श्रीजिनरलकोशः। No. 1009; Rice, p. 302 ; SG. No. 1325; JSTE ETC by Dhanavijaya. Published. SRA. 29; 202; 206, 329.
Tugearele JG.p. 258; Pet. IV. No. (XV) JET Tafta by Vāsavasena. AD. No. 92,
1312. Bhand. IV. No. 307 (dated Sam. 1585); Eligia is a work on Horoscopy composed in Pet. III. No. 550; SG. No. 2379; Tera.
Sam 1762 by Yasasvatsāgara, pupil of
Yasahsāgara. The manuscript is in the (XVI) USTIETEE by Srutasāgara, Pupil of
author's own hand. PRA. No. 218. Vidyānandin. It is in four chapters. CP.
Garhar Anonymous. DB. 34 (108), JG. p. p. 684 ; Idar. A. 67 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 83.
p. 143. (XVII) STETCEs by Sakalakirti, in 8 cantos
qar y by Rāmacandra, pupil of Hemacandra. (Gram. about 1000 ). Bhand. VI. No
This is mentioned in the author's own 1051; CP. p, 683; Idar. 103 (3 c. );
Nalavilāsa, Raghuvilāsa (s. v.) and Idar. A. 54; 66; JG. p. 230; Lal.
Nātyadarpaņa. 128 ; MHB. 2 ( 2c.); PAP. 36 (35, dated Sar. 1598 ): Pet. IV. No. 1469: PRO TEFTATOT by Somadeva. This is mentioned in No. 111 ; SG. No. 1709 , Strass. p. 309;
his Nītivākyāmrta by the author. CPL p. Tera. 10; 11.
31; JG. p. 93. (XVII) Users by Sarvasena (Vāsavasena ?).getT also called Nayaprakāśa or Jainaman dana Bhand. IV. No. 307 ( dated Sam. 1585).
was composed by Padmasăgara, pupil of (XIX) TUTELT composed in Sar. 1536 by
of Dharmasagaragani of the Tapā Gaccha. Somakirti, pupil of Bhimasena, a des
It is published along with Syädvādakalikā cendent of Rāmasena of the Sarasvati
of Rājasekhara by Hi.alal Hamsaraj, Gaccha. Buh. III, No. 167, CMB. 110;
Jamnagar. Bengal. No. 6713; Buh. VI. CP. p. 683; CPI. p. 37 ; Idar. 103 ; 183 ;
No. 658; Chani. Nos. 237 ; 723 ; JG. P.
78, PAPR. 22 (8); VB. 28 ( 50 ). See Idar. A. 67; JG. p. 230; Pet. III. No 549..
Nayaprakāśa. (XX) Tara Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1511
(1) Vrtti Svopajña. Bengal. No. 1513; CP. p. 684; DA. 50 (33 to 37 ;
6713; Chani. Nos. 237 ; 723 ; PAPR. last ms. dated Sam. 1495); DB. 29 (27;
22 ( 8 ). 28); Idar. A. 17; 24; Pet. III. No.
grauarea by Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpāvijaya 548; VI. No. 681 ; SG. Nos. 1324;
of the Tapā Gaccha. It is in Prākrta and 2548 ; Tera. 3; 14; 15; 18 to 22 ; VB.
intended to refute the Vāņārasiya Mata, a 28 (48).
heretic sect of the Digambaras, later
known as the Terahapanthis. See JH. Vol. (1) Tikā by Lakşmaņa. Mud. 241;
14, p. 106. Agra. No. 2981; Bhand. VI. 803.
No. 1237 ; Hamsa. No. 1463 ; JG. p.78. (XX) TETIETOIT by Somadeva. See Yasastilaka. (XXI) OSTITEfts by the Digambara Māņikya
(1) Tikā Svopajña (Gram. 5000 ). gūri. JG. p. 332. This is probably a
Bhand. VI. No. 1237, Hamsa. No.1463; mistake. See above No. IV.
JG. p. 78. (XXII) Jurafts by Devasuri (Grar. 350 ): GierarhT by Siddhicandragani. BK. No. 1673. JG. p. 230.
This is probably Sūktiratnākara. Jūlytet t by Prabhañjana Guru. Idar. grenaię by Prabhādeva JG. p. 93. 103, 112, Mud. 686.
Fazure by Samantabhadra. It is a hymn to
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