. No. Fantava JB. 163. 647; SA. No. 600. haaratzagia of Akalanka. Ko. 144. antaa of Jayānanda. See Devāhprabhostotra. Eigatque JG. p. 86; SA. No. 913; Surat. 1 JG. p. 294. (foll. 29). (I) antaa of Kumārapāla. Pet. VI. No. FågetaF2C# Baroda. No. 2971; Bt. No. 380; 626. JG. p. 86; Kath. No. 1352; Punjab. (II) arala of Kanakaprabba. Pet. I No. No. 2840. 333 = PRA. No. 933. an of Darmasāgaraga ni of the Tapā Gaccha. Fastrata of Somatilaka. JG. p. 294 , Hamsa. No. AM. 349; BK. Nos. 38; 782 ; Bhand. 274. VI. No. 1286; Buh. VIII. No. 421; F FTC SA. No. 913. DB. 17 (13; 14); Hamsa. No. 400; FasTFATTITUT Agra. Nos. 2547; 2548 ; KB. 3 (74); Limdi. Nos. 1585; 1586; . Hamsa. No. 13. Pet.. V. Nos. 892; 925; PRA. No. 701; Fågraratati cu SG. No. 1512; Surat. 1 (913); Punjab. Nos. 2841; 2842; SA. No. 486; Strass. B. No. 433 i; VA. 16 ( 7 ); VD. 13 (15). paragrafe Bengal. No. 6832; JHA. 70 ( 2 (1) Svopajña Tikā. AM. 349; BK. copies). Nos. 38 ; 78! ;DB. 17 (13; 14); KB. uritatea (Gram. 120 ) by Vinayaprabha. JG. p. 294. Punjab. No. 2842; VA, 16 (7); VD. aastaring of Rajasekhara. SA. No. 1938 (6 foll.). 13 (13). This is the same as the author's Saddar(2) Bālāvabodha composed in Sar. sanasa muccaya... · 1746 by Amrtasāgara, pupil of Santi naqatatiza of Imma dibhatta. Padma. 112, SG. sāgara of the Tapā Gaccha. Limdi. Nos No. 2150. 1583, 1586 ; PRA. No. 701. agreemIAST SG. No. 2150; possibly same as gaatingait by Yasovijayagani, pupil of above. Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. DB. 20 FASTE IT Surat. 1 ( foll. 19). ( 65 ). It is published in the Agamoda ya harau by Silaguna in Sankrit. Punjab. Nos. Samiti Series, No. 49, Bombay, 1927. 2844 ; 2845. (1) afar by Haribhadra (Gram. 300). Aarhus JG. p. 164. Agra. Nos. 2545 ; 2546; Baroda. No. FIESTFASTST (Be:-sarvabhāvapranetāram ). DC 2972 : BK, No. 237, Bt. No. 369 : JG. P. 36, No. 293 (3); Jesal. No. 22 (a p. 80; SA. No. 185. It is published in palm leaf ms.) the MDG. Series, No. 1, Bombay, Sam. pagiraathraquia (Gran. 2264) of 1972. Candrasuri, pupil of Dhanesvarasūri. BK. (II) Fe (g) by Anantakirti. See below: No. 3 (dated Sam. 1492 ); DC. p. 23 (dated Sam. 1493); cf. DI. p. 25; PAZB. (III) pigiaig () By Anantakirti. Both are 10 (5). published in the MDG. Series, No. 1, (II) Pregrafaghuis of Jinabhadrasuri, Bombay, Sam. 1972. pupil of Jinarājasuri of the Kharatara (IV) Eagle ( HIETA) JG. p. 86; SA. No. Gaccha. See Samastasiddhantavisamapada913. paryāya. 3 (74), Limdi... (13; 14); KB. aastieziali copies Jain Education Intemational Page #446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः । 429 (III) are rraletatia Anonymous. Hamsa. Fru n by Abhayadevasuri in 28 Gāthās. No. 817. Bengal. No. 7406 ; JG. p. 204 ; Limdi. Fire JG. p. 86. No. 1288. Fale acier in Prākrta (Gram. 2675). Bt. No.ETINETF in Präkrta by Jinaprabha342; JG. p. 261. sūri. Patan Cat. I. p. 272. HalogITEATO (Be: tam jayau) in 26 Gāthās 96 Gathas (I) FTSTOFFaaa is a hymn in 33 Sanskrit by Jinadattasuri. Bengal. No. 7657; Bik. Stanzas by Kumārapāla. It is publiNo. 1519. shed along with other works by (I) Farefaciaturaru (Gram. 250) by Ravi Pandit Ksamāvijayagaņi at Bombay, prabha. JG. p. 86 ; PAPR. 2 (7); Pet. 1936. Chani. No. 43; SA. Nos. 606; IV. No. 893; SA, No. 913. 1887 ; Surat. 1, 9. (II) सर्वार्थनिराकरणवादस्थल Anonymous. Perhaps (II) Fratto staraga by Somaprabha. JG. p. 294. the same as above. Agra. No. 2253; Hamsa. No. 1507; KB. 1 ( 69 ); PAPS. (III) FITTasakaaa by Jayananda. JG. p. 68 (137); Surat. 1. 294. See Devābprabho Stotra. HUFICHITATI of Jinasamudra. Kundi. Nos. (IV) ETUTTOFTEA7 (izi: 1) by Rāmacandra, 17;35. pupil of Hemacandra. See Nalavilāsa F1971 in Sanskrit by Vijayacandrasuri. JG. p. (Gaek. O. S.), Introduction, p. 33. 261 ( foll. 113 ); PAS. No. 10. | (V) साधारणजिनस्तवन by Ratnakara in Sanskrit. Punjab. No. 2852. Fauzir Bhand. V. No. 1180. (VI) FITOISTENTA Anon. Bengal. No. 7087. FESTA 9137 of Kanakasena. SRA. 194. FISITOataia by Somatilakasuri. It is publiHEHEATEftet of Yogindra. Mud. 480. shed by the Agamodaya Samiti in No. FE U See Pravacanapariksā. 59 of their Series, Bombay, 1929. hariyar of Dharmabhūşana. Idar. 87. ATTITUENCH by Süracandra. Pet. V. No. 642. A ftaga Bengal. No. 7221; KN. 48. (1) Tikā Anonymous. Pet. VI. No. Elafit of Vasudeva. Idar. 192. 642. Fa qat of Dharmakīrti, pupil of Lalitakirti. ArguTaF JG. p. 211. Idar. 87 ; SGR. III. pp. 103-104. argara of Haribhadrasuri. JG. p. 192. See FEFTATASIITTAT of Visalakirti. SG. No. 1692. Darsanasuddhi. FEATHTETET of Dharmabhūşaņa. Idar. 162. (I) Fyramica by Ksamākalyāņa. See SadhuEFASUT in Prāksta. JG. p. 261 ( foll. vidhiprakāśa. 14). (II) Flyreaking by Haribhadra. Published by ha v eagi Bhand. VI. No. 997. Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1917. सागरगच्छगुरुपदावली Vel. No. 1714. aureaani See Yatidinacaryā. DA. 38 ( 86, 87), ETITTEE T in Prākrta. Limdi. No. 577. Surat. 1. FITTHOUT in Sanskrit. Limdi, No. 814; Surat. arguigeHai Flo. No. 658 ; JG. p. 204. 2. ETTA KN. 41 (foll. 22). FITUARIE 1941 by Aśādbara. See Dharma- FIT (Graṁ. 40). JG. p. 204. sarigraha (II). साधुप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र also called Yatipratikramanasurta सागारधर्मामृत See Dharmamrta: or Sramaņasūtra. It is an old Sūtra सागारव्रतकैरवचन्द्रिका CP. p. 707. preserved in Haribhadra's commentary Page #447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 430 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 20 ) on the Avasyaka-niryukti of Bhadrabāhu; Figq9FAT by Haribhadra. JG. p. 102. cf. p. 573 ff. (Agamodaya S. ed.). It is alygiaiTU DC. p. 10; JG. p. 136. published with an unknown commentary engagragliara DB. 22 ( 90 ). in the DLP. Series, No. 2, Bombay, 1911 and with Nayavimalagani's Bālāvabodha higugate DB. 22 (26). in the Dayāvimala Granthamāla, No. 6, Fyrriagh in 47 Prakrta Gathās. JG. p. 204. Devasano pado, Ahmedabad, 1917. Agra. (I) Fyarat by Pārsvacandra. PAP. 63 (19; Nos. 278 to 289; AM. 103 ; 213 Bengal. 23 ). Nos. 6801, 7331; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1236; (II) Fiyagai by Sakalacandragani. PAP. 63 1269; BK. No. 1804 ; Buh. II. No. 251; (37). VI. No. 778; Chani. Nos. 79; 152; (III) Figarqat by Jūänavimalasuri. VB. 36 (76). DA. 26 ( 84 to 102); 74 (15); DB. 12 (33-37); Hamsa. No. 979; JHB. (IV) Fiyaraal composed in Sam. 1624 by Deva59 (2 c.); Kap. Nos. 964-970 ; Limdi. kumāra. JHB. 60. Nos. 181; 182; 477 ; 516; 1288; (V) Alya-qar Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. 7067 ; 1360; 1439, 1565 ; Mitra. IX. pp. 96; 7309; 7720; Bub. VIII. No. 24; KB. 97 ; X. p. 16; PAP. 5 ( 21 ); 22 ( 24 ); 1 ( 42 ); VB. 36 ( 38 ; 53 ; 76 ). PAPS. 45 (8); 48 (44; 45 ); Punjab. (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 956 by Nos. 2863 to 2870, SA. Nos. 86; 103; Pārsvacandra. Bt. No. 24 (4). See Surat. 1, 10 ; Vel. Nos. 1522 to 1526. above No. I. (1) Vrtti by Päráva ; cf. Patan Cat. pyragas composed in Sarn. 1838 by KsamaI. p. 120 ( quotation). kalyāņa, pupil of Amrtadharma of the (2) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1296 by Kharatara Gaccha. Published by AmiTilakācārya. Buh. IV. No. 217; Chani. chand Pannalal, Bombay. Baroda. No. Nos. 79 ; 152 ; DA. 26 ( 86; 88 ) ; DB. 6078; BK. No. 1945; Chani. No. 1031; 12 (9, 30, 31 ; 32 ); JHB. 59, Kap. JHA. 44 ( 2c.); 70 ; KB. 3 (59); 5 No. 971 ; Mitra. X. p. 16; Punjab. ( 32 ); Mitra. IX. p. 180 ; Pet. VI. No. Nos. 2865 ; 2871. 643 ; SB. 2 (99); Surat. 1, 2, 5. (3) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1364 F ATHEUSNITT of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. by Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gac 92. cha. BK. No. 1804 ; Bt. No. 24 (20) ; (I) A ETATET by Jinasüri (Grarn. 1512 ). JHB. 59; PAP. 5 (21). JG. p. 155 ; PAPR. 15 ( 34). (4) Stabaka by Parsvacandra. ( EVETAIL in 282 Gathas composed by PAPS. 45 (8). Pārsvacandra in Sam. 1591. AM. 384. (5) Bālāvabodha by Lakşmiratnasūri. (1) Tikā Svopajña. AM. 384. PAPS. 48 ( 45 ). (III) AYAHTart composed in Sam. 1669 by (6) Vrtti or Avacuri. Anonymous. Megharāja, pupil of Sravaņa Rşi. PRA. Agra. No. 284; Bod. No. 1364; DA. No. 620. 26 (4); 74 (12; 13); DC. p. 18; Hamsa. Nos. 113, 916; Kap. Nos. 972; 973; (IV) ETYETRTETİ by Gunaratna. SA. No. 671. Limdi. No. 1306 , Mitra. IX. p. 97; (V) FIVE#Tart (Gram. 527) by Haribhadra. PAP. 22 (24); Pet. III. No. 646 BK. No. 1343 ; JG. p. 157 ; PAPR. 16 (dated Sam. 1497 ); V. No. 802 ; SA. (4); PAPS. 48 ( 59 ). No. 103 ; Vel. Nos. 1524; 1525; 1526. (VI) FIGATANIET Anonymous. A Sādhusāmā Page #448 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 431 cāri is published in the Agamodaya Samiti 1255 ; 1256 ; BK. No. 462, DB. 11 Series No. 27, Surat. Bengal. No. 7493; (11 to 14); DC. p. 9; Kiel. II. No. 27 KB. 1 (15); Samb. No. 12; Surat. 1. (dated Sam. 1138); PAS. No. 280 ; साधुसामाचारीकुलक by Somasundarasuri of the Pet. IV. No. 1336 ; PRA. No. 634; SA. Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 204 ; Limdi. No. Nos. 1717 ; 2078 ; Tapa. 1; 2; 3. 1452; Pet. VI. p. 142, No. 83. (4) Bhāşyavrtti-Tikā ( Gram. 28000) harai Limdi. No. 1704. composed in Sam. 1175 by Hemacandra, Frarigar of Samayasundara. See Yatyārādhanā. pupil of Abhayadevasuri of the Harsaara fata EITHETIC Bengal. Nos. 6788 ; puriya Gaccha (Be: śrīsiddhārtha7718. narendra ). A Gujrati translation of (I) VIRTHE I3 See Bhavanặdy trinsika I. this commentary is published by the Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1927. (1) Țikā by Śrutasāgara. CP. p. 708. Agra. No. 227; AM. 7; Baroda. No. (2) Tikā. Anonymous. CP. p. 707. 2929, Bhand. V. No. 1228; Buh. VI. (II) ECHT=913 of Amitagati. See Bhāvanādvā. No. 768 ; DB. 11 (11; 12); DC. pp. trimsikā (II). 18; 33; 37; 38; 53; Hamsa. No. 56; ETHIYES i atâ of Ksamākalyāņa. JHA. 70. Jesal. Nos. 27 ; 59; Kaira. A. 39; Kap. EIRÍKale Surat. 2, 4; Bengal. Nos. 7151; Nos. 1107-1112; Kath. No. 1171; 7317; 7414. Kiel. II. No. 58; Kundi. Nos. 322; सामयिकसूत्र Published by the Jaina Sreyaskara 325; 364 ; Limdi. Nos. 73; 74; PAPS. 38 (3); Pet. IV. No. 1336; VI. No. Mandala, Mhesana, Sam. 1914. 625 - VI. A. p. 49 (quotation); SA.No. FIAFTI a a part of the Avasyakasütra. 160; Strass. p. 301 ; VB. 33 (6); Vel. (1) Niryukti of Bhadrabāhu. Bhand. No. 1520 ; Weber. II, No. 1915. VI. No. 992 ; Bub. VI. No. 768; DC. p. (I) FAT in 40 Präkrta verses composed by 9; JA. 95 ( 7 ); Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306; Jinavallabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. V. No. 982 ; VI. No. 690. This is wholly reproduced in the Sāmā(2) Viseşāvasyakabhāsya by Jinabha cări Sataka of Samayasundara printed on dragaạiksamāśramaņa. It consists of on pp. 136-138 in the Jinadattasuri 3603 Prākrta Gātbās. It is published Bhandar edition of 1939 ( Be-sammam with a Gujrati translation by the Agamo namium devam.) daya Samiti, Bombay, 1924-1927. It is (II) FAT in 30 Prākrta verses composed by also pubilshed with Hemacandra's com Jinadattasüri of the Kharatara Gaccha. mentary in the YJG. Series, Benares, Vir Sam. 2427-2441. Agra. This is printed in the Jiradattasūri Bhan Nos. 226; 227; AM. 7; 331 ; 386; Bhand. VI. dar edition of the Sāmācārīšataka (1939) Nos. 1254 ; 1255 ; 1256; Chani. No. on pp. 138-139. 76, DB. 11 (13; 14); Jesal. No. 463; ) E RT (Gram. 1500 ) by AbhayadevaJG. p. 60; JHA. 25; Kap. Nos. 1103 to sūri. Chani. No. 388 ; DB. 22 (31; 32); 1111; Kiel. II. No. 56; Samb. No. Hamsa, No. 229; JG. p. 155. 390, Strass. B. No. 164; Tapa. 1; 2; 3. (IV) FATFIT by Kulaprabha. SB. 2 (85); (3) Visesăvaśyakabhāsyavrtti by Surat. 5. Jinabhadragani himself and Kotyācārya. (V) Tari Ksamākalyāņa. Chani. No. 155. Bhand. V. No. 1227, VI, Nos. 1254; (VI) FIATT by Jinacandrasuri in Prākrta. JG. Page #449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 432 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। p. 155 ( foll. 281);PAS. No. 206 (dated (XIX) FIATEIC called Sukhabodhā or Subodbā Sam. 1237). composed by Sricandra, pupil of Dhane(VII) EhTerc by Jinapatisūri, pupil of Jina śvarasuri. It is published in the D. L. P. dattasuri. It contains 79 Prākrta verses Series, No. 62, Bombay, 1922. See also and is printed on pp. 139-141 of the DI. p. 36. Bt. No. 167 ; DC. p. 14; JG. Jinadattasuri Bhandar edition of the p. 157 ; PAZB. 3 (10); Pet. V. A. p. Sāmācāri ataka (A. D. 1339). KN. 39. 64 ; SA. Nos. 173 ; 399. (VIII) Flarer by Jinasuri (Gram. 1512). See (X) FIATC by Haribhadrasūri. JG. p. 157 ; Sädhusāmācāri No. I. VB. 36 ( 63 ). (IX) Farati of the Purnimā Gaccha by Tilakā (XXI) FATEC called Trailokyadipikā. It is cārya. DC. p. 21; Hamsa. Nos. 2 ; 585; published by Manchand Velchand, Surat' JG. p. 156 ; Pet. VI. No. 644; Punjab. Sam. 1972. No. 2882. (XXII) F#Tit Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 2105; (X) F ari by Devagupta. See Śrāvakasāmācāri. 2106 ; Bhand. V. No. 1243; DA. 38 (57); DB. 22 (30; 31; 32; 34); (XI) F a i by Devaprabhagūri of the Maladbāri Hamsa. No. 483 ; JG. pp. 155 to 157; Gaccha. It is in 136 chapters. Bt. No. Kath. No. 1314 ; PAPM. 60 (5-foll. 98, 166; JG. p. 156. Gram. 2000); Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306; (XII) FATE by Devasūri. Chani. No. 488. IV. No. 1370 ; Punjab. Nos. 2877; (1) Tikā. Anonymous. Chani. No. 2879 ; 2880 ; SA. Nos. 173; 399; 502; 488. 1585; Strass. B. No. 393; Surat. 1, 2, (XIII) A by Dhanesvarasüri. Limdi. No. 1229. (I) Vrtti. Agra. Nos. 2105; 2106. (XIV) A I by Nareśvarasuri. Hamsa. Nos. FIAFTI Ega is the 26th chapter of the Utta167 ; 584 ; JG. p. 156; see Sāmācārīsan radhyayanasūtra. Limdi. No. 930. graha. (1) FIAT TT composed in Sam. 1672 by (XV) AA by Paramänanda, pupil of Abha Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandrayadevasuri. Weber. II. No. 1951. gani of the Kharatara Gaccha. See Pra śnottarasataka. It is in five chapters and (XVI) ETATU by Bhīvadeva. Sae Yatisāmācāri. discusses in the form of questions and (XVII) FATTET by Munisundarəsūri. Chani. answers several knotty points aboout the : No. 765. Jain religious practices. It is published (XVIII) FAAITH by Yasovijayagani, pupil of in the Jinadattasuri Pustakoddhāra Fund Nayavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Series, No. 41, Surat. 1939. Hamsa. No. (Gram. 1450). This is published in the 705, JHB. 57; Mitra. VIII. p. 89; JAS. Series No. 53, Bhavnagar, Sam. Punjab. No. 2881; SB. 2 ( 85 ). 1973, together with the Svopajña Vrtti. (II ) FIATita Anonymous. Strass. B. No. DB. 22 (33; 36); Hamsa. No. 399; 454. JG. P. 156; Kaira. A. 114; SA. No. Alfariage (Gram. 4042 ) also called Säri504 ; VD. 13 ( 35 ) vallabha, composed by Nareśvara ( Dha(1) Svopajña Vrtti. DB. 22 (33;36); neśvara according to Limdi. List), papil Hamsa. No. 399; JG. p. 156; Kaira. A. of Kulaprabhasuri. Baroda. No. 2966 ; 114 ; SA. No. 504; VD. 13 (35). DB. 22 (29; 44 ); Hamsa. Nos. 167 Jain Education Intemational Page #450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 584 ; JG. p. 156 ; Limdi. No. 1229; his Dhavala by Virasena. See Satkhandā. PAPR. 18 ( 47 ); PRA. No. 322; SA. gama ( Amraoti, 1939 ), Intro. p. 60. No. 21 ; Strass. B. No. 381. (V) F ÅTE in Prākrta composed in Sam. 1284 सामान्यगुणोपदेशकुलक of Municandrasuri in 25| by Mahendrasuri, at the advice of DharGāthās. JG. p. 206 ; Limdi. No. 955 ; masuri. Patan Cat. I. p. 153. Pet.. V. No. 803. FITANTEI of Kulabhadra. It is also called GranHTATOUAGOST DA. 39 (147); JG. p. 193. thasärasamuccaya. It contains 328 SanAgga in Sanskrit. Punjab. Nos. 2885; 2886 ; skrit Slokas and is published in the MDG. 2888 ; 2889; 2890 ; 2892. Series No. 21, Bombay, 1979. BK. No. Higinou of Cāmundarāya. AK. No. 924. 