facena: 1
atera (Gram. 125). VA. 7 (15).
It was composed during the reign of siatie DB. 31 (122).
Jinamāņikyasuri. Bengal. No. 7216; sfargare in 51 Gāthäs on the nature of the Jiva
BK. No. 1776; Hamsa. No. 297; JG. tatva, by Santisuri. Edited with French
p. 123; JHA. 48; PRA. Nos. 309; Translation by Guerinot, in Journal
1214 (No. 44). Asiatic, 1902. Also published in his
(3) Tikā called Aksarārthadipikā by Laghu Prakaranasangraha by Bhimsi
İśvarācārya. DA. 58 (67); DB. 34 Manek, Bombay, Sam. 1959 and with
( 36-38); JG. p. 123 ; JHA. 48; JHB. Ratnākara's .commentary by Venichand
28 (2 c.); PAP. 37 (19); SA. No. Surchand, Mhesana, 1915, and with an
53. unknown commentary by the JAS. Bhava
(4) Tīkā based on No. ( 3 ) and comngar. Agra. Nos. 1160–1178; AM. 294 ;
posed by Bhāvasundara. DB. 34 (36; · Bengal. Nos. 2713 ; 6700, 6811'; 6846 ;
37); Bod. No. 1373. 6848; 6978; 7151 ; 7313; 7326 ; 7491;
(5) Țikā composed in Sam. 1850 by 7594 ; 7688; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1155,
K samākalyäņa, pupil of Amrtadharma of "1156; 1269; BK. Nos. 319; 1678 ;
the Kharatara Gaccha. Bengal. No. 1776 ; BO. pp. 29, 59, Bod. No. 1372
3052; BK. No. 319; Bod. No. 1372 (2); 1373; Buh. IV. No. 150; Cal. X.
(1); JG. p. 123 ; JHA. 69; JHB. 28 Nos. 106; 113, 114; 115, DA. 33
( 3c.); Mitra. X. p. 152; PAPR. 18 (39); 58 ( 65-83); 76 ( 40; 44), DB.
(23); Pet. IV. No. 1273; Vel. No. 34 ( 43-44), Hamsa. Nos. 297, 1210;
No. 1850. 1218; 1572; JA. 105 (8); JHA. 48
(6) Tikā ( Apon.). Agra. Nos. 1164(2 c.); 69 ( 7 c.); JHB. 28 ( 11 c.);
1170; AM. 294; Buh. IV. No. 150, Kath. No. 1262; Limdi. Nos. 574; 620;
DB. 34 (38); Pet. V. No. 698; Samb. 812 ; 1084; 1460 ; 1513 ; 1515; 1531;
No. 300; SG. No. 770 (This com. is 1543 ; 1590; 1634; 1642; 3281 ;
called Pradipaka ); VC. 6 (11). Mitra. VIII. p. 167; IX. p. 133; X. p. lafazity of Sumativardhana ; JHA. 69; JHB. 152 ; PAP. 37 ( 19 ); PAPR. 18 ( 23 );
28. Pet. I. No. 269 ; 1. A. pp. 62 ; 71, IV. alalaerteaa Anon. Bengal. Nos. 7125, 7391. No. 1273 ; V. No. 697-699; V. A. pp.
sarang u by Jinacandragani in 25 Gathās 93 ; 137; VI. No. 626; PRA. Nos.
( Be :--namiūņa calana ). Pet. V. A. p. 309.; 1214 No. 44); SA. Nos. 53 ;
68 (dated Sam. 1213); 106 (dated .54; 1787 ; Samb. Nos. 90; 239, 274;
Sam. 1186); Patan Cat. I. p. 392 (dated SG. No. 769; VC. 6 (11); Vel. Nos.
Sam. 1186 ). 1604; 1605; 1606 ; 1850.
siace of Nemicandra. See Jivakulaka. (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1610 by
JG. p. 198. Ratnasūri (Sādhuratna--SA; Ratnaväcaka--BK; Ratnākarasūri--Pet. ).
farata Bhand. VI No. 1157; JG. p. 178. Bengal. No. 6640;,BK. No. 1678; DA. tai hinh in 50 Gathās. SA. No. 177. 76 (40; 44 ); Pet. I. No. 269, SA. Fap t consisting of 267 Gathäs. It is pubNo. 1787.
lished with Hemacandra's commentary in (2) Ţikă composed in Sam. 1610 by |. ." in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. 50, Megbanandanagani, pupil of Candra
Bombay, 1927. Baroda. No. 2808 ; DA. vardhanagani of the Kharatara Gaccha.
76 ( 45 ); DC. p. 38;JG, 5 (1); JHA.
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