अन्यविभागः प्रथमः।
this work which he ascribes to Lakşmi-1
cāra. CMB. 42, CP. p. 695; Hum. 20; candra. Prof. H. L. Jain however,
Kath. No. 1128; MHB. 76; SG. No. ascribes it to Devasena. See his edition,
2470; Tera. 14; 82; 220. intro. p. 138. But see Upādhye, Paramāt
(1) Țikā. Anon. Kath. No. 1128. maprakāśa, Intro. pp. 58-61. CP. p. 696. (XVIII) 1981 r of Vidyāna ndin. Mud. 452. ( VIII) a an also called Dharmapiyüşa, by (XIX ) wakit of Saka lakirti. See Upāsakā. Brahma Nemidatta. It is in four chapters.
cāra, Dharmaprasnottara and PrasnoBhand. VI. No. 1031 ; Idar. A. 27 ;
ttaropāsa kācāra. Bhand. VL No. 1033, Lal. 77; 329; Pet. III. Nos. 558;
Idar. A. 27; 46, 47, Pet. V. No. 972; 559; 560; IV. Nos. 1442; 1443; V.
SG. Nos. 628; 672. No. 973; PR. No. 39 ; Tera. 71 to 77 ; (xx) akre of Samantabhadra. See Ratna80; 81.
karandaka and Upāsakādhyayana. (1) Tikā by Asādhara. Lal. 77; 329;
329; (XXI) 1919 Anonymous. Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, Pet. III. No. 559 ; Tera. 71 to 77.
5, 7, 8. (IX) wamer of Padmanandimuni. It is pub
ahliT See Śrāddhāticāra. Bengal. No. 7505. lished at Belgaum, 1909. Bengal. No. 1468 , Lal. 23 ; 112; 150, Pet. III.
श्रावकानुष्ठानविधि by Devendrasuri. This is another
name of the Vandāruvrtti on the No. 560.
Śrāddhapratikramaņasūtra, which is a (X) TETT of Pujyapāda. Bhand. VI. No.
part of the Avasya kasūtra. See under 1232 ; CP. p. 696 ; Tera. 219.
the latter, Com. No. (18). Bhand. V. (XI) wracle of Bhadrababu in Sanskrit. Tera.
No. 1235; Buh. VI. No. 676 ; Chani. 218.
Nos. 487; 721 ; DA. 25 (9 to 16 ); (XII) waar of Māghanandin, pupil of
26 (17); Limdi. Nos. 66 ; 208 ; 284 ; Kumudacandra. It is in Sanskrit and
SA. No. 1543 ; Samb. No. 303. Kanerese mixed and its Gram. is 4622.
1981 TEAT composed in Sam. 1667, by SamayaSee JH. Vol. 15, p. 82. Also see under
sundara, pupil of Sakalacandra UpaPadārthasära. AK. No. 600; Hum,
dbyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. Agra. 10; 11, SG. No. 2466 ; SRA. 53,
No. 479; Bengal. Nos. 6767; 7355 ; 229 ; SRB. 39, 138.
BK. No. 1623 ; Chani. No. 760; DA. (1) Țikā by Kumudacandra. Hum.
60 (102); DB. 35 ( 56, 57); Hamsa. 10; 11.
No. 97; JHA. 72; JHB. 60, Limdi. (XIII) Taalatt of Medhāvi Pandita. See
No. 1557; Mitra. X. p. 93 ; Surat. Dharmasangraha (VII).
1, 2. (XIV) saat of Yogindradeva. Idar. 39 ;
(1) Vrtti. Hamsa. No. 884 ; SA. Kath. No. 1308.
No. 1826. (1) Panjikā by Laksmicandra. See a g afare Limdi. No. 3068.
above No. VII. Kath. No. 1308. WICE by Kanakakusala. Published in the (XV) ET TT of Rāyamalla Pāņdye. See Pras
Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 49, nottarasrāvakācāra and Lati Samhitā.
Bombay, 1927. CP. p. 696 ; Tera 78; 79.
sifafar Vel. No. 1830. (XVI) ter of Laksmisena. SG. No. 2341 ; wife teatar Surat. 1. Tera. 222.
stranaagfagare These are about 167 Gathās (XVII) €47Te of Vasunandin. See Upāsakā- | composed on the occasion of the initia.
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