106 ; Buh. IV. No. 218; JG. p. 131; Elgigania by a Jain author. JG. pp. 356; 357 ; Kath. No. 1315; Pet. IV, No. 1237 ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 81; 171 ;. SG. No. PRA. No. 995; SG. No. 2550 ; Surat. 2. 1789. Flawarga in Sanskrit. Pet. IV. No. 1492 (dated (I) F i ta by Ravisāgara. Published by Sam. 1650) = IV. A. p. 165. Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1917. AltFa r in Sanskrit. By Meghavijaya. Per(II) Fragrawita in 849 Gāthās (Be: namira haps a commentary on the Sārasvata Vyasurasuramani). Patan Cat. I. p. 405. karaña. Punjab. No. 2913. HitaqyF99-u composed in Sam. 1659, by FITEAquaria of Harsakirti. See Dhätupatha. Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra FITFagar See Sārasvata Vyakaraņa. of the Kharatara Gaccha. Buh. VI. No. Fitraagiarę KB. 3 (53 - foll. 85). 779, PAPS. 69 (65); PRA. No. 910. FITFESTAUER (Gramn. 1500 ) by Mandana Kavi. F1F25705 by Vijayasimhasuri, pupil of Abhaya Hamsa. No. 901 ; JG. p. 305; Limdi. devasuri of the Cāndrakula. It contains No. 585; Samb. No. 432. 106 Sanskrit Slokas and is published by altaan razgratt Limdi. No. 1315. A. M. & Co. Bombay, 1918. Agra. Nos. Fitfaragh of Subhacandra, pupil of Vijaya1870 ; 1871 ; Bt. No. 624 ; DC. p. 53. kirti. Buh. III. No. 192 (the ms. beETTENETETU Anonymous. longed to Munivimala, pupil of Vimala(1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1662, harşa ); Pet. V. No. 925. by Harsapramoda, pupil of Harsacandra. AltraTEFT by Samayasundara of the Kharatara DC. p. 53. Gaccha. KB. 3 (29, foll. 8). erugfastiaat of Sakalakirti. Bhand. V. Nos. सारस्वतव्याकरण or the Sarasvata Prakriya is the 1091; 1092 ; Bub. VI. No. 691 ; CMB. exposition of the Sarasvati Sūtras of an 50 ; SG. Nos. 1896 ; 2020 , Tera, 223, unknown author by Anubhūtisvarūpā224. cārya. This system of grammar was Frca ( THIETT) KB. 1 ( 62), 3 (57); 5 (15); much popular with the Jainas and the KN. 48. following are the commentaries on it. (I) FITTEDE of Mahāvirācārya. See Ganitasära (1) Dipikā composed by Candrakīrti suri of the Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha in sangraha. Sam. 1664 (Gram. 7500 ). AL. No. (II) ATTEINE of Harsakirti ; see Jyotissāra. 183 , Bhand. V. Nos. 1392; 1393, BO. (III) ETTÉUT of Surendrabhūşaņa. CMB. 150. pp. 13; 43; 44; Bod. Nos. 1136 ; (IV) Erreiat of Pujyapāda. This is quoted in 1137, BK, No. 787; CC. I. p. 700 ; II, J.......55 Jain Education Intemational Page #451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 434 samantala: 1 DAF 13) , 120121021 Kaira.. pp. 167 ; 232 ; III. p. 145; CP. p. 708 ; DA. 62 ( 8 to 13); DB. 36 (11; 12); 62.(8 to 13); Flo. No. 443; Hamsa. Nos. 975; 1126 ; 1204 ; 1249 ; Idar. 151 ; Jesal. Nos. 864 ; 1021 ; 1104; 1173; JG. p. 305; JHB. 40; Kaira. B. 124; KB. 1 (19); 3 ( 29; 30; 64); 8 (4); 9 (5); Kiel. III. No. 185; Kundi. No. 161 ; Lal. 280 ; Limdi. Nos. 740; 1582; Mitra. VIII. p. 88; PAPS. 54 (18); 72(2, 3), 75 ( 16 ); Punjab. Nos. 2925; 2926 ; SA. Nos. 1975; 2003 ; 2576; Samb. No. 145; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9; VA. 17 (30); VB. 34 (7); VC. 13 ( 26 ); VD. 13 (32); Weber. II. No. 1639. (2) Sabdārthacandrikā composed by Harsavijaya, pupil of Vijayānandasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. 1380; KB. 3 ( 29; 30); Mitra. VIIL p. 186 ; Surat. 8.; VA. 17 (9). (3) Candrikoddbāra Svopaja. A commentary of No. (2) above by the author himself. Mitra. VIIL p. 186. (4) Dhundhikā by Megharatna, pupil of Vinayasundara of the Brhat Kharatara Gaccha (Gram. 4500); Bhand. VI. No. 1417 ( dated Sam. 1641 ); CP. p. 708 ; CC. III, p. 145; JG. p. 305 ; PRA. No. (8) Tippanaka composed in Sam. 1692 by Kşemendra, pupil of Haribhadra. CC. II. p. 167; III. p. 145; DA. 62 (17); DB. 36 (20; 21 ); 62 (8 to 13); KB. 5 (17); 8 ( 47 ) ; Limdi. No. 890;PAPR. 21 (25). . (9) Nyāsa by Ratnaharşa and Hemaratna. SA. No. 640. (10) Tikā by Jagannātba. CC. I. p. 700 ; SA. No. 641. (11) Pañjikā by Dharmadeva. CP. p. 708. (12) Bhāsya vivaraña (Gram. 2150) by Bhānucandragani corrected by his pupil Siddhicandragari of the Tapā Gaccha. Acc. to a Note in PAPR List, this is a commentary on No. 8. See also Bhānucandragaņicaritra ( ed. Singhi Jain Granthamālä ), Bombay, 1941, p. 54, where a quotation from the Prasasti is given. Chani. No. 44; JG. p. 305; PAPR. 21 ( 25 ). (13) Vrddhacintāmaņi is a metrical exposition of the Sārasvata Sūtras, composed by Vinayasāgara, pupil of Kalyanasāgara of the Ancala Gaccha. DB. 63 ( 41 ); PRA. No. 274. (14) Siddhāntaratna by Jinendu. This is on the Sūtras. OC. II. p. 232; III. p. 145. (15) Siddhāntacandrikā by Jnanatilaka. Bhand. VI. No. 558 (dated Saṁ. 1704); JG. p. 308 ; JHB. 37 ( 2c.) (16) Siddhāntacandrikā by Rāmāśrama a Non-Jain, for Jain commentaries on this see Siddhāntacandrika below. (17) Nyāyaratnāvali (Graṁ. 1300) by Dayāratna. Hamsa. No. 1305 ; JG. p. 305. (18) Svāvabodhikā. Bengal. No.6645. 1049. (5) Țikā by Tarkatilakasuri ( a NonJain). Buh. VII. No. 14 (dated Sam. 1677); CC. I. p. 700; KB. 3 ( 53, foll 44 only). (6) Țikā composed in Sam. 1681 by Sahajakirti, pupil of Hemanandana, pupil of Ratnasāra of the Kharatara Gaccha (Gram. 1575). Bhand. VI. No. 556 (dated Sam. 1683 ); CC. I. p. 700; II. p. 232; JG. p. 305 ; Pet. I. No. 354; PRA. Nos. 818 ; 984. (7) Rūparatnamālā by Nayasundara, pupil of Dhanaratna. DB. 36 (9); JG. p. 305. Page #452 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः। 435 (19) Sāradipikā (Gram. 2200) by vastuvicārasāra or Şadasiti; see Patan Yatisa. JG. p. 305. Cat I. p. 395. Yasobhadra was the 3rd (20) Țikā Anonymous. DB. 36(10); descendent of Dhanesvara and belonged Surat. 1, 5, 6, 8. to the same Gaccha. The author belonged FITFITTETEA to the Candrakula. Baroda. No. 2975; by a pupil of Nandiratna. JG. p. 1 294; Pet. III. A. p. 213. Bt. No. 106; DC. p. 34; Jesal. No. 62 ; Kundi. No. 244; Patan Cat. I. p. 397 ; Fitadig uit in 116 Gathās. Agra. No. 451; PAZA 8 (14); PAZB. 6 ( 28 ); Punjab. Buh. III. No. 141; DB. 13 (45); No. 2930; SA. No. 1801; Surat. 1, 5, 7. Hamsa. Nos. 19; 999; JG. p. 66; (4) Tikā by Rāmadevagaņi, pupil of Limdi. No. 525; PAP. 21 (25); Pet. Jinavallabhasuri. This is mentioned by III. A. p. 217; SA. No. 558; Surat. Sumati Vācaka in his commentary on 1, 5; VC. 14 ( 6 ). Gañadharasārdhajataka, composed in attar See Sūrimantrakalpasaroddhāra. Sam. 1285; cf. DI. p. 34, f. n. No MSS. EITIGIT19197 in 800 Aryās. JG. p. 357. of this are known to me. Freya by Surendrakirti. Kath. No. 1211. (5) Tikā by Maheśvarācārya. BK. No. 26. Erdaugaisar AD. No. 47; Bengal. No. (6) Vrtti composed in Sarn. 1172 by 1477 ; Bhand. V. No. 1093; Pet. II. Haribhadra. This is mentioned at Bt. No. 279. No. 105 (Gram. 850). JG. p. 118. (I) सार्धशतकप्रकरण alo called Suksmārthavicāra. (7) Prākrta Vrtti. Bt. No. 111, sāra, by Jinavallabhasüri, pupil of (8) Vrtti by Cakreśvara. JG. p. Abhayadevasūri. Published with Dhane 118 ; cf. Sārdhasatakaprakarana (III). svara's commentary by the JDPS., Bhay (9) Vrtti-Tippana (Gram. 1400). nagar, AD. 1915. Baroda. No. 2975; Bt. No. 110; JG. p. 118; Samb. No. BK. No. 26 , Buh. IV. No. 220 ; JA. 294. 96 (14), Jesal. No. 62; JHA. 39 (2c.); (10) Tikā Anonymous. JHA. 39; Kiel. III. No. 148 ; Kundi. No. 244; Kiel. III. No. 148; VB. 36 ( 8 ). PAZA. 8 (14); PAZB. 6 (28), Pet. (II) arista T O by Nemicandra. This is III. A. p. 304 ; VI. No. 652 ; SA. Nos. Sastisataka. 301 ; 1801; Surat. 1, 5, 7; VB. 33 (III) E T 452 by Cakreśvarasuri. JG. p. (64), 36 (8). 118 ; PAPS. 3 (palm leaf ms.). (1) Bhāsya. JG. p. 118; Limdi. No. (1) Tikā Svopajña. JG. p. 118 ; 809. PAPS. 3 (palm leaf ms. ). At JG. P. (2) Cūrņi by Municandra, in Sarii. 118, this is supposed to be a commentary 1170. JG. p. 118, PRA. No. 318; SA. on Jinavallabha's work. No. 301. Fra FH167 in 108 Gāthās. Limdi. No. 809. (3) Vrtti ( Graṁ. 3700) composed FIETTE JG. p. 294. in Sam. 1171 by Dhanesvarasuri, pupil सावधाचार्यकथा Hamsa. No. 285. of Silabhadra, pupil of Vardhamāna. This is quoted FIE HET DB. 31 ( 65 ). in Vicăraratnasangraha; cf. Pet. III. A. pp. 304-305. This com ETIETO a collection of 176 Prākrta stanzas. mentary is also mentioned by Yasobha JG. p. 341 ; Pet. V. A. p. 142.. drasuri in his commentary on Agamika- facieh Limdi. No. 1698. Jain Education Intemational Page #453 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 436 stiftrana1 (I) Erfagri 1 (Gram. 1100 ) in Sanskrit, (III) fega* by Aśādhara. Idar, 78. composed by K semankaragani, pupil of feg H JATT Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (4; 5), Devasundarasuri. Parhaps he belonged CP, p. 709. to the Tapā Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2976 ; fe H OT Bhand. III. No. 465. Bhand. VI. No. 1419; BK. Nos. 1409; (I) fe& *&isu by Satyarājagaņi. See Sri1674, Buh. VIII. No. 422 (ms. dated pālacaritra. Sam. 1514); DA. 49 ( 60 to 67 ; one (II) ESTACIFT by Ratnasekhara. See Sriof these is dated Sam. 1478); DB. 30 pālacaritra. (15; 16); JG. p. 262; JHB. 32; PAPS. 62 ( 31 ) ; Pet. V. A. p. 189. (III) EC ATETETT by Hemacandra; this is a mistake, this is the same as above (No. 2). (II) freagirsa T in Sanskrit prose, compose Kath. Nos. 1425, 1459; Mitra. X. p. ed by Samayasundara. Punjab. No. 146. 2937 (dated Sam. 1724). (IV) RET PATETIT from Ratnasekhara's Sri(III) FATTERENISista (Gram. 6266 ) by Deva. pālacaritra. Mitra. X. p. 126. mūrti. JG. p. 262; see Vikramacaritra (1) Țikā by Candrakirti of the Nāyaof which this forms the last canto. puriya Tapā Gaccha. Mitra. X. p. 126. (IV) Teagi SaT by Rāmacandrasuri. See (V)ESTEHETSFU by Kscmalakagani. Pet. VI. Pañcadaņdātapatrachatraprabandha. No. 646. (V) ETRA&IIS1911 by Siddhasena Divākara. (VI) TFFY Anonymous. Agra. No. CC. I. p. 717. 1769 ; Pet. VI. No. 645. (VI) Elaguštístit Punjab. No. 2935 (in gaiaia Mitra. VIII. p. 78. Sanskrit ); Surat. 1, 3, 4, 5; VD.14 (3). a tau alar#1 Hamsa. No. 1465. farfata also called Muktivāda, composed Fraga Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. 6994; in Sam. 1703 by Jagannātha, son of 7431 ; DA. 37 (57); JG. pp. 271 ; K şemarāja. It is an attack against the 294 ; Limdi. No. 1518 (5 Gathās ); Svetāmbaras. Vel. No. 1698. PAP. 50 (15, Gram. 1237; dated Sam. FESTETUIfe Limdi. No. 1759. 1547); Pet. VI. No. 647; Surat. 1, 9. ATTOTETTA by Āsādhara. AK. Nos. 942; 944. gada by Jayavijaya. BK. No. 1727. (1) Tikā Svopajña. AK. Nos. 942; 162 by Aśádbara. See also below 944. next. Bengal. No. 1490, CP. p. 709; T also called Nandīśvarāstābnikakathā or Kath. No. 1212. Nandiśvarikatbä сomposed by Subhacan (1) Nibandha by Srutaságara. Bengal. dra. It is mentioned in the author's No. 1490; Kath. No. 1212. Pāndavapurāņa; cf. Pet. IV. A. p. 158, 1999 This is perhaps the same as v. 73. Bhand. IV. No. 312; VI. No. above. Bengal. No. 6748. 1047. (1) Tīkā by Srutasagara. Bengal. No. fa **117 in Sanskrit verse. Punjab. No. 1490. 2942 g aralaita by Mānatunga. See Praśnottara. (1) ag 9 by Subhacandra. Idar. 78 ( 7 ... samngraha. copies; one dated Sam. 1554). H ar by Ratnakirti. PR. No. 149. (II) facea by Prabhācandra. Pet. VI. p. Aggia is a portion of Elastasañjivana of Megha144, No. 100, vijayagasi. JG. p. 363. F Jain Education Intemational Page #454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 437 सिद्भुत्थेत्यादिगाथाचतुष्टयविवरण Kiel. II. No. 75. DA. 76 (62); DB. 35 ( 88 ; 89); JG. fecards read by Devendra (Be: jam usabha p. 142; JHA. 47 (2 c.); Kaira. B. 142, KB. 3 (20); Kiel. II. No. 410; kevala ). It is published with the com PAPL. 7 ( 21 ); Pet. I. Nos. 355 ; 356; mentary in the JAS. Series, No. 7, IV. No. 1373 ; VC. 14 (14; 17); VD. Bhavnagar, Sam 1988. Agra. No. 13 (17); Weber. II. No. 1823. 1334 ; DB. 35 ( 152 to 156); Hamsa. Nos. 425 ; 450; 814; 1156 ; JG. p. EGISFATTI Kath. No. 1213. p. 136 ; Limdi. No. 1095; Pet. IV. fegy JB. 122 (foll. 593). No. 1367; V. No. 895; Punjab. No 2943, SA. No. 378; Surat. 1, 5, 6, 7, Egia in 120 Gāthās ( Be :- tibuyaņapaņae ). Tapa. 94; Weber. II, No. 1967 (3). It is published with a commentary in the (1) Svopajña Țikā. Weber. II. No. JAS. Series No. 64, Bhavnagar, 1921. 1967 (3). It has no connection with the Astaprā bhrtas of Kundakunda. It is probably a (2) Avacuri. DB. 35 (152; 153 ); Hamsa. Nos. 425; 814; KN. 18 ; SA. Svetāmbara work. It is quoted by Malayagiri in his commentary on the Nos. 378 ; 2779, VA. 17 (44); VB. Nandi Sūtra. He also mentions a com37 (6). mentary on it. See Anekanta, Vol. II, Ta i giela in 138 Sanskrit stanzas com p. 548. In the introduction to the posed in Sam. 1484, by Munisundara of printed edition, the editor mentions a the Tapā Gaccha. Agra. No. 1584 ; ms. of the published commentary existing JG. p. 262. See Devasthali. No. 2030. at Palitana, Anandji Kalyanji Bhandar, fegante in 50 Gātbās by Devendra. It is and dated Sam. 1138. So that the text published with an Avacūri by the JAS. must have been pretty old. Agra. No. ( Series No. 16 ), Bhavnagar, Sam.1969. 456; Bhand. V. No. 1245; VI. No. Agra. Nos. 1918 to 1927; Bhand. V. 1287 ; DA. 27 ( 90, 91); 74 ( 21); No. 1244 ; Bt. No. 91; Buh. II. No. DB. 13 ( 51, 52); DC. p. 41; Jesal. 323, V. No. 45; DA. 60 (1-16'); 76 No. 772; KB. 3 (0); Kundi, No. 61 ; (62); DB. 35 (88 to 94 ); Hamsa Limdi, No. 1173; PAPS. 80 (35); No. 913, JHA. 47; Kaira. B. 142; Pet. III. A. p. 143; PAZB. 7 (13); KB. 3 ( 20 ); Kiel. II, No. 410 ; Limdi. Punjab. No. 2949; SA. No. 403; No. 1068; PAP. 40 ( 32 ); PAPL. 7 Surat. 6; VC. 14 ( 16 ). (21), PAPS. 48 (81); Pet. I. Nos. (1) Țikā (Be :-sakalabhuvane ). Pet. 355 ; 356 ; IV. No. 1373 ; Punjab. Nos. III. A. p. 143. See also Patan Cat. I. p. 2945 to 2947; SA. No. 750; Surat. 122 ( quotation). 1, 6, 7, 9; VC. 14 (14; 17); Weber. II. No. 1823. (2) Tīkā by Haribhadra (?) Jesal. (1) Svopajña sīkā (Graṁ. 710). No. 772. Bt. No. 91; JG. p. 142 ; SA. No. 750. (3) Țikā mentioned by Malayagiri on (2) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam. the Nandi Sūtra. See Anekānta, Vol. II. 1781 by Vidyāsāgara. Buh. II. No. p. 549. 323 ; DA. 60 (4; 5; 6). (4) Prākrta Tikā mentioned and (3) Tikā or Avącūri. Anonymous. quoted by Malayagiri. See Anekānta, Bhand. V. No. 1244.; Bod. No. 1384 ;! Vol. II. p. 549, Jal Education International Page #455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 438 भीजिवनकोशः। (5) Tikā. Anonymous. Bhand. V. EACEFIR of Yasovijaya. DA. 71 (100). No. 1245 ; VI, No. 1287 ; DA. 27 ( 90 ; CH (Foll. 79); D. 22 (164); JG. p. 360. 91), 74 (21); DB. 13 (51, 52); RETE A System of grammar by DevāDC. pp. 6; 33; Hamsa. No. 524 ; JG. nanda of the Pūrņatalliya Gaccha. Pet. p. 62, KB. 3 (6); Limdi. No. 1173; I. A. p. 5 (but see JG. p. 298 £. n). PAZB. 7 (13); Punjab. No. 2949; Surat. 6. (II) F aithaa Anonymous. Surat. 4. (I) fergruts of Rāma Rsi. Bhand. VI. No. Agartha rain of Prthvidhara. It is also called 1003 ( 34 ); JG. p. 295; Mitra. VIII. Bhuvanesvaristotra. The author is probap. 181 ; Pet. IV. No. 1495. bly a zon-Jain. CC. I. p. 414; II. p. 95 ; III. p. 89 ; KB. 1 (66); Pet. III. (1) Tīkā. Mitra. VIII. p. 181. A. p. 213. (II) Reg ata of Devanandin. It is a hymn mn h a stal of Haribhadra, son of Mabattarā in an artificial style and contains 26 Yākini. It is one of the twenty vimsiSanskrit Slokas. It is published in the kās (viņsikā is a collection of about 20 Kavyamālā, VIL p. 30, Bombay, 1926 stanzas) of the author. See Vimsativirn(4th ed.). SG. Nos. 95; 96; 104. śikā. Buh. IV. No. 219; PRA. No. ferga Buh. III, No. 194. This is chapter I 877. of Hemacandra's Dvyasra yakävya. fac u ta in Präkrta ( Foll 1 to 11). This is fech AK. Nos. 931 to 940. one of the five parts of a ms, which befechifauna of Āsādhara ( Gram. 80 ). Idar. 78, longed to Māņikyacandra, Pupil of 192, PR. No. 248. Vijayacandra ; cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 194fergmaatu of Siddhasena. DB. 22 (140); 195. It was not composed by MāņikyaVD. 