tion ceremony of four Srāvikās at the
261 ; Pet. III. A. p. 220. hands of Bhadraguptasüri, and his pupil wigo egit in Präkrta. JG. p. 261. Bhadrabāhusuri in Sam. 1232. JA. 106 sigteliker in 237 Slokas by Jinakirti, pupil (15).
of Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. ugião Samb. No. 440.
It is published by J. Hertel, Leipzig, feq by Merutungasūri. See Sūrimantrakalpa
1917 and translated into German in sāroddhāra. Pet. III. A. p. 365.
Indische Erzahler, Vol. 7. Also pubflac ETH ( feladigit ) Mysore. III. p. 180.
lished by Atmānandajayagranthamāla, 11argarafta composed in Sam. 598 by Sid
Dabhoi, Sam. 1976. DA. 50 ( 80 ; 81; dbarsi. BK. No. 301 ; DB. 29 ( 12 ); SA.
82); DB. 31 ( 26; 27; 28 ); PAPS. No. 930.
65 ( 31 ); SA. No. 1905; Vel. No. (I) 1991 (Gram. 3700 ) composed in
1781. Sarn. 1494, by Silasimhagani, pupil of (I) siqaafts in 1341 Prākrta verses composed Jayānandasuri of the Agama Gaccha. It
in Sam. 1428, by Ratnasekhara, pupil of is in Sanskrit and contains four
Hematilaka of the Nāgapuriya Tapā Adhyāyas. DB. 28 ( 9 to 11 ); JG. p.
Gaccha. It is published in the DLP. 233; Pet. III. No. 639, V. No. 856 =
Series, No. 63, Bombay, 1923. AM. V. A. p. 208 , Punjab. No. 2615.
102 ; 250; Baroda. No. 1230; (II) se composed by Gunaratna. Bhand.
Bhand. VI. No. 1346; Bik. No. 1526 ; V. No. 1326.
Buh. IV. No. 259; Cal. X. No. 66,
Chani. No. 545 ; CP. p. 696; DA. 50 (III) sfargarita Anonymous. Bengal. No. 6923;
(1 to 6 ); DB. 28 ( 19-21); Flo. No. Bhand. VI. No. 1345; JG. p. 233 (in
782 ; Hamsa. Nos. 905, 948; 1582; Prakrta ); Kaira. A. 43; Limdi. No.
JA. 110 (11); JG. p. 234 ; JHA. 52 1421 ; Punjab. No. 2613.
(3 c.); JHB. 35 ( 4 c.);53; Kath. श्रीचित्तचूडामणि in Sanskrit by Purnamalla Kavi.
Nos. 1425, 1429; Kiel. II. No. 404, SG. No. 2713.
Limdi. Nos. 839; 849; 992; 1104, ISTITAEGITH Bhand. V. No. 1236.
1419 ; 1728; Mitra. VIII. p. 109; IX. xfraqmen of Aristanemi Bhattāraka. See Ane
p. 84; X. pp. 126; 146 ; PAP. 12 kānta, Vol. I p. 428.
(18; 27 ; 29; 32); 30 (4); 33 (9); siurafia (Gram. 1685 ) composed in Sam. 1463
36 (6; 10); 54 (14); 62 (3); 76 by Māņikyasundara, pupil of Merutunga
(137); PAPR. 9 (4); PAPS. 53 of the Ancala Gaccha. It is in 9 cantos.
(25); 61 (6); 63 (2); PAZB. 9 Bhand. V. No. 1384 (dated Sam. 1488);
( 23 ); Pet. I. No. 344; III A. p. 204, Chani. No. 415; JG. p. 233, PAP. 30
IV. No. 1348 = IV. A. p. 118, V. No. ( 2, dated Sam. 1487) ; 65 (3); PRA.
863 ; Punjab. Nos. 2619, 2621 ; 2623; No. 388.
2629; 2630, SA. Nos. 45 to 48 ; 78, satte Bik. No. 1525.
1739; 2049; 2670 ; Surat. 1, 4, 9;
Tapa. 47; VB. 40 (4); Weber. II. Nog. sfiga Fita Bengal. No. 7072.
1982, 1983. wita composed in Sari. 1557 by Labdhi
(1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1869 by sagaragani, pupil of Udayasagaragani of
Ksamākalyäņa, pupil of Amrtadharma the Vrddha Tapă Gaccha. It contains 507
of the Kharatara Gaccha. AM. 102, Sanskrit Slokas. BK. No. 1581 ; JG. p.
250; Bik. No. 1526; Chani. No. 545,
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