ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः
arathi Ahmedah
Ba, 194010by R
Fafaar (Gram. 200). VC. 14 ( 31).
But in the opinion of Dr. P. L. Vaidya, FataTragte (Gram. 600). JG. p. 363,
vv. 2, 3, 103, 104 and probably 105 समस्तविंशतिपदस्तुति Bengal. No. 6843.
are interpolations; see Jainasiddhānta
bhāskara, Vol. V. It is published in AREA Tatha in Sanskrit. PR. No. 130
the Sanātana Jaina Granthamālā, समस्तसिद्धान्तविषमपदपर्याय also called Siddhāntakosa,
No. 1, by Pannalal and Vamsidhara, composed by Jinabhadrasuri, pupil of
Bombay, 1905 and also by Pandit Jinarājasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. He
Fatecand Dehali, Dehali, Sam. 1978. helped Jayasāgara in correcting Sandeha
Text with English translation by M. N. dolávali in Sam. 1495 ; see Pet. IV. A.
Dvivedi, is published at Ahmedabad, p. 120. Jesal. No. 801 ; PAP. 64 (13;
1895. AD. with Marathi translation, duted Sam. 1653); SA. No. 249.
second edition by R. N. Shah of Shola. FAFARRjqaeg SA. No. 913.
pur, 1940. No. 46, AK. Nos. 851 to 854; EHEUTHIEF Tena Bhand. V. No. 1242.
Baroda. No. 4099; Hebru. 7; Hum. (1) Tīkā. Bhand. V. No. 1249.
149, Idar. 24 ( 6 copies ); JG. p. 113 ; (I) Fatiga of Kundakundācārya. AD. No. 26 ;
PAP. 27 (9); Padma. 51, Pet. V. Nos. Baroda. No. 2967 ; Buh. IV. No. 214;
981, Samb. No. 253; SG. Nos. 112 ; CP. p. 703 , DB. 23 (13; 14); Hamsa.
576 ; Strass. p. 311 ; Surat. 5. No. 332 ; Idar. A. 22 (3 copies ); JG.
(1) Tikā by Prabhācandra. AK. p. 113; JHB. 59; Kath. No. 1429;
No. 853; Baroda. No. 4099, BO. p. Pet. III. No. 565; V. No. 980; Surat.
62 ; CP. p. 704 ; Padma. 51 ; PAP. 27 1. (2818); 8; Tera. 39 to 51; VD. 14
(9); Pet. V. No. 981 ; SG. No. 576. (2).
(2) Tīkā by Yasascandra. Idar. 24. (1) Tikā by Parvatadharma. AD.
(3) Tīkā by Parvatadharma. Idar. No. 26; Baroda. No.2967 ; Buh. IV. No.
24. 214; CP. p. 703 , Idar. A. 22 (2c.) ;
(4) Vrtti by Meghacandra. Strass. p.
311. JG. p. 118, Pet. III. No. 565; V. No. 980 , Samb. No. 215.
FATHET Buh. IL No. 251. This is actually Yati(2) Tikā by Nathulal. CP. p. 703.
Faraggrup of Hastimalla. Mud. 155. . (II) FATH of Pujyapāda. The name Samādhi
FATTIS in 70 Gätbās (Be:--danaicau.) tantra is based upon v. 105 of the text
Pet. I. A. p. 84. which is probly an interpolation, according to Dr. P. L. Vaidya; see below
| समासप्रकरण and कृत्प्रत्यय of Jayanandasuri. PAP. Samādhisataka. But Pandit J. Muktar
17 (21). at Anekänta, Vol. II. pp. 443-452
समितिगुप्तिकषायकथा composed by Kanakavijaya, controverts this view.
pupil of Kamalavijayagani of the Tapā (III) Friuata of Yasovijayagani of the Tapā
Gaccha. SA. No. 71. . Gaccha. DB. 45 ( 108; 109 ).
FIATAS Tot (Be :--aththappavayana. ). Pet. V. FAITHESITT KB. 3 ( 20 ).
A. p. 137.
F iqrafata in 9 Sanskrit verses by YasovijayaFAITWA AK. Nos. 855 to 862.
gani of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 106. FAIETATUT Idar. 24; Surat. 2.
Axiaqrarais in 9 stanzas by Yasovijayagani. JG. FHIATAN Punjab. No. 2790.
p. 294. HAIINITY of Pujyapāda, in 105 Sanskrit stanzas.' gigantya Bhand. III, No. 463.
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