14 (10). candra, but merely belonged to him. He fegy e t from Ratnasekhara's Śrīpāla lived in Sam. 1291. JG. p. 236; PAS. caritra. PRA. No. 464. No. 350; Patan. Cat. I. Intro. pp. 56 and (1) Tikā by Candrakīrti. PRA. No. 194. 464. nghaiqalar in Prākrta perhaps the same fag (Grarn. 700 ). JG. p. 353. as above). JG. p. 262. FEESTITAE of Siddharsi (Gram. 500). JG. p. fegefa of Padmanandin in 30 Kārikās. Kath. 360. No. 1214, Limdi. No. 610, Pet. IV. legiaal JG. p. 367. Nos. 1442; 1443. sagaida of Sahajakīrti, pupil of Hemacandra FACEH See Sabdānusāsana of Hemacandra. Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. ETISHICHI KN. 39; Surat. 7. The work is also called Rjuprājñavyā- fegaraan Bengal. Nos. 6726 , 7009; Punjab. karaņaprakriyā or, Sabdārņava. It is a No. 2957; Surat. 4,9. dictionary in six chapters. Bhand. III. eglangla Bt. No. 595; JG. p. 357. No. 466 ; VI. No. 1359; BK. No. 1891; Ferrah221 SA. No. 647 (12 foll.). DC. p. 58; Hamsa. Nos. 216 ; 1169; 1219; KN. 48; Pet. IV. No. 538 ; PRA, fegirang of Jinabhadra. See SamastasiddhāntaNo. 1126. vişamapadaparyāya. (1) Tīkā Svopajia. Pet. IV. No. regizatalaar in Prākrta and Sanskrit. Hamsa. 538. No. 856. Page #456 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 439 fogramie Samb. Nos. 11 ; 28. fagrararadt in 32 Sanskrit stanzas composed सिद्धान्तगुणविवरण of Jinamandanagani. VB. by a pupil of Hemasuri, pupil of 35 (4). Jinodaya, pupil of Jinacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha. (I) grafar by Jñanatilaka. Bhand. VI. JG. p. 193; Kath. No. 558; JG. p. 308; JHB. 37 (2 c.). No. 1316 ; Pet. IV. A. p. 124 ; Surat. This is probably a commentary on Sāra 1 ( foll. 83, does this contain a com mentary ?). svatiprakriyā ( S. v. com. No. 14). (II) सिद्धान्तचन्द्रिका of Ramacandrasrama. This | सिद्धान्तरत्निकाव्याकरण composed by Jinacandra sūri, pupil of Sāgaracandrasuri of the is a non-Jain commentary on the Sarasvati Sūtras. See CC. I. p. 700 ; and Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha. The author lived in the 20th century of the Vikrama also under Sārasvata Vyakaraņa. Era and helped K samākalyāṇa of the (1) Subodhini Vrtti composed by Kharatara Gaccha in composing GuņaSadānandagani, pupil of Bhaktivijaya of sāgaracaritra and Prthvicandracaritra. the Kharatara Gaccha. BO. pp. 43 ; 44; The work is based on the Sarasvati CC. I. p. 718 ; III. p. 145 ; DB. 36 ( 5 ); Satras. It is published by JainajñānaJG. p. 308 ; KB. 3 ( 29; 65 ); 5 (12); bhāņdāra Samāja, Visanagar (Gujarat), Mitra. IX. p. 20, Surat. 1, 5. Sam. 1966 and also in the YJG. Series, (2) Tippana by Candrakirti. This Bhavnagar, A. D. 1930. See Siddhāntaseems to be different from the author's ratna (I). Hamsa. No. 1355 ; JHB. 41. commentary on Sarasvati prakriya. DA. 62 ( 4 to 7). fhgToEFT Surat. 1 (foll. 73). (3) Tikā. Anonymous. KB. 8 (4, two fegiraa1F1gr of Jñānalābha. SA. No. 1971. copies ) fografa at (Graṁ. 722) by Samayamāņikya. ferqinerIT SA. No. 321 ; Surat. 1 ( foll. 41 ). DA. 37 ( 29, 30); JG. p. 131. faqirarer of Yasovijaya. JG. p. 107. fegrala ITTITT Buh. VI. No. 781, DB. 21 सिद्धान्तदीपिका Surat. 9 - (2;3). reagiu (Gram. 2595 in Sanskrit. f This is See a greierget of Sahajakušala. Srutaprobably the same as Jinabhadra's Sama vicāra. stasiddhāntavişamapadaparyāya. PAP. fer girafa HITĖTE Anonymous. DA. 37 (15; 19; 64 (13; dated Sam. 1653). 20; 35 to 38 ; 42, 83); DB. 21 (4; ferglastry Agra. No. 867. 5;12; 13; 14); JG.p. 131; KB. 1 (17). सिद्धान्तमञ्जरीवृत्ति by Yasovijayagani of the Tapa | सिद्धान्तविधि Surat. 6. Gaccha. See Pattāvalisamuccaya (Viram fegirlagagangiz SA. No. 249 ( foll. 55). See gam, 1933), Part I, p. 108. Samastasiddhāntavişamapadaparyāya. fecitata (Graṁ. 3800) by Jayarāma. VD. 14 (12) e giraraqagari Kundi. No. 152. Perhaps this (1) fegra (Gram. 800) of Jinacandra. JG. is a work similar to the above one. p. 308. Probably this and the next FETIT composed by Tejasimha, pupil of work are identical with Siddhāntaratnikā Karmasimha of the Lumpāka Gaccha. Vyākaraḥa. BK. No. 1798 ; Limdi. No. 720 ; PRA. II) fegma of Vinayacandra. Bhand. 'V. No. 1118. No. 1394 ; Pet. III. No. 649. I fegiarefftat in Prūkyta. Agra. No. 19543 Jain Education Intemational Education Interational Page #457 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 440 MIT: and perhaps bumatikirti. It Vira Feel (II) FHEITH. Vol. 15, P: 5700) by Prad Bhand. DB. 35 (24); JG. p. 141; PAPS. 81 (96). (1) Vrtti ( Gram. 727). JG. p. 141. (I) feaal of Jinacandra, a Digambara writer. It contains 79 Gāthās and is published with the commentary in the MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. AD. No. 81; CP. p. 709; Idar. 84 (2c); Pet. IV. No. 1493 , PR. No. 160 ; SG. No. 1138 ; and perhaps Rice. p. 312. (1) Bhasya by Sumatikirti. It was revised by Jñānabhusaņa, a pupil of Viracandra. CP. p. 709 ; SG. Nos. 1708 ; 1760. (II) FACIETETT by Jinendra (Jinacandra ? ); see JH. Vol. 15, p. 83. Rice. p. 312. (III) fagier (Gram. 100 ) by Pradyumna sūri of the Purnatalliya Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. 1246; Jesal. No. 593 (palm ms.); JG. P. 136 ; Pet. V. A. pp. 80; 93. This is probably another name of the author's Mülasuddhi also called Sthānakāni, Mülasuddhi being the last or the 8th Sthānaka: cf. Pet. V. A. p. 80 with p. 165 (Be: vandāmi savvanu. ) (IV) ETETT of Kamalasamyama. See Sid dhāntasāroddhāra. (V) fagier of Prabhācandra in Prākrta. This is perhaps the Kanarese com. on No. I above ; cf. JH. Vol. 15, p. 83. Ko. 191; Mud. 220. (VI) EgITETT (Gram. 700 ) of Bhāvasena. It is in mixed Sanskrit prose and verse. Mud. 672 ; Strass. p. 311. (VII) Eger of Sakalakirti. Rice. p. 320. See Siddhāntasāradipaka. (1) Bhāsya of Sakalakirti. SG. No. 1760. (VIII) STRETC Anonymous. AK. No. 946; Bengal. No. 1519; SG. No. 2618; Surat. 1 ; VA. 17 ( 40). (IX) fe a t This is a difficult work on Logic mentioned along with Astasahasri and Nyāyakumudacandrodaya by Jayasekhara in bis Saddarśanasamuccya. See Ane kānta, Vol. I, p. 258. (X) iagtraalt of Māghanandin, pupil of Kumu dendu. This is mentioned in a grant which the author received in A. D. 1265 from the Hoysal King Narasimba. See under Padārthasāra, and MJ. pp. 84-85. FGTST ETTATOTT 378 Gāthās by Harşaśruta, pupil of Silagunanidhāna. DA, 60 ( 100 ). IzaerTo Surat. 1 ( foll. 16). feraerrafos containing about 4516 stanzas in Sanskrit by Sakalakirti. It is divided into 16 cantos. AD. Nos. 40; 46; Bengal. No. 1526 ; Bhand. V. Nos. 1094; 1095, BO. p. 62 ; Buh. VI. Nos. 692 ; 693; Hum. 93 ; Idar. 16 ( 5 c.); Idar. A. 44 (5 c.); Kath. No. 1215; Pet. I. No. 357 ; IV. No. 1494; Rice. p. 320; SG. Nos. 1261, 1760 ; Strass. p. 311 ; Tera. 62 to 69. ferEITÍTETT DB. 21 (1). FECIFLETTETE by Narendrasena. Bengal. No. 1511 ; SG. No. 2757. jergtrawITEJUT Bengal. No. 7420. (I) FAETTII composed by Kamalasarnya magaņi, pupil of Jinaharsa of the Kharatara Gaccha. Chani. No. 859, DB. 20 (71); Hamsa. No. 406 ; PAPS. 63 (30); PRA. Nos. 469; 594 ; 617; Punjab. No. 2971; SA. Nos. 36 ; 1710. (II) feE ITIG by Cakreśvara. See Siddhän toddhāra (II). (III) fegir ETLIGT Anonymous. SA. Nos. 36; 1710 ; Surat. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8. fegaraa of Jinaprabhasuri in 46 stanzas. It is published in his Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. IV, by Bhimsi Maņek, Bombay. It is also published in the Kāvyamālā, VII. p. 86. DA. 76 ( 56 ); DB. 24 (137 ; 138); JHA. 58, 65; KB. 3 ( 59 ); Kiel. III. No. 188; Limdi. No. 1094 ; Pet. VI. Jain Education Intemational Page #458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविमागः प्रथमः। 441 Nos. 626; 648 ; PRA. Nos. 740; 963; | fereagra SA. No. 704. (1) Tikā by Virasena. This is allu(1) Avacūri by Somodayagani, pupil ded to in Guņabhadra's Uttarapuräna of Visalarājagani of the Tapā Gaccha. according to Bhandarkar, Report, IV.pp. Kiel. III. No. 188 (dated Sam. 1514); 119-120, and 427. But this is probably PRA. Nos. 740 ; 963. a mistake. The Tikā that is meant is (2) Tīkā by Adigapta. JHA. 58. the Jayadhavalātikā and Siddbibhūped(3) Avacūri by Amaradevagaņi. DA. dhati is the way to the world of salva76 ( 56 ). tion'. It is not a proper name. (4) Avacūri. Anonymous. KB. 3 (59). Pergiarany by Akalanka. It is quoted in the Pet. VI. No. 648 ; SA. No. 704. Nisithacurņi. fegiraget Hamsa. Nos. 499; 808 ; JG. p. 131; (I) Tikā by Anantakirti (AnantaPAP. 20 ( 20); Punjab. No. 2975. virya ), pupil of Ravibhadra. A ms. of सिद्धान्तागमस्तव See Siddhantastava. this is possessed by the Jain Svetambara fagiania of Amaracandra, pupil of Sāntisuri of Conference, Bombay ; cf. Anekānta I. p. the Nāgendra Gaccha. See HJL. p. 201 ; ABORL, Vol. XIII. p. 162. Sid. 250. dhiviniscaya forms the Brhattrayi of fereira1319+ BO, p. 32; DA. 37 ( 8; 14; 21; Akalanka along with Nyāyaviniscaya and 22; 23 ); PAPS. 20 (1). Pramāṇasangraba. सिद्धान्तालापपदगुणस्थान in Prakrta of Maghanan- सिद्धिश्रेयःसमुदयस्तोत्र of Siddhasena ; see Sakrastava. din. Mud. 126. (1) fare also called Somašataka and Sūktifegiralgagn of Kulamaņdana. See Vicära muktāvali, is a collection of 100 Sanskrit sangraba. stanzas on different subjects connected fagreitai Hamsa. No. 1474. with Jainism. It was composed by (I) fegragit It is a work in two parts conta. Somaprabhācārya, pupil of Vijayasimbaining about 3500 Siddhāntas about Jain suri of the Brhad Gaccha. Sometimes religion & philosophy. It was composed in on the strength of a spurious concluSam. 1212 by Candrakirtigaņi, pupii of ding stanza, the work is ascribed to a Vimalasūri, when he was studying under Digambara Somadeva, pupil of GauraDharmaghosasūri. The only two palm sena. But Jalbanadeva in bis Sūktimumss. are JA. 56 ( 1; 2 ) = Pet. I. A. pp ktāvali (about 1250 A.D.) mentions 32; 33. Somaprabhācārya as the author of this (II) fegraar in 213 Gāthās by Cakreśvara. collection of 100 verses from which he sūri. Limdi. No. 955. It is published quotes a stanza beginning with 'laksmih with Sūksmārthasaptati and its Tippana paśyati'. See Bhand. Report, VI. p. in Prakaranasamuccaya at Indore, 1923. LIV. Besides, the Praśasti at the end of the Satārthavrtti ascribes this work to (III) fegment in 123 Gātbūs by Mahesvara, Somaprabha; cf. Introduction to Kumā. pupil of Vardhamāna. JG. p. 136. rapālapratibodha (Gaek. 0. S.), p. 15. (IV) fegrater Surat. 1 (foll. 25). The text is published at Kávyamālā feraraiyan CP. p. 710. VII. p. 35 ff. The text with Harşafergo JG. p. 204. kürti's commentary is published at Ahmeferareas of Devanandin. See Siddhapriya dabad, 1924. Also compare Winternitz, stotra. JG. p. 295. History, II. p. 573. Agra. Nos. 1318 to J....56 Page #459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ eftftalmata: 1 1333 ; 2968 ; Bengal. Nos. 1537 ; 4326 ; KN. 28 ; Mitra. IX. p. 154 ; PAPS. 77 6640, 6890; 7267 ; 7322 , Bhand. III. (12); PRA. No. 1335; Punjab. Nos. Nos. 467 ; 469, 470; 471; V. No. 2976 ; 2980; 2983, 2991 ; Vel. No. 1395, Bik. No. 1610; BK. Nos. 1680; 1828 ; Weber. IL No. 2025. 1796 ; 1872 ; BO. pp. 32; 62; Bod. (4) Tikā (Grarn. 600 ) by JinatilakaNos. 1409 to 1413, BSC. No. 453; suri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Flo. No. Buh. II. No. 418; VI. No. 784 ; CP. p. 788; JG. p. 193; Limdi. No. 1176 712, DA. 40 ( 22; 30 to 45 ); 75 (16); (dated Sam. 1662). DB. 23 ( 73 to 75); Flo. Nos. 784 to (5) Tikā called Vallabhi composed in 790; Hamsa. Nos. 513; 1105; 1438 ; Sam. 1667 (acc. to BK.) by GunakirtiJG. p. 193; JHA. 48; JHB. 48 ; 73; suri, successor of Gunanidhānasūri of the KB. 4 (2); KN. 28 ; KO. 12; 18; 22; Maladhāri Gaccha. BK. No. 1680; JHA. 73 ; Limdi. Nos. 580 ; 749; 930; 959; 18 (ms. dated Sam. 1661 ?), Pet. V. No. 960 ; 1012; 1062 ; 1176; 1371 ; 1372; 895; PRA. No. 482 (dated Sam. 1533 ; 1635; 1679 ; Mitra. VII. p. 177; 1690 ). VIII. p. 143; IX. pp. 154; 160; (6) Tikā by Vimalasūri. KO. 18. Mysore. II. p. 156; PAP. 19 (74; 79); (7) Tippana by Bhävacaritra. BSC. PAPS. 77 (12), Pet. IV. Nos. 1376; No. 453. 1377; PRA. Nos. 482 ; 520 , 1125; (8) Tikā. Anonymous. Agra. No. 1335; Punjab. Nos. 2976 to 2992; 1327; Bengal. No. 7 267; Bod. Nos. 2996; SA. Nos. 91; 772; 1764 ; 1930; 1412 ( dated Sam. 1557 ); 1413; DA. 1992; 2915; Samb. Nos. 214 ; 258 ; 75 ( 16 ); DB. 23 (71 ; 72); JG. p. 315 ; 470 ; SB. 2 (95-2 copies ); SG. 193 ; KB. 4 (2); Limdi. Nos. 702; Nog. 2001 ; 2002 ; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1174 (dated Sam. 1608); SA. No. 7, 8, 9; VA. 18 (1), VB. 36 (4); VC. 1930, SB. 2( 95, five copies ); SG. Nos. 14 (5); Vel. Nos. 1825 to 1828 ; 2001 ; 2002; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8; Weber. II, No. 2025. VC. 14 ( 5). (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1505 by 1 (II) T T by Pramodakusalagani. This is Cáritravardhana, pupil of Kalyānarāja, probably some commentary on the last pupil of Jinahitasuri of the Kharatara one. VB. 36 (4). Gaccha. Hamsa. No.1438 ; JG. p. 193; (I) parasta (Be:-jassa Payapaumanaha.) in PRA. No. 520; Punjab. No. 2996. 465 Prakrta stanzas by Bhuvana tunga(2) Vyakhyā (Be :-bhurbhuvassya suri. JG. p. 236 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 136 stryi.) by Dharmacandra, pupil of Jinasägara. BK. No. 1796, Buh. II. No. 1 (II) tarafts by Säntisūri. PAPR. 21 (4): 418; DB. 23 ( 68 ); Hamsa. No. 513; PAPS. 43 (19). Mitra. IX. p. 160. (III) arzia in Sanskrit by Bramba Nemidatta. List (S. J.) (3) Tikā composed by Harşakirti, pupil of Candrakirti of the Nāgapuriya (IV) Earrita (Gram. 3100 ; 3400) in Prākrta. Tapā Gaccha. Bengal. No. 7506 ; Bhand. Bt. Nos. 302, 303, Hamsa. No. 862. V. No. 1395; Bik. No. 1520; BO. p. ! (V) tarafts of Amaradasa, Tera. 84. 32 ; BSC. No. 454 ; DA. 40 ( 30; 31); (VI) araia is a Mahäkävya in Sanskrit, in 4 DB. 23 ( 69, 70), Flo. No. 789; JG. cantos containing 95; 99, 153 and 209 p. 193; JHB. 48; 73; Kath. No. 1317; / stanzas repectively. Patan Cat. I. p. 176 quotation ); Pet. III. A. p.45., p. 136 : 1796 , Buh. II. No. (II) Jain Education Interational Page #460 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । (11) dimracenan Anonymous. Surat. 1, 2, 9, 10. isure by Jinaharga. SA. No. 663. सीमन्धरस्वामिविज्ञप्ति by Yasovijaya. Chani No. 932. (ms. dated Sam. 1339, no quotations are given ). (VII) taraf Anonymous. Agra. No. 1545, Bengal Nos. 6928, 7308, BK. No. 1785, BO. p. 32; Bab. III. No. 177 (in Prakria. Be-kamanahakantijaleņava; ms. dated Sari 1600), DB. 26 (15); Hamsa. Nos. 93; 3202; PAPR 21 (4); SG.dia is a poem in eleven cantos containing No. 2527 (in Sanskrit); Tera. 85, 86, 87; 88; VD. 23 (19). सीतानाटक Sce Maithilikalyana. aga in Sanskrit. SG. No. 2527. fincaciaeaza in 350 Gathās by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayqvijaya of the Tapă. Gaccha. DA. 76 (102); KB. 2 (17). (1) can composed in Sam. 1713 by Vijayaprabhasari of the Tapa Gaccha. PRA. No. 481. 555 Slokas, composed by Arisinha, a great friend of Amaracandra Pandit of the Vayaḍa Gaccha. At the end of each canto, five stanzas composed by Amaracandra Pandit are found in this poem. The poem which is written in Sanskrit, glorifies the life of the minister Vastupala. See I. A. Vol. 31, p. 477 ff. It is published by the Jain Atmananda Sabba, Bhavnagar, Series No. 51, Samh. 1974. Bhand. VI. No. 1421; BK. No. 185; Buh. VIII. No. 415; Chani. No. 391; Hams. No. 209, JG. p. 333; Kiel. II. No. 411; PAP. 76 (50), Vel. No. 1786. सीमम्धरस्वामिस्तुति by Munisundarasüri of the Taps Gaccha. Buh. IV. No. 236; JG. p. 295. (1) Avacuri. Buh. IV. No. 236; JG. p. 295. (1) agenfaits in nine cantos, containing about 1050 Sanskrit Slokas by Sakalakirti. Bhand. V. No. 1131; Bod. No. 1399, CP. p. 710, Idar. 110, 112 (2) copies; one dated Sam. 1500); Kath. No. 1172, Pet. II. No. 280, Punjab. No. 3005 (see Extract, p. 129), SG. No. 1714; Strass. p. 311. (II) guatemic composed by Vadicandra, pupil of Prabbicandra. CP. p. 710; Idar. 112 (ms. duted Sari. 1658). (III) amanka in Apabbrass by Pug pabhadra (Pirnabladra). List (Delhi P. Mandir.); Lal. 24. (IV) सुकुमालस्वामिचरित्र Ancnymous in Sans krit. Hebru. 57; Surat. 1. 448 Sanskrit stanzas, in honour of the minister Tejapal and is published in the Ap pendix (on pp. 68 ff.) to the Hammiramadamardananataka in Gaek. O. Series, No. 10, Baroda, 1920. Chani. No. 439; Hamsa. No. 629; PRA. No. 392. Bt. No. 551. is a Sanskrit poem in 8 cantos containing 1872 Slokas. It describes the pious life of a Jain merchant called Peghada (or Pethvidhara) and his son Jhanjhana, and was composed by Ratnamandanagani, pupil of Nandiratna of the Tapa Gaccha. Prthvidharaprabandha (s. v.) is the author's own abridgment of this poem. Sukrtasigara is published in the JAS. Series, No. 40, Bhavnagar, Sah. 1971. Agra. No. 1546; Baroda. No. 2986; Bub, III. No. 163; JG. p. 268, Buh. Pet. III. No. 650; Vel. No. 1787. gift in Sanskrit by Narendrakirti. ldar. 112. (1) (II) gasak in Prakṛta containing 97 Gathas (Be-namiuna calana). Pet. I. A. p. 95. See Devakicaritra. gadget composed by Udayaprabha, (III) gaisa in 107 Gathas (Be-aha patto viisame). Patan Cat. I. p. 304 (quotation). pupil of Vijayasenasuri of the Nagendra Gaccha, It is a Prasasti poem in 179 Page #461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ wiferat (IV) A rt in Sanskrit by Brahma Nemi- | H I FI by Vijayasimha, JG. p. 204 ; datta. List (S. J.). Pet. T. No. 826. (V) Hota in Apabhramsa by Raidhū anargita in Prākrta (Be:-arahantasiddha. ). Kavi. List (Delhi P. Mandir ). Pet. I. A. p. 75 ( ms. dated Sam. 1244). (VI) Baezata in Prākrta by Somakirti Bhat. (I) esialgaaita in 12 chapters composed by tāraka. Brahma Nemidatta, pupil of Mallibhū(VII) in Apabhramsa language com saņa. Bhand. V. No. 1132; BO. p. 32 posed in Sam. 1302. Patan Cat. I. p. (dated Sam. 1636); Idar. 115 (2 copies ); 272 ( quotation). (VIII) Fincas Anonymous. Hebru. 4 ; 58; Pet. IV. No. 1496 = IV. A. p. 166 JA. 106 (6). (quotation ). h a ut in Prākrta (Graṁ. 126). Limdi. (II) Eratta in Sanskrit by Sakalakirti. It No. 1383. This is probably the same as contains eight chapters. AD. No. 127; the next. CP. p. 711, Idar. 115 (5 c.); Idar. A. 21; Edita in 101 Gāthas ( Be :- aha patto visai Kath. No. 1174 ; PR. No. 25 ( ms. dated mo.). See above Sukosalacaritra (III). Sam. 1654); SG. No. 1707 ; Tera. 153, JA. 31 (1); 106 (6); JG. p. 262; 154 ; 153; 156. Pet. I. A. p. 73. (III) iaita by Vidyānanda, pupil of Devengaura in Sanskrit. SG. No. 2473. drakirti, who lived in the 16th century; guau in Sanskrit by Bhaskaranandin. Mud. cf. CPI. p. 29. CP. p. 711 , List (Delhi, 638. Harsukharai Mandir); SG. No. 1713. Futurealaigla of Devasena; see Aläpapad-I (IV) gaztaita by Visvabhūsaņa. Idar. 115. dhati. Bengal. No. 1762; Buh. VI. (V) asiadita in Apabhramsa. It has 12 No. 694; Kath. No. 1173. chapters and was composed by NayananGETTOTETANITI of Sricandra. See Sāmācāri (IX). din, pupil of Māņikyanandin, in Sam. be ( Feqelər?) Buh. II. No. 255. 1100 during the reign of King Bhoja of paragra by Jagannātha, Bengal. No. 1489. Dhara. CP. p. 711. Also see Allahabad g afa Agra. No. 1884. University Studies, I. pp. 172-173. HUTTUITA of Surendrakirti. List (S. J.). (VI) Estaafta Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1547; (I) ETFUETASuqa by Garigādāsa. List (S. J.). 1585 ; Kaira. A. 71 ; Surat. 1, 5, 6, 7. (II) raqiJ0199 by Sivajilāl. List (S. J.). :) para by Māņikyasūri, VB. 34 (17). (III) gy=UTTATJOTTA Anonymous. Pet. V. No. 9. (1) g aruita in Prākrta (Be :- vandittu suvva984. yajiņam şudarisaņāe ). It contains 16 (I) TA 2 Bengal. Nos. 7155; 7308; chapters, having a total of about 4502 Bhand. VI. No. 1054 ; SG. No. 1268. Gāthăs, and was composed by Devendra. (II) F TF in Apabhramsa. See Allaha suri, pupil of Jagaccandrasuri of the Tapā habad University Studies, I. p. 181. Gaccha. AM. 357 ; BK. No. 136, Bt. GAY Bengal. No. 7111. No. 329; DB. 29 (20; 21 ); Hamsa. KUFA1T5211977 (Gram. 150); JG. p. 262; Pet. No. 221; JA. 31 (3); JG. p. 236; V. No. 899. PAPS. 13 (3); PAS. No. 358 ; (cf. EU SITEST aia of Jinadattasüri. See Gurupāra Patan Cat. I. p. 208; quotation); PRA. tantryastotra. No. 1095; Pet. VI. No. 649 = VI. A. agtaafta in Prākıta (Gram. 600). Jesal. No. p. 53 (quotation). Also quoted in 1111; JG. p. 236. Gāthāsa basrī ; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 289. Jain Education Intemational Page #462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 445 (III) HINA: 31 (1); 106: DA. 50 (19 (II) qatarata in Prākrta (Gram. 1887) by (II) groparearts in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 234. Devaprabhasūri of the Maladhāri Gaccha. # arcata in Sanskrit. JG. p. 295. JG. p. 236. Estirafaia (Be: jine siddhe namamsicc. ) in 90 (III) estarafta Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1548; Gathās by Devendra Sadhu. See Vrd1549. See Sudarsanācaritra. dhacatussaraņasūtra. Pet. I. A. p. 84. EESTI Fuft CP. p. 710. Tagh by Padmanandin. Limdi. No. 610; सुधाकलशसभाषितकोश by Pandit Ramacandra, Pet. IV. Nos. 1442 ; 1443. pupil of Hemacandra. Bt. No. 645. सुबाहुकथा See Subahucaritra. . SITE JG. p. 236. (I) gigata in 228 Gātbās (Be: namiūņa gagner in Sanskrit verse (Gram. 168); JG. mahāvīram). Patan Cat. I. pp. 143 ; . p. 262. 161 ; Pet. I. A. p. 73. lat in five chapters is a Koşa composed by (II) algata Anonymous. DA. 50 ( 129 ); Padmasundara, pupil of Padmameru. JA. 31 (1); 106 (6); JG. p. 236. Bhand. VI. No. 1422 (ms. dated Sam. (III) gigata (Be: aththettha bharaha). Patan 1619 ); Chani. No. 448 ; PRA. No. 394. Cat. I. pp. 61; 91. This version contains Padārthacintāmaņi and Sabdārņava are about 215 stanzas. probably other names of this work. (1) Faro (Gram. 1800) by BhuvanasekhaGITTEST JG. p. 262. rasuri. JG. p. 80; KB. 4 (5); VB. (I) सुपार्श्वचरित्र The life of the 7th Tirthankara | 35 ( 37 ). composed in Sam. 1199, by Lakşmaņa (II) F a i by Sārauga. This is a Sanskrit gani, pupil of Hemacandrasuri of the commentary on Prthvirāja's Krsnaveli. Harsapuriya Gaccha. It is in Prakrta Punjab. No. 3011. and contains about 8700 Gāthäs. Edited garatata by Munimāņikya. It is published by by Pandit Har Govind Das, Benares, Shitalaprasada Jain, Sam. 1972. 1918 in the Jain Vividha Sāhitya TUFTAKT of Sricandra. See Sāmācāri (XIX). Sāstra Mālā (Nos. 4, 8, 12); its Gujrati (I) F IT in Apabhraínsa composed in Sam. translation is published by the JAS., 1161 by Abhayagani. Patan Cat. I. pp. Bhavnagar, AD. 1925. Bt. No. 235; Chani. Nos. 106;132; 717, DC. p. 9; (II) Hata (Gram. 1500). Jesal. No. 1302 JG. p. 239; Kundi. No. 22, PAP. 30 (palm ms.); JG. p. 236. (27); 34 ( 1 to 3); 73 ( 4 ); 76 (145); THETETUTATE of Hastimalla Kavi, son of GovindaPAPS. 26 (1), PAS. No. 373; Patan bhatta. AK. No. 964; KO. 137 ; 138; Cat. I. pp. 197; 231 ; PRA. No. 1231; Rice. p. 304, SA. No. 453 ; VC. (13) 23. Carrera Surat. 1, 4, 5; JG. p. 341. (II) g efta in Prākrta by Devasuri of the w a y in Apabhrama by Jinaprabha. Patan Jālihara Gaccha: SA. No. 453 (foll. Cat. I. p. 264. 114). nga17 by Rāmacandra. JG. p. 342. (III) gratite in Präkrta (Grain. 8656 ) by Cagu by Kirtivijaya (Gram. 3500). VD. Vibudhācārya. Probably same as No. I. 13 (22). VC. 13 ( 23 ). H aatst in 58 Kārikās by Munideva Acārya. (I) Fraternita Anonymous. Agra. No. 1553; JA. 31 (8); Pet. I. A. p. 74. Kundi. No. 22 ; Punjab. No. 3010 | gargatasiete composed in Sam 1050 by Ami(Gram. 8000); Surat. 1 (foll. 114); tagati, pupil of Madhavasena of the Mā. Tapa. 136. See Supārsvacaritra. thura Sangha. See Bhand. V. p. 36 ff. and 158, 159 Abhayagani (II) 22, PAP Jain Education Intemational Page #463 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 446 श्री जिनरत्नकोशः । CC. I. p. 728. Also see Winternitz, His- (1) ganfeaneeft of Sakamakirti. tory, Vol. II. p. 562. It contains 922 Sanskrit stanzas and is published in the (II) Kavyamala, Bombay, 1909 (2nd edition). Also in the Haribhai Devakaran Jain Grantha Mālā No. 3, with Hindi translation, Calcutta, 1917. Also edited and translated into German by R. Schmidt and Hertel at ZDMG. Vols. 59 and 61. AD. Nos. 29, 71; 99; Bengal. No. 1480, Bhand. V. No. 1155, Bah. VI. No. 782; Chani. Nos. 87; 548; CP. p. 711; Idar. 121 (3c.); JG. p. 342; KC. 16, Lal. 14; 57; 206, MHB. 42; Mysore. I. p. 41; II. p. 156; Strass. pp. 311-312, Tera. 25. सुभाषितविजयमतशास्त्र Idar. 121. सुभाषितशतक Punjab. No. 3015. (1) ganzfferer of Jaanagara. DB. 35 (128). (I) Vrtti. DB. 35 (128). (II) सुभाषितपद्विशिका of Yasasvigani of the Lai kā Gaccha. Punjab. No. 1721. (Extract, p. 139). (III) gaiter vár Anonymous. JG. p. 342 (1) Vitti. Anonymous. JG. p. 342. gunay by Dharmakumāra. Bt. No. 642; JG. p. 342. graferendi (Grari 331). JG. p. 341. (I) सुभाषितार्णव by Subhacandra. Buh. VI. No. 695, JG. p. 341; Tera. 94; 95. great composed by Sakalakirti. It con- (I) a composed in Sam. 1683, by Rat tains about 392 Sanskrit Slokas AD. Nos. 156; 160, 187; Bengal. Nos. 1534, 6633; Bhand. V. Nos. 1157; 1158, 1159; CP. p. 712; DLB. 18; Idar. 121 (7c.); JG. p. 342; Pet. IV. No. 1497; V. No. 985; SG. No. 39; (II) Strass. p. 312. nacandra, successor of Sakalacandra of the Sarasvati Gaecha of the Müla Sangha; cf. Bhand. IV. pp. 123-124.Bhand. IV. No. 313; BO. p. 32; CP. p. 712, SG. No. 2627, Tera. 159. (1) (II) gada Anonymous. (probably the same as above). Bhand. V. No. 1156 (dated Sam. 1601); CP. p. 711, KO. 74; 96; Pet. II. No. 281, IV. No. 1498 IV. A. p. 166 (quotation); Tera. 96 to 100. = (III) (IV) See Subbagita ratnávali, ganaraft of Tilakaprabha, pupil of Devasari of the Purnima Gaccha. This work of the author is mentioned along with his 'Nitisastra, by Ajitaprabba in his Santinathacaritra-Prasasti composed in Sarb. 1307; cf. Pet. V. A. p. 122. art of Someśvaradeva. JG. p. 342. graft Anonymous. Bengal. No. 3977 Bhand. V. Nos. 1396, 1397; VI. Nos. 1423; 1424; 1425; Bik. No. 1527 (Be-kartavyam jina.); JA. 31 (8); SG. Nos. 2206 (with Tikā); 2714. by Pandit Jagannatha. List (Delhi P. Mandir). gefaaruf (Grain. 9621) composed during the reign of King Kumarapala, by Somaprabhacārya, papil of Vijayasimhasüri. It is in Prakṛta, and describes the life of the 5th Tirthamkara. Bt. No. 232; DB. 25(10); JG. p. 239; Limdi. No. 1110; PAP. 73 (3); PAPS. 27 (6); SA. No. 843. (II) gaaruft in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 231, JG. p. 239. (III) gaita Anonymous. (Grain. 262 only). Jesal. No. 791 (palm ms.) सुमतिनाथस्तवन Bengal. No. 6909. समतिविलास Surat 5, 7. सुमतिसंभवकाव्य of Sarvavijaya Kavi Bengal. No. 7305. Limdi. No. 770. सुमित्रकथा See below. aaa (Gram. 652) by Harṣakuñjara Upadhyaya. It is published by Hiralal Har Page #464 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्यविभागः प्रथमः । saraj, Jamnagar, 1992. Agra. No. 1550; BK. No. 1923; DB. 31 (80; 81); DC. p. 54, Hamsa. No. 1394, JG. p. 237; Limdi. No. 1966. Devacandrasuri. It consists of only 17 stanzas. Patan Cat. I. p. 182 (quotation). It is printed in the Introduction to Bhaviyasattakaha, in Gaek. O. S., No. 20. सुलसाराधनाकुलक JG. p. 204. सुमतिसप्तक by Sumnatideva. Mentioned in the Srsvan Belgula Inscription No. 54 (Mallisena Prasasti) dated Sake 1050; cf. JH. Vol. 15, p. 103. is mentioned by Uddyotanasuri in the Kuvalayamälä; cf. ABORI, Vol. XVI p. 29. सुमुखनृपादिमित्रचतुष्ककथा of Munisundarasūri. See (I) सुलोचनाचरित्र ( Gramin 4525 ) of Vadicandra in nine chapters. CP. p. 712; Idar. 111, PR. No. 204. Mitracatuṣkakatha. gam JG. p. 144. See Svapnasaptatikā. सुरप्रियकथा JG. p. 262. gemaugh composed in Sam. 1656, by Kanakakusalagani, pupil of Vijayasenasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. Published by Hiralal Hammraj, Jamnagar, 1917. DA. 50 (99); PRA. No. 434, Surat. 1, 5. Beer in Prakṛta. DB. 31 (87); JG. p 262. (1) gedwar JG. p. 262. See Kathasurasundari. (I) सुरसुन्दरीचरित्र composed in Sari. 1095 by Dhanesvarasuri. See Kathisurasundari. Hamsa. No. 293. (II) सुरसुन्दरीचरित्र Anonymous; it is in Prakrta (perhaps same as above). DB. 31 (133, 134); JG. p. 237. (III) gegertwiew by Nayasundara. VB. 36 (34). (1) grafter in 8 cantos containing about 540 Sanskrit stanzas composed by Jayatilakasuri of the Agama Gaccha. Agra. Nos. 1551; 1552; BK. No. 98; Bt. No. 324; DA. 50 (130, 131, 132; 133-one of the mss. i. e. No. 131 is dated Sarn. 1580); DB. 30 (1 to 4), Hamsa. No. 110; JG. p. 237, PAP. 30 (10); 36 (23); 73 (19); PAPS. 60 (40, dated Sam. 1473); Punjab. No. 3020; SA. Nos. 133 (dated San. 1453), 2635; Surat. 1, 5, 7; VA. 17 (45), Weber. II. No. 2026. (1) Tippana. SA. No. 133. (II) खुलसाचरित्र in the Apabhrarisa language by (II) सुलोचनाचरित्र by Mahāsena. Mentioned in Dhavala's Harivansapuriņa; cf. Allaha bad University Studies, I. p. 167; also in Jinasena's Harivarśa Purana, I. 33; cf. ABORI, Vol. XIII. p. 90. (III) getits of Vadiraja (same as No. I?). SG. No. 2617. सुलोचनाविवाहनाटक by Hastimalla Kavi. See Vikrantakaura vanataka. KO. 138; Rice. p. 304. सुवर्णभद्राचार्यचरित्र by Padmanabha Kavi. Mud. 371. 447 सुवर्णासार्द्धस्तोत्र of Padalipta Acārya. JG. p. 365. See Svarnasiddhigarbhamahavirastava. garita in Sanskrit. Bt. No. 241; JG. p. 240. afft in Prakṛta. Bt. No. 241; JG. p. 240. JG. pp. 262; 263; Pet. V. No. 901; SA. No. 855; Surat. 1, 9; see. Munisuvratakathanaka. (1) (II) in 157 Präkṛta stanzas. Published in Vijayadānasūriśvara Grantha mala, Surat, Samh. 1995. nafta in 59 Gathis. JG. p. 237. gulang by Abhayadeva, pupil of Devaprabha. DA. 57 (40). in 518 Prakṛta Gathās. AM. 318(a); 385; Bengal. No. 7448; Flo. No. 793; Weber. II. No. 2057. See Sugadha caritra (I). (I) guft by Devendrasuri in Prakṛta. Bah. III. No. 142; DA. 50 (55 to 59), DB. Page #465 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 446 witanie: 1 31 (19; 20); Hamsa. No. 292; PAP. is in Sanskrit and in two parts. (Gram. 62 ( 18 ); PAPL. 8 (22); VC. 14 (11; 8865 ); JG. p. 342, Patan Cat. 1. p. 12). 137 (ms. dated Sam. 1347 ); Vel. No. (II) grafts Probably same as above. One Susa 1789 (dated Sarn, 1536 ). dhacaritra is published by the JAS., Bhav- (IIF TT (Gram. 4340) in Sanskrit by nagar. Agra. Nos. 1554; 1586 ; 1587; Ratnasimhasüri ; this is the same as above; AM. 318 (a); 385 ; Bengal. No. 7448 ; cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 137-138. PAS. Bhand. V. No. 1247 , VI. No. 1348; No. 383 (dated Sam. 1347). JG. p. 342. Buh. II. No. 386 (in 520 Gāthās be: je (III) warara of Dharmakumāra. Bt. No. paramāṇanda.); DA. 50 ( 52 ; 53; 54); 642; JG. p. 342. DB. 31 (17; 18); Flo. No. 793 ; JG. (I) Featralgat composed in Saṁ. 1847, by p. 263 ; Kaira. A. 125, Kath. No.1345; Ksamākalyāņa, pupil of Amrtadharma Limdi. Nos. 768 ; 848 ; 1118; Punjab. of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bengal. No. Nos. 3022 , 3023 ; 3024 ; SA. No. 862; 6901 ; DC. p. 60; JHB. 48 ; Kath. Surat. 1, 2, 5, 9; Weber. II. No. 2027 No. 1346; KB. 3 (58); Mitra. IX. (Prākrta in 518 Aryās ). p. 83; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7,8. 14 in Prakrta by Devendrasūri. Buh. III. (1) Svopajña Vrtti. DG. p. 60; No. 142; JG. p. 263. This is Suşadba JHB. 48, KB. 3 ( 58 ); Mitra. IX. p. kathā in 487 Prākrta Gāthās composed 83. by Devendra. (II) arraraat in 54 Sanskrit stanzas composed सूक्तद्वात्रिंशिका See Suktidvatrimsika. by Vijayasenasuri in Sam. 1647. It is F AIT composed in Sam. 1754 by Kesaravima published in the JAS. Series, No. 23, Jagani, pupil of Kanakavimalagani of the Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. Hamsa. No. Tapā Gaccha. BK, No. 1139; Buh. II. 1443. No. 319; Hamsa. No. 800 ; PAZB. 17 (60); PRA. No. 835; Punjab. Nos. (I) adag by Laksmikallolagani. DA. 36 (118). (1) Avacuri. DA. 39 (118). 3026 ; 3027 ; Surat. 1, 8, 9; Vel. No. |(III) tacne Aronymous. Limdi. No. 1682. i 1789. (II) F AT by Laksmana in Sanskrit (Gram. (I) pagaaraot Anonymous. A Suktamuktā. 680 ). Patan Cat. I. p. 407. See Süktāvali is published in the DLP. Series, No. vali. 57, Bombay. Bengal. Nos. 6762 ; 6764; Bhand. V. No. 1398 ; Mitra. IX. p. 19; FeaTIE BK. No. 1210 ( foll. 28). PAP. 27 (50-ms. dated Sam. 1618, FEAR T in Sanskrit called Viveka pādapa coGram. 2332 ). mposed by Vibudhacandra Kavi alias (II) Fagarac by Meghaprabhasüri. Publi Narendraprabhasuri of the Maladhāri shed by the JAS., Bhavnagar, 1918 Gaccha ; cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 187 (quo( Series No. 61). JG. p. 342 ; Pet. V.A. tations ). p. 21 (Be : srivardhamānamabhinaumi). Earla by Ravigupta Acārya. JA. 107 (8). (I) qaraat (Eugane) DA. 39 ( 105 to 117; (III) Erfaradt by Somaprabha. See Sindūra 119 to 130 ). . prakara. Bhand. III. Nos. 469; 470; (II) Faradt (in Sanskrit. Gram. 1500) by CP. p. 772; Mysore. II. p. 156. Lakşmaņa (Be :- sūktiratnasudhā). JA. (I) FEATH by Māghasimha, otherwise called 96 (14); Patan Cat. I. p. 407; Pet. Manmathasimha, son of Vidyāsimha. It III. A. p. 54. ). Jain Education Intemational Page #466 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tru : 494: ! 449 (III) Avaraat by Tattvavallabha in Sanskrit. Fear TTATTATUT of Jinavallabha. See Sārdha. Punjab. Nos. 3031; 3032. sataka. (IV) waraet Anonymous. Bhand. V. Nos. Featearer of Cakreśvarasuri in 75 Gāthās. JG. ,1399; 1400; VI. No. 1426; BO. pp. p. 144 ; Limdi. No. 955. It is publi22; 62, Buh. II. No. 325 ; DB. 23 shed in Prakaraṇasamuccaya, Indore, (76 to 79); JG. p. 842 ; Pet. IV. No. 1923, together with the Tippana. 1499; V. No. 903, VI. Nos. 651 ; 690; (1) Tippana. Anonymous. JG. p. Punjab. Nos. 3028 to 3030; SA. No. 144 ; Limdi. No. 955. 1612; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. H ardag of Jinavallabha. See SärdhaeftergifÁLFST 1 Composed in Sam. 1650, by Muni śataka. Sāranga Kavi. The 32 starızas are in (1) Curņi composed in Sam. 1170 by the Dodhaka metre. DB. 35 (127); Municandra. PRA. No. 318; SA. No. JG. p. 193. 301.. (1) Svopajñavivarana (Grar. 198) content by Somasena. Bhand. VI. No. 1040. . composed in Sam. 1650. DB. 35 ( 127 ); (1) Svopajia Țikā. Bhand. VI. No. JG. p. 193 ; Pet. V. A. p. 169 (dated 1040.. . Sam. 1652).. anfaat Surat. 1, 5, 9. (1) g y eret of Somasena. KO. 24. F agus is the second Arga (Gram. 2100) of (II) El gratast of Somadeva. AK. No. 973. the Jain Agama. It is published with (III) yataet of Srutamuni. AK. No. 972. the Niryukti and Silānka's commentary (IV) Frau alat of Somaprabhācārya. See in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. Sindūraprakara. 18, Bombay 1917, and with commenta(V) Hidayaradt of Meghaprabha. See Suktamu res of Silāńka and Harsakula by Bhimsi ktāvali (II). Manek, Bombay Sam. 1936 for Ray atrate is a collection of 377 Sanskrit Subhā. Bahadur Dhanpati Simha of Calcutta. It şitas put together by Siddhicandragani of is translated into English by H. Jacobi the Tapā Gaccha; for works and authors in S. B. E. Vol. 45. It consists of two quoted in this work, see M. D. Desai, parts, the second being probably younger Bhānucandracaritra, Singhi Jain Series, than the first, and mainly devoted to the Bombay, 1941, pp. 63–64, Introduction, refutation of the rival philosophical systems. p. 73. BK. No. 1613. Agra. Nos. 22-26; 28-32 ; AM. 39; (I) atatearaat of Abhayacandra. Idar. 121. . 44 ; 67 ; 72; 111; 163; 179; 184; (II) Ferrage of Meghaprabha. See Sūkta 191; 212 ; 219; 248 ; 256 ; 273 ; 333; muktávali ( II ). 393 ; 398 ; AZ: 2 (1-3); Bengal. Nos. (III) waaraat by Hemavijayagani; this is 2607; 7195 ; 7439; 7454; 7508; mentioned in the Prasasti to the Vrtti Bhand. IV. No. 286; VI. Nos. 1285;. on Vijayaprasasti Kāvya. See Krishna 1289 ; Bik. No. 1763; BK. No. 17; macharir, History of Sanskrit Literature, BO. p. 62; Buh. II. Nos. 257 ; 258 ; p. 387. III. Nos. 144 ; 145; 146; VIII. No. Fahr e r JG. p. 137 ; Pet. IV. No. 1378 ; 396; Chani. Nos. 10; 901; DA. 2 Samb. No. 23. (1-4); 3 (8 to 13); DB. 1 (18); (1) Țikā. JG. p. 137. Pet. IV. No. "Hamsa. No. 1519; JA. 52 (2), 66 (1); 1378. 110 (6), JB. 4; 6; 8; 41; Jesal. Nos. Har SA. No 1564. . 229.; 230, 419; 464 ; 561 ; 634 ; 899; J....57 Jain Education Intemational " Page #467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ -450 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। 1020, 1371, 1788, 1793, JG. p. 2; JHA. 2 (2 c.); 8 (3 c.), JHB. 2 (3 c.); Kaira. A. 47 ; Kiel. I. No. 117, II. No. 412; KB. 3 (41); KN. 12; Kundi. Nos. 99; 134 ; 201 ; Limdi. Nos. 110 ; 166, 167, 168 ; 209; 217 240; 309; 350; 363 ; 397; 455 ; 456; 466 , Mitra. VIII. pp. 86; 87 ; 88; 120; IX. p. 104; PAP. 2 (7); 42 ( 37 ); 44 ( 1 to 14); 46 (5); 50 (11); 61 (9); 79 (1); PAPL. 4 (10; 11), PAPM. 46 ; PAPS. 3 (15; 16); 4 (1 to 13); 5 (1 to 14); 9 (1 to 7); 28 (3); 76 (10); PAS. Nos. 69 ; 342; PAZA. 1 (5 to 11); PAZB. 7 (6);9 (8); 15 (9); Pet. I. A. p. 37 ; III. A. p. 70; IV. No. 1379; V. No. 904 ; VI. No. 653; PRA. Nos. 674; 727; Punjab. Nos. 3034 to 3049; SA. Nos. 537 ; 915; 1502; 1545; 1774; 1782; Samb. Nos. 39; 69 ; 112; 188; 279; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, VA. 16 ( 2 to 8); 17 (12; 18; 19); VB. 34 (3; 4; 5); 35 (1 to 19); 36 (9), VC. 13 (19; 21 ), 14 (22); Vel. Nos. 1546 to 1553 ; Weber. II, Nos. 1777 ; 1778. (1) Niryukti consisting of 208 Gāthās of Bhadrabāhu. Buh. II. No. 258; IV. Nos. 221 ; 222 ; Chani. No. 10; DA. 2 (18 to 20); 3 (14; 15 ), DB. 1 (14); Ja. 52 (1; 2); 66 (1); JB. 6; Jesal. No. 561; JG. p. 2; JHA. 2 (2 c.); JHB. 3; Kaira. A. 47; KB. 3 ( 41 ); KN. 12; Kundi. Nos. 3; 107; Limdi. No. 34 ; PAP. 42 (37); 44 (13); 46 (5); 61 (9); 79 (1); PAPS. 4 (1; 2; 13); 5 (1; 9);9 (6; 7); 76 (10); PAS. No. 69 ; PAZA. 1 (10); PAZB. 15 (9); PRA. Nos. 674, 727 ; SA. No. 1782 ; Strass. p. 305;. Surat. 1, 7, 9. (2) Curņi (Gram about 10000 ). Bhand. VI. No. 1288; Buh. III. No. 143; DA. 3 (1), Jesal. Nos. 464; 899; JG. p. 2; Kundi. Nos 99; 201; PAP. 2 (7); PAPS. 9 (5); PAZA. 1 (11); PAZB. 7 (6); 9 (8); Surat. 1 ; VA. 16 (2); VB. 36 (9). (3) Țikā composed in Sam. 933 by Silāňka (Gram. 12850 ; Be:-svaparasamayārthasücaka). AM. 333; AZ. 2 (1); Bengal. No. 2578 ; Bhand. IV. No. 287; BK. No. 17, Buh. IV. No. 223; VI. No. 783 ; Chani. No. 10; DA. 2 ( 5; 6; 7; 8; 28 ); 3 (2, 3); DB. 1 (19), JA. 52 (2); 59 (1); 66 (1); JB. 5; 8; 9; Jesal. Nos. 229; 1371 ; JG. p. 2; JHA. 2 ; JHB. 2 , Kiel. II. No. 412; Kundi. No. 134, Limdi. Nos. 33 ; 110; Mitra. VIII. p. 87 ; IX. p. 104 ; PAP. 44 (10), PAPL. 4 (10); PAPM. 46 (ms. dated Sam. 1414); PAPS. 3 (15; 16); 4 (10; 11); 5 (5); 9 (3, 4); 28 (3); PAS. No. 342; PAZA. 1 (6; 7); Pet. I. A. p. 37 ; III. A. p. 70 ; V. No. 905 ; V. A. p. 71; SA. Nos. 537, 915; VA. 16 (3; 4; 8); VB. 34 (4; 5; 6); 35 (11); VC. 13 (19, 21 ); Vel. No. 1553. (4) Dipikā composed in Sam. 1583 by Harsakula, pupil of Hemavimalasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. (Gram. 6600; Be:pranamya srijinam viram). BO. p. 62; Bhand. IV. No. 286 ; VI. No. 1289; Buh. III. Nos. 144, 145 (dated Sam. 1583), VIII, No. 396, Chari. No. 901; DA. 2 ( 9 to 17 ), DB. 1 (12; 13; 20; 21); JB. 7 ( 3 c.); JG. p. 2; Limdi. No. 209; Mitra. VIII. p. 88; PAP. 44 (5; 8; 11; 12; 15 ); PAPL, 4 (11); PAPS. 4 (7; 9); 5 (13; 14); Punjab. Nos. 3038; 3039; 3040 ; PAZA. 1 (8); Pet. IV. No. 1379; VI. No. 653; PRA. No. 853, VB. 34 (3); 35 (1,6; 10; 14; 19); VC. 14 (22); Vel. Nos. 1550 ; 1551; 1552; Weber. II. No. 1777. (5) Dipikā (Gram. 13416) composed in Sam. 1599 (See Kap. No. 44) Page #468 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ qufa : 499: 1 451 by Sadhuranga Upadhyāya of the Khara- | Kaira. B. 137 ; Surat. 1 (694). tara Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1285, Pet. (1) Pradeśavivarana by Jinaprabha. V. No. 904. See Surividyākalpa. (6) Dipikā composed by Jinahamsa, (I) aft n by Devasuri. This is probably the pupil of Jinasamudra of the Kharatara same as Sūrimantrakalpasāroddhāra of Gaccha. See his Dipikā on the Acāränga Merutunga. The origin of the mistake Sūtra. Bhand. IV. No. 286 ( ms. dated may parhaps be traced to a verse quoted Sam. 1689; foll 134). This is wrong. at Pet. III. A. p. 365, line 1 ff. Bhand. See Kap. No. 40. As a matter of fact, VI. No. 1427; Hamsa. Nos. 1162; this is a ms. of com. No. 4 above. 1421. (7) Dipika. Anonymous. Agra. No. 27; (II) FitFacy Anonymous. Chani. No. 97 ; AM. 248; JHB. 3; SA. No. 1774 ; Hamsa. No. 1415 ; JG. pp. 365 ; 367. Surat. 1, 5, 9. (1) Durgapradeśavivaraņa. See Pet. (8) Bālāvabodha by Pārývacandra, III. A. p. 365. pupil of Sādhuratna, and the founder of the STETTIGI of Merutungasuri of the the Pārsvacandra Gaccha in Sam. 1572. Añcala Gaccha. (Gram. 558 ). JG. p. AZ. 2 (3); Buh. II. No. 257 ; JHB. 2 367; JHA. 73; JHB. 73; Kaira. B. (2 c.); 3 (3 c.); Limdi. No. 363; 137; Pet. I. No. 358; III. A. p. 364 PAPS. 5 ( 3; 4; 6; 7; 8; 12). (quotation ; ms. dated Sam. 1496); SB. (9) Paryāya or explanation of diffi 2 (79). cult words. Kap. Nos. 53-57. afthomHaal TEAIA JG. p. 295. (10) Vrtti. Anonymous. Agra. No. FTAT.aaro of Jina prabhasüri. See Suri24; Bengal. Nos. 2607, 7508 ; Bik. Nos. vidyākalpa. 1763 ; 1764 ; Buh. III. No. 146; DC. h. 1. No. 146; DC. arthraapty of Merutunga. This is another pp. 6; 8; Samb. Nos. 68; 389; Surat. name of Sūrimantrakalpasāroddhāra. 1, 5 ; VA. 17 (18; 19); VB. 35 (16). BATAI Another title of the Süri (11) Țikā by Abhayadeva (!). VA. kalpasāroddhāra. 17 (12). ritar by Nareśvarasūri, pupil of KulaprabhaELETTETUT Surat. 1. sūri. See Sāmācārīsangraha. Baroda. Erfaeigte SA. No. 492 (foll. 18 ). No. 2966 ; PRA. No. 322, SA. No. 21. सत्रव्याख्यानाविधिशतक by Manikyagani, pupil of सारीविद्याकल्प Also styled as Surimantrapradesai Labdhigaņi, pupil of Dharmasāgaragaņi. vivarana, by Jinaprabhasūri, pupil of SA. No. 215 ( foll. 46). Jinasimhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. (1) Tīkā: Anonymous. SA. No. 215. Pet. III. A. p. 365. EEEETT Bhand. V. No. 1248. सूरिविद्याकल्पसंग्रह Anonymous. (1) Tikā. Bhand. V. No. 1248. (1) Durgapadavivarana by a Süri of ESTE JG. p. 353. the Devācārya Gaccha. Pet. III. A. pp. Egorazišta1 of Devamūrti. Hamsa. No. 365-366. 540. quaat Limdi. No. 2715. (1) Tikā Svopajña. Hamsa. No. Gacor SA. No. 738. 540. IT of Nemicandra, in Sanskrit. SG. No. partago (Gram. 2000) by Srāddhakusala. 2615. VC. 13 ( 24 ; foll. 30). P e ar in 20 chapters is the fifth Upānga of RITOutqaru Pet. III. A. p. 651, the Jain Agama (Gram. 2296 ). It is Jain Education Intemational Page #469 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 452 differece: published with Malayagiri's commentary in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 24, Bombay, 1919. It contains the astronomical views of the Jainas. See Weber, Indische Studien, X. p. 254, G. Thi baut, JASB., Vol. 49, p. 107; p. 171; R. Sham Shastri, Journal of the Mythic Society, Vol. 15, p. 138, Vol. 16, p. 201 and Vol. 18, p. 32, Indian Historical Quarterly, Vol. VIII. p. 30; for the connection of this Satra with the Candraprajñapti, cf. W. Shubring, Lehre der Jainas, p. 71. Dr. Sham Shastri gives a brief translation of the Sutra at places mentioned above. It is recently edited in Roman characters by J. F. Kohl, Stuttgart, 1937. In the Sthanaigasutra IV. 1, the four Prajna-AIR ptis i. e. Candra, Surya, Jambudvipa and Dvipasigara, are described as Angabāhyās, cf. Winternitz, History, II. p. 457 £. n. AM. 25, Baroda. Nos. 2988; 2989; Bik. Nos. 1608; 1612; Buh. IV. No. 224; DA. 13 (12; 13); DB. 6 (5; 6, 7); Hamsa. No. 822, JA. 2(1); JB. 311 40; 41, Jesal. Nos. 466; 467; 564, 1029; JG. p. 10; JHA. 17, Kundi. Nos. 93; 310, Limdi. Nos. 250, 502; 508, Mitra. VIII. p. 109; PAP. 39 (7); 77 (4); PAPL. 4 (21); PAS. No. 45; PAZA. 3 (14; 15); PAZB. 9 (12); 14 (12); Pet. III. A. p. 173; PRA. No. 1224; Panjab. Nos. 3050, 3053, SA. Nos. 137, 1570; 2726; Samb. No. 387; Surat. 1 (6 copies); Vel. Nos. 1554; 1555; Weber. II. Nos. 1841; 1842 1843. (1) Niryukti by Bhadrabahu. This Niryukti is mentioned as lost by Malayu giri in his commentary on the Sutra A Gatha from this Niryakti is quoted by Devabhadra in his commentary on Śricandra's Sangraha piratna, composed in the 13th century; cf. Vel. No. 1682. (2) Tika by Malayagiri (Gramh. 9000). Agra. No 191; Baroda. No. 2988; Bengal. III. B. 58; Bik. No. 1608, DA. 13 (12), DB. 6 (5); DC. pp. 9; 24; Hamsa. Nos. 1054; 1073; 1213; JA. 2 (2); JB. 30; 37, 40; 41, Jesal. Nos. 467 564; 1029; JG. p. 10; Kiel. III. No. 19 (ms. dated Sam. 1389), Kundi. Nos. 93; 310; Limdi. No. 20; PAP. 39 (7); 77 (4); PAS. No. 45 (ms. dated Sam. 1481); PAZA. 3 (15); PAZB. 9(12);14(12); Pet. III. A. p. 173; PRA. No. 1224; Punjab. No. 8051 SA Nos. 159, 919; 3121; Samb. No. 386; Surat. 1 (6 copies), Vel. No. 1555. gamer Agra. Nos. 1589, 1590. (1) Vrtti by Bhanucandragaņi. See M. D. Demi, Bhanucandracaritra, Bom bay, 1941, Introduction, p. 69. dar This work is quoted by Siddhasenagani in his commentary on the Tattvärthasutra. ABORI., XIII. p. 335. farfar SG. No. 1600. fazer composed in Sam. 1662 by Harga kirti. DA. 36 ( 43, 44). (1) Tikā Svopajna 44). DB. 36 (43; adeffat (foll. 169). JG. p. 350. See Praśnottararatnakara. JG. p. 164. See Pranottararatnakara. haft by Jayakalasasuri. Bhand. V. No. 1333 (ms. dated Sam. 1556). fa See Nitivakyāmṛta. सोमभीमादिकथा JG. p. 263. r Agra. No. 1591. See Sindurapraklara. JG. p. 211. in Prakṛta. JG. p. 263. सोमसुन्दर सौभाग्यगुणवर्णन VB. 37 ( 45 ). (1) सोमसौभाग्यकाव्य containing the life of Somasun darasuri of the Taps Gaccha, composed by Sumatisidhu, papil of Lakṣmisāgarasuri of the same Gaccha. BK. No. 215; Page #470 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्धविभागः प्रथमः। 453 Surat. 1, 2, 3D protisthāvidhi, Sarasudhacakra Stotra' DB. 22 (152, 153, 154); SA. No. 97479/ather in Sanskrit. Agra. Nos. 1813, 300. 1814 ; Limdi. No. 530. (II) Hear4184 (Grann. 1300 ) on the same farmagregare composed in Sam. 1400 by Merusubject, composed in Sam. 1524 by Pra tunga. See Stambhana pārsvanāthapratisthäsoma, pupil of Somasundara of the bandba. JG. p. 219. Tapa Gaccha , for quotation, cf. Pattāva- Faatst by Vijaya sena. JG. p. 295. lisamuccaya ( Viramgam, 1933), I. pp. (1) Faqat by Padmavijaya. DA. 76 ( 100; 35-40. Hamsa. No. 132; JG. p. 333; 1 101 ). PAP. 79 (81); PAPR. 15 (8) (II) Fatige Anonymous. JHB. 73. See also (III) H ATTEU Anonymous. Agra. No. Stotrasangraha. 2969. स्तवपरिक्षापद्धति of Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya 1 975 Buh. III. No. 178 ; JG. p. 219. of the Tapă Gaccha. Published in the ATT 180 of Sumatisādbu. See Somasaubhāgya Muktikamala Jaina Mohanamālā. kāvya. F t composed in Sar. 1631 (1661-according (1) Fia t by Jinaharsasuri. KC. 12. to PAPS.) by Muni Jagamāla, pupil of (II) i n ie by Kanakakusala. See Vijayadānasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. Kārtikasuklapancamimābātmya. Punjab. p. 295 ; PAPS. 69 (99); SA. No. 823; Nos. 3059 ; 3064 to 3067. Surat, 1, 2, 5. (III) Hit t aen Anonymous. Surat. 1, 2, T of Asadhara. The four Stotras are 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Pratisthāvidhi, Sarasvatistotra, Rşiman ToHiHTETETU the same as above. Bhand. dala Stotra and Siddbacakra Stotra. VI. No. 1349, SG. No. 2626. C. p. 713. HTTPzfraga Bengal. No. 7597. (i) Ţikā by Vidyānanda. CP. p. e rrerariser (Gram. 674). Bt. No. 346; 713. Hamsa. No. 640; JG. p. 263. FATTAISI JG. p. 295; Pet. III. Nos. 568 , 569. tragaan by Virasimha. Bhand. V. No. 1249. a m 17 of Munisundara. See Jinastotraratna. S TT JG. p. 137. kośa. DA. 41 (157); DB. 24 ( 99; (I) arren of Abhayadeva. Cal. X. No. 100); JB. 143 ; Punjab. No. 3076. 54. salanars Anonymous. Bengal. Nos. 6840 , 7160 ; 7537. (II) Fatha Trang of Jinadatta. KB. 3(71). !: Ferrarafatla (Gram. 3400) by Tejasimha. स्तम्भनकपार्श्वनाथप्रबन्ध in Sanskrit composed by JG. p. 295; Pet. IV. No. 1380. Merutungasūri of the Ancala Gaccha in |(I) F a t of Somasundara. This contains Sam. 1400. PAPS. 69 (125-ms. dated twelve Stotras by Somasundarasūri of Sam 1424, foll. 93). See also Sadhana the Tapă Gaccha. Baroda. No. 718. Sāmagri, p. 29. (II) (I) स्तम्भनपार्श्वनाथस्तवन by Purnakalajagani. BK. | E Anonymous. A full list of all San. skrit and Prākrta Stotras so far published No. 1492 (ms. dated Sam. 1672). is given in Appendix C in the Jainastotra" (II) Fragrafaterraa Anonymous. Surat. 6, sandoba, Vol. I, Ahmedabad, 1932. AD. 7; Limdi. No. 3328. Nos. 50, 165, 178; Baroda. Nos. 2869; (I) F r ancais in 9 Sanskrit verses. 11908; Bengal. Nos. 6709; 6979, Limdi. No. 1032 (dated Sam. 1468 ). 7016 ; 7018; 7113; 7174; 7189 , (II) Fatuagramer Fara in 16 Prākrta verses, by 7226, 7245; 7249 ; 7302; 7380 ,Devabhadra. Patan Cat. I. p. 260. 7402; 7605; 7695, 7696; 7697 , Page #471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 454 7698, 7727; Bhand. V. No. 1097; DA. 41 (156, 158, 160; 161-180, 221234); DB. 24 (119 to 154), Idar. A. 42 (2 copies); Jesal. No. 1903, Punjab Nos. 3077; 3079 to 3.082. (1) स्तोत्रावली by Jayakesarisūri. Baroda. No. श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । 2931. (II) aialaet by Yasovijaya Upadhyaya. DB. 24 (98); JG. p. 106. hair by Sakaṭayana. Baroda. No. 7477; JA. 31 (10) JG. p. 165; Patan Cat. L p. 3, Pet. V. A. p. 142; Surat. 1. स्त्रीनिर्वाणसिद्धि JG. p. 83. if fati JG. p. 165; Pet. III. A. p. 154. Limdi. No. 854. (1) fare in 50 Gathas (Be- jayai jaga) found at the beginning of the Nandi Satra. It is published separately with a commentary by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1913. Buh. IV. Nos. 260; 261; JA. 105 (1); 106 (4; 7), 107 (3); Kap. Nos. 624-634, PAP. 77 (9) Pet. I. A. pp. 10; 61, 86; 100; III. A. p. 8; Surat. 1, 5, 6. (1) Avacuri. PAP. 77 (9). (II) aftreft by Manisandara. See Gurvavali (II). Bah. II. No. 391 (ms. dated Sarh 1508). (III) afara by Dharmasagara. See Gurvavali (1). Kiel. I. No. 35 PRA. No. 777. (IV) auftreeft by Merutunga. See Vicărareni, (V) ufc Anonymous. BO. p. 62; Bah. II. Nos. 388; 389; 390; DB. 12 (47); Kath. No. 1347; Kiel. II. No. 73; Limdi. Nos. 721; 1438, 1729; Punjab. Nos. 3083, 3084; 3085; Surat. 7, 8. (1) Avacuri by Devavacaka. Punjab. No. 3085. (VI) ferreft (Grah. 2000) in Prakṛta. Jesol No. 1276. स्थविरावलीचरित्र is another name of Parisigtaparvan, see Trigasrisalakāpurusacaritra. Bengal. No. 6854; BO. p. 72; Punjab. No. 3084. in 186 Gathas by Pradyumnasuri. This is another name of Mulaśuddhi; see also Siddhantasära (III). DB. 35 (205; 212). (Gram. 6540). G. p. 128. is the third Aligay it is divided into 10 chapters called Sthanas. It is published with Abbayadeva's commentary in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, Nos. 21-22, Bombay, 1918--20, and also in the Agamasangraha, Vol. III. Benares, 1880, for Ray Bahadur Dhanapatisimha. Its Graththagra is 3600. Agra. Nos. 33-40; AM. 141, 241; 247; 269; 340, 361; 405, Bengal. No. 2544, Bhand, V. No, 1251; Bik. Nos. 1537, 1780; BO. p. 32; Bah. II. Nos. 259; 260, III. No. 147; Cal. X. No. 1; Chani. No. 171, DA. 3 (18 to 26); 4 (1-17; 27; 28; 34); DB. 2 (1; 2; 4; 6); 3 (20); DC. p. 40; Flo. No. 495; Hamsa. No. 1051; JA. 34 (3); JB. 8; 10 (5 c.); 11 (4c.); Jesal. Nos. 86; 226; 228, 271; 884; 935; 1091, JG. p. 2; JHA. 3 (4 c.); 8; JHB. 4 (2 c.); 5 (3 e); Kundi. Nos. 60; 90; 122; 349; Limdi. Nos. 29; 30; 143; 146; 147, 158, 191; 289 295; 418; 435; PAP. 2 (18); 70 (1 to 17); PAPL 4 (16; 22); PAPS. 5 (16; 17); 6 (1 to 11); 7 (1;2); PAZA. 2 (1; 2), PAZB. 5 (30); PRA. No. 176; Punjab. Nos. 3086 to 3092; SA. Nos, 2, 201; 917; 1609; 2032; Samba Nos. 19; 66; 135; 412, Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9; Tapa. 243; VA. 7 (27, 28); 8 (1 to 7); VB. 14 (4 to 12), 15 (2), VC. 7 (1); VD. 6 (2; 3); Vel. Nos. 1556; 1557; 1558; 1559, Weber. II. Nos. 1779; 1780; 1781, 1782. स्थानासूत्र (1) Tilă composed in Sam. 1120 by Abhayadevasuri, who mentions one Droṇācārya in v. 6 of the Prasasti; cf. Kap. I. p. 63. (Grah 14250. Be:-sri Page #472 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 455 viram jinanātham ). AM. 269, Bengal. where one Droņa is mentioned in the III. H. 21; BO. p. 72; Buh. II. Nos. 261; Prasasti ( v. 6). 262; Chani. No. 485; DA. 3 (18 to 26 ); (7) Vrtti. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 4(1 to 4); DB. 2 (1;2); 3 (29); 37 ; 39, AM. 269 (Be:-śrīviram jina); DC. pp. 13; 40; Flo. No. 495; Hamsa. Bengal. No. 2544, JB. 8, 9, 10; 11; Nos. 1378; 1444; JA. 91 (1); Jesal. PAP. 70 (this is Dipikā, foll. 317); SA. Nos. 86 ; 226; JG. p. 2; JHA. 3 ( 2c.); No. 2032, Tapa. 243 , Surat. 1 ; Samb. JHB. 2; Kap. No. 67 ; Keith. No. 30; Nos. 65 ; 67. Kundi. Nos. 60 ; 90; 122; 349 ; Limdi. Nos. 191 ; 368; PAP. 2 (18); 70 (8) Paryāya. Kap. Nos. 70; 75. (2; 6; 11; 13; 14; 16), PAPL. 4 499171FTTTTT913 DA. 4 (3; 4); Limdi. No. (22); PAPS. 6 (1 to 4; 11); PAZA. 2312. 2 (2); Pet. I. No. 359 ; III. A. p. 100; FAC ET in 9 Sanskrit Slokas. JG. P. 365; V. No. 908; Punjab. Nos. 3087 ; 3088; Vel. No. 1861. 3091 , 3092, SA. Nos. 2; 917; VA. 8 ( 4 to 7); VB. 14 ( 4 to 12); 15 (2); Femaleqrara perhaps same as above. JG. p. 154. VC. 7 (1); VD. 6 (3); Weber. II. Nos. 1781 ; 1782. FerTC16*JG. p. 204 ; Hamsa. No. 441. (2) Dipikā ( Gram. 14100) compos- F ararara in Sanskrit. Punjab. Nos. 3093 ; ed in Sam. 1657 by Nagarsigani, pupil 3094. of Kusalavardhana of the Tapā Gaccha Featu5DA. 60 ( 215 to 218 ); DB. 35 (Be:- pranatasurāsuranātham). BO. p. (190, 191 ). 32 ; Hamsa. No. 549; JG. p. 2; Limdi. No. 392; PAP. 70 (15); PRA, No. FAIGHET OG Punjab. No. 3095. 176; VA. 8 (1;2); VD. 6(2). ffufaara Pet. V. No. 768. (3) Dipikā composed in Sam. 1659 Forraga of Bālacandra. BK. No. 1259. by Megharāja of the Pārsvacandra Gaccha. DB. 2 ( 3 ). This is probably in (I) FOHIT by Siladeva. Surat. 7. Gujrati and is the same as the one which |(II) F uata in 684 Sanskrit Slokas by is published in the Benares edition. Jayānandasūri, pupil of Somatilakasuri of (4) Vivarana (Gram. 13604 ) com the Tapā Gaccha. It is published by Hiraposed in Sam. 1705, by "Sumatíkallola lal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1910; it is also and Harsanandana, pupils of Samayasun published in the D. L. P. Series No. 25, dara of the Kharatara Gaccha. This is a Bombay, 1915. Agra. Nos. 1555; 1556; commentary on the Gātbūs contained in Bhand. VI. No. 1350 ; Bt. No. 350 ; Abhayadeva's Vitti of the Sutra. Chani. Buh. VIII. No. 416 (=PRA. No. 937); No. 171; Hamsa. No. 47; JG. p. 2; Cal. X. No. 55, DA. 50 ( 60, 61, dated Limdi. No. 432; PAZB. 5 ( 30 ) PRA. Sam. 1478; 62); DB. 31 (71; 72, 73; No. 364 ; SA. No. 1609. 74); Hamsa. No. 823 ; KN. 10, Limdi. No. 991; PAPS. 48 (138); 67 (18); 3. (5) Vrtti by Pārsvacandra (Bez-var 77 ( 8, dated Sam. 1484 ) ; Pet. II. No. dhamāno jino.). Bik. No. 1537. 301 ; III. No. 653; V. No. 909; V. A. (6) Vrtti by Droņācārya; Gram. p. 216 ; PRA. No. 937, Punjab. No. 18125. VA. 7 ( 27; 28); 8 (3). Ths 3098 , Surat. 7; VC. 7 (10); 12(7); is probably Abhayadeva's commentary, Vel. No. 1790. Sam. 1470. 55, DAO (PRA N° 350 Jain Education Intemational Page #473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ na:) 1518. 1780. (1) Ţikā by Padmanandanasūri. KN. I ( 25 ; 26 ); Hamsa. No. 63; JG. p. 263; 10 (ms, dated Sam. 1607). Limdi. Nos. 1151 ; 1258 ; 1358 ; Pet. (III) FICHETTE by Padmasāgara. See Sila III. A. p. 236 ; PRA. Nos. 314, 1334 SA, No. 435. prakāśa. JG. p.237. (IV) franquia in Sanskrit verse. Anonymous. ! (1) Svopajna Vrtti. DA. 40 (75 to Punjab. Nos. 3096 ; 3097. 79); DB. 24 (25; 26 ); SA. No. FAITE Fratrealâ by Bālacandra. BK. No. 1518; 435. DA. 40 (67 to 72); Limdi. Nos. 630; (III) F71921191T in Sanskrit verse by Dharma1652; SA. Nos. 1780; 1889 ; 1993. vimalasuri. Punjab. No. 3099. (1) Tiká composed in Sam. 1658 (IV) FTIA141 Anonymous. Agra. No. 1917, by Kanakakusale, pupil of Hiravijaya Bhand. V. No. 1252, JHB. 34. süri of the Tapā Gaccha. DA. 40 (69; 1 Surat. 1, 5. 70). FaiTare Bengal. Nos. 7104; 7701. (2) Tikā by Vivekaharsagani. BK. No. (I) Farafare in Prākrta by Jivadevasūri. BK. No. 1827; PRA. No. 1123. (3) Cūrņi, Anonymous. SA. No. (1) Dhūmāvalikā Vrtti by Samudra sūri, pupil of Goggata Acarya of the Cānस्नातृपञ्चाशिका See Snatrapaincasika. drakula. BK. No. 1827, PRA. No. (I) F172111 T containing 50 stories on Jina 1123.. in composed by Subhasila, pupil(II) are by Devacandra. BSC. No. 486. of Munigundara of the Tapā Gaccha (III) Fariars by śāntisuri. See Parvapanca(Gram. 800). A Silā Press edition of this was brought out in Sam. 1930, by (IV) Fara Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 2177Jain Vidyāśālā, Dosivadani Pola, Ahme. 2183 , Buh. II. No. 263; DA. 38 (73; dabed. DA. 40 ( 80 ), Hamsa. Nos. 74); Pet. V. No. 910; Punjab. No. 191 ; 1240; JG. p. 263 ; Limdi. Nos. 3103. 611 ; 813 ; 965; PAPS. 51 (1); 62 (1) Vrtti Agra. No. 2180. ( 24); PRA. No. 1305; Pet. III. A. p. FIN196 of Padmanandin, Limdi. No. 610 ; Pet 235. IV. Nos. 1442 ; 1443. (1) Avacuri composed in Sarn. 1532 Farut in 10 Gäthäs. JA. 107 (9). by Somagani. DA. 40 (80); SA. No. #currats by Jinadattasūri of the Kharatara 1780. Gaccha. PAZB. 3 (12); Pet. I No. (2) Bālāvabodha in Gujrati by Jina 232 ; PRA. Nos. 263, 351. harsagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Pet. III. (1) Tikā by Jayasāgaragaņi, pupil of A. p. 235. Jinarājasuri and Jinavardhanasuri of the (II) FA19atirait (Graṁ. 1300) another simi Kharatara Gaccha. PAZB. 3 ( 12 ); Pet. lar collection compiled by Udayasāgara, I. No. 232, PRA, Nos. 263, 351. pupil of Vidyāsāgarasuri of the Vidhi- FHREEN JG. p. 268 ( foll. 128 ). paksa Gaccha in Sarn. 1804. It is also ragaron JG. p. 342. called Samyaktvadipikā; cf. Pet. III. A. p. FOTIETE11CT (Gram. 1050) by Jayānandasūri. 236. Baroda. No. 2994; BK. No. 1951; JG. p. 308. See Syādisabdasamuccaya DA. 40 (75; 80 ); 75 (38); DB. 24 . Tikā No. 2. sikā. Jain Education Intemational Page #474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः । स्वादिशब्दसमुच्चय is a work on gender in four chapters, by Amaracandrasuri, pupil of Jinadattasuri of the Vayada Gaccha. It contains 53 Slokas with illustrations, and is published with Jayananda's Avacuri, Benares, Vira Sam. 2441. Agra. Nos. 2750-2753; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1428; 1429; BO. p. 32; Bt. No. 466; Buh. IV. No. 287 Chani. No. 445; DA. 61 (13, 14, 48; 49); DB. 36 (22); JG. p. 308; Kaira. A. 131, Kath. No. 1481; Limdi. Nos. 667; 734; 735; 904; PAP. 17 (31); 41 (17), 79 (52); PAPL 5 (36); PAPR. 21 (8); PAZA. 8) (6; 16); PRA. No. 667; Panjab. No. 3105, SA. Nos. 263; 464; Vel. No. 88. (II) (1) Tika called Syadisubodhi composed by Vinayabhusana, papil of Mati-(III) sagara of the Ukesa Gaccha. Agra. No. 2752, DB. 36 (22), Hamsa. No. 503, PRA. No. 667 (ms. dated Sam. 1536); SA. No. 263. (IV) (2) Avacuri called Dipika by Jayanandasūri (Gram. 1050). Hamsa. Nos. 157; 183; JG. p. 308, SA. No. 464. ng of Vinayabhuṣaṇa. See Syādisabdasamuceya-Tiki (1). स्यादिसमुचय Soe Syadisabdaamuccayen. स्याद्वादकालिका in 41 slokas by Rajasekharasiri. According to JG. p. 83, it was posed in Sarh. 1214. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, (along with Yuktiprakasa and Agtaka). Agra. No. 859; BK. No. 103, Buh. IV. No. 275 (PRA. No. 886), DA. 66 (74); 76 (16); JG. p. 83; PAP. 27 (37); PRA. No. 886; SA. No. 620. rear by Yasovijaya. JG. p. 106; see Sastravartisamuonya-Tikä (2). in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 189. स्याद्वाद्वात्रिंशिका Agra. No. 1972. graferet composed in Sam. 1914 by Vacaka Samyama of the Kharatara Gaocha. J.......58 BK. No 1605; BO. p. 32; SA No. 513. arra by Darsanavijayagani. It is published by Shah Vadilal Bapulal, Ahmedabad. 457 in Sanskrit (Gramh. 600) composed in Sami. 1667 by Subbavijaya, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. It is also called Nayatattvaprakasks. It is published in the DLP. Series, No. 3, Bombay, 1911. BK. Nos. 41, 42; 43; 44; 45; JG. p. 83; PAPR. 9 (11); PRA. Nos. 253, 1077; SA. No. 235. (1) Svopajnavārtika. PRA. No. 253. of Mallisena. See Anyayogavyavacchedadvātrimisika-Com. (1), Punjab. Nos. 3106 to 3112. igre in Sanskrit by Vimaladása. Idar. 141. by Rajasekhara (?). SA. No. 493 (foll. 62). eagrywût by Jinaprabhasüri (Grah. 3100). VB. 36.(27); 37 (48); VD. 13 (21). स्याद्वादमञ्जूषा by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Taps Gaccha. JG. p. 108. This is a com. on Syadvādamañjarī No. 1. स्याद्वादमहार्णव quoted in his com. on. Nyāyaviniścaya by Vadiraja. Also in Astasahastri and Sammhatitarkabhagya. See Anekanta, Vol. I. p. 256. स्वाद्वावमुक्तावली by Yasusvatsigara Published at Ahmedabad, 1909. Agra. No. 2559. This is a commentary on Pramananayatattvälokalamkara, composed by the author himself. See under the latter. BK. No. 15; Hamsa. No 569; JG. p 80, KB. 9 (7); Kiel. I. No. 81; SA. Nos. 643, 1814, Surat. 1, 6. स्याद्वादरहस्य by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Naya• vijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha. JG. p. 107. स्वजीवानुशासनकुलक See Anityatakalaka. JG. p. 204. in 32 Sanskrit stanzas by Kamkasena. Strass. p. 312. Page #475 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 458 श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। FanfaraTHI JG. p. 357. tabhadra. It is edited in the Digambara Függet by Vardhamānasuri ( Graṁ. 200). Chani. Jain Grantha Bhandar, Vol. I. by PannaNo. 64; Hamsa. No. 385; VD. 14 (19). lal Chaudhari, Benares, 1924; Also in Fano JG. p. 357. the Sanatana Jain Granthamālā, Benares, (I) Fagiate by Vardhamānasūri, this is the same 1905. AD. No. 16; Bt. No. 147 ; Bub. as Svapnapradipa. VD. 14 ( 19 ). IV. No. 227 ; Chani. No. 256 ; CP. p. (II) Faala (Gramn. 875) by Jinapalagani, in 714 ; Idar. 83 (3 copies ); Pet. VI. No. Prākrta. JG. p. 357 ; PAPR. 16 (13). 690; Tera. 141 ; 143; 144. Fayega in Prākrta. Agra. No. 3185; Chani. (1) Vrtti by Aśādbara. Idar. 83 ( 3 No. 185; Hamsa. No. 536; JG. p. 357; copies). Kundi. No. 79 ; PAPR. 7 (6); 15 (27); (2) Vrtti by Prabhācandra. AD. No. PAPS. 67 (105); SA. No. 298. 16; Bt. No. 147; CP. p. 714 ; Tera. (1) Vrtti (Gram. 800) composed in 141 ; 143; 144. Sam. 1287 at Jesalmer by Sarvadevasūri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Chani. No. 185; Farani wawania by Punyasundara. See DhātuJG. p. 358 ; Kundi. No. 79; PAPR. 7 păthasvaravarṇānukrama. KB. 3 (65). (6); 15 ( 27 ) ; PAPS. 67 (105); SA. Facearufázia by Akalau kadeva. It is ascriNo. 298. bed to Akalanka by Vimaladāsa in his Fatehga in Prākrta (Be:-savvannuvayana.) AM. Saptabhangītarangiņi. But in some mss. 04. 138. it is ascribed to Mabāsena, pupil of Nayaस्वप्नाधिकार Surat. 9. sena. Thus also a Kanarese commentary FATET Pet. VI. No. 690. on the work itself and Padmaprabha Fagraet Strass. p. 312. It is in 21 Sanskrit Maladhārideva in his commentary on the stanzas. Niyamasāra ascribe it to Mabāsena ; cf. Harga JG. p. 357. Upadhye, ABORI, Vol. XIII. pp. 88, 90. fairwar in 24 Gāthās by Padmanandin. Limdi. No. Published in the MDG. No. 1. Bombay, 610. Sarn. 1972. Buh. VI, No. 697 ; CP. p. FTTYSTEJ Bhand. VI. No. 1067. 714; Hum. 149, Idar. 84, Lal. 136, Mysore. II. p. 285. Faviueret by Svayambhū. A work in Prākrta (1) Vrtti by Kesavācārya. Mysore. on Prākrta Metres in 8 chapters. Its first three chapters are published with Intro II. p. 285. duction by H. D. Velankar in the JBBR (2) Tikā by Sobhanacandra, i. e. AS., 1935. The last 5 chapters are also Subbacandra. Mentioned in Pāņdavapublished as an appendix to 'Apabhramsa purāņa. Idar. 84. metres II' at BUJ., Arts and Law, Nov. (3) Vrtti. Anonymous. Buh. VI. No. 1936. It is quoted by Ratnacandra in his 697. com. on the Gāthālaksana and also by (I) Faire by Yaśaḥkirti. CMB. 190. the commentator of the Kavidarpaņa; cf. (II) Fat Anonymous. JG. p. 358; Surat. ABORI., Vol. 14, p. 2, Vol. 16, p. 47. 1, 2, 5, 8, 9. The earliest writer who quotes him is tofer HACITitraa by Padaliptasuri. Buh. II. however, Hemacandra; cf. JBBRAS., No. 326; JG. p. 365. 1935, p. 29. (1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1380 by Forsara Pet. IV. Nos. 1442; 1443. Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. FATI FI also called Caturvimsatijinastuti by Saman Buh. II. No. 326 = PRA. No. 836. Jain Education Intemational Page #476 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 459 AC (2) Avacūri based on Jinaprabha's (III) Aarta by Brahma Jinadāsa. List (Delhi commentary. Buh. Il. No. 326 ; JG. p. P. Mandir). 365. (IV) EZAUÍS by Brahma Dayāla. List (PhalFaithalanara Bengal. No. 7766. tan). Farrugafya Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (3); Pet. Frau See Hammīramadamardanakāvya. V. No. 925. Bhand. VI. No. 1431. faltaTUSTITIET Kath. No. 1216. EFATTATH IE by Nayacandrasuri, & descenस्वाध्यायविधि KN. 15. dent of Jayasimbasüri of the Krsnarşi स्वामिकार्तिकेयानुप्रेक्षा See Kartikeyanupreksa. Gaccha. Published at Bombay, 1879; Fata hitage See Kārtikeyānupreksă. Bhand. for abstracts, see Kirtane, Indian AntiVI. No. 1041 ; Pet. IV. No. 1500. query, Vol. 8, p. 55–73. It is in 14 FATIHLEESTALEIFFT (Gram. 2000). JG. p. 271. cantos. Also see Krisnammachariar, FalfHATTA Agra. No. 1953. History of Sanskrit Literature, pp. 206FATHETETT of Mallisena. AK. No. 928. 207. EFT JG. p. 263. (1) Tikā. Bhand. VI. No. 1431. #rugDB. 23 ( 41 ); Hamsa. Nos. 155; FATTAHEAT in five acts composed by Jaya177. simhasūri, pupil of Virasuri. See S. R. हंसपालकथा Surat. 7. Bhandarkar, Report of a second tour in FRISTEITE KN. 39 ( foll. 40). search of Manuscripts, p. 16 ff., for the (I) हंसराजवत्सराजकथा also called Kathasangraha contents etc. It is published in the Gaek. composed in Sam. 1510 by Sarvasun 0. S. No. X, Baroda, 1920. The ms. on darasuri, successor of Guņasundarasuri of which the edition is based is dated Sam. the Maladhāri Gaccha. BK. No. 230; 1296. Chani. Nos. 59; 455; Jesal. No. JHA. 56 ; Limdi. No. 1152; PRA. Nos. 820 (dated Sam. 1286 ); JG. p. 338 ; 325; 423 ; 700; Punjab. No. 3121. Kundi. No. 90 ; PAZB. 8 (19). (II) GETTISTOFFTTIST Anonymous. Bik. No. G a me See Vijayacandracaritra No. I. Hamsa. 555 (Be :-- asti jambu ; in about 246 No. 1390. Sanskrit stanzas ); Surat. 1, 6, 7. E e r in Sanskrit verse. Probably the same GETTHETETTHET (Gram. 1050) by Rājakirti as above. Punjab. No. 3125. Vācaka. JG. p. 237; Pet. I. No. 365. traS JG. p. 263. (I) EETSTAFETTFare by Jinodaya. DB. 42 Taoagat composed in Sam. 1426 by Jita( 25, 26). vijaya. PAP. 72 (67). (II) garSaretharu Anonymous. SA. No. faguita Punjab. No. 3126 ; Surat. 3, 5, 6, 8. 2858. fast in Prākrta. Tapa. 326. EFICIe DB. 43 ( 92, 93). griagirece (Gram. 900 ). JG. p. 263. THE JG. p. 219. (I) THIE by Ravişeņa. Idar. 102. RHYF JG. p. 219. (II) TADS also called Añjanācaritra, composed by Brahma Ajita, son of Virasimha. AD. हरिभद्रसूरिकथा This is really Upadesapada of HariNos. 11; 160; Baroda. No 9957, bhadra. Bhu. VI. No. 786 = PRA. No. Bhand. V. No. 1113 ; CMB. 90; CP. p. 911. 714 , Flo. Nos. 738; 739; Idar. 102 EITHSHafa by Dhanesvara. Edited by Pandit (4 c.); Idar. A. 65 ; Kath. No. 1175; Haragovinda Dāsa, Benares. List (S. J.); Pet. IV. No. 1501 ; SG. THE REST VB. 41 (18). No. 2719, Tera. 9, 10, 11. garat Bt. No. 596; JG. p. 358. Jain Education Intemational Page #477 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 460 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। (I) aftastgerot composed in Saka 705 by Jinasena II, (XII) gra ngerar in 112 Sandhis by Caturmupupil of Kirtişeņa of the Punnāta Sangha. kha Svayambhu in Apabbraṁsa. The It contains 66 chapters and is published work was finished by the author's son in the MDG. Series Nos. 32, 33, Bombay, Tribhuvana Svayambhū. It mentions 1930. It mentions (in I. 39--40) Jina Bhāmaka, Dandin, Bäņa, Harisena and sena I, as the author of the Parsvābhyu Caturmukha. See Allahabad Univ. Studies, dayakävya. AD. No. 2, Bhand. V. No. I. p. 170. Out of the 112 Sandhis, 92 1134 ; Buh. VI. Nos. 700; 701 ; CP. p. were composed by Caturmukha, 93-102 715, Idar. 5; Idar. A. 4 (4 c.); 5 by his son Tribhuvana and the rest by (3 c.); 6; 12; Kath. No. 1176, Mitra. one Yasahkirti, pupil of Gunakirti ; cf. VI. p. 74; Pet. IV. No. 1502; V. No. Apabhramsa Pathāvali edited by Modi, 987, SG. No. 622; Strass. p. 307, Tera. Ahmedabad, 1935, notes, p. 24. Kath. 9 to 11. No. 1177 (dated Sam. 1582); SG. (II) aftasigarot by Dharmakirti. CP. p. 716. No. 2309. (III) aftaggtrot by Ravişeņa. CP. p. 715. (XIII) Ertasig Troy Anonymous. CP. p. 716 , (IV) gitang tot by Srībhūsaņa. CP. p. 715. JG. p. 219 ; Tera, 1-8. (V) gfiaagriot by Srutakirti. SG. No. 1264. (1) Tippana. Anonymous. Bhand. V. (VI) gfta TETTO by Sakalakīrti. CP. p. 715. No. 1136. (VII) graagtfut by Jayasāgara. Idar. A. 8. festety Anonymous. Agra. No. 1815. (VIII) aftag ut composed by Jinadāsa, pupil of a& 21 JG. p. 263; Limdi. No. 569; Pet. Sakalakīrti. It contains 39. Sargas of IV. No. 1385. which the first 14 were composed by aftfahi (Gram. 5350 ) composed by Jaya Sakalakirti acc. to Strass. p. 312. The tilakasuri, pupil of Cāritraprabha of the original recension of the work mentions Agama Gaccha: It is published by the this collaboration, while the secondary Jain Sreyaskara Mandala, Mhesana, 1907. one does not do so. Baroda. No. 11357; Agra. No. 1557 ; BK. Nos. 392, 557; Bhand. V. Nos. 314 (ms, dated Sam. Bt. No. 323; Chani. No. 430; DB. 30 1654); 315; CP. p. 715; Idar. 5; 6 (10); DC. p. 51 (dated Sam. 1415); (5 c.); 7 (2 c.); Idar. A. 4 (2 c.); Hamsa. No. 490; JB. 124; JG. 15 (2 c.); Pet. III. No. 570; IV. No. p. 333; JHA. 54; Kaira. A. 76 ; PAP. 1503 ; SG. No. 1087. 40 ( 37 ); 65 ( 4); PAPR. 13 ( 4); (IX) aftasigaTOT by Mangarasa. Hebru. 51; PAZA. 7 (12); Surat. 5 ; Tapa. 117. Padma. 3. (1) Svopajña Țikā (Gram. 12093) (X) featgrror containing 122 Sandhis and com composed in Sam. 1436. JG. p. 333; posed in the Apabhrarsa language by PAP. 65 (4). Dhavala, son of Sūra. See Allahabad Uni. in Bengal. No. 7672; Bhand. V. No. Studies, I. p. 166. CP. p. 716 (ms. 1334; Buh. III. No. 179 ( the last one dated Sam. 1599). is Haricandrakathā i. e. Vijayacandacari(XI) ditangtur by Puspa danta in the Apabhra tra (No. I) of Candraprabhamabattara ). msa language. This is a part of the Mahä JG. p. 263. purāņa. It is published in the 3rd part हरिश्चन्द्रतारालोचनीचरित Bengal. No. 7672. of the Mahāpurāņa pp. 1 to 184 (MDG. rugagan777 by Māna vijayagaņi. Published Series, No. 42, Bombay, 1941), Bhand. in the Satyavijaya J. Granthamālā, No. V. No. 1135 (dated Sam. 1441 ). 7, Ahmedabad, 1924. Jain Education Intemational Page #478 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रन्यविभागः प्रथमः। 581, JG. P: 350. Parsvacandra, pupil of (1) feminaarei See Vijayanadasūri. v B. 41 TOUT (Gramn. 430 ). JG. P. 263 ; Limdi. No. (I) feargest by Ratnacandragaņi. See Kumatāhi1966. visajānguli Mantra. arouafts in Prākrta. See above. Hamsa. No. (II) Real AK. Nos. 987; 988. 1547. Ilga TATT by Municandra in 25 Prakrta Gäthäs. *TET ( Astronomy) by Harsadevagani. Bt. No. Published in Prakaranasamuccaya, Indore, 1923. JG. p. 204 ; Limdi. No. 955; Pet. F ive (Gram. 96 ) by Pārsvacandra, pupil of V. No. 803. Candra. JG. p. 358; PAP. 72 (100). (1) FETITAT I See Hitopadega. JG. D. 194 Fazura of Harsakirti. Surat. 1 ( 754 ). (II) FeaTRIOT by Vijayanadasūri. VB. 41 grasafran of Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpävijaya of ( 24, 34; 35). the Tapā Gaccha. Siddhajítäna is a part (1) Tikā by Hemācārya. VB. 41 of this work. Bengal. No. 7357, BK. (24). No. 1600; DB. 46 (18); Mitra. IV. igatgastearaat of Śrīsāra. JHA. 72 ( 2 c.). No. 1514, Pet. IV. No. 1386 ; PRA. Featrga in 525 Gāthās composed by PrabhāNo. 1518; Punjab. No. 3132 ; see Ulwar nandasūri, pupil of Devabhadra, pupil of Cat. Extract, No. 604. Abhayadevasuri. BK. No. 1773; Bt. No. (1) Țikā Svopajña. BK. No. 1600 ; 184; DC. p. 37 (ms. dated Sam. 1310); PRA. No. 1518; See Ulwar. Cat. Jesal. No. 32; JG. p. 194 ; Kundi. No. Extract, No. 604. For a ms. dated 183; SA. No. 353 ; Surat. 1; 2; VB. between AD. 1680-1700, see Jaina 41 (34; 65). siddhāntabhāskara, Vol. VIII. p. 25. (1) Vịtti composed in Sarn. 1304 af Hamsa. No. 1432. See under Dhūma by Paramānandasūri, pupil of Devabhaketukalpa. dra, pupil of Abhayadeva. Paramānanda CTEU 91 (Gram. 1750). Bhand. VI. No. 1432; is the spiritual brother of Prabhānanda, .: JG. p. 268; Surat. 5. the author of the Text. Bt. No. 184, féetada also called Himsāstaka. Vel. No. 1700. VB. 41 (24?). F E See Himsānirņaya. TE JG. p. 363 ; Pet. IV. No. 1504. (I) TT SB. 2 ( 95, two copies ). 97 by Kirtivijaya. See Prasnottarasamuccaya. (II) to probably the same as above, byl BO. p. 62; DA. 36 ( 34 to 38 ) ; Hamsa. Vinayasāgara. Bhand. V. No. 1254 ; Nos. 341; 551 ; 553 ; 730, 735; 1302; BK. No. 71 ; BO. p. 62 ; KN. 48 ; VA. JG. p. 165; Pet. V. No. 915. . 18 (46). TaifT23 JG. p. 333. faf taleh Surat. 2, 4. (I) Tehralau in Sanskrit, composed by Devafganglife#1 KB. 1 (66). vimala, pupil of Simhavimala of the Tartut composed in Sań. 1630 by Sakalacan Tapā Gaccha. Published in the Kāyyadra Upādhyāya, pupil of Vijayadānasuri mälā Series, at N. S. Press Bombay, of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No. 1323; 1900. BO. p. 62; Hamsa. Nos. 251 ; Chani. No. 492, JG. p. 193; PAP. 64 258 ; Kaira. A. 41; Kath. No. 1432; (15); PAPR. 11 (14); PRA. No. PAPR. 22 (1); Pet. IV. No. 1387, 400. Punjab. No. 3137; VA. 18 ( 44). (1) Svopajña Tikā (Grarn. 12439). (1) Svopajñavrtti (Graṁ. 9745). JG. p. 194 ; PAP. 64 ( 15 ); PAPR. 11 BO. p. 62; Kaira. A. 41; Kath. No. (14). 1432; PAPR. 22 (1), VA. 18 (44). Jain Education Intemational Page #479 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 462 श्रीजिनरलकोशः। get by Sahaja Sam. 1611), No. 1401 ; Pet. (II) TEHTIU Fleu by Padmasāgaragani. JG. THISTEOTTO This is the name of Vinayavjaya's p. 333. This is probably a mistake. commentary on his own Haima Laghuget by Sahajakusala. Buh. VIII. No. 400 (ms. prakriyā, for which see below. ANNET by Virasimha, pupil of Mahendra. JG. get Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1401; Pet. IV. p. 303. No. 1388. gica Agra. No. 1592. A tengau (Gram. 1500 ). JG. p. 303. (I) gargaften by Punyarājagaņi. See Holirajah EATUIfur by Mayashankara Shastri; published parvakathā. Bub. II, No. 394 = PRA. by the Hemacandra Granthamālā, AhmedaNo. 842. bad, AD. 1931. (II) gara composed in Sam. 1792 by nggfu composed by Vinayavijaya, pupil of Bhāvaprabhasuri. JG. p. 263. Kirtivijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha in (III) garrafier by Jinasundara. See Holikā Sam. 1710. Published by the JDPS.,Bhaykathā. nagar, Sam. 1979. Also recently with the Taggegarársat (Be : sabdādipanca ). Published commentary, by Shah Hiralal Somachand, by JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1973. Bombay, 1937. Bhand. VI. Nos. 1434; 99 BK. No. 1829; Surat. 1 (782). 1435; 1436; BO. p. 33; Buh. III. No. Contact IT in 4 chapters composed by 197; DB. 36(41); Hamsa. Nos. 334; 392; Hrsikeśa. Published by Dalichand Pitam 595 ; JB. 127; JG. p. 303; Kiel. II. bardas, Ahemedabad, AD. 1905. No. 297 ; PAPS. 72 ( 29 ); Punjab. हेतुखण्डन CMB. 162. No. 3145; SA. 1597; SB. 2 ( 158 ); हेतुखण्डनपाण्डित्य composed during the spiritua] Surat 1, 5, 6. reign of Sumatisādhu, by Sadhuvijaya, (1) Svopajña Vrtti called Haimapupil of Jinaharsa of the Tapa Gaccha. prakāśa, composed in Sam. 1797. Bhand. JG. p. 83; PRA. No. 661 ; SA. No. 506. VI. No. 1436; Buh. III. No. 197 ; Targi aru of Jayacandra. See Pratikra Hamsa. No. 392; PAPS. 72 ( 29 ). maņavidhi. Probably all the abovementioned mss. Talay is a treatise on Logic by a Jain author in contain the Vrtti. Sanskrit. Patan Cat. 1. p. 178 ; PAD. NO: A n a in 21 Kārikās is the same as the 349. Kātantra Vibhrama sutra. It is so called (1) Tikā. Patan Cat. I. p. 178; PAS. because Guņacandra explains it according No. 349 (foll. 22). to Hemacandra's system of grammar. It galastaa SG. No. 1484. is published in the YJG. Series No. 34, tagast Bengal. No. 7157. Benares, Vir Sam. 2439, with GuņaÈAFATETITE See Kumārapālapratibodha. Pet. V. candra's commentary. Agra. Nos. 2759A. p. 24. 2762 ; Bhand. V. No. 1402; Bt. No. हेमतन्त्रविभाग See Haimavibhramasutra. 444; Buh. VI. No. 787, Hamsa. No. Alterare by Hemacandra. SA. No. 638. See 596; JB. 154; PAP. 15 (8); Sabdānusāsana Com. ( 3 ). PAPS. 72 (19); SA. No. 510 ; Surat. A gi Agra. Nos. 2754 to 2756. See Candra 5; VB. 41 (21 ; 22 ; 36); Weber. II. prabhā Vyākarana. No. 1696. TARIHATSURIOSES See Siloñcchanāmamālā. (1) Tattvaprakāśikā (Gram. 600) by A1723oE by Hemacandra. JG. p. 302. Gunacandra, pupil of Devasūri, who (1) Vrtti Svopajña. JG. p. 302. explains the text according to Hema Jain Education Intemational Page #480 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अन्थविभागः प्रथमः। 463 candra's system of grammar. Agra. No.(V) TC 2 by Pandit Subhakarana. List 2761 , Bhand. V. No. 1402 ; Buh. VI. (S. J.) No. 737; Bt. No. 444; Hamsa. No. 596; alicfittanut in Prākrta composed by Maladeva, JG. p. 302 ; PAPS. 72 (19); SA. No. pupil of Bhāvadeva of the Brhad Gaccha. 510 ; Weber. II. No. 1696. Devasthali. No. 2408 (ms. dated Sam. (2) Vrtti (Gram. 196 ) by Jinapra 1670). bhasüri. JG. p. 302 ; PAPS. 74 (13). E riogaia by Jinadāsa. Pet. III, No. 571. HEITISTUOTT are the 57 rules of interpretation Tera. 12; 13; 14. etc, collected by Hemacandra himself EfT fara Mitra. VIII. p. 160. leiga by Manikyavija ya. Buh. from his grammar at the end of his II. No. 264. Brhadvrtti. Bod. Nos. 1140 (2); 1141; This is wrong. This is really BhāvapraLimdi. No. 879; Vel. No. 75. bha's Holirajahkathā. See. PRA. No.1483. (1) Prajñāpanīvrtti mentioned by Edgars by Kalyāṇakīrti. CP. p. 716. Hemabarnsa in his Nyāyārthamañjūsā ETC5:41 composed in Sam. 1782 by Bbāva(s. v.). prabhasūri, pupil of Mahimaprabha of the Purnimă Gaccha. Buh. II. No. 264; (2) Vrtti. Anonymous ; probably the same as above. Bod. Nos. 1140 ; 1141; DA. 60 (312); PAPS. 80 (77). T T composed in Sam. 1485 by Limdi. No. 879 ; Vel. No. 75. Punyarājagani, pupil of Jayacandrasuri THUTTEITERE by Hemaharisa. See Nyāyār of the Tapā Gaccha. Published by Hirathamañjusā. lal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar. BK. No. 1059; Atoaal of Meghavijaya. BO. p. 32. See Can Buh. II. No. 394; Hamsa. Nos. 702 ; draprabhā Vyākarana. 1514 ; Limdi. No. 1551; Punjab. No. HTF (Gram. 426 ) by Amaracandra. JG. 3163 ; Tapa. 275; Vel. No. 1791. p. 303. (II) GTGTH: ur composed in Sam. 1822 by ATTAT (Gram. 492). PAPR. 12 (9). Fattendrasāgara, pupil of Dhirasāgara of Agar Buh. IV. No. 287. This is Syādisabda the Tapā Gaccha. Limdi. Nos. 534 ; samuccaya. PRA. No. 888. 1120, Pet. V. No. 917 ; SA. No. 534 ; HARATGT See Abhidhānacintāmaņināmamālā. Vel. No. 1792. EHITUTA of Lakşmicandra. DA. No. 191. (III) Tafur by Jinasundara. See Holi kākatbā No. I. garatu of Narendrasena. Idar. 192 ( 2 copies). (IV) : Anonymous. Agra. Nos. (I) gifl er by Jinasundara. It is also called 1728-1730; 1745; 1749; DA. 60 Hutāsanikathā. Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar. DA. 76 (96); (302; 303 ; 305; 312 ); JHB. 35; Punjab. Nos. 3164 ; 3165. Hamsa. No. 1193; PAPS. 67 (42); UERA Orror Strass. p. 312. See Sreņika. Pet. V. No. 916 ; SA. No. 674 ; Surat. caritra. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. aurat (Gram. 1000 ) composed in Sam. (II) Elm ar Anonymous. (Be :- rşabhasvāmi. · 1413, by a pupil of Sritilaka of the Malanam ). Bik. No. 1480 ; Mitra. IX. p. 4. dhäri Gaccha. JG. p. 268 ; this is very (III) 164 ( Be :- holikā falgune ). Bik. No. likely the Hāsyakathāsungraha or Antara1481. kathāsangraha of Rajasekhsra. (IV) gifs 1 Anonymous. DA. 76 (95); int cq JHA. 73 ( 2 с: foll. 17); Punjab. No. Limdi. Nos, 930 ; 1059 , 1527. 3168. Jain Education Intemational Page #481 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS (A) Additions the same as No. (I) above. See JG. p. 4(I) fanaatita of Pūrņabhadragani con p. 242 f. n., and DI. p. 49. Padmasists of 211 stanzas. It is recently publish prabha composed his Munisuvratacaritra in Sam. 1294. ed in the Jinadattasuri Prācina-pustako ddhāra Fund Series, No. 47, Surat, 1944. p. 92 (VIII) BATTIGT in Sanskrit verse composed by Somatilaka suri (Gram. 730). p. 6 EUIFHTEET of Āsādhara ; this is mentioned in the author's Prasasti to Anagāra-dharmā Punjab. No. 630 (ms. dated Sam. 1469 ). The author refers to Soma mrta, v. 13. prabha's Kumārapālapratibodha. See p. 17 अलंकारप्रबोध of Amaracandra Pandita of the Punjab. Extracts, p. 139. Vāyada Gaccha. This is mentioned in p. 96 (III) & # 9 of Āsādhara (Gram. 1976). the author's Kāvyakalpalatā. This is mentioned in the author's Prasasti p. 19 s/qgrararea composed in Sam. 1583 to Anagāradharmāmrtaţikā, v. 14. by Devatilaka Upadhyāya of the Kharetare Gaccha. DC. pp. 70, 71. Tp. 100 (XIII) RAFTA of Sahajaratna. Punjab. No. 653. p. 39 (I) r e t of Jambū Kavi. Sen Candradūta Kāvya. (1) Svopajña sīkā. Punjab. No. 653. , (II) GETOTEU of Vinayavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. See HJL. p. 649. p. 113 7244TEZ (2) Vrtti by Pūrņacandra. p. 72 कर्मप्रवाद This is an old work quoted in the | Punjab. No. 752. Dhavala of Viraseña. See Satkhanda- p. 118 (II) 799 EJ of Vinayaprabha. Bhand. gama, vol. I (Amraoti, 1939), Intro. V. No. 354. p. 127 (1) FETI9 of Jayakirti. It is in eight p. 90 T&TT 13 (4) Vrtti by Bhānucandragaội. chapters. It deals with Sanskrit metres A ms. of a large portion of this com in the first six chapters (Samjña, Sama mentary' was seen in the Dela Upasraya Vrtta, Ardhasama Vrtta, Visama Vrtta, Bhandar of Abmedabad, by Dr. Bhandar Jäti, and Misra). In the 7th chapter, kar. See Bhand. IV. Iritro. p. 17 the Jātis employed in the Karnataka (idem 14). This commentary is also language are defined, while the 8th mentioned by Siddhicandragani in his defines and describes the Prastāras. Bhānucandraganicaritra, I. 10. Among the Kannada works, Jayakirti ,, 51279#laza of Siddhicandragani. See mentions Srngära piņda Kāvya, KarnäteBhanucandraganicaritra, Singhi Jain svarakathā, Karṇāta-Mälatimādhava and Series, Bombay, 1941, Intro. p. 72 and Karņāta-Kumārasambhava. He also mentions Prabhusena, a also Text, p. 61, where extracts from the Karnataka metrician (au of Gitikälamkära ?). work are given. I have obtained a copy of the DC. ms. p. 91 (IV) yayara in Sanskrit by Padma through the favour of Muni Shri Jinaprabha, pupil of Vibudhaprabha. This is vijayaji. P. 63. Jain Education Intemational Page #482 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Additions and corrections 463 p. 127 (IV) raia TIF Jineśvarasuri. This is ņin in liis Kannada work of the same a short treatise on the Gāthā metre. It name composed in A. D. 1659. See Dr. consists of 23 Gāthās only, and in spite Salatore, Mediaval Jainism, p. 385. of the name, discusses, rather briefly and p. 152 araieraraforatient of Meghavijayagani of without illustrations, the formation of only the Tapā Gaccha It is an examination of the Gātbā and a few other metres deriv Gangesa Upādhyāya's Tattvacintāmaņi, ed from it. I have obtained a copy of in four chapters. See Jainasiddhantabhāthe text and its commentary through skara, Vol. X. pp. 70-72. Muni Shri Jinavijayaji from the Badā Bhandar at Jesalmir, where the only p. 165 SUÍTETT of Harişeņa, pupil of Vajrasena. P palm-leaf ms. of the work exists. I shall See under Karpūraprakara. soon publish this. „Siera Part I (chs. 1-4) is separately (1) Vrtti by Municandrasuri (Gram. published by Dr. A. N. Upadhye and 243). This was composed at the Prof. H. L. Jain at Sholapur, 1943. instance of one Ajita Śrāvaka. Unfortu p. 168 pat itu in Sanskrit. Punjab. No. 1135. nately, neither the text nor the commen- p. 173 garage in Sanskrit, composed by tary contains any references to earlier Jayakirti in Sam. 1535. Punjab. No. writers. 1214. 20 128 gaste of Rājasekhara. Jesal. No. 238. Po p. 175 (VIII) for of Hemācārya. Punjab. Nos. 1239 to 1242. See DipotThis contains only the 5th i. e. the last chapter of the work which is in Sanskrit. savakalpa (IV). This chapter defines the Apabhrarsa p. 176 gearia Punjab. No. 1252 (ms. dated metres beginning with the Utsāba and Sam. 1655). ending with the Dvipadis. Rājasekhara p. 189 (II) VÅT2177 of Vinayakusalagani, describes himself as the son of Thakkara pupil of Sahajakusalagaņi. He composed Duddaka and Nāgadevi, grandson of this work in Sain. 1641. Punjab. No. Lāhata, and great-grand-son of Yasa, 1213; also see Extracts, p. 140. and as an Arhata. The work is described as dear to Sri Bhojadeva'. p. 224 TitETHIQITIF in five chapters, is a The Ms. is manual of the Persian grammar written dated Sam. 1179. Who is this Sri in Sanskrit. It was composed by Bhojadeva ? Vikramasimha, son of Madanapala Țbak37, column 1, end : (5) Vrtti composed in kura and a pupil of Anandasuri. Punjab. Sam. 1714 by Siddhicandragani of the N». 1649; also see Extracts, p. 140. Tapā Gaccha. See Bhānucandragaņi. caritra, Singbi Jain Series, Bombay, p. 289, Column 1: Teala (22) Vrtti by 1941, p. 60 ; Intro. p. 72. Siddhicandragaņi. See Bhānucandragani138 (III) Series, caritra, edited in the Singhi Jain FCFATHESIS (3) Svopajna Tikā; 1941, Introduction p. 72. this is mentioned in the author's Prasasti to the Anagāra-dharmāmrta, v. 15. p. 300 forfra by Meghavijayagani. See Tattva47 Orquity in Prākrta, composed by cintāmaņipariksā. Vāsavacandra. This was rendered into p. 302 (V) R TE (Grāṁ. 800) in Kannada by Pujya pada Yogin and this Prakrta verse composed by Harirāja. rendering is mentioned by Pāyaṇa Var! Punjab. Nos. 2019 ; 2020. Jain Education Intemational Page #483 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । p. 316 मौनएकादशीमादात्म्य in Sanskrit composed | p 373 शब्दचन्द्रिका This is a manual of Sanskrit by Vinavijayagani in Sarh 1774. Punjab. Nos. 2118, 2119. p. 316 in Sanskrit verse. Panjab. No. 466 دو 2123. fqze in Sanskrit verse. Punjab. No. 2124. p. 320 ( XXIII ) यशोधर चरित्र in Prākrta composed by Manadevendra. Punjab. No. 2138. (B) Corrections. p. 331 col. 1, line 10: (8) Vṛtti by Padmasundarap. 2, Column 2, lines 38-39: Read Jinasena L gapi. Punjab. No. 2204. for Jinasena II. p. 342 (II) ayannûmur This was composed p. 38, Column 2, line 7: Read in Samh. 1222 in Sam. 1705 (and not in 1700). for in Sam. 1122". Another ms. of the work is Punjab. No. p. 120, Column 2, line 20: Read pupil of' and 692; this was copied by the author himself i. e. Danacandra in Sam. 1706. See Extracts, p. 130 of the Punjab. List. not 'Guru of '. p. 356 विधिकन्दलीप्रकरण This is in Prakrts and was composed by Nayaranga, pupil of Ganasekhara, in Sam. 1625. Punjab. No. 2362, Extracts, p. 140. grammar, bared on the Haima Vyakaranja, composed by Meghavijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha. It is in three chapters. For a ms. of this work dated Sam. 1761; see Jainasiddhantabhaskara, Vol. X. pp. P. 357 (11) विनयधरचरित्र in Sanskrit prose com posed in Sam. 1664 by Siladeva. Punjab. No. 2366 (Extracts, p. 187 ). 70-72. ,, p. 103, Column 1, line 14: ReadSam. 1646' for Sam. 1676'. (1) Vṛtti Svopajña, in Sam. 1625. p. 174, Column 2, line 33 ff. Read An astroPunjab. No. 2362. logical treatise in 144 Prakṛta Gäthis by Ratnasekharasuri, pupil of Hematilakasūri of the Nagpuriya Tapa Gascha. The work is also published by Pandita Kama vijayagani at Bombay, 1938. "" line 15: Read Padmamandiragani, pupil of Vijayaraja Upadhyāya, pupil of Devatila kagani of the Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 1524. Page #484 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE POONA (Registered under Act XXI of 1860) 1. HISTORY :- The idea of an Oriental Institute offering facilities to research workers and at the sam commemorating the work and name of the late Sir R. G. Bhandarkar was adumbrated at a public meeting held at A thram, Poona, on the 6th of July, 1915. The scheme was received enthusiastically; and with public support, Gover sympathy, and chiefly the noble aid rendered by the Tatas and the Jain community, ohe scheme soon materialized ; * Institute was formally inau rurated by H. E. Lord Willingdon on the 6th of July 1917. The Institute began its regular in October 1918, when the Government of Bombay were pleased to transfer to the Institute the MSS. Collection formerly Deccan College (together with the maintenance grant of Rs. 3,000), as also to hand over to the Institute the managem the Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Series, together with the grant of Rs. 12,000 set aside for that purpose. The Maia 1 the building named "The J. N. Tata Research Fall" was occupied in 1918, and the two side halls named "The Khetsi Manuscrits Hall " and the "Rstan Tata Iranian and Semitic Hall" in 1922. Ten years later, at a cost of Rs. 2 there was orected a separate building to honge the Institute's Press and the growing stock of its publications, while following year the Government of H. E. H. the Nizam gave a donation of Rs. 32,000 for building a Guest House, named the Donor. The total expense on the various buildings of the Institute has been over two lacs of rupees. 2. WORK :-(i) TYE MATARTARATA DEPARTMENT is engaged in bringing out the Critical Edition of the Mahabh topic of Orlia for details beyond those given in this Prospectus, write to the Secretary, Mahabharata Editorial the (ii) "THE MANUSCRIPT DEPARTMENT contains some 20,000 Sapskrit MSS., which are lent to all bona fide se under certain conditions. The MSS. were collected for Government by Buhler, Kielhorn, Bhandarkar, and others since ant they form one of he largest and most valuable collections of Sanskrit MSS., which is being properly looked after Institute. The Descriptive Catalogue of MSS. is estimated to run i estimated to run into about 40 volu' les, out or which 10 have been al publisned, while prese copies of 18 more volumes have been ready for some time, aw ving funds for their publication. iii) Tire IRANIAN AND SEMITIC DEPARTMENT was created in 1920 for the collection and preservation of Avel Pehlevi, Persian and Arabie MSS. A number of old and rare MSS. have been collected and described in a Catalogue, wh & sibrary of printed books pertaining to these subjects is beiug built up. (iv) Tin PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT, besides conducting the week of the Bombay Sanskrit and Prulerit Series, his started a new series called the Government Oriental Series which includes texts, translations, as well as independent origina world. There is also a third series of the Institute's own publications. In the first 25 years of its adminigbration of the Govt. Publication grant, the Department has in the two Govt. series issued 30 new works, besides 12 reprints or revisions o earlier publications. In the Institute's own Series 4 volumes have thus far been issued in recognition of the handsome hel rendered by the Jain community, the Instibute is devoting Special attention to the publication of Jain Literature. 1 ha brought oui il new edition of the Syalva lamai jari, and revised editione of the Des'inamamala and Kumara patacarita, while the first volume of the Catalogus Catalogorum of all Jain MSS. was issued only a few months ago. A complete list of the pablications on sale at the Institute can be had free on application. (v) THE SALES DEPARTMENT carries on the sale of all the publications of the Institute, as also of the old stock of the Bombay Sanskrit and trakrit Seriep, transferred by Government in 1922. There are thus over one hundred dillerent books now available for anle. The members of the Institutte get a special discount on their purchases. The Institute also shocks and sels the Reports and Peedings of the All-India Oriental Conferences. (vi) Tire JOURNAL DEPARTMINT looks to the conduct of the Annals of the Institnte, which was started in 1919, and i now publiched quarterly. Members obtain the Annals free of cost. To others the annual gubscription is Rs. 10. A few com plete sets of the Annals are still procurable. (vii) The LIBRARY DEPARTMENT : The private collection of the late Sir R. G. Bhandarkar was transferred to the institute in 1925, and consists of about 3,000 old and rare volumes on Tudology. Books from this library camios be ler out but are available to members at the Institute for purposes of study and reference. The Institute also purchases and roceive 28 presents several books each year, as also a number of learned periodicals. The total number of volumes in the library, whic specializes in Indology, is about 15,000. For the use of members a Reading Room of select Oriental Journals of India, Europ and America is maintained and brought up-la-date. (viii) THE POST GRADUATE DETARTMENT : The Institute is one of the recognised centres in Poona for carry ng Postgraduate and Research braining under the direction of the University of Bombay. (ix) THE PRESS DEPARTMENT prints the 1929als of the Institute, the Descriptive Catalogues of MSS, m m of the works in the Government Serios. Fron March 1911 it has begun pruting some of the volumes in the Critici El i the Mahabharata. ain Education International wwwjainelibrapa